#casual part 2
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Hank Voight x fem!reader 
Summary: Pregnancy has made you quite nervous, however Hank is there to keep you calm.
Wordcount: 903
Warnings: mentions of sex. Pregnancy. Mention of giving birth (and possible complications).
A/N: I know every pregnancy can look different on people, but the picture fit the aesthetic I wanted. I have not mentioned race, age, other physical descriptions to the reader in this little story, so the header is not what you should expect the reader to look like 😘
Fatherhood looked good on Hank. Even when you were in the early stages of your pregnancy, he made time out of his busy schedule to check up on you and never missed a doctor’s appointment. You feared that losing Justin might’ve brought bad memories to the table, but he continued to tell you this new baby was a blessing and he was gonna love them to death. He got another chance and he really wanted to do it right.
As the months went by, he grew calmer and you became more nervous. There was this thing called birth and though you knew it had to happen in order for you to hold your baby in your arms, your research had shown you a different side of it. Sure, it’s a natural thing, millions if not billions of women had done it before you, but you read about dislocating your pelvis, a total rupture and all these other insanely creepy things, so you were absolute petrified of labor and birth.
So, when the due date drew closer, you found yourself picking up many nervous ticks you thought you had left behind in your youth.
You were unable to sleep the night when you were officially your thirty eighth week of pregnancy and you sit up straight, leaning your back against the backrest of the bed. Just when you want to smile at the sight of Hank so preciously asleep, his eyes flutter open. 
‘You okay?’ he asks, his voice raspier than other times, due to him just waking up. 
‘I’m fine. Please go back to sleep, you have an early morning.’
‘No, no,’ he says, sitting up now too. ‘You’re worrying about something, so tell me what it is. Maybe I can calm your mind.’
When you told Hank you were pregnant, you decided that you would move in with him. There was no denying you were falling in love with him, just like he was head over heels with you. Moving in with him, had felt so normal, like you always lived together. 
‘What do you think?’ 
‘I think it’s birth.’
You nod. ‘Just scared. Just worried. Please, go back to sleep, okay?’
He shakes his head and if Hank Voight decides not to do anything, he will not do it. Instead, he wraps his arm around your shoulders and you lean against his side. ‘Know that I will be close.’
‘What if you’re in the middle of work?’ you ask. ‘Something you can’t get out of.’
‘As of now, I’m glued to my desk,’ he tells you. ‘Come on, with the little one coming soon, I don’t want to risk missing it. You go into labor, you call me and I’ll be by your side from that moment on.’
You sigh. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Why are you sorry?’ he asks.
‘I am demanding a lot of time.’
‘A baby is going to demand a lot of time too,’ he says. ‘Listen, I did this before, okay. Back then, I wasn’t present a lot. I was still trying to make my way up at the Chicago PD. Now, I’m already sergeant. Sure, my work is going to demand me to be away a lot, but… I can be here for you and the little one, okay?’
You nod. ‘Yeah, just… Just pinky promise me you are going to be present at the birth. I need someone to hold my hand as the doctors tell me I have a total rupture or I dislocated my pelvis.’
He chuckles. ‘That will probably not happen.’
‘Just promise me, Hank. It’s not that difficult.’ You gasp. ‘Oh gosh, sorry, didn’t mean to snap.’
‘I promise.’ He pulls you closer and gives you a kiss on top of your head. ‘We’ve got this, angel, okay?’
You nod, for now deciding that believing him would be easier. ‘Okay.’
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Chicago PD taglist: @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar
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parisoonic · 24 days
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pals drinking together (hand practice that got out of control)
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hatosaur · 1 year
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old thing from last year of my nb ellie (essentially the “prototype” of my butch ellie design; literally them when they’d just cut their hair as seen here lol) still very proud of this for how the rendering of the skin came out!
+ og shirtless version! i added the shirt just as a courtesy lmao
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angelkissiies · 1 year
Ellie casual dominance pls 😭🙏
casual dominance with ellie williams
mild content below the cut
╰╮ thank you anon for the request !
she is so bossy with you and sometimes it annoys the shit out of you, but mainly you know how much she wants to protect you. her overbearing need to control situations stems from a yearning to keep you out of harms way. so going out with her (or anyone else) on patrol usually begins with her giving you an exact rundown on what need to happen and when you need to be back- if anything even seems to not go to plan she gets nervous, waiting at the gate for you to get back. 
“fuck, there you are. what happened to the plan? it’s been an hour, are you okay?” she rushed, turning your face in her hands as she looked for any sign of damage. 
you nodded, cupping her hand with your own as you attempted to calm her. “horses got tired halfway through, they needed a rest. im okay, babe.” 
 never let’s you cook for yourself. the girl could be black and blue with three broken ribs and would still actively fight you to make sure you didn’t cook. it was like a love language she developed after living with joel for so long. it was her way of showing you she loved you wordlessly. she wouldn’t even let you serve yourself the food, smacking your fingers gently when you tried. 
“ah!” she huffed, wooden spoon coming down light on your wandering hands as you attempted to get the plates from the cabinet. “sit down, babe. let me do it.”
you always sighed and begrudgingly sat down at the table, watching as she limped around the kitchen determined to continue her duty as ‘chef’ 
 she always demands to sleep closest to the door, saying that she wants to be able to protect you if someone ever breaks in. you tried over and over to tell her that it almost never happens in jackson, but she’s quick to shush you. 
“when was the last time there was a break in here?” you asked, settling in on the far side of the bed as she triple checked that the door was locked. 
“never but who knows? maybe the infected learned how to pick locks?” she responded jokingly, still not letting up. 
 hovers during parties, keeping an arm around you constantly. she won’t let you get an arms length away, making sure you don’t get into trouble as dina keeps feeding you drinks. 
“ah, come back here.” She hummed, pulling you back into her chest as you attempted to wander off after dina. You were properly wasted, having one too during your hours of dancing around between the two girls. 
“but dinaaaaaa-“ you drew out, pointing towards the girl as she pulled jesse onto the floor. 
“not tonight, babe.” 
 doesn’t let anyone, and I mean anyone, raise their voice at you. she doesn’t care how much trouble she gets into, she will not allow anyone to speak to you in a way she knows you don’t deserve. Hell, when you did deserve it- she’d rather die than allow you to take that. 
“You need to know better than that, (y/n)!” 
“Hey! Don’t fucking talk to her like that.” 
“But she-“ 
“Yeah I don’t fucking care.” 
constantly is wearing an extra jacket to give you when it gets cold, she is a firm believer in chivalry. if she even thinks you might be cold, she’s shedding a layer and forcing you into it before you can even argue. 
you trembled slightly as the wind picked up, flinching as you felt Ellie’s hands land on you. “Els, wha-,”
She draped the heavy jacket over your shoulders, moving to stuff your arms into the sleeves before zipping it up. “There! Warm?” 
All you can do is smile at her, shaking off the chill. 
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hyakunana · 1 year
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"So we'll need to think on our feet and act quickly. But that's what you're best at."
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coridallasmultipass · 2 months
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Bros only. You're not invited.
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casdeans-pie · 8 months
Falling (In Love)
Destiel Fanfiction 2,065 words Rated G
Tags: Aftermath Of A Case (we don't see the case, but we see what Situation Dean and Cas have ended up in because of it), Castiel Is A Fallen Angel, Dean Sees Cas's Wings, Near Death Experience, First Kiss.
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures even if those measures are jumping out of the window on the seventieth floor with nothing but hope and mangled fallen angel wings to keep you in the air. Probably not the best time for a kiss... or is it?
------Read on AO3------
In terms of ‘situations where escape seems impossible’ Dean would probably rank this at a solid two. He’s not entirely sure what keeps it from being number one, since there are currently a group of eight witches blocking the only doored exit to the room, and the only other way out would be through the floor-to-ceiling window behind him – seventy stories up from the ground. Dean lost his gun a few floors back, and Cas’s angel blade was stolen by the witches, so they’re also weapon-less. But he figures that while the spell book that he and Cas just stole is still in his hands the witches won’t risk damaging it, so at least they can stall for time while he thinks of some way to get them both out with the book. He’s escaped with impossible odds against him all the time.
It just feels a little more impossible than usual.
Dean glances over at Cas, hoping to see some kind of glint in his eyes that means he’s got a plan. But he’s not looking at Dean. His eyebrows are drawn together in indecision and worry and he’s staring straight ahead with a vacant expression that means he’s deep in his thoughts.
Hope flares in Dean’s chest.
He’s learned enough from Cas’s expressions over the years to know that he’s got something up his sleeve. Something risky, but hell, Dean’s not picky about that right now.
The witches all take a pace forwards as a unit and Cas tugs on Dean’s shirt sleeve to pull him back further towards the window, to keep their distance. Nothing but a desk separates them now.
The huge glass window is pressing cold and solid against their backs in a cruel reminder that freedom is a pane of glass away, but they’d never survive the fall.
“Just give us the book Winchester,” one of the witches snaps.
“Give us the book and we’ll let you both live,” another adds in a low, persuasive tone.
“Like hell you will,” Dean retorts with a snort, “you think I’m gonna trust a single damn thing that comes out of a witch’s mouth?”
A witch taller than the others takes another step closer to them both, her chin held high, and she examines her long, blood red nails as if bored by the whole situation. “Boys, boys, boys,” she says, with a shake of her head, “I grow tired of this. You’ve stolen my book, and I want it back. There is clearly nowhere for you to go, so I suggest that you hand it over, or I will regretfully have to kill you both and hope that my book survives.”
“This book contains angelic spells, and it belonged to the angels before it belonged to you. You’re the ones who stole it in the first place. You have no more claim to it than we do,” Cas says suddenly, his voice firm and full of defiance.
“Yeah, except Cas is an angel, so really, yknow, if it belongs to anyone it belongs to him,” Dean adds, tapping the front cover of the old book with his knuckles and scoping out the room again while he stalls for time, hoping to find any way out of this. Preferably without him and Cas becoming spell-practice for witches or bloody smears on the sidewalk below them.
The bold witch at the front laughs in a throaty cackle.
Dean smiles. “Wow, nice laugh you got there, Wicked Witch of the West, you about to tell me you’re gonna get me and my little dog too?”
“Mm, you are pretty I’ll give you that. But no, I’m just amused that you can call that an angel. I’ve been using those spells a long time, so I can see something of this… abomination’s true form, and trust me, Winchester, if you could see what I see you wouldn’t call it an angel.”
------Read the rest on AO3------
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zingaplanet · 9 months
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Well, you know, it's just the casual-totally not trying to hide we're actually besties behind the camera-kinda thing
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Maj. Kaidan Alenko, Lt. James Vega, and Dr. Liara T'Soni Sophie, I don't know what you are- or who. Not since Cerberus rebuilt you. For all I know, you could be their puppet- controlled by The Illusive Man himself. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Every time I have a day at the neuro clinic I have sooo many stories for u guys like I really had to go out of my way today not to spam the dash w how this one visit went. So much tea
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thefigureresource · 10 months
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Shinji Ikari : Radio Eva Part 2 [Neon Genesis Evangelion] 1/7 scale from Hobby Max coming May 2024.
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softbeebee · 1 year
If I see one more person calling Dina a one-note character or whatever, I am willing to fight someone. It's almost like you didn't pay attention to the scenes where she talked about her sister, family, and her religion/her families religion amongst lots of dialogue/character arc which shows us and tells us a lot about her.
Dina could have had more development, but we see a lot of Dina + begin to know her a lot more in the game throughout and comparing her to Mel and Owen of all people is insulting. She is such a great character, and you always love to compare the queer/non-white/etc characters to the white/cis/straight/etc ones all the time.
The fandom can do better, and I respect people's opinions until it comes to clear microaggresions being held against certain characters. Anyways, Dina, all the way!
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lifemod17 · 8 days
Joy Morales appreciation moment!!!
The talent, the beauty, the vibe, the everything!!!
Source: Joy's Instagram
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effable-as-f · 11 months
I've been trying to figure out the best way to word this and I think I have so bear with me
Aziraphale loves Crowley. That's plain as day, he loves seeing Crowley happy, he loves receiving affection from Crowley. But I don't think he particularly likes making sacrifices or pushing himself out of his comfort zone, when Crowley has shown time and time again that he's willing to do the same for him.
I hope I'm not alone in thinking that this season has been showing us all the ways that Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is sort of... inequal--Aziraphale doesn't respect Crowley's wishes about making changes to the Bentley and only stops once Crowley threatens to treat his belongings the same way, he's dismissive of his concerns about Gabriel, he's too distracted with his ball to listen to Crowley's warning about the actual small army of demons outside their door--all the while Crowley's TOP priority has been Aziraphale and making sure that he won't be harmed, by Gabriel, Heaven, or otherwise.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, because it makes perfect sense for his character, but I think that Aziraphale has always been portrayed as kind of selfish and hypocritical, and I think that's on purpose and it's something that he needs to work through before he'd ever be ready to take his relationship with Crowley to another level. I think he's started to take for granted that Crowley will always be there for him, and that what makes him happy will always make Crowley happy, when that's not the case. He said it himself: Crowley goes too fast for him. Despite all the progress he's made, he's still stuck in his desire to go back to a fantasy of "the good old days" that never existed.
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thecustomcosplayed · 10 months
btw heartbreak high is gonna become half my personality for like a week i am hyperfixtating and i am hyperfixtating HARD.
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mediocrefruitlover · 10 months
I don't know why I think I'm normal about ofmd and love it a reasonable amount. no. like the sight of Edward teach makes me go weird. and I've not been able to watch the season 2 teaser because I couldn't handle it
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