skinnylove82 · 2 years
Qu'est ce qui tourne pas rond dans cette famille. Si j'en entends encore un me dire Ă  quand le mariage je lui fait bouffer un drapeau arc en ciel đŸ€ź
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igorlevchenko-blog · 2 months
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Morrowind: wrestling monks (2015) (left) undergoing revisions. The premise here is that one of the monks has unwisely uttered the term quote Nerevarine unquote. With the rework I aim to better channel the You-N'wah!-energy into this catechismal debate.
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gavroche-le-moineau · 9 months
This evening I'm catching up with Les Mis Letters so here are some language notes from the last few chapters:
LM 5.5.6 - The Two Old Men Who Do Everything...
1. A fun pun! Marius says: “The men of the revolution are so great, ... and each one of them seems to me an antique memory.” In French the last part of this line is: “... et chacun d’eux semble une mĂ©moire antique.” M. Gillenormand then responds with “Moire antique!” meaning antique moire - a rippled or wavy fabric - and the next day he buys a dress of this fabric for Cosette. If you haven't spotted the joke yet, "antique memory" in French is "mĂ©moire antique" so M. Gillenormand either only heard or only chose to hear the very last part of what Marius was saying and interpreted it as Marius talking about the fabric.
2. In one of M. Gillenormand's long speeches he says “... I am always harping on your people, but do look favorably on my dealing a bit of a slap to the bourgeoisie. I belong to it.” The last sentence is exactly the same wording in French that Grantaire uses in his line "Vive la RĂ©publique! J'en suis." translated in Hapgood as "Long live the Republic! I'm one of them." It's such a common phrase that I don't expect much was meant by it but I found it to be an interesting parallel.
3. “[Aunt Gillenormand] went regularly to service, told her beads, read her euchology, mumbled Aves in one corner of the house, while I love you was being whispered in the other,” This is just kind of interesting- the "I love you" in this sentence is written in English in the original text. I'm not sure why.
LM 5.6.1 - The 16th of February 1833
1. There's a missing sentence in Hapgood's translation after: “CollĂ©, Panard and Piron flow from it, enriched with slang.” The sentence after it is: “On crache de lĂ -haut sur le peuple le catĂ©chisme poissard.” which I would translate as "One spits vulgar catechismes (summary of a religious doctrine) on the people from up there."
2. Very shortly after the previous sentences, there's the line “Uproar reigns in front, tumult behind.” I feel like Hapgood didn't really capture the vibes of the language correctly here because the words used for "uproar" and "tumult" are "Brouhaha" and "Tohubohu" respectively. Brouhaha can be kept as-is in English, and apparently Tohubohu can be translated as hurly-burly although I've not really heard that expression before, but both give a more accurate sense of the onomatopoeic nature of the words being used.
3. I can't comment on all of it right now but there's SO much fun argot being used in the conversation between ThĂ©nardier and Azelma- my version of the French text has a ton of its rare footnotes to explain all the slang. One tiny thing that's bothering me about the Hapgood translation is ThĂ©nardier ends with “That don’t matter. You must try. You understand me, Azelma.” but the French ends with “Entends-tu, Azelma ?” so it really should be "Do you understand, Azelma? / Do you hear me, Azelma?"
These chapters are a bit longer as we approach the end here! I think I'll have to save the next one for tomorrow, but now I'm only one behind.
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howieabel · 5 months
“An important aspect of the party’s claim to cultural vanguard status was its possession of esoteric knowledge, namely Marxist-Leninist ideology. Knowledge of the basics of historical and dialectical materialism was a prerequisite for all Communists. What this meant in practice was a grasp of Marx’s theory of historical development, which showed that the driving power of history was class struggle; that capitalism throughout the world must ultimately succumb to proletarian revolution, as it had done in Russia in 1917; and that in the course of time the revolutionary proletarian dictatorship would lead the society to socialism. To outsiders, the boiled-down Marxism of Soviet political literacy courses might look simplistic, almost catechismic. To insiders, it was a “scientific” worldview that enabled its possessors to rid themselves and others of all kinds of prejudice and superstition—and incidentally master an aggressive debating style characterized by generous use of sarcasm about the motives and putative “class essence” of opponents. Smugness and tautology, along with polemical vigor, were among the most notable characteristics of Soviet Marxism.” ― Sheila Fitzpatrick, Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s
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hraunwyf · 2 years
if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? if a universe begins, is, and ends, and no one is there to bear witness, did it exist?  if your perception has to encapsulate time, what is a beginning, a being, an ending?
an apocalypse and a genesis are the same thing. one iteration ends and births another, and from the great yawning void of potential all of destiny is unleashed—the frameworks of space, time, energy, and matter set forth in the infinitesimal calculus of living. but nothing is eternal, and eventually the unstoppable force of universal inertia must meet its immovable object.
existence needs a psychopomp, an epitaph embodied, and it writes one from the outset and calls her loki. she has to be catechismic, she has to be eucharistic: she must be mortal and divine, she must be body and spirit, she must be mother and childless, and in exchange for the burst of light and joy that will herald the coming of the ninth iteration, all sorrow and pain will be in the ending of the eighth.
in clearer terms (i have adhd and i got tired of words):
loki was spiritually conceived by the first magic, more properly known in the current iteration as the asgardian nexus, meaning she also serves as the nexus being of asgard (or the point through which all mystical energy passes for the asgardian plane). 
—re: the above: asgard has been shown multiple times to be extraplanar or extradimensional to the remainder of the eighth iteration, so yes, it has a separate nexus.
since magic is a fundamental universal force and the source of it is therefore extracosmically linked to other iterations, loki has access to more magical power than any other entity in the eighth cosmos. makes sense, if you have to destroy a universe, that you have to be able to wield more power than is physically present within it.
yes, everything you ever heard about loki causing the ragnarök was true, and keeps being true, and won’t stop keep being true.
loki was born into corporeal form at the point in time and space where she was in order to shape her perfectly to her purpose—only odin could have laid the groundwork for her so exquisitely and cruelly.
loki’s suffering and trauma have been cosmically predetermined, as a matter of duality, down to the smallest detail. awaiting her in exchange for her suffering is a final death from which she cannot return, once she has been permitted witness of the ninth cosmogenesis. (and [she] looked upon all that she had made, and saw that it was good).
her brand of cosmic awareness is a little different from that of others who have the gift; it’s retroactive and prescient, as well as concurrent. however, loki often does not successfully utilize cosmic awareness, due to the overwhelming psychic burden it would be to just know all things that have ever been, are, and will be. it takes an immense toll on her to properly navigate it.
what we know as loki’s gift of prophecy is in fact a carefully supervised conveying of prescient cosmic awareness; she cannot reveal information about the future in her own voice or at her own choosing, and must be utilized by eternity, the tribunal, or one-above-all in order to foretell to others.
a well-known (blog-canonical) prophecy that loki has given is what you’ll see referenced as the prophecy of the lifebringer, which was a very nice lil bit where loki reassured the world-eater galactus that for all his suffering, pain, and hunger, he would eventually transform into a being of light and creation and restore all that he had destroyed. this prophecy is important because loki didn’t only foretell the lifebringer in that moment: she was foretelling herself.
loki is actually incredibly high in the cosmic hierarchy, though goddamn you cannot get her to act like it. she is in the same tier of authority as eternity, infinity, death, and oblivion, but will most often submit to the will of eternity, given its nature. loki is also not typically considered a ‘celestial’, given that she has a profane destiny to live through as well as a sacred one.
in her capacity as the holy witness of the eighth iteration, loki is sometimes summoned by the living tribunal to serve as a single juror or adjudicator, due to having both impartial extracosmic knowledge and being deeply connected to the physical and ethical laws of the iteration itself.
i will... have to return to this post later and work out some things because i’m burning my brain. but will go ahead and publish anyway. dont @ me.
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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#Y_a_t_il_un_purgatoire_dans_le_séjour_des_mort #Serge_Rossi Qc_0630
Le clergĂ© catholique a formulĂ© la doctrine de la foi sur le purgatoire surtout au concile de Florence, (1304), de Trente, (1580). La tradition fait rĂ©fĂ©rences Ă  certains textes de l’Écriture, pour parler d’un feu purificateur. Mais ce sont des textes qui sont utilisĂ©s hors de leur contexte.
Dans la premiĂšre lettre aux Corinthiens, l’apĂŽtre Paul ne parle pas du sĂ©jour des morts, ni d’un purgatoire. Il s’agit de construire une oeuvre sur le fondement des apĂŽtres et de Christ qui recevra une rĂ©compense si elle passe l’épreuve du jugement de Dieu. Cette oeuvre doit ĂȘtre dĂ©nuĂ©e de toutes choses matĂ©rielles pour ne pas perdre sa rĂ©compense, sachant que ce jugement par feu ne supprime le salut de la personne.
« Or, si quelqu’un bĂątit sur ce fondement avec de l’or, de l’argent, des pierres prĂ©cieuses, du bois, du foin, du chaume, l’oeuvre de chacun sera manifestĂ©e, car le jour la fera connaĂźtre, parce qu’elle se rĂ©vĂ©lera dans le feu, et le feu Ă©prouvera ce qu’est l’oeuvre de chacun. Si l’oeuvre bĂątie par quelqu’un sur le fondement subsiste, il recevra une rĂ©compense. Si l’oeuvre de quelqu’un est consumĂ©e, il perdra sa rĂ©compense, pour lui, il sera sauvĂ©, mais comme au travers du feu. » I Corinthiens 3.12-15
Dans la premiĂšre lettre de l’apĂŽtre Pierre, il n’est point question du purgatoire, mais des Ă©preuves que les chrĂ©tiens devaient rencontrer afin que leur foi soit mise Ă  l’épreuve et puisse leur garantir le salut de leurs Ăąmes. L’épreuve n’a rien Ă  voir avec l’idĂ©e d’un feu purificateur tel que pourrait ĂȘtre un purgatoire hypothĂ©tique.
« C’est lĂ  ce qui fait votre joie, quoique maintenant, puisqu’il le faut, vous soyez attristĂ©s pour un peu de temps par diverses Ă©preuves, afin que l’épreuve de votre foi, plus prĂ©cieuse que l’or pĂ©rissable, qui cependant est Ă©prouvĂ© par le feu, ait pour rĂ©sultat la louange, la gloire et l’honneur, lorsque JĂ©sus-Christ apparaĂźtra, lui que vous aimez sans l’avoir vu, en qui vous croyez sans le voir encore, vous rĂ©jouissant d’une joie ineffable et glorieuse, parce que vous obtiendrez le salut de vos Ăąmes pour le prix de votre foi. » I Pierre 1.7-9
* Selon le nouveau catĂ©chisme de l’Institution catholique, il est dit les choses suivantes dans les articles 1030 Ă  1032 :
1030 : Ceux qui meurent dans la grĂące et l’amitiĂ© de Dieu mais imparfaitement purifiĂ©s, bien qu’assurĂ©s de leur salut Ă©ternel, souffrent Ă  leur mort une purification afin d’obtenir la saintetĂ© nĂ©cessaire pour entrer dans la joie du ciel.
1031 : L’église appelle purgatoire cette purification finale des Ă©lus qui est tout-Ă -fait distincte du chĂątiment des damnĂ©s
1032 : Cet enseignement s’appuie aussi sur la pratique de la priĂšre pour les dĂ©funts, dont parle dĂ©jĂ  la Sainte Écriture ; voilĂ  pourquoi Judas MacchabĂ©es fit faire ce sacrifice expiatoire pour les morts afin qu’ils fussent dĂ©livrĂ©s de leurs pĂ©chĂ©s. (II MaccabĂ©es 12.46). DĂšs les premiers temps, l’église a honorĂ© la mĂ©moire des dĂ©funts et offert les suffrages en leur faveur, en particulier le sacrifice eucharistique afin que, purifiĂ©s, ils puissent parvenir Ă  la vision bĂ©atifique de Dieu.
L’église recommande aussi les aumĂŽnes, les indulgences et les oeuvres de pĂ©nitence en faveur des dĂ©funts. Portons leur secours et faisons leur commĂ©moration. Si les fils de Job ont Ă©tĂ© purifiĂ©s par le sacrifice de leur pĂšre, (Job 25), pourquoi douterions-nous que nos offrandes pour les morts leur apportent quelques consolations ? N’hĂ©sitons pas Ă  porter secours Ă  ceux qui sont partis et Ă  offrir nos priĂšres par eux. (Jean Chrysostome, homĂ©lie 41. 5) *
Il faut remarquer que la doctrine du purgatoire ne date pas des premiers siĂšcles, car elle a Ă©tĂ© instituĂ©e " aprĂšs les Conciles de Florence en 1304 et de Trente en 1580". Étant donnĂ© les dates de ces Conciles, "cette doctrine ne se trouve pas sur le fondement des apĂŽtres"," des prophĂštes", dont JĂ©sus-Christ est la pierre principale.
L’apĂŽtre Paul parle de ce fondement unique que les hommes ne peuvent pas altĂ©rer par leur imagination et leurs faux raisonnements. Il appartient Ă  ceux qui se rĂ©clament de Christ de regarder ce que Christ a enseignĂ© et ce que les apĂŽtres ont enseignĂ©.
« Selon la grĂące de Dieu qui m’a Ă©tĂ© donnĂ©, j’ai posĂ© le fondement comme un sage architecte, et un autre bĂątit dessus. Mais que chacun prenne garde Ă  la maniĂšre dont il bĂątit dessus. Car personne ne peut poser un autre fondement que celui qui a Ă©tĂ© posĂ©, savoir JĂ©sus-Christ. » I Corinthiens 3.10, 11
La doctrine du purgatoire se fonde sur un texte apocryphe de II MaccabĂ©es. C’est une citation qui ne trouve pas dans les Bibles protestantes, ni hĂ©braĂŻques. Ces deux livres des MaccabĂ©es racontent l’histoire d’IsraĂ«l sous la domination grecque des SĂ©leucides dont le roi Ă©tait Antiochus IV qui avait profanĂ© le temple. Ces Ă©vĂ©nements se sont passĂ©s entre le prophĂšte Malachie qui est la fin de l’Ancien Testament et l’oeuvre de Jean le Baptiste.
Ces deux livres ont Ă©tĂ© rajoutĂ©s au canon de l’Ancien Testament par JĂ©rĂŽme parce qu’ils se trouvaient dans la "Septante" et qu’ils permettaient de se faire une idĂ©e de la maniĂšre dont le peuple d’IsraĂ«l se prĂ©parait Ă  la venue du Messie.
Puis, quand est arrivĂ© la RĂ©forme Protestante, les livres des MaccabĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© ĂŽtĂ©s de la Bible puisqu’ils n’avaient jamais Ă©tĂ© reconnus comme Ă©tant inspirĂ©s.
On ne retrouve aucun passage de ces deux livres dans le Nouveau Testament. Dans aucun de ces textes appelĂ©s "deutĂ©rocanoniques" pour les catholiques et "apocryphes" pour les protestants, il est mentionnĂ© l’expression : "Ainsi parle l’Éternel". De plus, certains textes glorifient le suicide, le meurtre et l’utilisation de potions magiques, ce qui est manifestement incompatible avec le reste de la Bible.
La priĂšre pour les morts qui, semblerait donner de l’espoir, est vraiment une superstition qui est proche des croyances paĂŻennes de l’antiquitĂ©. Le culte des morts est cette notion que les morts nous accompagnent aprĂšs leur dĂ©cĂšs, qu’ils sont capables de nous aider, qu’il faut les accompagner, les rassurer et conjurer leurs mauvaises intentions, en leur offrant des sacrifices.
Dans l’AntiquitĂ©, le lien n’est jamais rompu entre le monde des vivants et des morts. Les rites sont lĂ  pour toujours rappeler aux vivants la frontiĂšre qui les sĂ©pare et attĂ©nuer par des rituels la peur d’en ĂȘtre hantĂ©e.
Cette superstition a inventĂ© des croyances rituelles, qui ont Ă©tĂ© reprises par les autoritĂ©s liturgiques et qui peu Ă  peu se sont imposĂ©es comme des vĂ©ritĂ©s. Ainsi, la sobriĂ©tĂ© de l’enterrement chrĂ©tien qui ne fait aucun rituel s’est Ă©vaporĂ©e.
Il y a un autre argument qui n’est pas liĂ© au catĂ©chisme, ni aux Conciles, ni aux Apocryphes de la Bible, il s’agit de faire croire aux fidĂšles catholiques que l’intercession des prĂȘtres puissent libĂ©rer les Ăąmes d’une souffrance du purgatoire. En effet, l’histoire de l’Institution papale nous apprend que les papes ont fait payer trĂšs chers ce pardon Ă  leurs fidĂšles. Tout le monde a entendu parler des indulgences ?
La chapelle Sixtine a Ă©tĂ© financĂ©e par l’appel Ă©hontĂ© du pape qui a envoyĂ© ses sbires Ă©cumer les poches des gens pour, soi-disant, les libĂ©rer de centaines, voire de milliers d’annĂ©es dans le purgatoire. Et les gens, trĂšs touchĂ©s par la mort de ceux qu’ils avaient perdus, donnaient de l’argent pour que le pape puisse les libĂ©rer du purgatoire.
Ce qui a conduit Luther Ă  mener ce mouvement de la RĂ©forme et Ă  remarquer, ironiquement, que si le pape avait un tel pouvoir, pourquoi ne le fait-il pas aussi gratuitement comme JĂ©sus l’a fait, plutĂŽt que de le vendre pour de l’argent.
Notons qu’il n’y a pas que l’Institution catholique qui enseigne de fausses doctrines, il existe aussi de nombreuses sectes qui sans parler du purgatoire n’hĂ©sitent pas Ă  demander de l’argent Ă  leurs membres pour obtenir des bĂ©nĂ©dictions de Dieu au sujet de leur salut. Ils usurpent en s’appropriant la fonction de mĂ©diateur ou d’intercesseur qui n’appartient qu’au Seigneur JĂ©sus.
Voici un lien sur Internet qui permet de constater par soi-mĂȘme la pratique des Indulgences initiĂ©es par la papautĂ© :
RECUEIL DE PLUSIEURS INDULGENCES que tout fidÚle peut gagner, et de celles qui sont attachées aux Chapelets et aux Rosaires, nommés Brigittains, bénis par le Souverain Pontife, ou par celui à qui il en a accordé le pouvoir.
Si nous voulons rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, il faut se demander si nous croyons Ă  la puissance suffisante du sacrifice de Christ pour nos pĂ©chĂ©s. Car l’absence de foi dans la grĂące de Dieu change notre maniĂšre de voir le salut et comme le croient les catholiques il est nĂ©cessaire d’avoir un purgatoire pour expier leurs pĂ©chĂ©s.
Mais, est-ce que le Seigneur JĂ©sus donne la possibilitĂ© Ă  certaines personnes de payer leur dette par des oeuvres humaines hors de la grĂące une fois que leur Ăąme a quittĂ© leur corps et qu’elle se trouve dans le sĂ©jour des morts ?
MalgrĂ© la suffisance du sacrifice de Christ pour tous les pĂ©chĂ©s du monde, le pardon de Dieu n’est pas donnĂ© puisque celui qui se retrouve au sĂ©jour des morts a le devoir de rembourser une partie de sa dette avant d’aller au ciel. C’est cela la doctrine du purgatoire !
Est-ce que nous sommes pleinement rachetĂ©s ou bien faut-il contribuer Ă  l’oeuvre expiatoire de Christ pour la complĂ©ter ? Ou est-ce possible qu’aprĂšs la mort, nous devons payer, par la souffrance du purgatoire, afin d’avoir une seconde chance pour aller au ciel ?
Comme nous l’avons mentionnĂ© dans d’autres articles, le but de ces prĂ©sentations consiste surtout Ă  Ă©veiller la saine intelligence afin que chaque lecteur distingue ce qui vient des Écritures et ce qui vient des hommes, en l’occurrence, ici, il s’agit du purgatoire, lieu de purification, qui appartient Ă  la tradition religieuse et qui n’a rien Ă  voir avec la Parole de VĂ©ritĂ©.
Donc, la rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question est NON ! Et si un croyant au purgatoire est en train de lire cet article, il est important pour lui de comprendre le sens de la grĂące de Dieu. Dieu accorde le salut par grĂące Ă  tous les ĂȘtres humains, c’est-Ă -dire que le salut par grĂące n’est jamais quelque chose Ă  acheter, ni Ă  vendre, mais il est donnĂ© Ă  ceux qui croient en son Fils JĂ©sus-Christ. C’est simple, si chacun distingue ce qui est gratuit et ce qui est payant.
En d’autres termes, le salut ne s’achĂšte pas Ă  force de souffrances, ou Ă  force d’oeuvres saintes, ou Ă  force de rituels, ou Ă  force de vĂ©nĂ©ration de reliques.
En effet, Dieu n’est pas impressionnĂ© par toutes sortes d’oeuvres humaines, car l'homme est un pĂ©cheur, et Dieu vient Ă  son secours, gratuitement, uniquement par le sacrifice de son Fils JĂ©sus-Christ pour payer le prix de la Justice Ă  sa place.
AprĂšs avoir fait quelques remarques sur la doctrine du purgatoire, nous allons rappeler ce que les Écritures disent sur le salut par la grĂące, et comment chaque ĂȘtre humain peut en bĂ©nĂ©ficier durant sa vie prĂ©sente.
« Car nous avons dĂ©jĂ  prouvĂ© que tous, sont sous l’empire du pĂ©chĂ©, selon qu’il est Ă©crit : Il n’y a point de juste, pas mĂȘme un seul, nul n’est intelligent, nul ne cherche Dieu, tous sont Ă©garĂ©s, tous sont pervertis, il n’en est aucun qui fasse le bien. [...] Il n’y a point de distinction. Car tous pĂ©chĂ© et sont privĂ©s de la gloire de Dieu, et ils sont gratuitement justifiĂ©s par sa grĂące, par le moyen de la rĂ©demption qui est en JĂ©sus-Christ. » Romains 3.9-24
« Il est entrĂ© une fois pour toutes dans le sanctuaire, non avec le sang des boucs et des veaux, mais avec son propre sang, c’est ainsi qu’il nous a obtenu une rĂ©demption Ă©ternelle. » HĂ©breux 9.12
« C’est par la grĂące que vous ĂȘtes sauvĂ©s, par le moyen de la foi, cela ne vient pas de vous, c’est le don de Dieu ; ce n’est pas par les oeuvres afin que personne ne se glorifie. » ÉphĂ©siens 2.8, 9
D’abord, l’homme est mort spirituellement, et en consĂ©quence, il meurt physiquement Ă  cause de ses fautes.
Le roi Salomon a dit : « Il n’y a sur la terre point d’homme juste qui fasse le bien et qui ne pĂšche jamais. » EcclĂ©siaste 7.20 Paul dit la mĂȘme chose : « Vous Ă©tiez morts par vos offenses et par vos pĂ©chĂ©s, dans lesquels vous marchiez autrefois. » ÉphĂ©siens 2.1, 2 Il nous dit aussi : « Car tous ont pĂ©chĂ© et sont privĂ©s de la gloire de Dieu. » Romains 3.23
C’est en JĂ©sus-Christ que nous avons un pardon complet et absolu et il est venu pour secourir le pĂ©cheur incapable, de se sauver par lui-mĂȘme. Mais aprĂšs le texte tragique de Romains 3.23, « Car tous ont pĂ©chĂ© et sont privĂ©s de la gloire de Dieu. » il est dit : « et ils sont gratuitement justifiĂ©s par sa grĂące par le moyen de la rĂ©demption qui est en JĂ©sus-Christ. » Romains 3.24
Il s’agit de la Bonne Nouvelle ... Nous sommes gratuitement justifiĂ©s, c’est-Ă -dire dĂ©clarĂ©s gratuitement justes ! De quelle maniĂšre ? Par sa grĂące, par le moyen de la rĂ©demption qui est dans le Christ JĂ©sus-Christ.
Le texte de Romains confirme ce salut par grĂące : « C’est Lui que Dieu a destinĂ© comme moyen d’expiation pour ceux qui auraient la foi en son sang afin de montrer sa Justice parce qu’il avait laissĂ© impunis les pĂ©chĂ©s commis auparavant au temps de sa patience. » Romains 3.25
Ce texte annule la doctrine du purgatoire qui attĂ©nue ou qui supprime la puissance suffisante du sacrifice de Christ. De plus, JĂ©sus a endurĂ© par ses souffrances la colĂšre du PĂšre Ă  cause de nos pĂ©chĂ©s afin que nous puissions ĂȘtre rĂ©conciliĂ©s avec Dieu.
Ce qui nous reste Ă  faire est d’avoir la foi en l’oeuvre expiatoire de JĂ©sus-Christ, en manifestant une confiance absolue dans ce qu’il a fait pour nous, et non pas dans ce que nous pourrions obtenir ou que d’autres pourraient obtenir pour nous. Ce serait piĂ©tiner le sang de l’alliance qui a Ă©tĂ© versĂ© sur la croix.
« Celui qui a violĂ© la loi de MoĂŻse meurt sans misĂ©ricorde, sur la dĂ©position de deux ou de trois tĂ©moins, de quel pire chĂątiment pensez-vous que sera jugĂ© digne celui qui aura foulĂ© aux pieds le Fils de Dieu, qui aura tenu pour profane le sang de l’alliance, par lequel il a Ă©tĂ© sanctifiĂ©, et qui aura outragĂ© l’Esprit de la grĂące ? » HĂ©breux 10.28, 29
Donc, pour reprendre ce que toute personne doit faire aprĂšs avoir entendu le message de l’Évangile, la Parole de la grĂące et de la VĂ©ritĂ© de notre Seigneur JĂ©sus-Christ, il faut avoir les mĂȘmes dispositions de coeur que les Juifs de JĂ©rusalem, le jour de la PentecĂŽte quand ils dirent aux apĂŽtres :
« [...] Hommes frÚres, que ferons-nous ? Pierre leur dit : Repentez-vous, et que chacun de vous soit baptisé au nom de Jésus-Christ POUR le PARDON de vos péchés, et vous recevrez le don du Saint-Esprit. Car la promesse est pour vous, pour vos enfants, et pour tous ceux qui sont au loin, en aussi grand nombre que le Seigneur notre Dieu les appellera. » Actes 2.37-39
Voici la finalitĂ© de la promesse de tous ceux qui ont la foi en JĂ©sus-Christ : « Et voici ce tĂ©moignage, c’est que Dieu nous a donnĂ© la vie Ă©ternelle, et que cette vie est dans son Fils. Celui qui a le Fils a la vie, celui qui n’a pas le Fils de Dieu n’a pas la vie. Je vous ai Ă©crit ces choses, afin que vous sachiez que vous avez la vie Ă©ternelle, vous qui croyez au nom du Fils de Dieu. » I Jean 5.11-13
Serge Rossi
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dlittle30 · 1 year
Meso-foundational explanations
One of the catechismal ideas of analytical sociology is the microfoundations model of explanation: to explain a social fact we should provide an account of the microfoundations that produce it. That means identifying the facts about individual motivations and beliefs that lead them to behave in such a way as to bring about the social fact in question. Here I want to ask a deliberately provocative

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screamingreek · 2 years
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thorntonkrell-blog-blog · 7 months
What's good, y'all?
Welcome to the second day of Riversend.
It's me the Riv.
Where were we? Oh Yeah.
As mentioned Riversend is a tax free "religion" will be a combination of social science, fiction, rumors and mytholgy based heavily upon a fictional and disorganized version of anthropology.
Why anthropology?
Anthropology is considered a social science rather than a legitimate science. It is the quasi scientific study of humans, encompassing a broad range of topics that include culture, society, language, biology, and the past. Anthropologists use empirical methods, systematic observation, and analysis to understand the diversity of human cultures and societies.
The field of anthropology is divided into several subdisciplines, each with its own focus:
Cultural Anthropology: Examines the cultural variations and practices of different societies and communities to illustrate how before Riversend we just couldn't get along.
Physical Anthropology (or Biological Anthropology): Investigates the biological aspects of humans, including human evolution, genetics, and primatology to explain how we went from chimpanzee to erect.
Linguistic Anthropology: Studies language and its role in shaping and reflecting culture and why nobody speaks Aztec anymore.
Archaeology: Explores human history and prehistory through the analysis of material remains not including Noah's Ark or the Tower of Babel.
Since I'm now a minister, perhaps I can call the whole thing a religion.
In order to do so, I'm gonna have to define our beliefs and tenets. Then I'll create rituals, ceremonies and practices and the significance of each ritual in co-ordination with the construct of an aphoristic mythology while developing icons that can serve as visual representations of the "religion" that I am fabricating and determining where our rituals fit into the permanently disorganized nature of humanity. We will designate leaders as they emerge or I decide to make a big deal out of somebody in order to prove a catechismic theory without stepping into a pile of dogma.
And ths will be our motto:
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zoiamossour · 3 years
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PSA: S*xual Harassment On Our Blog
When we made this blog we thought it would be a fun, safe place for other teenage girls like us to come and see all of Zoïa’s photos and work in one place. A place where we can talk to each other about her fashion sense and try to emulate her style. We have a lot of wonderful followers who follow for different reasons of course: a lot of you guys use her pictures for character inspiration for your writing, and others just want to reblog her pictures because they’re pretty which is totally fine!
Over the months of running this blog, we’ve had sexual messages in our inbox and our dm’s from people who think we are Zoïa. We’ve had d*** pics and marriage proposals, and often very disturbing messages that are easily blocked and dealt with but always remind us that this is what the real Zoïa has to put up with daily. This is the price that women pay for being beautiful. It’s a dirty, unfair price that nobody deserves or asks for.
It has come to our attention recently that one of our followers has been trying to mislead ZoĂŻa by changing their name and gender on their social media. They have confessed to doing this in the hopes that ZoĂŻa will be more open to talking to them, meaning they are very aware that she is more comfortable responding to the women in her comments section and they have tried to take advantage of this.
Do you wonder why Zoïa is more comfortable talking to the women in her comments? Why she doesn’t check her dm’s anymore? Why she doesn’t respond to the men who harass her about her relationship with her partner? Who tell her to smile more?
It’s because of people like this guy.
As somebody lucky enough to talk to Zoïa herself about this blog, we feel a sense of protection for her now. She was incredibly sweet and kind to us and we understand that she is a person with insecurities and feelings of her own. She is not a plaything for men to project their weird sexual fantasies onto. She is a human being. And being pretty doesn’t strip that humanity away no matter how much men would like to believe it does.
We will be taking the time to think about this and how we can help reduce this problem. We will be blocking the follower who lied about his gender/identity and thanking the follower who alerted us to him and his disturbing scheme.
We are all Feminists here. We would like this to be a safe space. 
- Fleur & Anne â€ïžđŸ’‹ x
Lorsque nous avons crĂ©Ă© ce blog, nous pensions que ce serait un endroit sympa et sĂ»r oĂč d’autres adolescentes comme nous pourraient venir et voir toutes les photos et le travail de ZoĂŻa en un seul endroit. Un endroit oĂč nous pourrions discuter entre nous de son sens de la mode et essayer d’imiter son style. Nous avons de beaucoup de merveilleux followers qui nous suivent pour diffĂ©rentes raisons, bien sĂ»r : beaucoup d’entre vous utilisent ses photos comme source d’inspiration pour leurs Ă©crits, et d’autres veulent simplement rebloguer ses photos parce qu’elles sont jolies, ce qui est tout Ă  fait normal !
Au fil des mois de fonctionnement de ce blog, nous avons reçu des messages sexuels dans notre boĂźte de rĂ©ception et dans nos messages privĂ©s de la part de personnes qui pensent que nous sommes ZoĂŻa. Nous avons reçu des photos de bites et des demandes en mariage, et souvent des messages trĂšs dĂ©rangeants qui sont facilement bloquĂ©s et traitĂ©s, mais qui nous rappellent toujours ce que doit quotidiennement supporter la vraie ZoĂŻa. C’est le prix que les femmes paient pour ĂȘtre belles. C’est un prix sale et injuste que personne ne mĂ©rite ni ne demande.
Nous avons appris rĂ©cemment que l’un de nos followers a tentĂ© de tromper ZoĂŻa en changeant son nom et son sexe sur ses mĂ©dias sociaux. Il la fait dans l’espoir que ZoĂŻa soit plus ouverte Ă  lui parler, ce qui signifie qu’il est trĂšs conscient que ZoĂŻa est plus Ă  l’aise Ă  rĂ©pondre aux femmes dans ses commentaires et il a essayĂ© d’en profiter.
Vous vous demandez pourquoi ZoĂŻa est plus Ă  l’aise de parler aux femmes dans ses commentaires ? Pourquoi elle ne vĂ©rifie plus ses messages privĂ©s ? Pourquoi elle ne rĂ©pond pas aux hommes qui la harcĂšlent sur sa relation avec son partenaire ? Qu’ils lui disent de sourire plus souvent ?
C’est à cause de gens comme ce type.
En tant que quelqu’un ayant la chance de parler Ă  ZoĂŻa elle-mĂȘme de ce blog, nous ressentons maintenant un sentiment de protection pour elle. Elle a Ă©tĂ© incroyablement douce et gentille avec nous et nous comprenons qu’elle est une personne avec des insĂ©curitĂ©s et des sentiments qui lui sont propres. Elle n’est pas un jouet sur lequel les hommes peuvent projeter leurs Ă©tranges fantasmes sexuels. C’est un ĂȘtre humain. Et ĂȘtre jolie ne la dĂ©pouille pas de cette humanitĂ©, peu importe Ă  quel point les hommes aimeraient le croire.
Nous prendrons le temps de réfléchir à cela et, à comment nous pouvons aider Zoïa à résoudre ce problÚme. Nous allons bloquer le follower qui a menti sur son sexe/identité et remercions le follower qui nous a alertés sur lui et son projet inquiétant.
Nous sommes toutes des féministes ici. Nous souhaitons que cet espace soit sûr.
- Fleur & Anne xx
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apenitentialprayer · 3 years
A Franciscan Exposition of the Our Father
O Our Father Most Holy, Our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Savior, Who art in heaven, In the angels and the saints, enlightening them to know, for You, Lord, are light [1 John 1:5]; inflaming them to love, for You, Lord, are love; dwelling in them and filling them with happiness, for You, Lord, are Supreme Good, the Eternal Good, from Whom all good comes without Whom there is no good; Hallowed be Your Name. May knowledge of You become clearer in us that we may know the breadth of Your blessings, the length of Your promises, the height of Your majesty, the depth of Your judgments [Ephesians 3:18]. Your kingdom come, That You may rule in us through Your grace and enable us to come to Your kingdom where there is clear vision of You, perfect love of You, blessed companionship with You, eternal enjoyment of You. Your will be done on earth as in heaven, That we may love You with our whole heart by always thinking of You, with our whole soul by always desiring You, with our whole mind by always directing all our intentions to You [Deuteronomy 6:5] and by seeking Your glory in everything, with all our whole strength by exerting all our energies and affections of body and soul in the service of Your love and of nothing else; and we may love our neighbor as ourselves by drawing them all to Your love with our whole strength, by rejoicing in the good of others as in our own, by suffering with others at their misfortunes, and by giving offense to no one [2 Corinthians 6:3]. Give us this day in remembrance, understanding, and reverence of that love which [our Lord Jesus Christ] had for us and of those things that He said and did and suffered for us, our daily Bread: Your own beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Forgive us our trespasses through Your ineffable mercy, through the power of the passion of Your beloved Son, and through the merits and intercession of the ever blessed Virgin and all Your elect, As we forgive those who trespass against us: And what we do not completely forgive, make us, Lord, forgive completely that we may truly love our enemies because of You and we may fervently intercede for them before You, returning no one evil for evil [1 Thessalonians 5:15], and we may strive to help everyone in You. And lead us not into temptation, hidden or obvious, sudden or persistent. But deliver us from evil: past, present, and to come. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Written by Saint Francis of Assisi, possibly a catechismal prayer for Franciscan friars. Source, in both English and original Latin, can be found here. Another example of this ‘exposition’ genre of the Lord’s Prayer, written by Dante Alighieri, be found here.
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
What are the Purposes Of Astrology | Monkvyasa
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On the other hand, astrology’s initial goal was to predict a person’s future based on the positions of the planets and the zodiac signs (the 12 astrological constellations) at the time of his or her birth or conception. The foundational methods of astrology were created from this field known as genethlialogy (casting nativities). General, catechismal, and interrogatory are the three primary branches of astrology that emerged following genealogy.
General astrology investigates the connections between social groups, nations, or all of mankind and key astronomical events (such as the vernal equinox, eclipses, or planetary conjunctions). It provides astrological explanations to queries the bru had previously been asked in Mesopotamia.
Whether or not a chosen moment is astrologically favourable for the success of a course of action started in it is determined by catarchic (pertaining to beginnings or sources) astrology. It basically goes against a strict interpretation of genealogy because it enables the person (or corporate body) to operate during astrologically favourable times and avoid any failures implied by nativity.
Based on the heavenly conditions at the time the client asks the questions, interrogatory astrology responds to the client’s inquiries. This astrological counselling service necessitates that the astrologer undergo ritual purification and preparation since it is even more removed from determinism than catarchic astrology.
Other types of astrology are variations on one or more of the aforementioned, such as iatromathematics (the application of astrology to medicine) and military astrology.
Historical development
Astral omens in the ancient Middle East
The astral omens used in Mesopotamian divination were later incorporated into what is now known as astrology in the traditional sense and formed the basis of a subfield of astrology called natural astrology. The cuneiform work Enma Anu Enlil, which is devoted to celestial omina, began during the first dynasty of Babylon (18th to 16th centuries BC), even though lunar eclipses appear to have been viewed as foreboding at a considerably earlier period. However, this series’ ultimate compilation and codification were not finished until the start of the first millennium BC. A standard version, however, never existed, according to the tablets that have survived, the majority of which are from King Ashurbanipal’s (7th century BC) Assyrian library. Each copy featured a distinct layout and contents that were intended to make it easier for the owner to consult the omens.
The four major categories that the Enma Anu Enlil omens were divided into were named after the four main deities who were involved in the ominous communication: Sin, Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar. Omens related to the Moon’s earliest crescents, eclipses, haloes, and conjunctions with certain fixed stars can be found in Sin (the Moon); Sun-related occurrences like eclipses, the simultaneous observation of two suns, and perihelia (additional suns) are dealt with by Shamash (the Sun) as omens; Ishtar (Venus) contains omens relating to planetary phenomena such as first and last visibilities, stations (the points at which the planets appear to stand still), acronychal risings (rising of the planet in the east when the Sun sets in the west), and conjunctions with the fixed stars. Adad (the weather god) is concerned with omens relating to meteorological phenomena, such as earthquakes, thunder, lightning, and cloud formations. Although this network of watchers was formed throughout the Assyrian kingdom in the 7th century BC, their reports frequently mention these omens, they appear to have fallen out of favour by the conclusion of the Persian era’s rule over Mesopotamia (ending in the 4th century BC). The right linkages between celestial phenomena and terrestrial events were afterwards sought out in numerous writings collectively referred to as the Diaries. The Achaemenid dynasty controlled Persia from 559 to 330 BC. Prior to this evolution, however, parts of the ancient omen series were directly conveyed to Egypt, Greece, and India as a result of their dominance of these cultural areas or of their border regions.
Astral omens in Egypt, Greece, India, and China
An ancient demotic papyrus based on an original from around 500 BC provides the bulk of the evidence supporting the transfer of lunar omens to Egypt during the Achaemenid period. The remnants of a treatise written in Greek in the second century BC and allegedly addressed to a King Nechepso by the priest Petosiris point to a more comprehensive usage of Mesopotamian heavenly omens.The second book of the Apotelesmatika, or “Work on Astrology,” by Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer of the second century AD; the first book of an astronomical compendium, by Hephaestion of Thebes, a Greco-Egyptian astrologer of the fifth century AD; and the On Signs of John Lydus, a Byzantine bureaucrat of the sixth century AD, all included material from Enma AnuThe Magusaeans of Asia Minor, a group of Iranian settlers influenced by Babylonian ideals, provided another another route of transmission to the Greeks. Several Classical books on natural history, especially those of Pliny the Elder (c. AD 23–79) and the Geoponica, contain their lessons (a late collection of agricultural lore).
Numerous works on heavenly omens also exist in various Middle Eastern languages, though it is still unknown where they came from and whether they are directly related to Mesopotamian culture or came from Greek or Indian intermediates.The most significant of these writings are those that the Harranians attribute to Hermes Trismegistus and are now preserved in Arabic, the Book of the Zodiac of the Mandaeans (a Gnostic sect still active in Iraq and Khuzistan), the Apocalypse, which is attributed to the biblical prophet Daniel and is still in existence in Greek, Syriac, and Arabic versions, and The Book of the Bee in Syriac.
During the Achaemenid occupation of the Indus valley in the fifth century BC, it appears that Mesopotamian omen literature, including the material in Enma Anu Enlil, was transmitted to India. Buddhist missionaries played a significant role in bringing this information to Central Asia, China, Tibet, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The earliest indications of this knowledge may be found in Buddhist literature from this time. But the earliest iteration of the as-yet-unpublished Gargasamhita (“Compositions of Garga”), which dates to around the first century AD, is the most significant of these Indian texts and the oldest one still in existence in Sanskrit. The original Mesopotamian text was changed to conform to the Indian social structure, which included the four-caste system and the upper castes’ obligation to carry out the samskaras (sanctifying ceremonies).
The Brhatsamhita, or “Great Composition,” of Varahamihira (circa 550), the Jain Bhadrabahu-Samhita, or “Composition of Bhadrabahu,” (circa 10th century), and the Parishishtas (“Supplements”) of the Atharvaveda (possibly 10th or 11th century), are the most notable later collections of omens in Sanskrit, though these add little, However, there is a significant infusion of Arabic adaptations of the ancient Mesopotamian celestial omens as conveyed through Persian (Tjika) translations in the works titled Tjika from the 13th century and afterwards. In the older Sanskrit works, the omens’ links with astrology had mostly been in the areas of military and catarchic astrology; however, in Tjika, they are strongly related to general astrology.
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traumacatholic · 3 years
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I don’t know how many people know about this, but Verbum is a really good theology study resource that’s available on web and on your smart phone. Not all of it is free, but they do release a new free book each month and provide some heavy discounts for that month’s topic. You do also get access to some commentaries, Bibles, and a few other study guide for free. Some books of the Saints are already provided to you for free as well. 
You can highlight books, cross reference passages, get really deep explanations for various topics. It also provides resources for Bible study, and you can set up tools to fit your style. I think this resource is meant more for Priests and people who run Catechismal classes etc (a lot of their resources are based around this). But I use Verbum for my personal study and find it really helpful. 
I’m not paid / sponsored to link you to this resource. This is just something I personally find really helpful. They do have a 30 day challenge particularly for those that are looking to understand the Catholic relationship with the Virgin Mary (or those looking to deepen their understanding). It’s not something that I’ve personally done yet - but if you do decide to take up their challenge I’d love to hear your experiences!
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kmclaude · 3 years
Here’s a delicious concept I’ve been thinking about; Jehan having to pray for forgiveness while being fucked in the confessional booth.
oh decadent~
you know, when i was a kid and we had confession (as part of school -- our confessionals were more small rooms like mini offices rather than the booths but i remember the single kneelers well) we had an 'examining your conscience' worksheet that'd list things for you to consider before you go to confess, yanno, like putting things before going to mass, etc. and one thing was 'not treating your body like a temple of the holy spirit'
and it took me until like high school to realize 'oh, that was y'all's euphemism for jerking off wasn't it?' since really....the only other thing would be alcohol or drugs and we were like....11.....and also those things aren't illegal catechismically AND it was listed usually after bullying (which kills the spirit so commandment number 5 and what's after 5? the sixth commandment which is about.....u kno........)
what i'm saying is add to it: jehan confessing to sins he doesn't even really understand (or rather is getting a, er, crash course in....)
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scholasaintececile · 4 years
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hdslibrary · 6 years
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Racovian Catechism in English
Here’s a peek into this lovely (but at one time, banned!) little book holding the teachings of an early antitrinitarian community in Poland. It is an important and rare document in the history of English Unitarianism.
The imprint is almost certainly false--it was intended to throw the authorities off the trail, since printing books against the doctrine of the Trinity could bring big trouble for a printer in England, where the book was formally banned in 1652.
Racovian catechism. English. 1652.   The Racovian catechisme : vvherein you have the substance of the confession of those churches, which in the kingdom of Poland, Printed at Amsterledam : for Brooer Janz, 1652.
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