#cause I'm a dumbass
jerzwriter · 1 year
Hey, I could use your help!
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So after cultivating an amazing collection of photos for my favorite FC of all for nearly two years...
This DUMBASS (me, not her) deleted the folder and I cannot retrieve it. So, I'm rebuilding my Katrina library and was wondering if any of y'all would like to lend me a hand. How?
If you have a favorite photo, a silly photo, a photo you think would make a great edit, a photo that would make Tobias stop in his tracks - consider sending it to me :)
I mean, I wanted to whittle the folder down anyway - but this was excessive. lol
Thanks :)
Tagging a few of my Casey fan's under the break - DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED AT ALL - but I thought it might be fun to rebuild this way. I tagged very very randomly - but anyone can send if they like :)
@doriopenheart @kyra75 @lucy-268 @secretaryunpaid @jamespotterthefirst @trappedinfanfiction @quixoticdreamer16 @icecoffee90 @potionsprefect @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @a-crepusculo @cariantha @mydemonsdrivealimo @annoyingmillenialnewbie @storyofmychoices
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fandomohana · 1 year
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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did some dumb shit today and immediately thought of my favorite quote to cope
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comradekatara · 1 year
You've mentioned Zuko's "inability to kill" before, so could I ask you to elaborate on that?
sure. zuko is banished for, essentially, committing treason. he says to ozai that he was banished for "speaking out of turn," but simply speaking out of turn is not actually why ozai banished him. zuko said that people shoudn't have to die for the sake of further empowering the fire nation, and that goes against their nation's entire ethos. zuko lacks, as azula puts it, that "killer instinct that is just so fire nation."
while zuko does set fire to suki's village in his quest to capture aang, and you could argue that he may have committed other such acts offscreen, we never actually see him outright kill anyone. unlike zhao, who kills the moon, and azula, who kills aang in a manner that would have ended the entire avatar line had katara not revived him, zuko threatens and intimidates and harms, but when it comes down to it, he does not actually kill, because he simply cannot.
he threatens to kill zhao, and if he had killed zhao, no one in the audience would fault him for it. zuko does not even burn him upon winning their agni kai, going against custom; zhao calls him a coward for it. zhao tries to kill zuko on multiple occasions, including when he blows up zuko's entire ship. but, when the ocean spirit is dragging zhao under, zuko still extends his hand in a futile attempt to save zhao. contrast this scene with sokka arguing to leave zuko for dead in the same episode. he legitimately does not have a problem with letting zuko die, because, as he says, zuko would do the same thing to them (at least, sokka seems to think so).
sokka kills combustion man, toph kills yu and xin fu, and neither of them have any regrets. conversely, katara cannot kill yon rha, and aang cannot kill ozai. like sokka and toph, they are justified in killing these men, perhaps even more so (since yin and xin fu did not actually attempt to kill toph, "only" kidnap her), but they ultimately choose mercy. like zuko on kyoshi island, aang and katara's actions, such as blowing up the factory in jang hui, may have had indirect casualties (i don't count aang being merged with the ocean spirit because he was not truly in control), but they are never able to kill directly, because when faced with another human being, regardless of how much they may hate them, their pathos prevents them from delivering that killing blow.
zuko, as a foil to aang and katara and the deuteragonist of the narrative, is also someone whose instincts prevent him from being the cold-blooded killer his nation expects of him. it is why, unlike the rest of his family (including iroh), he is unable to produce lightning; he is too sensitive to become the perfect weapon his father wants him to be, which is why azula's reveal is so thrilling and terrifying to the audience, because she is what ozai wants in a protege, unlike zuko, who try as he might, fails at embodying the fire nation values of ruthlessness and power at any cost.
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dawnofus · 6 months
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holderof-cats · 7 months
Things Mihoyo didn't answer?????
like i have so many questions regarding the latest archon quest and they all involve Childe?? like, for example-
Why was he in Fontaine in the first place? what did it mean that "he felt restless" and "needed to fight ppl to get rid of his foul mood" ??
Why did his vision malfunction?? was that Focalors' doing?
Where is his vision story??? how did he get it???
why was he declared guilty by the oratrice? was that also Focalors' doing? was it all part of her grand scheme
how was neuvillette's one punch strong enough to knock him out but he had to fight the narwhal for who knows how long
how tf did he awaken that narwhal that is somehow really connected with him?
How did he even get to the primordial sea, or whatever plane of existence the all devouring narwhal lives in? how long did he fight it?
Why did he have to be yeeted back to snezhnaya?????? like he was yesterdays trash or smth😭 skirk even does the hand clapping thing after that??? and then 5 seconds later she completely forgets about having a disciple??
Why did mihoyo have to pull this bs again where they give us such a lore important character but dont give us any lore on them at all 😔 one kaeya was alr enough they needn't pull that shit again come on. and i swear if we have to wait till snezhnaya to get all of these answers i'm gonna shrivel up like a raisin : )
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akirenhell · 10 days
You ever just see Trent back in the 90s, like, during a concert or some shit, and you just want to,,,hug him?
Like, telling him that it's all going to be fine? That he will get through this? That he will survive?
Or that's just me being weird?
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d-dixonimagines · 20 days
Hey I have an idea that’s been in my head for a while so like what if reader is carols kid (for the sake of this we’re gonna say her characters missing or gone) and the reader loved to rant stuff to her and now that she’s gone she couldn’t but say a couple weeks later reader gets excited about something (books, comics, you chose doesn’t matter) and Daryl snaps
At them because he’s frustrated with something else and maybe the reader doesn’t talk for a few hours and he apologizes and fluff? Sorry it’s so long
I MEANT TO POST THIS ONE OVER A WEEK AGO, I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REALIZE I MESSED UP!!!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!!!!!!! And to the anon who sent in the other request that this is posted with, I will write that one out next and post it!!! I need to re-shoutout to the anon who helped me move this one along! You saved me from taking even longer to have it posted!
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Once you were both back on a main road, you swung your bag around to your front and pulled out a copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was surprisingly still in fairly good condition. Corners were bent and pages slightly weathered, and the front cover was a bit scratched up and dusty, but as far as you could tell, all of the pages were still in tact.
It felt like it had been ages since you felt this excited about something, ever since Carol left, at least. Since she's been gone, your mood had been pretty low, partly due to the fact that you didn't have anyone to talk to anymore. You tried to keep your excitement contained, but you couldn't help yourself, you were just too fucking excited!
"Oh man, I can't believe I found this, Daryl look!" You waved the book in front of you, grinning from ear to ear, barely noticing the quick glance from Daryl before you looked the book over again. "I've been wanting to read these books for forever but never got around to it, and now it's going to be a bit out of order since I'm starting with the second book, but that shouldn't matter cause I've seen the movies so I already know what happens. Have you read these or seen the movies?"
Words spewed out in rapid fire and you continued on without giving him a chance to respond. "I couldn't ever decide who my favorite characters were cause they were all so cool, but I always felt I had hobbit vibes cause I love breakfast, and potatoes! PO-TAY-TOES --" "Hey! Can ya shut up, please? I can't think straight with all that ramblin' yer doin'. We wasted too much time as it is, prob'ly cause of that dumb book, so let's keep it movin'."
His loud voice startled you, stopping you in your tracks. You stared at him in disbelief as he yelled, this time him not giving you any time to react before he turned and started walking again. It took you a few seconds to ground yourself, he had never talked to you that way before.
You looked down at the book for a moment before going through the motions of putting it back in your bag and continuing your way behind Daryl. All you think about now was how much you wished Carol would come back, not only because you missed her and wanted to share these things with her, but she was the only one you felt understood you. She would have never reacted that way towards you, and until that moment, you honestly didn't think Daryl would have either.
You didn't make a sound the rest of the time. When you stopped at other places to see if there was anything you could bring back, you did it quietly. When you finally stopped for the night, you gathered up the wood for the fire and got it started like Carol showed you.
Daryl was quiet too, but he looked like he had wanted to say something for the past couple hours by the way he would glance back at you every now and then. As dinner was heating up, the only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. You sat close by to keep warm, hugging your knees to your chest.
After a few minutes of stirring around the food in the pan, Daryl sat back and chewed at the inside of his lip. "I'm sorry about earlier.." he finally spoke, his voice softer now. You glanced over at him and nodded, unsure if you were ready to speak yet.
There was another pause before he continued. "I need ya ta know that you weren't doin' anythin' wrong, and I wasn't mad at ya 'cause of the book. I jus'.. I was mad at somethin' else and I shouldn't've taken it out on ya, and I'm sorry."
You nodded your head. You could see that he truly meant it, he always did, but nodding was all you could manage in that moment. There was another quiet pause. "I know ya miss her.. I know it's tough not havin' her here, but she will be back, ya know."
"When?" It was a quick response, catching Daryl off guard. He didn't have an answer for you and you could see that by the look he had on his face. "I dunno," it was almost a whisper. "But she will be, she always does."
You let out a quiet sigh and brought your attention back to the fire. "I think the food is done. Carol always said you like to cook the meat until it's dry," you tried to hide your smirk, but Daryl caught it. Of course he caught it!
"Is that so? I hate ta break it to ya, but Carol doesn't know everythin'." He chuckled before removing the pan from the fire and tossing the contents inside around. The meat was charred and the look of it just made you both laugh.
"Why don't we make a deal," your ears perked and you brought your attention back to him. "You show me how Carol showed ya how to cook and I'll show you an easier way to start a fire." You smiled and nodded your head in agreement. "Ok, that sounds like a fun deal."
You felt your mood shift to something lighter, like you could relax again. As you took over the cooking, starting something new so you weren't just eating burnt mystery meat, Daryl brought up the book you had found. "I've seen a couple of those movies, never read the books though. I think I'd probably be a hobbit, too. That old scowly one that's always glarin' at people."
You smiled and nodded. "Oh, I can see that," you laughed. "You'd have 'No visitors welcome' signs staked all around your yard just to make sure everyone got the hint to stay away." You both laughed.
The rest of the night moved along effortlessly, talking about your favorite parts, quoting lines that you could remember and just having a good, fun time. It reminded you of how things were with Carol and it helped fill that void you felt since she's been gone. No one could replace her, but it felt good having other people who could make you feel like the way she did.
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cephalofrog · 10 months
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my own take on the "is wally evil" thing
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thelampisaflashlight · 2 months
Me, sitting in my room, lethargic and depressed: "I mean, like, I guess I deserve this..."
Also me, the second the inflammation is gone and I have a soothing patch on: "Ohhh, it was the pain. Huh."
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bigbutchgothgirl · 2 months
Oh no, Ys is Blorboposting
Been in the writing mood a lot lately, and working on a new OC of mine. Decided to make him an homo'd sexual, and i think i've worded it in a suitably subtle, delicate, respectful manner 😤/j
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pinkyjulien · 4 months
As someone who's been having memory trouble ever since I got into my big big depression, soft-blocking is the worse shit possible hhgfjHGF
I'd rather you keep me blocked really 😭 for any reasons, I don't care nor mind, I'll never attack or guilt trip someone for curating their spaces
But I can't NEVER remember, when I KNOW I followed someone For SURE, if 1) I did follow that person in the first place or 2) for some reason I'm the one who unfollowed hgfh and it's honestly making me parano and doubt my own brain even more 💀
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
do u think og lloyd has the ability to make the expressions that our lloyd does. was it an ability suho unlocked after becoming lloyd. or was it a thing suho has always been able to do even before becoming lloyd.
i think it's a mix of the two tbh!
because at the beginning we see that the people of the estate find it strange when he tries to be polite and mild-mannered which suggests og!lloyd was,,, well, not that
plus here's one of the earliest interactions we get regarding the reputation og!lloyd left suho with
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people find it strange when lloyd isn't being extremely rude and i would assume that includes the expressions he uses
but it's totally also suho's fault in part
we get... sort of canon confirmation of that actually asjdakf
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cause if og!lloyd did those sort of faces normally,,,, people close to him would've gotten used to it lmao arcos wouldn't have found it remarkable enough to mention it so i think we can safely assume that while og!lloyd was capable to making those expressions suho took it to a whole new level lmaooo
so here's my theory! suho didn't make those faces when he was living back in his world, but once he got isekai'd he found himself having to pull asshole-y expressions to pass off as og!lloyd and then he realized how delightful it is to express the glee one feels when getting away with the fucking Audacity™ the way he's been doing so far so now he's just having fun! does that make any sense?
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ventisslut · 4 months
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Why are you making another post if you're not gonna read my response, keep repeating your false ideas, and keep acting like a 5 year old with no media literacy?
He wasn't fucking absent how many times do we have to say this until you all fucking comprehend that?
Context utc
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akirenhell · 7 days
Okay, very odd question, but could Nine Inch Nails technically count as Christian rock?
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thesmokinpossum · 3 months
Hold the fuck on, I'm looking at my college taxes papers and those motherfuckers apparently charged me 79$ for "charitable donations" that I never consented to in my life and like…I don't have much time atm but I will figure out who to call or who to send an email to about this bullshit because this is genuinely unnaceptable, wtf
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