#catch me crying in 4K lol
toastymarshie · 5 months
If I do any Ao No Exorcist posting,
Just know that Season 3 is coming this January and I’m so down for it.
Well, in the spirit of this news, I’ll share a story. So I met Bryce Papenbrook a year or two back during a Con. This was my first time properly meeting him since a friend of mine wanted to meet him bc of his role as Eren. It was our turn and my friend got most of her things (I was there as emotional support). I have a Blue Exorcist necklace that I was wearing.
Photo of it
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I have this necklace for a good few years now and only wear it to cons as it’s very sentimental to me.
However, Bryce looked at it and his face just light up. He started asking me questions about the series and we struck up a small conversation. He said to me that he would love to come back on the show again and he is also manifesting Season 3 with him.
I left the small stand very happy knowing that. Now, it looks like our prayers have come true!
So uh, Bryce Papenbrook if you somehow found this post. Thank you. We finally got Season 3 and I hope you come back to voice Rin. :))
BE mutuals I might be back and might be really into BonRin again lmao.
Until next time
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prentissluvr · 11 days
sorry won't cut it — sam and dean winchester
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pairing : sam and dean winchester x gn!sibling!reader ➖⟢ genre : angst, hurt/comfort ➖⟢ cw : set in season 8 LOL, sam and dean are kind of/definitely assholes to reader, swearing, arguments, crying, use of kid, kiddo, honey, and sweetheart to refer to reader, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 4K summary : you meet up with sam to discover that dean is back from purgatory, and both have been keeping secrets from you.
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when sam answers your call, it comes as a relief. a surprise, but more than anything, a relief. it’s been two and a half months, almost on the dot, since he’s answered a call. usually it’s just one month. he has a single burner phone just for you, but it’s off half the time, and the other half he never answers.
you’ve grown used to his distance, to an extent. it still stings when your phone rings till voicemail sometimes, but you’ve just been too tired to argue with him, to ask him to comfort you, make him keep hashing through the pain of looking for dean and finding nothing but trouble. 
you want him to have the normalcy, the girl who loves him and makes him feel alright. you want to have faith that he’ll figure out how to factor you into it all eventually, but you still miss him, and you’re still lonely, so you keep calling, never getting angry or upset when he occasionally picks up. you just act like it’s normal, and you can tell he appreciates it, so you keep it up. in return, he asks you over sometimes, tells you each time how much amelia raves about you after you leave, hugs you tight before you go.
it’s been several months since he’s invited you over, and he doesn’t really talk about her anymore. you figure something must have happened, but you never push anything anymore with him.
this call is different. one, because he finally picks up. two, because he tells you to meet up with him, no explanation or normal talk about what you should bring for dinner. three, he asks you to meet at a random address in kansas.
he sighs deep, “just… get here as soon as you can. i’ll send you the location.” then he hangs up and it feels like the hunting life all over again.
it’s a seven hour drive, and you’re tired out of your mind, high-strung and worn out from leaving right after your shift at a diner full of sleezes who don’t tip enough. even though this whole thing is strange for the new, hunting-free sam, there’s relief coursing through you at the thought of seeing him, hoping he’ll let your tired feet carry you right into his arms. you pull into a driveway of sorts, no obvious entrance to the unremarkable building in front of you, but your years of hunting and meeting up with your brothers at strange places during strange hours after strange calls help you find the door. it's a bunker, one you've never seen before.
you were always a little bit more like sam, disillusioned to the hunter life and the way your father raised you. you weren’t a fighter like him, but you slipped away at eighteen to go to college and found somewhere near stanford so you’d be able to visit sam often. he loved that, always so glad that you got out too. but you were barely gone a year before dean came back to collect you and sam to look for your dad. you came easier than sam, less attached to your new place and always finding yourself missing dean.
that’s what you’d been doing this past year. missing dean, and painfully. so when you knock on the door, calling out, “it’s me, sammy,” you freeze when it opens several beats later.
because the person behind the door isn’t sam. but it is your older brother. just the one who’s been stuck in purgatory for the last year or so, the one you’ve endlessly searched for to no avail.
“dean?” your voice is small as his name slips from your mouth.
his eyes go soft, the way they rarely get, and the slight smile on his lips is half pained, half pure relief to see you after so long. “hey, kid.”
you launch yourself into his arms, and he catches you easy, right there in the doorway, and you have to fend off tears that you know wouldn’t put up so much of a fight if you weren’t so exhausted. but you were raised tough, and winchesters don’t cry all that often, at least not where someone else can see. so you swallow hard and tough it out, letting dean pull away from you and lead you inside. he moves through the house with a sort of ease he’d only have if he felt comfortable and safe there. this raises questions, along with the fact that he's here at all.
you’re speechless, but not for a lack of anything to say. endless questions stream through your mind, each one pushing to be asked, even more desperate to be answered.
but the only thing you can figure out how to say is “hello” to sam when he greets you in the living room. he pulls you into a hug, letting you linger for a moment before you know you have to ask all of the hard questions. something in his face is unreadable to you, which is rare when it comes to your brothers. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was a hint of guilt. that rings alarms in your mind, but you brush your nerves aside when dean takes a seat on the couch.
you relax a bit when you sink down next to him, curling into his side a little. it makes you feel a bit childish, but you need it after everything this past year. he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you a little closer. sam sits down across from the two of you and you heave a sigh, wondering where to start.
opening your mouth and forcing words out is like a crack in a dam. everything comes out slow at first, but that lasts mere seconds before the flood.
“how did you… dean, how did you get out? i mean, i tried– i tried everything,” your voice breaks at that word, the weight of it meaning something only you understand. you look at him, brows taught and you’re confused by the surprise on his face, as if he didn’t expect you to say such a thing.
“what do you mean, you tried everything?” he asks, voice suddenly gruff and severe. you recoil from his side to get a better look at him. you don’t miss the look he shoots sam. this is already departing from what you expected, which is probably exactly what you should have expected. it’s just that, when dean hugged you back and he was solid and real and alive, when he sat on the couch instead of a chair so you could sit next to him, you thought that maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to stay tucked safe into his side as they told you what happened, as they asked you to stay with them. 
“what do you mean?” you shoot back. “what, did you think i’d just kick back and call it someone else’s problem?”
“that’s what sam did. that’s what sam said you did.” his voice is accusatory and when you whirl to look at sam, utter bewilderment evident on your face, you can see him physically grimace. which means dean’s telling the truth.
“sam did what?” the question sounds like it’s targeted for dean, but you’re staring the younger down.
“listen, i– no, you know what, i’m not going to explain myself on this again. what do you mean you did everything, you said you were going to school?” sam looks irked and defeated all at once.
“that is completely beside the point, sam, you lied to me?” you ask incredulously, “but you’re not going to explain to me why? why you lied to me or why you apparently didn’t look for dean, i mean are you crazy?” dean’s hand on your shoulder prevents you from standing as your voice grows louder.
“listen, kid, sam and i, we’ve already hashed this out, okay? it’s uh– it’s fine, alright?” with the way he says the word “fine”, you know that it still bothers dean, so you can’t understand why he’d say so. “we’ve got things to discuss here,” dean tries to reason with you before sam can respond. he’s no peace maker, but a full blown fight between the two of you could have an ugly ending.
“things to discuss?” you repeat, in disbelief of the audacity. knowing them, that means they need something from you, which begs the question of why sam asked you over in the first place. you don’t even want to think about them having ulterior motives outside ofjust wanting to see you, so you brush it off angrily. “well, i’m glad to hear that you two have hashed it out, but i haven’t yet, so we can discuss whatever that is later.” you shrug off dean’s hand, trying to focus on the things you’re already angry about instead of asking the even bigger question nagging at you now. when the hell did dean get back that those two had time to hash out something that major? you turn your anger back to sam, thinking about what it was like when dean first disappeared. “you told me you looked. you told me you did all that you could, that you tried everything in your power. now dean’s telling me that you did jack shit?”
sam sighs heavily. “yes, okay. listen, i’m sorry i lied to you, alright? but i just wanted you to try and live your life for once. i figured if i told you i did everything i could, that, i don’t know, maybe you’d give up and try to move on? go to school, do something you love, have real friends, maybe find someone?” he throws his hands up in the air, a defeated gesture because he knows you don’t agree, while he still thinks he did the right thing.
you scoff, because, god, he really has no idea. arms crossed and face the kind of calm that says run to anyone on the other end of your anger, you nod in false understanding. “yeah, what good that did,” you say, your tone so sarcastic and dry that sam just clenches his jaw and dean’s face turns from concerned to full-blown worried. he wonders if he should ask what that means, because whatever it does, it’s certainly not “good.” 
but you pick up again after a moment of thick, dripping silence. “you know, sam, you have absolutely no idea how this past year really was for me. i’m not saying it was easy for you, because i know it wasn’t. though now i know you also skipped the trouble of looking for your stuck-in-purgatory-brother and really, actually lived that hunting-free life you wanted.” sam cringes at the venom in your voice. “all i’m saying is that just about nothing has been all, i don’t know, rainbows and butterflies like you think,” your voice is practically scathing, a tone so rare to both of your brothers that neither knows what to say, “and you know what, sam? it’s looking to me like i’d be a lot better off if you’d just decided to tell me the goddamn truth.”
sam says your name, tentative like he’s testing hot waters, “i thought you said things were going well. you said you liked school, that you were making friends there? just explain to me what you mean so we can figure this out.”
“figure it out,” you repeat under your breath, sticking your tongue against the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something too harsh. “sam, things were going well! they were!” now you’re feeling desperate to make him understand, “but that night you told me there was nothing else we could do, nothing else to try and that i should just do my best to move on? i couldn’t, sam, i couldn’t do that. there had to be something more we could do, so i gave up on the things you said you did and i went further. i let you think i was fine, that i was doing what you wanted for me because you always sounded so tired. you always sounded like one more thing on your plate would make the sweet little life you built with a girl and a dog come crashing down, so i made sure you wouldn’t have to worry about me.”
dean’s voice is uncharacteristically soft when he does his best to make his interruption gentle. he doesn’t want to upset you more, but you can hear the tension in his voice when he asks, “kiddo? what do you mean by you ‘went further?’”
suddenly you shrink in on yourself, your lower lip caught between your teeth and your eyes shining with fresh tears. “dean–,” your voice breaks before you can even say anything else. his hand is on your back, meant to be comforting, but it only makes you feel worse about it all. you know how much dean would hate the lengths you went to to try and get him back. “i can’t–” you shake your head, “i can’t right now, but maybe… maybe if you’d told me the truth, sam, if i’d just started by reading through all of bobby’s books like you said you did, things would have worked out differently.”
“well, maybe if you told me you were going to keep trying, i could have helped you!” sam fires back.
you let out a strangled, frustrated noise as you stand, unable to keep sitting down. “would you? really? because i really don’t think you would’ve! you were so focused on moving on from losing dean that you distanced yourself from me, too! you barely picked up, never called, only talked about dean in three word sentences to tell me a lie about how you tried and failed to find anything to help! maybe if you paid any attention to me, gave any indication that you wanted to help or see me or be a major part of life like i wanted of you, i would have opened up to you!” it makes you even more angry when your voice turns teary, “and for once, i wanted to try to be the one to take care of you two. i kept my secrets, i never let on how fucking lonely i was, just so you wouldn’t worry about me!” a stunned silence falls over you brothers, sam’s guilt beginning to overrun his natural response of anger, and dean making up for that fading anger with his own. your chest heaves with laboured breath as you stare sam down.
dean’s tone is icy as he breaks the silence, “sam, is that really how you treated them while i was gone?” 
sam exhales hard, ignoring dean in favor of looking at you, “i was just doing what i thought was the best for both of us. i didn’t know, okay, i’m sorry.”
“are you kidding me?” you exclaim, voice turning shrill and growing louder by the second, “people got hurt, on my account,” you have to force that part out through gritted teeth, “i got kicked out of school, and i spent three months running from hunters!” both sam and dean want to interrupt at that, but you keep going, your voice quieter now, but harsh and trembling, “but you were doing what you thought was best for both of us? try what was best for you. dean was gone, and i needed you, sammy, i needed you and the second you said you needed to get away, alone, i knew i didn’t have you.”
that shuts him up, has him deflating and his guilt taking over, and you can see it and you hate it. you almost wish he’d get angry instead because that means you can keep shouting at him to try and make him understand. but all you get are his clenched jaw, his sad eyes, and his guilty silence that tell you he knows he fucked up but he can’t figure out a way to make it better since sorry sure as hell won’t cut it.
it’s dean who cuts into the heavy silence again. “sam.” his name hangs in the air, weighed down with unspoken words. “we’ll talk about this later,” you guess is the message. you can feel how angry dean is without even looking at him. you know all he ever asked of sam if he was gone was to take care of you, and now dean knows he didn’t. then his attention is back on you. he says your name, clear and careful. “i’m gonna need you to tell me what you did, okay?”
you wipe at your face angrily as you whirl to face dean. trying to keep the ever present tears at bay, you tap right back into your anger. but it's more tired this time, less convincing with your voice taut from unshed tears begging to be released.
“all that, and that’s what you take away from this? really, dean? you’re gonna need to know what i did? i don’t need you to tell me to know that– that it was wrong and i don’t need you to make me feel any more shitty than i already do right now, okay?”
it’s his turn to wear a look of guilt on his face, but it only sits there for a flash before he keeps going. “kid, that’s not what i’m tryna’ do here, alright? i just wanna understand so i can keep us safe, yeah?” he puts his hands out in a peaceful motion, but something else unresolved floats back up into your focus.
“no. dean, no! because there’s something else here, something both of you have been avoiding this entire time!” there’s a sudden change in the air, like both of them are holding their breath, silently begging you won’t ask the question. “dean, how long have you been back?”
his hesitancy to answer tells you everything. “kid, listen, that’s not imp–”
“don’t you dare say it’s not important! did you hear anything i just said, dean? anything about how shit my life has been since you’ve been gone, how lonely i’ve been?”
“you’re right,” sam relents, forging on before dean can stop him, “he’s been back for three months now. it’s my fault we didn’t tell you. it’s all my fault, and believe me, i am so sorry.” you collapse into a chair with your head in your hands as he continues, “i know that does nothing to fix things, but i am sorry, and i promise i will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, kiddo. i’m all in now, and i did it all so this wouldn’t have to be your life, but you’re here now and we want more than anything to have you around, okay?” 
you lift your head up to stare at him. “three months.” your voice is dangerously quiet. “you two…” your tired mind can’t think of words strong enough, “drive me insane, you know that? dean, you just– you just went along with that and decided, let me guess, that it was best for me? because i was at school, living a normal life and away from the danger of this one? is that it? it’s best for me not to know my brother’s alive? because, you know, that reminds me of something. hm, maybe the time sam hid from us that he was alive for a year because he didn’t have his fucking soul? oh, yeah, it must be that.” you let out a short bark of laughter, but it and your voice are completely devoid of any humor. dean visibly recoils when you mention that. he’s thought of it, and still decided to keep you in the dark. “come on, dean, you know how that feels and you go and do it to me again? really?”
you’ve beat him too. “honey,” he sighs, “i’m sorry. we were wrong to do that to you, okay?”
finally, you think you might be out of things to say, to be hurt about. your voice is quiet and fragile now, and the dam holding back your tears is fractured in a million places, more than ready to break. “i missed you so much. both of you,” you whisper. you meant to make a scathing comment about how “sorry” and “we were wrong” don’t even begin to cover it, but you find that you’re not in complete control of the things coming out of your mouth. you’re just too goddamn tired. dean is crouching in front of you in an instant.
“i missed you, too, sweetheart. so much. i’m so sorry.” he takes it as a good sign that you let him place his hand on your knee. you want to flick it away, maybe shove him away too.
“and i was so, so lonely. i was so scared,” you sob out, wishing you didn’t have to cry when you got angry. “and i’m so mad that you two did this to me.”
“i know, kiddo, i know. i’m sorry.” gently, slowly, he tugs you towards him and into his arms and you slide onto the floor and cry into his chest, shaking and unable to say a thing. you want to tell him this doesn’t make it right, but dean hushes you gently when you try. “shhh, it’s okay, just let it out, alright? i got you. i got you,” he comforts. it’s true that this doesn’t make it right, but it’s almost all you need in that moment.
“sammy,” you choke out, still so angry with him, but wanting him near anyways, knowing that he’s too scared to come close to you after coming face to face with all of the things he did wrong. his hand is on your back a moment later, hesitant at first, then strong and soothing moments later when you blindly grab for the fabric of his flannel to keep him close.
“okay. okay, i’m here. i’m sorry. i’m here now, i promise,” he whispers, silently letting a few of his own guilty tears fall.
utterly exhausted, you stay slumped on the floor in dean's arms when your tears dry up. you can barely keep your eyes open and your breathing is soft and slow. 
“let’s get you to bed,” dean whispers, hoisting you all the way into his arms and up as he stands. “sam’ll grab you a glass of water.” you sigh an imperceptible sigh because you know that dean is still pissed at sam. rightfully so, you’re more than just pissed at both of them, but you’re too tired to care in this moment, and the last thing you want is for them to be angry at each other. that’s your job for when you wake up hours from now. 
dean sets you down in a foreign bed pulling the blankets over you, and sam is back moments later with the promised glass of water and tissues for your face. you curl up and tug at the covers slightly, eager to fall asleep.
“see you in the morning,” you mumble, effectively dismissing them with your voice hoarse from crying. you close your eyes before either of them can say a thing, but your words are also a whisper of the beginning of forgiveness. 
“goodnight, kiddo,” dean says, his voice full of a familiar affection that he only uses for his little siblings as he presses a kiss to your hairline, before disappearing out the door.
you drowsily register the sound of sam setting the glass of water on the night stand by your head. “i’m right across the hallway if you need anything.” a moment, then, “goodnight,” and a gentle hand on the side of your head before a kiss to your temple.
you fall asleep coming up with a list of petty ways you’ll have them make things up to you. neither sam nor dean will be pleased to hear that you’re calling shotgun in the impala for the next three months, minimum. sam for obvious reasons, and dean because he’ll know that means you’ll be taking your job as youngest sibling to annoy the living hell out of him very seriously.
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effielumiere · 2 years
The Companion 5
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre:Romance, Idol AU, Drama, Comedy, Angst, Soulmate AU (Begins on this chapter), Slow burn (ends here)
Chapter Warning(s): Crying. Secrets unveiled. Little Jimin :D UNEDITED!
"English words that are said as is and or/ translated from English to Korean"
Word count: 3.4k maybe 4k (?)
A/N: Hello! I've returned! The slow burn ends here! As the reader, you'll now know why Jimin gets jelly and is very protective of her. Just a quick reminder that this has Soulmate AU included in the genre. I tried to make this a little bit more longer than the usual itty bitty chapters since it's not only gonna be in the MC or Jimin's POV because there's a part that's in Third Person POV from now on, butttt I keep getting the alert of 4096 word block limit on my pc so, Im posting this using my phone. sooooo I'll update soon to make up for the cliffhanger sorry, y'all. (squint in tiny, there's angst in there somewhere lol) I hope you'll enjoy this one💜 Please don't forget to reply here or send an ask (you can be anonymous <3) on what you think about this chapter or the series, like and reblog!
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
"Good morning," Namjoon grins as he drinks his coffee, the other members were grinning as well and just like that I knew I was in for a treat [insert sarcasm].
"You look great!" Jungkook says a bit too enthusiastically which had me shaking my head as I told him "And here I thought you two had my back,"
"Y/n-ssi," I heard my name being yelled from another room, surely by a certain Park Jimin, "Help... please"
"Does this man know any other word aside from help and please?" I mutter to myself as I walk towards the dressing room, all of the stylists were outside talking about today's set for the performance video. I chug the last bit of my coffee into my mouth as if drinking a shot of alcohol and threw the paper cup into the trash bin before entering the room to my surprise was empty except for Jimin and I.
"Could you help me with my cuff links?" he asks curiously eyeing my movements as I move to the table to remove the cuff links from its box and walking up to him. Reaching for his wrist, I hold it lightly as I put his cuff links in place. I look up and catch him staring at me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him quietly.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he talks back in a quiet tone, I sigh and look away from his face and look down, holding his other wrist and mirroring what I'd done to the other one.
"I'm not avoiding you, Jimin-ah," I say as I struggle a little with his cuff links "I'm busy"
He scoffs, "With what?"
"I actually help around, you know"
"I'm pretty sure Sejin-nim knows you're my... personal assistant, meaning you're not meant to be moving around much unless I say so," he says looking towards the door then back down at me. I turn his hand upward as I struggle with the last cufflink, the tips of his fingers gently touch my wrist before lightly wrapping holding it in his hands. I stare at his hand on me before slowly looking back up at him finding his eyes on me. It's been weeks since the music video for Butter was released and I avoided him like the plague on the second day of filming the music video. After that, he kept his distance from me which made me slightly relieved but also unsure. His hair was growing out, rainbow highlights gone and his dark has grow out a bit under the platinum blonde hair.
"I can't just sit around and wait for you to tell me what to do,"
"The staff have plenty of help, Y/n-ssi" he says in a low quiet voice "I thought Moni-hyung told you you're job is to be an emotional companion; next to me most of the time."
"Jesus Christ, Jimin!" I huff in frustration "I need air and space just like any other person!" I drop his hand as I stomp out of the room and walk the empty seat behind Sejin.
"You look like you're about to wring someone's neck." Namjoon says as he stands next to my sitting form "Is that 'someone' Jimin?" Taehyung walks up next to him straightening his shirt a little.
"What did he do now?"
"He doesn't like me walking around helping the staff," I tell them "It's suffocating"
"He just doesn't want to getting tired?" Namjoon says in a questioning tone, unsure with what he just said
"Don't cover for him, Joon" I softly scold him "I don't care if you're siding with his 'good reasoning', y'all are being strange."
"He just cares a lot about , Y/n. Don't question his actions too much, " he says almost dismissively as he straightens his posture next to we when Jimin watches us like a hawk while a stylists fixes his hair.
"Stop questioning everything he does or say," he mutters beside me looking at his phone "He's protective of you for a reason, you'll understand soon. Just give him time and be patient,"
"I don't think I could say before the two year contract ends, Joon" I confess looking around the room as the production team makes sure that everything is all set and ready, "I don't exactly know when, but I'm resigning earlier than what you guys expect." I stood up from my chair and turned around to find Namjoon looking like a goldfish jaw moving, stuttering to say something but I cut him off before he could even say something.
"Don't worry, it's not today or tomorrow, the day after, the weekend or the end of the month or the month after, but it's gonna be sooner than expected if this keeps going" I smile at him as I walk backstage to grab my bag and headed for the exit, hauling a taxi to drive me back to the apartment. Sending Jimin a text saying that I was headed home, not bothering to check my phone when there were notifications that vibrated one after the other.
I was passed out on the couch after eating a lot of popcorn with two bottles of soda when the chime of the doorbell woke me up. It was repeatedly chiming signaling that whoever was on the other side of the door was very impatient and probably deserved a bat to the head they Steve Harrington crushed a demogorgon's skull into a very unpleasant pancake. I got up slowly cradling my head in my hands, squinting at the bright light of the apartment.
"Calm the fuck down!" I groaned, yelling at whoever was at the door.
"'The fuck you want?!" I exclaimed, pissed as I pulled the door open revealing pillowy lips, puffy cheeks and a pair of dark brown puppy eyes staring back at me, I groaned for the second time resting my forehead on the doorframe "It's late, Jimin-ah! Isn't my job supposed to be over hours ago, besides it's the weekend."
"This isn't work related. I promise." he smiles a little "get dressed, wear something warm and hurry,"
"why?" I croaked
"Because it's gonna be a bit chilly where we're headed, hurry!" he pushes me back inside gently as he enters the apartment with me. I was about to point out that it was rude of him to invite himself in but then I remembered that this was his apartment. I caught him looking around a little bit when I came back after changing my clothes and grabbing a short trench coat from my closet. I was at the doorway putting my shoes on when he slowly walks up to me and waits for me to step out of the apartment before putting his shoes on and locking the apartment door behind him. It felt somewhat like a routine, me putting my shoes on and waiting for him to put on his shoes as he locks the door behind him. It was very couple-like. It was... strange.
"Deja vu"
"Hmm?" he turns towards me "Did you say something?"
"Deja vu," I stare at my feet "It feels like I've been here before,"
"We all get those moments," he says after a little while "You probably experienced it in a different life. It sounds like something Jungkook or Moni-hyung would say."
"It does," I smile as we put our masks on as enter the elevator, heading to the lobby.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he drives, light posts passing by, two cars were behind us I guessed it was security. They were always around and I've grown accustomed to it, "Where are we gonna go?"
"Be patient, Y/n-ssi," he smiles as we drive uphill.
"I can't really be patient or calm for that matter when you're driving uphill in the dark," I chuckle "It's past 8pm, we should be in our own beds asleep,"
"This is more fun than sleep," he smiles reaching over to hold my hand, threading his fingers through mine "Let's call it a tourist spot by Park Jimin," he pulls up on an overviewing parking lot of the city. the city light almost covering the entire city. Yellow, white, bits of blue, green and rights in the distance covering buildings making it look like it was a Christmas Village without the snow. He locks the doors and opens the sunroof of the Palisade, pushing his seat back to give him more leg space before reaching behind us where a bag I didn't notice appears. Placing it on his lap he opens it, pulling out a bottle of Soju placing it on the cup holder on the console and pulling out a cylindrical food covered in tin foil then handing it to me. I stare at it then at him as if he was ridiculous.
"What?" he asks, eyes wide
"What are we doing?" I ask carefully
"We're on a midnight picnic," he motions for the tin foil covered food on his hand and I take it from him. Carefully undoing and unrolling the foil I was met with a thin sheet of seaweed wrapper and rice underneath it.
"Did you prepare this?" I ask him as I take a slice of the Gimpab and put the slice in my mouth as I open the packaging at his direction and he grabs a slice
"No," he chuckles "I mean I did, but Yoongi hyung sliced it. I sliced the first one that Jungkook ended up eating, it was all wonky"
"Thank God for Yoongi then,"
"Hey!" He exclaims laughing "I prepared almost everything in this bag for us," He reaches in and pulls out two two-layered bento boxes handing one to me before reaching in again and producing a tiny bag consisting of our utensils
"You can drink the Soju if you want, I could too, but I need to drive us home," He smiles reaching for another slice. Turning behind us again he takes two water bottles and and hands one my way. I look at the windshield again at the city when I noticed a few stars twinkling in the night sky. Remembering that he opened the sun roof, I look up again,
"Woah," I gasp in awe "Now would you look at that..."
Jimin couldn't bother about the bento box on his lap and the empty insulated lunch bag in between them. He stared at Y/n, watching her wide eyed staring at the clear stars in the night sky. She gasps as she forgets her food momentarily, mesmerized by the constellations above. He initially planned to show off his Astronomy knowledge by stargazing with her while they sat in the SUV, enjoying late dinner. But the tables turned for a second when he saw how her eyes widened as she looks at the view before them then hurriedly shuffling the get in a good position to look at the constellations above them. Stargazing was his plan, dinner was a last minute idea since he knew that she didn't have enough food left in her pantry, except for the abundance of rameyeon which he now disapproved of because she was losing weight from the looks of it. So he made dinner, two varieties of kimchi, a few slices of samgyeopsal, three medium sides chunks of hanwoo beef that Yoongi taught him to prepare among other things. But everything was momentarily forgotten when he was very close to her. Almost so close that their shoulders were touching. Y/n was oblivious to what she was doing while Jimin was between a rock and a hard place in his head, deciding on whether or not he's going to admit too early the truth of why she was there. Why he really hired her despite how mad and confused the other members where with why he was so adamant that he needed to hire her. The truth.
The truth being out of all of the people in the world and how rare their situation was - rare because not everyone experiences what they did even though she didn't have any knowledge about it - that said situation being soulmates.
Jimin was around seven or eight years old when he dreamed of being at an unfamiliar house. But it seemed so real that as a child, he was convinced it was real. Thinking that he was on a family vacation with his family, he calls for his dad, nothing. He tries calling out to his mom, nothing again. His little brother maybe?
"Eomma!" he tries again "Appa!" feeling a little scared that his parents weren't with him in an unfamiliar house he's never been in before, he heads towards the living room couch sitting atop it. He waits a few more minutes hoping his parents will arrive soon for him to get him.
After what feels like hours, the sun was close to setting and he knew it was going to get dark soon, he gets up from the couch to switch the lights open only to be surprised when the lights didn't open, he ran around the house panic setting in as he tries to open the lights to no avail. He opens a door to a bedroom, getting inside he closes the door behind him and climbs the bed hiding under the covers. Soon the sun disappears and it was very dark with only the moonlight from the window being his light.
Jimin bites his quivering lip, 'I'm brave,' he thinks, convincing himself 'I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of the dark.', he repeats his mantra. He tries to call out for his parents again when no one answers, a tear falls from his eyes followed by more his previous mantra of not being afraid of the dark long forgotten. He sobs quietly under the covers, arms around his legs, forehead on his knees, lightly rocking himself back and forth, he calls out for his parents again. For what feels like a long time he feels his back a bit cold and when he looks up he watches the sheets being pulled back for a second his lifts thinking it's his mom pulling back the sheets only to find a little girl around his age, on top of the covers looking back at him wide-eyed. His eyebrows furrow as he looks at her with tears in my eyes, he decides to ask her if she has seen his parents, but before he could ask she reaches forward speaking in a language he's never heard of before.
"Hello... Don't cry," she says every once in a while after reaches forward wiping his tears with her tiny hands. When most of the tears were wiped from his face, he stares at her face wondering if she was an angel, his guardian angel. She smiles at him and she speaks again "Don't cry, okay? What's your name?" She asks as she wraps him in a hug, he was reluctant at first but once he felt her warmth, he immediately hugs her back holding on to her, scared she might disappear and he'll he alone again, so in that moment at a young age, he made the decision to fully trust her and at that moment the room was filled with light, the question of what his name was forgotten.
Opening his eyes, he looks behind the little girl where the door was open revealing the entire house. From where he was, he was able to see the couch where he was at earlier the entire house was filled with light and when he looked back at the little girl, he finally gets to see how she looked like in the light. He hair was down, lips just as pouty as his are, eyes wandering around the room in bewilderment. She was just as surprised as he was when the light came on, when her eyes landed back on the little boy with pouty lips and chubby cheeks, she gasps. Carefully holding his face she noticed a purple bruising on his right eye where there were tiny lines, not it was her who had watery eyes as she looked at his eye. Jimin finally realizes she was staring at the stitches on his eye that he got a few days ago after slipping in the bathroom.
"Oh this?" he points at his eye, he was about to touch but he remembers his mom telling him not to touch it so he drops his hand "I'm okay," he tells the girl who was now very much sobbing, he points at himself "Okay!" He wasn't entirely sure what it meant but in school the teacher would say it often and he knew it was a good, happy thing. As long as it was happy, she'll probably not cry over it. Jimin gently wipes a few tears that escaped the girl's eyes. He realizes she looked angelic but she also looked as adorable as other babies, he grabs her face gently in between his hands "Baby-ah" he calls her
"Huh? What did you say? I don't understand you," she says, wiping her face.
"I don't understand you," he tells her, she huffs in confusion quickly realizing that he doesn't speak the words she was speaking.
"Hmm... It's okay," she smiles "You and me should stay together," she makes a motion of putting her to index fingers side by side. Jimin nods, understanding the little sign she made. Getting off of the bed together, he grabs her hand and she lets him as he walks ahead of her looking around the house as they made their way to the fridge to find food. After Jimin was doing the extreme stuff for his new found friend; grabbing a nearby chair and climbing it to open the freezer, he grabs the tub of vanilla ice cream and one spoon from the table top (they didn't know where the cutlery was and no one was around to ask), they hold hands again as she leads them to the back yard as she carried the tub and Jimin was holding on to the spoon. When she opens the door to the backyard Jimin sees the ocean and a few coconut trees. They sit on the swing next to each other, eating the ice cream and when Jimin looked up he saw countless stars above him, he tried counting them all with the little girl but they fell asleep next to each other, before he fell asleep he smiled through his one swollen eye at her "I'll stay here with you, I'll never leave you. I promise," Y/n looked at him in confusion but seeing him with his pinky out she quickly wraps her pinky around his and smiles "I'll see you again when we go to sleep, I guess. Now I don't have to be alone here".
When he did wake up, he was back in his room in Busan and for the first time in years, the first thing he did that morning was cry his eyes out startling his parents and his little brother. When his parents asked him why he was crying and kept repeating that he left 'her' when he promised not to, it just made him cry more and when he finally calmed down, he explained to them his dream. His parents look at each other with a look and they smile at him proudly "Jimin-ah," his dad says happily but also sympathetically at his crying first born "You met your soulmate,"
"What is that, dad?"
"It means she's the one you're going to spend your whole life with, someone who is going to love you forever. Kind of like how your dad and I ended up," his mom tells him
"Did she tell you where she's from?" his dad asks to which he shakes his head
"She didn't speak Korean. She knows what Okay means."
"Ah..." his dad nods before looking at his mom who was giggling who said "He's going to have a hard time finding her but at least he knows how to somehow find her,"
"I had a hard time looking for you and you were just a few districts over," he laughs "he might end up going around the globe to look for a soulmate."
Jimin's dad then turns back to him and says "You'll see her again, Jimin-ah. As long as wherever she is, she's asleep. You'll see her again. You'll remember her, but she won't remember you when she wakes up."
"How come she won't remember me?" Jimin asked his dad feeling sad
"Because it's how soulmates work, my son" he smiles at Jimin "We are supposed to find them; they're the other half that will complete us and we, in return , complete them, but we are supposed to find them not the other way around.
She'll remember you when she's asleep, but not while she's awake. So ask her everything you can to find her. Just remember to be kind to her Jimin-ah, and love her unconditionally"
Jimin watches his parents, thinking about what his parents said if what they said was true then he was going to see her again tonight when he goes to sleep. But she didn't show up that evening, and he patiently waited for her until he fell asleep and woke up in his bed again crying to his parents that she wasn't there leading to them comforting a very confused Jimin.
The little girl was there however, but when she fell asleep and arrived in the house at the beach Jimin was already fading meaning he was already waking up soon and she sat there on his spot watching the sunrise crying that she didn't see her new friend at the beach house all because she flew on a plane with her parents to a place called Seoul.
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
A/N: Reply down below if you sat the Do You - RM, I think he knows - Taylor Swift and Promise - Park Jimin references💜
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willwriteforhugs · 3 years
ateez says “i love you” for the first time
ateez scenario - all members (individually) x reader
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genre: fluff, angst if your vision is worse than 20/60
word count: 4k (total)
warnings: minor intrusive thoughts, some arguing and cursing 
a/n: this fic should be taken lightheartedly! i really enjoyed writing this, but please remember that it is for entertainment purposes only. also beware: some of these are a bit longer than others? please know that it wasn’t intentional lol (no writer’s bias here!) also, the gif above does not belong to me! thank you so much for reading <3
quiet, repetitive sound effects play through the outside of hongjoong’s headphones. you sigh, resting your head on his shoulder. even when your boyfriend isn’t working, he’s working.
you’d been together two months already, but sometimes you worried. he was so busy, and you knew it wasn’t his fault... but you weren't sure how he really felt about you. for you, the first few dates had been butterflies-in-the-stomach, giggling-like-crazy, head-over-heels-for-this-man type emotions. but as you sit in his studio on this saturday night, you start to wonder if he’d ever felt those things.
you tilt your head to look at him. god, he’s beautiful. those long lashes that you would absolutely kill for, his curious eyes... everything about him screamed “love of your life!!!”
hongjoong shifts in his seat, glancing down at you. he smiles a little, and plants a small kiss on your temple. “ten more minutes, my love. i’m almost done.”
you smile and nod sleepily.
the ten minutes pass in relative silence, minus joong’s music, which was accompanied by the tapping of his foot. 
finally, he shuts his laptop. he stands up, returning to his desk to put everything back in order. you stay where you are, watching him.
after a moment, you stand up. “i’m gonna go heat up the car.”
he looks back at you, already protesting. “babe, you don’t need to do that. plus it’s late- i don’t want you out there all alone.”
“i’ll be okay, hongjoong. you know how cold that car will be.”
he holds your gaze for a moment. “alright.”
you turn to leave as he continues talking. 
“i’ll be out in just a minute, okay? i love you.”
you freeze, halfway out the door. your head swivels back, and your boyfriend is staring at you with wide eyes, clearly catching what he’d said.
“what did you say?”
he’d said it in passing. of course he loves you, the same way hongjoong loves everyone, why would he-
“i said i love you,” he sighs. he sets down his bag and crosses the room in large strides. he comes to a stop in front of you, and lifts his hands to cradle your face. “and i meant it. i do. i didn’t mean to tell you like that, but- yeah. i love you.”
your voice cracks when you finally manage to speak. “i love you, too.”
the heels of your boots make angry clicking sounds on the floor of the apartment complex. tears prick at your eyes, and you increase your pace.
just get through the door, y/n. don’t you dare cry in public.
work had been awful, of course. apparently, you’d made a mistake while filing paperwork last week, and now the whole office was behind, scrambling to make up for lost time. learning about your slip up had been hard enough. being absolutely screamed at by your boss had pushed you over the edge. you had managed to finish your hours, but now, you practically sprint for the safety of your apartment.
you take the stairs two at a time, dignity long abandoned. when you get to your front door, your hands shake trying to unlock it. a sob tears through your throat. why, god? what did i do to you?
the door finally swings open, and you stumble inside. kicking off your shoes, you walk straight to the bedroom, where you sink to the floor and begin to cry. 
you raise your head. what the hell was that?
a beat passes, then a voice from the other room: “hello? y/n, is that you?”
the door to your bedroom opens, and there he is. seonghwa, your boyfriend of only three months, stands in the doorway. upon seeing you, his face cracks.
“y/n? babe, what happened? i thought i heard you get home, are you okay?”
hearing your boyfriend’s concern only made you cry harder. frantic, he hits the floor next to you and tugs your hands away from your face. “talk to me. what happened?”
your voice is croaky and broken, but you manage to recap the story from work. by the end of it, seonghwa looks almost as emotional as you do.
“what a douchebag. who does he think he is?”
you reach out and gently swat at his thigh. “don’t talk all big.”
he manages a small smile. “i’m sorry, y/n. tell me what you need right now. let me help you.”
“can... can you just hold me?”
this is something seonghwa knows how to do. he crawls over to you and leans against the bed, hugging you tightly from behind. “yes, i can do that.”
a beat passes.
“you know i love you, right?”
your heart skips a beat. he’d never said that before, not like this. but you don’t say anything. you reply by sinking deeper into his hold, letting out a long sigh. 
he understands.
“okay, seriously. where are we going?” you look over at your boyfriend, feeling the edges of anxiety begin to creep in. 
yunho, who’s seated at the wheel of the car, looks over at you, his eyes crinkling slightly. a smile tugs at his lips. “why are you worried?”
you huff and slouch back in your seat. your seat belt digs into your shoulder, making you cringe. “i’m not worried.” you lie. “i just want to know where you’re taking me.”
“well, i already told you- it’s a surprise.”
“yes, but-” you hold up your hand, counting on your fingers. “it’s not my birthday. it’s not your birthday. it’s not a holiday. it’s not our anniversary. so. what is it?”
yunho glances at you again, exasperated. “you are so difficult. just let me treat you, you dumbass.”
“treat me? yunho-ah, i swear to god-”
“don’t! it’s nothing big! now shut up- you’re on talking restrictions.”
you gape at him. “talking restrictions? i’m not a six year old-”
“oh look, we're here!” your counterpart shouts over you. he turns the vehicle and pulls into a parking lot you don’t recognize. you peer out the window, craning your neck in order to see the building in front of you. “is this a hotel?”
yunho hums a confirmation. “your bag is in the back.” 
- - - 
ten minutes later, you find yourself standing in what’s probably the nicest hotel room you’ve ever graced. you gape at your boyfriend, hoping he realizes how crazy he is.
yunho sees your expression and laughs, his hand instinctively rising to cover his teeth. “do you like it?”
you stutter, unable to hide your surprise. “i- yes, of course. but, yunho, you said it wasn’t anything big!”
he laughs again. “nothing’s too big for you, love.”
your face flushes. god, you love him. yes, he is a hopeless romantic, and yes, he says cheesy things. but you’d been in love with him for a while now, you think. since before he’d even asked you out. you’d always admired him from afar, but yes- you know it was love all along. 
“um. is there...a particular... reason? for this?” you manage. surely this isn’t as  random as it seems.
yunho crosses the room to stand with you, wrapping his long arms around you. you step back in surprise. “yunho-ah?”
he buries his face in your neck, inhaling. “yeah, i-yeah. i guess i just wanted to say-” he pulls away to meet your eyes. “i just wanted to say- to show that i love you.”
you blink, and say the first thing you think of. 
“thank you?”
yunho looks surprised for a moment- then bursts into laughter. you gasp, trying to backtrack. “wait- no- no i love you too,” you scramble.
yunho bends over, only laughing harder. “babe-” he says between wheezes. “that was so funny. i love you so much.”
you’re laughing too, now.
your finger traces circles on the fabric of the couch, and you sigh contentedly. you glance to your left, gazing up at your boyfriend, who’s scrolling on his phone. you and yeosang are only a few months into your relationship, but nights like this already feel so natural.
but looking up at him now, you can’t help but feel that something’s a bit off. you sit up, brushing his arm away from you. “yeosang?”
he looks up at you, eyes wide and curious. “what?”
“are you alright?”
he looks a bit taken aback. “what do you mean?”
“i don’t know, you just- you seem stiff. did something happen? or- was there something you needed to talk about?”
for a moment, he doesn’t answer. then he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “you’ve gotten really good at reading me, you know that?”
you tilt your head. “sure, i guess? what did you need to talk about?”
“oh, it’s just- um- something i wanted to say...” his voice trails off.
you lean forward, worried. “what?”
you’ve known yeosang so long, but you have no idea where he’s going with this. what if he wants to break up? what if he wants to go to third base? do people even say ‘third base’ anymore? what if-
“it’s just. um.” he pauses again, even after interrupting your thoughts. “iloveyou,” he says in a rush. as soon as the words leave his mouth, yeosang’s face turns beet red. his expression twists into a grimace.
you feel your own face betray your surprise. “wait, what?”
he won’t meet your eyes, but your heart speeds up. “yeosang-yah, what did you say?”
he responds in a mumble. “i said i love you.”
you feel so many things at once, and you want to say a million things. you’d dated before, but no one had ever told you they loved you. you feel your eyes begin to burn from withholding tears. “yeosang.”
he looks up at you, his eyes begging for something more.
“i love you too.” you cut him off before he can ask. “and before you ask- yes, i’m sure.”
you reach forward, running a finger down the side of his face. “you dumbass.”
his eyes widen in mock anger. “dumbass!? i can’t even-” he grabs your waist and shoves you back on the couch. “i can’t believe you!”
you burst into laughter. “big words for a man who’s just confessed his love!”
“i don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”
you throw your hands in the air, exasperated.
san’s face flushes red. “well i don’t know what you want from me!”
your mouth drops open as he turns away. “no. no fucking way- you can’t walk in here and start a fight just to leave! you don’t know what you want from me? you started this!!”
your boyfriend turns to face you again. his eyes burn with barely controlled anger. “no- i wanted a civil conversation. you were the one who went and got all defensive.”
“san, you’re accusing me! how the hell am i supposed to respond?”
“i didn’t accuse you of anything. i asked you a damn question.”
“an accusatory question.”
san rolled his eyes with so much emotion it hurt to watch. you clench your hands. you couldn’t believe him. don’t misunderstand- you and san usually got along great, and the two of you had been in a steady relationship for a few months now. but san was so emotional- in a way you just weren't. you didn’t understand his emotional insecurities. so when he came home asking why you felt the need to ignore him in favor of your other friends- you couldn’t believe your ears. 
back in the moment, you make a groaning sound. “san-ah,” you begin, trying to keep your voice even. “i just don’t understand what makes you think all that.”
san is still upset, clearly. he scoffs, tossing his head. “please, y/n- you’re always making excuses to leave, it’s like you don’t even want to see me!”
“but that’s not true!”
“just the other night you went out with friends, when i specifically said i wanted to be with you!”
“but san- i hardly see them either! you know how busy i am-”
“i’m even busier than you are!” he argues.
“don’t cut me off!” you seethe. “besides, why is it any business of yours when i want to go out? i don’t-”
“of course it’s my business!” san steps closer, pointing down at your chest. “it’s my business because i love you!”
your words die in your throat. “i...what?”
he loves you? now? he’d never told you that before... 
what just happened?
san grimaces, and the anger leaves his face. his whole body seems to deflate.
 your own pulse seems to slow down, and you sigh. san runs a hand through his hair, looking away.
“y/n, i... i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to-” he cuts himself off, as if afraid of his own words. 
“no, i’m sorry. i can’t believe i blew up like that.” he looks saddened as he takes a step towards you. his hand brushes your elbow, and you shut your eyes. 
you hear him whisper; “can i hold you?”
you nod, then practically melt in his arms. “i’m sorry, too.” you mumble into his chest. for a moment, the two of you just stand there, letting the embrace linger. 
“did...” you begin. “did you mean it? what you said?”
san pulls away to gaze into your eyes. he brushes a stray hair from your eyes. 
“yeah. yeah, i did. i’m sorry i told you like that.”
you pause. “it’s okay. i love you too, though.”
for the first time tonight, your boyfriend smiles.
it’s snowing. and for the first time this season, too. you can’t help but grin as you watch the snow fall, face peeking through the curtains. 
“are you actually that excited?”
you turn to look mingi, your boyfriend, in the eye. “yes, yes i am. are you telling me you’re not?”
he smiles- a big, genuine smile, the one you’d grown to love more than anything. “no, i am. i’m gonna throw it at you, though. just a warning.”
you make a face, and turn back to the window. you and mingi had only been dating a few weeks, but you’d known each other much longer than that. though your relationship had only just begun, it felt like you’d been dating for years. 
many of your girlfriends had said the beginning of a relationship was- while being the most fun part- also the most stressful. there was supposed to be a lot of pressure. but you didn’t feel that way with mingi. you had kissed him only when you felt comfortable, you had met his family only when you felt comfortable... though you hadn’t slept together yet, you felt no rush. part of you wondered if you were doing something wrong, but mingi seemed happy too, so you tried not to overthink it.
the snow continues to fall in large chunks. after a few moments of peace, you hear an odd shuffling behind you. you turn around, and mingi is standing there, wearing a full winter parka, looking like he was about to pick you up. 
“dammit!” he curses. “i was gonna try to scare you.”
“ha-ha.” you deadpan.
“yeah, yeah. put this on.” he tosses your own coat at you, and gestures for you to hurry.
“hold on, you don’t actually want to go play in that, do you?”
“that’s exactly what we’re doing.”
you start to protest, but mingi cuts you off by snatching your coat back and zipping you in it himself. then he grabs you by the waist and drags you off the couch. 
after several minutes of wrestling, you find yourself outside in the cold, sitting on your butt in a snowbank. “oh, it’s on, you little-”
mingi laughs and runs away, then picks up an armful of snow and tosses it in your face. you blink in shock, and he doubles over, laughing even harder than before.
“song mingi! you have some nerve!”
the next 15 minutes consist of you and mingi trying to see how much snow you could force onto the other, along with the occasional laugh break.
finally, mingi collapses onto his back in the snow, breathing heavily. you plop down next to him, giggling. 
“i hate you,” you say between hiccups of laughter.
he turns and grins at you, before turning his face to the sky. “well, i love you.”
you catch his eye, unsure that you heard him correctly. “come again?”
“i love you!” he shouts at the sky, then rolls over to meet your gaze. before you can manage an answer, he leans over and presses his cold lips against yours.
you take another deep breath, determined to keep your heart rate down. 
you are going to do fine. it’s just one interview...
oh, but you really want this job. what if you do terribly?
you shove the thought out of your head. you glance at the clock. 10:56. 19 minutes until you either do amazing or fuck up your entire career. you reach over and pick up your phone. you’d left early, so should you just try to kill the time?
you have a text. it’s from wooyoung, your boyfriend.
wooyoung: hey
wooyoung: if you see this before your interview call me 
you wonder what he could possibly need from you right now, but you hit dial anyways.
you and wooyoung were... a lot. for a while, you’d been in a “relationship that’s not really a relationship” type of thing... but he’d only officially asked you out a few weeks ago. you liked him a lot, actually. you loved how outgoing he was, and how much he seemed to care about you. and his friends were nice. plus, he was- well- not bad on the eyes.
he picks up on the second ring. “hey!”
“hi?” you ask. “was there something you needed?”
on the line, wooyoung fakes a gasp. “i can’t just talk to you whenever i want?”
“you asked me to call you.”
you sigh, laughing a little.
“anyways,” he continues. “i just wanted to see how you were doing. i know you were worried.” your heart flutters at the thought that he was thinking of you now. but the interview...
“oh.” your mind turns back to the event to come. “right. uh, i’ll be okay.”
“are you sure?”
“yes, wooyoung. i mean, i’m definitely nervous, and i can think of 1000 ways this could go wrong, but overall, i’m alright!”
your boyfriend laughs. “i know. really, i know you’ll do well. you’re one of the smartest people i know- they’d be fools to turn you down.”
- - - 
three hours later, you sit at your kitchen table, mindlessly picking at your lunch. across from you, wooyoung looks concerned.
“baby, is the food bad, or...?” 
you look up. “no! no, not at all! i’m just- i’m just not very hungry.”
wooyoung’s eyes crinkle with sympathy. “you’re nervous?”
yes. yes, of course. you have no idea how that interview went. but you were positive that the man in the grey suit hated your guts, even though-
“y/n-ah,” your boyfriend calls you back down to earth. “it’ll be fine. please eat.”
you shove some of the food into your mouth, more to satisfy him than yourself. suddenly, your cell phone rings. the sound makes you jump. you pull it out answering it automatically. “yes?” 
as the voice on the other end of the line talks, you nearly drop your chopsticks. wooyoung leans forward, trying to eavesdrop, and you shoo him away. 
a minute passes, and you slowly lower your phone as the woman on the line ends the call. your boyfriend is staring at you. 
“who was that?”
your voice is froggy. “wooyoung- i got the job.”
a beat passes, then he leaps up. “you- you did?!? i knew it! oh my god!” he grabs your wrists and yanks you out of your seat. he spins you in a frantic circle, ending it by slamming you into his chest, hugging you hard. 
“i knew you could do it, baby. wow, i love you so much.”
your heart skips a beat at these words, but wooyoung himself doesn’t seem to catch them- he keeps talking, because that’s just who he is. but you don’t miss it.
you know he meant it. 
“boom! look at that one!” you laugh, fitting together another set of puzzle pieces. 
jongho, your boyfriend, glances over, letting a small smile escape his lips. “it’s upside down, babe.” 
you look back down at the pieces, realizing he’s right. 
“oops.” you giggle, flipping them upright. “i think they do go on the left, though.”
you’d been so excited for today. you had done nothing all morning, only being able to think about what you were going to do with your boyfriend later. nowadays, with ateez’s popularity, you had very little alone time with jongho. you’d only been dating a short while- but you still wanted to see him as often as possible.
so when he’d come up to your apartment holding a jigsaw puzzle, you immediately agreed to participate. you’d never been particularly good at puzzles, but jongho seemed to enjoy them. it’s the calm, you think. there’s a lot of chaos in his day to day job, so it’s really not surprising that he enjoys things like this. 
you watch his hands as they roam across the table, searching for edge pieces. 
he has such beautiful hands.
“oh, y/n-ah- can you hand me that one there? the blue?”
you hand him the cutout. “what is this supposed to be again?”
“uuh-” jongho hesitates, glancing at the discarded box on the floor. “an alaskan sunset?”
the two of you meet eyes, then look at the table. he bursts into laughter. “are we doing something wrong? alaskan sunset...” he manages.
god, his smile. you love his smile, probably more than anything. you didn’t see it too often- that full, gummy smile of his. your heart flutters as you watch him laugh.
he meets your eyes again. “how are we bad at this? it’s a puzzle!”
“well, it’s your puzzle, and it’s 2000 pieces! who willingly does 2000 piece puzzles?!” you begin to laugh too.
jongho’s chuckling ceases, and he reaches over to grasp your wrist. he places a gentle kiss on your knuckles. “i love to see you laugh like that.”
you feel your face burst into flames. you sheepishly try to pull your hand back. “jongho-yah...”
he smiles again and tugs you closer, placing his forehead against yours. for a moment, he just looks into your eyes, his own sparkling with curiosity and adoration. then he closes his eyes and leans in, pressing his warm lips against yours. 
the kiss is tentative, inviting. you lean into it, hoping he catches on. he does- he begins to kiss you harder, parting your lips with his own. this goes on for a moment before he pulls away.
you almost whine, wishing he hadn’t ended it so quickly. but looking at him, you can see his face is red, and he won’t meet your eyes. before you can truly wonder about his well-being, jongho comes in again, stopping just before his lips meet yours.
he looks down at the floor, his lips barely brushing yours. “y/n.”
you make a small “hmm?” noise.
his words come out in a low whisper. “i think i’m in love with you.”
you almost jerk back in surprise. but instead, you let a beat pass in silence. then you lean forward, pressing a kiss to his chin. “and i think i’m in love with you.”
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
camboy headcanons - gojo & getou
Tumblr media
Why choose when we can have both?
Camboy gojo knows, he just knows he’s fucking hot and everyone lives for that cocky overconfidence
His height + eyes + the demonic Sagittarius energy in him = one hot motherfucker
He already makes a living off instagram so when someone suggests getting an onlyfans and maybe doing cam shows he’s all for it! More money opportunities are never bad!
He immediately has thousands of people sign up just minutes after he makes the announcement he made one
Sends thirst trap videos of himself getting out of the shower, POV’s of sleeping next to him after sex, hearing his morning voice say things like ‘you kept me up late last night but I still want more’
When he does cam shows they’re set up to look kind of grainy and like the viewer is on a one-on-one video call with him
Typically starts with his shirt off and then takes a few minutes to talk to the viewers about what he wants to do that night and if they think he’ll be hot all sweaty covered in his own cum
Of course you will Gojo, don’t be asinine.
He’s all for toys and will have people send him gifts to a P.O. box that he’ll use during the shows, like giant dildos and frilly little maid costumes
Teases the viewers a lot for watching him do these things and if someone donates a lot of money he’ll call them the biggest slut of the night
Ends the show after edging himself and crying those pretty little eyes out, telling the viewers he’ll only cum if there’s a big donation and whoever donates the most gets to hear their name moaned out as he cums
Camboy getou also knows he’s hot and he’s only like 5% more humble about it than Gojo
It’s the long hair guys, it truly is. The long hair and his devious expression have everyone scandalized
Getting into cam shows is as easy as stumbling upon one during a masturbation session and his eyes bugged out seeing how much the person made in one night
Quit his normie job the next day and devoted himself to onlyfans and cam shows, also gets instagram and twitter to promote himself
He doesn’t need to worry about gaining followers, just a few grey sweatpants thirst traps and saucy POV’s on twitter and he’s got the horny people coming in droves
Posts a lot of different content from POV’s, solo masturbation, edging himself, pleasing someone else, putting himself in a cockcage for a day or two - it’s all about variety lol
His cam shows are super high quality, he truly spares no expense, you will catch him in 4K damnit
He’s endearingly mean to the audience, calling everyone dumb little cock whores that just can’t wait to taste his cum and how he can’t wait to give it to them
Just like his onlyfans content, Getou likes to go all out during cam shows and try new things
He definitely gets a fucking machine and hooks it up so the audience can control how fast his ass gets pounded into - he can’t walk for a week after that
And he’s not opposed to fucking a viewer of his on camera
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 19)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Graphic Depictions of Blood and Violence, Death, Gore, Japanese Mythical Folklore, No Major Character Death, Slight Horror, War
Previous Chapter: 百鬼夜行 - Hyakki Yakou
Next Chapter: Home with My Heart
Word Count: 3.96k 3.97k ish like rounds up to 4K
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Extra notes: Long. I suggest rereading the last chapter if you need a refresher. This is like more than twice the length of my first chapter lol.
Chapter 19: Stay With Me
You remain silent.
"No answer, hmm??" The Kitsune grinned. But deep inside she was pissed. Another technique of hers lies in knowing who you'd prefer to save and manipulating you into hesitating so that you’d lower your guard down.
You are the largest threat to them here in Kyoto after all. But you didn't trust so easily. Especially the words of a Special Grade curse who obviously has something planned.
You carefully took in a deep breath. And in less than a split second, you turned and ran towards Noritoshi, with one hand pointing behind you towards your cousin.
Your barrier activated around Hiroki while you moved to position yourself in front of Noritoshi. You whipped out your blades, ready to parry her thorns.
As soon as your feet moved from position, the magic circles flared and activated their sequence. 
Both boys realized what happened after a few seconds, the Kitsune's attack and your movements were too fast for them to follow.
She had launched her thorns in your direction. You tried to block as much of them as you could, but some got through your openings.
There were too many, and it was much faster than you expected. It was hard, not fighting with a guard around you.
You numbly stared down at your open wounds, feeling the pain in a distant manner. She had cleanly pierced through your ribs. While her other large set of thorns had bounced off your barrier, protecting your cousin.
The magic circles beneath both boys disappeared, as did your warp around Hiroki.
“Y/N!!” Noritoshi stared in horror. Your back was still to him, but he could see the protruding blood-stained thorns. Time slowed down as blood gushed from your lips. 
He catches you as you fall towards the ground. An insane heat spreads throughout your body. Something was very wrong. 
She laughed maniacally at the scene unfolding before her. "Jujutsu Sorcerers are so weak. So easy! You all crumple at the sight of your most beloved ones in danger." 
It's scary isn't it? Putting your life on the line for your comrades. Will you die today? 
The Kitsune launches an attack at the both of you, but Hiroki quickly steps and defends against her. She is forced further back as Mechamaru shoots out a laser beam from a distance.
You were trying to use your reverse cursed technique, with no avail. Your hands and legs can't move. It's a temporary paralysis. So you couldn't pull out the thorns and then heal your wounds.
"Love! Talk to me! What's wrong?"
You couldn't even answer him or move your mouth. Blood continued seeping out of your wounds.
You slumped as Noritoshi gathered you in his arms. How unlucky. There were barely any curses anymore and yet this had to happen. But you had no regrets. 
You looked up at Noritoshi with so much love in your eyes. But his own were filled with agony, screaming at you to hold on while blood was pouring down the side of your mouth.
Tears streamed down your face. You were happy, because you had the power to save the ones you love this time. 
But you really wanted to grow old with Noritoshi. See the wrinkles line his face. Experience everything with him. You'd take him back in a heartbeat and tell him that he owned you and your heart since the day you met. That you loved him even when you thought he put on a farce to be with you.
Even if he were to love or be with another woman. Even if it pained you to think of him as a distant person in your life, being by his side was the happiest you've felt in your entire life. 
He pressed his lips against yours, trying to give you more air. His hands trembling against the thorns embedded inside of you. Your blood was spilling everywhere, and he didn't want to look down to see his hands covered in red.
'There's so much blood,' he thought to himself, panicking. It was staining both of your clothes, dripping onto the pavement.
"Your reverse cursed technique! Use it!" He yelled hoarsely. In smooth movements, he ripped out the thorns one by one and applied pressure onto your wounds.
His heart plummeted as nothing happened. But he didn't lose faith. If you were paralysed, it was up to him to save your life.
Noritoshi did some quick thinking, remembering the content in the Gojo family records of Soulmates. He bit his thumb and forced his blood into your mouth. 
"Drink my love, please drink it." Turns out you didn't have to do much. The blood hit your tongue, and he activated his technique on your blood. 
Usually this would be impossible. Blood Manipulation only works on the user's own blood, but the power of soulmates isn't one to be taken lightly.
He read through your vitals, RBC (red blood cell), platelet, and WBC (white blood cell) count, and saw the rising blood pressure and temperature. He did his best to stabilize your vitals.
It worked. Your head cleared, and even while paralysed, you quickly managed to seal your wounds. You continued activating your reverse cursed technique, not stopping for a moment.
If it was any minute longer, you would have died. But Noritoshi worked way too fast out of desperation to keep you alive. 
"Stay with me, angel. Good, your wounds are finally sealing." He leaned down and continued applying pressure onto the open punctures.
He continued to scan and manage your blood pressure, and found something. It was a foreign substance in your blood. Something like a black tar, attacking your insides and messing with your nervous system. Alongside with it was a poison slowly seeping through your blood.
"What on earth is that? Is that the technique of the Kitsune?" He furrowed his eyebrows. 
But with complete hold over your blood, he was able to manipulate it into leaving your body by going outside one of your wounds.
It was so painful, more tears fell down the sides of your face, while you were still in paralysis. 
"This will end soon, I promise. Hold on."
Noritoshi blocks out everything else. Completely ignoring Todo and Mechamaru who are facing the fox behind him.
As soon as the black substance was out, you finally could move, trembling and heaving out more blood. 
"No, calm down. Calm down! Y/N!" He pressed you back down onto his lap as you tried to sit upright. “Love, please!”
Hiroki was fighting the Kitsune with tears running down his face, screaming bloody murder as he striked and aimed at it. 
It seems as though the magic circles require a ton of cursed energy. The Kitsune doesn't seem to be activating them anymore. She was now on the defensive, not having expected reinforcements. Still, it was clear she overpowers them all.
A red symbol appeared on your right eye, a cross identical to Noritoshi’s red flowing scale mark. You bent over to the side and started puking out a blue substance mixed with your blood. Moving to kneel down on all fours, while Noritoshi held you. 
“Get it all out, love, faster.” He was frantic like he’d never been before. Pressing a palm against your neck and forcing you to remove this new poison right away. 
An alarming amount of blood came out of you and pooled on the concrete. Even though he knew you needed to force it out of your system, you were still losing blood fast, and it wasn’t good. Your skin slowly turns into a sickly pale shade.
Thank goodness for Noritoshi, who could help push out the poison with brute force. If you were stuck with anyone else, you'd be dead right now.
As soon as the poison is completely out, he pulls you up and away from the bubbling blue liquid on the ground. “Close your wounds. That’s enough. Anymore and you’ll lose too much blood.”
The mark on your eye disappears.
Noritoshi cradles you in his arms. Both of you were drenched in blood, the blood of the enemy and your own, but he didn't care as he held you close. 
“Steady darling. Stay steady. You’re okay. You’re with me.” Tears continuously fell from his eyes. You tried to reach up, wanting to comfort him, but your arms could barely move. 'Don't cry Toshi. Please don't' You thought.
"I love you, please don't leave me alone. I can't live without you." He choked. With one hand on your wounds, Noritoshi did his best to ensure you didn’t lose any more blood. He tried to make it stay within your system, circulating properly.
You looked up at him with blood and tears running down your face. 'I love you too, Noritoshi, it's always been you. It has to be you,' you thought out loud. 
You took deep breaths, grunting at the pain. The pounding headache you’ve had for a while slowly started to clear. You were now able to completely seal your wounds, trying to do it carefully to prevent scarring. 
Noritoshi placed a hand over yours as you healed yourself. You turned to look at the Kitsune that was preoccupied with other sorcerers. They were going to die at this rate.
You feel light-headed and your eyes keep fluttering. It was hard to stay conscious at this point. Noritoshi slowly lifted your hand to kiss your knuckles ever so softly. “Stay with me, my heart.”
You will. If it was the last thing you’d do, you’d do anything to stay with him.
The reverse cursed technique activated and the wounds sealed tight and clean.
“I think I’m good now..." You tried to sit upright, breathing heavily. He worriedly looked over at you.
"You saved me, so I now owe you my life. Not that it's never been yours in the first place. Thank you for that Toshi," You heaved yourself up to stand, spitting out another mouthful of blood onto the ground.
“You saved MY life, darling. And what do you think you’re doing? You’re still hurt. Let’s bring you to the clinic. Come.” He beckoned you there.
"I didn't lose THAT much blood. It just looks really bad. Maybe a pint or two at most. I'll manage."
"No, you stay back. You need rest." He tried to push you to the direction of the clinic but you held fast.
Noritoshi stared into your eyes. They reflected the light of the fires behind him, making them look like glowing orbs of flame. You were his Phoenix, he realized. And he was utterly entranced by your charisma.
"I can still fight."
You knew your limits well, having trained all your life for a situation like this. Even now, your reverse cursed technique was activated in the background, simultaneously with your combat techniques.
Now that all the poison was out of your system, you only had to worry about the physical injuries.
"I don't want to lose you," Noritoshi whispered, broken.
"You won't. Because I'm much stronger than this, I promise you." You grabbed his wrist, "So stay with me. You said that just now right? I’ll stay with you, I promise."
“I can’t ever keep you down, can’t I?” He bitterly smiles to himself as he presses his forehead against yours. Eyes filled with pain, because he knew you were right. Jujutsu sorcerers always fight to surpass their limits.
“No, you can’t. But you already knew that since before, didn’t you? After all, you’re the same as I am.”
Noritoshi couldn't do anything else, but to kiss you. You returned it with just as much passion. It tasted of dirt and blood, but to both of you, it was like a breath of fresh air.
Both of your red strings slowly crept out into the open, invisible to everyone else except the two of you. The broken ropes reattached and you felt your mark burn for the first time in weeks.
But there was no time to celebrate.
"I've got this bitch to kill. Just watch the other curses in the area. I've got her." 
He let out the biggest sigh you’ve ever heard. “Okay. I’ll be right here. Cleaning up the rest. Right behind you.”
Your eyes zeroed in on the Kitsune who turned to you, shocked that you had survived her poison.
She quickly pushed out another palm with the same insignia flashing in blood red. But you were faster, moving past Noritoshi's arms and in an instant, shoving both of your blades into her gut.
“Get back!” You yelled to everyone else. There was a reason as to why you were most effective when you did your missions alone. 
She tried to pull away. Flames suddenly engulfed the both of you. But it didn't matter, because you've got a hold on her.
You didn't hesitate to choke her and wrap your legs around her waist.
"Fucking bitch," You spat out.
Her eyes flashed a brighter gold and the flames surrounding the both of you went even hotter. Burning the lamp posts and pavement in the vicinity. The ground warped and started flowing a bright red.
Noritoshi was forced back from the insane heat. The other curses and poor unprepared Jujutsu sorcerers closer to the both of you burst into flame and disintegrated. 
You couldn't see anything at all. Just the Kitsune, and a wall of fire. You thought about the damages distantly, and automatically used your technique to fly high up in the sky with her still in your chokehold.
"We curses deserve to rule this land. Just as we did thousands of years ago during the Heian period. What makes you think you're any better than us? You pathetic Jujutsu sorcerers are slowly dying out while ignorant weak humans stay protected by their ignorance. What are you doing this for?" She hissed.
"I don't care about any of you curses," your throat closed up, anger rising at the thought of innocent sorcerers dying in the middle of combat.
"You could join us and be stronger!" She pleaded.
Fury was evident on your face. You gripped her throat tighter, your fingers wrapped in your spacial barrier to prevent you from her fire. 
"Or you can shut up and die right here." You snarled.
The Kitsune saw that you were going for it. She raised her hand and the flames turned blue. If you weren’t fast enough you’d melt. This flame was far more than what you were used to handling.
What is stronger? Flame or ice?
You set Niflheim to the lowest setting you could.
"Absolute Zero."
Immediately the flames extinguished and turned to cold smoke. Ashes and steam billowed in the air, making it hard for anybody to see anything.
The Kitsune under you screamed as she slowly froze over. But she was still moving. Not enough?
You released your technique and the both of you did a free fall from the sky. 
You took a leaf out of Satoru’s book and slammed her down hard on the pavement, simultaneously releasing Goldenrod with a proper activation at over 3000 volts. You've been perfecting this attack with Hiroki for weeks. 
A loud crack of thunder with a flash of lightning shot out of your hands, incinerating her on the spot. Not a trace left as the curse disappeared into black smoke. The remnants of her final screams echoed in your ears.
You placed your palm against the still hot pavement and activated Niflheim to cool things down within the area. Steam fizzed out as the flames were put out.
You crouched down low on the ground to catch your breath, those last two attacks took a lot out of you and you were running low on cursed energy.
You have a lot. But it wasn't unlimited, unlike how Satoru could regulate his to an insane extent. Even now, you can feel some pain in your chest and try to heal yourself further. 
You felt omnipotent. There's no other way to describe it. You say you hate fighting, but the rush of defeating a powerful opponent is like no other. 
This side of you that enjoys beating down curses is rising, you couldn't stop smiling. But you felt a soft hand bring you slowly back down to earth. 
You looked up at him, still grinning. Ignoring the blood running down one side of your face.
Ah. That steady presence. The beautiful person whom you live for.
"My love, let's clear up the remaining curses. Celebrate later."
"Mmmm." You smiled at him, feeling yourself come back down.
You squeezed his hand. Noritoshi could feel your elation. It was almost electric. That ego rising up too high. Pride.
He didn't mind seeing you like this, but you tended to get overconfident in battle sometimes. Not that you didn't have any good reason not to be. This side of you was very much Gojo Satoru like, he thought to himself. 
You helped clean up the remaining curses. Not much stronger ones were left. Noritoshi watched every movement of yours, staying right beside you to support you. 
You staggered after seeing that your areas were clear. Noritoshi quickly wraps his arms around you, “You’re coming with me to the clinic. And I am not accepting any answer other than Yes.”
“Yes sir.” You leaned into him as he lifted you in his arms. Some of your wounds had reopened, due to your reverse cursed technique weakening. The adrenaline coursing through your body was too much that you failed to feel the pain. Which means you failed to realize that some wounds were still bleeding.
He entered the clinic and quickly put you down on one of the empty beds. One of your uncles came to check on you. Running over with an IV stand in hand. They hooked you to one of their regular Balanced Saline solutions to help with your blood loss. 
Hiroki came in, battered with a bruise on one temple, but still very much alive. He was now off combat duty and on healing duty. Quickly coming over to press a hand against your chest to activate his reverse cursed technique.
Noritoshi sighed in relief, seeing your bleeding come to a halt. He winced upon feeling a sharp pain in his right arm, turning to look at the nurse that was dressing his wounds. He didn’t even notice them, being too focused on you.
He had fewer injuries than you did.
“Hemorrhagic shock sis. You scared the life outta me back there.” Hiroki groaned as he let his head fall forward. 
“I would never have forgiven you if you died on me too.”
“You’re such a loser bro. I won’t die.”
“Keep talking shit like that and you might,” he pinched your side making you hiss at him.
“No fighting with the sick!” Your uncle smacked him upside his head.
“We need Hiroki! Life support emergency please!” A nurse from the other side of the ward yells. Your cousin worriedly looks down at you, “I’ve done what I can. Can you manage?”
“Yep. Go. You know how I’m fine now.”
He nods and leaves you with Noritoshi, who was still staring at you. Now with his wounds fully dressed and cleaned.
He kneels down in front of you, looking up with such a soft expression. He stayed like that for a while, feeling your vitals stabilise further. His technique was still linked to your blood somehow, which gave him a deeper sense of relief, knowing he can help you if anything else were to happen.
You felt absolutely horrible. The man had shown you time and time again that he loves you and you doubted that. 
"I'm sorr-"
"Are you-"
You both spoke at the same time, eyes widening. 
He motioned you to go first, but you shook your head and let him go first. 
"Are you feeling okay?" He whispered.
You smiled. "I am. Just need to sleep it off. It's not the worst I've had."
He ran his fingers through his hair, seemingly distracted, before reaching over to link your right hand with his left one. "Good, good."
“Are you okay Toshi?”
“I’m fine. Hardly a dent in me today. Thanks to you.”
You gave a shy smile, quietly relieved. 
“Toshi… thank you…” you whispered. 
Noritoshi shakes his head, “You save me and I save you. That’s how we work. As soulmates.” He holds up your hands, marks burning brightly.
He could feel your emotions once again. It used to be this numb feeling, where you once were. But now, he can sense all the negativity in the back of your head.
Regret. A lot of sadness. Guilt. But also, a deep love for him. You never stopped loving him.
"Toshi," You started again with a bit more confidence. He looked back into your eyes, smiling and nodding.
You have to apologize. Go do it. The words were on the tip of your tongue, but somehow you were still tongue-tied.
"Noritoshi, I really owe you a proper apolo-"
"Hey," You both looked to the right to see your mom approaching you. 
Noritoshi jerked into a standing position, body stiff as he bowed a full 90 degree angle towards your mother. 
"Ah, it's nice to meet you. I'm Kamo Noritoshi and I'm y/n's- " He froze, not knowing what to say.
You weren't dating anymore. As of now.
"Boyfriend and soulmate, mom. He's my boyfriend." You smiled up at both of them. 
His heart warms itself at your words. A humongous invisible weight lifts from his chest and shoulders.
She smiled and reached up to pull him into a hug. "You've made my baby girl so happy. Thank you. Call me 'Okaa-san' too."
He felt his throat tighten, "Not at all. She's been such a blessing to me. Uh- Okaa-sama." 
“I need to bring my baby girl home now. Do you want to come back to the Tsuchimikado estate with us? We can oversee your recovery as well.” She offers.
Noritoshi’s eyes widened. “Ah, I’d love to. I just have to check on with my father-”
“I’ve already talked to him. A pleasant man he is, the head of the Kamo clan. More than I thought.” She had a bit of a wary expression when she said those words. Clearly still unfamiliar with Noritoshi’s family.
“If he said so, then yes please. I’d like to stay with her.”
After that, it was a blur of activity. Your mom makes sure you’re both stable enough before bundling the both of you in a car back to the estate. Noritoshi quickly shoots a text to his father to confirm things, and was actually surprised to see a jovial reply. 
No doubt trying to help him patch things up with you. He closes his eyes. For now, he’ll take this as a solid win. It was working in his favor anyway for his father to so strongly support your relationship.
You squirmed uncomfortably against him, patting him to get his attention. 
“Do you need anything, love?” Noritoshi nearly tosses his phone away in his haste to turn back to you. But you shook your head.
"I love you so much, Toshi. And I’m sorry for hurting you." You whispered. You were unsatisfied; it was far from a proper confession. But for now, exhaustion overcomes you. His eyes widen, but you fall asleep against him just as you see him open his mouth to reply.
He looks over the top of your head and checks your condition. You had fallen asleep. It was a miracle that you even stayed conscious for this long. Noritoshi was prepared to catch you in the middle of battle, but you held on the whole time.
Still, he was happy to hear those few words, not bothering to hide the biggest smile on his face as he tucks you into his side.
Authors notes: Guess whose form the Kitsune took on when Noritoshi looked at her as he was put under hypnosis.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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knightofameris · 4 years
hot chai tea — kita shinsuke
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛: neutral 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜: reader has a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1.3𝚔 𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: okay I was trying to not include any notes for these but I had to for this! After writing (well, partially into writing it) this I found that I enjoyed it enough that I wanted to submit it for @agaassi​‘s 4k celebration 🥺 It’s not a cafe AU, but I call it the “cafe au but make it boba” I’ll include a bit more of some notes at the end so uhmmm catch ya in a bit! 
𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍: hot chai tea 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 ChaTime  𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔!
⇽ 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 ◜𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝚋𝚘𝚋𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚙 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚞◞ 
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Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. 
First you woke up late, you didn’t even have time to eat, the campus bus left you as you were running towards it which made you late to your last 8AM (with an attendance policy) class of the semester. Then, you realized you brought the wrong notebook for your 8AM class for the review session since finals was next week and you forgot your laptop so you resorted to taking notes on your goddamn phone. Ah, but then your phone died and you forgot to bring a charger and a portable. Because of that, you lost track of time while studying that you were late to work. 
You only made it into work 10 minutes late but it was in the midst of a rush and you messed up the first three orders terribly. So badly that your coworkers and manager just put you in the back to sort some things instead. 
That’s how you found yourself scowling as you carried boxes back and forth, organizing cups and food items in the fridge. This is it, this was your villain origin story. Forced to the back after a shitty day and—
A strict, yet soft, voice called out to you. 
You felt a shiver run down your spine, stopping you in your tracks, and slowly turned towards the voice of your manager. 
Kita Shinsuke.
Honestly, you weren’t usually scared of him. He’s a nice guy, kinda robotic at times, but he has an aura that commandeers respect. He says it like it is, but he cares a lot. Always on time, always working efficiently, always able to handle the Miya twins when needed. 
It’s just that... He’s never had a reason to use that voice on you. 
“Ah, Kita-san, what’s up?” You asked, trying to put on a smile. 
His intense eyes stared straight into yours and you immediately looked away, feeling a bit too vulnerable under his gaze. 
“Is there some reason why you’re not performing like you usually do?” 
Right, Kita was always someone who could do his job no matter what happens. Performing anxiety was nonexistent to him. Or any anxiety for that matter. 
“I, uh,” you debated between telling him a lie but you had a feeling he’d read right through you. Maybe being honest was the better choice here. “Just had a bad day.” 
Kita doesn’t say anything. Instead, choosing to wait. So you set down the box with a sigh and began explaining everything that happened. And he listens, fully and wholeheartedly. He doesn’t say anything, nor is he thinking of what to say until you finish. By the time you’re done going over the events that transpired that eventful day you find that you’re choking back tears. 
“I want you to take a deep breath,” he instructed. He walked up to you as you did so and set his hands on your shoulders. “With finals next week, you should go home and rest so it doesn’t impact your exams. Your immune system is weakest when you’re stressed and you should take care of your body-”
“Wait, Kita-san—” It’s already too late, he had you turned around and began pushing you towards the exit in the back. 
“-Eat some dinner and sleep early tonight. Then make sure to get plenty of breaks as you study.” 
“Wait, but Kita, I need to work,” you pleaded, dropping the honorific. Although, that caused you more of a fright than himself as you scampered to try to fix your mistake but Kita just holds up a hand. He didn’t really mind the fact that you dropped it. 
“Do you need the money?” 
You blinked then stare down at your feet with a soft murmur of ‘yes’ and begin to explain, “I work the exact hour of shifts needed to pay for rent before the end of the month. Financial aid only covers tuition and just enough for groceries so...” 
Kita’s quiet for a few moments before he lets out a sigh, “You should still go home.” 
“Wha-? But-!”
“If you need to work an extra shift, I can work one in for you. After finals which is before the end of the month and before your next paycheck.” You frown, weighing your options and as you do so, Kita leaves to go towards the front. Which was confusing as you’re left standing there in the back. You were surprised that none of your coworkers came by but you suppose it’s because they didn’t want to fall under Kita’s wrath with poor word choices. 
It wasn’t until a few moments later that his figure comes into view and in his hand was the standard ChaTime cup that always held warm drinks. Kita holds out the drink towards you and you hesitantly grabbed it. 
“It’s chai tea, not too caffeinated so you’ll be able to rest easy tonight but just enough energy to get you back home,” he told you. You can’t help the few tears that escape your eyes but Kita’s face doesn’t change, no pity and no anger. Just a softness you couldn’t place. It makes your cheeks heat up. You hope you can blame it on you crying, even if it wasn’t much.
“Thank you, Kita-san,” you hesitantly take the cup out of his hands after wiping away the stray tears. “I’ll be sure to rest up tonight.” 
He gives you a curt nod and you’re already on your way to clock out and on the train back to your apartment. You finish the drink by the time you get back to your apartment and do everything that would make Kita proud. Eat dinner, drink water, and rest for the rest of the night. Maybe do a little face mask and watch a bit of Sailor Moon. 
For the first time that day, you were content. 
The next time you walk into work is long after finals week finished. There was a bit of a dance in each step you had as you strolled through the boba shop for the morning shift. But that soon came to a halt when you heard someone clear their voice. 
“Oh, Kita-san,” you laughed sheepishly. You could’ve sworn there was a slight smile on his face but that was the least of your worries once you noticed he had two cups in his hand. 
“Here, I hope your finals went well,” he handed you the warm drink and you immediately knew it was chai tea. 
You stared at Kita as he drank his own drink, maneuvering through the shop. You noticed that for this shift, it was just the two of you working. You also noticed that Kita must have been here for a while, the floors were mopped, the teas and toppings were all prepped and ready, monitors had all the drinks, and he prepped both of you a drink. 
He must have gone out of his way to make your shift a little easier. As you drank your tea, the corners of your lips turned upwards ever so slightly. Kita may definitely seem cold at times, blunt even, but he truly looked out for others. 
“Hey, Kita-san,” you called out, walking towards the front where he was standing. He looked up, staring at you as he waited. “You wouldn’t happen to know why my landlord said I could pay my rent late with no fees, would you?” 
Kita hummed, returning his gaze out the window where people were walking and took a sip of his drink. 
“No,” he replied. An uncharastic smirk made its way onto his face that you barely noticed as he took another sip. 
You chuckled, shaking your head. Staring down at the cup in your hands, your fingers playing with the cup sleeve, you struggled to find the right words only to resort for something simple. 
“Thank you.” 
Kita’s brown eyes glanced towards your figure, happy that you seem more well rested. He takes another sip from his cup before speaking up.
“You’re welcome.”
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𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢, 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗!
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𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: okay hi again lmao. I guess this kinda exposes which anon i am and which college i go to WHOOPS LOL and iykyk lol (to anyone else reading that’s not ae ra). I was going to submit my atsumu one for the 4k writing challenge but I’ve gotta admit, I do not have a plot for his fic yet (as of the moment I’m writing this). And like I said before, I really enjoyed writing Kita’s sm that I wanted to use this one to submit for the writing challenge plus as i started i already had begun to write this in mind for the challenge. (i was also debating submitting Akaashi’s but then I realized I had posted that one already askdhkjf) 🥺🥺 though, this was definitely me being a bit more “risky” (?) since this is the first i’ve written for kita so I’m still trying to understand his character hnng. but i hope you enjoyed reading it! 👉👈 
I haven’t been able to write many things that are over like 3k lately so hopefully this short little fic suffices 🥺🥺 And I’ve only recently been motivated/inspired to write these boba fics, otherwise I would’ve done something else entirely! But it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a writing challenge and I wanted to celebrate yours and i love love love writing challenges. 
Anywyayyayay, I’ve always enjoyed your writing but I really hope you’re taking your time to take care of yourself! Remember to write for you, get your sleep, eat and drink water (please don’t drink just milk tea omg), study hard, and uhhhhhhhhh make sure to relax!!
162 notes · View notes
worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
expectation ≠ reality (18+)
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When you first met Jungkook, he was so kind, with wide eyes and a sweet smile, but soon enough he dragged you into a tumultuous marriage where you were barely allowed to draw breath on your own. But, when you meet Taehyung, the cute delivery boy with blond hair and a penchant for flirting, you start to wonder if you’ve found your second chance.
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, slight dub-con, graphic penetrative sex, DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR pls im not tryna get arrested or anything
Word Count: 4K 
a/n: thanks to @gucieguciekook​ for requesting !! hope u enjoy lol <3
Expectation ≠ Reality
You have had enough.
From the moment you agreed to marry him, Jungkook had been getting steadily worse and worse. He had always been possessive to a fault, but you mistakenly saw it as a sign he truly cared and treasured you. You cooed over his obsession with littering hickeys all over your neck, blushed when he called you ‘Mine. Only mine.’ When he asked you to move in way too quickly, you thought it was a sign he was committed to your relationship.
How wrong you were.
Not that he isn’t committed, of course. God, if there was ever a word to describe Jeon Jungkook, it was committed. He is obsessed with you. He slowly started cutting you off from the outside world, persuading you to stay in when your friends invited you out, and convincing you they were terrible people when they inevitably stopped interacting with you. You had cut out everyone else in your life because of him. 
Your parents:
babe, they don’t approve of our relationship because they don’t want you to be happy with your own life, they want to control you and treat you like a kid. you don’t need them anyway, you have me. 
Your coworkers:
i called in sick for you today, babe. you don’t need to go there anymore, i have more than enough money for the both of us. 
Even your pet:
your cat? oh, i’m sorry baby, she got hit by a car. no, don’t cry, baby, now you can give all of your attention to me instead of that rancid furball. 
Jungkook had isolated you and exhausted you to the point where you agreed to marry him, convinced it could not make your life any worse. 
Again, you were wrong. 
With his ring on now your finger, Jungkook is even more assured of his ownership of you. You are no longer allowed to cook or go into the garden, both deemed as dangerous activities where you could somehow be harmed by a vegetable peeler, or maybe grass cuttings. You have no access to the internet, and the only books you are permitted to read are simple, dull books with no plot or dusty old historical text books, obviously the only things Jungkook is certain wouldn’t give you ‘silly ideas to confuse your pretty little head.’ 
“Jungkook,” You murmur, voice muffled as he presses your face into the pillow.
“Yeah, baby, say my name just like that.” He grunts, attempting to tug off your skirt with one hand while the other is fisted in your hair. You roll your eyes and shift your weight so he can take it off properly. After he had separately ripped all your pants at some point in his haste to take them off you, you had realised it was simply easier to wear something less finicky.
As soon your lower half is bared for him, he starts running his large palms greedily over your skin, for his own benefit rather than yours.
“Fuck, look at you.” He mutters, before digging a thumb into a bruise he had left on your ass. You yelp and he chuckles lowly behind you. Just as you expect, he presses firmly on the bruise and you clench your teeth, burying your nails in your palms and refusing to make a noise. He waits for a second, but you remain stubbornly silent. 
“Huh,” he says, “I guess baby’s pain threshold has risen a bit, yeah?” He strokes a possessive hand between your shoulder blades and you repress a shiver, before he loops his arm around you and lifts you onto your hands and knees.
“I guess I’ll just have to fuck you harder then.” He resolves, before shoving himself into you roughly.
Jungkook is not small, putting it lightly, though you hate to afford any kind of praise to that bastard. He is long, and thick, and you really hadn’t been very turned on at all, just letting him do what he wanted so that he’d leave you alone, so you don’t blame yourself too much when a scream bursts out of your lips. You can barely hear his smug laugh behind you over the burning sensation in your core. He doesn’t give you any time at all to adjust, roughly pumping himself in and out as you try to hold in your whimpers.
“So fucking tight, baby.” He grunts in your ear, punctuating his words with harsh slaps against your thigh, “You sure you can handle my cock?” This is his offer: Admit that I’m hurting you, admit that you’re weak and at my mercy, and I’ll stop. That’s all you have to do.
You clench your teeth and press your face into the pillow again.
He sighs behind you, though you can tell he’s quietly pleased, before pulling out of you and walking away. Him yanking out and leaving you roughly stretched and exposed to the cold air is almost as painful as when he shoved into you in the first place, and when he returns you resent yourself for feeling the slightest hint of relief. 
He is carrying a bottle of lube, normally used for when he decides he wants to fuck your ass instead. You tense up, preparing to swallow your pride and beg him not to — it’s been a while and you’re not sure you can take the pain — but he senses your fear and smirks.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m just gonna make it a bit easier for you.” As he speaks, he’s slicking up his cock and soon enough he’s getting back up on his knees and taking ahold of your hips, pushing himself in slightly gentler this time. 
The coolness of the gel soothes — but doesn’t eradicate — the burn and Jungkook has started to move in long, rolling strokes inside you that are almost pleasant. 
“See, baby?” Jungkook coos as his hands move around to stroke your stomach, “I don’t want to hurt you, you have to know that. I hate hurting you, but you never tell me to stop. You have to know your limits, baby girl. You’re just not strong enough.”
His words — though patronising, and awful, and the kind of thing that make you want to whack him in the neck with one of those massive historical tomes he provides you — are spoken in that soft, Jungkook tone that he used to make you fall in love with him. It reminds you of those days when he was just Kookie, your cute study partner with a bunny smile and a pretty singing voice and broad muscly shoulders that flushed along with the rest of his body when you complimented him.
The Jungkook that you know him as now — the one swiftly bringing you to a reluctant and resentful orgasm — is the opposite of soft. He is rough and impulsive and controlling and you honestly fear what would happen if you tried to ask him for a divorce. He wouldn’t let you go, probably. He’d just laugh at you, and then shove you down and fuck you to make you remember who you really belonged to, like he is doing now.
You try to contain your pants as Jungkook starts a series of staccato thrusts. You are sure Jungkook would hear you, even over the obscene sound of his hips slapping into the back of your thighs, and would be obnoxiously proud about it for the next month. He would already be smug enough having made you come, which you have given up trying to stave off because Jungkook — damn him — is really good at fucking you until you can’t remember your own name. 
He reaches around to pinch your clit harshly and you decide that now is as good a time as any to give up your last remaining vestiges of pride. You come with a piercing whine, clenching around him rhythmically until his hips stutter and you feel the unpleasant sensation of warmth spilling into you. He doesn’t stop, pumping every last drop into you and then dropping on top of you, pinning your body to the mattress. 
After a while he rearranges himself so that he is spooning you, arms wrapped stiflingly tight around your waist, and his now-flaccid cock still tucked inside you. You grimace. Jungkook had always fallen fast asleep after sex, but now you are wide awake, hyperaware as he snores behind you. You don’t know what you’ve become. You hate him. But sometimes he says things that make you wish he wasn’t a monster, that make you wish he was the boy with soft smiles and expressive eyes that you had fallen in love with. You live for the resurgences of that humanity, because it is the only thing you have to look forward to, apart from the eventual day when Jungkook finally snaps and kills you.
“Jungkook,” you say over breakfast, and he looks up with his cheeks full of pancake.
“Yes, my angel?” He asks, eyes twinkling — he loves when you say his name — and your breath catches, and for a second everything is perfect and you are having breakfast across from a boy who loves you more than anything. And then you see the annoyed glint in his eye — you hadn’t immediately answered his question — and you come crashing back to bitter reality. 
“I-” You start, then stop, unsure of how to phrase the question into a compliment, that way Jungkook is more likely to give you what you want.
“Say what you want to say, baby. You know how I hate to be kept waiting…” He gives you a shark’s smile. 
“I… I really loved all the books you gave me.” You tell him, making sure your voice is exactly the correct tone of gushing admiration.
“Really?” He replies, a pleased expression on his face as he strokes your hair back gently.
“Yes, and I- I was wondering if maybe… I could have some more?” 
His hand drifts down to rest at the hollow of your throat. It curls slightly.
“N-not that I’m not grateful-” You stammer, “B-But… I liked them all so much I read them too quickly, and now I have nothing else to do with you’re gone.” You end the statement with a playful pout, and you feel your self-loathing level up a notch. 
“Baby, you have to remember to take your time with things like that.” Jungkook grinned, standing up and getting his briefcase. You move to the door where you are supposed to administer a farewell kiss before he goes to work, just like always. 
He smiles, satisfied, before looking sideways slightly so you can get up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He reaches around to squeeze your ass quickly, smirking when you squeak in shock.
“Don’t be greedy baby, take what you’re given.” He tosses a ‘Love you!’ over his shoulder as he goes, and when you call it back the words taste sour on your tongue. You wonder if you had ever uttered those words sincerely. 
You had been thinking Jungkook had forgotten about your request for books, so when the doorbell rings at six o clock and you answer it to see a cute delivery boy with a bundle of books tucked under his arm, you are surprised to say the least. 
“D-Delivery for Jeon Jungkook?” He stutters, and you had been expecting him to have a slightly high, nervous voice so the deep, thick drawl shocks you in more ways than one. You can feel yourself melt just looking at him. His eyes are so… innocent, just like Jungkook’s when you first saw him. His nose cutely scrunches as his blond hair — longer than Jungkook’s — falls in soft clumps over his eyes. He huffs a lopsided breath and the light strands flutter about momentarily, before settling back just where they were. You think you’ve fallen in love.
You realise you’ve been staring at him this entire time, but to be fair, he has been staring right back, and you feel yourself become flustered.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me. That’s my package.”
“Sorry ma’am,” He starts in his honey voice, before grinning. He seems to gain confidence due to your flustered state. “-but this package is addressed to a Mr Jeon Jungkook, and you certainly don’t look like a ‘Mr’.” He mutters as his eyes drag up and down your form. You are only in your nightie — Jungkook always likes it when you wear pretty, flimsy things — and this stranger’s gaze is making you blush in a way you know Jungkook wouldn’t be happy about.
“Yeah, that’s… uh, that’s my husband. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Your husband, huh?” The delivery boy does not seem put off by the mention of a husband, in fact, he seems almost spurred on by it. “And where is Mr Jeon Jungkook right now?”
“He’s working late. He would normally be back by now but he called and said he’s spending the night at the office.”
“Working late, huh?” The delivery boy repeats in that cocky drawl, and oddly enough, it reminds you of Jungkook. “You know, if I had a wife like you waiting for me to come home, I don’t know if I’d even make it out of bed long enough to go to work in the morning, let alone stay there overnight.” 
Your eyes widen as your cheeks darken, and his open, bright laughter is the nicest thing you’ve heard in months.
“What happened to the nervous delivery boy?” You spluttered indignantly, and his laughing slowed down, though his eyes were still twinkling. Just like Jungkook’s used to do.
“He relaxed when he realised you were just as affected by him as he was by you.”
“Who says I’m affected by you?” You ask boldly, and then immediately retreat a step when he moves towards you. 
“You’re giving yourself away, sweetheart.” He smirks, before advancing another step into your home. “You know… empty house… husband at work… it seems a waste not to use this opportunity.” He waggles his eyebrows at you, and you scoff, forcing him back with both hands until he is outside the door again. He lets you push him with a brow raised lazily.
“That sounded like a line from a bad porno, and I’m pretty sure Jungkook would literally kill me if he found out.” You fake a laugh, covering up your very real and valid fear that Jungkook would actually kill you.
“Jungkook’s the possessive type, huh?” 
Yes, you scream internally.
“Well, I’m pretty sure no husband would like delivery boys sleeping with their wives.”
“What about delivery boys visiting their wives during the day?”
You pause, hands floating in midair, about to take the parcel out of the delivery boy’s hands.
“I could come around in the day while your husband’s at work-” He sped up when you raised your brows, “-not to do anything, or at least, anything that you’re uncomfortable with, but just to talk. I can tell you’re lonely.” You scoff and roll your eyes, ignoring the fact that he’s absolutely correct. You turn back to him, ready to decline his offer, when you see his puppy eyes. Your resolve crumbles.
“I don’t know,” You had no way of telling what punishments Jungkook would submit you to if he found out. He didn’t even let you talk to your parents, so you could hardly imagine he’d be pleased with you chatting to young, attractive men while alone at your house.
“Come on!” The delivery boy wheedled. “He’d never know. He’s practically asking for it, he leaves you alone day after day, all you have for company are these stupid books!” A dismissive gesture to the collection of Austen, Dickens and Shakespeare you are carrying. “Aren’t you bored? Don’t you want a little excitement?”
You tiredly fumble around for an excuse.
“I don’t even know your name.”
“My name’s Taehyung.” He introduces himself promptly. “I’d like to visit you tomorrow at lunch time, if that’s alright.”
“You sure you don’t have a delivery then?” You ask hopefully.
“I don’t.”
You release a weary sigh.
“You’re going to come no matter what I say, aren’t you?” He responds with a blinding grin.
“I love that we’re learning things about each other! You can already anticipate my actions,” He starts listing off ‘facts’ on his fingers, “you know my name, I know you’re trapped in an unsatisfying marriage-”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Taehyung.” You shut the door firmly, cutting him off.
You hear a muffled ‘can’t wait!’ from the other side of the door and if you happen to blush and giggle like a lovesick schoolgirl it doesn’t matter because no one else is there and therefore it cannot be proved.
Taehyung starts paying you regular visits. He keeps up his job obligations even when he’s off the clock, bringing you food that Jungkook wouldn’t let you eat, newspapers since Jungkook doesn’t let you know what was going on in the outside world, and even snapshots of his day. 
Taehyung is an aspiring photographer. He has a small apartment outside of the city and an obsession with strawberries and a dog called Yeontan. He has a life, a life that you are desperately beginning to yearn for. Taehyung tells you once that he wishes he could take a photo of you outside, because he knows this perfect spot — a field full of wildflowers and sunshine that would compliment your beauty perfectly — and you burst into tears. 
You tell him, as he rocks you gently in his arms, that you are trapped by Jungkook. That you hate your husband more than anything. That you can’t remember the last time you felt the sun on your skin. And so, quietly, carefully, the two of you begin to plot.
It is not as simple as calling the police. Jungkook has enough money that there is no crime he cannot buy his way out of, no officer he cannot bribe into submission. No, you have to disappear completely. You begin passing along your possessions to Taehyung so he can take them back to his place, gradually, so that Jungkook doesn’t notice you are withdrawing from his life one pair of shoes at a time. 
You daren’t risk taking any money of Jungkook, but Taehyung tells you it isn’t a problem, which is slightly strange since you know Taehyung must have quit his delivery boy job so that he could see you every day, and surely he could do with some extra cash. You tell yourself it’s sweet that he doesn’t care about material things, he just cares about you.
“What are these?” Jungkook asks one morning, when he is greeted not with eggs sunny side up and a kiss, but a stack of papers.
“A divorce contract.” You tell him, trying to ignore the waver in your voice. He only raises an eyebrow at you, and you blanch.
You had been expecting yelling, threats, maybe even violence. Taehyung had begged you to just leave without a trace, and abandon Jungkook to his own horrid life of loneliness, but you just can’t do that, even if it is the safer option. There is still a small, pathetic part of you that clings to the idea of Kookie, the boy with wire-rimmed glasses and carefree smiles who always accepted your help with questions he couldn’t answer. Even though you know that side of him is now long-dead, if it ever even existed in the first place.
However, Jungkook is currently subverting all of your expectations. He sits there calmly, leafing through the papers.
“These don’t make any sense.” He remarks. You attempt to snatch them back, but he holds them out of your reach.
“Yes, well, I wasn’t really expecting you to read them.” You reply, embarrassed. The fake contract had been your idea, a way of telling Jungkook you wanted a divorce without actually saying the words. Of course, you had expected him to fling them into the fire, or something equally as dramatic, not read through them carefully and snort at all the typos. 
“I understand.” He declares eventually. “You want my attention, so you’re pretending that you want to leave me. Very funny, baby.”
“That’s not true!” You burst out, cheeks burning. “I am leaving you, divorce contract or not.” 
“Hush, baby, you know I don’t like it when you lie.” Jungkook purrs, his eyes burning dangerously.
“I don’t care what you like anymore, Jungkook.” You respond, suddenly furious, “I’ve spent so many years as your wife, being terrified by you, being controlled and miserable. Now I’ve got Taehyung, and I’m finally happy! I love him, Jungkook, not you. I’m leaving.” 
You turn away and storm to the door, but hesitate when you hear Jungkook chuckle.
“If you think you are liberating yourself by going to Kim Taehyung… you are wrong, baby.” 
“H-How do you know his family name?” You ask, fear starting to invade your mind.
“I know a lot of things about Mr Kim,” Jungkook spits, and his anger starts to bleed through. “He is not who you think he is, baby. Are you sure you want to go?” His patronising tone is the last straw for you. 
“I’d rather die than stay here with you.”
“Who knows, baby, Mr Kim might just fulfil your wish.” You blanch again, hesitating with your hand on the lock, a breath away from freedom.
“Y-You’re just trying to scare me.” You stutter, and you hear him sigh behind you.
“No, baby, I’m trying to warn you, but you insist on being so, so dumb. I don’t like to see you hurt, remember? But, if this will teach you a lesson about how lucky you are to have me, I guess I’ll have to let you go. Just remember, baby, when you’re with him and it’s not all you expect it to be, I will be coming for you.” As he speaks, he rises from his seat and moves across the room until he is right behind you, his breath ghosting on the back of your neck as you stubbornly refuse to turn, hand still poised on the latch.
“I’m not coming back.” You whisper, and you feel a huff of laughter against your neck.
“No, baby, I’ll rescue you, and take you back. I promise, you’ll be counting the days until you’re in my arms again.”
Jungkook watches from the window as your harried form disappears into the distance. Cursing softly to himself, he turns on his phone and pulls up a number he is loathe to possess. 
“So, she left you, huh?” A cocky voice drawls across the line.
“Shut it, Kim.” Jungkook snaps, “She’s still my wife, she still belongs to me.”
“Oh? You didn’t sign the divorce papers?”
“Yes, very funny by the way, Kim. ‘I hereby announce that Kim Taehyung has been our mother’s favourite from the moment of his conception.’ You should’ve become a comic instead of a criminal.” Jungkook reads a line from the fake files. 
“Well, I could say the same to you, baby brother, allowing your wife to leave you like this. It’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years.”
“Half-brother.” Jungkook growls. “And she hasn’t left me.”
“The tracker I planted on her begs to differ.”
“She’s just…” Jungkook huffs, “Confused.”
“No, she’s just got good taste, obviously.”
“You really are pathetic, stealing your little brother’s toys like this, hyung.” Jungkook taunts. “Soon, very soon, I’m going to come and get her back. I better not find her too broken when I get there.” 
Jungkook hangs up, mutters a curse under his breath, and then starts planning the inevitable gang war he’s going to have to embroil himself in because his wife can’t keep her damn legs closed.
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horansqueen · 4 years
AM Conversations : chapter 47
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: simple chapter, i know. i tried to make it more dramatic but i love them and i like when theyre happy lol. it gets worse in the next chapters tho. :X btw, sorry for this very bad chapter.
PLEASE, i would love to know what you think about Louis and Olivia’s relationship/friendship or what you want to happen or expect to happen to them. he’ll be a LOT more present in the next few chapters so i really need to know.
no request for this chapter! some planned for the next :)
Chapter 47 : Her chapter
I kept looking at the time on my phone and my leg wouldn't stop shaking. It's only when Louis put his hand on one of my knees that I looked up but even his warm and compassionate smile couldn't stop stress from invading me.
"Don't worry, he'll be there soon."
I sighed but sent him a smile anyway as I looked around the living room. I had invited home a lot of Niall's friends for his birthday and had imagined a nice evening with cake, beer and games but it was already late and he wasn't home yet. He knew I had prepared that since he was very busy these days and I wanted to make sure he'd be there but even if he had promised, he was extremely late. In fact, the word 'late' didn't really apply anymore. I would have used the word 'absent' instead.
Everyone was having fun anyway, chatting and drinking, but I couldn't seem to let go and when the clock told me it was 2am, I knew it was over. My gaze moved on the pile of gifts waiting for him and I just closed my eyes, swallowing hard. His friends started to leave one by one, first with Julie and Liam, followed by Harry and his girlfriend and after half an hour, I watched Louis close the door behind Willie. As soon as it was only us two, I quickly broke into tears and Louis ran to me, catching me before I let myself fall completely on the living room floor.
"Hey, hey, it's okay darling." he whispered near my ear, helping me sit on the couch before I brought my legs up and close to my body. "You know it's because he's busy right?"
I moved away from him, suddenly a bit mad, and sent him a frown.
"I don't give a fuck!" I just let out, feeling my heart beat hard and fast against my rib cage. "I told him, I asked him a million times, and he promised, Louis! He promised!"
I thought he would get annoyed but instead, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against him. I started crying again, the sound of my sobs muffled by his sweatshirt. He didn't say a word and I was so thankful that he stayed that I just closed my eyes and tried to focus on the beating of his heart to calm down. It took a few minutes but it finally worked and I moved away from him, wiping my tears and placing my hair behind my ears while I sniffed.
"It's not the first time, you know." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows and looking down at my fingers playing with my mood ring. "He's been canceling plans for a few weeks now. I'm just so tired and I miss him. And this time he promised."
"I know darling, I know."
"The truth is, i've never felt so alone." I admitted, feeling my heart break more. "I mean don't take it personal, no offense, I know we hang out and text and shit, but everything is so different without Niall."
"None taken." he said in a very low tone. "I know exactly what you mean."
I looked up in his eyes and I could read how hurt he was. I knew how much he missed Eleanor and how he still loved her and I was not really sure why he didn't just call her and tell her that this breakup was a mistake.
"I know you do."
He sent me a sad smile and brought one of his hands to my cheek, running his thumb under my eye to catch the tears and wipe them off.
"I'm sure he'll have a good reason." he added, making me close my eyes and sigh.
It took an other hour until I heard the key in the lock. Louis and I had turned the lights off to watch a movie but we both fell asleep on it. The screen was blue for some odd reason and the sound of my boyfriend walking in woke me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with a frown. His lips curled slightly when our eyes met but I felt my heart shatter at his sight.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, thought you'd be in bed, it's over 3am."
My lips parted and I saw him turn his head, his eyes falling on the pile of gifts. I saw his traits change as he looked around the room noticing the glasses and the food and after a few seconds, he closed his eyes and sight low.
"Oh my god, you forgot." I pointed out as I got up.
I could feel myself getting mad but after a few seconds I realized that I was not angry. I was sad and disappointed.
"You fuckin' forgot." I repeated slightly louder.
"What? No..."
"Don't lie to me, Niall!" I cut him, frowning more. "I can read your facial expressions better than your own mother."
By then it was impossible for Louis to still be asleep but I didn't look back to confirm it. All I could do was stare at my boyfriend, my lips parted as I tried to keep the tears in again. After a while, he gave in and took his cap off, throwing it on the couch before passing his hand in his hair. I looked at him as the lights from cars outside illuminated his face, and beyond the anger or the sadness, I felt the need and love I had for him overpass everything else. I knew he was busy, and I did understand why, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel like I was losing him slowly.
"I'm sorry Olivia, I really am."
"Everyone was here, we all took time for you Niall, and you weren't there. We didn't even cross your mind of all fucking night."
I wanted him to say it wasn't true, that he at least had thought about me, but instead, he groaned low and let both his arms fall on each side of his body.
"I said I was sorry I mean, what else do you want me to do?"
"That doesn't mean that I have to be fine with it and get over it immediately." I pointed out, making him close his eyes again.
"Look, we can talk about it tomorrow okay? I just want my bed right now."
I knew he was exhausted and so was I, and I knew he didn't want to have this conversation but I couldn't help it. I felt a hand on my lower back and turned around quickly only to see Louis sending me a look that seemed to tell me to relax and I sighed low.
"Yea i'm tired too, i'll leave you guys." he walked to Niall and sent him a smile. "Happy birthday, Neil."
They hugged and I crossed my arms on my chest, waiting until Louis was gone, but when Niall turned to me again, I knew the discussion was over.
"Come on, let's go to bed."
He walked past me and brushed his fingertips on my arm, giving me a small shiver. I didn't move at all and when he was almost in the hall, he turned to me and frowned.
"You comin'?" he asked again, raising his eyebrows.
Every time he touched me, I felt something electric cross my entire body. I didn't care if it was cheesy, it was still the truth. I thought the feelings Niall gave me when we were not dating were intense but now that we were together, it was even worse. I never really believed what I read in books about the chemistry two persons could have, or how special a connection with someone could be, but now that I was living it, I wondered how I could live if I ended up losing him. I just didn't want to think about it.
"Maybe I should sleep at my place for tonight."
"You're not serious." he just let out with a frown, shaking his head a bit. "It's officially been my birthday for a few hours, I don't want you to leave."
"Yea and everyone was ready to party for you on a monday night. It only missed you."
He sighed and brought his hand to his face, moving his thumb and forefinger over both his eyes, rubbing them. I didn't know if it was just tiredness or if it was annoyance but I guessed on a bit of both.
"Please, darling, please stay."
I knew it bothered him that I had kept my apartment even if I spend all my time with him. Almost all my clothes and stuff were in his house and I knew most of my drawers were empty at my place but it didn't matter. I couldn't get myself to get rid of my lease and be fully in his house. I also had a hard time to call it my house and I really had no idea why.
"Please." he repeated.
He blinked a few times but his eyes met mine and he took a step closer. I licked my lips, well aware that he wanted to make a comment about the fact that I still had my apartment. I knew he wouldn't though, and not only because he was tired. It was mostly because his priority was to make me stay the night, and not to start a new argument between us.
"I'm still mad." I let out.
"I know."
He reached his arm out, holding his palm up and I just stared at it for a few seconds. It was a lie, I was not mad, but I was hurt. He had canceled so many plans, texted for rain checks several times a week and even left me by myself at the restaurant or the movies a few times. I knew he was working on a few songs and could spend a lot of time recording until it was exactly what he wanted, but it scared me because I knew the worst was to come. He would have to promote his song and go to interviews. I didn't even want to think about when he'd be ready to get an album out and go on tour, it was too much stress and it was useless for now.
I reached for his hand and quickly but gently, his fingers wrapped around mine. He pulled me with him to our room and when I closed the door behind him, I felt his arms around my waist. I turned around and took a step back as he took one forward. I felt my back press against the door and tilted my head, the left corner of my lips raising up.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to make you sad."
I was happy he didn't try to justify himself and I nodded slowly. My eyes fluttered close when I saw him move closer and his lips pressed softly against mine.
"Thanks so much for staying." He whispered against my mouth.  "Can I hold you against me all night?"
"Why did you bring me here, Niall?"
It was tuesday afternoon and I was still tired. It felt like I hadn't slept at all the night before. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and even if I felt like I should get over it, and wanted to get over it, I couldn't seem to.
"I just want to make you happy." he shrugged a shoulder as he pulled on my arm to enter the mall. "I remember you wanted a new game right? Mario something? And you mentioned a pair of earrings you thought were pretty, I remember. Also we can get take out from that thai restaurant you like, and I was thinking-"
I stopped walking and shook my head, cutting him before he could add anything. My fingers slid on his and my arm fell on my side.
"What are you trying to do, Niall?"
He walked closer to me and put his hands in his pockets.
"Are you trying to make me forgive you for last night?" he didn't answer and I knew I was right. "I don't want your money Niall. I don't want gifts and jewels and food. I want to spend time with you. I want you to keep your promises. You can't just buy forgiveness."
His face changed and he looked down.
"You want to make me happy?" I asked with an amused smile, raising my eyebrows.
His eyes met mine and he frowned, clearly unsure of what I had planned but I just grabbed his hand and brought him with me.
"Oh god." he whispered when he realized what I wanted to do, making me laugh even more.
I pulled on his arm to get him in the photo booth with me as he tried to get money from his pocket and I jumped slightly on my seat, pressing my lips together to hide my smile.
"You are a child." he let out, putting his change in the machine.
"Take that damn cap off!" I let out, grabbing it and taking it off his head and ignoring his comment just as the first click was heard.
We both turned to each other and started laughing as the second click happened and when he yelled "grimace!", I pulled my tongue out and crossed my eyes until the third picture was taken.
"Come here."
Gently but quickly, he cupped my face and moved closer. I felt his warm palms on my cheeks and closed my eyes when his lips reached mine. I knew the fourth picture was taken but I brought my hand on top of his and deepened the kiss.
"I did forget and i'm so sorry." he whispered against my mouth before kissing me deeply again. "I'm just so busy  I mean, my schedule is so hectic."
I sighed and pulled away, a bit annoyed that unlike the night before, he was trying to justify himself. Of course, i knew he was busy and I understood. I just felt neglected and even if I knew it was a bit selfish, I couldn't help it. I didn't answer him and just got out of the booth, taking the pictures who were already printed and looked at them. I smiled when I realized he was making an exaggerated surprised face on the first one and chuckled when I saw us laugh in the second one. The way he looked at me made my heart twist in my chest until I felt a presence behind me.
"The second one is nice." he pointed out as if he was reading my mind before pointing the last one, moving his arm over my shoulder. "I'm sorry i'm hiding almost all your face with my hands on this one."
My lips curled in a soft smile as my eyes were glued to the picture. I thought it made the picture even better. The way his hands were pressed on my face and how I could still feel the tip of his fingers behind my ears and on my neck made a shiver cross my back.
"Don't be. That's just how you kiss." I admitted, pressing my lips together. "I love it."
We remained a few seconds in silence, just staring at the pictures of us in my hands, and he finally took a step back and sighed.
"Okay, let's go eat."
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows but he just sent me a smile.
"I'm not doing that to be forgiven, i'm just starving." he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "Besides, i'm not letting you pick the restaurant. I may even give you the bill."
I laughed and pushed on one of his shoulders gently, making him chuckle too.
"Fine, let's do that." I agreed. "I just got paid this morning. My dad was a bit late on my last pay."
"I was kiddin', there's no way i'm letting you pay anything."
I started laughing and shook my head before raising my eyebrows.
"We'll see who gets the bill first!"
I thought things would get better but they didn't. I just lied in bed, my eyes wide open and all alone for the fifth night in a row. I knew he was getting prepared to put one of his songs out in a few days and I was aware of how excited he was. Niall was also a perfectionist and I knew he wouldn't come home until it was exactly what he had imagined but for some reason I didn't understand, I always felt nervous when he was not around.
I heard the front door open and it took less than a minute until he was undressed and laying in bed with me. I felt him turn around my way and sigh, probably thinking I was asleep. He moved one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer with a groan, nuzzling on my nape, and I brought my hand over his slowly.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, I wasn't asleep."
I felt him tense and he remained silent for a while until I heard his soft voice again.
"Why not?"
I didn't want to make him feel guilty by telling him that I felt stressed when he wasn't home. That I felt alone and lonely, that I felt sad and bad in general. Instead, I grabbed his fingers and squeezed them hard.
"Can you come home for lunch tomorrow?"
The room fell silent again and I held my breath until he talked.
"Dinner?" he negotiated. I could easily imagine his eyebrows raised and his puppy face. "I could do dinner."
"Be there at 6pm." I just replied, feeling his grip tighten around me and his lips leaving a small kiss on the back of my neck, making goosebumps appear.
"I promise on my life."
I knew he'd be there. Not only because he had disappointed me on his birthday but also because I had made sure he put 5 alarms on his phone. I left the sliding door half opened to hear him walk in and when he shouted "Hello?" and closed the door behind himself, I felt my lips curl. I remained sort-of hidden on the patio and glanced inside to see him frown as he read the paper I had left.
'It's a watergun fight. If I win you owe me a whole day with only me and your phone off. Good luck!'
I saw his lips curl and he chuckled low before looking up.
"What if I win?" he yelled loud enough to make sure I would hear since he had no idea where I was.
I watched him put the paper down and his hand reached for the neon green and flashy orange gun I had left for him. I moved out of his sight and leaned against the wall of the house.
"You won't win, Horan!"
He laughed. "But let's say I do. Then you'll spend a whole afternoon playing golf with me."
I grimaced painfully and leaned my head on the wall a bit too roughly, hurting me slightly.
"You're being unfair!" I yelled again. "Spending time with me is fun. Spending a whole afternoon hitting on tiny rubber balls is not!"
"You overestimate how entertaining you are." he let out, making me frown. I was pretty sure his voice sounded closer than it did before. "And you underestimate how incredible golf is."
"Okay then but if I win, I get to choose what we do and you can't complain."
I heard footsteps and my lips curled into a smirk. Either way, I was going to spend time with him and it's all I really cared about. I missed him more than I could explain and spending a few hours sleeping next to him every day was clearly not enough.
"How do we decide who wins?"
"By who's wetter." I explained, still smiling in an amused way.
"Then i'll win, you can't aim to save your life."
Without thinking, I turned around and moved in front of the sliding door, tilting my head with a smirk, my gun pointing at him. He was right in front of me, very close and aiming at me too, but I just bit my bottom lip.
"There's just one thing you should have asked yourself."
"What's that?" he frowned, suddenly suspicious at how confident I was.
"'Why is my gun so light?'"
His face changed in a fraction of second and when he tried to shoot at me, he realized I hadn't filled it with water. I didn't waste any time and took a shot. He closed his eyes and let out a curse word as I started laughing and ran down the stairs to get into the backyard. I hid away again, knowing he was filling his gun and when he appeared and walked down the stairs slowly, I held my breath.
"I hope you enjoyed that." he let out louder, holding his gun on his shoulder. "T'was the only shot at me you'll get today!"
I aimed at him again but my stream didn't reach him and he turned to me, sending me a smirk.
"Shit!" I let out before running away.
I kept looking back, trying to shoot him but he had better reflexes than me and I missed every time. On the other hand, he hit me many times and I could feel my hair and shirt completely wet, sticking to my back. I ran quick enough to hide again but this time, I stayed curled up next to the patio and waited for him to appear. His eyes roamed around the backyard and I stared at his back and down his pants to make sure he hadn't kept his phone on him. I breathed in and got up quickly, running to him. He turned around just in time to know exactly what I was doing but didn't have time to stop me. I pushed him slightly and watched his arms move in circles as he tried to get his balance back without success and finally fell in the pool.
I was a bit surprised by my own audacity and it's only when his head emerged from the water that I realized I was still holding my breath. He moved his hair out of his face and my heart skipped a beat at how hot he was. His gun was floating, drifting away from him slowly and my lips curled.
"I won." I let out with a shrug. "You're wetter than me. In fact, you're drenched."
"You cheated!" he let out. I could see his feet moving in the water to keep his head out but he remained in place. "Twice!"
"Fine!" I gave in, moving my arms up, capitulating. "We both won. So one day together without phones where I decide everything, and one afternoon playing golf."
His lips curled into a large smile and he nodded slowly.
I watched him get out of the pool and pull on his shirt so it doesn't stick and mold his chest anymore. He passed his hand in his hair and walked up to me, quickly wrapping his arms around me. I did the same and closed my eyes as he hugged me tight and after a while, I felt him lean his cheek against the top of my head.
"I know why you did that, you know." he admitted in a low tone. "I know we barely spend time together anymore. It'll change, I promise. I know i'm gonna have interviews and stuff after my song comes out but I thought maybe you could come with me?"
My smile grew but I kept my eyes closed, hugging him tighter and making him chuckle.
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes." I whispered, feeling suddenly lighter. "It's a yes."
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unpeumacabre · 4 years
my kingdom for a horse: epilogue
the year is 1601, a messenger has been sent to dongnae, and he has not returned. lord cho-hak-ju advises the joseon king to send crown prince lee chang to dongnae to investigate, but the plot he unravels there threatens the safety of the entire kingdom, and the stability of the dynasty.
a rewriting of kingdom, and lee chang finds love.
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Lee Chang/Yeong-shin
Read on AO3 (bc tumblr might mess up the formatting + more extensive author’s notes on the story)
Count: 4k
<-- previous
(included my author’s notes at the end this time since this is the epilogue, and i had a lot of feels lol)
“He was a brave man,” Lee Chang says softly. The girl stares quietly down at the square of blue fabric, slightly stained with blood – even though he had scrubbed and scrubbed, the guard’s blood had not faded – and she says nothing.
The guard’s wife has her hands around the girl’s shoulders, and she herself shakes with the force of her crying.
“He was a brave man,” he says again, more gently, and the two of them look up at him. There are tears trailing down the face of the girl, now, and she grips the talisman tightly in her chubby hands. “We found his body again from where we had buried it, and we would like to arrange the funeral for him. He will be given every honour that befits him, for he died to save my life, and I will be eternally grateful to him for his sacrifice.”
“Your Highness,” the woman says, but she cannot continue. Tears choke her throat and render her next words unintelligible. Lee Chang waits patiently for her to compose herself.
“Your Highness, thank you,” she finally whispers, throat hoarse with her tears. “Thank you for bringing Mun-pyo back to us. Thank you for your generosity.”
“Don’t thank me,” Lee Chang says uncomfortably. “It is the least I could do. You have lost the breadwinner of your household, and so it is only right that I give you enough to support yourself and your family. Please – no - ” He catches onto her forearms as she attempts to lower herself in a bow.
“Take it as the fulfilment of my debt to your dear husband,” he says to her, as she lifts her tear-stained face to his in bewilderment, “for I owe him my life.”
When he returns to his chambers, he is exhausted, both physically and mentally. The day had been spent meeting and speaking to the families of the three guards who had died to save his life, all those weeks ago when they had been journeying to Dongnae. The men had left behind two wives, two daughters and one son between them, and an aged mother who had broken down completely when told of her son’s death. Lee Chang had arranged for gifts of gold and silk to be given to the families, in compensation for the loss of their men, and for the old lady, he had given her care over to the girl who had given him information in Naesonjae. She was an orphan, all alone, and the two women had taken to each other immediately. The girl herself he had given employ in the palace, under the eye of a lady-in-waiting he knew to be kind and just.
Lee Seung-hui had been found in the dungeons of Hanyang, in one of the dark, damp cells buried deep within the surface, with the basest of criminals as his cellmates. Eventually, under strict and torturous questioning by Commander Min, he had cracked, and finally admitted his motivations for spreading the disease. It turned out that, three years ago, the event that had ended the war had been the formation of a large corps of monsters from the sick people of Sumang village – a plot devised by Cho Hak-ju, and carried out by Lee Seung-hui. It had been fear of exposure of the part the physician had had to play in such a dastardly plot, that Cho Hak-ju had used to coerce Lee Seung-hui into beginning yet another epidemic that had eventually devastated the south.
“One of the men was desperate, and ate the flesh of one of the monsters I was conducting my studies on,” Physician Lee had told the commander. “Then we found that it was eating their flesh that transmitted the plague far more effectively than infecting them manually. Lord Cho wanted to use that to his advantage, to create a distraction in the south that would draw His Majesty’s attention away from his plans in Hanyang. And he had hoped…” Here, the physician’s eyes had wandered towards Lee Chang, who had been standing unobtrusively in the background and watching the interrogations. “He had hoped that one of the monsters would keep the Crown Prince occupied in the south, far away from Hanyang, and that eventually, he would be killed.”
Lee Chang had exhaled then. Finally, the pieces were falling into place. Finally, he understood all.
He had granted Lee Seung-hui the mercy of death, a quick, private death at the hands of Commander Min’s sword. It seemed the thing to do, for the physician no longer wanted to live, and indeed, seemed to have gone half-mad with anguish and self-flagellation at having been the cause of so many deaths. He did not tell Seo-bi of anything he had learned in their interrogations, choosing to spare her the cruelty of the truth, and told her instead that he had died in prison from exhaustion.
He rather thinks she knows something of the truth, but chooses not to pry further. She is perfectly happy in her ignorance.
Lord Ahn Hyeon had also been implicated in the events of the war by the physician’s testimony, and at first, Lee Chang had not known what to think of his former master. The news had brought him anger and betrayal, at first, terrible anger, and a feeling that he had not truly known the man to whom he had looked up his entire life. That this man had been capable of such brutality and mercilessness towards his fellow countrymen had been something Lee Chang had been unable to reconcile with the gentle but stern guardian figure of his youth.
Then, after his initial grief, he had calmed himself, and thought more rationally. It was likely that Cho Hak-ju had been the mastermind of such a scheme, as he alone had the sly, ruthless mind that would have thought of such a plan. Furthermore, reading between the lines of the physician’s testimony, it had apparently taken days for Lord Ahn Hyeon to give in to Cho Hak-ju’s wheedling, and for him to agree to sacrificing the villagers of Sumang village. It had clearly been something he had been unwilling to do.
Lee Chang had forgiven him somewhat, then. He knows that he himself knows nothing of war, real war, despite his experiences in the south – the desperation of fighting against an enemy they had had no chance of triumphing over, the terrible choice they had had to make – sick villagers in Sumang, or the lives of the rest of the Joseon people.
Besides, it turned out to be a moot point in the end. Lee Chang had received a missive a few days after his coronation that had informed him that Lord Ahn Hyeon had passed peacefully in his sleep, the day prior. He had collapsed from stress and overwork, and it was found that he had been suffering from a chronic disease of which the cure was unknown. It had been a quiet, pain-free death, by all accounts, and a fitting end to the dignified and noble man whose only stain on his perfect reputation was something that two people in the entire world knew.
Speaking of ghosts from the past, Beom-pal had turned up in the capital the day before the coronation. Lee Chang remembers the encounter with a kind of resigned amusement. The man had had an unlucky encounter with a troupe of monsters, which had forced him to live in a cave behind a waterfall for weeks until he had been rescued inadvertently by soldiers sent from the capital to clear out the remaining monsters in the south. Beom-pal had emerged a hardened man, lean and fit, with little of the spoiled naïve Haewon Cho scion he had been before still in him.
Lee Chang had promoted him to Minister for Taxation, and summarily fired the previous one on the spot.
“I need support from those who once supported Cho Hak-ju,” he had explained later, drinking tea with the Minister for War, now a good friend and staunch ally of his, “and who better to bring them on my side than the last remaining member of the Haewon Cho clan? Besides, Minister Han was not to my taste. It was as good a reason as any to dismiss him.”
The man is indeed a far better minister than his predecessor, for he learns quickly and now knows how to carry out his duties in a manner that pleases Lee Chang. He still chases after Seo-bi, however, something that never fails to amuse Lee Chang whenever Seo-bi visits him and, with extreme confusion and worry, describes a new malady that Beom-pal has acquired in the past few days and needed her assistance with.
“First it was an infection of a cut on his hand, next a burn on his thigh, and now gonorrhoea,” she reports with obvious distress. “I worry for his health. He must take better care of himself!”
Lee Chang wonders how someone can be so intelligent, and yet so dense at the same time.
For she is indeed bright, and using her intelligence to great ends. Using their experiences in the south and the select few live monsters the soldiers had been commanded to bring back for her, she has been studying the disease that creates the monsters.
Lee Chang misses her dry wit and sharp tongue, honestly – for the past few days she has been gone, visiting the Yalu River to investigate a potential breeding ground for the resurrection plants, but he reminds himself that she is due back any day soon, and that reassures him.
Mu-yeong and his wife are now living in the palace, happily caring for their child, and spending all their days in oblivious marital bliss. It is almost impossible to be around Mu-yeong these days, for all his attention is – rightfully so – completely and wholeheartedly devoted to his wife and child. And so Lee Chang has been forced to take on another, lesser personage as his guard, a younger man who had been Mu-yeong’s protégé and good friend.
He is finding the lack of petty thievery of his daily desserts strangely vexing. Perhaps he will pay a visit to Mu-yeong’s rooms one of these days, and brave the infuriating cloud of marital bliss that hangs around his chambers, just to see his old friend. They had had beef cakes for dessert the other day, after all. Lee Chang remembers that it is Mu-yeong’s dear wife’s favourite. Perhaps he will pay them a visit, one day soon.
And as for Yeong-shin…
A lump rises in Lee Chang’s throat as he thinks of Yeong-shin, and he takes another drink from his cup. The soju burns its way down his throat and brings a pleasant buzz to the edge of his senses, but it is not enough to wipe his memory.
Not that he would want to.
The past two months without Yeong-shin have been… difficult, to say the least. At first he had felt nothing, thought nothing, and busied himself entirely with the running of the country. It had been easy at that time, after all, for there were always power-hungry officials trying to latch on to the throne, and petty land disputes, and aid to be delivered to the south, to occupy his attention. His days had been packed with his duties, and so he had had little space in which to think on his lost companion. Even in the nights he had had little effort to drag up his old hurts, for exhaustion overtook him the moment he fell into bed.
But as his position became more secure, and things began clearing up in the south – and elsewhere, where he was working on resolving the famine that had been plaguing the other parts of Joseon – there came more time to think, and more time to brood.
He regretted nothing, of course. Yeong-shin would have left anyway, with or without the kiss, and Lee Chang had not wanted him to go without at least taking some piece of Lee Chang with him. But it still hurts, to know that he is not wanted.
All his life, he has felt nothing like this, and he likely never will. Their bond is one forged through the flames of death and destruction, and any other romance seems insipid and lifeless in comparison. The officials parade their daughters in front of him often, attempting to find just one who will take his fancy and force him to break his vow, but it is to no avail. The more they flutter their fans and turn their skirts and peek out demurely at him from under beautiful eyelashes, the colder he feels.
A younger him would have appreciated the attention, he supposes. A younger him would have leaped at the opportunity, would have begun a harem like his father, and his father before him, perhaps. But now he is older, and he is tired.
This will likely be his life until he dies, he thinks, and it is not an unhappy thought. He has his friends around him, and a son to coddle and teach when he grows older – and, he has sworn to himself, he will be present for this boy in a way his own father had never been for him. He will give the boy all that he wants, and if that includes his time and his love, so be it. There can be nothing too good for his son, the boy who will be the heir to his legacy.
Yet despite all that, he realises suddenly, he is painfully and terribly lonely.
The thought brings him peace, as if giving voice to his feelings is an absolution in itself, and he looks down at his cup as he fills it once more.
“To loneliness,” he says, with a bitter smile, and his voice echoes around the empty room.
“To not being lonely,” comes a voice from behind him, and a hand reaches out and takes the cup from him.
Lee Chang jerks around, his hand flying to the hilt of his sword, a thousand thoughts running through his mind. It is impossible that someone could have broken through the guards in the palace, not to mention the guard at his door – why, he’s going to kill Mu-yeong when – if – he manages to get out of this, for leaving him to be guarded by a mere youngling of a man who could not even stop one bloody intruder from breaking in –
Then he stops, and blinks. He cannot believe his eyes.
Yeong-shin throws back the drink, and wipes his mouth. He nods approvingly at the cup, and sets it back down on the table. It makes a soft thud as it makes contact with the wood.
Lee Chang’s tongue lies leaden and heavy in his mouth, and at first he cannot speak.
“You - ” he finally manages, and stops there.
Yeong-shin sits down across him, and Lee Chang’s eyes follow him, unbidden, against his will, watching as if to make sure he does not disappear on the next blink. But he remains very real, and very much not a dream.
“You need better security,” Yeong-shin says seriously, picking up the jug of soju, and pouring himself another full cup. This he downs again with a flourish, and Lee Chang watches his throat bob with the swallow. He feels a thin layer of sweat begins to form on his skin.
“You grew a beard,” Lee Chang manages, a particularly asinine contribution to the conversation.
“So did you.”
Lee Chang fingers his beard self-consciously, and does not reply.
“It suits you,” Yeong-shin says abruptly, and makes an abortive moment as if to reach for the jug of alcohol again, but he draws his hand back at the last moment, and sets the cup aside instead. There is a beat of silence.
“Where did you go?” Lee Chang asks lowly, and the rasp of his voice is grating in the silence.
Yeong-shin turns his head, so his face is cast in shadow, and all that Lee Chang can see is the line of his profile, silhouetted against the dim light from the lamp.
“Back to Sangju. To my village. To find my brother.” His knuckles are white where his fingers grip onto the wood of the table. “He is not alive,” he says bitterly. “First I searched Gongju, but the magistrate said they’d never caught a boy stealing a jade hairpin from his wife. At first I thought him to be lying, but the guards’ stories aligned with his. And so I went back to Sumang.”
Sumang, Lee Chang realises, and he feels something horrible coil up in his gut.
“What did you find?” he asks, his voice quiet.
“Nothing. I found nothing.” Yeong-shin’s voice is toneless; there is no expression on his face, and somehow that makes it worse. “All I was chasing were ghosts. Beom-il lied – ah, I was a fool to ever believe him.”
Lee Chang feels his fingers twitch, and before he is able to stop himself, he has reached over the table, and his hand closes over Yeong-shin’s own. There is a roughness to his skin that Lee Chang finds foreign, calluses that mark him as a rifle-wielder, cuts and scars of a history Lee Chang does not know. But his hand is warm, and it feels familiar in his grasp.
Yeong-shin looks down at their hands, clasped against the grain of the wood – one dark and scarred, one paler but no less hardened. Something in his body softens, then, almost unnoticeable, were it not for the fact that Lee Chang knows his every, subtle movement by heart. Under the weight of Lee Chang’s palm, Yeong-shin’s hand relaxes, and the tension bleeds out of him – although he still carries himself ramrod-straight and alert.
“I am sorry for your loss,” Lee Chang murmurs, and the words have never felt more hollow. Yeong-shin side-eyes him.
“Do you remember what you said to me two months ago?” he says suddenly, standing up. He crosses to the window and stares out into the darkness. He remains motionless, calm, steady as a rock in the face of a snowstorm – and abruptly Lee Chang feels a wave of irritation wash over him at his composure. It is simply unfair, Lee Chang thinks furiously, that he is the only one so affected by Yeong-shin’s presence, when Yeong-shin is so clearly unperturbed by his!
So caught up is Lee Chang in his inner train of thoughts that he does not answer, and he only realises that Yeong-shin is waiting for a reply to his question, when the man turns and looks questioningly at him. Lee Chang blinks, and comes back to himself.
Then he notices how tightly Yeong-shin’s jaw is clenched. Sees how the tip of his forefinger is beating an agitated rhythm, ever so slightly - but still detectably - against the wood of the windowsill.
“I remember,” he says carefully, weighing every word, for every syllable he utters drops heavily into the silence of the room, “that I confessed my love for you. But I also remember that I asked for nothing in return – that I expected nothing in return.”
“And I told you that I needed time to think,” Yeong-shin says.
“It has been two months.” There is something in his voice that Lee Chang cannot quite place, and Lee Chang feels a vice begin to clench around his heart.
“Yes. Are we going to keep exchanging statements of fact, or did you come here with something else to say?” Somehow, he keeps his tone light.
It startles a sudden startled harsh bark of laughter out of Yeong-shin, and the sound is surprisingly bright. The snow drifts quietly past the window, piling up on the windowsill, and lending a soft glow to the light that suffuses Yeong-shin’s skin. He looks almost regal then, despite his tattered clothes and rough features, as if he belongs there in Lee Chang’s quarters, and the vice tightens.
“You are a prince – no, the king of Joseon,” Yeong-shin says softly, running his fingers absently on the windowsill, but his eyes are intent on Lee Chang. “And I am a chakho. Nothing more than a commoner.”
Ah. He thinks, finally, he sees where Yeong-shin is going with this.
Something begins to unfurl in his chest, filling his body with a warmth he has not felt in months. Lee Chang stands, slowly, and makes his way over to the window – quietly, gently, as if approaching a wild animal with hand extended, an animal which could either bite or flee at any moment. But he does not think Yeong-shin will do either of those things.
“And so, in our time apart, you have thought of all the reasons why we should not be together,” Lee Chang says lightly, “and you have convinced yourself that these reasons are unsurmountable.”
The stubborn silence from Yeong-shin is enough. He does not make any move to reach out to Lee Chang, but his eyes follow Lee Chang’s movements as he crosses the room, and there is an almost hungry light in his gaze that urges Lee Chang on.
Lee Chang reaches his side, and lays a hand on his arm. The man startles in reaction, just a minute tremor, but because they are connected, Lee Chang can feel his every movement. They are so close that he can feel Yeong-shin’s body heat radiating against his skin, and hear every quick shallow breath he takes.
“I have not, however,” Lee Chang says, “heard anything of what you feel for me.”
“You have not married in the last two months,” Yeong-shin says, looking away and out of the window again. The snowfall is deeper today than it had been all those weeks ago, when Lee Chang had stood by the same window and refused to look at the door till his room was empty. The footprints the palace maids and guards leave – they stay in the snow, now, and remain even as fresh snow falls.
“Yes,” Lee Chang replies, suddenly losing patience. “It is unlike you to be so unsure, Yeong-shin. What is it you wish to say to me?”
“When I lost my brother,” Yeong-shin says jerkily, his gaze blank and unseeing, “The pain was… like nothing I’d ever felt before. I’d sworn to protect him, but in the end, my promises meant nothing, and still he was taken from me. Yeong-ryu… he relied on me, and I could do nothing for him still. Even with all my strength and weapons, there was no one I could save.
“And you…” Yeong-shin’s eyes drift shut, as if he can no longer bear to look out the window. “I can protect you, for now, but there is no guarantee that I can do so indefinitely. The officials will not let you live without a wife, and they will plot and scheme until they can take control of the throne, and if you died… if you died, I do not think I would be able to go on living.”
Lee Chang feels as if he has just been struck by lightning.
Finally he sees Yeong-shin laid bare before him – unsure of their future together, unwilling to be the reason for Lee Chang’s demise, and yet, warring with that fear because of his desire to protect. At the core of this bright, shining, powerful man is someone who is afraid of loss, for it has been his constant companion all these lonely years.
But Lee Chang is different. Yeong-shin will protect him, and he will protect Yeong-shin in turn.
Gently, Lee Chang lifts his other hand to Yeong-shin’s face, and cradles his cheeks in the palm of his hand. Yeong-shin’s eyes open, slowly as if hypnotised and against his will, and he fixes his gaze on Lee Chang’s face.
“I am the king,” Lee Chang whispers, and every word is infused with conviction, for his words come from the heart. “What I want, I receive, and if I want you, there will only be one thing that can stop me – you. You know I will not let the ministers or the people have any say in my private affairs. If I am to be allowed some, occasional, arrogance – why, I have been a good king, so far, and I have done nothing deserving of complaint. I have named my heir, and he is under great protection here under my roof. There is no one who I will allow to have any say in our relationship.” He grips Yeong-shin tighter to him, as if it will stop the subtle tremors that have begun in the other man’s body. “Be mine to treasure,” he murmurs, his head lowered, their foreheads brushing feather-light against each other. “And I will be yours to protect.”
There is a long silence for a while.
“I did miss you,” Yeong-shin says quietly. “Every day. I missed you fiercely. At first I thought I missed the loss of a fellow warrior, someone I respected and loved as a shield brother. Then my longing became more terrible, and I thought it was because I missed you as my charge, as someone to protect. But the truth is not so simple.” He turns his hand, palm-up, so that his fingers intertwine with Lee Chang’s.
“I love you,” he says simply, and Lee Chang must forgive him for not meeting his eyes as he makes his confession.
“And I, you,” Lee Chang sighs, as he leans in for a kiss.
There are many problems as yet unresolved. Lee Chang knows that this will not be the last time their insecurities and inner demons – both his and Yeong-shin’s – damage their relationship, or set them back. There is as yet so much unknown about the resurrection plant, and out there, somewhere, monsters may still be made. The officials wilfully persevere with their scheming and plotting behind his back, and he must continue to strengthen his precarious hold on the throne, all while keeping safe the people who matter to him.
But those are problems for a future him, and a future them. Right here, right now, with Yeong-shin in his arms and the snowflakes falling on the footprints in the snow, Lee Chang feels invincible, and he feels like a king.
A/N: ahhhh it's finished!!! thank you to everyone for sticking with me all the way (readers both old and new) - this has been my first experience with the kingdom fandom and i have to say i've enjoyed every single moment of it. y'all are seriously such gems and it's been amazing hearing your thoughts, speaking to y'all etc ahhhh <3 this was my first (and probably last) kingdom fanfic unless inspiration suddenly seizes again, lol, but this pretty much covered all my kingdom feels.
(shameless self-promotion) and i'm currently writing another monster fic for mdzs/cql so if you're in that fandom i hope to see you again!! please talk to me here on tumblr and seriously, i love all of you so much, thank you!!
read on for long rambly thoughts on this monster:
writing this was sort of a cathartic purge for me, after binging kingdom... i loved lee chang's character so much, honestly, and i wanted to give him a proper love story. i have to be honest, it wasn't till i went onto ao3 that i even considered changshin as a pairing, but after i read a few fics i was like, i'm in too deep ;;; and i wound up wanting to write a story that was a slow evolution of their relationship, from reluctant acquaintances, to brothers-in-arms with unconditional trust, and then slowly, to love. which is why it took yeong-shin so goddamn long to realise he loves lee chang, sksksksksk
but yeah i thought it was far more realistic to write this kind of love story rather than one in which they fell in love at first sight, especially in the (somewhat) au i built, where it probably never even occurred to either of them that (1) they were possibly attracted to men, and (2) that they should even be thinking about love in this period of time wtf ;_; but yeah i thought what would draw them to each other was sort of a more intellectual, spiritual attraction, rather than one based purely on lust (even though they're both very good-looking, i fully admit)...
at first i was dissatisfied with the ending, because it seemed a bit lukewarm, but then on reading it again i thought it had the kind of hopeful, tender feeling which i wanted to conjure... although y'all might feel differently?? I KNOW, I WOULD HAVE WANTED A MORE FLESHED OUT KISS SCENE TOO AHHHHH in my head i was like wtf is this, is it a barbara cartland novel??? what's with that shitty regency-esque kiss description??? but in the end it didn't feel natural with the style of writing and the flow of the chapter to write more into the kiss, i'm sorry, i think i'm just a coward T.T but yes!! please let me know your thoughts!! (and thank you for reading all the way, i know i always ramble lmao)
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runenc03 · 3 years
HH - Sean’s first year (part 1)
Writing date: October 2018 (it’s so old help)
Genre: Fluff? Friendship? idk lol
Warnings: The beginning of a long road...jk, no warnings, everyone is 11 after all. Also, this isn’t editted, I only got a beta by chapter three, so grammar will dramatically improve, I solemnly swear!
Word count: 4k 
'Well well, what do we have here? Sean Charles Lew... I guess this won't be too difficult, but before I sort you into your house, I want to know your opinion...What house would you like to be in? Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuf or Gryffindor?
Sean remained silent. There he was, in the great hall, with an enormous hat over his head, thinking of finding a way to communicate with the sorting hat without making a fool of himself in front of all those other pupils.
'I kinda like Ravenclaw', he thought, 'but I'm okay with any house the sorting hat will put me in. I'm thankful I'm here, the sorting hat knows what house suits me best. I'll let him decide.'
And to his surprise, the hat heard everything and answered the young boy:
'And that, my boy, is what I wanted to hear. You have a unique personality and an incredible wisdom for an 11-year-old. Your house will be...'
And with that, the Ravenclaws rose from their seats and began applauding. Soon, the other houses followed, although less excited than Sean's house mates.
His housemates...
Finally, there was a group of people that would understand his uniqueness, his individuality. He'd make friends there, family even. He'd finally fit in completely. He felt professor McGonagall tilt the sorting hat from his head. "Go on, next!" He hurried out of the chair and walked, with a smile gracing his features, towards the Ravenclaw table.
Sean was laying in his four poster bed, curtains closed. He did that a lot, just laying there, thinking. Some of his roommates laughed at him for always having his curtains closed, speculating that he needed to hide things, but Sean didn't really care. He liked the intimate atmosphere he created, like he was in his own little bubble. He got his best ideas while laying like that. Today, he was thinking about a dance routine he could do when he got home. He could dance here in Hogwarts too, but he couldn't film it, which is why he'd rather wait to do it. Now, before you think that he filmed his choreo's to get attention, that's not the case. He filmed his choreo's because he wanted to be able to look back in 10 years and see his own growth.
Everything was peaceful, until 2 voices disturbed the silence:
"Of course I can play the piano! My mum used to teach me!"
"I don't believe you...not to question your intelligence, but you're just so clumsy with everything you do, how could you move your hands so precise?"
"You want me to prove it to you? Saturday, there's a piano workshop in the Great Hall. Muggleborns can go to play, or purebloods to learn from the instructor or their housemates. Dumbledore organized it, he said it's good to get familiar with muggle instruments...are you coming with me?"
"I don't know. I have a lot of homework and...
Sean zoned out of the conversation the 2 boys had. A workshop piano playing? That was interesting. He loved Hogwarts and all it's magic, but a piano was something from his other life, his non-magical one. A life he secretly missed sometimes. 'Besides', he figured, 'I could use some social contact. Haven't really worked on making friends since I got here. I could use some company.' And that's all it took to make his decision. With a sigh, he left threw open the curtain and left his safe haven. He was going to get ahead with his homework, because he certainly wouldn't have time for that on Saturday.
Sean Lew sat in the great hall behind a grand piano. He was surrounded by complete silence. The instructor of the workshop had cast a spell so they wouldn't hear the other people around them. That silence felt misplaced in such an enormous room, so he decided to break that silence. Tentatively, he reached out his hand towards the keys. The, he pushed the first one, the second one, 2, 3 at a time. Soon, he was lost in a world full of melodies and harmonies, and everything around him suddenly didn't exist anymore...
"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger, do you mind sharing this piano with me?"
Sean looked up from the keys to the girl who'd just spoken to him. Het hair was bushy and her teeth were crooked, but she had a polite expression on her face, which indicated that she was genuinely asking him something, and not making fun of him.
"Uhm, no, of course not...but wouldn't you rather want your own piano?"
"Well, I'd like that, yes, but the instructor just explained that there aren't enough piano's for everyone, so the people who have never played the piano before that chance first. Since I already play the piano at home, she ordered me to sit with you, 'cause you play the piano as well, apparently. Haven't you listened at all?"
"Actually, no. I was a little lost insides my own bubble. That happens a lot when I'm busy with music."
Sean quite liked this girl. She seemed friendly, but with a strong personality. And she played the piano already, so he immediately had a topic to talk about. He scooted over.
"Have a seat"
And that was the beginning of a great friendship.
"It's no wonder no-one can stand her...she's a nightmare, honestly."
Sean and Hermione were walking right behind Ron. As soon as Ron's words reached them, Sean looked at Hermione, to check how she took that remark. She was biting her lip to keep from crying, but her eyes began watering nonetheless. Sean's blood began boiling and his hands balled to fists. Who did Ron think he was? What gave him the right to insult his best friend? 'Cause that's what Hermione became to him over the past few weeks. His best friend. After they had to share the piano they began talking, and discovered that they really had a connection. They bonded over walks around the lake and studysessions in the library, and Sean began feeling quite protective over her. He wanted her to be happy, but right now, she was anything but. And that was all Ron Weasley's fault.
"Don't mind him, he doesn't know anyth-"
But Hermione had already ran off, leaving Sean alone with his building rage.
"You! You just had to go and embarrass her, didn't you? Why? Because she's smarter than you are? Because she knows more than you do and tries to teach you nitwit something? Now look what you've done! Are you happy now, knucklehead?!"
And with that, Sean began catching up with Hermione, leaving Ron speechless.
"Hermione, please wait! He's not worth your tears!"
Hermione turned around, eyes already blotchy and red.
"I appreciate your efforts to comfort me, but right now, I just want to be alone for a while. You understand, right? You often just need a bit alone-time to order your thoughts. I need that now. I'm sorry, Sean, thank you for being there for me."
He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, be there for her. But he understood like no other that you need time for yourself sometimes, regardless of how much you love the people around you. So he gave her a sad smile and gave in.
"Alright then. But remember, you're not a nightmare and there are people around you who care for you. You're not alone."
And with that, he turned around to go to the great hall.
The whole hall kept silent, not knowing how to react to this.
"I thought you ought to know", professor Quirrell added as an afterthought, before fainting.
All hell broke loose.
Students of all ages began whispering or screaming, some already jumped up to leave the great hall until...
"SILENCE!", Dumbledore yelled.
"Anyone, do please not panic. Prefects, lead your house back to the dormitories. Teachers, you follow me to the dungeons."
All ravenclaws rose from their seats and followed their prefects, but Sean was having none of that. Hermione was still God knows where, probably crying her eyes out, not knowing about the troll. He had to find her. So, he quietly snuck out of the stream of students and into a deserted corridor. He waited until it was totally silent before coming out of his hiding place. "I have to find Hermione, I have to find Hermione", was the only thing on his mind. He kept repeating it like a mantra.
"I have to find Hermione"
But when he didn't find her after wandering throught the castle for about 15 minutes, panic began creeping through his veins. A cold feeling started spreading through his chest.
What if he didn't find her in time?
He began running. At the end of a particularly small corridor, he turned right...And promptly collided with someone else. He fell to the ground. When he looked up, he saw -to his surprise and utter dismay- Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.
"What are you doing here?", Ron asked Sean hesistantly, probably still a bit scared of the Ravenclaw after his outburst earlier.
"I'm looking for my friend, who's ran off after you had to talk about her like that. Not that you'd care."
Ron's cheeks colored red from shame.
"Actually, we are looking for Hermione. We realized that she probably doesn't know about the troll, since she wasn't at the Gryffindor table for dinner. We went looking for her, but we just can't seem to find her. Do you know where she is?"
"Do you honestly think I'd run around the castle like that if I knew where she was?", Sean snarled at Ron, but he noticed that Ron had a guilty look in his eyes, and softened a bit.
"Come on, if we look for her together, we might find her sooner. There's no time to waste."
And so the 3 boys began searching for any signs of Hermione. They didn't have any luck, until they heard a massieve crash, followed by an extremely high-pitched "AARGGHG!!"
They looked at eachother. Time to rescue Hermione. When they arrived in the girls bathroom, they couldn't believe their eyes. Everything was destructed, and the troll stood in the middle of all the debris.
Sean saw her first. A head of bushy brown hair, hidden under the sink. "There!", he pointed towards her, so Harry and Ron would see her too. As soon as his Ravenclaw brain could, he made a plan.
"Okay, Harry, Ron, you guys distract the troll, then I crawl under the sink and get Hermione out of here. Then we all run as soon as possible. Deal?"
Harry and Ron nodded their head and began with their task. While Ron threw things at the troll, Sean began crawling towards his friend. It didn't work. The troll kept trying to hit Hermione, until Harry jumped to action. He ran towards the scary creature and managed to sit on his schouders, but not for long. Suddenly, the troll squeezed harry in his fist and swung him around.
"Do something!", he yelled at Ron, but the boy seemed frozen in place. Upon seeing him so helpless, Sean screamed: "Ron! Try wingardium leviosa! Quick!", from under the sink, while still trying to get to Hermione. Ron took out his wand and cast the spell. The troll loosened his grip on Harry, who fell to the ground, but was able to stand up quickly. They all watched in horror how the troll's bat flew out of his hand, floated in the air, and landed on the troll's head with a big whack. After that, Sean was able to take Hermione's hand and they climbed from under the sink together. All four of them now stood around the troll.
"Is it...dead?", hermione asked.
"I don't think so, just knocked out.", Harry answered the girl. Sean was the first one to come closer to the troll.
"Harry's right! It's still breathing, but slo-" he fell silent when they heard a number of feet approach them. In just a matter of seconds, the girls bathroom was invaded by a number of teachers, all looking in between scared and worried. McGonagall was the first to speak:
"Oh my goodness, explain yourselves, all of you!"
Harry started stuttering something, but to the gryffindors' surprise, Hermione cut him off.
"It was my fault, professor McGonagall. I went looking for the troll. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. If Harry, Ron and Sean hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead."
The dissapointment on McGonagall's face made them all cringe.
"This was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would've expected more rational behaviour on your part and I am fairly dissapointed in you, miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor."
Sean looked up from the feet and glanced at Ron and Harry to seize their reaction on the house points, knowing that they were both fairly competitive. But to his surprise, both boys were still looking at Hermione with open mouth, shocked by what she had just done. Sean couldn't suppress a grin. Maybe they'd finally show some respect for her after this was over.
"As for you 3 gentlemen...I just hope you realise how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a full grown mountain troll, and live to tell the story. 5 points will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck!"
After giving them all one more dissapointing look, the transfiguration teacher turned around, signaling to her colleagues to follow her. They all did.
Now, Ron, Harry, Sean and Hermione stood in front of eachother, processing what just happened. Harry was the first one to break the silence.
"We're really sorry, Hermione."
For a second, all boys thought she was going to cry, but her expression soon changed from vulnerable to cold.
"I could've handled this, you know. Why would you even want to help a nightmare?", she said, emphasising the word 'nightmare'. Ron looked down, The guilt eating at him. He shouldn't have talked to her like that. She honestly wasn't that bad, even helped him in class...He decided to swallow his pride for once:
"H-hermione, I'm sorry. I didn't even mean it like that. I guess I'm just a bit frustrated because you know so much... and Sean, I thought about what you said, and you're right. You were only defending your friend, so I shouldn't hold a grudge towards you either. Can we start over please?"
Sean looked at Hermione, to check if she agreed with making up with Ron and Harry. She nodded her head slightly to signal that she was okay.
"Alright then. I'm thankful that you came and rescued me from that troll. We can start over."
The reached out her hand towards the two Gryffindors.
They broke out into a grin and both shook her hand.
"Thank you so much for taking me out of the castle, I hadn't realised I needed this so much! Ron's just so annoying sometimes, ugh! You can't even imagine! Always laughing and joking, never even a tad bit serious! Seriously, why does he always expect me to be okay with giving him my notes? If he would pay attention for just 10 minutes, he..."
Sean chuckled. He and Hermione were taking a walk around the great lake. He'd pointed out that she looked stressed and needed to take a break, so that's what they were doing: taking a break. Or at least, he was, Hermione was using her non-homework time to ramble about how annoying Ron was. It amused him greatly.
"Mione, you're rambling again. Let it go. Just relax for once. You'll see, it'll do you good."
Hermione shot him a greatful smile. She really did need her Ravenclaw friend sometimes.
"Hermione and Sean, sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g! First comes lo..."
Sean's head turned around as soon as humanly possible, in the direction of where the voice -or better, voices- were coming from.
"Who on earth are those girls and why are they singing...that...about us?"
He looked over at Hermione. The was rolling her eyes and had a disgusted look on her face.
"That's Lavender Brown, on the left, and her best friend Parvati Patil beside her. They're my roommates."
She spit out the word roommates like it was something moldy.
"Don't mind them. They're just two girls who love drama and spend their time with gossiping instead of making homework. I can't stand them. Come on, let them sing. We're out of here."
She took his arm to signal that he had to keep walking, which only caused Lavender and Parvati to whistle harder.
"Mione, calm down...like you said: don't mind them. They don't know anything about us...I mean, I'd never even think about kissing you, that's just...eww...right?"
"Same here. You kind of remind me of my little sister, so I guess I see you as my little brother...definitely not as someone I'd consider kissing. You're right, that's just eww."
"Should I feel honoured that you see me as family or offended that you remind me of a girl?"
Hermione let out a laugh. "Definitely the first one. I really love her, just like I love my older brother and sister, it's just different with my younger sister, because we are the closest in age. She's only one year younger than us. She's probably coming to Hogwarts too next year. She's always showed signs of accidental magic like me, we just never knew what it was, until I received my Hogwarts letter last year. I can't wait to see her again when we get home for the summer holiday. Speaking of vacation, what are you doing this summer?"
Sean sighed deeply. That was something he'd rather not talk about.
"Don't remind me, please. My parents want to visit my grandmother. For 2 weeks! Now before you begin defending a 'nice old lady': there's nothing nice about her! When we're there, my sisters and I aren't allowed to do anything! She even forbids me to dance, saying that it's something for girls! She always invites her friends for tea and then we're forced to sit with all those old ladies and listen to their gossip for hours! I wish my mum would let me stay home, but she doesn't want me to stay alone. She thinks I'm too young for that. So, until I'm at least 15, I'm getting tortured with tea parties every summer."
Suddenly, Hermione gasped and her eyes widened.
"That's it!"
Sean looked at his friend weirdly. Where did that sudden outburst come from?
"What's going on, Mione?"
"I've got a brilliant idea! It's simply perfect! I'll ask my parents if you can come to us while your parents and sisters go to your grandma! I'm sure they won't mind, they're ecstatic that I finally made a friend. They even said during christmas break that they'd like to meet you! This is the perfect opportunity! What do you say?"
"Hermione...are you sure your parents won't mind? I mean, I don't want to bother anyone...and since you have 3 siblings...won't they mind?"
But Hermione shook her head and shot him a radiant smile, still excited about her idea.
"They won't mind! My brother moved out a few years ago, he's an adult. My older sister's best friend comes to us every summer, so we're used to that by now, and as I said, you kind of remind me of my younger sister, I'm sure you'll get along really well. Hou could get to know her sooner than septembre. Oh, this is such a great idea! If you'd excuse me now, I need to write a letter to my parents. Bye!"
And Sean was left alone. But considering that it was likely he would get to spend 2 weeks of his vacation with Hermione and her siblings instead of with his crazy grandmother, he really couldn't complain.
Dear Kaycee,
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm very sorry I didn't write to you sooner. It's simply because I'm always so busy! I'm constantly doing something, not to mention exams. I'm actually quite relieved that they're over. I didn't even have time to read Hogwarts: A history! this month! I'm constantly trying to learn new things, 'cause there's so much I still don't know about this world. A lot of my time is spent in the library and outside at the lake.
And that are just my normal pursuits.
Something extroardinary yesterday and I just have to tell you. That's the reason I'm writing this right now, even though I'll see you in a few days (I can't wait!)
Basically, my teacher Defence Against The Dark Arts turned out to be a helper of You-Know-Who (the 'bad guy' I told you about) Quirrell was the one who tried to rob the wizarding bank (Gringotts), he was the one who allowed a troll to enter Hogwarts (I told you all about that already) and he was also the one who jinxed Harry (My friend with the black hair and scar, the famous one) during his quidditch match! And if that's not enough, I somehow got involved in a very dangerous situation yesterday. We (Harry, Ron and I) thought professor Snape (the one who looks like a vampire, remember?) was trying to steal the philosopher's stone (told you about that as well), so we tried to go after him. We went through different chambers, each one with a puzzle, to try to catch up with professor Snape. I'll spare you the details, but I helped Harry get through those chambers till the second-to-last one, where I had to stay behind in order to let Harry continue. I was so scared, Kaycee. I was absolutely convinced something was going to happen to him. After all, we're only first years and we wanted to fight against a professor.
But boy was I wrong.
It turned out to be professor Quirrell, not professor Snape. Anyway, Harry bravely doucht Quirrell and we were all able to escape. We even got housepoints which led to Gryffindor winning the house cup !!
On another note, I want to inform you of something really exciting. You know about my best friend Sean, right? Well, his parents are going to his grandmother this summer. Apparently, his grandmother doesn't like him, and even forbids him from dancing when he's at her house (could you imagine not being able to dance for 2 weeks? You'd probably die!) So, I suddenly got a great idea when we were talking about his grandma: letting him stay at our house for those 2 weeks! Mum and dad already told me that they're okay with it. It'll be perfect! Sean doesn't have to deal with grandmother and I can introduce him to you! Sometimes, he reminds me zo much of you, it's unbelievable. And not just because you both dance. He just has the same kind of personality as you have. Maybe that's the reason we get along so well.
I'm sure you'll like him too, Kayc!
Much love,
Satisfied with her letter, Hermione rolled up the piece of parchment and attached it to one of the Hogwarts owl's leg.
"Bring this to Kaycee Granger, please."
The owl hooted and flew off, and Hermione watched how the owl became smaller and smaller, until it was just a tiny dot at the horizon.
She couldn't wait to see her sister again.
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prismatic-cannon · 4 years
uhm sis (or bro or whatever u prefer i just call everyone sis) pls reblog more fics like i need some good ones and pieces was hella good
Ahhh i’m really glad you like Pieces!!! It deserves more love for sure and the feels are only going to get better I can promise you that hoho \o/ (and I’m good with both sis/bro, I don’t mind either or it’s cool)
So far I’ve been blindly going through the AO3 tags for jojo fics so I’m not sure if my fic recs would entirely appeal to you … but if you’re interested you could definitely take a look at some of these faves! (Do mind the fics’ tags if you’re sensitive to certain tropes) Most of these are going to be heavily skewed towards part 4 and 7 (absolutely no one is surprised), but there’s other parts under the cut too!
Part 2
see you again by efthemia (6k oneshot with background Part 7 ship) - A Caejose reincarnation fic! This is set in a modern day au where Joseph and Caesar meet in another life … by crashing vehicles into each other lol
Can You Ever Go Home Again? by alexclusive (4k oneshot, contains Part 4 spoilers but is mostly centred around Part 2 and 3 characters) - I don’t want to spoil too much for this fic so I’m just going to copy paste the fic’s original summary here: “A few months after his adventure in Morioh, Jotaro goes on another personal errand at the request of his grandfather, and ends up discovering yet another lingering ghost.” A lowkey fix-it with feels!
Part 3
Torture Me by Xyloto (nsfw 2k oneshot) - The SDC gang walks in on jotakak inappropriately using their stands lmaooo enough said
Young Flame by greenteafiend (nsfw 7k multichaptered) - More Jotakak! Takes place during the Devil-Yellow Temperance part of SDC where Jotaro and Kak share that hotel room in Singapore lol
Kiss With A Fist by nevermordor (nsfw 6k oneshot) - Tempers and egos flare between Jotaro and Kakyoin as they make the long tenuous journey to Egypt – Fistfights inevitably happen. I really like how much of a cold hardass bastard Kakyoin gets in this lol
time after time by dimolto (11k oneshot) - TIME LOOP TIME LOOP TIME LOOP!!!! God time loops are one of my favourite tropes of all time, I don’t think I could get sick of it. SDC canon compliant (kinda) – Jotaro is the only person that’s aware of the loop and has to work his way out of it somehow. It’s jotakak too!! Highly rec this fic
Part 4
No place where we can’t go by tjesje (4k oneshot) - Josuyasu! Two dudes slowly fall in love over the course of their summer break. OP really nails the friendship between Josuke and Okuyasu – the banter flows so easily you can’t help but get caught up in how close and in sync they are with each other. Also, the summer vibes are super strong in this fic! Always a big plus with duwang content lmao
electric word life by Fluffifullness (8k oneshot) - More Josuyasu mutual pining + confessions, suuuuper sappy and sweet with some light post DiU angst.
Just Let Me Know, How Do You Feel? by hushroom (6k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Set during their college years, Okuyasu meets up with Josuke for the first time in a while, and they work towards overcoming emotional distance caused by the strain of long distance relationships and misunderstandings. Aged up Josuyasu content is always such a treat and this one doesn’t let down!
Bosozoku Boys by VulpesVulpes (nsfw 4k oneshot) - Takes place a few years after DiU. One night during a sleepover Josuke accidentally stumbles upon a porn mag under Oku’s bed – midnight confessions and feels ensue. This fic always has a soft spot in my heart just because of how vulnerable Josuke gets, argh my heart it aches
Crashing Waves by chamomilekai (7k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Josuke and Okuyasu deal with the lingering effects from the final Kira fight. It’s a slow burn romance with heavy feels where both bros find comfort and support in each other, very delicious part 4 h/c sob x10000
Part 5
the passenger by havisham (nsfw 5k oneshot, contains Part 6 endgame spoilers) - A Brugio fix-it …. of sorts. Ten years after Vento Aureo ends, mob boss Giorno somehow finds himself sent back in time with the opportunity to save Bruno and the others. I really like how desperate and jaded Giorno is in trying to save everyone, and how despite everything things still don’t go entirely the way he wants them to …
DIOmestic by writers_haven (4k oneshot) - Yep, it’s modern au mudad lmao. Some JonaDio here and there but the focus is mostly on Dio+Gio father-son fluff. It’s stupidly cute and there are little nods to canon material that I love to bits, like Hamon being reimagined as a fancy form of new age yoga ahahaha
Part 7
Riches and Wonders by etymology playground (8k oneshot) - A lighthearted gyjo fic that takes place during canon events – Two weeks after Sugar Mountain, Johnny and Gyro spend some R&R at a stand-powered onsen lmao. This was one of the first few fics I read right after finishing part 7, and it really helped to soothe the post SBR pain … not that I’m completely over it yet but then again would anyone ever be lol
Laundry by Petronia (2k oneshot) - Another lighthearted canon gyjo fic with lowkey ust lol – Johnny and Gyro take time between travels to do laundry. Idk, there’s something about gyjo domestic downtime that’s so comforting sob
i’ll see your face again by queenieofaces (2k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Oh boy this one … It’s a reincarnation au where Gyro experiences deja vu and misplaced memories from Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency during the events of SBR. 10/10 lots of feels bc reincarnation aus pair so incredibly well with gyjo gosh
nowhere to go; I’m already inside by librisdedita (31k multichaptered, major Part 7 spoilers all around) - A canon compliant gyjo fic – Johnny’s perspective on life is especially bleak in this one. OP tore my heart asunder by the end of this fic but oh man I wouldn’t have it any other way lmao
Cowboys Ain’t Easy To Love by jotarosgirl17 (36k multichaptered, Part 7 spoilers) - A series of interconnected slowburn gyjo canon compliant fics, suuuper heavy on angst and period-typical homophobia and internalised homophobia. Very good for a cry … or ten lmao
see you when the sun sets east by mourn (nsfw 2k oneshot) - Two cowboys sit five feet apart from each other not talking about their repressed feelings yeehaw. Jokes aside this is a quick but intimately tender glimpse into the beginning of Johnny and Gyro’s relationship
Spin This! by polyphenols (17k multichaptered) - A modern day office au where Diego works at a new tech startup named Steel Ball Run. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever properly articulate how much I love this fic – It’s full of sooo many nods and easter eggs to all the bizarre eccentricities that happen in part 7′s canon, and I think nearly every major/minor character gets featured one way or another, if not all (everyone works in the same horrifyingly open air office space after all). The witty banter and dialogue between characters are so snappy and succinct you can’t help but smile or laugh while reading along. Diego in particular stars as the long suffering Straight Man and audience surrogate into the madness that is SBR, with a lowkey crush on HP that slowly builds as the fic progresses (there’s background gyjo too!). While there’s more of a central focus on Part 7 at first, characters from other parts also make an appearance and gradually become more involved as well. I can’t rec this fic enough!!!
Diamond Ball Run by polyphenols (15k multichaptered, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - A gyjo fix-it of sorts … Johnny takes up Funny Valentine’s offer and asks for an Alternate Universe Gyro. The fic is mostly told from Alt Gyro’s perspective in the later half, and argh this makes my heart ache in so many ways I didn’t know were possible god help me –
happy new year, johnny by 3kanite (7k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Aaaah I just read this one today lmao – The fic is written from Johnny’s POV over the course of several new year celebrations – pre-race and during SBR canon. It really nails Johnny’s characterisations and personality shifts down nicely and makes the last year spent with Gyro that much more bittersweet and heartbreaking oh why won’t these part 7 feels stop coming for me
desperado by 3kanite (35k multichaptered) - Features missing scenes that take place during the events of SBR – Admittedly I’ve only read the first two chapters so far and haven’t fully processed things yet but I’m already so caught up in these pre-slash gyjo feels that I can’t help but rec this one catch me crying behind Owson’s @ 3am bc it’s just that good urgh I need an adult Could possibly be nsfw but I haven’t gotten that far in yet obvs
Aaaand that’s about it for now! Hopefully some of these interested you haha. Go show these wonderful OPs some love because they deserve it!!!
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otakucalsama · 5 years
cal’s bella x wolves fic recs
hello! this is cal here (obviously) and i’m just reposting this. i made it a while back, but the links didn’t work, so now i’m redoing it. this time, i’m going to make it smaller, with more posts, instead of larger in one post. so without further ado, here is my bella x the wolves fic recs. also, this is only for completed fics, so if you have a story i didn’t add (that’s complete) send me a link and i’ll read it and then decide whether to add it or not. i will not, however, take any bella x edward, bella x jasper, or bella x jacob fics. 
other fic recs here
last updated- 12/2/19
j a r e d x b e l l a
i. firebound by someryn / m / 70-75k, multi-chaptered / complete
After the battle with the newborns, Bella stumbles into an entirely new destiny. She’d thought she’d already made all the hard decisions. Now she doesn’t know if her world is falling apart or finally falling together. Bella/Jared.
ii. she belongs with me by booksteaandcake13 / m / 70-75k, multi-chaptered / complete
A fan fiction about the imprinting on Bella by Jared. When Bella goes looking for Jake, she meets Jared instead. How do they make their relationship work, and how does Jacob deal with it? Will Jacob find a new romance?
iii. a difficult choice by nefertel / t / 25-30k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella breaks free from Edward to visit Jacob but something happens that no one expected. What will happen to Bella and Edward. BXJ pairing. Rated T for now may change to M.
iv. seven days by lilyaurora / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
“Please. I’m begging, just… just talk to me. Please.” His heart ached as he watched her eyes fill with unshed tears. Her long, beautiful hair moved fluidly as she shook her head in reply, not trusting her voice. He reached towards her, wanting to comfort her. But she pulled away, a gasp on her plump lips, eyes wide
v. the man who can’t be moved by vampirefairy13 / t / 10-15k, two-shot / complete
Songfic. Despite being imprinted on by Jared, Bella chooses another, his sworn enemy. When all his previous attempts to change Bella’s mind fail he is forced to wait where they first met hoping she will come to her senses. But what if it’s too late?
p a u l x b e l l a
i. no more secrets by just lil ole t / m / >1k, one-shot / complete
Paul loves a challenge and she definitely fits that bill! AU, ONE SHOT!, Rated M mostly for language
ii. redemption by khyharah / t / 35-40k, multi-chaptered / complete
Redemption can come in many forms. For some, it’s finding the light at the end of the tunnel. For me? It came in two forms: a red-haired vampire out for vengeance and a 6'4", copper skinned man….. No man isn’t right. GOD would be closer. Oh, and he just happens to turn into a giant wolf and kills vampires. But really, that’s just a bonus.
iii. holy crow by geezerwrench / m / 15-20k, multi-chaptered / complete
The feather Paul found was a confirmation of what he already knew. Bella is the imprint he requires, but maybe he’s just what Bella truly needs. Written for Afke in the 2014 2nd Annual Tricky Raven Author/Artist Silent Auction. AU. Paul Lahote, Bella Swan
iv. hot headed angel by obsidian stained roses / t / 25-30k, multi-chaptered / complete
IMPRINT STORY: After Edward left, I couldn’t function. I didn’t think I’d ever move on with my life. I was trying for Charlie and Jacob; but it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t good enough for anyone; I just wanted Edward. It wasn’t a life without him. But life has purpose, and after Jacob broke his promise, I found my purpose. I had someone to live for. I had Paul. P/B A/U OOC
v. life in la push by ifeelittoo / k+ / 20-25k, multi-chaptered / complete
What if Charlie had lived in La Push? Bella moves in with him, and everything goes down differently. Will Bella still fall for Edward? Or will a member of the pack appeal to her?
vi. listening to your heart beating by kaialuna / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
A little one shot trying to get my writing back after a long setback. Paul finds and imprints on Bella in the woods after Edward leaves. Can she be healed by the quiet warmth of his presence and the gentle thrum of his heart beat.
vii. hearts in sync by untamed loner / m / 30-35k, multi-chaptered / complete / sequel- hearts ever right
When Charlie gets called away to testify, Bella moves to La Push where she meets Paul. It doesn’t take long for the two to form a bond unlike any other. As Paul convinces her to talk about her past, it becomes clear. She was always meant to be HIS.
viii. harmonic convergence by nostalgicmiss / m / 90-95k, multi-chaptered / complete
When Bella comes to stay with Charlie, his first inclination is to keep her away from the vampires and send her to school on the Reservation where she’ll be protected. Her life changes forever when bad boy Paul comes out to play. A/U, BxP, Rated M
ix. big bad wolf by kaialuna / m / 10-15k, one shot / complete
A slap derails Bella’s life. She’d never hit someone before, ever. Now all she can think about is Paul. Odd little one shot. Not my best writing but thought I’d post it anyways.
x. shades of the past by mysteriouslyme / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
When he left, she was left broken. When the world was left devoid of warmth, he defrosted her frozen sheilds of self preservation, helping her piece back together what she had forgotten.
xi. paul’s girl by sweetashuney / m / 50-55k, multi-chaptered / complete
Takes place in New Moon. After Paul imprints on Bella they become close. But how will they fare when the Cullen Family comes back? Will Paul be able to keep Bella’s heart or does she still belong to a vampire? M for lemons and language.
xii. poisoned love by 9poisonivy9 / m / 45-50k, multi-chaptered / complete
What if, when Jake took Bella to meet Sam and the others, Paul imprinted on her. Can Paul fix Bella or will she be the broken girl forever? And will their love survive the newborns and Victoria?
xiii. somewhere i belong by juxtaposed92 / m / 55-60k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella ran away from an abusive relationship and who should she run into other then the pack? She falls in love with Paul, who has in fact imprinted on her, as they all try and help her escape her dangerous ex.
xiv. my savior by teamjacobrulez / m / 30-35k, multi-chaptered / complete
In the midst of her near death, he was the only one who was there to save her. When everyone else had abandoned her, he was the one who came to give her comfort. When no one else loved her, he did. After suffering a bad heartbreak, can she love again?
xv. believe by bexxyy / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
When the wolves are in trouble, a former legend comes to life. All Bella can do is sit and wait but sometimes you can see more than you believe from the sidelines, based on the Quileute legend about the Thunderbird.
s e t h x b e l l a
i. the clearwater solution by shadowpast620 / m / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Seth does what no one else has been able to do – stop Bella from marrying Edward.
ii. unintended by jasper’sdarlinbunny / k / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Set during New Moon. A little Oneshot about Seth/Bella and a little thing called Imprinting!
iii. tradition by notashamedtobe / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Some traditions change with time, only to get better. This is an entry from the Tricky Raven’s winter contest. It also checks off my desire to write Bella with all the wolves, minus Colin and Brady. I might add to it later on, but it’s done as of right now.
q u i l x b e l l a
i. closure by lilyaurora / t / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
Some Fluffy Fluff lol
ii. promise me by just lil ole t / k+ / 4-5k, one-shot / complete
What if Bella and Quil grew up as life long friends? How would their lives have turned out? AU, Rated K, ONE SHOT, This piece won Third Place in Tricky Raven’s Twitterpated in Springtime One Shot Competition! :D
iii. walking away by betterintexas / m / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
A different take on the Breaking Dawn wedding. What could have been. Entry to the Tricky Raven Silent Auction. Prompt provided by GeezerWench.
iv. love in an elevator by lilyaurora / m / 5-6k, one-shot / complete / sequel- be mine bella
“Quil!…I swear to god if you press another button on that panel, I’m gonna kick you right where it hurts!”
v. i’m yours by pengins.are.lovely / t / 40-45k, multi-chaptered / complete
After Jake ditched them both, Quil and Bella strike up a friendship, which turns into something more.
vi. that’s not what i expected by carliecullenblack by just a kiss contest / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
ENTRY FOR THE JUST A KISS CONTEST: Jake sends Bella away in New Moon after he first phases and Quil finds her crying and upset. The two connect over the loss of their friend in an unexpected way.
vii. i’ve always loved you by knblair86 / 40-45k, multi-chaptered / complete
Imprint Story! After Jake gets ‘sick’, Bella starts hanging out with Quil. How will they help each other heal? What happens when the Cullen’s come back to town and Will Victoria finally get her revenge? Please give it a chance!
viii. well ain’t that something by wolfpull85 / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
Bella goes to La Push to confront Jake after he disappears but finds his friend instead and a whole world she didn’t expect opens up.
e m b r y x b e l l a
i. gettin’ game by just lil ole t / k / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Embry’s struggling to find his game…to catch his girl. He goes to his best source of manly advice for some suggestions. ONE SHOT!, AU
ii. brown sugar by geezerwrench / t / >1k, one-shot / complete
Looking at her, he realized he didn’t really want to know the answer after all—to either question. Perhaps later he would, but right then, in that moment, it didn’t matter. Written for the Tricky Raven Weekly Fanfiction Flash Fic challenge prompt #36. AU Embry Call, Bella Swan
iii. how do i love thee? by chrissihr / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
AU: Embry and Bella are lying in bed one lazy summer Saturday morning, basking in the sunshine pouring through the slats of the blinds like cats in a sun puddle as Embry recites “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” and shows her. Pairing prompt provided by Afke Deen for the 2nd Annual Tricky Raven Author & Artist Silent Auction. One-shot, COMPLETE.
iv. bella on ice by kookykatie / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
Set in New Moon, in February. Bella is moving on with her life after Edward left and has taken to Jacob and his pack of friends. They can get her to do many things she wouldn’t normally do, and they take advantage of that in this particular story. Embry/Bella pairing, Jacob only loves Bella as a best friend.
v. bella’s insecurities by sfj0813 / t / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Bella thinks she’s not good enough for Embry. Oneshot
l e a h x b e l l a
i. lost and found by sophieangel69 / m / 1-2k, two-shot / complete
After Edward leaves her Bella bumps into Victoria but is then saved by a passing werewolf. (Dub-con) Challenge
ii. magic on the cliffs by whitewolflegend / t / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
“Am I so horrible that no one will want me?” she whispers to the she wolf after a few minutes of silence. Leah held back another snarl and cursed Jacob in her mind before pulling back so she could look Bella in her eyes for the first time. Gasping as she felt the world around her shift and latch onto the woman crying in front of her, nothing mattered but her.
iii. moonlight sonata by izzyiniguez / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Bella/Leah. Leah imprinted and kept it to herself, eventually the wolf will be let out of the bag.
iv. acceptance by mskathy / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Written for the TwiSlash Unveiled Femme Slash Contest - Leah struggles with her self-identity and Bella just wants someone to love. When Alice sets them up on a blind date, they each find more than they had hoped for in each other. Lemons, femme slash.
v. secrets of the heart by sparklingfae / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
She was tired of waiting..tonight was the night that she would reveal the truth to her imprint. FemmeSlash warning.
b r a d y x b e l l a
i. all for you by welsharcher / t / 50-55k, multi-chaptered / complete
The meeting with the wolves didn’t go quite as everyone had planned. Especially not when a wolf imprints on Bella. Bella/Brady.
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alipiee · 6 years
Ali, I am looking for new fanfictions, can you suggest some of your favourites? Victuuri And Otayuri I love them both! Thank you! ❤️
Oh gosh strap in, I have read far too many so this list might end up being kinda long! I don’t read Otayuri but I have a lot of Victuuri to throw your way buddy
(Under the cut)
Kintsugi by @witchsbane 114k (wip)
Yuuri Katsuki is a hitman burdened with a debt he can never repay. His target: Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan to one of the most dangerous families in the Russian mafia.
When the two are drawn into a treacherous alliance after a mission gone wrong, the bonds of love and loyalty to family and duty begin to unravel—even as they get more tangled up in each other.
ok but this is honestly my favourite yoi fic of all time!! The writing is so amazing and you get immersed straight away bc its so vivid and descriptive!! The plot is i n c r e d i b l e, I always seem to come back and reread it because its just as amazing the second (and third) time around. I literally can’t recommend it enough!!
empty spaces between stars by @victuuriplease 124k (wip)
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor’s sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
!!!!! This is fantastic !!!! I’m such a sucker for fake dating marriage fics, and this might be the best one I’ve ever read! The fluff is wonderful and balances out the angst and pining and just!! I love it a lot!! 
The Boyfriend Experience by @victorsporosya 240k (wip)
Katsuki Yuuri is an accomplished escort at 23, operating under the pseudonym Eros, in Detroit. When one of his favourite clients sets him up with none other than world-renowned figure skater Victor Nikiforov, the delicate balance between Yuuri’s personal and professional life teeters ever closer towards ruin.
Ok but this fic also owns my life, Adele’s writing is so beautiful and even when you’re crying from the angst, you still feel blessed to be reading it! You can tell how much thought has been put into every sentence and it deserves all of the love and appreciation
Kings in Couture by @forovnix 15k (wip)
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands—“Okay, okay. Ready.” Yuuri starts scribbling as the voice on the other end, someone from the Style and Trends department, relays instructions. “Sorry, can you please spell ‘Gabbana’?”
The person on the line promptly hangs up on him.
Awkwardly, he sets the phone back on the receiver. “Guess not.”
This fic is a blessing tbh, it’s so witty and fun to read and two chapters of pure gold
hey stranger (don’t i look familiar to you) by @forovnix 4k 
It’s not that Yuuri is a nosy person. To be fair, he thinks anyone would wonder about the person they’ve been sharing a space with for the better part of a year.
Or, Yuuri is a part-time professor who shares an office with someone who writes themselves too many post-it notes. There are a lot of facts to process, and Yuuri’s got a lot of assumptions.
This is so heckin cute!! Had me smiling all the way through!! Once again Justine has blessed us with her lovely writing
not gold like in your dreams by @ebenroot 87k (complete)
“Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment.”
“Oh come on, he’s not a psychopath,” Victor chides. Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says ‘are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again?’.
“Victor, you don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face I’m going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter’s side dish?”
in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret
A penelope au was definitely needed and this was amazing! Honestly I prefer this fic to the film its just so soft and cute!! I’m weak for it and the last chapter made me cry so much idk how many times I’ve reread it at this point but I kinda wanna read it again now 
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot 16k
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won’t stop calling in to chat with him
My heart was so full while reading this, it was so funny and cute and perfect!
seek those who fan your flames by @ebenroot 48k (wip)
Yuuri gets hand-delivered a black-print T-shirt by one of his bodyguards on Friday. There’s a small sticky note attached to the collar in Victor’s handwriting that reads: ‘Our new band shirt! Logo is still a work in progress. Name too. But it’s a start! Let me know what you think after school. - Victor’
There’s a heart next to his name that is hastily scribbled out. Then another heart next to that one, like Victor decided to put it in anyways.
Yuuri thinks he’s in love.
in which Yuuri is a teenager that’s actually a prince, and Victor is a teenager with a band that just wants to listen to rock music with him
I had a mighty need for a princess diaries au and this is wonderful!! Victor is such a sweetheart in this and its all just so wonderful and warm! 
turn it, leave it, stop, format it by @ebenroot 19k
“If you want, I can recommend you some security programs that you can download for free and protect your computer. That way, you won’t be at risk of losing these cute photos of your dog even when you browse websites like ‘Luscious Lonely Wives’.”
Victor gives one long ‘haa’. “I don’t browse those websites,” he says through his straining smile.
the ‘i will break any and all electronic devices that get into my hands if it means I get to talk to the cute tech support guy’ fic
This fic had me l i v i n g, it was so funny and cute and fluffy!!
The Rules For Lovers by @adreamingsongbird​ 323k (complete)
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
This is so i n t e n s e! The fluff and humour is so perfect and Yuuri and Victor’s relationship is so perfect (and although the angst is painful as heck), its perfect! The plot is amazinggg and every update had me shook! It belongs in a bookstore to be honest, its so so so incredible!
to sweep me off my feet by @adreamingsongbird​ 33k
Yuuri went to school in America to get a good, stable job—no, really, Mom, he meant to, he swears! And journalism was promising! It was really good! Until supervillains started appearing and then a (rather attractive) superhero showed up too, and, well…
This is his life, these are his choices, and it’s absolutely unfair that he has to have the office across from someone as hot as Viktor Nikiforov.
The cutest superhero au, with the cutest art, and cutest plot!!
But Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darling by @orchids-and-fictional-cities​ and art by @iruutciv​ 61k (wip)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con 
“You do this, you do. You take the things you love and tear them apart or you pin them down with your body and pretend they’re yours. So, you kiss him, and he doesn’t move, he doesn’t pull away, and you keep on kissing him. And he hasn’t moved, he’s frozen, and you’ve kissed him, and he’ll never forgive you, and maybe now he’ll leave you alone.”
A brutal murder on Christmas Eve abruptly pulls one Detective Nikiforov out of a holiday he was just starting to tolerate, and forces him to come to terms with demons he’s been pretending not to see. On that same night, a man walks into a bar and waltzes into his life, lighting a spark that grows into a monster of its own.
Wow. This fic is so incredibly well-written and the plot thickens with each chapter, I’m so excited every time it updates honestly!! As if the writing wasn’t descriptive enough, there’s also equally beautiful art for every chapter and together its just amazing!
Confidential Information by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 77k (wip)
Yuuri never imagined that being able to figure skate would be useful for his job at Interpol. He was very, very wrong.
Viktor Nikiforov, as a famous athlete popular in the public eye, has received threats before. There are very few he takes seriously. However, as more secrets are uncovered and nothing is as it appears, the stakes rise until it becomes clear that there may not be a way to save him this time.
I’m finally getting around to reading this and!! Addy is back with her amazing writing and I can’t wait to catch up!
If Perfect’s What You’re Searching For, Then Just Stay the Same by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 6k
Yuuri took a deep breath, and faced the starstruck barista. “I am sorry, my Russian is very bad,” he said tentatively, shoulders hunching slightly. “Do you want me to repeat?”
“N-no, sorry, sir,” the barista said. She blushed and brushed her hair behind one ear. “I’ll get that for you right away!” She stepped away from the counter and called in fast-paced Russian, “Dmitri, come here! The most beautiful man in the world is back!”
Viktor’s smile grew. The employees of the coffee shop weren’t being cruel or making fun of Yuuri’s accent, they were enchanted with him. Viktor could sympathize, his fiancé was very enchanting.
And then he noticed that Yuuri was curled in on himself, eyes lowered and arms wrapped around his chest.
[In which Viktor realizes that Yuuri is a somewhat unreliable narrator]
Well this was just so cute, thank u addy for blessing my life once again
Love Letters by @shslshortie   44k (wip)
Ever since he was young, Yuuri Katsuki had always admired Victor Nikiforov. He was the one who had inspired him to start skating. He had pictures and posters of him all over his room — and Victor was his idol.
Like any fan of an idol, Yuuri loved to send Victor fanmail. Of course, he could never bring himself to sign it as anything other than “Your Secret Fan”, but it still made his heart come alive to write about his love for the silver-haired skater
This is one of those fics that you just can’t put down, I was reading it during all my free periods at college and its the cutest! Also all of the letters are drawn and in the body of text, so it adds so much more to it, its so wonderful!
starstruck by @haikuyus​ 167k (complete)
“Hold my son for a moment,” says the Viktor Nikiforov, live in the flesh, sweaty and panting.
“Wha—” Yuuri can’t even begin to comprehend what’s going on before Viktor is gone, and there’s a child in his arms.
(in which yuuri is a barista-turned-babysitter, viktor is a famous movie star, and yuri is an 8 year old kid stuck in the middle of it.)
so i developed a love for kid fics, and this was the first one I read, its sooooo good! Yuri is so precious and Yuuri is so precious and Viktor is so precious and just,,, theyre all so precious!
Lessons in Love by @fangirlandiknowit101​ 113k (wip)
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he’ll do.
He just didn’t expect to become a fan, too.
(He didn’t expect to fall in love.)
This fic has me so weak, its the softest thing ever! Yuri is the cutest, and Viktor is the best dad and Yuuri is just the best tbh, I have a lot of love for this!!
on growing; by @crossroadswrite​ 125k (wip)
Yuri Plisetsky glares at him with all the righteousness five year olds possess, and says in heavily accented and clumsy English. “Be more gooder, stupid!”
And then he storms out in a sweep of blond hair and blue and red lights from his Sketchers.
(Or: in which everything is the same but Yuri Plisetsky is Victor’s bratty five-year-old child.)
This fic cleared my skin and watered my crops, its so fluffy and each chapter is a blessing
sweet like love (soft like pain) by @postingpebbles​ 10k (wip)
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can’t do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano.
I love ollie and she loves hurting my heart apparently, this is such a wonderful fic and I can’t wait for her to bless us even more with her writing
The Selection by @gallopingmonroe-blog​ 262k (wip)
Returning home on the tail end of an injury that ends his dancing career, Yuri Katsuki is trying to find his future again. As a Five, he knows his options are limited, but when he finds an invitation to Crown Prince Victor Nikiforov’s Selection, he is convinced by a friend to apply.
He never thought he’d be Selected.
When he is, he finds that his world is changed forever, and that the Crown Prince is not exactly what he’d expected.
!!! This fic is so beautiful !!! Yuuri and Viktor’s relationship is so cute, and Yuuri’s friendship with Yuri and Phichit and all of the others is so cute, and the entirety of the fic is so cute!!
a black heart of gold by @katzuyas​ and beautiful art by @lamenart​ and @iruutciv​ 67k (complete)
Victor Nikiforov, aka Grand Prix, knows that he’s Yakov’s most skilled hitman. That’s just a fact and he isn’t in the habit of arguing with facts.He also knows that he’s the only one Yakov trusts, period. In this case though, he’s the only one Yakov can rely on to take care of the elusive sniper Eros, who kills Yakov’s henchmen left and right.What Victor doesn’t know, however, is that Eros’ little vendetta is not a matter of coincidence, but pure premeditation, and thus… he falls into a trap that a rookie like Little Fairy could see from a mile away.He falls in lust.And then in love.The fool.
This fic is so intense and so descriptive and playful and just! Amazing honestly!!
November’s Secret by @lanaberryrawr​ 233k (complete)
Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it’s you, then it’s less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.
But it works a little too well.
Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he’s been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
This was such a cool and original concept for a fic and oh my godddd it was incredible!! Definitely one of the best I’ve read!! 
Gunned Down Butterflies by @lanaberryrawr​ 207k (wip)
Everyone’s lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.
But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin.
After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.
Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
Okay but the amount of cliffhangers in this fic is amazing, it’s so good and I love it!! It’s such a cool take on a soulmate au!! I can’t wait for the next few chapters :D
Behind these Locked Doors by @axlaida​ 79k (wip)
“I will find a way out of here,” Yuuri stated firmly and Victor’s expression never faltered. His face was stone cold – frozen like ice. “I know it may take a while… but I have to try.”Victor let out a breath, shaking his head as he smiled. “I said the exact same thing when I arrived.”
They were trapped with no way out. And all that stood between them and their escape was a door - locked and impossible to escape from. But Yuuri had hope. He would escape this, whether the man wanted them to or not.
This is such an amazing mystery fic! I literally sit and think about it someimes at night, trying to work it all out lol, its so good!!
learn to love the skies I’m under by @linneakou 37k
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Katsuki Yuuri disappears without a trace.
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Viktor Nikiforov finds a stray poodle and takes it home with him.
These two events are, oddly enough, connected.
I never knew I needed a fic where Yuuri turned into a dog and lived with Viktor a while, but this fic changed my life tbh, its so good!
Call you by name by @linneakou 13k
Drunk, depressed, and lonely, Viktor Nikiforov makes a wish that has unforeseen consequences for himself and many people around him.
(an alternate take on the premise of learn to love the skies I’m under)
This version is also incredible!! I love them both a lot!!
Puppy Love by @phyona​ 10k
When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov’s apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol’s pet, is watching him pine for someone else.
Oh man,,,,this fic you guys, I love it so much! The angst oh my gosh, its such an amazing story! 
Green Light by @gia-comeatme​ 21k (complete)
Chris knows what Viktor looks like when he has a crush, and he is 100% sure that Viktor Nikiforov has a crush on his pole dancing classmate, Yuuri Katsuki.
What he doesn’t know is why Viktor hasn’t gotten off his ass and gone for him already.
As a good friend, Chris is obligated to help Viktor out a little bit.
(And that’s where everything goes to shit.)
Red Light by @gia-comeatme​ 30k (wip)
Chris has had many lovers in the years that Viktor has known him. However, none of them can even compare to Chris’ newest boyfriend.
Viktor knows it’s wrong, but he falls in love with Yuuri Katsuki anyway.
Both of these fics were sooo good oh my god! I have a weakness for misunderstandings and angst with a happy ending, so like these were right up my street and they were amazingggg
Dr. Shiny and the Case of the Beautiful Man by @etherealalchemist​ 6k
There are about five things that Victor, in this very moment, is absolutely sure of.
1. The spawns of satan are here2. they are not accompanied by their angel of a mother3. they are with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen4. his scrubs are wet from where he’d dropped water on himself5. and Victor is very, very gay.
Emphasis on point five, with a side of cupid’s arrow and “ba-dum ba-dum” on a plate.
Because he is Very Gay, and not only is he Very Gay but he is also Hopelessly Attracted to a man who is undoubtedly Very Straight and very Unavailable and is perhaps the Most Beautiful Man Victor has ever seen.
in which Victor is a doctor, Yuuri is a godfather, and Yuri just wants some peace and quiet and a larger stash of lollipops.
This was so sweet and funny! I had to take a second while I was reading it from laughing so much honestly!
We Two Boys 11k (wip)
Yuuri talks about his crush on Victor Nikiforov while recording an episode of his and Phichit’s podcast We Two Boys. It’s not a big deal until it Becomes A Big Deal.
An ocean away, Victor falls in luv.
this is so funny omg, I love Phichit and Yuuri’s friendship so much
turntables by @vitavitali​ 4k
It happens approximately one week after Yuuri’s disastrous performance in Sochi.
Viktor Nikiforov @v-nikiforovI wish I could date pretty black haired boys who dance well.
“Ooh, the candidates are already flooding in!” Phichit says with an amused grin.
“Candidates?” Yuuri asks and Phichit helps Yuuri scroll down to read the replies. Most of them are variants of “date me!” with pictures attached. It’s all very interesting.
“You should send one too!” Phichit says and Yuuri doesn’t even bother answering him. “Look, I’ll send one if you send one. It’ll be fun!”
Oh my gosh I remember reading this so long ago, and I found it again a few days ago and I still love it so much
posterboy by @vitavitali​ 1.5k
“I’m going to kill whoever who did this,” Yuuri assured the poster. “I’m going to kill them for you. Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to murder anyone who thought it was a good idea to harm you. They’ll die screaming.”
“What?” came the poster’s startled reply.
“What?” Yuuri parroted back, because posters weren’t supposed to talk, especially not in Viktor Nikiforov’s melodious Russian accented voice.
This is iconique honestly, theyre both so cute!
Rainy Days by  @vitavitali​ 5k
Director’s List Viktor Nikiforov falls in love with bad boy transfer student Katsuki Yuuri. What happens next will warm your heart.
So I kind of binged this authors fics and this one is also amazing!!
There’s still so many fics I want to recommend but I’ve spent like 2 hours on this list and I don’t want it to get too long, so these are the ones that sprang to mind,  happy reading!
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suguruverse · 3 years
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includes - miya atsumu, suna rintarou, miya osamu
a/n - hi this is my dream friendships pls i love all of them. i hope you enjoy this one lovelies!! <3 also fem reader
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- they will literally at any time tackle you to the floor just because <3
- making fun of atsumu for his pre-serve hand gesture thingy (✊🏻 that one yk what i mean?)
- they actually love you a lot and show it by teasing you all the time
- but they’re the only ones who can be mean to you, if anyone else tries to be mean to u, u can bet ur ass that atsumu and osamu are bashing them up while suna records it
- calls you the most annoying and weirdest nicknames like my sweet little honey munchkin or my cutie patootie
- platonic babes, baby and i love you’s
- cuddle piles whenever someone is sad
- will save you from a creepy person talking to you but will make fun of you for it
- surprisingly protective over you
- they swear on their lives that they have man radar for suspicious guys near the area
- even if your talking to a classmate, they’ll start insulting him to the grave bc they’re talking away precious time for the trio to spend w u
- samu and tsumu simultaneously threw their backpacks at a creep who was bothering you
- you slapped a guy one time and they truly felt like proud parents
- suna: *recorded the whole thing*
- atsumu: that’s ma girl 😩
- osamu: laughing at the guy
- suna has a private story for whenever you, atsumu and osamu do stupid things
- i’m sorry but yes u get attacked by their fan girls
- especially atsumus, bc they’re so ruthless and for no reason
- you get love letters like every other day for you to give to them
- you get slut-shamed a lot from jealous bitches but you just ignore them like the bad bitch you are 😌
- 65% of the time they are the biggest hype men or 35% they are insulting you and say they’re ‘keeping u humble’
- making fun of atsumu hours bc he’s the least fav in the group haha jk
a conversation that happened one time before a party:
you: hey sexys is this okay for the party? *sends pic of outfit*
osamu: lol i think i just heard tsumu scream
suna: okay maam step on me lol 💦
you: ugh what a babe thank you rinnie <3
osamu: woah can i get a babe and a heart too
you: anything for my fav baby <3
atsumu: what about me?
suna: no tf what about you??? 😹😹 yes he uses cat emojis
you: yeah ikr perish lol
osamu: tsumu ik i just heard ur heart break huh
osamu: wait i think he’s crying
you: sorry b..babes <3
atsumu: i think i just started floating
suna: *sends pic of outfit*
suna: omg STAWP before i kiss you on the mouth
osamu: lol y/n and suna catching feelings caught in 4K
okay end of convo
- anyways
- pretending to be their gf when their fan girls get out of hand
- yes suna has a photos of you doing the most embarrassing shit
- he says he’s gonna delete it but never does. 🤡
- most of the information they know about makeup or periods and anything like that comes from you
- you: *explaining women struggles*
- them: i’m sorry for ever breathing the same air as you
- suna and osamu lets you do their makeup and hair
- atsumu likes to try do yours instead
- suna stole ur eyeliner 💔
- loving osamu the most for making the best onigiri and he brings you some everyday bc he knows you forget to eat sometimes
- atsumu tried to take ur onigiri one time and you punched him hehe
- weekly movie nights that they hate but still come bc they enjoy spending time w u
- lol forehead kisses
- at lunch they know that you get nervous whenever they randomly disappear without u so if you need to go somewhere, they’re right behind u
- will flop on top of you to see if you can carry them
- they randomly bite you
- shit talkers ‼️
- texts the gc at like 2am asking for homework answers
- pinches your cheeks so hard until they’re red to get ur attention
- slapping atsumu when he keeps staying back super late practicing
- going to each game to support them
- stupid pranks with each other
- they literally don’t know what to do when you cry so they just awkwardly pat ur back and feed you food
- they get sentimental when they’re tired so you’ll probably get a whole paragraph saying how much they appreciate you in the middle of the night
- no one understands ur relationship bc one moment ur flirting and the next ur punching them and calling them a piece of shit
- you and suna call till ungodly hours into the night
- when atsumu is practicing late, osamu rants about how much he hates atsumu and how he can’t believe he has the same face as someone so idiotic
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1K notes · View notes
survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 11 - “i am the balrog elder gay” - Kait
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i am the balrog elder gay 
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Losing Chloe BROKE ME. listning to Bye Bye mariah carey and crying!!! this is for the people who just lost somebody... SHOOT. I wanted her to blurt out more of her votes in tribe chats. RIP. a fallen Goddess...
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I’m so dumb, completely missed the voting deadline, in my defense i was teaching, but still. Never again, its merge (maybe) and im not gonna jeopardise my game like that.
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I'm glad we merged but two people are returning to the game? This has been the most cracked game I have ever played.
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Renee and Chips have a chance to return. Between the both I hope Renee comes back. She was an ally for me and most probably work together again.
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Go rennee!
boo chips
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MERGEMERGEMERGEMERGE!!!! glad my zodiac sign is known for being loyal cause I sure ain’t. 
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This challenge is always weird but i think if people tell me the truth i may have cancelled out some of my stuff im getting. M&M&M are good standings hopefully. I also trust kait thomas and timmy. Hopefully i can make itndeep in the game.
This challenge was a total meh i guess this works. Hopefully i win immunity. If not hopefully im not a target. My relationship with Madison may be rocky right now cuz i blindsided her tribe friend in another game. So im kinda nervous. Hopefully she doesnt pass it her vengence here and tries to take me out.  Im slightly worried a but for this tc.
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This merge is a little different from my norm game, I usually have 2-4 alliance chats going but I don't have a single one so far this game.  All my deals have been side deals so far, I do not know if that is a good or bad thing as of this moment in time.  Corey did fill me in that there was an alliance being formed that included him, at least it's indicative of him wanting "The Bull and the Lion" to continue to work. I am also way to mentally drained to give a damn, I just needed to make a confessional to not strike. I worked for 14 hours today but I made 325 dollars and now only owe 4k on my student loans.  Thassss a win in my book even if I get voted out, I'm just gonna drink some beer, hold Jenifer and go to bed.  Good night Moon.
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THANK GOD I WON IMMUNITY. You have no idea how good it feels to not have to stress out too much this round. Considering there are 14 of us, really anything could happen, but it's great to know that I will make it through at least one more round. The only key here is just making sure that I stay on the right side of the numbers. The line will most likely be drawn in the sand, so it's important that I stay on the right side of it. So far, I think the people that trust me the most are Ian, Corey, and Matt. I talk to them the most out of everyone, and I do trust them all to an extent, Corey and Ian the most. I would love to find a way to get all three of them on the same page, but I know that will be a heard feat. Next in line would probably be Maynor, Madison, and Kait. I talk to these three a good amount, but for some reason I am having a hard time putting my full faith into them. I talk to Owen a good amount too, but he is a MAJOR threat, and someone that I do not want to be in the game for too much longer if I'm going to have a chance to win. For this round, in an ideal world, Thomas would go home. But that seems too easy. I am hoping someone starts throwing names around, but if not, I guess it will have to be me.
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WHY DOES MATT HATE ME SO MUCH?!?!  I genuinely wanted to work with him after first impressions, I bet he was the one who voted Taurus now.  My idol now has a name attached to it, so thanks for that Matt.  In a way, I guess you did end up working with me in some fashion.  Ideally this round goes down with a clear majority on Stephan and Corey can get his save a vote activated and I play the slow burn on good ole Matteo, I wanted to butt heads with Owen at merge, but Owen has been a delight while Matteo has been nothing but a thorn in my side.  
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Phew child this merge! 14 people is so so so many and I did in fact vote out Adrian and Chloe, both people who I’ve worked with. I’m left in a really interesting spot because of the warzones it’s still hard to see who has a pattern of voting together. I feel that I’ve positioned myself to be in a lot of threesomes, and hopefully nobody really catches on to that? I know Kait is my number one currently and I have trust with Madison and Devon and Corey. But I’m also fully aware that everyone is a huge threat, and I have to downplay myself as one as well. Hopefully a stepehen vote will provide me with good positioning, as we’re removing someone I personally can’t reallt work with, and lessening the numbers. I also wanna really work with chips but I’m sure everyone was chomping at that bit! Who doesn’t want a bite of chips!
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I wish I could put an image in this form bc the joke I’m about to make is so funny Anyways lol I told Kait about the idol I felt like I had to or else I’d break her trust if I ever used it. But THEN LOL SHE TOLD ME THAT matt also has one LMAO THAY HE NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT!!!! So that meme I linked above is literally me and matt with our idols Here’s my prob tho I like l.... I have to tell matt bc he knows I guess the coordinate. So I guess that’s a thing that’ll happen
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Finally have an alliance chat with Kait and Owen...it’s been so many rounds in the making tbh, it just needed to actually be made. I feel safer having that as well as us going to make one with Matt and Maynor as well, making sure that Matt is okay with it...Maynor already seems to be on board. The only name that’s been going around is Stephen so that kind of sucks because I wanted to work with him, but he isn’t around enough to try and rock the boat for in this game unfortunately. 
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I found a hidden immunity idol which is awesome! Also, everyone has been silent this round after we decided on Stephen so that’s a bit suspicious 
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This is a really hard round because I really like everyone. If any good came from it, it's that I solidified myself into a strong alliance that should be able to keep me safe for at least a few rounds. Corey did not seem to bite on my idea to vote out Owen. Matt says he is most threatened by Ian and Timmy. And everyone just seems to want to vote Stephen. I think this round will be pretty easy, but from this point on it just gets harder. I assume that Chips is in a bad spot and most likely will go next. But at final 12, it's going to be a doozy to see who can stay on top of the vote.
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So thisrounf there is an alliance of 6 however I have 0 faith in Thomas. He is a wild card and will be hard to judge and work with. No idea what’s going to happen tonight. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
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Well. Tonight the vote is Stephen. Well, for the majority of us. For little young me, I will be voting for nobody! We acquiring a save vote. Hopefully, at our next tribal, Timmy leaves! Woo! I am in 2 alliances: Mighty Happy Meal (Owen, Kait, Madison, Devon, Thomas) and Queer Eye-ish (Madison, Matt, Trace). Period... I am loyal to my own people. Madison, Owen, Ian, Devon. Kait too, to an extent. The rest need to go at their time. I do what I can. Matt is a priority for me to get rid of. Unless Timmy wants Matt gone, I want him gone too for next time. x
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Ep 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fEEBtT8R4hk_587qknbxwLmB8yhN_lt/view?usp=drivesdk
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This is my placeholder confession for until I am at a computer and able to type something out. I got back in the game!
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alyssa said put ep 11: just a quick recap bc i have to play this silly flash game now before i pass out - corey and matt allegedly not liking each other is still a problem - owen found an idol - i told owen matt has an idol bc i have a big mouth - corey told owen all this shit about the vote and idk just other game sensitive stuff and not me and - there's an aliens of trace, matt, madison, and corey that trace allegedly made. this is a big question mark bc either it's just really random and people that trace wants to work with despite what they said or this beef??? between matt and corey is fake which i wouldn't be too surprised by - corey told all of this to owen before tribal but told him that he was going to wait until after tribal to tell me like.... i don't appreciate that. - i think that kind of solidifies that if/when corey v matt happens and i have to pick a side i wanna go with my matt. - im sure i will think of more tomorrow oh also i want ian to get deleted from skype thx
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EP 11 Confessional: I got an idol this round which is cool. I heard the vote was stephen however it’s been kinda quiet. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
0 notes