raina-at · 1 month
This is very vaguely based on my fic Zing and You'll Miss It, but all you need to know is that Sherlock is a vampire, John is a human and magic exists.
“This is a tiny bit humiliating,” John mutters, picking up the black cat rubbing its body against his legs.
He deposits the cat on his shoulder and moves further into the building. 
All witches have familiars, John, the cat purrs into his ear, sounding amused.
“I bet most of them aren’t actually vampire boyfriends, though,” John murmurs, looking around the crowded room full of dark-clad witches with their various familiars. He sees cats, dogs, snakes, crows, even a few large, hairy spiders.
Seeing as you are not actually a witch either, I don’t see why we’re having this conversation. 
John huffs an exasperated sigh when Cat Sherlock settles his claws into John’s shoulder to hold on, but concedes that he has a point. He grabs a glass of wine from a nearby tray and holds it up for Cat Sherlock to sniff. “Is this going to poison me?” he asks quietly.
I told you before, witches are human, and so is their food.  It’s why I needed you to get in here in the first place, Cat Sherlock purrs, and John has to bite down on a snicker because he’s never seen a cat roll his eyes before.
“So basically I’m your carrier.”
Cat Sherlock makes a movement that might be considered a shrug. You have other qualities, Sherlock purrs into his ear suggestively.
John squirms as Cat Sherlock’s wet nose touches the shell of his ear. “Can you not do this while you’re a cat? Makes me feel slightly pervy.”
You’re no fun at all.
John is about to respond when someone touches his arm. He turns around and comes face to face with a slight blonde witch in an alluring black dress. She gives him a charming smile and gestures at Cat Sherlock. “You talk to your cat too, I see.”
John smiles his most charming smile and shrugs. “You know how it is. Sometimes when he looks at me, I can almost imagine he’s intelligent - ow.” 
John glares at Cat Sherlock, who looks entirely innocent as he pointedly retracts his claws out of John’s shoulder.
The witch giggles and holds out her hand. “Oh, I know what you mean. I’m Pamela.”
John shakes her offered hand. “John. New here, actually.”
Pamela smiles and puts a hand on John’s arm, moving a bit closer. “I can show you around,” she says with a friendly, insinuating smile. “Not a lot of male witches here, bit of a breath of fresh air, honestly.”
Cat Sherlock narrows his eyes and hisses at her aggressively. Tell her to get her hands off you.
“Now, now,” John says, removing Cat Sherlock, who’s still hissing and spitting, from his shoulder. “None of that, or I’ll have you neutered.”
Low blow, Cat Sherlock hisses. Not funny at all.
“Why don’t you go have a look around, while I talk to Pamela here?” John asks, giving Sherlock a significant look. They’re not here for fun, after all. They’re here to find a missing cursed necklace.
Cat Sherlock gives him another hiss, and flicks his tail aggressively.  As long as blondie here keeps her hands to herself.
John rolls his eyes and sets Cat Sherlock down to the ground. Cat Sherlock glares at Pamela one more time, then vanishes into the crowd.
Pamela smiles indulgently. “He’s very cute.”
“He is,” John says, grinning, because he’s sure Sherlock can still hear them. “He just doesn’t want to admit it.”
Pamela laughs.
John decides that this is as good a place as any to start the investigation. He gestures over the waiter with the hors d’oevres. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Tell me, Pamela, do you come here often?”
An hour later, John is surrounded by several witches, who are all a bit tipsy, and some of whom are getting a bit too personal with John. 
One witch has her hand on John’s chest as she’s talking, and John would really like for her to stop touching him, but she’s giving him valuable information about their suspect, a witch named Esther. 
“She used to live up on the first floor, you know,” the handsy witch is whispering in his ear while stroking his chest. “Her old room is still unoccupied- ow!”
The witch flinches back and John looks down when he hears a loud hissing and growling.
Cat Sherlock is glaring daggers at the witch while he hisses at her threateningly.
“Your cat bit me!” the witch howls in outrage.
“Sorry,” John says, giving the witch a charming smile. “Never have been able to teach him any manners.” He takes his still hissing and growling cat-shaped boyfriend by the scruff and moves in the direction of the stairs. “If you’re quite done with the dramatics, I think I figured out where our lost necklace is,” he whispers.
Cat Sherlock stops struggling and glares at him. Unhand me at once!
John sets him down on the floor and crouches down. “Can we go finish this case now please?”
Cat Sherlock’s tail flicks in indignation, but he indicates the stairs. You’re going to have to carry me. My legs are short.
John sighs and puts a now pliant Cat Sherlock on his shoulder again. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
Cat Sherlock says nothing, but the way he looks at John and licks his paw is answer enough.
“Stop it,” John hisses. 
It’s not that hard, John. Insert the pick, and feel for the pins, Sherlock instructs, watching John work as he’s perched on his shoulder. 
“I know. It’s really difficult to concentrate with you sticking your claws into my back. I feel like an oversized pin cushion.”
Cat Sherlock heaves a sigh and jumps to the floor. We’d be done with this already if you hadn’t spent all night flirting with everything that moves.
“Oi, I didn’t flirt with anyone. They flirted with me.”
Didn’t see you complaining.
“I was interrogating- Oh, finally!”
The door opens with a satisfying click, and John pushes the door open.
They search the room quickly and efficiently and find the stolen necklace within minutes. 
John breathes a sigh of relief as he puts the cursed object into the containment pouch Mrs Hudson provided them with. His relief turns quickly into horror as he hears a voice from the door. “Here you are, you naughty boy. I’d wondered where you’d gone.”
The handsy witch from downstairs seems to have followed him and is just closing the door to the room, blocking his way outside. She stalks towards him and backs him against the wall, putting a hand on his chest. “Oh, you’re so yummy,” she whispers.
“That does it,” a decidedly human voice says from the mouth of the black cat on the floor. There’s a sort of giant poofing sound, and Sherlock Holmes emerges from his cat body, eyes glowing red and fangs out, in full indignant glory. “Hands off,” he hisses, still sounding astonishingly cat-like. 
The witch screams and flees, and John takes one look at his bristling boyfriend and starts laughing.
“I’m glad you find this funny,” Sherlock grumbles.
John, still giggling, fists a hand in Sherlock’s ridiculous coat and pulls him closer. “I never noticed how catlike you are when you’re all hissy,” he says. “It’s admittedly sort of hot.”
“Sort of?” Sherlock asks, eyebrows raised in indignation.
John presses a kiss to Sherlock’s lips. “Very,” he murmurs, nosing his way up Sherlock’s throat. “Wanna go home and bite me a little?”
Sherlock makes a show of considering, but the possessive grip he has on John tells another story. Finally, he sighs and says, long-suffering but with a wicked grin, “Yeah, all right.”
This was a deep cut into Raina lore, lol. But fun! Catlock!
I've started a collection of these ficlets on AO3 here and already added it to @calaisreno's collection.
Tags under the cut as always. Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@jrow @peanitbear @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @jolieblack @totallysilvergirl @catlock-holmes @victorianpining @helloliriels @meetinginsamarra @discordantwords @givemesherbet-blog-blog
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pigeon-tracks · 5 months
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pspspspsps get in the large box sherlock
Is anything inside the box that I could want?
I am not a feline I do not enter random boxes just for the sake of being inside a box. There needs to be some reward, something interesting.
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Hear me out. The ungodly amount of times I've seen and read about him being compared to a cat or how his actions resemble that of a cat and the truthfulness of that statement is uncanny. Therefore, our beloved bbg detective is a pussy (cat)
Also I'd love to think that if he ever adopts a cat, for experimentation ofc, he'd give it a chemistry pun name. Like Ironline, get it? Because Iron is Fe the periodic table so..... Iron(Fe)line. HAHAHA GET IT?
Hey Nonny!
LOL OKAY you had me in the first line hahahah.
And yeah, there's a reason that "catlock" is a popular headcanon / AU in the Sherlock fandom, hahah. He has a lot of cat-like tendencies, for sure.
And LOL I am going to admit, your pun cracked me up hahahhahaah!!!
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beesholmes · 1 year
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I see no difference tbh
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janiesprings · 1 year
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I wanted to share this with you all. I made it yesterday and I really love it! 💗
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tiverrr · 1 year
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i read a fic where cat!lock is actually a tuxedo cat and now that's my headcanon for whenever sherlock is a cat hybrid
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221b-alovestory · 1 year
Sherlock and John in bed
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Source (x)
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serpoupouilleowo · 2 years
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iamreallysherlocked · 2 years
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Sulky Catlock With Red Scarf
App used: Lily Diary
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benedictinelove · 1 year
Thanks for exposing the rat-arses that spew poison about Benedict and his beautiful wife, Sophie. Here is a CatLock that I drew on a t-shirt for an internet person. macgyvershe/eagle wings
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That's gorgeous! I really, *really* love it. The eyes are so fantastic. I see you did this in 2014. Do you still do art?
EDIT: I just checked out your blog. Your art is really one-of-a-kind and makes me happy. Thanks for sharing it!
And thanks...I mostly reblog and add to posts by @legionnaireslover and @doctortwhohiddles. They're the ones on the 'front lines,' so to speak. It's important to not let bullies like the Haters win by allowing them to spew their lies without being called out.
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Are you a cat? Why are you thinking of getting into boxes?
Some people claim that I am very feline. Depends on the box whether I would consider getting inside it.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
Sometimes, Sherlock looks like this.
(Idk, it's a shitpost. Ignore me lol.)
Hey Lovely!
HAHAHAH No lies, honestly LOL.
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bmarble-sauce · 2 years
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pipmer · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, Romance, 5+1 Things, Gift Fic, Community: holmestice Summary:
Well, this would not do. This would not do at all. John Watson should never look so unsure of himself, so fearful of rejection. John Watson deserved all of the best things life had to offer, and if one of those things was Sherlock Holmes himself, then that’s what he would have. No begging, and no groveling, necessary.
My holmestice offering for @catlock-holmes
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teacup-captor · 2 months
Good! Morning! Loves!!
I have some variation of serotonin for you!!!! But I also wanted to let you know that you're lovely and jubbly and super god damn sweet and you make us very fucking happy and fnajfjskds am so glad we are close!!!! I'm hope you slept welllll
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You orbit my dick
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