#cattle . sheep .
historycrack · 2 months
Odysseus’ men need to stop killing random livestock that may or may not belong to a god/monster. Historically it doesn’t end well for them.
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semioticapocalypse · 6 months
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Herbert List. Mostro im Garten des Palazzo Orsini. Bomarzo. 1952
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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blackcrowing · 11 months
Review of The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World by David W. Anthony
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I will be upfront, it is a very technical book. If you are not well versed in the anthropological categorizing of cultures and time periods of the areas being discussed it can be very difficult to keep up with the more finite points the author is making. That being said, I had never heard of any of the specific cultures being discussed in the Danube Valley and was still able to enjoy this book and its well put together analysis of various aspects of language, culture, technological developments and shifts in behaviors and place.
If you are especially interested in any of the major themes this book discusses (which is in all honesty is an extensive list including but not limited to; the development of Indo-European language, the time periods and locations as well as likely motivation for domestication of various livestock types, the cultural effects of technological developments on the peoples of the Eurasian Steppes and their migration/trading patterns) I do highly recommend. It is heavy reading but extremely illuminating.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 6 months
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Birds and Bahhhs
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charlataninred · 15 days
Maybe it’s just cuz i have experience w farm animals but I do not get the hate people have for certain types of meat (dog, cat, Guinea pig). Like yeah it’s a pet for some but it’s good for others? And sometimes it’s both? I love the cows and sheep and goats at my farm but I still love beef and lamb and goat yknow
Genuinely, is there another reason people don’t like cat/dog/etc meat or is just bc it’s strange to them?
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trav-l · 2 months
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wingeddreamduck · 2 years
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the land of contrasting colours
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encrucijada · 3 months
cattle dog x wolf. consider.
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
One big thing that gets missed in the conversation about native plants is that when considering a plant, you really should ask two questions:
1. Where, specifically, is it native to?
2. Within that region, what ecosystem conditions does it live in? Will it thrive where you intend to plant it?
I cannot tell you how many times I've come across a plant labeled as native that doesn't even grow in my state. Sure, it's native to the continent, but not this side of the rocky mountains! That's not nearly specific enough if your goal is to support endemic animal species and the overall ecosystem.
You also need to consider what conditions that plant needs to thrive. One example I see a lot of here is planting understory plants in full sun. They're stressed out, they're getting sunburnt, and they're slowly dying. People will also try the reverse, planting praire plants in deep shade, and wonder why they're all floppy and anemic looking. Plants may be native to your area, but they still have specific needs and you will have much greater success if you match the conditions you have to a plant that will thrive there.
A third, extra credit question is a two parter: is it endemic (aka, unique to your region) or does it have a a broader, or even circumpolar distribution? I mean, check out the range maps for Henderson's shooting star & twinflower:
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Twinflower is found across the northern portions of Eurasia as well.
The second part is, are any of the vulnerable species in your area depending on it? An example from my area is Viola Adunca, which has a pretty broad range,
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But is also host to multiple fritilary butterfly species in my area, some of which are on the decline and some of which are no longer found in my state. Due to habitat loss. Both due to human activity (agriculture, subdivisions, etc) and human inactivity (banning the intentional burns the Native peoples did, that maintained the Oak savanna ecosystem, leading them to be "invaded" by non-fire adapted Douglas firs, another native species. Also at the same time making the region more vulnerable to bigger and more devastating wild fires).
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treewithabark · 10 months
At what point do you say, fuck it. I need to buy a waterproof longline.
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This point. This is when you say, fuck it. I need a waterproof longline.
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softpawssharpteeth · 4 months
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Welsh sheepdogs working in the valley.
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bog--unicorn · 1 year
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the rookie
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pomegranatecraft · 2 years
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all of these sheep are full grown and yet she is huge in comparison
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semioticapocalypse · 11 months
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Robert Kraiczek. Ungarn. 2016
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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biologist4ever · 5 months
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my-friend-meowth · 1 month
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Squirtle & sheep
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Kainuunharmas finnsheep
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Dexter cattle
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Cock & hen
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