#feminist rant
grungeandfeminism · 2 years
*I’m a little late to this*
The effects the Johnny/Amber trial are going to have on women who come out about domestic violence is actually devastating. I’ve already seen men start saying shit like “ur pulling an amber heard” on videos of women talking about their own experiences with DV. It’s all by men who claim to “care about victims” when what they really care about is being able to use this case as a scapegoat for their misogyny. They don’t care about victims they care about utilizing a case where a women allegedly steps out of her preconceived box of “innocence and daisies” so they can spew vitriolic hatred at her and any other women who dares to open her mouth when a man lays hands on her. It’s disgusting. I’m horrified for how this case is going to be used in the future to further try and discredit women who suffer from the violence of men.
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intjgodcomplex · 1 year
It absolutely makes my blood boil when people associate gender with things THEY enjoy doing or a skill that THEY have. Like no, being emotional isn't a 'girl thing' just because you're a girl and emotional, it's a YOU thing. Stop creating dumb ass gender stereotypes that have no evidence other than experience. People need to know the difference between basic personality characteristics and gender.
Literally most of our problems in any type of inequality comes from stereotypes.
Also, since I'm on a feminist rant I'll just complain about some more stuff. Like for example, the whole 'pick me girl' thing. Those girls who use that term not only do they call girls who don't like to wear makeup 'pick me' but they also fully believe that makeup is an essential to being a woman. Like no, woman aren't born with the inner urge to wake up and cover their faces with chemicals, sorry to break it for you.
Also, can we all just admit that makeup is not 'art', it's a way to cover insecurities. Okay yeah i get it, makeup can be fun. But let's be real, girls who do a full face of makeup since they were young are not doing it because they see it as an art, they are insecure and dependent on it to make them feel better about their looks. I don't see what part of contouring your nose to look smaller and spending so much money on the same products rebranded screams 'art'.
I don't think that wearing makeup is necessarily something to get men's attention, but most of the time it's an unconscious desire. We live in a world where everything is about men. Growing up as a girl, you're sort of wired to always value your looks and men's opinions. It's simply the male gaze and ignoring it does no good.
I enjoy wearing makeup every now and then too, but my first instinct when i see a girl saying she doesn't like to wear any isn't to bash her for liking how her natural face looks like.
And if you really think makeup is a good thing for women, I'm afraid you are beyond help.
And don't even get me started on the whole 'girls have mother instinct' bullshit because it makes me want to bash my head against the wall. It's basically a nicer way to say that women are just baby machines. Just because you have the ability to get pregnant doesn't mean that's all you are. Like you are able to open a door but that doesn't mean your whole life purpose and role is to open the god damn doors. Girls don't have mother instincts just because you shove a baby doll into their hands at the age of five.
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The #feminism tag rant
I am so sick of looking through the #feminism tag and finding these pictures of women that are sexual and I simply don't want to see. Saying that you're going to be 'dominant in bed' isn't an act of feminism! I report all of these posts, just to try and stop this. It's far too normalised and it's not what I come on Tumblr for.
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donttellmyroommate · 9 months
I just fucking realized that when I was in FIRST GRADE I had already internalized that the girls that were horrible to me got to be the bullies because they were prettier. Specifically skinnier. Which is fucking dystopian because we were CHILDREN. FUCK!
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cvnty70switch · 11 months
my purpose in life isn’t to be someone crusty man’s fucking wife/baby maker they can jerk into whenever they please
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luvsigil · 1 year
stay at home wives are begging someone to gaf because they’re getting neglected at home and it’s eating away at them. they have to convince other ppl around them that they’re happy w/ their life and tell other women to join them in a sandwich making circle jerk until the psychosis takes over. u making tiktoks and tweets shitting on feminism because ur desperate for someone to express care for you because ur husband is one late night shift away from having a workplace relationship where he’s wearing her scrunchie to print copies. your children will loathe u. your son calling u a bitch and only interacting with you for his school lunch. your daughter hates u because u project on her at every possible turn. as a feminist i understand it’s capitalism and patriarchy but y’all are pathetic and i no longer feel bad for saying that. ur pathetic and idc anymore because you don’t care you.
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song of the morning 🎼🎶🎵…💁‍♀️🔪🏃
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autismvampyre · 2 years
why is the love interest always "shy, timid and helpful" or "fun, extroverted and popular"?
where tf is my representation for angry girls who have every right to be pissed off? i'm not small or meek or shy, im angry and hostile and wild and i refuse to me "tamed".
why must every girl be shy and obedient? why can't we be headstrong and bitchy and mad? i don't exist to please men, i'm not a fucking doll you can dress up and display however you want. i'm my own goddamn person and im sick and tired of the meek shy stereotype.
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Does it randomly enrage anyone else that so many romcoms (movies supposedly "for" women and targeted at women) are fundamentally about motivated and successful women lowering their standards until they settle for some mediocre dude?
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“If women get paid less, why don’t they hire more women, hmm? Then they’d be more profitable”
They’re paying us less to incentivize us not to work there, idiot. They pay us less because they don’t like us. They don’t want us there, so they pay us less.
Because, and I can not stress this enough, POWERFUL MEN DO NOT LIKE OR WANT WOMEN TO GAIN THEIR OWN POWER. It threatens the status quo, which they exploit to gain power. If this part of the status quo is threatened or changed in any meaningful way, then it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing falls apart. Please note I said meaningful change, as allowing a few powerful woman (mostly white women, let’s be real) to gain real, actionable power allows them to say “see we’re not sexist. women can make it, you’re just too lazy to put in the extra work” and also allows them to not change anything for the exact same reason, that a woman can and has earned power, so why change anything? if they really want it, they’ll work for it like they did.
And that’s just looking at it as a man/woman issue. Once we bring race and socioeconomic class into it, then they really don’t want marginalized communities who are also women to gain that power. They don’t want marginalized communities of any gender to get power, let’s be honest, but especially not women.
What am I getting at? Glad you asked.
Women are paid less because they don’t want us there, and they especially don’t want lower-class and/or BIPOC there. It’s not about the money for them.
The people in power don’t want the system they exploit to be changed. Because once it changes, it won’t be so easy for them to gain the power they feel entitled to.
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saka-kusu · 9 months
men see us as deserving of sexual/regular violence from the get go. only if we submit and be a "high value" woman do they see us as "worth protecting". only if we bow down do they see us as a person. you are not something to protect. you are a human being deserving of a safe life. don't let the patriarchy make you think otherwise :)
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valiantvillain · 9 months
Feminism didn't make me hate pink as a teenager. What made me hate pink was how patriarchy deemed it a frivolous color because it was associated with femininity, with women, and thus anything "feminine" was something not to be taken seriously. That to get respect from men, one must eschew pink, eschew feminity. But all that got me was mockery for attempting to be "masculine" when I so clearly existed in the body of a girl. And perhaps it made certain that that particular brand of ridicule carried a flavor of homophobia. But as an adult I then realized that no matter how I present myself, whether I express myself in these binary terms of masculine and feminine, patriarchy will never respect me because at the end of the day the vessel housing my spirit is female no matter how I dress or groom it. Earning the respect of a misogynistic world is a losing game. No matter how you play, you won't find validation. Just the very flimsy illusion of it.
So I said fuck it and started to wear pink again. I tried on the skirts and dresses I once felt I had to shun in order to be seen as worthy of respect. I played with makeup like an artist would with paint. I made my face a canvas. And it made me happier than I had ever been trying to emulate the very boys I hated throughout my childhood.
No matter how you dress patriarchy will look down on you because in a misogynistic world nothing a woman does will ever be good enough. It's not the clothes or the makeup that hold us back. It's that men slapped a gender on these things and then proceeded to diminish and mock them on the very basis of their gendering.
So wear the damn pink if you want. You're not holding feminism back by wearing frilly clothes or shaving your legs. No one presentation of style or gender is above another. There's no point in playing a game one is destined to lose. The only way to win is to break the game because it was rigged from the start.
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bikini-kill-pilled · 19 days
sometimes i just brood about how i can't walk around shirtless in public, which is such a simple privilege males have over females that really shouldn't mean much. however, it's impossible for me to rebel against this expectation on my own; the reason i don't just say "fuck it" and walk out shirtless is because i would become a sexual object to every man i see. the intent i had would be hijacked by the male gaze, if that makes sense.
i also see this hijacking thing happen with sexual liberation, where women were/are trying to reclaim their agency and right to have sed with whoever, but many men don't see it like that. they just see women they can have sex with, and the meaning is lost on them.
this observation has always frustrated me and it just sucks that you can see the pattern in a lot of aspects of feminism, where men will pick out parts that benefit them and THEN support those parts for their own benefit.
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baileyjayy1 · 15 days
Say Hello to me and my big friend down there 😉🍆
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thefemalejoker42069 · 9 months
men: my wife should have to have a perfect body 24/7 even during pregnancy and also she has to be my personal sex slave and also she has to clean up after me because I’m a big dumb baby who is incapable of doing anything for myself yet I’m also a Superior Being and should be worshiped for doing below the bare minimum and also I get to cheat on her whenever I want but if she looks at another man then I get to end her life. also I will leave her as soon as she turns 30
women: okay no thanks I think I’d rather be single
men: This Is Oppression and Women Are Killing Us‼️😱🔥😤⁉️
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maroonsweetpea · 4 days
Of course I do not feel comfortable sharing a bathroom space with a male of any sort, but, it truly disgusts how so many people (conservative specifically) just write off trans people as nasty and evil right off the bat. Like, I disagree ideologically with so many people and first of all you don't see me immediately trying to convince people of my opinions and secondly I'm not going to blindly hate anyone unless there is a valid reason and being trans isn't a good enough reason to hate somebody. It just bothers me how so few people choose to look at strangers with compassion over contempt. I have trans people in my family and in some of my social circles and while I think a lot of things they say is silly or just flat out untrue it's never made me wish to treat them with any less dignity, same as extremely religious people. Just another reason why the "evil terf" label is annoying...like, I'm nothing like the far rights spitting insults and slurs. I am a very critical and I hope scientifically analytical person when it comes to just about everything in life and I hate being lumped in with people so cruel and unfeeling towards others.
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