12endigital · 1 year
El PP exige al Gobierno de Sánchez la limpieza urgente de los cauces de los ríos ante la llegada de las lluvias
El PP exige al gobierno de Pedro Sánchez desde les Corts la limpieza urgente y mantenimiento de ríos “ante el evidente riesgo de inundaciones con el comienzo del otoño y los cauces llenos de cañas, sedimentos y residuos de todo tipo”. El Grupo Popular en Les Corts ha presentado una PNL urgente en la que insta al Consell a que solicite al gobierno de España que las Confederaciones Hidrográficas…
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Franja Morada toma el mando de la Federación Universitaria
Asumieron ayer las nuevas autoridades de la FUM, en el marco del acuerdo que mantienen las agrupaciones del Frente Nueva Reforma el cual se impuso al kirchnerismo que perdió la federación en diciembre del 2022. De esta manera, Bruno Giannini preside en representación de la Franja Morada luego de 6 meses de gestión a cargo de Iván Vivas, de CAUCES quién continúa como vicepresidente a partir de…
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big fan of the new style they used on mark. i don't know about you guys but it really shows just how young he is. and it helps highlight just how heavy his burden is when you're visually reminded that he's barely even an adult.
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lapazdelmar · 3 months
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No puedo guardármelo, es imposible. El amor me sale por los ojos, ese cauce por donde a veces resbala alguna que otra lágrima.
Buenas noches amor
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werebutch · 5 months
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Guy whose fursona is a normal dog with paint on his nose
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garadinervi · 5 months
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C.A.D.A. (Colectivo Acciones de Arte), Viuda, (photomechanical print on paper), [in Ernesto Saul, Balance de una Acción de Arte. Reconocer su propria cara, «Cauce», No. 45, October 1985, p. 30-31], 1985 (video here) [Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library, Hemispheric Institute at New York University, New York, NY. Memoria Chilena – Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Santiago. © C.A.D.A (Colectivo Acciones de Arte)]
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deepenthevoid · 2 years
I can’t pay attention to how bad Jeff dahmer was in this documentary when I see Evan Peters sweaty abs every 5 seconds 😭
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prommethium · 2 years
Today I learned that sentences in English are separated by full stops. All this time I have been writing them wrong. You see, sentences in Spanish go on and on just separated by commas.
So, just to make sure, because I'm insecure af, I took the first book written originally in Spanish that I had close to me. I checked for the English translation (the style is preserved.) So here is a fragment by Rómulo Gallegos.
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I'd like to know what you English speakers think. Are the sentences too long? Do they look normal?
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
"thou saucy witch" -hareton earnshaw 17something
lost in th(ou)e sauce(y witch)
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naufrago-eterno · 3 months
Roma, ItaliaAgosto, 2021 Tengo una gran atracción por los ríos;ostentan el control sobre los cuerpos. Incluso, al encontrarme a metros de altura, conservan ese poder sobre mí. Me llaman a brincar desde puentes históricos,quebrarme a la caída y sumergirme por instantes,esperando lleve mi carga en arrastres violentoshasta algún lugar que jamás he conocido. Será tarde para traerme de vuelta, y…
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khitar · 5 months
Hey, 100 of my followers. What do you want me to draw?
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12endigital · 7 days
Limpieza de barrancos en el término municipal de Elche ante la previsión de posibles lluvias torrenciales
El Ayuntamiento de Elche continúa con la limpieza de los diferentes barrancos y zonas inundables del municipio ante la previsión de lluvias torrenciales en las próximas semanas. Esta semana se están acometiendo los trabajos de limpieza en el camino de las Canteras, en las inmediaciones del Barranco de San Antón. La campaña se prolongará durante todo el mes para tener en perfecto estado los…
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blogdethemis · 1 year
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lapazdelmar · 2 days
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¿Quién reza? ¿Quién llora? ¿Quién canta? ¿Quién sufre? ¿Quién muere poco a poco? Yo, por ti, por tu amor, por todas esas ausencias que crecen como sombras al atardecer agrandándose cada vez más, de las cuales no te culpo.
Es mi pasión desbordada, ese rio sin cauce, ese grito que ni el eco responde.
Buenas noches amor
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Introducing: Rook “Duke” Alistair
(Just a little character intro before she makes a proper appearance in the SpecGru fic)
It’s 2am.
It’s 2am and Kate’s phone is buzzing. A rapid, violent bzzt-bzzt-bzzzzzzt pattern that shakes the few other items on the nightstand. Incessant. Important.
She plucks it off the charger already wide awake, propped on one elbow to block some of the screen light from reaching the other side of the bed.
“Laswell,” she answers, hushed.
The voice on the other end is not. “Gooood mornin’, boss.”
“It’s 2am, Duke.”
“It’s 2:17 to be precise.”
Kate doesn’t bother to check the clock. “You're calling for a good reason, I assume.”
“Of course!” In the background, there’s a computerized ding. Then the clacking of a keyboard. Duke continues, still bright as birdsong, “I have a lead on that terrorist cell. Not - hold on - Nelson, put my slushee back in there I’ll get it in a damn minute! Anyway, not the one with the ugly flag. The one with the dumb name.”
Nelson, Kate thinks vaguely, is going to get mysteriously transferred if he doesn’t stop messing with a certain tech’s frozen treats. This is the third time this week.
“The Gun Fathers?” she offers.
“Haha, yeah them!” More clicking. A thump and a yelp in the background. “They’re planning on taking some exchange students hostage in Russia.”
Kate’s slips out of bed, phone held in place with her shoulder. Sighs a little wistfully at her wife’s sleeping form, but duty calls. She’ll make this up to her - dinner at that nice tapas place, maybe. Duke can get them a reservation.
“What students?”
“Working on the individual files now, but it looks like a fun mix. Some Australians, some Brits, a bunch of US citizens… ooh, someone from France, that’s rough.”
Hell, that’s a lot of governments to coordinate with.
“Where?” Kate asks, tugging her socks on.
“Looks like they’re going to grab them from a hotel in the Caucuses. Caucuses? Cauc-ussies? Cucksies?”
She pauses to drop a gentle kiss to her wife’s cheek, then pads out of their bedroom. The house is dark, cool. She navigates without light, stepping into her shoes.
“How many?”
The cats stretch as she passes through the living room, snatching her shoulder holster out of the hall closet.
“16 students total, not sure how many terrorists. Aw, is Chauncey awake? Give him a smooch for me! These dummies usually go for a ratio of three innocents to one dummy though. Ugh it’s not a round number.”
More clacking. The sound of a plastic rapper through the earpiece. Duke’s broken out the candies then.
“What else have you got for me?”
“It looks like we’ve got about 35 hours until they move in. But! We confiscated their new supply of guns during that border raid soooooo—” she clicks her tongue, the typing sounds get much louder and faster for a moment. “They should be… pretty… low… on… ammo…”
A pause Duke seems to focus on something. Kate takes the opportunity to finish’s dressing, keys in her hand. She pats Chauncey and Augustus as she passes them.
“I’ll be there in fifteen,” she says.
A hum. “Eleven, actually. I have the traffic system pulled up.”
Of course she does. Laswell would tell her to stop doing that if she thought it would do any good.
“I’m sending a bunch of files your way,” Duke adds. “Drive safe and give Chauncey that damn smooch!”
The phone beeps as the call disconnects. When Kate looks at her phone screen, she’s got a small library of information waiting for her. Names, locations, pictures and security feeds - and a note promising more on the way.
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vivencias-del-alma · 1 month
La causa del vivir
Es sueño de la experiencia
y rescata el convivir,
memoria de los afectos,
cauce y causa del vivir.
Amanda Ackermann
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