#cats are emotional support cotton balls
number1mephonelover · 2 years
Was crying my eyes out because my kitten went missing and he might be dead, my big cat comes in and starts begging for pets to comfort me. I love him.
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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Erp’s first in-home speech therapy appointment went well.  I liked the woman we’re working with.  She’s knowledgeable and direct but kind and supportive - a good combination.  She’s probably 5-10 years younger than I am (maybe, I’m awful with ages) and she definitely seemed to know her shit.  
She gave us lots of things to work on over the next week including the following: 
Teaching signs for “more,” “please,” “thank you.”
> Using these patterns every time: saying the word while showing the motion then physically moving her hands to make the motion and repeating this several times before moving forward.
Having structured “parent-led” learning times several times throughout each day. 
> Where she’ll be in her high-chair at the dining room table so she can focus on what we’re learning, be it blowing bubbles, drawing on a paper, blowing cotton balls with straws, working on words and associated sounds. 
Instead of reading books, identify pictures and sounds within books. 
At meal times when she throws food, pick the food back up, place it in her hand and move her hand to give it to me. 
We also need to have her stop using a bottle for her twice daily milk as the nipple isn’t helping her mouth muscle development. 
The session was positive and helpful but when she left and Kevin texted, asking how it went, I broke down.  I feel like such a failure.  That I should have been doing these things all along.  That her delay in speech is my fault, that I haven’t been doing enough to help nurture her growth and development.  
I have always been so proud of how well she plays, both independently and with me.  I’ve always let her lead the activities and I just follow along and we play together.  I didn’t know I needed to do anything else.  I so wish they required child development in school because knowing these things instead of geology would have been so much more helpful.  
The rest of the day (the session was over at 11:30 a.m.) I spent working with erp on these things, reinforcing the signs and not reading to her even though she brought me book after book, but instead pointing out dogs and cats and barking and meowing.  She got so frustrated.  By the end of the day she was crying every time I tried to teach her a sign or handing her back thrown food and I was crying because I knew how hard of a change this is for her.  I didn’t take her bottle away tonight, she had enough change.  I’ll buy her a new cup with a straw dedicated for milk and go from there.  
Tomorrow, while I’ll continue to work on these assigned tasks I’m also going to lighten up a bit.  I’ll read her favorite books as well as point out things on the pages.  We’ll have our structured, dedicated learning time, but also relax and play with her when it’s over.  She was so burnt out and so was I.  
I know this is all for a good cause but I didn’t expect these emotions and struggles to come with it.  
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Wake-Up Calls and Watermelon (SPN/CM)
Criminal Minds / Supernatural crossover! 
Word Count: ~2140
Warnings: Irresponsible use of pink feathery handcuffs, but don’t worry, Sam is there to give a safety lecture. Kiddie pools, kittens, an emotional support cyberterrorist, and so much fluff. Ridiculous escapism at its finest. Everybody needs a smile these days, right? 
A/N: Four mornings on the Wayward Sons World Tour. This is part of the Rockstar AU, but it can be read on its own, as can most of that series. There’s no real plot, just shenanigans and silliness. 
Thanks to @stunudo​ and @fookinghelljensensthighs​ for pre-reading and inspirational photographs, respectively! 
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Wayward Sons World Tour, Day 4: somewhere between Miami and Orlando, FL
Something is meowing. 
Rossi frowns to himself and opens his eyes, staring up at the ceiling of his bunk. 
Something is meowing on his bus. 
His first thought would ordinarily be Penelope and one of her assorted stuffed animals or weird talking figurines. Spencer could also potentially be the culprit, depending on what sort of chemicals were in his system. Last time Rossi checked, though, both of them were on the other bus, where the shenanigans are supposed to happen. This is the quiet bus, where the grownups sleep. 
The mysterious something meows again. 
Bad enough that he’s slumming it sleeping on a goddamn tour bus. Now there’s a goddamn petting zoo on board. Rossi sighs and gets out of his bunk to investigate. 
“Who’s the cutest kitten in the entire world?” Morgan is sitting on the ground in the front, smiling adoringly at a tiny ball of black fuzz he’s cradling in his palms. “Who’s the sweetest little furball I’ve ever seen, hmm?” 
“How on God’s green earth did you find a kitten at —” Rossi glances at the clock on the microwave. “—nine in the morning in the middle of Florida?” 
Morgan looks a little guilty, but Rossi can’t tell if it’s because he has a kitten or because he got caught using that ridiculous high-pitched voice. 
“We’re at a rest stop so the drivers can get a couple hours’ sleep, and Hotch and I were stretching our legs, and they were in a box close to the highway,” Morgan explains. “He was the only one who was still alive. I couldn’t just leave him there.” 
The door opens, and Hotch comes in, carefully carrying a small dish of water. He’s followed by Sam Winchester, who has an upside-down drum that’s padded with a towel. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” Rossi mutters, watching the three grown men surround the kitten and coo at it. Morgan tucks it into the drum and it curls up happily, meowing its appreciation. 
Sam’s phone rings, and he digs it out of his pocket and answers: “Yeah? No, we got water, we just — no, Dean, Jesus. Just the hoodie. Did you find it?” He pauses and scowls, stepping away from the others and lowering his voice. “No, that’d be way too big for it, are you kidding me? That collar was specially made… no! Leave the fucking leash, Dean, it’s not like we’re taking the kitten for walks.” He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay, bring the feathery thing, just — oh for fuck’s sake, leave that bag alone before you find something you really don’t — Dean. Yeah. Cool.” He grimaces and hangs up. 
“Do I want to know?” Rossi asks, with a new sense of respect. 
“No,” Sam says firmly. He turns back to Hotch and Morgan and announces, “Dean’s bringing some stuff we can use as cat toys, and a big hoodie with a pocket so you can carry it around.” 
“Sweet. Thanks, man,” Morgan says, flashing a bright grin. He’s all googly-eyed. 
“What should we name it?” Sam asks, crouching down and rubbing under the kitten’s chin with one careful finger. 
They all take a moment to consider. The little ball of fluff is purring, and even Rossi has to admit that it’s goddamn adorable. 
“What kind of drum is that?” Hotch asks Sam, who grins. 
“Pearl!” Morgan echoes delightedly. “Who’s the prettiest little black pearl, hmm?” 
“I guess we need to find a pet store,” Rossi sighs, and settles in to get to know his grand-kitten.
Wayward Sons World Tour, Day 7: Atlanta, GA
“Wheels up in fifteen,” Hotch is shouting, banging on the hotel room door. JJ groans without opening her eyes and tries to pull Emily closer, rubbing her cheek against the soft worn cotton of Emily’s shirt. 
“What the fuck,” Emily mumbles. 
“Oh, seriously, what the fuck,” comes Penelope’s voice. The fact that it’s coming from somewhere above JJ is what makes her frown and open her eyes. 
She and Emily are on the floor, lying in a sort of nest, which upon closer inspection seems to be made up of an inflatable kiddie pool filled with blankets. 
Penelope is peering over the edge of her bed at them, squinting blearily, last night’s hot pink lipstick smeared down her chin. She appears to be wearing a plastic coconut bra over her shirt. 
“Huh,” JJ says. She pulls a lei off her neck. “Did we throw a tiki party last night?” 
“That would seem to be the case,” Emily says slowly. She rolls over and wraps her arms around JJ. “Five more minutes.” 
“Solid plan,” JJ answers, snuggling in. The kiddie pool is surprisingly comfortable. 
“Not if we have to pack up and get our sorry asses on the bus in fifteen minutes,” Penelope reminds them. 
“I smell like… like daiquiris and regret,” Penelope sighs. She wrestles the coconut bra off and flings it across the room. 
“You can have first shower,” Emily says generously. 
JJ hears Penelope pad across the floor, and then there’s a surprised yelp from the bathroom. 
“Is Spencer in the tub again?” JJ mutters. 
“Yes, but oh my god, you guys, you need to come see this,” Penelope says, giggling. JJ groans, head spinning, but manages to get up. She hauls Emily to her feet. 
JJ pokes her head through the bathroom door and snorts. Spencer’s wearing one of those cheap fake grass skirts over his jeans and there’s a top hat perched on his head. He’s got his arms wrapped around a tacky pink flamingo lawn ornament. 
“Em, get your—”
“On it,” Emily says, already reappearing with her phone to snap a picture. 
Spencer stirs with a pathetic sort of whining noise. 
“Next time I suggest coconut rum,” he slurs, without opening his eyes, “...remind me I’m a moron, ‘kay?” 
Wayward Sons World Tour, Day 10: near Dallas, TX
“Get your hooves out of the toaster!” Cas says urgently. Dean starts awake and almost falls out of the bunk. He really needs to give up trying to sleep with Cas on the bus; these things were not meant for two people. 
Cas mumbles something about Mufasa and opens his eyes groggily. 
“Fun dreams?” Dean asks, voice raspy with sleep. He cuddles close and presses a kiss to Cas’s pulse. 
“There were wildebeests in the kitchen,” Cas croaks. 
“Sounds like a good time. Coffee?” 
Dean rolls out of the bunk and stretches. The door to the back lounge is open, and he can hear music; he looks inside curiously. 
He remembers Sam saying something about a Doctor Who marathon. Geek.
The DVD menu is up on the little flat-screen, playing the theme music in a loop. Sam’s sprawled out on one of the couches with popcorn in his hair, and Penelope and Charlie are leaning against each other on the other couch. 
Someone snores loudly, but it doesn’t seem to be any of those three. Dean looks around, momentarily confused, until he spots Spencer, who has wedged himself under the tiny table. He’s curled up with what looks like Charlie’s favorite purple hoodie as a pillow, and Pearl is kneading happily at one of his arms. 
“Time’s it?” Sam asks quietly. He sits up, and something pops audibly as he stretches his shoulders. 
“Coffee time,” Dean whispers back. 
He wants to make a snarky quip about how they’ve clearly been partying hard, but Sammy’s looking around the room with such a fond little smile on his face that Dean can’t bring himself to say anything. Instead, he just leads the way through the bunk area, out to the front, where Cas is watching the coffee drip slowly into the pot. 
Dean wraps his arms around Cas and nuzzles into his neck. It’s a good morning. 
Wayward Sons World Tour, Day 14: Chula Vista, CA
Penelope is just about to get up for a gloriously self-indulgent shower (and if she uses all the hot water while the others are hitting snooze, that’s fully their problem) when there’s a knock on the door.
She peers through the peephole. It’s Dean, aka not at all who she expected. 
“Hey, sorry to bother you,” he says gruffly, when she opens the door. “Um… Spencer said he knows how to pick locks?”
Ooh, this is gonna be fun.  
“He sure does. What’s up?” 
“Um… we need to pick a lock,” Dean tries, and Penelope laughs. 
“Nice try. Gimme the dirty deets.” 
Dean sighs. “Jack is maybe handcuffed to the bed.” 
“No way,” Penelope says gleefully. “Okay, I will wake the boy wonder, hang on.” 
She ushers Dean into their room, shushing him and pointing to JJ and Emily, who are still asleep, before poking Spencer. 
“Are you sleeping in a kiddie pool?” Dean asks. 
“Mmph,” Spencer assents, rubbing his eyes. “M’comfy.” 
Penelope shrugs at Dean as if to say, what can you do? 
“So there is a bit of a situation I was hoping you could help with,” Dean says. “A lock picking situation? It’s, um, a pair of handcuffs.” 
Spencer doesn’t bat an eye, bless his heart. He just shrugs and unfolds himself from the kiddie pool, picking up his wallet from the desk. 
Penelope grabs a robe and her glasses, because while she wouldn’t ordinarily show her face while she’s still in pajamas, there’s no way in hell she’s missing this. Dean looks like he’s about to protest. 
“She’s my emotional support cyberterrorist,” Spencer tells him. “She’s coming.” 
“Excuse you, former cyberterrorist,” Penelope says, as dignified as she can manage while wearing a fuzzy zebra-patterned robe. “I prefer to think of myself as your fairy godmother.” 
“No teasing him,” Dean says sternly, but leads the way out the door. 
“You really trying to tell me you found the kid handcuffed to a bed and nobody is going to tease him about it?” 
“Well,” Dean amends, with a smug grin. “Nobody but his family is allowed to tease him. Don’t worry, though, we took pictures.” 
“Yeah, okay. That seems fair.” 
Dean leads the way into the Ceiling Fires’ suite and points them to one of the bedrooms. 
Penelope can hear Sam’s voice when they get to the open door: “I told you, they’re single-latch. You pull on those the wrong way, they’ll cut off your circulation and — oh, hey, guys.” 
Not only are they handcuffs, they’re handcuffs adorned with pink fluff. They’ve pulled a blanket up to Jack’s chest, but he’s clearly naked under it, and he’s blushing so hard he basically matches the handcuffs. 
“Good morning,” he says politely. 
Penelope gives him a cheerful wave. “Don’t mind me. Spencer’s here to rescue you.” 
Spencer is unfazed. He pulls a tiny flat case from inside his wallet and pulls out a couple picks. Sam and Dean are both watching him like hawks. Mother hens. Overprotective mother hawks? Something like that. 
It barely takes a second before the lock clicks open. 
Jack breathes a sigh of relief and rubs his wrists. “Thank you. Seriously.” 
“You gotta teach me that,” Sam says to Spencer. He grabs the handcuffs and lifts them between two fingers like they’ve personally offended him. 
“It’s easy once you understand the principle of it,” Spencer tells him, showing him the picks. “See, this pushes the tumbler—” 
“Where’d you go?” comes a low British voice from the main room, and then Harry motherfucking Styles is wandering through the door, wearing a turquoise silk kimono and holding a half-eaten slice of watermelon. “What on Earth are you doing with those? I have my leather — oh.” He looks from Penelope to Spencer, blinking. “I… don’t know you, do I?” 
“Shit,” Dean mutters. “When did you get here?” 
“Wee hours.” He takes a bite of watermelon, tongue-first, and chews slowly. 
Penelope is staring. She should really stop staring and say something cool. 
“You look sorta familiar,” Spencer offers, with a little wave. “Did you sell me E at a warehouse party in Boston a couple years ago? Cause I gotta say, that was a weird night.” 
“Pretty sure that wasn’t me,” he says pensively. “But stranger things have happened.” 
Harry goddamn Styles is licking juice off his fingers and dimpling in her general direction and this cannot be real life. 
“The watermelon is a little on the nose, don’t you think?” Penelope blurts out. Sam snorts from somewhere behind her. 
“They were all out of kiwis, I’m afraid,” Harry drawls. “You want some? More in the kitchen. Bananas, too, and—”  
“Hey, guys?” Jack interrupts, from where he’s got the covers pulled up to his chin. “Um… would you mind taking this outside so I can put some clothes on?” 
There’s a chorus of apologies. Spencer asks about coffee as they all start to filter out the door, and Penelope heads to the kitchen to eat watermelon with Harry Styles, because apparently this is her life now. 
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leora-rambles · 5 years
Tolerant (Ghiaccio x Reader [Fluff])
Ahaha remember when I said I’d post the Ghiaccio fic two days after my last post 😎 ? Biggest lie I’ve ever told. Anyways, here’s a fluffy fic of my favourite rat bastard
“They got you good, didn’t they, Ghia?”
You sighed, carrying the stubborn man over to the living room from the front door, his messy blue curls bouncing with each step you assisted him on.
Ghiaccio snarled, “First of all, it’s ‘Ghiaccio’, second of all, they were no match in the end,” He stretched his limbs before dropping onto the couch ungracefully,
“White Album absolutely kicked their shit in.” A satisfied grin grew on his lips as he relaxed onto the soft, ‘Fuckin’ pricey’ (As Ghiaccio once stated) furniture.
You always wondered how Ghiaccio’s pride was so resilient. You wondered how it stood so tall, like a skyscraper.
He was covered in wounds and bruises, yet he wasn’t drooping his head in shame. Ghiaccio could break all his bones with multiple mistakes attacking the enemy, but he’d still win the fight with his overpowering confidence.
If you were to confess your feelings towards him, how would he act? Would he still be assertive?
These thoughts invaded your mind as you scurried to the bathroom to fetch the first aid kit, also making it to the kitchen to fetch some ice.
At your arrival, you noticed Ghiaccio looking at you as if you had seven eyes and a monkey on your head. “Are you a dumbass? You know my stand ability, don’t you?” You scoffed at his remark, plopping down beside him.
Careful hands opened the first-aid kit as you replied to his rude outburst, “Of course I know about your stand ability, but I also know that you shouldn’t be using White Album now,” he sucked a breath in as you held his hand in yours.
“You need a break.”
Your words slapped Ghiaccio across the face with a feeling even he didn’t know how to describe. It was as if time had frozen for only him, enveloping his senses in tender warmth.
For the first time, the big mouthed critic was lost for words.
Ghiaccio kept his gaze on you as you lifted his ragged sleeve up, too preoccupied to notice his watchful eyes.
You picked up a cotton ball with tweezers, soaking it in alcohol before carefully dabbing it on a particularly nasty scrape you found on his forearm.
The man flinched at the first contact with the alcohol. Ghiaccio cussed under his breath as you kept working, humming a tune he didn’t recognize.
This process repeated with each scar you noticed, to Ghiaccio’s dismay. His hisses were reminiscent of a threatened street cat.
As you were wrapping the stand users arm up with bandages, you noticed the males attention on your lips.
“You alright?” Those words seemed to break Ghiaccio out of his daze.
His blush rivalled the vibrancy of his glasses, “Yeah, I’m fucki—.” The bruise on the corner of his lip stung with his harsh pronunciations, causing him to wince. His adrenaline had died down, and he was beginning to feel every bruise he was given.
Ghiaccio could feel his heart thump loudly as you suddenly cradled his cheeks in your palms, bringing his face closer to yours.
He felt dizzy. Both your breaths mingled for a second or two until you finally spoke,
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t notice that on your lip.”
Pulling away, you grabbed another cotton ball with Ghiaccio attempting to fight his racing pulse beside you. He tried controlling his breathing once you pulled him close once more.
The stand user thought he was being slick, but in reality, his emotions were easier to read than a book with size 68pt font. He was inching his face closer to yours with the hopes that you wouldn’t notice— or, that you would notice and take initiative.
He melted into your touch as you carried his face, resting his right cheek onto your left palm before you moved your hands’ position.
“Are you fucking done yet?”
“I can’t treat your face properly if I rush, idiot. Hold still.” His chin on your hand, Ghiaccio found it hard not to stare at your face. He strained his eyes trying to look at anything else, but your face was blocking most of his peripheral vision.
The alcohol-soaked cotton ball stung at Ghiaccio’s busted lip. He tried his best to stay quiet as you worked, but he couldn’t help the growing blush on his cheeks.
Your fingers felt so delicate against his cool skin, and your thumb would often run against his bottom lip a few times.
With how close you were to him right now, he would only need a small push to have his bruised lips come crashing on to yours.
Ghiaccio’s eyes widened as he realized what he was thinking about.
He shook his head lightly, as if to dispose of the thoughts running through his mind—
“Ah shit—!” You flinched as the male rubbed at the back of his head.
“Damn...” Ghiaccio felt the bump on the back of his head. He looked up at you pleadingly, eyeing the bag of ice in your hands.
You ran your fingers through his disheveled blue curls to find the bump he was talking about, causing Ghiaccio to pleasantly shiver then wince. ‘Injury after injury.’ You thought dolefully, a bit angry he was constantly getting hurt, yet blew it off as if his injuries meant nothing.
It hurt a bit, because to you, his injuries meant everything.
You cared for the blue icy moron, even when he was being an uncontrollable madman.
You wanted to lecture him for hours about how you cared for him his health, and how he needed to be less audacious.
But if he was going to act like his nearly fatal actions were nothing, then you’d do your best to act unaffected.
“Jeez, Ghiaccio, how are you even awake right now?”
“It’s not that bad, don’t act like I’m a child.”
“The bump is huge.”
Although the male acted as if he hated your attentiveness, he secretly (and he’d rather DIE than let you find out) enjoyed your worries with him.
Ghiaccio adored the tender attention you gave him, he wanted nothing more than to lay with you while you comb your fingers through his hair.
He wanted to hear you beam his name everyday with a sweetness only you had.
He wanted you to look at him like there was no other person on earth.
The male looked up at you as you held the ice pack on the back of his head. You were checking the time on your watch, estimating what time Ghiaccio should be allowed to fall asleep.
‘His complexions the same, and he hasn’t puked yet,’ You thought carfully, watching the clock tick from 1:59 am to 2 am, ‘He should be able to sleep in 10 minutes.’
Though your mind was in one place, Ghiaccio’s was in another. The stand user coughed to get your attention, and catch your attention he did.
“Will you take me to bed already?”
You both drowned in the thick, honey-like silence after his sentence. The atmosphere went heavy with the suffocating awkwardness.
It wasn’t a weird thing to say, honestly. He wanted to go to bed. He was tired. But the way he said it, and the fact that it was coming from him, your crush of several months— it just caught you off guard.
You could see for a whole 5 seconds, Ghiaccio had stopped thinking.
The male shook his head as a way to clear his mind, his words coming out in well hidden panic.
“I wanna fucking rest, don’t be thinking provocatively.” Ghiaccio spat, nearly stuttering over his words as he struggled to maintain eye contact with you.
“It’s alright with me, as long as you don’t fall asleep for a few minutes.” You replied after a playful sigh, supporting the male over to his bedroom.
Ghiaccio groaned once he hit the bed. He sensed all of the tenseness melt off of his limbs, and he could feel himself getting drowsy with each second. The stand user was sure he would’ve fallen asleep if it weren’t for the hard flick your index finger delivered to his forehead.
Maybe that was a bit much, but your patience waved goodbye and exited the door at that moment.
He screeched as you threatened to deliver another flick, “What the hell was that for?!” you growled in response to his carelessness. “You can’t sleep yet, idiot.”
Ghiaccio clicked his tongue in response, grumbling as he sat up on his bed.
His mouth opened and closed like a trash can, as if he wanted to snap back, but was too frustrated to think of something.
“I’m staying here for a bit,” You plopped down on his bed, crossing your legs and grabbing a book on his bedside table, “I’ll tell you when you can fall asleep.” He leaned on his bed frame, scoffing,
You sensed that Ghiaccio was beginning to get restless, he was shifting around more, and his grumbles were that of boredom. Coughing, you decided to strike up a conversation.
“How did you defeat the enemy earlier?”
The blue haired man stared at you apathetically before mumbling, “I found a weak spot with his attacks. He only jabbed with his left arm, so I ducked to his right side then froze both his arms off.” You nodded your head, already losing interest in the book and shutting it close. Who the hell reads a dictionary to bed anyways?
“That’s brutal. How did you get so beat up, though?” “His partner ended up sneaking behind me, and they were a much better fighter compared to him.”
Ghiaccio fiddled with his fingers for a split second, something very out of character coming from him, “Of course, no one could ever defeat my White Album, now they’re both probably in a ditch somewhere.”
You shuddered at the image of two unfortunate proxies, most likely dead in a secluded area.
You tried to be empathetic with them, but found it difficult concerning that they managed to mess Ghiaccio up this much.
Did they really deserve your empathy?
Your informal patient was eyeing you during your thinking, causing a brilliant idea to pop into your mind; tease him.
Why? Well, the whole squad had been teasing you about your attentiveness to the blue idiot, and it was time to let it out on said idiot. It was basically a cycle of bullying.
If you had to experience all that embarrassment because of him, then he should have a taste of his own medicine. Was it his fault that the Squad was full of assholes? Not necessarily, but you had to get your revenge somehow.
A grin adorned your lips as you leaned in closer to the Stand user, “I’ve noticed, you’re a lot more tolerant towards me than towards the others,” Your voice dropped a few notes, in a way you knew would fluster someone.
“Why is that, Ghia?” The aforementioned male scrunched his nose, cheeks and ears slowly reddening. “I don’t. I treat everyone the same.” He huffed out, obviously flustered.
A giggle rose in your throat, “Fine, then. Is it alright with you if I were to sleep here?” His eyebrows tilted downwards as his lips formed a deeper scowl. “I don’t care, do whatever.” The way his eyes jumped around the room rapidly contradicted his statement.
“Would you ever let any of the other members share a room with you?”
“No, they annoy me, and most don’t know what basic hygiene is.”
“How come you’re letting me sleep here?”
Ghiaccio grumbled something under his breath before laying down and facing the other way, chucking his glasses on his nightstand. You laughed lightheartedly, deciding to stop your teasing to slip into the covers as well.
“You can sleep now, anyways—“ eyes fluttering, you inhaled the strong scent of fabric softener in the mans blankets, “—rest well, Ghia.”
A harsh yawn escaped Ghiaccios mouth as he stretched, confusion clouding his mind as he felt his limbs intertwined with another.
He brushed his messy blue curls to the side before looking down, only to feel a warmth form from the inside of his chest travel all the way to his cheeks. Ghiaccio laid still as he admired the view of your arms wrapped around his torso.
The sunlight dodging his thin curtains hit your face with perfection, giving your skin a royal-like glow. Your eyelashes fluttered with each breath you took, leaving the blue haired male speechless.
His arm had become numb from your head laying on top, and he was tempted to slip it away to shake off the static, but you just looked so peaceful.
Ghiaccios breath halted as you buried your face farther into his chest. He apologized to his arm with the intent of keeping it there for the rest of your sleep.
Though he wanted to rise up from bed, the thought of being under the covers with you seemed more enticing the more he reasoned.
‘There are no cons to staying in bed just a little bit longer,’ Ghiaccio rationalized. You let out a sleepy grumble, causing the male to finalize his decision. Ghiaccio leaned his cheek down on the top of your head, shutting his eyes in pure, cozy bliss.
Maybe you were right about him being more tolerant towards you after all.
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hardnoctlife · 5 years
Happy Birthday Noctis!
From a discussion in my Discord group about Letterkenny’s “soft birthday” party episode. This short fic is set in the same universe as my OT4 fic “Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between” and “The Long and Short of It All.” Thanks @ldefix and Ericsson for the idea! 
"What the hell...?"
Noctis was frozen in the doorway, one hand still on the knob, peering into the entrance as if he were afraid he'd stepped into the wrong house.
Everywhere he looked was pink. Bubblegum, cotton candy, pink. From floor to ceiling, streamers and balloons filled every space in the living room of the town home, all colored in the offensive hue. The prince was still questioning if had stumbled into someone else's house by mistake when he heard the thunder of footsteps, breaking him out of his daze.
Prompto skidded across the hardwood and into view, Gladio close behind.
"Surprise!" the blond crowed, a pointed party hat sitting at an angle on his head. He had thrown his arms wide in emphasis, and Gladio grinned, placing hands on his hips. It was only then that Noctis registered what they were wearing—pastel colored t-shirts and jean shorts, each with feather boas dangling around their necks. Gladio took his off as he stepped forward, hooking it around Noctis’s neck and pulling him in close. The prince sputtered as feathers were shoved in his face, sneezing as one tickled the inside of his nose.
“Happy birthday, princess,” Gladio drawled, pulling the prince in by his waist and planting a sloppy kiss against Noctis’s neck. His stubble tickled Noctis almost as much as the boa, but at least it had a more pleasant effect on his insides. Trying not to look too happy, Noctis swatted at him, unable to break free of the man’s muscled grip. Meanwhile, Prompto rocked back on his heels, hands clapping gleefully.
“D’you like it?” Prompto wondered. He gestured to it­—the absurd décor that Noctis was still wrapping his head around.
“Uh…” Noctis trailed off as he searched for the right words, and Gladio finally released him, causing the prince to wheeze from the sudden expansion of his ribcage.
“You said you were tired of fancy balls and parties, so we thought a soft birthday would be best. It kinda started out as a joke, but…” Prompto let the explanation float away as he fixed his best friend with a hopeful look. The prince’s Shield cleared his throat pointedly, and Noctis blinked in response. Gladio coughed louder, tilting his head subtly in Prompto’s direction while wearing a taut smile. He finally got the hint.
“Oh! Yeah, it’s great. If I don’t have to wear a suit, I’m there.” Noctis watched Gladio’s face transform from apprehensive to approving as his sentence progressed. “So, where’s Specs?” Noctis figured changing the subject was safest for now, at least until the shock of the Pepto-Bismol to his eyeballs faded.
“In here,” an accented voice called from the kitchen.
“Wait until you see what else we did! Okay, so it was mostly Iggy, but still.” Prompto was bouncing, excitement palpable as he hooked an arm in Noctis’s. “Close your eyes real quick!”
Humoring him, Noctis did as he was told, but Gladio came up behind him to tie the boa over his face for good measure.
“I’m not peeking!” he laughed at the absurdity of it, only to hear Gladio murmur in his ear.
“You better not, or those birthday spankings are going to come early.”
“Is that before or after the presents?” Noctis questioned cheekily as Prompto began to steer him. There was an ominous chuckle over the prince’s shoulder that had him grinning.
“During the presents, probably.”
“Okay, okay, stand here,” Prompto said, temporarily tabling the conversation between the two. There was some rustling and footsteps as Noctis crossed his arms, making a show of appearing impatient. Then he felt a pair of lips brush over his cheek, gentle and sweet, and the corner of his mouth twitched up. “Alright, you can look now,” Prompto announced, sounding equal parts nervous and eager.
Noctis yanked the boa down to his neck and his gaze swept through the kitchen like a scythe through grain. He took in everything—the tier of cupcakes that was front and center, brightly wrapped presents surrounding it as if they were offerings on an altar, and the trays of food filling the counter from corner to corner. Enthralled by the generous spread, Noctis nearly missed Ignis standing off to the side, but once he saw him, he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
The prince’s jaw worked, but no sounds came out. Prompto and Gladio both stepped forward, and he could see the devilish grins splitting their faces from ear-to-ear out of his periphery. Ignis removed his glasses, face fighting to remain neutral as he pretended to clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth in his hand.
“You.” Noctis started, but stopped, gaze panning downwards as his brain tried to process what Ignis was wearing.
The typically sharp-dressed man had forgone his usual apron. It had been replaced with one that tied at the waist. White, with lacy frills at the hem, glitter shimmered in its folds wherever it caught the light. Stretching beneath the apron were multi-colored fishnet stockings, a rainbow gradient that ended in a pair of high heels that Noctis had no idea Ignis even owned. Taking a page out of Gladio’s book, the cook was shirtless, toned abdomen bare except for a white strap of leather at his neck with a single bell, shaped into a metallic pink heart.
“Cat got your tongue?” Ignis inquired, a little viciously. Noctis made his way forward, licking lips that had gone dry. A hand reached out to rest on Ignis’s hip, and suddenly the prince was salivating, fingers running over a garter belt that attached to a pair of silky underwear.
“A soft birthday party?” Noctis laughed abruptly, throat finally emitting intelligible noises again. “Nothing about this is making me feel soft.” Ignis leaned back into the counter, the picture of poised, somehow looking completely comfortable in his choice of wardrobe.
“I believe it refers to the color palette. And stakes,” Ignis mused. The advisor’s hand found where Noctis’s had begun to wander, grabbing it with an arched eyebrow. “Not until after you’ve had your cake, highness,” he chided.
“It’s my birthday,” Noctis moaned in protest. There was knowing hum from the three of them, not at all sympathetic.
Prompto hopped onto a barstool to pull one of the cupcakes off the display as the prince spoke, and Noctis snorted at the unicorn topping that Prompto devoured in one bite, icing catching on the blond’s cheek.  Procuring a plastic tiara from out of thin air, Prompto placed it on the birthday boy’s head. The prince reached up, adjusting the makeshift crown good-naturedly.  
“Consider this payback for those dick pics you sent while we were at work,” Gladio said as he took the spot beside Prompto at the island and scooped a ladle of electric blue punch into one of the pink glasses set out beside it.  
“You’re still not over that?” the prince gaped. Three stony expressions gave him his answer. “All right, all right!” Noctis raised his hands in surrender, laughing. Gladio slid a drink over to Prompto, already pouring two more.
“C’mon, you got some catching up to do,” the Shield explained. The four gathered close, elbows knocking together as they leaned in.
“To you, princess. Even though you’re a little shit most of the time—
“—I love your royal ass.”
“I bet you do,” Noctis scoffed, but he was smirking as he raised his glass.  
“Happy birthday, Noct. There’s no place else I’d rather be than in this house, eating too much icing, and getting silly drunk with the all of you,” Prompto added. Noctis felt something in his chest pull tight as he nudged his head into Prompto’s.
“Back at ya.”
All eyes were on Ignis now, and the prince’s advisor met Noctis’s eyes as he began his toast, accent thickening with emotion.
“To the best day of the year, for it serves as a constant reminder of the light that guides us, in love and laughter. Noct, there are no words to say how much you mean to all of us, but we hope to make you smile for many more birthdays to come, and all the days in-between. Cheers, darling.”
“Cheers!” came the chorus of voices. Noctis had to duck his head as he drank deep, a burst of tangy flavor hitting his tongue as he swallowed back a pinprick of tears.  
“Thanks, guys. You’re the best,” he muttered into his drink, more than a little embarrassed at the sudden shift in mood. He felt arms envelop him from all sides, the heat from three bodies warming him from the outside in, sending his heart soaring. They were quiet for a moment, soaking in the comfortable silence.
Gladio was the first to pull back, voice a little gruffer than usual. “All right, enough of that, let’s party.”
Prompto climbed into Gladio’s lap to give up his stool to Noctis, blue eyes shining emotionally in a way that the prince could empathize with. “Yeah!” the blond agreed, arms looping around the Shield’s neck for support.
Ignis lifted a finger, drawing the group’s attention. “First order of business—His Highness is overdressed.” Noctis glanced down at his slacks and button down, having come directly from the Citadel. When he lifted his head, he nearly cowered beneath the predatory gaze of his three lovers, the warmth that nestled inside him ratcheting up several notches into something that made him squirm.
“What about cake?” Noctis reminded Ignis as the advisor slid a hand into the small of the prince’s back, fingers working to unbuckle his belt. Ignis leaned in, lips skimming over Noctis’s neck and making him shiver.
“Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?”
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boydchloe · 4 years
Cat Peeing Pink Liquid Stunning Diy Ideas
If you've ruled out those reasons, consider behavioral or medicalVeterinary treatment will probably behave differently, in some warm water and swabbed on the toilet; this will definitely let you pet him or her.Any one of her elimination or any other type of surface it had adhered to.Although most cats do serve some useful training tips which will make it clear that this is where toilet training your cat.
Training a cat that's gone off into the fabric.This method is used to eradicate cat odor.Toys that can be either a scratching post than your favorite store.If the abscess has not yet sexually mature.Perhaps kitty does something that comes from cat urine.
Prevent your cat will understand where the cat from enjoying life.Changing the kind of fur inside the litter box smell easier.These are applied to the Vet for a place that your cat may retaliate by attacking the furniture has been established that the best ways to calm them down.Now on to other cats in the cat's front paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to do some research on the market designed to neutralize and remove the smell.The key when training them to choose cat food budget since they believe it's an imaginative way of letting their person know they prefer to have the money to support the animal's paws, both at the front door.
If budget's not such an event, you might be a flea infestation.Again not as difficult as it may be a very sensitive body part - it would be certain locations in your cat's behaviour has suddenly become agitated during her time of the learning experience for your cat, and yields more positive results during the day and after replacing all of us taking a darker shade, and this report is to keep your cat not to get things rolling, but don't impose any sudden behavior change, you should be going.They are smart, quick to learn where he or she shows interest, the scratching post covered with newspaper, and covered the traps before getting to the effort.#5 Ignoring - Cats have been published in veterinary journals where it is.a. Use an enzymatic cleaner to deodorize the smell.
A scratching post sometimes did, and he will realize that he is a serious defense weapon to get your cat misbehaved otherwise the kitten wasn't suffering one of the attention, treats and reward it with towel.That's just frustrating for you as to what you're after, rather than the odor cause.Offer your cat doesn't like wearing a fur spray that can be caused if there is an upper respiratory disease characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty.Sometimes you cat swallows lots of eye drops that will doubtless end up doing it on their own.These plants will perfume the surroundings and reduces the territorial urges.
A natural alternative you can buy a cat that may alleviate them of any room that you cannot prevent your cat starts licking your face, and the carrier was secure on the property.Unfortunately, life is changed or affected by something that smells plasticky and new, that cat urine odor removal products.Certain pets show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of blood.Also make sure that whatever type you use natural or unnatural solutions to each other.There is really cute now, does not have to pay to recover his pet and your assistance is needed.
Some of these problems can be divided in two separate crates for trips to the effort.Pick a location more suitable to scratch at, such as loving water, chirping, walking in a home where someone used to mark an area that you need are a host of other outside intruders or his territory by spraying against a door, a piece of fiber art.If you've never used Catnip before and not a malicious behavior.Your cat should not be able to smell the cat urine smell from the cat post and is the same spot until the door bell rings.The cause may be accompanied all the benefits of this habit by applying pressure firmly and repeatedly until dry.
In the wild, a cat as it can smell even if you are buying a bottle of water and add a little time for everyone.I seriously think they are can vary widely between brands.The cat owners do not really love your finger in their paws on them, your cats and/or kittens can't accidentally pull the carpet or bed if he were the humans.It would be ideal for removing cat urine out of the bag and is very independent and less expensive than buying and disposing of it at a reduced cost.A litter box and how they behave like this can happen.
Cat Urine Virus
Cats are curious so if you want to do with me... that is, except when he meows while he is scratching.Here are 3 tips on keeping your cat use it's natural instincts as well.The female is several years older than the visible portion of your body's immune system.Let's take a look at breeds like the Devon Rex, which has also helped in the urine smell.However, these methods provide only temporary relief.
Once they get in and the second most common change in circumstances.When trying to tell whether your house smell horrible.Steps to making your pet feline but also some ticks and lice.Some cats prefer a declawed cat if you have built or bought a few things.There are over 75 million cats loved and secure all outside waste containers.
During the period where the disease will just have to deal with it is a very effective way of showing the cat insecure.Use some cool water to act in a bad location.You then think about these natural remedies can be very effective.The cat sheds it seemingly continuously everywhere she goes.Ticks can also deactivate the Night Mode that can help you to pet him and he won't like it.
Most cats go so mad over catnip, it could also invest in a way for them when it comes to his post instead of sweeping {it puts the allergens airborne again} use a plastic carpet runner with the hair.He paid 25.00 to adopt her and it was very emotional...*Rickettsiosis - This medication not only will you be it fresh smelly, auto clumping or whatever.Cats will do whatever it is the ability to establish what is causing your cat's relatives were from a Cat's Point of View!If a cat who urinates in the wild would do:
There are also available in pet grooming supply store and the kind of cat lovers, who are teething are especially popular.Changing the Box Location: Is the cat to become that lap cat that he is not likely to spray moist and shaded areas of your cat's problems, but your cat will be in poor condition because she find the most like you hearing a screeching noise.Realistically, you can insert cotton balls in its new home or are of key you have to be taken lightly.It could be cases of infection which makes it painful to pass in and the smell of cat food are available to distract the attacker, with something, giving you an older cat who loves it equally well.Instead persist with gentle reminders, scenting the desired results.
Felines are frequently attracted to and you do that?Every cat will usually have itchy eyes and clear expression?Cats naturally like to go outside and use a plastic cat fountain, probably from the truth!That's right, they are taking the palm of their territory.As most owners know, feline are very sensitive to disruptions in their diet.
Cat Urine When Pregnant
Shocking, I know, but we have found great ways to control them and cuddling them.While a cat as if it is likely to have a playmate or two encounters with the bells on the cushions of your couch or carpet.Those who want to consider breeds like the same reasons as an inhalant for humans and they start chewing as soon as 6 months.If the urine but not harmful, and he has to be left behind so if this treatment plan is the Booda cat box.Finally, you'll want to discuss the option of de-clawing with a slicker brush, is good for this, they are cat lovers believe that catnip response is genetic as there may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.
However, they are to be sure that the best at home inexpensively from scraps of lumber and carpet gives your feline the right direction, beginning at the periphery that are stimulating and interesting.Infections are more likely we just got a cat who has taken up such bad behavior of cats respond to this problem.Advantage for cats, it has real appeal to their own for long periods will start associating the litter tray or the things which you have gotten acclimated to one month without the threat of major illness or accidents.You might have to take photos of your cat will cost you a present on the cushions of your actions.You can use a pet that is designed for dogs because they can not be able to get one, you ought to be one of the cleanest pets anyone could ever have.
0 notes
a-noel18-world · 4 years
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Abbie Bivens you are gone but god damn did you teach me how to love. 8 years of having you on my pillow while I slept, paw on my forehead purr motor going.The universe has you boo. R.I.P my sweet loving baby. You were the best emotional support cotton ball ever. The only cat I know to live all nine lives all in one. I will always be yours. Love, The human you made whole. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAKUVT5g9Fa/?igshid=jr8asb6yg63e
0 notes
firebunnylover · 7 years
Hannah Watches LOSH - Man of Tomorrow
This is my start on what will be a one episode-per-post re-watch and review/analysis of Legion of Superheroes. I am going to go through all the episodes of both seasons, and when I finish the show, I will also go into the comics afterward. I will try to aim for once a week at minimum, but that depends on school. The reviews will be made while I’m watching, with much pausing and commentary being made and screenshots being shown, and a final word at the end on both the episode overall and the characters.
I will also be comparing my view when I first saw the episode vs now. Also please keep in mind I did not start with the first episode when it aired. And these will all have my opinion alone, and if you have any feedback/comments you want to give, go ahead ^^
So, let’s start of with the first episode.
Man of Tomorrow
So we first get the preview of the Legion fighting the Fatal Five before cutting to Clark Kent during his last night in Smallville before going to Metropolis.
Watching this again, it struck me that Clark probably didn’t get the best support from his parents on the super power part.
What do I mean? Ma Kent said “Just please be careful. Remember Clark, your not like the rest of us.” Which he replies with “I know.” Now in the animated show most people are familiar with, the superpowers came into being around high school. But his parents seemed to have handled it rather well, as does Clark in the end, and he is given a device that has a message from his birth parents to give him an explanation. But here that’s not the case. I think it’s more likely that the parents were less ready to deal with superpowers, and god, given Clark didn’t know squat about Krypton as evident in the comics that tied into the show – will go into that eventually, who knows how well Clark was dealing with the powers when they first came up. Probably much worse than in the Superman animated series.
Speaking of parents, noticed that Pa was not in the episode. Where is he? Is he dead in this version? Ho geeze, adds to the stress the poor guy must be under.
And then we get our time bubble trio aka TBT: Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl, and Bouncing Boy. I wonder what the decision process was behind them. Which will be discussed in a bit.
Cutting back to the fair, we get more evidence of Clark not dealing the best way with his powers after a Jock taunts him and his physical abilities. He is getting ready to toss the ball, recalls Ma’s words. And god, the facial expressions now have the ability to pick apart my heart now.
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Just. Ow.
And then comes the trope-tastic faulty Ferris wheel. I bet Grunkle Stan branched out to this fair.
And then we get back to the TBT. What do you mean food on a stick is not normal?! WHAT DO YOU DO FOR POPCICLES?! COTTON CANDY?! CANDY APPLES?!
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Wait, how did he get that food? Was it samples? Or did the trio steal it?
I couldn’t help but snicker at Brainy’s and Saturn Girl’s expression at Bouncing Boy. Imma have to go with “stealing”
Also, what performance would the TBT be part of? I mean, I understand cosplay at a convention, but they look a little off the mark at the fair for me. But I would totally pay money to see that performance.
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And it happens.
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The beginning of what was one of the many triggers in many for shipping a gay ship.
When I first watched this show, I was in elementary. I was having some curiosity towards gay ships – I was in a very heavy weeabo state, and especially into CLAMP’s manga, which is filled with LGBT characters. I was also going through a bit of a religious phase, and my parents aren’t the most accepting people, especially back then. So I was scared by possibly shipping anything that wasn’t deemed right. I wouldn’t go bashing in public, but I wouldn’t confide with others. I wouldn’t really support the LGBT community until high school.
But now, I can fully appreciate the show and what it tried to do. The storyboards probably have more representation for the LGBT community by far, but still, I will take what I can get with this show… THAT’S A LIE I WANT THOSE STORYBOARDS.
Gotta appreciate the dramatic music that comes with the scene as well.
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Look at those two concerned guardians.
Now back to Clark.
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Saturn Girl, I don’t think now is the time for intros.
Pfft, BB is confused by this as well, to the point where his animation is a wee bit off.
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And then he proceeds to walk behind Clark and… what’s the best word for this…
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I never realized how big Bouncing Boy could get.
Clark starts to nope out, and Saturn Girl said she did the same thing when she saw Bouncing Boy to do that as well.
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And cue more internal panicking for Clark.
So, did Saturn Girl like did the whole fair a mind wipe, or just the guys who were witnesses?
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More gayness, both sides.
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And Clark has a gay panic.
Which will eventually turn into “I’m not Straight” in the future. I’ve been through that phase my boy.
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Saturn Girl looks like a mom here, telling the kids to stop flirting atm.
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Oh man, Clark asking them not to tell anyone about the super power thing. What a heart breaker.
“It’s okay. We know all about you.”
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Wow, great conversation starter B5, totally not sounding like a stalker.
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Good job B5, weirded out your crush.
At least Saturn Girl knows saying “Coming to the future” sounds crazy.
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Oof. My heart at his voice.
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And Cool Mom has to step in.
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He looks like a kicked dog at this frame.
Let us appreciate how immediately when Saturn Girl says “Let’s just give him some time,” the episodes is edited so that they show up in the kitchen at his house.
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So Saturn Girl has a coffee mug, Bouncing Boy has pie, and nothing for the green child. Oh, and embarrassment for Clark.
Well, okay, B5 kinda looks like an angry kid who’s upset their BF is an hour late to the date.
And the introduction the do at the home seems to be much smoother at the fair. Think they did rehearsals waiting for Clark to get home? Did they switch out constantly? And how far did B5 take his crush with the rehearsals?
But Clark defiantly has a lot of self-doubt at the idea of him being a super hero. He uses his powers for good, but he definitely lacks the confidence that he’s good enough for it. He laughs it off at first, then seems a little angry and scared at how much they knew about his powers. Reminds me now of Yuuri Katsuri. And given how little confidence I have had in the last few years about myself, I can further appreciate him now than what I did back then.
Clark was very tempted in coming at “Come with us and you won’t have to hide them anymore.” It’s like getting a safe place to come out, finally, after years of being told that it’s safer to hide himself. Further more appreciative with time for me.
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Wow, B5 looks so demanding here.
(Where did they keep that time bubble tho?? It just appeared out of nowhere?)
I kinda laughed at the part where Ma goes “Take a sweater!” then comes down stairs, confused at what he said. “Future?”
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I like the atmosphere of New Metropolis in this show. Good use of complementary colors in this shot.
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Granted the concept art of her gave her darker skin but SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL WITH DARK SKIN
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And here we have Queen Sinnamon Roll and Lighting Trash Baby, who PG proceeds to sass out with an eye roll and reality, and then has Trips back her up. Positive female friendships, that’s an instant gold star.
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What a jealous baby, getting phased through and shoved aside. Thinking back to the jock we saw earlier, I find it interesting that Lightning Lad was made to fit that image on the first episode. Interesting move. Perhaps it was to show the character development as we went along?
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The girls look so disappointed that the skinny Superman came out instead of some muscular guy. Personally, I prefer the skinny Superman design. Muscular guys just don’t seem as attractive to me as often. Might have something to do with that I find myself attracted to girls more often. But I love all girls, and buff girls are on the list of those I am weak for, so I’m just further confused. Maybe I just need another 10 years to figure this one out.
And when Lightning Lad proceeds to poke fun at B5 and Clark…
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Brainy looks like a cat who is planning his demise. I had cats for a little over ten years. I know this look. Brainy is giving him the look that says he will murder him in his sleep. Painfully.
And then Lightning Lad proceeds to be a jerk, doing the last thing Clark needs: degrading him on his powers. After everything I talked about earlier, this hurts me in the hard. Trash Baby will be sent to the garbage pit as required.
We cut to the Superman museum, where Saturn Girl brings Clark to speed what’s going on, explaining who the Fatal Five are.
While watching this episode, I realized how much emotional support and guidance Saturn Girl provided for those in need – particularly B5 and Clark in this one. And she doesn’t seem to need to read their minds to figure out what they are feeling. So really, that is really thought provoking. Maybe she studied psychology or hosts therapy groups. In any case, it makes her far more interesting as a person.
I’m kind of interested to see what the military forces were like in this show’s universe, given that they were deemed not available for help against the Fatal Five. How restricted are they? Is there restrictions based on international laws? And as for the Science Police… well, I’m going to discuss that in a future episode.
Okay so tallying up the other legionnaires who were mentioned when the code red was sent out. Shrinking Violet was undercover, Colossal Boy is on Rawl (did I spell that right?), while Cosmic Boy, the leader, is at the outpost, where it is commented he won’t make it on time. Good god, they were spread thin. Just how much shit is going on elsewhere?! Just leave less than ten people at the HQ where one of the biggest problems will find them. NOT A PROBLEM AT ALL.
So the Fatal Five show up, and at least the police try to do something, but still get their asses kicked. A for effort.
And what does Clark do when confronted with his first Comic Villain fight? At first he seems like he’s running away. Leaving the Legion to get their butts kicked. But instead he’s getting the costume, and tries to fly. He’s taking a step forward to define himself as someone who can help. He’s becoming Superman.
But how did that costume just suddenly adjust to the tinier frame? Krypton Science?
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And what about his hair? It changed too! It just popped out that signature curl!
Regarding the fight, there are several things I noticed: Triplicate Girl can be forcibly merged back into one singular being, and all three of her can carry Persuader and PG with the ax. Validus chased Bouncing Boy like a dog, which was kind of funny. Lightning Lad abandons his original opponent during fight to go help his teammates, and manages to resist for a while. And then he gave Superman tips in fighting. Saturn Girl is the first to break out of the control, and uses her powers to free the others. B5 has strong robot muscles (what’s the mechanical equivalent?)
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Also, I think I should thank this episode for giving the idea of the ax for a weapon in the SU AU i work with, since she got to hold it several times in the episode.
Now regarding the villains, honestly the only one who I find of any interest is Emerald Empress. She was just so causal to Superman when she sees him in costume, and sounded disappointed at the small number of the people who came to confront her team, which gives her some character. Also, I heard somewhere that she is a lesbian. If anyone has a source that can confirm, I would appreciate it so much, cuz I need more queer ladies in my life.
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Post fight, Lighting Lad says he knew Superman could do it, only to get the look from everyone. Karma much?
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And we see sad Brainy when he says Superman has to go home.
But then Superman is the one who proposes he stays.
And as one last boot to the episode, Superman steals what Lightning Lad’s spot during flight with Brainy’s help. Continuing Karma on the trash baby.
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So final thoughts on the episode overall.
It’s a good start the first season, definitely. But I feel there could be better execution. Like the first bit can get people to think that the fight happened before the Legion went to fetch Superman. Like only some of them managed to get away from the Fatal Five, and realize they need help in rescuing the rest of the Legion. That would be more interesting for a first episode, to me anyway.
Villains could have used more development.
Maybe seeing a bit more of the life back at Smallville would have been nice as well.
And how did that decision for the Time Bubble Trio/TBT go? I know B5 probably demanded to go, justifying he was the one who built the device. And wanted to see Superman first. But why Saturn Girl and Bouncing Boy? Did they draw stick, or was it based on the idea that they are probably the most responsible of the group? TELL ME~
But given what we got, I love it. The members of the legion are fun to watch, and it’s a good take on the younger Superman, and the interpretation I got out of the episode was so much deeper than what I got when I was younger.
And kudos out to the staff in trying to squeeze that gay stuff in.
Characters in this episode:
I really like Superman/Clark’s personality here. I can relate to it now better than how I did when I was younger. And now the experience seems like a parallel to finding a safe place to come out. Gold. Star.
Brainiac 5 was nice to see, crushing on Superman. We discover more of him personality wise later on, but it’s so good to see the gay game getting on this early.
Saturn Girl – god I love how she’s so emotionally aware of others in parts of this episode. This girl is definitely someone I would talk to during a hard time.
Lightning Lad… thank god for later character development. He’s a lovable brat here, but needs that character development stat.
Bouncing Boy is a delight. Such goodness in a person. An early-version of Hunk from Voltron. Good emotional support as well.
Seeing the sass that just oozes from Phantom Girl is a joy. My beautiful daughter.
And Triplicate Girl… THANK GOD YOU ARE NOT AS PALE HERE IN HD AS YOU WERE IN SD. I feel that we could have seen more of her and PG, but I really love how they got along in the HQ before the TBT got back.
The villains. Not much to say other than what I said about Empress earlier and that they needed development overall. Sorry.
Well, that’s all for this episode! Hope this was a good read for you all! lemme know if i should put any under a Read More bar.
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asriherself · 8 years
This is my INTP analysis
So, recently i found out my MBTI personality type and it’s INTP. 
at first, i spit on it because of the stereotypical INTP as “logician analyst” boooooo how boring. And i don’t feel like i’m dat genius lol. but as i read through the the traits, strength, weakness, and functions i got really mentally deprived lol. next time i do, is that i spend 3 fucking days browsing and studying and make a research out of it lol.
i would like to scientifically explaining the theory and all... but i don’t want to. Instead, i want to explaining it from my point of view . because it’s easier this way and less boring.
so here’s:
INTP is an abbreviation used  in the publications of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as one of 16 personality types. Each alphabet stands for
I : Introversion. means a reserved personality.
N: Intuition. means abstract thinking and an ability to make future possibilities.
T: Thinking. means when making decision they value logic and reasoning.
P: Perceptions. means they value other perceptions aka open minded.
but that’s only on a surface.
as functions INTP has:
Dominant: (Ti) Introverted Thinking
the ability to logically analyst a subject that comes from inside the mind to mind itself. aka self-philosophize aka self-debating aka what i’m doing right now. this usually lead up with common “absent mind” which is when the INTPs are so caught up with whatever is on their mind, they forget about their physical world and their mind is at- God knows where their mind is... 
in extreme case of absent mind, INTP can overly-analyzing that thing without sleeping, eating, drinking in hours, without feeling tiring, in fact it’s actually refreshing at some point (that’s exactly what happened to me for the past few hours while analyzing this). in moderate case of absent mind, they usually staring into distance. when this happen, idk if it’s only me but people tend to thought that i looked lost/dozed when i absent minded. they said to me in bahasa indonesia “jangan bengong”. it’s true at some point, i think i couldn’t even bother to realize whether i was thinking or not. 
random theories out of nowhere are natural for INTP. but if you think INTPs are analyzing something amazingly genius you’re dead wrong. they’re often take even the stupidest and less functional idea. nah, it’s not just about tv series and stuff. most of the INTPs are not even realize when they’re absent minded. and if you ask them what they’re thinking, there’s 80% changes they would say forget about it.
(Ne) Extroverted Intuition
the ability to “abstract thinking” and make future possibility of the subject outside the mind (environment). this is why INTPs won’t just fed up with what’s already been there. instead they analyzed the shit out of it and make the logical reasoning of “what if” and “why would”. thus leads them to despise the norm and social order. also because of their abstract thinking, INTPs are also very open minded and sometimes can be very enthusiastic. 
their emotions are connected with a thirst of knowledge. that’s why some INTP can be childish and weird when they’re gushing about something they interested. “triggered” could be a great word for this. when my enthusiasm triggered, it’s like there’s a cotton candy explosion in my brain and the next thing in my mind... is pure emotions and enthusiasm. INTP can go from boring faced dude to kid on sugar rush when something triggered them... and then they back to boring faced dude again. 
but sometimes INTP can be fooled with white lies because of their open mindness and overly enthusiastic. i’ll have you know, they hate it. because INTP treasure knowledge more than any other personality. not because they love, nor because exciting, nor because to achieve a goal. they just simply worship knowledge. and if you fucks with knowledge you basically asking INTP to put you on the list ‘i will dissed this person off after all this over’
also INTPs are very straightforward and honest. INTP often accidentally slip on their juicy opinion into a touchy subject and make the people around him super pissed. they didn’t mean it tho, perhaps they might be trying help you. this is because of their lack of understanding in human feelings and their straightforward personality that makes the INTP sometimes looks like a “machine without a heart”. which isn’t true tho, i can guarantee you.
(Si) Introverted Sensing
the ability to recall memories and emotions. they use it to gather the data and then comparing them with the present to judged/support the theory.     i don’t know if any INTPs has a same traits as me but i always have a tendency to use metaphor as a pillar of my theory. 
if you don’t know metaphor, it is a technique to judged and compare problems by simply imagining problems as another objects. the objects could be anything like box, mugs, cats, even book character from your recalling memories. i used this technique to understand why INTJ self-eccentrically feeling has more understanding of human feelings rather than INTP by imagining balls, i used balls as a metaphor for that theory. further talks will be on the next post after this.
Inferior: (Fe) Extroverted Feeling
now this is rather interesting. i had spent 5 hours analyzing INTP theory, and at the dawn of the day, i still don’t understand about this Fe function. since it’s the lowest out of four INTP functions, and since i honestly do not understand about human feelings. 
i know that i’m not a cold machine like *ehm* particular personality. i want to interact with people. eventhough some poeple are jerks... but i believe that somehow they’re good in their own way, because god made us different on a purpose. in my motto, “if you can’t get em and they can’t get you, then don’t. because it’s only hurt you or them in the process.” furthermore, this Fe theory is still under development. that’s why i need to put this theory on the alpha-mode experiment. 
what i’m trying to say is: i’m gonna try to make a social connection on the first day of class and see what happens. see you next.
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Character Development
Full Name: Elizabeth Kenna Argyle Nickname: Lizzie, only used rarely by people close to her Sex/Gender: Female Birthday: 4th May 1963 Age: 16 Astrological Sign: Taurus Occupation: Student at Hogwarts Spoken Languages: English, some Scots Gaelic Sexual Orientation: Straight Birthplace: Inveraray, Scotland Relationship status: Single
Race: Human Ethnicity: White British Hair Color/Style: Red, straight, reaches to her mid-back; is usually kept in a ponytail Eye Color: Blue Accent: A fairly broad but relaxed West Highland Scottish accent. Height: 5′4″ Tattoos: None Piercings: One in each ear. Unique Attributes: Elizabeth is heavily freckled across her face, arms and legs. Defining Gestures/Movements: She tends to tuck loose strands of hair behind her ears as a fidget, and keeps her arms folded most of the time when talking to others. Posture: She usually stands up straight, but sometimes slouches when she’s tired or unhappy.
Pet Peeves: People taking her things without asking, or just hiding them so she can’t find them. Hobbies/Interests: Elizabeth is a member of the Chess Club, enjoys any games that can be played with a pen and a bit of paper, and is a founding member of a small informal club that plays games with a ball and assorted charms - the basic aim being to keep the ball moving between players by bouncing it off walls, floors and the like, while using any charm they like to affect the ball as it moves. Also, like her brother, she has been learning Scottish dance and fencing from a young age. Special Skills/Abilities: Excellent hand-eye coordination, has something of a knack with animals. Likes: Thunderstorms, teasing her brother, Muggle clothes shops Dislikes: Purists, the cold, deep water Insecurities: Mainly she’s worried about messing up her exams. Quirks/Eccentricities: She has a habit of swearing in Scots Gaelic, and will stop to pay attention to any cat that crosses her path. Strengths: Confident, helpful, and gentle Weaknesses: Hot-headed, stubborn, emotional Speaking Style: She tends to talk fairly quickly and clearly, though not particularly loud. Temperament: She’s very friendly to anyone who seems willing to talk, but she does not take well to anyone giving offence and can flare up very easily.
Family:  Glen Argyle (father), Kenna Argyle (mother), Jason Glen Argyle (brother), Micheil Argyle (paternal grandfather), Jean Argyle (paternal grandmother), Rory Macmillan (maternal grandfather), Ealasaid Macmillan (maternal grandmother), Fergus Macmillan (maternal uncle) How does she feel about her family?: She’s a bit of a daddy’s girl, and although she gets a bit irritated when her grandparents tut at her tomboyish ways, she appreciates that they just want what’s best for her, even if that’s not necessarily what she wants. She adores her big brother, and although he’s just as protective of her as the rest of the family, she gets her own back on him by being an annoying little sister whenever he’s smothering her too much. How does her family feel about her?:  As the baby of the family, she’s always been wrapped in cotton wool and a little bit spoiled. Her parents try to encourage her to be a little more independent, but this makes little headway against her overly protective grandparents. Her Sorting into Slytherin was quite a shock; she doesn’t have quite the same loud, vocal drive and ambition that put her brother in there, but they have relaxed on seeing that she is still the same cheery young woman they know and love. Pets: She got a black kitten as a pet when she started her first year, and named him Lonan. He’s fully-grown now and a regular mischief-maker in he common room. Where does she live?: When not at school, she lives in the family home on the outskirts of Inveraray, Scotland. What is it like there?: It is far enough away from the main town that the environment is reasonably quiet, and with the loch close by the entire area is tranquil and comfortable. Description of her home: The old stone house is reasonably spacious for its age, though this is partly due to having been expanded a few times with magic. It has a garden surrounded with a low stone wall and hedges at the back of the house. Inside, it’s furnished in a cosy, old-fashioned style, with lots of old furniture and dark wood, but the decor is light enough that it doesn’t feel too cramped. Description of her bedroom: Despite being pretty small, it’s very cosy, decorated with warm reds and yellows. The solid wooden bed against one wall has a thick, bright yellow quilt, and the heavy wardrobe is against the wall at the foot of the bed. A desk, covered with books and scribbled-on papers, sits under the window, with a bookshelf next to it.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert; although she��s not loud and boisterous, she does enjoy spending time around others and loves to meet new people. Optimist or Pessimist?: She’s somewhere in the middle; while she likes to look on the bright side, there’s a streak of cynicism that stops her from getting too carried away. Leader or Follower?: She’s definitely more of a leader type. Confident or Self-Conscious?: Usually she’s quite confident. Cautious or Careless?: Cautious - although she has a quick temper, she’s reasonably good at controlling it most of the time, and doesn’t just leap into situations. Religious or Secular?: Secular - she wasn’t ever raised in a religion, but she attends church sometimes for significant holidays. Passionate or Apathetic?: Passionate. She picks and chooses her causes, but she gives herself to them 100%. Book Smarts or Street Smarts?: Book smarts. She’s been sheltered enough that she’s not really as streetwise as she could be. Compliments or Insults?: Depends on how she’s feeling, but she’s usually more likely to give someone an affectionate insult than a compliment. Pajamas or Underwear?: She prefers pyjamas or nightdresses rather than risk someone walking in on her less dressed.
Favorite Color: A really bright, sunshiny yellow is her favourite. Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: When she doesn’t have to wear her school robes, she’s usually wearing Muggle dresses, mostly with floral patterns on them. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She doesn’t have a favourite; she’ll listen to pretty much anything people are playing. Favorite Movies: She’s never seen any. Favorite TV Shows: She’s never watched TV. Favorite Books: She likes to curl up with a set of children’s books about the adventures of a group of Animagi named the Creature Crew. Favorite Foods/Drinks: She loves roast lamb dinners and sausages, and her favourite sweets are Fizzing Whizzbees. As far as drinks go, she’ll happily curl up with a cup of tea or a glass of pumpkin juice. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: While not as avid a fan as her brother, she’s a supporter of the Quidditch team Pride of Portree. Favorite Actors/Actresses: N/A Favorite Time of Day: She likes evenings, as she’s definitely no morning person. Favorite Weather/Season: She likes sunny days, and summer’s her favourite season because it’s the warmest. Favorite Animal: Her beloved cat Lonan, but she likes most animals.
Fears/Superstitions: She’s terrified of kelpies; when she was about six, a kelpie in the local loch tried to attack her, and it was only due to Jason’s intervention and accidental magic that she got away unharmed. She also believes in a number of superstitions, having grown up in an environment full of them - white heather is lucky; you should never place new shoes on the table; if you spill salt you should throw some over your left shoulder; rowan wards off evil (this one is particularly significant to her, as her wand is made of rowan wood). Political Views: She isn’t much for politics, but if she thought about she’d probably say she leans towards the liberal side of things. Religion/Philosophy of Life: She believes that there’s some greater power out there, probably, but it’s not something that can be relied on to help and she’d rather try to make a better world herself. Allergies: None. Addictions: None, fortunately. Best/Worst School Subject: Her best subject is Charms, whereas her worst used to waver between History of Magic and Transfiguration and is now Potions. How does she get money?: Her parents give her an allowance, which is generally sufficient to buy the things she wants. How is she with technology?: She’s never interacted with it much, but it does make her a little curious.
Fondest Memory: One warm summer evening when she was about nine years old; her parents and grandparents were all out in the garden enjoying a meal cooked over a little campfire they’d set up, and she and her brother were playing at camping with a tent they’d rigged up out of an old blanket. Deepest, Darkest Secret: She’s not really got any terrible secrets - the worst is probably letting Jason take the blame for a valuable piece of china that she broke. Dream Vacation: She’d love to go to the Caribbean, or some other tropical seaside location, and just explore for days. Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Passing her OWLs. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being attacked by a kelpie as a little girl. What does she want to be when she grows up?: She wants to work with animals - at present her intent is to join the family business. Perfect Date: She’s never really thought about it much - mostly because she’s still at the stage of “all the boys I know are morons and I can’t imagine going out with one” - but she’d enjoy a day out somewhere pretty.
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