#cause I had a video game w him in it
doyouknowwhoyouare13 · 11 months
how are u doing pookieee
I AM OK!!! I got my new hyper fixation we all good
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lem-argentum · 2 years
the boy is distraught (im the boy) (played chapter 11)
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iateyourwaffles · 2 years
Hey. I haven’t been here for a while. Almost for about half a year, I think. I’m sorry. My mental health hasn’t been very well since sometime around late last year, as well as my physical health. I’m sorry for disappearing for a while. I’ve been having lots of physical pain and d/ental pain since late last year, around the holidays. I had lots of appointments for d/octors and d/entists and such throughout early this year during winter. After that though, I was still in pain, I went back to my d/entist and they said that I had to go see a specialist. I went to see one, had to go to a big hospital, and I was diagnosed with a muscular joint issue which affects the face and mouth. I have to live with it, unfornately, but my specialist said that there’s ways to treat it, like to help ease the pain. Also I have to go through a clea/ning next month, and I’m a bit worried, cause my mouth, jaw, and t/eeth are usually always in pain, and my t/eeth are sensitive due to my joint issues. I would like to get it worked though, cause I drink coffee and tea often, and I have some v/isible stains that are quite hard to clean. I have been having anxiety and been worrying a lot about my t/eeth and bones and such ever since I have been diagnosed with this issue. I can hardly eat these days and sometimes it’s hard to open my mouth too wide. I may also have a nerve issue but I need to go to a certain d/octor for that.
 Now days, I have been trying to avoid getting too worked up. I get stressed easily and upset easily. I was diagnosed with emotional disorder when I was very young, so I cry easily and such. I’m also autistic. I get a bit overwhelmed at times and I let stuff get to me. I got upset a while back, cause I was treated like a k/id, and I personally don’t like that too much, cause I’m an adult. I don’t mind being called a ‘k/id’, by much older adults though. I just don’t really like being treated like one. I do a lot though cause of the way I act, and the stuff I like, and there’s s/imple things I don’t understand at times. I got a bit upset, and it made my face and jaw hurt a lot. Once I calmed down and had some soup, it settled, though. I feel like when I eat or drink something warm, it helps eases the p/ain a bit. 
My specialist said that I should wear a mouth g/aurd. I tried, but the instructions were hard for me to understand. I tried a bunch of p/ain r/elievers but they didn’t really do much. My specialist p/rescribed me some rexlaxers and they help, and make me sleep, lol. But I have to eat cause sometimes they make me get sick. The last time I went was about a month ago, and they said they wish there was something they could do, but they said I have to go to a different d/octor that specializes in what I have. It’s hard to find one that will ac/cept me. I might have to go to one in the b/igger c/ity somewhere. Also a while after that, I had to stay in my h/ouse for about a week cause one of my family members got s/ick. They are okay now and fully recovered, which is good, cause I was worried. My b/rother gets sick easily and has been sick when he was growing up, so I was worried about him a lot. I’m glad he’s okay. 
So, yeah. I have been going through quite a lot since around the holidays late last year. However, some good things have happend though. My b/rother’s partner adopted a kitten. That and I was a top ra/nk score during an in game e/vent in one of the games I play. I got a t/100 t/itle, which I thought was pretty cool. It made me kinda happy, since I usually don’t really achieve anything. I k/now it’s not much, but as a fan it made me happy. I’m also not very good at games, lol. I also got a few plushies of a character I like. The plushies hasn’t been in the mail yet, but I’m patiently waiting for them to arrive. I also want to cosplay as my favorite character again this year for fall. I haven’t got the costume yet, but I will soon. 
I’m a bit nervous about my next appointment at the d/entist for cleaning, but maybe I’ll be alright. A part of me says I will. I’ve been a bit worried about it that I get b/ad dreams sometimes and I fi/nd it hard to sleep. 
So, that’s what’s been happening. Sorry, for not being here for about h/alf a y/ear. 
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jemiswumbo · 7 days
bulletproof love (18+)
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twitchstreamer!luke x reader
author’s note: omgg this oneshot took all my blood sweat and tears to produce. i am NOT a graphic designer. i do NOT normally write smut. but this idea had to come to fruition before i went insane. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!!!!
title is from bulletproof love by pierce the veil. lyrics have no correlation but it IS a certified banger.
tags/warnings: smut!! minors dni. oral (m receiving). use of y/n. not proofread. kinda long. teeheehee etc.
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You met Luke Castellan at the grocery store.
He looked like a completely normal (albeit, very attractive) guy in his twenties. His dark curls fell slightly over his warm, chocolate brown eyes. A mischievous smirk was plastered across his cheeks, showing off a small dimple on the left side. He wore a simple hoodie and sweats as he perused the pasta aisle, picking up different jars of sauce and reading the labels absentmindedly. He did, however, have an interesting scar sitting jagged over his cheekbone, but it was so faint that you hadn’t noticed it until way later on.
You would have never guessed he was a near millionaire with close to a million social media followers. You would have never guessed he spent the majority of his life not at the grocery store, but rather streaming FPS and RPG games for an average of fifty thousand views at a time.
You would have never guessed he’d take a liking to you.
You, who worked part time at this very grocery store. You, who didn’t really know the first thing about video games, except that they were confusing and it was insane that some people could build ridiculously complex structures at a mind-boggling speed on Fortnite whilst also shooting with godly precision.
He had backed into you accidentally whilst you were restocking a shelf, causing you to drop a couple glass jars that cracked open upon impact with the floor. You apologized, even though you’d really done nothing wrong. He obviously thought you attractive (or maybe he just didn’t leave the house much?) because his idea of an apology was taking you out to some lavishly expensive dinner the next night.
The dinner was okay but the conversation is what got you hooked. He was so sweet and told you so many wild stories that had you laughing until your chest ached. He paid for the meal and held your hand on the drive home. When he dropped you off, he casually told you his Instagram handle and told you to shoot him a follow. You blushed, smiled, and scurried inside.
You just about died when you saw his profile.
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It’s been about a year since you had started dating Luke Castellan, otherwise known as his twitch handle “SonofHermes.”
(“Because he’s the messenger god, right? In, like, Greek Mythology? And I felt like a damned messenger god when I was a moderator for four different discord servers and a twitch chat—“)
Luke’s twitch streams occured mostly every night, from 8pm to about 3am. He always began his streams with some FPS game (Overwatch, Valorant, CS:GO, or something similar). After a few hours he would swap over to a different game for his variety segment. His chat was hilarious. They loved to tease Luke and joke around with him and donate silly messages. And, of course, because Luke was so very attractive, a decent chunk of his fan base was dedicated towards swooning over his every word and look and smile.
You, honestly, never really minded. Mostly because Luke was yours. You were sure the thirsting from chat would diminish once they knew you were dating. But… you really, truly, had no desire to be in the public eye. Having nearly a million people know your name and your face was daunting and scary. You also had enough common sense to realize that some of his fans were probably batshit crazy and would send you hate and death threats for dating Luke. You were a part time employee and a student; you did not need another reason on top of that to have poor mental health.
Luke loved you unconditionally and that was all that mattered. You were perfectly content spending most evenings to yourself. He was a good boyfriend, though, and did schedule days off to take you out and show you incredible amounts of love and support. You were both very happy and secure in your relationship.
One particular evening, you were staying over at Luke’s apartment. It was a Friday, and you had no work tomorrow, so he bought alcohol and weed and selected a list of movies to marathon. It was basically your most ideal way to spend the weekend.
That was, until, Luke’s gamer friends messaged him on discord, begging him to join their Rust server to defend their group base.
Luke had met these friends through Twitch events and game conventions. There was Percy, who streamed with his girlfriend Annabeth. They were one of the most adored couples in the gaming community. They all lived in the same state, so Luke hung out with them pretty often. There was also Grover, who was Percy’s roommate and would join his streams from time to time. As well, there was Thalia, who was a huge advocate for women in eSports, and played in a professional league. Luke had introduced them too you a few months ago, and they all swore to help keep your relationship a secret.
The five of them often played different games together, as most of their fanbases consisted of the same people, so it really raked in the views and made for good content. Plus, it was just really fun. You knew how much Luke loved his friends and cherished the times they got to play together.
The Rust server was a recent hyperfixation that you were positive would fade once a new MMO came out to grab their attention. But, you were also aware of how much time and effort Luke had spent constructing this base of his.
“Go,” you said, noticing his confliction. “You can have one hour to play. Stream, too, so I can watch out here. But after that, you’re mine for the rest of the night.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Luke said with his devilish grin. He kissed you hard, leaving a swarm of butterflies dancing in your stomach. He hurried off to his bedroom, where he kept his gaming setup, and shut the door.
You were fine with spending an hour alone. Flipping through Netflix, you cracked open a bottle of wine and relaxed into the sofa.
One hour went by fast. Luke didn’t return to the living room.
You picked up your phone and opened the Twitch app, clicking on Luke’s stream. He was currently in the middle of some intense adventure with Percy. Luke’s webcam was situated in the top left corner of the game feed, and he looked so cute and handsome under the glow of the monitor and the purple LED lights.
To be honest, the wine was getting to you. You felt such a strong desire to be near Luke and to feel him and be with him. He bit his lip on camera, deep in concentration, and that action alone had your heart rate increasing.
“Fuck it,” you said, turning off the TV and standing up from the couch. His hour was up, and it was time to take the matter into your own hands.
Luke enjoyed playing his games with the volume high in his headphones. It allowed him to feel like he was actually in the game, and unaware of the outside world. This also was an issue, because more often than not he would lose track of time and forget about his plans and scheduled events.
He just couldn’t help it — he loved video games. Currently, he was busy perfecting his base on Rust so it wouldn’t be broken into again. It took a lot of effort and concentration, and Percy and Grover dicking around and goofing off did nothing to help his focus.
So, it only made sense that he didn’t notice his bedroom door opening. The door wasn’t in frame on his camera, so he didn’t see it open, either. He didn’t notice it close. He didn’t notice you, getting down on all fours and crawling over to his desk setup.
He didn’t notice you, at all, until you put a hand on his leg.
Luke jumped a bit and glanced down, meeting your mischievous glance and the naughty smile on your cheeks.
“Uh, chat — sorry, gotta go to the bathroom, one sec —“ Luke rushed out. He shut off his camera and muted his mic, double checking that it was definitely muted by quickly scanning the latest messages in his chat:
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He rolled his eyes at the messages, and pushed his chair back, glaring at you on the floor. “Baby, what the hell are you doing?!”
You smiled. “I was just missing you, is all.”
“So you snuck in — wait, shit, you said one hour. It’s been an hour hasn’t it?” Luke said, running a hand through his messy curls.
You nodded, and gave a weak shrug. “It’s okay, though. I think it would be fun if we also played a game of our own.”
Luke raised his eyebrows, feeling a blush form on his cheeks. “What’re .. what’re you suggesting?”
You unbuttoned your blouse and tossed to the floor, leaving you in a lacy black bra and your mini skirt. You let your fingers linger on the strap of your bra. “I’ll let you stream longer. But.. once you cum, you have to shut it off.”
“You want to blow me on stream?” Luke asked, incredulously. He could already feel himself start to harden at the thought of this ‘game’ of yours occurring.
“Like, secretly, though.” You said with a slight eye roll. “You can try to keep your composure for as long as you can, but you’ll be all mine for the rest of the night. Okay?”
Luke took a minute to ponder. If he somehow got caught… the consequences would be severe. His reputation would be tarnished. He’d lose his job and his income and the entire career he had worked so hard to build.
But on the other hand.. you looked really fucking sexy, staring at him with your doe-eyes, feigning innocence in the most seductive lingerie he’d ever seen you in.
“Fuck’s sake.” Luke pulled his chair back towards his desk. He tugged his sweatpants down to his ankles, giving you a face full of his half hard cock and his toned, muscular thighs. “You have to be quiet too, you little slut. I seriously cannot get caught.”
“Of course,” you replied, slightly moaning as you took his length into your hand. “You’re so incredibly attractive.”
“Shut up,” Luke said, adjusting his camera angle to absolutely ensure it cut off at his upper chest and nothing lower than that was visible. He took a deep breath and was about to rejoin his stream, when you began sucking him off. “Fuck!”
You pulled your lips off of him with a loud pop. “Come on, Lukey, you can last longer than that.”
“You’re mouth feels so fucking good though,” Luke groaned, threading his fingers through your hair. He took another deep breath and guided your head back to his cock, which was now fully hard and aching for your mouth. This time, when you licked up his shaft, he was more prepared and was able to maintain his chill composure. “Okay. Okay, baby, I’m turning my stuff back on. Be quiet, please.”
You nodded, slowly taking him back into your warm mouth.
Luke turned on his camera. He turned on his mic. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his mouse and keyboard. “Okay, I’m back. Chat, please tell me Percy and Thalia didn’t do anything stupid while I was gone.”
“Hey!” You heard, faintly from Luke’s headset. “We didn’t do anything, and if your chat says otherwise, they are lying!”
You giggled as quietly as you could, and clearly the vibrations from such movement felt good for Luke, because you heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
“Wh-whatever. Doesn’t matter. Let’s get back to work.” Luke said defensively.
“What?” Percy asked. “You sound weird, man. Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong!” Luke replied, too quickly and at an octave higher than he normally speaks. You couldn’t help but get a little nervous. He was terrible at being subtle.
“Okay…” This was a girl’s voice, and sounded like Thalia. “My chat agrees that you’re being weird.”
“Same.” Percy agreed.
“Yeah, well,” Luke scanned his second monitor to check in on how his chat was reacting. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “My chat is being dumb, as per usual.”
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Below the desk, your nerves had subsided and instead you became preoccupied with the notion of possibly getting caught. It was kind of twisted but this caused your lower region to dampen. You lifted your short little skirt over your hips and moved your lacy underwear to the side, giving you access to finger yourself.
You moaned, with your mouth full of thick, heady cock, and brain slightly foggy from the wine consumption. You were close already.
“What?” Luke said, clearly reading something on his monitor. “Chat, that was my phone vibrating on my desk. I did not moan over that headshot Percy made. Be so for real”
“Rude,” Percy said. “I would’ve moaned. I’m like, the god of gaming.”
“Loser.” Luke responded, biting his lower lip and slightly bucking his hips into your mouth. He must’ve been getting close, too.
From that moment on, you were desperate to make Luke finish. You abandoned your slow and gentle place, and took his entire cock down your throat. You silently gagged, and bobbed your head up and down, making sure to suck a bit longer on his leaking tip. You grabbed his balls in your right hand and squeezed, keeping your left hand on his upper thigh.
“Fuck,” Luke murmured, just under his breath. You sucked harder in response. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“What is going on, dude?” Percy questioned. “You’re stressing me out.”
Luke glanced over at his chat again.
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Luke flipped a middle finger to his camera, and gave a playful, “Chat, you all suck.” Obviously, he loved his fans and was eternally grateful for their support. It was just fun to mess around with them and feign a love hate relationship. It did make him a bit anxious, however, that everyone easily picked up on the fact that something was affecting Luke. It didn’t exactly help that he was really close to finishing and was starting to lose track of what was happening in the game. All he could feel was his cock going in and out and in and out of your soft lips, that were now coated in a mixture of salvia and his precum. It was just about driving him insane.
You, on the other hand, were knuckle deep inside your own cunt and sucking Luke off with so much fervour your jaw was starting to ache. But you loved the feeling. And you were determined to get him off. Now.
Suddenly, Luke felt the familiar feeling build inside himself. Before he realized it was happening, he was shooting thick ropes down your eager throat. “Fuck!” he screamed, legs shaking and eyes squeezing shut. He shuddered and gasped for air as you did not let up on your pace, sucking every last drop of cum from him.
He realized how fucking weird this whole ordeal must’ve looked to his many (many, many) viewers.
Instead of confronting what just happened, he slammed his mouse on the End Stream button and shut off his computer, without so much as a goodbye. He pushed his chair back and grabbed your shoulders, pulling you up to your feet.
You smiled at him sweetly, a sheen of sweat covering your entire body. Luke leaned down and kissed you hungrily.
“Y/n,” he said, once he was out of breath from such an intense kiss. “I.. Need. To be inside of you. And you can never, ever do that again.”
“Mhmm,” you hummed innocently. “Kinda seemed like you really liked it though.”
“Oh, shut up.” Luke said with a grin. “Bed. Now.”
You obliged, heading over to his comfy queen sized bed, unaware that you were about to have the most mind blowing sex of your entire life.
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authors note: aaaaa ok. first of all i’d like to apologize. i have not proofread this at all and i wrote each chunk on separate days. i will proofread it eventually and fix the errors lmao.
also! now that all the ~lore~ to this AU is sorted, if you ever wanna send me twitchstreamer!luke specific prompts, i would ADORE THAT.
thank you all again for reading !!!!! <3
taglist: @notacluelessblonde00 @lilyirlevans
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sugarnspice630 · 5 months
Jealousy is the Best Form of Punishment - Yunho + San
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"Darling, you know how when we’re hanging around the guys and I, softly place my hand around your neck? Have you ever noticed that San can’t stop staring at you when we do this?”
•pairing: dom!yunho x sub!fem!reader + sub!san
•word count: 1.5 k
•tags: mdni, suggestive, choking kink out the wazoo (f receiving), San's a little horn-ball, Yunho is a jealous boyfriend, praise kink, slight degradation, sex implied but not written out, lots of eye contact, voyeurism
Summary: Yunho teases reader by slightly choking them while hanging around the members, San can't control his eyes and Yunho notices, causing him to drag the both of you into his room and teaching him and you a lesson.
A/N: Inspired by this post I saw from my dear friend @shinestarhwaa (ily pookie!) Please be sure to drop a like, reblog if you enjoyed it, and comment your favorite part! Happy reading!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆───
It started out as an innocent joke. Yunho would gently place his hand on your neck when around the members and occasionally give it a slight squeeze. Nothing too harsh, just a firm grip to cause you to get dizzy for a few seconds. Since he has naturally big hands, his fingers would reach perfectly around the sides, applying pressure to your sweet spots. Yunho knew you were into choking, and damn was he good at it. San was not oblivious to these minor gestures. He saw how flushed your cheeks would get every time his hand came near your neck, and that look of bliss on your face when he applied the slightest pressure to your neck. Although you were happily taken by Yunho and had been for a long time, San couldn’t help the thoughts he had about you since you first started hanging around the members more often. He thought you were very attractive, and the looks on your face when Yunho would jokingly choke you definitely did not help his situation. On the flip side, Yunho saw San’s reactions every time he did that to you. The way his eyes fleeted back and forth between his hand wrapped around your neck and watching the expression on your face morph, softly biting the inside of his lip and his eyes darkening. Yunho is most definitely the jealous type, so he would lightly choke you every chance he could get to show San that you belonged to him and no one else.
Yunho got home one day and found San sitting on the couch, playing his video games. He was going to confront San peacefully about his observations.
“San, can I talk to you for a second?” Yunho said in a monotone voice with no expression on his face.
“Sure hyung! I’ll be there in a sec.” San replied as he was finishing up the round he was playing. Yunho nodded softly and walked into his bedroom. When Yunho walked in, he saw you sitting on his bed, playing on your phone. You looked up at him with a big smile. Sitting your phone on the bed, you got up and wrapped your arms around his waist to hug him.
“Hey handsome! What are you doing back so early?” Yunho placed his finger over your lips to silence you with a soft “shh” coming out of his mouth. Your eyebrows contorted, and you looked up at him, confused.
“Baby, I’m about to do something and I need you to not get mad or upset about it. Okay?”
Confused as hell by what he could be doing, you softly nodded your head, still with a confused expression on your face, trusting Yunho that you would be in good hands (haha). Not too long after your brief conversation, San walks in.
“Everything alright hyun-?” San stops his sentence when he sees you in the room, as well as Yunho. “Y-Y/N! I didn’t know you were here!” San’s expression becomes nervous as he looks at Yunho. His throat becomes dry, and he swallows his spit to try and alleviate it. Fumbling with his hands, San finally opens his mouth again. “W-what did you need me for Yun-?”
“Sit down.” Yunho barks at San and tilts his head toward the chair in his room. San nods a few times before making his way over to the chair, his eyes not leaving you or Yunho. You turn to Yunho and notice the slight angry expression on his face. Your heart sinks down into your stomach at the cold expression he’s giving.
"Yunho, what’s going on?"
“Quiet Y/N.” Yunho pauses for just a moment, glaring at San one more time before turning to you, placing his hands on your hips, and turning you to face him. “San thinks it’s all fine and dandy to stare at something that isn’t his.” Your eyes go between staring at his right eye and his left eye. Yunho’s eyes darkening as you keep staring at each other. “Darling, you know how when we’re hanging around the guys and I, softly place my hand around your neck?” Yunho’s movements follow his words, acting out his speech. Your heart rate increases slightly as Yunho’s hand gets closer to your neck. You dare not break eye contact with Yunho right now. “Giving you the gentlest of squeezes, right on your sweet spots? Causing you to see a hint of stars?”
Yunho’s eyes glance over at San, and he can see the younger member struggling to keep himself together. Harshly biting his lip, his legs crossed to hide the slight erection forming in his pants, gripping the arms of the chair so hard that his knuckles are white. Yunho smirks and directs his attention back to you. Your cheeks are perfectly flushed and eyes droopy just the slightest bit.
“I asked you a question. It’s nice to respond, you know?” Yunho grips your neck a little tighter, causing your mouth to drop open and let out the softest whimper.
“Y-Yes Yunho! I-I’m sorry! I know what you mean."
“Good girl~. Have you ever noticed that San can’t stop staring at you when we do this?”
Completely forgetting that San was also in the room with you guys, you softly turn your head as much as Yunho’s hand would let you and see San struggling to stay still. His foot is now bouncing up and down, legs still crossed, but one of his hands has left the arm of the chair and is now placed in his lap, right where his crotch would be. Fidgeting like a nervous dog.
“Princess! Stop ignoring my questions!” Yunho’s booming voice echoed in your ears, causing you to turn back to him quickly.
“S-sorry! Y-Yes I have noticed!” Yunho inches closer to your face, leaning in toward your ear.
“How does that make you feel~?" You had to think for a moment because in all honesty, it made you feel good, but how could you tell Yunho that? You were beyond thrilled when he started to show more risque public displays of affection around the members. You wanted to know what they really thought of you. How many of them secretly liked you or what they would do to you behind closed doors when Yunho wasn’t there to claim you for himself?
“M-makes me feel good sir!” You closed your eyes in fear of what his reaction would be to your honesty.
“Good huh?” He paused for a few seconds to let your answer sink in. “Didn’t think my girlfriend was such an attention-seeking whore."
The grip around your neck tightens and your arms wrap around and come up Yunho’s back and grip onto the shirt he’s wearing. You tilt your head back and let out a choked moan. The sensation of him squeezing your airways shut was so intoxicating and you genuinely could never get enough of it. The thought of Yunho being in control of your breathing drove you insane. His grip around your neck loosens, and you take a deep breath. Eyes opening up to see Yunho smirking menacingly at you. You don’t break eye contact for a few seconds until Yunho looks back over at San and sees what a mess he’s becoming. Yunho chuckles softly and turns your head for you to look at him.
“What a mess he’s becoming, and it’s all because of you. Isn’t that so special~?” You can’t help but notice San is now rutting his hips into his hand, trying to provide some stimulation in his situation. His lip appears red and swollen because of how hard he’s been biting it this whole time. His face is lightly covered in sweat and he’s breathing heavily.
“Fuck…d-don’t look at me like that Y/N, p-please.” He mutters out, his eyes focused on you staring at him in his desperate state. His eye twitches, and he pants out as he continues to push his hips into his hand.
“S-San.” You calling out his name caused him to whimper softly and lean forward a bit to try to get closer to what he was seeing in front of him. Seeing him act like this sent a wave of heat down to your core. You never knew he was this down bad for you.
“He so desperately wants to cum. Do you think we should let him?”
“W-We?” You stutter out, surprised that Yunho is giving you an option. Looking back at San, you can see him nodding his head profusely and whispering ‘please’ a thousand times. “Yes Yunho.” You say while staring at San, and you watch as his eyes light up and he quickly unzips his pants and whips his dick out. Before you could look any harder at San’s cock, Yunho pushes you down on the bed and sits his weight on top of you. His hair falls gently over his face, and his expression gets darker.
“He can deal with himself over there, but now I have to deal with you for acting like a whore all the fucking time.” He growls through gritted teeth as he unzips his and your pants, pulls yours down along with your underwear, and does the same for him. Pinning your hands above your head and holding them together with one of his massive hands. You knew you were in for a night of trouble.
Tags: @pre1ttyies @isiloiale
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sc0tters · 8 months
His Home | Adam Fantilli
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summary: it’s Adam’s birthday and his debut in the NHL, little does he know you’re there watching
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving), swearing.
word count: 3.07k
authors note: welcome back to what I like to call, kei told me not to behave (soft edition?). I’m kidding (sorta) this is a really different to what I usually write because it had a bit of angst in it? The first bit of regular italics are from the Adam birthday video that the bluejackets did and the second is a regular flashback!
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It was the clip Adam loved rewatching the most.
You were sat in your dorm in his hoodie and his hat (a detail that only he would pick up on) as you smiled “hey baby!” You smiled as you looked at your phone “now I’ve tried redoing this like eight times now.” You confessed letting out a little laugh.
The picture of Adam on draft night that you had taken after you two snuck out to Dairy Queen stared back at you “I keep on crying and you really don’t need to see me get all snotty again.” You shook your head as the pile of tissues on your bed was beginning to build.
Adam couldn’t help but stare at you in awe as you nervously thought about what it was that you wanted to say “point is I’m so proud of you for getting this far.” You two started dating in October of freshman year and you swore you’d kill him before he broke up with you with before trying long distance “I miss you and I love you.” You confessed wiping your cheek as another tear fell.
As you sucked at your cheek smiling unaware that Adam was doing the same thing “you’re gonna smash it tonight, so happy birthday and play your little heart out there.”
You brought your fingers up to your lips “I’m so proud of you my star.” The video ended as your kissed fingers pressed against the camera ending the video like you did all of your FaceTime calls that you had with him.
Honestly Adam was surprised that he wasn’t sick of that video anymore with the amount of times that he had replayed it “sorry she can’t be here tonight.” Kent knew how upset Adam was that you were unable to make it to his first game.
What was the actual twist of the knife was that you hadn’t responded to anything on all platforms and went as far as to turn your locations off on everything “I just don’t remember making her mad.” Adam sighed as he frowned looking at his lock screen that was a picture of you two in front of the yost one evening.
You were in your Fantilli jersey and he had his arms wrapped around you as he kissed your head “she’s probably just stressed with that class you said she was taking.” Kent shrugged trying to keep a straight face.
The whole team had come together to plan this. The only thing that could possibly be making you stressed right now was the fact that you were trying to not get caught in Columbus.
Yes, the boys convinced you to change around some things as they felt like you being there was the birthday and debut gift that money truly couldn’t buy “I guess you’re right.”
Thankfully for you, Adam never noticed that you were there as you sat far away from his parents and family.
The game ended in a win and Adam was even able to get some points on the board so it was safe to say that you were all excited about more than just the win.
Wanting to give him some time with his family you stayed hidden for a bit mainly getting to know more of his teammates “you know he’s clueless about this right?” Kent smiled as he saw the excited look on your face.
Adam knew it probably sounded terrible but as he listened to his dad’s opinions about the game he couldn’t help it as his eyes wondered off to find you.
His brain hoped that by some divine act you were actually there.
And that was when he saw you.
Well not you, actually the top of your head “shut up!” Adam let out a gasp causing you to turn around in his direction.
Both of you had grins on your faces and tears forming in your eyes “w-what are you doing here?” He asked quickly pushing past people to making sure that he wasn’t dreaming.
As your flowery perfume pushed into his nostrils he knew that you were really there “couldn’t not be here tonight.” You mumbled holding your arms out as he pulled you into a hug.
Usually you would have groaned at how sweaty he was but today you just loved feeling him against you “happy birthday my love.” You smiled looking up at him before you placed a kiss on the hockey players lips “how long are you here for?” The hockey player wanted you there for as long as possible “fly out on Sunday my love.” So that basically meant that you had three whole days with him as well as another game to watch.
At this point the cameras had turned away wanting to give you and Adam the moment in private or at least as private as it could be for being stood out in the open “go get showered and then we can all catch up.” Julia proposed looking at her son as she wrapped her arm around you.
You had gotten to know his parents over the summer and nothing made them happier than seeing the smile on their sons face whenever he looked at you.
So you knew that you were going to sound bad when you thought about this because as fun as it was getting to catch up with Adam’s family and watch him smile as he interacted with his parents.
What you truly wanted was to be with him on the couch talking like you used to.
The Michigan air was cold around Ann Arbor but that wasn’t something you and Adam were complaining about.
No instead you two were comfortably on the couch in your dorm as your roommate was in a class “what are you thinking about?” Adam smiled as he realised that you were staring at him.
His thumb massaged your hip as his baggy basketball shorts left the area of your skin exposed “I’m gonna miss these moments with you.” You confessed as you two loved being on top of each other on the tiny two seater couch.
Before a frown could form on your lips as the thought of the draft came along Adam brought his face closer to yours “the draft is a long way away baby.” The hockey player cooed “so for now let’s enjoy this.” He added pressing his lips against yours.
So as the Uber let you two out at the door of Adam’s apartment building you couldn’t help but smile as you grew excited “are you guys sure you don’t want to come up for a bit?” Adam looked at his family members in the car as he wrapped his hand around you “you two should go have fun.” Julia clearly didn’t mean it in the way that flashed through your mind but it still made you smile as you send her a nod.
You two watched the car drive off before you turned to make your way into the building “can’t believe that you’re truly here.” Adam mumbled pressing a kiss onto your head as he took in the familiar scent of your shampoo.
His hand slid lower now resting on your ass that he gave a squeeze “Adam!”
You squealed jumping as you walked into the elevator.
That resulted in a laugh from the boy who quickly joined you before the doors shut “you can’t blame me for missing you.” His words were true as he locked his hands on either side of you “thought about you all day.” Adam confessed hovering his lips over yours.
A smile formed on your face “I did too,” as you leaned up to kiss him the doors opened causing an awkward meeting for you two with an elderly couple “I’m gonna need to you walk in front of me.” The hockey player‘s whisper sent shivers down your spine as you looked down to see that he was hard.
Trying to keep the giggle from leaving your lips you nodded adjusting yourself so that you could walk in front of Adam who now had one hand on your waist and the other carrying your bag “have a good night.” You sent the couple a smile as the boy forced you out of there as quickly as he could.
You looked to Adam with a teasing look on your face “you got a little problem?” You joked seeing that nobody was in the hallway.
Adam scoffed as he shook his head “not only is this your fault but it also isn’t little.” The boy corrected you as he stopped in front of his door “let me get your keys.” You smirked dropping your hand into his pocket.
If he could tell what you were trying to do then Adam was being a good sport for putting up with it “those aren’t my keys.” He warned as you palmed his dick between the fabric of his pocket and his boxers “I know.” You pressed a kiss against his ear before you pulled his keys out quickly unlocking the door to his apartment.
There was a spilt second before Adam practically pushed you both into the apartment “someone’s needy.” You teased watching as he dropped your bag pressing the door shut with his hand before he made a beeline for you “I know.” Adam repeated your words as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
Giving you a small moment to bring your hands to his neck before he kissed you. You two finally had that moment you had longed for where he could kiss you properly.
His tongue fought with yours as there was no longer the need to behave as someone was watching “fuck,” you moaned feeling his hands cup your ass “jump baby.” Adam didn’t need to tell you for a second time as your legs locked around his waist.
The walk to his room was short, not that either of you truly would have cared because you two were just enjoying the feeling of each others lips “god I’ve missed this.” The hockey player cooed dropping your body onto his bed.
You smiled up at him as he joined you on his bed still wanting to soak in the taste of your lips.
Sure it was etched into his brain but that didn’t mean that Adam wasn’t feeling this sense of being high each time he got to feel your lips against his skin “Adam,” you whined as his hands ran over your waist.
His smile was clear as he pecked your lips one final time “I wanna taste you baby.” Adam shook his head as your hand brushed over his cock.
You tried to protest “it’s your birthday,” you pointed out as you simply wanted to make him feel good “and all I want to do is taste that pretty cunt of yours.” Adam shot back as he shifted down his bed.
Adam hooked his fingers in the waist band of your pants “you look so fucking good today.” The hockey player gushed as he was met with the sight of your lace panties “you knew you were gonna get fucked tonight didn’t you?” The Canadian smirked as he let your panties slide down your legs.
Your head bobbed as you nodded “please A,” you pleaded grabbing at his sheets as Adams breath fanned your cunt.
To say that you were soaked was an understatement as even in his dimly lit room Adam could still see the way that your pussy glistened “gonna make you feel so fucking good tonight.” The hockey players voice was shaky before his tongue ran up your slit settling on your clit.
It was like he was starving at the way he locked his hands around your thighs “shit Adam!” You cried bringing your hand down to his hair gripping onto his locks.
His eyes caught yours as you drove your hips into his face desperate to get off in that very moment.
His tongue swirled around your sensitive nub as he brought his fingers to your soaked cunt “god I’ve missed this,” the vibrations of his laugh sent shivers up your spine as your body shook.
Sure phone sex was a thing but this was a whole new level.
After weeks of not being able to get off through phone sex as your fingers and the sound of Adam’s voice could only do so much.
You were now getting exactly what you wanted “I’m gonna come,” you groaned scrunching your face as your body shook.
Adam nodded as you clenched around his fingers “let go baby.” He smiled lapping up your release as he was reminded how much he missed this.
But just like usual Adam didn’t slow down his movements as you rode his face through your orgasm “n-no A,” you shook your head trying to bring your body up and off of the bed.
His smirk was clear as he continued sucking you clit “baby,” you whined literally pulling his head up as you kissed his lips.
Tasting your release on his tongue made you squirm “you taste so sweet.” Adam groaned as your cunt rubbed against his clothed dick “baby I’m gonna come and I gotta do it in you.” He grunted as you nodded.
It took him seconds to undo his pants as you pulled his jersey over your head leaving you in your bra “god you’re gorgeous.” The hockey player smiled as he grabbed the condom from his wallet.
After you two were caught up after a big game with no condom Adam now had one that lived in his wallet for whenever you two would need it.
Before Adam could rip the wrapper open you had your hands capturing it so that you could wrap it around his cock “don’t tease me baby.” The hockey player warned bringing his hand to your head as you kitten licked the tip of his cock.
His precum oozed out of his swollen tip as you looked up at him with a smile “giving you everything you want tonight.” You mumbled pushing the condom over his cock as you kissed his lips swallowing his moan in the process.
Slowly Adam’s knees sink into the mattress as he comes down to your level “I just want you tonight.” His confession made your heart burst with love and pride “you have me Adam.” You nodded watching as he pressed his hands against your shoulders softly pushing you against the mattress.
Adam let his lips start at yours showing you an immense amount of love before he moved them to your cheek then to your jaw.
His journey slowly continued to your neck “A-Adam!” Your voice shook as your eyes screwed shut.
It made him smile as he pressed a kiss to each of your breasts “I want to take my time with you.” The hockey player cooed rubbing his fingers in your hips as he kissed your stomach “Adam please.” The desperation in your voice made him smile as he stopped.
The boy moved up to the point where his head stood just above yours “I love you baby.” Adam mumbled pressing his forehead against yours as his free hand drove his cock over your clit before he let it slide into your cunt.
You both gasped as the familiar feeling came over you both “this cunt feels like it did just back then.” Adam let out a grunt as you nodded “please move.” You begged making him smile.
He listened to you beginning to slowly bring his hips away from you before he brought them back to yours “you feel so good.” The Canadian cooed as you lifted your legs up to wrap around his waist like it was on instinct.
Like usual he was always so vocal “don’t stop,” you pleaded leaning forward to kiss his lips.
Adam almost collapsed at your neediness “god you’re out of this world.” Your cunt clenched around his cock at those words.
The moment was soft, it seemed that you two weren’t interested in having hot and steamy sex tonight. Not when you had missed the simple sheer contact that you two were having now “so full.” You blurted out as you swore that his cock had grown as it hit parts of you had it had never seen.
The hockey player didn’t think that he was going to last long as you continued to drive your hips against his “I love you.” You cried as his hand found its way between your bodies landing on your clit “this cunt was made for me.” Adam groaned as you nodded “all for you.” You agreed as you kissed him.
It was needy as Adam’s thrusts grew staggered at the way you clenched around his cock “I’m not gonna last,” Adam confessed as he shook his head “me neither,” you cried as the pressure on your clit increased.
It made your eyes shut as the coil in your stomach threatened to snap “love those noises.” The hockey player felt his head drop against your shoulder.
The sound of your whimpers hit the walls making Adam sure that he was going to get an awkward knock on the door tomorrow from his neighbour “right there oh-” your voice broke as pleasure pulsed through your body.
It made you shake against him as your hands locked in his hair “so so good,” you groaned gasping for air as white specks painted the backs of your eye lids.
Adam’s orgasm came right after yours making you both sweat as you came down from your highs “you okay?” The hockey player asked as his hands brushed your hair out of your face.”
You nodded with a smile “yep.” You watched him throw the condom away in the trash can next to his bed before you made grabby hands wanting him to come back to you “I want a cuddle.” Your confession made him laugh.
Of course Adam listened as he held his hands out to you “happy birthday baby.” You mumbled as you lay your head against his chest.
The boy smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair “thanks for making my birthday one to remember.” He cooed enjoying how this felt.
With you in his arms he knew that one thing was sure.
Home for Adam wasn’t a tangible place, it wasn’t a rink or his childhood home.
His home was right here, you were his home.
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recklesssturniolo · 8 months
can you write something w sub!matt x fem reader :)
Video Games - M.S
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Sub!Matt Sturniolo x Fem Reader (as per request, ily anon I’m praying I did this justice)
Matt’s been playing video games and you’re getting bored and decide to do something with the time you had.
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
Matt’s been streaming for a couple hours now, and as the minutes passed you continued to get even more bored.
“Mattttt come on let’s do something” you whined, already having complained to him about being bored.
“Last game baby I promise, come sit on my lap and watch” he replies, eyes not moving away from the screen.
You got up from his bed, but just as you were about to sit on his lap a better idea came into your mind. You continue to be walk over but instead of sitting down start kissing his neck, in the exact spots you knew he liked, causing him to slightly tilt his head.
“I - what are you doing?” He asks.
“Nothing, don’t worry just keep playing” you reply, hiding the smirk that formed on your face.
Crawling under his desk - which earned you a raised eyebrow look from Matt, you sat and looked up at him briefly. Taking in how beautiful he looked. Slowly you brought your hands up and started caressing his thigh, immediately his eyes snapped down to you. Continuing this you began palming him through his pants, already able to feel his boner. At this, Matt’s hips buckled slightly, already wanting more, trying to force himself to focus on the game.
“Y/N” he whined out.
“Yes?” You replied
“Please” he states.
“Are you going to be a good boy for me?” You ask.
“Yes, yes I’ll be so good for you, anything” he begs.
You could see his bulge basically begging to be let out, knowing he was aching for your touch, you pulled down his pants and boxers. You spat on your hand and slowly began stroking his dick, continuing for a couple minutes. As you heard him let out a couple soft groans, while continuously trying to properly play the video game.
“Please” He breathes out.
“Please what hm?” You smirked back.
“Use your mouth, please I want to watch how well you take my dick in your mouth” he said, throwing his head back and slightly jerking his hips upwards.
“Are you going to be a good boy and stay quiet? We wouldn’t want your friends to hear you would we?” You reply.
“I promise I’ll be quiet, just please, I need your mouth” he whines back, the pre-cum more than obvious on his tip.
And with that, you lick up from the base before kissing right on the tip. Starting to swirl your tongue around. You look up at him to see him staring right back at you, letting a moan fall from his lips.
“Matty, your friends are going to hear you. You don’t want me to stop do you?” You say.
“No please don’t stop I’ll be quiet, I promise. It feels so good, god you look so good” He replies in a whisper.
You look up at him, seeing him begging you for more, pure bliss on his face before replying “Then be good, play your game and be quiet” Getting a nod followed by an almost silent whine from him in response.
You deepen his cock into your mouth, fasten your pace and letting it slowly hit the back of your throat. You can feel him twitch, and notice his legs slightly trembling. His hips started to slowly thrust upwards as he tried so hard to focus on his game, and to stay quiet - which he felt was nearly impossible with the amount of pleasure you were giving him. You could hear him desperately trying to click the right buttons on his controller. He couldn’t get over how hot you looked sucking him off, and all he wanted to do was watch you, at this point his friends hearing him was the last thing on his mind, but he did as you told him too, trying his hardest not to make a sound.
“You’re being such a good boy” You say in between breaths.
“Always for you” He whispers back.
“Does my good boy want to come?” You reply.
“I, yes - fuck oh my god” was all he could muster out.
You knew he was close. You could tell by how he was biting down on his lip harder, his legs trembling more than before, and his almost complete inability to focus on the game in front of him. Within a couple of minutes you watched as his eyes squeezed shut, and he grabbed the back of your head, pushing you further down. Ripping off his headset, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay quiet. Following that you felt a warm liquid in your mouth.
Several groans left Matt’s mouth as you continued sucking his dick.
“I - holy fuck Y/N, that was amazing, you’re fucking amazing” He said to you, his body slowly calming down as he came down from his high.
“You’re always such a good boy for me baby” You smirked up at him, wiping your mouth.
“I don’t think you understand what you to do me” He replied, while simultaneously pulling you up towards him, “can you, can you ride me? I want to feel you cum around my dick”
“Do you think you deserve that Matty?”
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httpsserene · 9 months
ꜱɪɴɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴡᴇʀ w/ ʟɴ4
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: lando’s usually well spent sunday off with his girlfriend is different this time around. you put off your everything shower and wash-day causing some edits to the usual routine. how the night ends, however, is 100% lando’s fault. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: fluff/borderline?crack(if u think im funny). one or two mentions of sex, not explicit at all. not edited to beta-read. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: lando norris x black!fem!reader 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: oneshot 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: singing in the shower ~ becky g
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ: preface: hello! it’s late night or early morning for me, i guess, when i’m posting this. i was going to say this is my first rpf ever, but that’s a bold-faced lie ☠️but! it is my first f1 work! i hope you enjoy it! i’d love to have some f1 mutuals out here, if anyone wants <3. also requests are open, just come talk to me and ramble about anything, or any idea you have the f1 boys, i’d love to have some great anons and asks to fulfill. hope you enjoy it :)
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it’s a rare sunday where you and lando are both home together. usually you two would take advantage of this and make the most out of it. you’d lay in bed late into the morning with an excessively cuddly boyfriend, cook a nice and healthy brunch together you cook, lando handles the soundtrack and vibes because he loses all coordination in the kitchen, play a co-op video game that you guys have been working your way through for a month, go out on a nice little dinner date, and have great sex before knocking out.
HOWEVER, this week you have kinda forgotten that you need to do your hair. originally you had an appointment that tuesday to get a silk press done with your usual hairstylist, but she canceled on you. once you got that “hey girly...” text you’d known there was no hope of rescheduling, for that week at least. so, you decided to do your own hair sometime later in the week, but your boyfriend was home for the first time after a triple-header, and was a terrible lovely distraction. you also had to work, unfortunately, you had to clean the flat, you had to eat, and you had to breathe—so understandably, you’ve ended up pushing your wash-day/hair-day and everything-shower to the last minute.
you apologized several times to lando during breakfast for your forgetfulness and wasting valuable “boyfriend-girlfriend time” as lando coined. but lando is lando—a sweetheart at his core—so he refused to accept your apologies with an “don’t apologize for something so minor, love,” and even offered to help you tackle the fight you end up almost losing every time…. vs. your hair. 
you kindly denied his assistance knowing damn well that if he was in the shower with you, your hair wouldn’t be done until late that night due to a different type of lando-distraction. you suggested that lando streamed while you were doing your shower and hair, and that you could still go out for dinner that evening. lando was pretty receptive to the idea, especially after he made sure that you were 100% okay with him not helping you do your hair (he usually does, you’ve got him trained pretty good; all he needs is the license at this point), and the fact that it’s been like 3 months since he last streamed.
lando posts that he’s streaming starting at noon, and after a brief make out against the sink post-dishwashing that leaves your lips swollen and head foggy, he goes to take a shower and start setting up his stream equipment. cursing lando’s smug-ass face as he walks away, you let him know that you're stepping out to the beauty supply store to get a few items before you start your little routine and that you might not see him before his stream starts. he does a 180, and rushes back to you from down the hallway to give you one more mind boggling kiss and with a smile says, “text me when you get there and when you’re back. i’ll have my phone on dnd but your messages are set to pass through it, so if you don’t want to be seen on stream today you don’t have to worry about it.” internally, you’re pretty sure your heart just imploded at the mindfulness this boy has—that your boyfriend has. somehow, it still surprises you how mature lando is for how silly he acts most of the time.
“you’re too sweet to me, lan.” you respond with a shy smile, “i probably won’t interrupt you today—i’ll let your delulu fans have custody, and deal with you!” lando throws his head back and does his usual demonic laugh, “hey! my fans are not that delusional, but i am afraid that you’re losing the custody battle!” he kisses you on the cheek, and with that you separate until later that day.
or so you thought. you knew lando’s super sweet behavior was too sus without him being his usual gremlin-self at least once.
when you get back from the beauty supply store (which should’ve been a fifteen-minute trip at most, turned into a near hour after the usual shenanigans you find yourself involved in buying things you don’t need), lando’s already started his stream. you text him letting him know you’re about to hop into the shower, and start heading to en-suite bathroom.
when you open the door, the mirror is slightly covered with remaining steam from lando’s shower, and you can see his clothes hanging half-inside the hamper. which is an improvement from being left on the floor—choose your battles, ladies. but as you move further into the bathroom, setting down your everything-shower supplies, changing into your silk robe and bonnet—you pick up on a lingering scent that should not be present.
your ninety-four fucking dollar scalp revival shampoo.
you’ve had that shampoo since you were seventeen, using it only when extremely necessary. you didn’t even pay for it, it was something your mom bought you as a pretty thoughtful and useful gift after you complained about your scalp suddenly getting super sensitive. it lasted through your senior year of grade school, all of university, and goddamn-it, two boyfriends!!! you let out a bit of an hysterical giggle (seek mental help, babe) and walk to the shower to grab the jar. the problem is: you know there was only probably one more usage left.
turning the cap off, your worst fears are confirmed...it’s…empty. with an anguished cry, you fall to your knees on the tiled floor—it’s like your childhood pet died. you gently set the jar down on the floor, and stare dazedly at the ceiling. what makes it worse is: you know that lando probably didn’t even use it properly. he most likely didn’t even let it sit for the mandatory 15 minutes that all girls do as an excuse to waste more time in the shower, he prob- he probably rinsed it out right after he massaged it in; that thought right there almost had you crying. oh, and what makes it even worse-r , what was a one-use sized amount for you was like, three for lando, so if he used it sparingly, you would’ve at least gotten to cherish it for the last time.
and with that, you rise from the floor, like some sort of re-animated monster—and with a twitching eye, start stomping to lando’s stream room. before you barge in, you remember what you're wearing: a black silk robe, matching bonnet, glasses, and your cute orange shark slides (lando bought them for you, he has a matching pair). you do the mental math of caring about this being on the internet for the rest of your life, but eventually the opportunity of terrorizing lando wins out over whatever a digital footprint is.
the door swings open, and with your shout of, “lando norris!” the pinging of his chat becomes rapid. lando looks wide-eyed at the camera and whispers, “oh fuck.” he half spins in his chair to look at you in the doorway, and is met with a flying shark slide to the neck. “oW! what did i do??” he cries out.
“you used the last of my ONE-HUNDRED DOLLAR shampoo, YOU THIEVING GREMLIN!!!” the chat notifications start cutting each other off with how fast they’re being sent.
“i didn’t use your shampoo??” he says with a bewildered look, clutching the shark slide to his chest. you seethe, “the fucking WOODEN JAR, that you didn’t even have the AUDACITY throw away, and left in the shower?!”
lando pauses, and makes an ‘a-ha’ sort of face goes, “oh, i thought that was conditioner.” you scream again and this time you don’t miss your mark. the remaining shark slide bonks him right on the forehead. “oW, again?!”
“yEAH?! WELL, i didn’t expect  MY GIRLFRIEND to ASSAULT ME with the shark slides that I bought HER!!”
“yEAH?! WELL, i didn’t expect MY BOYFRIEND to waste MY hair products!!”
lando cackles but surrenders, he reaches for you in the doorway and pulls you in between his legs with his hands gripping your hips. 
he pouts, “i’m sorry. i can buy you another batch, if you’d like. if you need it for your shower right now, i can pause the stream and run and go get for you, or get it delivered?” you sigh, looking at his wide blue eyes. you let him stew for a minute, trying to find it in you to remain mad. his thumbs start petting you gently while you think, and he leans his head forward to rest on your tummy.
you sigh again, hand coming up to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck, and cave, “nah..don’t even worry about it. i don’t even need to use it today, i just wanted to remind you to keep your nosy-ass away from my hair products.” he nods against your abdomen, you start to pull away, and he does the same. you lean down and give him a brief peck on the cheek, and turn to exit the room. 
“oh!” you exclaim now in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob, “i love you, even though you steal all my shit.”
lando giggles, cheeks turning a light pink, “i love you, princess,” the simp dripping out of every pore in his body. you point at him, “this is actually a mutually beneficial situation! now, for date night you can take me to the store to buy hair products,” lando’s smile drops, “don’t worry we can get some for you too, curly boy!” lando doesn’t even try to fight it once he sees the borderline manic grin on your face, just begging him to test you one more time. he accepts his face, “yes, love. i can’t wait for tonight, princess.”
he turns back to his stream when the door closes all the way and shakes his head. he claps his hands once, ready to get back into it, but you burst in again,
“and when i get out of that damn shower in an hour—you’re sure as hell gonna help blow dry and flat iron this shit! it’s silk press season, lando norris, we cannot be caught slacking!” you slam the door shut, and leave.
lando just blinks at the camera, mouth slightly open like that one pikachu meme. he briefly reads the chat, trying to recover, and looks at all of the chatters pick on him like he just got called to the dean’s office. some messages start to roll in about him having to end the stream.
he waits to hear the bedroom door shut, and a few more seconds for the shower to start running before he pseudo-whispers into the mic, “don’t worry, chat! she may have said an hour, but we actually have more like three. it’s her ‘everything-shower’, no-way she’ll finish that quickly. she needs an hour just to sing and dance in there before she starts actually doing anything.”
he starts to open a lobby in cod, sending invites to a few of the boys online and his phone starts vibrating on the desk. the chat starts to go wild again, recognizing its the ringtone he set for your messages. his face drops again when he opens your text thread, “oh my god, chat. she heard me, i forgot she pulls up the stream for background noise. i’m screwed.”
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yninstagram • 2hrs ago
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liked by landonorris, ybfsinstagram, and 123,978 others
yninstagram hairstylist did his thing for silk press season 👅
tagged landonorris
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landonorris can’t even see our faces but you can’t tell we’re both pretty
➥yninstagram pretty gyal takeover
➥user bro 😭 i can’t even call this sassy
➥user he’s just keeping it real with y’all
landonorris i’ll always take care of you like a princess
➥landonorris and one day very soon, forever treat you like a queen
➥ynistagram lan ☹️🥺
➥user proposal hint?!!!
➥user it’s a 4ever thing y’all wouldn’t understand 🥱
➥user i do 🙄 y/n comes home one day every two years and takes care of our eight children
➥user bitch—LMFAOOO
user not her gatekeeping the stylist 😤 not very girl’s girl of her
➥yninstagram he’s booked out for the foreseeable future sorry babe
➥user oh uh. that’s completely understandable. he doesn’t take walk in’s ? 😃
landonorris • 3hrs ago
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liked by yninstagram, maxfewtrell, and 2,321,768 others
landonorris you attract what you fear? word, oh no a pretty gyal who lets me do her hair😱 oohhhhh how scaryyy
tagged yninstagram
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yninstagram damn 🥵 she’s pretty fit
yninstagram heard her boyfriend’s finer
➥landonorris shouldn’t listen to gossip, her bf can’t match her beauty by far
➥user now THATS SOME RIZZ i didn’t know he had it in him
carlossainzjr y/nnita keep brainwashing him i’m getting good teasing material
➥ynistagram sí señor, el gusto es mio
➥carlossainzjr aye,lando her spanish is better than yours🤣
➥landonorris my tractor is better than yours, mmm yeah that’s what i thought
➥yninstagram he will be issuing a formal apology at the paddock next sunday señor sainz
➥user i just KNOW she got him at shark slide-point
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© httpsserene 2023
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mxdarling · 2 months
[“put that down! you’ll hurt yourself with that.” / “you’re so pretty when you smile.”]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: idia bought a new multiplayer game, and he wants to play it with his player one, you.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 2.3k (2334)
ೃ⁀➷: reference/Inspiration: playlist
ೃ⁀➷: event: [200 followers event]
[author's note:] JDJDKD MORE IDIA CONTENT WOOHOOO this was supposed to be his belated birthday gift from me but uhh cough cough writer block hit me like a bitch soo.. didn't finish before new years, and it's now like- 4 months late??? anyways, thank you anon for requesting idia with dialogue #3 and #7!! my last yandere idia work had him a little creepy so i made him cute this time loll i hope it's to your satisfaction anon!
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[warnings:] lowercase, yandere behavior, more fluff than yandere, established relationship, reader is a gamer, cuddling, kisses, reader is ticklish, poor explanation of game mechanics, mentions of fear for judgement, reader is portrayed as a crybaby, one paragraph mentions idia being a creep, game is a rip-off of minecraft (fantasy version), toxic teammates.
[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. i don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. if you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, i am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[GN reader]
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IDIA SHROUD seemed to be in a good mood today, at least according to what you've seen so far. probably because his latest purchase is the cause of his being in such an upbeat mood. not that you're complaining; it was rather cute seeing him all excited and giddy when he found a new game to play. it's like a whole new, different side of him comes out whenever he starts to ramble about the features of the game and why he should absolutely play it right now. of course, as his player one, you're automatically going to be the first person he's going to play with. not that you mind, really. playing with idia was always a fun experience; it reminded you a lot of how you would spend your free time back in your world.
(those days of laziness, those days of unproductivity where you did nothing but lay down on your bed and do nothing—no school work to do, no club activities to do, no studying for an upcoming exam—just pure idleness. then when you're bored, you could just use your phone, PC, or iPad to entertain you as the day goes by, playing nonstop until late hours in the evening. god, you miss those days.)
you often wondered what genre of video games this new world had to offer. you knew that it wouldn't be so different from your own world, but you weren't sure just how many of your friends were affiliated with gaming entertainment. out of fear that judgement would be placed upon you if you shared this interest of yours, your love for video games has been hidden—so to find someone else (with that someone else being idia) that likes video games and is very well versed in them is a dream come true. it was a long process to get him to play with you, let alone consider you a friend and not try to avoid you every 2 seconds—still, it was a feat you were proud of because now you get to experience many, many different sides of idia that you would have never known 9 months ago.
(you once heard idia curse like at least twenty times in one breathe when one of his teammates was being shitty and a prick, he sounded so angry and scary that you backed into a corner to avoid getting burnt by his scorching, bright red hair that grew the more angrier he got. the only reason he stopped was when he heard quiet sobs in the corner of his room and turned around away from his computer to see you huddled in the corner of his room. quickly he went over there, completely abandoning his game and comforting you. he hates seeing his cute prefect cry, especially because of him, he's not the great at comforting but when he hugged you so tightly, your quiet sobs turned into silence. right then and there he swore to never be the reason you're crying and when you do, he'll be right there with you.)
you are currently cross-sitting in his very comfy bed, watching as idia set up two controllers and plugged in the PCs to turn them on (you're still surprised he's got more than 2 PCs, which, if you really think about it, his family background makes it make sense). after waiting for the PCs to turn on, he then connects the controllers to the PCs and opens up the game on both screens. you would insist on helping him set up, but due to you literally being isekai'd into this unknown world of twisted wonderland, you aren't too familiar with many things besides the whole magic stuff—plus, you aren't too keen on breaking any of idia's stuff because of your lack of knowledge on how to do technology.
(technology in general is so extremely confusing, you would argue wholeheartedly all day and all night, and idia would agree with you and low-key flex on how knowledgeable he is in the field of technology, just to impress you and show how reliable he is. secretly, he likes it when he's useful to you.)
"sorry! it took a while to set up..." in slightly shaking hands, he hands over the controller to you while holding the other in his free hand. he looked rather nervous when he faced you to give the controller, like he's worried he wasted your time waiting for him. it reminded you of a puppy looking up to its owner apologetically when they did something wrong, so cute, you thought, adorable even, you added.
"haha! it's okay! you didn't take that long anyway." you gave him a reassuring look, a soft smile, and bright eyes, showing him that you weren't bothered by having to wait a bit as he set up for you two to play.
both screens show the in-game loading screen, and the bar quickly fills up due to the fast internet speed (one you're quite envious of). slowly it fades to the starting screen, where a big text is bouncing 'tap to start' in both of your faces. Idia presses to start immediately, wanting to get into gameplay as fast as he can while you take a moment to admire the visual aspects and effects of the game in silent awe. you always had a thing for the visual stuff that was shown in-game. by slowly pressing the button on your control, you enter the game and begin a fantastical journey with idia.
“put that down! you’ll hurt yourself with that.” he says worriedly as he watches you damage your avatar's HP bar this early in gameplay. usually he gets really annoyed when he plays with noobs and normies; they stink at comprehending basic knowledge, do dumb things in-game, ask too many questions, and ruin the whole gameplay experience for him. 'ugh, how annoying.' is his usual reaction to such—of course he wouldn't think of that towards you! never ever would he ever think this way towards you; even if you do things noobs and normies usually do, he can't bring himself to be annoyed—you were too cute in his eyes. he would never admit this to your face, though, and he still gets red just at the thought of him thinking you are cute. It's true though; don't get him wrong, but... the embarrassment that comes with thinking about these thoughts is just too much for his poor little heart! honestly, he's for sure that one day you'll be the death of him, does he care though? not really; in fact, he would probably love that.
(he blushes so hard whenever he thinks of you in his clothes; it's the way your natural scent clings onto his shirts, the way his shirts made you even cuter than you already are—one of the only reasons he doesn't wash his clothes immediately because he wants to savor your smell to memory. he's a creep, yes, but he's one devoted creep.)
"whoops! sorry didn't see that, haha..." nervously laughing at your mistake, you eat whatever consumable you have in your inventory to try and restore as much health as you lost. as your avatar munches on the food in its hand, from the corner of your screen, you can see idia's avatar walking towards you. once it's near enough to your avatar, you can see the animation of a bunch of items being dropped and your inventory picking up due to the proximity between the items and your avatar. you opened your inventory, curious about what he just gave you since it looked like quite a lot of items, and confused about why he was giving you so many items in the first place. your eyes widen in shock as the items he's given you are one stack of steak, every weapon in-game (sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe), but in steel, and a full set of steel armor.
your mouth continues to gape open as you put on the armor set on your avatar. how did he get so much stuff this fast? it hasn't even been an hour yet! "where.. did you get so much stuff!?" you ask naively, following idia around as you don't want to get lost, die, and lose all your stuff. "stole half of those from villages, some from mining, and a few from trading" he says so casually as he continues to walk in an unknown direction, like this was a regular thing for him, not to mention this was a hard difficulty! he's playing this game like it's not easy mode! "could've gotten more if it weren't for those stingy mobs..." furrowing his eyebrows, he let out a small huff of frustration, pressing slightly harder on the buttons on his controller, not noticing how your mouth dropped down even further at his passing comment. as she presses on, walking in an unknown direction, you're hit with the hundredth reminder that he's on a whole other level than you when it comes to gaming.
three hours in, and you guys decided to play on public servers, where you'll get to play different game modes other than the usual story and survival modes. once the two of you picked a game to play, the room quickly filled with laughter, shouting, incoherent grumbling, screams of terror, and many more in between. you two decided to save a team game as last since idia wasn't enthusiastic about playing together with other players because he just wanted to play with you, and there was an underlying fear that you would encounter toxic teammates. but since you were practically begging him to just try it at least once, he couldn't help but give in to your pleas.
it was fun, he supposed. it wasn't as annoying or infuriating as he thought it would be, but he still had to keep up not making really snarky remarks when certain players were interacting with you. he'd hate to have you see such a mean, ugly, and disgusting side of him. other than that, it was an okay experience. he thinks it would've been better if it was just him and you on a team; wouldn't it be kind of romantic? you and him against everyone else?
then what he feared most would happen actually happened. suddenly some fucking jerk is screaming insults at you for not being good enough, and before that teammate got two more words in, he exploded on them. curses upon curses spit out his mouth in rapid speed, and the voices of that said teammate slowly but surely die down as their ego and pride go down with them. in the midst of anger and chaos between him and the teammate, you could feel tears building up inside you; everything around you started to blur, and the sounds that filled your ears were starting to get tuned out. you couldn't even hear that idia stopped screaming curses, turned off both PCs, and went to take the controller from your hand, lift you up into his lap, and slowly wrap his arms around you.
once he had you fully in his grasp, he tightened his grip, making sure not to let you get away from him. he wasn't good at words, especially when trying to comfort someone, but seeing you cry was making him cry too. he did, after all, swear to always be with you when you cry. raising one of his hands, he placed it at the back of your head and gently pushed towards his neck. then his hand went down to rub your back, up and down, up and down, at a slow pace. letting you cry it all out in peace while also letting you know he's there with you.
a few minutes have passed, and your sobs have gone silent. your eyes have become droopy and sleepy, and it feels almost impossible to keep them open. suddenly, a hand lifts your chin, and you feel a pair of lips come into contact with your forehead. it wasn't like a quick kiss; no, the kiss lasted for at least a few seconds before pulling away. even then, upon pulling away, you feel another kiss on your cheek, this time a little quicker than the forehead kiss. then another kiss on your other cheek, then another on your nose, another on your jawline, another on your earlobes, and finally, his lips hovered over your own lips.
you could feel the hesitation when he let out a nervous breath; the thought of your lips on his always sends him into an electrifying and drunken daze. he can't think straight when he's this close to you, but even then, it gives him an unusual feeling of contentment and confidence. the luck he has to be able to snag such an adorable, cute, amazing, and beautiful person like you in his life. he almost can't believe it. swallowing his own nervousness for your comfort, he presses against your soft lips delicately. soon after making physical contact with your lips, he feels a smile form on your face—a small smile, yet it was enough for him. any smile from you is enough for him, because seeing you happy is the best view he could ever lay his eyes on.
feeling out of breath, he's the first to let go but also the first to frown at the loss of touch. i want to stay like this forever, he thought as he watched you emit a giggle after the kiss. fire burns brightly in his heart, and he starts to wonder if you being the death of him will really come true. his cheeks burn that ever-warm red that he knows you've seen many, many times before, but he can't help it. when you pull him into a world through rose-tinted glasses, no way could he be immune to such an effect.
"i really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? you’re so pretty when you smile."
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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jsprnt · 2 months
Americano PT. 9 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: phew! this took me five million years and a bag of candy to write. remember when I told you to remember the house layout? 😉 Enjoy!
small mention: I absolutely love knowing you all are curious about the next chapter of this series. I appreciate and love all comments I get, and try to keep all my promises I make. but, trust I’m human too and need some away from writing. Though, when rude and harassing words are used in my inbox- the joy of writing this series gets absolutely sucked away. (If I’ve answered your message, this isn’t about your comment 🫶) so, please keep your rude words to yourself or I’ll turn off anonymous inbox messages and block you the next time :)
W/C: 4.016
part eight
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"I should've just taken a break to go on vacation."
Lina sighs, poking her salad with her fork, and guiding the mixture of greens and dressing up to her mouth.
"Didn't you take a trip to Paris last international break?"
Luis says, raising a brow at her words. He turns his head towards me, nudging me under the table.
"Can you believe her?" He asks, an exasperated chuckle leaving his lips. It causes me to jolt out of my half-asleep state, my eyes widening in surprise.
"What? Who?" I ask looking around and bring a hand up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
I had rushed out of the house this morning, which meant everyone got the chance to admire my bare skin today.
Well, my stress-induced breakouts were on full display, but having some pimples wasn’t the end of the damn world anyway.
"Are you okay?" Lina joins in, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, just dozed off- been sleeping horribly." I reply, eyeing my lunch with a grimace.
"Are those exams still keeping you up?"
"More like waking me up.. Do you know how many nightmares of failing an exam a person can take?” I say, my words coming out harsher and louder than I intended. My eye twitches in irritation, and I give them a crazy look.
"Woah, you have an attitude today.." Luis mutters, shifting away from me.
"Don’t piss her off.." I hear Lina say, nudging Luis.
"Never mind, I'm going back to work." I state, quickly putting my tray of food away and walking out of the cafeteria.
I mutter curses under my breath, trying to look as normal as possible to my coworkers when I pass them in the hallways.
Exam season was practically sucking the life out of me, and the added pressure of the upcoming Champions League home game against Napoli was multiplying the stress.
Thankfully, it was international break, which meant that my normal workload was cut in half. Some players not playing for in the national team had requested leave for vacation, so the training center was pretty quiet and empty today.
I only knew of injured players being here for their scheduled recovery appointments.
I finally get back in my office, sighing in exhaustion when I get to my desk. I plop down, rubbing my face to wake myself up further, before starting to work on some more content.
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"Why are you grinning like a creep?"
I turn to Luis, chuckling at his choice of words, and let go of the computer mouse.
"I just got a notification that said I passed my written exam." I beam, giving him a cocky look.
"Yeah, ninety-four percent..” I say, turning my head to look at the editing program. The training video we had just shot halfway edited already.
"You've been snapping at us for no reason, but I guess it was worth it- good job.." He says, shooting me a smile, and leaning in to give me a side hug.
"Yeah, sorry about that.." I apologize, fixing my wrinkled shirt. I move my hand towards the mouse again, cutting off a piece of blurry footage that we couldn’t use.
"It's fine, I guess it's payback for making you do random tasks back when you were a newbie.."
"You know, I haven't forgotten how you made me carry that heavy ass bag every morning..”
"I'm sorry, alright. You should've told me earlier that Ancelotti is basically your uncle."
I grumble at his words, jabbing his ribcage with my elbow, sending him a warning look.
"Stop talking and help me out with this.." I mutter, passing him the mouse.
He winces a little, rubbing his stomach, before snatching the mouse off of me with an attitude.
"Didn't know you were allowed to use your privilege to inflict such violence."
I roll my eyes, focused on the moving images on the computer screen. Starting to unconsciously pick at a fresh scab on my hand. Only noticing the damage I’ve done when I look down to see blood trickling down the back of my hand.
"Shit, made myself bleed.." I say, making Luis glance away from the dual monitors.
"Go to the physiotherapy room. They have a shit ton of bandages and bandaids.” He suggests, his hand going up to fix the curls falling in front of his eyes.
I nod quickly, getting up from my seat and walking out of the small, soundproof meeting room. I close the glass door behind me, hurrying over to the physiotherapy room.
I pass the glass panels facing the multiple pitches outside, the sun had been shining brightly this afternoon. Even though the sun had been setting quite early due to daylight saving time.
I knock twice when I arrive, only opening the door when I hear a loud 'come in' in response.
I clear my throat, realizing how silly it is to get a bandaid for a wound like this, but still walk in.
I'm greeted by the sight of first-team physiotherapist Iván, he smiles when he notices me, waving for me to come inside.
He was one of the nicest people working with me at Real Madrid. It would be especially fun when he would bring in his little two-year-old son with him. I couldn’t count on one hand how many times I had carried the cute boy around the training center in my free time.
"Oh, y/n. What brings you here?" He questions, shoving the white privacy curtain out of the way, only to reveal a shirtless Jude lying on the treatment table, his eyes opening to peer over at me.
The personalized shoulder brace he'd been wearing for the past couple matches, was taken off for obvious reasons, and placed on the other side of the bed.
I look away a moment later, feeling my chest tighten, internally wincing at the thought of Jude having a dislocated shoulder and still playing football. Despite all of the aggressive and offensive play we had gotten used to this season, he was handling it well- but I wouldn’t ever utter it out loud.
Because- who wants to inflate that ego even more? Or was that even possible?
"Hi, Iván.. Just wondering if you got a bandaid for me?" I avert my gaze to the physio, and raise my brows. I hold my hand up to show the wound, and smile when he nods in response.
"Yeah, just a second.." He shoots Jude a quick wink, washing his hands before coming over. He begins to rummage through the cabinet, flipping through a pack of bandaids before handing me one closest to my skin color.
"Here you go.. Do you need anything else?" He asks, eyeing the blood on my hand.
"Nope, only this. Thank you.." I smile, quickly wiping down the blood from my hand and gently placing the bandaid on my wound.
I throw the bloody wipes and wrappers in the dedicated trash can, turning around again when I’m done.
I make accidental and involuntary eye contact with Jude instead of Iván, who's already across the room busy with some paperwork. Probably documenting the progress of Jude’s injury.
My eyes automatically dart down to his shoulder, and unbelievably, my eyes slip to his chest, then to his-
I stiffen when I regain consciousness of what I’m doing, and look away with haste. I fight the urge to smack myself in the face, instead biting the flesh of my cheek when I notice him smirk at me.
"What are you looking at?" He questions, voice low and his cocky tone too obvious to ignore.
My eyes widen slightly when he speaks, and I take a step forward as if to say I’m not intimidated.
"Just- looking at your shoulder.." I say, cringing at the way the words leave my mouth.
"So, you’re worried about me now?"
I give him a look of disgust, a chuckle of disbelief leaving my mouth.
"You wish, Bellingham. I heard Ancelotti is confident in putting you in the starting lineup on Wednesday. You better put your best foot forward, and if we don’t end up winning..." I trail off, threatening him slightly with my tone. I then turn around and leave the room.
I couldn’t lie, being rude to him after he'd dislocated his shoulder and still played made me feel a little guilty.
Though, he had a huge gift of being the ultimate douchebag, even when he’d been having his 'decent' moments lately.
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“He’s only turned nineteen two- no three months ago, and he’s already scoring in the Champions League..” Luis gawks, grabbing the equipment bag out of my hand.
“I know, it’s so fun to see young players flourish..” I mutter, mentally recalling the interview I just did with Nico Paz. Since it was his first goal for Real Madrid, we had just done an interview in celebration.
“He is a year younger than you.. Is he really that young to you?” Luis teases, pushing me away when I pretend to kick him.
“What? Are you trying to undermine my accomplishments?” I question, trying to kick him again.
“Hey! See, this is how immature you are.. Step back, dude get off…” He says, and I scuffle with him for a moment, gasping when he tries to put me in a headlock.
“Okay, you always do this- stop everyone is looking..” I mutter, squeezing his arm.
“How fuckin’ childish are you?” I hear a familiar voice say. I snap my head up, Luis’ arm loosening as he immediately lets me go.
“As much as I want to be...” I state, my hand traveling up to fix my hair and clothes.
I hear Jude scoff, he gives me a nasty look before taking a step forward, but I notice him freeze in my peripheral vision when he hears someone calling out to me.
“y/n?!” The person shouts, and I look around for a moment before my eyes land on…
The guys from Naples?
What’s his name again?
“Chris?..” I say, my voice low and as enthusiastic as I can manage to pretend.
Fuck, I never even answered his DM’s..
Well, should I really give a guy who looks like trouble a chance?
My common sense says: NO.
I watch him bring an arm around my back, his hand resting on my shoulder blade when he hugs me tightly. Like we’ve been friends for freaking years…
“How have you been? Thought I’d see you here..” He beams, his hand going up to fix the fluffy mop of blonde hair on his head. Aussie accent undeniably mesmerizing like last time.
He is so pretty, but the kind of pretty that told me he was a full on man-wh*re..
“Hi? Good, what are you doing here?” I ask, trying to stop the grimace forming on my face. I lean in, taking a closer look at the badge hanging from his neck.
Surprisingly enough, it says ‘VIP’- I look up at him with a questioning look, waiting for him to explain.
“Oh- this.. someone I know gifted me this pass..”
Yeah, very believable.
He smiles nonchalantly, the skin of his cheeks denting as his dimples show.
I nod as if I understand, glancing at Luis, so he can get me out of this conversation.
“You’re the drunk guy from that night!” Chris suddenly exclaims, pointing at Luis.
Could this get even more awkward.
I tune out the stupid conversation they have, shuffling backwards only to bump into Jude.
Thankfully, not against his injured shoulder.
“Oh, sorry..” I whisper, not even registering his response before he’s rudely interrupted.
“Man- no way you’re the Jude Bellingham..”
I close my eyes in embarrassment, turning around to face Jude instead of both Luis and Chris.
I raise my brows at Jude, giving him a look only readable as ‘send this man away’..
He immediately plasters an all too good, fake smile on his face. Stepping behind me to greet Chris, and begins talking to him about the match.
I can only hear a jumble of both Brum and Aussie accents, it making me want to burst into a fit of laughter. Though, I manage to keep it in, looking at Luis to see if he’s still present in the conversation.
He isn’t, as expected. No surprise, he’s fidgeting with his damn camera again.
I stand there like a statue for the next two minutes, looking back and forth between the two accented men.
It’s a comical sight, especially when I can’t even understand some words.
I sigh in relief when Jude pats Chris’ shoulder, careful with his injury when he goes in for a handshake.
I watch Jude leave swiftly, his facial expression falters immediately, and his hand goes up to rip the shoulder brace off his body, harsher than I’ve ever seen him do before.
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"My brain is going to explode, fucks sake.."
I mumble, stretching my arms and legs. I get up from the dinner table in order to walk around the backyard for a moment. Trying to get some fresh air, even though it's past midnight already.
I loved studying at the dinning table way more than upstairs in my room. It felt less lonely- especially since my dad had been gone for a couple weeks now. His work and the case had taken an interesting turn, which meant that his stay had to be prolonged.
I didn't mind, in fact, I loved living alone. Except for when I heard random noises at night. It could've been a bird flying against the window, and I’d still be paranoid.
Since it was our day off, after winning 4-2 against Napoli yesterday- I thought I'd go ahead and continue cramming for my last exam I had in a couple days.
I yawn and stretch my limbs, looking up at the clear sky and stars. It had gotten so much colder since December was almost here.
My pajama shorts are not providing warmth, but I can’t be bothered to go up and change when I’m going back inside in a minute anyway.
I can hear my back cracking when I turn to stretch, making me chuckle. I was only twenty, but those hard ass chairs and sitting in them for long periods of time, made me feel like I was double my age sometimes.
I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring loudly from the dinning table. I jog back inside quickly, throwing my slippers off my feet and snatch my phone. Confusion settling on my face when I read the caller ID.
I immediately pick up, pressing the phone against my ear. Worrying about something horrible happening in the middle of the night.
"Dad? It's late, something wrong?" I say in one breath, left hand clutching the backrest of my chair.
"y/n, nothings wrong. I just need you to listen carefully..”
"Okay." I spit out, just wanting him to get to the point, my brain making up all types of things.
"It's concerning one of my clients. Something unexpected just happened, and he's going to have to stay over at ours for a while."
I pause at his words, frowning in confusion, even though he can’t see my face.
"What? So, you're calling me- because I need to let an unfamiliar guy into our house- so he can sleep here? Is it a criminal?”
I gasp, hand gripping my phone tighter.
“A murderer?! Dad! How can you-”
"-y/n.." He cuts me off, voice stern, but I’m able to hear the grogginess of his tone. He'd probably been sleeping before he was awakened.
"It's no stranger- it's Jude, okay? He's not safe in his own home- relating the case I took on. I offered for him to stay over out of concern for his safety. So, he's going to have to stay with- you for a while."
I stay quiet, taking in all of the information he's giving me. I can already feel a migraine creeping up on me, letting go of my chair to massage my temple with one hand.
"I have to get the guest room- ready?" I say, processing everything and trying to understand what I’m supposed to do.
"Yes, I know you two are- friendly. Please be understanding and responsible. I'll call you in the morning, just get him settled and go to bed. You got that, honey?"
"Yeah, I got it. Uh- I'll get the room ready.." I say, already walking up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.
"Good, again- I'll call you in the morning- good night, sweetie.."
I quickly hang up after saying goodbye, running around, and making the bedroom look presentable. I change the bedsheets and wipe the dust off the vanity with a swift motion. It takes me about ten minutes and a sweaty forehead, before the doorbell rings repeatedly.
I run down the stairs, almost tripping due to my haste.
I take a deep breath when I reach the front door, trying to collect my thoughts and feelings before swinging the door open.
Jude's house was unsafe to stay in, so he's staying here- right..
The front door squeaks when I open it. An exhausted-looking Jude entering my sight, his black suitcase is on the floor, to his right- looking like it’s about to burst at its seams.
Cold air greets my face and naked legs almost instantly, making me curse internally for not changing clothes earlier.
I was too stubborn for my own good..
"Hi- umh, come in?" I say, my voice hoarse as if I hadn't spoken out loud in weeks.
He nods awkwardly, mumbling something incoherent as he begins rolling his suitcase inside.
I motion for him to take his shoes off, which he promptly does without hesitation. I turn away, grabbing some house slippers for him to wear out of the shoe rack.
I throw them next to his feet, watching his eyes flicker up and down as he steps back for a moment.
"You alright?" I ask, worried about the lack of words he's using.
It was unlike him, whether we’re arguing about some stupid shit or I’m filming an interview- he always had something to say.
"Yeah, I'm fine.." He mutters, looking up and finally making eye contact with me.
"The bedroom is upstairs.." I trail off, reaching over to grab his suitcase, but he snatches the heavy luggage up with one hand, immediately making his way up the stairs.
I watch the muscles in his arm flex as I walk behind him. I stop dead in my tracks when I realize what I’m doing and practically start running up the stairs to catch up to him.
I walk ahead of him when we reach the top of the stairs, opening the guest bedroom door for him.
"This is your room, bathroom is there, and the laundry room is over there." I point, turning around to face him.
"Thanks.." His Brum accent is thick, and he looks at me like a lost man in crisis.
I clear my throat, unable to pick between being nice and acting like how we normally interacted.
"Are- do you want to go shower?" I mutter, raising my brows.
I only realize how wrong my sentence sounds the second it leaves my mouth. To cover my embarrassment, I clear my throat again, putting my hands behind my back.
"Yeah- I should.." He responds, and I step aside to let him in the bedroom.
"I'll be downstairs.."
I inform, running down the stairs the second he shuts the door behind him.
I rub my eyes aggressively when I walk into the living room area. Sitting on the couch, I wonder if this is some delusional fever dream.
Maybe it’s just a different genre of dreams, next to those nightmares I had about failing exams.
I mean- who can make this up?
I get up to my feet again, walk up to the fridge, and begin filling up a huge glass with water. I bring the cup up to my lips, and slowly sip on the cool liquid, hoping it will help me feel grounded again.
I exhale deeply when I'm halfway through the cup. Going for my last gulp of water again, I fill my mouth with the rest of the water. My cheeks almost exploding from the amount of water in my mouth.
Suddenly, I'm absolutely- fucking-scared shitless as I'm poked in between my shoulder blades. I turn around in a shift motion, accidentally spraying out the water in my mouth- onto a shirtless Jude's chest.
My eyes almost bug out of my head in shock. My jaw slacks open when I observe the aftermath.
He can only look at me with a blank face. I can’t detect any emotion in his face, but he’s probably equally as mortified as me.
"Shit- sorry.." I blurt, turning around, and grabbing a kitchen towel. I scramble for a second, and start to vigorously..wipe.. his..chest..
I only realize I'm rubbing on his chest like I’m giving him a damn massage- mid-wipe and freeze.
My body goes rigid and my hands are resting on his now dry, naked chest.
I look up at him, only seeing part of his face with help from the dim lights in the kitchen. My breathing slows down, and he looks down at me in return.
I can feel my heart pounding in my ribcage, and I'm sure anyone within meters of me could hear.
His skin is soft and warm underneath my fingertips-
"I- was going to ask how the shower works.." Jude whispers, his warm breath hitting my face. I can make out his brown eyes peering into mine, a series of unspoken and caged words behind them.
His words make me stop breathing for a moment. I remove my hands off of him at lightning speed, the kitchen towel falling to the floor mindlessly and I step back immediately.
"Oh- yeah, sure. Follow me.." I scramble a couple words together, my brain working overtime. I walk up the stairs again. Leading him into the bathroom, noticing he had left the lights on, his discarded shirt on the bathroom counter.
"Here- left is hot, right is cold. This is the best temperature.." I instruct, pointing when necessary and don’t dare to look up at him as he stands behind me.
"This button is for the radio and this one for the ventilation.." I say, pressing some buttons to show him how they work.
"Okay.." He breaths out, his warm breaths hitting the back of my neck. I can practically feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head.
I finally turn to look at him, dragging my gaze up to make awkward eye contact with him.
"Anything else?" I ask, voice low and I begin fidgeting with the hem of my shorts.
"Not really..” He replies, sentence dragged out by his accent.
"Umh- okay.. laundry hamper is there. I'll be in my room.." I trail off, pointing my thumb behind me, and walk out of the bathroom without saying anything else.
I quickly clean up the mess I - no, he caused in the kitchen. I wipe everything down properly and grab my laptop and stationary off the dining table.
I carefully lock the front door and windows on the first floor, setting up the alarm and going back upstairs.
I can hear some noise coming from the bathroom. I begin averting my gaze, just in case Jude walks out of the bathroom half-naked again.
I finally get into my bedroom, jumping into my bed. I try to distract myself with my phone until he's done with showering. So I can finally wash my face and brush my teeth after a long day of studying.
Only, this time- my phone doesn’t seem to be all too interesting. Not even those brainrotting and attention grabbing TikTok’s.
Nothing, and I mean nothing- could distract me from anything that had happened within the past thirty minutes..
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joocomics · 4 months
01. a souvenir from my biggest fan — 18+
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pairing: youtuber theo x fem!reader
genre: smut w/ a sprinkle of plot wc: 2.9k
summary: the charming guy running the youtube channel you enjoy watching mostly because of him and not the games he’s playing, moves in the apartment across from yours, and turns out to be the biggest asshole you’ve encountered in years
chapter contains: switch!reader, unprotected sex, cussing, dirty talk, choking (m), oral (f), orgasm denial
a/n: please, keep in mind english is not my first language, i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
!! this is pure fiction for entertainment purposes
📁 loser(s) masterlist
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“Wow, you’re an asshole in real life,” you keep talking bitterly with little flames in your eyes. “I’m actually impressed with your acting skills.”
A frustrated airy laugh slips through your lips while Taeyang’s, on the other hand, curl up at the corners, amused at how seriously you’re taking this whole situation.
“Sorry to ruin the little fantasy you had of me, sweetheart.”
“You should be glad that I prefer to spend my time doing anything else than dealing with you,” you turn to your front door and flip the key, “cause I can just call the cops.”
“Are you sure that’s what you really prefer?”
This is not the first time you’re fighting Choi Taeyang in the middle of the hallway, nor it’s the last unless you move buildings. His youtube channel is growing rapidly which calls for more content and less peace for you.
He's still leaning against the door frame with his headset hanging from his neck. The subtle mischievous spark in his eyes, the one you know so well from the multiple videos you’ve seen from him, is so different in real life - straight up mean, making you wonder how you used to find his channel fun and comforting despite the terrifying games he plays.
“You’re at my fucking door almost every single night,” he continues. “Maybe I should call them, you seem more of a stalker than a marketing manager.”
“Fuck off,” you spit out entering your apartment. “You’re a pathetic loser with no life.”
“Bitch.” Taeyang slams the door of his home the second you shut yours.
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A month ago you couldn't wait to finish work and hop on the bus to head back home.
Now, you go home on foot so it can take you extra minutes to arrive.
The time you finish work is the time Taeyang comes back from the gym, and by the hour you're lounging in bed ready to relax with your new favorite show is the hour he turns on the usual scary games, and transforms your cozy time in a mirage. Today is going to be no different, because he has zero empathy for people’s feelings, so you take your time even with walking towards the elevator after you arrive at your apartment building.
You make out the too familiar voice echoing in the hallway along with the stamping sound of his footsteps just when you press the button.
Taeyang runs through the open doors, and you walk in after him faking a smile. His ebony black hair is half wet and his outfit casual, consisting only of a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt under his unzipped hoodie. Judging by the bag with beer cans in his hand your guesses are correct - his workout is done and he's going to take his seat in front of the computer.
The unnerving silence fills the air the second the doors close in front of your eyes.
“Next time fill up your mouth with your panties or something,” Taeyang glances up at the changing neon numbers. “What if you accidentally scream my name? I don’t wanna hear that.”
He fakes a disgusted expression and shakes his shoulders as an attempt to get rid of the image in his head.
You knew putting your earphones in to blast music as you use your vibrator is risky since sometimes you tend to be more vocal than others, but what were you supposed to do when all of his exaggerated yelling and cussing comes through the wall exactly where your bed is?
You can’t touch yourself during the day because you’re at work, and now you can’t do it before sleep because of him.
Your fake chuckle rings hollow in the small space. You look away, but you cannot escape his face though. You both see each other in the reflecting glass that’s all around you; it’s a little blurry, but not enough to not be aware that you’re staring at each other.
“Good to know you take off that headset once in a while.” You raise your chin up. “Maybe I should touch myself more often if that’s gonna help a loser like you get a life.”
The doors slide open, and you walk out first, feeling Taeyang’s gaze all over your ass.
“Is your boring corporate job stressing you out, sweetheart?” He calls out behind you, as you walk down the corridor. “Is that why you’re taking your anger out on me since day one?”
“I love my job,” you say when he catches up your pace.
“And you hate mine.”
“Because of you,” you glare at him, stopping in front of your apartment. You don’t even realise when you started raising your voice. “It’s your lack of responsibility and consideration I have a problem with, not what you do.”
“Shh, you’re going to disturb the neighbours.” Taeyang puts a finger on his lips, and for the first time you feel the urge to slap a person.
He comes closer to you while staring at your cleavage. It’s flushed with a delicate reddish color that he could associate only with himself and the emotions he brings within you.
“Do you want me to help you out with that? I can help you relieve some of the pressure, doll… most of it.”
You breathe in once, looking in his eyes.
You breathe in twice… recognising the fresh earthy aroma coming from his skin and damp hair.
It’s not your voice that gives him an answer, but your lips that smash against his own.
That’s exactly what Taeyang hoped for, and his arms immediately go around your waist, pulling you close after he drops the bag of beer cans on the ground. His hands slide down to grip your ass cheeks through the linen fabric of your pants, that’s too thin and his cock already starts to gain pressure from how much it allows him to feel in his palms.
“My place or yours?” You pull back just to ask the question then kiss him again.
Taeyang’s hands go up, sneaking under your shirt.
“You already know what my room looks like, it’s time I see yours.”
“That’s fair.”
He doesn’t leave you out of sight as he gets rid of his clothes while you unbutton your shirt. Once you’re left in your lingerie he doesn’t give you a chance to remove it, because he pushes you onto the bed, covering your skin with wet kisses. You look gorgeous in it anyways, so he doesn’t mind if it stays on a little longer.
“You’re so fuckin’ hot,” he mutters against the flesh of your tummy before grinding his tongue up to your bellybutton. His hands are squishing your breasts harshly making you gasp. “Fuck, drives me crazy.”
His teeth bite the hem of your lace panties, pull and let it drop with a smack.
When he moves up to lock lips with yours again they seem to move even more eagerly than minutes before. His tongue invades your mouth almost with a frustration, leaving you out of breath and panting for more.
But you rather get that yourself.
“What the—“ He stumbles around his words surprised from suddenly finding himself on his back.
You swiftly succeed in straddling his hips as he didn’t have the chance to react in time to prevent you from getting on top.
“Shut up,” you say, unclipping your bra and rubbing your clit on his stiffened length at the same time. You still have your panties on and you see his gaze darkening from wanting to rip them off. “Mm, your cock is so hard...”
“Take it in your greedy mouth then.” He grips your hips forcing them to move quicker. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“Yeah, but that would be too easy.”
Taeyang laughs before grabbing your arms to bring your face down into his.
You gasp through a smile creeping up on your face. You can’t hide the enjoyment from his rough responses to every single thing you do.
“These tricks don’t work on me, doll. Be a good girl and do as I say from now on.”
“You’re not the only player here, pretty boy.” You pull his bottom lip with your teeth, and his erection twitches against your clit, both from the bite and your attitude. “I will suck your dick when I decide you’ve earned it.”
Before you realise a thing, Taeyang flips you over and strips you from your panties pushing them inside your mouth. His hands bend your knees with fingers digging into your skin finally spreading you apart. As his mouth waters from the seductive sight of what’s between your thighs, yours spit out the underwear.
“Tsk,” Taeyang picks it up, and muffles your irritated whines by returning them back where they were. “What an ungrateful doll. I’m doing you a favor and this is how you say thank you?”
He holds his palm over your lips to keep the fabric in place while his other one gives your right boob a slap followed by a few more after he catches you make a muffled pleasant sound.
Eventually the grumpy look on your face dissipates into a rapture as the pleasure from his tongue comes in waves, each more powerful than the other. He alternates between sucking and lapping on your juices while also playing with the pacing of his licks over your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, you taste too sweet for such an angry girl,” he groans before gliding his tongue through your sloppy folds only to swirl the tip of it around your clit again.
And you eat pussy too well for such a loser.
Your chin begins to leak from your drooling, slipping down your neck as your panties get soaked with your moans and spit. The fact you’re not able to be loud as you need to makes your jaw clench with frustration, but your pussy even more aroused under Taeyang’s tongue.
His grip on your thighs tighten painfully limiting your shakiness as he buries his coarse mouth even deeper, grazing his teeth against your intimate lips; tongue tracing stripes from your dripping hole up to your most sensitive point over and over again. He makes out with your entire cunt the same way he kisses you - mean with a desire to control.
“I can make it feel even better if you promise not to empty your filthy mouth,” he glances at you, giving you a nice view of all the glistening fluids all over his face.
You nod too quickly, you realise, but most of the stubbornness left you the moment his tongue touched you for the first time.
You grip the sheets cause your fingers are already tempted to pull out the underwear the more his swollen tip levels with your entrance.
You’ve never taken such big size before and your heart starts racing excitedly at the thought of the appealing girth sinking inside you.
“Shit,” Taeyang’s brows knit together while his length fills you up bit by bit, tightening the knot of pleasure in his core. “You’re too fuckin’ small and tight for me.”
He inserts it all the way slowly, wanting you to feel the way you suck in with ease every inch of him; wanting you to know just how bad you needed him. However, once it’s in, his patience dies down giving his hips the freedom to move as quickly as possible.
Taeyang runs a hand through his dark hair, then moves it over your lower tummy, pressing against his cock that’s reaching the desired spot over and over again. His sharp gaze follows your eyes fluttering in bliss, as the rush he creates invades your body.
Once he leans in to hang your right leg over his shoulder for a deeper thrust, your repressed mewls rise even higher; erotic heavy growls just like in the videos he watches to jerk off.
“We get along so much better when you have your mouth shut, don’t you think?” He fans your face while holding himself up on his hands.
A groan escapes his puffy lips before he could catch it after you bury fingers in his hair and tug on the roots, pulling him closer.
With one tilt of his head Taeyang drops your panties down after stealing them from your mouth with his teeth.
“Mind if I keep those?” He asks and receives the sound of the first real raw moans of yours as an answer.
It would be a foolish lie if he says he won’t be thinking about them after this.
“A souvenir from my biggest fan…” He whispers in your ear and you can feel the intoxicating effect that his voice alone has on you.
His hips slow down for the first time, moving slowly in circles while he catches his breath.
“Shit, Tae… Faster.” You pull his hair like you’re holding on for dear life, as you sense every inch of him making you more dizzy with those slow massaging motions.
“Faster?” He repeats with a sudden powerful slam from his hips, that catches you off guard. “Are you close?” He pulls out almost all the way only to shove himself again, stabbing your g-spot. “Wanna cum… is that it?”
“Yeah…” Your whimper gets lost from the lewd noises when he proceeds to pound into you, but this time rapidly without stopping for a second. The skin on skin slapping merges with Taeyang’s hitched heavy breathing, but he still manages to catch the little broken yes-es coming from underneath him. “Fuck—“
Your mouth remains open, but not because your awaited climax arrives, but because Taeyang pulls out just before it does.
The burning dissatisfaction from what was about to be your most intense orgasm being stolen from you forces you to turn over and wail in your pillow.
“Shhh,” Taeyang turns you back around, slapping your inner thigh with his drenched cock. Your squirmy lips bring a devilish smirk on his face. “It’s not that bad, doll. You can take it.”
A moment later his eyes watch you suspiciously raising up.
You grab the base of his dick determined to take charge.
“I wanted to cum so bad from this pretty cock,” you coo moving your fist up and down, as he rests on his knees in front of you with his unbelievably captivating plump lips and cold gaze.
His face begins to scrunch up from your quickening hand, and the way your playful thumb keeps going over his red tip like it knows just when is the perfect time to do it.
“I’ve never had such a big one in my pussy before…” You add on to his arousal. “Feels nice.”
“Shit,” Taeyang throws his head back. His chest rises heavily while his abs clench from the stimulation. “Just nice?” He lifts up to look at you challengingly. It drives him nuts how you always lit up a fire in his chest by irritating him, and turning him on at the same time.
“Go on…” You provoke him, squeezing the leaky shape of his head. “You’ve called me worse than that.”
Taeyang gulps when you drop his erection only to grip it with your aroused walls instead. You both sigh in sync as you get in contact with the electrifying warmth once again, that now feels ten times more intense.
Although it’s subtle, you don’t miss the change in his expression when you begin to bounce just like you wanted to in the beginning.
“Don’t.” You command the second you sense the presence of his hands on your waist, desperate to regain control. “You’re going to let me do this.”
You quicken your movements, watching him chew on his mouth from the overwhelming rush he desperately tries to keep under control.
“Why…” Taeyang’s voice comes out too breathless to continue his question. The fact your hand wraps around his throat to put pressure on the sides of his neck doesn’t help either. This is the first time he allows something like this, and it makes his heart flutter from an unfamiliar thrill.
“Why what, pretty boy?” You slow down, curious to know what he’s thinking right now.
Taeyang only shakes his head, turning his knuckles white from gripping the sheets. He wants to push you on your back, to cuss at you and fuck you until you’re sore, and can’t mutter a single word to him… but he’s captivated. It’s like every time you touch him you secretly cast a spell on him that he’s unable to break through.
The only thing he could say is…
“Just… keep going.”
You smile, tilting his chin higher to meet his eyes.
The speed of your lower body picks up when you begin to ride him chasing your high - with the head of his cock kissing right where you need it, and the most arousing sounds slipping from his lips that begin to pout with every next move.
“Holy s-shit—“ Taeyang chokes on his moan moving his hands on your waist, but not interrupting your movements. “Y/N…”
“Not yet,” you say, feeling shivers down your spine from the way he pants your name. “Wait for me.” You release his throat, trying your best to keep the rapid pace going.
Taeyang cusses in the crook of your neck where he starts biting harshly to distract himself from how bad he needs to cum, not caring at all that you keep hissing from his sucking.
“Can’t…” he grunts against the wet skin under your earlobe. “Fuck, come on, cream my cock you slut.” He grabs a handful of your hair, and that turns out to be just enough to snap the overwhelming knot in your tummy.
You rock your hips back and forth more slowly, panting as the ecstatic rush passes through your veins when suddenly Taeyang’s weak husky voice surprises you.
“You’re amazingly hot.”
Your two fingers slip through his lips and he allows that too.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
↳ next chapter
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scekrex · 3 months
The Heavenly team of Exterminators playing hide and seek as a training to find demons if they hide somewhere and they only choose like a couple of people to hide before they start searching for them. Reader being on of the people chosen to hide, the problem is he hid so well that they can't find him. Reason for that being his amazing hiding skills that made him choose to hide in some sort of a chamber that there was only one way in, but it was hidden, so unless you knew how to get in and if you even knew it was there, you wouldn't know how to find the guy. Adam getting concerned where his husband went since they've been searching for him for a good hour and still couldn't find him before he hears a ding from his phone an a video message from reader "An hour in the chamber, they haven't found me yet, but when they do, they gon' be surprised" and Adam just having a whole ass "What the fuck, where is your stupid ass??" moment with reader just replaying "Bitch call me, I'm stuck just come get me out" and directing him to the chamber 😂😂
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Okay hear me out: airtag for reader NOW bc otherwise Adam might lose that dude for good (no he won't bc reader will always find back to him but it causes a panic attack almost every time) also I live for the Adam pics you always send w ur asks
Constant Headache
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, yet another crack fic
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“Soldiers,” Lute yelled as she slowly walked towards the group of exorcists. If you were to be honest you didn't even fully understand how you had managed to become one of them, Adam had a pretty strict ‘women only’ rule when it came to his army, on the other hand had your husband never been fully able to tell you ‘no’, he had always given in sooner or later.
“Today’s practice will be about spotting and fighting the demons that think are clever by hiding from us,” she smashed her fist on the palm of her hand, “But we're smarter. And in order to spot hiding demons, you will be divided into two groups. The ones that will be hiding and doing their best to stay hidden, we want this to be as realistic as possible after all so once you've been spotted, put up a fight. And the ones who will seek for those hidden.” You looked up from your nails and raised an eyebrow at Lute, “So what you're saying is we're playing hide and seek, gotcha. Y'all get ready to suck dick because I will win this bullshit.”
Lute sighed heavily as she pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head at you, “No, Y/N, we're not playing fucking- Adam,” she turned towards the first man, who was currently busy on his phone. Once his name was called out he looked up in confusion though, the LED face on his mask seemed slightly annoyed by Lute's attitude, “Huh?” That caused the exorcist to groan loudly and she threw her head in her neck to underline her emotions, “Tell your little fucktoy that we're not playing hide and seek.” Adam turned his phone off and let it disappear in his pocket before crossing his arms over his chest, “First of all, don't fucking disrespect my husband like that, only I'm allowed to call him my fucktoy,” Lute shot you a warning glace as she saw the shit eating grin on your face, you flipped her off and mouthed a silent, “Yeah bitch, fucking respect me.” With every day that she got to spend with the two of you she understood more and more why you were married. The two of you were equally obnoxious. “Second, bitch what do you want from me, this is literally a game of hide and seek, babes is right about that one.” ‘When was babes not right about something,’ Lute thought but remained silent. Instead she turned to face the group again, ignoring Adam's words skillfully. “Anyways, group A, you will be given ten minutes to hide, once the ten minutes are over group B will start their seeking. Good luck,” and with that she started a timer.
You lazily walked over to Adam, who was back to playing some shitty mobile game, “Hey big guy, if you manage to find me soon we might have a little time for a quickie.” It was needless to say that that caught Adam's attention immediately but before he had the slightest chance to answer you, you pushed yourself off the ground. “Where the fuck are you even going,” the first man yelled at you, you turned around mid air to look at him from above, “Find out, if ya find me I'll suck your dick.” And that was s promise to Adam's liking.
You took off, already knew where to hide. It was a little chamber that you had found a couple hundred years ago. You weren't quite sure how you had stumbled across it but ever since then you have made it your little man cave and whenever you felt overwhelmed you simply went there to calm yourself down and escape from the bright colors of heaven for a few hours. The chamber only had one entrance and it was hidden behind ivy vines.
All in all it was a cozy little place and a comfortable hiding spot, you also doubted that anyone would find you there and that was a simple win in your book, you'd win that game of hide and seek just to shove it in Lute's face. Yeah Lute… that was a thing you didn't like to think or talk about lately. Ever since the extermination day got closer she became insufferable. The training schedule was tight, jokes seemed to be forbidden and she treated everyone like they were garbage - sometimes even Adam. Usually the exorcist was fun to have around, she'd be up for one or two stupid decisions and would crack the most unfiltered jokes but with extermination day being in two months she just threw all of her likable traits away to become that bossy bitch that hated on everyone, no matter how well they were doing.
You sighed as you sat down on the cold yet dry ground and waited. It would probably take a while for one of them - probably your husband - to reach out for you and check where the fuck you were. So you took out your phone and checked social media.
In the meantime Adam was having a crisis, he had looked behind every rock, in every tree, fuck he had even searched for you on the bottom of the river at that point. But you were nowhere in sight. “Where the fuck is that bitch,” he mumbled to himself as he checked a tiny cave he had just discovered but nothing. “Someone’s mad he won't get a blowie?” Lute's grin was audible and it caused Adam to sigh in annoyance, “Fuck off, Lute.” She dropped the grin and got serious again at that, “Actually Sir, I'm here to inform you that all exorcists had been found, well all but Y/N.” That made the first man worry even more and a little bit of panic was noticeable in his voice when he ordered Lute to tell the exorcists to look for his husband. The lieutenant executed the order given to her within a heartbeat.
An hour passed and there was still no sign of you, that was until a notification popped up on Adam's phone screen.
‘Babes has sent you a video.’
The brunette opened it immediately and frowned as he watched the video of you showing off the chamber you were hiding inside, “An hour in the chamber, they haven't found me yet,” your voice sounded quite pleased with that result as you flipped the camera to grin at it, “But when they do, they gon’ be surprised as fuck.” Adam started at the screen for a moment, then he smashed his fingers down onto the digital keyboard, typing out in all caps, ‘What the fuck, where's your stupid ass???’
It only took you a moment to respond, a voice message this time, “So y’know, maybe I'm stuck in that man cave of mine,” Adam looked irritated at that, was he supposed to know where that said man cave was? Had he missed something? “Just fucking call me and I'll give ya the directions, get me the fuck outta here I'm starving.” Adam turned to look at Lute who shrugged apathetically, “Your bitch not mine.” Fucking great.
So Adam called you and you directed him to where you were still hiding. It took the first man quite a while to both get his ass there and find the entrance but once he did, you were already waiting there for him. “Okay just grab me and pull me out,” you mumbled as you reached for his hand. He grabbed your forearm firmly and did as he had been told.
As soon as you were out you cockily leaned against his side, “Took ya a while.” Adam grumbled something about your hiding spot being unfair but you ignored that, instead you asked, “So, did I win?” The first human soul in heaven rolled his eyes at that, “Yeah, yeah you won.” You patted his chest as you walked past him, “Awesome, now let's go so I can shove it in Lute's face.” Adam simply followed you, “What about my blowjob though?” You turned around to face him, a small grin on your lips, “If you behave like the good boy we both know you can be I'll blow you when we're back home.”
And in that moment Adam was really fucking thankful for his mask because while he was sure you knew he was blushing, you had no proof for that. “Fucking fine,” he whined but you knew as much as he did that it was just an act. So the two of you flew back to Lute and the others.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Lute snapped at Adam once the man had set his foot on the ground next to her, you were quick to jump in tho, “Dickmaster here had been busy shoving his cock down my throat, now we're here so shut up and give us the next task already, hide and seek was way to fucking easy.”
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vampirevatican · 3 months
Bedtime in the House of Lamentation
pairing: om! brothers x reader
summary: you have a special sleep speaker that changes colors. they check in on your room when they hear noise at night, but it's not you and they find a lone light glowing their nail color or power
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Lucifer - blue/red
classical music, but it's the chill kind... ya know the ones you can fall asleep to
fave songs but piano version
white noise
This was one of the nights he does his rounds of the house. Making sure his brothers, Mammon, weren't out causing trouble for him to deal with later. Being the eldest, when he does these check-ins, he'd just open the door and then leave the bedroom resident to whatever they were doing. He never thoroughly checked a room unless something suspicious was going on, or he's heard rumors regarding the resident and their bedroom.
So when he finally gets to the first floor he notes that there's a faint sound of classical music. He ends up at the front of your door and without a second thought he opens the door and is met with the speaker glowing, music flowing from it and your sleeping form.
It seems you tried to pull an all-nighter. Your phone still in your hand, covers not properly covering you, but sleeping so peacefully. A small smirk appears on his lips as he pulls the covers over you, making sure you don't get a cold, and then leaves the room. Maybe he'd need to get not cursed records and finish work earlier so you can fall asleep together.
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Mammon - white/yellow
r&b. look me in the eyes and tell me he's not black. go on, yeah that's what i thought.
jazz... now hear me out, casino things
continuing casino stuff, casino ambience
When hears the faint sound of slot machines in the House of Lamentation he's in a whiplash of excited and confused. Didn't he just leave the casino? And there's no way in west devildom that Lucifer agreed to him wanting a mini casino in the house. So naturally he follows the sound and hopes for the later.
But no, it's coming from... your room?! Quickly opening the door he finds a small speaker emitting a light and your phone, charging, right next to it. "Casino ambience..." he whispers reading the title of the video in your phone screen after getting closer to it.
Awww his human missed him, well it's only right that he adds to this bedtime immersion by slipping into bed with you. Crawling into the bed with you, holding you close, he notices you almost stir awake and the small smile on your face. Damn, could you possibly be any cuter right now?! He rubs your back and soothes you back into your deep sleep and soon drifts off as well.
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Leviathan - purple/orange
gamer lets plays are playing through the speaker
or maybe a game ost that has sleepy/chill vibes
acnh w/ rain background anyone?
He had left his room for a food break between gaming. He had a few raids and team rounds to do, but right now refueling was more important. That's when he hears something near the kitchen. Putting down his cup noodles he follows the sound and finds it coming from your room.
There was a faint light glowing from the crack in the door and it wasn't the usual bright yellow from the lanterns and fairy lights in the room. Pressing his ear to the door he recognizes the music being one of your cozy games. Gaining no answer from knocking on your door, or calling out to you, he opens the door and instantly covers his mouth. 'Oh my gosh they're so cute! WAIT NO THIS IS CREEP BEHAVIOR!! but...' He practically tip toes into your room and sees the speaker.
Doing a double take he leaves your room as quickly and quietly as possible... after a picture of you with the speaker's light on you first though... you're just too pretty and it's too heart-warming to know when you don't or cant sleep in his room, because you can't sleep, this is how you remedy it.
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satan - green
or maybe r/no sleep, r/aita, r/dndhorrorstories, buzzfeeds are you scared
cat radio... no really cat fm
book readings
He's used to you falling asleep while reading to you, or when you'd spend time with him just to fall asleep on his lap waiting for him to finish his books. And yes he'd go cat watching with you. Even plotting to adopt a few if you both ever got the okay from Lucifer. Though he wouldn't have guessed things like that extend to you getting a good night's rest.
This particular night he was entranced by a book in the library when he heard... meowing? Though it wasn't normal meows, it was to the tune of some song. He knows that cats are known to sing sometimes but since when did either of you sneak one into the house? Following the sound he soon realizes that it's some kind of recording because what's next is a narration of a book he's read before.
Noticing the green glow from under the door he decides to check in on you and sees you knocked out. The sound of a narrator, close to his tone of voice, reading you a story as you dreamt away. He couldn't help but smile as a warm feeling took over his heart. To think you needed to hear him, or someone like him, read stories for you to properly sleep was too sweet to bare. He quietly closes the door and heads off to bed for the night.
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asmo - pink
meditation or ocean sounds
true crime, makeup or both
honestly smthn that'd be trendy and recommended for sleep
First of all, he didn't expect for you to go to bed so early. Usually he's the one with an early bedtime but tonight was an exception. There was a party he was invited to and he couldn't just ignore his adoring fans.
So when he came back and heard a sleep meditation coming from your room, his curiosity gets the better of him. He decides to take a peek into your room and has to hold back a squeal over how you look sleeping. When it comes to beauty only you could rival him, and this even counts when you're sleeping!
His eyes follow where the faint pink glow is coming from and surprise! it's your little speaker. He can't help admire you and be glad you took up one of his trends. You really do care! Of course he does his bedtime routine and then cuddles up in bed with you. The pink mood lighting and how peaceful it is was just too hard to resist.
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beel - red/orange
lullaby music, or 80's rock songs in music box style
snoring sounds
Beel is known for his late night kitchen rummages. Infact he got used to you not stopping him but helping by joining in or just keeping him company, you'd rarely scold him for his late night rampages. Though tonight you were no where to be found.
When he first passed by your bedroom it was relatively quiet, so he figured you were asleep. Not being able to eat how he usually would, concerned over your absence, he took only a couple snacks and checked on your room again before going back to his.
This time he notices a music box playing and a light coming from under the door. He peeks through a crack in the door he makes from opening it a little, and notices you sleeping. He smiles warmly and the grin becomes bigger when he sees where the light and sound is coming from. You and Belphie slept the same, covered with blankets and surrounded by pillows. It was endearing and he couldn't help but curl up in your room that night with his snacks.
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belphie - purple/teal
fave songs but it's in music box style
asmr, and it's like a muffled city, keyboard typing, or rainy day, with music from another room
Being the Avatar of Sloth, he didn't have to go to you room to see how you were sleeping. Though you did peak his curiosity a little when he heard lofi music coming from your room. Surely you couldn't be so diligent, or a nerd, that you'd be studying at this time of night. Turns out his suspicion was correct, you weren't studying.
He was currently a by-stander of your dreams tonight and he takes note of how he appears in them. It wasn't like he was fully in your dream, no dream self to speak of, but instead things you associated with him.
Taking his powers a bit further he astral projects and finds himself right by your bed. A glow of light seems to pass through his spirit form and looking over he finds where it's coming from, along with what's making your dreams what they are. Smiling a little he looks over at your sleeping form, a bit of your face peeking out from the mass of covers, and notices that you're smiling too. "Cute." He whispers and decides to insert himself into your dreams. You wanted him so bad then fine, he'll be there.
167 notes · View notes
lowkeyrobin · 4 months
I'm sorry for spamming you I'm just really excited--
Reader who also streams and just rants a lot while they play Stardew Valley?
Like mid milking a cow or something they pause the game and rant about how to kiss someone or smth?...
-🌕 anon! <3
AH OMG DONT WORRY ABOUT SPAMMING I LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🫶🫶 but I absolutely love this LMAO I made this into a preference setup instead of a oneshot bc I didn't know exactly who you wanted and I was having difficulty finding a way to stretch it out that long anyways. idk much about stardew valley so bare with me, I rewatched Tommy's video of him playing w Molly to help me 💀💀
MCYT ; stardew valley rants
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, freddie badlinu, niki nihachu, foolish gamers & quackity
warnings ; language
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you'll just be doing some tasks and be like "you know, I've never kissed anyone before. like, how does that work?"
meanwhile Tommy came over a little bit ago to hang out after stream and he just looks at you like 🤨😨
"youve never kissed anyone?? wait... we haven't kissed before? y/n/n, what?"
you shake your head no, confirming that you guys actually never kissed somehow, your relationship was kinda new in both of your defenses.
"we've only been dating like, 2 months, it's fine"
literally have your first kiss on stream bro
the cutest shit ever
you were playing stardew valley for a little calm/lofi stream before you went out to film with tubbo & tommy for a little challenge video
you got a little quiet after a while and started ranting about drama at school
you had some class time with a bunch of popular girls and you didn't exactly fit in with them and drama was starting to arrise
for a solid hour you were ranting about it
tubbo had your stream on as bg noise as he was on the bus to meet up with you and tommy
when you meet up afterwards his first words to you are "did you actually just rant for an hour about school drama?"
you nod and awkwardly smile cause you didn't know he was watching
"you're interesting to say the least"
"you are too!"
you literally paused the whole game mid-farming to rant about some restaurant you and ranboo went to the past day
chat was exploding with "oooo they went on a date" and you were just like "guys it was good food, 10/10"
they get you to join a call with them and you guys talk about it together and your whole experience and how awesome the food was
not to mention the aesthetic of the restaurant was so well put together
you got back to your stream with a little story for your viewers
you started ranting about a movie/show you're fixated on at the moment
went through all the lore, all the characters, background info, etc
Freddie was watching and using tts to talk to you
he encouraged it dw
like he was holding a convo w you and everything it was the cutest shit ever
the edits.
also people clipped the whole like half hour long thing and posted it to YouTube like "y/u/n and badlinu talk about ___!"
you don't even remember it within a week but HE DOES
just one of those cute relationship moments he loves to think about
you were playing stardew while he was playing gta and you were on a vc together
so obv it kinda sounded crazy 💀💀
"y/n I'm gonna drive my Honda Accord over there and kill all your cows!"
"I swear to God, quackity, don't even dare"
not really ranting but you were yelling threats at him and shit LMAO
you guys were playing together 🫶
you were teaching her how to do everything and stuff
you eventually went on a tangent about things you do and don't like about the game
she was agreeing to your solid points and stuff
that turns into a rant about hair color and if she can color your hair for you LMAO
"Dude, how do people do that van life shit? I'd die doing that"
straight up hour and a half rant about how much you hate van life tik tokkers while playing stardew valley
he's in your chat like "Yes 100 percent" and adding onto your points LMAO
you both share a hate for van life mfs
114 notes · View notes
jaegersdevil · 10 months
three plans - eren jaeger
College!Eren x Fem!Reader
summary: eren needs help asking you out!!
cw: use of y/n, very rushed ending, mikasa & jean are dating (briefly mentioned), eren and jean actually get along, the dorms are massive at my fake college (i'm talking like 2-bedroom apartment-sized, ok).
w/c: 3.4k
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Eren was about to leave. He sat on the couch in Jean Kirstein’s dorm and waited for him to return from his management class, cursing himself repeatedly for asking Jean, of all people, to help him with his issue. 
To be fair, you weren’t the worst issue Eren could have, but his situation, or lack of situation, with you was… an issue. Eren would consider himself a confident guy until it came to you. He had barely spoken to you, becoming speechless whenever you were nearby.
Despite having class together, he was sure he wouldn’t know what to tell you if he bumped into you on the street. So, yeah, it was a sizeable issue, considering he was harbouring the world’s biggest crush on you. 
Toying with the hem of his sweat shorts and chewing on his bottom lip, Eren sat in silence. He was well aware of Jean's invitation to play NBA 23 on the PS5, but he was too nervous to even think about taking up the offer. He’d rather sit, wallowing in his anxiety, than play a video game. So, yeah, maybe this issue was larger than he thought. 
“Ok, what do you want?” Jean’s voice and the slamming of the dorm door simultaneously cut through the quiet, making Eren jump in his spot. 
Upon realising what he was about to tell Jean, Eren turned red. He opened his mouth to say ‘never mind’, 'forget it’, or even your name, but nothing came out. 
“Woah, bro, you good?” Jean threw his backpack onto his desk chair and tilted his head. Eren nodded and then shook his head before nodding again. Jean scoffed out a laugh and held his hands out. “Okay, let’s start with making sure that you’re breathing. You’re breathing, right?” 
Eren put his hand on his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his chest before letting out a ‘yes’. 
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed; he’d never seen Eren like this before. “Eren, calm down. Wait, you’re not dying, are you?” Jean’s sudden panic caused the brunette to shoot up from the couch. 
“No! No, Jean, I’m not. But I’m the most embarrassed I’ve ever been right now, so can you just stop asking me questions, please, and I’ll tell you what’s up.” 
The smirk on Jean’s face dropped when he realised how much this was affecting Eren. Jean didn’t speak as he nodded and sat on the couch Eren previously sat on, urging him to continue. 
Eren glared at him. “If I hear one word out of your mouth—” 
“Yeah, I got it.”
Eren sighed as he ran his hands over his face. “I like this girl, and—” 
Jean’s eyes widened. “No way! You’re like this over a girl?” He exclaimed. 
Eren clenched his jaw and tilted his head when the 6’2” boy jumped up and began shaking his shoulders. “Bro!” 
Jean’s hysterical laughter could be heard down the hallway, piquing the interest of Sasha and Connie, who smiled knowingly before they left their dorm. 
“Forget I ever told you, Kirstein,” Eren said lowly, shoving Jean’s hands off his shoulders. But before he could leave, the dorm door swung open. 
“Jaeger, what’s going on?” Sasha’s voice was twinged with mischief, Connie following close behind. Eren wished the floor would swallow him whole. 
But before he could make his great escape, Jean sported a cheeky grin and hooked his arm around the shorter boy’s neck, pulling him into a loose headlock. “Eren likes a girl, and he’s sooo shy about it.” 
“Y/n?” Connie said. Everyone paused their movements, Eren trying to escape Jean’s death grip and Sasha moving forward to tickle him. 
“How—?” Eren started before Connie cut him off. 
“Don’t think we don’t notice how you practically stare at her in Finance and search for her at the courts. You’re the most un-subtle person ever, Eren.” 
Connie knew he had hit the nail on the head when Eren turned a deep shade of pink, making his friends whoop in laughter. 
“Eren’s whipped!” They teased, ruffling his hair and poking him in the ribs as he attempted to leave. 
“No, don’t leave! We’ll help you!” Sasha called after Eren when he walked out the door. 
Eren stopped in the middle of the hallway. Was he really about to take girl advice from a bunch of idiots? Did he have another choice? He knew he'd get teased relentlessly if he told Armin and Mikasa. But he'd already told these three, and they were the biggest loudmouths in the universe.
Groaning, Eren spun on his heel and trudged back into Jean’s dorm. 
The night before, after telling the boys and Sasha about his issue, Eren was given a plan and told to follow it. 
It was the first class of the day, and Eren held his usual black coffee in one hand and a note in his other. He rolled his eyes and shoved the scrap piece of paper Jean, Sasha, and Connie had written on in his pocket before running a hand through his hair. There’s no way he was going through with this. 
“Ready for the plan?” Connie asked, a giggle slipping through as he shook Eren’s arm. 
Eren forgot he had Finance with him. “Yeah, bro. Totally.” 
Connie smirked, adjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder. “Get ready. Phase one is in motion.” 
Eren was about to ask him what he meant but was instead rendered speechless when he spotted you disappearing through the doors to the lecture hall. 
“Come on,” Connie pulled Eren along, nearly tripping them both. Meanwhile, Eren was running through what to say to you. His palms were sweaty, his breathing was shallow, and he licked his lips nervously.  
He saw you giggling with one of your friends, someone he had yet to know the name of, but he could barely take his gaze off you. So effortlessly gorgeous with kind eyes. Shy and reserved, but he’d seen you at parties and knew that you were the opposite when you were with the right people and in the right place. He hoped he’d eventually be someone you could be yourself around. 
“Go,” Connie’s voice brought him back to reality, and before he knew it, he was shoving Eren in your direction. 
“Hey, Eren.” Your voice. 
Eren stood straight as a board, frantically looking at Connie behind him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
He then focused his attention on the wall behind you, trying to remember the notes on the paper and the plan he was told to follow. The plan!
“Oh! Uh—hey, Y/n. What’s up?” He internally cringed at his attempt to talk to you.
“Not much, just freaking out over the quiz today,” You laughed, playing with your pen. 
Eren’s eyes widened. 
“There’s a quiz today,” He said it more to himself as a realisation than a question, but you nodded. 
“Yep, on topics 3-6.” 
Eren sucked in his cheeks. How could he forget? 
“Eren, you okay?” You asked him. He exhaled and nodded, throwing his thumb over his shoulder. 
“I should probably sit.” 
You held back a laugh and nodded again, not knowing what more to say. Eren would have slapped himself had he not been in a lecture hall with 300 others. 
“Bye, Y/n,” He rushed, turning around and making a beeline to where Connie sat a few rows down. 
He wore a devilish smirk when Eren plopped into the seat beside him. “So, loverboy? How did it go?” 
Eren shook his head, flustered. “Nothing happened. We’re moving on.” 
Connie’s jaw hung open. “No, the plan says—” 
“Fuck the fucking plan, Springer. It’s not happening. I can’t do it.” 
Connie felt a pang of sympathy for his friend. “Eren—” 
“Nope, I’m spending the rest of my life alone.” 
Eren didn’t dare turn around to look back at you in fear you’d have realised his intentions and laugh at him for his attempt to flirt with you. 
Connie opened his mouth to joke about something to quarrel Eren’s anxieties, but the lecturer spoke loudly over the microphone and announced that there was, in fact, a quiz. 
Plan #1 = A Fail
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“I just don’t understand why we can’t tell the rest of the group. I feel like this is a friend group issue,” Connie complained. 
“This is not a friend group issue, Constance, this is a me issue, and I have come to you to help me. If I wanted their help, I would’ve asked them,” Eren said firmly. 
Connie threw his hands up in defence and nodded, mouthing a ‘sorry.’
Jean shook his head. “I agree with Connie."
"Me too!" Sasha cut in.
"We should tell them.”
“No! I’m not telling them, and soon, I won’t be telling you about this anymore," Eren mumbled.
“But, Eren, you know we love helping you! I’m sure they would love it too,” Sasha urged, sighing when the brunette shook his head. 
“Not happening.” 
The two boys and Sasha groaned and began arguing their points. 
“At least tell Armin and Mikasa. I think they deserve to know what’s going on,” Sasha hinted, smiling widely when Eren glared at her. 
“You what?” Mikasa’s yell made Eren step forward and cover his best friend’s mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Eren whispered. "You can’t tell anyone.“
He took his hand off Mikasa’s face and rubbed his eye with his knuckle. 
“You can’t talk to a girl because you’re scared?” Mikasa provoked, covering her mouth with her hand to muffle her childish laughter. “This hasn’t happened before.” 
“Thanks, dipshit, I know,” Eren rolled his eyes before pacing the room. 
Eren was usually the shit-stirrer of the friend group, but his friends could tell when he was in distress, and clearly, not being able to speak to you was turning out to be a bigger deal than they initially thought. 
“You really like her?” Armin asked.
Eren was shocked when he didn’t hear an ounce of humour in his best friend’s voice. “Yeah.” 
“Okay, let’s devise a plan, then.” 
Eren shook his head. “No, no more planning. I’ve already tried Sasha’s plan.” 
“Wait, Sasha knows?” Armin’s eyes widened. 
Eren laughed and nodded. “And Jean and Connie.” 
“Wow, so much for being our best friend, Eren,” Mikasa joked, ruffling his hair. 
“Get off me, and fine. If you want to make a plan, talk to them and I’ll see if your plan is good enough to use.” 
“This is a shit plan.” 
Armin gawked. “You haven’t even read through all of it yet.” 
Eren shook his head. “I don’t need to read all of it to know it’s shit.” 
Armin rolled his eyes and scrunched up the piece of paper in his hand. He grumbled something as he did so and found the trash can in Jean’s room to throw it in. 
“Ok, fine. Think about it this way,” Jean said, ripping another page from the notebook. “You’re Eren fucking Jaeger, okay? You’re hot and you’re great with girls, and if Y/n is the one you really want and she’s as great as you say she is, then there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll like you too. But bro, gonna be honest, this is sad to watch.”
“Shut the hell up,” Eren mumbled, a smile gracing his cheeks. But nonetheless, he cocked his head in contemplation and with a surge of confidence, he was off. Jean’s words were next to hopeless, but he was right about one thing. 
Eren really wanted you. 
You sat in the coffee shop on the edge of campus like you did every Thursday afternoon, except this time, you’d be getting a visit from Eren. 
You hadn’t expected him to stumble towards you in class last Monday morning, but you were glad he did. You’d been wanting to talk to him since the first time you saw him and you counted your lucky stars that he initiated the first conversation before you had to. Although calling it a conversation would be an overstatement, it was a few words at best. Nonetheless, since last Monday, you’d been looking for him more than you usually did. 
But, sitting in the coffee shop like you did most weeks, you didn’t expect him to put up a chair beside you. In fact, you would’ve never anticipated the hard set of his jaw with the contrast of his nervous eyes, but you weren’t complaining. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Eren greeted, his hands laced together on the table. The corner of your lip drew upwards at the sudden company.
“Hi, Ren,” You replied sweetly. You didn’t miss the way his cheeks tinted pink at the way you used his nickname. It was cute when you said it. 
“Uh—I was just wondering if you..” He trailed off, and you tilted your head, urging him to continue. “If you, uh, had the notes for class last week? After the quiz?” He said in a rush. Your shoulders visibly slumped at the mention of class but nodded, alas. 
“Yeah, I can email them over to you, or text, whichever is easier,” You smiled; however, Eren noticed it didn’t reach your eyes like it normally did. 
“You can text them to me, that would be best. Here, let me give you my number,” Eren grinned, and you felt a spark in your chest. He had the prettiest smile. 
You passed him your unlocked phone and watched as he typed in his phone number. 
“There you go,” He slides your phone across the table. “Thank you.” 
You locked your phone without checking the screen beforehand and nodded. “It’s no problem, Eren. I’ll have them to you by tonight.” 
Eren beamed and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth to stop smiling. “See you next week at the game?” 
You drew in a sharp breath. “Yes! I’ll be there. It starts at 7, right?” 
He nodded and stood from the chair. “On the dot. See you there.” 
You stared out the window with warm cheeks as he left. Scrambling to pick up your phone, you open it to see Eren’s contact. 
Ren :)
Your heartbeat increased when you saw the photo of his face on the contact. He must’ve taken it while you were clicking around on your laptop to locate the class notes. 
Oh yeah, this was going to be an issue.
Plan #2 = A Success
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You texted Eren later that night with the notes from class attached. He swore he stopped breathing when he saw the unknown number on his phone screen. 
“What’s up, Eren?” Reiner asked when he saw his friend in a state of shock. 
Eren whipped his head towards him. “Oh, sorry, nothing.” 
Porco squinted at Eren from behind his glasses, a small smirk growing on his lips. 
“You need new glasses or something, Galliard?” Eren snapped. The boys around him started whooping and shaking his shoulders when they heard his attitude. “Get off me.” 
“Love troubles, Eren?” Pieck joked, complaining when Sasha pinched her bicep, but then her eyebrows flew up when she realised she was right. “Who is she?” 
Jean, Connie, and Armin sat silently on the couch, Sasha, Pieck, and Mikasa on Jean’s bed while the boys prodded Eren for answers. He was becoming more snappy than before, so they knew they’d hit a soft spot. 
However, Ymir noticed that the three most talkative weren’t talking. “You know,” She threw an accusatory finger at the boys on the couch and then at Sasha. The room went silent as everyone watched the interaction. 
“We know nothing,” Connie said, shrugging his shoulders. 
But, then he winked. Fucking Connie.
The room went loud with shouting and laughter, and Eren knew he’d have to tell them eventually. 
“Fine! Calm the fuck down and listen because I’m only telling you once.” 
Ymir laid back on the giant beanbag with a shit-eating grin alongside Historia. 
Eren stood in front of them all, wringing his fingers. 
“Today, Jaeger,” Ymir rolled her eyes when Eren took a second too long, earning her and the others that snickered a glare. 
“Okay, her name is Y/n, and she’s in my finance class, okay? I’ve tried talking to her too many fucking times, and I’m hopeless. So there, are you happy now?” 
Eren had boys shaking his shoulders with words of encouragement while the girls laughed and teased him for his crush. 
“You should give her your jersey for next week’s game!” Armin suggested. 
The room fell quiet. 
“Arlert, you are a genius!” Connie yelled, and Mikasa and Sasha ran out of the room to get Eren’s spare jersey from his dorm. 
But, Eren was stuck in a whirlwind of things to say, things not to say, ways of giving you the jersey, how to text you, how not to. Even though it was an overload of information, he was sure he had a sound method of getting the jersey to you. 
Over the course of the next week, Eren and you had been texting non-stop. A random text from you on Friday night about which diner in town was the best for ice cream sundaes had sparked a debate over what flavour ice cream sundae was the best. He then messaged you a photo of a dog he saw on his morning run on Sunday.
Despite not seeing each other until Friday due to busy schedules, Eren felt he had known you forever, as cheesy as it was. You agreed and disagreed on the same things except for the ice cream sundae dilemma.
“Don’t fuck this up or all of our hard work would’ve been for nothing,” Jean mumbled in Eren’s ear 3 hours before the game. Both of them were already in their game day suits, Eren with his black coffee and Jean with his new pair of Jordans.  
“Gee, thanks for the words of encouragement, horsey.”
Eren had texted you half an hour before to meet him at the coffee shop, hoping you could make it. You responded immediately, accepting. Oh, how his skin tingled and the nauseous feeling in his stomach settled at the sight of the little ‘x’ at the end of the message. 
This plan may be the best one yet. 
Jean left Eren alone at the coffee shop to make his way down to the basketball court, saluting him as he walked off. Eren shook his head and rolled his lips between his teeth. It was now or never. 
“Eren!” You called from across the grass, waving at him. He swore the smile on his face couldn’t get any bigger, but when it came to you, he didn’t know what was possible. 
“Hey, how are you?” He asked, a grin playing on his lips. You laughed until you stopped in front of him. 
“I’m great now. Are you excited for the game?” You questioned, lacing your fingers in front of your body. 
Eren nodded before he realised why he asked you to meet. “I, uh, actually wanted to ask if you wanted to wear my jersey tonight, to the game? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but I just thought I’d ask anyway–”
“Of course, I’d love to,” You said shyly. Eren sighed in relief as he passed you the black material. 
You giggled as you unravelled the jersey, admiring the ‘Jaeger/4’ on the back. Your heart leapt in your chest and your stomach was full of butterflies. You let out a little noise of happiness and peered at Eren. 
He watched you with such adoration, it shocked you at first, but then the feeling of his eyes looking at you so intensely was something you wanted for the rest of your life. 
“God, you don’t know what you do to me,” Eren blurted. He’d never felt so vulnerable and embarrassed, but those lovely eyes of yours assured him that whatever he was feeling was okay. “Sorry.” 
Your eyebrows flew to your hairline. You weren’t expecting that. 
“Don’t be sorry, Eren,” You said softly, your voice void of any indication you were making fun of him. “The feeling’s mutual. I was actually going to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about you before you interrupted me.”
“Really?” He laughed in disbelief—he never thought he’d meet someone like you who’d want him back. His friends were right.
You nodded, playing with the collar of the Jaeger jersey in your arms. You smiled and felt your cheeks get warm. “Now, go. I don’t want to get in trouble for keeping you from warm-ups, you’ve got a game to win.” 
Eren brought his fist up to his ear before he pointed at you and stepped backwards. “I’ll look for you in the stands, okay?” 
You giggled and nodded. “Score a point for me, Ren?"
“I’ll score multiple for you. And maybe I’ll buy you an ice cream sundae after the game.”
You gasped, and your smile grew impossibly larger, your cheeks hurting from grinning and the cold.
“Chocolate and banana?” You call after him.
“You bet! I’ll even get you extra M&Ms.”
And once he was a fair distance away, you spun around, screwed your eyes shut, and laughed excitedly.  
Plan #3 = The Winner
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The Babysitter (36)
Surprise Trip
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
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Chapter 36- W/c 5.4k
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp @supercorpstan97 @aliherreraaa @aru-son @the-ox-fan20
Surprise Trip
Closing the door and locking it quietly, a sigh of relief left you as you rested your head against the front door, overjoyed at being back home. To say work dragged would have been an understatement, the eight hour shift felt like a lifetime and you were so glad you were finished for the weekend, eager to spend as much time as possible wrapped up in either a duvet or Wanda's arms.
At the thought of the older woman, a smile crept onto your lips, your body finding enough energy to push yourself off the door and make a beeline for the living room in search of her and the mini Maximoffs. Your feet took you to the intended room, your body pausing at the door as you admired the scene in front of you, the smile on your lips widening at the domestic scene.
Tommy and Billy were wrapped up in the world of video games, elated after having finished school for summer, and now suddenly interested in Minecraft as you had mentioned it a while ago, the two of them playfully bickering on how they should build their house, ultimately disagreeing. You chuckled quietly under your breath as they quickly decided that they would just build two separate houses, a look of fear taking over Billy's face as it started to switch to night time, the sound of a zombie emitting from the Tv. Tommy's face soon switched to a similar look of terror as he saw a creeper following him, ready to explode, causing him to run away as fast as possible, Billy laughing at his brother's reaction.
Your attention was then drawn away from the two boys to Wanda, warmth bubbling in your chest at the mere sight of her. Her feet were tucked underneath her as one of her arms rested on the arm of the chair, her hand supporting her head as the other held a book, her eyes trained on the words as she absentmindedly played with a strand of her hair. Her auburn hair was tied in that messy bun that you loved so much, two strands falling to perfectly frame her face, the green of her eyes containing curiosity as she flipped over the page, gaze briefly switching from the book to check on the boys when she noticed your tired figure hovering by the door frame.
Her face softened at the sight of you, the various shades of green filling with love and tenderness as she effortlessly slipped the bookmark against the page, swiftly closing the book and placing it down on the coffee table as you slowly made your way over to her, the twins still too immersed in their game to notice you.
"Hey Detka," she whispered ever so softly, her arms wrapping around your body as she adjusted her position to let you lean against her, her touch comforting as you melted against her.
"Hey love," you mumble back, the sound muffled as your head rests against the crook of her neck, the warm skin lulling you into a relaxed state as you move your hand to find hers, fingers naturally interlocking with one another.
"How was work?" she softly asks, having a vague idea of what the answer would be. A muffled sigh of annoyance was all she got back to start with, her other hand moving to soothingly scratch at your scalp as she could tell you craved her touch at the moment, the older woman always able to read you so well.
"I hate old people," is all you mutter after a moment of silence making Wanda laugh angelically, her teeth biting down on her lip to stop herself from laughing anymore at your adorably annoyed state.
"I take it that work wasn't good then?" she teases gently, her fingers guiding you away from the safety of her neck, her index finger resting under your chin and tilting your head up to gaze into her enamoured eyes. The look was enough to have your small pout vanish, an inevitable smile appearing on your lips at her amused expression as she waits for you to elaborate.
"No," you mutter, further entertaining her with your displeased tone. You loved working at the Guardian's café as you loved your co-workers, the whole team just so easy to get along with, the only issue with the job was the customers. People were so rude. "This woman wanted to argue with me because apparently the milk in her coffee was too cold," you grumble, Wanda's hand cupping your jaw as you lean against her palm, eyes fluttering close as you remember the annoying woman's face.
"Oh Detka," Wanda coos, attempting to be comforting but she's too busy trying to not laugh at how stupid the scenario sounds.
"It's a hot drink, how could you tell if the milk was cold?" your voice a displeased groan as Wanda's lips meet your forehead, her lips tugging up into a smile as you continue to grumble about the customer, the threat of throwing hands with her cracking Wanda's composure.
Another string of angelic laughter spills from her lips, her head tilting at you in an endearing manner as you offer her an attempted pointed stare, the expression quickly fading into a smile at her loving look. Her fingers delicately brush a few strands of your hair back before returning to resting against your cheeks, thumbs gently brushing against your skin as she feels you slowly relax even more in her hands.
"If you want me to beat someone up for you Detka, just ask," she teases in a whisper before claiming your lips, unable to stop the small laugh that leaves you as you smile into the kiss, amazed at how someone could so easily fix your mood like she did.
Your eyes slowly flutter open after the kiss, meeting her softened green and losing yourself in them as you always did. It was impossible not to, the tender glint in them mesmerised you, the shades of enamoured green enchanted you, and the look of pure love had various emotions bubbling in your chest as if you were falling in love with her all over again.
"Y/n's back!" Tommy says, interrupting the moment you were having with Wanda, the boys having finally noticed you, causing your head to turn to look at them, Wanda's gaze still firmly locked on you.
"Do you want to see our houses?" Billy excitedly asks, looking between you and the screen as he moves his character to find the wooden structure, your smile widening at their enthusiasm as Tommy makes space on his beanbag for you to join him.
"Of course I do," your tone matching their exhilarated ones, your eyes meeting Wanda's once more with an apologetic look before moving to entertain her boys, her eyes unable to be torn away from you as she admired the sight of you with her children.
Wanda didn't know how to describe the emotions she felt whenever she saw you play with her boys in such a caring and genuine manner, her heart melting at every amazed look the twins would offer you, every smile that practically stretched from ear to ear on their faces. It was indescribable the love she felt for you in those moments as she simply sat back against the sofa and watched the three of you chat amongst yourselves, laughter spilling from all of your lips.
After a while, Wanda had to interrupt your playing as it was time for the boys to start getting ready for bed, needing to have a shower each and brush their teeth before being tucked in shortly after. The twins were reluctant to leave their game but as soon as Wanda's signature head tilt and raised brows were seen, they immediately saved the game and started to turn it off, a chuckle leaving you at how effective her motherly stare was. You followed the three of them upstairs as Wanda made sure at least one of them was going into their shared bathroom first, you deciding to have a shower of your own after your long, tiresome day, Wanda encouraging you to spend as long as you wanted in hers as she knew you loved the pressure and temperature of it.
Listening to her, you allowed yourself to relax in the shower as you felt the warm, soothing water hit your skin, trickling down your body and helping you relieve the tension in your muscles from the stress as you lost yourself to random thoughts. Your fingers grazed over one of the new soaps Wanda had gotten, your eyes scanning over the description of it and orange colouring, sparking a random tangent of thoughts about what came first, the colour orange or the fruit before you decided to stick to the vanilla one that was almost finished, loving the smell of it as it just reminded you of Wanda.
Eventually, you turned off the water and swiftly dried yourself off before wrapping a towel around your body, leaving the bathroom in search of some clothes to sleep in. You saw one of Wanda's old t-shirts hidden under a pile of clothes on the dresser after sliding on some underwear and sleep shorts, your fingers deftly slipping it from out of the pile and smiling fondly at the shirt. As you were putting it on, you remembered where you had seen it from, in one of the photos of Wanda during her 'emo' phase when Natalya showed you all the old photo albums, much to Wanda's disapproval.
"Are you stealing another one of my shirts?" Wanda asks as she walks into the room to see you sat on the edge of the bed, your hands holding a towel as you dry your hair.
"No..." you say with a cheeky tone, looking over your shoulder at the older woman who simply playfully shakes her head at you, climbing onto the bed behind you. She slips the towel out of your grasp and motions for you to face forwards, drying your hair for you as you feel her move your hair to the side, allowing her to place a kiss to your neck.
"Yes you are," she mumbles, smiling against your skin as she continues to dry your hair in the tranquil moment, the two of you just savouring the moment together. Your eyes gradually close at the soothing feeling of her hands working wonders against your head, body melting against hers that was pressed up behind you, the towel soon being discarded and quickly replaced with a brush until your hair was free of any knots. The feeling of her lips on your shoulder causes you to open your eyes again, her words gaining your attention. "I have a surprise for you," she whispers vaguely, your head tilting to look at her.
"Oh?" you say suggestively, eyes flickering down to her lips to which causes Wanda to momentarily forget what she was saying, a new idea entering her mind.
"Not that kind of surprise," she murmurs, kissing your forehead delicately in apology as she goes on to explain, "I'm taking you and the boys on a surprise trip tomorrow."
"Where are we going?" you immediately say, excitement evident in your tone as you move positions on the bed, moving to straddle her waist, arms wrapped around her neck loosely, fingers playing with the baby hairs at the back of her neck.
Your eagerness to know makes her chuckle, Wanda pressing another kiss to your lips as she just couldn't resist, her hands settling on your hips, fingers sliding under her shirt that you were wearing to trace random patterns against your skin.
"Did you not hear me just say surprise trip?" she asked humorously, smiling at your toothy grin that was engraved on your face.
"I'll act surprised," you whisper, leaning in for another kiss, ghosting her lips, "Please tell me."
"If I tell you, I wont get to see the look of shock on your face," she teases, making your brows furrow, pulling back from her face to search her eyes for any hints of mischief. When you can see a little, you squint your eyes at her, wanting her to crack but she keeps her calm expression.
"Am I going to like this surprise?" you ask cautiously, watching as she smirks a little before flipping the two of you over, her face hovering over yours as your body remains trapped under hers.
"Potentially," she whispers in response, nose brushing yours softly before she kisses you softly, your brows furrowing even more. "Now come on, it's time for bed as we can't lie in as long," she murmurs as she rolls to lay next to you, her arms pulling your body closer to hers as your face rests on the pillow mere inches from hers, your mind racing with thoughts as you gaze into her eyes, one thought leaving your lips without thinking.
"Wait, we have to get up earlier?" you say, fearful of losing precious time asleep.
"Only a little," she says, fingers still tracing random patterns against your skin, her leg sliding between yours as your limbs tangle together.
"I feel like our definition of 'a little' differs," you mutter, knowing that the older woman loved to wake up earlier than you, her lips pressing against yours to silence you and make you smile.
"Goodnight Detka," she whispers with a smile, your mind still cautious of the surprise as you murmur goodnight as well, nuzzling your face against her chest to help you try and drift off to sleep, eager to know what the surprise entailed.
When Wanda had told you she had a surprise trip planned for all of you, you expected a visit to a theme park, water park, a zoo, somewhere... fun. Not here. Never here.
"Wanda," you say, dragging out her name as you curiously look at the place in front of you, a hint of apprehension glimmering in your eyes as you meet the softening green at your expression. "Why are we at a farm?"
A soft chuckle leaves her at your tone, her eyes flickering over to the boys who are already speeding off, knowing where they are.
"We are here because it's a tradition," she says with an amused tone, her arm wrapping around yours as she leads you towards the entrance, Billy and Tommy impatiently waiting for the both of you. "Every summer I bring the boys here to see the animals and play with them, it's just a small family thing we've always done," she explains and you can see the tender look in her eye, a nostalgic look in them as she remembers her parents taking her and Pietro to their local farm in Sokovia when they were younger, the way they'd bond with the animals something Wanda loved.
You couldn't help but smile a bit at her words, feeling slightly honoured that Wanda would bring you along to a family tradition, your eyes wandering around the small but welcoming area as you shut the fence behind you.
"I also remember the three of you talking about horse riding a few weeks ago and thought you could try it today," her tone soft but cautious as she reads your expression, hoping you would be up for it. Your smile immediately widens at how thoughtful she was, your elated expression calming her nerves as you pull her body closer to you, continuing to follow the twins sprint from area to area to look at the various animals littered within the place.
You chuckle at the sight of the twins laughing at the pigs in the mud, one of them rolling around sporadically on its back, eliciting a long string of laughter from Tommy as it snorts at the same time. Billy can't help but pull a face at the smell of them, a smile soon creeping onto his face as another pig joins the other on its back, seemingly playing together by rolling on the ground, coating themselves in a substantial amount of mud. 
After having enough of the constant smell and oinking, you all move over to where an array of goats were, one of them making a loud bleating noise as you arrive. The noise seems to stun both of the twins as the white goat with a scraggly beard saunters up to the fence, inspecting you all curiously. Tommy attempts to move closer to the fence to get a better look when suddenly the goat screams, an uncontrollable laugh escaping you at his reaction.
Hiding your face at Wanda's shoulder, you try your best to laugh quietly but you can't seem to stop yourself as Tommy's facial expression and high pitch scream is engraved in your mind, the mix of horror, shock and fear merging on his face into one... unique look and sound. You can feel Wanda slapping you playfully to stop as Tommy grumbles in embarrassment, kicking some of the sticks on the floor as he moves to another animal enclosure, Billy doing a much better job at hiding his amusement than you.
"Behave," Wanda murmurs into your ear as you chuckle once more, brushing the tears of laughter out of your eyes as you follow the ashamed boy, Wanda's eyes softening as she wipes another tear off your cheek, her expression also containing that motherly glint as she was about to comfort Tommy. You press a quick kiss to her palm before she leaves, her smile widening that little bit more at the action before she catches up to the brown haired boy, her hands resting on his back as she crouches next to his annoyed face. You stay behind with Billy who's still admiring the goats from afar, his gaze turning softer at the sight of a young goat hiding with its mother.
You observe his reaction to the baby animal, his smile growing at the cute, little noise it makes, your body standing next to him and admiring the scene with him.
"Did you know that baby goats are called kids?" you say with a humorous tone as you remember all the times your father would correct you after saying 'kids' in reference to children, his usual teasing tone always replying with 'I didn't know we were with baby goats right now' to make you roll your eyes and chuckle.
"Kids?" he says in confusion, processing your words as he stares at the baby goat in thought. When you nod your head, you didn't expect the next question, "You have called me a kid before, were you calling me a goat?" You let out a small chuckle at his innocent and curious tone, your hands going to his shoulders, a mischievous smile on your face.
"No Billy, I've been calling you a baby goat, there's a difference," you tease sarcastically, "You need to have a scraggly beard before I can call you a proper goat," your fingers playfully pinch his chin and tickle him, pretending that there was a beard there to make him laugh. At the sound of his infectious laughter, you can't help but smile with him, pulling his body closer to yours and tickling him even more, the volume of his laughter increasing as you 'torture' the poor boy as he put it.
When you can see his face turning a little red at the action, his body squirming in your grip incessantly, you release him, watching as he runs off to his mother, trying to catch his breath with a large toothy grin on his face. He hides behind her body, leaning his head on her back as he looks over at you with joy swirling in his eyes, still trying to catch his breath as he still quietly laughs, unable to stop. Wanda simply raises her brow at you, Tommy mirroring his mothers action at the strange scene that had unfolded, warmth bubbling in your chest at the sight of them. You noticed in that moment how both of the boys looked so similar to Wanda, Tommy's matching expression and confused stare perfectly resembling his mothers while Billy's playful and shy smile reminded you of the small smirk Wanda would occasionally try to hide when you make a comment she would pretend to ignore.
When you walk back over to them, Wanda's head tilts slightly in a sceptical manner at your smile, your hands sliding around her waist as Billy moves, him and Tommy both grinning at the playful wink you send their way as you prepare to torment Wanda. Your fingers unexpectedly try to tickle her, a surprised yelp leaving her at the sudden strange sensation at her sides, her immediately slipping out of your arms as you can't stay composed and laugh with the twins at the noise that escaped her.
She glares at you momentarily as she watches both boys high five you, her expression fading as she knows exactly how to get revenge on you, eyes also softening at the smiles on both of her children's faces before they run off to look at the cows that have decided to 'moo' extremely loud.
"Oh Detka," she chuckles out lowly as her arm wraps around your waist, pulling you in closer, your eyes widening at the pure mischief in her eyes. "You're going to regret that," she whispers, her mouth moving to your ear, "Paybacks a bitch." Her tone is teasing and low, her lips pressing an innocent kiss to your cheek before she pulls back, turning to walk over to where the twins were, leaving you to swallow nervously, scared of what she had planned for you.
After a nervy hour of trying to not fall off a horse, you were finally back on the ground, Wanda watching with an amused smile as you and Billy looked terrified the entire time, Tommy having the time of his life as he pretended to be a cowboy, putting on a southern accent which amused the supervisor who cared for the horses, the man entertaining him by playing along.
Tommy was reluctant to leave the horse when his time was up, a pout on his face as he tried to convince the worker to let him stay on for a couple more minutes, Wanda chuckling at her son's actions as she had to help get him off, the worker offering her an appreciative smile as you and Billy flopped on a bench, thankful to feel something solid and still under you compared to the horse and pony you were on. The two of you watch as Wanda has to practically lift Tommy off the horse with the workers help, the boy high fiving the man who can't help but chuckle at the boy's antics, his small little feet eventually reaching the ground, a slightly annoyed look on his face but his smile still reaching his ears though.
"That was so fun," he exclaims as Wanda directs the three of you to the picnic bench you were going to have lunch on, Wanda having brought lunch with you as there was nowhere close to eat and she knew that the boys, and you, would get hangry soon. Wanda smiles at her son's enthusiasm as you and Billy look at him in disbelief, her hands passing you her phone to show the boys the photos as she quickly retreats to the car to grab the food.
Tommy can't help but laugh wholeheartedly at the photo of both you and Billy looking terrified, his face just about visible in the background, his teeth on show as he smiled constantly, a clear comparison between your reactions. The three of you watch a video of Tommy playing with the worker, both of them pointing finger guns at each other as he gets the horse to stroll around the area, his fake accent audible on the recording. Your smile widens as Billy teases his brother, your attention soon switching to Wanda though who returns with the picnic bag.
You can't help but let your eyes drift across her body, her jeans hugging her hips perfectly as her simple black shirt looks stunning on her, the addition of the sunglasses adding to her look as she brushes her auburn hair back out of her face, her smile radiant. She soon slides onto the bench next to you, swiftly offering the boys their lunch before getting hers out, you taking your own out to let her start with her own food, her lips briefly pressing against your temple making you smile shyly, a blush tainting your cheeks at the love you felt.
Just as you were about to take a bite out of your sandwich, your body freezes at the noise you can hear, your eyes snapping over to Wanda who hides her smile behind her hand, pretending to chew as to not give away her mischievous smirk.
"Wanda," your tone cautious as you turn your head to look at your girlfriend, a soft hum coming from her in response. "Was there an ulterior motive for bringing me to a farm?" you ask sceptically, thinking back to your first date with her when you told her the infamous chicken story, the connections only just clicking in your mind. When you can hear another chorus of clucking, Wanda wraps her arms around you, noticing how you tense up.
"Maybe..." she says, a hint of an apologetic tone hidden somewhere in her voice, her smile and gentle features calming you a little. "I wanted to try and get you over your phobia of chickens," she explains, her fingers interlocking with yours as you cautiously look back at the creatures slowly creeping closer towards the four of you.
"I don't have a phobia of chickens," you grumble, "I just try to avoid them." Wanda softly laughs at your explanation, shaking her head gently before pressing a lingering kiss to your temple, unable to stop the smile present on her lips as you shuffle closer to her.
"Come on Detka, you're meant to be the psychology student here," she teases, acting as a place of safety as you lean against her body for comfort. "That sounds like negative reinforcement to me," she says and you don't know whether you should be impressed at her knowledge or annoyed as she get revenge for earlier.
"You do know that the 'flooding' method of removing phobias is highly unethical without informed consent," you mutter, turning your head to look at her with an annoyed look, the action of her lips instantly pressing to your forehead removing the expression.
"I'll make it up to you," is all she says, knowing you understand what she means as she flickers her gaze to your lips, the thoughts of all the chickens swiftly leaving your mind.
"All night long," you add, her brows rising at your demand, her head nodding subtly as you seem to calm down, the boys who were in their own world and not hearing most of the conversation suddenly turning to you and their mother with an array of questions to distract you both.
Eventually, you have all finished your lunches and ready to start heading home, a sigh of relief leaving you as no chickens have chased you yet, your eyes on the boys who decided to go closer to the, in your eyes, devil like creatures. Wanda and yourself but can't help but watch the boys gently and carefully try to interact with the animals, a smile on both of your faces as the older woman turns her head to look at you, eyes widening at what was behind you.
"You little mother fu-" you yell at the chicken that pecked your ankle, Wanda unable to warn you in time as you jog away from the 'bloodthirsty' animal to her, her arms enveloping you in a hug as the chicken attempts to chase you, Wanda moving her body in the way to frighten it off. "See, this is why I hate them," you grumble, Wanda unable to stop the soft laughter that escapes her at your state, her hands snaking around your waist and pulling you closer, showing a silent form of comfort as the whole situation to her was rather humorous.
"Oh Detka," she coos when she pulls herself together, the boys chuckling to themselves until they see Wanda's face, signalling for them to quieten down. "I'm sorry," she apologies sincerely, her fingers moving to cup your cheeks as your face signals your annoyance. You simply move your face to hide at the crook of her neck, not wanting to be mad at Wanda as it wasn't her fault. Yes, arguably you could be annoyed with her for bringing you to a farm, knowing you were scared of chickens, but the rest of the day had been perfect so you couldn't stay mad at her, no matter how annoyed you were right now. Plus, she technically wasn't the one to peck you. 
"It's ok," you murmur after a moment, eventually pulling away from the safety of her warm skin, your eyes meeting her mesmerising green as she moved her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head, the various shades of green soothing your nerves. "I'm going to eat so much chicken for dinner in revenge," you mutter, making the older woman angelically laugh, her smile growing as your usual, amusing self returned. "In fact, I think we should have a McDonalds for dinner," your tone is frivolous, curious to see how the older woman would react.
"We have food at home Detka," she says and you can't help but laugh at her typical motherly response, the twins on your side and offering her their best 'puppy eyes' they could muster to help persuade their mother into agreeing with you. Upon seeing all of your pleading faces, she sighs and gives in, "Fine." Shaking her head at all of your antics, the three of you cheer before starting to move towards the car, Wanda's arm interlocked with yours as you pass the last of the chickens, your eyes glaring daggers at them.
"You're such a bad influence," she mutters while you climb into her red vehicle, a smile on your face at her tone, the annoyance of the stupid chicken haven faded completely.
"Maybe I am," you tease, buckling your seatbelt as the twins in the back do the same, "But you still love me." Wanda rolls her eyes at your playful tone, her fingers guiding your face closer to hers, her hand reaching back to cover the boys view, knowing they would groan at the sight of affection. Her lips meet yours softly, the two of them still groaning jokingly despite not being able to see, making the two of you smile into the kiss even more.
"I'll always love you," she whispers before pulling back properly, turning around to look at Tommy who was dramatically covering his eyes, Billy sheepishly looking out of the window at the motherly stare aimed towards them.
"Ewww," Tommy says once more, unaware that you had stopped kissing, a soft chuckle leaving you at his reaction, Billy lightly hitting his brother to shut him up.
"I guess Tommy doesn't want anything from McDonalds then," Wanda teases, the boy's eyes shooting wide open, shock and disbelief on his face.
"Wait, no, I do," he rushes out, making the rest of you laugh, Wanda turning back around to get the car ready to drive, a smile plastered on her face, merely humming in response to her son.
"To McDonalds we go," you say to cheer the boy up, his smile instantly returning at your mood and energetic tone, Wanda's eyes flickering over to you, nothing but love in them as she gets ready for the eventful evening with you all, knowing there was nowhere else she'd rather be than with you.  
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