#cat daddy Frederick
bluebyrd-screaming · 10 months
I find it fascinating that Venra gave almost everyone a choice in their death, even if they were all doomed from the beginning
She told Perry that it's all better in the moment just before you get everything you want and that he doesn't have to pull the sprinklers. He still makes the choice to turn them on
She told Camille that she doesn't have to go back there, she literally says that she could have killed her in her sleep. She still goes to collect evidence that no one will ever see
She tries to get Leo to buy a different cat, she shows him all of the other options that are suffering and need a home while the black cat already had offers and wasnt for sale to him. He still chose to buy the black cat
She keeps telling Vic that she's worried about the human trials, can she please get confirmation from Ruiz that this experiment is safe, are you sure you want to go through with this. She still chooses to use the mechanical heartbeat
She just keeps telling Tamerlane to get some rest, even after Tammy keeps falling asleep in the middle of conversations and cannot function. She still chooses to go through with Goldbug and attack the voices telling her to rest
She asked Roderick and Madeline if they were sure, from the very beginning asked what they were willing to give up for all of the fame that they could ever want, she gave them the ultimate choice as to their fate. They chose fame and fortune for a short life over a long one with less certainty of money
But she didn't give a choice to everyone
While all of the other children got a choice in how they died, Fredrick didn't. But that's because he had already made his choice. He chose over and over again to be vindictive and hateful, to be drunk on power. He was willing to let his wife suffer just to see what was in her phone and when that didn't work he decided to slowly poison her and finally when he ripped out her teeth, then Venra said "enough". He made his own bed without any input from Venra because she wasn't the one asking him if he was sure, it was Lenore. Lenore asked at every turn if her mom was safe, if she was seeing specialists, if they could go to a fancy facility that could keep her safe. Lenore just wants her mom to be okay, and Frederick decides to rip out Morrie's teeth in anger. So yeah, he made his fucking choice
Lenore didn't. She was the only Usher that was never given a warning about not tempting fate, and that's because she was the only Usher who cared about someone other than their own bottom line. Lenore was sweet, and kind, and wanted to make a difference, so Venra didn't need to ask her if she really wanted to tempt fate. No, she needed to make her comfortable with the inevitability of her end. That her kindness wasn't for nothing. That she didn't go out in a blaze of self destruction like the others. Because Lenore didn't tempt fate, she didn't throw around daddy's money to get everything she could have ever wanted, damn the consequences. No, she died because of a choice that someone else made for her before she was a thought un anyone's mind. She died because someone else didn't care about the consequences of their actions as long as they could be rich and famous in the here and now
Lenore didn't get a choice because neither did any of the victims of the Usher family's rule
They just died as after thoughts, collateral on the way to ultimate power
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enterrandomname · 8 months
Frederick Chilton + Child!Reader
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Warning: Might be OOC, I dunno
Word Count: 411 words
“Dad, wake up!”
A slap on the face immediately woke Frederick up. He gasped for air as he sat up, turning his head to look at the child that waited impatiently next to his bed.
“Santa came to the house and left gifts!” you exclaimed, jumping up and down as you pointed at the opened door. Chilton sighed but nodded. “Yes, yes, can’t you just give me 5 more minutes of rest, sweetie?” He mumbled, grabbing his pillow and shoving it in his face.
“But, dad!” you whined. “I want to open my presents!” You looked down at the ground, trying to come up with an idea to get your father out of bed. Frederick kept his eyes open as he waited for whatever was going to happen.
Sighing once again, he placed the pillow on the side and got out of bed, putting his slippers on. You smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him to the living room. “Calm down; the presents aren’t going anywhere.” He said that, giving you a pat on the head with his free hand.
“Fine!” You huffed, letting go of his hand before crossing your arms. Chilton shook his head, massaging the bridge of his nose. “Do you want pancakes for breakfast?”
A smile formed on his face as he heard your response. He never once found himself having a child, but it seemed that changed when he found you all by yourself near his house. He felt some sort of connection with you.
“Dad?” Your voice tore him away from his thoughts. “Yes?” He responded, looking down at you. “Can we get a cat?”
. . .
“Perhaps when you’re old enough, we can get one.” God knows what he is getting himself into in the future.
Placing a plate of pancakes in front of you, he watched as you ate your pancakes happily. “Remember to eat slowly; I don’t want you to choke.” He reminded you. “I know! I know, dad!”
“Why do you always act like I haven’t fed you in months? Is this some sort of medical condition that needs to be checked?”
“Dad, is it okay if I go to Hannibal’s house next week? He is going to teach me how to cook.” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you. “Aren’t you a bit young to be cooking?” He asked. “Yeah, but Hannibal said it’s never too young to start!” You exclaimed.
“Should I be concerned?”
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ladybite · 2 years
🦇//: children of Mr , and Mrs. Dupliessis.
bunny dupliessis: the fortunate birthing of bunny dupliessis happened during late winter. She was a little sized baby with big beautiful blue eyes. one that immediately reminded her mother of rabbits thus conning the name " bunny ". however she was raised as a tiny aristocrat in a house full of vampires. she herself being a toddler was often curious about the way life worked, and she would always fully explore her surroundings. she would chase after dogs, and cats and squeal when she touched them. her excitement clearly brought on by her up-keeping. she would use her vampire powers to mess with others however a bit too much. causing her brother to see things, and creating delusions for her nannies. she tended to rely heavily on these traits as she was accustomed to being spoiled. being the first daughter of the dupliessis family she was a bit on the naughty side. often spoiling her dollies in lavish outfits. she loved to play with her dolls, and even named her favorite Sarah Beth. a small brunette doll in a white gown with big glassy brown eyes. she enjoyed finding her way throughout the estate, and hiding in closets when her nannies needed to find her. usually this happened during bath-times. she would misbehave to anyone that wasn't her father figure. even her mother had to raise her voice, but never when it came to Frederick. she was a daddies girl through and through. she lived next to her brother william with the idea that she would always be the mother of him. raising him like her dolly Sarah Beth.
william dupliessis: the second child of Mr and Mrs Dupliessis was born during the early years of autumn. during a full moon. he came out crying and crying and was rather big for his size. during her pregnancy she had almost passed away giving birth to him as he had ripped open her womb on the way out. a werewolf child that acted like a lost little animal. he was always more quiet than others and would often sneak up on people unheard. he was a werewolf and expressed this by transforming into one when he least wanted to. if his emotions were running too high he'd change forms. it was never easy for him, and he often cried shortly after. his relationship with his parents were lukewarm at best. they could never break open his shell. he seemed always presently distant and to himself. barely speaking much besides when he needed something. he was shy and surrounded by nannies, however he had a favorite by the name of Mary Ann. An older nanny who spoke to him in sign language, eventually teaching the mute boy to speak through signing.
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
Adoption Day
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 2089
For: Covers the Animal Shelter square for @adarafaelbarba 's fall moodboard bingo
TW: very brief mention of past childhood abuse and animal abandonment, but other than that, it's mostly fluff
Dedication: This is for the world's best cat mom, @madamsnape921 ,because it's her birthday! Go send her some birthday love today!
Author's Note: Jumping back a little in the Cat Daddy Frederick timeline to cover Buttercup's adoption story. Per my previously established continuity, this would take place in January, right after New Year's, and prior to "Not According to Plan"
Tags: @itsjustmyfantasyroom @prurientpuddlejumper @thatesqcrush @welcometothemxdhouse @raulesparza4eva @teamsladsandgents @rosequcrtz
The winter wind howled outside the window and snow drifted across the windowpanes, but inside Frederick Chilton’s ornate home you were safe and warm. No, our home, I live here now, you thought to yourself. You were still getting used to thinking of it as your home, too. You were unpacking the last of the boxes from your recent move. A fire was roaring in the living room fireplace, giving the room a cozy, comforting glow. You inhaled the aroma of the hearty vegetable stew that was cooking in the crockpot in the kitchen, and your stomach growled. You were going to need to take a dinner break soon, and as if he was reading your mind, Frederick entered the room and came over to where you were placing your books on the expansive built-in shelves.
“How goes it with the books? Do you need more shelf space? I can always move somethings into my office if you need more.”
“Thank you, Frederick, but don’t worry; I think I have more than enough. I am, however, getting rather hungry. I think it’s time we ate dinner, don’t you?
“I couldn’t agree more, my love, shall I set the table?” he asked, taking your hand, and helping you to your feet.
“Thank you, Frederick, that would be lovely.”
“This stew is fantastic, my love! We’ll most certainly have to use this recipe again.”
When you didn’t respond right away, Frederick started to worry and reached for your hand. “Darling?”
“Oh! Sorry! I zoned out for a moment, must be more tired than I thought; Thank you, Frederick, I have a whole slew of crock pot recipes that are perfect for cold winter days.”
“Y/N, are you alright? Have I done something wrong? Is it the house? Is there something you’re not happy with?”
“What? Oh, Frederick, no!” You squeezed his reassuringly. “You haven’t done anything wrong, my love, and the house is perfectly fine. It’s just…” you paused, not sure how to broach your thoughts.
“What is it? Whatever you need, I’ll make sure you have it! Cost is no object!”
You took a breath and tried to collect your thoughts. You loved cats, but your previous apartment had not allowed pets. You had promised yourself that when you eventually moved you would be a cat mom again. It had been far too long. But it was something that you and Frederick hadn’t discussed yet, and you had no idea what his feelings were on the subject.
“What did you think about getting a cat?” You blurted out, bracing yourself for what you were sure was going to be an argument.
It was now Frederick’s turn to go silent, taken aback by your unexpected query. He mulled it over in his head before answering.
“Honestly, my love, I’ve never thought about it before. I never had a pet of any kind growing up. My parents did not allow animals in the house.”
“Oh, Frederick, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” In theory, you knew you probably should have guessed that. You knew that Frederick’s father had been a hard, cruel man, and had been abusive toward Frederick and his mother. Frederick’s mother had been so worn down by it that she eventually shutdown, mentally and emotionally, and neglected to protect her son when he needed it the most. Of course, they hadn’t allowed pets, they hadn’t even allowed their son to have a normal childhood, or an ounce of happiness.
“My darling, you have nothing to apologize for,” said Frederick, placing soft kisses on the back of your hand. “If it’s a cat you want, then a cat you shall have. I’ll do some research after we finish here. Cats need supplies, right? Food, litter, toys, those fancy cat trees, cute little sweaters?”
After dinner you and Frederick sat side-by-side on the couch with your laptops, him researching what kind of supplies you going to need to buy, and you were looking at your local SPCA’s website.
“Good god, I had no idea how many different types of cat litter there were!”
“Oh, Frederick, if you think that’s bad, wait until you see how competitive the cat food market is. Hmm…that’s interesting…”
“What is it?” asked Frederick, looking over at your laptop.
“This listing here,” you said, pointing at a blank gray box. “There should be a picture here, like there is for the other listings, but it’s blank. It says it’s supposed to be a 2-month-old black female…. hang on; I have an idea.”
You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and scrolled through your contacts until you found the name you were looking for. You hit “Call” and waited.
“Hello?” A voice finally picked up on the other end.
“Joanne! Hi! It’s Y/N. How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you? It’s been ages since the last time we hung out.”
“I’m good, and you’re right; it has been too long. Is this a good time to talk?”
“Sure! What’s up?”
“Do you still work for the county SPCA?”
“Oh, you bet I do! Oh my god, are you finally in the market to adopt?”
“Yes, I am, and I have a question about one of the cat listings on the website. The one that’s missing a picture?”
“Yes, I just noticed that a few hours ago. Our website person put that up prematurely. The kitten was just spayed, and normally we wait until the animal has had adequate recovery time before we add them to the site, but accidents happen. Last I checked, the little one is recovering nicely and should be ready to interact a couple days. She’s the sweetest thing. Someone dumped her in a cardboard box at our front door. She had a leg injury, but that’s also healing up. She loves to play, loves to cuddle, and I’ll think she’ll thrive in a good home. Would you like to make an appointment to see her?”
“Yes, I would! What time slots do you have available?”
A few days later, you and Frederick walked arm in arm into the county SPCA. Frederick had rush-ordered all the supplies you thought you’d need and then some. You both excited and nervous. You’d already taken a huge step by moving in together, and now you were adopting a pet. You looked over at Frederick and noticed the uncertainty in his eyes. He also seemed leaning on his cane for support. He always seemed to do that when he was unsure about something. You gave his arm a gentle squeeze and kissed his cheek.
“It’s going to be okay, Frederick, you’re to be a wonderful cat dad. I believe in you.”
Frederick blushed and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
“Thank you, my love, I appreciate your faith in me, even though I’m still not sure what’s done to deserve it, or you.”
Before you could respond to that, Joanne came out her office and rushed toward you.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you, too, Joanne.” You enveloped her in a big hug and then motioned to Frederick. “Joanne, this is Dr. Frederick Chilton, my Frederick.”
Frederick gave you the most loving of looks, and nearly melted into a puddle at your feet at sound of you referring to him as “your Frederick.”
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Chilton,” said Joanne, extending her hand.
“And you,” he replied, shaking hands.
“Well, I suppose you want to meet the little one; right this way!”
You and Frederick followed Joanne to cat section of the shelter. You walked past several cats, each one trying to get your attention from their enclosures. If you had your way, you’d take them all home, but you didn’t think Frederick was quite ready for that yet; but maybe one day…
“Here she is, “announced Joanne, stopping in front of one of the enclosures. A tiny black, fluffy kitten was inside, and her eyes lit up when she saw you. She was immediately on her feet, and you noticed she still had a slight limp in her injured leg, but she was full of energy and mewing incessantly. Joanne opened the door and carefully lifted her out. You reached out to take her, but the impatient kitten leapt out of Joanne’s hands and into your waiting arms.
“Oh! Hello! Hi baby, hi sweetheart,” you cooed.
“Mew, mew, mew!”
You looked into her eyes, and it was love at first sight. You did your best to hold onto her, shifting and adjusting your arms to accommodate her constant movement and attempts to climb up your shoulder. You gave her a little scratch between her ears and kissed her head. She was perfect.
“Mew! Mew!”
“Yes, baby, it’s okay, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Frederick stood there watching you with the kitten, completely dumbstruck. Just when he thought he couldn’t fall anymore in love with you, you had to go and surprise him. You were a natural cat mom, cradling the tiny ball of fluff and talking to her like she was a human. He saw the kitten rub her nose against your chin and looked like she was giving you kisses. He also saw the look of pure love and joy on your face, and he lived for that, wanted to see that every day. He didn’t know anything about raising a cat, but for you, he would try.
Joanne led you to a visitor’s room so that you and Frederick could spend some quality time getting to know the kitten. Frederick removed his coat and offered to take the kitten so that you could take off yours. You demonstrated how to hold the kitten and then handed her to Frederick. He held her close to chest and sat down.
“Mew?” the kitten looked up at him, confused as to who this new person was.
“It’s alright, little one, I’ve got you,” he tried to reassure her. A lock of his normally perfectly quaffed hair suddenly flopped in his face, and the kitten’s eyes grew wide.
“Mew?” she raised a paw and tentatively batted at Frederick’s hair. “Mew…”
“Oh, that’s adorable,” you said, plopping down next to them on a bean bag chair. You saw the smile on his face and nudged him with your elbow. “See? She likes you. And I think she wants to play.” You looked around the room and saw the toy boxes, filled with various dog and cat toys, but then something else caught your eye. “Frederick?”
“Yes, my love?”
“Hand her back to me and take off your scarf, please.”
He did as he was told. You carefully placed the kitten on the carpet and proceeded to dangle the scarf in front if her. Her eyes went wide again, and then she crouched, wiggled her backside, and pounced. Her little paws batted at the scarf, then she would roll around kick at it with her hind legs.
“It certainly looks like she’s enjoying herself,” Frederick chuckled. “So, what are we going to call her?”
“I was thinking ‘Buttercup”,” you said matter-of-factly.
“I am not the least bit surprised,” he replied, immediately picking up on your reference. He looked at the kitten. “Well, what do you think about that little one?”
“Your name,” you told her, “Buttercup, do you like it?”
“Mew, mew.” She forgot about the scarf and crawled into your lap, kneading you with her paws.
“I think she likes it.” You threw Frederick a smile.
“Yes, I quite think she does. I have an idea, how about a story? Would you like that Buttercup?”
“Mew.” She replied with a yawn,
“Darling, if you check your bag, I believe you’ll find a book there.”
You checked your purse, and sure enough, in the largest section was a children’s book, one that you instantly recognized from your own childhood.
“If You Give A Mouse A Cookie?”
“It came highly recommended by the lady at the bookstore.”
“It’s perfect, Frederick.” You handed him the book and leaned your head against his knee. As he began to read, Buttercup curled up in your lap and shut her eyes, she was soon fast asleep, purring away. When he finished reading, Frederick caressed your cheek with hand to get your attention.
“So, shall we go find Joanne and make it official?”
“Yes,” you replied, gazing down at Buttercup, “If we don’t take her home today, I think I’ll cry.”
“Then let’s go fill out the paperwork and bring her home.”
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madamsnape921 · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Andrea!
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x reader
Warning: possibly a lethal amount of fluff
WC: 371
This is for @alwaysachorusgirl​’s birthday!
Tags: @beccabarba​ @law-nerd105​​  @prurientpuddlejumper​​  @welcometothemxdhouse​ @thatesqcrush​​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​​ @lv7867​​ @word-scribbless​​ @teamsladsandgents​​ @storiesofsvu​​
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“Shhh,” you whispered to the bundle in your arms. “We’re home now. We’ll get you all setup with the others before your daddy gets home and he probably won’t even…”
“Notice you are here,” Frederick finished for you. He was standing near the kitchen with his arms crossed.
“FREDERICK! Why are you home? I thought you were at work,” you said as you tried to catch your breath from being startled. 
“I am apparently here just in time to see that we have,” Frederick came over and peaked inside the blanket, “a fourth child.”
You sheepishly pouted, “I know I should have talked to you first but it is my birthday and she was all alone in need of a home. Our house is so big, I thought we could share it with her?”
“Darling, you do realize we cannot actually take in every cat you see?” Frederick asked while trying not to smile.
“But look at her! She’s sooooo cute!” you exclaimed while holding her out for your husband to take.
“I can see that. Does she have a name?”
“No. How about you name her?” you suggested.
“You know I cannot say no to you on your birthday,” Frederick replied with an eye roll. “How about Hestia?”
“That’s perfect. I love you!” you said with a smile before kissing him on the check.
“Good. Otherwise, I’d have to take back the gift I got you.” he said smugly.
“You got me a present?”
“Of course, I did, silly girl. It is on the table,” Frederick nodded towards the box with a big purple bow.
You rushed over to open it not noticing the holes on the other side of the box in your excitement. You untied the bow and lifted up the lid. What you saw inside made you throw your head back in laughter.
“Aww, Frederick! It’s perfect,” you reached inside to gently pick up the sleeping kitten. It opened its eyes long enough to look at you, blink, and went right back to sleep.
“What will we be calling him, my dear?” Frederick finally smiled.
You stared at the kitten for a moment. As you stroked his soft black fur, you answered with a mischievous grin, “Loki.”
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lilbabychilton · 4 years
Frederick Chilton Masterlist
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* signifies NSFW content
Frederick Chilton x Reader-
All That We See or Seem
All That We See or Seem (Part 2)
All That We See or Seem (Part 3)
All That We See or Seem (Part 4)
Chilton comforts reader who’s insecure about their body*
Reader Birthday Surprise  
Watching Porn w/ Chilton*
Chilton wearing your panties*
“Can you come and get me please?”- Chilton x Reader
“I could just use a hug.”- Chilton x Reader
“You’re burning up.”- Chilton x Reader
“I really love holding you, darling.”- Chilton x Reader
 “I can’t just sit at home with the cat.”- Chilton x Reader
Calling Chilton Daddy*
First Time with Chilton*
Morning sex with Chilton*
Fluffy & Sexy HC w/ Chilton
NSFW HC w. Chilton*
Sex w/ Chilton after he’s shot*
First date w/ Chilton
Gala w/ Chilton*    
First big fight w/ Chilton*
Seeing Chilton’s scars for the first time
Angry sex w/ Chilton*
Chilton’s reaction to you leaving after a fight
Chilton’s favorite things about sex*
Moving in with Chilton  
Catching Chilton Masturbating*
Finding Chilton’s porn*  
Chilton’s insecurity about you using him
You and Chilton’s daughter walks in when you’re having sex  *
NSFW Chilton HC*
Chilton’s size &more*
Chilton’s favorite position &more*
Chilton’s Dirty Secrets &more*
Telling Chilton how beautiful he is
Frederick Chilton’s Childhood
Threesome with Chilton & Barba*  
Barba x Chilton*
Barba x Chilton x Reader*
Alternate Universe-
AU’s can be found by searching for them on my page
Threesome!AU-  Takes place in a universe where Barba never pulled the plug on a baby,  and Chilton was never burnt to a crisp. Rafael teaches at a college in  Baltimore, and Frederick is a best selling author. The reader is a   student at the college and in a poly relationship with them both.
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wraithwen · 4 years
did you say hcs??? am i allowed to ask 😳😳
i’m glad to share so yeah! sorry i’m late i’ve been on a plane and shit
loves art. music, theatre, poetry etc
though musicals > opera and ballet. he would go to seem more sophisticated but hey why not just have fun
favourite poets: lorca, whitman, beatniks (you know. the gay ones.)
cuban & speaks spanish fluently
i'm not settled on his childhood home situation but i'm leaning somewhat close to neil perry in dead poets society. controlling abusive father wants him to become a doctor, meek mother, was probably sent to an all boys catholic boarding school, expectations set too high
always resented his father but still wanted to make him proud. or prove him wrong. daddy issues baby
never had close friends. probably had a period when he thought that nobody wants to talk to him because he's too smart for them. probably bullied
but still really wanted attention. thus maybe was the class clown at some point
theatre kid energy. his family was against it (still on my neil perry bs)
he should retire for his own mental and physical health and become either a fiction writer (i mean his books were half fiction already) or a stand-up comedian (this much trauma inevitably makes you hilarious)
cat person
surprisingly good at cooking because that's what living alone for most of your life does to a mf
this is canon but like. really good taste in visual things (clothes interior design etc)
also canon but cares so so much about maintaining his carefully crafted persona
you can count his relationships on one hand. he's too guarded for that
one of them was a girl in high school with whom they formed a mutual lavender agreement to go to prom together and shit but she didn't even like him as a friend
then there were some people in college when he felt more free and experimental but he ran away every time because they just weren't the one and he's not gonna risk it all for some loser
also i think it would be hilarious if will and h*nnibal while hiding in cuba just randomly met frederick on some beach while he was visiting family
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yupitsfinnhudson · 4 years
Daddy Squared
Who: Alexis St. James and Finn Hudson - @alexis-st-james ft Freddie and Brando St James
When: 23rd of December 2020
Where: The St James house in Sunny California
What: Finn meets Alexis’ Dads and sees her room.
Warnings: None? The St James Dads being obnoxious
Finn was looking a little bit pale in the back seat of the car worrying about meeting Alexis’ Dads. He knew they weren’t together but he still really wanted to make a good impression on them, and to make sure that Alexis had a good time if possible. He knew that she didn’t really like visiting her family, so he gave her his best smile. “Ready Miss?” He asked. “I think all the gifts will just about fit through the door.” It wasn't something she would have normally done, but Alexis knew her dads well enough that the 'joke' about dragging her for some canapes on Christmas wasn't really them teasing at all, and sometimes it was easier to just accept than to argue about it and cause more issues. But she still felt sick, the only comfort she had was Finn next to her. They finally pulled up to the house, and she let out a small smile. "As I'll ever be. They're magpies, hopefully the shiny stuff will keep them distracted from personal questions." She said, getting out and grabbing a couple of bags. Staying here for a couple of nights, from the 23rd to Christmas Eve, meant they had their overnight bags, as well as gifts for her fathers of both her and Felix, as well as things for the staff, cats, dogs and anything else currently living in the home. She knew Finn would insist to the driver to carry the load, which he really shouldn't, but she didn't concern herself with that just yet, just pushing open the large front door and letting herself into the modern architecture nightmare of her childhood home, the entrance hall covered in various greeting cards from friends and neighbours of her dads. "Just dump things there, the housekeeper will sort it out," She instructed to Finn where her own bags lay. "You still have time to run, you know." Finn nodded at her words. “It’s okay, you don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to.” The boy responded, reaching out to squeeze her hand and give her a smile. “I’ll be there the whole time I promise!” He told her, and then blushed because obviously she knew that. It wasn’t like he was going to drop her off at her Dads and then leave. He hid his embarrassment as he got out of the car by grabbing the majority of their bags out of the car. The house itself was extremely impressive, and he couldn’t help but be a bit wide eyed as he made his way up the drive. “Oh.. wow.” He said quietly mostly to himself. He nodded a little when she said that he could dump the bag. “Are you sure.. you don’t want me to take them up the stairs?” He asked gazing guilty at their things. “I don’t want to run Miss.. I want to meet your family.” Alexis nodded as enthusiastically as she could, though Finn was really underestimating her dads and their interrogation techniques. She watched with interest as Finn entered the house for the first time, knowing he was trying to keep his cool about the way it looked, but was excited to be here. She resisted rolling her eyes at his offer. "Finn, that's their job," She said, cringing at how suddenly elitist she sounded, "We have staff to do that for us, we pay them for that. You're a guest, your job is to relax." She then added, hoping that sounded a little better, knowing it probably done. His sincerity in wanting to meet her family almost made her want to jump him right there and then, but instead she just smiled. "Well, brace yourself," She teased, "They're probably out at the pool, but I'll give you a quick tour until we get to them. This is, uh, the entrance hall. And I'm sure they buy a majority of these cards and write them out themselves to look popular," She added as a joke, "but like it's where we put our coats and bags and shoes and the staff neatly put them away. Would you like to see the kitchen, we can get ourselves a drink?" Finn blushed bright red when she told that it was the people’s job. “Sorry.” He said sheepishly. “I just wanted to be helpful.” He explained not wanting to seem like a total dunce, quickly trying to get away from the bags like they had a bad smell about them. He went to hold her hand and then stopped himself because he wasn’t sure. “Oh I’d really like a tour! I’m looking forward to seeing everything!” Finn told her, gazing around at the house his eyes going very wide at the sight of all the cards. “Who are they all from?” He asked inspecting the cards with excitement. He took off his shoes immediately when she mentioned that this was where they put their shoes. Thinking of Caroles new carpets and how important it was that they stay nice. “I would really like to see the kitchen.. Do you have one of those fridges that gives you ice cubes?” Finn asked. "I know," Alexis said softly, though the feeling of taking him against the glass and marble walls hadn't faded quickly. "A tour you shall get." She promised instead. "Uh, just our neighbours, friends and stuff. Will Ferrell," She said, picking up a card with a frown on her face, "Terrible taste," She put it back before picking up a few more. "Reese Witherspoon and family, Kris Kardashian...oh, Bruce Willis sent this one." She said, waving it in front of Finn for a second, momentarily forgetting about his interest in the actor. She smirked at him removing his shoes, her own heeled boots staying firmly on her feet, "Yes, we have one of those ice cubes. Stay being good for me, and I might let you push the button all by yourself." She teased, leading him through the open plan area. Sometimes he couldn’t tell if she knew that it wasn’t normal to just like have a Christmas card from a random A Lister in your house. Once his family had gotten a card from the local radio station after he’d entered a contest and they’d be so over excited that they’d all taken a picture with it. When she waved the Bruce Willis card, Finns eyes went very wide again and he started to shuffle over to the thing as if it were some kind of precious jewel. “The real Bruce Willis?” He asked, inspecting the signature on the inside of the card. “Like Die Hard.. and Looper Bruce Willis?” Finn nodded excitedly at the idea of getting to do his own ice cubes. “I’ll be very good Miss Alexis... does it have more than one setting?” He asked, following after her like an eager puppy. She laughed at his wide-eyed enthusiasm. "Do you know of any other Bruce Willis'?" She asked rhetorically. It was strange, being back home....well, her childhood house. It was weird to even think that this open plan space with glass, marble and harsh corners was somewhere to raise your kids. Maybe it was partly the reason her, Felix and Jesse never had much of a childhood. "I think so? Definitely a crushed ice setting, but I don't know about anything else." Alexis paused as they entered the kitchen, hearing eager footsteps come in from the patio.
"Lex!" Freddie announced, charming Hollywood smile on his face, water glistening of his bare chest, tight swim trunks being the only thing to cover his modesty. "We are so glad you came!"
"Lexi!" Brando had come jogging in then, still a handsome man despite the years of the rich and famous party lifestyle. "Look at you! More and more gorgeous everyday, don't even need to go under the knife like that wretch of a mother of yours!" He and Freddie laughed, Alexis stood there with a tight smile on her face. "Is it true Felix is in the Swiss Alps this year....stuck in with the Motta heir too?"
"It'll be really good if they end up together," Freddie agreed, reaching for a bottle of water, "I think it'll wipe whatever evil smirk is off your mom's face as well...oh." He paused, as if noticing Finn for the first time, and Alexis fought every instinct to grab his hand and run upstairs with him. "This must be your guest."
"Yes," Alexis finally said, "Frederick, Brennan," She said, addressing them with their full, real names, "This is Finn Hudson. A friend of mine, he'll be spending this evening with us." Finn was still thinking very deeply about the ice when the two men appeared, they were like something out a movie. Like Alexis he almost didn’t believe that they existed in the real world. They screamed the Hollywood movies that he had loved so much as a kid, and the red carpets that Odette poured over and he felt shyer than ever. Knowing from years of experience on both he and Sawyers part that he could hardly hide himself he simply moved behind Alexis a little. Afraid that anything that he said would make him sound as small town and unremarkable as he felt in this grand house standing next to all these beautiful people. He could imagine Fauna here with her cheerleader smile and long extensions, or Sawyer who always had something intelligent to say. But he.. he didn’t feel like he belonged at all.  He didn’t know what a regular Alp was, let alone what made them Swiss.
He felt their eyes turn to him and he flushed trying not to swallow. “Hi Sir... Sir.” He said dryly. “You have a really nice house.. thank you for letting me come over.” His words came out thickly and he flushed an even deeper shade of red. All Alexis wanted to do was shield Finn away, take him upstairs and just vibe and do nothing. Instead, she just watched carefully as her dads drank Finn in, and she made herself stand just slightly taller, as if to hide him. Freddie grinned at Finn's introduction. "Of course, a friend of Lex's is a friend of ours." He said, "Are you two planning on joining us in the pool?"
"It really is a wonderful day for a dip," Brando agreed, "You both look so hot and flustered, you especially, Mr. Hudson." He pointed directly to Finn as he leaned on the counter.
"We've literally just got here," Alexis said, "can we have a moment to fucking breathe, maybe?" It was possibly the most LA she sounded in front of Finn, her nasty streak she had been trying to hide leaping out the moment she laid eyes on her dad. "We're going to have a drink and I'm giving him a tour." She then added, with a careful smile.
"Lex has always had quite the temper," Freddie said with a laugh to Finn, "if you're in luck, either me or Brando will piss her off so much we end up plunged in the pool!" He observed Alexis, who clearly bristled under his gaze. "So much like her mother, sometimes. And Felix is like me, of course." He added, glancing at Brando for confirmation, who nodded whole-heartedly. "And Jess...Jesse...the pool boy?"
"Definitely the pool boy," Brando agreed, "Very cocky. So, Lex, shall we get our mixologist to make some signature St. James Cocktails. Finn, you drink right? You're a drinker?" He asked, as if implying he knew something about the Hudson family. Finn was surprised by the immediate invitation to join them in the pool, he hoped that it meant that he’d made a good impression by the way that he was standing alone. Blinking a little bit when they said they looked hot and bothered, hoping that wasn’t like Hollywood code for calling him smelly and trying to subtly sniff himself to see if he needed to sneak off to put some spray on. “We don’t have our swimming costumes on right now.” He explained as if trying to make them understand why Alexis wouldn’t want to go in the pool. His eyebrows shot up at a little when they mentioned that Alexis might push them in, and then laughed because he assumed it must be a joke. The conversation moved fast and suddenly they were talking about Alexis mother again, who he knew was kind of mean. So he didn’t really think they should be making comparisons. “I mean yeah.. I drink.. not like.. a lot. Just for fun.” He flushed uncomfortably, unsure if Brando was getting at something. “And never like if I’m taking care of Miss Alexis... just for fun.” He confirmed again. Alexis tried not to let her face soften at Finn's excuse to the decline the swimming invitation, too guarded around her fathers to show the version of her she was working on for Finn. Instead she just scoffed instead at her dads suggestions, hoping Finn knew she was somewhat just putting on a show. Doing what was best done in the Hollywood Hils - pretending. Acting. "We'll go in the pool in our own time." She answered curtly, "But sure, cocktails sound good. Surprise us." It came out more like an order than she intended to, but anything to play the part of the uninterested, bitchy daughter.
"My my, yes Miss Alexis," Brando mocked, curtseying. "You better watch out, Finn, she's a bossy boots that one." He called out before heading back out to the pool area. Alexis waited for a second, wondering if another comparison to that cunt of a woman who birthed her would follow, relieved that it didn't. Freddie stood there a moment, and she recognised the softness under his sharp features, aged by time and the unhealthy lifestyle that came with fame.
"What?" She barked at him. Freddie held his hands up in surrender.
"Nothing, hon-- Lex," He said, catching himself in time, glancing at Finn for a moment, before back to Alexis, who just stared him down, to answer the unasked question in the air. No, he doesn't know. Do not bring that era up, her sharp blue eyes said. "So, Finn, bet this is a massive change of scenery for you? Been up to anything fun since landing here? When I first arrived in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, the first thing I did was Hollywood Boulevard. I've been obsessed with acting since I was a kid, and I was desperate to see all the names of the greats." He laughed, it faltering when Alexis raised her eyebrows at him. "I have a habit of talking too much, probably why this one doesn't talk enough." He teased. Finn definitely felt like he was missing something from the conversation that Alexis and her Dads were having. He’d started to see a range of moods from Alexis and none of them matched up with the version he was seeing of her now. He supposed people always acted differently around their parents, but this whole conversation sort of reminded him of a sitcom and he found himself sort of waiting for the laugh track.
“Thank you Mr St James... I will um.. watch out.” Finn responded giving the man a very awkward salute. In high school he’d known exactly what to do to impress people’s Dads, you got their daughters home on time and you promised you didn’t drink and you didn’t do drugs. But now these Dads were offering him drinks, and Alexis didn’t live with them. He had no idea how he was supposed to impress. He liked when Freddie spoke, he knew better what to do with this enthusiastic talk. “It’s a big change of scenery for sure Sir.. I’m from Ohio so it’s less like stars and more corn fields. I really wanted to see all the stuff from Die Hard and like the sights..” He explained. “Miss Alexis said.. you auditioned for Die Hard and I think that’s pretty much the coolest thing I ever heard in my whole life. It’s an honour to meet you on two accounts... I also.. um talk.” He looked at Alexis nervous hoping he wasn’t saying the wrong thing. Alexis was conflicted in watching Freddie and Finn interact. A part of her wanted to claw her dad's face off for being soo slimingly charismatic, for managing to put Finn under his spell so easily, but another part of her was happy that they were getting along. That Finn was being his sweet self, and Freddie was actually putting the effort in. She hated her complicated feelings towards her parents, thinking back to when she met Carole, and how normal her interactions with her kids and step-kids seemed, a far cry to what was currently happening in the kitchen. She nodded as enthusiastically when Finn looked back at her, as if asking permission. "Between you two, will Brennan and I ever get a word in at the dinner table?" She joked, wondering if she forced herself to look like she was at ease, it'd put Finn to ease.
"You know he hates his given name, Lex. Ugh, I remember when you were like this big," Freddie dropped his hands to his hips, "Daddy this, Daddy that, I missed that. But yes, Finn, I auditioned but sadly no match for Bruce Willis. But they've been other parts, and I'm currently a recurring villain on that trashy Netflix show, based off the comics?" He asked the younger pair, as if it would jog his memory. "But we adore a talker in this house. But maybe you'll need to save your breath for something else?" He winked at Alexis, who wrinkled her nose in disgust. Ignoring that, she took Finn's hand.
"I'm going to show Finn the rest of the house." She said, back to monotone. "We'll come down to the pool in a minute, okay?" Finn listened attentively to the man in front of him, though a part of him was just studying to see any part of Alexis in him. He knew that she had a somewhat complicated relationship with her parents, but he was curious would he see striking similarities between the two. He didn’t really see any immediately, he also didn’t really see Alexis in the house. There was no sign of her in the white walls and weird furniture. Even though Freddie had just talked about when she was small, Finn couldn’t imagine a child here. “I bet you were so cute when you were little.” He said more to Alexis than to her Dad. “I like thinking of you with little pigtails.”
“I mean I think it’s so cool that you were even in the room Sir.. like you saw the script before anyone else.” Finn told him truthfully. “Wow on Netflix..? I watch a lot of Netflix so I’ll look out for it.” He added sincerely, though his eyes went a little wider when Freddie made what he thought might be some kind of sexual reference. “Yeah I’m really looking forward to seeing the fridge.” He chatted, and then realised that it might sound weird and busied himself staring at the top of Alexis’ head and letting her lead him on. Hoping that he hadn’t made a bad first impression. Alexis didn't want to crush Finn's expectations of her childhood, wanting to let him imagine a little girl in this ostentatious house, playing with dolls, hair up in pigtails, being a little princess people expected that Alexis St. James was in her formative years. Before she could deny the pigtails, Freddie jumped in. "Oh she looked so cute, whilst you two are....getting acquainted, I'll see if I can get the old albums out." He said, "Man I've been waiting to do this. Alexis never brings people home."
"That's enough of that," Alexis interjected, biting back a smile and laugh at Finn's eagerness for the fridge, giving him an extra second as they passed it, passed the grand art, the obnoxious Christmas tree in the centre of the house, and up the stairs to where Alexis' bedroom was. She opened the door, greeted by more white walls and marble floor, the large Queen sized bed in a soft grey duvet, the entire room as if straight out of some catalogue. It had been like this for as long as the Domme could remember, the only personal touches being her and Finn's bags on the floor. She stared at the closet, wondering if the contents of her letter was true, but decided to focus on that later. "This is my room, bathroom is through there, balcony just there." She instructed him, moving to sit on the bed, soft but unfamiliar. Finn grinned when Freddie mentioned the albums, Carole had spent enough time showing Alexis every picture of him and Sawyer covered in ice cream and in his pants that he felt like he was owed this little piece of her upbringing. “Please.. I’d really love to see Miss Alexis as a kid.” He responded, though he noted that this was one of a few times that her father had referenced that she never brought people to meet them. He continued to stare wide eyed at everything that she had to show him, barely being able to believe that houses like this existed. Let alone find a rational for why anyone would ever need any of the ugly furniture that lined the rooms.
Her room was less ugly, but it was weirdly unsatisfying. Deep down he knew that he wouldn’t find the same den of teenage and childhood comfort that she’d been able to see in his room. Because she wasn’t the type of person who liked cowboy wallpaper and checked sheets. But he had expected to find a little more of her, to be able to picture her as anything other than how she looked now. But his snooping came up with almost nothing. “It’s uh.. very roomy.” Was all he could think of to say. A part of Alexis wondered if Finn expected what most people expected when trying to figure out her teenage years. Was her room as goth as her style? Band posters hastily taped over black walls, candles and over Hollywood styled Satanic decor on her dressing table? Or maybe a more Pinterest girly Cheerleader type, school flags hung above her bed, photos pegged on fairy lights across the bare walls. Everyone was always disappointing, because her room was just boring. Beautiful but boring. It was how she always liked things, but she had more personal touches in her room at Devereux. The silk sheets still grey, yes, but only because it was a good duvet colour. But she had little soft cushions she had bought, the Kuromi stuffie Fauna bought her as a welcoming present to the school perched comfortably in the middle. Little photo frames and trinkets lined her nightstands and drawers. The LA house was completely different. “Yes, roomy,” She agreed, “are you disappointed?” Finn looked at her. “Not disappointed...” He responded not wanting her to be sad, and hoping that his face hadn’t betrayed him too completely. “Surprised... and a little um.” He looked around at the impenetrable space, with its soft greys and whites. He wanted to see her in the walls and follow her footsteps over these floorboards and he just couldn’t.  “I mean I guess a little.. I was sorta hoping your room would be a bit like my room.. and I’d sorta find out more about you. This place is like nice, very nice, like James Bonds room or something.. but I don’t know.. I don’t.. it doesn’t really feel like you.” Finn shrugged. “Well the you that I sorta know.” Despite the raised eyebrow at the mention of James Bond, Alexis' face softened when Finn explained his expectations. She never really had a space that was more of a reflection of who she was, but she wanted that now, even if it was just to show Finn something. A little thought popped into her head as he spoke, and she pushed it down for now, to discover once he was finished. "I haven't lived here in a very long time," She admitted, "Not properly. This place is a very nice house, but it's not my home. If you want, we can think of this as spending the night in an Air Bnb." She stood, cupping his cheek, momentarily forgetting their friendship pact. "I'm sorry," She said again, sincerely, "But maybe we'll make my room back in Devereux more roomy when we're back?" She suggested, patting his face gently, heading into her bathroom, smiling at the mirror. The stickers were still there, that she had collected over the years, cheerleading and love-hearts and dated quotes, decorating the reflective glass. She popped her head back out, smiling at Finn, glad that he wouldn't be too disappointed after all. "I mean, this might make it up to you?" Finn listened intently, his cheeks flushing delicately as she touched him. He knew he needed to tone down his feelings for her in case he scared her off again when he had promised to be her friend, but it was so hard when he liked her so much. “Please don’t be sorry.. it’s your room, you can keep it just how you like it.” He promised with a soft nod. “Your version of like you.. might be all this very like zen stuff.” He was used to the idea that people were in some ways more than one person, like they were different people when they were with different people and that wasn’t always a bad thing. His train of thought was interrupted by her words, and he followed her through into the bathroom. His face breaking into a smile at the stickers, this he supposed was exactly what he’d been looking for. “This is cute.” He told her with his signature goofy smile. “You should get some of these for your binders.” He teased. “Or are they all Gucci?” A version of Alexis. The cheerleader dwelled on that for a moment or two, wondering if she could imagine, or remember, a version of her who enjoyed living in here. With all this shitty furniture and interior design. Sometimes Finn surprised her with his different points of view on things, and she felt bad that she was surprised, and she wondered if she would ever not feel guilty for that day after Thanksgiving. She couldn't help but smile, her genuine, cute, soft one reserved only for people in her closest of circles, when he lit up at the stickers. "Haha," She said, rolling her eyes at his teasing but the smile didn't slip to indicate she was fine with his teasing. "I mean, you probably can get designer stickers, but nothing beats the dollar store, you know?" She said, "Maybe we'll get some before we head back to school to decorate all my binders together." She took a deep breath at how quiet and still the bathroom was for a moment, wishing they could stay here forever, when she heard someone calling their names. "You know, they're not gonna stop badgering until they get you into that pool," She said, and with a poke of his abs, added, "and I can't blame them, really, for wanting to see you shirtless." He wanted so badly to lean in and kiss her smiling lips especially when she was looking at him this softly, Finn had learned to save each and every single one when they crossed her face. Instead he just returned the expression the best that he could and then went back to staring at the mirror in front of them. "When I was a kid I was obsessed with collecting these little animal stickers that you got free in cereal, I stuck them all over the toy box in me and Sawyers room. They were those like puffy kind, used to sort of annoy Sawyer because I always stuck them at a weird angle." Finn remembered. "Yeah, I'm sure we can get some mega cool ones from like a gas station or something." He agreed, and then flushed at the idea of them wanting to see him without a shirt. "I mean I don't really know why.. everyone we've seen since we got here has had more of a beach body than me." He laughed awkwardly. Alexis couldn’t believe a mere few a months ago a part of her would have been annoyed at Finn sharing little anecdotes of his past, because now she wanted to indulge in nothing but his childhood stories, drink up the earnest look on his face, just consume herself fully. “I mean it’s the sticker law that they need to be slightly crooked,” She said with assurance, though she of course imagined Sawyer as some stuck up control freak, just younger. “Well that’s our goal, find some gas station stickers.” She said, stepping away from him to stop her punctuating her sentence with a kiss. “You have a great body, Finn,” Alexis told him, “they just like to be reminded of what it was for them like twenty years ago, that’s all.” Finn nodded feeling that was more than a fair statement. “Definitely. It gives them um character.” He decided and then bent down to look for the bag that had his swimming trunks in. Nervous as he was he wanted to make sure he found his nice swimming shorts and not something embarrassing like his ones with sharks with sunglasses. “I mean they still look pretty good now. No offence.” He told her as he located the nice red ones that Carole had bought him for college. “I do like swimming.” Finn confirmed quite seriously because he didn’t want her to think that he was complaining as he changed his bottoms. As they headed back into the main room, she couldn't help but glance over at the closet again, deciding to deal with whatever nasty surprise her mom had in store for her, later. "Yeah, they could look a lot worse, I guess." She mused, smiling softly at Finn's use of 'no offence' because he never really could say anything offensive. Especially not in this house. "Good, we have a nice pool." She said, going through her own case for her bikini. Alexis wasn't planning on swimming, but it was too hot out for her to sit around in proper clothing when everyone else was in their swimwear. "Remember, Finn, you can say no at any time to anything." She told him when they were both dressed, and she was bracing herself to open the bedroom door. "Drinks, tours, foods, anything, okay? They can be....overbearing." It wasn't the word she wanted to use, but it was the one she decided to settle on for now. Finn couldn’t stop himself from admiring her in the bikini just a little. They had after all almost had sex the other day, so she mustn’t mind that he still wanted her in the sexual sense. She looked good, good enough he had to look away for fear of visibly showing appreciation. “Okay Miss Alexis.. I’ll remember.” He promised though Finn wasn’t sure that he should say no to things. His Mom had always taught him that being polite was the most important thing. He was nervous as she opened the bedroom door though, trying to think of all the things he shouldn’t say as they made their way down to the pool. “Okay then,” She said, reaching out and taking Finn’s hand, his presence being a constant calming influence on her. She felt grounded near Finn, and no matter the state of their relationship, she knew he’d be there for her when things got shaky. She opened the door, leading Finn down the long way to the pool, sharing factoids about the house and various features the architect and her dads were proud of. She knew they would want to give Finn the tour themselves, but the petty part of herself was glad she took that from them.
“Finally!” Brando announced from where he was sprawled on his hammock, a bright, fruity drink in a novelty glass shaped like a palm tree sloshing around in his hand dangerously. “What took you two lovebirds so long?”
“Brando, behave,” Freddie lectured, “Mai Tais?” He then offered the pair, “Lex, you remember Carlos right?” The man gestured to the man at the exaggerated tiki bar. He didn’t seem that much older than Alexis or Finn, but he was muscled and tanned, with a pretty boy face. Exactly her dads’ type.
“Not really,” Alexis admitted. Freddie frowned.
“You do but it’s okay, I know you like to show off in front of your friends,” He said, turning back to Finn. “So, Finn, you’re also a Devereux student, that’s very exciting. Did your parents attend? That’s where I met Alexis’ mother. Back then it was all the upper crust, as they say.” Finn took her hand easily, and then had to stop himself from pressing a kiss against her hair. It wasn’t his place, even if he thought that it might take some of the obvious tension out of her shoulders. He wasn’t really sure what she was nervous about other than the fact that her Dads seemed to pick their furniture from a bad sc-fi movie set. They’d both seemed pretty nice to him, especially Freddie. He listened along to the talk that Alexis was giving him before giving both of her Dads a wave as they arrived at the pool. At the offer of the drink he smiled cheerfully. “Thank you Sir! You have really cool cups!” He said honestly really liking the whole palm tree theme.
He gave Carlos a wave too, unsure if he should introduce himself. But when Alexis said she didn’t know the other man he decided not to. Freddie’s question made him blush a little. “Yeah it’s really pretty cool there, I’d never been anywhere that had like so much sunshine before.. but I’d never been to LA either. Oh um no my parents didn’t attend, we actually got a scholarship. Fauna.. got one first and then she suggested that we apply. Me and my siblings.. and step siblings. There’s six of us.” Alexis tried to swallow down her conflicting feelings at just how much Finn was trying with her dads, and how much they had toned back their crazy. Truthfully in the last couple of years, Alexis supposed they hadn't been as insane as they had in the past, and they knew her experience in Ohio shaped things, and perhaps they felt a bit guilty for just letting her go wherever, insteading of leading her to Devereux sooner. And playing nice with her and Finn during their visit was their way of making up for it. And truthfully, she wasn't as worried about Finn now he had settled. He still looked out of place somewhat in the house, but he was standing taller, looking happier, and he did look extremely handsome in his swim-trunks, after all.
"Yeah, Sawyer and Fae are Finn's biological siblings, Evan, Odette and Kurt are his step ones." Alexis said, "Very crowded house during Thanksgiving." She teased, bumping him slightly, resiting to give him a kiss on the cheek as she took the drink from her dad, "I'm gonna go sit by the pool," She announced, finally trusting Freddie to be alone with him.
"God I always wanted a big family, poor Odette though, let's hope she's a sweet little peach, at this rate I believe all Odette's are pure evil," Freddie paused, flashing Finn a smile, "That's my ex-wife's name. Odette. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know, Alexis scarcely talks about her mom. You'd think I was the one to birth her."
"And you look great, babe." Brando agreed, pressing a kiss to his husband's mouth, coming up to the bar for a top up, "I was a scholarship student, Finn. It means you're wanted, when you're a scholarship student. Not at Devereux, I was in Arkansas and ran to LA the first chance I got. Planning on ever living out here?"
Alexis watched from where she was perched on a lounger with interest, half scared but half curious what else Freddie would reveal, and if it would scare Finn away. Probably not, but being here put her more on the cautious side. "It was nice though, her being at Thanksgiving with my family." Finn interjected his cheeks going just a little bit red, wanting her fathers to know that she'd been very welcome there and not like shunted into a corner or anything. "My Mom was really happy to have her, and obviously Fauna was too or she's a little bit like overwhelmed by all of us.. you know because she's really small.. Oh have you met Fauna?" He flushed a deeper shade of red as Alexis kissed him on the cheek and then stared at his drink for a minute to process.
"I like being in a big family, because there's lots of people to take care of everyone you know.. Odette is alright, she's a bit different from my other siblings because like.. she's more sensitive I guess. She's into violin." Finn agreed, feeling a bit bad when they brought up Alexis' Mom. He knew that she didn't really like to talk about her family at all, but of course he wasn't going to say that to Freddie. "I um.. I know her name. But yeah I don't think she likes to talk about her, but that's okay.. I don't want to make her unhappy." The submissive explained taking a long drink of the drink in his hand. "Oh cool, scholarship bros!" Finn said without thinking and then hoped that Brando didn't take it offensively. "Oh yeah.. I'd love to move out here.. it's so sunny and there's like a lot of cool things to eat." "We've met Fauna," Freddie ensured, "London, last year I think...Lex can you confirm?" He called over to where his daughter lounged. She gave him a snarky thumbs up in response. "I'm glad your parents accepted her into  the fold, though it is surprising she celebrated it this year. She's normally very anti-Holiday."
"We're honestly surprised she came home for Christmas. First time in two years maybe?" Brando questioned, staring at his husband in confusion, who shrugged. "Anyway, a violin player! How exciting! I could have been first chair in my orchestra back in school." He explained. Freddie couldn't help but snort.
"In your dreams, babe," Freddie said, bumping him. "Speaking of cool things to eat, Finn, as our guest of honour, you can pick this evening's meal. Is there anything you wanted to try that Lex hasn't showed you yet?" He glanced back over to Alexis, attempting to summon her over with a wave. She stared at him for a moment, before turning back. Whatever they needed her for, could wait five minutes. "Well, guess you're the only one choosing." He said with his trademark charismatic smile, as if not totally embarrassed by his daughter. Finn thought he knew why Alexis was anti holiday usually, but this definitely wasn’t the audience of people that you told about that. Because he was pretty sure it was less to do with the holidays themselves and more about not wanting to spend them with her family. “Well it’s hard to be anti-holiday when it’s around my family. We take everything pretty seriously, every decoration is a treasure.” Finn replied diplomatically. “That’s cool Sir.” He said, taking a drink of his drink. Unsure if he should laugh along with Freddie or take things seriously and thus chose neither, instead just giving himself more liquid courage.
“Uh... I mean I wanted to try and in and out.. but like I don’t expect you guys to want to eat that.” He said, going back on his own suggestion almost immediately after he said it. Burgers weren’t sophisticated or stylish like the house that he was standing in. “I’m sure you guys know what’s good to eat around here way better than I do.” He tried instead. “I eat basically everything so.. it’s not really a problem.” leather daddy08/02/2021 Truly it was driving Alexis mad that she couldn't quite hear the conversation a few feet away and, even though she absolutely trusted everyone involved, her curiosity had taken over and she found herself back at Finn's side, elbows grazing his. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything?" She asked them, a coy smile on her face.
"Not at all Lex, refill?" Brando asked, raising his own glass at her as if emitting some type of signal. She merely nodded, it was Christmas after all.
"We're just talking about In 'n' Out, you haven't taken him there?" Freddie asked, "It's the best, truly Finn." He said, and Alexis felt her stomach churn at just how naturally well the two seemed to gel togethe.
"You want that?" She confirmed to Finn, the sharp gaze she had firmly placed on her features since arriving at the house softening, "Because we can, please don't expect us to only be eating caviar and lobster dipped in gold."
"That'd be a good course for our wedding anniversary though." Freddie chimed in with a laugh, "So, In 'n' Out? Brando, baby, will you go sort it? You've barely done anything all day."
"Yes, Sir," Brando said with a playful roll of his eyes, "Bossiness is a St. James trait, Finn. It's how they all got away with being Dominants." He joked, before heading inside momentarily.
"Come, sit with me," Alexis said, and even she could feel herself be amused at how she instantly proved her dad's point, but she really wanted to relax, and couldn't unless Finn was right by her side at all times here. Finn looked a little confused when Alexis asked if she was interrupting anything, because he really didn't know how she could interrupt when she was so clearly the star of the show. "You could never interrupt." He responded honestly. He also panicked a little when Freddie questioned her not having taken him to In And Out, he didn't want her to think she had to do anything. "Oh it's okay.. I mean I do want to eat it but like it's not a big deal." He tried to defend, feeling like he almost couldn't keep everyone happy at the same time.
The submissive nodded at the bossiness comment and then blushed, hoping that Alexis hadn't seen. Usually he might have said something about bossiness being sexy but he didn't want to call her sexy in front of her Dads because that would be weird. "Haha.." Was all he managed and then was very grateful when she suggested that he come and sit next to her, following along and plonking himself down eagerly. Alexis wondered if anything Finn thought about her had shifted, since meeting her dads, wondering if it was a bad idea to bring him at all. Their tentative friendship had just gotten back on track, and she was, admittedly, scared that bringing him here had just ruined everything. Those were the thoughts going through her mind as she observed him, the California sun bouncing off his skin, showing off a few freckles that dusted his shoulders, his long-ish hair pushed back, and she couldn't help herself from drifting towards his abs, and then his shorts, glad for the massive sunglasses she was wearing, snapping her eyes back up to his face. "You good?" She asked him, "At any point you feel uncomfortable we can just leave, if you want." Finn was just staring out at the wide landscape, marvelling at the difference from his own hometown. He'd always thought that there was something beautiful in the view of Ohio cornfields that he'd grown up with, but this was on another level that could never compete. Honestly he couldn't imagine how Alexis had ever managed to leave this behind. Her question startled him, and he looked up as though he'd been asleep for a long time, eyes wide and suddenly alert. "Oh um.. no.. I'm good.. it's nice here. Your folks are nice." He said honestly, trying to work out why she was asking him the question, did she not want him anymore, was he doing something wrong? Alexis didn't know whether to believe him when he mentioned that her parents were nice but she didn't press on it, just studied him instead. Lately she was finding it difficult to do anything but stare at him, struggling with her feelings a little bit. She wanted him, badly, in more ways than just sex, and the hopeful part of her she was letting live longer than five minutes was ensuring her when they headed back to Devereux for New Year's they'd be more than this awkward stage of friendship. "I'm glad you like it here," She told him honestly, in the soft voice she reserved for just him, that she didn't let anyone else here. She reached out to take his hand because it was the only way of touching him that seemed appropriate. "I don't think I've said thank you for agreeing to come with me." Finn watched her watching him and wondered what was on her mind, he could tell that she was trying to gage something from him but he didn’t know what. “I don’t know how anyone couldn’t, it looks like... just amazing. Like seeing so many palm trees in real life is crazy.” The football player admitted. “It’s literally no trouble at all Miss... you’ve brought me to one of the coolest places on earth and let me stay with you for Christmas.. I should be thanking you.. so um thank you!” The submissive rambled, raising his hands in an odd sort of surrender motion as he tried to wrap his head around the idea that she thought she had to thank him for coming to LA. Alexis thought about her plan for the rest of the Christmas break, what she conjured up when Finn first agreed to come with her to LA for the holiday. He was too good for her, in every way she could think of, and it wasn't the first time on this trip she thought about whether or not to go through with asking him to take things to to next level. Because she didn't deserve him, but then, as she reached out stroke his cheek, an almost subconcious action, Alexis thought that maybe she deserved to be selfish for once. "I really glad you like it here," She told him honestly, "And you really don't need to thank me, really, you're the one who came here and willingly met my dads." She said, lips twitching at the hint of a smile. Another idea popped into her head, and she sat up a bit. "Wanna go take a nap? I can get them to bring our burgers up to my room and we can eat in bed. We're going to need all the energy for their festivities later tonight, that's all." Finn still really didn't understand why she thought that she needed to thank him for coming with her, he was excited that he got to meet her parents and see where it was that she had grown up. But he didn't argue with her, instead he just nodded along with her suggestion. "A nap sounds really good right about now.. there's something about the heat out here that makes me sleepy." He agreed, standing up and offering her his hand before leading her towards that strange grey bedroom, happy that she seemed to be enjoying herself at least a little.
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doubleattitude · 4 years
Temecula Dance Company
StarSystems Talent Competition Nationals, Las Vegas 2015 Results: SOLOS
High Score Overalls:
Mini Shooting Star Solos
9th: Brooklyn Waters-’Mr. Sandman’ OR ‘Biggest Blame Fool’
10th: Giuliana Ramirez-’Little Bitty’
Junior Super Star Solos
2nd: Rylee Clark-’Bang Bang’
4th: River Sadlon-’Suit and Tie’ OR ‘Sit Down You’re Rockin’ The Boat’
5th: Samantha Vivo-’Break Free’
6th: Gavin Cates-’Pop’
7th: Courtney Muna-Greer-’But I Am A Good Girl’ OR ‘Schoolin Life’
10th: Allen Pinkerton-’A Day For the Cat In the Hat’
Teen Super Star Solos
2nd: Gabe DeGuzman-’Senorita’
5th: Tatum Ramsey-’I See Fire’
7th: Mason Idler-’Good Kisser’
8th: Taylor Kurtz-’They Just Keep Moving The Line’
Senior Super Star Solos
3rd: Kaylin Flores-’Found’
5th: Caitlyn Santiago-’Feeling Good’ OR ‘Summertime’
6th: Summer Raleigh-’Killing Me Softly’ OR ‘Fever’
High Score by Performance Division:
12 and Under Shooting Star Tap Solos
3rd: Brooklyn Waters-’Mr. Sandman’ OR ‘Biggest Blame Fool’
5th: Karagyn Foster-’ABC 123′
6th: Kalli McHugh-?
12 and Under Shooting Star Top Jazz Solos
9th: Giuliana Ramirez-’Little Bitty’
10th: Nadia Casados-’One or the Other’
12 and Under Shooting Star Top Lyrical Solos
10th: Calli Perryman-’You Are So Beautiful’
12 and Under Shooting Star Hip Hop Solos
5th: Gabriel Nevels-’I Wanna Be Your Lover’
12 and Under Shooting Star Top Musical Theatre Solos
3rd: Brooklyn Waters-’Mr. Sandman’ OR ‘Biggest Blame Fool’
5th: Gabriella Michaels-’ABC’s of Love’ OR ‘More’
Junior Super Star Top Tap Solos
1st: Madison Johnston-’If My Friends’
2nd: Ashley Lass-’Do Your Thing’
3rd: Makenna Hitch-’Kansas City’
4th: Brooklyn Howard-’Billy-A-Dick’
5th: Marisa McConnaughey-’Get It’
6th: Trevor McConnaughey-’Ain’t That A Kick In the Head’
Junior Super Star Top Jazz Solos
3rd: Andrea Vasquez-?
4th: Karis Tanner-’Shakin The Blues Away’
5th: Natalie Garay-’Is You Or Is You Ain’t’
7th: Cassidy Douglas-?
8th: Abby Christensen-’Chandelier’ OR ‘Winter Song’
10th: Keilahni Dixon-?
Junior Super Star Top Lyrical Solos
9th: Olivia Haschak-’Stage Is Bare’
Junior Super Star Top Open Solos
5th: Quinn Di Cristina-’Breakable’
Junior Super Star Top Hip Hop Solos
1st: Rylee Clark-’Bang Bang’
2nd: River Sadlon-’Suit and Tie’
3rd: Samantha Vivo-’Break Free’
4th: Gavin Cates-’Pop’
5th: Courtney Muna-Greer- ’But I Am A Good Girl’ OR ‘Schoolin Life’
6th: Jason Pieters-’Classic’
7th: Emmalee Idler-’BO$$’
8th: Sean Garrity-’Freeze’
10th: Andrea Vasquez-’Part Of Me’
Junior Super Star Top Musical Theatre Solos
1st: Allen Pinkerton-’A Day For the Cat In the Hat’
2nd: Sierra Haschak-’Hey Daddy’
3rd: Jordan DeMary-’Break It Down’
5th: Sydney Kidd-’Mr. Monotony’
6th: Devin Ramirez-’Show Off’
7th: Alyssa Panlilio-’Le Jazz Hot’
9th: Emmalee Idler-’Stuff Like That There’
10th: Mattie Pieters-’Born To Entertain’
Junior Super Star Top Contemporary Solos
4th: Devin Ramirez-?
6th: Olivia Fredericks-’Heavenly Day’
9th: Emily Meyer-?
13 and Over Super Star Top Jazz Solos
1st: Taylor Kurtz-’They Just Keep Moving The Line’
4th: Alexa Murtzel-’Blackbird’
5th: Maddi Baber-’How Great Thou Art’ OR ‘La Vie En Rose’
7th: Gracie Haschak-’Hit Me With A Hot Note’
8th: Zoie Jones-’A Change Is Going To Come’
9th: Chloe Valtairo-?
13 and Over Super Star Top Lyrical Solos
2nd: Caitlyn Santiago-‘Summertime’
3rd: Summer Raleigh-’Killing Me Softly’
8th (tie): Elizabeth Demuth-’You’ll Never Walk Alone’
13 and Over Super Star Top Hip Hop Solos
1st: Gabe DeGuzman-’Senorita’
2nd: Mason Idler-’Good Kisser’
4th: Sydney Stone-’Neon Lights’
13 and Over Super Star Top Musical Theatre Solos
1st: Kaylin Flores-’Don’t Tell Mama’
6th: Karli Strate-’If You Know Love’
8th: McKenna LeVasseur-Tripp-?
13 and Over Super Star Top Contemporary Solos
4th: Tatum Ramsey-’I See Fire’
8th: Mia Majeski-’In The Embers’
9th: Ashley Sarmiento-’Wings’
Petite Miss Superstar
2nd: Addison Kapper-’Little Me’
3rd: Gabriella Michaels-’ABC’s of Love’ OR ‘More’
5th: Angelina Anselmo-’Route 66′
6th: Kaileia Dixon-’Shoop Shoop’
Junior Miss Superstar
1st: Madison Johnston-’If My Friends’
2nd: Sierra Haschak-’Hey Daddy’ OR ‘Piece of Sky’
3rd: Olivia Haschak-’Stage Is Bare’
4th: Sydney Kidd-’Mr. Monotony’ OR ‘Rainbow Sleeves’
5th: Jordan DeMary-’Break It Down’
6th: Courtney Muna-Greer- ’But I Am A Good Girl’ OR ‘Schoolin Life’
7th: Ryleigh Todd-’Spreadin Rhythm Around’
8th: Annalise Munoz-’Look Out’
9th: Sela Rose Peters-’Greatest Star’
10th: Haley Holland-’The Sun Is Rising’
11th: Kloe Parsons-’Happy Feet’
12th: Caroline Kapper-’It’s Oh So Quiet’
13th: Audrey Price-’I Want to Be A Rockette’
14th: Natasha Lubanko-’Someday My Prince Will Come’
Junior Mr. Superstar
1st: Jaden Barba-’Mack the Knife’
2nd: Gunner Stephens-’Imagine’
3rd: River Sadlon-’Suit and Tie’ OR ‘Sit Down You’re Rockin’ The Boat’
4th: James Peters-’Puttin On the Ritz’
Teen Miss Superstar
2nd: Maddi Baber-’How Great Thou Art’ OR ‘La Vie En Rose’
3rd: Elizabeth Demuth-’You’ll Never Walk Alone’
4th: Tatum Ramsey-’I See Fire’
5th: Madison Haschak-’Where It Is Written’ OR ‘Happy Days’
6th: Gracie Haschak-’Hit Me With A Hot Note’ OR ‘Dancin’ Dan’
7th: Isabella Farris-’I Gotcha’
8th: Samantha Moore-’Skyscraper’ OR ‘Lady Is A Tramp’
Senior Miss Superstar
2nd: Kaylin Flores-’Found’
3rd: Carlina Cruz-’Dear One’ OR ‘He Vas My Boyfriend’
4th: Summer Raleigh-’Killing Me Softly’ OR ‘Fever’
5th: Caitlyn Santiago-’Feeling Good’ OR ‘Summertime’
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
9, 14, 26 for deacury? :3
Gosh sorry for being late... Shoes shopping with my mom!
Idk if this cover the prompts entirely, but that's the idea that I had. Sorry if it's kinda non- sense. I hope that you like it anyways sweetie!!
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The date it's here. Anniversary. So, Freddie prepared everything to this special day, despite of his little cold. Would be a complete surprise to his couple. When he was preparing the decorations from the living room, the phone started to ring.
He answered the calling.
-Hi, I'm Fred!
-Hi Frederick -responded John in a serious voice tone.
-Hey hun, why so serious? *snif*
-We need to talk seriously.
-Go ahead.
-Not now, at home later.
-So, why you call me if you don't gonna tell to me now? You know that I'm impatient! *snif*
-I know. But I felt that was necessary.
-Gosh John this isn't fu… *sniiiiiiiiiiff* sorry.
-Are you okay Fred?
-Oh okay, now I'm Fred again no? *snif*
-I haven't time to your hysteria, are you okay or not?
-*snif* not at all.
-Okei. I'll go as fast as I can with some medicines. Bye-bye. Love you.
- *sniiiiiif* love you.
Both hung up. Freddie blowed his nose again.
"Well... I was suspecting of his cold… just I hope don't turn in a flu" he thought, going to buy medicines in the next pharmacy.
And meanwhile, something happened in the kitchen…  
Some of his cats were messing around. The kitchen was a disaster, and they stained with their paws the carpet of the living, recently cleaned.
When one of his cats was about to throw up a plate with a candle, Freddie said
-Shoo shoo! Why you made that?! *sniiiiif* Not tuna tonight for everyone!!!
He run to the kitchen, trying to clean the mess and rescue the food, that surprisingly wasn't burned.
"Okay, something good today" he thought.
When he was taking a shower, to after wear his new fancy outfit, he listened his voice. 
-Hi Fred! Love… Are you okay?
-YEAAAAH *snif* 
John goes to the bathroom's door.
-Oh here you are… We have something to talk, yeah? I'm waiting in the living.
After the shower, he drye a bit his hair with a dryer, having his body evolved in a towel.
He took his new outfit and was to the living wearing it, with a non fancy tissues in one of his hands. 
His couple was in the couch.
-Oh here you are. You look so beautiful!!
-Happy Anniversa... *sniiiiiiiiiiff* sorry. Anniversary.
They hugged tightly.
-Well this don't make you free of our talk, hehe -started to talk John-. I was about to talk with you because you used the extension of my credit card (when you usually don't do that) and the spent money was more than the usual and I wanted to ask in what kind of things you spent a lot of money this time… I thought that you bought something to your cats… well OUR cats… But I never imagined that you bought a lot of food, new outfit, decorations and champagne! And not prepared food, ingredients!!! You made me real food! And with that cold! I--- I love you. And sorry I was about to be kinda rude with you. If you wanted to be a surprise, you ruined it yourself, haha!
Freddie was crying, so happy. Was incapable to talk.
John continued talking.
-Well, the most that I can do for you it's say that you stay here, I'll bring the dinner here!
Freddie wanted to say that no, but he blowed his nose so hard…
-And take this medicines. Here a bit of water. So, for tonight, no champagne. But we will eat that food, surely will be so delicious. Ah! And not problem for the mess in the carpet or the kitchen. I'll clean that!
-But John i-...
-Shhh my love. Let's enjoy tonight. Just you and I… and well, the cats.
And they ate that homemade dinner in the living, watching some rom-com, cuddling. Freddie ended sleep in his husband arms. 
Nor the mess nor the cold could ruin that anniversary. 
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John carried to Fred to the room in his arms, trying to not wake up. When he let to his couple in the bed, John started to change his clothes for his pajamas. And when he opened the closet, he saw more things that his husband bought to that special night. He smiled in a cheeky way, thinking "okay hun, when you get better for your cold, daddy will give you something that you will love. Something hard".
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citizenscreen · 6 years
It’s 1919, 100 years ago this year. The U.S. President is Woodrow Wilson. The world population is about 4.4 billion. The cost of a first-class stamp rises mid-year from 2¢ to 3¢. Two pounds of roast beef costs about 38¢ and the most popular work of fiction is The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez and the Pulitzer Prize for fiction goes to Booth Tarkington’s The Magnificent Ambersons. Former President, Theodore Roosevelt dies in his sleep at the age of 60 in January and the Influenza Pandemic rages on, killing more people in one year than during the four years of the black plague.
1919 is the year during which Major League Baseball suffers the worst scandal in the game’s history when nine players from the Chicago White Sox throw the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. In a positive baseball light, 1919 is the year when Babe Ruth is sold by the Boston Red Sox to the New York Yankees for $125,000, the largest sum ever paid for a player at that time. The deal was announced on January 6, 1920.
The year sees the end of World War I with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The US Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guaranteed voting for women, and sent it to the individual states for ratification. January of that year also brings the ratification of the 18th Amendment to take effect the following year.
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Dial telephones were introduced by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1919. Numerous important Broadway shows opened that year. You can take a look at the list at Broadway World. And then there were movies by what was by that time a robust industry. Here’s to them and the players who made them possible.
  Celebrating a 100th Anniversary
The Movies
Top Grossing Films of 1919:
1. George Loane Tucker‘s The Miracle Man 2. Marshall Neilan‘s Daddy-Long-Legs 3. Ernst Lubitsch‘s Madame DuBarry 4. James Cruze‘s The Roaring Road 5. Victor Fleming‘s When the Clouds Roll By 6. James Cruze’s Hawthorne of the U.S.A. 7. D.W. Griffith‘s Broken Blossoms 8. Cecil B. DeMille‘s Male and Female
A gallery of some of the notable films released in 1919: 
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  The People
Listen to the top songs of 1919 here. Among the notables who had hits in 1919 are Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, Bert Williams, and the Louisiana Five.
Popular Movie Stars:
Dorothy Gish
Pauline Frederick
Gloria Swanson
Douglas Fairbanks
Mary Pickford
Charlie Chaplin
Harold Lloyd
Roscoe Arbuckle
Rudolph Valentino
Lillian Gish
Harry Houdini
Lon Chaney
Tom Mix
  You may recognize some of the famous faces born in 1919…
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  The Debuts
Several would-be legends made their debut in 1919. Among them…
Boris Karloff in George B. Seitz‘s The Lightning Raider
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  Fritz Lang directed his first film, Halbblut
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  Vilma Bánky in Carl Boese‘s Im letzten Augenblick
  Shemp Howard in Spring Fever (short)
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  Norma Shearer uncredited in Larry Semon’s The Star Boarder (short)
  Oscar Micheaux became the first African-American to produce and direct a feature film when The Homesteader, starring pioneering Evelyn Preer, was released in 1919
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  Claire Windsor in Albert Parker‘s Eyes of Youth (uncredited)
  Anna May Wong uncredited in Albert Capellani‘s The Red Lantern
  Erich von Stroheim made his directorial debut with his own script for the film Blind Husbands released in 1919, a film in which he also starred as Lieutenant Eric Von Steuben.
  Movie Happenings
A few of the significant movie-related events of 1919…
Charlie Chaplin, D. W. Griffith, Douglas Fairbanks Sr., and Mary Pickford established United Artists.
Charlie Chaplin begins work on The Kid, his first feature film. His co-star will be four-year-old Jackie Coogan.
The Barney Google cartoon strip, by Billy DeBeck, premiered. Originally Take Barney Google, F’rinstance, Barney was later joined by Snuffy smith.
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Harold Lloyd suffered a serious accident while taking some publicity photos for his new series of two-reelers. He lit what he thought was a prop fuse bomb and posed with it when it went off. The accident resulted in his losing a thumb and index finger. Lloyd returned to the screen, however, as one of film history’s most daring actors.
United Artists’ first feature film, the comedy His Majesty, the American, premiered. Directed by Joseph Henabery the film starred one of the studio’s founders, Douglas Fairbanks.
Walt Disney teamed with Ub Iwerks to form Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists (later known as Ub Iwerks), to create cartoon animations.
Max and Dave Fleischer‘s Out of the Inkwell series premiered, introducing KoKo the Clown, one of the first animated characters.
Felix the Cat first made his debut in Feline Follies
Rudolph Valentino married Jean Acker. The union lasted approximate six hours.
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Valentino and Acker
Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart begin their professional songwriting partnership.
The “Ziegfeld Follies of 1919,” the most lavish edition to date, includes the Irving Berlin song “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody.”
George Gershwin writes “Swanee” with Irving Caesar and Buddy DeSylva and Al Jolson’s 1920 recording of the song sells two million copies.
Actors’ Equity is formed after striking actors, stagehands, and musicians bring Broadway to a halt for a month (August to September).
George Gershwin debuts his first full Broadway musicall, La, La, Lucille
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Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded.
Harold Hamgravy, longtime boyfriend of Popeye’s Olive Oil, made his debut in Thimble Theatre Comics.
I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane and the centenary of 1919. I’ll be back in short order with other significant anniversaries for 2019.
1919 Centenary or 100 Years Ago in the Movies It's 1919, 100 years ago this year. The U.S. President is Woodrow Wilson. The world population is about 4.4 billion.
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
Personal headcannon for the Cat Daddy Frederick series: Frederick and Reader both prefer to have the bedroom door closed while sleeping or having sex, but have a cat flap installed so Buttercup can come and go as she pleases 🤷‍♀️
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christine16xoxo · 3 years
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Last night on our walk we found a 'Frederick Rocks Rock' at the 'Teal Side Playground' in the 'Spider's Web'. (It's a 'Web' that is made for people to climb on. It's not an actual 'Spider's Web'. I don't know if that's actually what they are really called, but that's what I call them.) I would have taken a picture; but it was too dark outside. I did take some pictures of it inside the house though. ❤❤😺❤❤ It's really beautiful and beautifully made as well. It made me smile a lot. I had a much happier and more satisfying night because I found that beautiful 'Suprise' of a little 'HAPPY Shining Stone'. I am adding it to 'My Collection' and I am putting it on 'The Tray' on the 'Coffee Table' with the others. ❤❤🌟❤❤ The kitty-cats helped me pick out 'Just The Right Spot' for it. ❤ I also found a 'Rock' with a 'Smiley Face' on it the other day while at the 'Community Swimming Pool' with my mom. I think James and I saw it while on a walk before.... .......Either that or 'I Saw It In A Dream'. The kitty-cats and I also found a nice spot for that one. We will paint some new ones to hide this week. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ #frederickrocks #frederickrock ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Sincerely, Christine Clare Vilgos-Mitchell Wednesday, September 8, 2021 💜💙💚💛🧡❤ ❤❤L😺VE❤❤ 💜💙💚💛🧡❤ "I love you once. I love you twice. I love you more than beans and rice." - Pretty Baby ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Sincerely, Christine Clare Vilgos-Mitchell, Daddy James, Hula Hailey, & Tilly Fiona Tulip Wednesday, September 8, 2021 (Facebook First - Then Shared To Instagram) ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 #catsofinstagram #seniorcat #rescuecat #rescuecatsofinstagram #greycat #greycatsofinstagram #PetAdoption #OurFamilyOf4 #orangecat #gingercat #tabbycat #orangegirlcats #gingergirlcat #meow #kittysisters #pets #petsofamerica #4paws #cutecats #funwithmycat #frederickrock #frederickrocks #catadventures #onawalk #treasurehunt #treasurehunting #buriedtreasure #hiddentreasures #exploration #cats https://www.instagram.com/p/CTlWtMRLc96/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rauliskafan · 7 years
The Doctor and His Doll: All Hallows’ Eve
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Author’s Note: Happy Halloween one and all!!! The time has come for the Doctor and his Doll to celebrate this special day in style. But will things go according to anyone’s plan??? Read on for more!!! Check out the previous parts below, and enjoy!!! :)
The Doctor and His Doll
The Doctor and His Doll: Story Hour
The Doctor and His Doll: Date Night
Tagging @vintagemichelle91, @yourtropegirl, @mrschiltoncat
Well… I suppose I am as ready as I will ever be.
Yay! How about a selfie, Doc?
Come on!
Perhaps I prefer to keep you in suspense.
No fun!
I mean to make tonight alter that assessment.
Swiftly sending Frederick a smiley face, you examined your reflection in the mirror. The beaded dress fit just right, accessorized with a long string of pearls. After debating between a feathered headband or a cloche hat, you ultimately opted for a sparkling skullcap dripping with strands of silver that looked better than your hair ever could. And there was no way that you were going to spend the night under a wig. Strapping on your heels, you couldn’t resist the urge to snap your own set of self-portraits before bouncing back to the bed. There you scrolled through the series of photos. Selecting your favorite, you sent it to Frederick, tapped your toes against the floor…
…and waited.
“What’s the hold up? Hope the doctor didn’t come down with something.”
Paulette emerged from the hallway dressed as a baby, complete with bonnet and bib.
“He’s on his way,” you said. “What do you think?”
Rising to your feet, you twirled in the dress and smiled when Paulette’s approving whistle filled the room.
“Nice,” she said. “Guess things are getting serious with the old man.”
“He’s not that old,” you quickly said.
“Hey, I’m not knocking it,” Paulette said. “Nothing wrong with a sugar daddy.”
“And he’s not that either,” you said.
“Come on, girl,” Paulette said, pulling on an oversized plastic bottle and washing you in a wave of cupcake vodka when she spoke again. At least the bib was bound to come in handy at some point during the night.
“Three dates,” she continued. “He always picks up the tab. And now he’s taking you to this high society shindig.”
“That was the plan from the start,” you reminded her. “But it’s not like… I mean he doesn’t expect anything.”
“Nothing?” Paulette asked, lifting one eyebrow and taking another drink.
“Nothing but… I mean it’s just that he’s lonely,” you said. “He likes to talk. Sometimes I think that no has ever listened to him in his entire life.”
Which was doubly tragic considering that the stories of his past often centered around running a hospital, writing a book that you could not see yourself reading but definitely had an audience. All that plus his wealth, his sense of his style, the way he listened when you spoke… it was triply, quadruply sad that he didn’t have a coterie of allies.
Also sad that you seemed to be inventing words as you readjusted your mascara and heard Paulette sucking in her bottle.
“And you really should be nicer after the way he helped you out,” you said.
“Hey, I never said I didn’t like the guy,” Paulette insisted. “He obviously likes you a lot. So what happens after the big party?”
To that you had no answer. Not that the possibilities hadn’t raced through your mind like a video you kept replaying until the effort to buffer the image was a battle better lost. But there was something to be said for a screenshot of his kisses tinged with the taste of metal, his hands roaming down your arms and up your skirt…
“Why are you laughing?” Paulette asked.
“Because I think he would be so clumsy… but sweet…”
Turning away from the mirror, you saw Paulette smirking, and you were about to tell her to mind her own business or at least change the subject to how many bottles she planned on chugging when your phone dinged.
“Is that him?” Paulette asked. Saying nothing, you swiped the message to life.
I am no angel. We will leave that to you. Where do I meet my lovely lady?
Weak in the knees at his words, you started to ask him where his car was when you shifted gears as you keyed in your response.
You know where I am, Doc. Come to my door?
It was a risk, and the time it took for him to respond made you fear that you’d stepped too close to the sun despite the light of the moon…
I am here, Doll. Waiting for you.
Stuffing your phone in your clutch and not caring to respond, you brushed past Paulette, clicking down the steps in your heels. The sunken lounge serving as a lobby already brimmed with Disney characters gone berserk. You ignored them all, the beads dangling from the back of your head touching the base of your neck as you opened the doors with both hands…
And there he was. All in ivory. Who said he wasn’t an angel? With his cane in hand and his hat slanted to the side, his smile brightened as you drew nearer.
“Even better up close,” he mused.
“What about you, Doc?” you asked, touching his arms, feeling the perfectly laundered fabric and letting one hand fall slowly into his. “You look sensational.”
“I have a secret weapon,” he whispered, leaning closer until his lips touched your ear. “The best and most beautiful Halloween stylist in town.”
Giggling, you glanced back to see Paulette smiling before tossing you a sweater.
“Don’t catch cold,” she said. “Hi, Dr. Chilton.”
“Paulette,” he began. “I would advise you to take it easy with the spirits tonight.”
“But it’s Halloween,” she whined.
“Doesn’t mean you have to join the dead,” Frederick argued. Paulette rolled her eyes, wishing you a good time, and drinking all the way.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” you said.
“I hope so,” he replied. “But you will forgive me if I’d prefer to focus my attention on you.”
He offered his arm and walked you across the campus. Never the homecoming queen, never the girl of anyone’s fantasy, you forgot those feelings. There was a sense of pride having when having him beside you, even if some of the looks you received were confused and curious above all else. Regardless, you soaked up the glances.
“Hey? You okay?”
Still several feet from his car, your realized that Frederick’s face was flushed, his one eye wide, and when you looked down you saw his grip too tight and tense around and about his cane.
“Of course,” he assured you. “I just… seeing your campus so… engaged. I almost hesitate to tell you, but…”
He fell silent, and you caught a few frat boys making faces and whispering cruel words under their beer-soaked breath.
“Don’t hesitate, Doc,” you prodded. “What’s up?”
“It is deeply buried in the past… my past... do you really want to spend All Hallows’ Eve with someone who would have done far worse than Paulette and just drink himself silly? Alone? Longing for a night like this to mercifully end?”
His confession shattered your heart, but you stretched to the tips of your toes, your heels leaving your shoes as you kissed him full on the mouth. His taste stayed unlike any other man’s. Yet it was a flavor you were quickly growing accustomed to, unable to imagine anything else.
“Well,” he whispered when you brought the kiss to an end, and somehow both of his eyes sparkled in the moonlight as you stroked his scarred cheek.
“Well,” you echoed. “I don’t want this night to end. I want to get it started. With you.”
Smiling, Frederick suddenly had a skip in his step as he held open the door to his town car, and you slid against the supple leather, waiting and watching until he sat at your side and signaled for the driver to depart.
“Then we shall get started,” he said. “Here we have Armand de Brignac Brut Gold.”
He revealed an ivory bottle that matched his suit adorned with an ace of spades, and he popped the cork.
“I won’t say no to champagne,” you said, hoping that skipping lunch wasn’t the worst of ideas. Trying to sip, hoping you looked something close to sophisticated, you crinkled your nose as the bubbles tickled your skin.
“A problem?” Frederick asked.
“It’s fine,” you said. “But I guess you can see that this is not really my thing.”
“I will tell you another secret,” he confessed while coming closer. “When I was… not much older than you. The girls in my circle came out at a debutante ball.”
“Bet they looked nice,” you said, watching the bubbles calm in your glass and trying not to sound too jealous.
“I would not know,” he said. “I shot the Dom Perignon right out of my nose. Spent the night in the men’s room trying to clean my tie with soap and paper towels that kept falling apart.”
One more moment to add to his tragic list? You started to tell him that you were sorry when he waggled his eyebrows.
“See? You have nothing to feel bad about, Doll,” he said. “You are far more graceful than I ever was… ever could be.”
You smiled, happy to see him back at ease, and you clinked your glass to his.
“To our big night, Doc,” you said by way of a toast before drinking deep and believing that anything and everything was possible.
His car pulled up to a brick building resting atop a wide white staircase. Frederick set your glasses aside and offered his arm again. Keeping him close, you climbed the steps and saw at least four witches, three cats, and clowns wearing mismatched floppy shoes. Safe and simple and not at all sensational. You held your date’s arm tighter, loving him for taking a risk, for taking you to the ball. Wondering, wishing that you wouldn’t become a roaring twenties version of Cinderella, his town car turning to a pumpkin once the clock struck twelve, you pushed those fears aside and stepped into a grand ballroom. The floor was an endless swath of black and white diagonal tiles A massive chandelier hung overhead while an orchestra played off to the side.
“What do you think?” Frederick asked, his voice dragging you from your reverie. He left your eyes for just a second to nod at a colleague before returning his entire focus to your stare.
“I… I think it’s fabulous,” you said. “And I think that you are by far the handsomest man in the joint.”
“The joint?” he echoed. “The costume’s era is going to your head, my dear.”
“And what about yours?” you asked. For a second he was silent, the fingers free of his cane reaching for one of the beads drizzling down your neck. He tenderly flicked it away, started to come in for a kiss…
…but he suddenly stopped short.
“You do look amazing,” he said, blushing as the band changed tones, and you saw the clowns and the cats flood the dance floor.
“Do we dare?” you asked.
He started to follow your suggestion, your lead when he halted and somberly shook his head.
“I… maybe not just yet,” he said. 
Your heart hurt to see him sad, a little scared, and you patted his cheek just below his scar.
“Night’s still young,” you responded. “Maybe another drink?”
“Do not go all Paulette on me,” he gently chided, and you swatted his arm as he left you with the promise of a cranberry juice and vodka. Left alone, your gangster with a heart of gold still close by, you smiled at some of the other party goers. A few of the women and several men looked past you to where Frederick stood, their eyes full of questions that went unasked. For that you were grateful, not in the mood for an interrogation, counting the seconds until Frederick was back at your side…
“Care to dance?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw a baseball player. Or a carbon copy who hardly knew how to hold the bat. With a smirk, he doffed his cap.
“No thank you,” you said. “I’m waiting for my… date.”
“Dr. Chilton,” the young man said.
“You know him?”
“Used to be on his staff,” the faux ballplayer continued. “When he sort of kind of had the head to run a hospital. But make no mistake; even without the… troubles, he wouldn’t have lasted long.”
Knowing that the man’s cold words must be connected to Frederick’s injuries, wanting to hear more but not from this fool’s lips, you started to take your leave when the shortstop without a mitt grabbed your arm.
“Hey! What do you think you’re---?”
“Showing you a Happy Halloween,” he said. “Ditch the dull doctor. Dance with me.”
Struggling to break free from the stranger’s hold, you heard ice clinking in glasses and the tip of a cane tapping against the tiles. Sensing Frederick was close, you started to search for his eyes when the ballplayer brought his hand close to your breast. His fingers flexed, squeezing to lay claim to you like a trophy, unearned. Furiously, you pushed him back, and the movement knocked the cap from his head. Lifting your knee in your beaded gown, you couldn’t help but smile as you made contact with the barely there bulge in his pants.
“I said I wasn’t interested,” you stressed as he writhed in pain, his bat rolling away until a server dressed as Jason, hockey mask and all, snatched it up so that no one would trip. “Listen when a lady tells you that.”
Ignoring the crying ballplayer, his game lost, you smiled when Frederick caught your eye.
“I… are you al---?”
“Never better, Doc!” you chirped, taking your drink from his hand. “Bottoms up.” The sweet and the sting swirled down your throat, and you waited for Frederick to return your smile…
…when he turned on his heel, his cane tapping towards a quiet corner.
Rushing after him, your drink still in hand, you tried to twist his face to yours. It hurt when he winced in the wake of your touch.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. “Frederick?”
“You knocked him down,” he said.
“Damn straight,” you agreed. “Don’t know who he is but---”
“Someone I worked with. A subordinate.”
“Who obviously still doesn’t know his place,” you continued. “But I put him in---”
“I was only going to be another moment.”
Clutching your glass and seeing his face fallen, your mind began to connect the dots, and you quickly reached for his hand.
“Doc, I’m sorry,” you spoke fast.
“I was on my way back to you,” he pressed. “Do you think that I would not… that I could not have protected you?”
“No,” you swore. “Of course I don’t think that. But I’m tough, too. I thought you kind of liked that about me.”
“I do,” he said, his voice thick. “But just for once. It would have been nice to save someone... instead of the other way around.”
You wanted to understand, to listen. But then Frederick brushed past you, leaving you alone with your drink. Watching him disappear into a sea of black pointy ears mingled with a few fluffy rainbows, you sank to the nearest windowsill. 
What the hell had just happened? Everything was perfect. Kisses and champagne and chandeliers. Now you wanted to weep. And not simply because Frederick was suddenly so far from your side. You feared that you had lost him beyond this night and hated the idea of a world where you didn’t get to hear his voice and see his shy smile. Downing your drink, you started after him, desperate to find him, to make this right when you stopped atop a smaller staircase.
And saw a slim blonde praising his costume.
“It’s so cute, Dr. Chilton!” she chirped.
“Thank you, Sandra,” he said. “Now if you don’t mind, I---”
“And I felt horrible when I heard what happened to you,” Sandra droned on. “But you’re back and obviously better than ever. Maybe we could find a shady spot and get reacquainted?”
Frederick was slow to answer the question, just shaking his head. But the sight of another woman’s hand on his face caused you to charge forward and rip her fingers away.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Sandra demanded.
“Telling you to take your hands off him!” you said. “He’s spoken for.”
“He’s certainly not sticking close,” Sandra spat.
“But I am,” you said, grabbing Frederick’s arm once more. “Now buzz off, bitch.”
Sandra looked shocked, but when Frederick failed to leap to her defense she stomped off in the other direction, leaving you alone with…
“Doll? What are you doing?”
“Setting you straight.”
The liquor still swirled in your brain as you pushed him past a quartet dressed as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Not caring about a day in the life or who was leaving home, you took hold of his tie and spoke fast.
“Look, I like you. I don’t want the boys on the quad or that prick with the bat.”
“I’ve had to take care of myself most of my life,” you continued. “I’ll keep doing that. It doesn’t mean that I don’t trust you. Or care about you so much that I think about you night and day.”
“Or know that bad things happened and want to fight anyone that would ever try to hurt you again. Not happening. Not while I’m around.”
The feel of his hand on your cheek allowed you to relax some.
“Doll, not that I don’t appreciate… Sandra is harmless. A decent nurse but---”
“A gold digger,” you said without any proof but still feeling so certain. “And I won’t share you with her. I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
Was it too much? You didn’t care. At least he would know where you stood when he left your life.
Here it came. The other shoe. You brushed some beads from your eyes and just gasped when you saw his smile.
“Dance with me now?”
Too stunned to do anything but nod, you savored the feel of his hand in yours and let him lead you back to the place under the chandelier. Despite some titters from the costumed crowd, he let his cane fall and circled an arm around your waist. You swayed to the music, the lights sparkling from above. As his feet traced tentative circles against the tiles, you matched his steps and realized that his eyes were not aiding any mission in pursuit of some marvelous minuet.
Because those eyes were only for you.
“Frederick?” you whispered.
“I really wouldn’t want to be anywhere else tonight. I’m sorry if I showed you up or---”
“It’s forgotten.”
“But if I made a scene with that nurse, I’m sorry---”
“Never apologize for that,” he said, dancing you closer to the center of the room.
Staying silent, he dipped you, his kiss passionate, the taste of his tongue causing you to forget your name. And as he guided you back to his gaze you saw his smile brighter than every light in the room.
“Because I was wrong,” he said. “And I rather think that I like being rescued by you.”
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marmelade-sky · 7 years
Traiterous Heart (In A Heartbeat fanfic)
So, I’ve watched @inaheartbeat-film and holy shit, it’s so adorable, I pretty much melted into my chair. So, ofc, here’s some fanfic, and ofc it’s fucking long because I cannot, for the life of me, write short things. Enjoy :) part ii will be coming soon as well. 
None of the characters belong to me. Also, I made up background characters for storytelling purpose. 
read here on ao3 
prompt me! my fandom list is on my blog. 
part 2 here
Sherwin’s mommy wears daddy’s heart on a necklace, and his daddy wears mommy’s heart in the pocket of his shirt every day, and Sherwin thinks this is how it’s supposed to be. 
Their kindergarten teacher reads them stories about a knight and a princess falling in love, their hearts jumping out of their chests and holding hands after the knight saves his princess from the evil dragon guarding her, and Sherwin listens to their teacher explains that hearts know true love. 
When he’s in 1st grade, his auntie gets married to her boyfriend, and Sherwin is very happy when he watches her walk down the isle, her heart jumping up and down on her shoulder while her fiancé’s heart waits anxiously next to him. When they embrace at last, Sherwin sniffles and hides his face in his mommy’s skirt. She smiles down at him and pets his hair. “One day, when you’re all grown up, and your heart has picked a nice girl for you, mommy’s gonna cry at your wedding, too.”, she tells him sweetly, and for some reason, Sherwin’s chest feels a little weird. He isn’t sure why, and as soon as he’s got ice cream at the reception, he forgets about it anyway. 
A new Disney movie comes out when Sherwin is in third grade, and he watches it with his best friend Mathilda. It’s about a girl cat and a boy cat who live on the streets and get into adventures and fall in love in the end. After they’ve watched it, Mathilda wants to play as the characters from the movie, and Sherwin happily obliges. However, something bugs him. 
“...Tildy?”, he asks while they’re in the process of throwing all the pillows from the couch to the floor to build a super cool kitty shelter, “...can I be the girl kitty?” 
Tildy tilts her head and considers it. “...sure!”, she says, and reaches into her hair to pull out a hair clip which has a pink butterfly on it. It looks almost exactly like the bow the cat in the movie has on her head. Tildy clips it into Sherman’s hair while he holds still. “Okay.” Tildy steps back and looks at him critically, before her face breaks into a big smile and she claps her hands. 
“Let’s play now!” She dashes off on all fours, meowing, and Sherwin follows her happily. 
When they’ve been playing for a while, Sherwin’s brother comes home with his friend in tow. “What do you have on your head, Sher?!”, Frederick asks, and Sherwin immediately feels his cheeks heat up. He covers the butterfly clip with his hand. 
“You look like a girl!”, Fred teases him and Sherwin feels his bottom lip wobble. 
“Are you a girl, Sher? Sherwina?” Fred’s friend laughes and Sherwin wishes Tildy had never given him her hair clip. “Sherwin is a girl! Sherman is a girl!”, his brother chants now, and Sherwin turns around, hiding the tears spilling down his face. Fred is so mean! 
“Stop teasing him!”, Tildy scolds Fred with her hands on her hips, and they start to fight, because Tildy is afraid of no boy, not even when they’re 12 already. 
Eventually, mommy comes home and breaks the fight up. Tildy has to go home, and Sherwin retreats into his bedroom, avoiding mommy’s eyes. He rips the stupid butterfly clip out of his hair and stuffs it into the bottom drawer of his closet. Stupid butterfly clip. Stupid Fred. 
Grandma and Grandpa are visiting, and Sherwin is really happy. Grandma makes the best cookies and Grandpa can carry him around on his back all day. They’re great. 
When Tildy comes over to play, Grandma looks at her and smiles. “Oh, Sher, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend!”, she cooes playfully, and it makes Sherwin feel weird. He can see Tildy’s cheeks flush pink, too.
“She’s not my girlfriend!”, he blusters, but Grandma just smiles and nods knowingly. Tildy is weird to Sherwin afterwards, and he doesn’t know why. 
When Sherwin is in middle school, one girl and one boy in his class give their hearts to each other. It doesn’t happen often at their age, but sometimes, it does. Sherwin watches as all the girls crowd around the girl, squealing and giggling, while the boy gets teased by his friends. After it happens, the teacher takes them out of class, and their parents are called. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s rare, and the adults have to make sure the two of them are alright. 
“I wish my heart would choose someone for me!”, Tily sighs in math class afterwards, and Sherwin just looks at her with his eyebrows furrowed. “It’s so romantic!” She clutches her chest and sighs again. Sherwin looks at her critically. He can’t imagine giving his heart to any girl. His heart has never even made a peep, so he thinks he might be safe for some more years.
In the middle of 9th grade, a new boy comes to their school. Apparently, he’s transferred from some other school after his family has moved here or something. The teacher introduces him as Jonathan. He has dark, perfect hair and the bluest eyes and he smiles shyly at the class when he’s introduced. His eyes dart over them nervously, and then they meet Sherwin’s. 
Sherwin startles so badly that he almost falls out of his chair. Tildy turns to look at him with eyes like saucers. Sherman clutches his chest and runs out of the classroom. He spends the remainder of the period in the bathroom, locked in a stall, legs tucked under and crying. His heart flutters between his lungs whenever he remembers Jonathan’s blue eyes.
He avoids Jonathan at all cost. And yet, he can’t stop thinking about him. 
Jonathan seems to get along with everyone just fine, even though he hasn’t really made a lot of friends yet since he always has his nose in a book. He’s smart, always knows the answers to the teachers’ questions. Whenever he speaks in class, Sherwin has to clutch his chest or cover his ears. His stupid, stupid heart is a traitor.
He wonders if his heart is broken. It’s supposed to beat for a girl like this, not a boy! Sherwin tries forcing himself to look at girls, even at Tildy. But none of them make his heart jump and warm up like Jonathan does. 
His aunt throws a birthday party in her backyard which they are invited to, the family, and his aunt’s friends, too. 
There is food and Sherwin gets to play with his aunt’s dog, which is nice. Fred has brought his girlfriend Natasha. Sherman thinks she’s far too nice for Fred. 
His aunt’s friends are funny. There’s a woman with pink hair, a man with tattoos up his arms and two men who Sherman can’t stop looking at for some reason. They seem weirdly... close, and they look nice, and actually really normal compared to his aunt’s other friends. One of them catches Sherman staring, and gives him a little smile. Sherwin realizes there is a heart in front of him on the table, and it happily holds hands with the other man’s. Sherwin blushes violently, and flees into the house where he hides in the kitchen. 
His aunt joins him after a while. She sits down next to him on the floor, where he’s playing with his phone, and cocks her head. 
“My friends thinks he’s accidentally startled you.”
Sherwin blushes again and quickly shakes his head. “No, it’s alright. I’m just... tired.” 
His aunt chuckles. “Do you always sit on the kitchen floor when you’re tired?”
Sherwin just shrugs. 
“...they’re gay.”, his aunt simply says after a while, “...they like each other. Their hearts chose each other.”
It sounds so simple, but suddenly, Sher’s eyes sting and he has to rub at them to make it stop.
“...it happens sometimes, you know?”, his aunt tells him, and reaches out to rub his arm gently. “...nothing wrong with it.” 
Sherwin just nods, but doesn’t look at her. 
She hugs him tightly before she goes outside again. 
Sherwin thinks he’s gay, and he has to tell Tildy because if he doesn’t, he might explode. 
He cries when he tells her as they sit in the tree house in Tildy’s backyard, and Tildy just listens. When he’s done talking and looks at her anxiously, she just looks back and says “Oh.”
His heart drops, and his bottom lip starts to wobble again. What if Tildy doesn’t want to be his friend anymore? What if she thinks he’s weird?
But after a moment, she leans over and hugs him, and he melts against her. 
“I’ve always wondered why you weren’t as stupid to me as the other boys.” She wipes his tears away with the sleeve of her shirt.
They spend the rest of the afternoon talking about boys and eating chocolate ice cream in the tree house. 
His heart is a traitor, and because it is, it gets ripped in two.
It’s the worst day of Sher’s life, he thinks so when he sits hidden behind the tree in the school yard, and cries over the half of his heart which he cradles in his hands, and the dull pain in his chest. 
Of course Jonathan doesn’t like him back, why should he? And now everyone at school knows he’s gay and not normal. 
Sherwin is missing class, but he doesn’t mind. He’ll never come out of his hiding spot, never ever again. 
When someone sits down next to him, he startles so badly that he almost drops half his heart.
It’s Jonathan, who looks down at him with an uncertain expression. Sherwin thinks Jonathan’s gonna punch him any second now for embarrassing him so badly, and tucks his shoulders up.
Instead, Jonathan sits down next to him, and inches closer. Sherwin is so surprised that he forgets to move away when Jonathan reaches out, holding the other half of his heart. 
He puts them together in Sherwin’s hands. They fit like puzzle pieces. Jonathan closes Sherwin’s fingers around the two broken halves, and they warm up in Sher’s palm. 
There’s some wiggling, and then, when Sherman opens his hands again, his heart smiles up at him excitedly. 
“Here you go.”, Jonathan says quietly, and when Sherwin looks over to him, he sees that he’s smiling. Sher’s heart, of course, swishes out of his hands and against Jonathan’s cheek. 
“OhmygodIamsosorryheartwhatareyoudoingstop!” Sherwin scrambles for his stupid heart, cheeks heating up instantly, and he topples over reaching for it and suddenly he’s on top of Jonathan and oh god. 
His heart makes the most satisfied noise when he looks down at Jonathan, horrified, and Jonathan looks up at him with wide eyes, too.
And then, suddenly...
Sherwin can feel the movement against his own chest, and quickly sits up. Jonathan blushes furiously as his heart beats louder and louder and harder and harder and then-
Sherwin’s heart squeals happily when Jonathan’s heart joins it. 
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taylor-carson-blog1 · 7 years
Tumblr media
      CAR·SON                 /KAHR-sən/                           irish, scottish, and english. son of the marsh-dwellers.
Stephen Frederick Carson III 66 
Born in Wilmington, North Carolina. Mayor of Wilmington since 2000. Highly protective over his one and only daughter to the point of constant surveillance (including GPS tracking, security cameras outside of her house, body guards, etc). Career politician, member of the Republican party. His family has been in Wilmington since the late 1800s, establishing a prominence in the town with a law firm. Tried to keep Taylor and Spencer away from one another for the majority of their adolescence, and is only recently coming around to the idea of their relationship. Loves country music, diplomacy, his grandchildren, and hosting community events. Nicknames: Steve, Your Honor, Mr. Mayor, Daddy (by Taylor)
Lori Penelope Carson 56
Maiden name McClure. Born in South Carolina and has never worked a day in her life. Fancies herself a socialite. Met Stephen while she was attending the University of North Carolina and, despite the age difference, they fell in love. His prestige and wealth didn’t hurt either. Cares very much about appearances, but was more sympathetic about Taylor’s homosexuality than her husband was. Loves sunbathing, luxury, botox, gossip, gardening, and horse racing.
Nicknames: Mom (by Taylor), darlin’ (by Stephen)
Taylor Skye Carson 33 
Born in Wilmington, North Carolina on June 24, 1984 , and hardly strays from her home town. Is essentially a trust fund baby, as she doesn’t have to worry about work or money, even though she worked as a paralegal for her family’s law firm for a couple years after graduation from Cape Fear Community College. Sees the best in people; is maternal, welcoming, friendly, yet highly anxious and mysterious. Doesn’t have too many friends, as she had to hide a large portion of her being for the majority of her life (her homosexuality), making it hard to trust people enough to get close. Labeled as Wilmington’s Sweetheart around town. Very happy being a stay-at-home, southern belle housewife, but misses her wife when she’s at work. Nicknames: Tay, Charlie (by Spencer), Mommy, baby girl (by her father)
Spencer Elizabeth Carson 36 
Maiden name Conrad. Born in Wilmington, North Carolina, to an Australian family that has been feuding with the Carsons since the late 1900s, and has a heavy presence in the police force. Was the varsity soccer captain in high school and continued to play in college. Came out as homosexual in late high school, and found herself intermingling with Taylor (who was fifteen, at the time). They had to keep their relationship a secret, since being homosexual in a small town at that time was scandalous (as well as Taylor being underaged), but the two girls were caught in an intimate moment by their fathers, who banned them from seeing one another for years. Took Taylor’s virginity on her sixteenth birthday. She and Taylor eloped in the Virgin Islands a few months after getting engaged (around six years ago) so that their families wouldn’t stop their union, then had a wedding for show about a year later. Left arm is covered in a black-ink tattoo sleeve, featuring a rose for Taylor, a sunflower for Hadley, and Samoan tribal designs for Kawai. Is a lieutenant with the Wilmington PD, hoping to take over as Chief of Police when her father steps down. Loves to surf, play soccer, hike, and collect coins in her free time. Nicknames: Spence, Bobby (by Taylor), Mama, Captain America, L.T.
Hadley June Carson 3
Born in Wilmington, North Carolina on June 5, 2014 through artificial insemination (Taylor carried her). Named after the month she and Taylor were born during, as well as Spencer’s late brother, Junior. Very chatty, extroverted, and girly. Enjoys manicures, pedicures, going to preschool, dancing, pretty clothes, coloring in Spencer’s arm tattoos, shopping at the mall with her Mommy, and playing on a mini-soccer team with Kawai, coached by her Mama. Can throw some pretty wild tantrums (when her Mama isn’t home), but is generally even-tempered, polite, and friendly. Was super excited when she found out that she was getting a brother, and is very protective over him, always wanting him to feel included in everything she does. Mama’s girl. Essentially Taylor’s mini-me. Nicknames: Had, Haddy (by Kawai), sweetheart, little miss
Kawai Conrad Carson 3
Born in Samoa at an unknown date in 2014. Adopted on August 12, 2017, which is now when they celebrate his birthday. His biological parents died of cholera, leaving the one year old to fend for himself on the streets. He received help from a few other street kids, but became very reserved and reclusive. People in his village said that he never trusted adults, especially outsiders, but that all changed when he met Taylor. On a visit with her charity for building schools in the area, Taylor saw him hiding behind a shack and when their eyes met, it was love at first sight. Taylor was the first person that Kawai put his trust in and she decided that she wasn’t going to leave Samoa without him. Very quiet and untrusting still, but he is getting better. Still learning about the English language and culture. Has a few health concerns from his time on the streets (mainly pulmonary and digestive). Enjoys playing on the beach, going to preschool, coloring in Spencer’s arm tattoos, superheroes, firetrucks, and playing on a mini-soccer team with Hadley, coached by his Mama. Mommy’s boy. Middle name given after Spencer’s maiden name. Nicknames: Kai, buddy, sweetheart
* Not Pictured: Knight (white shepherd), Elphie (weimaraner & vizsla mix) and Sir Purr (black cat)
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