#catalina and keira
tenshichan1013 · 25 days
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tangled the series series bible 3 of 8
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mgrdetangled · 4 months
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Finally finished this request. Drawing so many characters in one picture truly is killer.
This picture is a request for @colinthecartoonist and I will have to take a break from doing requests for the rest of the day. After resting, I need to remind Adira's stubborn parents to dress her in lighter clothes.
Now to figure out which request to do next from my backlog.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
I just noticed this adorable pattern with Angry and Cat, especially in season 3. There are so many moments scattered throughout the show; where they’re just allowed to be kids. They’re allowed to goof off and play, they’re allowed to pull pranks
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It’s so sweet cause with how much stuff they go through, I think they really need those moments
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disneyfanatic1993 · 6 months
Jealous, Part 1/2
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(I forget I have a Tumblr sometimes…😅)
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locitapurplepink · 10 months
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
Cover to my TTS Sketchbook
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So, I'm still in a state of anxiety where even scrolling through my tumblr dashboard is making me spiral for no apparent reason (sorry I'm not interacting, I'm sure I'll be back to myself sooner or later).
However, the good news about anxiety is when I'm anxious I doodle! Because of that I finally completed the cover to my tts sketchbook!
Readers of my fic may notice this is the gang from S2!
I didn't plan it that way, I started with Rapunzel, then added Eugene, then thought it'd be cool to do a bunch of tts characters so I did Cass, then Caine, then realised I could fit exactly three more and have my S2 gang!
So that's what I did!
And that's also why there's such a strange order to the characters xD
But I do love how this turned out. And just in time, as this sketchbook only had about five pages left to it, I think?
Five pages and me trying to fill in every blank spot of every page, of course!
Anyway, sorry for the rambles, but I love this cover so much I did want to share it.
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Do you have any headcanons for Kiera and Catalina
Hi! Catalina and Angry/Kiera, huh? I'm actually more familiar with Vat7k than TTS. But I'll see what I can do! Let's see.
Catalina seems very gentle. I always liked how she was more soft spoken then Angry. They balance out nice. :) But besides that! I think she'd have a very calm career when she's older. Like maybe caring wildlife. She seems to like animals a lot!
Angry seems like the more adventurous type. I think she'd be a bounty hunter! Or an explorer maybe. Something with action!
I think they both have a very close relationship with Varian. I mean, going by the few episodes I saw him interacting with Lance and the girls, he seems like very much a close family friend. I think they see him as kinda a cool science-y big brother!
Everyone was scared of Catalina 's werewolf powers. Until she used them to scare of some dangerous predators from Old Corona! Probably a Kurlok or some wolves. After that, nobody was afraid and they liked the fact that they had a big strong werewolf to protect them!
Well, it's not a lot. But I hope you like these!
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tangledbea · 7 months
A few weeks ago, someone asked you about Keira and Catalina going to school, and it made me think. Most major characters schooling situations can be inferred (Rapunzel, Eugene and Lance didn't really go to school, I feel like Cassandra was homeschooled by the captain, Rapunzels parents were probably taught by tutors) but what about Varian? You said in the ask from a few weeks ago that you headcanon that Rapunzel founds a public school, so that would mean you believe that before the series, there was no public school in Corona? At the start of S1 Varian is definitely older than Keira and Catalina were in S3, so even if there was a school in Corona, Varian was probably too old for public school anyways when we first met him in s1, when he was around 14. Even though I the series is just set in Ye Olde Times and isn't really meant to be historically accurate to anytime, in the past, school wasn't really a priority and kids usually stopped attending once they were around the age someone would start middle school today, so that's what I'm going off.
The thing about public schools back in the day is that children weren't required to attend, even when they did exist. Abraham Lincoln -- who was a lawyer before he was president of the US -- only had about a year's worth of non-consecutive formal schooling, and he never went to college. Back then, kids were put to work in their parents' businesses, and only went to school when it was convenient. Originally, summer vacation was a thing because of farming obligations -- long breaks were needed for planting/harvesting, because the kids were needed at home to help with the farm.
Back in the day, people tended to either get minimal amount of basic schooling and learn the rest themselves (Rapunzel, Eugene and Lance) or they were taught one-on-one by a master (as in, they became an apprentice) or family member, or simply by their boss when they got a job, or, if they were wealthy, private tutors.
My point being that, yes, I agree, Varian wouldn't go to a public school that Rapunzel founded. He already had a job as Royal Engineer, and has all the education he needs to do his job. And I believe that Quirin taught him to read and basic arithmetic, and he's otherwise self-taught. Certainly no one in Corona was out there teaching alchemy and physics and the like.
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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TW: Violence, Guns, & Blood. Proceed with caution!
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Brindleton Square, Brindleton (11:30am)
Reporter: Good morning Windasia! I am currently in Brindleton Square to bring you live updates on today’s National Day celebration.
Reporter: As you can see from the crowds behind me, everyone across the country has once again come down to Brindleton Square to celebrate one of the country’s historic events since it first came to be.
Reporter: This year’s celebration is a lot more special as we have the royal family of Great Brixton join us for the big event. Now arriving to the venue is Her Majesty Queen Mary and His Royal Highness Prince Consort Edward.
Reporter: Queen Mary arrived shortly after Her Majesty the Queen followed by Their royal highnesses Crown Princess Clementine and Prince Carlisle.
Reporter: As the royal family arrives, all eyes are now mainly on our Crown Prince and his fiancée who will be tying the knot at St. Frances Cathedral next week. Their wedding will be the most anticipated event since the wedding of Prince Emery and Princess Belle.
Reporter: As per usual, the Queen will be hosting a banquet tonight at the palace and the invitations has been sent out a week ago. Sources say that only fifty invites were sent out this year. Stay tuned for more updates to come.
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The Wind Palace, Ahtolia (7:45pm)
Edward: Has Sofia said anything yet?
Mary: Not really. I tried to talk to her at the event this morning but she said we’ll talk tonight after the banquet.
Edward: Do you think she’s going to call the wedding off?
Mary: I don’t know. She wouldn’t, would she? The wedding is next week.
Edward: Let’s just hope for the best and pray that she won’t change her mind.
Mary: *sighs* I hope so.
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♫ Music plays in the background ♫
Indirah: Hey, what’s wrong? Are you sick?
Alfie: I’m fine. I need to get away from here for a sec. I’ll be at the balcony.
Indirah: Okay. Don’t be gone too long.
Catalina: Where is he going? Is he okay?
Indirah: Oh, hey Lina. He said he’s fine. He’s just going to go and get some air.
Catalina: I see...
Indirah: Are you okay? You seemed restless.
Catalina: I’m fine. Just a bit tired from today.
Indirah: Hmm...maybe you can join Alfie? He’s going to the balcony.
Catalina: I don’t want to bother him.
Indirah: Don’t be silly. Just go. Maybe you can finally get to talk to him. Isn’t that what you want?
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*door opens and closes*
Alfie: I’m sorry, but you can’t be here. This is a private area.
???: You...this is all because of you.
Alfie: Excuse me?
Keira: I lost everything because of you.
Alfie: Lady, are you drunk? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Alfie: Look...I don’t know what you’re trying to do now but I’m sure we can talk this out. So please, put that knife away.
Keira: *screams* Die!
Keira: I regret saving you that day. I should’ve just let them kill you!
Alfie: *groans* You’re crazy! Get off me!
Keira: I should’ve never saved you. You should’ve died!
Alfie: What the fuck are you talking about?
Alfie: Let...go!
Alfie: *hisses* Fuck that hurts.
*door opens and closes*
Catalina: Oh my god, Alfie!
Alfie: Lina? What are you doing here?
Catalina: I was looking for you. What happened? Why are you bleeding?
Alfie: *groans* I’ll explain later, we need to go.
Alfie: *hisses* Urgh, it hurts...
Catalina: *gasps* Alfie!
Keira: Shit!
*door opens and closes*
Akmal: What are you doing?! Alana, get her!
Keira (in the background): Let go of me! Let go!
Alfie: *groans* Are you okay?
Catalina: I-I think so? My back hurts a lot but—Are you okay?
Alfie: Yeah, I’m okay.
Akmal: Is everything alright, sir? We heard gunshots and saw this lady trying to run away.
Alfie: Take her away. She attacked me just now. And call the police and medic too while you’re at it.
Akmal: Yes, sir.
*door opens and closes*
Alfie: Hey, you okay?
Catalina: A-Alfie...
Alfie: Lina? No, no! Oh my god! Help!
Alfie: No, don’t leave me. Wake up...please.
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 10 months
I can blame/thank Pansy for why I'm gonna ramble a bit, LOL 🤣 /pos
like, we don't see Varian making a ton of friends his age. Like, all the people he hangs out with are either older or younger than him, and it's mostly adults. Poor kid is only 14-16 and he's friends with ppl who are mostly over 18. The only ones who aren't are Keira and Catalina, and they're, what, like 12 at the oldest, in season 3? Maybe?
I mean, don't get me started on Varian's neurodivergence/obvious ADHD. But that's probably one major reason why his friends are mostly older than him. I know my AuDHD is why I connect more with people older or younger than me.
And yeah. Varian literally befriended the raccoon that was intruding on his lab. And crushed on Cass like, 2 seconds after she saved him and 100% failed at flirting with her.
But you see how socially awkward this kid is when he's talking to other people, especially in season 3. Talking to Feldspar? Awkward as hell. He's stuttering, not making eye contact, and let's not forget the nervous laughs he makes. And if he's trying to argue a point, and someone very much calls him out on it (coughLANCEcough), he gets stuttery and trips over his words then too.
This poor kid just does not know how to socialize. And when he gets overwhelmed, he starts shutting down. "Be Very Afraid" was a perfect example of that, outside of the fact that his shutdown was also trauma induced.
So yeah, sending him out on the 7k journey, I can imagine he's in way over his head. And I imagine Hugo takes full advantage of that, a lot of the time.
But in my story, Grace is also very much isolated when it comes to kids her age. It's kind of why she and Varian bond is because they 1. Both have trauma, and 2. Both struggle to make friends their age. The only other person Grace knows that's her age is the person she considers her cousin bc their dads grew up together and consider each other brothers. So she's kinda lucky that she at least had one person her age to hang around. Varian didn't. So he meets Grace when they're both 17, and he's just thinking "Oh shit this is a pretty girl who is actually my age wtf do i do?!"
Poor kid does stumble over his words (and just in general) with her a lot until he becomes more comfortable around her. And especially after they start dating, he gets a bit more confident since they both help each other out with trauma and whatnot. He's still socially awkward with ppl his age, and just in general, but it's not nearly as bad as it was when he was 14-16.
And Hugo, being street smart, as well as putting on the facade that he knows everything (and that making him look like an asshole lol), it very much throws Varian for a loop, lol. He doesn't know what to do with it at first, and he's very thrown off and unsure of how to handle it.
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talknerdytome18 · 1 year
𝐇𝐒𝐌𝐓𝐌𝐓𝐒 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Best TV show ever (Real). Literally need to rewatch it because it's so good!
Gina Porter as Rapunzel: She is such a Rapunzel. Gina has such a heart of gold and is so fiercely loyal to those around her. Also, imagine her singing The Girl Who Has Everything??? Omg??? This is her role.
Ricky Bowen as Eugene FitzHerbert: Ricky is such a Eugene. He's hilarious, charming, wins over everyone's hearts, and is such a supportive boyfriend like Eugene is to Rapunzel. Also, the chemistry between him and Gina would be INSANE.
Ashlyn Caswell as Cassandra: Yes, this may seem like an unexpected choice, but I think Ashlyn would be incredible as Cassandra. She can be snarky, witty and sarcastic on the outside, but deeply cares about the ones she loves on the inside. The bickering between her and Ricky would kill me too.
Seb Matthew-Smith as Varian: LITERALLY THE MOST PRECIOUS CHARACTERS IN THE WORLD. Seb is such a Varian and I am not just saying this because Varian was voiced by Jeremy Jordan... who also originated Jack Kelly in Newsies, but Seb would nail the misunderstood antagonist who redeems himself in S3. IMAGINE HIM SINGING LET ME MAKE YOU PROUD? NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE WITH ASHLYN? READY AS I'LL EVER BE? TRUST ME ON THIS, OKAY?
Jet as Lance Strongbow: Lance was hard to cast but I ultimately went with Jet. This is because just like Lance, Jet did come off as arrogant at first but once his walls were torn down, he was easygoing and a true softie at heart. Also, the bond between him and Ricky would be immaculate.
Mr. Mazzara and Miss Jenn as King Frederic and Queen Adrianna: The true parents of HSMTMTS. These two just care about their wildcat children deeply, just like how Adrianna and Frederic care about Rapunzel.
Emmy and Alex as Keira (Angry) and Catalina (Red): The youngest on HSMTMTS will be playing the children on TTS. Their bond would just be so pure just like how they played Young Elsa and Young Anna in Frozen.
Lily as Zhan Tiri: Do I even need to explain? DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN? LILY IS ZHAN TIRI PERIOD.
Antoine/Andy as Andrew: Shady boys who appear charming at first but are actually deceitful and have ulterior intentions. Listen, I know that Antoine/Andy is now "redeemed", but he's playing Andrew no matter what.
EJ Caswell as The Captain of the Guards: Beefing with Ricky just like how the Captain beefs with Eugene. He also gets to play Ashlyn's dad and he would LOVE getting to boss her around.
Big Red as Shorty: Clueless kings who are supportive to the ones they love and are quite loyal... we don't talk about S4 Big Red, okay? My man is loyal and not whatever they did to him in S4.
Kourtney Greene as Adira: I didn't know what to do with her, but she does have that fierceness that Adira has.
Maddox as Vex (S2): The no-nonsense attitude that Vex has reminds me of Maddox, especially regarding Maddox's attitude towards following the rules and stage management.
Carlos Rodriguez as Xavier: I don't really know anyone for Carlos. Maybe he would be a great Eugene?
Might drop my Criminal Minds cast list next, then Ride the Cyclone.
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tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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rapunzel's tangled adventure (season 3) hugs and kisses part II
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keithbutgay · 7 months
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my favorite screenshot is in season 3 there's a scene where varian is getting really excited and ranting about alchemy and he's in a carriage and everyone in the back seat have completely differing reactions. like raps is smiling fondly, catalina is incredibly confused and keira wants to die
the exact line (if i'm remembering correctly) is "Ohh I can't wait to get my hands on a copper-plated alembic from the Neserdnian market! Do you have any idea how many polyalchemical substration tests I'll be able to run?" and keira just groans and says (from her seat next to him) "Does anyone want to switch seats with me?) and rolls her eyes and varian's autistic ass looks so confused like "wait do you not like hearing me talk about my special interest all the time? why wouldn't you want to constantly hear about alchemy? it's so cool"
and i feel that on a personal level
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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disneyfanatic1993 · 1 year
You know how groups of friends in animated show have special groups either canon or fan made? Well, I don't think there's a club/group name for Rapunzel, Varian, Eugene, Lance, Catalina, and Keira. So there's a name that floats not nearly as much as it should. Hear me out and let me know if you think it's cool: the Fellowship of the Sundrop.
I think that name sounds great! It’s especially fitting for season 3. 💜
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locitapurplepink · 10 months
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