#cause a while before that I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting the IDIOT in front of me who just STOPPED in the middle of the street
imwritesometimes · 5 months
need a bumper sticker that says 'driver is unarmed for your safety'
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scottatkinson · 2 years
Bicycle Race
“Don’t forget your helmets guys!” My mom hollers.
We bolt out the door onto the rough pebbly sidewalk. 
“Dibs first.” I go, knowing that there is probably a better chance of winning the lottery. 
“Ya right. Hold this.” My brother Eric hands me the old stopwatch our uncle gave us.
“35 seconds, that’s the record. Today’s the day. I can feel it.” He boasts confidently.
“I thought yesterday was the day and what about before that?” I respond.
“Whatever, idiot. Just watch and learn. Count me down.”
“Three… two… one … GO!” I click the green starter button.
Eric pushes off with his left leg and hurls himself atop the mini Santa Cruz bike with flames painted on the frame. His hands reefing on the handlebars and butt fully off the seat as he picks up speed. He busts up the hill narrowly avoiding an elderly couple in their bathing suits. They hold their hands up and mutter in anger as Eric bolts off up toward the main road. He turns right onto the road and for a second he disappears behind the trees. I catch flashes as he appears between the trees and then disappears again. A hard right turn back onto the sidewalk now challenges Eric to brake while turning hard, causing his back tire to skid out. He overdoes it a tad and has to use his foot as a brake to straighten himself out. He winds his way downhill picking up speed as he reaches the homestretch. He crosses in front of me as the timer hits 36 seconds.
I let out a chuckle as he looks over his shoulder to try and read my expression.
“36.” I laugh again.
“No chance! You stopped when my front tire crossed you right?”
“What difference would that even make? That’s probably a milliseconds difference.” I respond
“I just don’t get it I’ve hit 36 like 5 times now. Whatever, still better than you.”
“We’ll see.” 
Eric unstraps his helmet and hands it to me.
“No helmet, it slows me down,” I tell him.
“I’m not helping you if you hurt yourself.” He warns.
I hop on the bike. My heartbeat picks up and my vision narrows. 
“On your marks… .get set… GO!”
I take off just before the go signal. My feet move violently in circles. 
“CHEATER!” He yells.
I continue up and around the same old track I’ve done hundreds of times. Pumping my legs and gripping the handlebars as if my life depended on it. As I turn into the difficult turn I cut it close as my bare right calf rubs up against the concrete barrier. I hold my path. A beam of bright lights hits my face as I begin to whip my back tire around the turn. A loud honk blares at me. I perfectly accelerate out of the sharp turn with my sights on the finish. With Eric in sight, I empty the tank and cross the end line. I come to a streaking stop and quickly turn my head in anticipation. 
Eric pauses. “ It doesn’t count you started early.”
“Did I beat it?” 
“It doesn’t matter… it doesn’t count.” He mutters and walks inside, slamming the door behind him.
I check the stopwatch: 35.59.
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First piece of media : A GIF of a scene from “Stepbrothers.” One of my favourite movies and a good representation of the theme of these short stories. “Brotherly Love” sums it up well.
Second piece : “Bicycle Race”, by Queen. I thought it was a fitting soundtrack for this story.
Third piece : A very similar bike to the one that me and my brother had. Imagine poorly painted flames added on to the frame. https://mbaction.com/santa-cruz-launches-custom-hightower-fire-relief/
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hello! Can i request a yandere bully! Bakugou, locking a darling in the locker? I may leave You there for a while, and comfort you when the reader is begging you to
Continuation of this one here! Thanks for requesting ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
You couldn’t deny that the feeling wasn’t new.
Being roughly shoved into the barely big enough locker, you both felt scared and, at the same time, knew what to do. Braking your fall with your back, you kept your head forward so you wouldn’t hit it again, the mild concussion you had last time having been learn-experience enough. You had closed your eyes out of instinct when Bakugou gripped your shirt, but they snapped open immediately, trying to help you. However, Bakugou, too, had honed his skills, slamming the door close before you could squeeze your fingers in its way.
You’d rather have a broken finger than suffer this ordeal again if you were honest.
“No!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, knowing it was futile since no one else was around. Still, a part of you hoped that you might be able to intimidate Bakugou to think this over. “Shut. Up,” was his angry reply, his fist hammering into the locker door with every word. You had to fear he might actually break through the door by force, but it would have been in your favor.
It was so damn frustrating. You always thought you had done something to Bakugou, apologized over and over to him, so maybe he’d stop his bullying. But after finally talking to someone about it, you had decided that you wouldn’t engage with him anymore, and well... it just so happened you found comfort in the arms of the new student who finally treated you well as the only person ever since you came to UA. Everyone had always been too scared of Bakugou once he started targeting you. Of course, you couldn’t blame them either...
You and the new student started to hang out at any time, so you could avoid being targeted, and you spent some of the most wonderful hours by his side. The bullying did seem to stop now that a witness was always around, and you were so sure it was finally over, and you could move on. What could have caused Bakugou to explode the way he did? Not only did he punch your new boyfriend - and possibly broke his nose - no, he also carried you off without permission, bringing you to your most hated place on planet earth.
The annex had always been sparsely visited by students and teachers alike. There were just some clubrooms around, but since it was already late in the afternoon and a sunny day, most members were out in the fields or back in the dorms already. But strangely enough, even the weirdo Bakugou had a locker here; one big enough to fit a person in it.
“You can’t-- Ah, damnit, Bakugou! Stop locking me in this damn locker! It’s not funny anymore! What did I ever do to you?!”
Perhaps you were feeling especially feisty that day. You never had screamed at him like this, except if you were pleading for mercy. But ever since your boyfriend convinced you to see the guidance counselor, you had started to come out of your shell. Everything had been so good. Why was it coming back to bite you in the ass now?
Bakugou didn’t respond. No mocking comment, no snide remarks. Not even threats or insults belittling you, even as you started hammering your fists against the door. Out of experience, you knew someone would come. You were sure your boyfriend already contacted the teachers and people were searching for you, and latest when someone passed by, you could reach out and ask for help. But were you really going to fall back into old behavior and just sit it out? Wait for the time to pass and life to go on like before?
“... like you,” you suddenly heard from outside, a tiny voice compared to the usual boom and vibrato that Bakugou had. “What?!” you hissed, annoyed that once ‘his majesty’ decided to talk, he did it so you couldn’t understand. A long groan escaped him, furious and raging. “Just listen, you idiot! I said I like you!”
This time, the ‘What’ echoing in your head was left silent. Your mouth hung open as you stared at the blonde tuft of hair through the slits in the locker, Bakugou standing there with his back turned towards you. “... the fuck...” you finished your thought, accidentally saying it out loud and quickly realizing it, but it was already too late.
“What’s your problem,” Bakugou grumbled, annoyed, and part of you was glad not being able to see his face. You wouldn’t have known how to come to terms with him blushing or nervously fidgeting around like someone who just confessed usually would. “Just tell me what your fucking answer is.”
“No,” you replied instantly, without even a moment of hesitation. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to think it over before blurting it out but never. You could never imagine yourself at the side of your bully, the person who made your life a living hell. Someone who’d lock you in a locker to confess to you. What kind of joke was this?
“No?” he mumbled, suddenly turning around, you two staring eye to eye through the slits. “What do you mean ‘no’?!”
“Is this a joke?!” you barked back. “Tell me it’s a joke, ’cause there’s no way I could be together with you!”
Bakugou opened his mouth to say something, but instead, his eyes only grew redder, expression growing mad and furious, and you heard the unexpected crashing of fists against the metal, making you flinch back. The whole situation seemed so surreal, but it was very, very real. Standing up for yourself made you feel strong, but when uncomfortable silence befell you two, you started to overthink again.
“Bakugou...” you mumbled, placing your hand against the door. You were back to only seeing his hair, but you knew he was leaning forward, probably starring daggers into the ground. Maybe not everything was too late. Perhaps you could fix this, appeal to him one more time. “Just let me out, okay? You and I... that doesn’t work, but we can stop being children and scream at each other and just go our separate ways.”
You couldn’t think of a better way to talk to him. After all, you couldn’t understand what was going on inside of him at all. He had been bullying for god-knows-how-long, yet, he thought he liked you? Couldn’t he see the contradiction in his statement and actions? But this cruelty had to end at some point and now was as good as any. Going different ways would help him too, you were sure.
“Children?” he whispered, finally snapping upwards again to stare at you with a mocking expression. “Do you think my feelings aren’t real?”
Weirded out by his behavior, you only shook your head.
“I don’t think you know your position in this. There is no ‘no’ when I ask you if you like me.”
“It’s that guy, isn’t it? He’s in the way, right? He’s been stealing you from me, taking up all your time that you should spend with me, isn’t he?”
“Bakugou, please, we’re never spending time together--”
“He’s making you say no because you’re guilty, am I right? I can take care of that, you know?”
“Wait!” you interrupted his speech, sudden panic rising inside of you. You were well aware of Bakugou’s strength, but attacking your boyfriend wouldn’t make any of you happy! “If you go, I’ll scream! They’ll find me, and I’ll tell them what you’re doing! That’s criminal! Aren’t you studying to be a hero?!”
Your appeals were met with a cocky grin, his eyes shining as if you just challenged him. “Who says I can’t be a hero and still beat the shit out of that bastard?”
“Everyone! Everyone will know what they did! I will tell them!”
“Try it,” he hissed before pushing away from the locker. You threw yourself against it, but the door must have jammed when he kept bashing into it. Slapping your palm and hammering your fists didn’t help as you had to watch him walk away after looking at you in this typical, belittling way he used, always looking down on you. “You can have some time to think about your answer while I’m taking care of some business. Remember what day it is?” Bakugou yelled back over his shoulder, and you could hear the smug grin on his lips.
“What day...? Friday?” Your eyes widened suddenly as you realized that there were no clubs on the weekend due to the new regulations for safety, and you began to panic and scream Bakugou’s name after him. If you’d just have to spend the night, that would be manageable, but with the strange mood he was in, you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him to come let you out anytime soon. A whole weekend inside the locker would kill you for sure, and tears rolled down your cheeks as his footsteps slowly faded.
What a monster.
How could you ever like him back?
What more would you have to endure because of him?
But truth be told, what else could you do but tell him you liked him? You just wanted to get out of the hell that was this locker. Save yourself from the embarrassment and torture.
"I like you! Bakugou, I like you!" you screamed.
But the footsteps didn't come running back.
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Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear
Aelin Galathynius x Rowan Whitethorn - Oneshot
Aelin will be the first to admit that parallel parking is not her forte.
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Written for Rowaelin Month 2021. Day 5: “I accidentally hit you with my car.” @rowaelinscourt
Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Warnings: Language
1558 words
“It’s not gonna fit.”
“It’ll fit.”
“It’s not going to fit.” Aelin insisted.
“I assure you,” Rowan encouraged, “It will fit”
“Look at the size of this thing and the size of that opening, it’s not going to fit, Rowan.”
“Aelin, I promise you. It will fit. We’ll just take it slow.”
“I swear to gods, Buzzard. I’m telling you; I will not be able to parallel park this car into that space, there’s not enough room.”
A line of cars was slowly building behind Aelin as she sat with her blinkers on while Rowan tried coaxing her into parking the car. The jeep behind them honked again and Aelin flipped them off through the rearview mirror as Rowan sighed and tried not to make eye contact as the driver sped around them. The rest quickly followed suit.
Aelin sighed and looked over at her exasperated boyfriend. “Rowan, you know that I am amazing at many things,” she carried on as he watched her, amused, “but I am woman enough to admit that I can’t parallel park for shit.”
Rowan snorted, but Aelin kept talking, “You love me and that means accepting my single, unimprovable, flaw.”
He sighed and looked at the street again, glad there weren’t more cars stuck behind them. Chuckling, he faced Aelin who was staring determinately out the front windshield.
“Aelin, you live in the city. You need to know how to parallel park.” He shook his head good-naturedly, “How you’ve survived this long without being able to do so is something I can’t understand.”
She rolled her eyes before facing him and over-exaggerated batting her eyelashes while suggesting, “We can switch places and you can park for me.”
He laughed, “No, Aelin, you need to learn this.”
Smirking, Aelin said, “But you look so good behind the wheel. And you know how much I love it when you do that thing when you reverse and put your arm behind my headrest to turn around. It's sexy.”
Rowan’s smirk widened. “I know.” Then he nudged her shoulder and said, “Come on, I’ll even get out and help direct you into the spot, okay?”
She sighed dramatically, “Oh, fine, Buzzard. Have it your way, teach me a valuable life skill.”
He chuckled again and leaned over to kiss her forehead before ducking out of the car and onto the boulevard next to them.
Aelin rolled the window down to better hear his instructions.
“Okay, pull up so you’re next to this car. Yeah, just like that. Stop. Now back up and turn your wheel all the way to the side.”
Aelin did her best to hide her smirk as she watched him, paying more attention to Rowan than the cars around her. He’d put on his instructor-voice and she was loving that way he kept giving out orders.
“Stop. Stop, Fireheart!” Rowan’s voice rose as she jerked to a stop.
He stepped off the curb and leaned his elbows on the passenger door’s window ledge, bending over to look into the car and say, “You’re still a few feet away from the curb. Let’s pull forward and try again.”
“'Let's' he says,” she grumbled, not missing the way he huffed a laugh, “as if we’re both driving.”
“Come on, Aelin,” he called, “you can do this.”
Exhaling a deep breath, Aelin pulled forward once more and glanced around to make sure the street was void of any other moving cars.
“Good, now reverse. Okay, stop, now turn the wheel. No, keep going there’s plenty of room.”
“There isn’t enough room, Buzzard!”
“Aelin, no, don’t pull back out.”
She couldn’t stop her snort before saying, “You never did like pulling out.”
“I swear to gods.” He muttered while rubbing his hands down his face
“Oh, come on Ro, that was a good one.” She grinned at him through the lowered window.
He sighed and leveled a look at her, but she watched his lip quirk to the side. “That was mediocre at best.”
She huffed, “Whatever, you just can’t appreciate my level of humor.”
“Aelin.” He crossed his arms, his tattoo stretching over the taut skin. It was too distracting.
“Rowan can’t you just park the car?” she asked again, shooting him the look that normally made him relent and agree with her.
“Uh uh, nope.” He shook his head and raised a single brow. “Not that face. Cut it out, Fireheart, I’m not backing down on this. Try one more time.”
“Fine.” Aelin took a breath and squared her shoulders before bringing the car back into position.
“Perfect, keep going. Now fix the wheel and turn the other way.”
Too excited by her progress, Aelin hit the gas with more force. The car lurched backward, faster than either she or Rowan could anticipate.
Aelin felt the car hit something solid.
She heard a loud grunt, a curse, and the sound of a body tumbling to the ground.
Slamming on the brake, her head whipped between the rearview mirror and over her shoulder through the back window.
“Rowan? Rowan!”
Aelin didn’t care that her car was still sticking halfway out into the street as she threw it in park and flung the door open. She sprinted around the trunk to see Rowan lying on his back on the grass of the boulevard.
“Oh my gods, Rowan! I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?” Aelin fell to her knees beside Rowan.
His eyes were scrunched shut but he hissed out a breath and cracked them open to see Aelin’s distressed face.
“I’ll survive.” He grunted and sat up.
“Oh my gods,” she murmured and sat back on her heels once she was sure Rowan wasn’t in serious pain. “I hit you.”
Rowan rubbed his hip that had apparently taken the brunt of the impact.
“I hit you.” She said again, eyes wide and voice brimming on hysterical. “I fucking hit you with my car.”
“Yeah, Aelin, I’m aware.” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“Let me see.” She insisted, gently grabbing the hem of his shirt, and lifting it enough to see the start of a bruise. “Rowan I—”
“It looks worse than it feels,” he said. “you weren’t even going that fast.”
“I don’t care how fast I was driving, Ro, I hit you with my fucking car.”
He couldn’t stop his lip from quirking at her incredulous stare, “Who knew parallel parking could be so dangerous?”
She met his eyes, pulling her gaze away from the marring bruise she’d caused, and saw the amusement in his face.
Aelin scoffed and sat back. “This just proves it.”
She helped him stand because, despite Rowan’s insistence that he was fine, he noticeably winced as he tried to prop himself up from the grass.
“Proves what?” he asked, leaning back onto the car as Aelin bit her lip, watching him move stiffly
She huffed and stepped into his arms, wrapping hers around his back, careful to avoid the sore spot, as his looped around her and slid into the back pocket of her jeans.
“It proves” she dragged out the word, “that parallel parking and I—don’t mix.” She stepped closer into his embrace as he held back an exasperated sigh, “I vow, on this day and as you as my witness, to never attempt another parallel park in my life.”
Rowan snorted and rolled his eyes even as he chuckled at her words. “Really, Fireheart—”
“I vowed it. It’s been vowed.”
He sighed. He ought to be used to his girlfriend’s dramatics
“Let’s go home,” Aelin suggested, “I think there’s an icepack with your name on it.”
Although Rowan thought that was a fantastic idea, he looked at her skeptically. “You just really don’t want to finish parallel parking, do you?”
“First off, I vowed never to do that again,” she leaned back to get a better look at his face, playfully smirking, “second, you literally just got hit by a car, I think it’s fair to say the least you need right now is an icepack. And third,” she raised a brow, “that car was me. I hit you. While trying to parallel park. Why would you want me to try that again?”
Rowan rolled his eyes but nodded, “Compelling argument.”
“Buzzard, give it up. I’m not going to park this car. I’m going to drive us home, get you an icepack,” she stood on her tiptoes to say into her ear, “and then I’ll make it up to you. Extensively.”
She leaned back and saw his eyes darken at her tone.
“Now get in the car,” she insisted, “I need to get us home so I can tell Elide what happened. She’ll love it.”
Rowan raised a brow but walked to the passenger seat, “Elide will love that fact that you hit me?”
Aelin rolled her eyes and sunk into the driver’s seat. “No, of course not. But she knows first-hand just how badly I suck at parallel parking, so she’ll be thrilled to know that I’ll never attempt it again.”
Rowan chuckled as they drove away.
Aelin turned the music on low and glanced at Rowan, “I may suck at parallel parking, but,” she winked, “I can think of something that likes it when I suck.”
He smirked widely but retorted, “That was worse than your other joke.”
Aelin just laughed and turned the music up.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @angelic-voice-1997 @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites
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hornime · 4 years
twinkle tits | tanaka saeko x gn!reader
she laughed again, causing a strangely warm feeling to bubble in your stomach. “i like you, you don’t take anyone’s shit.” her expression turned darker. “i’d love to break you.”
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warnings: 18+, timeskip!saeko, kinda dom!saeko, titty sucking, mentions of unsafe driving
w/c: 1.8k
a/n: furudate told me that it’s canon that saeko has tit piercings in the timeskip. 
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you grumbled in annoyance as a red chrome motorcycle cut in front of you on the highway, forcing you to slam on the brakes and hold down your horn, probably for a bit longer than was necessary. as you both decelerated to stop at a red light, the rider, visage hidden by a mysterious black helmet with a tinted shield, turned back to look at you, making you seize up behind the steering wheel.
they seemed to think something over and rotated back to face forward on the seat, before raising their right hand and flipping you off.
are you serious? you thought. you’re the one who cut in front of me.
all you wanted was to give this person a piece of your mind, but you knew that 1) road rage just wasn’t worth it and 2) doing so would do nothing but make your commute unnecessarily complicated. it was one of those mondays, and the last thing you needed was to get pissed off before getting morning coffee in your system. all you wanted to do was forget about the incident and move on with your day.
unfortunately, the fates weren’t keen on making that happen.
to your frustration, the annoying bike, with, to your newfound knowledge, the even more annoying rider, turned into the lot of your office building, parking in front of a recently sold lot, which was conveniently located right next to your workplace. you debated for a second over where to park, for all you knew, this biker could be crazy or something, but you decided that, at this point, you really didn’t care.
you turned off your engine, gathered what you needed for the day, and stepped out of your car, intending to look straight ahead and get through the doors of your building with as little conflict as possible. thoughts bounced around in your head as the revving of the motorcycle a few spots away quieted: don’t engage, don’t engage, don’t enga—
“hey! you!” a voice called out. you cursed internally, before spinning your head towards the yell.
a woman with brown eyes that glinted dangerously and blonde hair that shone in the early sun was tapping her foot, the incessant click of her black stiletto on the concrete becoming more and more irritating. stiletto? you thought. how the hell was she wearing stilettos on a motorcycle?
your eyes couldn’t help but trail downwards towards her chest, her crossed arms accentuating her soft, leather-clad curves. as you were distracted by her body, she walked up to you, snapping a pair of red nails in your face and bringing back to reality.
“hey,” she insisted, a hint of amusement evident in her voice. “my eyes are up here.”
you looked up, embarrassed at being caught ogling her, and made eye contact. shit, you thought, losing yourself in her sharp features. she’s really hot. suddenly, you remembered what this crazy lady had put you through: and she almost made me crash. “hey,” you responded tersely. “who the hell taught you how to drive?”
you cringed at your bluntness, so much for avoiding conflict, while she raised an eyebrow in challenge, a spunky smile turning her lips up. “who taught me how to drive? what about you? you barely checked if anyone was gonna turn in.”
you chuckled in astonishment. there was no way this bitch was trying to flip this on you. “you’re kidding right? you drive like a literal madwoman.” you thought back, in hindsight, maybe you hadn’t looked to see if anyone was coming, but that wasn’t the point! isn’t it her job to be a defensive driver?
she threw her head back and laughed, a strangely charming sound for how loud and taunting it was. “yeah, i get that a lot. too fast, too reckless, and too cocky. i think it makes life more interesting.”
“well, i think it almost killed me.”
“lighten up,” she snarked, digging the tip of her pointer finger into your chest. “you look like someone that takes life too seriously. you gotta take a risk sometime!”
“a risk that might send me into my grave,” you deadpanned, “no thanks.”
she laughed again, causing a strangely warm feeling to bubble in your stomach. “i like you, you don’t take anyone’s shit.” her expression turned darker. “i’d love to break you.”
you flinched at her change in tone. what?
“well,” she continued. “i gots’ta go. lots of lives to ruin! yours is just one of many.”
you called out as she swiveled to walk away. “wait!” she cocked her head towards you. “where d’you work?”
she gestured to the lot she’d parked in front of. “saeko’s cycles. i’m saeko and i sell cycles. motorcycles. ‘s a work in progress. you?”
you nodded at the building next to hers. “there.”
she approached you again, extending her fingers to dance on your shoulder, sending hot chills down your spine. “we’re work neighbors then.” she grinned devilishly. “guess i’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”
you gulped. she really was hot.
“guess you will.”
you both went your separate ways.
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for the next few days, the pattern repeated: saeko would cut you off, you’d honk, she’d flip you off, and you’d engage in some banter before heading off to work. you looked forward to interacting with the driving demon everyday; you thought about her throughout the day, on the way home, at night in your bed with nothing more than your imagination, your hand, and an incessant ache for sex... she was driving you crazy.
on saturday morning, you grumbled at the sound of your alarm: you had to drop off some paperwork at the office. reluctantly leaving your bed, you drove your way to the building. a scarlet flash caught your eye, and you were surprised to see saeko’s motorcycle parked in its usual spot. why’s she here? it’s saturday. after completing your task, you reached for the handle of your car door, then stopped. saeko’s probably working in her shop, you thought. it’d be nice to stop by.
you peered in the doorway, hearing the clattering of what you presumed to be tools coming from the back. “saeko?” you called, making your way through shelves of biking equipment and gear. “it’s me.”
the blonde poked her head out from the other side of a muddied motorcycle, hair pushed back with a headband. “hey!” she stood up, wiping her hands on a damp cloth, approaching you in a red-lined vest and a black headband. she looked dressed up, almost for a performance.
“what’s with the getup?”
“oh,” she said, looking down as if she’d just noticed what she was wearing. “taiko clothes.” at your confused expression, she clarified: “taiko’s a kind of japanese drumming. i’m captain of a local team. this,” she pointed at her vest, “is a happi. and this,” she tugged at the headband, “is a hachimaki. i just came back from rehearsal.”
you stood, speechless. she looked really good in those clothes, but you were sure that she’d look even better with them off.
she cleared her throat. “you have a nasty habit of zoning out on my tits. like what you see that much?”
your eyes shot back up to her, the heat of humiliation creeping up your neck. “um, uh. i-i...”
she chuckled at your shame. “no it’s okay, i like the attention.” her gaze turned predatory. “and i like you, too.”
within an instant, saeko was on you, your mouths melding together in a raunchy and needy kiss, tongues clashing passionately. lips locked within each other, she guided your movements, leading you to a small room at the back of the shop.
suddenly, she shoved you off of her, raising her leg so that the toe of her black stiletto teased lightly at your crotch. she gently increased the pressure, causing you to yelp in surprise—and an odd form of pleasure.
“why don’t you take a seat, babe?” the pet name made you shiver. saeko continued pushing you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the leather of a swivel chair, and you fell onto it.
eyes wide with lust and lips bruised with her animalistic desire, she thought you looked absolutely perfect, gazing up at her with a look of pure want. her eyes narrowed as she approached, towering over you. her hand grazed your throat before grabbing it. her hachimaki was hanging off the top of her head haphazardly, and she reached up and took it off, placing it on a neighboring table. she did the same with her happi, leaving you with an enticing view of her top half, clad in nothing but a lacy black bralette.
you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her, fervently tracing her delicious breasts. the area over her nipple was covered in a mesh fabric, and you could see—was that silver?
your head jerked up in shock. “you have tit piercings?”
“hell yeah i do,” she teased, climbing onto your lap and spreading her lags on either side of your knees. in this position, her bust was at your face-level, the barbells sparkling hypnotically. “you like?”
you swallowed dryly, convinced that she knew exactly what she was doing: spurring on your already overwhelming desperation for her body. “...yeah,” you whispered breathlessly. “i like ‘em a lot.”
she crossed her arms and lifted the erotic undergarment over her head, bare flesh now tantalizingly close to your mouth. “give ‘em a taste then.”
she didn’t have to tell you twice. your lips swiftly latched onto her right nipple, tongue swirling around the bud, and you moaned at the metallic taste of the piercing. you raised your thumb to play with the other one, and she gasped at the contact. 
“you—you’re really good at this,” she panted. “you look cute like this. all needy for my tits.”
you mewled at her praise, releasing her nipple with a pop! and moving your mouth to work the other one. “i like you, saeko,” you mumbled into her skin. “i don’t even mind that you’re a shitty driver.” you looked up at her, eyes blown wide with arousal. “you’re really cool.”
“yeah, yeah, i know,” she giggled. unexpectedly, she pushed her body off of you and landed on her feet. 
“why?” you pouted, trying, and failing, to conceal your disappointment, mouth feeling empty.
“oh, stop whining,” she chided, pulling her clothes back on. she motioned to a nearby motorcycle helmet on the corner of her desk. “put that on.”
“wha-where are we going?”
she sighed, kneeling to scrub some dirt off her shoe. “i know i said i’d break you, but i didn’t realize you’d get this dumb just from some sucking. we’re going to my place.”
she turned to glance at you, ravenous gaze reflecting her intense desire. “and once we get there, we’re gonna have a lot more fun. if we survive the drive, of course.”
you let out a sigh of amused exasperation. she’s gonna kill me.
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
Lanterns and Lies
surprise!! here we go, the sequel to Glamours and Gauze!
Word Count: 7k
Read on Ao3
Macaque had lied, when he said the shadow lantern was gone.
When the Lady Bone Demon had caught him, she had made a specific note of needing the lantern.
And, well, Macaque wouldn't let that happen.
So he'd shattered it, again, and during the Lady Bone Demon's momentary shock, he'd taken the opportunity to gather the broken pieces and run.
One of her minions had cut him with the cursed knife while he was running away.
That didn't matter now though, his injuries had been healed, and the Lady Bone Demon had yet to make another move. For now, sitting on the roof of the noodle shop, he was safe.
He starred down at the shattered pieces of the lantern in his hands.
With a sigh, he carefully extended his magic, putting the pieces back together again, reforming the lantern. He held it gently in his hands as he looked around the roof.
Now where was he gonna hide this-
"Macaque, I brought plums!"
Macaque startled upon hearing MK's voice, he'd been so distracted focusing on putting the lantern back together, he hadn't even heard the other climb up the ladder to the roof.
Which he told MK was gone....
In a rush to avoid MK seeing the lantern, Macaque did the first thing he thought of.
He shoved the lantern into himself, letting it mix into his own magic. Not the smartest way of storing it, it was a highly magical item, who knows how it would act while in direct contact with his magic, but it was the first thing he could think of, and this was only a temporary measure, so it should be fine.
"Hey bud, what's up?" Macaque asked, turning around to face MK, who was setting a small bowl of plums on the ground. "...What are the plums for?"
"You said that if I brought you some plums, you'd tell me about the time Monkey King walked into a tree." MK said, "And I fully expect you to keep your end of the bargain."
"Yeah, yeah, okay." Macaque said, grabbing the bowl of plums. "Well you see, what happened was-"
"That had to be the stupidest shit you've ever pulled, Wukong." Macaque said, breathing heavily as he leaned against a tree. Wukong for his part, just smirked.
"I didn't see you try to stop me." He said, laughing as Macaque glared at him.
"I did try to stop you. Multiple times. But you didn't listen." He said, "You really need to stop picking a fight with every random person you meet."
"You're no fun at all." Wukong said, yawning as he stretched. Macaque rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." He said, "Anyways, we should probably head back to the cave, get some rest-"
"I'm not tired." Wukong said.
"You literally yawned a few seconds ago."
"Doesn't mean I'm tired. Besides, there's still more stuff to do." Wukong said, turning and walking off further into the mountain's forest, Macaque trailing behind him. As they walked, Macaque noticed Wukong start slouching, little by little. He didn't say anything though, knowing that Wukong would only deny it if asked.
It would be better just to watch and deal with the consequences when they came.
And oh boy, did the consequences come: in the form of Wukong turning a corner and immediately walking directly into a tree. The tree snapped in half, falling to the ground, with Wukong tumbling down after it. There was a loud thump, as dust and leaves were sent flying into the air. A few nearby birds called out in concern.
"Timber." Macaque said, a smirk on his face, walking over and crouching down beside where Wukong now lay on his back with a dazed expression on his face. "So. Not tired, huh?"
"Shut up." Wukong hissed, sitting up, pulling dirt and leaves out of his fur as he did so. "The tree just. Got in my way, that's all-"
"You're expecting me to believe that a tree got up and put itself in your path?" Macaque asked, "Wukong. I'm not stupid. Let's just hurry up and go back to the cave to rest already."
"I'm fine." Wukong said, moving to stand up, but wobbling a little, tipping backwards again-
Macaque caught him, keeping him from having another close encounter with the ground.
"I ended up having to carry him all the way back up the mountain." Macaque said, making little images with his shadows in order to give MK a better visual of what happened. "He ended up sleeping for like, 3 days. Took him still being tired when he woke up again for me to realize he'd gotten cursed. Wasn't hard to break it afterwards, but boy did Wukong protest the whole time. Practically had to tie him to his bed."
MK scribbled in his sketch book, and Macaque, out of curiosity, moved closer, looking over MK's shoulder to see a sketch of what Macaque had just described.
"....You're drawing this?" He asked. MK nodded.
"Yeah! I've got a lifetime goal of illustrating all of Monkey King's adventures!" MK said, pausing his sketching to show Macaque a quick flip through of the rest of the book. "...You got any other stories?"
"Lots." Macaque said, leaning back. "But you're gonna have to bring more plums if you want more stories. I'm not just gonna hand this info out for free."
"Of course, of course." MK said, standing up and walking back over to the ladder, mumbling to himself as he climbed back down. "I'm going to have to permanently add plums to my shopping list...."
Macaque stayed where he was, waiting patiently until he couldn't hear MK anymore, before letting out a relieved sigh.
That had been close.... No matter what, he couldn't let the others know that he still had the lantern. Revealing that would probably cause the others to push him away, they wouldn't trust him anymore, and he really couldn't have that. Hanging around them was the most advantageous position for him to be in right now, and he wasn't about to give it up any time soon.
...He still needed a place to hide it permanently, keeping it inside of himself probably wouldn't be a good idea in the long term. With that thought in mind, he mentally reached inwards with his magic, shadows starting to surround him as he prepared to take the lantern out-
"Hey, Macaque!"
Macaque startled again, the shadows that had condensed around him vanishing as though they'd been popped like party balloons as he whirled around to see-
Mei, who giggled at his shocked expression, holding up her phone and taking a quick picture of him before pocketing it.
"Would you two stop doing that?" Macaque asked, sighing as Mei circled around him.
"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't hear me coming." Mei said, giggling at the expression on Macaque's face. "Seriously, with all those ears you have it's a wonder you didn't-"
"What do you want." Macaque growled, "You wouldn't be here if you didn't want something."
"Wouldn't I?"
That. Wasn't a question Macaque felt that he could answer. He honestly couldn't think of a reason why any of MK's friends would want to be around him, but they hadn't really been pushing him away either....
Mei seemed a little concerned with how he'd suddenly gone silent though, so it was probably best to quickly change the subject.
"Ah, anyways, I have some stuff to do, so I don't really have time for you." Macaque said, walking past Mei and over to the edge of the rooftop. Distantly, he noted a weird tingling sensation come over him, but he ignored it, figuring it wasn't important.
"Oh, now that's a lie." Mei said, a smirk on her face. "You never do anything other than lounge around up here."
"Do not." Macaque said, crossing his arms. "I do plenty, you just haven't noticed."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
Macaque pondered for a moment on how best to answer-
And that was when his foot started sinking into the shadow underneath of him.
Outwardly, Macaque remained perfectly calm, not letting Mei in on the fact that anything was amiss.
Inwardly, he panicked.
That was definitely not supposed to be happening, why was it happening it shouldn't be happening why was he l o s i n g  c o n t r o l-
He was snapped out of his panic when he heard the sound of an engine starting up behind him. Subtly looking over his shoulder, he could see MK, ready to drive off, probably to deliver some noodles.
Macaque made his decision in a split second.
Turning and pulling his foot out of the shadow it'd been sinking into, Macaque jumped off the roof. Ignoring Mei's shout of "Hey, wait!", he slipped into the shadow of the tuk tuk, just before MK started to drive away.
Macaque hung out in the shadow of the tuk tuk for about 15 minutes before he actually bothered to wonder where exactly MK was going.
MK slowed down a bit as he turned a corner, and Macaque figured it was as good a time as any to ask.
Carefully, he materialized on the back of the tuk tuk, then, after making sure there wasn't anything around for MK to accidentally hit should he swerve, asked;
"Where are you going?"
MK's foot slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching and Macaque almost falling off from the sudden inertia. As soon as they were still, MK whirled around, staring at Macaque, shocked.
"How long have you been there?" He asked, and the expression on his face genuinely made Macaque laugh.
"Oh, not very long." Macaque said, "I was riding along in the shadow for the most part."
"...You can do that?" MK asked, "You probably save like, so much money when traveling then-"
"Bold of you to assume that I have any money at all." Macaque said, "Anyways, you didn't answer the question. Where are you going?"
"Why do you want to know?" MK asked, crossing his arms. "And why are you here anyways? Usually you just stay on the roof, what changed?"
"Nothing! What, can't I just want to go for a ride once in a while?" Macaque said-
And his hand started sinking into the shadow beside him. Swiftly, he pulled it out, rubbing it to get rid of the remaining tingles. MK watched this happen with a look of suspicion.
"...Uh-huh, sure, like I believe that." He said, tone as dry as the desert. "And anyways, I don't think you'd want to-"
And then he paused, looking as though he'd just been hit with some kind of realization.
"Actually-" MK started, "I think it would be good if you came with me."
He turned back around, taking his foot off the break and turning back onto the road, speeding up a little.
"You still haven't told me where we're going." Macaque said.
"Oh, you'll soon find out."
Macaque had a feeling he wasn't going to like this.
He was right. He hated this.
Staring up at a temple that quite obviously belonged to Sun Wukong, Macaque regretted every decision he had made in his life that had led up to this moment.
He regretted it even more when the monkey himself opened the front gate.
"Ah, there you are kid!" Wukong said, "I was beginning to think you'd never show up!"
"I'm only 2 minutes late..." MK muttered, and Macaque couldn't help but laugh a bit at that.
Sun Wukong was not, exactly, known for being very patient after all.
"Oh, I see you brought... an audience." Wukong said, finally noticing that Macaque was, in fact, also there.
"Audience? Please, if anything I'm the lead actor." Macaque said.
"Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." MK said, and Macaque would've hit him where it not for the warning glance Wukong gave him.
Macaque ended up being dragged to MK's training sessions with Wukong, again and again. Some days it was because MK himself forcibly brought him along, and on other days it was because Macaque was simply avoiding Mei. (He denied the accusation that he was avoiding her when asked...and then almost tripped as his foot sank deeper into the shadows. Luckily he'd managed to blame it on a stray tree root, but he wasn't sure how long he could keep it up...) 
Over the course of said days, Macaque had tried multiple times to find a better place to hide the lantern than within his own magic. (He'd long since figured out that the lantern was reacting whenever he lied, thus messing with his own magic. He had no idea why it was doing this, but the why didn't really matter so long as he could find a way to stop it.) But of course, since karma was apparently out to get him, he was interrupted by someone every single time, forcing him to keep the lantern within himself, lest the others find out about it.
Honestly though, he was shocked that Wukong hadn't noticed, considering his golden vision and all, he should've been able to see the fact that the lantern's magic was contained within Macaque.
(Macaque had nearly panicked when, on day 2 of him following MK to his training, Wukong had leaned close to him with a contemplative look on his face.
"...Why are you so close to me?" Macaque had asked, and huh, how long had that slit been in Wukong's eyebrow? Had it been there for a while and Macaque had just never noticed or-
"I'm checking to see how much of the glamor you're wearing." Was Wukong's response, as he studied him. "You're still recovering, you probably shouldn't be using magic to cover all of it."
So....Wukong was concerned about him. Macaque couldn't really imagine why, but still-
"You didn't need to get so close to me- can't you obviously see I'm wearing it?" Macaque had asked, gesturing at his own face. Wukong, surprisingly, winced at that, finally backing up a bit.
"Well, I guess you seem fine." He'd muttered, turning away, "Don't know why I was even worried."
And Macaque should've been relieved, but for some reason-
For some reason he felt like something was wrong.)
Macaque relaxed in the shade of a tree, watching Wukong train MK. It was almost soothing to watch the mentor and student trade hits as they sparred.
But of course, being relaxed didn't mean that Macaque didn't notice things.
Like how Wukong was a full 2 seconds slower in blocking MK's attacks than he'd been when Macaque had stolen MK's powers. Which wasn't really something that would normally raise concern- he probably just wasn't being as serious as he would be when encountering an actual threat, but.
Something about it was making the alarm bells that had been constantly ringing in Macaque's head louder. (Something he, obviously, didn't appreciate. Loud sounds, even mental ones, weren't very pleasant for him).
Macaque, of course, was never one to miss an opportunity to call Wukong out.
Which was why it was so surprising when MK beat him to the punch.
"Monkey King, are you okay?" MK asked, and Macaque sat up straighter, paying more attention, because oh, he wanted to hear this.
"Of course bud! Why do you ask?" Wukong said, and despite the fact that his back was to Macaque, the shadow monkey just knew that the other was lying.
"Well I don't know, you've just- seemed off, is all." MK said, shifting back and forth as he seemed to contemplate what to say. "Like, a little slower maybe? And I haven't seen you use your cloud in days, which is kinda weird, since you normally seem to use it-"
Wukong stiffened, and it was at this point that Macaque got genuinely curious, deciding that he had to see what kind of expression the other monkey was making right now. So, he slipped down into the shadows of the tree, and reappeared out of MK's shadow, startling the both of them as he slung an arm around MK's shoulder. 
"Kid's right y'know." Macaque said, putting on a smirk as he looked at the other. "Even I've noticed, and I've barely even been paying attention."
That was a lie, and he barely kept himself from wincing as he felt the tingle of magic flow through his body.
Only for nothing to seemingly happen. That was...mildly concerning, he'd felt the flow of magic, so something had definitely occurred, he just couldn't tell what.
...Well, whatever. If he couldn't notice it then it probably wasn't important.
Macaque refocused back in on the subject at hand, studying Wukong's expression. Nothing he hadn't expected, the usual nervous smile and look in his eyes that indicated he was lying where all there.
Or, well, most of it was expected.
The slight twinge of fear was new.
"I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong!" Wukong said, taking a slight step back. "I'm fine, really!"
Both MK and Macaque rolled their eyes in sync.
"If you're so fine, then explain to me why you keep waiting until MK is almost right in front of you before blocking him?" Macaque asked, MK nodding along as he spoke. "Seriously, it's like you can't see it unless it's close-"
Both Macaque and MK froze, coming to the same conclusion at the same time. Wukong, seeing the expressions on their faces, scratched his cheek nervously, avoiding their gaze.
"Oh my heavens." MK said, "You need glasses."
"I do not-"
Tang had been having a peaceful day at the noodle shop.
Having, being the key word.
Because suddenly, said peaceful day was interrupted as Macaque appeared out of nowhere beside him. Tang barely kept himself from startling out of his stool. (He'd started to grow used to the shadow monkey's sudden appearances, but that didn't really make them any less startling).
Macaque, for a moment, looked confused as to where he was, looking around in surprise, before taking notice of Tang and schooling his features into something unreadable.
"Oh." He said, "Uh. Hello?"
"Hello to you too, Macaque?" Tang said, a little confused, before finally taking notes of one important fact.
Macaque's eyes were fully purple.
"...Ah." Tang said, "Not Macaque."
"Hm, smart man." 'Macaque' said, leaning back, "Nope, I'm not the original. Just a shadow clone, that's all I am."
"Why are you here? Is there trouble?" Tang asked, worry seeping into his voice. The clone just shrugged.
"Dunno." 'Macaque' said, "One minute, I didn't exist, the next, I'm here."
"How can you just not know?" Tang asked, blinking in disbelief.
"He probably created me on accident." 'Macaque' said, almost as casually as though he was reading out a morning newspaper.
"That can happen??"
"Well, not normally, but in certain cases-" The clone started, then paused, eyes narrowing. "Well, actually, if that's the case, he probably doesn't know I exist right now..."
"Shouldn't you... tell him?" Tang asked, and watched as the clone contemplated it.
"Well I mean, not telling him would be kind of funny." He said, before shaking himself out of it. "No- no, you're right, I should probably tell him."
The clone proceeded to go completely silent, and Tang watched him with thinly veiled concern. After about 2 minutes of silence, with the clone making increasingly dramatic facial expressions, Tang decided to comment again.
"...Are you actually contacting him right now?" He asked, and the clone broke out of whatever state he was in to glance at him.
"Hm? Oh- yeah." He said, "Mental connection, y'know?"
"Then how come MK doesn't ever-"
"Cause he doesn't know it exists."
Of course. Of course the lantern had made a clone.
That certainly explained why there hadn't been any obvious reaction after the magic tingle.
Although, it was weird that the clone had ended up in the noodle shop. Why on Earth would it have formed there?
(In all honesty, it was probably because, once again, Macaque felt safe there. But he never planned to admit that fact, not even to himself, so he slid that thought back into the deepest part of his mind.)
As it was now though, Macaque sat back under the tree, head in hands, mentally communicating with the clone as MK and Wukong continued to argue about whether or not the Monkey King needed glasses.
"C'mon!" MK said, stomping his foot on the ground, "Just admit that you're nearsighted already! It's obvious!"
"I don't need glasses!" Wukong said, hopping backwards as MK tried to tackle him. "I can see just fine!"
This statement was contradicted, as MK suddenly moved backwards, distancing himself from his mentor. Macaque could see Wukong squint, something he wouldn't normally do-
And then MK moved forwards, with a speed Macaque honestly hadn't seen him use before (and wasn't that funny, that somehow this argument was actually causing MK's speed to improve) and managed to tackle Wukong to the ground.
A roll of parchment fell out of one of Wukong's pockets.
"Oh?" Macaque said, standing up, temporarily blocking his shadow clone's messages out of his mind (it was fine anyways, it seemed to have gotten distracted), he walked over, picking up the roll of parchment. "What's this?"
"Wh-Hey!" Wukong said, looking up from his position of being pinned to the ground by MK, squinting his eyes as he focused on Macaque. "Don't- give that back!"
"Well now, if you're so pressed over it then I kinda have to look, right?" Macaque said, slowly unrolling the scroll despite Wukong's protests. MK, surprisingly, kept Wukong pinned, watching with curiosity as Macaque looked over the parchment's contents. "....Huh."
"What is it?" MK asked, and Macaque turned, holding out the unrolled parchment so that MK could see it. Wukong, at this point, stopped struggling, simply laying on the ground face down.
"Tell me, Wukong, why exactly do you need a map?" Macaque asked, crouching down in front of the other. "You planning on going on vacation again or something?"
"You're going to leave me again?" MK asked, and maybe Macaque was just hearing things (rather unlikely....) but there was almost a note of panic in MK's voice.
Wukong must've picked up on the panic too, as he quickly jumped into reassurance.
"Woah, hey, I'm not- I'm not vacationing any time soon." He said, attempting to shift around a little, before sighing. "...Could you get off me now, please?"
MK scrambled to get off his mentor, Wukong slowly sitting up and stretching a little. Macaque rolled his eyes at the display, shaking the map a little to draw their attention back to it.
"Hey, I'm not letting you off that easily." He said, "Explain the map. Now."
Wukong sighed again, avoiding both Macaque and MK's eyes.
"...Fine, so maybe I.....wasn't exactly on vacation...." Wukong muttered, "I was...searching for something. A weapon."
"...To fight the Lady Bone Demon, right?" MK asked, and Wukong looked at him in shock.
"How'd you-"
"Maybe leaving your successor alone when there's a powerful demon on the loose isn't the best decision, Wukong." Macaque said, rolling up the map and putting into his own pocket, before lightly rubbing his arm, a few specific... memories running through his mind. "Seriously, be glad she still hasn't gotten everything she needs."
"What do you know about what she-" MK started, then cut himself off, looking at Macaque as though he'd been given the answer to everything. "She's the one who hurt you."
Macaque didn't respond, turning around and walking away.
"Hey wait- where are you-" Wukong started-
"I'm going back to my spot under the tree." Macaque said, "You two can sort through whatever your 'vacation' was about on your own."
"...Huh." The shadow clone muttered, eyes closed as he seemingly listened in on whatever was happening to the real Macaque. "That's.....interesting."
"What is?" Tang asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
"Nothing really important." The clone said- and started melting slightly. Tang looked on in confusion as the clone suddenly panicked, stumbling over his words. "Wait- no I mean- it, it is important, but not really something I should be the one to tell you about?"
The melting stopped, the shadow clone returning to normal as he let out a sigh of relief.
"Does that....usually happen?" Tang asked.
"No." The clone answered, but didn't elaborate. Tang figured he'd just have to ask the real Macaque about it later. "...Anyways, do you think you could help the real me out with something?"
"Depends on what said something is." Tang said, crossing his arms.
"It's nothing bad, I promise." The shadow clone said, chuckling. "But, would you happen to know where I could buy a pair of glasses?"
"This is dumb. I look stupid."
"Aw come on Monkey King, I think you look cool!" Mei said, MK nodding along with her. "The glasses suit you just fine!"
Wukong sighed, sitting in the noodle shop with his arms crossed, leaning on the counter.
"What's with the sudden need for glasses anyways?" Pigsy asked, sliding a bowl of peach slices over to the monkey. Subtly, he also handed a bowl of plums over to Macaque, who was sitting slightly off to the side in the shadows.
Wukong stiffened, pausing for a moment before opening his mouth to answer-
"And don't lie to me." Pigsy added, and Wukong slouched a little.
(Macaque had to admit, it was kinda fun to watch the Monkey King basically get reprimanded like a child.
The only reason he didn't comment on it was that he was sure that if he did, he'd get the exact same treatment.)
There was a moment of silence, before Wukong groaned, laying his head down on the table, and muttering something that was too quiet for the others to hear, but nearly made Macaque choke on the plum he'd been chewing on.
"What?!" He said, in pure shock, "You- you're losing your powers?!"
Almost instantly, there was pandemonium.
"What do you mean you're losing your powers!" MK practically screeched, "That can happen?!"
"I don't know, but it's the only explanation I've got!" Wukong said, throwing his hands up into the air. "I can't use my golden vision or my cloud anymore- and I don't know why!"
"How, exactly, does this relate back to you suddenly needing glasses?" Pigsy asked, completely ignoring how the others where in varying states of a mental breakdown.
"I- I usually just use my golden vision to make up for it." Wukong said, "Like, magic contacts, you know?"
"...And now you can't do that anymore." Tang said, "Because you can't use your golden vision."
"......Yeah." Wukong sighed.
"Is there...anything we can do to help?" Sandy tentatively asked.
"Well, I was planning on going out and finding.... something." Wukong said, turning to look at Macaque. "Speaking of which, you promised you'd give me the map back once I got glasses, and I'm wearing them now so-"
Macaque tsk'd, pulling the map out of his pocket and tossing it over to the other monkey, who caught it and placed it upon the counter. 
"It's not like I can go and get it now though." Wukong said, the others staring over him to look down at the map. "Since I can't use my cloud anymore..."
"I have an airship." Sandy said, and Wukong turned to look at him in confusion. "We could use that, to travel there."
"What- no. No. Absolutely not." Wukong said, jumping up onto the counter (ignoring Pigsy disapproving glare), and staring down at the others. "In case you don't remember, you guys have something called mortality. I'm not going to just bring you guys with me-"
"Like you have much of a choice." A new voice said, and Macaque barely kept himself from startling as he suddenly noticed Red Son beside him.
"How long have you been there-" Macaque hissed, but was ultimately ignored.
"You coming too, Red Boy?" Mei asked, despite Wukong's faint protests that nobody was coming with him, thank you very much-
"I have nothing better to do." Red Son said, shrugging. "My parents went on vacation a little while ago, I've just been hanging around since then."
"So, we're all going?" MK asked, glancing over at Macaque, who, realizing he was being stared at, sighed, standing up and stepping closer to them, in the light.
"Fine, whatever." He said, "If you guys want me to go, I'll come, but I'm not happy about it."
The others stared at him, with a mixture of confusion and shock.
"....What?" Macaque asked, already dreading the answer. MK slowly pointed behind him.
"Has your shadow always moved like that?" He asked, and Macaque didn't even bother to look, instead immediately slamming his back against the wall to cover it as he threw a glamor over his own shadow. He wasn't sure what it had been doing that the others saw, but he absolutely refused to let it be seen any longer.
"...Whatever it was you saw, forget about it." He said, and while most of the others simply shrugged, accepting it as just him being weird, looking away-
The look in Mei and Wukong's eyes did not promise good things.
The first day on the ship, everyone was mainly focused on settling in, making sure all their stuff was where it needed to be, choosing rooms, so on and so forth.
And so, for the most part, Macaque was free from whatever Wukong and Mei were planning.
The second day on the ship, however.
The second day on the ship made Macaque wish the airship had a plank so he could jump off of it.
It had started small.
"Hey, Macaque?" Mei asked, grabbing his attention before practically shoving her phone into his face. "What do you think about this?"
Macaque could barely register the image in front of his face, but eventually parsed it out to be a picture of- a kitten??
"I hate it." He said, instinctively, and almost immediately started sinking into the shadow beneath him. Mei, being so close to him, immediately noticed, confusion flashing on her face for a brief second, before a smirk took over.
"If you say so." She said, and backed off, turning away as Macaque hurriedly pulled his feet out of the shadows before he could sink any further.
Some part of him hoped that would be the end of it.
As soon as he ran into Wukong though, he instantly knew that this wasn't over by a long shot.
"Macaque." Wukong said, leaning against the wall, and Macaque instantly noticed that his glasses were missing.
"You owe Tang 5 cents." Macaque hissed, it was well known that Tang had made the Monkey King promise to pay him whenever the monkey was caught not wearing his glasses. Macaque, of course, didn't really care, but he was looking for some way to distract Wukong from whatever he was planning to do to him.
"I'll pay him later." Wukong shrugged, and Macaque mentally cursed. "So. How'd you sleep last night?"
Macaque wasn't going to be led into the trap this obviously was.
"How did you sleep last night?" He shot back.
"I didn't." Wukong said, perfectly honest. "I did see you walking around for a bit though, so I'm curious as to whether or not you slept. You need it more than I do, remember?"
That.... was true. Macaque did need to sleep more than Wukong did, but-
"I slept just fine." Macaque lied, sighing as he felt the glamor over his ears fade away. Wukong crossed his arms, a concerned look on his face, but Macaque ignored it, choosing instead to walk into a nearby shadow to teleport to another location on the ship, throwing his glamor back on as he did so.
(He, in truth, was in the same boat as Wukong, both literally and figuratively. He hadn't slept at all, instead laying awake all night, worrying.
Wukong was losing his powers. MK was not nearly close enough to being ready. The others, outside of Red Son, might have some powers or abilities, but they are no where near close enough to being capable of beating the Lady Bone Demon.
He'd have to rely on the unknowns of this weapon Wukong was seeking out.
Macaque didn't like relying on unknowns.)
He emerged in the ships engine room-
And very nearly fell right on top of Red Son.
"Watch where you're going!" Red Son huffed, dodging out of the way and angrily brushing non existent dirt off of his jacket. "Seriously, what is with you guys and trying to knock me to the ground?"
"Maybe you just look very squishable." Macaque muttered, not really intending on giving Red Son a proper response. He actually didn't want to interact with anyone right now, especially not Red Son, so he turned, moving to leave the engine room-
"Not so fast." Red Son said, stopping Macaque in his tracks by grabbing hold of the back of his scarf. "I've got some questions for you."
Hm. That didn't bode well.
"What makes you think that I have any answers?" Macaque asked, only to be met by a deadpan look that promised-
That promised fire if he didn't co-operate.
If there was a list of things Macaque strictly didn't want, fire would be number one, at the top of the list.
"...What do you want to know?" He asked, slumping a little in defeat.
"Why you stayed." Red Son said, elaborating when Macaque only looked at him in confusion. "Your wound healed. You were perfectly free to go. And yet.... you stayed. Like you were....trying to protect something."
"Uh, yeah, myself, obviously." Macaque said, shrugging. "Hanging out around the Monkey King and his successor is the safest place to be after-"
"That's not it." Red Son said, and Macaque froze. "Sure, staying around them while you're weak makes sense, you'd need someone to protect you. But after you've recovered? Once you're strong again? Sure, I can understand you getting attached, but always staying around them is a little strange."
There was a glint, in Red Son's eye, and Macaque suddenly remembered a moment, yesterday, where Mei had dragged the fire demon off to the side to have a little conversation. He'd thought nothing about it at the time, but now-
"You say that you're protecting yourself....But at this point, somehow, you're mostly protecting them, aren't you?" Red Son asked, "Whatever it is you're hiding, you're hiding it to protect both yourself and them."
Macaque didn't answer, instead staring at the floor.
Whatever Mei and Wukong had been planning, Red Son was in on it.
And he was very clearly not as interested in taking a subtle approach.
"Your powers have been on the fritz lately." Red Son said, almost like it was an afterthought to his whole theory. "Don't think that we haven't noticed. It's different from Wukong though, in that you're not losing your powers, if anything, it's like they're getting stronger, almost as though they're being drawn from a different source-"
Macaque didn't want to stay here any longer.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He lied, and didn't resist as his powers fluctuated in response, letting himself completely fall into the shadow behind him.
He ended up falling out of a shadow on the ceiling.
Luckily, it was in his own room, so no-one else was there to witness it.
Didn't mean it didn't hurt though.
"...That's gonna bruise later...." He muttered to himself as he slowly pushed himself off the floor and stood up.
For a moment, he just stood there, slightly dazed.
And then he started pacing.
This was not good, the others were onto him, he wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer.
Not to mention the lantern, it's influence on his abilities was getting stronger the longer he left it inside himself. There was literally no telling how far it's influence would go.
(He'd already started noticing some strands of his fur turning purple. It wasn't anything that couldn't easily be covered up by a glamor, but the fact it was happening at all was incredibly concerning.)
He had to find another place to hide it. But where-
And suddenly, Macaque was struck by an idea. A rather bad idea, honestly, there was sure to be consequences from this, but it was the only idea he had right now.
The ship's clock struck 4 am.
Macaque slipped into MK's room, holding the faintly glowing lantern.
For a moment, he stood there, beside MK's bed, letting the lantern hover over top of him, thinking.
Maybe......maybe he shouldn't do this. He could probably find another way, something more reasonable than a hastily made, sleep deprived, decision. After all, the lantern had proven that it came with side effects, who knows how it'd affect MK?
Well. If he's actually being honest, he was hoping that the Monkey King Magic MK had would effectively cancel out the lanterns effects.
...He had no way of proving that it could do that though.
After a few more minutes of standing there, mentally debating, Macaque finally came to the decision that, yeah, this wasn't a good idea, he should just go back to his room and try to sleep for the few remaining hours of the night, come up with a better plan tomorrow-
A loud sound clanged from the engine room, and Macaque startled, barely keeping himself from squeaking as the sudden noise surprised him, squeezing his hands on instinct-
And snapping the lantern in half, the bottom piece falling and merging into MK's magic.
For a moment, Macaque just stood there in shock.
Then MK curled up, letting out a small noise of pain as little golden and purple sparks started shooting across his body, and Macaque panicked, reaching into MK's magic and hurriedly pulling out the other half of the lantern, shoving both pieces back into himself as MK started to stir.
By the time MK was sitting up, blinking his eyes open, rubbing his arms and looking around the room in confusion, Macaque was gone.
The next day, Wukong practically broke down Macaque's door, MK in tow.
"Mine explaining to me why there are traces of shadow magic all over MK?" He asked, before pausing as he registered the scene in front of him.
Macaque was curled up under his blankets, a pillow over his head effectively hiding him from view. The only part of the other monkey that Wukong could actually see was his tail, which was dangling over the side.
This wasn't really that weird, Wukong fully remembered that the other monkey was in no way a morning person.
...It was slightly more weird due to the fact that it was lunchtime.
"Is he...okay?" MK asked, leaning over his mentor's shoulder.
"You tell me." Wukong said, "You're the one with the golden vision right now."
Macaque's tail, which had been swinging idly, froze, and suddenly there was a mad scramble as he tried to pull all the blankets off of himself and sit up at the same time. Essentially, he ended up rather tangled, and was far too late to stop MK from using his golden vision.
At first there was nothing MK hadn't already expected. The bags under the eyes, the mussed up fur, the six ears and the scar. These were all things he knew that he'd find.
The purple streaks in Macaque's fur was surprising.
But not nearly as surprising as the lantern that lay intermingled with Macaque's own magic.
"What do you see, kid?" Wukong asked, and MK watched as Macaque sat up straighter, finally managing to pull the blankets off of himself.
"Nothing! He sees nothing! Right, bud?" Macaque asked, a panicked twinge in his voice, and-
MK could see the lantern flare, the magic traversing Macaque's entire body, before condensing around his arm.
Which proceeded to sink into the shadow on the bed.
"...Well." MK started, staring as Macaque pulled his hand out of the shadow and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "That's not something you see every day."
"So I was right then?" Red Son asked, "He's been storing the lantern within himself?"
"How'd you even know about the lantern..." Macaque muttered, from where he sat at the kitchen table, leaning back with his arms crossed. His glamor had been taken down, allowing everyone to see the purple streaks in his fur.
The lantern sat on the table in front of him.
"I have my sources." Red Son said, looking overly proud of himself. Macaque huffed, looking away.
"I thought you said the lantern was destroyed?" Mei said, using a spoon to lightly poke the lantern, almost as though it would grow legs and run away.
"Yeah, like, I saw you break it-" MK started, and then was stopped mid sentence as Macaque raised his fist, before harshly crushing the lantern, breaking it into pieces. A few of the others jumped. "What did you do that for-"
Macaque simply raised his hand, letting his magic call out, and letting the pieces slide back into their proper place. By the end of it, the lantern looked as good as new, as though it'd never been broken. MK watched the display with wide eyes.
"I did break the lantern." Macaque said, "It's just not that hard to fix."
"Regardless-" Wukong started, grabbing the lantern out of Macaque's hand, the lantern switching from it's usual purple to a soft golden glow as he did so. "You seriously should've told us that you have this. It would've saved you so much trouble."
"Would you have trusted me, if you knew I still had it?" Macaque asked, only to be met with silence. "...Yeah. Thought so."
There was a moment of silence as Macaque sat there, looking down, not meeting anyone's eyes. Then Sandy softly placed his hand on Macaque's shoulder.
"It's not that we wouldn't have trusted you." He said, gently. "We would've just taken a bit longer to come around, is all."
"Uh-huh, sure, keep telling yourself that." Macaque said, still looking at the floor, and thus missing the entirely silent conversation everyone else shared.
They all agreed they probably weren't going to get very far with this issue any time soon, by the look of things. (That didn't mean they wouldn't bring it up later, though.)
"If you thought we wouldn't trust you if we knew you had the lantern, then why didn't you just, I don't know, throw it away?" MK asked, and Macaque sighed, slouching down in his chair.
"...Lady Bone Demon wanted it." He muttered, and everyone immediately stood up ramrod straight.
"What?" Wukong hissed, staring down at the lantern in his hands as though he was seeing it in a new light. "Why- what could she possibly want with-"
"Don't know, didn't stick around long enough to find out." Macaque said, shrugging. MK and Red Son both looked horrified.
"That's how you got injured." MK muttered, "She must've captured you because she wanted the lantern...."
"The Lady Bone Demon has a cursed blade..." Red Son said, under his breath, only Macaque hearing him.
"Yeah yeah, I got captured, I got injured, whatever, it's all over with now." Macaque said, waving a hand around as though he wasn't making light of something horrifying. "Anyways, anyone else got any bright ideas on where to hide the lantern?"
"....Was that a pun." Wukong asked, "Seriously. You reveal that the Lady Bone Demon is after both you and the lantern and then you swap topics with a pun?"
"You got a problem with that?" Macaque asked, a smirk on his face. There was a moment of tense silence as the two of them stared at each other.
Wukong set the lantern back down on the table.
And then tackled Macaque out of his chair and onto the floor. Macaque let out a startled yelp as they went down, before quickly switching to clawing at the other as Wukong easily pinned him to the ground-
And then suddenly Wukong's grip weakened, and Macaque easily reversed their positions, pinning Wukong to the floor. For a moment the Monkey King looked confused, before a look of nervous realization appeared on his face.
"Uh- guys?" He said, nervously giggling as Macaque and the others stared at him in confusion. "Um. I think I just lost my super strength?"
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
When the world falls apart, the only thing we can hold onto is ourselves (Part III)
Series Master list
pairing: canon Eren Jaeger x reader
content: Angst, unstable relationship, breakup, smut/nswf+18, major character death, violence, blood (obviously), war (pretty obvious)
Summary: War and hate. It’s what defined the world at this exact moment. You failed your comrades, and by failing them, you failed yourself. Your relationship is hanging by a thread and your enemies will not only be found on the other side of the sea, but also in the mind of the person you love the most. How will you take the reins in the face of so much destruction?
Chapter summary: It will take more than a betrayal and blood blath for the reader to stop protecting those who really need it.
Words count: 4.7k
I knew things were going to go from bad to worse when we returned to Paradis; but I never imagined that I would have a letter from the Supreme Commander on my desk. Days had passed since my fiasco conversation with Eren, spreading the word of my insubordination towards the lack of notification to the respective authorities. Sure, the guards had let me into the cell just because they knew me, but I never had the decency to tell Hange-san or even ask for a meeting with the Supreme Commander.
And here I was. Wrapped up in a much bigger shit roll since I decided to enlist in the Survey Corps, with a simple letter demanding my presence in his office for a little "talk."
The medical center where I could do my practices with ease was quite far from the justice’s court where the Supreme Commander was, having to go out to ride through the beautifully paved streets. A street I crossed, a street I saw citizens read the newspapers that had brought so much catastrophe to peace within the walls. People were revolting against the militancy, demanding Eren's immediate release, praising he was the only one who could lead Eldia to its ultimate glory.
If they could heard themself right now. They spoke as if Paradis itself had become an empire, a power on the verge of attacking and taking every country under its feet. It was as if they wanted to turn the game around, to be us the empire and our enemies the war slaves.
I was still far from my destination, but the crowd could be seen cowering above the barred court doors. Men and women with posters screaming without sense or unity, an angry mob demanding explanations, ready to use violence to make their way into the hierarchy.
I got off my horse when I faced the crowd, needing to get up front and through the secured gate and with my loyal traveling companion I wasn't going to make it. I left him tied up outside a local, asking the owner to take care of him, if necessary, I would give him a monetary compensation on my returned.
I tried to get through the mob, asking permission, even nudging some people, but no matter how hard I tried to take a step forward, there was always a bastard blocking my way or pulling me back; They even had the decency to grab my coat and throw me off.
"Excuse me, but I need to pass"
Empty words at this situation. If they didn’t listen to the specialized people of the militancy, it was obvious that they wouldn’t listen to me, a simple doctor in practice for the legion.
"Free the leader of the Eldian empire"
"Free Eren Jaeger"
"Give us some damn answer"
"Fuck off you cheap bitch"
The day wasn’t even beginning and I was already receiving hateful comments, typical of closed minds.
I looked around for a solution, I was wasting valuable time and starting to get irritated. If I was late for my meeting with the Supreme Commander, who knows what punishment he would give me apart from my insubordination.
Besides of the mob there wasn’t much more than a few elegant houses and shops, no other entrance except the one in the backyard, but to get there, I would have to go all the way around the building and it would take much longer. The walls were too high to jump alone and too smooth to climb, otherwise enough people would have sneaked in by now.
I turned my head towards my horse, which was still in the same position where I left him, patiently awaiting my return. Surely what I was about to do wasn’t going to please him one bit.
I ran as fast as I could and unhooked him from the wooden post, ignoring the comments of the owner of the premises who was indisputably claiming for his pay. Without turning my head to such scum, I motioned for the horse to turn around and run down the avenue, against the crowd. Being at a considered distance, I again instructed him to turn around and go as fast as he could.
"I'm sorry Phillip, you're going to have to forgive me for what I'm going to do"
We were a few meters from the mob, mentally preparing myself for the feat that was about to be accomplished. Almost arriving, about to impact, I gave him a little jerk to the right, guiding us towards the wall, and raised my legs towards his back, squatting against him, waiting for the right moment and the impulse he would give when braking hard.
When he was about to slam his trunk against the wall, Phillip stopped his galloping, propelling me forward and flying toward one of the door columns. I grabbed the stone as best I could, avoiding falling on my backside, and raised my legs towards the top, finally reaching my goal. Being already on top and looking at the terrified faces of the rebels, I went down to the other side of the door, slightly hurting my feet and hands in the fall.
"That was quite a show"
Hitch was already in front of me, malicious and proud on her face. She was giving a few applause to the air, trying to lift the spirits of the people of the military squad, even if her acting was a bit cocky.
"Desperate situations call for desperate measures." I waved my hands over the coat, looking at her with the same smug visage she was giving me.
I didn't like Hitch per se, but we weren't friends either. The way she acted and talked gave me bad vibes and I planned to stay as neutral as possible in her presence. Even her gazes seemed to want to pierce the soul of whoever she was speaking to, as if she wanted to undress you internally and seek your darkest and most shameful secrets. I would stick my hands in the fire by assuming that in her younger years she had been a bully or a blackmailer.
But it was better to keep those thoughts for yourself, before generating greater repercussions in the times that hugged us.
"Did you come to see Armin and Mikasa?"
Any thoughts I had of her dissipated.
"They ... are they here?"
I was fuzzy. Not because of the fact that I was uninformed about their actions when they left the legion barracks in the morning, which I was getting used to since last year, but because they were in the same place as me. What a coincidence.
To be honest, the two of them never owed me anything and it wasn't their duty to tell me where they were going every minute of the day, just like Hange. Each one of us had their own will to go where we were sung; But if the three of us were in court, and if they gave me the chance to guess, I would say that to see the Supreme Commander, it made me a bit suspicious.
"Yes, they are talking to the Supreme Commander to try to go talk to Eren"
I must have hit my head at some point in the battle of Marley, because lately every occurrence was quite impossible to believe. They were the ones who asked me to go talk to him a few days ago, they were the ones who questioned me when I returned to the waiting room where the few survivors of 104° Squad were;it was them who gave me a compassionate look as they saw I hadn’t accomplished much and I had ended any relationship that bound me with Eren.
And now here they were, demanding an audience with their childhood friend, while I would have to be judged for the same action. Something wasn’t fitting. I looked around trying to find them, or maybe to find an answer to the thousands of questions that were forming in my head, and finding no help, I turned to Hitch.
"What is going on? Why-"
Before I could finish my question, an explosion rumbled across the cobblestone floor, hurting our ears and knocking us to the ground. Fire and debris couldn’t only be seen in the air but also smelled, flooding our nostrils, causing us to cough and cover our eyes with debris.
I looked up to find a flare coming from one of the court offices and a heavy body falling in our direction. I couldn't make it out until it fell to the ground, leaving a stain of blood and ash around it, apart from leaving a trail of smoke from where it flew off. My eyes were opened with shock and amazement, since the person in front of me was nothing more and nothing less than the same militant leader, half of the body lost and burned by the explosion.
"Well ... that's new"
In all my years of service I have seen every horror inside and outside the walls. True, even the Survey Corps had acted against the law, but it was for the greater good, to expose the bastards who lived on the wall farthest from the sea. I had seen people hit and kick another for a piece of food when the wall Maria fell. I had seen how we were massacred one by one with bullets to the head as we tried to go beyond the walls.
But never in those years I had seen a rebellion like the one taking place, being willing to eliminate such an authoritarian figure as Darius Zackly.
The chaos went unnoticed by a large part of the population, only those who were present at the time of the explosion and the military police were aware. Faced with such an atrocious event of treason, a small meeting was convened involving the most important heads of each faction; unfortunately I couldn’t be there, my presence had been required in a clinic a few meters from the court. There were quite a few injured.
Some had mild and harmless burns, others had large parts of the body with third degree burns. Some had splinters stuck in their arms and faces, some had a piece of wood stuck in their stomach.
A couple of hours had passed which seemed like weeks to me. I had been assigned the milder cases, but as I pulled the splinters out of a patient's eyes, I had the countless howls of people echoing in my head, listening as they took their last painful breaths. People who asked to die on purpose to ease the pain.
Hours passed and welcomed the next day. I had terrible black circles under my tired eyes, hands stained with dried blood and splintered; they’re fucked up and I needed to heal them as quickly as possible before they got infected. I grabbed the cutting tools and placed them on a metal tray, the cold of the surface soothing the pain in my hands, and although it wasn’t too heavy I felt like it trembled on my grip.
I heard the door open wide at the other side of my last patient's room, the front door, letting in multiple heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor. Apparently, the soldier who had entered was in a hurry or was about to deliver terrible news...I wish I had been wrong in the second option.
"Bad news, Eren Jaeger has escaped from the underground cell"
I dropped the metal tray on my feet, making the sound of metal and utensils rumble across the room. My hands were shaking even more and surely if I saw myself in a mirror I would see my face completely pale.
"If you want to free yourself from this cell, go ahead"
My words invaded my mind like a bucket of cold water, as if they wanted to make me see that I was to blame for his escape. I knew that sooner or later he’s going to free himself, his eyes showed it and by not getting an answer that contrasted with mine, it was perfect evidence of his plans. But even knowing it, even Hange knowing it, I didn't expect him to do it in a moment of such betrayal.
I cleaned my hands as best I could with a towel hanging over the room sink and grabbed my coat, rushing out of the clinic.
"I’m sorry, I need to go"
But where to go was the question. I had no idea where Eren might be, and even if I knew what he was going to win, surely he was with his followers and with the simple image of me approaching from the horizon, I would be dead in a matter of seconds ... or imprisoned, whatever happen first.
At the exit of the clinic, there were two soldiers of the military police standing guard and watching the justice’s court from the distance. I approached them with the intention of asking them about the whereabouts of the Survey Corps, but they looked at me like I had the plague and pushed me aside hostilely, almost knocking me to the ground. I kept my composure as best I could and looked for someone else to ask; I didn’t have to wait long, since a woman of my age with mahogany hair, extremely black and matted, pointed the way where my comareds had gone. According to her words, they’re heading towards a large and luxurious building in the middle of one of the main avenues, recognizing the word restaurant from the conversation between the riders.
The only place that matched that description was the restaurant where Nicolo worked.
I hurried out with Phillip galloping through people, avoiding stepping on them and apologizing on my back. If there was something clear to me in all this mess, it was that Hange would go to find answers among the working Marleyans of that place. Maybe something could be solved.
I was very wrong.
I rushed into the building, finding only a long entrance hall and a corridor that led to god knows where. No one was even around to see me panic and I didn't see a soul nearby either, the only thing if I could hear a heated discussion far away and heavy footsteps on the floor. I let myself be guided by the sound, running back to its origins and finding a bizarre and meaningless scene in front of my eyes.
The room that seemed to be the main one hosted the orphaned children of the Blouse farm as well as Sasha's parents, sad and anguished parents if I paid better attention. The children were just as sad, with tears in their eyes, especially Kaya; they were crying the same way as on the day Sasha's death was reported. They were cornered under a window all together, hugging each other and letting the rays of the sun streaming through the window illuminate their figures, as if those rays could replace the heat that Sasha had left behind.
That scene broke my still fragile heart. I would have liked to reach out to them and try to help them move on, as I would have liked to stay on the farm with them when we came back from Marley to help them get by; obviously I could never have replaced Sasha and they could never have replaced my family, but in these times of battle, what mattered most was healing the wounds between all of us.
I would have liked to talk to them, but my eyes shifted from the Blouse family to the figure of Hange carefully placing a child on the floor. The blond boy was very badly injured on the side of his head, he was bleeding and his clothes had stuck to his body due to the large amount of liquid that had flowed down his torso.
"Hange-san, Wha-" As I stared at the blond boy on the floor, I could see that he was one of the children who had sneaked into our war balloon.
“Isn't that one of the Marleyan children? Why is he here and why is he bleeding?"
Unconsciously my body leaned forward, resting on one knee on the ground and reaching out to the boy. My instincts as a doctor were screaming for me to tend to the poor injured boy regardless of his race and I was willing to do so.
"We will take care of him, go to the room continue with Mikasa and Armin"
I got up without hesitation, taking one last look at the room I was in and it was just at that moment that I recognized Nicolo and Jean in a corner away from everyone else. They both looked very distressed, but I didn't have the opportunity to ask why, they had given me an order and I had to carry it out. I would have to wait until got back to base to understand this terrible situation.
The room they sent me to was at the end of the corridor, the door was closed but every step I took I could hear the soft voices of Mikasa and Armin, apparently talking to someone else. Well, that conversation must have to get a pause because I was about to slam the door in and leave the doors wide open.
“What the hell is going on? Why is a Marleyan child unconscious in the kitchen?"
Upon entering, all excited, my eyes only saw the figures of Armin and Mikasa around a table. They both looked up at me in disbelief when they saw me standing on the threshold. For the second time that day, I looked back across the stage in front of me and spotted a small brown-haired figure sitting at the same table. With a little more attention, I saw that the small figure was trembling, perhaps from fear or from adrenaline, at the same time that its face was bruised and full of blood; and putting all my attention on that bloody face I realized that I recognized those eyes, those same eyes that I had looked at with contempt and had looked back at me with the same feeling the night of the invasion.
The missing girl from the Marleyan duo was sitting across from me staring with sheep's eyes.
All exaltation I had in my body dissipated, my gaze fell, leaving nothing more than a neutral countenance. But ... anyone who could see through my eyes, would know they reflected the fatigue and sadness of several accumulated days. Seeing the girl was perhaps a way of attaching all the harmful feelings in a single part of my body.
I let out a long sigh and closed the door slowly behind me. I walked slowly towards where the girl was, running Mikasa to the side and looked at her with the best possible adult countenance. She had a red nose, it looked like it had been hit right on her septum causing her to bleed and stain her dress, which I assumed was courtesy of the Blouse family. Her cheek was scratched and red too, traces of broken and inflamed skin could be seen around her wound, but without any bleeding. This girl would have a swollen face the next day if we don't give her some ice.
“You’re hurt. Care to explain me what happened?"
I reached my hand out to her, but was greeted with a flinch from her. I could tell she was scared and she had every right to be.Either way, way I brought my hand to her face, placing my index finger and thumb on her jaw to move her head and look for other injuries.
Her face was the one that received the most impact, nothing in her eyes which was a very good sign, and I didn’t notice any kind of fracture in the bones of her cheek or septum. Good. I looked around the room for something I could use, but I only found empty tables adorned with a classic tablecloth and a very well elaborated and cared wine cellar, apart from showing off one of the best wine collections in recent years.
"Armin, can you go get some alcohol to disinfect the wounds? Surely they have something in the kitchen "
The blonde gave me a slight nod and left the room, leaving me alone with Mikasa, who was absolved of the situation, but still maintaining an imposing posture. The girl was still shaking on my hand, so I pushed her away and inspected her body for more injuries.
The palms of her hands were stained with blood, I guessed from the bleeding from her nose, but they also had some slight scratches, perhaps she had fallen to the floor. Her dress didn’t seem torn in the area of ​​the knees, so I assumed that they weren’t injured or it was a very slight scratch, almost no bleeding. Her arms seemed intact as did her torso. I turned to the back of her head, running her hair gently trying to find any trace of blow that could generate a contusion. I didn’t find anything that could be fatal or serious, but I did see something that caught my attention.
“You have marks on your head, diffuse, but they are there. What happened?"
"... A horse bit me"
Of all the situations that could have led to those brands, I didn't expect to hear this one. I didn’t expect it, not at all. It caught me off guard and I let out a giggle which I covered with the back of my hand.
"Sorry, shouldn't laugh… you deserve it thou" I gave her a little pat on the top of her head before ruffling it a bit and bending down to look into her eyes.
Armin returned to the room, alcohol in hand and a clean cloth. Thank God something was clean in this whole city, I was beginning to lose my faith in the cleanliness of this people. I reached for the items and I proceeded to apply a large amount of alcohol to the cloth and apply it first to the frightened girl's cheek.
"Why are you so good to me? I killed a one of your friends"
That comment made me stop for a second, just like I stopped looking at her wound. My gaze fell to the floor in search of an answer; I searched, searched and searched for answers to questions that didn’t have one or weren’t as simple as they seemed...or simply looked in the wrong places and the answers were always in my mind, only that my heart wasn’t prepared to face them.
"The girl you killed the night of the invasion was called Sasha Blouse and she was the best archer and sniper of the legion"
I turned my gaze to her, continuing to heal her wound on her cheek. When I saw that there was only a small pink stain left on the surface, I moistened the cloth further with alcohol and ran it under her nose, removing any trace of blood. The girl pulled back a bit when she felt it’s smell her nostrils and I had the opportunity to cover her nose for a few seconds to stop the bleeding.
"You know ... you remind me of a boy exactly like you"
When I saw that the bleeding stopped and the girl stopped moving due to the burning and itching that the alcohol was surely causing, I grabbed her hands and began to clean them with small touches avoiding tearing her skin.
“Just as intense and ready to fight for what he thinks is fair. You are just a little girl who was taught that we were the bad guys. It’s the way you were raised, the way you see the world. They taught us something else, but at the end of the day, apart from everything... we are the same"
It hurt. Yes, it hurt to see the one guilty of the death of my best friend, but it hurt more to see in her eyes the hatred and contempt they had taught her towards our race. The hate cycle we were getting into wasn't going to get us anywhere and it was better to nip it in the bud, even with baby steps.
When I finished cleaning all her wounds, I put the cloth on the table and looked at my performance with deep pride. It wasn't much, but it was enough; Not only had I cleaned a few simple wounds, but perhaps, I wished that perhaps, it would begin to heal her mind ... and mine as well.
I got up heavily, noticing how my knees creaked when squatting for a long time and I stretched my body generating more crunches, but noting at the same time how the heaviness of my back left and leave behind a much lighter load.
“Very good, you’ve been a good patient. Surely there is something sweet in the kitchen that I can give you” I patted her head again and gave her a sincere smile, one that I hadn't given anyone for quite a while. I headed to the door unconcerned about the situation I assumed was still going on in the main room.
"What's going to happen to Eren Jaeger?"
What will happen to him? And why does she ask me that?
"Don't worry, I'm not letting him put a finger on you" A sincere answer to a question asked out of fear. I reached the door and in the middle of the sentence I turned the knob wanting to make my way into the hall, but a tall figure blocked my way.
Eren was right on the threshold with the intention of opening it.
Well mark me impress
My body jerked back instinctively, avoiding taking my eyes off his. I moved to the right side, avoiding the figure of the Marleyan girl from being in Eren's point of view. I didn't know why he was here or if the others knew about it, but whatever the reason, he surely wasn’t alone and this wasn’t going to lead to anything good.
"Sit down"
He took a few steps forward, closing the door with his foot, not even paying attention to his surroundings, or maybe yes, now everything was a confusion when it came to the brunette in front of us.
"You can't tell me what to do" I planted myself in front of him, without taking a step back. We were both facing each other, him carrying me several inches tall, several dominating inches that made my legs shake and my heart race.
If it had been in any other situation, that trembling, that acceleration would have been very well received. It was impossible not to feel small next to Eren, the damn bastard had hit a big stretch and there was a great difference around the body between the two, a difference that I always loved to admire.
But not now. Not at this moment when everything was going to shit and I had to stand up to the figure of a little girl who was internally dying of fear thanks to him.
"Sit. Down"
Few centimeters separated us from each other, his chest too close to mine, I could feel how it swelled with each breath. He raised his hand to my face, letting me see his cut palm and dripping blood. Fear took hold of me, making me stand even more in my position, but I wasn’t going to give in so easily.
"You wouldn't" I looked him in the eye, defiant, longed for and everything in between.
"Try me"
It was all he said before grabbing onto my shoulders and pulling me back. My body collided with the table and instinctively I placed my hands on it. I heard how Armin and Mikasa tried to get closer to where we were, but a single glance from Eren made them stay still, submissive, as they lost in their positions. His gaze returned to mine. My breath hitched and I had to avoid with all my might thinking about the position we were entwined.
It wasn’t the time to think about how my hips were slightly elevated, just my butt up on the table and one leg dangling, his knee between my legs, preventing me from closing them and keeping the leg that was hanging in the air. His gaze wandered between our bodies and he returned to my eyes. He tightened his grip on my shoulders and pushed me to the side of the table, dropping me onto the chair next to the girl.
"I said. Sit. Down"
He took his hands off my shoulders, took the seat next to me and Armin and Mikasa sat with him, leaving an air of discomfort and tension in the environment.
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dindjarins04 · 3 years
Still curled up on the small chair in Padme's living area, Anakin paces back and forth. He sighs and stops in the middle of the room while you calmly respond to the onslaught of Qui-Gon's messages.
"It's too quiet,"
"That's a good thing," You reply. "I'd rather not have to deal with blasters," You look and see him looking down at you. "Perhaps if you sat down, you wouldn't be so anxious,"
"Can you at least pay some attention to me rather than your holopad?" He asks with a huff. You roll your eyes and place it down.
"You're such a child,"
"Maybe I just need a distraction,"
"Oh and I'm the perfect fit for your distraction?" You tease as he sits down in the chair opposite you.
"Yes," He says. "So...why do you think we weren't allowed to see each other for 10 years?"
"Well, those 10 years were the most vital part of our training, maybe we were just too busy with training to make friends," You shrug as you stand to pour yourself a glass of water. Anakin stays silent as he thinks of different reasons for the Jedi keeping you separate. "Enough about us...what's your story with Padme?" You cringe at yourself. Smooth, (Y/N), that was real smooth.
"We met on Tatooine, I saved her planet and that's it," You quirk a brow and turn around, leaning against the table you got your water from.
"Really? I thought you two had something more, considering the way you talk to her," You say, sipping your water.
"Heh, jealous?" You choke on the water at the question.
"That's absurd," Anakin chuckles and shakes his head.
"Whatever you say, princess,"
"Quiet, mudscuffer," Then, Obi-Wan strolls in.
"Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?" He asks as you move back to your holopad to send your last couple of messages to your master.
"Quiet as a tomb. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her," Anakin complains as Obi-Wan checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of R2 by the door, but no sign of Padme on the bed.
"What's going on?" Obi-Wan asks.
"She covered that camera. I don't think she liked us watching her," You roll your eyes.
"What is she thinking?"
"Actually, all of this was (Y/N)'s idea," You look to see the men staring at you.
"I programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder,"
"It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator,"
"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we, master Jedi?" You respond with a smirk.
"You're using her as bait??"
"It was her idea... No harm will come to her,"
"I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me," Anakin adds on as you finish your last message and put down your holopad.
"It's too risky... and your senses aren't that attuned, young apprentice,"
"And yours are?"
"Possibly," You roll your eyes at the duo.
"You know, I can sense everything too, Qui-Gon has been teaching me well,"
"I do not disagree, I was his padawan as well," Obi-Wan says as he moves to look out of the window.
"The water is empty, I'll get some more, comm me if anything happens," Obi-Wan nods as Anakin walks beside him.
"You look tired," Obi-Wan states as he examines Anakin.
"I don't sleep well, anymore," He responds truthfully.
"Because of your mother?"
"I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now. I haven't seen her since I was little,"
"Dreams pass in time,"
"I'd rather dream of (Y/N). Just being around her again is...intoxicating," He smiles to himself but Obi-Wan gives him a look of disapproval.
"Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You and (Y/N) have made a commitment to the Jedi order... a commitment not easily broken...and remember she is also a Jedi,"
"I understand Master...but there's just something about her. Being around her again...it brings a forgotten but familiar feeling back," Anakin grins, gently touching his chest.
"Anakin, (Y/N) is already on thin ice with the Jedi Council, please don't try and ruin this for her," Anakin looks up at his master.
"I...I won't," You return with a sigh.
"I couldn't get any water!" You exclaim. "Too many procedures to fill up one jug of water," You sigh placing it down. "Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" Anakin and Obi-Wan share a discreet glance.
"No, it's been very quiet," Obi-Wan answers to Anakin's relief. But then, you all stop and look at each other.
"Is it just me?"
"No, I can sense it too," All three of you run and burst into Padme's room. Two creatures stand on their hind legs as Padme lays deadly still. Anakin springs onto the bed and slices the creatures in half with his lightsaber. You see a droid outside and race after it, crashing through the blinds and window. Okay. Bad idea. You did NOT think that through.
You fly through the glass window and fling yourself at the probe droid, grabbing onto the deadly machine before it can flee. The droid sinks under the weight of you but manages to stay afloat and fly away, with you hanging on for dear life, a hundred stories above the city. The droid sends several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing you to almost lose your grip. As you dart in and out of the speeder traffic, you disconnect a wire on the back of the droid. Its power shuts off. Shit! You and the droid drop like rocks. You realise the error of your ways and quickly puts the wire back. The droid's systems light up again and it takes off.
Sweat begins to build on your forehead. You did not think this through what so ever and you have no idea where Anakin or Obi-Wan is. The last thing you remember is Padme's deadly still body. Is she dead? That sudden thought sends a pang of regret in your gut. Did you allow your best and only friend to die?
The droid bumps against a wall, hoping to knock you loose. It moves behind a speeder afterburner to scorch you. It takes you wildly between buildings and finally skims across a rooftop and you are forced to lift your legs, tenaciously hanging onto the droid.
"Would you stop?!" You growl as the droid heads for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about twenty stories up. When the pilot of the speeder, a scruffy looking person who is most likely a bounty hunter, sees the droid approach with you hanging on, she pulls a long rifle out of the speeder and starts to fire at you. Explosions burst all around you. "I have a bad feeling about this," You say.
Finally, the droid suffers a direct hit and blows up and you fall fifty stories until a speeder drops down next to you, and you manage to grab onto the back end of the speeder and haul yourself toward the cockpit. You struggle to climb into the seat and you sigh in relief when seeing Anakin driver and Obi-Wan in the passenger seat.
"That was wacky! I almost lost you in the traffic," Anakin said.
"What took you so long?" You ask as you finally sit correctly in the seat you tumbled into.
"Oh, you know, princess, I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and with the right speed capabilities...and then you know I had to get a really gonzo colour..."
"Qui-Gon will not be happy about your recklessness," Obi-Wan chimes in.
"Well, I know who to follow now," Anakin zooms upward in hot pursuit of the bounty hunter as she fires out the open window at you with her laser pistol.
"And Anakin, if you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman," Obi-Wan says, scolding both of you.
"I thought I already did," Anakin replies smugly.
"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!" Obi-Wan says as he grips the sides of the speeder as Anakin deftly moves in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site, the bounty hunter still firing at you.
"Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master," You watch with a small smile at the way these two communicate. It reminds you of how you and Lumarina shared a lot of jokes and banter just like these two.
"I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!" You barely miss a commuter train.
"I agree with Obi-Wan on that account," You say as you duck.
"Master, you know I've been flying since before I could walk. I'm very good at this and (Y/N)...just trust me," You roll your eyes as he laughs and Obi-Wan gasps as Anakin makes another narrow turn.
"Just slow down!" The bounty hunter and Anakin race through a line of cross-traffic made up of giant trucks. The speeders bank sideways as they slide around right-angle turns between buildings. The bounty hunter races into a tram tunnel. "Wait! Don't go in there!" Obi-Wan says but Anakin zooms into the tunnel after the hunter. You see a tram coming at you. Anakin brakes, turns around, and race out, barely ahead of the charging commuter transport."You know I don't like it when you do that!" Obi-Wan growls. "We also have another person with us, try not to kill three Jedi!"
"Sorry, Master. Don't worry, this guy's gonna kill himself any minute now!"
"No, you're going to kill us!" You scold, slapping his head. The hunter turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately trying to throw Anakin off. Oncoming speeders swerve, trying to avoid the hunter and three Jedi. The hunter does a quick, tight loop-over and ends up behind all of you. She is now in a much better position to fire at you all with her laser pistol. To avoid being hit by the laser bolts, Anakin slams on the brakes and moves alongside her. She now fires point-blank at Obi-Wan.
"What are you doing? He's gonna blast me!"
"Right, not a good idea," Anakin quickly turns and swerves away. Suddenly, the hunter throws a bunch of explosives in your direction. You stand and use the force to hold them away from your speeder as they explode. Out of a cloud of smoke and ball of flames Anakin tears after the hunter.
"(Y/N), that didn't do much help!" Obi-Wan slaps out the small fire on the dashboard.
"At least we're not dead!" You exclaim, sitting back down. The hunter goes up and down, through cross-traffic. There is a near miss as a speeder almost hits you. The hunter turns down and left between two buildings. Anakin pulls up and to the right
"Where are you going?! He went down there, the other way,"
"This is a shortcut... I think,"
"What do you mean, 'You think?' What kind of shortcut?! He went completely the other way! You've lost him!" You exclaim from behind him.
"Guys, if we keep this chase going, that creep's gonna end up deep-fried personally, I'd very much like to find out who in the hell he is and who he's working for..."
"Oh, so that's why we're going in the wrong direction," Obi-Wan says sarcastically. Anakin turns up a side street, zooming up several small passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty stories up. Obi-Wan folds his arms. "Well, you lost him,"
"I'm deeply sorry, Master,"
"Great job Anakin, he went completely the other way," You groan, unhappy for losing the bounty hunter. Anakin looks around front and back. He spots something. He seems to start counting to himself as he watches something below approach.
"Excuse me for a moment," Anakin then jumps out of the speeder. You and Obi-Wan watch as he jumps on the hunter's speeder about five stories below you. You quickly jump into the driver's seat and follow after them. You deftly gain on the rogue speeder. The two speeders dive through oncoming traffic and then through cross traffic. You then see Anakin drop something and you quickly catch it. You then notice it's his lightsaber. You sigh and hand it to Obi-Wan.
"I'm going to have to admit, this has been the most fun I've had since Naboo," You say as you follow the speeder as it crashes onto the ground.
"Naboo? You mean with Maul?"
"Well, everything leading up to that," You say as you talently spin around oncoming vehicles.
"Spinning is not flying!" Obi-Wan groans. "This is the first time I've ridden with you and your already matching Anakin's recklessness," You chuckle as you land. You grin as you land and wipe the sweat from your head. Obi-Wan looks at you before chuckling. You also laugh as he gets out and helps you out. "I will have to admit, that was something different,"
"Probably something the council will frown upon," You joke before seeing him. "Anakin!"
"She went into that club," Anakin said, pointing to the bright sign.
"Patience," Obi-Wa reminds as he hands Anakin his lightsaber. "Here. Next time try not to lose it,"
"Sorry, Master," Anakin reaches for the lightsaber, but Obi-Wan holds it back. "A Jedi's saber is his most precious possession,"
"Yes, Master," He reaches for his lightsaber again, but Obi-Wan pulls it back.
"He must keep it with him at all times,"
"I know, Master,"
"This weapon is your life!"
"I've heard this lesson before..." You and Anakin say at the same time. Obi-Wan finally holds out his lightsaber and Anakin grabs it.
"But unlike (Y/N), you haven't learned anything, Anakin,"
"I try, Master,"
"However, you should thank (Y/N) for catching it for you," Obi-Wan says before stepping away.
"Thank you...you've lost your lightsaber?" He teases as you follow Obi-Wan.
"Yeah, but I found it," You defend.
"How long did it take you?"
"3 lectures from my master and one full rotation,"
"Really? Where was it?" You look down. "(Y/N)," He says in a sing-song voice.
"It was under my bed," Anakin laughs loudly and you also chuckle as all three of you enter the nightclub.
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| letting go | j.jh
Tumblr media
pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: angst (i don’t think it’s enough ;-; )
a/n: weeee this was rotting in my drafts for months, it’s not proof read (as always) haha :D
the strong rush of winds together with falling sharp raindrops were painful, as if multiple arrows were aimed at you by a number of huntsmen— hiding behind woods, camouflaging themselves in order to not reveal their positions.
at this point, the droplets rather felt like hailstones than water. well what difference did it make? they still sliced your flesh like knives even if they were the condensed and frozen forms of liquid.
just as your body froze when you saw him with her.
almost the whole crowd turned heads to your way. looking back, the entire picturesque looked exactly like a bride entering a chapel for her walk at the aisle, except what happened earlier was the total opposite. it looked like you objected the bind of the new couple because believe it or not, whispers from all directions grew and there wasn’t an end to them. they spread so quickly that you didn’t bother to stop them.
you stood right in front of your boyfriend, right at the middle of the dance floor, whom he had his arms around a girl’s waist. to make you respond negatively and hurtfully, his fingers intertwined, not wanting to let her away from his touch.
in the depths of your heart, you hoped he would release her and run towards you in regret of his actions. but given the fact that they continued to sway along with the music like you never existed, it was obvious he was deliberately trying to make you flip off. sober or not, you already familiarised yourself with his habits and mannerisms in the years you’ve been with him. the smirk growing at the girl’s lips confirmed it was her plan, while the look on jaehyun’s face mirrored hers.
he was in for the game he wanted to play.
these whole three years, was there a day he thought about you, cared for you, or even loved you? did you actually mean anything to him? for him to easily leave you with another? the club music began to soften, not because everyone witnessed what was going on, but because your hearing was slowly deafening from the revelation before you. what you experienced at that moment; as if you were shoved underwater and let you drown in your fears of a breaking relationship.
it was breaking now, and you’re breaking apart now.
“jaehyun?” the once dear name left your lips and you stood there frozen. his shirt disheveled from the collarbone downwards along with a stupid missing vans shoe you gifted him for the anniversary a week ago. “you said you were going to..” you hissed, and swallowed the words back to avoid giving hints of sadness. “..nevermind.”
the girl snaked her arms around his neck. “oh y/n, finish your sentence.” she was high, her words slurred but was sober enough to pay attention to you. “that would mark as a closure with him, won’t it?” her giggles shrieking in amusement. what a sadist.
“ignore her. now, where were we?” jaehyun cupped her jaw to turn her attention away from you.
it took a minute or less to realise that your fists balled at his naughty, flirtatious grin he put out. you knew your skin already was dented with crescent marks you didn’t bother checking. with courage— the hesitating kind, you walked up to him to confirm your doubts that has been clouding your mind since you last saw him. the girl rolled her eyes, irritated at the fact you were quite persistent. jaehyun did the same. “so you’re just gonna dump me like that?” you pushed him on the chest.
“if you want to hear my answer, i can say it.” jaehyun gestured the girl to leave the both of you. “give us a minute.” he shoved his hands in his pockets to grab an item. it was a watch you got for him in the first year. thinking that he was to give it back, apparently, you thought wrong.
the silver watch fell to the ground with his gaze slowly rising from it to you. “i’m pretty much sober, but i was drunk when i agreed to be your boyfriend.”
“lies.” you gritted your teeth, not buying anything that came from his lips. “telling me you’re lying!”
“it’s the truth, y/n.” jaehyun said. it pissed you off when he had the audacity to bring your hair behind your ear, as if that would make you believe him. he lightly touched the edge of your chin, bringing it closer to his face. you shut your eyes hoping that this was all a dream, but it clearly wasn’t. “it’s all one-sided. it’s easy to understand by now yeah? i don’t love you.”
“jaehyun!” the girl singsonged as she returned, pulling him with impatience. “let’s go?”
you felt your throat going dry seeing both of their figures getting smaller in the distance. you couldn’t afford to be more mad because you knew that if you did, jaehyun still would never return to you. he already enjoyed the sight of you hurting, so what much more if you reacted to his plan? the long-term plan he plotted against a relationship he was to tear apart anyway?
the heart of yours that once pounded vigorously for him now probably skipped a beat or two, or more because you couldn’t keep track in counting. you just couldn’t. everything and all else in your peripheral began to blur in your own tears. and glad they did.
sometimes you’d like to think your heart had a mind of its own. it summoned your legs to leave the place when your mind was already completely blank, and you didn’t realise that you made yourself look vulnerable and desperate to everyone in that house.
even so, no one dared to come to comfort you despite knowing who you were: jaehyun’s now ex-girlfriend. they watched all of it happen like they do with most tv series. maybe they didn’t want to get involved with the drama. the rain started to pour and that was when you gave in into the depression you’ve held inside in the span of three minutes. great timing. no one would know i’m crying now. leave him be y/n.
walking towards home from here was better than taking a bus, you’d probably embarrass yourself. and grabbing a taxi would’ve been convenient, but most vehicles were occupied or drivers wouldn’t take in customers due to finished shifts. the only thing protecting you from the rain was your endurance and patience.
you continued running; away from the source of pain, escaping to wherever your half-conscious state brings you. you weren’t close to home yet.
what felt like hours only made your body temperature drop to its lowest.
a car pulled over just when your legs were to give in. you were in a daze that you weren’t aware of the vehicle honking at you. so the flickers of the headlights did the job better. the window rolled down that the person inside let out a gasp.
the slam of the door had you turning around. voices battling each other and it was surprising you could hear them bickering so clearly under the intense rainfall and loud thunderstorms. “give me a second! it’s y/n and she’s soaked!”
that certain voice warmed the freezing you which jaehyun caused. you turned around to see yuta, your best friend, removing his coat, quickly wrapping over your heads and led you straight into his car. “why are you out here alone?! where’s jaehyun?! is he not with you?!” he tsked, telling ten to drive back to the apartment.
between your sobs you let out a bitter and husky scoff, not wanting to hear or associate yourself with that name ever again. taeyong let you wear his scarf and lend you pocket warmers to add more body heat. “o-one..” you mumbled. “i-it was one-sided. he never l-loved me.”
your friends exchanged looks and were so ready to go to the bar where jaehyun was at, to beat the pulp out of him. “that bastard— ten, turn around! i’m beating the crap out of jaehyun!”
“n-no! please!” you hugged yuta and he froze at your plead. “it’ll cause more trouble than he already is!”
“y/n he wasted three years of your time just to play with your feelings!” yuta tried to see the bar behind the moist and droplets on the window. “and i won’t allow anyone to hurt you when he’s the trouble!”
your palms covered your eyes long as you tried to explain. “but he made his word and you know he’s the type to bring in more trouble! he has people on his back and you’re outnumbered..”
“y/n’s right, yuta. we can’t afford to fight all of them.” taeyong pat your head.
yuta slammed his clenched fists on the edge along with fits of his legs. “rgh!”
you were afraid of jaehyun leaving you, yet your bestfriend gave you the most fear since it wasn’t the first time he clashed with your lover. he was against the relationship, that you began dating an enemy of their frat and that it was risky. he warned you that they both had quite a rough history and would for sure have each other’s heads if they were to meet again.
and because your cries led to this, yuta was sure he wouldn’t let his once bestfriend near you.
ten suddenly stepped on the brakes followed with a yelp. slight screeches from the tires had everyone going forwards before hitting backs against the seats. “oh my g- is he dead?” kun sat up a little to see the figure trying to get up.
“who?” taeyong’s eyes widened.
“i think it was jaehyun.” ten pulled a lever to stop the windscreen wiper.
“ha! he deserved it!” yuta’s grin was menacing and chilled you to the bone, but you understood his reasons. and you were an idiot to not able to notice the relationship falling out until the last minute.
jaehyun yelled out your name several times, asking you to get off the car. you didn’t want to because what was the point? he didn’t love you so why did he want you back now? he was crying, but he could be drunk too.
when that wasn’t enough for jaehyun to get to you, he opened the car door, in which, wasn’t locked and managed to grab hold of yuta’s arm out of the vehicle, pulling you along with him out in the rain. “get back here y/n! you’re not going with yuta!” jaehyun yelled as he made you stand on your toes.
“she’s not going with you! jerk!” yuta quickly punched him in the face, causing jaehyun to fall.
you jumped in front of him, stopping yuta from more violence. “yuta please!”
but jaehyun punched him too. back and forth of fist fights.
taeyong and kun got off the car to join you prevent yuta. “dude quit it! let’s just bring y/n home!”
you pushed your way through and passed the boys, eyes asking your bestfriend to calm down. “y/n what the hell are you doing?! he’s drunk!” yuta grabbed your wrists. “why are you still going to talk to him?”
“i’m not doing this for him, i’m doing this for me.” you sniffed and the seriousness in your eyes made yuta let go. “i just need to make things clear to him one last time.”
“you’re stubborn but i’ll credit you for being brave. give you five ‘cause i’m counting.”
you didn’t care about getting sick. all you could think of was to bid that final farewell. it hurt when he wrapped you in his arms as if what happened earlier was nothing to him. as if breaking your heart was his cup of tea. “what do you want jaehyun?”
he mumbled. reeking of the remains of alcohol, you couldn’t stand him anymore. “i want you.”
“well i don’t.” you wriggled out of his hold. “i went out of my way to tell you to stay out of my life.”
he stared at you. it was different than before. he didn’t do this on purpose. three years with him was enough to know his moves and this was one of those that he was attentive now. “i still love—”
“no!” you sobbed and struggled to catch your breath, soon pushing his shoulder and though he didn’t budge, he probably got the message. “don’t start with that word! for all i care you could be the all-star player girls love— but you’re never ever going to win my heart again! you don’t even love me to begin with and you said it yourself!”
you brushed him as jaehyun tried to reach out for you. “how many trophies have you kept on your shelf, hm? i’d say five.. ah, twenty?” you stifle a sarcastic laugh. “am i one of the trophies you desperately want to get? how about that girl you’re with? is she part of the collection too?”
he stayed quiet, and you expected this anyway. “i’ll never be enough for you. goodbye jae.” you sighed.
jaehyun saw that yuta was already waiting. he had you in his arms, giving the middle finger at him before you both entered the car. it wasn’t that you fell short, it was him. indeed it was true that you were a prize he achieved, but even all-star players had their insecurities too. he just didn’t share with you, rather he chose not to.
because what would he get in return? just a little word of encouragement would make him feel better? no, of course not. he didn’t want that and you couldn’t give what he wanted from you. the car vanished in the distance.
so did your peripheral when you looked back.
some reason, you felt better. the company of your friends now were better than jaehyun, in all the three years combined.
“hey, y/n. you didn’t take five minutes.” yuta nudged you lightly. “he’s not worth it.”
you fell silent as you deleted a picture of jaehyun posing with his watch from a year ago. tears brimmed your eyes but you promised yourself just now to never cry because of him. “i’m gonna sleep. wake me up when we arrive home.”
yeah. you counted as well. it took three years to realise how dumb you actually were and how jaehyun wasn’t the person you knew but..
it took three minutes to decide to let him go.
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ghostly-cabbage · 4 years
Frigid (Chapter 6)
Genre: Horror, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers  
Chapter Rating: T (Language)
Word Count: 6,435
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And here Danny thought he was done with getting punishment for the day. He hit the gym floor: hard. 
It made his vision go black for a second. Fucking ow. If he got another concussion he was going to be pissed. At this point he was giving the football players a run for their money.  
His awareness came back to him in spots at first, dancing across his vision, then all at once. Lucky for him—it was just in time to see Skulker firing another volley of ecto-missiles at him. 
He curled up and summoned a dome shield. The projectiles exploded on contact one after the other. It deafened the sound for the most part, but he still felt like a fish whose glass bowl was being tapped on. The explosions ceased, green tinted smoke obscuring his sight.
Danny didn’t wait for the dust to settle. He dropped his shield and launched himself straight up at the place he’d last seen Skulker, fist coming into contact with the bottom of Skulker’s chin. The ghost grunted, sailing upward and punching a second hole through the roof of the gym. 
Danny cringed as glass, broken light fixtures, and wood fell down. At least it was the weekend. There’d probably be enough time to patch it up. What was a little more property damage on his record, right? 
“For once you had great timing,” Danny said to the empty room. His legs melded together into his tail and he listened carefully to his surroundings. “If I didn’t know any better, Skulker, I’d almost think you’re stalking me.” There was a beat, before the sound of a net launching from a gun broke the silence. Danny twisted on instinct, narrowly dodging the net. It whooshed past and stuck to the wall behind him.
Skulker returned to visibility. He floated across from Danny, scowling. 
He growled. “Silence, whelp. It’s easier to lure you out when you’re not busy being a prisoner in this human infested place.” 
Well, that was half of it at least.
“Aw, so you do care about my schedule. I’m touched.” Danny pressed the palm of his hand over his core. His tail flicked and he crossed his arms. “But you know that shit you just pulled isn’t going to fly.” 
“Please, Ghost Child,” Skulker sneered. “I was merely toying with those puny humans. I wasn’t going to harm them.” 
“Ever heard of psychological trauma?” Danny dead-panned. He didn’t wait for an answer and fired an ecto-blast straight at Skulker’s chest. It connected with a hollow crack and Skulker let out a shout. He dropped ten feet before catching himself. Danny rushed forward, aiming a kick to the side of his face. 
Skulker held up his arm, blocking the blow with the back of his forearm. The force of the kick resounded against the metal with a clang. 
Danny pulled back out of close range, noting the sizable dent in Skulker’s arm. 
Skulker roared and held up his arm to fire a wrist-ray. Danny strafed to the side, expecting the hot fizzle of an ecto-ray. But nothing happened. 
They both paused, Skulker's eyes narrowing. He inspected his dented arm. 
“Now look what you’ve done, brat.” 
Danny lifted his arms in an exaggerated shrug. 
Skulker held his arm out, attempting to fire the ray again. Nothing. The ghost made a frustrated sound. 
“Here, maybe this’ll help.” Danny’s breath went icy as he shot a jagged spike of ice at Skulker's arm. He watched with giddy satisfaction as the ice punctured and tore a hole through the metal. 
Skulkers arm exploded. 
Danny squinted against the flash of green, going intangible to avoid the metal shrapnel. He blinked the inverted spot from his vision. Skulker’s arm was completely gone, leaving nothing but a jagged hole with wires that stuck out, arcing thin forks of electricity. Danny bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. He floated on his stomach, steepling his hands underneath his chin.
“Sucks, man. You never wanna overload a jammed ecto-weapon.” He clicked his tongue three times in a row, shaking his head. “You’d think such a great hunter would know that.” 
“Of course I knew that!” he snapped. “You’ll pay for this, Ghost Child.”  
“Oh no, I’m so terrified,” he said, grin plastered across his face. Man, two days of R&R really did a ghost some good.  
“Insolent whelp,” Skulker said. A mechanical arm extended from his back, unleashing a football-length green rocket that headed straight for Danny. It looked like a homing missile. 
Danny shot upwards out through the bigger of the two holes. He put on the brakes, and skirted to the side just as the missile zipped up past him. He let energy build in his palm. 
The thing about homing missiles was most of them weren’t great with tight turns. The rocket spluttered as it twisted to come straight back down. It made it an easy target. 
He fired an ecto-blast. It exploded on contact in a brilliant sphere of green. Danny phased back down through the roof. The explosion shook the lights, making them flicker more, but it’d been far enough up it didn’t cause any other damage. 
Danny twisted in mid-air and flew at Skulker. His eyes widened and he turned his defenseless side away from Danny, back-peddling. 
He fired an ecto-ray at Skulkers undamaged shoulder. He didn’t pack as much power into it as he could have. He banked, cutting an elliptical circle while holding the ray on target.
“You know, as much as I appreciate the practice, we’ve gotta stop having these here at school.” He didn’t let up on the beam until he’d flanked Skulker. He zipped in while the ghost was still recovering. 
He went with the same roundhouse that Skulker had blocked before. His foot slammed into the side of Skulker’s head, sending the hunter spinning sideways. Danny charged a blast in his palm. He lifted up his left hand and squinted his right eye closed, using his thumb to line up his shot. Who said he was only a show off when people were watching? 
At the moment Skulker stopped tumbling and righted himself, Danny unleashed his blast. It hissed through the air and Skulker had no hope of dodging it. It slammed into the shoulder joint of Skulker's good arm which, already weakened by Danny’s ray, popped off like the limb of a cheap action figure. 
Skulker let out a wordless scream of frustration. 
A smug grin worked its way onto Danny’s face. He was getting too damn good at this, if you asked him. 
Danny closed the gap between them. He grabbed the holes where Skulker's shoulders should have been and somersaulted forward, flipping the ghost over his head. Danny threw him down, directly into a basketball hoop. 
Skulker, of course, being much larger than a basketball, didn’t make it through. Instead, his head wedged into the hoop, his legs churning helplessly in the air. 
Danny spluttered. “Oh my God.” He burst into laughter, wrapping his arms around his stomach. 
“Oh my God, I wish I had my phone. That worked even better than I thought it would, holy shit.” He dropped a few feet in the air involuntarily.
“Laugh while you can, Ghost Child,” Skulker grunted. He could easily phase out, but he seemed to know when he was defeated.  
Danny leaned back, rotating upside down in the air as he laughed. “Of all times that Sam and Tuck aren't here.” He wiped a tear from under his eye. “Hey— Hey, Skulker.” He flew up to Skulker. 
He glared at Danny through the net. 
“This is what we kids today call getting fucking dunked on.” Danny snorted and descended into more laughter. 
“You’re enjoying this far too much, whelp.” 
Danny held his sides until the hilarity of the visual started to die down. His breathing evened out and the tickle in his chest faded.
“Hey, the amount of times you’ve trapped me in something awful, I think I deserve this.” He sighed, content, his shoulders sagging as a last chuckle left him. “This is exactly what I needed after detention today.” Danny reached for the thermos on his belt. 
“Anyway—” he uncapped the thermos “—same time next week, then?” He pressed the button and the thermos kicked on. He pointed the beam at Skulker, watching as it dragged his warping form into its confines. 
The thermos dimmed and Danny twirled it in his palm, blowing the wisps of smoke from its end. He really needed to empty it when he got home today. 
“What is that? How’d it do that?” 
“Holy F—” Danny jumped. The thermos slipped from his grasp and he fumbled it a few times before he caught it and pulled it back against his chest. He turned towards the voice, shocked to see a familiar face. 
He was peeking in through a gap of a gym door.
What the fuck? 
“Uh... How long have you been standing there?”
And how the hell had Danny let a human sneak up on him? Let alone some gangly asshole who didn’t seem to have an ounce of self-preservation in his whole body? 
Wesley hesitated, scanning the gymnasium again. He stepped the rest of the way into the gym. 
“Uhm, for a bit?” 
“Right… and where’s your friends?” Danny slowly floated backwards. 
Why was this dude determined to be up in his business? As afraid as Wesley looked the first day of school, Danny thought he wouldn’t willingly get within a mile of another ghost. Guess he was wrong.
“I ditched them and snuck back into the building,” he said, like it was obvious. “People here at school say you’re a ‘good’ ghost,” he added. Danny’s eyes drifted around the room as he contemplated turning invisible and flying through the roof. 
Was he going somewhere with this or…? 
“Are you?” 
His eyes snapped back down to Wesley. 
He cleared his throat.“Uh. I try to be?” Danny was no stranger to students at Casper approaching him after a fight to try and talk or even flirt with him. He shuddered at the amount of times Paulina or even Dash had asked him to hangout or go get something to eat. 
But this wasn't like those times. Danny hated to admit he was genuinely intrigued, and even impressed by Wesley’s audacity. 
“If you’re unsure enough to be asking, why would you come alone?” He hadn’t meant it to be threatening, but Wesley took half a step back towards the door. He licked his lips. 
“Because I have questions about ghosts.” 
 Danny’s face twisted. He hooked the thermos back on his waist and ran a gloved hand through his hair. “Why ask me? Listen— there’s plenty of people in Amity that know about ghosts. You don’t need to ask a real one.” 
Wesley lifted a hand and rubbed at his temple. “Yeah, but all they ever talk about is you. Either how great you are or how you’re secretly a menace to society.” 
Huh, he must have talked to Valerie. 
“Then what question is important enough you decided to approach a ‘dangerous’ ghost… by yourself?” 
“I just—I want to know why ghosts here are so different, and who better to ask than an actual ghost? I guess I figured with how much people drool over you that you were the least likely to kill me. I mean you could’ve on the first day if you’d wanted to… There’s obviously some truth to what people say about you.”  
Danny blinked. Okay, that made some sense. But then… 
“Why do you want to know that specifically?” 
Wesley turned his head. “It’s personal.” 
...Alright, sure. 
He let out a long suffering sigh.
“Listen, I hate to disappoint, Person-I’ve-Never-Met-Before, but I haven’t really been outside of Amity Park much…” He knew the answer, of course he did, but he didn’t exactly go around as Phantom spouting off his ghost knowledge. There were things about ecto-biology he knew that only a Fenton would know... and some things only a half-ghost would know.
Wesley looked stricken. It was a weird look on him.
“But you’re still a ghost, can’t you just—” he flexed his hands in front of him like he was trying to grasp something— “make an informed guess?” 
Ugh, God.
Danny dragged a hand down over his face. 
“If I tell you what I think, will you actually get the hell outta dodge the next time there’s a fight?” When people tried to stick around, they were more likely to get caught in the cross-fire. While Danny wasn’t exactly fond of the dude, that didn’t mean he wanted Wesley hurt. The thought of him or anyone getting hurt because of him made him twitch; he ignored the spike of nervous energy that thrashed in his core. 
Wesley looked up at him, blinking green eyes. 
“Wait, that’s it?” 
“I’m dead, dude. What else could I want?” He’d love for Wesley to leave him, Fenton him, alone entirely. But he’d take what he could get.
Wesley faltered. “I dunno.” He muttered something else under his breath, something a normal human would have missed: “doesn’t make sense why you’d want that either though.” 
Danny shook his head and floated down a bit. “If I had to guess, it’d be because of the portal.” 
“Yeah, the Fenton Ghost Portal?” That at least was common knowledge around Amity now.
Wesley squinted his eyes. 
“You haven't heard of it?” Danny asked, exasperated.
“I don’t know! I’m new here!”
Wesley made a face like he was about to say something stupid. “Okay, sure, there’s a portal. What’s it have to do with ghosts?”
Holy hell. 
Why was he doing this again?
“It’s’a portal directly into the Ghost Zone, dude,” he said incredulously. “Ya’know, The Infinite Realms? Land of the Dead?”
Wesley paled. 
“Wait that’s… How’s that possible?” 
“How should I know? Do I look like a scientist to you?” 
“I mean… Kinda?” He gestured vaguely to Danny’s person. 
He looked down. Oh yeah, hazmat suit. Right. 
Danny wiggled in place. “Not the point, alright? Are you going to keep interrupting me?”
Wesley made a face. “You’re the one asking me questions!” 
Danny waved a hand, flustered. “Okay, okay, shut up.” God, Wesley was so annoying. “Portals open up naturally all over the world, ‘kay? Well, here in Amity there’s a stable portal that stays open, meaning a constant influx of Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is an energy source.” 
“Which means...?” 
“I’m getting there.” He twitched his tail. A motion which seemed to confuse Wesley, if his expression was anything to go by.  
“Ghosts are made of ectoplasm, and use it for energy blah, blah.” Danny twirled a hand. “What I’m saying is that here, ghosts have almost constant access to the Ghost Zone and Ectoplasm. It means unlimited energy. Ghosts without access to ecto-energy have to try and build up energy from other ambient sources like electronics, peoples emotions, weather, you name it. It takes forever to build up enough to materialize or interact with humans or solid objects. So ghosts in other places are probably less solid, making sightings and interactions fewer and far between.” Danny blew out a breath. “That answer your question?”  
Wesley was silent for a second, face wrinkled in thought.
“I guess… That makes sense—but—” 
“Cool, glad to help. Well, this has been—something. But I’ve gotta—” Danny started, only to get interrupted when someone burst through the gym door. Wesley jumped, letting out a less than manly yelp. 
It was a basketball player with tan skin and broad shoulders. One of the Seniors if Danny remembered right.
“Jesus Christ, dude, there you are! Do you have a death wish or—” the dude stopped short as his eyes landed on Danny. “Holy shit,” he breathed. “P—Phantom!” He had that deer-in-the-headlights look that people gave him. 
“Hi.” He held up a hand in greeting. “Anyway, I got the ghost, so…” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m just gonna...” 
He went invisible and headed in the direction of the nearest supply closet. He still had to get his stuff before he went home. 
“Imma big fan!” the basketball player called after him into the empty air. He smiled and shook his head as he phased through the wall of the gym. 
Danny was half-way down the hall from the entrance, human once again with his bag heavy on his shoulder, when the doors flung open and two familiar silhouettes filled the entryway. 
Oh no. 
“Everyone outta the way! That ghost won’t know what hit it once we—” His dad’s booming voice stopped when he saw him. 
“Danny?” his mom called. She pushed past his dad and lowered her ecto-weapon. “Sweetie, what are you doing? Are you okay?” She hurried up to him. The surface of her goggles made it impossible for him to see anything but his own reflection. Her voice was tight and gentle as she grabbed him by the chin, turning his face this-way-and-that to suss out any injury. 
Danny silently thanked whatever higher-power might be listening that he didn’t have any bruises on his face. His back was probably another story. He hadn’t stayed in ghost-form long enough to heal it. His backpack hurt everywhere it was in contact with him. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he said, leaning away and trying to wave her off. Her hand dropped and she gripped him by his shoulder. 
“One of your teachers called and said there was a ghost and the alarm wasn’t working.”
“Oh, that’s crazy. Why didn’t it go off?” 
Dad came up to stand next to his mom, Fenton Bazooka hefted on his shoulder. 
“Don’t know Dann-o, but we intend to find out!” 
“Uhm, I heard stuff coming from the gym a bit ago actually.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Sufferin’ spooks! Come on, Mads, before we miss it!” His dad said and took off down the hall. 
His mom took a few steps to leave before she turned to him. “We’re going to be having a talk about your detention today, so no going to Sam or Tucker’s, alright?” 
He sighed and shoved his left hand in his hoodie pocket. Of course Mrs. Merriweather had called his parents. 
“Fine,” he huffed. 
“Love you, hun!” And then she was off. 
Detention during the first week. His parents must be so proud. He ran his fingers through his hair, digging his fingertips in and messaging his scalp, mussing his hair.
He’d said he’d try harder this year, and he’d meant it. Even though it didn’t feel like it there had been a steady downtick of ghost attacks. Had been since after Pariah Dark and that whole mess. Hell, even the thing with Skulker was more like a game nowadays than it was serious. 
But that didn’t mean all ghosts felt the same way. Especially the ones that popped up now and again to “test their skills on the one who’d bested Pariah Dark in combat”. Those were the worst.   
Danny pulled his phone from his pocket and opened the group chat. 
Dead “Allegedly”: Hey Tuck did u disable the school ghost alarm? 
He wasn’t even at the bottom of the Casper steps when a reply chimed in. 
Hacker (Derogatory): Nah, man. I wish tho 
Emo’s Not Dead: Why? 
Dead “Allegedly”: Just wondering, Skulker showed up and the alarm didn’t work or smth
Hacker (Derogatory): huh, maybe he disabled them? 
Dead “Allegedly”: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My parents know I got detention so I can’t hangout tonight. Didn’t say anything about games tho, Doomed later? 
Emo’s Not Dead: Hell yeah, hope you guys are ready to get owned lmao 
Hacker (Derogatory): Bro, do you even have to ask? I’ve been working on a new loadout and not to brag but it’s pretty sick 
Danny rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket. The Ghost Assault Vehicle was parked up over the curb and onto the grass in front of the school. Dad must’ve drove. He didn’t really want to walk, he needed to make sure he had enough time to sneak into the lab and flush the thermos. 
He walked up to the back of the GAV and pulled the handle. The door unlatched and swung open. Another thing that proved Dad drove. He never remembered to lock the GAV or the Speeder. 
Danny hopped in and tugged the door closed behind him. He reached for his core and the icy transformation washed over him. It eased the ache in his back and he breathed out a sigh of relief. He turned invisible and slipped up through the roof. He turned towards home and started flying. 
The sun hadn’t set yet, and wouldn't for another hour or so, but the shadows were still long. He could feel the sun’s dull warmth through the material of his jumpsuit. The nights were already getting longer and colder. The wind whisked past him with the type of fall chill that cut straight through sweaters and coats. The streets and cars blurred underneath him and a thought bubbled up from the back of his mind. 
He couldn’t remember what it was like to feel cold. 
Not in the human way, the “coming in from outside and sinking into soft blankets with a cup of hot cocoa” kind of way. The negative temperatures of the Far Frozen, of space, hadn’t fazed him since his cryo-core settled.
Like a stone settling in his stomach, he wondered what else he’d start to forget about being fully alive as the years went by. He tried to push the thought into the back of his mind.
The amalgamous shape of the Ops Center glinted in the evening light ahead of him. Danny flew around the side of the building and phased through the wall directly into his bedroom. He tossed his bag towards his desk.
He turned human again a few feet above his bed. He let gravity take hold of him, falling onto the mattress. He bounced a bit before sinking into its surface. His back felt better already. He sighed, wondering if he could get away with a nap before dinner. 
Maybe. Provided a ghost didn’t show up. 
He peeled himself up off the bed and crouched by his bag. He snatched the thermos and headed downstairs. 
The portal hummed, the only noise in the otherwise silent lab. His soft-soled sneakers patted quietly over the metal panel floor. Danny uncapped the thermos and flushed its occupants back into the Ghost Zone. He puffed some hair out of his eyes and closed the now empty thermos. 
Right. Nap. Suffer through the “you need to try harder young man” talk. Then Doomed. It was their second “weekend” this week. He wanted to try and have some fun. After the shitty start to the week he deserved it.  He’d worry about his homework later.  
Saturday night brought dark roiling storm clouds that blotted out the stars. The wind howled, stripping orange and red leaves off their branches. The air tasted of rain and stray drops peppered the grey pavement beneath him.
Danny flipped up the hood of his hoodie as he skirted the edge of Amity’s Central Park. Just because he was immune to the cold didn’t mean he liked being rained on. He could stay intangible if he wanted but he was way too lazy for that. 
He flew a languid loop in the air as he changed directions to head towards the mall. It’d been a quiet patrol, nothing out of the ordinary. 
Which, on a night like this, made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. There was a lightning storm building up high in the clouds—which meant more ambient energy. He could feel it the same way he could feel heavy concentrations of ecto-energy. The buzz on his skin, soupy and dense. It tore him in two directions, amped on the energy and nauseous at the feeling of electricity. 
Why couldn’t it have been a snow storm? 
He tucked his gloved hands into the pocket of his hoodie and meandered over the parking lot, careful to fly below the power lines and telephone poles. 
A shiver prickled down his spine and he hiccupped over a cloud of mist. Yep, right on time. He heard distant screams coming from the mall.
He perked up, shooting towards it, the roof of the mall a grey streak. As he got closer he could tell what part of the mall he was headed towards. 
Best Buy. Great. 
Danny heard glass shatter and a stream of floating electronics burst out through the sides and ceiling windows of the mall, a maniacal cackling laugh from above him. 
“Technus,” Danny acknowledged, eyes narrowing. The levitating electronics whisked past him and circled Technus. 
“Oh, yes! It is indeed I, Technus!” he cried. His voice grated on Danny’s ears and he pushed his hood back down with a hand. 
“What’s up? Mad I wiped the floor with your boyfriend on Friday?” Danny grinned, floating up to be eye level with Technus. 
The ghost choked, swallowing his laugh.
“What— I— No! How dare you, Child,” he snapped. The wind whipped past them. “I’m here for my own gain! How dare you insinuate that Skulker and I are anything more than—” 
“Huh, I never mentioned Skulker specifically,” Danny said dumbly, tapping a finger against his chin. 
“Why you—” Technus lifted a hand and a clump of electronics flew at Danny. He dodged with a laugh. 
“Everyone knows, it’s okay,” Danny called. He forced energy into his hand, flinging a few blasts at Technus. 
The other ghost ducked under one, blocking the other with a wall of technology. He glared at Danny and pulled the machines towards himself. Like pieces to a puzzle, the tech slotted onto his skin, creating a makeshift canon. 
“You know, Child, the capabilities of modern technology grow faster and more powerful by the year.” The cannon whirred, the inside going from black to a glowing green. “Can you guess who that benefits most?” Technus said over the wind. It fired and Danny scrambled to bring up a shield in time. 
 “You’re fast as ever, child, but we’ll see how well you can stand up to a few more!” He fired, this time the ecto-blast hit harder. Hairline cracks appeared in Danny’s shield. 
With a whine the cannon shot again. Danny dove straight for the ground just as it shattered his shield. Technus laughed. 
Okay, so he needed to avoid getting hit by that, holy shit. Danny glared up at Technus. His mind churred, trying to come up with a way to get an opening to use the thermos. If he could just—
A flash of pink streaked through the sky. It struck Technus in the center of his back and he dropped with a scream onto the roof of the mall. The technology, no longer being controlled, started to rain down. 
A red flash and the sound of a jet sled drew Danny’s attention. 
She twisted mid-air, the nose of her board pivoting as she drifted to a stop. 
“Hey, Red!” he called out to her. She turned her head towards him, the eye panel of her mask reflecting his cold glow. 
“Phantom,” she said. It didn’t hold as much of its usual contempt. She must be in a good mood. She also wasn’t shooting at him. He smiled and decided he’d try his luck. 
“How about a truce?” He flew towards her. 
“Why would I do that when you haven’t told me anything about that new ghost?” 
Danny’s shoulders sagged. “I told you already that I don’t know anythinnnnnggg.”
“And I already said I don’t believe you.” 
Danny let his legs fade into his tail and he flew an anxious figure-eight. 
“Come on, Red! It’s Technus!” He stuck his arms out to gesture down to the ghost. “We hate Technus!”
“Hey! I resent that, Ghost Child!” Technus yelled from where he was picking himself up and dusting himself off. 
Danny gestured more insistently. 
Valerie crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on her sled. “Oh yeah, he brings back such great memories.” 
Oh. Wait. He shouldn’t have— 
“Like that time you almost killed me!” She snapped. 
“Red, I’ve told you before that I knew—”
“‘—knew it wasn’t me’ blah blah blah.” She opened and closed her hand in a talking motion. “So you say, Ghost.” 
“We can hash it out again later! But can we take care of Technus now please? Because he’s sort of escaping.” 
Valerie looked down to see that Technus was, in fact, fleeing, electronics clumping into a massive platform beneath him as he flew away. She sighed. 
“Fine, Ghost Boy. Truce.” 
“Yes!” Danny peeled off in a blur, Valerie right behind him. Val was a great ally when he could convince her to team up. He hoped she secretly thought the same of him. 
Valerie was stubborn and could clearly hold a grudge like no other. But over the years, it felt more like she chased him out of obligation. Like she couldn’t admit she might be wrong about him. So she just did what they’d always done. 
Danny didn’t blame her. There was real anger and frustration behind her words when she talked to him, but he’d be stupid not to notice she missed her shots on purpose these days. 
Technus turned and fired his arm cannon at them as they caught up. Danny skirted to the left, rolling into a loose corkscrew, flying underneath Technus’s floating pile of technology and popping up on the ghost’s right. He unleashed a ghost-ray at Technus with so much force it carried him off the makeshift platform. 
The ghost caught himself in flight with a triumphant cackle. It died in his throat as he looked up.
Valerie was right on top of him. A pink blast of ecto-energy hissed through the raging air and into Technus’ arm cannon. The tech burst into pieces, falling in a black heap to the ground. 
“You think that would slow me down, you stupid girl?!” Technus sneered, flying backwards. He sent a ghostly clump of appliances careening into her path. She pulled up at the last second. 
“You children just don’t know when to stop meddling in other people's business, do you?” 
“Nope,” Danny called as he flew by, firing a barrage of ecto-blasts. Technus brought up a shield that deflected them. “Maybe don’t steal shit and trash the mall every two months and I’ll think about it.” 
Valerie came in from the other side, rapid firing with her hand held blaster. Danny flanked him, an ice-ray at the ready. A few shots found their target before Technus moved his shield. He screeched over the wind. 
Technus held out a hand and a crackling ball of electricity built up. It snapped and flickered yellowish green. The sky above them heaved.
Technus held out his hand towards Danny and they locked eyes. 
Danny came to a dead stop in the air. His core stuttered in his chest. Fear, raw and paralyzing, crashed through him like a freight train. For a second he thought he might black out, fall like a stone from the air. They stared at each other. 
He wouldn’t.
Technus knew better. 
He couldn’t.  
With a stunned blink, Technus moved his hand and released the electrical charge far from Danny. It went wide and collided with the mall sign. The sign exploded like it’d been struck by lightning. Plastic and glass flew through the air, and with a terrible creak the pole swayed before falling into the parking lot like a felled tree. It narrowly missed a car.
Danny let out a shaky breath, trying to still the tremble in his hands. It was raining harder now, pinpricks of cold slicking down his hair.
“Phantom, what’re you doing just floating there? Move!” Valerie said, slowing down just enough to talk before speeding off again. 
Right. He needed to snap out of it.
He shook his head and started flying. Technus was still trying to get away with all his stolen tech. 
Danny let out a slow breath, trying to hold it steady. He reached for the cold and tried to get a lead on Technus. His hand glowed blue as he shot an ice-ray into the clump of electronics. He let out a yelp and wobbled in the air. 
Danny tilted and flew closer to Val.
“Red, keep him distracted, I’ll try and get him in the thermos,” he said, unhooking it from his belt. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, ghost,” she growled. “...but fine. You better get him though. I have my own shit to do.” 
“Would it kill you to use my name once in a while?”
She pointed her blaster at him. 
“Okay! Okay! I get it, sheesh.” He held up a hand and dropped back, letting Valerie move ahead. She went after Technus with no mercy, throwing ghost grenades and raining ecto-blasts down on him. 
 Technus reassembled his cannon, trying to hold his own. He fired at Valerie but she was nimble, avoiding each one. 
“Would you hold still!” Technus snapped, bracing himself against the kick of his ecto-gun. 
Danny grinned and went invisible. Having someone to draw the fire was always useful. He circled Technus, sneaking up behind him, uncapping the thermos as he got close. 
“Hey, tell Skulker I said hi.” Technus whirled around just in time to see the barrel of the thermos illuminate. His eyes stretched wide and an angry noise was all that escaped him as the thermos pulled him in. 
All the technology that Technus had been controlling broke apart and pelted towards the ground. 
He reached out with his powers, catching as much as he could. He winced at the mental strain. He didn’t use his telekinesis for this magnitude of stuff very often. He needed to practice it more, it was still relatively new after all.
 Most, if not all of the technology, was busted, but that didn’t mean he wanted to let it destroy more stuff. He guessed that a refrigerator landing on a car wouldn’t buff out easily. 
He maneuvered the electronics towards the curb in front of the Best Buy, setting it all down as gently as he could. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped rain from his face with a sleeve. 
“Nice, thanks for the help, Red.” He shot her a smile. 
She holstered her weapon. “You better put that ghost back where it belongs.” 
“I always do,” Danny said. “See ya next time?”
Valerie hummed. “We’ll see.” Danny expected her to jet off, but she lingered. “You mean what you said about that new ghost?” 
Danny folded his legs underneath him and sat in mid-air. 
“Cross my heart hope to die,” he said with a grin.
She groaned. 
“But, yeah. I don’t know what her deal is. She didn’t seem very interested in throwing hands with me, that’s for sure.” 
Valerie held her chin. “Weird... The last few new ghosts have destroyed half the town trying to get to you.” The last bit of her sentence took on a suspicious tone. 
He held up his hands. “Hey, I don’t know either. It’s not like I like getting pounded flat every few months, Red.” 
“Why do they want to fight you specifically?” 
“I don’t know,” he lied with a shrug. He looked up at the clouds, blinking through the rain. “Could be the whole ‘Protector of Amity Park Thing’.”
Val scoffed. “Oh, please.” Danny could imagine that she was rolling her eyes. “So... what? They want to get you out of here to claim Amity for themselves?” 
“Who knows. Probably.”
“Is this where I’m supposed to say how glad I am that we have you instead of one of them?” Her voice was testy, a tone Danny knew well. 
“Your words not mine.” He gave her a lopsided smile, forcing down the discomfort worming through his gut. He should leave before she got too worked up. He had one too many scars from when she’d decided a truce was over.  
“Well, it’s been nice. But we should get out of this rain. We’ll catch our death out here. Hah!” He pointed finger guns at Valerie. 
“Phantom… I’m gonna give you a ten second head start—” 
Danny turned tail and flew, a genuine laugh working it’s way up from his chest.
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Carefree Highway (1/2)
Lester Sinclair x f!Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, Mild Violence, Blood, Mean Bo
Description: You accidently let a victim escape and Bo has it out for you. You’re sure that no one can rescue you from his rage. 
You sat trembling on the bottom steps on the front porch of the Sinclair home. The sun set hours ago and all the brothers were still out chasing after a stray tourist. All her friends had been taken care of, but she managed to elude all of you. It was quite possible she made it out of town and it was your fault.
You were washing dishes in the kitchen, hoping to avoid the unpleasant scenes outside. You heard the door crash open and wild footsteps skid to a halt at the entrance to the kitchen. Startled, you turned to find an unfamiliar woman, chest heaving and panic lighting her eyes. Your eyes never left her as your hands fumbled for a small knife to defend yourself. You clutched the blade with both hands in a shaking grip,
“S-stay back!” your voice cracking, conviction breaking as it did.
The woman put her hands up in defense, but she could see right through you. You both knew you weren’t going to use that knife on her. You didn’t have the guts. Whatever killer instinct the others had, you lacked; or she’d already be dead. She took a step toward you and then another. You didn’t move. She looked you right in the eyes neither scared nor angry. You were almost sure what you saw in her eyes was pity. With every step she took, you thought surely you could do this. You had to do it. With just one quick lunge this would be over. It would be quick and easy. But the closer she came, the more you could see the freckles on her cheeks and the brown in her green eyes. You couldn’t do it.
As she was almost past you, another set of booming footsteps approached. Bo crashed into the kitchen to see you holding a laughably small knife to his prey. He paused to see what you would do. He’d told you it was time to start pulling your weight. This was your chance to prove your worth.
“The hell are you waiting for? Gut her!” Bo hissed. Your eyes darted between him and the woman in front of you as air got caught in your throat. Your chest tightened as the blood rushing in your ears drowned out all other sounds and thoughts. Overwhelmed, you suddenly backed yourself against the counter, gasping for breath as the knife fell to the floor. Your hands moved to cover your ears in an effort to silence the chaos in your head. The woman wasted not a single second before bolting past you to the door toward her escape. Bo’s eyes snapped to her as he gave chase.
Bo sprinted after her, but as soon as he was out the door, she was nowhere in sight. He stormed back into the house. He grabbed your arms in a bruising grip.
“Why the hell didn’t you kill her? She was standing right in front of you! You had one job! What good are you if you can’t even do one fuckin’ thing right?” Bo seethed, shaking you back and forth, nails digging deeper into your flesh with every word, “Now we gotta turn the place upside down and hope that bitch doesn’t make it outside the city ‘fore we find her. You better pray Lester’s actually drivin’ ‘round the edge of town like he’s supposed to because if she gets away, it’s gonna be you that’s takin’ her place. You got that?”
Bo finally released his hold and let you sink to the floor in a pile of tears. He scoffed as he rolled his eyes at your pathetic state. He stalked out of the home to begin his search for the woman you let escape.
Now, all you could do was wait to suffer Bo’s wrath. You didn’t mean to let her go and make things difficult. You really tried to help. You sincerely wanted to contribute to the town, but you just couldn’t do it the same way Bo and Vincent did. You weren’t a killer and you knew now that you could never be one. You were sure that Bo knew this. You began to fear that even if they found the woman, he would still kill you. If you ran, he’d catch you. There was no escaping Bo’s rage, not when you were the cause of all his problems. No one could protect you from the hell he was about to rain down on you. Your hands still cradled your head and you rocked back and forth, trying to quell the dread in your stomach.
You were so ashamed as your thoughts moved to Lester, patrolling the edge of town. You didn’t mean to bring him into this. He had become your closest, dearest friend within just days of meeting him. He’d been nothing but kind and considerate to you and you put him in danger. What if he got hurt? What if Bo took his anger out on him too? Your heart sank thinking about how you knew Lester didn’t like partaking in his brothers’ schemes much more than you, even if he didn’t say it. Now, your inaction had likely forced him to take part whether he wanted to or not.
Off in the distance, you could see headlights making their way up toward the house. You held your breath as Bo’s truck came to a violent halt. He threw his door open and slammed it shut behind him. He was alone. She escaped and now you were dead.
“I hope you’re proud of yourself!” Bo hissed as he ripped you up from the stairs and threw you back onto the gravel, “You happy with this fuckin’ mess you made? All of this coulda been avoided if you just did what I said! But you couldn’t even do that, could you? What the hell are we doin’ keepin’ you ‘round if you’re not gonna help ‘round here? Fuckin’ useless waste!” Bo grabbed you by your collar and forced you to look him in his cold, soulless eyes.  
“P-please, Bo! I didn’t mean to do this! I’m sorry!” you pleaded as burning tears rapidly cascaded down your cheeks. “I never meant for this to happen!”
“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me! You did this on purpose, didn’t you? Couldn’t stand it here, so you let that slut go so she could send someone to rescue you! You wanted this to happen! You want me and my brothers locked up in a cell or dead! Say it!” Bo shouted, suddenly reeling back to hit you. You screwed your eye shut, bracing yourself, but the pain never came. You opened your eyes to see Vincent tugging on Bo’s shoulder, “What? No luck, I take it?”
“No.” Vincent murmured, releasing Bo’s shoulder. Bo lowered his hand, but still kept your shirt in an iron tight grip.
“That’s alright, I got another pretty little thing to take her place. Don’t I?” Bo said menacingly as he stroked your cheek, the poison in his words sending chills down your spine. You sent a pleading look at Vincent, silently begging him not to let Bo do this, but he cast his gaze to the side. There was no standing up to Bo, not now. “Let that bitch tell the pigs if she wants. We ain’t goin’ nowhere. Ain’t no one gonna save you.”
The sound of another truck pulling up the hill stopped Bo from saying anymore. All three of you turned to see Lester’s truck rolling up. Beyond his headlights, you could see the shadow of his head popping out from his window,
“Sorry I took so long!” he called. His cheery drawl cut through the violent atmosphere, allowing you to breathe a small sigh of relief. Lester was here. You always felt safer when he was nearby. “It took a while to get her in the truck and she kicked up fuss when she realized I was bringin’ her back.”
“The hell are ya on about?” Bo snapped, releasing your collar, letting you fall back onto the gravel. He moved towards Lester’s truck. The youngest Sinclair hopped out and opened up the passenger door to reveal the woman who you let escape, unconscious.
“The girl you was lookin’ for! I found her tryin’ to hitch a ride. Told her I was gonna take her to a hospital.” Lester said, “She clocked me pretty good, though. I laid on the brakes a little too hard and she hit her head on the dash.”
“Well, I’ll be damned. Shit-pit boy did somethin’ right, for once.” Bo smirked. Lester’s smile faltered as his shoulders slumped at Bo’s backhanded compliment. Bo began to haul the woman out of the truck, “Vincent come take care of her.” Vincent moved to take the woman from Bo and effortlessly threw her over his shoulder. He made his way back to the basement without another word.
Lester immediately moved to where you were still on the ground and offered you a helping hand. He gently helped you to your feet, your eyes still glued to the ground. Truthfully, he had been worried about you. When Bo told him about what happened, he made it his mission to find the missing woman. He couldn’t let Bo punish you for this. You didn’t deserve it. He drove in endless circles until he finally found her. Even if he hated doing his brother’s bidding, he would do all of it without question if it meant protecting you from Bo’s rage. He dusted you off and rested a hand on your shoulder, concern cutting through his usually carefree exterior,
“Ya alright, Y/N?” Lester asked softly. You nodded ever so slightly as you wiped at your eyes, unable to trust your voice, “Everythin’s okay. Don’t gotta cry anymore.”
“Oh, I’ll give her plenty to cry ‘bout. This is her fault after all.” Bo hollered as he turned to where you were standing, “Christ, look at your fuckin’ face.”
“C’mon, Bo.” Lester said, barely audible. You moved your hands from your eyes to look at Lester for the first time. You gasped at his bloody nose. Before Lester could say anything, Bo snapped his eyes toward you,
“Ya see what that little bitch did! Ya let her get away and she attacks my brother!”
“Bo, don’t…” Lester pleaded, unheard once again.  
“I’m sorry! I just can’t do it, Bo! I’m not like you, I can’t kill anyone! Please don’t make me! I’ll do anything else!” you begged. Bo stalked toward you. With every step he took, you retreated, terrified to take your eyes off of him.
“I don’t wanna hear any fuckin’ excuses. You put my family on the line. ‘Sorry’ ain’t gonna cut it. You’re gonna regret lettin’ that slut go. You got my brother decked across the face so I’m gonna smack you a hell of a lot harder than that.” Bo seethed. He prepared to lunge at you, fists tightening, nostrils flaring like the predator he truly was, “You’re gonna pay, you little-”
“STOP IT, BO!” Lester shouted, forcing himself in front of you, stopping Bo in his tracks. You’d never heard Lester raise his voice before; and from the look on Bo’s face, neither had he. A dangerous silence fell over the scene. Bo could hardly fathom anyone challenging him, much less Lester.
“The hell did you say to me?” Bo hissed. Lester nearly gulped at his brother’s tone, but he took a shaky breath instead. No way was he going to win this fight, but he spoke anyway.
“I said stop.” He nervously reaffirmed, “It ain’t her fault. Let it go. Please.”
“Since when you tell me what to do?” Bo glowered with a snarl.
“I ain’t tryin’ to tell anyone anythin’. Just don’t want no one else gettin’ hurt, is all. ‘Sides, she said she was sorry, Bo. It was an accident. You don’t gotta do this.” Lester said with only the slightest tremor in his voice. You cowered behind him, astounded at his bravery but fearing for his life.
Bo shifted his eyes between you and Lester, trying to decide his next move. He fixed his gaze on Lester as he slowly moved to circle around to get to you. It seemed like more of an attempt to test his brother than to harm you. Lester felt crushed under the weight of Bo’s prolonged glare, but still he matched each of his steps, blocking his brother’s path to you. Bo stopped and smirked, chilling you to your core.
“You’re really gonna protect her after all the trouble she’s caused?” Bo asked, almost amused at Lester’s display. Lester rolled back his shoulders and straightened his spine. He wasn’t going to back down this time, no matter how much Bo scared him. His brow was furrowed for the first time you’d known him. He was serious and he wasn’t going anywhere.
“She ain’t caused any more trouble than any of us cause each other half the time. Ya used to hit me upside the head and give me bloody noses every other week when we was kids. Don’t make like this is anythin’ to get heated over.” Lester argued, “No one escaped, we’re all in one piece, and the cops ain’t any wiser. So, leave her alone.” Lester demanded. He met Bo’s icy glare, shaking like a leaf tossed in front of a locomotive, but standing his ground nonetheless. If Bo wasn’t livid, he might’ve been impressed. He scoffed as he looked over Lester’s shoulder, right at you.
“You better consider yourself real fuckin’ lucky that my brother decided to grow a pair.” Bo warned, “But he won’t always be here to protect you from me. You fuck up again and no one will be able to. Got that?” you silently nodded, frozen in place behind Lester.
Bo shoved his way past Lester and back into the house. Not taking any chances, Lester followed along, herding Bo away from you. Bo glared at the two of you over his shoulder before slamming the door to punctuate his exit.
With that, Lester exhaled the breath he’d been holding the entire time as his shoulders slumped forward in relief. If Bo had started swinging, he had no idea what he was going to do. His smile returned as he sighed once again,
“Whew, that sure was somethin’, wasn’t it?” he said, turning to face you. You didn’t respond. With the tension broken, you broke too. You buried your face in your hands, sobs ripping through your lungs, ugly and raw. Lester fumbled for a way to help you, “C’mon now, shh, it’s alright. Bo ain’t gonna hurt ya, I swear. His bark’s worse than his bite. Mostly.”
“I’m s-sorry…” you managed to force out between desperate gasps for air. Lester looked at you sympathetically. He put a clumsy arm over your shoulders and moved you to sit on the stairs next to him.
“It’s okay, don’t be sorry! I know it was just an accident!” Lester soothed as he rubbed your shoulder. He felt helpless, he just wanted to make you feel better but he didn’t know what to say, “Everyone messes up! Take it from me! Once when me, Bo, and Vincent, was out catchin’ fish for dinner, I tripped and knocked the whole bucket back into the lake! Bo nearly skinned me alive for that! I had to spend the rest of night catchin’ fish by myself in the cold!”  
His anecdote, though appreciated, was left without a response. He knew there was no cheering you up right now. You just had to let it out. He let out a sad sigh as he drew you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your frame in a warm hug, the way he wished someone held him when he cried growing up. As you continued to sob into your hands, Lester comforted you as best as he could, offering little reassurances here and there. He let you cry to your heart’s content, keeping you company through the storm. Eventually, your cries died down into small hiccups, but you still kept your face obstructed by your hands. Lester squeezed your shoulder,
“Ya alright, Y/N?” he asked gently.
“No. I’m so sorry, Lester. I’m a mess and I don’t know what to do.” you whimpered. You’d never been more afraid. If Lester hadn’t stepped in, you weren’t sure you would still be breathing right now. “You’re hurt and Bo’s so angry…”
“Hey, don’t worry ‘bout me none. It looks a lot worse than it feels. And look – the bleedin’ already stopped! Look!” Lester gently coaxed you to look up at him. You dropped your hands from your eyes to see Lester with his classic goofy smile, beaming through the dried blood. You winced at the damage, but couldn’t contain a small smile at Lester’s unrestrained optimism, “I think she did me a favor. Got me a nose job and didn’t even have to pay nothin’.”
“Lester!” you tried to scold him, but you couldn’t stop from laughing. Only Lester could make you laugh when you had been crying your heart out. The icy daggers left by Bo’s unforgiving glower were swiftly melted away by Lester’s sweet brown eyes, radiating warmth like whiskey.
“There’s that smile. Now, don’t that feel better? Suits ya better.” Lester said grinning ear to ear. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a mostly clean bandana. He carefully wiped at your eyes to dry the stray tears still running down your cheeks. Your heart jumped in your chest as he did this. Your eyes closed involuntarily, cherishing his gentleness after being treated so roughly. Even after the signs of your sadness had been scrubbed away, he continued rubbing all over your face to continue teasing some laughter out of you, “Hang on, think I missed a spot!”
“Okay, okay! I’m not sad anymore! I surrender, Lester!” you said through your laughter. Lester smiled as he handed the bandana over to you,
“That’s more like it.” He said “Sorry about the bandana, I’d give ya a tissue, but this is all I got. Ya can hold on to it though, case ya need it again.”
“Thanks, Lester. For everything. You don’t know how much it means.” You said, clutching the piece of fabric in your hands. You glanced up at him, taking in his bloody face you decided to return the favor. You gingerly moved to wipe the dried blood from under his nose, careful not to hurt him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His eyes fixated on your face as you tended to him, awestruck. His pupils were blown looking at you and his heart skipped about fifty beats at your touch. He wanted to say you didn’t have to do this, but he stopped himself. Just once he wanted to be selfish with the care you were offering. When you succeeded in removing most of the blood, you tucked the bandana in your pocket, “I’ll clean this up and get it back to you.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” Lester said dreamily. You both sat in contented silence for a moment before Lester spoke up, “C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”
“Where are we going?” you asked curiously. Lester stood and offered his hand once again.
“You’ll love it, trust me!” He said. You didn’t need any more than that.
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thecluelessredhead · 4 years
Sunset Curve: A Hollywood Legacy
Summary: Sunset Curve, the greatest new band of the ‘90s, was supposed to die. One fatal decision to change it all. One fatal decision was never made. 
Put simply it’s an AU in which Luke, Alex, and Reggie never died.
Word Count: 2912
Chapter 1 of ???
Additional notes at the bottom.
Chapter One
“Okay, well, I’m thinking we fuel up before the show,” the lead singer was saying. “I’m thinking street dogs.” He looked at each of his bandmates in turn, and waited eagerly for their approval. The boys didn’t respond immediately, for their rhythm guitarist had caused a distraction by leaping off the stage and walking suavely up to a woman wiping down the table, who had been cheering moments earlier. “Hey, Bobby, where you going?” The other three band members exchanged a knowing glance, but gladly followed their friend down the stage stairs and to where the girl stood, a slight smirk on her face. 
“I’m good,” the one walking away called back to the singer. Then, he turned to face the woman, and plastered a coy smile. “Vegetarian,” he said to her, placing his hands on the table she was wiping down. “I could never hurt an animal.”
The woman didn’t respond directly to him, but instead addressed his approaching bandmates. “You guys were really good,’ she gushed. 
“Thank you.” Luke accepted the compliment with a shy but proud grin. 
“I see a lot of bands,” the girl went on. “Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it.” Something in her face told the boys that she didn’t say these things to just anyone. 
“Yeah, that’s what we do this for,” the lead singer said, stepping into his confidence. “I’m Luke, by the way.” Luke was the shortest of the group, and his face seemed to hold a constant expression of flirtation beneath his chestnut hair, which wasn’t entirely untrue.
“Hi, I’m Reggie.” It was the bass player who had spoken, and he was beaming. He had deep brown hair, a slender build, and a look of blissful oblivion. He put in his two cents quickly, and got out of the way. 
“Alex,” was all the drummer said, for he wasn’t interested in the girl. He was the biggest of the group and his blond hair was hidden under a black backwards hat. When he had ceased speaking, he put his hands back into his pockets and resumed slouching next to Reggie.
“Bobby,” the self pronounced vegetarian announced, trying to draw attention back to himself. He had a deep, soothing voice, and hair parted perfectly down the middle. He may have been counted out of Sunset Curve’s value, but that would’ve been erroneous. 
“Nice meeting you guys,” the waitress answered, and though her voice was kind, a hint of mockery and sarcasm could’ve been detected. If so, it only made the boys like her more. “I’m Rose.” 
“Oh, uh, here’s our demo.” Reggie offered her a black CD, with a practiced smirk. “And a T-shirt, size beautiful.” Rose accepted both items with a simper that matched Reggie’s. Alex merely groaned at Reggie’s smarmy efforts. 
Rose ignored him as she held the shirt up to her torso and examined it. It was a plain white garment, with the words Sunset Curve written in black across the front. “Thanks.” She beamed, and this time it was genuine. “I’ll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one,” she joked, throwing the shirt over her shoulder.
“Oh, good call! Whenever they get wet, they just kinda… fall apart in your hands,” Alex informed her, making an awkward visual with his fingers. He trailed off, clearly feeling awkward about his addition to the conversation, though no one really noticed his discomfort. His hands returned to his pockets.
On that note, Bobby was eager to get rid of them. “Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” 
Hot dogs was something that the band members had yet to agree to. Luke turned and looked expectantly at his friends, who seemed to think. 
Reggie was the one who spoke up. “Actually, my older sister Carla is in town for the show. I was going to go meet her.” Luke nodded, and turned to face Alex for his opinion. 
Alex looked uncomfortable now that the spotlight was on him. He took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed them together nervously. “I was actually kinda hoping to get a little time to breathe before the show.” He didn’t like admitting this to anyone, especially not someone he had just met. His hands quickly returned to his pockets and he looked down at the ground.
“Oh, cool,” Luke said, turning in a quarter circle so that he faced Rose again, even though he didn’t plan on speaking to her again that night. Now that all three bandmates had abandoned him, what did that leave for him to do? Luke, now slightly upset at being left alone just before a life changing night, pushed Bobby aside and leaned toward Rose. “He had a hamburger for lunch.” Alex, Reggie, and Rose giggled as Luke walked away, basking in the light of a successful joke. Bobby groaned at being out done by Luke once again. 
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all left together through a side door, leaving Bobby to pick up the pieces of his failed flirting practices. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Luke exclaimed happily as they strolled into the alley.
“The smell of Sunset Boulevard?” Alex asked, wrinkling his nose, and looked around, as if searching for the source of the constant odour. 
Luke stopped walking to look into Alex’s green eyes. “No.” He laughed and gave Alex a playful shove. “It’s what that girl said in there tonight.” Luke kicked up puddles and spoke as if the event hadn’t just happened. “About our music, all right?” He turned to look at Alex again. “It’s like an energy. It connects us with people. They can feel us when we play.” He stopped walking again as the group reached the end of the alley. He pulled his bandmates into his arms. “I want that connection with everybody.”
“Then, we’re going to need more T-shirts,” Reggie said, taking the serious edge off of Luke's monologue. Luke laughed and looked back and forth between Alex and Reggie. 
It came to a point where the three had to go their separate ways, and they said their goodbyes, despite the fact that what Luke had said held true and they would always be connected to one another. 
Luke walked alone down the sidewalk, past crowds already lining up to come to see the show. While he walked, he thought. At first, his thoughts were directed toward Reggie, and he wondered how someone who had such a difficult time at home could be so happy and think so simply all the time. He wondered if Alex still thought about Luke in the way Luke thought about Alex. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that particular inquiry. Luke pondered about what Bobby thought about, for he was the one person Luke could never truly get to. Never really read. 
Luke forced himself to push these thoughts aside, and think only of the show. This was to be the night of his life, and he decided to cherish his last few moments before his world was wound upside down. So, he dragged his mind to nothingness, and continued on his search for something to do. 
Alex was having just as hard a time as Luke. He had yet to calm his nerves, and was getting discouraged, which always led nowhere good. The night was cooling off quickly and darkening at twice that rate. Alex stood on a street corner waiting as patiently as he could for the light to turn. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms and returned them to his pockets in a vain attempt to warm up. Traffic was bad. Cars roared across the boulevard, headlights blaring, and for one wild moment, Alex feared one would veer off the road and hit him. He would soon discover that that was the very least of his worries. 
Alex felt ridiculous, being off on his own when the band’s biggest performance was rearing its head like a serpent before him. He sucked in a deep breath, and the air seemed to harden in his lungs.. He looked once more at the traffic as he turned to head back to the Orpheum, and wallow. 
His final glance was one that saved a life. 
A figure was flying too fast into the street on a skateboard. The being pushed off the asphalt with his right foot, and a grin was visible on his face as he pushed the limits of death. Cars blew their horns,and slammed on the brakes. Alex’s fears were almost realized as vehicles swerved to avoid the daredevil. The man giggled and turned on his skateboard to cross the boulevard again. Alex’s heart stopped in his chest, but the cars didn’t. 
In one moment of complete insanity, the drummer lunged took two long strides and lunged across the street, snatching the skater in a flying tackle. The two of them hit the pavement and rolled, knocking people out of the way. Alex felt his back hit a wall, the boy still wrapped in his arms, and he opened his eyes. They were met by a mop of glossy, luxurious, brown hair. Alex didn’t have long to look however, because as soon as they stopped rolling, the figure fought to free himself from Alex’s clutches. Alex relinquished his hold wordlessly and allowed the man to wriggle away. The boy leapt to his feet and grabbed his skateboard from where it lay on the sidewalk a few feet away to examine it. 
“Aww, you dinged my board!” he whined, without looking up at Alex. 
Alex stood up, suddenly very heated. “Dinged your board? Dude, I saved your life!” The boy looked up at him, as if realizing for the first time that Alex had rescued him. Upon meeting his eyes, his head cocked to one side, and he studied Alex’s face carefully. The boy took in Alex’s handsome features, and made an unconscious decision to give the guy a chance. He smirked slightly at the scrunch in Alex’s eyebrows, and hitched up his skateboard in his left hand. 
He reached up with his other hand to pull off his helmet while he spoke. “Yeah. yeah, thanks. I guess it’s about time that I learned-” He stopped speaked, and bent his neck to shake out his hair. He whipped his head back up, and Alex’s eyes caught each one of that man’s features as if his movements were in slow motion. “-skating in traffic is bad,” he finished, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ears. Alex made a frustrated mental note that the boy had the handsomest of ears. The boy’s brown eyes were scrutinizing him, and he realized his mouth was hanging open. The boy seemed to take his silence and flustered face to mean he was upset, and pursed his lips. “Hey,” he said gently. “Thanks.” Even if the words were weak, the sentiment was solid and powerful. 
“Yeah.” Alex nodded, regaining his composure. “It was nothing.” He stuck out his hand. 
“Sure, it was,” the boy said, lazily accepting Alex’s honesty, taking hand and shaking it. 
“I’m, uh, Alex.” He grinned.
“Cool, I’m Willie.”
Willie. The name stuck in Alex’s brain, and it was as if at that moment, the six letters were being engraved in his head, so that he would never forget. They had stopped shaking hands, but had yet to let go. Alex’s hand was the first to fall. 
“So, do you often make stupid choices?” Alex asked. Now that his initial shock of seeing the boy had gone, his miffed attitude was returning. 
“Yes,” Willie answered, defensively. “Do you often save lives?”
“No,” Alex replied, melting again under the boy’s warm gaze. 
“Who are you?” Willie looked around unexpectedly, as if searching for some mysterious answer. “Some sort of hero?”
Alex blushed hard, blood rushing to his cheeks and drawing his eyes toward his nose. Willie noticed, and reddened as well. “No. No, not a hero. Just a drummer.”
“Ahhh!” Willie smiled, and began to walk away, expecting Alex to follow. Alex, however, remained still, his head turned slightly as he watched Willie go, his feet seemingly glued to the concrete. It didn’t take Willie much time to realize his new acquaintance wasn’t with him, and he turned back. “You coming or what?”
Alex was certain that the blood rising in his face was becoming permanent. “Um, no. No, I don’t think I will.” He shuffled his feet nervously, and Willie attentive caught onto that fidget.
“Why not?” he asked, taking two uncommonly long strides back to Alex. He was close, and looked up into the taller boy’s large green eyes, with a curiosity and concern that was not to be expected from someone as reckless as him. 
“I have a gig tonight. Yeah, my, uh, my band’s playing the Orpheum. Well it’s not my band. I’m in the band, but uh-“ Alex cut himself off. Willie was grinning. 
“The Orpheum, huh?” He nodded slowly, as if coming up with a clever scheme. “So, why aren’t you there?”
Alex chewed on the inside of his cheek and thought about how to answer that question. He decided on the truth, in the hopes that Willie would be appreciative of it either way. “I wanted some air. This is kind of a big night for us. Like, life changing.”
Willie’s eyes crinkled like he was pondering these words. He seemed to understand what Alex was saying, despite never being in such a situation himself. “Can I stop by? Cheer you on?” he inquired, nudging Alex gently with his elbow, and biting his lip in a suppressed smile, which only made Alex blush again.
“You don’t have a ticket,” he pointed out.
Willie shrugged, as if the rules were just a formality. “Please. I’ll find a way in.” 
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Willie cut him off by holding up a single finger. 
“I’ll see you there.” He grinned, slipped on his helmet, dropped his skateboard, and skated away, leaving Alex both nervous and flustered.
Reggie was standing patiently outside of the airport, waiting for Carla. Standing is a bit of a stretch. Reggie seemed to live in a constant state of movement, and right now, he was walking dreamily in circles and kicking up puddles just for the heck of it. He was beginning to get a few funny looks, being a seventeen year old boy, standing outside an airport, splashing through rainwater, but Reggie didn’t want to go inside. He didn’t like airport security, because taking off his shoes made him uncomfortable, and he always got lost. So, both he and Carla decided it was best for him to remain outside while she got all of her affairs in order. 
“Reggie,” a voice asked, and he knew it was her. He whirled around, throwing water in a perfect ring around his legs. Reggie didn’t say anything as he approached his sister, only spread his arms and went into her welcoming ones. She then stepped away from him and held him at an arm's distance to look at him. She looked proud of him. 
“Hey!” Reggie exclaimed finally. “How was your flight?” 
Carla shrugged, mostly wanted to hear more from Reggie. “Fine.” 
Reggie stooped down, and eagerly took one of her bags from the ground where she had set them to embrace him. “And how’s college?” he pressed.
“Oh, you know,” Carla said evasively. Reggie laughed and shook his head, and Carla had to give in to his boyish excitement. His joy was contagious. “Okay, well my classes are great,” she began as they started to walk. “I got this great internship working for one of the most incredible professors there. She thinks like me, and understands the changes we need to be making to the modern education system.” Reggie waited eagerly for more. “And I’ve been hanging out with this one girl, who I swear is the most brilliant and funny human being I’ve ever met. And you know how I feel about hyperboles.”
“They're useless. Say what you mean,” Reggie repeated what his sister had been drilling into his head since he had learned the meaning of the word. 
“Exactly.” Carla beamed at him.
“Can I meet her?” Reggie pleaded. Carla elbowed him in the kidney, and he wasn’t entirely sure why, so he dropped the subject. 
“No, tell me about you! How’s the band? How are the guys?” she asked. 
“They’re great. Can’t wait to see you again. You’re coming to the show right?”
They had arrived at the Peters’ house. 
“Of course!” Carla promised. Reggie grinned goofily. Neither went inside the house, and Carla asked the question both had been dancing around for the entirety of their short walk. “How are Mom and Dad?”
Reggie’s grin faded. “The same. Most nights, I don’t come home. But they don’t notice.”
“I’m sorry I left you with that,” Carla said, and she looked like she meant it. 
Reggie avoided her gaze. “It’s okay. You had a chance to get out. And I’ve got the band.”
Carla nodded. “You should’ve had me.”
“Shall we go in?” Reggie asked, determined to change the subject.
“If we must,” Carla answered, throwing her head back in a regal way, linking arms with her brother and turning to face the house, which from the outside look peaceful. 
Together, feeding off each other’s bravery, the pair approached the front door.
Notes: Thanks for making it this far. I’m not on Ao3 or any of that, so this is what you get. Next chapter will definitely be longer, I just really wanted to get this first one out in the open, so bear with me and be kind. Also, I felt like this was very heavy on Willex, but I hope you enjoyed the theory that I creaed with them. Also, sorry the first part is like, just the show. The title and summary make me cringe, too, feel free to disregard that. Reblogs are appreciated, and hope you enjoyed!
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specterchasing-a · 3 years
Hold On (Part 2) || Eddie & Alfie
TIMING: One month ago, directly after part one.
LOCATION: En route to the woods.
PARTIES: @yikesimonfire​ & @specterchasing​
SUMMARY: Alfie and Eddie have a heart-to-heart in the car.
CONTENT: Internalized homophobia tw
Eddie mindfully secured his filming equipment in the trunk of Alfie’s odiously yellow station wagon. As he took a step back to close the hatch, an idea occurred to him. He hastily ducked back into the trunk and unzipped his bag to pilfer for his camera. Now satisfied, Eddie slammed the door shut and walked briskly to the car’s passenger-side. The moment he settled into his seat, a pronounced frown settled into his features.
“When are you gonna get your AC fixed?” Eddie implored, his gaze settling on his chaperone. “Every time I get in this car, it feels like the air’s been replaced by uncomfortably warm dog breath.” He refrained from adding that it smelled like it as well. Alfie didn’t need to be subjected to verbal beration of that magnitude after agreeing to accompany him tonight.
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While Eddie packed his gear into the back, Alfie hopped into the driver’s seat, helplessly turning the ignition repeatedly until the engine sputtered to life. Immediately, he was hit with a blast of cold air before the air conditioning unit forgot how to work. The ration of cool air was quickly replaced with a suffocatingly stale breeze. Alfie stretched over to unlock the passenger door and cranked the window open before rolling his own window down to allow a more comfortable airflow. Soon enough, Eddie was in the seat beside him.
A laugh reverberated in his chest at Eddie’s comment. “What do you mean?” Alfie asked, emphatically waving his hand at the dashboard. “It’s doing its best. Besides, parts are hard to come by.” That’s what he got for being cheap. What he needed was a new car altogether, but that wasn’t happening any time soon. The wagon got him from point A to B; that would have to be enough. It wasn’t like he needed a functioning air conditioner anyway, not that Eddie was privy as to why. “We can always take yours,” he offered with a small smirk.
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“I hate to break it to you, but its best doesn’t cut it. It needs to do another car’s best,” Eddie riffed while opening the viewer on his camera. With the press of a button, it became a diligent archivist of its owner’s per view. Without warning, Eddie lifted the device to eye-level and pointed it in Alfie’s direction. He knew well and good his friend didn’t enjoy being in the crosshairs of his filming, but that never stopped him in the past. Why would it deter him now?
“Trust me, I would love to take the Mini, but it’s… well, mini, and you know that. As quirky as your car is, it has better storage options.” Eddie’s voice lacked interest—he found himself too caught-up in recording to have any to spare. “You have a nice profile, have I said that before?” he asked, slipping further into his seat as he rested his feet on the dashboard. Meanwhile, his eyes (and camera) remained fixated on Alfie.
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“Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Alfie chuckled as he shifted the car into reverse and eased out of his parking space. With his eyes now fixed on the path ahead, Alfie didn’t notice the camera focused on him. “You really should have considered that when you bought it. What would you do if I ever wasn’t around to lend my cargo space?”
The compliment that soon fell from Eddie’s lips made Alfie’s brow raise. His eyes flickered to look at Eddie, only to find that he was being filmed. “Wha— Christ’s sake, Eddie, would you turn that thing off?” A fire rose in his cheeks, coloring them a vibrant red. He quickly turned his head away, but was unable to avoid the camera’s watching eye. Damn it. He hated being recorded; Eddie knew that. “Or, I’unno… turn it somewhere else, at least?”
As the car reached the edge of the parking lot, Alfie applied the brakes and looked back at Eddie, the blush still prominent on his face. “And buckle,” he scolded — albeit playfully — with raised eyebrows. “Seriously, are you trying to get yourself killed?”
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“Die, probably,” Eddie deadpanned. If he were to make an effort, his car could likely hold whatever necessities he needed it to. Alfie probably knew that, too. However, if he went that route, he wouldn’t be able to spend his time being a nuisance in the passenger’s seat. He much preferred reclining and filming to focusing on the road. A miracle happened the day he got his license, that much was certain.
Alfie’s reaction to being caught on candid camera inspired an impish grin from Eddie. He noticed the change of color in his cheeks—so did his heart, actually. It drummed desperately within his chest, as if also begging Eddie to rethink staring at Alfie for so long. Unfortunately, he rarely listened to what either of them had to say. “I can’t believe you hate art so much that you’d deprive me of my muse,” he said.
Eddie rolled his eyes, also playfully, when Alfie scolded him. “Not today,” he answered before he quickly switched his camera off and buckled in like he was told.
Deprived of his main source of entertainment, Eddie resorted to turning on the radio. Like everything else in Alfie’s car, the display refused to work properly. What should have been words and numbers looked more like hieroglyphs. Eddie briefly toggled through stations before a familiar tune (‘Hold On’ by Wilson Phillips) caused him to turn the radio off with evident disdain. 
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A strange sensation tugged behind Alfie's navel at the suggestion that Eddie would die without him. It wasn't true, of course. With any luck, Eddie would go on fine without him; he had to. Still, the thought made him feel… guilty? Alfie's time in this life was growing increasingly limited. He couldn't afford to think about it now. It would only make the time he did have left with Eddie less worthwhile, for fear of causing him any grief. 
"Your muse?" Alfie nearly cooed. "Please—" his voice cracked. "I have complete faith that you'll find something better." Once again unable to make eye-contact with Eddie today, Alfie shook his head with a breathy chuckle and rolled his eyes. His attention was back on the road and as the seat belt beside him clicked into place, assuring Eddie's safety, Alfie merged onto the street to begin their journey.
It didn't take long for Eddie to begin fidgeting. He knew well enough by now that finding a suitable radio station in the station wagon was unlikely. Alfie wouldn't complain about the music as long as it kept the camera off him. But when Eddie abruptly cut the radio off, he successfully piqued Alfie's curiosity. 
"What was that about?" he asked, an impish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes darting between Eddie and the road. "You trying to tell me you hate Wilson Phillips or something? And you were just getting onto me about hating art," Alfie teased.
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Alfie’s insistence that Eddie would eventually move on to something better almost made him laugh. For years, his thoughts revolved around his reclusive neighbor and not much else. Alfie and Youtube; that’s what filled his days since he moved downtown. “No, I won’t,” he gently corrected him. “Besides, I don’t want to.” It didn’t worry him to voice his genuine fondness for Alfie, not when they had years of friendship behind them. At this point, it would’ve been more alarming if he didn’t love the guy enough to negate his self-deprecation.
“Wilson Phillips is not art.” Eddie emphatically pointed a finger at Alfie. “Not that song, at least. ‘Hold On’ is trite and cheap. And, all it does is make me think about the time I spent in group therapy as a teenager when our counselor insisted on performing an acoustic version at the end of every single session. Every session, Alfie,” he looked at his chauffeur with bewildered eyes. “She even made eye contact with us while she sang—who does that? I never felt like I could look away, not when she was tearfully pleading with me to break free from the chains. It was torture. Wilson Phillips is torture, not art.”
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Alfie didn't want to argue about how quickly Eddie would (or wouldn't) move on. No matter how much Eddie didn't want to, there would come a point that he would have no other option. Besides, Alfie playing the part of Eddie's muse was clearly a joke. Or, perhaps more accurately, a metaphor for their friendship. All that mattered was Eddie had not meant it in a literal sense. So why had he allowed himself to become so flustered over it?
"Bullshit!" squawked Alfie, who was now fully prepared to enlighten Eddie about his previous love affair with the early 90s pop scene. Before he had a chance to share however, Eddie shared his own history with the song. Alfie's jaw slackened and he shot Eddie an incredulous look. "Every session?" he parroted in disbelief. His face scrunched as he imagined what kind of hellscape that must have been. Being forced to listen to acoustic covers was bad enough, but on top of awkward eye-contact? 
"Okay, yeah… no. I see your point," Alfie softly spoke after a moment. "Who in their right mind thought she was still fit to be a counselor after the first time that happened, anyway? Like — I'unno, you'd think someone would've had to question her capability or whatever at that point." 
"Still," he continued after making a point to showcase his disapproval with a series of disdainful facial expressions. "I stand by what I said. I think there's something beautiful in wanting to turn around and say goodbye — much like how you must have felt after being subjected to that special brand of hell."
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Eddie adopted a tight-lipped grin when Alfie conceded. “Every session,” he confirmed. Looking back, he couldn’t remember liking anything about group therapy. Owning up to his issues should’ve never been something that required an audience. As extroverted as Eddie could be, he kept his cards close to his chest when it came to his emotions. Alfie knew him better than anyone else and even he didn’t get the whole truth half the time.
Eddie let out a terse laugh at Alfie’s final comment. “Real cute,” he snarked playfully before his expression became more serious. “It didn’t help that I hated therapy in general. Not only did it well and truly suck to talk about my feelings, but the only reason my parents even made me go was the whole… ghost-vision deal.” Eddie emphasized his annoyance by accompanying the tail-end of his sentence with a flippant flap of his hand. “Funny, that they pegged the one thing that made me happy as the problem.” His brow raised as he pursed his lips.
“But, uh, wow—sorry about the impromptu sharetime,” Eddie said when shame began to collect in chest. “Don’t mind me complaining about therapy while simultaneously making you my therapist.” He hoped levity would be the cure for oversharing.
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Alfie’s face lit up at Eddie’s initial response. “I’m the cutest, obviously,” he chided with a lopsided grin. He couldn’t recall any previous conversations about Eddie’s group therapy, but he was well aware of his friend’s relationship to his parents. Maybe he had mentioned it before; it was truly a testament to how solid Alfie’s active listening skills were. “Fuck your parents!” his voice trilled. “Seriously — when have they ever cared about your happiness?” His commiseration was probably unnecessary; Eddie didn’t need another reminder that his family were awful. “Sorry… too far,” he added with a small frown. 
With a clear road ahead, Alfie lifted a hand from the steering wheel and maneuvered it around to rest on Eddie’s shoulder. “Hey, man, don’t sweat it — really. I will gladly take an impromptu sharetime over an awkwardly silent drive to our inevitable doom.” His gaze shifted to Eddie as he gave him an apologetic smile, allowing his hand to linger a bit longer than was probably acceptable. “Besides,” Alfie added, gently squeezing Eddie’s shoulder before returning his hand to the wheel, “that’s what friends are for, right?” 
It wasn’t often that Alfie referred to them as “friends”. The word was scattered few and far between, but that didn’t make it any less true. “From now on, that song is banned. We don’t talk about it. We don’t listen to it. It’s purged from our lives. What song? Wilson Phillips, who? Never heard of ‘em!” Alfie tilted his head in Eddie’s direction and peered at him expectantly, waiting for some sort of positive reaction to ensure he’d sufficed at making his friend feel better. 
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Eddie glanced at Alfie in surprised amusement after his initial outburst. “You’re right and you should say it,” he encouraged in a light-hearted tone that didn’t fit the topic. If he didn’t try to lessen the weight of the conversation, he might have to admit to how much it hurt to discuss. He couldn’t risk letting Alfie know the extent of his damage. 
When Alfie’s hand landed on his shoulder, Eddie felt a lump form in his throat. Usually, he initiated whatever physical contact they shared. He didn’t know how to react to being on the receiving end. Alfie’s mention of ‘inevitable doom’ managed to ease his uncertainty. Eddie replied with a soft huff of laughter, his eyes shining with fondness.
Soon enough, Alfie deprived Eddie of his hand, but didn’t give him much time to be upset about it. He called them friends. “Oh, is that what we are?” Eddie asked with a teasing grin. “Could’ve sworn our relationship was more like whatever Bugs and Elmer had going on.” His expression softened, though his grin remained throughout Alfie’s condemnation of Wilson Phillips.
“You’re…. You’re a really good guy, Alfie,” Eddie said. “Thanks for humoring me tonight.”
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It didn’t seem appropriate to continue down the path of shit-talking Eddie’s parents, no matter how much they deserved it. Eddie didn’t enlist Alfie on this adventure just to talk about all of his woes. If he was going to do this, then goddamn it, he was going to make the best out of it. Eddie deserved that much. “‘Course we’re friends,” Alfie returned with a playful sneer. “Though, I think you’re way off base with that one. If anything, we’re more like Bugs and Daffy.” His eyes focused on the road, but his mind was lost in thought. “Actually—” Alfie corrected, “come to think of it, that’s really fuckin’ accurate. Just, y’know, don’t ask me who’s who.”
In an instant, Alfie’s eyes were back on Eddie. Immense guilt crept over him for trying to turn down the invitation in the first place. It was glaringly obvious that Eddie was trying to involve him in his life; something Alfie tried to avoid with just about everyone who did. His heart ached. He didn’t want to refuse Eddie, truly. There just happened to be parts of his life that were better off private. But it wouldn’t kill him to hang out with the guy more every now and then. Well, given Eddie’s track record, it very well could. But it would be worth it… RIght?
“Listen, Ed… I know I’m a pain in the ass. It’s not — I don’t do things like this, y’know? I stay at home like the grumpy hermit crab that I am and that’s how I like it.” Apologies were never Alfie’s strong suit. It was rare that the words “I’m sorry” ever made it out of his mouth. “But I’m already pretty glad I came with you.” Once again, he was dancing the conversation dangerously close to heavy. Alfie mentally berated himself; he needed to keep things light. “But if we make it out alive, you do still owe me those Baby Ruths,” he teased, lightly nudging Eddie’s arm with his own.
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suckerforsmylex · 4 years
Ripe Peach - Pt. 8
Joker POV
She stood there in my blazer, looking delicious with the makeshift Harley outfit on. An insatiable thirst for her coursed through my veins, making me clench my fists violently. Her body was a beautiful paradox.  There was a profound softness and pureness to it, like the flesh of virgin fruit on my carnivorous mouth. Yet, underneath her sweet candor, I picked up the scent of a more…carnal inclination. The thought of possessing her thrilled me immeasurably and I had to run my fingers through my hair to reclaim my thoughts from the dark place they had settled into.
You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you sweetheart?
Yes, she was a precarious creation and my favorite kind of challenge. Her voluptuous curves spilled out lustfully and brazenly on display.  The diligence she put into hiding behind fabric was undone by the very quiver of her breasts as she sauntered toward me. There was an alluring plumpness to her lips whenever she looked at me, whether in a moment of poutiness or pleasure. I was addicted to the flush of her face, taking great pleasure in inflicting her with doses of humiliation.  Seeing her cheeks warm and redden whenever my desire simmered over into an intense stare became an addiction that required almost hourly satiation.  My eyes would pierce her, chipping away at her chastity, until she would pinken with a pretty blush.  She unfurled for me at only a glint of my metal grin.  
That’s it.  Melt for Daddy, my little peach. I want to see some cherry in those cheeks.
My old flame had caused a conflict within my battered brain.  My mind had trouble processing Harley’s unannounced, grabby little fingers all over my luscious peach.  Yet, I was captivated by how she flushed at Harley’s desperate advances.  It was uncontrolled and her confusion at her own arousal was scintillating.  I relished the heat of her surprise and shame as it coursed through her, with her wrists restrained by me.  It emanated through her and onto me, from their spontaneous synthesis.  Chemical reactions appeal to the mad chemist in me. The forming and breaking of bonds, the unstable elements, they have a certain undeniable charm.  Still, I always feel the dominating urge to exert my power and neutralize these reactions. I marked her as MY property, biting her ravenously and growling as Harley came forward, but it was to no end. Harley is insatiable. She doesn’t understand what boundaries are. Her ultimate mistake was to grab the delicate treasure that is my Peach’s ankle.  I hadn’t even been able to kiss there yet.  I cocked the gun and aimed at Harley in a manic, angry bloodlust.  She should be dead, but the feeling of holding the gun with Harley at my feet and Peaches against me having her scorching awakening, rendered me so hard that I couldn’t concentrate.  I gave her the option and she chose to spare Harl.  She asked so nicely that I couldn’t kill her.  My bloodlust vanished, replaced by a serious, intense longing to be inside of her.
That’s it, beg Daddy to stop – such a good girl.    
I wanted to rip her panties off with my teeth and destroy her.  Her utter ignorance of my compulsion with The Bat only distracted me for a moment and I reluctantly suppressed the urge to reach out and choke her soft, vulnerable neck.  I let the twitch in my jaw soften and gave her a stern warning.   “Don’t bring up The Bat.  I’m still cooking up some ways to kill him, but right now, I’m more interested in murdering you in bed.” She bit her lip and I could tell without even examining her that she was dripping for me.  I led her, gripping her at the nape of the neck, into my black, 4-door and threw her onto the back seat.  Her eyes called for me to impale her right there but I had better plans.   “Lay down,” I commanded, stifling the urge to release myself.
That’s it. Get on your back.  Daddy’s gonna’ make you squirm first.
She surrendered beautifully to me and I slammed the door shut, jumped into the driver’s seat, locked all the doors and turned on the car.  I hit the gas and accelerated to 90mph and I could hear her moan softly. She likes me crazy and wild and I decided to give her a little test.  “Are you Daddy’s good girl or Daddy’s bad girl?”  She was so thoughtful, always wanting to please me. I felt her struggle with her answer before landing on saying, “I’m whatever you say I should be Daddy.” This is what I mean about her being dangerous.  She’s a literal split between so very good, and so very naughty. I purred uncontrollably and grabbed the clutch, shifting gears abruptly.  “That’s a perfect answer. Daddy wants to you be a bad girl right now.  Take off your clothes, but leave your panties and heels on.”
Put on a show for Daddy.  I can taste you on my tongue already.
She was eager to please me, ripping off the blazer, jacket and shirt with reckless abandon. I closed my eyes for a moment while weaving in and out of the traffic, thinking of how her bare skin felt against the leather of the back seat.  I opened my eyes and had to look up to get a glimpse of her in the rear-view mirror.  
It took all my strength to avoid slamming into the back of the charter bus in front of us.  I barely missed the collision as I jerked the car to the left, laughing hysterically. “Mmmmm. Now spread your legs and touch yourself until we get home and don’t you dare cum.  Say yes, Daddy J.”  She spread her legs, parting them slowly with her left on the seat and her right onto the car floor and began touching herself aggressively.  
Say it, say it, say it, say it…
“Nggg…Yes Daddy J.” She said my name as I got onto the expressway and I nearly flipped us off the side rail of the onramp.  I gripped my left hand onto the wheel and pinched as much of the side of her ass as I could, hard and fast.  I wanted to hear her squeal, and squeal she did.  The sound made me think of all the times I had ever plunged into her, thrusting hard into her tight center.  I was in pain, constricted and bulging against the fly of my pants.  I quickly unzipped and released myself, sliding my hand down my shaft and rubbing the dribble of liquid from my tip into my palm.  “Look at what you’ve done to me. You’re such a naughty, naughty girl. I am going to have to spank you. Shall we use the cane when we get home?”
Daddy’s cane awaits, my juicy peach.
“Yes Daddy.  You’re the boss Daddy. You should use the cane.” I looked at her again through the rear view and she was breathing heavily, slipping into her folds and rubbing all over.  She was beginning to place a finger underneath her panties and into herself when I decided to stop her.  I braked hard and pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned the engine off. “Did I say…to put your fingers inside of yourself?”  Her eyebrows raised and her eyes widened and she knew she was in trouble.  I began to laugh uncontrollably and then I lunged into the back seat, gripping her with both hands at the throat.  Her eyes were wide and frightened and welling with tears. “Youuuu, are just too naughty for your own good, aren’t you?  You don’t put your fingers inside unless I tell you to.  Take off your panties.”  She removed them and I quickly shoved them into her mouth.  I pat her between her legs, making sure to graze her clit.  She was a sopping, slippery mess.  “Tell Daddy you understand.  Touch it and say ‘Daddy, I don’t put fingers in my pussy unless you tell me to’.”  I still held her in the choke hold and only loosened so that she could speak as much as she could, with the panties still in her mouth.  Her speech was garbled but she repeated the edict.  “Daddy, I don’t put fingers in my pussy unless you tell me to.” She reached down to touch herself as I had instructed and I released the grip, stroking her face with my lips, kissing her and biting her ear. “Spit the panties out baby.”
That’s right, repeat after Daddy, my sweet whore.
I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the car and onto the open highway.  “Okay, Peaches, you want to be Daddy’s bad girl?  Then I’ll fuck you like a bad girl.”  She started to protest but I put my tattooed hand over her mouth and started to cackle.  Her body glistened against the backdrop of the night sky as the cars whizzed by, blinding us with their lights.  I slammed her onto the hood of the car and held her there with my forearm as I bent down to nuzzle into her nakedness.  “I want a taste of you right here and right now.”  She writhed underneath me as I slowly extended my tongue and stabbed into her swollen pussy.  Her dampness bubbled onto my tongue and her cries became louder as I lapped at her relentlessly.  She tasted sweet and was endlessly slick as I darted my tongue in and out. “Always so juicy for me.”  When I could feel her release building, I stopped and jerked her back again by the hair. I took my other hand and grabbed her crotch, dipping a long finger inside. “You come when I tell you to.  Do you understand?”  But it was too late for my little peach to stop herself.  She was already bucking onto my hand and crying out as she orgasmed.  It was an intense orgasm that she couldn’t will herself to stop and I made sure to pour it on thick as I looked at her with strict disapproval.
You’re in trouble now, Peaches.
After the last aftershock of her orgasm subsided, I pulled the long finger out of her slowly, never breaking the intense glare I was giving her.  I looked at my glistening finger and shoved it directly into her mouth, feeling for the back of her throat.  “Taste your failure, you dirty slut.”  She choked on my fingers and tried to utter an apology. “I’m sorry Da…”  
I backhanded her across the face and gripped her chin and to my surprise, she looked up at me smiling and giddy, and panting.  I reached into the back of the car and grabbed my golden cane and then back down to grab myself and stroke my thick length.  The little cock tease was killing me.  I leaned in close, pressed my cheek to hers and spoke directly into her ear.  “What did I just say?” I kissed her earlobe and she breathed into my ear and started to moan.  I gripped her by the throat again, shouting loudly.  “WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY?”  Her doe eyes looked watery again as her apology came tumbling forth from her mouth. “I’m sorry, Daddy! I’m so sorry, I know I wasn’t supposed to come.”  I released her and slammed her back onto the hood of the car.  “That’s right.  You weren’t supposed to.  I guess we’re going to have to continue treating you like the whore that you are.” I grabbed the cane and smacked her across the thighs and watched her body jump.  The sight of it made me throw my head back and laugh.  “Ok Peaches, you ready for Daddy to murder that pussy?” She nodded profusely.  Of course, she was ready.  
They are going to draw chalk lines on the pavement, after I’m done with you peaches.
I held the cane across the base of her neck so that it choked her tightly.  “Spread your legs wide.”  I placed the tip of my cock at the base of her entrance and when I felt she couldn’t take my teasing anymore, I forced myself inside with one thick thrust. “Ahhh!”  She screamed at the feeling of me filling her.  “That’s right doll face, I’m going to destroy you.”  I thrust into her in a frenzy, disregarding her screams and purred into her ear with each thrust. “Fuck Daddy, it hurts!”  I looked down at the tears rolling down her face and it only served to spur me on.  I spoke to her with mock sympathy.  “Oh no, it hurts, sweetheart?  Is Daddy too big for you?  Too fucking bad.  Turn over so I can finish stretching you out from behind.”  She started moving slowly, but I couldn’t wait any longer and I yanked her by the arms and pushed her down onto the hood, kicking her feet apart roughly with my shoe.  
Are you crying baby girl?  I’ll give you something to cry about.
She was spread open in front of me and I couldn’t stop my wicked idea from coming to fruition. “You know, we never christened this cane.” I grabbed ornamental cane by its decorative knob and began to push the straight end of it into her, knowing that any minute she would realize and protest. “No Daddy, please!” She turned back over her shoulder with a desperate look in her eyes.  I gave her a grin, my words coming out of my mouth like silk. “Now Peaches, you know when you’re bad that you deserve to be punished. Isn’t that right?  Now, push back and fuck Daddy’s cane.”  She agreed reluctantly and began to push back with hesitation, her tightness sliding onto the metal of it, drenching it with her juices. “Yes, that’s right.  Let’s see a more spirited performance for.”
Again, she obeyed my command until I could see that she was starting to enjoy it, moving back and forth onto it with more fervor until her voice broke through the nasty, lewd sound of her cunt being impaled.  “Daddy, Daddy, fuck, please, please, please let me come!”  I pulled the cane from her swiftly and stabbed into her again with my cock.  “Come now! Come all over my cock.  Give Daddy all of it!  Give it to me!  Give it to me!  Give it to me! Fuck yes!”  She came all over me, bucking into my crotch and triggering my own release.  I felt it gushing into her, hot and satisfying as she slumped onto the hood unable to move until I carried her into the passenger seat and wrapped my blazer around her and buckled her in, kissing her sweetly. “How can one peach be so deliciously sweet, yet so horribly rotten at the same time?”  She smiled up at me in a daze and I began driving us towards my home base.    
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 7
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 7 - Police Station
His early morning class was basically just background noise. After trying to listen to the professor, all the sentences blurred together until there was only a buzzing sound.
Lin Yan propped himself up with his elbow on the table, his head nodding off again and again.
"These Ming Dynasty shirts were made of jade-coloured cloth and silk. They had wide-sleeves and circular collars, with black ribbons and seams hanging down.
Even prisoners wore this style of clothing."
The city was immersed in sleep at midnight, and there was no activity insight. Lin Yan drove his car from the residential area to the main road, and the night breeze came in, blowing the hair on his forehead.
A person appeared silently in the middle of the road.
Lin Yan gasped. Too close to swerve out of the way, he subconsciously slammed on the brakes, "Squeak--"
The huge inertia made him rush forward. He prayed that he didn't get into an accident. When he looked up again, he saw the front of the car stopped less than two metres away from the person, but the person stood perfectly still as though he hadn't seen the car. There is no intention of moving out of the way at all. Did this guy want to die? Lin Yan's hand grabbed his chest. He flashed the car lights twice to signal to the person to move aside. After seeing the person clearly, Lin Yan's mind turned to static.
The man’s feet were reversed, with heels facing forward and toes facing backward.
He slowly raised his head towards Lin Yan. His head was a skull covered with chunks of flesh with bone peeking through. His lips were more than half-rotten, two rows of slanted white teeth exposed. There was a stiff, crooked grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth, and dark laughter sounded in Lin Yan's ears. . .
Lin Yan's body trembled and he was thrown back awake.
"Skirts were slightly lighter in colour in the early Ming Dynasty; white skirts were promoted during the Chongzhen period. There were one or two inches of embroidery around the hem of the skirts. . .
"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it developed into eight or ten inches. Pleated skirts were very popular, with fine and large folds..."
It was the middle of the day, these were human voices.
. . . Was that a nightmare?
Lin Yan recovered from his mini heart attack and tried to slow his breathing, but his heart couldn't stop beating.
Hesitantly, a cold hand touched his hair lightly. It stopped on the back of his neck as if it were soothing, but it disappeared in an instant. Lin Yan froze. The anger and constant anxiety of being violated at any time would make anyone paranoid. His anger came to a breaking point; ghost encounters at night, dreaming of ghosts during the day, would it ever stop? With a wave of his hand, he threw the textbook to the side, slapped the table, stood up, and shouted, "Fucking try it again! Come at me, I'm not afraid!"
The book fluttered across the table and chairs in the front row, and the papers in the book scattered like snow. Lin Yan stood in a daze, and it took a moment for him to snap out of it. Looking around, his confusion melted into overwhelming embarrassment. He saw the hundreds of students in the classroom turned back and stared at him. The teacher that taught his Ming Dynasty costume research class stood on the podium at the front of the room and looked at Lin Yan with disgust.
"Sit down. If you have any questions, you can talk to me after class. This teacher is old and can't keep up with your young people's games."
The rustling whisper in the class turned into a roar of laughter. Lin Yan blushed and shuffled all the way to the front to retrieve the textbook. He bowed to his teacher and returned back to his seat.
He was terrified that the ghost would try something else for most of the night. It had gotten harder to keep his eyes open just as dawn broke. It was hard staying awake during his morning class but he didn't expect his half-asleep daze to cause him this kind of embarrassment.
His face was still burning.
Just as he was thinking about it, his phone screen suddenly turned on, and a text message popped up. Yin Zhou sent: "Was everything alright last night?"
Lin Yan settled down and quickly sent a reply: "I'm still alive. I should be fine before July 15th." Fingers snapped and moved across the keyboard: "I found something new on a supernatural forum. Meet me at the entrance of the cafeteria at noon so we can talk."
On the first day of the month of Wushen, the fifteenth day of the seventh month, was the day of the Ghost Festival, and the gate of ghosts is wide open.
Lin Yan shrugged his shoulders and lay on the table, scribbling on the notebook while thinking. Unconsciously, he had covered a whole piece of paper with the rebirth curse. He hadn't done anything, so why is this ghost doing all of this? Lin Yan poked the paper bitterly with his pen, making small holes.
At the end of his two classes, when it was time for lunch, Lin Yan rushed to the cafeteria after packing up his things haphazardly. He went out and, when he turned to the left, he roughly bumped into another person. His nose slammed into their forehead and he almost cried out loud.
He should have checked his horoscope before going outside today.
Lin Yan held his nose and hissed and sucked in cold air. The other man stood silently. When Lin Yan opened his eyes and looked at the person he hit, he was surprised to see that he had run into a Daoist priest.
He was short and thin, his skin pale and he appeared weak. He was wearing some weird Tibetan blue homemade clothes. His shoulders were hunched under the weight of his backpack. This person seemed so dull that people couldn't help but yawn just glancing at him.
"Sorry, I was rushing to the cafeteria and didn't see you," Lin Yan apologized embarrassedly. The man didn't seem to be listening to him at all. His gaze was focused on something over Lin Yan's shoulder. He stared at it and suddenly grinned.
"Such powerful Yin energy. You need to be careful."
After speaking, he let out a soft "ah" as if he had just woken up from sleepwalking, and lightly floated past Lin Yan.
"Is that guy rambling delusions again?" The boy following Lin Yan poked his arm and said in disbelief.
Lin Yan shook his head and rushed down the stairs with his bag.
It was raining lightly, and the whole campus was wet. The students who were going to eat held umbrellas over their heads, looking like large colourful mushrooms from a distance. Lin Yan stepped onto a small paved road to avoid stepping in a puddle. Looking around, he saw Yin Zhou, who was looking around like a stupid bird at the entrance of the cafeteria. He looked terrible. He was holding a large red umbrella, four characters seemingly hanging on his forehead that was advertising his current mood: Stay away from me.
People who passed by couldn't help but glance over at him.
Lin Yan strode over the accumulating water under the steps in two quick strides, and patted Yin Zhou on the shoulder: "Why do you look as bad as I do?"
Yin Zhou was a little out of it, and took a long time to look at Lin Yan: "Second Immortal Gu is dead."
"My mother just called and asked us to the police station."
Lin Yan's face dropped.
When the police offer on duty led Lin Yan and Yin Zhou into the morgue and removed the white cloth that covered Second Immortal Gu’s face, Lin Yan took two steps backwards in shock. Yin Zhou couldn’t stop gagging. The face was extremely distorted. Her eyes were cracked open, the eyeballs almost bursting out of the eye sockets. Her mouth was wide open like a black hole, and her face looked like it was covered with nail scratches. It seemed that she had witnessed something extremely terrifying before she died. The most disgusting thing was that the skin all the way from her face to her neck was covered with deep holes. She had been eaten at by insects and ants. It is only by the contours of her face that they could barely recognize her as the grandmother who pretended to be a ghost in front of them yesterday.
Lin Yan covered his mouth and tried his best to suppress the urge to vomit. He waved his hand vigorously to let the police know to put down the white sheet.
"This is the person?"
Lin Yan nodded and took a few steps back unconsciously.
"She died last night. The bug bites are still under investigation." The policeman said casually, and glanced at Lin Yan's expressions disdainfully: "Are you two okay? We are all used to seeing dead people. It's better to think about where they're going."
Lin Yan and Yin Zhou, as the last two customers of Second Immortal Gu, were asked to stay at the police station to assist in the investigation. The interrogators took them to record their statements and fill out some forms. The police officer shuttled back and forth between the two interrogation rooms with the folders. As he walked, he muttered: "College students still believe this. I've heard so many crazy things over the years."
At 3 pm, the autopsy report from the hospital was sent to the police station. Second Immortal Gu died of a heart attack, which was a normal death. The blood contains a lot of catecholamines, the myocardial cells are damaged, mixed with erythema; it was a common way to die for patients with cardiovascular diseases. There were many insects in the countryside, and they gnawed away at the corpse overnight.
Lin Yan and Yin Zhou were taken out of the interrogation room, and each concluded the case by leaving their fingerprints for the file. The policeman on duty sent the two out. Seeing that the superior was not there, they shook their heads and muttered to Lin Yan: "The report said that they were strongly affected. To put it bluntly, they were scared to death. When I was a child, I heard the villagers say that these sorts of people never died a peaceful death, and dealing with ghosts and gods would damage their morality and sucks away at their life to the point that it kills them."
When they left the police station, the pattering rain was still falling, and there were few people on the street. Lin Yan's face turned blue and he couldn't stop shaking from head to toe. When he passed by the convenience store, he bought a pack of cigarettes and sat side by side with Yin Zhou on the road. The body of Second Immortal Gu lingered in front of his eyes. Lin Yan wiped the rain off his face, his lips shaking as he asked, "Do you think. . . that thing did it?"
Yin Zhou was silent. "He came again last night, he seemed very angry." Lin Yan buried his face in his hands. "We shouldn't have gone to see her yesterday."
"You saw how she looked just now. That thing isn't human."
As he raised his head and looked around, his voice suddenly rose: "just because no one can see it, it thinks it can just kill anyone it wants to? That's a human being; a living, breathing person. No matter what I do, you always fucking leave regardless of what I say. You're coming after me and yet you take revenge on others?!"
Insane, perverted, totally unreasonable. Lin Yan said mutely, "Ghosts were human once too. Did you even have a conscience when you were alive?! Why don't you come out? Brother, I’m waiting to die, it would be very kind of you to come here now. Why wait for July 15th? Let's end this!"
On all the roads of all the towns and villages, the faces behind every window have remained unknown to the general population. No one knew that in a village in the northwest corner of the city, a grandmother had been robbed of her life. She died inexplicably. To many, it was as unnoticeable as stepping on an ant. A ghost did it! Who would believe that? Lin Yan recalled his experience last night. He thought that that gentle kiss would at least show that the monster still had some trace of his conscience from when he was a human being. It even sympathized with his paranoia, but now? Second Immortal Gu couldn't see his existence at all, what did she do wrong? Lin Yan shouted desperately in his heart, what did I do wrong!
"The next one could be me, my parents, or you. . ." Lin Yan squeezed the cigarette out, a vicious expression in his eyes: "I wanted to make peace with it, but now I changed my mind."
"He can come and try to take my life. I'll kill him first; a life for a life!"
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter One
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A/n: I sound like a broken record right now, but this is for those who are not familiar with this series. Yes, this is an x reader, but the only thing you can't decide is your hair color because that is predetermined by which role of the Four Horsemen you are in the book. Honestly, you can change it if you like! Also, I want to apologize if these first couple of chapters are rough and how long ago I promised this book. It's hit many bumps and I've rewritten it a total of 5 times. I hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
"We just pilfered some ancient temple and all we got is this..." Prompto groaned, examining the white orb in his hand. Inside the artifact was a small wisp of silver, seeming to pulse with life as it bounced around the interior.
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"For someone who was whining the entire time and wanting to leave, you're really disappointed," Gladio scoffed from the backseat of the Regalia.
"That place was crawling with daemons!" Prompto groaned. He rolled the orb in his hands, watching the silver wisp surge all around. The boys had wandered around an ancient temple in search of another royal arm, but the only thing they found was the artifact. "You think we could sell this for some gil? It looks pretty expensive."
"We could use the extra gil," Noctis chimed in.
"Only a collector of rarities would purchase an artifact of such caliber," Ignis said.
"Does that mean we're stuck with it?" Noctis asked.
"For the moment," the advisor replied.
"So much for another royal arm," the prince sighed.
With no other known locations of any royal tombs, the group decided to head to Lestallum. They had meant to check in on Iris after taking back the Regalia from Aracheole Stronghold, but they had been sidetracked when they heard from a few tourists about strange ruins in the Duscae region. Apparently, a group of hunters discovered the ancient temple while on a daemon hunt near the Alstor Slough but were run off by a large horde of daemons. Morosely, they were just unknown temple ruins and weren't home to a royal tomb. The four felt it was a waste of time and decided to camp at a nearby haven before departing on the road the next morning.
While crossing the bridge over Taelpar Crag, Ignis spotted a convoy of black cars heading their way. They were driving on both sides of the road, forcing the tactician to slam on brakes. He noticed how they were heading straight for them and went to back up, but there were three more cars blocking their way.
"What the hell are they doin'?" Gladio snarled as he watched the six cars surround the Regalia, blocking any points of entry or exit. They parked their vehicles and several men surrounded the royal retinue with weapons of all calibers in their grasps.
One man stepped through the throng of people, his hands clasped together in front of him with a grin plastered on his face.
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(A/n: Already throwing tons of pictures at y'all! Enjoy! I don't own any media used in this story unless stated otherwise!)
His azure and raven hair flowed in the breeze as he eyed the boys in the car. "I'd suggest stepping out of the vehicle and refrain from drawing your weapons. We know exactly who you four are."
"W-What do we do?" Prompto whimpered as he slid lower into the seat.
"It's in our best interest to do as they say," Ignis stated calmly. "We stand no chance of a skirmish in such limited space. The risk of falling is too great."
"Get out of the damn car. I'm not gonna repeat myself again," the leader of the group growled in a low tone.
Gladio clicked his tongue in annoyance as he and the others exited the Regalia. They stepped away from their ride and closer to the railing of the grand bridge.
"What the hell do you want?" Noctis demanded with a glare.
"The prince and his royal retainers," the man chuckled. "You four headed to the newly discovered ruins near the Alstor Slough. I believe you have something of ours."
"Of yours?" Prompto questioned and glanced down at the object in his hand.
"The orb," the stranger hissed. "Hand it over."
"You really pulled us over and threatened us just for an artifact?" Gladio scoffed, crossing his arms.
"It's not "just an artifact." What you posses is far more powerful than you could ever imagine."
"O-Okay, just take it." The blonde tossed it toward the man, but Ignis nimbly caught it midair. The advisor somehow knew handing the orb over to this man and his group was the wrong thing to do. "I-Iggy?!"
"You will not get your hands on this artifact," Ignis declared.
The stranger stepped forward, eyes blazing with anger. "What you posses is-!"
"Mine," a feminine voice sliced through the tense, hostile atmosphere. The royal retinue turned around when they heard the gentle voice and saw the men surrounding them eyes widen in fear. Behind them standing on the stone railing was a young girl in strange attire.
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Her feet were bare and her snowy locks whipped in the breeze. Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were confused as to where she came from since she wasn't standing there a few minutes ago.
The leader of the highwaymen stepped past the boys, his arms outstretched toward the girl with an adorning smile on his face. "You are more beautiful than I ever imagined."
Her stoic expression remained as he tried to touch her. She stepped back, only half her feet now on the railing. Seeing that she was trying to avoid him, Gladio quickly inserted himself between the man and the young girl, pushing him away from her. The stranger snapped at Gladio for his intervention. "How dare you!"
"Sorry, pal, but the lady clearly doesn't want you touchin' her," the shield retorts with his own death glare.
The girl met Ignis' emerald gaze with her (e/c) one. "May I?" She gently asked. The advisor only responded by handing her the orb. She thanked him before her expression morphed into a dangerous one. She held the artifact tightly, eyeing the man closest to Ignis.
When he suddenly started crying out in pain, all eyes fell upon him. The man placed a hand over his mouth as he hunched over. Blood seeped through his fingers before he vomited a large amount of blood. He reached out to the man next to him and grabbed his arm, seeing the fear in his eyes. "H-Help...me..."
The man he latched onto pushed him away with a fearful scream while stepping back. The one vomiting blood toppled over on the ground, lifeless. All the men scrambled to their vehicles and drove away. Only one car remained. The leader watched in anger and disbelief as his men ran and left him to the wolves. Instead of running, he tried to approach the girl once again and managed to grab one of her ankles. He stared up at her with begging eyes. "We only wish to use your powers for good."
Ignis was the quickest out of the four to react and summoned a single dagger. He threw it, piercing the man's arm and forcing him to let go of her. Gladio grabbed the man by the collar as the dagger vanished from his arm. The brute tossed him towards his car, his tone threateningly low. "Get the hell outta here."
The man scurried back to his car and drove away as fast as the vehicle could go, leaving puffs of exhaust in his wake.
Prompto sighed in relief, his shoulders slumping forward. "Glad that's over."
"And who're-" Gladio turned to face the girl, only to find her walking further down the bridge on the stone railing. "You..."
"Uh, shouldn't we stop her? She's walking on a railing over a huge canyon!" Prompto shouted at his friends. "What if she falls?!"
The boys hopped back into the Regalia and Ignis slowed the car down to keep pace with the young girl, who didn't spare them a single glance.
"Uh," Noctis stuttered. "Hello?" He called out to her.
Gladio grinned as he watched the girl. "Not sure what the hell you did back there, but you did save our asses. You not gonna let us thank you properly?"
The girl stopped, her eyes falling upon the four boys in the car beside her. "You owe me nothing. It was my fault there was a target on your back."
"How so?" Ignis questioned.
"The orb..." Her voice trailed off before she continued. "If I had not dropped it, you wouldn't have been put in that situation."
"We're the ones who picked it up," Noctis said. "By the sounds of it, I'm glad we were the ones and not that weirdo."
"Silas is a pig who only desires power."
"What power does this orb incarcerate?" The tactician pondered.
"Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me," she sighed dejectedly. "I suggest you run along before Silas decides to return."
"Try us," Prompto said. "I mean, you made a guy vomit blood just by looking at him. It was really disgusting, but it saved us!"
The girl stopped, causing Ignis to press his foot against the brake pedal. She glanced between the four of them, reading their expressions before making her final decision. "What knowledge do you possess of the Four Horsemen?"
"Like, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" The gunslinger asked. "I thought they were just a freaky fairytale."
"His Majesty spoke of them once," Ignis stated. All eyes fell upon the advisor, confused at the revelation.
"Really?" Prompto gasped. "W-What did he say?"
"The Horsemen shall walk amongst the living once more," Ignis and the mysterious girl said in unison.
The girl smiled and giggled. She turned her body toward them and hopped down from the railing before curtsying. "A pleasure to meet you, gentlemen. I am Pestilence, but I prefer to use my real name-(Y/n)."
The four boys introduced themselves before Prompto decided to be a gentleman and gave the front seat up once the guys agreed that having a Horseman along for the ride would prove to be beneficial.
As they headed to Lestallum, Prompto asked (Y/n) myriads of questions. Ignis did ask one question, which everyone was curious about.
Why were the Four Horsemen on Eos?
"My sisters and I are tasked with the duty of annihilating the monsters that escaped the Inner Sanctum a few weeks ago. The seal preventing them from leaving shattered and before we could repair it, a handful of monsters escaped to Eos. I'm not sure how my sisters are faring in their search, but I haven't been able to find an inkling to where my targets have wandered off to. I pray to the Astrals they haven't killed anyone," (Y/n) confesses.
"What targets?" Noctis questioned.
"The draugr and the grootslang," Pestilence responds. "I've checked with reports from hunters around the regions, but none have reported either of them."
"Now that you're along for the ride, maybe you'll find them," Prompto said, looking on the bright side of the situation. "It's also a nice change of pace to have a girl around."
(Y/n) peered into the backseat with a mischievous smile. "Oh? Do you grow weary of your friends, Prompto?"
"Wha-no! It's just...it's nice to have a girl in the group."
Gladio chuckled and elbowed the blonde in the side. "You like her. It's that simple."
"I-I do not!" Prompto vehemently denied with red cheeks. "Like I said-a nice change of pace!"
"Yeah, keep tellin' yourself that, blondie," the shield scoffed. "You just might convince yourself."
(Y/n) giggled before turning forward, watching the scenery pass by. She's only known the group for a few minutes, but she was already enjoying their company. After being alone for a few weeks, it was nice to meet people who were lively. Inside her mind, she mentally thanked the boys for allowing her to tag along even after sharing with them her status as a Horseman. They weren't her sisters, but she couldn't have asked for a better group of strangers to come across.
Arriving in Lestallum, the boys and their new companion headed to the Leville. As they were walking through one of the alleyways, (Y/n) suddenly came to halt. Ignis was the first to notice since he was walking directly behind her. "Is everything alright, (Y/n)?"
Pestilence blinked a few times before casting a gentle smile in the advisor's direction. "Yes. Everything is well. I seem to have ventured deep into thought for a few seconds."
Ignis knew she was hiding something, but he didn't pry. He nodded and accepted her reply. "Then shall we?"
"Yes. Apologies for the delay. Let us proceed forth."
When they reached the hotel, (Y/n) spotted a young girl standing in the lobby. Tears streamed down her face as she sniffled. When Gladio came into view, she spoke in a feeble tone. "Oh, Gladdy."
The shield was confused as to why his sister was crying. "What's wrong?"
"I let you down. I never made it to Caem. The empire came while you were gone," Iris said through her tears.
The six head upstairs and to Iris' room, where she told them everything. "None of us said a word about Noct. They just showed up and then...poor Jared."
"What do you mean? What happened to Jared?" Gladio pressed, wanting answers desperately.
Iris shook her head, voice raspy from all the crying. "There was nothing we could do!"
The door to the room slowly opens beside (Y/n). She glanced down and sees a little boy crying. Her (e/c) eyes widen at the heart-wrenching sight, placing a hand over her heart as she listened to the child cry. Noctis kneels down in from of him, azure eyes brimming with sorrow. "It's...not right. We should've been here."
"I...I couldn't stop them," the little boy sniffles weakly.
Before the prince could respond, (Y/n) sat on her knees in front of the little boy. She slowly took his hand away from his face so he would stop rubbing his eye. "I know this is our first time meeting, but I hope you will see me as no stranger." She rubbed her thumb across the back of his small hand, hoping the small gesture would comfort him enough to stop the tears. "I, too, lost someone I dearly loved and I still blame myself today. And I know exactly what's running through that head of yours right now. You blame yourself for your grandfather's death, but you should know even though you're powerless, it's not your fault for other people's actions. Never blame yourself for the actions of others. You'll drown in your own sorrows and linger on the past. Don't focus on what happened, focus on what you can do. We'll make sure the empire pays for what they've done. We promise you that."
The tears streamed down his face as he stepped through the door and wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s neck. She scooped the sobbing boy into her arms and excused herself from the others.
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