#cat won’t stop eating my yarn
duccyarts · 1 year
Crocheting with my cat is so fun. I love fighting to get the yarn away from him and then dealing with the sopping wet yarn afterwards :)
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valewritessss · 3 months
Have any headcanons about Annabeth's childhood at camp(or pre camp either one)?
I’m so sorry I took a while to respond I’m on a trip so I don’t check my phone much but I do have some headcanons, most that I came up with and some that I’ve heard others say
- She is a fast eater from being rushed to finish eating while in the streets so that monsters don’t get to her. In fact, I would say most demigods are fast eaters since they need to be for quests where they don’t have much time to stop.
- Not really about Annabeth but the Athena cabin has a special cabinet full— and I mean FULL— of spider repellents, spider traps, and citrus sprays.
- She makes friendship bracelets (the yarn kind) for all of her friends and she’s good at it since Athena is also the goddess of weaving, a trait Annabeth was seen to have in Mark of Athena. And she makes the bracelets in theme with the person she gives it to.
- Her and Magnus used to play with legos because she wanted to and she’s bossy :). She still likes them but she won’t admit it, so her siblings give her a big box of Lego’s for one of her birthdays and her and Leo build stuff together in secret where no one will see them.
- When she would get in trouble in her dad’s house, her stepmom would lock her in the pantry.
- She had a cat before she ran away. She likes cats. They chill with her while she works/reads.
- Apart from the color of Percy’s eyes, her favorite color is purple (this is a protest against her favorite color being gray just bc it’s her eye color, that’s just a no).
- She used to search up every kid that came to camp half blood in hopes that they would be the prophecy kid and could be the one to get her a quest.
- Minecraft was a gift sent from Heaven and when it first came out, and though she’s older here she didn’t come out of her cabin for DAYS because she was too busy making the most epic buildings ever. Hell, her siblings wanted to play too but Annabeth was the only one who could on her laptop and she wasn’t gonna share.
- She’s the kid that screamed at everyone in P.E. She took four square too seriously, and don’t even think about trying to beat her at wall-ball.
- The elementary school librarian hated her because they were so done with her complaining that they only had silly kids books.
- Her teddy bear that she canonically has came from one of her old teachers that noticed how lonely she was so for the class’ white elephant (a gift exchange), she gave her a teddy bear. Annabeth teared up.
- While she was a run away, she befriended a stray dog that followed her everywhere until it left and never came back. Annabeth was heartbroken.
That’s all I could come up with but thank you so much for the ask it was fun!
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myherowritings · 4 years
Borrowed Sweaters, Stolen Kisses
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— In a game of Truth or Dare, you’re dared to sneak into your crush’s dorm and steal one article of clothing to wear the next day. It just so happens that the hoodie you snatched was Shinsou’s favorite sweater.
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader word count: 2,204 genre: fluff, aged up au (class 3a) warnings: 16+, suggestive content
a/n: this used to be a harry potter fic i wrote on my hp account but i rewrote it for shinsou bc it just seemed fitting fhgjdhsfg. shinsou is in class 1a in this fic or 3a since they’re aged up and at least 18 years old u.u i hope y’all enjoy!! xx 
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“No way.” You shook your head, kicking your legs out in front of you as you ignored Hagakure’s poking and prodding.
It was a relatively relaxed Friday night, and you and your friends decided to spend it in your dorm with a bottle of whisky and a game of Truth or Dare. The truths ranged from anything to, “Fuck, marry, kill: Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari” to, “Who was the last person you sent a nude to?” And the dares weren’t any better. Ashido practically vomiting in the corner served as a great reminder of that.
You were just grateful the dares you received were rather mundane. 
That was, until now.
“Y/N, you have to do it!” said Hagakure.
“Can’t I just forfeit this round and take a shot?”
“Nope, that’s only allowed for truths,” she quipped. 
You glanced over at Jirou, a pleading look on your face, but you were met with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Rules are rules,” Jirou sang, taking a swig of whisky before passing you the handle.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Mina’s fierce glare caused your words to die in your throat.
“If I had to chug that hot sauce concoction you guys made and then eat the mystery sushi until I felt sick, you can go to Shinsou’s room and steal a hoodie or something-- Sounds like a cakewalk compared to my dare.”
As she leaned her back against the bed, hand over her stomach as beads of sweat trailing down her forehead, you figured Mina was right. You’ve been in his dorm plenty of times before, anyway-- You two were friends and, at times, you supposed you enjoyed his company. What was the worst that could happen?
“You’re right.”
“I know.” 
Rolling your eyes, you stood up and slipped some fuzzy socks on, ignoring the cheers coming from your tipsy roommates. When you reached the door, your friends watching fervently as you wandered off to your ill-fated trek, you paused at the handle. 
You looked back at them, heaving a sigh. “If his dorm turns out to be booby trapped and I get caught, just know I will haunt you from the grave after I die of embarrassment.” 
“We expect nothing less,” was Tsuyu’s smart reply. 
Soon enough, you found yourself climbing up the boys’ side of Heights Alliance, feeling like you were doing a reverse walk of shame. It was a quarter past three o’clock in the morning and the odds of any of them being awake were slim to none, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach. 
You made your way to the front of Shinsou’s dorm room and cautiously placed your hand on the door handle. With a small grumble you fished the key card Hagakure stole from Hitoshi earlier (which made you wonder just how long your friends were planning this whole escapade out…) out of the pocket of your sweatpants. 
For the most part, it looked just like your dormitory. Only neater. His desk was fairly organized and, aside from balls of yarn and different sizes of knitting needles, was clear enough to work on. Scarves and hoodies were piled onto the back of the chair and foot of the bed--which meant your dare should be easy enough to complete--and a dim light was left twinkling.
Everything seemed cozy and lived in. Normal.
Except for the fact that Shinsou Hitoshi was not in his bed. 
“What on earth?” you murmured under your breath, finding it a bit strange the room was completely empty at this hour. But knowing him, you reckoned he was out training at any hour he could--something that worried you about him--or playing with a cat off campus grounds. It wasn’t unlikely. 
Still, with your feet planted at the foot of his dormitory, you wanted to get out of there before you were caught. Because you knew there was no way in hell for your drunken ass to smooth talk your way out of this mess if he were to find you.
Your hand hovered over the article of clothing nearest to you, which was a sweater draped over the back of a chair, and you took a deep breath, saying, “It’s just a dare. You can do it.” 
Before you lost all your nerve, you snatched the jumper with one hand and slipped out of the dorm. As you rushed down the stairs, you could’ve sworn you heard some shuffling coming from the empty room. But you didn’t care.
Part one of your dare was successfully completed.
Now for the hard part: Wearing it around the next day.
- - - - -
“How do I look?” 
You posed in front of your roommate, trying not to laugh at how the borrowed jumper engulfed your frame. Walking down the center of your dorm, you gave a little twirl.
“Sexy,” Mina teased from her spot on her bed. “Shinsou’s sweater looks nice on you.” 
Sticking your tongue out at her, you made a face. “I’m not sure what you mean. It’s pretty gross to me. I would never want to wear any of Shinsou’s clothes.”
“Then why did you put the hood over your head and bury your face in the collar?” 
Slowly, you peered up at her with your view obstructed by the fabric. You sniffled haughtily, trying to ignore the soothing aroma of lavender and smoked wood that filled your sense. 
Mina smirked, catching the small sigh of contentment that left your mouth as you basked in the scent of Shinsou’s hoodie. “Gross, huh?” 
“Mention this to no one,” you mumbled with a nonthreatening glare, pulling the hood off your head and folding your fabric-covered hands over your chest.
Laughing, she tossed you your bookbag from across as she waited by the door, the rest of your friends back in their own rooms to get ready for class. “Come on, lovebug. You can see him during math in a few minutes.”
“I won’t be looking forward to it.”
You grumbled protests as the both of you made your way down the stairs of Heights Alliance and toward the main campus of U.A. High, but Ashido paid them no mind. Soon enough, you reached the room and spotted Jirou and Hagakure in their usual seats. 
“Hey,” you quickly whispered, sliding into the seat next to Tooru before Ectoplasm sauntered over to the front of the class.
“Nice jumper,” she said simply, voice going an octave higher in amusement. “I knew you’d go through with it.” 
Reminded of your rather bold choice of clothing (that was horribly out of dress code), you subconsciously tugged at the sleeves. You sent a quick plead to the gods above that you didn’t look as foolish as you thought you did. 
While Ectoplasm introduced antiderivatives and indefinite integrals to the class, Hagakure nudged you on the side, sliding you a ripped piece of her parchment paper.
You looked at her curiously as Mina peered over your shoulder to catch sight of the writing.
DO NOT LOOK NOW!!! But I’m 100% certain Shinsou has been staring at you since the start of math class.
Of course, the first thing both you and Ashido did after reading the note was turn your heads at the same time towards the back of the class where Hitoshi and his friends were sitting. And, as your luck would have had it, you made directly eye contact with an amused-looking Shinsou.
Both you and Mina turned around to face the front so fast you were sure at least one of you received whiplash. 
Wide-eyed and flushed, you exchanged glances with her, both of you trying to hold in your laughter.
“I told you not to look,” Hagakure whispered, a small giggle escaping from her lips, sending you three into fits of laughter you tried to muffle with your hands. 
Behind you, someone cleared their throat, causing the three of you to straighten up in an instant. 
“Something amusing you, ladies?” 
“No, sir,” you quipped.
“Sorry, Ectoplasm-sensei,” remarked Tooru.
“We’ll shut up now,” promised Mina.
With a stern look on his face but a slight tilt of his smile, Ectoplasm nodded and returned to his lesson. “I trust you three will be experts of the integral calculus by the next lesson and I won’t have to catch you making doe eyes at a certain someone?”
Though he asked all three of you the question, his gaze was pointed at you and the class knew it. Your cheeks heated up as slouched into your chair. Perhaps if you tried hard enough, you could turn into the seat. 
“Yes, sir,” you mumbled, ignoring the stifled laughter from Ashido and an apologetic, but amused, look from Hagakure. 
And as he continued the lesson, you could’ve sworn you felt a certain pair of eyes on the back of your head until the end of it.
When class finally concluded and Ectoplasm dismissed the lot of you, you rushed out of the classroom as fast as you could.
But not fast enough.
“Nice sweater, Y/N,” you heard a deep voice call, stopping you in your footsteps. “Looks familiar.”
You swallowed, slowly turning around to face Shinsou--lazy smirk and all. There was nothing you wanted to do more than dash back to your dormitory and hide, but instead you straightened your spine and braved a look of nonchalance.
“Does it now?”
“Yeah,” he said with an amused look in his eyes. “I���d have to say it does.”
Peering up through your lashed, you looked at him with faux innocence. “I can’t say I know why.”
Slowly, he walked closer towards you as you moved back against the wall. He took the excess fabric of your sleeve into his hands, stroking them between his fingers.
“You know-- It even feels familiar.” He smiled thoughtfully. “Just like my sweater I happened to lose last night.”
By now, the halls had begun to clear up, the traitors you called friends having left you with a thumbs up right as Shinsou approached you. 
You coughed as you repeated, “I wonder why.”
He was so close you could catch a whiff of his lavender and woodsy scent.
“If you wanted my clothes on you, Y/N, you could’ve just asked.”
You pointedly eyed the way he was toying with the hem of your--or rather, his--sweater, lifting it slightly. “Well, if you wanted my clothes off this badly, you could’ve just asked.” 
Shinsou raised his eyebrows in surprise at your suggestion, hand frozen on the fabric. The intensity of his gaze melted your steely disposition, embarrassment creeping up to your neck.
“I’m only kidding,” you murmured, refusing to be the one to break eye contact.
“That’s a shame, then.”
You blinked. “What?”
He shook his head. “Nothing.” 
Biting the inside of your lip, you toyed with the bottom of your sweater.
“That’s my favorite jumper, you know?” mused Shinsou, looking fondly at the U.A. hoodie. “Aizawa got it for me when I entered the hero course.” 
A horrified look crossed your face. You stole his favorite sweater that Eraserhead gifted him himself? Good going. 
“Oh, shit,” you swore, reaching for the hem of the hoodie. “I’m sorry, Shinsou! I didn’t know.”
Chuckling, Shinsou placed his hand on top yours to stop you from removing it. “No-- You can keep it on.” You paused. “I’d say I quite like how it looks on you.”
Your heart skipped a beat when his hand that was still on your ran down the length of your fingers. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you interlaced them with his own, causing him to send a shocked but pleased look your way. You smiled.
He ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him. “If I were to kiss you right now, would you be upset?”
You shook your head, leaning into his touch. “Upset is the last thing I’d be.”
“Well, then I suppose--”
“What are the two of you doing?” you heard Aizawa exclaim as he rounded the corner, catching sight of the two of you against the hallway. He pulled Shinsou away from you by the collar, your cheeks flooding with embarrassment. 
Shinsou, however, looked unperturbed.
“Sorry, Aizawa-sensei,” he said sincerely, “but what I was about to do just then-- I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.”
He chuckled at the shocked look on your face, giving you a wink as Aizawa released his shirt. Shinsou made his way back over to you across the hall.
“How cute you looked in my sweater was only the catalyst,” said Shinsou before placing both hands on either side of your hips, pulling you towards him in a brief but deep kiss.
“Shinsou! Y/L/N!”
“Sorry, sir.” This time, Shinsou didn’t sound so sincere as he ignored the appalled look on Aizawa’s face. “I just couldn’t wait until we got to the dorms to do that. Don’t worry though, Y/N-- I swear there will be far better kisses that’ll take place there as well.”
And though the two of you may have been sentenced to detention and cleaning duty for the next three weekends, you would have to say the kiss was definitely worth it.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Sharing Is Caring ~ LF, BC [M] [Request]
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GENRE: Smut, Hybrid AU, Threesome,
PAIRING: Hybrid!Cat Felix x Hybrid!Cat Reader x Hybrid!Wolf Chan
WARNINGS: Sexually explicit, pet names, hybrid smut, oral M receiving and F receiving, unprotected sex.
A/N: I’m not an expert on writing threesomes or Hybrid AU’s but I hope this came out okay for you my lovely 🌆 anon
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Chan's eyes followed you as you walked towards the kitchen of the dorms, he was so quiet that you had no idea he was even home. You thought you and Felix had the dorms to yourself while the boys all went away for their break. Chan was supposed to have gone to Changbin's but decided to stay back instead, something inside of him yarned to stay home and now he knew what it was. He'd have missed the perfect opportunity to watch you walked around the apartment practically naked, your long black fluffy tail behind you as you walked to get some water.
"Babe-" Felix stopped himself from talking when he saw Chan watching you, he'd known for a while that Chan had a small crush on you but he thought nothing of it. He'd been opposed to sharing you but Felix had, had a dream a couple of nights ago about all three of you together. It had turned him on so much he couldn't get back to sleep and woke you up just to fuck the dreams away but now that you were standing there in front of them both it almost made it feel like it was supposed to happen,
"Lix what- Oh! Chan! Sorry, I thought- I thought we were alone," You stammered ou,t putting the cup back into the sink as you tried to pull the shirt down, it wasn't like you were displaying anything but you were suddenly shy in front of the wolf hybrid.
"It's okay I was enjoying the view actually," Your ears turned as you got shy in front of him you casually walked over to Felix not wanting Chan's words to affect you too much. There was no denying that he was incredibly handsome and sweet and you had thought about him once or twice, but you were loyal to Felix.
"What's the matter kitten? Did Chan's words make you feel good?" Felix's hand ran down your spine until he came into contact with your ass giving it a squeeze as you let out a yelp of surprise.
"W-What are you doing?" You whimpered as you looked at Felix, he reached out to run his hand through your hair he'd always loved how soft it was, matched the feel of your tail perfectly.
"Well I've always wondered what it would be like to share you and I know Chan's been thinking of that too," Your eyes widened as you looked at Chan, he was sitting back in the chair closing his laptop. He wasn't going to lie, he found you extremely attractive and there had been more than one occasion when he'd heard you and Lix and imagined what it would be like if he was involved somehow.
"Share me? How?" Your thighs squeezed together as you got excited at the thought the action didn't go unmissed by Chan who smirked at Felix,  
"I think she likes this Felix, I can already smell her arousal just dripping from her," Within seconds they were by your side and your back was against the wall, your head spinning to look at both of them as they inched closer. Their breaths on each side of your neck until they finally laid gentle kisses on the exposed skin,
"What do you say, Kitten? Do you want to play?" Felix questioned softly biting down on your ear as he whispered into it, your head began to frantically nod before you even had a chance to think it through. All you knew was that you wanted both of them, touching you, kissing you or the other way around. You just wanted them.
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"Nice and easy kitten, we won't do anything you're not comfortable with." Chan took onto the nickname Felix had for you really well.
"Strip," You licked your lips as the demand came from Felix who was normally quite reserved when it came to the bedroom but tonight something came over him.
"O-okay, but you too." You stuttered out looking down at your outfit, you didn't have much to strip out of except for the black lace panties and the shirt you'd stolen from Felix. Chan smirked at you,
"Alright Kitten," He slowly began to pull the black hoodie up from his stomach revealing his abs that you'd seen at a glance before but that were now on full display for you to view.
"You have a little droll baby," Felix grumbled trying not to get jealous since this was his idea in the first place, you felt heat rush through your body as you began to slowly lift the baggy shirt from your body letting it drop to the floor.
As you went to reach for your panties the boys stopped you, Felix turned you around to slap and grab onto your ass. It was one of his favourite things about you,
"So sexy," You whimpered as he squeezed a little harder and then Chan's hand came into contact with your other ass cheek, slapping and grabbing onto the skin roughly chuckling as you let out a whine.
"So cute when she whines like this Felix, I don't know how you keep in control of yourself," He whispered kissing down your neck as you rolled your head back to look at Felix who was licking his lips at the sight of you,
"I don't know how I do either Channie," You shakily ran your hand down their bare stomachs before you began palming them through the shorts they were wearing, both of them rock hard making your mouth water at the thought of them. You sank down onto the floor turning to face their crotches and looked up at them.
"Does baby want a taste?" You nodded silently taking your hands up to the button of Felix's shorts, you began to unbutton them while Chan watched eagerly waiting to see what you could do.
"I-I want you both," You whispered palming Felix through his boxers with one hand while your other fumbled with the button to Chan's shorts, he smirked helping you out.
They both stripped out of their boxers leaving you to kneel in front of them, your core growing wetter from the sight of both of their members in front of you. You reached out to stroke Chan while you took Felix into your mouth, you wanted to work your way up to Chan since he was a little larger than Felix, not in length but in girth. Your eyes locked with Felix as you began to slowly swirl your tongue around his tip. Licking slowly along his slit to suck up his precum while you pumped Chan in your hand, occasionally switching eye contact with them both as you sucked Felix off.
"F-Feels so warm kitten," At the nickname, you began to take more of him into your mouth taking him until he hit the back of your throat and then you slowly began to bob your head up and down making sure you took him all the way to the back of your throat so he could feel it.
"Shit Y/n," He moaned out rolling his head back and bucking his hips so he could hit you in the back of the throat again. You hummed around him to create some vibrations around his cock and he grunted, you pulled off swirling your tongue around his tip before switching over to Chan. There was a string of drool dripping down your chin which made Chan moan at the sight off. Your hand was on Felix continuing to pump him while you spat onto Chan's cock, pumping him slowly as you placed your lips around his tip. Licking the tip and swirling your tongue around it before sucking softly making him whine out.
"D-Don't tease me, angel," Chan growled looking down at you as you smirked around him licking from base to tip before you finally took him into your mouth repeating the same thing you had done to Felix while holding eye contact with him. Chan's hands worked their way into your hair forcing you down further onto him not wanting you to stop. You felt so much better than he'd ever been able to imagine,
"H-Holy fuck," He groaned as you held onto his thigh taking him further into your mouth, his cock filling your throat. As soon as he twitched you pulled off and smiled up at both of them.
"Bed," Felix ordered making you get up on your feet and go over to the double bed in Chan's room, Chan pushed you to lay down and then dragged you to the edge of the bed.
"Panties are still in the way," Felix hissed ripping the black underwear from your body promising to buy you another pair sometime.
"Look how wet you are for us," Chan cooed running his index finger through your folds as you spread your legs for them, not wanting to shy them away. You were needy for them to finally touch you,
"So eager to spread your legs," Felix chuckled sinking to the spot in front of you on the floor as he began to attached his lips around your clit making you moan out.
"L-Lix," You breathed out as you finally felt some friction you'd been dying for since they first mentioned this in the kitchen,
"I want a taste too, Felix? Do you mind?" Felix moved his lips away from your clit and he began to pump two fingers in and out of you.
"Lix-" Your moan of Felix's name was cut off as Chan's lips were wrapped around your clit, sucking and licking on your clit as Felix pumped his fingers in and out of you hitting the right spot. Your legs shook as he continued to thrust his fingers knuckles deep inside of you,
"Taste so fucking good, kitten," Chan mumbled against your clit, the vibrations from his voice making you shake as you looked down at him. Your hands shakily reached out to take his hair into your hands, pushing him closer to your clit trying to reach your orgasm faster.
"Chan! Felix!" You cried out feeling yourself draw closer with every pump of Felix's fingers and lick of Chan's tongue, it was like a thirsty puppy getting a drink of water for the first time.
"G-Gonna-" You couldn't even finish the words as your hips bucked up against Chan's tongue and Felix's fingers continued to get faster.
"Fuck! I'm cum-" You were cut off as you let out an intense moan of their names, Felix's tongue replaced his fingers as he continued to eat you out.
"F-Fuck," You whimpered as you came down from your high, Felix pulled away from you wiping his lips and smirking.
"You alright, kitten?" Felix questioned when he saw your legs shaking a little,
"I'm okay," You panted sitting up on the bed and looking at them, you had no idea how this was going to work and they could tell how nervous you were about it now.
"On all fours angel," You followed Felix's words and turned over so your ass was in the air for them,
"I'll let Chan-Hyung fuck you this once, and only once." He said in a warning tone but you knew the warning wasn't for you, you whined as Chan's fingers began to run along your folds.
"Still soaking wet for us angel?" You nodded weakly looking at Felix as he came around to the front of you, his cock still just as hard as before,
"W-Want you both to finish in my mouth," You wanted to tell them before you got so stuffed full of cock you wouldn't be able to talk.
"Fuck you smell amazing," Chan groaned running his cock along the entrance of your core making you whimper and look back at him.
"Want your cock, please." You begged him looking into his eyes as he slowly eased into you stretching you out as you moaned out his name.
"O-Oh shit," He moaned out slowly started to push in and out of you so he could ease it into you, you whimpered each time he reached your hilt. You could feel yourself stretching around his length,
"I feel a little left out here, kitten," Felix mumbled tapping your bottom lip with the head of his cock, you giggled spitting onto it and licking the lip. With every slowly thrust you slowly took Felix into your mouth, mimicking the way Chan would move on you.
"F-Faster Hyung, she's copying you." Felix hissed looking at you as he put his hands into your hair holding onto it tightly so he could have more control on you.
"Oh is baby being a copy cat?" Chan asked cockily as he began to snap in and out of you causing you to moan around Felix's length.
"Fuck!" Felix moaned out as you vibrated around him, pulling off to suck on the tip, swirling your tongue while you pumped the rest of him.
"Chan- Chan," You stuttered out as he continued to thrust in and out of you, grunting as he held onto your hips pulling you back roughly as he slammed in and out of you. A whimper left your mouth as you took Felix back into your mouth, sucking him just as quickly as Chan was fucking you.
"You're so fucking tight! I've heard you fucking almost five times a day, how are you so fucking tight?!" He moaned out as he continued to push in and out of you, grinding down into you as you tried to keep your focus on Felix.
"Y/n," Felix breathed out as you continued to bob your head around him, massaging his balls as you stared up at him through your eyelashes.
"Look at you giving me that innocent look, you love being fucked by Chan huh?" You nodded around him and he smirked, holding onto your head as he began to thrust into the back of your throat fucking your face while Chan fucked your cunt.
"F-Fuck!" You moaned as Felix pulled out of you for a second only to fill your mouth back up the next second,
"She's getting close, I can feel her clenching and pulsating around my cock, fuck." Chan groaned looking down at you as you continued to suck on Felix's cock.
"You wanna cum?" Felix questioned pulling out of you continuing to pump himself so you could answer,
"P-Please, I'm close." You hungrily took Felix back into your mouth and Chan's thrusts continued, reaching his hand down between your legs to rub circles on your clit sending you over the edge.
"Cum for us," He growled, you whimpered taking Felix from your mouth as you moaned out their names,
"Tell us how good you feel," Felix chuckled watching as you got close to your orgasm,
"F-Fuck I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" You cried out so loud, your orgasm ripped through your body as Chan continued fucking you through your orgasm. Pulling out of you when he felt your body relax.
"On the floor," You slid off the bed in and instantly knelt in front of Chan while Felix made his way over to you. You took them both into your hands and began pumping them, switching between the two with your tongue.
"Cum for me," You whimpered looking between them as they looked down at you,
"Ugh fuck," Felix grumbled holding onto one side of your head while Chan held onto the other one, cumming onto your tongue as you held your mouth open for them, swallowing everything you could.
"Mmm," You hummed reaching your hand up to your face to remove some of their cum from it and suck your fingers clean. The boys were panting heavily as they watched you do so both of them moaning,
"C-Can I have a tissue?" You giggled as they both scrambled to find some in Chan's room before coming back over to you and helping you clean up your face.
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You were laid between them in the double bed, both of them with one arm over your stomach as you laid there happily.
"There's one thing I know for sure," Felix whispered as he saw you getting sleepy,
"Hmm?" You hummed not having the energy to give him real words just yet,
"What's that?" Chan hummed wanting to know what Felix was thinking,
"I don't want that to be the last time we do something like that," You giggled kissing him softly,
"M-Me neither," Both of you looked to Chan to see what he was thinking and he had a giant smile across his face,
"Then it won't be," He whispered leaning down to kiss both you and Felix on the forehead before telling you both to get to sleep for the night and for the first time in a while he thought he just sleep great for the first time in a while.
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Tagline: @peachyhan​ @taestannie​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​
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gureishi · 4 years
prompt 2 with v tysm take care of you ^^
Thank you for this wonderful request, and apologies for taking my time writing it!
I thought a whole lot about this prompt and Jihyun and my mind said PINING and I wrote this long, sprawling thing. It’s a slightly different format from my other requests—I hope you don’t mind! Writing this made me feel all kinds of things. ♡♡
two: fall into yours arms again
JihyunxReader, G, words: 3620
97 days
It’s windy today.
You wake up late and throw open the window that you can reach from your bed. The sun’s already high in the sky and beating down through the thin, gauzy curtains. You need to buy new curtains.
The window sticks; you push; it opens. The cool breeze whips through your hair, in stark contrast to the sun—nauseatingly hot and dry. The wind cools your neck, wipes away the last remnants of what you suspect was a nightmare.
Though it’s June, the air still smells of spring. The azaleas in the community garden down the street have wilted, but some of their fragrance is in the air today, and it startles you, spins your head around.
He left in March and the chaos of April and May have been locked away in your memory, behind a wall that says think about this later. Now it’s undeniably summer, the days lengthening, your tendency to sleep through the morning worsening. Time has slowed: the afternoons feel languid and the nights unbearably long. You stretch, letting your shirt—his shirt—fall off your shoulder. It’s long lost its scent by now, grown softer as you’ve slept in it, worn it while cleaning up the little loft you once lived in by yourself. You lived here what feels like forever ago, before you made the misguided decision that led to your life turning upside down and now, somehow, righting itself in ways you still don’t understand.
“I miss you,” you mouth into the wind.
191 days
When you get home you’re shivering, underdressed and underprepared for the turn in the weather. You turn the key in the lock, shoulders hunched against the cruel chill that has abruptly permeated your quiet little neighborhood.
You slip inside and shut the door, the wind chimes jangling harshly. You toss your things haphazardly to the side—keys, bag, sunglasses, coffee cup. Everything you needed for the day except a stupid jacket.
The house is cool, too—the wood floors retain some of the warmth of summer but you haven’t turned the heat on yet out of some convoluted mixture of stubbornness and frugality. You shrug on your thickest, floppiest sweater and move through the house, closing the windows one at a time. You shouldn’t have left them open to begin with.
You survey the mess you’ve made: bag spilling out onto your multicolored shag rug, sunglasses hanging over the hand-painted lamp on the side table. You decide to leave them there.
As you so often do lately, you slip into the well-worn chair at your small desk in the corner, under the little window that faces north. You rub your hands together, gaze at the growing pile of paper, stacked precariously high. You know there’s work to be done, emails to be answered—instead, you pull a new sheet of paper toward you, begin a letter than can never be sent.
“How are you?” you write. “It’s getting cold here. I hope it’s warm where you are.” You pause, well-chewed pen cap in your mouth. Scrawl the words you know he won’t read on the paper you have no way to send to him. “I think about you,” you write. “Every single day.”
277 days
You laugh and wave and laugh again as you see the grey cloud your warm breath makes in the air.
You call out a last goodbye toward your friends’ receding backs and then wrap your scarf more tightly around your neck, feeling the cold more strongly now that you’re alone. You make your way back through your neighborhood, stopping only to pet the head of the tabby cat that your down-the-street neighbor lets roam free. The sun is setting—the midday chill is turning to a biting evening cold.
You approach your little loft: open the gate, half-run down the path. When, you think, will this feel like a home again? How long, you wonder, till this feels more real that those two weeks that are still illuminated in your memory, brighter even than the events of yesterday or last month or last summer?
Automatically, you check your mailbox. Automatically, you riffle through the bills you can just barely pay and the magazines subscribed to by the apartment’s former occupants. At the very bottom, there’s an envelope, one side covered completely in stamps. You climb the steps, peering at it curiously. You recognize the writing.
You trip.
You should get back up and go in the house and turn on the lights—open the letter where it’s warm and bright. But instead you stay right where you are, on the bottom step, jacket twisted up under you. You tear off one mitten, your hands shaking a little, and open the envelope.
“Dearest,” he’s written. “I don’t know if I’ve sent this the right way or how long it will take to reach you.”
There are already frozen tears on your eyelashes, blurring your vision. You wipe them away frantically with your other hand, still engulfed in your warm, chunky mitten.
“There’s no regular post office where I am so I had to improvise,” he goes on. His thin, messy scrawl is the same as you remember it. You can feet your heartbeat in your fingertips. “Still, that’s no excuse. I’ve written so many letters to you and thrown so many away. I never knew where to begin. I hope you can forgive me.”
The tears are falling hard and fast now, and you give up on wiping them, squinting to read the minuscule letters he’s crammed onto one single sheet of paper.
He describes where he’s staying in detail. It’s beautiful and evocative and you can tell that he’s stalling.
He asks after you—how your work has been going, how you’ve settled back into your own home, if you’ve been eating well. He asks after the RFA too, one at a time, by name. This answers a question that’s been lingering in the back of your mind—so it’s true, you think. He’s written to no one else.
The final paragraph is neater that the rest, as if he’s written and re-written it, practiced and copied it over.
“I am trying to live in the present moment and not worry over the future,” he says. “But every night I can’t help but imagine the life we could have together, when we are both ready. Do you imagine it too?” Your eyes are blurry with tears. “I miss you,” he writes, and you mouth the words as you read them, almost able to hear them in his sweet, gentle voice.
“If you don’t feel like writing me, I’ll understand,” he says. “But I’ll be at this address for some time, so please do write, if you like.” You think of all the letters, the ever-growing pile on and under your desk. You giggle through your tears, imagining how much it would cost to send them all. 
He signs the letter “Yours.” At the bottom he’s added cramped letters, so small you have to bend over, nose almost touching the paper, to read them. “By the way,” he writes. “Please call me Jihyun.” 
352 days
To you, March will always be him: the sudden rain showers in the midst of sunny days are his eyes and the scent of plum blossoms in the air is the indescribable warmth of his arms.
There’s a string of pictures now above your bed—you’ve hung each one that he’s sent, strung them up on a piece of bright green yarn. When you told him you’d started doing this, he began sending them with a hole already punched in the top—delicate, perfectly round, just the right size.
You sit on the floor, bare legs extended in front of you, a book propped on your lap.
“All the snow has melted except for the one, long icicle outside my window,” you write. “I think I’ve grown attached to it, and I’ll be sad when it’s gone.”
Your letters have grown longer over the months—his last was five whole pages, front and back. He sends photographs he’s taken of the beautiful landscape where he’s living and sketches he’s made, mostly of nature—and a few of you.
He includes vague references to his companion, and though he’s never mentioned him by name, it’s become clear to you who he’s with. It’s brought you immense comfort to know—if not in much detail—that he is alive and well.
“Tomorrow I’ll be seeing everyone,” you write. “I know you both still need more time, but not being able to give them any news is killing me. Not everyone is doing so well, you know.” You bite your lip, consider crossing off the last few lines. You don’t. He’s healing—and you’d give anything in the world to ensure that he has the space and time he needs. That they both do. But the time you spend with the other members has been dwindling and the evidence of their suffering—some of them more than others—is becoming abundantly clear.
“I think I want to have a party,” you write. “Not for months, maybe longer, but I want to start thinking about it. I think it might help.”
You sip from the glass of water you’ve set on the floor next to you, swirl it around a little to listen to the sound of the ice clinking.
“I miss you desperately,” you write. “And I love you, Jihyun.”
478 days
The song that plays through your headphones is soft and pretty, not nearly loud enough to drown out the shouting of the street vendors and the overall atmosphere of chaos. It’s Sunday, and you’ve ventured into the city to shop. You don’t love the crowds or the fast pace, but you do relish the savory scents drifting from food stalls and the feeling of your thin pants swooshing against your legs.
You hoist the two large fabric grocery bags up; they’re nearly slipping out of your sweat-slick hands again. The mid-afternoon July sun beats down on you. You slow your pace.
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve gotten a letter. This isn’t shocking—he’s staying somewhere new now, and it’s even more remote than before. He has to travel into town to mail his letters, so the gaps between them have grown longer. You’re used to it, but you still can’t help feeling like a cold hand is clenching around your heart whenever you check the mailbox and find it empty.
You reach the train station, grip both bags with one hand so you can tap your card. You go through the motions: standing in the station, boarding the train. As you have so many times, you repeat the words of his last letter in your mind. You know it by heart.
“I bought plane tickets last week,” he wrote. “He hasn’t been feeling well the last few days and we decided together to cancel them.”
This isn’t a first either—the tickets bought, the tickets cancelled. And you know that it isn’t just Jihyun’s “companion” who needs more time. They are both still healing—physically, mentally, emotionally.
“Please tell me when you decide on a date for the party,” he wrote. “I’m sorry to hear the plans aren’t going smoothly. And I’m sorrier that I can’t offer the other members some solace—particularly where it concerns him. I must respect his wish for privacy.”
The train is packed; you set your bags at your feet so you can hold on. The gentle rocking motion is familiar; the air conditioning is a relief.
“I saw a flower yesterday that I couldn’t identify. It was raining here, but the flower’s petals were open. I was afraid it would wilt from the force of the rain, but it didn’t. I watched it for a long time, and saw the raindrops collect inside it. I thought of you.”
The train rumbles to a stop. More people get on. You adjust. A new song plays in your headphones—it’s slow and a little melancholy.
“Every morning I imagine the things I will do with you in our bright and beautiful future,” he wrote.
The train picks up speed again. Sweaty people read newspapers and speak quietly to one another, underscored by the gentle music in your ears. You close your eyes.
555 days
You run to catch the bus, the leaves crunching delightfully under your feet. It’s pulling into your stop as you’re crossing the street and—why does this always happen?—you bow your head and sprint, waving frantically at the driver.
The driver sees you. Smiles. Waits.
“Thank you,” you pant, jumping the steps two at a time. 
“It’s okay. I remember you.”
You stumble to a seat and collapse into it. If you’re late for the bus often enough that the driver remembers you, you’ve really got to try and pull yourself together.
You comb a hand through your sweaty hair. It’s hard, as it turns out, planning an RFA party while keeping up with your old life—you’ve got one foot in the world of working and cleaning and paying bills and the other in the world of CEOs and mysterious guests and anonymous donors.
As you’re catching your breath, you pull the newest letter from your bag. It arrived just this morning—perhaps that was why you almost missed the bus again—and you’ve only read it once so far. You scan the page with eager eyes, searching as you so often do for clues and hints and promises hidden between the lopsided words.
“I made a painting today,” he tells you. “I won’t describe it to you, because I want to show it to you in person.”
But when? you want to ask. You can’t help the frustration that’s creeping under your skin. The bus rocks; you lean your head against the window.
“I’ve realized something,” he writes. “I wonder what you think about it. I feel closer to you than I’ve felt to anyone before. And yet every day I find things I still don’t know about you, because of our circumstances. What are your favorite things to eat? What smells make you reminisce about the past? What music makes you sleepy?”
You sigh, fold up the letter. It’s true, you think. You love him with a warmth that encompasses your whole being—a feeling you’d never even dared to imagine. But how does his face look in the morning when he sleeps through his alarm? Which groceries does he always forget to buy?
You don’t write these questions down. Instead you turn over the letter, scribble on the back. 
“The party will be March 24th.”
641 days
It hardly snows this winter, but it rains. The sound of the rain fills your dreams: it pounds on the roof of your little apartment, and you wake up and run to the kitchen to check that the window is closed. It fills your waking hours, thrumming on your giant umbrella as you navigate the narrow streets of the city. When it lets up, you still hear it, humming in your eardrums, reverberating inside your chest.
You sit at your desk again. No longer is it covered in stacks of paper, records of yearning—those letters have been long sent or put away in pretty boxes with colored lids. Your laptop buzzes, hopelessly trying to cool itself down. You press send and cut the frightening number of messages in your inbox down by just one more.
You lean back in your chair. The rain goes tap tap tap on the roof and you rub your sore neck. It’s a Friday night and even in this weather, you can hear the distant sounds of people gathering at the bar on the corner. You open another email.
“I’m working hard,” you wrote in your last letter to him. “Sometimes I feel that I can barely keep up with it all. Other times I’m sure I’m burying myself in all of this work on purpose, making myself busy so I don’t have to feel lonely.”
You scan the email with expert eyes, dash off a quick reply. Both are true, you suppose—planning a proper party, not one hastily thrown together in a few weeks under extreme circumstances, is a full-time job all on its own. But you are lonely, you think, taking a break to stretch your arms over your head. There are people around you all the time, but your chest feels hollow. “I’m taking good care of myself,” you wrote to him last week. “I do feel fulfilled. But…”
But you can no longer re-create in your mind the exact way that he smells, the sweet freshness of nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You can’t always hear his voice clearly in your mind when you read the sweet, beautiful words he writes to you. “I love you like the way the ocean crashes into the rocks and then spills peacefully over the sand,” he writes. “Does that make sense?”
It does.
You shake your head to clear it, type a few brief, carefully-worded lines.
“I’m ready,” you say out loud, and the words echo in your apartment: warm and cluttered and bright and full to the brim with thoughts of him. “I’m ready when you are.”
702 days
For the first time, you wait to read his letter.
You find it in the mailbox as you’re leaving in the morning and you whisper “patience” to yourself as you walk to the bus. You wait at the light, you cross the street. You sit at the bus stop for two whole minutes before the bus arrives and the driver raises his eyebrows at you in surprise.
“Patience,” you whisper to yourself again as you exit the bus, breathing in the fresh, early-spring air. And “patience,” you think, as you greet the venue manager and listen to her running through the event checklist for what feels like the eight hundredth time.
“Almost,” you tell yourself as you leave, taking a picture on your phone of the orange and purple sky. You board the bus again, watch the sunset fade into star-speckled navy through the smudged window.
“Now,” you say out loud as you unlock the door to your flat, hanging your light jacket and keys on the hooks you’ve recently mounted by the door. “Now.”
You tear into the letter as you make your way to the bedroom, turning on lamps as you go, bathing the room in amber light.
You pull out the paper and your hands, steady all day, start to shake. You hold it up to the light. It’s shorter than usual. He’s written your name at the top and he’s answered your questions, described a walk he took on the waterfront yesterday, offered updates on the plants growing beside the house where he’s staying.
And at the bottom, he’s sketched a picture in light blue ink. His lines are soft and wavy, but the details are clear: it’s two plane tickets. They’re dated.
You inhale sharply.
Thirty-two more days.
734 days
It’s warm, but not too warm. The lights are dim, but not too dim. The air is lightly scented like spring flowers and rain, but it’s not overwhelming, and the chatter of the crowd is enthusiastic and warm.
In other words, you’ve done a very good job.
You step onto the balcony for a moment, patting your red cheeks with both hands. You’ve been receiving compliments all night and it’s made you feel like you’re floating several centimeters off the ground. You’re proud of yourself—you worked hard for this.
But as the night’s worn on, your anticipation has built to a fever pitch, and you have to keep reminding yourself to breathe. If he were arriving on any other day, you’d be meeting him in private— and would you feel more or less nervous, then? You can’t decide.
But of course it’s today, because the most important events of your life always seem to coalesce around each other. There’s a beautiful garden surrounding the party venue and you take comfort in the ivy wrapped around the wrought-iron trellis; it reaches almost as high as your eye level and its balance of sturdiness and delicacy gives you strength.
You slip back inside, take in the groups of expensively-dressed people clustered around tall, elegant tables. There’s a string quartet in one corner and a mouth-watering array of hors d’oeuvres arranged toward the back wall.You straighten out your clothes surreptitiously, sneak a peak at the clock, flash a bright smile at the nearest group of guests .
And then, for a reason you’ll never be able to explain, you know what’s about to happen. Your eyes fly to the door. You gravitate toward it like a moth to a lamp and you know no one else has noticed but somehow you feel that the room has quieted for you.
The door opens. Your hands fly to your mouth.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s always been spring to you but it’s as if he’s brought summer with him. He’s taller than you remember and his collared shirt is open and he’s got the warmest smile you’ve seen in your whole life. Your thrill and worry and hope are reflected in his bright eyes. 
He holds out a hand—cautiously, as if afraid you’ll float away. You take it and his fingers are soft and cool, like the petals of a flower.
“Welcome home,” you say. “Jihyun.”
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my future mysme writings <3
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini​ @cro0kedme​ @otomefoxystar​ @dawn-skies06 @nad-zeta
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the-best-pj · 3 years
Jellylorum fanfiction
“This is it, girls,” Jellylorum picked up the flower “I’m going to tell him.”
Grizabella and Jennyanydots cheered her on. Jellylorum left the den and scanned the junkyard. Bustopher Jones was on the junkyard tire, eating, as usual.
Jellylorum ran up to him and placed the flower next to him, “Okay, Bustopher I was wondering if you wanted to be mates.”
Bustopher looked at the flower and lowered his ears, “Well, I'm flattered you told me, but” He handed the flower back, “I don't think of you that way.”
Jellylorum nodded and started to leave, “I-I understand.”
Bustopher stopped her, “Hey, look don't feel too bad. It takes a lot of confidence to confess that to someone. I haven't been able to get that kind of confidence.”
Jellylorum nodded and ran to her den, “He said no.”
Grizabella nuzzled her, “I told you, toms are trash.”
Jennaydots threw the flower away, “Don’t worry about him, there are plenty of other toms in the tribes.”
Two days later, Jellylorum was walking around the junkyard when he noticed Bustopher and Skimble talking, “Don’t eavesdrop.” She told herself before going to eavesdrop.
Bustopher groomed his fur, “It’s just your my best friend and I just feel like I should check with you before I ask her to be mates.”
Skimbleshanks purred, “You can ask her, I'm not that overprotective of my sister.” He chuckled before continuing, “It’s just if you hurt her I will tie you to the railway tracks.”
Jellylorum left and went to Jennyanydots’ den, “Umm, Jenny.”
Jennyanydots was sorted her yarn, “Yeah?”
Jellylorum shifted her paws, “Bustopher wants to be mates with you.”
Jennyanydots stopped what she was doing, “Jelly I-”
“Are you going to say yes? I won't blame you.”
Jennyanydots looked at her yarn, “Let me think about it for a while.” Jellylorum nuzzled her and left the den.
Four months later, Jennyanydots was showing the tribe her new kitten, “Look at him, he's a tuxedo, just like father. Don't they look similar?
Gus Jr. whispered to Jellylorum, “Ah yes, the tiny kitten that weighs less than a whisker looks just like the biggest cat in the tribe.”
Jellylorum stifled her laughter and nuzzled her mate.
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pixieungerstories · 4 years
The Captive - 13
The crafters were nervous.  Elly had taken over the space that had been for spinning with crafting books.  Not just yarn related crafts, which they would have understood, but sewing, quilting and cooking too.  Lashandra had organized Posy and Cloe to bring over a gift basket for Elly in the most insulting way possible. 
“I’m sorry business isn’t good dear.  But don’t worry!  The community will support you!  The town may be too small to have much of a food bank, but here are some things to help out.”
Elly wanted to kick the women’s teeth in.
She put all the roving on sale at cost and reduced her hours to five days a week instead of six.  And she hired workmen to come in the night and build the partition wall between the yarn shop and the bakery.  The stairs made the perfect division point and the trust paid extra for them to come in on a Friday afternoon and be finished by Monday morning.
That also meant the crafters were there when the construction started.
Elly felt a little bad for stressing out the nice old ladies, but the bitches three were ruining it for everyone.
Ben was noticeably worried but forcing himself to remain calm, so Elly had him over for dinner that Friday.  She showed him the architect's drawing and the planning permission from the town.  Ben listened carefully and poured the wine.  Then he asked the question she was not expecting.
“What does George think of all of this?”
“What do you mean?  The partition wall still has double french doors and is in keeping with the style of the house.  He isn’t involved in the business.  What difference would it make?
Ben stared hard at his wine glass.  “Elly.  The workmen are going to be here almost around the clock for the next two days.  How are you going to be able to smuggle food down there for him?  Nevermind visiting!  Is George in solitary lock up for the whole weekend?”
Elly opened her mouth to respond, then closed it again.  “It will be fine,” she finally muttered.
“Really?  Because how comfortable would you be locked in the basement, alone in the dark for three days?  I would be pretty pissed off.”
Elly pressed her lips together and picked at the nail bed on her thumb for a moment.
“Fuck it!” Ben announced. “George likes spicy food.  I’m ordering from that Indian place.  I’ll take it and my laptop down there.  We can have guys movie night if you aren’t going to do anything.”
Elly still didn’t know what to say.  ‘Hey Ben, George is trying to seduce me,’ wasn’t going to fly.  Except, was that even what this was?  He said he desired her, then promptly went back to what was normal for them.  He hadn’t brought it up again and it had been over a week.  “Now there’s a thought,” was the best she could come up with.
“How territorial is he?” Ben asked.  Elly choked.  “It’s just,” he started again, “if he isn’t too freaked out about people in his space, I would bring over a sleeping bag and -”
“And have a slumber party?” Elly asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Will you be having half naked pillow fights while you’re at it?”
“Only if you join in,” Ben replied without missing a beat.
Elly gritted her teeth.  She didn’t really like the idea of Ben down there alone with George.  And it pissed her off that she hadn’t thought about how the construction would affect them while it was happening.  She had been focused on getting to the end and had lost track of the details.  
Nyx decided that her person’s moment of stillness was the ideal time to jump into Elly’s lap and demand affection.
“I don’t think your cat is growing, Elly.  Is she ok?”
“What?  Oh!  Yeah.  She’s fine.  She is getting heavier.  I’ve been using my kitchen scale to make sure.  I just don’t think she’s going to be a big cat.  Probably just as well, since she thinks she’s a parrot.”
As if to prove her point, Nyx climbed Elly’s shirt, ignoring the wincing as her claws pricked and settled in to hide in Elly’s hair.  Elly sighed and took another sip of her wine.  Nyx hissed at Ben when he laughed at them.
“Yes, yes you are a ferocious and terrifying beast,” Elly muttered reaching up and making scritching motions for Nyx to lean against.
“What does she think of all of this?” Ben asked.
“Nothing as far as I can tell.  She has been riding around in my pocket at work since I got her and no one has noticed.  I’m going to end up getting her one of those cat wearing things at some point.”
Ben nodded, “They have ones that look like Pokémon balls.”
“I was thinking more the Baby Bjorn like in that comic strip.”
“Oh my god!  You are joking, right?”
Elly just smirked.
Dragon and curry sleepover was more work to set up than they thought.  First thing was to talk to George.  He hesitantly agreed.  Then Elly moved the cat box downstairs.  Ben brought over some sleeping bags and air mattresses.  Then Elly had to organize a 50 foot extension cord to run the pumps to inflate them.  Fortunately, the workmen had one and didn’t ask too many questions.
Ben went for food, Elly brought down a cooler and a box of wine.  Then she had to explain the concept to George and put up with his disdain at the very idea.  He let it go when she pointed out it meant they could stay down there longer.
Next was her string of christmas lights. That only took a six foot extension cord under the door and they nicely lit up the stairs and brightened the tiny room at the bottom of them.  Elly had been aware of the space being much bigger than just a table and chair underneath the heating ducts, but the light certainly emphasized that this was only one corner of a much bigger structure.
“It’s like the Mines of Moria down here,” she muttered.
To her surprise, George burst out laughing.  “Fewer orcs and goblins, but there is a dragon so more like Erebor.”
Elly just stared at him.  George stopped laughing and held out his hands.  “My claws tear the paper, but many of your predecessors have been kind enough to read to me.  I was quite fond of Tolkien, but I believe the Ents were written specifically to annoy Lewis.”
Elly squeaked, then coughed to clear her throat, “What, uh, what did you think of Lewis?”
George shrugged, “Not bad but his religion was showing.”
Elly just stood there, frozen on the spot.  George sighed and pointed upwards.  “Did you notice the arches?  In the 1300’s they called that fornication.”
Elly looked up.  She hadn’t noticed before, but the ceiling was vaulted and carefully covered in mosaic tiles.  “Who rib vaults a basement?” she murmured.
George snorted, “People with money.  Come, treasure, you can help me move the table.”
Elly was prepared to let that one slide, it was starting to grow on her.
She was not prepared to deal with the table.  “I have a couple of questions.  How many people are you expecting that you think we need a table that big and how the hell do you expect me to help move that monstrosity?”
George was suddenly absolutely still.  Elly hadn’t really noticed how some part of him was always moving, even if it was just his tail twitching until it wasn’t.
“It is the table that I have.  Based on Ben’s description of the food, you won’t be eating it sitting on the floor.”
“I’m sorry,” Elly said softly.  “That was rude.”
George nodded.
“I have a card table we could use,” she suggested.  “Or maybe … do you have a large footstool or a flat topped chest?”
He looked at her with narrowed eyes.  “A treasure chest?”
“Well, I was thinking more like a steamer trunk.”
“That I have.”
Ben came back with enough food to feed an army, a second cooler, this one full of beer, two sleeping bags and a box full of random blankets.  He also brought his laptop, a small projector and a roll of duct tape.  The tape plus a white sheet made a good enough screen, and the workmen weren’t getting their extension cord back.
Ben was spreading the food out on the impromptu table when he asked, “Did you pick out a movie yet?”
“How about Lord of the Rings?”  Elly suggested.  “It’s long enough to keep us busy for most of the weekend.”
Ben laughed, “It is if we watch The Hobbit first.”
“I should save room for popcorn,” Elly mused.
“You should, but will you?”
“Not a chance,” she replied with a grin.
“I am not following this conversation,” George said flatly.
“You said you liked Tolkien.  They made movies of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings,” Elly explained.
George considered this.  “I have seen 8mm films before.  The picture moves, but the people do not speak.”
Ben grinned, “You watched silent films?”
“He might mean home movies.  Was it Ann who you watched movies with?” Elly asked politely.
“Yes.  Her family would send her films of them,” the dragon explained cautiously.
“The technology has changed a bit since then,” Elly was trying to be diplomatic.
George snorted, “As it is wont to do.”
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daraanna · 4 years
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto nor Boruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Also I don’t own Dziady part II written by Adam Mickiewicz. Fic is strongly inspired by this drama, it includes some quotes from it clumsily translated into English, written in this fic in Italic type.
Rate: T I guess... but it get a little bit gore.
Ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie, co to będzie? co to będzie?
She knew she shouldn't have agreed to do it. When Boruto suggested they spend the Halloween as a team together a week ago, she declined. She did not like this holiday. She didn’t like sweets as well as the spooky atmosphere. Unfortunately he was so annoying that in the end he convinced her, also he promised that they would spend the whole evening in Mitsuki's apartment. She had no other plans for the day, Cho-cho was on a mission, Mom was on shift in hospital all night, and Dad wasn't in the village either.
She agreed, now she regretted it. Forced to bargain with an old woman selling food from all over the world, because to apparently Mistuki she can't imagine a party without some dumplings from the Land of Fields.
....................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will it happen?
Boruto couldn't contain his excitement. He had been planning this evening for a long time.
Mitsuki showed him a scroll a month ago, he found it while visiting his parent in Oto. This scroll allows its owner to summon the souls of dead. The text was in a strange language, but his blue-haired teammate claimed he could decode it. The young Uzumaki immediately got the idea to use it at the Halloween party, they planned with Inojin and Shikadai. Unfortunately Team 10 received a long mission just before the end of October. Therefore, from the boys party, they decided to turn it into an evening of deepening the ties in their team. The problem was that Sarada hated horrors. He was really surprised when she finally agreed to come.
He and Mitsuki prepared the room. All furniture was pushed against the wall, making as much space as possible on the floor. They placed a large stone in the centre of the room. (The blonde had no idea where his friend got it from, but he preferred not to ask.) Sitting down next to him, he took the items needed for the ritual out of his pocket. Linen yarn, a wreath that Himawari helped him to make from herbs and flowers from their garden, and food that Hinata prepared for them. 
"Um ... You got ..." He began to ask a question when the golden-eyed boy put a bottle of vodka next to him. Boruto almost jumped in nervousness, if his mother found out he would kill them. “How did you get it?”
“Hn? It was not difficult ...”replied the snake boy with creepy smile.
They heard a knock on the door. The blond was the first to open. Sarada stood in the corridor irritated with the box in her hand. The boy smiled letting her inside.
"I knew you would get them," he sighed, scratching his head
“I hope it would be worth it” she replied, setting the box with food on the counter in the small kitchen. She was dressed in civilian clothes, a red dress that slightly resembled her disguise during their mission in Hozuki's castle. He couldn't help but think she looked cute. Uchiha went to the living room to greet the host. Her gaze scanned the room.
“Don't say you're planning a horror marathon?” She asked, trying to hide her anxiety.
"We have much better ideas," replied Mitsuki, pulling out the scroll. However, at that moment the eyes of the black-haired girl stopped at the bottle of alcohol.
“You must be kidding !? There's no way we're having a libation here! Where did you get it from !?”she shouted, moving towards the exit.
“It's not like that!”blue-eyed grabbed her wrist. “We will not drink it is for something else ...”
“ Sure, for what? Are we going to wash the oven?”
“No, we will summon ghosts “ blue-haired joined the discussion. Sarada looked at him in shock.
"It's part of the ritual that Mitsuki found while his visit in Oto, we want to try it out," said the blond. She looked at them in shock as if they were crazy. Finally, she took her hand away from her friend's grip as she walked towards the door.
“I'm coming home. You two do whatever you want!” her hand touched the door handle when she heard Uzumaki’s voice.
“I told you that she will get scared” he said to their friend, but loud enough for her to hear it. She froze, because although it was true that she was afraid, she could not give him that satisfaction and admit it.
“I'm not afraid”a few steps she was again by his side “I will stay”
"Are you sure?" Orochimaru's son asked in a serious tone.”Once the ritual begin, it cannot be interrupted, nor can anyone leave the room.”
She swallowed involuntarily.
"I'm sure," she replied, trying to sound confident.
.................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will happen? .................. As they sat down around the stone, Mitsuki unfolded the scroll and began to read.
"Close the door to the room, turn off the lights and cover the windows, don’t let the moonlight get here," he said in a sublime tone.
“You could have said that before we sat down ...” Boruto sighed heading towards the door.
"It's part of the ritual," the boy replied.
“ What to do with the cat?“ asked Uchiha, who, while covering the curtains, found him sleeping on the radiator.
“I think it will be safer to move him to the kitchen” she did as he said. Cat struggled a bit, but at the sight of his food, he forgot about his warm lair.
When the room was completely dark and catless, playing the role of a sorcerer, Mitsuki spoke again.
“Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will  happen?” “You told us to cover everything ...”
"That's part of the ritual you have to repeat after me ..." he sighed, but the other two obediently repeated.
In the darkness, Sarada could hardly refrain from activating her sharingan, convinced that her friend was about to do something to scare her. She clenched her hands into fists to stop them from trembling, at this point Uzumaki moved closer to her and leaning slightly towards her, he whispered with a mocking smile “Do not worry I will save you from ghosts.”
She answered him with a "Tch". Still she feeling a bit more confident in having him closer. Of course, she couldn't admit it.
“The soul on the other side, with unfinished matters, wanting to contact the living, we conjure you, invite you to the Forefathers' Eve! - shouted Mitsuki - Put the yarn on a stone and set it on fire” he instructed his friends.
They did so, the flame swept over the yarn quickly and went out. It was dark again in the room. They were sitting in silence when suddenly two beams of light appeared at the ceiling. Sarada let out a small sigh, but as the lights landed on the stones, they turned into two children. The scream rip through the room. Before she had time to realize what was going on, she was in the grip of the scared blonde.
“They are real ghosts!” He stumbled, looking away from them.
"Well, that's what we do, we summon the spirits ..." she replied, trying not to laugh. Despite the fact that she was scared herself, she felt a growing curiosity in her.
“I wasn't expecting this to work!”
“I do not believe that my grandson is such a coward” said red-haired girl.
“Oh Kushina, we surprised them. You also did not expect that we would visit today the world of the living ... - replied the blue-eyed boy who looked very similar to Boruto. “It is a really interesting justu, we can’t get physical contact with anything except food , and it also took us here in a compact version ...
“I can’t be eleven, who saw it, be younger than your own grandson” Uzumaki sighed.
“It will pass with the first cock crowing, in order to return to the afterlife you must eat mustard seed- said Mitsuki.
“Don't talk to them so calmly, who are you anyway?” Asked the son of the Hokage, still clutching to Sarada, who tried to soothe him by gently stroking his head.
“Isn't it obvious? Though you probably won't guess, just like my Naruto. I am your grandmother Kushina Uzumaki, and this is your grandfather Minato Namikaze ...” explained the ghost girl.
The boy looked at them in shock.
“ Fourth? “ asked the surprised brunette.
The former Hokage ghost smiled at her.
“Who are you? Are my grandson's girlfriend?”he asked.
“No way!” both of them shouted in response, quickly pushing themselves away from each other.
“Heh? Last time I didn’t guessed right too” gost sighed.
“No no. This time there is something in it ...” the red-haired girl joined in.
“So what were you planning on getting into our world?” Mitsuki interrupted them.
“Actually, the only thing I wanted is to see is my grandchildren and daughter-in-law, maybe we can visit the village too?” Kushina exchanged look with her husband.
“I think we will have enough time for it ...“ he replied “We only have to leave immediately” he added, looking at his grandson “I believe that our son raised you well, but if I could give you some advice, it will be that it is worth fighting for love.”
“It's also worth not to be too stubborn, you don't need kidnapping to notice that you love someone!” his grandmother added before they both turned into beams of light and disappeared from the room.
"Hn ... I didn't even have to talk them out," the blue-haired man was surprised.
“Uh ... What was this advice supposed to be?” Uzumaki asked strongly flushed.
However, no one answered him. Mitsuki was busy with another spell, and black-haired was too blushed to even looked in his direction.
“Souls of purgation, who for their sins end up chained to this world, if we can shorten the torture a bit to of any of you! “ said the boy pouring alcohol into the bowl which he put on the stone, then threw a match into it. Goblet was immediately caught in the fire which quickly spread. A hand emerged from inside, looking like a zombie from a horror films. Moments later, a grown man appeared from the flame. His body was in a state of partial decomposition, his clothes was torn. Both Boruto and Sarada moved as far away from him as possible, even Mitsuki backed away a few steps.
“Who are you?” Asked the summoner.
“You don't know me !? I was once the second most important person in this village, I was to be appointed the sixth Hokage! My name is Danzô Shimura” at the sound of his name, Uchicha felt a chill. She was terrified, and yet she felt a disgust towards the man and a strong rage that she could not explain. Suddenly, crows, owls, and eagles and other birds emerged from the flame. The animals pounced on the spirit, tearing his clothes and rip his flesh with their claws.
“What do you need to get to the afterlife? We have food, drink, herbs! ”Orochimaru's son shouted, trying to continue the ritual.
The man just laughed, a dry laugh.
“The only thing that can save me is the mercy shown me by someone against whom I have sinned. You can't do anything for me ...” his eyes fell on Uchiha, who  unintentionally activated hers sharingan.
“ YOU! Give me something to eat!” He shouted pointing his finger at her. Another wave of emotions rolled through her body. Fear, despair, hatred all so intense as if it did not come from her, but from thousands of people. She felt breathless.
Danzo took a step towards her, but then Boruto stood between them with a kunai in his hand.
"Mitsuki, we have to break it somehow!", He shouted at his friend who was nervously searching through the text on the scroll.
"The only thing we can do to send back is to fulfil his demands," the boy replied reluctantly.
" Why is it supposed to be Sarada??" The blonde snarled, covering his friend with his body.
"I must be forgiven ..." the impatient spectre replied, and then birds surrounding him began to attack it even more intensely.
“F-for what? What have you done?” Black-haired girl asked, still trying to calm down.
“If you don't know that, then you shouldn't ask ... Do you really think I deserves such a fate? Eternal hunger and flesh tearing !?”
The girl stiffened, no one seemed to deserve such a fate after all and how could she judge a man she didn't know. She stood up carefully, taking the bowl of rice. Slowly she stretched her hand toward the wraith, trying to stop her from trembling. But as soon as she got close to the man, one of the crows, turned into a boy who gripped her wrist tightly enough to stop her but not that hard that it would hurt her. He was not much older than them, he had curly black hair with black feathers tangled between them, and his fingernails resembled the claws of a bird of prey. His eye sockets were empty, but even so, she felt as if he was looking into her soul. Surprisingly, she was not afraid of him.
"He doesn't deserve your mercy" he said in a calm voice. All she could do was nod. She her knees feel weak. The crow-man carefully helped her sid in her place next to Boruto, before turning to the former ANBU leader. His aura immediately became sinister.
“You don't like starving? But do you remember how hungry for power and honors of the Hokage title, by deception you took my sight away to condemn my relatives and me to death? How did you took away the only chance to resolve the conflict without bloodshed? How did you use the child of our clan and sentence him for the fate of a murderer and traitor? You knew no mercy! ”He moved closer to Danzo with every word he spoke. Then a scream came out of the birds' throats in sync with the boy's voice.
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Another bird turned into a human. A boy with gray hair wearing an owl ANBU mask. He grabbed the former Hokage candidate’s arm with his claws, tearing his skin and muscles apart.
“You don't like starving? And do you remember how you trained the Konoha orphans for your own use? How did you condemn them to fratricidal duels in the name of creating obedient and emotionless soldiers? You knew no mercy!
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Echoed the rest of the herd, throwing herself at the ghost. They pecked and scratched his body. His screams of pain spread across the room. Team Seven stared in shock at the cruel scene that lasted until it was only a skeleton than left from his body. Then all the ghosts disappeared in the fire they came from. It was completely dark again in the room. The blond looked shocked at the empty cup. A soft sob fill the silence. His gaze shifted to his friend, he instinctively embraced her and pulled her into his arms.
"Mitsuki, what the hell was that?" He turned to the blue-haired boy.
“I did not foresee this ...” he explained, preparing the wreath for the next ritual.
“What are you doing!? Do you want to continue after something like this?“ Uzumaki growled.
“If we don't finish now, we can hit the afterlife too ...”
“ I said when we start, there will be no turning back ...”
"No way! You see what it led to?" He asked, hugging the black-haired girl tighter.
"It's alright," Sarada sighed, wiping her tears and sitting down in her seat. "Let's continue ...”
Boruto pouted slightly as the girl moved away from him, but he was glad that he was feeling better now. Still, he still didn't release her right hand, just in case she was scared again ... not that he liked her or something ...
Mitsuki lit the wreath and, stretching his hand over it, began to recite: “ Oh holy weed...”
Uchiha rebuked the blonde with her eyes. The boy scratched the back of his head silently swearing that they had not brought any illegal substances with them.
“With your power I invoke a soul that is stuck between two worlds, that have raised too high for the world of men, but sill too low for the world of gods!”
The flame above the flowers turn blue, which spread around the room as moonlike aura. A beautiful woman with long white hair and horns resembling rabbit ears appeared on the stone.
“Is that ... “- blue-eyed began, but the spirit interrupted him.
"My name is Kaguya ... The princess of this planet. You should know me," she said as she surveyed the three genins with her Byakugan.
“Well, this time, I actually exaggerated, the last time she was summoned, the world almost ended ...”
"Mitsuki?!" His teammates spoke simultaneously
“Do not be afraid, in this form I cannot hurt you ...“ the goddess replied, staring at the right hand of Uzumaki “Bloody Momoshiki ... I guess, this is not the last time we meet... Who knows, maybe my children will call me back from with all my strength ...”
“Why would we do this? You wanted to destroy our planet! ”Sarada replied.
The rabbit princess looked at the still folded hands of Uchiha and Uzumaki.
"I loved this planet and its inhabitants ... Unfortunately, they betrayed me and I had to punish them, but nevertheless I hate my clan even more than you humans ... My scrolls are still on the moon. The children of Ashura and Idrra should be able to handle it ... " she said and disappeared the same way she appeared, leaving Team 7 in consternation.
The ritual leader looked at the scroll again.
"Basically it's the end ... we just have to put the rest of the food out the door for the lesser spirits," said Orochimaru's son and throwed the contents of the bento prepared for them by Hinata through the window.
"Mitsuki!" moaned pitifully blonde, and a lonely tear ran down his cheek. If only his mom found out about it, she would kill him! “That’s the end of Forefathers' Eve” The boy replied opening the curtains. The first rays of sun broke into the room. The other two genins get busy cleaning up the rest of the food when the figure of a young man with long black hair gathered in a ponytail appeared on the stone altar.
Noticing him, the Boruto let out a scream.
“Strange this should not happen ... Certainly not during the day ...” blue-haired boy sighed, grabbing his chin ”What do you need spirit?”
However, the ghost said nothing, just stood looking straight at Sarada. Despite the strangeness of the scene, she felt no fear. On the contrary, the presence of this soul filled her with peace and warmth combined with longing.
“You said it was over!“ the blue-eyed snarled to his friend.
“It should be ... What do you need? Food? Drink? Answer, or get be lost!”
However, the spirit absolutely ignored them, taking a step towards the young Uchiha.
In desperation, Orochimaru's son grabbed one of the dumplings and threw it at the ghost. Food bounced off his cloak, but juts look irritated at them and continued his walk.
“Impossible ... He resisted the pieróg ... This soul is too powerful!”
“What? What is that supposed to mean? We have to do something! Sarada, why aren't you running away from him?“ young Uzumaki started to panic.
"I think ... I think I know him ..." she replied, and the ghost smiled slightly at her. His eyes reminds her of her father's, although the ghost was perhaps a meter away, she did not move away from him. She didn't flinch as he reached out and gently tapped her forehead and disappeared. Moments after that, she felt someone grab her tightly by the arms.
“Sarada? Hey can you hear me? What did he done to you ?!” Boruto's face get too close to her as he pulled her into his arms, but she could see how worried he was.
“Everything is okay” she replied embracing his face so that he looked at her and stopped panicking.”I'm fine ...” she added yawning.
"It's 5 in the morning what you say for a little nap, before you get back home I have a lot of space on the couch, the carpet is also quite comfortable," suggested Mitsuki.
“It's a good idea ... after all, it was supposed to be a sleepover...” Uchiha replied, because the blonde was still too busy being nervous to answer.
The host left the room to get the blankets from the wardrobe in the hall. However, pulling them out turned be more difficult than he expected. While the shelves with the scrolls from his parent, was kept a spotless order, the closet was in a complete mess. When he finally managed to pull them out, Mikazuki's rubbed against his legs, and started to scratch the door of the apartment. The boy sighed and putting down what he had in his hands opened them for him. The cat looked at him and then at the door, again at him without moving a bit. The blue-haired rolled his eyes and wanted to close the door when the kitten decided to get out. When he finally returned to the room, he found his friends on the couch. Boruto was leaning against the back of the furniture with one hand wrapped around Uchiha’s waist. Sarada was leaning against his shoulder, hugging his torso. They both slept soundly. Mitsuki covered them with a blanket and took a photo with the camera his parent had given him for the second anniversary of the living outside the incubator. He looked at the photo smiling wide.
“Maybe they are not canon yet, but they are definitely my OTP...”
So... I missed Halloween, but writing this turned to be much harder that I thought it, will be.
Also writing this  I based the description of rite on drama, and didn’t do a lot of research about the actual ceremony... I’m sorry If I write something wrong way. Naprawdę nie chciałam obrażać  rodzimowierców słowiańskich, przepraszam jeśli to zrobiłam.
Also I want to apologie to high school lecture teacher, I know she won’t read it, but I know she would kill me, if she did XD
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hms-chill · 4 years
Alex the Cat-Dad
This piece Ukiyosplash on Deviantart did for my fic about Alex and Henry fostering kittens is absolutely incredible and I love it so much it inspired this
If you haven’t read that fic, just know that Alex and Henry fostered five kittens, and Zest was the one they just had to keep
Alex has pretty much given up on trying to fix his sleep schedule. He's tried basically everything: avoiding coffee before bed, getting up early, even having Henry cajole him into bed at a decent time. None of it works. Henry is too easy to distract, and his sleep schedule is almost as bad as Alex's. Even when he could get to bed on time, they tend to use that extra time more effectively than sleeping. The coffee thing was an entire disaster, and when he wakes up earlier, he's just more tired in the morning. It's the worst on days when he's home alone, or on weekends when he's on his own schedule. He'll get wrapped up in something and forget to eat, or he'll nap in the middle of the day and not be tired when it's time for bed. He can turn alarms off too easily, and he can't ask someone to babysit or check in on him. Even David's not great at keeping him on a schedule, and he tends to go to England with Henry when they can anyway. At this point, Alex has just accepted that he's not going to be the most functional human on the planet. After all, he's tried everything.
What he hasn't tried is a cat. Specifically a cat who is very vocal, very social, and apparently able to read clocks. The first day he and Zest are home alone together, they play some, then Zest joins him in the office. He's got a bed on Alex's desk, so he naps there while Alex works, occasionally balancing a paper on his head or a business card against his paw. He sleeps until noon, when he stretches, toppling the senator's business card that Alex has balanced against him. His foot gets caught on his bed, and he almost falls over before Alex leans over to help him escape. From there, Zest's primary goal in life seems to be causing problems. He starts small, batting at Alex's charger and his hands as he types, then he upgrades to yelling, walking to the door and back until Alex sighs, gets up, and follows him. Zest leads the way to the kitchen, then sits on a counter (where he's technically not allowed, but Alex doesn't mind), and stares at him until Alex gets together a sandwich.
"Are you... are you babysitting me?" Alex asks. Zest chirps in agreement, and Alex laughs, scratching under his chin the way he likes. Zest purrs, hopping up onto Alex's shoulders. He's too big to perch up there like a parrot anymore, so he wraps himself around Alex’s neck instead, purring. Alex gives his ears a scratch and brings his lunch and a glass of water back up to the office to keep working, and Zest falls asleep draped around Alex’s neck, kneading sleepy little biscuits into Alex’s shoulder while he eats and answers emails. He sends Henry a snap of the two of them, Zest's sleepy face curled up next to his smiling one. Henry replies quickly, a picture of himself and David on a rug in Kensington, and Alex video calls him. Henry picks up almost immediately, his face appearing on Alex's laptop. He's lying on the floor, David cuddled to his side. They look cozy, or at least as cozy as they ever look when they’re there alone. Henry smiles when he sees them, a tired smile that’s so full of love it makes Alex’s heart skip a beat.
“I swear this cat can read clocks,” Alex says, by way of introduction. “He started being a little asshole at exactly noon today.”
“Aww, is he looking after you?” Henry asks, grinning. Alex sighs.
“I don’t even… he just took me downstairs for lunch. Like he took me to the kitchen and then sat on the cou— I mean, he sat—“
“Alex, you both know he’s not allowed on the counter! You’re going to teach him bad habits.”
“Hen, I don’t think I can teach this cat anything. It took him two weeks to learn where his food bowl is, and he still steps into his water dish and then gets mad that his paws are wet. I adore him, but his head is just air. Air and apparently a clock to babysit me with. He took me down to the kitchen and just sat and watched me make a sandwich.”
Henry laughs at that, relaxing a bit. David moves his head to Henry’s arm, and Henry rubs his ears.
“How are things there?” Alex asks, and Henry shrugs.
“You know. Not awful, not great. I miss you.”
“It was meetings today, right? Anything you want to talk about?”
So they chat about new policies the royal family is moving toward, and the wyas that royal support will influence different things, how rules might shift or policies might change. Zest wakes up about halfway through their call to yawn and stretch, nearly toppling backward off Alex’s shoulders as he unbalances himself. Alex catches him just in time as Henry laughs, and Zest starts to purr directly into Alex’s ear. It’s only then that Alex realizes how much tension he’s carrying in his shoulders and lets them relax a bit. Zest makes biscuits in his shoulder, and Henry keeps talking about their plans, but Alex isn’t quite as tense. Henry has to go to dinner eventually, but he seems lighter, and happier, too. He’s laughed at Zest, and he’s gotten some things off his chest, and as he fixes his tie and his hair in the little window that lets him see himself, Alex gets to experience one of his favorite things even across an ocean.
He gets to watch Henry fuss with his hair, gets to watch him tie and retie a tie until it’s just right, gets to watch him make sure everything looks just right before he says goodbye and presents himself to the British public. When he hangs up, Alex scratches Zest’s ears, then turns back to his computer and the maps he’s pulled up. Maps of states whose voter demographics and popular vote don’t match their electoral one, maps covered in ink-blot districts and red tape. And he gets to work, looking into state laws and bylaws to figure out how to fix it. How to let each state represent itself the way he knows they want to, how to help them show the world their souls the way Texas could in 2020. He makes lists of local organizers to call, and governors to pressure to restore stripped voting rights. He tweets something about the situation in Iowa and dms an activist from Florida on twitter to see if there’s anything he can do to help them. And when he’s overwhelmed enough that Zest wakes up to purr in his ear again, he gets up and goes for a run, his feet pounding the pavement and his music blasting in his ears as he works off all the pent-up rage he’s been harboring against old white men with names like “Elbridge” who destroyed communities for their own gain.
When he gets home, dripping sweat and panting, Zest is there to watch him stretch, then to sit next to the sink and scream until Alex gets himself some water. He’d been planning on showering first, but Zest will have none of it, and it turns out he’s right-- the headache that had been threatening to burst from the base of his skull recedes, washed down as he hydrates and pets the cat, leaving bits of fur stuck to his damp hands. Zest doesn’t seem to miss the fur; he wanders between Alex’s legs, leaving more stuck to the sweat there before Alex bends down to scratch his ears and follow him, giving him all the attention he needs. After all, no one has been home with him for almost an hour, and he can see a tiny sliver of the bottom of his food dish. It’s a miracle he hasn’t starved to death by now, and he desperately needs Alex to shake the bowl a little bit so that the bottom is solidly covered. Alex is more than happy to oblige, rolling his eyes as he does. Zest doesn’t even eat any of the food, just curls up on David’s bed while Alex goes to take a shower.
When Alex comes out of the shower, he’s in the middle of towel drying his hair and almost trips over the cat who’s decided he absolutely needs to be right in the middle of the doorway. Zest yowls in surprise, turning to run for the bed, where he can safely glare at Alex for nearly stepping in the middle of the floor.
“Listen, dumbass, what do you want from me? I didn’t see you; I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?” He’s pulled on Henry’s shirt now and goes to lie on the bed next to Zest, who turns his back, hops down, and walks to the door, tail swishing. Once there, he stops and looks back at Alex expectantly, all memory of their near-collision apparently gone. He meows, and Alex sighs and follows him. Zest leads him downstairs and settles directly next to the stove’s clock. It’s dinner time, and Zest is not going to let Alex get away with procrastinating it any longer. He makes dinner under the cat’s watchful eye, then follows his meowing little boss to the living room couch. He picks an animal planet show, because that seems like something Zest will like, and a few minutes later, Zest has dragged his food bowl into the living room to eat with Alex. He sends a picture of that to Henry, too, telling him they miss him and David at their family dinner.
When dinner’s done and the dishes are washed, Alex is going to go back upstairs to the office to work, but Zest won’t hear of it. He stays on the couch and complains so loudly that Alex has no choice but to bring his laptop down and sit on the couch, and Zest promptly drapes himself across the keyboard, looking up at Alex with big eyes.
“You’re worse than Henry, you know that?” Alex asks, scratching between Zest’s ears. Zest just purrs, letting Alex pick him up so that he can close the laptop and settle the cat on his lap instead. Absently, he digs around under the coffee table for yarn-- Henry’s been teaching him how to knit, giving him something to keep his hands busy when he’s not supposed to be working, and he’s not very good at it, but it helps. Zest bats at the yarn lazily, but his claws are in. He watches through half-closed eyes as Alex knits, the TV playing in the background as Alex very consciously focuses on the yarn and needles in his hands, the ways they move and the way the lumpy, holey… thing draping off them grows. He’ll call it a scarf and give it to Henry for Christmas as a joke.
Zest largely ignores him for a while, dozing intermittently as Alex focuses and the TV plays. But at 11 PM exactly, Zest wakes up, stretches, and begins to bat at the yarn in earnest, meowing at Alex until Alex puts the yarn away, and Zest hops off his lap and twists around his legs until Alex is up and following him, and they go up the stairs to the bedroom, where Zest sits on the bed and turns to look at him. Alex rolls his eyes and grabs his pajamas, going to brush his teeth. When he comes back, Zest is curled up on Henry’s side of the bed, and Alex smiles as he gets to climb in next to him, because going to sleep without Henry is never fun, but at least the bed isn’t empty.
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Kitten from Hell versus God
Pairing: Loki x OFC
Rating: General
Word count: 2.6K
Summary: A kitten from hell tricks Loki's girlfriend into loving it and worse, getting a pet of their own.
Part I, Part II
A/N: I saw this video of Loki being delighted by a corgi and couldn't resist...
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The creature mewled as she played with it, rolling around on the floor just to earn her amused cooing and awwing. The little shit was desperate for attention and Loki stared it down with contempt from behind the newspaper he was pretending to read. She help up a stick that had a string with feathers attached at the bottom. The kitten lifted its paws up as an attempt to catch it, but was too stupid and lacking in reflexes to succeed. Its display of its helplessness elicited more cooing from her. He glared at the kitten from hell, but it stuck his tongue out at him before blinking innocently at his woman. He rolled his eyes at its reprehensible behaviour and looked away from the pair who were too in love with each other to space him any attention. 
Loki had never held as much hatred for such a little thing ever before. He usually hated to see Steven Rogers, but now he was checking the clock every five seconds like a doting wife awaiting the return of her husband from the battlefield. Steven and his boyfriend James Barnes had found the infernal creature in the rubbles after bringing down a hydra base. It lured them into adopting it with its pitiful eyes and soft meows, just like it has enticed his partner into giving it all her precious attention. The men, unfortunately, had been called in to deal with an emergency at the facility. So, his woman volunteered herself to take care of their kitten until they arrived home. 
He checked the clock again. They still had three hours until they would be relieved of their care taking duties. 
“Yes, dear?” 
“You can conjure anything with your magic, right?” 
“You know I can. What would you like?” 
“A ball of yarn.” 
“Are you an old woman? Would you like a pair of knitting needles with it?” 
“Oh, shut up.” 
“What are you going to do, knit a sweater for the pathetic creature? Is that what it has hypnotised you into doing next?” 
“I don’t know how to knit. But, I might learn just to knit this baby a sweater. Won’t you look adorable in a sweater, baby boy? And some socks to protect your toe beans.” There it was again, the low pitched voice she used to talk to the kitten as though it was a human offspring. 
“Could you conjure up a laser pointer along with that?” 
He furrowed his eyebrows at the strange request. What was she hoping to accomplish with the objects? He was glad that she wanted to do something other than waste all her energy on the kitten. So, he focused his magic on making the objects she desired and in just a few seconds, he had a laser pointer and a ball of red yarn in his hands. “What would you need the two for?” 
“Just watch,” she said, refusing to answer the questing and left the kitten’s side to fetch the items from him. Without sparing him a glance, she left him for the kitten and gave it the ball of yarn to play with. The creature rolled the yarn between it two paws, delighted in itself for having hoodwinked a fine woman to being its slave. He huffed loudly and returned to reading the newspaper, as boring as it was, to keep him from being further enraged. The creature would be gone within a few hours and he would never have to think about it again. It was not worthy of him picking a fight with her and souring their entire day. 
Time went by and it had managed to foolishly tangle itself in the yarn. She pitied it and untangled its tiny body, freeing it from its woollen confines. The idiot had not seemed to have learned anything from its traumatic experience with the yarn and immediately grasped it again, but was pulled away by her. The laser pen was the next to come out and Loki peeped at them from being the newspaper again, curious about what she was going to do. 
She turned the laser pointer on and focused it away from the yarn, immediately attracting the the kitten’s attention with the red light. It stopped wriggling in her arms and looked at the light with curiosity. She let it be free from her arms and the kitten ran towards the wall to catch the red dot. It jumped up to touch it, but was confused as the dot was now on its paw, not underneath it on the wall. She moved it again, now to the floor, and it followed to capture the taunting dot, but was again unsuccessful as she moved it away from its clutches. Now, this was fun… Better than giving it a ball of yarn to wrap around itself…
“You are torturing a poor, helpless creature with an illusion.” 
“Torture? Chill, I’m just playing with him. He likes it!” He!? Since when had the kitten graduated from it to he?
“No, it has mistaken the dot for prey and hence worthy of hunting and consuming.” 
“I don’t get why you suddenly care so much,” she said, still moving the laser pointer around to entertain the cat. This was it. It was over. His love had been lost forever to a four legged creature and he might never have her back again. Before he could dissolve into a puddle of self-pity, the doorbell rang. He sat up straight and rushed to the door, praying to the Norns that it was the couple who owned the cat. Sure enough, it was them. He opened the door and they stepped in, looking quite tired from the day of work. 
The men greeted the two of them and inquired about the creature’s behaviour. Uninterested in picking a fight and in a hurry to get them out, he spun lies about how well behaved their animal was. He added colourful words and waxed poetic about the magnificence of the creature in a way he had never spoken of anyone- not even his beloved. 
She offered to make the men dinner, but the two declined graciously before they left with their kitten. 
A week later, Loki was forced to realise that he had been lulled into a false sense of security about the effect the kitten had on his girlfriend. He believed it all to be over. Since that dreadful day, she hadn’t even seen the kitten- who had now been given the name ‘Fuzzy von Fluffykins’- as the men had found a sitter for it. But, Fluffykins’ spell hadn’t vanished as was evident from her words. 
He put down the book on World War II and looked up at her, doubting whether he heard her right. “You wish to have a familiar?” 
“No, that’s not- I’m not a witch, Loki. I’m getting a pet.” 
“A pet? A familiar, I understand. But, a pet? That would just be a useless creature. It would hang around you apartment and do nothing all day long.” 
“Just like you, then,” she snapped at him, stuffing her purse in her larger purse. She could fit her entire apartment in that thing. A least he had his pocket dimension for storage.  
“I do the dishes!” 
“You order the staff to do the dishes, Loki. You don’t even go near the sink.” 
“I get it done. What do you expect me to do, wash them myself? I am a Prince.” 
“Spoilt prince,” she muttered as she prepared to leave.  
He was annoyed that she would want to have some little animal around in the apartment they lived in together. He saw no point in them owning an animal. It was purchased only by parents who wanted to teach their children the bitter truth about mortality. And to fill a person shaped void in one’s heart. Was his companionship not adequate for her? Was he so dull that she sought an animal companion to charm her? 
In a flash of jealousy, he followed her out of their apartment, determined to influence her decision. If she was to introduce a new member into their shared space, he would at least ensure that it was worthy of them. 
“I am accompanying you.” 
“I can’t stop you, can I?” 
They arrived at an animal shelter and Loki had been unsuccessful so far in talking her out of it. He listed every disadvantage he knew on pet ownership. She had perfectly refuted every single one of them. He had used every weapon in his arsenal and was now clueless as to how he would stop her. So, he just followed her into the shelter.
They were greeted by a scraggly, over-enthusiastic teenager when they entered. His voice was as annoying as Fluffykins’ mewls if not worse. Controlling his urge to insult him, he just followed his girlfriend around as she stroked a rabbit who was merrily munching away on lettuce in its cage. 
“When I was seven, my cousin had a rabbit just like this one.” She helped it out by moving the lettuce in the corner of the cage closer to its mouth. It paid her little attention before it went to town on the lettuce as though it had been starved for days. Even bilgesnipes did not eat so quickly. “But, I was not allowed to play with Bun-Bun. I’m very close to adopting this one just to rub it in her face.” 
“I was not aware you had a cousin named Bun-Bun.” 
“I couldn’t have been more clearly referring to the rabbit, babe. The cousin was Karen.” 
His nose crinkled in disgust at the thought of that woman. He had the misfortune of meeting her at the last family Chistmas dinner and had to keep from throwing her out of the window. “Karen? Oh, she is dreadful. The two of you are so different, I can hardly believe the two of you are related.” 
“You are Thor are related and nothing alike.” 
“I was adopted.” 
She rolled her eyes at him and went back to petting the Bun-Bun celebrity look-alike. “Anyway, she was dreadful even back then. She didn’t let me play with her rabbit because she knew how much I wanted a pet.” 
“You could have gotten your own rabbit instead.” 
“No, my parents thought they were useless.” 
“Because they are, my dear.” 
“Oh, piss off. I couldn’t get a dog either because my dad was allergic. And cats were a huge no because my mom was a dog person who strongly believed cats were evil.” 
“Correct, again.” 
“Everyone I knew had a pet, but I could never have one. I told myself I would get one after I moved out. But, when I started college, I realised I couldn’t even raise myself, let alone another life. Then, I got recruited by SHIELD and became too busy even for myself. So, it has always been a distant dream. With my promotion, however, I have more free time and I am grown enough to be responsible for one.” 
His heart melted as he imagined his girlfriend, little and jealous of her mean cousin who had a rabbit. He imagined her in pigtails as he saw her in an old family picture on her parents’ fireplace mantle, dimpled cheeks and pouty lips. He did not want to ruin her longtime dream of having a pet just because he was a little annoyed of a kitten from hell. Sure, the creature they adopt would steal away a fraction of the attention she gave him, but it was worth it if her wishes were fulfilled. It would be unfair and cowardly of him to eliminate competition altogether, just like monopolies prevalent in capitalism. He would not stoop as low as Amazon of all things. So, he gave up his pursuit and stayed quiet as she stopped by every pet from hamsters to lizards. What was even the point of them!? Doesn’t matter. She wanted one and he would help her out with it. 
He walked along the dog enclosures and observed each one, trying to identify the species they belonged to. So far, he had seen Golden Retrievers (who were like his brother in form and behaviour), German Shepherds, Pitbulls, French bulldogs, Rottweilers, and even learned of a new kind called Chihuahua. Its size was inversely proportional to the rage it contained. He never stopped too long to observe any of them, but that changed when he saw a short one with unusually shaped ears. 
When he asked the employee about it, he was informed that she was a Corgi, a breed favoured by the monarch of United Kingdom. 
He stood knelt down in front of the cage and observed the Corgi as she played with a toy. She spun around in her position, attracting and sustaining his attention. It seemed that she had taken a liking to him. Noticing this, another employee at the store opened her cage. The puppy enthusiastically leaped out and into his arms, barking at him and showing him how wonderful she was at playing with a ball. She quickly climbed off his lap and ran in circles around him. He had to turn his head rapidly from one position to the other just to keep up with her movements. Her tail was inconspicuously small and she had the cutest little butt!
Oh, what a joy she was! 
Loki couldn’t recall the last time he smiled so much over something as trivial as this. 
She fell over in front of him and showed him her belly, asking to be pet. He pet her belly, bring both the puppy and himself a lot of joy. He was so distracted that he didn’t even notice his girlfriend standing by him, observing them with a huge smile on her face. 
“Having fun?” She asked, snapping a picture of him as he looked at her phone. 
“No, just biding time,” he said as he quickly rose from the floor, embarrassed to be found in such a position. He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck as he thought of a way to escape being teased. 
“Loki, do you like the Corgi?” 
She had an endearing smile on her face, very similar to the one Fluffykins inspired in her. 
“Yes, she is quite adorable and terribly fluffy. Not as much as the rabbit by the entrance. We could get the rabbit, invite Karen for dinner. I’ll cook,” he offered, already a little dejected that he would never see the Corgi ever again. “Not the rabbit. I will cook food. Food that doesn’t include a rabbit,” he quickly added. 
The creature had already begun pawing his shoes for attention and it took every ounce of his will power to not bend down and lift her up and into his arms. He would not let his few minutes of infatuation with a puppy overshadow her decades of desire for a pet. 
“Yeah, it was very clear that you weren’t going to cook the rabbit, Lokes.” 
“Yeah, I don’t know why I said that.” 
She gasped and dramatically clutched her chest. “Wow, that’s the second time. You usually don’t use contractions. You love the Corgi so much that your mouth is out of control.”
“It slipped!” 
“Aww, baby. Lets get the Corgi. She’s so cute and you’re so cute with her.” 
“Really? But what about getting a rabbit and rubbing it in Karen’s face?” 
“Oh, screw her,” she said dismissively. “I really wanted a pet and both of us like this one,” she said looking down at the puppy with her sparkling joyous eyes. He finally bent down to pick up the Corgi, filled with joy as she barked. When she kissed him, his lips were stretched out in a wide grin and couldn’t even kiss her back properly. She left God and puppy behind to take care of paperwork as the two played with each other, overjoyed to have found love in the other. 
Part II
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unicornsandphoenix · 5 years
Hey fam 💕
I know it has been forever since I actually posted something....but here is something?
Shout out to @spinnersendslytherin​ for throwing some really sweet fics my way when I was having a bad day. I promised you a drabble that you could prompt, and I am so so sorry it took me literally two entire (3 entire?) months to come back to you with this, but I really hope you enjoy my first jump back into the fandom!
Paring: Drarry
Tropes: Oblivious Harry
Word Count: ~1700
Harry squinted, and rubbed at a smudge on the window.
“Mate, don’t tell me you’re looking at Malfoy again.”
Harry jumped a little and sheepishly adjusted his glasses. “I don’t know what it is, Ron, I just feel as if I need to keep an eye out for him. He’s always alone, and he hates the forbidden forest, why is he even going in there?”
Ron flipped a page of the comic book Harry had brought for him at the beginning of term. The fact that the main character could fly on demand without a broom psyched him out a little, but he seemed like a good enough bloke, and the drawings held his interest.
“Why don’t you walk with him then?”
Harry glanced back. “We aren’t friends. Besides, maybe he wants to be alone.”
Ron snorted, but didn’t look up from a particularly nice looking drawing of the superhero in some tight latex. “Yeah, sure, mate. Maybe he really wants to just be left alone. In the forbidden forest. The worst place on Earth.”
Harry was frantically scrabbling to swing his robes on without dropping his bag or tripping over the moving stairs when his wand conveniently dropped out of his pocket and rolled down the steps and off of the staircase in mid-swing.
“Fuck!” He swore, and glanced over the bannister, only to see his wand flying back up to him and smack him in the face.
“Ow,” Harry said, fumbling with the wand until he caught it between his two palms. “What,” he continued, staring straight at it.
“You should keep a better eye on your possessions, Potter,” A voice said from somewhere above him. Not that it was a mystery voice. Oh no. Harry was all too familiar with this lazy cadence and posh accent. “You never know what could happen.”
Harry glanced up, but couldn’t see against the light coming from above.
“You’re going to miss your staircase if you don’t get moving, Potter.”
“Malfoy, I--” Harry started.
“Don’t mention it, Potter.”
It didn’t occur to him at the time that this had meant that Malfoy had Harry’s schedule memorized. But then again, Harry was oblivious to quite a lot.
Something wet hit Harry’s cheek.
“Harry! Pay attention to us! We’re neeeeedy!”
Harry rubbed the potato off of his cheek and pushed Seamus’ shoulder. “Sorry, mate, what were you saying?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Listen, Harry, I know I’m one to talk but how long is it gonna take you to realize?”
“Realize what?” Harry asked, but he was already preoccupied with looking back over to the Slytherin table, and a small pile of wrapping paper starting to build up on the floor. “He’s smiling,” Harry said to himself.
Dean raised his eyebrows at Seamus. Seamus rolled his eyes and readied a spoonful of potatoes.
Hermione poked Harry’s thigh. They were all sitting in a circle, and she was laying down with her head in Pansy’s lap as Blaise, Ron, and Draco argued over the origin of some ridiculous pure blooded tradition of putting a dragon scale in your drink at New Year’s for good luck. Hermione, interested in how red Ron’s face could turn and how fast Blaise’s leg could bounce, thought she would keep the origins of the dragon’s scale (or should she say, mermaid’s scale) to herself.
“You’re staring again,” she whispered. She felt Pansy tug at her hair playfully, and looked to see a small smirk on her face.
“I don’t stare.” Harry was pouting. Hermione turned her attention back on him.
“Why don’t you just go for it? I’m sure it would end well. I have insider information, you know.” She wiggled down further into Pansy’s lap.
Harry shot her a confused look. “Hermione, really, you aren’t good at being cryptic. What are you on about?”
“Oh, I think it’s fairly obvious what she’s talking about, Harry,” Luna breezed, sitting down next to Harry in a puff of yellow and lilac skirts.
“Luna? What--”
“You like him, Harry.” Luna said, looking over to the arguing boys. Draco was gaining an interesting color to his face, Hermione noted, and he seemed to be refusing to glance in their direction.
“What! Sh! What are you--I-I would--what are you trying to imply here?” Harry said, running his hands over his jeans and through his hair.
Luna just looked at him. ��I think, Harry, if you didn’t already know and it wasn’t true, you wouldn’t be getting so worked up over it.”
Harry slumped, dumbfounded. “Oh,” he said, and stared straight ahead. Hermione giggled.
“You’ve been acting weird.”
Harry dropped his broom cleaning supplies all over the floor. “I--what--no, I haven't!” He sputtered, bending down to pick up Miraculous Marcle’s Polishing Potion from the floor. That is, until a black leather shoe, shined to perfection stepped on it first. Harry gulped, face turning red, and looked up at Draco.
Draco took his foot of the bottle, and shuffled a little, in a very uncharacteristically Draco move. “Look, Harry, it’s not as if I don’t appreciate you letting me be a part of your friend group, and if you feel like you’ve done enough, I understand, but--”
“No!” Harry burst out, and Draco looked up startled. “No, I mean I don’t feel that way! I like hanging out with you, I do! I just felt...maybe I was getting a little bit clingy,” Harry ended weakly with a hand on the back of his neck, and eyes focused anywhere but on Draco.
Draco swatted him.
“Ow!” Harry said, looking up and rubbing his arm.
“Idiot!” Draco said, and straightened his robes. “We are friends, now, Potter. Stop ignoring me. It won’t do. I have grown too accustomed to your oafishness to have you distance yourself now.” With that, he turned on his heel and was off.
Harry’s eyes drifted a little lower. “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I am fucked.”
Valentine’s Day
Everything was going wrong for Harry today.
His alarm hadn’t woken him up in time for him to set up for that evening, let alone eat breakfast, and the outfit he had laid out last night (and had started planning a full bloody week ago), he found under a pile of cat hair, with pulled yarn from the hems.
To make matters worse, he had absolutely made a fool out of himself when he spilled pumpkin juice over himself seeing how good Draco was looking that day during lunch. And then, and then, Draco had used the anonymous letter in the shape of a heart Harry had sent to him to mop him up. Laughing. When Harry had asked him if he had read the note first, Draco had had a strained smile and said it didn’t matter, that it was probably just someone setting up to prank him.
Harry had skipped dinner to finish preparations, and he wasn’t even sure how he was going to get Draco to follow him to the Herbology greenhouses if he thought someone who hated him was going to be there.
Sighing, Harry lit the last orb and sent it floating into the center of the room, and started the treck back up to the eighth year dorms.
On his way, and in his hurry, Harry crashed into someone. Someone who smelled very nice. Someone who looked very nice. Someone who Harry thought was very nice. Fuck.
“Draco! Shit! I’m so sorry!”
Draco straightened with a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Harry! I--you weren’t at dinner.”
“No, I, er, needed to do something,” Harry said, fumbling.
“Oh,” Draco seemed to retreat a little, and took his hand off of Harry’s shoulder. “Are you going to be like the rest of our friends on dates and leave me alone on Valentine’s day, too?” His chuckle seemed forced, and he seemed to only hear what he had said after it had already come out of his mouth. He winced.
“Um, no, actually,” Harry said, taking a deep breath. “I was actually hoping you might was to follow me somewhere?”
Draco glanced up, surprised. “Me? I--Sure. Where are we going?”
Harry’s lips turned up in the corner in a half smile, and he shrugged a little. “I was thinking it could be a surprise?”
Draco was smiling hesitantly, and Harry’s heart spun a little. Maybe not quite everything was going wrong today.
Harry paused with his hand on the door handle, and stole a peak at Draco out of the corner of his eye.
Draco seemed nervous. He was fiddling with the buttons of his shirt, and kept glancing behind him, as if he was expecting someone to pop up and scare them.
Harry almost palmed his forehead.
“Harry, maybe we should--” Harry cut Draco off before he could continue.
“Sorry, sorry. I should have said, I--that it. Um.” Harry released the door handle and scratched his head. “It was--it was me.”
Draco shot him a look, one eye brow raised.
“I, uh, I sent you the letter today,” Harry mumbled.
Draco’s brows rose, and his mouth formed an O. “You! But, you, I?” Draco ended hopelessly.
Harry gave him a sheepish smile. “Here, just....” Harry swung the door open and watched as Draco’s tension melted off his body and a smile appeared on his face.
“Oh, Harry,” He said. The greenhouse was decked in golden orbs floating at different heights, gently rocking off of each other and shedding light on a small picnic blanket bedecked with a couple of loose flowers and some chocolates.
Harry’s hands were shaking, and he looked down again. “I know it’s, well, yeah. And I know you might not, but Hermione said--” Harry was cut off with a gentle squeeze of his hands in Draco’s, and it gave him just enough courage to look into grey eyes.
“I’ve been waiting for you to catch up, Harry,” Draco said, leaning in. “I was almost afraid I had gotten it all wrong.”
“No,” Harry said, drawn into Draco like he had his own gravitational field. “I’m just a little slow.”
But slow was good, he thought, as lips met his. Slow was very good.
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bakusoftie · 5 years
How about Deku, Katsuki and Todoroki being turned into a cat ( or whatever pet you want ) for a week and their fem s/o taking care of them (like petting,feeding,and playing with them) until they turn back ?
this is so cute omfg
i fucking love cats
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Izuwu, Bakubabe, and Icycutie turning into cats for a week
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🥦 izuwu 🥦
apparently some general studies student hated class 1-A so bad that they used their quirk to turn the innocent lil deku into a tiny white munchkin cat with his emerald green eyes and three black spots of fur on his cheeks
he looked so ADORABLE AHHHH
you were walking towards the dorms when you hear the cries of a kitten and looked down at your feet to find the cutest cat you have ever laid eyes on
“Hey there lil buddy!,” you cooed as you picked the ball of fluff up and rested him on your chest.
you thought he reminded you of your crush from the color of his wide green eyes
you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking kisses all over his fluffy face
izuku was sent into a flurry of purrs as he nuzzled his head into your warm chest
he felt kind of bad since you had no idea it was him but he felt so safe and complete being snuggled in your arms and he never wanted to leave
you snook the cute ass fur ball in your room, not before raiding the kitchen for a bowl of milk and leftover pork cutlet bowl that belonged to Denki (it’s okay you left him some money for McNuggets)
you laid the stubborn kitten on your bed but he kept wanting to bury his head in your warmth
“Awww, I’m gonna name you...Deku!,”
the kitten raised his head when he heard that and started licking your hand as if he was giving you little kitty kisses
“You must like that name,huh? It’s because you remind me of him...because you both are so cute!!”
Izuku crawls into your lap and nuzzles his head against your thighs and thinks ‘damn this is the life’
he would never get to do this when he returns to his human form so he for sure will milk the fuck out of this
when your hand comes down to scratch his neck, he swears he has reached heaven as his purring increases and he lets out a little “prrt”
He’s fucking love it
Until he sees you getting undressed...
Then he bulldozes his face into your pillow and let’s out a series of ‘meows’ that kinda sound like his muttering
If you stroke his fur while he eats, he feels like he’s going to combust from joy please don’t stop
6 days later when you’re so used to having this little kitten follow you everywhere and giving you cuddles, you also start to wonder why izuku hasn’t been coming to class lately
until one night when you and Izukitty are cuddling, him being curled into a ball on your boobies
And you feel the fuzzy warmth on your chest start to get heavier
two questions
where did your cat go?
Izuwu is so flustered and he can’t hardly get a word out except...
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💥kitsuki bakukitty💥
ma there's a weird-looking fucking cat outside
seriously...bakugou as a cat is fucking frightening
do not give this fucker CLAWS
well somebody did
and bakugou was fucking pissed
he couldn’t do anything for himself and his quirk wouldn’t even fucking work
not to mention he keeps hacking up disgusting fucking hairballs
it was your turn to take the dorm’s trash out when you see a
sort of cute-looking?
ash-blonde cat with sharp red eyes staring into your soul.
he is literally ‘my cat from hell’
But you thought his aggressive actions just meant he was an abused stray that needed to be nutured
uh bitch
you was w r o n g
you also thought his fur and eyes kinda looked like your crush, Katsuki
so of course,
you named the kitty
he did not wike it
you got so many cat scratches BITCH YOU STARTING TO LOOK LIKE VICTOR ZSASZ
you googled “how to tame an agressive cat” on wikihow and it said to spend time with the cat and play with him so
you took that bitch to your room
and got out a ball of yarn and a laser pointer
“let the chaos begin, katsukitty 😈”
let me just tell you that this bitch’s meows sound like he’s being fucking drowned like
he’s so ugly LMAOASKKS
but the angry little kitten gets used to you and rubs his head your hand as he gets ready to ATTack and nibble the fuck out of your finger
you text kiri to come over and meet your new little friend and
the moment he smells the stench of another male coming up into his territory (aka you)
he fucking asshole
bites a fucking chunk out of kiri’s lightening mcqueen crocs
kiri: gEt yOur fUckinG cAt, BiTch
you: he don’t bite 🙂
kiri: yES hE dO
im so sorry kiri but
those crocs were ugly anyway
katsukitty did you a favor
bakugou is such an asshole cat like he literally jumped up on your dresser for the sole purpose of knocking your limited edition Best Jeanist Funko POP to the floor
yOu shiTTy BitcH
you had to get a spray bottle full of water after he scratched up the All Might t-shirt that Izuku bought you for your birthday
jealous heaDASS
he won’t let anyone inside your room
I mean you saw what he did to kiri’s crocs
So when mineta thought he would be slick and sniff your panties while you were in the shower
Katsukitty didn’t even have to touch the fucker
he just growled and mineta shit his pants
he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
he a snacc
speaking of snacks,,,
if you try to feed him that gross ass canned cat food
he will fuck your ass up
don’t even think about it
although...he was considering it 😳
but no
once you accidentally dropped some sriracha on the floor and his ass lapped that shit up
you swore to god that isn’t healthy for cats to eat but
you still gave him a whole bowl full
because he made him happy
and you could finally pet him while he ate without getting slice and diced
that’s how most your days were like until the end of the week when you were coming to your room after making Katsukitty a tiny version of Bakugou’s costume
but what you were met with was a naked Bakugou (with only a ball of yard to cover his privates) on your bed
“I’m going to get you back for calling me fucking ‘Katsukitty’ for a week,dumbass”
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💙 IcyCutie ❤️
oh this defenseless baby
he has no clue how this happened to him but the moment he sees you, he has the urge to rub his head against your leg?
and he does
you look down when you feel something soft and furry brushing against your ankle
it’s this cute ass slender white cat with an orange spot that covers his left eye and head. His eyes are two different colors and you think he is the cutest thing to ever grace this earth
He’s literally many the ‘🥺’ face and
Your uwus have been
s n a t c h e d
Todorokitty wishes he could communicate with you somehow and tell you that it’s him but then you’re putting him up and holding him tightly against your breasts and
😳 big boobs? small boobs? no boobs? he do not care
his brain just goes: tiddy
honestly you could do whatever you want with him and he wouldn’t care
he’s kinda one of those cats that just want to sleep
he’s such an lazy cat like
just hold him and lay with him please
even as a cat, he is just so touchstarved
the only moment he shows any feral activity is when you brought some Zaria soba for yourself and nasty ass fish for him
this bitch yeeted the fish off the plate and when you’ve gone to go clean it up
bitch almost drowned in that shit
feed him
he definitely gets used to you taking care of him and being treated like he’s special and loved because he never got that before so there’s times where he just stares at your with wide eyes and paws at your tummy
he gets the best sleep of his life being cushioned by your body
you are his bed now
sometimes he’ll leave the room and come back to leave you “gifts”
oh god
is that a fucking hamster?
😳 oh no
that’s koda’s hamster
“I understand that you were trying to do a good thing but you have committed an atrocity”
just wait until you get this hoe on some catnip 😈
normally he’s such a calm and collected kitty but once you sprinkle some of that good kush
he go ‘aRrrrOowwww’
he’s basically banging his head on the carpet trying to snort this shit the best he can
you and todorokitty have some good times and some bad times
but you do miss actually Todoroki
it makes you sad some nights because you thought he might be avoiding you
when he sees you sad, it reminds him of his mom tbh and he never wants you to feel this way,,especially if he’s literally right in front you
he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and put tiny kitten licks all over your face
👅 aaaulghh
the next day, you walked into your room after a trying day of school and flopped onto your bed where you thought your precious kitten was so you went to pet the little guy
except you were met with flesh
and i oop
“are you naked? ewwwww.”
Shouto had no fucking shame
He just pulled you into his arms like nothing changed
“Shut up and let me love you, kitten”
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
#MarichatMay Day 7
Another submission because the procrastination is strong in this one *points to self*. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy this piece!
(And again thanks @marichatmay!)
Day 7: Disguise
“You know the Agreste superhero ball is tonight, right?” 
Chat Noir was lying on Marinette’s sofa, completely relaxed as his favourite civilian paced around the room, flicking through the pages of her notebook.
“Thanks, Sherlock.” She shot him a dark glare.
That cat would be the death of her. How weak had she been, accepting his invitation as his date? She’d worked all week to plant the foundations of a lie that would have justified her absence with her friends. On Monday, she had started to cough. On Tuesday, she’d pretended to sniffle all day. Wednesday she’d maintained her act, complete with a non-faked tiredness from working on her Ladybug dress overnight. The coup de grâce came on Friday: she had used Tikki’s powers to fake a small fever. The Kwami had disapproved at first, but had changed her mind when she had seen how stressed her carrier was at the prospect of juggling between Marinette and her Miraculous persona all night. Was it wrong to want to be just Ladybug for an evening?
That night, though, Chat had paid her a little visit, having heard through the “cat-vine” that she hadn’t been “feeline” well. Except that instead of finding her feverish and buried under a pile of covers, she’d been running around fixing up a characteristically red and black, Ancient Egyptian-style dress. 
“Oh my God, I can’t believe Ladybug is exploiting you for a disguise she doesn’t even need!!” He’d started dialling her on his baton, but Marinette had interrupted him.
“She’s not exploiting me, I’m very happy to be working on this dress,” she huffed. “And I promised my parents I’d spend the evening with them.”
“Oh but please, come tomorrow! Be my date? I purr-omise it will be fun!” He used the kitty eyes move she had trouble resisting with Manon, except his were much more enticing. She felt oddly drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. In that if she got too close, it wouldn’t end well.
“I’m not a super hero though, I’d need a disguise. And I don’t have time to make myself one.”
“Just take Ladybug’s. She won’t mind.” He shrugged.
“Yes, she will. She announced on TV that she would be wearing one of my creations. If she doesn’t, she won’t be in Gabriel Agreste’s good graces anymore.” She sat down on the floor and adjusted the dress’ hem. “She declined his offer to be dressed by him, you know.”
The mysterious designer had reached out during one of her patrols, offering her a tailored creation that would leave the “tout Paris” gaping. As much as she’d been dying to see him work, something had felt off. She didn’t know if it was that day’s biais of Mr Agreste, who’d once again refused to let Adrien join their crew for yet another activity, but as much as she admired the artist’s work, all she had seen was a man who prevented his son from leading a normal life. Besides, as she knew all too well, tailoring meant measurements, which could let out too much information regarding her real identity. She couldn’t afford the risk of Hawkmoth getting his hands on her physical specifications. 
“Why do you want me to go so badly anyway?” She asked the cat-boy. He was busy playing with a ball of yarn that was lying on the floor. 
“I don’t want to spend the night alone.” He lost interest in his toy, and his eyes glazed over as he looked into nothingness. A sort of fatigue seemed to have washed over him.
Marinette’s heart softened. He looked so sad she wanted to hug him. “You know you’re never alone, Chat. You’ve got Ladybug.”
“You’re nicer though, purr-incess” He looked at her, a small smile forming on his lips. “I like spending time with you, it’s... refreshing, being able to breathe for a bit, and have a proper chat with an actual human being. Ladybug’s always running around, I wish she’d slow down sometimes, you know?”
She thought about all the times she’d left Chat Noir hanging after akumatisations or even on patrols. So the reason why he was constantly trying to get her to go see a movie with him, or eat an ice cream, or just hang out, was actually to get her to relax? And to not be alone? She closed her eyes, thinking about how dense she’d been to his feelings. Of course Chat felt alone. She also did. It came with the job. 
It hadn’t been her intention to hurt him though. Most of the time there was a valid excuse as to why she had to bug-ger off (he rolled her eyes at the realisation that she was being contaminated by Chat’s puns). Like imminent detransformation. 
“Fine, then. I’ll go.” She had sighed, cursing her good heart and his persuasion skills. 
“Really?” His eyes had lit up, and he’d started dancing around the room, sing-songing his thanks. He’d dragged her along, hugging her tightly. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring your disguise. You can count on me!”
And she’d believed him. Because if Ladybug could always count on him, then so could Marinette.
But she wasn’t Ladybug.
“Oh come on, cheer up! It’s not like it’s a complete cat-astrophe. I still don’t understand why you won’t wear my disguise. Banana-noir has saved Paris at least a couple of times.” He smirked, eyeing the bright yellow suit that was hanging on Marinette’s mezzanine. “I even got it signed specially for you!”
Marinette glanced at the “stay peachy!” scribbled on the costume and sighed. 
“It’s one of the most important fashion events of the year. I’m representing my brand. I can’t go as a fruit!”
“Not a fruit: bananas are actually berries, you know.” Chat grinned.
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes.
“How about Marino? He was a stylish character.” Chat asked absentmindedly.
She felt heat rise to her cheeks. She hadn’t interacted with Chat Noir that day in her civilian attire. Had he been there? At Adrien’s party? “What... How do you know about Marino?”
Chat’s cheeks burned up, and had the girl looked up she would had noticed the sheer panic in his eyes. “Um... At the end of the fight, I went inside the Agreste’s mansion to check if everything was okay. I... I saw you hiding behind a seat.” He breathed, trying to calm his tachycardic heart. “Strong disguise, but I’d recognise those pretty eyes of yours anywhere.” 
She almost snorted.  
“Thanks, but I’m afraid Marino won’t be making an appearance today.” 
“Everybody’s loss I guess.” He laughed awkwardly. That had been a close one. “Oh I know! Why don’t I go and get you the mouse Miraculous? You can pretend you copied the design. Or just own the fact that you ARE Multimouse. Bugaboo already made it clear she wouldn’t give it to you again because I know who you are, but I mean technically Paris doesn’t know.”
She thought about it. She doubted Master Fu would be willing to give out a Miraculous as a disguise even if it was for her, but she guessed there’d be no harm in trying. And she could actually whip up something like Multimouse’s costume in the short amount of time that separated her from the ball. She’d have to be careful about it, but there was a good chance she could make the double identity work. She could just make an appearance as Ladybug at the beginning of the night, “leave” and come back as Marinette. 
“That’s actually a good idea.”
“Ah see, I’m not just a purr-etty face!” Chat smiled. He leapt up and  made his way to the trapdoor.
“I’ll be late though, I wasn’t lying yesterday when I said I promised my parents a family night.”
“I’ll be waiting!” He kissed her hand, as he usually did Ladybug’s. “Can’t wait to see your designs. You know I’m your number one fan.” He winked.
She couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks kitty.”
Later, as she was finishing her Multimouse outfit, she heard a knock. The trapdoor opened and she saw a black hand throw a small box on her bed. Before she could react she saw Chat Noir jump to a nearby roof, and disappear into the sunset.
She climbed to her bed and picked up the box. A note was stuck on it, reading:
I don’t want to bother you during Ladybug’s fitting/family night, but here is the promised disguise. Thank you for being the Souris to my Chat. Can’t wait to see you later, it’s going to be paw-some! xxx Your number 1 fan
She pocketed the box, and put the note away in a drawer, with Adrien’s poem. She had to take care of her Chaton, he was too purr-ecious to lose. But she’d need to find a way to stop using his puns all the time though. Because that simply wouldn’t do. 
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baskervilleshound · 5 years
Her Cookies Were to Die For (PART 4)
Snatcher’s eyes narrowed, and he began to wring his claws. He looked agitated…and confused.
“You…looked inside me? Kid, that’s a little screwed up, I have to say,” the ghost finally said. “I didn’t know your mask could look inside people.”
“It can’t!” Hat Kid squeaked. “But you’re not listening to me- something is literally strangling you in there! The spiky thing is stuck, and then there’s these strings that are squeezing your insides. We…we have to take it out…?? But I don’t even know if that’s possible….PECK!”
Snatcher was taken aback by how frantic Hat Kid was getting. He had seen Hat Kid disgruntled, sure. When he had made her clean that haunted outhouse, the little pipsqueak had been disgusted, and furious! She had been so mad at him for that- he could see it on her little face. Oh, he could almost smile at the memory. But not right now.
The kid was freaking out. Over something inside him. Was that even possible? Apparently, according to Hat, it was. But honestly, he didn’t want to think about it, and decided he wasn’t going to.
“Listen kiddo, that mask probably just…messed up or something. Or maybe you’re just losing your mind. That seems to be more possible, given your track record of willingly falling to your death out of my trees all over something as silly as yarn.”
Snatcher laughed and shook his head, yawning.
Hat Kid stamped her foot, barely missing the mask on the floor.
“No, I’m not crazy! I saw it, Snatcher! It moved! I saw--!”
“Who’s ready for breakfast?”
Both Snatcher and Hat Kid turned to see Cooking Cat in the doorway once again.
“Come on. That’s enough bickering then. You’re probably both just a little hangry.”
Hat Kid let out a huff and crossed her arms before turning her back on Snatcher and walking out her door. Snatcher caught a whiff of the bacon, and immediately pulled himself out from under the pillows and blanket. If the kid was mad at him or not, he wasn’t missing out on such a delicious, greasy treat.
Hat Kid sat alone at her large captain’s chair, a plate of blueberry pancakes on her lap. She simply stared at the planet revolving below her ship through the gigantic glass window. Snatcher coiled himself on the floor cozily, munching on a rather copious amount of bacon. He was a rather large creature, and Cooking Cat had certainly been aware of that fact as she cooked for him.
If Snatcher wasn’t so full of pride, he would have admitted that he was very thankful for the consideration. However, he was. So no one would be getting any thanks. Not today.
Cooking Cat looked at Hat Kid, who was still turned out and staring at the sky, and then Snatcher, who seemed to not have a care in the world.
“What did you do to her, hm?” questioned CC as she suspiciously eyed Snatcher. “Do I need to take that plate away from you to get an answer?”
“I didn’t do anything. No contracts, no chores, nothing. I just took a nap. That’s all,” Snatcher said nonchalantly, pouring the rest of the bacon in his mouth and swallowing it whole so Cooking Cat wouldn’t even have the chance to take it from him.
With a cocky wink, he handed her his empty plate.
“If you weren’t sick, I’d step on your tail,” said the cat.
“He thinks I’m stupid, and won’t listen to me even though I saw something spiky hurting him in his tummy,” Hat Kid finally cut in as she slowly spun around in her chair. “He’s a big meanie.”
“Kid, I’m not even bein’ mean! If you want, I could write up a few chores for you to do in my forest again- now that would be mean.” The Snatcher laughed, hard, before wiping a nonexistent tear from his eyes.
“Now those were good times- we should do it again!”
Snatcher didn’t get a response from either Hat Kid, or Cooking Cat. But he didn’t mind. Honestly, he needed to get back to his forest, anyways.
“Welp, I’ve got lots of stuff to do today. Gotta recount my minions and make sure they’re all doing their jobs. Smell ya later, kid!” Snatcher cackled before vanishing from the ship.
“Ugh. Bye,” Hat Kid grumbled, spinning in her chair once more as she poked at her pancakes.
Once Snatcher was back in his hallow home, he picked up the gift box that had been sent to him by Vanessa, along with the note, and disposed of it. He was mad that he even dared to eat those cookies. They made him sick!
He should have known better than to eat anything sent by her. He should have known better, especially after what she had done to him years ago over the bacon. She had undercooked it, so badly that it made him very ill. Snatcher had a horrible feeling that she had done it on purpose- she always acted so weird whenever he enjoyed his breakfast.
Vanessa would sigh and watch him with a cold distant look in her eyes. Almost a look of hatred at the fact that he found so much pleasure in his favorite food…and not her in that very moment, instead.
So, she made him ill. He remembered being ill for days after that breakfast. By the time he had gotten over it, he had lost a good amount of weight- so much so that his pants were loose by the end of it. He had needed a belt.
And then…when she learned he still did enjoy bacon even after being incredibly sick from it, she banned it from the castle entirely.
All because…Vanessa hadn’t wanted him to like that food, more than her…
Well I still like bacon very much, so there. Joke’s on you, Vanessa.
Was it just his mind playing tricks on him, or was thinking about that time bacon made him sick making him queasy?
Immediately, Snatcher grew angry. Still feeling ill, yes, but also angry. How DARE he still let Vanessa’s memory taunt him so. He wasn’t weak- he didn’t care about her! So why was he suddenly starting to feel so…oh god, so nauseous…?
Quickly, the ghost darted out the door of his home. As expected, his minions were stood in line for their monthly counting.
“Hey, boss!” a few of them chimed the moment that Snatcher showed his face outside.
“All of you. Go away. Scram! You get the day off, shoo!” Snatcher barked, urgently waving the minions away as he floated past them.
“Boss, what’s wrong with your face?”
“You’re turning blue, boss!”
“Haha, you told the kid you can’t turn blue! Such a kidder! You sure showed her!”
“I swear- I will eat every single one of you if you don’t go away right now,” Snatcher hissed.
Nearly the entire army of minions shrugged before disbanding, cheering about how they had a day off.
Thank heavens.
Snatcher immediately made himself scarce. He went to hide in the best place that he could think to go. The place where no one would willingly go unless they wanted to die by the hands that came up from underneath ominously black muck- the bog. It was already disgusting there. Not a soul would be close by if he were to get sick again- and Snatcher felt at this point that it was extremely likely that he would.
Floating above the muck, he watched as one of the hands from beneath the water dared try to touch him. In an instant, he had given it a hard smack, sending it splashing back down into the muck.
Carefully, the ghost made his way over to one of the rickety docks, and finally lied himself across it. Maybe if he lied still enough, it would just go away. Ignoring it would make it stop, right?
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Pancakes and Mr Snuggles
Just a morning at the Lopez-Pierce home (c.2027)
Sunlight streams through the gaps in the curtains. Santana crinkles her forehead, unamused that her slumber has been interrupted. Her eyes flutter open and everything is quiet.
Too quiet.
She turns to the left and is surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. She then turns her head to the right and sees a pair of brown eyes staring back at her.
Those eyes belong to a three year old boy, peeking over the edge of the bed.
"Good morning," she reaches over, ruffling his hair affectionately, voice still a little rough from sleep.
"Hola," the little boy says.
She chuckles. "Hola. Where's your Mommy?"
The little boy just shrugs his shoulders. The smile on his face tells Santana that he's keeping a secret.
"Really? You don't know?"
Another smiling shrug.
"You're not hiding from Mommy by any chance, are you?"
He then nods his head vigorously. His smile turns into a grin.
"Shh," he whispers, with a finger to his lips.
Santana lets out a laugh. "Come here." She pats the spot on the bed next to her and helps up the little boy as he scrambles up onto the bed in his blue and yellow ducky pyjamas. He dives under the covers and pulls them over his head. "Mommy won't find you in here."
She hears him giggle. "Gracias, Mama."
"Hey babe, have you seen-"
Brittany walks back into their bedroom, but stops short once she spots the lump in bed, next to her wife. A coy smile of her own grows on the blonde's face.
"You didn't happen to see a little boy pass here, did you?" she asks, from the doorway. "'About this tall, ducky PJs, supposed to be helping me with breakfast?"
Santana shakes her head. "Sorry, Britt."
The lump next to her continues to giggle.
“Hmmm weird, that's fine. I guess I'll just have to wait here and see if he stops by," Brittany says, walking back to her side of the bed and promptly flopping down on it.
She stretches her arms exaggeratedly so one of them falls directly on the giggling lump.
"Gee, Santana. Our bed sure is lumpy," she pats the lump with her hand. "Do you think we should get a new one?"
"Mommy!" the boy throws the covers off his head, revealing himself.
"Ollie!" Brittany replies in the same tone and starts tickling him, till he's in a laughing fit. When she relents, he manages to escape and snuggles up to Santana.
"Did you wake your Mama, Ollie?"
"No, he didn't wake me up," Santana says. She leans over and is met with a kiss from her wife. "Good morning," she greets with a contented smile on her face.
"Good morning. How are my girls?" Brittany lets her hand drift down to Santana's pregnant belly, under the covers.
"We're good," she answers softly, gazing into Brittany's eyes. "We're good. What's this I heard about breakfast, though?"
"Oh, well I was working on making you some super special, awesome pancakes, but then my assistant ran away," Brittany pointedly turns to their son, who just smiles.
"Super special awesome pancakes, huh? You must really love me," Santana teases.
"I do really love you" Brittany says, planting another kiss on her wife’s lips. 
"Well, I really love you too."
The three of them eat breakfast together - pancakes with blueberries in a smiley face, assembled by one Oliver Lopez-Pierce. Unfortunately, Ollie messes up the syrup mouth, and syrup ends up on the table. He tries to wipe it, but all it does is get his hands sticky.
Santana wipes his hands with a baby wipe, as Brittany flips the last pancake. Ollie reaches for Lord Tubbington who has waddled his way into the dining room expecting to be fed. He looks disappointed when he approaches his bowl and sees cat food, rather than Seabass and donuts (his favorite breakfast combination).
"Tubbs!" Ollie exclaims, clearly wanting to play.
"Ollie, baby, you can play with Tubbs after breakfast, ok?"
The young boy seems content with this answer, though his attention is still focussed on the fat cat.
Santana knows for a fact that while Lord Tubbington certainly likes Ollie, he certainly does not love to play. It is only because the old cat likes the Lopez-Pierce boy enough that he even entertains the idea of "play", given his hatred for activity. Lord Tubbington would much prefer a relationship with Oliver, where the young boy only fed and pet him. None of this running around nonsense.
The syrup instance aside, the Lopez-Pierces share a calm breakfast. Ollie scarfs down his pancake quickly.
"Can I play now, Mama?"
"Did you finish your milk?"
"Yep!" he beams, showing her his empty cup.
Santana watches Tubbs hover around the breakfast table and smiles. "Sure, go ahead."
"Thank you! Play time, Tubbs!" Ollie grins, hopping off his chair and chasing after the fat feline - who has now wandered off into the living room, clearly disappointed with his own breakfast - with the energy and enthusiasm that only young children have. "Let's do a new trick!"
Santana is also positive that Lord Tubbington hasn't picked up any new tricks in...well ever (unless you count his stint in cigarette smuggling), but laughs as her son grabs a cat toy and pats for Tubbs to join him where he sits. The cat drags himself over and reluctantly swats at it, clearly not up for this level of exercise so early in the morning.
Whatever, serves the fat bastard right for ruining so many of her shoes.
"Your mom called," Brittany informs her. "Her and your dad are taking an earlier flight, so they'll get here in the morning instead of the evening. She said something about a surprise."
"My dad better not be bringing another life-sized bear."
"Awww, but you love Mr Snuggles."
"I don't love keeping Tubbs from having to use it as a scratching post. Don't you remember the last time he tore Mr Snuggles' leg and stuffing started coming out? Ollie thought he was bleeding!"
"We sewed him back up."
"Yeah, but how much more damage is he going to cause to those poor, innocent bears, Britt? Can you imagine our darling boy having to watch the cat practically assault another bear?"
"So you admit it," Brittany smiled, slyly in between bites on pancake.
"You love Mr Snuggles."
"That's not what I was saying. Besides, we don't have the space for another one." Santana retorted indignantly.
The truth was Santana totally adored Mr Snuggles. Carlos Lopez had spent most of Santana's upbringing working at the hospital and while things had started to improve after high school, the tension had yet to fully evaporate. After they got married, he made a greater effort. Visits to New York happened a little more frequently, so did phone calls.
But it all finally came to a close when two days after they informed Santana's parents that Brittany was pregnant, Carlos showed up on their doorstep with a stroller and a six-foot teddy bear, congratulating them and saying he didn't want to miss his grandchild's life, in the way he'd missed so much of Santana's.
There had been hugging and crying.
Both Santana and Carlos deny they were the ones crying.
In truth, they both were.
"He was like our baby's guardian, Britt," Santana finally admitted, now seemingly on the verge of tears. "You know? He was so little. When he was by himself in the nursery, it's like Mr Snuggles was looking after him," she sniffed.
"I know, baby," the blonde smiled reassuringly, reaching across the table and patting her wife's hand.
Santana sniffed again and her wife handed her a tissue. "Damn hormones."
"If your dad brings another bear, we can give it to Mike," Brittany suggested. "Quinn is due not long after you anyway. Besides, I think Mr Snuggles has enough left in him to be guardian to our baby girl too."
Santana thinks about it. "We need to stop Tubbs from getting into the nursery and wrecking the bear."
"We can do that. Besides, he was too lazy to finish his underground tunnelling system across the house."
She pauses again. "Ok. You're right," Santana admitted. "As usual."
Brittany laughed and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. "I like the sound of that."
Both now done with breakfast, the blonde moved to clear their plates from the table to the sink. Santana smiled and watched Ollie try to make Tubbs chase a ball of yarn across the living room. It was probably meant to be some game, but Tubbs preferred taking his sweet time, which didn't seem to bother the young boy. She was also pretty sure the couch was going to be covered in yarn by the end of it.
This was her life.
And damn, did she love every facet of it.
Who would've thought? Certainly not the terrified cheerleader, secretly in love with her best friend all those years ago.
Brittany, who has started to wash the dishes, feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist and pull her close.
"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" Santana asked, keeping her voice low.
Brittany turns around, with that sly smile Santana fell in love with for the first time, all those years ago.
"Tell me again."
Author Notes:
And she told her every day, forever and ever, until they were 150 years old.
Also, yes LT is still alive by some miracle and yes, Mike and Quinn got together at some point (I've always liked the idea of them together).
There might be more of this verse and I have some other ideas if people are interested. I'm still processing everything, but writing this actually made me feel a little better.
We'll get through this together, guys.
No mater what, Brittany and Santana are off in New York, living their best life, in the early years of their long an happy life together.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #216: “... To Avenge the Avengers!”
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February, 1982
"Avenge us, Tigra! The Molecule Man must die!”
Eesh, the Avengers plus Silver Surfer have gone full Hamlet’s Dad on Tigra and she’s gonna cat Molecule Man and his plush himself to death. But he’s ready for it.
But why? Well...
Last time: Silver Surfer inadvertently gave Molecule Man the idea to eat Earth. The Avengers and the Surfer teamed up to stop him but he just Molecule Manned their sweet gear into nothing, captured them all, and then stomped them under a giant boot-o-matic crusher! Except Tigra who he kept around because he wanted someone to talk at and because Tigra had claimed that she liked him!
This time: “Tigra... the Last Avenger!”
Nice touch that the book name inside the book has been changed to match even if the cover hasn’t.
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That is a tough hat to wear. Did you know its only been a little over a week since she joined the team?
And in that time she got thrown into space by an Elf-Queen, watched a founding Avenger have an emotional breakdown and try to kill his friends to make them like him again, had her soul set on fire, been repeatedly harassed in public, and watched the whole team be killed with her life only being spared because she begged for her life!
Is this the worst week and change in Avengers history? IT MIGHT WELL BE!
“She was spared. The fear of death has drained away now, leaving only emptiness behind. She has never felt so alone.”
This narration set in the same panel where Molecule Man is all but slapping the giant boot and going ‘this bad boy can crush so many fucking Avengers in it.’
Well really, its more like
Molecule Man: “Well, cat-lady, they’re dead! Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and that Silver Surfer guy -- squished flat by my giant boot-o-matic crusher! You know, I made this thing out of molecules from a scrapyard! Yessir, I believe in recycling!”
But that’s about the same level of dissonance between jolly goofus villain rambling and hollow despair.
Anyway, Molecule Man calls her out on being such a bummer because she’s moping over there when he’s feeling good about killing the Avengers and really Tigra try to consider how he feels geez.
So she shakes off the despair and asks hey what exactly is Molecule Man going to do with her?
Tigra: “Am I going to be your mate or...”
Molecule Man: “What? Nah! I never got along with girls! I mean, you know... that way! Yessir, mom always warned me about... that! And she was right! You can be my friend! No! Make that -- my pet! Here, kitty, kitty!”
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That. That dodged a bullet in a cool Matrix bullet time way right into another bullet.
Let’s please not get too creepy with this, huh? You listening to me, comic published nearly forty years ago? Let’s not get creepy!
Molecule Man decides to be a responsible pet owner and feed his pet. He can control molecules so obviously it should be no trouble to just rearrange them into any configuration he--
Okay, its apparently really hard to make food! Way too complicated!
He’s going to be an irresponsible pet owner and not feed Tigra. And meanwhile he’s going to chow down on some undifferentiated mush or possibly a pile of dust. Its all molecules so its all the same to him.
Tigra didn’t even want food but asks him where the bathroom is.
Molecule Man: “Bathroom? Hmm... well, I really don’t understand how plumbing works, so I couldn’t make a bathroom! If you want, though, I could sort of fake it...”
Tigra: “No, I’ll be all right! i just feel a little sick...”
Molecule Man: “So go be sick for a while! I’ve got to get started on my little project anyway! If I’m going to eat this stupid planet -- I’ve got to prepare by clearing away all the living things from a few square miles of land.”
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And he gets started! A giant ridge of land just peels up from the ground, like Molecule Man is skinning a fruit before eating. Also a volcano erupts. Pretty sure there weren’t any volcanoes in New Jersey before now.
Fairly sure.
Outside the dome, thankfully the army has been evacuating everyone in a fifty-mile radius or else a lot of people would be dead. VOLCANO.
Then the Fantastic Four arrive.
Yayyyyy! Oh whoa whoa, Fantastic Fourrr!
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They’ve got the best Molecule Man mashing record so they’re here to do what they do do.
Which in this context is fail like champs.
Ben Grimm the Thing tries to shatter the dome with a punch and no dice. Then Human Torch cranks up to nova flame and applies the heat of a sun on one little spot on the dome.
Johnny about wears himself out doing it and still no result.
Guess Iron Man, Thor, and Silver Surfer > a pinpoint miniature sun.
Meanwhile inside, Molecule Man tells Tigra hey get a load of this. And then he levitates a couple billion gallons of water from the Delaware River and dumps it on the Fantastic Four, plus the army, washing them away.
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Invisible Woman: “Reed, it -- it doesn’t seem possible!”
Mr. Fantastic: “Everything is made of molecules, Sue! Anything is possible for the Molecule Man!”
Molecule Man far too hax.
But meanwhile, gasp, the Avengers weren’t actually all killed in a book with their name on it! This is unprecedented!
And Silver Surfer is ready to explain their unlikely survival of giant crushing boot.
See, Silver Surfer wasn’t quite as knocked unconscious as the three Avengers so he played possum. When Molecule Man put the Avengers plus Silver Surfer in the crushing boot and when it was just about to crush, Silver Surfer used the Power Cosmic to disintegrate the bottom part of the boot so that the Avengers and him fell to a lower floor. Completely uncrushed!
So that’s good.
The bad is that Silver Surfer has to report that Tigra is still in Molecule Man’s clutches.
The awkward is that Iron Man and Thor lost their armor and hammer respectively so Cap is like ‘wait, what are Tony Stark and Perfectly Normal Dr. Donald Blake doing here??’
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So Tony and Don come clean about his secret ID.
Tony Stark, Actually Iron Man: “I feel a little foolish about keeping that secret from you till now! I’m sure Don feels the same way...”
Donald Blake, Dr. Thor: “Right, Tony...”
So now Cap is in on the secret which previously bound Tony and Don together as the Best Friends Avengers Who Aren’t Beast and Wonder Man.
Remember when they discovered each other’s secret IDs? Good times. Well, weird times. That was the issue when that hates-robots group suicide bombed Vision for dating a meat woman.
Also, Tony was only wearing underwear under the Iron Man armor so Don gave him his suit jacket to wear as a loincloth. Mighty nice of him.
Silver Surfer has just been standing on the sides not caring about all this secret ID nonsense or personal drama so he chimes in to point out that Molecule Man is going to eat the planet unless they stop him.
Cap decides that he and the Surfer have to strike before Molecule Man realizes they’re alive. Tony and Don have the important mission to hide somewhere safe.
Tony and Don object to being sidelined. Strongly.
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Tony: “You think Iron Man is just a suit of armor, Cap? Is that what you’re saying?”
Don: “I found this rod to use as a makeshift cane! It won’t change me into a thunder god, but it’ll help me get around -- if only to draw fire!”
Tony: “Like it or not, we’re with you!”
Don: “The Avengers stand assembled, Captain America! Now, lead us!”
Cap: “All right! I get the message! I should have known better than to think you’d -- I mean, you two are the best...”
Tony: “Save it, Cap! We’ve got work to do!”
This is everything I could have hoped for out of secret ID reveal. Cap starts thinking of them as civilians now that they have real person names but ultimately it brings them closer as teammates.
I love it. Granted, I love it because my favorite form of Avengers is a group of friends and set of interpersonal dramas roughly shaped like a superhero team.
Later, in the nighttime and in the room that Molecule Man made for Tigra.
... Wow, Molecule Man.
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So we’ve got a giant cat shaped bed. A giant, terrifying cat head on the wall. And a giant ball of yarn. But not giant sized cat tree? Fie and shame.
Anyway, Tigra is sitting on bed lamenting and decrying the Fantastic Four’s failure. Especially as it pertains to her situation.
Tigra: “I -- I just can’t believe the Fantastic Four failed! How could they let me -- and the world down like that? How could they? Right now, Reed Richards is probably locked in his lab trying to invent a gizmo that’ll pierce the dome! Hmf! Who knows how long that might take? The Molecule Man plans to eat the Earth tomorrow morning!”
Nothing like a nice filling breakfast, I guess.
She grants that Reed doesn’t know there’s an everyone’s-deadline so instead Tigra bemoans that it’s all up to her.
Tigra: “I should have tried to jump him today! I can’t believe I didn’t! I was standing right next to him a couple of times! I’m cat-quick! Why didn’t I lunge at him and claw him to shreds before he could move? Could it be because my muscles felt like jelly -- ? I was trembling -- ? In shock -- ? Afraid of him? Hey, shouldn’t I be? I mean, I saw him crush my friends to a bloody smear! And I had a spooky feeling that he was somehow, secretly ready for an attack -- and hoping I’d give him an excuse to dice me into furry cubes!”
And because this is a Tigra character beat page, she also thinks about how easy the hero gig used to seem when it was for smaller stakes. But with the actual literal fate of the world at stake... “I never thought that when the big test came I’d be a scaredy cat!”
But she remembers what Cap said during the Ghost Rider story that its not wrong to be frightened if you don’t let fear dictate your actions.
So she creeps out into the night to Molecule Man’s bedroom.
Oh, that’s a neat touch.
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Her shadow on the wall looks a lot like a tiger because her hair curls at the end like a tail.
So anyway, she doesn’t understand how Molecule Man can be so confident that he’s just sleeping with his door wide open and with no defenses and wonders if there’s a trap or whether he’s just counting on her to think that there’s a trap.
She’s about five seconds from a full-blown I know you know that I know that you know episode.
The only way to find out is just go for it so she creeps into the room. The garish room.
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This is even more wow than Tigra’s room.
But as she creeps into the room and up to the enormous, ridiculous bed, she realizes that she has to kill him. If she attacks and doesn’t kill him with the first strike, what he could do is too horrible for her to imagine.
But what she doesn’t realize is that Molecule Man isn’t sleeping soundly and isn’t unprepared. 
He’s stretched monomolecular filaments across the room, too thin for even Tigra to spot.
Now usually monomolecular filaments is one of those ‘oops I’ve been cut to pieces by invisible wires’ thing. You’ve probably seen it in a couple of anime. But this is more like a bunch of cans on a string.
Tigra breaks one of the filaments while she creeps forward. Something that she couldn’t possibly know but which instantly alerts him.
And his response is a “Oh, ho! Just wait’ll she tries it! This’ll be fun!”
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Because Tigra’s instinct was correct. Molecule Man was keeping her around just to kill when she finally tried anything. Its been a game. See how far he can push Tigra and how messily he can deal with her when she loses.
This is pretty tense stuff! Well, it lasts a page so it doesn’t overfocus on this specific tense scenario but still!
Tigra: “I’m in range! All I’ve got to do is spring and... and kill him! He murdered my friends! He’s going to destroy the whole world! I’ve got to kill him! Come on, lady! Do it! What’s wrong? He deserves it! He’s a murderer -- ! A rotten little wimp! He calls you ‘kitty’! Kill him! I hate him! I hate him! but... i just can’t kill him!”
And apologizing to Cap for not being able to go through with it, she slinks out of the room trying to think of another way.
Inside the room, Molecule Man sits up disgruntled, just not understanding at all why she didn’t go through with it. There’s no way she could have known that he was ready for her so why wouldn’t she try to do a murder!
And then as Tigra is wishing she had someone to talk to, someone grabs her and pulls her around a corner.
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Boom, a comedy after all that one page of tension.
And it’s Cap because there’s like four people it could have been.
Tigra is elated that the Cap is alive, that she’s not alone anymore! And she tries to confess that she attempted to kill Molecule Man to avenge the Avengers. That maybe she should have because now she might lose them again!
Tony: “You did fine, Tigra! Relax!”
But she doesn’t feel like she did fine so she tries to explain that she let the Avengers down by giving into cowardice. She told Molecule Man she liked him to stay alive.
Cap: “Good strategy, Tigra -- preserving your life so you’d be able to carry on the battle!”
She tries to explain it wasn’t strategy so much as being terrified but she gets distracted because she’s just realized that in this group of Cap and Silver Guy there’s two people she doesn’t know.
Cap: “Dr. Don Blake, who’s secretly Thor and Tony Stark who is Iron Man’s alter ego!”
Her mood immediately flips.
Tigra: “You guys are really Thor and Iron Man? Really? And it’s okay for me to know? Really?”
Tony Stark: “Why not? Somehow those secrets seem pretty trivial, what with the world on the verge of being the Molecule Man’s breakfast!”
He says that but he still looks pretty annoyed at Cap just blurting it out.
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And geez, Cap, you gotta let people reveal their own secret identities. Or make up some dumb excuse that everyone instantly believes.
Its the done thing.
In terms of Avengers drama though this is pretty good. Thor, Cap, and Iron Man have been working together for a really long time. Even though Cap didn’t form the Avengers he’s basically been there so long they consider him an honorary founder.
Cap learning Iron Man and Thor’s secret identities can be a ‘we should have told you sooner!’ thing.
Tigra just joined the team! Like a week ago!
They need to work together now and there’s probably no smooth lie that could paper over where Iron Man and Thor went and why these two are here now but its probably still a little galling that Cap just blurts it out to the newest person on the team.
Its great. I’d love to see the repercussions of this.
Anyway, time is short so Tony gets to explaining the plan.
He found his broken armor and managed to scavenge enough bits and pieces to make a little device he’s calling a screamer. It’ll emit a high-pitched noise that should disorient Molecule Man.
And then the device just poofs into smoke in Tony’s hand.
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Whoops, Molecule Man overheard their plan to beat up Molecule Man and also heard Tony call him names.
So he pulls together all the loose dust in the room and uses it to strangle Tony.
Wow, they’ve gone from having a “layered assault” to watching someone literally choke on Molecule Man’s dust. That’s got to be the quickest turnaround from hope to nope.
Tigra goes wild, rushing at Molecule Man and screaming that she shoulda killed him before and she’s damn well going to scratch his face off now!
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But Molecule Man asks her to talk to the hand. Zing.
Although “Don’t scream at me, Kitty! ‘Cause I’ll slap you down!”
Sure. That’s good wordplay too.
Having just been comedically (although seriously) WHAP!’d across the room, Tigra has her own words to say.
Tigra: “You -- you weak, slimy excuse for a human being! How could I have stooped so low as to humble myself to garbage like you? So you’ve got power! Big deal! You were a nerd before -- you’re still a nerd! You were a mistake! You shouldn’t even have been born! You crybaby! All you do is blame the world for your own inedequacy! Go on, kill me, nerd! I despise living in the same world with you!”
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Wow. She really took all those personal details he shared and slapped him upside the head with them.
Goes to show. Don’t try to destroy the world. People will have rude things to say.
Meanwhile, Cap and Silver Surfer are trying to save Tony but can’t clear the super condense dust faster than Molecule Man gathers it.
Cap tells Tigra to get Molecule Man because that’s their only chance but Tigra is too hurt from being slapped by a giant hand.
Molecule Man: “I’ve got to hand it to you guys, it must’ve taken some doing to escape my crusher! This time, I’m going to make sure you’re dead! Hmm... someone’s missing! But who?”
And he’s done process of elimination and realized that the guy Thor turned into is missing and figures he ran away when Entirely Normal But Furious Dr. Donald Blake tells Molecule Man to grit his teeth.
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And then Molecule Man runs off yelling because Dr. Donald Blake can throw down. He possibly broke Molecule Man’s nose with that one punch.
Good job, Dr. Donald Blake.
With Molecule Man not focusing on the dust thing, Tony is free of the dust thing but unconscious. Dr. Donald Blake tells the others that he’ll take care of Tony and that they should go chase Molecule Man since they can run better than he can.
So Cap, Tigra, and Silver Surfer go off in pursuit of Molecule Man.
Silver Surfer reminds that he can track Molecule Man’s unique energies. Cap helpfully points out that they can also just track the trail of blood drips from Molecule Man’s nose. And Tigra goes ‘also I can smell him’ because its good to have three different ways to find a guy.
They find him in some sort of throne room (curled up in pain on the throne) and charge at him. But he’s not in the mood for their shenanigans.
So he sends a tidal wave of molecules at them.
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Cap shouts for Silver Surfer to do something and he does do something indeed.
The Surfer blasts the wave of matter with the power cosmic so hard that it transmutes into raw energy and just explodes through the top of the palace in a beautiful pyrotechnic display.
It also completely exhausts the Surfer and he just kind of plops down for a nap right there on the ground.
Cap tells Tigra to watch the Surfer and then goes to take the Molecule Man on alone.
This isn’t a great plan but also their already small roster has kind of dwindled to this point.
And maybe Cap sort of doesn’t want to throw Tigra at Molecule Man when she’s already been hurt and was voicing all those doubts earlier. Can’t say for sure. She’s about to offer for help but Cap is like ‘WHOOPS NOW OR NEVER!’
Molecule Man must be in a whimsical mood, I mean more so than usual have you seen what he’s been getting up to? Because he converts some of the furnishings into a bunch of stars to shoot at Cap.
Its funny because Cap wears a star. It’d be ironic if he got smacked in the face with one, probably.
But Molecule Man activated Cap’s speechifying and that buffs him because nobody likes hearing Cap talk about freedom and justice and doing right more than Cap probably.
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What I’m saying is that he leaps and gambols between the stars and I feel its because he has Stuff To Say that he’s doing so well.
Cap: “You make me sick, mister! They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,  and you’re living proof of it! You might kill me! After all, I’m just an ordinary man -- but men like me have always found a way to bring high-and-mighty tyrants like you to their knees! There’s never enough power to save madmen like you -- from ultimate, bitter defeat!”
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And perhaps it wasn’t just his agility that was improved by inspirational speeching himself. Because he knocks Molecule Man down with that one punch and he doesn’t get back up.
Or maybe Molecule Man just has a glass jaw.
Don Blake and Tony Stark show up and Silver Surfer wakes up but he runs in with the rest anyway for some reason. Tony tells Tigra to watch Molecule Man while he has an Important Debate with Cap.
See, Tony has realized something. Knocking down Molecule Man is just the first step. If Molecule Man gets back up, he might start eating the Earth again and the Avengers might not be able to stop him.
So he asks Don Blake if there’s a medical way to just sort of keep Molecule Man knocked out.
Don Blake: “How? We can’t just keep hitting him on the head -- this isn’t a T.V. show! I mean, how hard do you hit him? How many times can you do that before causing serious brain damage... or death?”
Realism? In a comic book? What are YOU doing here??
Anyway, Tony doesn’t see any other option but to kill Molecule Man.
Cap protests that Molecule Man is a human being with rights to due process and a trial by jury of his peers!
But Tony is convincing the others. As an Actual Doctor, Don Blake doesn’t like to hear this. He wants to save lives. But he can’t refute Tony.
And Silver Surfer also seems on Team Tony.
Silver Surfer: “I understand what it is to sacrifice one life so that a multitude, a world might live! It seems clear that this Molecule Man cannot be imprisoned or held in check! He... must die to save the Earth... though I could never bring myself to slay him!”
Don’t you have the power cosmic? Surely there’s a power cosmic option available?
To be fair though his the power cosmic might be exhausted at the moment.
Still. Geez, Silver Surfer. ‘He gotta die but 1-2-3-not-it’ is really how you’re playing this??
Meanwhile, Tigra has decided that being asked to watch Molecule Man implies a certain duty perhaps even responsibility to tell him how much he sucks. Which is a lot.
And recall that she’s already told him how much he sucks earlier in the fight. So she has found a second wind in telling him how much he sucks.
Tigra: “You little jerk! Don’t you see? Cap was wrong! Power very seldom corrupts! It usually doesn’t change anything! It just magnifies what’s already there, whether it’s good and noble or evil and petty!”
“You were a nerd before... now you’re a powerful nerd! Big deal! Dummy! The shame of it is that with your power you can build... you can contribute! You don’t have to be a loser anymore!”
“Why are you such a fool? Why can’t you see that killing a planetful of people doesn’t make you even -- it just make you lonelier than ever!”
Wow. It feels like Tigra could hypothetically be talking about all different kinds of entitled nerds who then become the jerks as adults!
Tony and Cap are still arguing.
Tony, at least, isn’t going to ask someone to do something he wouldn’t do himself. I.e., he’s going to kill Molecule Man himself and save four billion people.
Cap: “Tony... please! I can’t let you do this!”
Tony: “You can take me in for murder afterward, Cap, but for now, stand aside! I’m warning you...”
Cap: “You’ll have to go through me, Tony...”
You’re warning him, Tony? You don’t have armor. You don’t even have pants. What are you going to do to supersoldier Captain America?
Logic aside, what strikes me is how much this foreshadows.
Before Civil War contrived that superhero registration, the big hot button superhero debate issue is whether superheroes should kill in extreme circumstances.
Spoilers for the NINETIES but the Regular and West Coast Avengers will come to schism and Cap and Iron Man will basically break up over whether or not to kill the Kree Supreme Intelligence after it engineered a war that killed 90% of the Kree people on purpose.
Shooter is long gone by that point but I guess someone is going to pick up the thread.
Because the debate doesn’t get settled here or rather does, sorta, in favor of Cap but not in a way he expects.
Interrupting the sad fist fight between Cap and a nearly naked man, Molecule Man pops up and tells everyone that Tigra has convinced him to turn his life around.
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Tigra: “Guys, Mr. Owen Reece and I have talked, and, well, I convinced him to give himself up!”
Mr. Owen Reece: “Yes, I want to start seeing a therapist!”
Cap: “huh?”
Mr. Owen Reece: “I know I’ll have to go to jail... but that’s okay! It’ll give me time to think things out! I’ll make an opening in the dome now so you can call the authorities!”
Don Blake: “s-sure!”
God, that is just great. I love this as a resolution so much. This is a resolution that Squirrel Girl would bring us, although we’d get more of the actual convincing.
Still very, very good. Good to be optimistic in comics sometimes. Sometimes villains can seek redemption if only a cat yells at them long enough.
Although I think the best part is how baffled everyone is by the plot twist.
So with but a “Soon...” caption, the police have come to pick up Mr. Owen Reece and brought Miss Hanrahan who is going to be his therapist.
Holy crap, a therapist in Marvel who isn’t Doc Sampson but will work with superpowered nonsense!
Can we bring Miss Hanrahan back??
A couple things I like here.
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One is that Mr. Owen Reece has changed off-panel into a suit instead of his supervillain costume. Now that’s him making an honest effort.
Two is Very Annoyed Tony Stark in the back of the pack of Avengers. He’s wearing a handkerchief as a mask because someone might recognize him as Tony Stark and then wonder ‘hey why is Tony Stark here.’
Three is the proud smile from Tigra when seeing Mr. Owen Reece meet his therapist.
Melts my heart a little.
Before he goes away to jail, Mr. Owen Reece takes a quick sidebar with the Avengers.
He retroactively feels just awful about ruining their various gadgets so he decides to make right.
He reintegrates Mjolnir, Toomie the surfboard, and Cap’s shield exactly as they were. Original molecules and all! They were so weird that he remembered where they all went.
As for Iron Man’s Iron Man armor.... look, he did his best.
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Mr. Owen Reece: “But your armor, with all those complicated electronic gadgets is just too tricky for me to reassemble! You needed something more proper to wear till you get home, though -- so I whipped up some red and gold cloth and made you an Iron Man leisure suit! I hope it’s okay!”
Amazing. Simply incredible.
Although I think my favorite part was Mr. Owen Reece realizing ‘hey Iron Man should be wearing pants!’
Anyway, he also takes apart his Molecule Man Doom Fortress and puts those molecules back where he found them. More or less. He tries.
And, yes, he does rebuild the entire town of Netcong, New Jersey. Except the plumbing.
In a funny call back to Reece admitting he doesn’t really understand plumbing, none of the plumbing in the rebuilt town works.
Later, back at Avengers Mansion, Silver Surfer is offered a spot on the team but turns it down.
Its the only who he has ever known. Except for all the time he spend with Galactus. Or the Defenders. Or later on when he has a companion to take on space nonsense.
Tigra also takes this time to say farewell.
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Tigra: “I’m just not in the same league as you guys! I mean, sure I’ve got lots of super-ability, and, usually, I'm even pretty heroic -- but not up to your standard! I mean two of you, without your powers, no less, really showed me what it’s all about back there! And let’s face it, you guys mess with some heavy-duty opposition! I think I’ll quit while I’m ahead!”
But but but Tigraaa you were a source of joy and fuuuuuuuun
You only joined at the end of #211! It’s only been about a week in-universe!
The three other Avengers all say their goodbyes.
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Thor reminds her that she was the one who turned around Mr. Owen Reece but Tigra says she got lucky.
Iron Man gives her one of Tony Stark’s cards and tells her to call Tony Stark who is definitely not him anytime she needs anything.
Jarvis even tears up at her leaving, although he denies it because a good butler never dies on duty and then blames his allergies.
And then Tigra is off. Damn. If I didn’t know who might be joining the Avengers soon I’d be completely inconsolable instead of just very.
So now the Avengers are down to just three members. That’s not a team. That’s a crossover. Probably why Jarvis wonders if a membership drive is in order.
NEXT: The return of... Yellowjacket, the Wasp, and Egghead!
I’m game for Wasp coming back! Don’t think it likely that Yellowjacket is just going to come back to the team just like that! And Egghead? The villain who blew up a city with a killsat and killed Hawkeye’s brother? Unlikely recruit!
(No I know that’s not what the NEXT means)
Hey, follow @essential-avengers​ because the Hank Pym just keeps happening. Like and reblog too please. Be sad with me that Tigra is gone.
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