#cause i havent gotten the chance to start his part
sa2-astral · 2 years
Casually walks in.
Drops a wip
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eirian · 9 months
oc spotlight: patoto (villainverse)
oh man ok. villainverse patoto. probably one of my favorite ocs ive ever made tbh
he started out as a joke almost, a sort of "what if?" au sorta deal. what if patoto was a villainous saiyan? it sounded like such a fun concept i just had to explore it. and then i came up with this design
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which was just SO cool to me i couldnt stop thinking about it. and then before i knew it he became his own character--a patoto from a parallel universe where he was a ruthless warrior, totally opposite from his mainverse counterpart
he developed so fast from there. i gave him a companion that ended up being kinpa, and he developed into kinpa's bodyguard. i gave him a rival that ended up being calabris. i gave him a complicated relationship with his parents, one of which he thought was dead for most of his life (his armor is actually based off of hers to remember her by). his universe grew and his story basically wrote itself i was so obsessed with him and still am
here's his current ref showing how much he's grown
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even today im still giving him more development and story! as of right now in the timeline (post-mirrors and post-facets), he has a child with his partner kinpa and his family has grown from just him to a group of six including himself! he's learned to have friends and open his heart to others, and he's gotten so strong im so proud of him.
mirrors would have never existed had i not ran with his concept like i did. his character and story contrasting with mainverse patoto's is just so fun and awesome to me and i've always had fun with it and i feel like i'll continue to have fun with it as well!!
i could honestly keep going about some specific details abt him like his relationship with kinpa and zumeg (both of them) and his father and his kid and. yknow what i will LOL
his relationship with kinpa started as just a bodyguard situation but OF COURSE that developed into an actual partnership bc i love that shit. he was this cold and frankly mean guy that wanted nothing to do with kinpa or being his bodyguard--he hated it. but after getting trapped on earth in a parallel universe, he learned to open up to the idea of having at least one friend and letting himself care about someone for the first time since he was a child.
as for his parents...thats complicated lol. (facets spoilers ahead !!!) his mother zumeg was presumed dead when she didnt return from a battle when he was just a boy, and his father left some time before that, so he was basically raised in an orphanage into adulthood (or at least until he could join the army). he met the mainverse zumeg and that shook him to his core bc she was not only so different but she still cared about him and reminded him what it was like to be loved by his own mother. it wasnt until way later, many many years later, that he decided he wanted to find his father and find out why he left them. after getting that clarification, he chose to give his father a second chance at being part of his life--more for himself than his father, really--and then not long after that he discovered his mother was actually alive, just under someone's control. he saved her, and suddenly he had a family again.
i havent quite developed his story with his kid just yet, but so far what i figure is that he isnt experienced with children at all so he does have a hard time balancing the tough parenting act and the gentle, kind parenting. snake (his son) does feel a pressure to be as great as his father, since he's heard the stories of how he saved the universe before and how he continues to fight and reach new heights. patoto is a little awkward at handling this and has a hard time showing that he's proud of his son and that sort of causes a little tension between them but it eventually works out
basically i love villainverse patoto. a lot. i would die for him actually
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notnctu · 4 years
haechan: the cocky | vol 2
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━ welcome home to the housemating smut series :)
☆ click the link above to read background info about this housemate!
☆ GENRE: smut, pwp ☆ DETAILS: fem!reader, college!au, housemate!au ☆ WARNINGS: explicit language, dirty talking, nicknames, dom!hyuck, penetration, oral (giving & receiving), slight degradation?, mentions of exhibitionist kink? ☆ WC: 3.6k  ☆ SYNOPSIS: after receiving haechan’s text messages, you hurry up to his room and the sexual tension is thicker than you can ever imagine. 
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: read vol 1 here if u havent already :) theres no plot yall its just smut,, this one a filthy one ha ha skjdhfgieas
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When you enter Haechan’s room, his back faces you as he sits comfortably in his expensive gaming chair, clicking furiously at his mouse and practically abusing the poor device. “Why are you so worked up?” Your voice causes him to perk up, removing an ear from his headset. 
“Mark fucking sucks at this game.” Haechan rolls his eyes as he speaks directly into his mic and Mark’s tiny muffled voice shouts back at him. 
Leaning into Haechan’s face, his eyes leave his monitor momentarily to intently watch your actions. Your fingers grab hold of the built in mic and speaking lowly, you greet the other boy through the receiver. “Hi Mark.”
Haechan raises an eyebrow at your seductive tone and the happy smirk on your face when you hear Mark stammer back a faint, “h-hello, y/n.” 
“Mark, I gotta go.” Before even letting Mark protest and throw a fit, he’s hanging up the call and forfeiting his winning streak to finally finish what you two had started. You’re laying on Haechan’s bed with eyes that eat him right up, a look of lust and desire. 
His gaze bounces between the open door and the way your thin shirt does absolutely nothing to hide how erect your nipples have become. His signature face of disbelief: tongue in cheek and rolling his eyes, paired with a small scoff. 
“What? Are you cold or something?” He snickers, getting up to close the door.
“No... I’m just..” Propping up on your elbows, you glance briefly down at your shirt and then, away at the ground shamelessly. 
“Aroused? Turned on?” Haechan taunts as he leans down to hover above you, his fingers toying with the ends of the thin fabric. As much as you’re trying to avoid eye contact, he doesn’t allow for you to shy away for long.
“Maybe.” You gulp the pooling spit in the back of your throat, the tension rising in the room. “I came upstairs like you told me too.” Pouting, he finally has you fixated on him with a thumb on your chin. 
Making eye contact with him is not only incredibly intimate, but there is something mesmerizing and comforting in the way Haechan looks at you. “Right, my good girl did what she was told. How much longer can she keep that up?” His whisper is hot against your skin, but he doesn’t lean in any more. 
“Don’t test me, Hyuck.” You snap back gently, crossing your arms across your chest and almost immediately, Haechan pushes you lightly onto the bed. You yelp at the boldness, knowing that your bratty side might have edged him on.
“Hyuck....? Baby, we haven’t even started yet.” He smirks, and you wish for nothing more than to wipe it off his face. He has the absolute confidence to play with you all night if he wanted to. Cocky motherfucker. 
“Do something, please.” The whine in your voice catches his attention, only fueling his ego more than it has already inflated. 
“What does my pretty baby want me to do?” Haechan has the full audacity to sit back in his chair, legs spread wide and arms resting behind his head. He’s left you on the bed practically untouched, yet the moment you sit up, a small pool of wetness rushes in your panties.
He’s done nothing, but your body reacts to him too strongly for you to admit. “I want you to give me a kiss.” You mumble.
However, Haechan leaves no room for a pause. “Speak up.” His voice is low and dark as he watches you squirm in your shorts, your legs rubbing together for some friction. He just loves how needy he can get you to be.
“Give me a kiss.” A little louder this time, all the while being mindful at how thin the walls are. Haechan patiently waits for you to finish your beg, “please.”
He pats his lap for you to come sit, then opens his arms to invite you into his embrace. Your legs fall on either side of his thighs and his hands rests on your waist. Haechan peers up at the pout that hasn’t left your face and gently smiles. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
There’s a sense of rivalry when he uses that nickname, holding less of a soft implication than when he calls you baby. “You’re taking forever.” You groan, rocking against him with a frustrated whine.
However, he holds you steady by your hips and chuckles mockingly, “it wouldn’t be fun if I just gave it to you. I’m giving you more of an experience to remember the next time you want to rub one out.”
“Trust me, I’ll be fast forwarding these parts in my brain.” Rolling your eyes, your hands find themselves lightly on his chest. He feels rather solid through his black shirt, “you’ve been bulking up?”
“Yeah. Can you tell? Johnny has been waking my ass up early in the morning to go to the gym with him because Jaehyun has class.” Haechan presses you up against his torso and you’re impressed at how sturdy he feels.
“So that’s why we have two jugs of protein powder taking up counter space. Doyoung and I were concerned at how much the other two were consuming, but I guess the portion includes you now.” Your hands wrap around his neck to pull him unbelievably closer, the tips of your noses touching now.
Haechan stares at you with hooded eyes and breath mixing with your own. “What does it taste like?” Your question seems to hold a sexual innuendo, or it could be the tension in the air as you both try your hardest from devouring each other’s lips right then and there.
“Mmh, tastes like shit. Rather taste something else instead.” Haechan licks his lips and tilts his head only slightly. His mind is clouded with lustful, heavy thoughts of feeling your plushy lips against his own. And the possible taste of your tongue lapping with his brings him much excitement as well. 
“Should I try some?” The power has slightly shifted into your hands as Haechan seems to be in a trance from your proximity and sensual drop in tone. But you’re both wrapped up in each other’s scent of shampoo and it’s enough to drive you both hungry for one another. 
“Want your lips around something else.” His thumb pulls your bottom lip down just gently before slipping it into your open mouth. Your tongue circles his finger, slowly sucking to mimic the feeling of his cock. It sends tingles down to your lower abdomen and a small moan erupts from the back of Haechan’s throat. 
Something pokes at your inner thigh and without needing to look down, you already know how turned on Haechan has gotten. He won’t be able to wait it out anymore. “So pretty.” Haechan coos as he drops his finger from your lips. “Do you still want your kiss, baby?” 
“Of course.” You lean in thinking that Haechan is going to finally give you a good smooch on the lips, but he picks you up and tosses you onto the bed. He’s discarding your shorts and underwear, peeling it off your legs and tossing it somewhere in a corner. 
He spreads your legs wide open, “holy fuck, you’re dripping.” And you’re so close to telling him to stop exaggerating until he gathers slick from your hole and it unleashes a small waterfall cascading onto the bed sheets. “Since when were you this easily aroused?” 
Before you can retaliate, Haechan softly kisses your clit and slowly licks a long strip up your cunt. You arch into him, his lips pressing against you just a bit harder than the first time. Eyes are locked in on yours as he flicks delicate licks at your bundle of nerves. “Good girls get the best kinds of kisses.” 
He will never be able to get enough of your taste or your legs squirming at the jolts of pleasure that run down them. The fact that stands is that Haechan inexplicably loves pleasuring women and performing cunnilingus, that’s undeniable. But there’s something very special about the way your body reacts to his smallest gestures and sensual words, so responsive and almost like, your body knows how much it wants him. 
And if you two hadn’t been so cordial and polite about living with each other in the beginning and considerate of your other housemates, he would’ve fucked you a long time ago. It always felt as if Haechan was walking on thorns around you, making sure he didn’t cross the lines of making you feel uncomfortable. 
Nonetheless, your pajama shorts do a terrible job at covering you up or the small moments when your shirt would ride up your stomach, he always found his stares to linger. And not to mention, all the moments he has walked by to catch a glimpse of you masturbating. Truthfully, he’d been masturbating to the thought of you too and only to find out that you shared the same interest in him. 
You suppress your moans with your hand, afraid to risk the chance of getting caught by your other housemates. Nevertheless, your muffled moans encourage him to lick harder, building a quick rhythm. “Hyuck, please fuck me.” 
It’s agonizing the more he edges you closer to your release. Haechan is addicted to lapping your endless flow of juices that he almost chooses to ignore your breathless plea. He lets go and the knot of pleasure in your stomach dissipates for the time being, your chest rising and falling rapidly to catch your breath.
“I thought you lost your ability to speak for a second.” Haechan doesn’t mean it as a joking statement, it’s meant to instill slight humiliation in you and with a bit of a teasing tone in his darkness.
You don’t take his words to heart, “I can speak and I know what I want.” Your voice is brighter than before, until Haechan’s grin turns mischievous and he’s plotting his next few words carefully. 
“Use your smart words and tell me what you want then.” Taking off his clothes, his shaft slaps against his stomach with an angry red tip leaking precum.
The sight of his dick has you clenching around nothing and it’s obvious where your focus has shifted to. You mindlessly take off your shirt, “for a computer science major, you sure like words a lot.” 
“For someone who’s ruining my sheets, you sure like to verbally under compensate how much you want me.” Haechan rubs his tip at your entrance to gather lubrication, a small whine escapes his lips as he’s trying his best to hold back from ramming into your wet cunt.
“Hyuck, please. I want you to fuck me speechless.” A sparkle catches in his eye as he’s gleaming at how the dirty words spill from your pretty mouth. Pulling you up, he holds your head steady and lightly taps your lips with his tip.
“Speechless? I guess you won’t be able to whine with my dick in your mouth.” And slowly, you invite his hot shaft into your warmth and the saltiness hits your palette. A long string of profanities fill the air when you lick the underside of his tip and hollow your cheeks to suck more of him.
“Do you think you can take the whole thing?” He moans and it shocks you how raspy his voice suddenly got. His hand is rests on the back of your head lightly, patting and smoothing your hair lovingly. If it isn’t for that lost lustful look in his eyes that represent an innocent curiosity, you wouldn’t have awarded his request. 
Opening your throat, he slowly guides you further down his length. Haechan’s reactions are ungodly satisfying as he throws his head back toward the ceiling and instantly tightens his grip in your hair. 
“Fuck, fuck. Okay, I’m done messing around.” He manages to chuckle playfully, pulling you off his dick as a string of saliva draws from the disconnect. Pulling you by your hair, he tilts your head upward at him and he leans down to kiss you: open mouth, tongues lapping, spit mixing.
The kiss ignites a flame in your chest being that it’s probably one of the hottest kisses you’ve ever experienced. Haechan’s dominance is caring, yet strong enough to remind you just how rough he has the ability to be. 
“Lay on your side.” You do as you’re told as Haechan unravels a condom to slip on. A feeling of excitement bubbles up in your core, you’re finally getting fucked. It’s not the first time you and Haechan have done penetration, but it’s definitely not enough times to satisfy your lust for him.
With your body facing the door, Haechan lays down behind you, a hand on your hip to press your ass against his shaft. “How cute. We’re spooning.” He taunts menacingly and reaching around to rub your swollen clit. 
You yelp and Haechan covers your mouth instantly. You’re a moaning mess in his hands as his fingers work magic stimulation down below. Every squirm has you bumping your ass up into his hard on. 
Just as his tip enters your wet hole, a knock on the door has you both halting your movements. Your heart is racing at the interruption and it’s not going to look too good with Haechan’s dick barely up your cunt and hand hovering over your clit. There will be no lie that can get you two out of this naked situation.
“Haechan, can I borrow your speaker?” It’s the voice of Jaemin. Of all the times that he actually comes home, you’re midway having sex with Haechan. 
It doesn’t seem to bother Haechan though, maybe a bit agitated that someone interrupted the tension, but overall he doesn’t seem phased. Then, you remember all the times you’ve knocked on the other boys’ doors during their hookups and it’s gotten to the point that no one really cares. “For what!?” 
“To use in the shower.” A jiggle on the doorknob panics you, but Haechan is lifting your leg in the air and enters you fully without a warning. You bite back a moan as Haechan buries his face into your neck. The initial stretch from his girth stings with pleasure and you relax into him when you adjust to his size. “Why is your door locked?” 
“Fuck, is this making you more wet?” Haechan whispers lowly into your ear and a smile grows against your skin.
“Shut up.” You mumble, clenching around him every time Jaemin tries to open the door. He starts moving his hips into you, long thrust that jolt your body every time he enters. 
Haechan laughs, “it’s in the bathroom already, leave me alone! I’m with someone.” He’s looking down at your eyes rolling to the back of your head and the tight grip you have on the sheets. You feel all of him, his cock fills you up to the brim, grazing upon your sweet spot. 
Jaemin scoffs on the other side, “okay. Use protection, kids.” And his shadow disappears from under the door. Haechan removes his hand and his hot moans fill your ears.
“No wonder why you leave the door fucking open. You want us to see you, don’t you?” His hips ram harder into your pussy, rougher and faster than before. The soreness begins to occupy your lower regions from how much Haechan stretches you. His dirty words aid you closer to your release. “Imagine if I didn’t lock the door and Jaemin saw me balls deep in you. You’d like that, huh? What a slut.” 
Your legs feel like jelly as a familiar exhilaration surges through your limbs. “Speechless now, aren’t you?” Haechan smirks and drops your leg. Hands hold you by your waist as he bottoms out, his balls slapping your thigh slightly. Once he’s nestled in deep, he starts rubbing circles on your clit once again and you’re squeezing around him so well that he doesn’t need to move. 
The added sensation brings you to your edge, along with the feeling of fullness. Without a fail, he always makes sure he takes care of you first. “I’m gon-- cum.” Words are jumbled in your scattered, empty brain. The release is on the tip of your tongue, the tips of your toes, Haechan’s rhythm on your bud doesn’t falter.
“Cum on my dick, baby. I want to feel you lose control.” His final encouragement leads you to your demise as your pussy clenches around him sporadically and your legs shaking from the pleasure. But it doesn’t stop, Haechan starts fucking you through your orgasm, so fast that it almost has you crying out of the intensity. His nails dig into your skin. 
“Oh-- shit! Hyuck, I--” Haechan slams your hips down to match his and you’re holding onto the sheets for your life. The toe curling pleasure overwhelms you and you can’t tell, but you’re cumming again. It just never seems to stop.
With a last grunt and full thrust, you feel his dick pumping inside your walls. He kisses your shoulder tenderly and smooths over the moon crescents he left, “shit. I’m sorry for calling you out like that.”
“It’s fine. It was hot.” He pulls out and an emptiness disappoints you. Turning around to face him, you latch on and give him the biggest hug. “But I really just am forgetful! I don’t leave it open on purpose....”
“Baby, you say that, but do you also forget that you live with five other horny men?” He kisses your temples and sits you both up.
“That’s why I do it when you guys aren’t home.” Getting up, you start putting on Haechan’s shirt and slipping on your panties. “Do you think Jaem is done showering?”
“Probably, that guy uses 2 in 1 shampoo and body wash so he just lathers and rinses.” Haechan ties the condom and tosses it into the trash can. He slips on a pair of fresh briefs and starts removing his soiled bed sheets. “Come back and help me make my bed when you’re done.” 
Nodding, you slyly walk out of Haechan’s room. You turn the knob as quietly as you can and shut the door softly. When you spin around, Jaemin walks down the hall with a towel around his naked shoulders and his black hair wet from his shower. His toned body is glistening with droplets as his sweatpants hang low on his hips and the waistband of his underwear peek out. 
You’re so distracted by his appearance that you don’t realize he’s caught you leaving Haechan’s room. “Is that Haechan’s shirt?” He quizzes you, a smirk twitching his lips automatically at your doe eyed expression. “And are you not wearing pants, y/n?” 
“I see you’re done with your shower.” You say quickly and you dash away to the bathroom. The moment you shut the door, you’re surprised by a random girl on the toilet.
“Sorry!” You both yell, covering your eyes at the sudden intrusion on both ends. 
“I didn’t realize there wasn’t a lock on the door.” She says and you turn to face the door to give her some privacy.
“Yeah, it’s been broken for awhile now. We usually just put a sticky note on the door to show that it’s preoccupied.” You don’t even question who she is, denoting that it’s either Jaehyun or Johnny’s lady friend. “I’ll just wait outside.” 
“Wait, do you live with Johnny?” She asks and truthfully, you’re not ready to go back outside in any chance that you’ll bump into Jaemin again. The bathroom is where you intended to hide until enough time is passed, while also doing your business. 
“Yeah. We’re housemates.” 
“Ah, that’s comforting to know that there’s another girl here. I thought it was just a house of guys, so I was a bit worried coming over.” Her voice sounds reassured and you’re exhaling out all the anxious air you had pent up since seeing Jaemin.
“That’s good. Men, am I right?” You try laughing to lighten the mood and surprisingly through the steamy suffocation, she giggles back. 
“Yeah, I mean, I’ve never seen so many bottles of AXE body spray in one bathroom.” Living in a house full of men, you realize you slightly miss the bathroom talks with your girl friends. 
“Look in the tub, there are four bottles of men body wash, yet they always use mine! It’s a hoax.” You announce excitedly, despite still facing the door.
“I have the same one! I fucking knew Johnny smelled like white strawberries and mint, but I couldn’t tell if the scent was from me or him.” 
Maybe sometimes, it isn’t so bad living with a group of attractive men. You get to laugh with their hookups in the bathroom! And before you know it, Johnny is knocking on the bathroom door to the fit of giggles and questioning why there are two voices. 
“I thought you had left without saying goodbye.” He says.
“Damn, the sex was that bad.” You joke and Johnny fakes a laugh through the door.
“Let me know if Haechan is any better, y/n.” You gasp at his statement, but don’t respond. The flushing of the toilet and the sink running being the only noises in the room. You’re stunned. Knowing Jaemin’s big mouth, he can’t keep a secret to save his life.
“It’s nice meeting you, y/n.” Johnny’s hookup gives you a warming hug before leaving and when she opens the door to join him, you give Johnny the middle finger as your form of response. 
“Nice meeting you too!” You yell back to her and shut the door to finally do your business. 
Great, now everyone knows you fucked your housemate. 
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Fertility Struggles II
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Gif credit @angels-reyes
Part 2 to Fertility struggles. Hope you all enjoy.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @creepers-baby-girl. @writerwithasoul. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc.
Month after month since starting IVF, you've gotten your period. It was starting to make you mad. You were actually getting tired of using periods at the end of a sentence. They were everywhere. One month you did get your hopes up because you missed your period but wham that bitch hit you at the end of the month. She wasnt going to let your dreams come true.
It was the first day of your period and Nestor came home happy thinking this might have worked. You've been moody and eating a lot. But you were scared to tell him.
"You got your period"? He asked when he saw you on the couch, with your sweats, a box of tissues and icecream with a blanket wrapped around you.
"Yeah. That bitch can't give us a break. I'm sorry". You said with a sniffle.
"It's okay. We can try again". He came over to the couch and sat down pulling your legs to his lap.
"I dont know if I want too". You replied, playing with your icecream in the tub.
"What do you mean"? Nestor moved in his seat to look at you. He was confused. This has always been the number one thing you have ever wanted.
"IVF seems to not be working. I'm getting my period every month. It's like I'm taking this drug for the fun of it. I'm putting us through hell and getting nothing". You wiped away tears with your sleeve.
"Its not for nothing. We're going to make a baby. You can't give up". He rested his hand on your stomach.
"I havent. Maybe we should look into adoption or a surrogate"?
"So you're wanting me to take my sperm and put it in someone else that is not my wife"? Nestor looked confused and like you wanted him to walk into this trap.
"Maybe. There wont be any contact with your junk and her junk. Itll be through a doctor. So calm down. You're not sleeping with anyone but me". You laughed as he sighed a sigh of relief.
"Alright. Why dont you go to the doctor and make sure that they can't do anything before we jump to those options".
"I'm tired Nestor. I'm tired. I dont want anymore doctors".
"Just go for me. We cant give up".
"Alright. Fine. For you but if they say they cant. I'm done. My body has been through enough. I cant". You shake your head. Tears rolling down your cheeks. Your heart has been broken so many times and you couldnt go through that again. Your heart couldn't bare it.
"What brings you in today"? Your doctor asked, she probably already knows the answer.
"IVF isn't working. I've tried everything you said. I keep getting my period every month. I'm just, it's like it's no hope for me". You explain.
"How long does the periods last"?
"Two maybe three days but it's like spotting. No heavy flow".
"Okay.  I'm going to do a ultrasound and see if we can see anything".
"I'm telling you theres nothing in there". You sigh laying back on the table.
"You never know". She said before stepping out the door.
She came back in with a nurse and the machine. The gel she squirted was cold on your stomach.
"Alright, let's see what we got".
Looking at the screen, you saw nothing. Blank uterus. "Told you".
"Dont be so sure. What is this"? She pointed to the screen and saw two little jellybeans just floating around in your uterus.
You about hopped off the table when she said that. "How is that possible". You asked about in tears.
"Well, when you're on the IVF, occasional spotting happens and some mistake it as their period. But you're pregnant. With twins. It's to early to tell what they are but they seem healthy". She said taking pictures of the jellybeans.
"Oh my God. Nestor is going to freak when I tell him". You gasped as she handed you the ultrasound photo.
"Thank you so much for everything. You have no idea what this means to us". You hugged her crying.
"I think I have a idea. I too had a hard time having children so I know what it feels like to get that news that you're pregnant". She smiled and gave you a prescription for prenatal vitamins.
"Thanks again". You said before leaving her office.
You were so excited to tell Nestor that he was going to be a daddy. But then the nerves kicked in. What happens if this is like last time? What if you lose them or even one? You were going to take every precaution there was. You put yourself on bedrest and a healthier diet. Thinking those could help to keep the babies.
Getting home, Nestor was already there. Walking into the house, he was cooking. Something so good it made your mouth water.
"What are you cooking? I hope you made tons of it"? You moaned when you got to the kitchen, the aroma getting stronger.
"Its my fathers recipe. I knew you would like it. It's great for getting women pregnant. Just look at me". Nestor said with a wink coming over to you and kissed your head. You wrapped your arms around him.
"How was the doctors? Everything okay"? He asked looking down at you.
"Everything's wonderful". You grinned from ear to ear.
"Really? Just last night you didnt want to go.  What changed"?
"Oh just the two little lives growing inside me". You swiftly pulled out the sonogram and put it in his face with a squeal.
"You're joking? What? How? Oh my god". He picked you up, kissing your lips.
"Babies. We had tons of sex and oh my god is right. We finally did it. The doctor said they look healthy".
"Oh baby, I'm so happy and so very thankful". Nestor held you tight. All his dreams were coming true.
"Me too.  But I'm not taking any chances. I'm putting myself on bedrest and we're going to start eating healthier foods. No delicious tub of icecream or chips or tacos". You frowned licking your lips. Now the cravings start.
"Babe, you can have all of that just eat it a little at a time. Foods not going to hurt you. Might make you nauseous or give you heartburn but you have to eat".
"I know. I'm just scared. Because we dont know what caused the miscarriages. Anything can be a trigger. We just have to be careful and watch out for signs".
"We will. Um, can we not tell anyone until we know for sure we're out of the woods"?
"I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up if they will be torn apart. I'm scared to get excited but I am. I cant for these jellybeans to be in our arms. Safe and sound". You squeezed Nestor. He was so happy. But the little voice said something could go wrong. Praying that it didnt.
During your pregnancy, you had one scare but that was it. You made it to 38 weeks then your water broke. Then the real nervousness kicked in. The babies room was prepared and you had everything they needed. You were just nervous about them getting here.
Luckily they came out healthy and strong with tons of hair.
Cruz Valentino Oceteva weighed 7lbs 4oz. He looked just like Nestor and a head of hair. Nestor tried to braid it like his. He succeeded in doing so. Heartburn was the worst.
Maya Jade Oceteva weighed 6lbs 2oz. Se was a lot smaller than her brother but was a strong little girl. You know how they say you carry them for nine months and they come out looking like their father. That's true. She looked like Nestor but with your nose. And a head full of hair that you put little bows in.
God you were so lucky to have Nestor and the babies. Life was complete. Well maybe. Another kid wouldnt hurt. Or three. But for now you were going to enjoy the baby moments and the smell of their little heads. Which you and Nestor took turns sniffing each of the babies heads.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Tommy's prison/revival arc isnt well written actually
Anyways ive been wanting to talk on it a while for a bit here but havent had the Time or like. The thought to. But im gonna go off now.
First off im gonna say im ASSUMING this stream and plot of tommy being in the prison with dream is written entirely by tommy and dream. Wilbur May be involved in the latest stream but im not sure.
Bringing tommy back to life after only three days of him being dead did practically nothing to progress plot, the characters, or audience's understanding. In fact i feel that it damaged Other characters' potential and plot and already established plotlines.
The 'development' aspect
A really, really easy way to see if anything has changed or developed through an arc or plotline is to straightup just compare the 'beginning' to the 'end' in terms of the barebones situation. So;
Beginning: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream, his own abuser who has hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. He's terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
End: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream after being killed then revived by him, his own abuser whos hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. Hes terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
Okay. This is simplified obvious. But the point stands. ALTHOUGH the troupe of 'going back to the beginning' is common in the heroes journey its. It doesnt work here. Has tommy learned anything? Has he changed as a character? Is the severity of their situation any different? Have we, as the audience, learned anything new?
Im going to expand on that last point because i think it has the strongest potential argument. Technically for progression in literature and development of plot/characters, things can Change without them being Aware as characters. It can change just by the audience's perception changing or being challenge.
Slight example: i've been reading a webcomic called Your Throne. Its a fantasy/political drama about a noble lady who entered a competition with another noble lady to become the empress. The main lady lost despite her being a better fit, and the comic starts with the main lady trying to assassinate the empress. Its assumed and stated by the main lady that she 'ruined her life' and so thats all the readers know. However, later in the novel we see flashbacks to the competition itself and find that the two ladies were extremely close friends, neither wanting anything bad for the other, but it was the emperor himself who manipulated both of them for his own agenda. Those flashbacks gave us an entirely different idea of who the real antagonist is and completely changed the two main ladies' relationship. THAT is how the audience's understanding of the plot and novel can be used to change the entire story. We dont get such here though
Some things that were brought to light during tommy being dead/revived:
Dream is capable of reviving people infinitely
This was already implicated and assumed. The book dream has being a means of reviving people has been around Technically since schlatt's death. This just 'confirmed' what was known
Time works differently/feels longer in the afterlife
This doesnt really impact much beyond emotions and implications. If we had more insight into what the 'afterlife' is like beyond nothingness perhaps so. But really it just makes it so wilbur being dead for what feels like 9 years and tommy having been dead for 2 months appeal to emotions.
Wilbur is evil
This one fuckin sucks i cant lie HSKSHSISSGEGDV. Like i was gon go on bout it and i will but it jus sucks. We have nothing to go on besides tommy's word, no examlles of what Horrible things wilbur said could make tommy assume this, etcetc. Ill most likely make a seperate post on how this feels like we're just going to get 'wilbur is a horrible villain' type with him. But still. I feel wilbur Not Being Good isnt a new development.
Dream is going to revive wilbur
This doesnt feel new either, part because phil had wanted to revive wilbur before (ill get to that more later) and that tommy had kept dream alive/initially imprisoned him with the idea of him reviving wilbur.
Dream believes wilbur will break him out of prison
Okau this makes no sense to me actually. I cwnt understand How exactly wilbur would be able to do this? Or why dream believes he even Could? Mans been dead for like 9 years and all we Know of the afterlife is that its black... nothingness. How would 9 years of that make wilbur capable of busting the prison open?
So. Yeah. All in all this plotline hasnt done anything new, developed things, or altered people's perceptions. We just ended up back at square one. Back to tommy being traumatized, dream being 'evil' and horrible and doing villain monologues, and them being stuck together.
Other characters and plotlines
Im pretty damn sure tommy's revival fucked up a LOT of other characters' plotlines and potential development. Honestly i feel this has a lot to do with the writers not communicating with other ccs well enough. But Ill talk about specific characters from least to most fucked over in my opinion:
He's the best off. He hqd been there during tommy's death, had been close to tommy, had majorly blamed himself and his own mistakes for tommy's death. His grief and self hatred was actually really heartbreaking and well done. The attached character of Sam Nook being unaware of tommy's death and simply waiting for tommy to return was a really good parallel to sam's own grief and anger. like it really snapped sam the guy who cares for tommy and wants to do Right by him back together with him as the Warden of the prison. Mixed personal life with 'just business'.
I feel it wouldve been nice to have him like. Have more time to grieve properly and come to terms eith tommy's death and his own involvement/influence over the events. Him finding tommy alive again Could be a means of him like. Facing his own grief head on if done well.
Mostly in the context of him and sam's argument do i feel it got screwed over. The weight of them yelling at each other and trying to find who to blame and the implications that Maybe ranboo was the one who caused the security breach that closed down the prison on tommy just.... doesnt hit so hard anymore. Because how can there be blame and arguments and a 'who done it' mystery when tommy popped up all fine again?
I dony know much of her involvement or how she found out tommy died (besides metagaming shhhhh) but i saw her monologuing of how they 'failed' tommy and like. Her whole 'he was so young we the Adults failed him' spiel is like........... inconsequential? Now??? Like no dont worry he died but hes alright now.
BET YOU DIDNY EXPECT TO SEE THIS FUCKER!!!!!! But actually though i want to talk bout how this ties into phil. A LOT. for Zalbr ❤. But also because i see ppl tying phil to tommy's death n like nah shutup u doin it wrong. Ill go off more in a Wilbur Post. But essentially: i dont like that dream is now going to revive wilbur. I feel they arent going to tie philza into this Despite phil having originally been trying to revive his son and studying on it and Attempting and Failing. But now suddenly dream can just. Say some magic words and Poof wilbur lives? So we're just going to Kill philza's revival attempts plotline and leave that hanging? This made his efforts seem pointless and Wack like oh why didnt you just Say The Magic Words phil????
I feel really bad for niki. She hasnt been able to do a lore stream during tommy's 'death' (she tweeted she wanted to but her computer wasnt working) and considering her entire character.... that shit is important. We seen it with Jack Manifold how tommy's death impacted Him considering he literally wanted tommy dead. And since niki is in a similar boat to jack of trying to kill tommy and it being her Only goal...... thats extremely important.
BUT. i feel there wasnt any communication. Did she or anyone even know tommy would be revived? Did no one consider they could At Least let her do a single stream on it? Like jack manifold????
We couldve gotten a Really good niki lore stream. I genuinely was so excited for it and i dont regularly watch her. But we seen it with jack manifold which is why i dont feel he got screwed because mans genuinely did So Good he could pop off with anything n i think it works in His favour. But now........ for niki. Canonically she never even knew tommy was Dead. So its like nothing even happened for her. Is she just supposed to continue on trying to kill tommy with no progression?
What i think would work
This is more me being like 'hey @ the dsmp writers let me in' type speculation sbosegussgs. But i was thinkin on a Really easy way to 'fix' this without rewriting lore and the streams.
Dream should kill tommy again now that he's been revived and Leave Him Dead.
More development for the characters who are affected by his death Especially niki. More time for grief and self reflection and development
A chance for the audience to figure out what the 'afterlife' really is.
Dream is supposed to be smart and a master manipulator or something right? Why doesnt he use being able to revive tommy as a bargaining chip with sam for his own freedom?
The audience would now Know dream's intentions with tommy better, that this death isnt 'final', but we could still see other characters' grief and reactions and coping without it feeling cheap. Ive seen some 'but people dont know tommy is alive so hes still dead in their mind' but that sucks imo.
We'd know more on dream's ability to revive people and that he can just Do It on a whim (which i think sucks but hey im trying) but no one else would know this canonically
Okay. Im done. If you read this. Thankyou. I love you. Hmu.
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fandomanon · 4 years
i havent posted in so long, whoops....
anyways have some stuff from my dnd group
"So...I know why I'm doing this, but why are you doing this?" Dea asked, as she and ??? meandered about the tents.
"I'm here to cause trouble on purpose."
Dea snorted at that, and conceded her point with a shrug. "Fair enough. We're gonna fuck up whoever stole the tables, right?"
"Oh, absolutely, are you kidding? I will fight whoever stole from Ren. Only I'm allowed to do that."
"Please. You've never stolen from us."
??? huffed, and didn't reply, instead ducking into yet another tent.
Which was, luckily, the store that had clearly stolen the Izumi tables.
And, to make it even better, it was a jewelry store; imagine the fucking /chaos/.
"Hello," the shopkeep said, rather smoothly. "How can I help you?"
"Well, you can start by giving those tables you stole back," Dea said bluntly.
"Yeah!" ??? chimed in, folding his arms. "We're going to take that, now."
The shopkeep didn't look impressed. "Who are you to say that, exactly?"
"Call us concerned citizens. So, you need to give those back, now."
The shopkeep--Kay (who did jewelry, which just amused the fuck out of Dea, honestly)-- scowled, and motioned three men forward. "No, I don't."
??? activated his tiara, the orbs beginning to orbit his head. "Let's fucking go, then."
Dea just rolled her eyes, and waved her hand. The next thing everything saw was one of the tables disappear, the jewelry and stands crashing to the ground.
"I'll just be taking this, then," she said, moving casually to pick up the table, as she sent a message to Ren. Found your tables, at Kay Jewelry.
Ren, on the other side of the grounds, jerked their head up. Thankfully their shop was empty, so they could scribble a note and tie their tent closed. On my way, don't do anything hasty, I have guards, they message back, waving a few guards down.
They were nearly racing their way to the tent, three guards hot on their trail, as Dea skidded to a halt, the table abruptly going back to full size.
Ren spluttered. "What happened? I told you I was getting guards--"
"He didn't want to give your tables back, so I had to take one. I was just about to go back for the other one, but they started attacking, so I had to get out," Dea said, before they were interrupted by yelling behind them.
Two of the men that ??? had not attacked had apparently also gotten guards, and were making their way towards Ren's group.
The guards could see the Izumi ensigna on the table Dea had accidentally dropped when it shifted, and with a few hand gestures, the other guards immediately turned on the men, arresting them.
"Here, Izumi, and, uh, ma'am. We'll carry this table back, and go get your other, okay? Just follow us."
??? still had orbs circling his head when they made their way into the shop.
"Finally," Kay exclaimed, exasperated. "Get this /halfling/ out of my shop--"
"You took my family's tables, you need to return them," Ren countered, staring right at it.
Kay scowled. "Nonsense. These are my tables--the ensigna on them is mearly a maker's mark. I'm not giving them to you."
Ren, sensing an opening, immediately burst into loud, wailing tears. Their head dropped back, and crocodile tears rolling down their cheeks.
Everyone was staring...except for ??? and Dea, who sensed their chance, casually wandering over to the now destroyed displays, and began trying to steal whatever they could get their grubby little hands on.
"F-first you take my--my parents stuff, and now you won't even give it back? T-t-they could be dead, I haven't seen them in so long, and-and you're going to say that I can't have them back?"
If there were guards on Kay's side when they had first came in, Kay had now lost all sympathy.
Xander was sitting outside the Izumi tent, looking lost, when Shy walked up, sans cloak.
"Hey," Shy said, nodding at him. "Ren gone?"
Xander nodded back, cradling their violin. "Uh, yeah. Looks like they found their tables."
Shy looked thoughtful, and then shrugged, plopping down next to Xander on the ground. "Alright."
They sat there in silence for a few moments, before they saw the guards, carrying a familiar looking table.
"Huh," Xander said. "Looks like they found them."
"Yep," Shy replied, and they nudged Xander a little, so they could both scoot over, no longer blocking the doorway.
"Listen, sir," one of the guards said, folding his arms. "These tables clearly belong to the Izumi clan. You have two options, now. Either you refuse to admit these belong to them, and we go to court, where you'll pay the fines, or you admit they belong to Izumi, and you pay them--2000? No, make that 5000 gold, for emotional damages, and you give the table back. It's your choice."
Kay looked around his shop. There was no sympathy, from anyone, and the only person who could possibly be on his side was currently in a corner, whimpering.
He sighed, seeming put upon. "Fine. Let me get the money."
The guards seemed satisfied, and two of them broke off to pick the table up, as Dea and ??? came forward to coo at Ren, seeming to comfort them. "There, there," Dea said, patting them on the shoulder. "You have it back, now, don't you worry."
Ren nodded, sniffling and wiping their eyes, and while the guards took their table back, and Kay was carefully counting out money for the guards, they went over to the nearly unconscious man, carefully tapping his shoulder, to heal some of the burns.
Dea and ??? exchanged almost exasperated glances, that seemed to say, 'yep, that's Ren for you,' and Kay handed over a bag of gold, almost sulking.
The guards motioned all of them outside. "Right. Izumi, here's your part of the money. I hope you're not too distressed."
Ren wiped their eyes, still sniffling. "T-thank you for your help. We couldn't have done this without you."
The guards looked awkward, now, and a few of them mumbled thanks, before they broke off to go back to patrolling.
As soon as they were gone, so were Ren's tears. "Thanks for finding my shit, you guys."
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bkdkau · 4 years
it was finally after school, and the trio were in izuku’s room. he had just finished telling them everything he told kacchan and he managed to do it without crying.
however, denki was crying and shoto showed no other emotion other than rage and anger. denki was also angry, but he needs to get a good cry in before he lets his anger take over.
“this is none of your fault, zuzu! kiri is the monster! he’s so disgusting! how could he do that to our baby?!” denki wailed, tucking izuku’s head under his chin, and holding him close.
izuku is grateful for his best friends and he believes he’d be lost without them. he loves them and hopes they continue being best friends.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you guys sooner. i was scared and didn’t know how to bring it up.” he apologizes, but the other two shush him quickly.
shoto goes, “izu, it’s okay, really. we understand. we’re glad you told us. how did bakubit- i mean bakugo take it?”
denki and izuku laugh at their friend’s mistake. “were you about to call my boyfriend bakubitch?”
“uhhh no...? is that the right answer?”
izuku snorts and shakes his head. “nope. but i appreciate you trying. he didn’t take it well obviously. was ready to commit murder for me.”
denki hums. “that sounds about right. i mean he wouldn’t actually kill someone, but i believe he’d fight anyone for you.”
“because he’s fucking whipped.”
“hush, sho. i mean yeah he is but still! you fight for the ones you love, right? kacchan just takes it in a more physical sense. look, point is, he’s pissed at kiri and i have a meeting with principal nezu on friday.”
“okay, that’s good. where’s lover boy anyway?” denki asks. he’s still holding izuku, playing with the floof of green hair.
“oh, he’s-“ izuku pauses. hm. “actually, i have no clue. he said he had business to take care of so i assumed he meant hero work.”
just then, there was a loud explosion from outside, making the dorm building rumble with its force. the trio’s eyes widened at the sound as they looked at each other.
“fucking hell- KACCHAN!” izuku yells as he runs out the room, the other two following.
the other students who didn’t have work today were already outside in the front of the building. another explosion went off and the noise of a familiar malicious laugh right after.
izuku makes it to the front of the crowd just in time to see kirishima receiving punch after punch to his face. he finally is able to dodge katsuki’s punches and throws a few swings at the blond.
over the years they’ve both trained together, they both have gotten equally stronger and it shows. kirishima has perfected his Unbreakable mode and katsuki’s blasts have only gotten bigger and more powerful. once during training, he managed to finally put a crack in the red head’s maximum armor.
right now wasn’t training, though. they’re both fighting, intent on winning. winning what, izuku couldn’t tell you, but he’s sure it has something to do with him. katsuki’s going full out and they each are sporting multiple wounds.
kirishima landed a hit on katsuki’s side, sending him flying but the blond is quick to recover. he stands up tall then takes a fighting stance, finger on the trigger of one of his gauntlets.
“LAST FUCKING CHANCE, SHITTY BASTARD!” he yells while breathing heavily.
he’s gonna kill him.
izuku quickly shoves that thought out of his head. he knows katsuki isn’t going to actually do it. but izuku does know that he’s been working on his gauntlets to make them stronger and cause more damage. he’s seen katsuki do a test run and he’s not sure if kirishima’s hardening can take it.
he needs to stop this.
“LAST CHANCE? HA! DONT MAKE ME LAUGH! YOU’LL SHOOT ME FOR NO REASON!” kirishima responds, toughening up his hardening.
just as katsuki was about to pull the trigger, izuku jumps into the middle. “NO ONE IS SHOOTING ANYONE!”
both boys, and their classmates, look surprised at izuku’s outburst. they don’t normally hear him yell like this, so it was shocking.
“NO! YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE!” izuku pulled out black whip from each hand. he wrapped one around katsuki and the other around kirishima. he dragged them both closer.
he looks up between the two with a glare and shakes his head. “you two are fucking unbelievable. especially you kacchan! i told you not to start a fight and you did it anyway!”
there was complete silence, even their classmates watching the scene go down. until kirishima speaks up.
“so i’m off the hook, right? you’re not gonna yell at me?”
izuku slowly turned his head towards the red head with an almost murderous gaze.
“i should’ve said this the first time you harassed me. kirishima, i’m sorry but you’re gonna have to get over me. i can’t fucking deal with you. we can stay friends but if you’re not satisfied with that then oh well. you made me feel disgusting and used and i will always regret being scared, not telling someone sooner. pull this shit again, and i won’t stop kacchan.”
kirishima is stunned into silence as he takes in izuku’s words. he’s never seen the boy so mad. he usually had a smile on his face so who knew he could tear you a new one.
“i think we’ve all had our fun for today.”
everyone gasps and turns towards the voice. approaching the group of students was Midnight, Aizawa and Nezu. the one who spoke was Midnight.
“midoriya, please let them go. you three can come with me.” principal nezu says in usual cheerful tone. he stalks off towards the building as izuku reigns in black whip and the three follow the tiny animal man.
midnight and aizawa check on the other students, and ask them questions in the meantime.
principal nezu led the three boys into an office (they didn’t even know it existed) and closed the door. there, the truth finally came out.
PART 121 (2/2)
Sugar and Spice - bakudeku au
;sorry it’s so long, idk when to stop writing🥺
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Hi love! Can I request a part two for the cevans x reader where the reader misses her period again and she takes another pregnancy test? Only this time it's positive?? You would melt my heart
A/N- I so hope he gets to be a daddy one day, cause he really would be such a great father! I so entirely want this for him one day. 
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You and Chris decided after that first pregnancy test to really give it a proper try. And Mr.Christopher Evans, well he was all about giving it every chance the two of you could.
Your house, well if it wasnt christened before, it certainly was now. And afterwards, he was more caring and gentle then even before if that was possible. He would feather kisses down your body, while he eased your hips up with a pillow and stretch out next to you, nuzzling your neck with the slight scratch of his beard and whisper how beautiful you were to him, all while massaging any sore spots you might hint you have.
“Im so lucky to have you” He would say as you were still coming down from your orgasm. His fingers brushing through your hair that had fallen out of your ponytail out of your face. Your cheeks would go slightly red at the compliment.
“Your just saying that Chris”
“I certainly am not just saying that.” He would huff slightly and grasp your chin to place a deep kiss on it, slipping his tongue around yours and inhaling your sigh as you were still recovering from before. “Baby or not, I am the fucking luckiest man.” Your eyes would glaze in between lust and love for him, for you felt the exact same way about him.
Time passed, and a few drs visits, they informed you and Chris that it might take a while, and not to get discouraged. It was hard sometimes to take it to heart though, and every negative test you got, having to step out of the bathroom to see Chris look so hopeful, it broke a little bit of you. But he was good about it, everytime.
“Babygirl, you know he said it could take a while.” His arms would ease you to sit in his lap, your own loping around his neck to balance, and he would tip his forehead to lean against your own, blue eyes filling your gaze. “How about tonight you pack a bag, and we will drop Dodger off at Scotts?”
You slide your arms around his neck and give a small smile. “I would really like that Chris.” His arms tightened around you and give you a loving kiss, letting you go about packing an over night bag for the two of you while he went to drop off Dodger.
That night was exactly what you both needed, the two of you took the few hours to go into New York City, Chris had reserved a beautiful hotel room, a night out at one of your favorite restaurants in the city, along with dancing. Chris was pulling out all your favorites, to finish the night, the two of you walked to times square, just to admire the sight of it all.
Later that evening, your love making wasnt about trying to reach a goal. That wasnt the purpose of your fevered kisses, the way Chris’s body traveled down yours, and loped your legs to brace against his shoulders as he kissed you so intimately, you came crying his name, hands fisting in his hair. Nor the next time when he had you pressed against the hotel rooms floor to ceiling windows, your gaze filled with the dark skyline glowing softly in shades of purples and gold twinkles with the thousands of lights, of others unaware you were on display should they take the time to look. Nor when he laid you out on the bed, and took his time exploring you, unraveling you for the third and final time, both of you spent. No this night was all about appreciating one another, and as you sunk back to his chest, his kiss were hard and possessive against your neck, breathing out. “I fucking love you always Y/N”
Weeks later your sitting on the bathtub edge, thrumming your fingers against the ceramic, staring at the box. Should you take it, maybe just another week? Its not uncommon anymore for your period to be out of whack, and you just didnt want that disappointment again. Dodger sits with his head in your lap, sighing softly as your hand moves to rub his ears, confessing to your favorite Good Boy.
“Buddy I dont know if I can handle another heartbreak again.” You whisper and press your face into the softness of his fur, looking to find peace in the canine. He grew impatient and started to wriggle, in which you let him go. Dodger lifts to place his front paws on the edge of the tub and licks your face, causing that sorrow to uplift a bit. Laughing, you wrap your arms around him and hug before letting him go to race and jump up on your bed, his fluffy tail wagging, slapping his front paws in a invitation to come play.
You reach down and grab his lion near your feet where he ditched it earlier, and toss it for him to catch on the bed, which he snatched and raced out of the bedroom to collide into Chris’s legs. “OOF!” He stumbles into the bedroom just as your coming out of the bathroom. “:Whats gotten into him?” He asks as he looks over his shoulder at Dodger tossing the lion up in the air to catch it.
“I think he was trying to cheer me up Handsome.” You wrap your arm around him and the two of you watch Dodger continue playing in the upstairs hallway before loosing it down the stairs. Your head rests a bit on his chest, and you giggle when he seems a bit lost staring down the stairs, and launches himself down.
“And why do you need cheering up Babygirl?” Chris ponders, his fingers sliding under your chin to tilt to look up at him, you bite your lip and shrug.
“Well I still havent gotten my period, and just ‘fraid you know? What if its negative again Chris?”
“Then its negative baby and we will go back to normal. If you want me to stop loving on you all the time, I will. Theres really no pressure for us to get pregnant.” Chris turned you to face him, covering your cheeks and across your nose in gentle kisses. “Y/N, baby or not, I just love being with you and that will make me just as fucking happy to.” your hands fist in his shirt, and you listen to what hes saying. You know kids mean alot, you both got caught up in this rush, but maybe hes right. You give a nod and move to tip toes to press your lips with his, his hands tightening a bit along the curve of your waist and moaning softly at the sweet taste of your lips. He growled out softly afterwards in a tease.
“Although Im not complaining these past couple monthes have been mindblowing.”
You laugh softly, and rub his chest, winking at him. “You know what, Im not upset about it either, it really has been. How about we check this last one, then... we just enjoy what were doing, and if it happens, it happens?”
“Its a deal babygirl.” He gave you a encouraging smile and once more, for what felt like the hundredth time, you went to take the test. Chris moved over to lean his shoulder against the wall, waiting for you to step back out, and when you did, he drew you into the circle of his arms, while you two waited. This time your head laid on his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart. You timed it that way, counting with each one. This time no words were shared, neither of you wanted to really get the hopes up of the other one. His hands though told there own story, heavy in the small of your back, they followed up your back, and down, his chin resting atop of your head, and you could feel the scratch of his beard tangling in your hairs, his adams apple bob up and down when he swallowed, you burrowed in closer. Praying, please let it be this time for us. You knew Chris would make a wonderful Daddy, and you wanted to give him that. You wanted to be his childrens mother.
“Okay baby, lets go take a look” He sounded calm as ever and you fidgeted your hand in his shirt, nodding. Together you two went to go peer at the stick. Lifting it up, the both of you studying it. Were you.... Your eyes dart back and forth to the box to confirm.
“Handsome were....” You start breathing in deeply. Chris’s holds tighten on you and turns you to look up at him.
“Y/N, Babygirl, your pregnant, we did it! Baby you got a little Boston Baked Bean growing in you!” His voice had lifted in its excitement, and your bust out in tears, streaming down your cheeks and your laughing in your joy while he encases you into his hold, lifting you off your feet in his joy.
“I cant believe it Chris!” your nuzzling in against him as he covers your tear covered face in loving kisses and nips to your lips, pulling you into a deeper kiss, his tongue tracing yours, tangling and you can feel your head rushing at it. Panting when you part, you pause the two of you with a brace of your hand against his chest.
“Did you call our baby... a Boston Baked Bean?”
He shrugged, looking sheepish. “Uhhh, its kinda been stuck in my head since we started really talking about it.
Only your man would ever think that, but you loved him all that much more for it.
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asher-ashy · 3 years
A Bakudeku Story Continued..
(Sorry i havent posted the last part, iven been busy with things on my end, but i finally have the time to share this last part!)
Kastuki stopped in his tracks. He had thought that Midoryia didn't love him at all, Katsuki was shocked as he finally spoke, he could only bring out one word.
“What!?” he had said, in an angry tone. Katsuki put his hands on his mouth, regretting the tone of his voice.
Midoriya tried talk, but his words came out like jelly, he had gotten scared because of Katsuki’s tone. Midoriya toughened up, he had to say what he needed to.
“I need to know if I love you..!” He finally did it, at least on part of the sentence.
“I-...Kacchan, i know what you did to me, erased my memory so i could only remember you! So you could have me rule by your side! I lost all my friends cause of you. From what ive heard, i had good friendships, and you ruined that, i had a happy life, you did to, right?”
Katsuki was confused, Midoriya came running in asking him to kiss him just a second ago, and now hes talking about the past.
“T-That was a year ago Deku... Why does it matter?” Katsuki is afraid of being left from Midoriya, he didn't want to see him leave.
“It matters to me, Todoroki told me everything, and after hearing what kind of life i had: Being Number 1 Pro Hero, amazing friends, and more. I want that back, Kacchan..” Midoriya started to cry. Katsuki walked over to him, bent down, and gave him a hug, while also wiping away Midoriya’s tears
“Deku, your memory cant be restored at the moment, but for now all you can do is try to remember.” 
Midoryia wanted his memory’s back at that moment, but when Katsuki told him he cant, he knew that it was hopeless, but he wouldnt give up, thats for sure! 
Katsuki remembered something.
“Oi, Deku.” Midoriya looked up, his eyes pink and puffy from all the crying.
“Y-Yes, Kacchan?”
“Why did you insist on me kissing you, then you go and blab your shitty mouth out?” Midoriya looked at Katsuki, he could feel his face begin to blush, he quickly ducked down, and scooted away.
“E-earlier today.....at the park.. t..t...to-” Midoriya stuttered as he tried to get the name ‘Todoroki’ out of his mouth
“Just hurry up and say it, damn nerd!” Katsuki was losing his patience.
Midoriya just yelled it, “TODOROKI KISSED ME!!!”
It was silent, Midoriya didn't like that, he wanted Katsuki to respond back, but he never did, so Midoriya continued.
“H..he kissed me, and i.... i pushed him away and ran off. I dont know if i liked it, it was just so sudden i got scared, so when i arrived back here, i thought that.....well.....that.... we should kiss, so i can see if there’s  different connections between them....”
Katsuki was mad, well kinda. He couldn't be mad, he was jealous, but he tried to ignore it and just kissed Midoriya. It was his one and only chance to kiss the person he loved the most. During the time that they were touching lips, neither of them pushed each other away, they both liked it, it felt right to the both of them, they never wanted to let go.
~Time Skip~
A few years later, Katsuki ended up proposing to Midoryia, he said yes of course. During their engagement, they were never happier, they went ice skating, regained some of Midoriyas memory, did winter things, Summer things, and Fall things, as a family.
~Wedding Day~
Midoriya had on a dark green velvet suit with a black bow tie. Katsuki wore a black tux, and a black tie, his suit was special though. On the pocket of Katsuki’s tux was him and Midoriya’s name and the date of when they started dating. 
It was an emotional day for the two men. Katsuki never felt that he would be marrying Midoriya of all people, and Midoriya never thought he would of even kiss Katsuki, but they made the universe flip, as they said their vows, put rings on, danced, threw cake at each other, and be happily married with two amazing children of their own. Everyone was happy on that day, no one seemed to forget that day, not a single soul who attended the wedding of “Deku & Kacchan”
~The End~
(Im thinking making a part two kinda, or like a bouns, if people like it that much, i just as might!)
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maiface23 · 4 years
The Masturbation vs. Sex Debate
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Note: If anyone listens to the VIEWS podcast, then you would know David said before he prefers masterbation over sex. That's where I drew inspiration for this fanfic for Sub!David. Also drew inspiration from @dd-imagines . I really enjoy Dom!David, so this was a new way of writing for me, This also might turn out long, so I hope you're ready, and I Hope you enjoy!
Warning: Smut, Fluff, Choking, Aggression
You've been with David for a while now. Time has flow, by your not really sure for how long. Maybe 6 months? Maybe more? Either way, the connection and chemistry you have with him is undeniable. You've done everything in bed with David that is possible.... So you thought... knowing everything about each other's bodies. Your relationship is just bliss.
One day you realized you havent been catching up in David and Jason's podcast. There was some shows you havent listened to before, shows that they made before you two became involved with each other.
You were bored, laying in your bed, wishing you went with David to New York. But you couldn't, So all you could do was wait for the time to go past untill everyone came back home.
You scroll though the shows, waiting for a title to catch your eye, when you finally find one, titled "$400,000 to quit drinking".
You start to listen, missing David's voice, comforting you as you lay alone, wishing he was there with you, holding you. Then something David states that catches you off gaurd.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I think masturbation is better"
Your eyes wide, feeling confused.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I just think- that- one- you know what you want the most... it's so convenient, you can do it whenever you want... You can do it where ever you want.... one part of your body helps out the other. It's almost like- kinda magical."
You gasped. You feel so offended, but you start to realize that this was before you guys got together. Maybe single David just thinks differently, and he changed his mind. Even having these thoughts, you are still upset. Am I not good enough? You think to your self. You honestly didn't even want to finish the show, you feel like you might just get more and more offended if you do.
You decide to distract your mind with other things, cleaning your apartment, listening to music, painting, anything to make you forget about that podcast, Waiting for David to be home.
Two days later:
You're waiting for David at his house, you let yourself in with the key he gave you. You were so excited to hug him, to kiss him. And also egar to ask him about that part in VIEWS. You're sitting on the couch, when you hear the door open and bags shuffling.
David- "Y/N...?" He called out, wondering if you made it to the house before him.
You jump up out of your seat and make your way to him quickly, David smiling wide as he sees you rushing to him. He drops all of his things to wrap his arms around your body, embracing you. He smells like your David, his warmth comforting your body. You pull away slightly so you can give him a kiss. You wrap your hands around his neck and pull him in, His lips taste like your David as well. You stop kissing and look up at each other.
David- "Hi." He says as he smiles
Y/N- "I missed you so much."
David- "I missed you too, I wish you would have been able to come with, but I'm glad you're here now."
You lean in and give him another passionate kiss. His lips so wet and soft, you really did miss him so much, but you're still thinking about what he said in his show. You start thinking about when would be the right time to bring it up.
Hours go by, you are all watching random stuff on TV while you lay on the cloud couch. You and David cuddling, Nat, on the other side eating mac and cheese, Jason making some joke about how much of a dork the guy on TV looks like. You really want to ask about the podcast, so you say fuck it.
Y/N- "So I was listening to the old podcasts..."
David backs up a little bit to get a better look at you.
David- " Yeah?" Waiting for you to elaborate
Y/N- "You think masturbation is better than sex?"
Jason cackles in laughter. Natalie stops eating and looks up and giggles.
Natalie- "Oooh David... you're screwed now." she says as she laughs
David smiles as his face gets red.
David- "Well... I said all that before we were together. I dont know... yeah, I- I think like- it can be better. Sometimes- I dont know."
David stumbles over his words, you know hes trying to make a point without hurting your feelings. You blush at the thought of David trying to be nice to you, but still hold his opinion as his own. Suddenly you're not as upset as you once were, but you get a good idea instead.
Y/N- "I think I'm gonna have to change your mind then." You smile
Jason- "Awww shit, Dave... looks like you're gonna be a lucky man tonight."
Everyone laughs
You shuffle yourself out of David's grip, standing up to move over near Natalie.
Y/N- "Well.... actually... No." You start to grin
David- "Come on Y/N, dont be upset."
Y/N- "Oh, I'm not upset. But I promise you, you're about to be."
The room goes silent, waiting for you to speak again, David's face looking very confused, not sure how to respond.
David- "Why'd you move away from me then?"
Y/N- "Cause I'm going to change your mind. For the next week, You are not allowed to touch me, unless I say so."
David's eyes widen
You lean in close, wrapping your grip around David's neck.
Y/N- "And if you touch me without permission, you will go longer and longer without my body, do you understand"
Jason and Natalie start dieing laughing, David almost loses his breath, instantly being turned on. David has always been the dominant one, this is something you both have not played with before. The sudden shift in control changes everything in that one moment. The power you feel over David, with holding your pussy from him. Suddenly, hes small beneath you, yours. In your hands, your toy, his Dom. For once, David being the Submissive.
5 days later:
Things have gotten pretty intense around the house. David tried talking you out of it a bunch of times, apologizing, but he was always a good boy. Not taking his chances on missing out on you. Always gets within arms reach, but never reaches. It's almost like he doesnt want the game to end. You can tell he likes feeling weak and helpless, not in control.
You've done little things here and there to make him whimper in desires, making him wanting you. Walking around the house in a thong and tight tshirt with no bra, skimpy dresses when u go out, making sure you bend down right in front of his face when you need to pick something off the coffee table, eating ice cream and popsicles seductively.
You're both sitting on the couch away from each other, you keep noticing David glancing over at you, missing you, missing your touch. You know you miss his as well, But you're having too much fun torturing him, making him your slave, following your rules. It was so exciting, even for David. You start to have another idea, hoping with what you have planned, it will push him over the edge.
Y/N- "I'm going to go take a bath."
David innocently looks up from his phone
David- "Okay, have fun."
You go straight to his bathroom, getting the tub ready, making sure it was filled with soap so it would be filled with bubbles. You tie your hair up so it doesnt become wet, taking off your shirt and your shorts, then your bra and underwear. You step in and instantly become relaxed. You lay back and enjoy yourself for a while. Playing with the bubbles once in a while, washing your face, pampering yourself.
Soon, you decide it was time.
Y/N- "Daaavid!" You shout, wanting him to come into the bathroom.
He walks in and smiles
David- "What's up?"
Y/N- "Can you help me out, I dont want to slip."
David becomes surprised, since this was the first time in days you asked him to touch you.
David- "Y-yeah... O-okayy"
He reaches out a hand, waiting for you to do the same. You wait a moment, until he locks eyes with you, you slowly stand up, letting the bubbles fall slowly down your wet naked body, falling down your tits perfectly, some soap staying stuck to your stomach, and legs, a goddess. You reach out an arm.
Y/N- "You can only touch my hand, NOTHING else, Do you understand?"
David drops to his knees, his face becomes pained.
David- "Oh my God, baby. I need you so badly, please. I'm so sorry, FUCK."
Y/N- "Touch me anywhere else and you will fucking regret it. Do you understand." You say with a smile
David's head drops.
David- "Y/N I said I'm so sorry, I promise I will ne-"
You cut him off.
Y/N- "Quite!" You yell
David instantly becomes silent. He really has mastered the art of being a slave.
Y/N- "No more whining, or I will give you something to whine about. And my name is not Y/N to you, its Mistress. Do you understand?"
David- "Y-yes.... I'm sorry"
Y/N- "Sorry what!?"
David smiles.
David- "I'm sorry.... Mistress."
He stands back up and extends his hand. You grab it and slowly step out, letting water drip on the floor, your eyes locked in together again, You decide to play with him a little more
Y/N- "Dont look at me until I tell you to."
David's face drops in seconds, and admires your body, aching for it. At this point he knows not to take any chances by prolonging his suffering, so he listens to every command like a good boy.
You take your towel, and try to dry off, David standing there looking at your body and at the floor. He doesnt even know what to do with himself anymore, hes like a child, waiting for direction.
Y/N- "Go sit on the bed."
By command, he turns on his heels and does exactly that. You hear him in the other room, shifting himself into his side of the bed. You put on your bra and underwear, leaving your clothes on the floor. You said you were going to make him suffer for a week, but at this moment, it feels right to reward him.
You walk into the bedroom, David looks up for a moment, but quickly looks back down to the floor. You walk towards him, your body inches from him
Y/N- "I think you've been a good boy, I think you deserve an award, dont you?"
David looks up at you and in your eyes, smiling, he reaches out and grabs your waist. You slap him across his cheek, wrapping your hand around his throat and pushing his back down on the bed.
Y/N- "Did I fucking say you could touch me, or look at me?"
David loses his breath once more
David- "N-no, No I'm sorry."
David- "I'm sorry Mistress." He says as he closes his eyes and puts his hands over his head. You grin
Y/N- "look at me."
David does as hes told.
Y/N- "I'm not about to give you what you want, I'm going to give you what you need, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You're straddling his lap with your hand around his throat. Your words echo straight to his dick, you can feel his hard cock trying to break free. You get up off him, he doesnt move a muscle, frozen, afraid of making the wrong move, he looks up at the ceiling, powerless. You start to un button his pants, and pull down his boxers, seeing his throbbing dick break free from the torture that is his clothing.
Y/N- "This is mine. This is for my enjoyment, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress, my cock is yours"
Pleased with his progress, you reward him by taking his size into your hand and into your mouth. David let's out a moan.
Y/N- "Do you like that, slave?" You say with a smile
David- "Y-yes, Mistress."
You start pumping him, faster and faster, you feel his cock twitching.
Y/N- "You better not fucking cum."
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You've never seen him like this, pained with pleasure, scared to react. The thought of any moment, you could get up and leave him there terrified his desires. He was aching for affection from you, he would do anything for you to please him, or for him to please you.
Y/N- "You're a good boy, arent you?"
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm a good boy, Mistress."
You continue to pump his dick, and torture it with your mouth. You started to be come aroused as well. You stop, and stand up.
Y/N- "Get up on the bed, all the way."
David follows his commands, sliding his way up, rest his head on his pillows near the head board, still looking up at the ceiling. You take off your underwear, and climb up onto the bed. You take off his tshirt, then straddle yourself onto David's lap, hovering over his wet, warm, throbbing dick.
Y/N- "Look at me."
David looks down at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
Y/N- "Do you want my pussy on your cock, slave" you say smiling
David smiles back
David- "Yes, Mistress"
Without hesitation, you drop down, letting his dick fill you up, you didnt even need to prepare for it, all this excitement has you dripping wet already. You put your hands on his chest and start to slowly bounce.
Y/N- "You have permission to touch me."
David swiftly grabs your waist, hard. The way it felt was like a weight was lifted from him, finally being able to get what he wanted.
You start to bounce faster, his hands keeping you steady, you take one of your hands off his chest and wrap it around his throat once more, your finger tips gripping tighter, enough so he could still breath. His eyes roll in the back of his head in pressure.
Y/N- "Are you feeling pleased, slave?"
David moans- "Yes... Mistress..."
You keep bouncing, faster and faster till you can feel yourself orgasming. You tilt your head back and ride out your high. Moments later, you feel his dick twitch inside you.
Y/N- "Tell me when you're about to come."
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm about to come Mistress."
You hop off of him, wrapping your hands and mouth around his cock so his load could fall down your throat. David moans as he finally gets the release hes been working so hard to get.
You lay down next to him. Both of you breathing heavily. Laying there in silence until you catch your breaths. David turns on his side to get a better look at you.
David- "I think I'm inlove with what just happened. I didnt know being so powerless felt so powerful. I think I'm gonna have to piss you off more often." he laughs
Y/N- "If that's how you feel, I'm really going to make you pay."
David- "Please make me pay, baby." he laughs
You reach over and wrap your fist around David's neck again.
Y/N- "Please make me pay, WHO?"
David smiles- "Make me pay..... Mistress."
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braham-is-bi · 4 years
hey i was looking to getting into GW2 (i've been playing a bit but havent gotten very far) & i was wondering if you had any tips on getting started? (also.... when do i start getting cool armor :eyes:)
OH YES HI I hope you've been having fun but probably not because imo gw2 has one of the steepest immediate learning curves in an mmo in that it starts out confusing as fuck and then once you actually understand the game its very intuitive. This is gonna be far from a complete list but its some things that might help!!
1. The 1-5 skills on your character change according to what weapon(s) you have equipped. A lot of new players (especially those that play other mmos) find this weird at first. At level 9 you get the ability to carry 2 sets of weapons and swap between them during combat (unless you're a elementalist or engineer).
2. When youre leveling up dont worry too much about stats, I most just equip gear that I'm given until I hit 80 but here's some stats explained.
Power - the damage output for flat numbers. If the skill says it does x damage, this is what it scales with
Condition damage - this is what things like bleeds and burns scale with. If the skill has a condition that it applies that says "deals x damage over x seconds" its a condition spell
Precision - your critical hit chance. Critical hits deal bonus damage
Ferocity - your critical hit damage
Vitality - your flat health
Toughness - damage reduction. Numerically its the same as having flat health but the higher your toughness, the more monsters will focus you over other people
Theres more but these are the important ones for leveling
3. Explore. Everything. Seriously gw2 is all about exploring just go everywhere look at everything if you love scenery and ambience then this is the game for you just go fuckin nuts and run at things
4. Don't forget to repair your armor if you die. Theres anvils around the world for it usually near vendors and hearts on the minimap
5. When you get to leveling up skills and specializations don't stress too much. You'll get enough points by level 80 to unlock everything (minus elite specs) and you can change out everything when not in combat
6. You unlock more of the personal story every 10 levels. This story is the only part of the gw2 story that can't be repeated on a character. Some of the story also takes place in the dungeons (which are kinda dead unless there's a daily) so if youre confused why the members of Destiny's Edge keep calling you their friend, all of their stuff is in the dungeons.
7. Press i on your keyboard. Now go to the gear on that window and press "deposit all materials". Weep happy tears because you freed up inventory space
8. If you have hearing problems and are frustrated about subtitles, check out the chat box. You can create new chat tabs and decide what goes in each one. Now you can have a tab just for NPC talk and a tab for map chat that you never look at because people say slurs (not really that often if youre out in the world and you can ask for help in it its not THAT bad unless Lion's Arch is busy)
9. The biggest enemy in gw2 is actually the little popup you get once you hit level 80 telling you about mastery points. It shows up every time you gain experience and it will not stop until you choose a mastery to level up. You cannot level up a mastery without going to heart of thorns for the glider or path of fire for the raptor. Dont worry I am already on my way to beat anet to death for this.
Armor - you'll get cool armor as you level up/do achievements that have armor rewards/do pvp tracks (if you like interacting with other people for some reason)/or just straight up buy it from the gemstore if you want. Once a piece of armor is unlocked, any character of that armor class can use the skin for it. BUT transmutation charges (the currency to change your armor skin) are rare at first so be careful cause the skin is attached to the piece of armor you're wearing meaning if you equip something new you have to use another charge to change that piece of armor. Dyes, however, are free to change whenever! Dyes, armor/weapon skins, and transmutations charges are account wide not character bound!
ALSO armor and weapon skins are stored in the bank in a second tab so you can check out armors there (I think its right click to preview) and then check out what armors you think are cool and plan out your characters look. And then weep when the armor was in the gemstore 2 weeks ago and won't be back in for a while cause they cycle the damn store....at least that's how it goes for me aksjsks
Hopefully this helps! Its kinda long and more basic stuff (I find it easier to assume someone knows nothing and work up from there because thats how I would want to be taught) but if you ever have more specific questions feel free to message me again or dm me or anything! And I can always hop on and show you things in game if you want!!
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I Do. (Post 1/2) (part 1 of ?)
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"I just want a nice, normal guy to sweep me off my feet, and support my carmel vanilla coffee addiction. Is that so much to ask?!"
My best friend gave me an amused glance before dropping her gaze back towards her phone. I swear, that girl could hold two conversations face to face, surf facebook, and hold a buisness Skype call, all at the same time. A.D.D., they name is Rae.
"I've set you up on five dates so far, and you havent lasted longer then ten minutes with any of them," she countered. "So how about this...you tell me your dream guy, and I'll work off of that."
I sighed, tapping my foot nervously against the metal rung of the coffee shop table. I was always fidgeting. Whether it was shaking my foot, drumming my nails along the table, or pacing aimlessly around, I was always moving.
"I don't know," I sighed out on a breath. Picking up my iced vanilla, butterscotch, and chai latte, I took a sip before responding. "Dont you know anyone that actually has a life?"
Rae glanced up at me, cocking an eyebrow. "A life? Like, the other 5 were dead?"
I groaned. "The first guy had the ambition of a goldfish. Second guy wanted me to move into his mother's basement with him. Third guy was perfectly content to be a cashier th erest of his life and didnt want to even think about making more than minimum wage or he would loose government assistance.....shall I go on?"
Rae gave a throaty chuckle, causing three random guys to stop their conversations and look her way. She just had that way about her.
"Tell you what," she mused out loud. "Since the last five was a complete disaster, and I thought they would have been perfect for you, the next guy I pick will be the one who I think you'll hate the most. So.... Here's what I want from you. You pick what you want him to wear. You pick if you want flowers or not. And you pick the place to meet for drinks, dinner, movie...whatever. deal?"
I thought about it for a moment, the shrugged. "Fine. I want to come here. This coffee shop. No flowers. No expectations. I'll even pay for the both of our drinks. But he has to have a job. A good job. Or at least have a goal in mind," I amended.
Rae nodded. "Tell me more. Actually, tell me your dream. What's your fantasy date for this coffee. Close your eyes and describe the guy to me. What is he wearing. What does he look like. What is he drinking?"
I laughed, but saw the amusement in her eyes. Deciding to play along, I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly back.
"White button down shirt with the sleeves rolled back a bit. Nice jeans, probably faded with a hole in the leg," I laughed out. "Gorgeous smile because he laughs a whole lot and has an amazing sense of humor. Eyes that are kind and sparkle. Shaggy hair that probably falls into his eyes...." I trailed off.
"Sounds like quite the catch," Rae laughed out on a breath. She sounded amused, which kind of worried me a bit.
I opened my eyes and glanced at her. "Why do you sound like you just ate a canary?"
Rae's eyes sparkled as she tried to suppress a smile. "I know who would be perfect for you, and...he should be here in about two minutes."
My jaw dropped to the floor. "What?! Theres no way you could have called someone and set it up so fast. You had this planned!" I shrieked. Not because she set me up, but because she didnt warn me.
I was dressed in my -I dont give a shit, today is my day off- clothes. A pair of faded dark grey sweatpants with a hole in the left knee, dark green jumper with a faded brand logo running down the arm, and hair unbrushed and tossed into a messy bun. Plus I was still wearing yesterdays makeup which had faded to a lovely raccoon inspired look.
"This wasnt a setup," she argued lovingly, tossing her hands up to her side quickly. "Swear it. You know i was meeting a few friends here today. One of them would be perfect for you."
I eyed her warily. "The so-called friends that are mysteriously out of the country doing something tha you refuse to tell me, along with their names? The ones who you are best friends with...yet I know nothing about, and we have been best friends since middle school?!" I mused, scrunching my nose up at the thought.
Granted, my and Rae are best friends for over 15 years now, but there was a random 2 year period where were were heavily into the party and drug scene. We kinda split ways and didnt talk for 2 years, then both of us, separately, decided to get our lives in order and somehow reconnected as if nothing had happened.
Strange how life works out.
"They aren't...." I trailed off.
"They were, " she nodded. "Not anymore tho. I used to hang out and binge with them tho. They cleaned their lives up as well. Just took them longer."
I nodded, glancing down at my almost empty iced coffee as I dragged my nails along the styrofoam, making patterns on the cup. "I'm willing to give it a go I guess. Coffee never hurt anyone, right?"
"Right," she agreed, glancing down once again to her phone to resume whatever multi-conversation she was having.
I didnt realize until a few minutes later that I was humming and singing along the the songs playing over the cafe speakers.
"Do you like this band?" She asked randomly, not taking her focus from her phone.
"Love them," I remarked, not really paying attention. "I just got their new album yesterday actually."
She made a small chuckle. "Let me guess then...you were always a guitar or lead singer chick. So.... Luke?"
I grinned, breaking my gaze away from all the pretty little designs my nails etched into my now empty coffee cup. " Usually , yes you would have been correct. And while he is hot, as is the othe guitarist...my heart lies elsewhere in the band."
"Bassist?" She chanced, finally placing her phone down and looking up. Her eyes darted over my shoulder, then came back to focus on my face. A grin broke out, smile so wide it reminded me of the Cheshire cat.
"Um, nooo," I drawled. "I actually seemed to be drawn to.....why the hell are you staring a time like that?!" I asked, breaking the conversation. "You look fucking creepy."
Her eyes seemed to dart over my shoulder again to where the cashier counter was, then back to me again. "So the drummer then?" She mused, not bothering to hide the grin. "You have a thing for the drummer?"
I continued to stare at her, trying to puzzle out what the hell was making her act so weird. "Yeah...?" I dragged out.
"Hmmm, and why would that be? I'm honestly curious. Usually you always go for the guitar rock-God type for looks."
I cocked my head to the side. "You really want an answer?"
Rae grinned again. Nodding her head emphatically. "Oh yes. Please, by all means."
I shrugged, taking the last small sip from my coffee. "He always seemed the most put together. Knows how to laugh, but always seems polite. Has an amazing voice, but would rather be in the background playing his heart out. And he gives out total Daddy vibes," I joked. "Plus, he is seriously hot. They all are in that band actually."
Rae burst out laughing, covering her mouth with both hands. I swear, tears started to form in her eyes.
I just stared at her. "Seriously Rae, what has gotten into you today?! What's so funny?"
Her eyes darted behind me once again, but this time she nodded. I didnt even have a chance to turn around to see what she was looking at before an arm snaking over my shoulder, placing a styrofoam cup in front of me.
"You can call me Daddy if you feel the need to, but I prefer Ashton on a first date," a voice said.
I closed my eyes tightly, slowly opening them as panic filled me. My eyes traveled from the coffee, up to a bare forearm dusted in dark golden hair, to a shoulder and chest that had a white button shirt...sleeves rolled back.
Damn, but did Rae tell him how to dress?
He smirked at my dazed expression, while Rae finally got herself under control. "I didnt tell him," she rasped out, still trying to hide the amusement as she spoke. " He really was randomly dressed like that to come here."
Ashton raised a brow as he pulled up a chair, leaning over to give Rae a quick one-armed hug before sitting on the chair backwards between us.
He reached over, palm up while smiling at me. "She did however, demand that I randomly walk in and order you a vanilla butterscotch coffee without even telling me your name, or why I was buying you one. I'm being set up on a date, I take it?" He questioned again, glancing to Rae for affirmation before looking back at me, then down to his still extended hand. "Do I get a name? Or should I introduce myself again?"
I shook my head, trying to snap out of the surreal experience going on. Placing my hand in his, I cleared my throat. "You're Daddy, right?" I smirked, trying to fight the blush rising on my face. God, but do I hope he can take the joke.
His face split into a grin, laugh bursting out of his lips. "I like her," he chuckled, looking over to Rae. " This one actually knows what a joke is."
I grinned at that as he looked back at me. "I take it that Rae has tried setting you up before as well?" I questioned.
He nodded, a faint smile still gracing his lips. "One girl who decided living in her car way her dream goal. One who only ate foods that were yellow. And one who wanted to be a psychologist because she didnt understand how people laughed or why we smile at things."
My eyes went wide. "Wow. And here I thought I had it bad with the guy who only showered on days it rained cause that's how the bathtub got refilled."
Ashton let out another bark of laughter, breaking eye contact to speak to Rae once again. " You suck at setting people up. You know that?"
She raised a brow at that, stopping her cup of coffee in mid air before she could take a sip. "Oh, so should I not have introduced the two of you?" She asked, feigning a look of hurt. "And here I thought you were getting along fairly well."
Ashton shook his head. "Are you kidding me? this girl is horrible! Wont tell me her name, wont call me by mine, and she laughs at everything I say!" He rambled out. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he didnt stop looking at her.
"And he isnt the greatest catch either, " I added. "Eavesdropped a private conversation, assumed I wanted him to pay for something. I didn't ask for without asking me. And he wont let me go," I added, flicking my gaze down to our still entwined hands.
Rae nodded, a huge, fake sight escaping past her parted lips. " okay, I give up. Sorry to waste your time, Ash. I'll take her home and be back in a few minutes to catch up with you all. I assume the others are on the way?" She asked, standing up and motioning for me to follow.
Ashton shook his head. " They are on the way. But you cant take her."
Without warning, he turned and licked a wet line up my jaw. "I licked her. Shes mine now."
My jaw dropped open, but rae looked amused. "Are you gunna pee on her too?"
He turned to look at me finally, slightly swaying our hands back and forth. "Is that your kink?"
"What?! No! Why would you ask that?!"
He shrugged. "Well, I know you have a Daddy kink, just had to be sure."
"I do NOT have a Daddy kink!" I hissed out, trying to pull my hand out from his grasp. "And why the hell did you lick me?"
He was having none of it. Keeping hold of my hand, he slowly brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand before finally releasing his hold. "Cause I wanted to see what you tasted like. Vanilla, I like it." He winked.
"You do have a daddy kink," Rae interjected, laughing through her words. "I'm going to go get another coffee and grab 2 other tables for the guys. You two enjoy yourselves."
Ashton glanced at me before looking at Rae. "If I did that, we would be arrested and barred from this shop."
I think my heart stopped. Was I breathing?
"Mind if I go grab myself a drink?"
I blinked, trying to focus on his face once again. "Didn't you just order one while you were up there?"
He shook his head. "Only ordered yours. I wasnt sure if I wanted to stay once she told me she had a girl with her for me to meet."
"And now you are sure you want to stay?" I questioned.
He smiled. A sweet smile that lit up his eyes. "I think you are fucking perfect."
I blushed at that. "Yeah, right. Cause messy girl with raccoon eyes in your kink, right?"
He gave me an amusing look. "Like a guy in jeans and a white shirt is yours?" He retorted. A small sigh left his lips as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through a few messages. Once he found what he was looking for, he stopped and put the phone down on the table in front of me.
Raelyn- her fantasy sounds like you, in a white button down and a pair of worn out skinny Jean's. Just get your asses here!
Ash-and you are so sure I would like her? I sisnt agree to another date with your wacky high maintenance friends. They just want a sugar daddy.
Raelyn- shes sitting here in pajamas, messy hair, and yesterdays makeup. And she insists on buying our coffees every week. Still wanna pass her up?
Ash- ....be there in 5.
Raelyn- get her a butterscotch vanilla iced coffee.
Ash- thought she didnt want people to buy her shit?
Raelyn- then get it for me.
Ash- do I have to buy flowers or anything?
Raelyn- only if you want her to hit you with them.
Ash- I like her already.
I glanced up at Ashton, a small smile gracing my face. "So I guess it's my turn to buy you a coffee?"
He shrugged, swinging his leg back over the chair to sit down backwards on it once again. "If you insist. Pick whatever you think I would like."
I grinned this time. " whipped cream, cherries, and handcuffs?" I joked.
He beamed at me. "Nah, that's the second date. And woulsnt you know it....you already know what to call me then," he teased.
I laughed, walking away to get him a drink. I slid up alongside Rae, elbowing her in the side gently. "Are the other three coming?"
She smiled at me. "Yeah, be here any minute."
The barista asked up for our orders, while I pushed Rae's card back towards her. "I got them."
"That's 7 drinks you are paying for today," she reminded me.
"Glad your good at math," I remarked. "You can get the next round. And if they like me as a friend and we hang out in the future we can all take turns. If not, then I get to say that they are forever indebted to me. Win-win I say."
She shrugged, but didnt argue. "Fair play, that. I'll go shove the tables together and be back to help you carry them all."
But it wasnt her who came back over when the order was ready. It was Michael.
"HI," he practically yelled, squeezing me in a tight bear hug. "I'm Michael. Or Mike. Whatever."
"You seem overly happy to meet a stranger, " I laughed out, hugging him back just as tight before letting go.
"You made ashton happy," he shrugged, a huge smile on his face. "Anyone who can make his smile in the first few minutes of meeting him...especially lately, deserves to be treated like the fucking queen they are."
My brows shot up at that. "I'm a queen now. High praise. Does that make you the court jester?" I asked, handing him a cardboard tray with 4 drinks in it.
He grinned. "Sure. Anything else you wish me to carry, m'lady?"
I laughed and gave a curtsey. "Not at this time, good sir. Go forth and conquer the bistro que!"
Michael laughed, draping an arm across my shoulder while walking back to the now full tables. He set his 4 drinks down, then took one out of my hand and gave it to Rae before distributing the 4 he had.
"They're marked, and we all drink the same shit every time we go out," he explained. "The one you have is the only one I dont recognize so I assumed it is yours."
I shook my head and resumed my seat next to Ashton, with Luke next to me on the other side now. Michael and Calum were sat across from me. "Its for Ashton actually. He bought me my coffee and forgot to get his own."
"Trying to ditch her," Calum asked.
"Nope." Ashton stated. Simple. Direct. One word.
"Finally found a girl that will put up with your crazy-ass for longer than 10 minutes?" Like remarked.
"Gunna marry this one, mate," Ashton laughed out.
"Shit, you move fast," Michael snorted. "And here I was being engaged for over a year already. What am I doing wrong?"
"You actually asked your fiancee," Luke answered. "Ashton will just be standing in front of the magistrate with a blowup doll."
Everyone laughed, including me Ashton fake pouted, poking me in the side before lacing his fingers through mine. My heart gave a little flitter, but I didnt pull away.
"Come on, Love, you're supposed to defend our relationship!"
I chuckled. "Yes sir. Would you like to get married now, sir? I think I still have my old bicycle pump in my garage if you need it. And some duct tape in case your fiancee gets a hole."
He threw his head back and laughed, tightening his grip on my hand. Not hard, but in acknowledgment that it was a good laugh. "Fuck the lot of you."
"Damn, already cheating on me. And with three other men no less," I crooned, pouting my lips.
That caused another round of laughter.
"I think I'm in love with your girlfriend, " Calum huffed out. "She knows how to give back shit we dish out."
"Dont be hitting on my wife," Ashton fake growled. "I worked hard on this relationship!"
"Oh yeah? What's her name?" Rae jumped in, bemused laughter lacing each word.
A slow silence fell across the table, followed by abrupt laughter for everyone.
"Oh. My. God. You didnt even ask her what her name is yet?!" Michael bellowed, tears forming in his eyes. "I can see it now. The priest standing there like do you take this girl for your wife? And you being like, who's that?"
"Fuck all of you," Ashton gasped out through laughter again. "I'm gunna marry her one day and then shes gunna kick your asses for making fun of me."
I grinned, reaching over to poke my finger into his dimple. "Yeah? I'll kick their asses for you if you ask, darling." I agreed. "Just as soon as you get my attention and ask me. Oooh, right. You can't. Dont know my name," I beamed.
He threw back his head and chuckled. "Fuck you too, sweetheart," he remarked, leaning over to place a quick kiss to my cheek.
"Only if you scream my name out while you do," I joked.
"Fuck, but do I love a smart mouth," he agreed.
The conversation flowed easily. Two more rounds of drinks were bought over the course of a few hours, until the cafe was getting ready to close.
We all agreed to meet up next weekend, have enjoyed each others company and realizing the six of us were going to be amazing friends.
"Can we bring our girls next week?" Luke asked.
"Hell yeah " I agreed readily. "Me and Rae need all the help we can get against you four."
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mysticthot · 5 years
RFA Highschool AU!
lol this was requested then i accidentally deleted the request my b, but here it is!
dude let me tell u i love highschool au’s thats some good shit right there!!
wasn’t sure if u wanted just general headcanons or specific ones for each charcacter or an x mc kinda thing so i did kinda a mix of all of that lol
So the rfa is basically like the student council
They plan dances and do fundraisers and what not
Everyone knows who they are, the rfa is like an elite little club that does everything for the school
And you’re a new kid
You had gotten directions for your next class from a teacher, but you’d gotten turned around a lost at some point
Class had already started, and there was nobody in the halls to ask other than some boy standing by the windows on his phone
Ignoring the fact that he was a bit intimidating and also supposed to be in class, you walked up to the pink haired boy to ask directions
His turquoise eyes did not look amused, but nevertheless, he pointed towards the door at the end of the hall
“It’s that one.”
“...Oh, ok uh thanks.”
He was gone with no response
Speed walking to the door, you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment of having to tell the teacher in front of the whole class you had gotten lost
But when you opened the door, only 5 people were in the room on the other side
Ok...this was definitely not the right class
After you talked to the group and figured out the confusion (turns out the brother of the red headed one had been messing with you) they offered to show you the right way
While you were in there you figured out with was the student council and you noticed some unanswered details for and upcoming dance
Before you left, you gave them a few suggestions for the dance that caught their attention
They invited you back for the end of the day meeting to discuss some more and before you knew it, you were the newest member of the rfa student council
He’s a lil freshman
Cousin to last years student body president Rika, but her and V had graduated last year and had been the ones that encouraged him to join
He’s like the new kid who really wants to impress all his older friends
But at the same time, he’s already friends with some of the most popular kids in school so he’s definitely not a huge loser or anything (at least that’s what he tells himself)
He was hella excited when you showed up cause then he wasn’t the only one who didn’t know anything lol
You become besties before anything else
He shows you around and you have a lot of classes with him
Its a classic friends to lovers story
Its like one day you and him are just chillin like you always do, then suddenly, you’re seeing things differently
Things you did together all the time as friends now seems like it could be something more
And it was all because of Seven
Boi had all but forced Yoosung to ask you to dance, despite the fact that Yoosung was supposed to be helping Zen with the tickets, and while the dancing itself wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, Seven had decided that exact moment to put on a slow song
Now our boy Yoosung had always thought you were pretty
But you looked gorgeous in this moment
Despite the fact that his hands were on your waist, him holding you arms length away like you were middle schoolers, it was a very sweet moment
And the dynamic completely changed between you guys
He was nervous talking to you now??? Where did that come from???
And you?? Caught yourself checking him out?? The fuck?
You’re both confused and want to go back to the way things were before, but also you just wanna grab each other and make out in a closet somewhere
When you finally get together, you’re such a cute couple
Everyone already thought you were dating anyways, but now you held hands in the halls and it’s like everyone one in the school ships you guys
You weren’t the kind of couple that made out against the lockers between every class, just the kind that people could tell actually liked each other it was cute
You’re eachother first everything lol
You’re always helping each other with homework
And he teaches you how to play lolol
And you meet his mom, who absolutely loves you
Just so cute
Cute lil high school sweethearts type of couple
Drama student of fucking course
He’s a junior, and most people will agree, the prettiest person in the entire school
Half the school is crushing on him ngl
He went thru a phase his freshman and sophmore year where he was part of the bad crews in school, before he started acting
So he literally knows and is friends with like everyone in the school
Instantly flirty when you show up
Shows you around the school with his arm over your shoulder, and you have never gotten so many glares in your life
He’s so extra like this drama boi is explaining the school as though it were a movie
Pointing out who was who, and telling you all the gossip
Despite the warnings from Jaehee that a lot of girls would prolly actually kill to be in your possition, you continue to hang with Zen
And his flirting goes from playful to more real as you hang out more
Doesn’t take long for you guys to kiss and go on a few dates, but you havent made anything official yet, and it seems the whole school knows that and is on edge over it
Being around Zen is basically like being with Regina George from mean girls, like everyones talking about you and him, nothing is a secret
His ex’s (and a crazy girl who had a crush on him who everyone called echo girl) all hated you
And when he officially asked you out, it was like the whole school knew by the next day
But hey, what are you gonna do when you’re dating the school celebrity?
He loves when you come to his plays
His parents don’t support him doing drama, so often you and the other rfa members are the only ones there to cheer for him
Always getting that boi flowers
And he is your biggest fan in what ever you’re doing
Sports? He’s out there no matter what the weather cheering louder than all the parents
Choir? Helps you with your voice and sings duets with you. Always gives you standing ovations even if no one else is standing
Y’all are just so supportive of each other
A lot of people thought you and him wouldn’t last for long, but your prove them wrong by being a straight up power couple in that bitch
My girl hella smart
She’s also a junior, and in line to be the valedictorian when she graduates
Very academically focused, the rfa being the only club she really has time to participate in
She’s hesitant when you first show up
Home girl’s a stickler for the rules, and she wasn’t sure if it was technically allowed for you to be there??
But you help her out and take a lot of her work load off her hands just by being there
She’s so stressed all the time so when she gets to the meetings and find out you already did the thing she was worried about not having time to do??
Girl loves you
Takes you and her quite a long time to get past being gal pals
Cause she’s just so busy
Literally the last thing she has time to think about it getting a significant other, especially when she’s not even sure of her own sexuality
It was during a fundraiser that she really realized her feelings for you
You and her were handing out snacks to the people that donated while the rest of the group was busy else where when your (mom/dad/aunt/whoever) showed up
They immediately hugged Jaehee and started telling her about how you always talk about how much you admire and like being around her
And you’re blushing hella hard and pushing your guardian away from the table
The incident is not brought up for a while, but its all Jaehee can think about
She’s never been so distracted doing her homework before
Girls confused
Repeats the words “MC is just a friend” over and over
Then she’s just like...fuck it
She goes over to your house and knocks on your door and you answer and she kisses you before she has the chance to change her mind
Y’all are such a good couple
You help her balance her school life so she has more time for fun things
Encourage her to join the coffee club cause she had told you how she wanted to, but was too busy
You guys go on dates to see Zens plays and she’s just so happy
Girl never had someone like you before, and she just loves you so much
ugh let me save this girl
Trust Fund Boi
He’s a senior and the richest kid in school
Everyone knows him cause him and his dad are literally famous
But he’s just... not interested
Basically the same lol he thinks all the highschool drama and rumors are a waste of time so he just doesn’t care
Other than the rfa, he doesn’t really have friends
Mostly cause he knows they all just want to use him for something
He’s the type of person that knows highschool is not really that important, he just does his work and goes home
(other than the rfa, which he joined cause v asked him to lol)
Honestly, he’s not really that interested when you show up
You have interesting ideas and can be useful to the council, but other than that he doesn’t really pay much mind to you
Until you basically latch yourself to him like a baby duck
Always following him around cause you have a lot of classes together and he’s the only one you know
You claim you’re hanging with him because you don’t like seeing him sitting alone in class, but he thinks its the other way around
Eventually he realizes he’s not upset just by your presence
You’ve become a tolerable person to be around (how romantic) and slowly but surely, he actually enjoys being with you
In some ways, he’s kinda like Zen cause everyone knows him and everyone’s talking about him
But rather than it coming from a place of admiration, they’re jealous and interested by the rich mysterious kid who only ever talks to you
You get a lot of girls trying to ask you for advice on how to get to his heart
You’re just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It be like that
His feelings take forever to develop just cause he’s so out of touch with his emotions
But when they do, it just hits him like a train like boi’s just chilling in his house then suddenly...”I’m in love with MC”
Doesn’t even bother trying to hide his feelings
The next time you and him are alone, he confesses and kisses you and the rest is history
Y’all are such a power couple honestly
Ruling that school
He loves being around you
He met your parents, and you met his dad
You always help him when he gets angry or frustrated towards his dad’s new girlfriends
Always pay attention when he shows blurry pictures of his new kitten Elizabeth
He buys you such nice shit and your just like jumin no high schooler needs multiple diamond bracelets
And he’s just like, oh would you rather have necklaces?
707/ Saeyoung
Class clown oBVI
Known for his pranks and his jokes and getting kicked out of class and his weirdly quiet brother who’s never actually in class but is frequently seen around the school Saeran is bigfoot confirmed
He’s also hella smart
He’s in multiple foreign language classes and head of the tech club and really good at sports despite only ever eating chips and soda for lunch
He’s a sophomore and you’re a freshman, so he takes it upon himself to show you around
Acts like he’s a lot older than he is, and if you didn’t know he was a sophomore, you’d think he was a senior cause he knows everything and everyone knows him
He’s not shy about how he thinks you’re cute
He’ll hug you and kiss your cheeks and ask you to the dances despite the fact that you’ll both be working at them
But he never really goes much further than the playful flirting, so you think he’s just messing with you
But one week he’s missing from school, and despite the rfa saying this happens, often, you’re worried
You search out his brother, who is unbelievable hard to find, and eventually see him out on the bleachers
He does not look happy to have some girl who’s basically a stranger asking about his brother and his home life
Wont tell you anything so that just makes you more suspicious
Seven comes back the next day but he’s all cold and distant towards you
You’re triggered, but not having that shit
It takes a few days, but you’re able to get the truth out of him, and he had found out about how you’d been pestering Saeran about his home life and his absence
He warns you not to get involved with him, and does the whole thing where he says he never liked you in the first place and you don’t really like him and blah blah blah
You stopped listening halfway thru his rant
And then you kiss him
Boi is stunned, glasses askew
“Did you hear anything I just said MC??”
You tell you like him for him, and you would respect if he couldn’t talk about somethings, but you wanted to be part of his life
He slowly opens up to you bit by bit
It takes him a long long time for him to tell you about him mother and what’s going on at his home tho
You help him and Saeran get out of there as soon as they can, helping him with his job or with school work when he gets hella busy
You guys go fucking hard on spirit days, dressin up in matching costumes for homecoming
You guys definitely get cutest couple in the year book
And probably prom king and queen cause literally everyone loves you two
You’re the couple then even the teacher would see and just be like “yep they’re gonna be together forever”
lol guys so I’m in a hotel rn cause I flew down from my home to Boise to tour the college campus and I brought my lap top but not the charger so it’s really a race against time to hope and pray this Bitch posts before my laptop dies lmao
also my b if there’s any mistakes I had to speed edit hope u like it!!
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Baby’s First Tour
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Gif Credit @vinnymauro-chenzomauro
This is part 2 of the band being dads in situations with their kids. Hope you all enjoy. 
Happy Reading Dollies
Bringing a baby on tour was not the best idea you have had but Ricky wanted you to be there and if you went the baby had to go.
"Are you sure we packed enough diapers and wipes"? Ricky asked taking the bag to the van.
"If not then I will go shopping for more because she's five months and will go through a lot of diapers like if she gets sick or if you give her soda and she pees all night long". You stared at him.
"That happened one time and I'm not doing that again". Ricky rolled his eyes.
"Are we ready"? You asked picking up your daughter placing her on your hip. Ryan had her diaper bag and a bag of extra diapers in his arms.
"Seems like it but I have a feeling we're forgetting something".
"Do you want to double check"?
"Nah that will take to long, let's go". Ricky, you and the baby all piled into the van with the rest of the band and headed to your first tour as parents.
You weren't on the road for very long when things started to happen. Uncontrollable things.
"What the hell is that smell"? Ryan asked sniffing the air.
"What's it smell like"? Chris asked as he drove the van. He hoped that it wasnt the van.
"Like someone shit and put it in a oven, cooked it and ate it then took a huge dump on the air conditioning". He pinched his nose.
"Well that's imagitive". You said but then the smell hit you.
"Oh goodness". You looked at Ricky with horror when you both noticed your daughters face turning beet red as she sat in her carseat.
"Chris Chris pull over". Ricky yelled slapping the back of the drivers seat.
"We are on the high way, where would you like for me to pull over"? Chris pointed to the road full of cars and trucks that were driving way to slow.
"I don't care just pull the fuck over". Ricky was panicking.
The van haulted to a stop on the side of the road and all the guys jumped out. You and Ricky stayed in the van preparing for the worst. Ricky laid down the diaper changing mat and you got your daughter out. When you lifted her up the smell of death hit you both like a ton of bricks. It must have hit the guys too cause they ran off in different direction.
"Ricky, she's covered".
"I'll get the wipes". Ricky opened the diaper bag pulling out a little pouch of wipes.
You carefully undressed her trying not to get the van dirty or anyone's stuff.
Holding her up Ricky started wiping her back off.
"It's so green". "What the hell did she eat"?
The question lingered and that’s when it hit you she ate prunes that day for breakfast. For the past couple days she was having trouble with pooping and you thought you would give her something to help her and make her tour fun instead of having tummy troubles the whole time. But Chris forgot to mention that you had to be on the road two days before the actual tour date started so it didn't give you time for it to pass.
"She's having what we call a fruit cleanse". You told Ricky with a laugh.
"Well that's great but I'm running out of wipes".
"There's extras in the other bag".
Ricky took out all the bags and checked over them all and the bag with the extra wipes was not there.
"We have like a major problem". Ricky came back to the side of the van.
"It can't be worse than what I have".
Your daughter had let loose once again and it was explosive but this time she had no diaper to stop it. It went all over the back seat, on some of the duffel bags and it was all over you. It was like a muddle slide.
"How much did you give her"? Ricky yelled causing your daughter to cry.
"I gave her the right amount so shut up and help clean up. Where's the wipes"?
"That's the problem, I think we left them". They were sitting in the drive way right beside your car.
"I told you to double cheek did I not"? You were yelling at him as the guys came back up.
"What the actual fuck"? Ryan pointed to the mess all over the back seat.
"She's having a little problem".
"Little"? "Nooo, it's all over my bag". Ryan dramatically cried. Chris was laughing hysterically until he saw that it was all over his jacket that was on the back of his seat.
"Ahh come on, noooo"!! "That's my favorite jacket".
"Sorry guys". "We're going to clean it up but by any chance did you bring wipes"? You asked looking at your daughter who was still hanging in the air giggling.
"You forgot the wipes"?! Chris and Ryan said together.
"Ricky forgot them".
"Ah yes lets play the blame game". Ricky through his hands up in the air.
Ricky took out diapers and started to clean the back seat. He handed Ryan a garbage bag to hold for the diapers. You thought Ryan was going to pass out on the count of how white he had gotten.
"It's almost cleaned". You said as you took diapers and cleaned your daughter up.
Putting on a new diaper and clean clothes she was good as new. Her car seat on the other hand wasn't so you put a shirt of Rickys under her to sit on.
"Never again will I ride with a baby". Chris scrunched up his nose.
"We should have let Balz and Ghost ride with them but no you said this will be easier". "Babies are not easy". Ryan huffed as he got into the car.
"Your preachin to the choir, sister". You told them as you put down clothes of yours and Rickys to sit on as the seats were wet and still poopy. They all laughed and loaded back up into the van. Your daughter was asleep and everything was some what better.
"It still stinks in here". Ryan quoted.
"I'm gonna kill him Ricky". You warned him getting annoyed.
"Ryan, this can't be worse than sleeping in a van with five guys that havent showered or changed clothes in a week. It's like old times".
"This is worse". Ryan held his nose the whole ride. The first stops you made was to a car cleaners,  a laundromat and to a store to buy tons of wipes and diapers. You weren't taking any chances incase this happened again.
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fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
【✧】━━━ ♥ p r e - t r a i n e e    c r u s h e s     p l a y l i s t ♥ ━━━【✧】
a playlist full of Classics that remind me of sung’s four major pre-trainee crushes. there’s lots of material i’ve written for them by now [x x] and this is my final part of the series, unless inspiration randomly strikes again. explanations under de cut
art class
i. raspberry beret by prince
it’s funny this song is from the pov of both the boy and sung at different points, but overall the concept of a raspberry beret being a feature that sticks out in someone attractive (a v art inclined thing imo) and someone falling in love just from that is Super sung about this quick and done relationship. also, unrelated, but i feel i must add that this song is soo how my hcs are of the boys who manic pixie dream girl jeonghwa
ii. emotions by mariah carey
this song is pretty basic sounding in the lyrics, if you really think about it. i would suggest usually not thinking about it and just enjoying the bop. HOWEVER in this case we’re focusing on lyrics, and there is one particular Feeling the song gives off, of these emotions being something never felt before. and in the case of art class, that’s exactly what happened for sung. that boy unlocked a whole new world
best friend
i. take a chance on me by abba
this song started this whole playlist because while making the aesthetic for best friend, i couldn’t get this song out of my head. twas a Sign. i think this song works kinda double-fold for this relationship, in that they were each other’s first long term, devoted friends. they took chances on one another. however, sung would have wanted more, if he’d taken the chance on himself, and them. it would have ended in a dumpster fire, but Still
ii. i was made for lovin’ you by kiss
this song kinda goes to show sung’s rose-tinted glasses in love, his all or nothing attitude that showed up when he got his first ever best friend. he was, and still kind of is, of the belief that he and this boy were made for one another and were destined to have met and gotten close. even if destiny was real, it’d more likely be for people so similar or easily connected that it’s kismet, which was not the case for these two. the thing that actually drove them together was not having anyone else
i. tearing up my heart by ‘n sync
does this really need to be Explained. even in the titular line, it can easily be linked to the achy breaky heart that rebel carelessly opening his letter caused. even at their worst, sung still left that door open. if this boy had mustered his courage to apologize and make things right, sung would have forgiven him, because all he needed was a reason to say. but that didn’t happen, so their tether broke
ii. thnks fr th mmrs by fall out boy
i havent finished so idk for sure but this might b the most recent song on the playlist. i really wanted something here from punk or rock band, because that’s kinda the pinnacle of the vibes this dude wanted to give off (even if i fully believe he might have liked pop bands like nsync in secret) anyway another one that can b explained by the titular lyric, thanks for the memories even though they weren’t so great
i. god only knows by the beach boys
when it came to almost, i worried that i didn’t quite get across how unhealthy sung still was about relationships. he’d gotten better than he was in the couple of years before, but becoming a trainee was what really pushed him to learn. this song really shows how intense the feeling of being split apart was to sung. as a typical teen his world felt like it was falling apart
ii. (you drive me) crazy by britney spears
honestly music is great to express sung’s ridiculous level of love. and also perpetuated it as he grew up listening to rosy music. but uhh i wanted to show the happier side of this relationship. with this boy, sung got the most intense type of feelings, very much the fast heartbeat, head swimming kind of happy hormones lmao and it’s fair, because of sung’s pre-trainee crushes, this is the only one that would have reciprocated his feelings. the name of this boy was inspired by a fine frenzy’s almost lover which is kinda funny bc that song would have come out around the same time iirc
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
Soul Searching Comments-- Part 2
W/ Iwazumi Hajime
--Soulmate AU where each day a random sentence that the person has/would say shows up on the mate’s body.
Because I am on mobile and tumblr has its 250 text block limit, I needed to post these as 2 separate items. But, it's all one story (: If you havent read it yet, find Part 1.
Enjoy! Questions/comments/concerns/ideas, welcome as always.
[Your PV]
You stood in front of your mirror, looking at the dress, heels and mask combo you had gotten at Mattsun’s expense. Happy that the boy had affirmed that he really had wanted you all to go all out. He was so excited to be surprised by Kiyoko’s choice.
Looking at your reflection, you contemplated if you should try to cover the comment of the day. The words encircling your bicep like a band.
Ultimately deciding against it, you just read the reflection once again. “I never get caught with my pants around my ankles, literally or figuratively.” You laughed at the ridiculousness. What could possibly cause your soulmate to say this you wondered.
Hearing your friends call from you, you realized it was time to go. Adjusting your mask again, you quickly grabbed your bag and left your private room to head with them.
Oikawa, Mattsun, Watari and Iwazumi were hanging out at the bar. Already having entered the party space as they had wanted to be able to get enough seats for everyone before it got into full swing for the night. The town’s annual fundraiser ball was the highlight of the area and everyone old enough to buy tickets would go ever year.
This year it was their turn to show up early and get a table for the group. Thus, here they were talking about old times and what’s to come in the future.
“So, Iwa-chan~” Oikawa turned, apparently ready for a new topic of conversation, “What does your soulmate have to say today?”
The darker toned brunette chuckled and pulled up the sleeve of his suit, to show his wrist’s markings.
Watari read it out loud, “Clearly you’ve never been in an argument with me.”
Everyone laughed out when he finished before Mattsun commented, “Feisty. You sure your soulmate’s not (Y/N)?”
Iwazumi laughed harder at that, slightly flushed and trying to hide it, “Ah, well I wouldn’t know would I. Since the first time I met her was when she was on Kiyoko’s scavenger hunt and we didn’t really get a chance to talk.”
The boys laughed some more before moving to a new topic.
“You can’t be serious!” You had shouted at one of your old friends from middle school. They had been telling you a story about something you could just not wrap your head around. At the end of their convincing, your pair said your farewells and you made your way to the punch bowl, realizing your throat was dry and you needed a drink like yesterday.
Seeing who could only be Oikawa, you made your way over to him to say a quick hello. But once you were close enough, you heard the tail end of what you’d assumed was an argument.
“Iwa-chan~~ you are so mean to me. Let me see if a girl agrees with you!” He turned and almost immediately saw you, and called you over, “(Nickname)-chan~~~! Come, come! Listen to this.”
You saw the aforementioned Iwazumi shake his head with a small smile on his face, before his eyes locked on the table in front of him. Plastering a smile on your own features you addressed your friend, “What is it Oikawa? What must I hear?”
His eyes lit up as you avoided calling him by his old nickname, “Well, Iwa-chan here thinks he can win in any argument at all. Says it doesn’t matter what its about or who it’s with.”
Eyes dancing with flames at the seeming challenge you sent a smirk towards the stronger boy, “Well, that’s just wrong.”
Looking up at you, Iwazumi could see the truth behind your next statement.
“Clearly, you’ve never been in an argument with me.” You laughed before taking a seat. “Now, tell me, what shall we argue?”
You weren’t aware of what change had occurred, but the pain that flash across Iwazumi’s face before he clutched his wrist, accompanied by Oikawa forcing his way over your lap to escape the table caused confusion in your entire being.
Standing to try and race after your friend, you were barely held back by the weight that suddenly pulled on your hand.
Turning back to face the olive-green-eyed male, you saw his eyes glance at the seat beneath you and promptly sat down to hear him out.
“um, this is a bit embarrassing, for me at least, but...*cough*” He cleared his throat before addressing you again, clearly having made an internal decision that you were thus far unaware to. “Hello (Y/N). Its nice to officially meet my soulmate.”
You screamed before clasping your hand over your mouth, “No way…” You whispered out in disbelief.
Before you could really process the embarrassed feelings, he was clearly presenting with his change in posture, you showed him your arm and demanded, “Read!”
When he did, that sultry voice talking about dropping his pants, you imagined them there and had to bite the inside of your check to stop yourself from jumping over the table and kissing him and the words on your arm started to heat up.
Looking across the table, olive-eyes met with (E/C) ones. You both smiled at each other before you grabbed his hand and ran out of the building with him in tow.
You had a lot of questions for him, and you were sure he had just as many if not more for you. But for tonight, you needed to get away from the watchful eyes of all your friends and get to know one another a bit.
Who knew where the future would take you from here. But for now, you had finally found your other half.
And there we have it folks. I know part 2 is so much shorter than part 1. Blame tumblr posting not me, it was all meant to be one post anyway. *flies away from flying tomatoes*
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