#casual dad design drop
sasssysuzume · 4 months
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Made for her bday, I'm too late sorry queen I'm time blind
Inspired by @tealgoat 's gem headcanon <3
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linagram · 11 months
[ 𝚔𝚎𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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it's the idealization duo's interrogation time! these two have a lot to say this time, hopefully it helps you understand their crimes and backstories a little better (especially kei's. btw what's everyone thinking about his crime rn)
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Q.001. What would you want to hear from your lover?
Kei: That they accept me.
Eiko: That they want to be the best partner I've ever had.
Q.002. Can you drive?
Kei: Eiji, don't you remember how I used to drive you to school when you were younger?
Eiko: I do have a license and my own car, but I don't really drive. I'd prefer my partner to do that.
Q.003. What's your favorite drink?
Kei: I like milkshakes, especially strawberry ones. I have a lot of nice childhood memories associated with them, haha.
Eiko: Just lemon tea is fine.
Q.004. Your ideal type?
Kei: Someone who doesn't judge me and someone who can keep up with me.
Eiko: Someone who is always honest with me and someone who is willing to do their very best for me. I think I'd like to date someone like you, Eiji-kun~
Q.005. Do you have any fun memories of your childhood?
Kei: My favorite one is when our dad's friend taught me how to take photos with my new camera and he told me to go and take a picture of anything I want. I took a picture of a dead butterfly lying on the ground. He said that I'm very creative and that I have a bright future ahead of me.
Eiko: I remember going shopping with my dad when I was little and he told me that I can have anything I want. I told him that I want to see him smile. He almost cried after that for some reason.
Q.006. Have you ever tried learning a foreign language?
Kei: I can speak English fluently, I mean, our dad is half-American and I've also spent a lot of time overseas. I tried to learn some other languages too, like French and Spanish, but I gave up. I'm not even that good at reading and writing kanji, so..
Eiko: I can speak English and a little bit of Korean, but mostly because I listen to a lot of music in those languages, haha.
Q.007. State the meaning of your name.
Kei: I think it's supposed to mean "gemstone"? Mom said that she named me that because she thought I was so beautiful, she wanted me to have a name that would have a meaning just as beautiful as me.
Eiko: I think it's something like.. "an excellent child"? Haha, my parents must've had a lot of expectations for me.
Q.008. What do you think about your siblings?
Kei: I love you, Eiji, even if you can be really mean sometimes.
Eiko: My little brother is very nice. He does have his quirks, but I think they make him cuter.
Q.009. What are lies to you?
Kei: Something that is necessary to have a fun life!
Eiko: Something that is forgivable only if it's done to save someone. I still won't forgive anyone who lies to me though.
Q.010. What are your parents' occupations?
Kei: Dad's a movie director and mom's a toymaker! Both of them are so creative! There's just something about our family that makes all of us so artistic.. You too, Eiji. Dad always praised you for being so reliable.
Eiko: I don't know actually. And I don't really care. Well, as long as they continue to buy me gifts and help me with money if anything happens, I'm fine.
Q.011. Do you like children?
Kei: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that I actually have one, considering my lifestyle.
Eiko: Not really. They're not a part of my concept of a perfect life.
Q.012. What is/was your major?
Kei: Photography, obviously.
Eiko: Fashion design, though I'm more interested in modelling than designing clothes.
Q.013. Tell us about your dating history.
Kei: Um, are we talking about, like, "serious relationships"?.. Then I guess Ruka is the only one that counts..
Eiko: My victim was the only person I've ever dated.
Q.014. Did you have any friends in school?
Kei: I think I had one?..
Eiko: Yeah, but I wasn't really close with them. We talked a lot, but our relationship wasn't that deep.
Q.015. What's the greatest act of love?
Kei: Uhh, if it's from my lover, I think I'd just want them to tell me that they love me even when I don't look so good. If it's from me.. I don't know! Holding myself back
Eiko: Promising to make someone's life as happy as possible and actually keeping that promise.
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Every day I am in complete and utter awe at how deeply ingrained into transformers as a franchise robotfucking is. G1 had two different episodes about cybertronian x human pairings. At least one dude on the beast wars animation team wanted to fuck dinobot enough to lovingly render him posing with his spike out, blackarachnia's design was based off a stripper, and they wrote rattrap as a shameless pervert. RiD 2001 had Sideburn and his only personality trait was being horny all the fucking time. TFA Blackarachnia was somehow hornier than the original and it felt like Some Gay Shit happened about every 20 minutes in that show. The entire team for TFP agreed knockout was the sexiest robot they'd ever fucking seen and decided to let him try to seduce half the cast, and then casually canonize the word "interfacing" as slang for sex, AND THEN steve blum decided to play starscream like its the porn parody of the actual show. Half of rescue bots feels like slow burn human x cybertronian gay fanfic. IDW not only knows you want to fuck those robots but actively encourages you to fuck those robots because Alex Milne keeps dropping softcore robot porn zines at cons. I haven't finished earthspark but I know that dad wanted bumblebee's dick like crazy and the only reason he hasn't pursued it is because he's happily married.
Literally the only tf show I've seen that ISNT that horny is cyberverse, and that show is still ASTOUNDINGLY gay.
I'll be reading valveplug fics, and any and all shame I would usually feel at sexualizing cartoon robots is evaporated when i remember that a nonzero amount of people working for hasbro are sexualizing the robots too. They're hot by design, your honor.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 3 months
Chapter 2 - An affair to remember
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A/N: Chapter 2, here we are! Leave a comment, heart or reblog if you enjoyed reading this. And no, I couldn’t just settle on one photo.
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warning: 18+ loss of virginity, age gap, smut.
Word count: 4025
An affair to remember
After trying around eleven outfits and disliking each of them for some reason or other, you settled on a simple floral button down blouse with a pair of jeans. You weren’t exactly sure if he’d asked you out on a date or the drink was just a friendly offer.
Of course it’s a date, you kissed him, Y/N, you thought to yourself. The mirror of your car revealed a visibly nervous reflection of you, fixing your hair multiple times, redoing your lipstick before you shook yourself mentally and drove off. Stark tower was a twenty minute drive from your apartment, and since it was a Sunday, traffic was in your favour thankfully.
By the time the tall, shiny building came into view, you had worked yourself up into taking this as a business meeting. You would be professional with the man and politely decline drinks if he’d offered. It would be inappropriate. You were sure he felt the same way.
Apparently your arrival was expected and welcomed in a pleasantly surprising way. A chubby, friendly looking man gave you a smile as you entered the foyer, introducing himself as Happy Hogan. He escorted you up to Mr. Stark’s floor or rather floors which was the penthouse of the ninety-three storeyed building.
The space was swanky, stylish and impeccably designed. Floor to ceiling windows that offered the most stunning views of the city, sleek and modern furniture that only screamed rich. You smoothed down your top and cleared your throat as you approached the outdoor seating area where Tony sat, wearing a dark coloured shirt and some jeans. Casual but still quite well put together, you thought.
“Ah! Miss Y/L/N, you made it. Thanks, Happy.”
As your hands touched, the spark was back, one that made your insides buzz with excitement as you smiled at each other, letting your handshake extend for longer than necessary. It was only when Happy cleared his throat to announce his exit that you broke contact.
As he left, you considered bringing up the elephant in the room that loomed large, causing you to shuffle your weight from one foot to the other. Maybe if you addressed it right away, you could move on and be done with it? Not let the meeting be awkward for the rest of the evening.
Meanwhile, Tony was trying his best to focus on anything but your irresistible lips. He was drawn to them, it was quite unexplainable but he wanted nothing more than to have your lips on his again.
“So…” you started, twirling a lock of hair nervously between your fingers as you looked around, aware of his gaze following.
“I think we should talk about what happened. Look, it was a mistake, I don’t know what came over me, I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.”
Tony blinked his disappointment away and nodded in agreement. It was probably for the best.
“Yeah, probably. You’re right. It—it was inappropriate.”
“Yes! I mean, you’re friends with my Dad and also way out of my league.”
Your admission made him smirk, watching your cheeks flush with realization of what you had said.
“Out of your league huh? What is your league? Overzealous frat boys?” he teased.
“Haha. You’re funny.” You rolled your eyes but hoped he’d drop the subject, thankfully he did, brushing it off as no harm done, much to your relief.
You unconsciously reached for your camera, thinking it’d be better if you steered the subject to the big photoshoot.
“You brought your camera, why?” Tony murmured, pointing to the device sticking out from your bag.
“I just thought I’d do a few test shots of the locations you’d be photographed in. Check the lighting and things. It will be a day shoot, right?”
Tony frowned, realizing he was yet to work out all of that or he probably had been sent the schedule but it slipped his mind. He also thought it’d be a good idea to inform Natalie about the change in photographer, since the magazine had been adamant on bringing their own person for the job.
“That’s a good question, I have no idea. But don’t worry, I’ll have my secretary send you the details.”
Humming in agreement, you asked if he could show you around the space, get an idea about what the vibe of the interview was going to be like. He happily agreed and began a tour of the place, explaining what housed on each floor, giving you a background about his business which you kinda already knew - one Google search was all it took to give the necessary details and some unnecessary ones as well. Tony had a notorious reputation of being a playboy, he certainly lived a very colourful life and had made no qualms about it.
Still, his eyes reflected the passion he had for technology as he spoke, the pride he took in pointing out all of the achievements Stark Industries had over the years.
Primarily a weapons manufacturer, he decided on taking a different route for his company after a particularly life-changing incident in Afghanistan. The man was abducted by a terrorist group called Ten Rings and kept in a cave for three months.
While how he escaped remained a mystery to the world, his return had been miraculous. He led you back to his grand living room, gesturing you to take a seat.
“You said an explosive blew up not far from you and yet you came out of that cave scratch free? How?” you asked about his incredulous story.
“Not just any explosive, it was one of my own creations. And I never said it was scratch free.”
He seemed to ponder for a while, looking around as if to check if anyone was spying on you two before he reached for the buttons of his shirt, undoing them to reveal what looked like a circular battery-like device emitting a faint blue light. It seemed as if it was jammed in his chest, the peripheral skin scarred.
“What is that?”
He chuckled as your eyes went wide, glancing down at the device that was keeping him alive.
“It’s an electromagnet that essentially keeps the shrapnel from reaching my heart. It’s called an arc reactor, there is another one of these, a much bigger one that powers this building.” he explained, buttoning his shirt back up and letting you know how he managed to power it with the help of a man named Ho Yinsen in the caves.
If it weren’t for that little device, and the brave sacrifice of Yinsen, the world would’ve lost Tony Stark and you would’ve never met this incredible man.
“And here I assumed you sold your soul to the devil.”
Your words made him laugh, feeling a little flutter in that battery-operated heart. He wasn’t sure what made him reveal the arc reactor to you, he hadn’t let anyone see it, except for Rhodey since he found him in the desert. Something about you reassured him that you were trustworthy. You were like a breath of fresh air.
After returning, Tony Stark had dedicated much of his business to RnD in the field of science and technology. You listened with keen interest, getting to know the man better with each passing moment, you couldn’t help but admire him for all the success he’d achieved.
“Gosh. Where are my manners? I haven’t offered you anything to drink, Miss Y/L/N.” Tony exclaimed, right as one of his bots whirred in with a silver tray that had a bottle of champagne on ice with two glasses.
“Robots bringing in champagne? You planned this, didn’t you?” you chuckled, finding it rather hard to refuse it. I mean, it wouldn’t really hurt having one glass. Right?
“I’m just trying to make a good first impression.” he shrugged, popping the bottle open expertly before filling the two glasses.
“Why? You’re not an overzealous frat boy.” you teased, taking a sip of the champagne while holding his gaze.”
“Oh honey, I’m much better.”
There it was again.
The tingle of excitement you felt deep within your belly every time you had a banter. Even though you wouldn’t admit to yourself, you were attracted to the man. He was just so sure of who he was, he carried himself with a certain confidence that was quite sexy.
For the next couple of hours, you two spoke about anything and everything, making you realize how easy he was to talk to despite the age difference. You spoke about your relationship with your parents, your eyes lit up each time you mentioned how your father had been your biggest cheerleader while Tony listened with a soft smile on his face. His phone kept buzzing every now and then and he kept dismissing it. When it rang for the fourth time, you thought it was time for you to head back since you’d stayed for longer than you had intended to.
“You should get that, it’s probably important. I’ll get going.”
Tony stood up with you, not really ready to let you go just yet, though the incessant buzzing of his Stark pad was hard to ignore.
“Are you sure I can’t persuade you for another glass? Perhaps some wine? Happy could drive you home later..”
The offer was tempting, and you weren’t ready to say goodbye either but you had to. You would see him next week anyways.
“Thank you, but I think I should head back, it’s late. What you’ve done with Stark Industries is truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing your story with me. You’re an incredible man, Tony. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit for it.” You smiled, meaning every word you’d said.
He had been complimented many times before but something about your words made him believe it. He felt his heart dance a little with joy.
“See you on Wednesday then?”
“Uh yeah. See you.”
Deciding on a friendly hug, you wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent, something so oddly comforting about it. Smiling to yourself when you felt Tony’s breath against your hair, you pulled back only to find him staring at your lips. You kissed him on the cheek quickly, and stepped back, not trusting yourself to not make the same impulsive decision no matter how much you wanted to do it.
“Bye, Tony.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
He watched you until the elevator doors closed, leaving you to let out a sigh and lean against the cold metal. The whole way down, you contemplated what it would be like to kiss Tony, recalling the moment your lips had touched the other night. It only lasted a second but it hadn’t left your mind ever since.
You wanted to do it again.
You wanted more. Him. In every way possible. It was like a need you felt that drew you to him, like a moth to a flame. You knew it would be dangerous and yet it was impossible to resist the temptation.
It was probably why you decided to go with your instincts and press the button that led you back to Tony Stark.
He had his back to you when you reached his floor again, you saw the same flame of desire dancing in his eyes that danced in yours as he turned to find you standing there. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as you took long strides and he met you halfway, lips colliding in an instant.
You felt your breath knocked out of your chest as you kissed Tony Stark, a rush of excitement surging through your body as his arms went around you to pull you flush against his chest, keeping you there. You gasped at the intensity and Tony used the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss.
A lingering taste of champagne mixed with a hint of coffee is what you tasted as you gave in and your hands found their way around his neck, carding through the hair at the nape of his neck.
Not realizing he had walked you back until you were met with the cool wall behind, you felt Tony smile against your lips before they trailed lower, along your jaw, down to your neck. Letting out a soft moan, you tugged on his hair silently signaling him to not stop. Desire flooded through you and gathered between your legs as he continued nipping at your skin, reveling in the little sounds you made. His hands slid up your body to brush against your breasts, his thumb deliberating until your nipples stood erect against his touch.
You felt goose pimples across your body where he touched you as his hands slipped inside your blouse, wanting to feel more of your skin. Wasting no time, Tony unbuttoned it hastily and threw it to the side, bringing his lips over your collarbone, littering small kisses along it.
Letting out a sigh, you felt his hands toy with the hem of your jeans as his mouth closed over your bra-covered nipple. You weren’t alien to the feeling but your eyes fluttered open when Tony unzipped your jeans and let it slide down your legs.
“Bedroom?” he asked huskily after you’d stepped out of them, leaving you in a matching pair of lingerie. You managed a nod before following him inside his bedroom, a heady cocktail of desire and lust swimming in your mind as the man gently laid you against the soft mattress.
“So gorgeous, Y/N.”
He crawled over you with purpose, his gaze darkening as he took in your form before his lips crashed against yours once more. The kiss had more urgency this time, while he prodded your legs open to allow you to feel his growing erection.
You let out another gasp feeling his hardness brush against your core, a rush of ardor followed by sudden insecurity made its presence known as you sat up on your elbow, breaking the kiss.
“Tony, I’ve never um–I mean I’m a–” you fumbled with the choice of words, heat creeping up to your cheeks as you tried to convey you had never done this before. Tony rested his arms on either side, still breathing heavily as he took your words in, his own heartbeat pounding against his ears while blood had rushed southward.
“Do you want to stop? We can if you’re uncomfortable.”
You shook your head, not wanting to back out this but you had apprehensions which he could sense. Gently caressing your bare legs, he rested his forehead against yours.
“Tell me what you want.”
You answered by pulling him in for another hungry kiss and wrapping your legs around him to let him know the answer.
“Words, sweetheart.” he murmured, rolling his hips towards your center once again.
“I want you, Tony. I want this.” you managed, unbuttoning his shirt quickly, surprised at your assertion. In the darkness of the room, the blue glow emitted from his arc reactor acted like a source of light, rendering his features luminescent.
With a couple of hasty kisses against your lips, he made you lie back before trailing his path of open-mouthed kisses down your neck, discarding your bra to expose you some more. Cupping one in a hand, tweaking the nipple between his fingers, Tony closed his mouth around the other one, coaxing out a needy whine.
Treating both of them equally, he allowed his hand to travel lower to cup your sex over your panties, smirking as he found them already damp. You felt your breathing turn shallower as his fingers traced along your clothed slit, brushing against your bundle of nerves every so often.
“I want to taste you, sweetheart. Want to know if you taste just as sweet down there as you do here.” Tony’s words turned your insides to jelly, his lips sucking on your tongue as he slowly peeled the last remaining cloth from your body.
Your heart hammered inside your ribcage as he kissed his way down your body, settling between your legs, holding them apart as you instinctively went to close them.
“Lie back, close your eyes.”
You did as you were told, wetting your bottom lip with your tongue as you felt his breath down there, the air making your glistening folds shine eagerly. He first laid small kisses along your inner thigh before his tongue peeked out to tease you open. You let out a cry when his tongue licked a strip up your entrance, the action wildly exciting and new for nobody had gone down on you before. You felt him draw small circles around your clitoris, sending waves of desire down your spine as you squirmed for more.
“Oh my God!” you panted, anchoring your hands in his hair while he continued.
“Does it feel good, sweetheart?” he did everything in his might to not devour you the way he wanted to, knowing you’d probably feel overwhelmed if he did. In all honesty, your scent drove him mad and your taste was irresistible, he couldn’t get enough.
“Yes! Feels so good, Tony!”
Your words encouraged him to continue the assault, every lick and nudge drawing the sweetest of sounds from you. Your wetness gathered on his finger as he traced a line along it, pushing it inside your heat, grunting as he felt your walls immediately clamp around it.
“Relax, Y/N.” Tony repeated, slowly stroking you with his finger, getting you ready for his cock that strained against his pants. Your slickness helped when he added another finger, drawing out yet another moan as you felt an increase in pressure down there.
His thumb brushed against your clit while he massaged your walls open for him, making you lose all sense of coherence as you felt something building inside of you. The familiar tightness low in your belly when you pleasured yourself when alone, only this time, it felt like it had increased by tenfold. Tony held you down as your hips rose up from the bed in their own accord, matching his ministrations. As your moans got louder, you sensed you were close, tugging on his hair once more, you felt your walls tighten around his fingers.
“Let go, Y/N. Come for me.”
And you did. It felt like a tight-wound rope snapped, giving way for an intense wave of pleasure that shook your body. It felt exhilarating at the same time unreal, like you were floating away on a cloud of bliss. When you came down from your high, Tony had discarded his pants and was slanting his lips over yours, letting you taste some of your essence.
Feeling bolder now, you reached between your bodies to stroke his hard cock over his boxers, hearing his breathing hitch.
“Remove them.” He ordered, aiding you when pushed them down his legs to let his cock spring free.
You felt your walls clamp around nothing at the sight of him, he was big, making you wonder if it would hurt when you finally had him.
Reaching over to the nightstand, you watched Tony tear open a foil of condom and roll it over his length. Settling between your legs once more, he kissed you again, this time with a languid urgency.
You tensed up as his erection poked against your core, sensing it Tony broke the kiss to look into your eyes for signs of apprehension.
“We can still stop if you want to, Y/N. Just say the word.”
Appreciative of how considerate he was being, you knew you were ready. You wanted him, as much as he wanted you. Wrapping your fingers around his length delicately, you stroked him a few times, watching his mouth fall open.
“I want you to fuck me, Tony.”
You whispered, lying back against the pillows and allowing him to take control. He lined up against your entrance, gathering your arousal as he went before slipping just the head of cock inside.
“This will hurt a little. Breathe through it for me?”
Nodding, you felt him push in further, letting out a grunt at your tightness. He was right, the girth of him sliding inside your channel felt odd but electrifying. Tony felt his cock push past the barrier as he entered you, giving you time to get used to the feeling.
You let out a cry as he bottomed out, the feeling of fullness overwhelmed your senses as the pain stung.
Retracting only a little at first, Tony drove his hips back into you, repeating the action a few more times as you felt pain receding and giving way to a new kind of pleasure.
“More.” You begged, digging your fingers into his back as he complied.
Your tight heat felt so amazing around his cock, Tony felt himself getting lost in the feeling. Steadily he set a pace, pushing you against the mattress as his hips speared into you, drawing sinful moans.
The feeling of being wound up again took over, Tony smirked as you wrapped both your legs around his hips tighter, the new angle making his cock reach deeper inside your pussy.
“You’re so tight, Y/N. You’re close again, aren’t you?” He breathed, increasing the force of his thrusts to make his pubic bone brush against your clit.
“Yes! I’m so close. Please, Tony.” You whimpered, moving your hips to match up as sounds of your combined pleasure filled the room.
Reaching between your bodies, he teased your clit while driving in and out of your sopping heat, aiding your second orgasm. You felt yourself clamp around his cock before the same feeling of euphoria took over, making your walls spasm out of control.
Vision blurred and body convulsed under the intense waves of pleasure coursing through your veins as you rode out your high. Tony grunted against your ear as your spasming walls fueled his climax, causing his balls to tighten before he emptied himself in the condom, holding you close. Gingerly, he pulled out of you, making you wince at the sudden emptiness you felt.
“You okay?”
“More than okay.” you grinned lazily, accepting the soft kiss he offered.
As tired as you were, you didn’t protest when he nudged you to get up, leading you to the shower for a quick clean up, the soreness between your legs evident.
You exchanged several kisses in the shower, the hot water working wonders on relaxing your muscles, making it evident you were in need of a nap soon.
Once fully dressed, Tony resisted the urge to make you stay again and walked you out while your car stood, waiting. He could sense you were preoccupied with something since you hadn’t said much.
“Tony, about the photoshoot..”
“Oh no, that’s no longer required. I just wanted to sleep with you.” He shrugged, making your stomach drop for a second before he chuckled, enjoying his joke way more than you did.
“Come on, Y/N. I asked you because you’re the person for the job. This doesn’t change anything.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist to give you a quick kiss.
That definitely quietened your insecurities, but it didn’t ease the thought that you had lost your virginity to this gorgeous man who was not only older, but very good friends with your parents. If they ever found out…
On your way back, you also thought about how you’d break the news to Izzy, there was not a thing you kept from her. And if you didn’t, you were positive she’d find out somehow, she was quite shrewd about these things.
As uncertain as you were about it all, you couldn’t shake off the fact that you had slept with Tony Stark.
And it was fantastic.
Changing into comfortable clothes, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with a smile that refused to leave your face before deciding on pulling out your phone.
Cocky billionaires are still not my type, you know…
You texted Tony once you reached home, a big grin on your face, waiting for his response as the three dots appeared almost instantly on your screen.
Oh I know. Maybe I’ll change your mind. Actually I’m pretty sure of it.
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quack-quack-snacks · 2 months
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 3
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Being late to work, nothing else really, cursing? Word Count: 1,656
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After you cooked the frozen cheese stuffed tortellini and green beans, a unanimous decision among the family between that and soup, you spent the rest of your day at home relaxing and playing with Su-yeong and Yeong-su, making your brother’s dinosaur roar and attack him with tickles. While you didn’t eat a giant serving at dinner, you hoped the average serving that you did eat would hold you off until your meal break during your shift. 
Around 7, you decided it couldn’t hurt to start a movie with your family before your shift. After all, you had an alarm set, right? 
It didn’t take long for time to fly by. The next time you looked over at the screen on the oven showing the time, it was already 8:10. That was 10 minutes after your designated bus pick-up time. You quickly cursed to yourself and rushed to your room to grab your work bag - consisting of your work uniform, which you would change into when you got there, and your list of essentials: wallet, phone, etc. After that, you quickly made your rounds around the couch to say your goodbyes to each family member. Yeong-su was falling asleep on your dad’s shoulder and Su-yeong was eating popcorn, her attention barely moving to you as you kissed the top of her head since her whole focus was on the movie. After you gave your dad a quick and final wave, you ran out the door, locked it behind you, and started speed-walking down the hall to leave for your shift.
You opened your phone to call your co-worker Hae-won as you ran, mindlessly pressing the button pointing down next to the elevator when you got there. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” you cursed under your breath as you looked back over to the elevator when you heard no movement and realized it was ‘under maintenance’. “Since fucking when?”
You smoothed a hand over your head as you turned towards the staircase entrance and started carefully treading down. You always hated going down the stairs. Staircases never had a good rep when you were a woman, especially at night. 
“Hey, it’s Park Hae-won, leave a message.”
You hung up to try again when you heard banging coming from the hall a few levels above you. 
You shook your head and called again, only to find a loud screeching sound coming from it. It freaked you out so much that you actually threw it away from you. You rubbed your ear which was ringing from the noise as you approached the face-down device on the ground and reached to pick it up.
“Please, please, please, please, please,” you begged to yourself quietly before just ripping the bandaid off and flipping it over. Your head fell in disappointment when you saw the entire screen cracked like a spider web. “Of course.”
Picking it up, you clicked the power button a few times and frowned when it wouldn't turn on. You decided to just ignore the problem for the moment and put it in your bag until further notice; preferably until you could get it fixed. 
Just as you were zipping open the pocket of your bag to place your phone inside, you heard the door to the floor below you open up. Looking down the stairs, you met eyes with a boy who seemed to be around your age or older. He wore a grey shirt with a red and white flannel on top along with casual blue jeans. Atop his nose sat some black wire-rimmed glasses that fit his face well. 
“Oh. Hello,” he said after a moment of the two of you staring at each other. He scanned over your crouched form and broken phone and only a small pull of his brows conveyed his concern for you on his otherwise blank face. “Are you alright?”
You gave him a semi-embarrassed smile and stood back to your feet. “Yeah, I just dropped my phone. Doesn’t seem to be working anymore,” you frowned again as you looked down at the broken device in your hands, pressing the power button to no avail. “I was calling my co-worker and this weird noise scared me so I kind of… just... threw it,” you told him sheepishly, trailing off as you realized it might have been too much information than he needed to know. You threw him another embarrassed smile and he returned it with a small but genuine one. 
“Do you want to borrow mine on the way down?” He offered. 
You walked down the short collection of steps separating you from him before answering. “No, that’s okay. I don’t remember her number anyway,” you confessed before your eyes lit up. “But it would help a lot if you could look up the next pick-up time for the bus down the street!”
He nodded and started walking down the steps, expecting you to follow him which you did. It only took a second or two after he opened the app to realize he had no service.
“Oh,” you sighed when you glanced at the screen. You reassured him with a smile, albeit a little disappointedly. “That’s okay. I’m sure there’s one coming soon so it’ll all work out.”
“You shouldn’t stay at the stop too late if it doesn’t come. Especially if you’re alone.”
Your forced smile turned into one more genuine and you nodded at him. “Thank you for your concern. I-” you trailed off, about to reveal your taser, pepper spray, and knife that you had on you, but realized that probably wouldn’t be very smart to say to a guy you just met in an empty staircase. “I’ll just head back up if anything goes wrong.”
“So, why are you heading down the stairs this time of night?” You asked him, not liking how the silence settled over the two of you like a blanket.
“I have night classes, so I’m on my way there,” he admitted. “Where are you headed?”
“I work the graveyard shift at the convenience store on Yulgok-ro. I have for about a week or so,” you told him just as you saw the sign above the door you just passed say ‘2’, meaning you just passed the second level. Sure enough, you saw the opened doors to the lobby floor come into view after only a few more steps down and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god we’re here. I hate stairs.”
The boy laughed softly as the two of you exited the staircase. You laughed along with him but it slowly faded when your eyes landed on your - and your boss’s - worst nightmare. 
“What the hell?” You whispered to your newfound acquaintance as you looked at the lowered shutters blocking your and everyone else in the lobby’s exit. 
“Excuse me,” a lady’s voice asked from behind the two of you. You both turned around and saw a woman with her hair in a low ponytail dressed in grey cargo pants, a white shirt, and a brown long-sleeved overshirt in front of you. “Do either of you have cell service?” She asked. 
You turned to look at the boy you ventured down the stairs with and saw him attempting to make a call. It didn’t take your ear to the phone to hear the same noise you heard before you accidentally threw yours earlier. “I guess not,” he told her. You guessed it was for the sake of courtesy above anything else since the two of you figured that out on your way down. 
The lady sighed in disappointment. 
“Do you know what’s going on? Why are the shutters down?” You asked her as you looked at all the frustrated, confused, or straight-up panicking people around you. 
“Did you two just come down here?” She asked in response.
“Yeah,” the boy answered for the both of you. 
“Didn’t you see anything strange?” She asked again, oddly vague. 
“Like what?”
“Never mind.”
“No wait-” you stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Please tell us,” you begged. She sighed and turned back around so you continued. “What’s going on?”
“We’re trying to find out. The back doors and the parking lot doors are locked as well,” she explained.
“Are you saying we’re trapped in here?” The boy asked. 
“Yeah, I think someone may have locked us in.”
“Fuck, my boss is gonna be so pissed,” you whispered to yourself as you looked around for another possible way out. 
Yelling from in front of the management office gathered all of your attention and you walked behind the lady as she approached. 
“Is it still closed?” You heard her say as you followed loosely behind. You weren’t all too surprised to watch her push the lady holding her dog and the loud short man out of the way to kick at the doors to the room. 
You looked around when you didn’t see the glasses-wearing boy come to stand beside you and saw him walking towards the group with a red item in his hand.
It was a fire extinguisher. 
He extinguished your confused thoughts when he parted through the crowd with polite words and broke the chain locking the door with only two hits of the tin cylinder. 
“Are you okay, sir?” He asked the loud, shorter man who had been yelling the whole time. The older man had fallen backwards - dramatically, might you add - when he was breaking the chain. “Your hair.”
When he got no response, he placed the extinguisher onto the floor and turned around, heading down the hall presumably towards a different exit. 
“That little fucking jerk,” the man cursed him.
You let him go off on his own and started walking down a different hallway where you knew there was an emergency exit located. 
The walk was quiet and peaceful until you heard the faint sound of someone screaming, “Found the damn switches!”
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
boyfriend drabbles (pt.24)
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: the one where jungkook meets your parents for the first time
word count: 800+
taglist!: @imlyfie @jksgirlhere
boyfriend drabbles masterlist!
“Hi baby, I’m home!” Your boyfriend’s voice rings through the hallway of your apartment as you hear him shuffling around, the sound of paper bags catching your ear.
You walk towards the front door quickly, feet pattering against the floor as you make your way to greet Jungkook.
“Hi Kook, what did you—ohmy,” You immediately halt in your steps as you spot Jungkook, hands full of paper bags, sorry not just any paper bags, paper bags from designer brands that seemed packed to the brim.
“Baby, what did you get?” You’re exasperated, counting at least five huge bags in his hand and Jungkook sheepishly chuckles at you, placing the bags down.
“Well we’re going to your parent’s place tomorrow so I thought I should get a little gift,” He tells you so casually, your jaw drops to the floor instead.
“Jungkook, do you really think this is counted as ‘a little’?” You walk up to him, tugging on his ear playfully as he groans.
“Well, not exactly, but I can afford it,” He’s puffing up his chest proudly as you roll your eyes. You know Jungkook can afford to spend on all these things without batting an eye, but you always end up nagging at him for it.
“Plus, I remember your mum mentioning that Lady Dior bag she wanted, I wasn’t sure which one she wanted at first so I bought all the colours, anyways I finally remembered which colour she wanted so you can have the rest of the bags!” He smiles at you, but your reaction is the opposite.
“Jeon Jungkook, you’re something else, who on earth buys multiple designer bags at once just because you’re unsure of what colour to get!” You nag at him more, which only makes Jungkook sulk at you.
“Hey, don’t scold me, wanted to get you one too,” He pouts dramatically at you, making you sigh and give into your boyfriend again, pecking his lips as he kisses you back.
“Okay, okay,” You laugh, “But next time please don’t spend so much money,”
Jungkook nods obediently, grabbing the bags to place them aside for tomorrow.
The whole drive to your parent’s place, Jungkook is nervously chewing on his lip, a habit he had whenever he got anxious about something.
“Baby, don’t chew on your lip,” You reach a finger to tug his lip away from his teeth gently, as he scrunches up his eyebrows, eyes trained on the road ahead of him.
“I’m so fucking nervous Jagi, you don’t even know,” He groans, turning to look at you for a split second before his eyes are back on the road.
“My parent’s will love you Jungkook, you’ve facetimed them before,” You reach your hand to massage his shoulder fondly, giggling at the nervous man before you.
“I know, but I’ve never actually met them face to face, it’s so nerve wracking, ahh,” He sighs, running his hand across his face as he turns to face you when the traffic light turns red.
“You’ll do great Kook, don’t worry,” You lean to kiss him on the lips, as he smiles a little back at you, nodding.
“Aigoo, you’re so handsome in real life Jungkookie~” You groan as you watch your mother coo over your boyfriend, as he nervously laughs in front of her.
“Omma, Jungkook got everyone really expensive gifts, you should thank him,” You tell your mum, smiling as she frowns, scolding your boyfriend for spending money on her.
“Nonono, Omma I promise it wasn’t that expensive, let me get it for you,” He waves his hands, denying the costly price of the gifts, as you raise an eyebrow towards him.
When Jungkook comes back with the gifts, your elder sister, mum and dad all begin to unwrap them, filling the living room with gasps.
“Jungkook-ah, this is too much for us to accept!” Your father tells your boyfriend, as Jungkook only denies him.
“Nono, it’s really for all of you, don’t worry,” He laughs as your elder sister whispers a “yes!”, earning a gentle smack from your mum.
“I have two daughters and now I have a son, aigoo,” Your mum begins her cooing over Jungkook once again, as you groan, telling her to leave him alone.
“Yah! Buy me designer bags then come and talk to me,” She playfully taunts you as your jaw drops dramatically, making everyone burst into laughter.
“That was way easier than I expected, turns out I was so nervous for nothing,” Jungkook mumbles into your hair, the both of you squeezing in a twin bed in your old room.
“I told you so,” You chuckle into his chest, “May be also because of the bags you bought,”
Jungkook laughs at that, kissing your head.
“I should buy more designer for your mum, she seems so happy to receive those,” He contemplates,
“Don’t you dare, my dad spoils her enough already,” You look up, sending Jungkook a warning glare.
“Okay, okay! I promise! But I won’t promise that I will not be spoiling you,” He pecks your forehead as you roll your eyes playfully, fondly smiling back at him.
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kujakumai · 2 months
in the first appearance of the Domino Museum (Shadi's introductory chapter) we meet its owner, who is a designated despicable jerk who Shadi quickly murders. around 300 chapters later Yami Bakura casually drops that Bakura's dad owns the museum despite this literally never being mentioned ever before
this leads us to the inference that:
Bakura's dad was very recently able to sweep in and buy the museum specifically because Shadi Shin brutally shadow-game'd the previous owner to death personally (!)
Deeplore theory that killing the museum owner was Shadi playing ninth-dimensional plana plot chess to ensure that Bakura's dad could own the museum and allow the memory world board to exist
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Pink Pastels Pt 7
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Description: You catch up with Gabi and Emma, Todd is an ass over text and the O'Haras give you a gift.
Pt 8
You were kneeling down on the wooden walkway, a fake bridge designed to imitate what the builder of the zoo thought the jungle villages of Africa looked like, talking quietly to Gabi and Emma.
“Girls I know you’re excited to see the hippos, but you can’t run away like that, what if either of you had gotten hurt? I was so worried about you two, and I’m sure your friends, and Mr. O’Hara, were as well.” You explain softly, holding one of their hands in one of yours, and keeping your expression calm to keep them calm.
“We’re sorry.” Gabi says, her bottom lip trembling slightly.
“We’re sorry, Ms. Y/N.” Emma begins to cry, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.
You coo at them and pull them into a hug. “It’s okay, you just have to be more careful next time.”
The sound of footsteps, four sets of small feet, and one larger set, the sound of which you’ve strangely come to recognize.
“Are they okay?” Miguel asks, his voice is rich with concern, and you feel him kneel beside you, his large hand resting on Gabi’s shoulder.
“Everyone is just fine, we just got a little overwhelmed, huh?” You direct the second half of your answer towards Gabi and Emma, who pull away and nod, sniffling a little.
“¿Estás bien, Mija? ¿Estás herida?” Miguel’s hands were cupping her face, thumbs smoothing over her tearstained cheeks. Trsl: Are you okay, are you hurt?
Gabi nodded her head. “Estoy bien, Papá.” Trsl: I'm okay/good, dad
He breathes a sigh of relief and presses a kiss to her cheek. “Never run off like that again, you know the hippos aren’t going anywhere.”
She nods again, but is still pouting, and the two of them together is an adorable sight.
You feel a pang of longing right as your phone buzzes in your back pocket. You release Emma and begin to guide the group towards the hippos, fighting the urge to throw your phone into the nearest exhibit.
Todd has been texting you all day. First to bitch at you for leaving him wasted in his apartment, three weeks ago, then for ignoring his calls the next day, then he was mad because you wouldn’t let him chaperone, even though, he didn’t actually want to go, and it wasn’t your fault, the school has rules.
He’s sent you a photo, the one the whole first grade took at the zoo’s entrance. The one you’d very quickly—offhandedly, uploaded to your social medias to mark the occasion.
Todd: I thought you said men weren’t allowed to chaperone? Was that just an excuse, so you could fuck somebody else without me knowing?
He had circled Miguel in the photo, like a crazy person.
Y/N: I said male non-family members are not allowed to chaperone, that’s a parent of one of my students. We are not having an affair, and I would never abandon my students to do something so inappropriate.
He always did this, always got so jealous of any guy who was around you for even a minute. It was exhausting.
He left you on read, and you bite your tongue, trying to keep calm as you slide your phone back in your pocket.
“Gabi told me it was your birthday a few weeks ago.” Miguel says casually.
Your stomach drops. “Oh yeah?”
“I feel bad, usually Gabi and I get her teachers flowers on their birthday, but I was out of town for work, so I guess we missed it.” He towers over you, but you don’t feel unsafe, in fact you feel strangely protected.
Miguel looks so good in that cheesy field trip T-shirt, it stretches across his chest, and clings to his arms in a mouthwatering way. He looks down at you, a sheepish smile on his face.
“We hoped maybe this would make up for it?” He hands you a daisy shaped pendant, it’s beautiful, and well-made.
“I—I can’t accept this; it looks way too expensive.” You try to give it back to him, but he shakes his head and closes your fingers around the pendant, his hand dwarfing yours.
“It wasn’t expensive at all. Gabi found the necklace when we visited one of the farmer’s markets in the city. Daisies are her favorite flower, and she wanted to get you a birthday gift…and I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for her. I mean, it’s still the first half of the school year, and I’ve never seen her be so fond of a teacher…” His hand is still covering yours, and you’re frozen in place but basking in the praise.
“Well, it is beautiful, and if it’s not expensive then I can’t turn down a gift from one of my best students now, can I?” You joke lightly, your heart pounding in your chest.
Miguel releases your hand and motions for you to turn, sweeping your hair up with one large hand, the other clasping the necklace around your neck. “It would break her heart.” He breathes, his warm breath on your neck making you shiver.
You want him. Fuck, you want him bad.
“Can’t have that.” You whisper, breathless and resisting the urge to lean into his strong chest.
“Ms. Y/N, you’re wearing my gift!” Gabi notices so quickly, weirdly quickly, for a moment you wonder if they planned this.
“I am, it’s very pretty, thank you.” You finger the pendant, it is absolutely beautiful, maybe the nicest gift anyone’s ever given you, definitely better than anything Todd’s given you.
“Now you gotta promise me you’ll never take it off.” Gabi pleads, giving you those puppy dog eyes she does so well.
You pretend to think it over, then nod your head. “Alright, deal.”
She lets out a squeal of happiness and runs back to her friends.
“She’s so good at that.” You remark, turning back to Miguel.
“Good at what?” He asks, his eyes keep drifting back to the pendant, where it sits between your fingers as you absentmindedly toy with it.
“Those puppy dog eyes, it’s so hard to say no to her.” You feel a rush of boldness and drop the pendant. “Did she learn that from you?”
Miguel’s eyes shot up to yours. “Beg pardon?”
“The puppy dog eyes.” You smile at him, a carefully crafted carefree smile meant to make the receiver feel comfortable, to get them to let their guard down.
“Oh, no, no, she learned that all on her own.” He laughs, and the sound is like syrup, muddling your thoughts with a thick sugary sweetness.
You remember his words when you admire the necklace in the mirror, the day is done, you’ve showered, and now you’re getting ready for bed.
You’re not a vain person by any means, but you can’t help but admire how it shines against your skin, as you stand bare, fresh from the shower. It hangs a bit between your breasts, the metal is sturdy, and no matter what Miguel says it’s not cheap. There’s no fake metal smell, or green staining your skin.
You spend a little longer staring at it, running your fingers along the edge, feeling each petal’s edge. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it on, at least for a little while, until Gabi forgets all about it.
Tag list: @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard
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clerifik · 9 months
the outsiders headcanons !
(christmas edition)
- christmas always reminded him of his parents because it was their favourite holiday, but it was also his favourite holiday, so it was bittersweet.
- he started hauling out the christmas decorations a day after thanksgiving.
- both soda and ponyboy were as excited as fleas on a dogs arse when they started decorating
- EGGNOG WHORE. he drinks it by the litre.
- he insisted that he didn’t need any help when getting their tree, and nearly killed himself in the process
- “hey son, do you need any he-” “IM FINE!”
- unironically walks around in a santa hat during the entire month of december.
- even though money is tight, he makes sure to buy the gang gifts. besides his brothers, he especially focused on johnny because he knew that chances of his folks forgetting about him were pretty high.
- wakes everyone up at 6am to christmas carols. (darry nearly chucked a pillow at his head once)
- again. insanely excited to decorate.
- he’s literally 5 years old. he’d throw on his snow pants when it began to snow & he’d spend hours out there building snow forts, making snow angels, etc etc.
- once built a full force snow fortress in his front yard & the gang was like “????” because who the hell has that kind of time.
- only thing he hates ab christmas is that he gets sick INSANELY easily during the colder months…and he’s a total whiner, so you’ll hear about his minor cold (that he’ll talk about like its cancer) for WEEKS.
- makes stockings for everyone because he’s just so cutesy like that
- pretty lights make his brain go brrrr
- the first christmas they had together without their parents, darry made the mistake of not-so-hiding the presents marked with “santa” out in the open of his room, so pony just had to stand there and stare with his jaw dropped because WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANTA ISN’T REAL????
- it actually put him through quite a bit of distress.
- ugly christmas sweater LOVERRR
- they had a tradition since they were really young, that the youngest puts the star on top of the tree, so to carry out the tradition darry just casually throws pony on his back so he can put the tree topper on.
- ALSO drinks eggnog by the litre… he just manages to make himself sick
- will spend HOURS decorating a tree, its his favourite part about christmas.
- he’s also a whore for tinsel. he loves how it shines.
- soda thinks its really funny to put bows in his hair with the left-over gift wrap supplies. pony just stares at him with the 😠 face.
- lowkey kind of hates christmas.
- before the gang, he’d be forced to sleep in his house a lot because it was far too cold in the lot, and that never ended well.
- they’d also hardly ever celebrate christmas, so he’d see his classmates talk about everything they got, and see all their new clothes, while he was just thankful his dad didn’t hit him that day.
- the gang definitely made up for it though, they helped him get into the spirit.
- darry & dally always buy him stuff for christmas, and he can’t help but feel insanely guilty. that adds to his disliking towards christmas.
- johnny does like looking at decorations, though. sometimes dally would walk around the neighborhood with him & just look at christmas lights together.
- dally was a big christmas fan… but he’d never let the gang know that. because HEAVEN FORBID dallas winston ever enjoys something in his life
- he thinks he’s the ultimate edgelord clearly.
- much like johnny, he didn’t grow up with a proper family to show him what christmas looks like, so he tried to stay around the curtis’ place as much as possible.
- sat there on the couch watching them decorate the house and it took every bone in his body not to take over the decorating and do it himself because GOD were they unorganized & uncoordinated.
- our little interior design queen 😋
- but REMEMBER… nobody’s allowed to know he actually enjoys christmas.
- eat sleep breathe candy cane hot chocolate (same dally dw)
- everyone thinks he takes johnny to see the lights just for him.. but little do they know dally absolutely loves them too.
- the first year darry bought dallas a gift he just sat there like “…? me? for me?” then had to excuse himself to the bathroom so he didn’t have a breakdown.
- proposed that they made a cigarette garland instead of popcorn.
- randomly appears with the weirdest decorations possible.
- he just casually brought a 12 foot train set to the curtis house and sat there for 2 hours assembling it on their livingroom floor.
- picks up every individual present and starts shaking it, listening like he can determine exactly what it is by the sound.
- “hey johnny! i think you’ve got a gold bar in here…. dallas. sounds like a big ole lump of coal for you pal.”
*cue angry dally noises*
- dressed up as santa & decided it’d be a fabulous idea to go door-to-door for a little meet and greet.
- a family called the fuzz on him & he’s never ditched a costume so fast in his life.
- walked around the streets whistling, and when the cops approached him & asked if he saw a guy that fit the description, he just pointed down the road & walked in the opposite direction.
- comes over to the curtis house on christmas just to eat their food & then leave
- raccoon core
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butchbarneygumble · 2 months
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Imagine how I must feel as one of the only fans of Mighty Magiswords. You know. A headcanons-and-fanfic kind of fan. I even cosplayed Prohyas once.
Of course, it's nothing compared to what the actual victims went through... I'm fine. But it still felt like a part of my identity has been permanently soured. I don't want to seem like I somehow have it worse, that's not my intention. Nothing bad happened to me personally. I'm only posting my own side of how I deal with the situation, to get some closure myself and show solidarity with the victims.
I don't admire him anymore, and that's putting it lightly.
Full story under cut. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of csa.
The news came to me from my ex-but-still-friend. He told me privately, out of nowhere, just dropped it on me. Like, "Hey, sorry to tell you, but the guy you like got arrested for csa". However, I am glad he told me rather than me having to find out on my own.
The news hit me, and I felt nothing in my body. I usually would get this painful fight-or-flight all through my body whenever I read something that upset me, something I've been training myself to get better with. But right now? I just felt like... "huh. That happened." It helped a lot that Magiswords wasn't my fixation of the moment. And like... it's been like I've been slipping away from it. Like I didn't need it anymore.
More and more people were talking about him, and it wasn't positive. Who? Kyle.
I talked to him. Personally, like many people did. He never acted weird to me. I admired him. I loved his art, sent him physical fanart, all that stuff. I knew more than one person said he was not trustworthy but hey, he made a show that saved my life, so it was a constant struggle between feeling like I had to pick sides. I was going through hell by virtue of my dad being terminally sick and needing constant care, so I was gonna ignore the red flags and enjoy my silly sword show that brought me such joy.
Even if as time went on it started get harder and harder.
But you know what a certain depressed horse show said? When you're wearing rose coloured glasses, red flags just look like flags.
I now think dodged a bullet.
What emotions do I feel? Betrayal. Anger. Disgust. Disappointment.
The irony about it all. The sheer painful irony of blacklisting somebody for *drawings*, and then going behind everybody's back to actually hoard *actual* csa, and revenge porn, and all sorts of nasty stuff. For the record: there is nothing wrong with being put off or disgusted by specific sorts of drawings. But the irony here is what's most painful to me. I do not like people using this as a "gotcha" for either side of this tired argument. It's disrespectful to the actual victims.
People say I can easily seperate art from the artist if I want to but... right now I don't think I want to. He's in every pore of its identity. I do not want to talk or think about Magiswords right now, and I don't know if I ever will again.
It meant so much to me. Prohyas felt like Me. Being a goofy capable adult who doesn't stop collecting things he likes just cuz he's an adult. I thought I was trans for a while and the euphoria of relating to Prohyas helped that. Then he got lowkey confirmed nonbinary and I was over the moon.
It was good. Emphasis on "was".
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And to the man himself I have one thing to say: you're another one in a long history of cartoon artists who end up being unsavoury, slimy people, taking advantage of young people, especially girls, in the animation industry. Not something to be proud of. I know we talked and you seemed perfectly okay to me, personally. All I can think is thank god it never went beyond casual chats.
I guess I can finally say I never liked the joke about Vambre not liking pants. Sure, sensory issues exist, but I doubt that was the intention of the design. I have deleted my sideblog where I chronicled ooc screencaps of the show and deleted my little spotify playlist of songs that reminded me of the show. I don't want to finish my longfic where Prohyas and Flonk fell in love anymore. I can't even change it into ocs because it's just so ingrained in the show's lore. So yeah, there's that.
I'll be fine. When the news hit I took it surprisingly well. I was going to an Alestorm concert and it was the most fun I had in ages. So yeah, I've got Christopher Bowes and His Plate of Beans to fill the void of comedy music. Was fixating on Simpsons already so there's that in terms of cartoons. I'm fine.
All I can say is my heart goes out to all the victims, and I'm deeply sorry I didn't see you sooner. I hope you can heal and have some semblance of closure now that he's gotten arrested. My heart goes out to all of you and again, I am so so sorry. I wish you all the love and healing.
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soliarus · 1 year
imma need a part 2 of that kindergartener teacher sana x reader 😭 i love all your works btw!!
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*sigh* A Coffee Date
-fluff, part 2 of teacher!sana, reader's job is revealed?? 😱
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: taking your niece’s teacher out for a coffee date is crazy
words 1.2k
teacher!sana x fem!reader
part 1
“No way you actually thought I gave birth to that little devil?” You walk up to Sana, amused at the blush that coats her cheeks when she notices you. 
"Well, hello to you as well," Sana mumbles, glancing away. You and she planned to go on a date at the small coffee shop after you messaged her a few nights earlier. You sit opposite one another at a cute small table with a vase of flowers in the center, near a window.
“You know,” Sana leans on the table, “You actually kind of do look like her.” 
“Really how so?” You mirror her, leaning in. 
“I mean you have the same hair and eye color…” Sana wanted to say more, like how you both have the same nose and how you both seem to unconsciously twirl a piece of hair around your finger, but that would be too weird. “...and some other similar features. I was surprised you weren’t her mom”
“Actually, her mom says the same thing,” you lightly chuckle, “she’s been my best friend since high school, and well her dad is my older brother.” You shrug. “Eun and I have spent a lot of time together since her parents is always busy going on business trips and stuff, she might have even stolen her mom’s title of being my best friend” 
Sana grins, she can tell how close you are with Eun, the way your eyes light up when she is mentioned, and oh my- you also scrunch your nose like her. Sana is torn between admiring your closeness to her pupil, who happens to be your niece, or being slightly jealous.
“But enough about that little cutie, she already gets enough attention as it is,” you roll your eyes, knowing that you almost started ranting about the little wingwoman, “what’s it like taking care of thirty kids everyday?” 
Sana hums at the question, “well i’ve always wanted to be a teacher, for as long as I could remember, so honestly, for me it’s a dream come true. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows but I don’t regret my decision. Kids are just so much better than adults sometimes, they’re more honest and straightforward, if they want something they ask for it, they don’t beat around the bush. But then again that could be debatable cuz some kids are shy- ”  
Sana rambles on and on about her job, you lay your head on the palm of your hand as you stare at her talk on and on about how teaching the actual spawn of satan is literally the best. I wanna marry her. You think about times where you could walk into the classroom when Sana is teaching and give her flowers, drop off her lunch if she ever forgot at home. Your thoughts turn domestic really quickly, well that’s lesbianism for ya– and suddenly a waiter comes over asking for your order. 
“Oh can I have Grapefruit Green Tea Ade, 30% sugar, and two servings of coconut jelly please!” Sana is quick to order, knowing what she wants right away. Must be a favorite drink of hers, Quick Y/N memorize it! 
 The waiter looks at you, “And for you ma’am?” 
“Oh uhh… a vanilla milkshake please?” You mumble, your order seems childish compared to Sana’s, the pretty girl in front of you giggles as the waiter walks away. 
“A vanilla shake? That’s cute” Sana can’t hide her smile, your face flushes as you look away. Now it’s your turn to be flustered. Sana can’t help it, she finds you cute, a full grown adult and you order a vanilla milkshake, god that’s just so adorable. Her eyes roam your attire, you’re dressed casually, and you’re wearing a couple pieces of jewelry. They seem familiar. She looks at your necklace, and then your earrings, and finally your rings. Oh that’s right, they’re all from the same brand and a designer one at that. The price of your jewelry combined is pretty much what she earns in a year. Wait– she doesn’t even know your job, what if you’re a doctor, or a lawyer I mean you gotta be something big to afford jewelry like that. 
“Soooo, Ms. Y/N” Sana starts off, her voice dropping slightly, you feel the hair on your neck stand up. 
“Y-yes Sana” You don’t know if you’re trembling from fear or anticipation, maybe both. 
“Now, what is it that you do? I mean we basically met at my job but what do you do?” Sana swirls the plastic cup in her hand, and takes a sip of her drink. You anxiously fiddle with your hands on your lap, god she’s just so attractive. 
“O-oh! I’m a business owner. It began as a homemade organization. I started it myself actually, and it’s slowly growing day by day. I graduated with a business degree so I decided to do something with it. I think it’s pretty successful but more can always be done” You chuckle nervously, scratching the back of your neck, as Sana looks at you. 
“Oh? A business owner?” Sana looks surprised, “Well it must be doing really well then! I was just wondering because your clothes are designer and your jewelry is all from the same brand and it all looks super expensive, I’ve always wanted a Magical Diamond necklace and yours looks so pretty” 
“I actually have more, if you’d like I can give you some! As a gift.” You were happy Sana didn’t feel weirded out about being on a date with a literal CEO. Sana blushed at your offer, 
“No no, I shouldn't, they're yours and super expensive. I’ll get my own really.” Sana doesn’t want to take advantage of you, I mean yeah you’re a business owner, but she doesn’t know if you two have the same definition of successful. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I get all my Magical Diamond jewelry for free”
Sana’s jaw fell when she heard that, “for free?” Thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and for free–
You shrug your shoulders, “Yup for free, I made the brand after all.” You take a sip of your vanilla shake. Sana feels the circuit in her brain explode, no way, absolutely no way, you weren’t rich, you were Rich. Bold font with a capital ‘r’, type of rich. 
“Right after this turn, yup there it is, you can stop just at that curb over there” Sana instructed as you pulled up to her apartment complex. You pulled your car on park, and waited for Sana to leave, but she didn’t get out, instead she turns to you, 
“Thanks so much for the date, Y/N” She smiles as she holds your hand. 
“I should be thanking you for coming, Sana” You say bashfully, happy that she enjoyed your time together. 
“Of course! I loved it, see you next time, Y/N!” And the next thing you know she’s leaving your car and jogging on over to her apartment, next time. OH MY GOSH SHE SAID NEXT TIME!
You squeal in your car, your hands covering your face as you blush, kicking your legs as best you can before your knee hits the steering wheel. “Ow–” 
Sana rushes in and closes the door before leaning against the wall, and this time she’s the one squealing, sliding down to the floor and kicking her feet. 
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pagayos · 2 years
nct dream as : fathers
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authors note 💬 : this will be nct with their kids , not proofread and is written in lowercase.
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NA JAEMIN : love and luck !
the three of you are eating your fruits in the table peacefully since your daughter requested it, you're cutting the apples in a bunny design while your husband is eating mango.
"daddy, i think i'm in lovee" your four year old daughter casually said while eating her chopped apples, jaemin dropped the spoon he was holding and looked at his daughter stunned.
you nudge your husbands shoulder, wanting him to go back to his sense which he did. the white haired male fixed his posture before clearing his throat.
"oh, who's this lucky guy?" jaemin smiled at daughter. the four year old was thrilled that her parents are willing to listen about her soulmate.
"his name is, channie! he's from my class" you spaced out for a second, figuring out who's the parent of this kid. you know the answer from the back of your mind but you can't seem to remember, until you recalled the smile that kid has.
"oh, it's haechan's kid'' you patted his shoulder excitedly after finally getting the right answer. your daughter was amazed how you guessed her crushes parents, without knowing that chan's father is actually friends with her dad.
"dear god" jaemin sighed in defeat, because the male knows once his bestfriend get this information he's going to tease the living hell out of him, just like the first time jaemin layed his eyes on you.
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LEE JENO : home sleep home
"goodbye dad ! i'm running away" your son shouted before closing the door planning on running away, jeno rushed to go outside and stop his five year old son.
"son, where are you going?!" your husband asked, trailing behind his your son who didn't answer and just kept on walking. jeno sighed knowing well why his son isn't talking to him.
"i'm running away cause you don't love me anymore" the kid finally looked behind him with a pout on his face and both arms folded to each other.
"s/n, all i told you is that it's nap time" jeno kneeled in front of his grumpy son, at first the kid protested that he doesn't need nap time anymore since he's already big boy but jeno know his son all too well.
he watched his son rubbed his eyes for a few seconds almost cooing at the site of his cute kid, jeno is sure going to miss this moment when he grows up.
"are you sure? you're rubbing your eyes" jeno said in a teasing way, your son didn't say anything he just straight up went to jeno's arms wanting his dad to carry him.
the male was about to ask his kid which children's story is his going to read but was stopped when he heared small snores near his ear, jeno softly smiled before going back inside their home.
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MARK LEE : ride to life
"daddy, i don't think i can do this. i'm scared" your seven year old daughter whined, as she hold the pink bike grips tightly scared that she might fall but of course mark wouldn't let that happen.
"it's alright princess, i got you. i'm not letting go" mark assured his daughter not wanting to make her more panic. once the seven year old is back to her calm self, she carefully pedalled the two tire bike.
it started of mark guiding his daughter from behind when the kid starts getting comfortable to the feeling, the male slowly let go without his daughter noticing.
"i'm doing it, mom! dad you can let go now" your daughter cheered as she goes around the yard as you watch her from the porch.
"great job, i knew you could do it!" mark coo'd while recording his seven year old from his phone, he believes that this is one step forward to growing up.
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HAECHAN LEE : bubble bath!
making your five year old to take a bath has been a challenge since he was born, the kid would cry and splash the water everywhere making everything in the bathroom wet, and you've finally decided to take a break from it.
"chan, can you bath our son today?" you asked haechan, while making the bed together. your husband happily agreed not knowing the hell he'll go through later.
"s/n, stop splashing water everywhere!! daddy's all wet now" haechan scolded his son but being a mini him the five year old didn't stop, instead he splashed more water towards his father.
the tan male is soaked with soap and water, not to mention the bathroom floor is slippery due to the soap so he can't call you to help him, scared that you might fall.
"stop doing that ─ y/n please help!" your husband loudly said, as soon as you heard haechan's pleaded you instatly knew he has enough of his son's stubbornness, so you immediately ran towards the bathroom to help him.
"gosh, chan you're all soaked" you exclaimed, haechan only nodded at you trying to dry his face with his palm while your son was sitting in the bathtub looking at the both of you with a smile in his face, planning something.
"mom, dad look!" the five year old cheered, making the married couple look at their son's direction but the moment they landed their eyes on him a big splash of water greeted their faces.
"great...." the couple said in unison with both their eyes closed.
end ─
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rxqueenotd · 2 months
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I teased (very briefly) that I would be writing a fic from the POV of one of Daniel Molloy’s daughters. Basically that has consisted of me throwing random dialogue and ideas into word docs and vomiting them at @nyheartbreak every other day. I’m going to slap some teasers below and just put out some feelers and hope that maybe this catches some traction:
"What... exactly are you doing?" Naomi asked, her steps echoing on the apartment floor as she tried to contain the nervous energy bubbling within her. Fingernails grazed her teeth, a physical manifestation of the apprehension she felt, while her father's voice continued on the other end of the call.
"Open the files. I emailed them to you a few days ago," he explained with a sense of urgency. "Listen to them and find the plot holes. You're a pro at that," he added. "Spotting plot holes."
"And you excel at creating them," she retorted smugly. "Last time we spoke, you dropped the Parkinson's bomb, and now you're gallivanting halfway across the world during a global pandemic."
A heavy sigh emanated from the other end of the call. "Listen, kid, I'm fine. I'm getting treatment here," he reassured her, his attempts falling slightly short. "Just give the files a listen. I know work's been iffy with this pandemic."
She scoffed. "I'm freelancing," she stated, with a brief pause before adding, "And planning your funeral for when you inevitably disregard more health protocols and kick the bucket."
"Like I said," he reiterated, "I'm fine. I'm invincible."
"Can you at least time it for fall?" she quipped. "I have this stunning Chanel dress perfect for a funeral—it screams autumn elegance."
"Listen to the files, Naomi," his tone turned serious. "You'll thank me."
"Sure, sure," she agreed, acknowledging her lack of better options. "I'll listen tonight and share my thoughts this weekend."
"Thanks, kid," he lingered on the line a moment longer before ending the call.
"You're welcome," Naomi muttered to herself, retrieving her laptop from its designated spot on the kitchen counter.
Another snippet:
"By the way, he did read my diary," Naomi announced casually, glancing over at Louis and Armand, who were nestled together on the loveseat, both tilting their heads at her spontaneous confession.
"One of you brought it up before," she gestured with her hand, "I forget who, but someone made the comparison between reading Claudia's diaries and my dad reading mine."
"I paid for that big time," Daniel interjected, rolling his eyes and adjusting his glasses.
"On October twenty-seventh, nineteen thirty-two, I quote, 'What mysteries we are, human, vampire, monster, mortal, that we can love and hate simultaneously, and that emotions of all sorts might not parade for what they are not,'" Naomi recited with precision. "I have a good memory."
"If you swap 'vampire' and 'monster' for 'transient father,' mine and Claudia's entries aren't much different," Naomi chuckled. "Except I left mine out on purpose for him to read."
"And you're admitting this because?" Armand inquired, leaning forward with folded hands resting on his knees.
"Because you seem to draw comparisons almost as threats," Naomi observed, her gaze lingering on his impeccably chiseled face, pondering what he might be concealing. "Bringing up Alice, my sister, Paris, the proposal, and whatever else you can extract from his addled brain," she motioned towards Daniel, who smirked back at Armand. "To me, that's a defense mechanism, especially considering that this interview is between my dad and Louis exclusively."
"And yet," Armand waved his hand gracefully, "here you are."
Naomi grinned at him. "And here you are."
Daniel cleared his throat as Naomi leaned back, finally easing into her seat.
"Let's move on," Daniel suggested, prompting Louis to release a soft chuckle, gazing at Naomi as if he were beholding Claudia once more, reincarnated, and giving Armand hell all over again.
Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?
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Top 10 reasons why you SHOULD love and simp over Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck!!
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Number 10: His Durabiity 💪
This dude literally survived a point blank explosion of TMT, a large piano dropped on his body, and a LARGE amount of electricity set at the highest level CONCURRENTLY, and can STILL throw down with Jim Sterling afterwards! If that isn't badass than I don't know what is!!
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Number 9: His Revamped Costume... 🥵🔥 🦹‍♂️
Two words. Skin. Tight. For those chiseled muscles of his... Besides that, his costume is one of the coolest designs for a super duck ever! He really knows how to fight crime in style!!
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Number 8: His Casual Fashion Sense
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Number 7: He's A Great and Supportive Friend
Despite his lack of awareness that Fenton is Gizmoduck, Drake is still a great friend to him, supporting him all the way through thick and thin, even calling him buddy in the Let's Get Dangerous special!!
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He'll be there to help support his friends and family in any way possible, no matter the cost!!
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Number 6: He's a Kid at Heart!
Drake is devoted fan through and through, and it goes to show that even the most manly of men can be kids at the end of the day!! His naivety is also a rare treat that is very rarely seen in heros and adds to his cuteness!!
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Number 5: He's Great with Kids!!
Drake's dreams were all about inspiring kids everywhere by becoming Darkwing, and that clearly shows with how he acts around Gos! He does everything he can to make sure that she gets the best in life, even to the point of extreme exhaustion just to make her happy. Kids are his life, and Drake really is a great dad...
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Number 4: He is STACKED... 🥵
No need to explain myself. This boi's muscle game is on point! Especially those pecs... No wonder he can survive the amount of stuff that is thrown his way!! 💪😎
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He may be a strong and built boi, but those cheek feathers must feel like heaven!! THE WAY IT FLOPS AROUND IS SOOOOOO ENTICING!!! HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT TO SQUEEZE!!!
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Number 2: He's both Handsome and adorable... 🥺🥰
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Number 1: He is literally the sweetest person in the world... 😇🥰🥰🥰🥰
You would think that an actor like Drake would be as stuck-up as his protege Jim Starling, but that couldn't be further from the truth!! Drake is literally the most caring and infectiously lovable duck ever!! He always wants to make things better for everyone and always goes above and beyond to love and protect the people he cares about whether it be Launchpad, Gosalyn, Fenton, or the entire world!! And while his ego could be fixed up a bit, his personality more than makes up for his faults. Besides, Darkwing was always egotistical. You could say he's just playing his character down to a tee!!
Those are my reasons for why Drake is my favorite DT17 character of all time and why you should love and respect him!!
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@baublekute tagged me for wip whenever tyyy
im tagging @medtech-mara and @byberbunk2069 and @ouroboros-hideout and @wanderingaldecaldo also the people i tagged in the below updates >:3
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okay so this isnt my wip but i did get to test @wanderingaldecaldo's axl flat chest body AND dynamic refits that include flat chest
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i am so fucking stoked
also speaking of nate "rat" flick, ive got some origin stories rattling around in my brain. an early one with them facing transphobia from peers and beating them up, vg defending them in front of his piece of shit dad (i have to revisit the timeline for that one though lol), @totentnz and i are also cookin' up some mope au shit with rat being a big time netrunner and vg just casually dropping his name and vs freaks out
for other vp y'all have already seen the chaps update
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so vaquero vg is still coming along. i got a preview pic of some design options from @blackrevell for the china poblana dress i commissioned for bea. i'm in the market for a cowboy-esque gun belt and holsters next
for writing, the smut fic has turned into a lovely collab with @luvwich who i basically gave free reign to "make it better" im learning a lot though!
here's an excerpt
Bea's dissatisfaction was only ripening. She slid him out of her mouth, a glinting strand of saliva bridging her bottom lip to the head of his cock for a moment until she scurried to the weapons room. There, she grabbed V's KA-BAR off the wall, weighing the heft of the blade in her hand as she gripped the handle. Back in the living room, she stood behind V and… Just couldn't fucking help herself. With the softest scrape of blade against dark stubble, she placed the sharpened edge gently beneath his Adam's apple and bent to whisper in his ear.  "Do you feel that, V?" V swallowed. Beneath the blade's tip a thin, red laceration formed on his throat, barely perceptible.  (Inside his interface, panicked alerts warned V that the emergency protocol would begin waking him soon. He quickly punched in the override and maintained his focus.) "Every single time you're like this," Bea sighed, "I think about how easy it would be to slit your throat." She kissed his ear lightly. "Carve you up into little pieces," she kept the knife against his throat as she kissed his temple and over his forehead. She looked down at his cock, still glistening with her saliva, and smiled at the way it twitched. "I would like to see you try," V whispered.  That was what he always said, but for Bea, it never grew old. With each bounce of his Adam's apple a new slender cut appeared on his throat. She felt an ache between her legs as she watched him bleed for her.
that fucking "watched him bleed for her" line OUUGHGHASLDKJNBFGALKSHJDGFASDFKJLH
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k-evans-reads · 2 years
In Living Color
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Chapter 5 - Part Two
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 5,932
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI. SMUT.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
May 2021
Chris opened the door to his house just as Nat stepped through the gate, closing it behind her with a smile. “Hey, I was starting to wonder if you’d ditched me,” he called with a smirk, leaning his hip against the wooden door frame as she followed the pathway to his front porch. 
She rolled her eyes as she climbed the short concrete steps to the house, stepping past him with a smirk as she shot back, “Well you ditched me last weekend so I’d say that would have made us even.” 
“You really aren’t going to let me live that down, are you?” He asked, shutting the door behind her as he caught up with her, leading her towards the wide glass doors at the back of the house. Just outside, she could see some of Chris’ friends sitting by the pool, drinks in hand as they listened to one of Scott’s stories. 
“Most likely not,” she conceded with a bite of her lip. She looked up and down the spacious home, coming up empty on her search, instead asking, “So where’s the star of the party?” 
He made a sound at that, rolling his eyes playfully and telling her, “I think I’m right here.” 
“That sounds like something I’d expect from a guy who drives a Tesla,” Nat easily retorted, but poked her head outside the doors to continue searching. “We both know I meant Dodger.” 
“Okay, I can concede to Dodger,” he agreed with a chuckle. Stepping around Nat, he whistled, his eyes locked on the group until he found the happy dog walking around and sniffing everyone but it was interrupted when he called out, “Hey Dodge! C’mere bubba, look who’s here!” 
They both saw Dodger’s head lift up before he came running over, making a beeline right for Nat as she dropped to her knees and let him lick her face, “Hi Dodger! Did you miss me?” 
“Only because you load him up with treats every time you see him,” Chris chuckled from where he stood above them. 
Nat just shrugged before she started digging around in her big leather tote bag while muttering, “Well this time is no different. I brought him some.” 
“You’re terrible, Nattie,” she didn’t even need to look up at Chris to know he was shaking his head at her. 
Nat finally found the bag of treats in her bag and pulled it open, taking one out to give to Dodger before she dusted off her hands and stood back up to be able to look at Chris, challenging him with, “Nattie? Wow, you meet my dad one time and he’s already rubbing off on you.” 
“What can I say, he’s influential. Besides, I think Nattie sounds pretty fuckin’ cute,” she saw the way his blue eyes were staring right down at her, making Nat’s whole body feel flushed. But what almost was worse was the casual tone he used to simply ask, “Did you bring your swimsuit? Basically everyone is already in the pool.” 
“Yeah I have it in my bag.” 
Chris pointed past her, showing her the hallway and explained, “There’s a bathroom right down that hall that you can change in. I’m going to let the caterers in and have them get everything set up, and then I’ll be out there.” 
With a simple nod and a sudden feeling that she needed to have a little more distance between his body and hers, she grabbed her bag and hurried off to the bathroom to change into the olive colored suit she was partial to. Nat grabbed a hair band out of the bottom of her bag and wrangled her curls up into a bun, before she grabbed her white button up and pulled it on over her arms, leaving it unbuttoned but the material helped to keep her frame a little bit warmer from the coolness in the air. 
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She stuffed the clothes back in her bag before walking out of the bathroom and went out to the backyard where she was quickly pulled into the group next to Scott as he dramatically retold the story of having to break Nat out of her own apartment. But Nat didn’t seem to pay much attention to the story, her attention being pulled away when Chris finally emerged from the house wearing nothing but a pair of black board shorts slung low on his hips. 
Nat knew she was looking too long, but she couldn’t seem to pull her eyes off of him, seeing his bare chest for the first time. She saw just how sculpted every inch of his chest was and she couldn’t help but wonder if the rest of him that was still covered matched. Nat’s eyes followed all of the many tattoos littered across his chest, wanting to take time and look at each and every one without haste, but what she was yearning for even more was to be able to run her hands over the firm landscape of his chest, knowing what it felt like to touch the chest hair covering most of his skin. 
The gold pendant between his pecs swung back and forth as he walked over, catching Nat’s eyes and immediately coming right over to plant himself next to her on the lounge chair. He leaned back on one arm as he listened to Scott, silently slipping into the group without any acknowledgement from the rest. He placed his other hand over the white shirt on her back, Nat’s skin prickling under his touch. He stayed still, and Nat could feel his eyes on her as she leaned back into it enough until he took her signal, slipping it underneath her shirt to rest just over her hip on her bare skin. 
Drinks were passed around as the group stayed sitting around the pool, all talking and laughing loudly, but Nat was never out from under Chris’ touch. Somehow their hands kept finding each other from Chris helping her off with her white shirt, rubbing her back and keeping his own frame right next to hers. Even when the caterers brought out the food, Nat noticed the way Chris stood up and then looked back at her, holding his hand out to help her up. She gladly took it, letting him pull her up to her feet but Nat made it known that his attention wasn’t misplaced when she walked right next to him, close enough that his arm could snake around her waist and hold her loosely as they went over to the table of food. 
It didn’t change despite the night progressing from laughing with his friends to joking around in the pool. It seemed that wherever Nat ended up, whether it was talking with Scott and Steve or listening to his various friends rag on Chris, Chris was not far behind her. 
She had just climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel when she ended up on a chair across from Scott and Steve as the sun was setting, listening to a story about Steve’s sister. He had her full attention as she wrapped the towel around herself, but soon the chair dipped next to her and a familiar weight settled over her back as Chris’ arm wrapped around her. 
Scott rolled his eyes and groaned, and Steve shot Nat a look before they each looked at the dirty blond who was staring at his brother. “Bro, can you chill for a few minutes? You’ve barely been far enough away from Nat to let her breathe all night,” he asked with another roll of his eyes. 
Chris clenched his jaw as he looked at Scott, something unreadable in his eyes as Nat watched him. “Maybe I just wanted to come over to be with you? Did you ever think of that?” He asked his brother.
But Scott smirked, telling him, “You’re going to be with me every day for almost three months, I think you’ll have your fill of me.” 
Nat furrowed her brows, looking between the brothers. All she knew was Chris was going to film on location, but clearly she was missing some details here. “Three months? What are you guys doing together?” She asked them. 
“I’m going to Europe with Chris. His normal personal assistant can’t go and I’m available so I’m going to go,” Scott supplied, before he paused and smirked. “Pray I survive.” 
Nat gave a half smile at his words but turned to look at Chris, taking in his profile as she murmured, “I didn’t realize you were going for that long.” 
“Yeah… we’re not going to be done until July…” he told her with a small shrug of his shoulders as a hand rubbed his jaw. 
“Oh,” she murmured, ignoring the way Scott was watching them carefully. “I didn’t know that.” 
Nat saw Chris open his mouth, but before he could say anything, someone called his name. He sent her an apologetic look before standing up to walk over to the other side of the backyard where his friend was calling for him. The buzz of electricity that seemed to be running through Nat suddenly seemed to be dimmed. She knew he was going to Europe but didn’t realize that it would be for so long and now things seemed to be so much foggier. 
If Chris had known that he was going to leave, she didn’t understand why he had been flirting like crazy this evening. She thought it could be as simple as bad timing, them connecting just as he had to work, but a worse thought crossed her mind that her brain seemed to latch onto which was the thought that maybe he just wanted a little fun before he left the country and was swamped with work. 
The realization made a small frown cross Nat’s face, now seeming to over analyze every detail of the evening especially because as the evening kept growing later, Chris seemed to now have quite a big distance between himself and her. There weren’t any more lingering touches, no more smirks directed in her direction and his attention seemed to be on everyone else but her. 
She felt that knot in her stomach as the party started to die down and part of her wanted to rush out the door as quickly as she could and never think of it again, but the other part of her wanted to linger and see if Chris would come right back around to where he’d started, sitting right next to her, his arm around her waist as his fingers tapped restlessly against her bare skin. The decision was made for her though when Scott had pulled her into a long conversation that lasted until Nat was biting at her lower lip, her anxious eyes looking around at the last few people around the pool who were packing up their bags. 
With Chris flying out for Europe in the morning, nobody was staying over and she felt unsure what she should do and the couple beers in her system wasn’t helping make anything more clear. She didn’t know if she should stay to talk about the now multiple times they’d kissed or if it was just better to leave along with everyone else. He was leaving tomorrow for a few months, it wasn’t like this was actually headed anywhere, or at least it seemed to Nat that must have been what Chris was thinking so she instead just quietly pulled on the white long sleeve shirt she had in her bag and was prepared to follow the rest of the group out until she spotted the pile of dirty dishes. 
She almost wanted to laugh when she could practically hear her dad’s voice in her head, scolding her for leaving a job undone at someone’s house so before she gathered up her own bag, Nat picked up the small pile and headed in through the open sliding glass door to make her way to the sink. The rattling of dishes in the stainless steel sink almost masked the sound of heavy footsteps, but the sigh Chris let out made her pause, tilting her head to look behind herself at him.
His face was surprised and his eyes sad as he saw her bag on the counter and the way she’d gotten ready to go. “You’re leaving?” He asked her, and the genuine 
Turning so that her back rested against the sink, Nat crossed her arms and shrugged as she said, “Yeah…you have that flight tomorrow…”
Nat saw the way he leaned against the counter and just simply nodded his head, quietly standing up straight as she moved to grab her bag. She could feel his eyes on her as she dug through her bag to find her keys, his stare making her whole body flush but she tried to just ignore him before slinging her bag on her shoulder and walking toward the door. 
The sound of his bare feet padding along the hardwood floor echoed behind her until they made it to the front door. Nat kept avoiding his eyes, looking at anything but him as she told him, “I hope you have a good flight tomorrow, and tell Dodger I said bye.” 
He huffed out a laugh as his lips turned into a half-smile. “I’m sure that’ll mean a lot to him,” he assured her with a shake of his head. She watched as he opened the front door, the cool air of the night hitting her bare skin. Then, she felt herself shiver as his excruciatingly low voice quietly told her, “Bye Nattie.” 
She finally lifted her face to look up at him, and almost instantly regretted it because it only took one look into those gorgeous blue eyes of his and their lips were furiously meeting mere seconds later. Although this wasn’t the first time they had shared a kiss, Nat felt like it was the first time neither was holding back and all the pining and anticipation that had been building up for so long finally came spilling out. 
Chris’ arms wrapped around her waist, pulling Nat back inside the house and kicking the door closed with his foot before she was pushed against it and got engulfed by his kiss. She felt as if he was everywhere, his body pressing her against the cool wood of the door, arms grasping around her waist and his lips kissing her so deeply that she was seeing stars. 
Nothing could have prepared her for this, not even the longing looks and impossible restraint they shared that entire night as the other was so close, yet so far, from them. It’d been a month of incredibly lonely days, missing Chris’ presence both at Pixar and at the game nights as his schedule amped up. But despite that, despite the frequent text messages, random phone calls, and tidbits they saw of each other’s day through social media, Nat had missed this. Nothing had made her feel this intense burning desire for someone in this way before, not even with Shane. Chris had an embarrassing hold over her, but as his hand moved to her hip and she felt him groan, she realized – for the first time – he at least felt somewhat of the same feeling himself. 
Their bodies were moving so in sync, hands wrapping around each other tightly while their tongues found one another, their kiss deepening as they held each other tighter. She felt him start to pull her backward, the two of them stumbling a few feet deeper into the house before they had to finally part for air, both panting furiously before Nat saw his bleary eyes for a short moment before he buried her face against her neck, his lips getting to work making her moan. Her hands were rubbing across his soft white tee shirt, wrapping around his broad shoulders as he kept walking her backward down the hallway, his lips sucking along her skin every step of the way. 
She followed his lead, trusting him implicitly to lead her properly, and she didn’t even open her eyes until she felt a bed at the back of her knees, falling onto it just as Chris kicked his door shut behind them. For the first time since their lips met that night, she took a good look at him, seeing the way his hair was now an absolute mess, the way his shirt was now an absolute mess, having been pushed from side to side as Nat’s hands moving over him. But that was as much as she could take in before his eyes met hers again, quietly asking her, “You sure?” 
For once in her life, Nat didn’t have anything to say, only being able to nod her head before throwing her arms around his neck to crash their lips back together again. Nat could hardly breathe as their lips kept moving perfectly together just as Chris’ hands ghosted up her body, following the curve of her shoulder and took the unbuttoned white shirt with it as it slid down her arms and fell onto the floor.
She then felt Chris’ hands on her hips, gently pushing her back toward the bed until she was laying on top of his crisp white sheets and just for a moment Nat wondered if this actually was happening. It had been so long since she had wanted someone this way, but it had been even longer since she’d felt wanted in return which was confirmed when he stood at the edge of the bed, looking down at her from underneath those long eyelashes. His hands traced along the curve of her waist, coming to rest on her hips as he told her, “Seeing you in this has been driving me crazy all night.” 
Her breath caught in her throat at his words, unable to think of anything to say except “Jesus, Chris,” and before anything else could be said, he climbed onto the bed and hovered over her. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders before one trailed down his muscular back and slipped underneath the shirt, feeling the bare skin she’d been staring at all night, entranced by the way he moved and the tattoos that marked him. 
Wanting to be able to see his sculpted torso up close, she took advantage of their close proximity, grabbing the bottom of the soft material and pulling it up until he sat back and peeled it off the rest of the way. Instantly her hands were on his firm chest, staring at each one of his black tattoos while her hands felt the soft chest hair underneath her fingertips while she let her hands feel every bit of him. But Chris wasn’t patient enough to wait for her to finish feeling the landscape of his body and came down to connect their lips again, making Nat’s even more swollen than they already were. 
She could feel his hands on her, following the straps of her olive green bathing suit and rested on top of her covered chest, gently kneading her soft breasts the best he could with the barrier of fabric between them and pulling a loud moan out of Nat. She figured that must have spurred him on, his body suddenly pressing her hard against the bed as they kept kissing and her fingertips dug into the firm muscles of his shoulders. 
It didn’t take him much longer to pull his lips from hers and started trailing kisses along her body, following her soft skin, skipping over where her bikini was still covering her but once he reached the band of the bottom of her suit, Chris looked up at her asking for silent permission. Nat could have laughed at that moment, knowing that if he even had the tiniest glimpse into her brain, he’d know that he certainly didn’t need to ask if she wanted to keep going. But she still gave him that tiny nod, encouraging his fingers to peel the fabric down her long legs and toss it onto the floor. 
His hands trailed up her legs as he moved back up her body, smirking as he met her eyes. Any other time, a comment about the facial hair above his lips would be on the tip of Nat’s tongue, but she could only focus on the look in his eyes and the way he gently prodded her until she sat up, and then he reached to begin helping her pull the bikini top up off of her body. 
It wasn’t until he had helped gently lay her back down on the bed, her head propped up by a white pillow that had his familiar smell, that she saw his blue eyes flickering down her bare body, taking in every inch of her before he muttered, “You’re fuckin’ gorgeous Nattie.” 
“Well you’d be better if you didn’t have that thing above your upper lip,” she couldn’t help but tease, smirking as she moved a hand to run through the short hair on his head. Selfishly, she had to admit she missed the longer hair from March, but he was here, and he was Chris, and that’s all she wanted right now.
The smile that broke out on his face and the laugh bubbling out of him was enough to make Nat just want him impossibly more than she already did but was able to act on her feelings when he brought his lips back down for another long kiss. She could have just stayed there, kissing him all night but when he yet again made his way down her body, she knew that this would be pretty damn good too. 
Chris took his time, gently parting her legs and peppering soft kisses along her tender skin before he slowly let his tongue slip between her wet folds and made Nat’s entire body heat up. She focused on her breathing as he ran his tongue up and down sensually, causing her to let out a low moan that only encouraged him to go on. Nat’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut, just relishing in the pleasure Chris was making course through her body with each swipe of his tongue but once he started circling her sensitive button, her hands were grabbing at his hair while she cried his name loudly. 
“God, Chris, yes, that feels so fucking good,” she moaned, breaking off as she lost her breath at his actions. “Just like that, keep going.” 
And he listened to her completely, staying with those exact same movements and kept circling his tongue while his hands slipped underneath her thighs, hooking around them and keeping her from squirming away from him while he ate her as if she was his last meal. Nat could feel that pressure building inside her body, every bit of her aching to release and she could hardly breath as her whole body went rigid before exploding over that incredible edge. 
She was moaning from the feeling as she felt her body melt into the bed, Chris’ hot mouth still open wide and licking every inch of her in such a passionate way that could have made her hit her peak all over again if she watched long enough. Nat brought a hand up to rest on her forehead, feeling the loose curls that had fallen out of her messy bun and she tried to push them away as she got her composure but it didn’t last long when Chris finally pulled his mouth from her hot center but kept kissing every inch of her skin, leaving a trail of fire behind. 
And when his lips met hers again, she couldn’t help but reach for any part of him she could grasp, her hands moving over the plains and valleys of his body in rapid succession. She was so preoccupied with the way his lips were moving away from hers and then danced around her neck, chest, and cheeks that she almost didn’t recognize the sound of a drawer opening next to them. With a sideways glance – just before a nip at her neck made her eyes shut unexpectedly – she saw his hand digging blindly in the nightstand until it found a foil packet. 
She used the moment to take her turn rubbing at his shoulders and kissing along his neck while he pushed the shorts off of his hips, awkwardly kicking them off before he pulled away momentarily to rip the packet open and pull on the condom. Nat used the opportunity to finally get to see him fully, a smirk on her lips when she saw just how hard and ready he was for her and she knew with a glance at his thick length that he’d be able to fill her up just the way she loved. 
His hands came back to her warm body as he hovered over her and Nat relished every second of feeling his touch against her skin, tracing every bit of her body while he got between her legs and lined himself up. Nat hooked a leg around his waist, resting it against his firm backside as she encouraged him to come in deeper, allowing Chris to finally sink himself in. The room was filled with the sound of their loud cries from the initial stretch, and god, Nat had almost forgotten just how good this could feel but somehow she couldn’t help but think that it never had been this good before. 
She wanted nothing more than to feel him completely and hoped he recognized that when she opened her legs even wider for him he’d get what she was nonverbally saying. He kept sinking in, deeper and deeper until he was fully situated against her and Nat felt like she could barely breathe. He was stretching her and causing such an incredible burn that she never wanted it to end, but when she let her eyes open and she saw him hovering above her with that look of pleasure written across his face, it only made her want him more. 
“Chris, keep going.” 
And it didn’t take any more coaxing from her to get Chris to start his rhythmic thrusts, pulling out and sinking back in to find just the right tempo. Nat was bouncing with each thrust and she reached out to rub her hands on his firm abs before grabbing at his sides to keep her steady as his movements started picking up the pace. She could hear his low groans and the way his eyes squeezed shut when he hit her particularly deep and Nat couldn’t help but feel a little swell of pride that she was making him feel that way but her brain started to become devoid of all thought as he began to throb inside her while plowing in deep to her hot dripping center that was practically begging for him. 
“Don’t stop, fuck Chris,” she all but ordered him, unable to stop herself from digging her nails into the strong muscles of his back.
“I know, god, Nat, you feel fuckin’ amazing,” he ground out, pausing as he snapped his hips hard against her. “Fuck Nattie.” 
That familiar coil was once again tightening in her stomach and Chris must have been able to tell from the way he just kept thrusting deep and hard, a low sexy grunt with each one but she could feel his body become more rigid by the minute too. Nat moved one of her hands down between her legs, starting to furiously rub circles to help encourage her release as Chris bounced her on his thick cock, but he quickly pushed her hand away and replaced it with his own, wanting to be in charge of her orgasm and continued her firm quick circles which had her screaming out as she came. 
Nat could feel just how hard she was clenching him, making Chris’ eyes screw shut as he muttered a strangled, “Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” before spilling into the condom while Nat’s velvet walls squeezed him tightly and drew out his orgasm. She was completely out of breath, her body spent as they stayed there connected while coming down from their highs. 
In what seemed like it was all too quickly however, Chris gently pulled out of her and rolled to the side, laying still as he continued to catch his breath. But the action that took her by surprise the most was when he leaned over, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. It was an intimate action, one that felt almost even more intimate than the act they’d just shared. And when she felt his eyes on her and turned to look at him, he nodded towards the open doorway on the opposite side of the room, “Did you want to take a shower?” 
She shook her head as she ran a hand through her impossibly messy hair, her voice raspy as she replied, “Um, no I’m kind of tired.” 
“Okay, I’m going to take one really quick,” he told her, leaning in to place a kiss on her cheek before he pushed himself off the bed, leaving the door to the bathroom cracked behind him while the shower turned on. 
The panic settling inside of Nat almost made her sick. She knew this wasn’t a good idea, being so unable to read him throughout the evening, not to mention the fact he’d be leaving for months and likely not even remember her. But somehow the moment that his lips were on hers, she just couldn’t resist, leaving her in the predicament she was in now. She knew she had to figure out what to do and fast, but first she quickly grabbed the nearest piece of clothing which happened to be Chris’ discarded tee shirt and hurried down the hall to use the restroom. 
Nat’s entire body was buzzing as she washed her hands quickly, ultimately deciding that it probably would just be best if she grabbed her stuff and slipped out while he was still in the shower. Nat’s brain reminded her that it wasn’t like he actually wanted her, there was no possible way. She couldn’t even make a relationship with co-workers last, let alone one of the most desirable men out there. She reminded herself that he was leaving. He wasn’t looking for anything with her… well nothing more than what had just happened. She figured he had gotten what he wanted and she just felt as if she couldn’t handle the humiliation of having him reject her the moment he was out of the shower. 
She hurried back to the bedroom where the rest of her clothing was strewn around the room and started gathering it up and shoving it in her bag, cursing quietly when she heard the shower turn off. 
The door to the bathroom swung open the rest of the way, revealing Chris as he ran a towel through his hair, clad in a pair of boxer briefs. “Nat I-” he paused, staring at her as she held her bag. “Oh…were you heading out?” 
She swallowed, shifting her weight on her bare feet as she shrugged. “Well I mean you have that flight tomorrow…”  
He nodded, biting his lower lip as he tossed his towel back into the bathroom. “Do you want to stay, or would you rather go?” He asked, his voice quiet. “I can call you an Uber if you want to go.” 
Nat was silent for a moment, struggling. She wanted to stay, she wanted to stay with him so much it nearly hurt her, but she was also scared of what tomorrow would bring, what it’d mean once he boarded the flight with Scott and Dodger, bound for Massachusetts before the brothers then headed to France. “It’s probably better if I do,” she finally whispered.
She watched the way he nodded, a little downtrodden and upset at her words. “You don’t have to…” he offered one last time. “You’re welcome to stay, but only if you want to… it is kind of late.” 
She moved a hand to fidget with the bracelet on her wrist, sliding it back and forth over her skin as she agreed, “It is, yeah.” 
“So maybe you should just stay?” He asked hopefully as he raised an eyebrow. 
And while she didn’t feel any pressure from him to agree to stay, she’d be lying if she said his reaction hadn’t influenced her. She was worried he was just looking to get one last burst of energy out before he was thrown back into the deep end with work, but the way he offered, time and time again, to help her get back to her own home or to have her stay at his made the deal just that much more sweet to her. “Yeah, maybe I should,” she agreed, unable to help herself from smiling at his reaction. 
He moved to crack the bedroom door in case Dodger wandered in during the night, turning the lights off in the hall outside his room before he came back in, climbing into bed next to her. Nat couldn’t help but chew at her lower lip, feeling so unsure as to what to do with the lack of clarity. She had thought earlier that this was something that had maybe been going somewhere, but then when he had started pulling back from her during the evening and she found out just how long he was going to be gone, Nat had known that this was just him looking to have one more night of pleasure with someone before falling into the grind of work. 
But now she didn’t even know what to think. Was he offering for her to stay just to be nice? So she wouldn’t run to the tabloids or internet with some juicy gossip about how Chris Evans kicked her out while the bed was still warm? Or did he just truly want her to stay? Nothing in her brain seemed to make sense right now and for the first time since they’d become friends, she was starting to remember just who he was and that this could never be the relationship she thought it maybe was turning out to be. 
As Nat laid her head on the pillow, her impossibly wild and untamed curls now a disaster on the white pillowcase, she laid with her back to him as tears stung at her eyes. She knew she shouldn’t have done this. How could she have been so stupid as to let herself get in so deep with him? A lump in her throat appeared when she realized that most likely, come the morning when she left his home, that would be the last interaction she’d ever have with the man who had become such a fixture in her life… who had become her friend. 
But in the middle of her anxious thoughts, she felt a warm hand slide underneath the blankets and come to rest on the curve of her waist, making her body tense before he leaned over to press a kiss to her shoulder covered in his white tee shirt. Her heart was pounding from feeling the heat of his body so close but when his low voice lulled a soft, “Goodnight Nattie,” the sweet sentiment felt more like a knife in her heart, her brain reminding her that it would probably be the last time she ever heard that. 
A/N: *hides* don't kill us! We love them to death but they're both stuck in their own heads right now. We'll be around during the next week, but we will NOT be posting a new chapter between Christmas and New Years. Instead, we'll be back on the 5th with chapter six! We hope you guys have a nice relaxing rest of the year!
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