xxdemonicheartxx · 11 months
Flight Rising flights but as art mediums:
There are some overlaps in mediums since dragons are so tight knit and far spread
Earth: tile work/mosaics, jewelry work, ceramics, stone sculpture, chalk, clay work, plaster, leather work, rain chains
Water: plaster work, woven tapestries, shell jewelry and chimes, pearl inlays, decorative sails and flags, basket weaving, sandstone carving, watercolors, mirrors and glass sculptures
Shadow: optical illusions, black and white photography, puzzle boxes, uranium glass work, maybe iron work, mycology arrangements, shadow boxes, gouache, anything that involves glowing in the dark
Light: stone carving and gold foiled painting, sometimes tapestry weaving to depict an image or scene, impressionism, oil paint, tempera, portraiture, clothing and attire, mirrors, pigment making
Plague: hyper realism, and taxidermy, ceramics, bone carvings, tattoos, ink block prints, collage art, murals, leather work, totems and large outdoor installations
Nature: floral arrangements, dye work, wood work, candle making, hot wax painting, landscaping, rain chains, wind chimes, tapestries, needle felting, carpentry, animal cosmetics (haircuts, animal safe dye, nail and claw painting, etc), apparel/clothing, pigment making
Ice: needle felting, wood carving, quilting, ice carving and sculpture, snow sculptures, knitting, the art of tea blends, dried plant arrangements, carpentry, fabric weaving, tapestries, crochet, wood burning, blanket weaving, candle making, dye work, wood turning
Fire: welding, decorative weapon smithing, glass blowing, wood burning, wrought iron, stained glass, latticed metal, terracotta, ceramics, obsidian and basalt carving, graphite, slate, charcoal
Wind: paper mache, ribbon mediums, basket weaving, sonorous sculptures, wind chimes, feathered attire, really tall and thin structures/sculptures, jade carving, blanket weaving
Arcane: resin, stained glass, welding, intricate silver work, collaborative neon work with shadow (they need that special eye for glow in the dark), crystal carving, zen gardens, bonsai art, screen printing, photography, illuminated manuscripts, clothing and apparel, gold foil work, abstract art
Lightning: bronze cast sculptures, sand sculptures (when lightning strikes the sand and turns it to stone) aluminum casts poured into ant colonies/hills, pop art, up-cycled art, photography, art that is still capable of being utilized and interacted with because people and dragons are part of the medium, assemblage art, banners and flags
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visenyaism · 1 year
Can you explain how aemond and bloodraven have weird gender thank you xx
mostly just because i wanted them to be for my fun little chart but : Aemond because being the second son in a society in which masculinity is tied very closely to lordly/kingly status and thus birth order being the second son is kind of like being a boy daughter (see also: daemon getting married off to the vale for political gain and also for being a problem described in the exact same way his aunt viserra’s betrothal was.) also because that sapphire was just a little too cunt to go unremarked upon. Bloodraven because you just sort of get the vibe. Spent his whole life being one end of some kind of binary that gigachad golden company founding riverlands mud wrestler hypermasc Bittersteel was on the opposite end of. you know
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
To Walk A Mile In Each Others Shoes: The Ranchers
Summary: The soulbonds have consequences, and for some they are more welcome than others. Tango and Jimmy Edition
Characters: TangoTek & Solidarity Gaming
Word Count: 370
General Note: I'm posting these as separate one-shot style posts for each soulbond pair. They are all written but I have them queued up and spaced out. All posted will be on this blog under the tag "to walk a mile in each others shoes" and also on my AO3, which is linked on my pinned post.
Tango notices the itching first. A creeping sensation at his hairline and in-between his shoulder blades. At first he thinks its just sweat and dust, the normal byproducts of the work he and Jimmy are putting into building and populating their ranch. It takes him an embarrassing amount of time to realize that it isn't.
It's feathers. Sprouting in his hairline and down his back, fewer than Jimmy's, but in the same places, an unmistakable mirror of downy fluff and a few scattered emerging pinfeathers.
The itching gets worse and Jimmy shows him how to use pressure and cold to relieve it. Tango doesn't seem to have the ability to make the oil needed to keep them healthy, so Jimmy uses his own, flustered and rambling the whole time he shows Tango how to work it into the feathers.
They feel better after, though still itchy. An odd sensation of growth against his skin.
The pinfeathers never get the chance to open up.
(He never connects the dots, doesn't really register the weird sensations of deja vu, the vague sense of Knowing what is about to happen right before it does. And even if he had, he probably wouldn't have realized where they came from.)
Jimmy doesn't notice until the ranch burns.
He knows a lot of people would probably make a joke about his obliviousness there, but in his defense he doesn't usually stick his hands into fire.
Until the ranch burns and Tango is raging and Jimmy is trying to put out two fires at once, both of them more literal than advisable.
The ranch burns and Tango burns and Jimmy reaches into the flames and pulls him out and it doesn't so much as singe his skin.
One things avians and netherborn have in common, Jimmy learns, is that they are always cold. Hollow bones and Nether-nature equally out of place on the ground of the Overworld. But netherborn produce heat, warming the air around them. Jimmy can't get as hot as Tango, no shimmer over his hand no matter how hard he strains and stares, but Tango says its enough he can feel it.
They may not have many nights in the game, but at least they can keep each other warm.
Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part
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fleouriarts · 6 months
dorian furryverse EXCLUSIVE LORE
as i mentioned in the prev posts here is a bit of lore for my furry universe. this setting is supposed to be my break from lore-heavy work... but i still made some stuff up because i'm me and that's what i do. ok here we go
in this universe, only terrestrial mammals (and semi-terrestrial mammals like pinnipeds) are sapient. trichechids and cetaceans are not sapient. this is because i really really really don't feel like trying to adapt fully aquatic beasts and other animal classes to a terrestrial bipedal body plan... and i want my guys to have SOMETHING to eat that's not mammalian
birds and reptiles have basically filled in every niche left unoccupied by terrestrial mammals. i will refrain from going spec bio mode on this. most i'll do is revive some extinct reptiles based on if it's cool and/or funny to put them in
since the furries are all terrestrial mammals (which usually can't digest lactase in adulthood) they don't eat dairy. however i still want them to have the joy of cheeses. so in this universe there's a weird genus of bug that's been domesticated to make something milk-like that can be processed into something cheese-like. carnivores tend to digest it easier than herbivores but both groups can eat it
i didn't want to go full zootopia mode and make every furry the same size as their normal animal counterpart, but i still wanted some variation. in my head i class every species i draw as "small" "medium" or "large" and then give a size based on vibes. generally the lower limit of height is 3 feet (stuff like rodents and shrews) and the upper limit of height is 8 feet (stuff like elephants and giraffes)
different species can interbreed but it's only within their taxonomic families. mammal families vary wildly in size which makes this really fun for me. for example santiago from the last post is in family bovidae which has 143 extant species. he's got cousins who are goats, bison, antelope, muskoxen, etc. meanwhile jamie is in prionodontidae which only has 2 extant species. his family tree is only linsangs. also i don't feel like dealing with hybrids or actual genetics so when two species interbreed there's just a simple 50/50 chance between whether the kid will be the mom or dad's species
this universe is parallel to ours in terms of pop culture and such. i want to be able to have characters who watch furry hivemind and listen to furry quadeca. its important to me
ok i think thats all i got for now. another part of why i'm sticking to mammals is because i took mammalogy last year so i just know more about them. lord willing i will be taking ornithology next year so maybe after that class i'll make a parallel universe where birds and reptiles are the sapient ones. anyway ENJOY
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jwooyoung · 1 day
if my job really makes me come in the entire rest of the week even tho there is gonna potentially be a category 3 hurricane hitting us I will genuinely lose my shit
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kelbunny · 5 months
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Man I love it when the video game makes me feel like a horrible person.
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suppenzeit · 8 months
Bobo and/or Espresso?
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Bobo is best described as svelte, he's thin but muscular. Is built like a ballerino (or a bicyclist), so his legs are noticeably thick and muscular.
Espresso is full bodied, muscular but not ripped. Takes very good care of himself, though he will never give up olive oil.
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I kept see the “Category 5 Autism Event” thing and I was like “That’s cool, but I don’t know what that means” and then I had one this week. I get it now.
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viiridiangreen · 8 months
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funkle420 · 11 days
i really wish I'd gone to an actual art school instead of transferring all over the place and switching majors and shit. i get pangs of jealousy seeing ppl post their art school assignments, they look fun and interesting and like a good way to learn!
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digitalgirls · 9 months
finest men in kpop are just kai suho and jaehyun
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coockie8 · 2 years
The Superpower Wiki lists Danny Fenton/Phantom as an example of a Character who is a Medium, and I don’t know if I really agree with that. Danny is Half-Ghost, obviously he can see and communicate with other Ghosts.
Listing Danny as a Canon Medium would be like listing every single Full Ghost character as a Canon Medium because they can see/communicate… With their own kind...
He’s not a Medium, he just has Ghost Powers. Different things. If he’d been able to see/communicate with the Ghosts before the accident, then I’d agree, but not after. After the accident he’s just Schrodinger’s Boy, but that doesn’t make him a Medium.
Like, if Danny is supposed to be a Medium because of his Ghost Powers, then why isn’t Vlad there?
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ittybittybumblebee · 9 months
i think what i want to say is i want to do really cool and weird music but i struggling because i also like a type of style ive been doing on my own thing but i sometimes it feels too sappy for what i Really want to be doing and maybe im just critisizing myself too much in the area. like there could be a duality of style in my music but the only music ive really been able to make has been the easiest starting point i can go off from. but i feel . aughh,. the vibe isnt there yet i guess. BUT ITS GOOD TOO i like the music ive tried to make know but its quite different from my listening style i guess which is what id like 2 learn how to make. more like what i listen to. i wanna do both
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tyrannuspitch · 9 months
trying to do little stylised portraits again and i still can't make thor's face work -_- how can a man be so objectively unusual looking and so generic and so difficult to capture all at the same time
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revenant-coining · 2 years
Can you do a medium sympathy flag?
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 5 horizontal lines. stripes sizes in this order: thick, thin, medium, thin, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: red, black, orange, black, green. End ID]
Medium Sympathy Flag
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pactpunk · 2 years
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time of the red's nomad ever
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