#cuz i just finished the overseers parts last night
campbyler · 6 months
okay I collapsed…
Was expecting a masterpiece but thea you really outdid yourself with this one.
I was already freaking out reading the first half of the chapter, but the second half had me floored. Just in case you have the audacity to doubt your excellence, I come with receipts.
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to clarify I was lying down the entire time… (this was taken a few mins after i finished the chapter so yes that final jump was in fact cuz of that last part)
the Starry Night Over the Rhône is actually one of my fav Van Goghs as well, got it on my wall at home
I also just maybe happened to wear a comfy oversized Van Gogh hoodie while reading this💀
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honestly I cant even comment on that last part other than im deceased and a lil bit stressed.
ris this entire thing is INSANE which is a very appropriate energy to have to match the insanity of 9.2 <3 from the heart rate to the VAN GOGH SHIRT (and the great taste of preferring the rhône) this has gone down in history as one of my fave comments we have ever received!!!!!! can't wait for you to see what suni has in store for ch10 (spoiler alert: she is also insane)
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anon-blu · 2 years
Raindrops C6 (Donnie x GN! reader)
A/N: Hey ya’ll! Sorry this took so long, after an eventful week about a competition, christmas party, having two nosebleeds and two painful morning leg cramps and lose sleep and having to sleep early I have FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER 6. Please do enjoy my fic, if you don’t like it, I would very much appreciate constructive critism (not hate comments pls I haven’t experienced that but still be respectful of other authors too). Now without further ado your fluffy chapter awaits. (forgot to add this, i have madz respect for ya’ll smart authors cuz the information that i use to donnie is only solely based off the internet, so if there is misinformation pls let me know)
Chapter 6: Drunk
Song to play with: Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift and Night Trouble by Petit Biscuit
You shifted around and felt something holding your hand. You slowly opened your eyes to find someone beside you. It was… Donnie, your eyes widened and you sat up quickly but not enough to wake him up. You looked around then looked at him, you were internally screaming.
You tried to recall what happened last night, then you remembered something.
It was a beautiful night, all the stars were out and there were clear skies, cars passed by and the soft breeze touched your delicate skin. You were only wearing your oversized lilac sweater yet you still felt cold from that night. You were walking down the street on your way to a bar where your friend had invited you to join.
Next thing you knew, you were already at the bar, you see some of your friends were chugging down bottles of beer and cheering. It was quite loud at the place and you were only sitting beside your best friend. You were then urged to drink as well, you decided not to be a killjoy so you chugged down 3 bottles of alcohol.
You slammed down the beer mug on the table with a satisfying ‘ah!~’ that left your lips. “3 bottles! BeAt ThAT jewErmY!” You provoked your friend. Time went by quickly after that and you all parted ways. You were swaying slightly a bit, side to side, saying your goodbyes to your friends before giving them tight hugs after.
You went the opposite direction from them and started walking by yourself to your home.
You swayed here and there, you were wandering around, happily humming to yourself. You suddenly tripped, you were falling, you closed your eyes but you didn’t reached the concrete floor. You opened your eyes slowly only to see someone familiar holding you by your arms.
“D-Donnie!~” you cooed.
He was staring at your eyes and you stared back. You grinned and stood up properly, swaying a bit to the side. He was wearing a hoodie, and his usual bandanna as always, you noticed that his mask was gone. You tilted your head to the side, in confusion, he tilted his head as well, feeling slightly confused on what you were doing right now.
You were staring at him, squinting your eyes, you noticed that his skin was green and he had no nose, you just realized that he had drawn eyebrows on his bandanna and you were too distracted to notice it before. “Frog?” You blurted out.
He looked at you for a moment, before chuckling right after. “I’m not a frog, Y/N.” He said with a smile and let go of his hands around you. “Ohhhh!~” You said as you smiled at him back. “What are you then?” You asked, he didn’t reply to that, his smile faded as you asked that.
“H-How about we get you to your humble abode first!” He said quickly, trying to change the subject. You nodded like a child in response, you walked past him, swaying slightly. He followed behind you, keeping watch of you and making sure to help you if ever you were to trip again.
He cleared his throat and spoke to you. “Have you been drinking?” as if it wasn’t that obvious already.
You hiccuped a bit and replied. “Yep! My friend took me to a friends gathering! And I drank 3 bottles!” You turned to him and pointed three fingers at him while smiling. “Geez, you shouldn’t drink too much.” He said as he walked a bit closer to you.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” You pouted at him.
He looked at you then laughed at your antics. “Well, if you drink too much, then you won’t be able to get home by yourself.”
“Then I will drink too much so we can spend more time together!” You smiled at him.
He stopped talking, you noticed a dark hue forming on his face, he put his hand over to his face, trying to cover his slight grin.
“W-Well! Then I’ll scold you many times if you keep doing that.”
“No fair~” You pouted once again.
"C-come now, lets get you home now." He said straightening up his position and clearing his throat.
"Okaaaayy." You sighed like a child before turning your back to him, walking with him. You kept walking for a bit, swaying to the side, you almost tripped over but he caught you once again.
He sighed and held your arms together. "God, this is just gonna be one time, they'll forget it soon eventually. After all the human brain's function with alcohol interferes with the brain's communication pathways which will completely make you forget." He said as he tapped your arms and letting go before turning around and crouching down.
"Please uhm, Y/N, would you mind if I.. hoist you up against my back?" He asked without looking at you.
"Piggyback rides! I love it!!" You exclaimed as you got onto him fairly quickly. You wrapped your arms around him and let your legs dangle. He pulls your back and legs up as he stood, balancing you on his back.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, snuggling comfortably. "This is… nice.." You said as you were starting doze off a bit.
He went silent before speaking up.
"Yes, yes it is.."
"Sooo… are you a frog?" You asked again.
He snorted a bit. "I'm not a frog, Y/N, I'm… something else."
"I've seen weirder shit, Donnie, have you even seen that human transforming into a pig on live tv?!" You said as you put your arms up. He got off balance but mangaed to get you properly snuggled on his back.
"Don't move too much or we'll both fall." He scolded you.
"Pffbh, fine.." You grumbled as you wrapped your arms on him tightly, yawning slightly.
"You know.. I'm not supposed to tell you this.. but.. I'm actually.. a.." You didn't hear the last part as you slowly drifted to sleep.
You started panicking inside, knowing that he isn't human at all. You took a deep breath and looked in his direction. You let out a soft sigh as you watched him sleep soundly.
He was lying his head on the bed, one arm wrapped around his head and his hand intertwined with yours. You can't help but blush a bit, knowing that you were holding his hand. You rubbed his hand slightly with your thumb, you smiled slightly before looking back to him, only to find him staring at you with a dark hue on his face. You hadn’t noticed that he had woken up already, you stared at him back, not knowing what to say.
Your face turned red immediately as soon as you realized you were still holding his hand, you quickly let go and covered your blushing face with your blanket. He didn’t say anything at all but after a few minutes you felt something touch your head, then came with a gentle pat.
“I-I’ll see you around then..” He whispered as he opened the door and going out.
You stayed in your position for a couple of minutes, thinking what just happened.
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sa2-astral · 2 years
Casually walks in.
Drops a wip
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byulsgrease · 3 years
Hi again~ I was the anon who inquired about smut requests 😅💕 I can't believe you're not flooded with asks honestly, I love your page so much :0
I often see rqs done with the ask attached, so I'll send a separate ask for both ones 💕💕💕💕
The first rq would be Byulyi × Idol!Fem reader~ (I'll refer to reader as R for the rest of the rq just for convenience, so it's not too long 😅)
While closing for one of Mamamoo's love shows,, R is wearing a oversized sweater+stiletto boots, and that's it. The sweater isn't that long, and Byulyi couldn't take her eyes off of R the whole time, turned on by R's revealing dance and coord. When the two arrive home at Byul's apartment for the night, she can't wait any longer to get her hands on R~
I'm gonna try bullet points for this one cuz I don't think I have the mental capacity to write a full length thing 😅 but hope this is ok! I def need more practice but gotta start somewhere, thanks for the req :)
something in the way you move
(moonbyul x f!reader)
cw: smut (thigh riding) - minors dni
One last closing act before everyone can go home and sleep!
You're performing a cover of gogobebe dressed in a huge SWFS crewneck and high-heeled boots
Byul stands in the wings just backstage, leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed to decompress from her set
The sweatshirt barely covers your butt and while of course you're wearing safety shorts, she can't help but appreciate the view
It's honestly over once you drop it low for the "la la la" less than 30 seconds in - her mouth goes dry and she can't stop staring
The MR may as well be silent, only thing she hears in her head is the music you'll make for her later
She's secure in her smug satisfaction knowing that despite an entire venue of cheering fans, you're coming home with her tonight
By the time the song ends, she's unconsciously got one leg over the other trying to create her own friction with her jeans, her main goal to get you home and in bed to do anything but sleep as fast as possible
You find it a little strange how fast she rushes you into the car, barely taking time to say bye to her members or even Yongsun
“I see them every day during promos, they’d probably appreciate seeing less of me for a bit”
An unspoken tension hangs in the car, her tongue bitten pink between her teeth like she's using all her energy to keep something in, whatever it is
Arriving at her place she fumbles with the keys, nearly dropping them on the ground in a frantic rush to get the door open
Why's she acting like this - maybe she needs to pee? The venue was a bit of a drive and she did skedaddle pretty quick
Before you can even begin the chore of getting your boots off, her hands dip under your sweatshirt and her knee plants itself between your legs to pin you to the wall, her actions eliciting a small gasp
OH. damn her hands are cold she better get moving
A near growl beside your ear: "You don't even have an idea what seeing you perform does to me, do you?"
Well you do now and she's about to prove it
Her tone sends a jolt straight from your stomach to between your legs, every time
She carries you over to the couch this is exactly why she works out so you're straddling her in a kneel, your knees digging into the back cushions
Your hips roll down into her slowly, a singular moan drawn straight from your lips into her ear has her whispering into yours about how pretty you sound, encouraging you to continue
There's some kind of intrinsic rhythm to riding her thighs, something intuitive, hands on her shoulders to steady yourself, face buried into her neck just above the shoulder, the top of your head pressing into the upright part of the couch
She’s unable to decide what to do with her hands as her mind dizzily fogs over, only hearing the bliss coming out of your mouth
Dig her thumbs into your hips to guide them? Fan her fingers over your ass? Strip you down so she can fuck you properly? The possibilities are endless
She settles on sliding her hands up your back to unhook your bra but not bothering to take it all the way off, not wanting to interrupt you
Her hands come to your front and linger on your stomach, physically feeling the gasps and clenching of your abs throughout your movements
Bra sitting loosely above your chest, she cunningly smiles when she swipes her fingers at your nipples and they’re already hard
Not that you can see her face anyway, but you do see stars flash into your vision with the contact
Her mouth latches onto your neck and a small cry escapes you when her teeth gnaw at your skin, pleasurably painful
The multiple inputs of sensation grow overwhelming, but it just eggs you on to keep going, it’s not like you can fault her for knowing exactly what you like
She’s muttering praises against the skin of your neck beneath your ear, but honestly you have no clue what exactly she’s saying, too busy chasing your high
As your moans get louder and increasingly faster-paced, she can’t help but wish you’d taken the time to undress, or at least get your boots off
She just wants to feel you cum on her bare thigh
But who said this was gonna be the only time?
She can stand to wait
A hand stays on her shoulder and one hooks around the back of her neck, your fingernails digging into her skin in an attempt to steady yourself amidst your frenzied bliss
She doesn’t mind and honestly hopes you leave a mark
She flexes her thighs and you groan at the stiffness as she covers your mound over your shorts with a hand, fingers lightly pressed into your slit to help you out
Your cries ring out fervently, secretly thankful she’s not picking this moment to be a tease
Riding on the combination of her hand and thigh has you ignoring everything except the stars in your vision with every roll of your hips
Honestly she could never tire of watching you, whether onstage or off
The closer you get the more you bury your face into her neck, but she guides you to lean back so she can see your face when you finish
Face to the ceiling, back arched and eyes screwed shut, she pushes your head forward so your chin moves down level with hers
“Look at my face when you cum for me, I know you can”
It takes everything in you to prevent yourself from burrowing your face back into her neck out of embarrassment when you do, a punchy wail echoing breaking out as you mindlessly ride it out
She's taking in every last detail of your pleasure-induced delirium, cunningly satisfied with truly how little it takes to get you like this
Your head finally falls beside hers, the come-down seeping through your body
Her mouth roves over your neck again without skipping a beat
Her hands yank decidedly at the cuffs of your sweatshirt, aiming to slip your arms out of the sleeves and the bra still hanging loosely around your shoulders
Again, who said one time meant the only time?
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akayoko · 4 years
nights like these
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summary: kenma falls asleep in the backseat of kuroo’s car while he waits for the two of you to finish shopping
a/n: just some soft SLEEPY kenma for the soul,, i actually listened to cavetown while writing this, hug all ur friends really made me feel things but it also inspired me a lot hehe please enjoy cuz i had a lot of fun writing this :)
pairing: kenma x gender neutral reader (and kuroo kind of, but mostly kenma)
genre: fluff! 
warnings: none
word count: 1.6k
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it’s another one of those nights, accompanied by muffled giggles and random banter bouncing off the walls of your cramped apartment. humming a random melody as you hold a warm cup of tea close to your chest, you lean back on the couch, glancing at your friends’ softly illuminated faces under the dim lights. closing your eyes, you listen to kuroo’s remarks at the movie you chose as he clings on to a tired kenma lying between the two of you. i could do this for an eternity, you think, inhaling the delicate scent of the chamomile tea between your palms.
“he is SO dense,” he exhales dramatically, sipping on his drink. “she obviously likes him!”
you laugh at his antics as you snuggle closer to kenma, both you and kuroo making sure to keep him warm and shower him with the love and affection he deserves. he claims he hates the kisses you occasionally place to the top of his head, but he never pushes either of you away. even if he does, he never means it anyway.
“stop that,” he mumbles when kuroo tries to boop his nose.
when he actually pulls away, kenma turns to frown at him, just as if he didn't reject him mere seconds ago. it's a lovely sight.
in the middle of the movie, you reach for the chips only to realize you have finished the third and last bag that night. kuroo looks at you knowingly, and in the blink of an eye, he’s unwrapping kenma from the pile of blankets, telling him you are going for a drive.
kenma of course protests, but you’re persistent. you grab him by the hand, promising you will cuddle him later if he comes along with kuroo and you, to which he scoffs.
“you think that’s enough to convince me?” he grumbles.
“i see you’re already putting your jacket on,” you throw his socks at him. “i think i have my answer.”
you leave the store with bags full of snacks and kuroo by your side, enjoying the crisp air biting at your cheeks. you take a deep breath as you look up at the sky sown with stars, admiring the numerous constellations adorning it. dragging your feet against the concrete, you wish you could stay in this parking lot longer. the tranquil midnight darkness reminds you to relax your shoulders, finding reassurance in the way the gloomy hues seem to engulf your senses. 
a faint sound of a car honking in the distance wakes you up from your trance, bringing your attention back to the gentle winter breeze. you sigh as you watch the broken street lights flicker, barely illuminating the vehicles driving under them. midnight trips to the store have always been your favorite, and you’re more than happy you get to spend them with the people you love the most.
“bet kenma’s fallen asleep,” kuroo chuckles, breaking the comforting silence.
“you think so?” you giggle, turning your attention to your friend. the truth is, you did manage to get kenma in the car after you had somehow established a middle ground. he however refused to enter the store, saying two people were more than enough to get food. you decided not to push him anymore given the fact that he was right, so you left him in the backseat of kuroo’s car.
actually, one of the reasons he wanted to stay home was the fact that both kuroo and you were very indecisive when it came to choosing snacks, and he wanted to avoid the trouble of mindlessly walking through the store longer than necessary. so, when you tell him you won’t take too long, he doesn’t believe you one bit.
rightfully so, you think to yourself when you get to the trunk of the car and check the time, realizing that almost an hour has passed. you feel the guilt stinging at your stomach so you place the bags on the ground and ask kuroo to put them in the trunk for you.
you peak through the window to wave at kenma, only to notice that he was sprawled on the backseat of the car. just as kuroo predicted mere seconds ago, he had indeed dozed off. you grin as you tell kuroo to be quiet when entering the car, to which he laughs, realizing what happened.
you do your best to close the door behind you as silently as it is possible for, well, a car door, turning around to look at the boy you oh so adored. his lips are slightly parted, emitting soft snores, and you can’t help but notice how uncomfortable he seems in that position. just as you are about to take your jacket off to cover his shivering body, he shifts in his seat, raising his head to analyze his surroundings. when he recognizes the interior of kuroo’s car he rolls his eyes, letting his head fall again.
“hi, kenma,” you wave at him, flashing him a soft smile. “i woke you up, i’m s-”
“can you come here?” he cuts you off, meeting your eyes for a second before looking away. “i’m, uh, kind of cold.”
he doesn’t need to ask twice. you immediately move despite the urge to tease him, since this side of him was definitely not something a person could see every day. you love him too much for that, though, unable to bring yourself to make fun of him when you see the way he fiddles with his fingers. his lips are pressed in a thin line, and he looks just a tad too small in his oversized jacket. perhaps he’s blushing too, but the darkness doesn’t allow you to notice it.
the moment you step foot outside the car, kuroo finishes what seems to have been a phone call, placing his hand over his chest when you reach for the doorknob of the rear door.
his eyes widen. “you’re leaving me all by myself-“
“shut up,”  you snort at him, moving quickly to sit beside kenma who has straightened himself up to make space for you. resting his head against the window, he flinches when kuroo enters the car, slamming the door shut.
you stare at him, to which he shrugs. “what? he’s up.”
ignoring his response, you extend your hand towards kenma as an invitation to your arms. he takes it only for a brief moment, before placing his head on your lap, turning his back to you. your hand immediately travels to his hair, the other rubbing his back. “sorry we’re late,” you murmur, squishing his arm.
it’s nights like these that allow kenma to let loose, relishing the familiarity of your scent. a fuzzy feeling travels all the way to his fingertips, which completes itself the moment you link your hand with his. he lets his eyes close shut, the sound of the mellow radio tune lulling him to sleep. what’s that perfume you’re wearing? it’s comforting.
somehow, everything clicks for him. he tries to recall the last time he felt this way, and he huffs when he can’t remember.
you hold his cheek before tucking his hair behind his ear, and he hums against your touch. “aren’t you uncomfortable like this?” you ask. kenma doesn’t respond, which leads you to assume he’s drifted off to sleep.
your question resonates in his ears just scarcely, that being the last thing he hears before his grip on your hand grows weaker, proving your assumptions right.
you turn to look outside the window, counting every lamp post you drive by. this time you can’t see the stars but you know they’re out there, shining in their full glory. you’re not certain if it’s because of the heating kuroo has turned on, or maybe because of kenma’s steady breathing on your lap, but keeping your eyes open gradually turns into a chore and you’re quickly nodding off, too; your heartbeat slowing down to reach a steady pace. you run your tongue over your dry lips as you part them to ask kuroo if he has a bottle of water somewhere in the car, but he doesn’t respond. wait, did you ask him anything at all in the first place?
the rest of the night is a blur; the only part you remember is kuroo practically dragging you out of the car and into the apartment, complaining about how lame his friends are.
he doesn’t let it go the following morning either as he taunts you at the dining table, claiming that falling asleep so early in the night wasn’t a part of the plan.
“let’s discuss the movie, shall we? oh right, we can’t, i forgot you two fell asleep again as soon as we opened the snacks.”
he’s exaggerating, yes, but you still apologize and lean over to give him a hug, when both your and kenma’s phones light up simultaneously. you pull away, glancing at the groggy boy as he idly rubs his eyes in the seat across you, freezing in his spot abruptly.
you reach for the napkin to wipe your hands as you hastily unlock your phone, only to be greeted by a picture of you and kenma sleeping in the car, your hand placed on his back as the other one supports your head against the window. kenma is curled up with his head on your lap, his hands resting close to his chest.
kuroo snickers at the scene unraveling in front of him, waiting for a response from either of you. kenma’s ears heat up at the sound of you chuckling, eyes boring into the wall behind you. you tilt your head just enough to catch them, playfully snapping your fingers in front of his face.
“kenma i might be wrong, but i think you’re blushing,” kuroo chimes, propping his chin on his hand.
you turn off your phone, lightly kicking kenma’s legs under the table. “we look cute though, don’t we?”
“if you say so.”
“call me crazy, but i think i’m kind of third-wheeling right now.”
“you definitely are.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 9 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: right. i have no words. u all deserve this chapter after last week’s anguish….so as we say in my homeland…here wi…here wi…here wi fuckin go xo
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
8th November 2020
The rain has got worse.
It’s evolved from drizzle into a full-scale downpour, but Vanessa supposes it’s covering up the tears that are streaming down her face as she walks down the streets with only the orange of the streetlamps lighting her way in the dark. Her jumper is still in the rehearsal studios and she’s soaked to the skin, her hair plastered against her scalp and feeling much the same as if she’d just jumped in the shower.
She is so confused and hurt. Brooke has been so kind to her, she’s been supportive and caring and brought her flowers, for fuck’s sake, flowers that Vanessa’s still holding in her grasp but perhaps she should let go because let’s face it, she’s got to let go. Vanessa was so so sure she hadn’t misread the signals but…maybe she was wrong about the whole thing, maybe she was wrong about Brooke’s feelings.
She feels so embarrassed.
She gets to the end of the road and sighs. Her phone is in the pocket of her sweatpants and when she brings it out it’s immediately covered in raindrops. It takes her three attempts to unlock it in the rain and before she knows it she’s scrolling to Monique’s contact and ringing her. She’s lucky that Monique lives close by, and before she picks up the phone Vanessa has already made the decision to start walking in the direction of her flat.
“Hello hello?”
Vanessa takes a shaky breath in because she’s got absolutely no idea what her voice will sound like when she speaks. “Mo, I need to come round. I wouldn’t ask and I know it’s late an’ you’re probably exhausted but I…I really need a friend right now.”
There isn’t even a single pause between what Vanessa says and Monique’s response. Her voice replies instantly, comforting and reassuring and urgent all at once. “Come straight round. You want wine or tea?”
“I don’t even know. Tea maybe,” Vanessa shrugs, supposing that a hangover would be the last thing she needs tomorrow considering she’ll also have to face Brooke again.
“Gotcha. See you in five, boo.”
Even the small chat she’s had with Monique has made her tears dissipate slightly. It helps Vanessa feel reassured as she quickly crosses the road, her feet landing in all different depths of rapidly-forming puddles. By the time she’s outside Monique’s stairwell and pressing its buzzer, she feels like a submerged sponge.
“Come right up.”
Vanessa takes the stairs two at a time and when she gets to Monique’s door her friend is already holding it open. Maybe it’s because she’s seeing a friendly, kind face or maybe it’s because she can finally let out her emotions in peace but when she gets to Monique she falls into her arms for a hug and starts to cry all over again. Monique holds her steadily, not even making any comment about the fact the pink flannel pyjamas she’s wearing are getting drenched by proxy from Vanessa’s half-drowned frame. After a few moments spent this way, Vanessa feels Monique step away and motion her into the flat.
“C’mon, girl.”
Vanessa follows Monique into her bedroom. She’s been here before, probably hundreds of times, but the fairy lights and soft, patterned cotton bed sheets and heavy, dark curtains are comforting to Vanessa, helping her feel relaxed. She’s standing in the middle of the room as Monique looks at her with a single raised eyebrow of confusion, taking in her drenched clothes and mascara train tracks that adorn her cheeks and the bouquet of flowers that she’s still holding in her right hand. Vanessa can almost see the cogs in Monique’s brain turning.
“Alright,” she begins slowly. “Plan of action…I’m gonna make us tea. While I’m doin’ that, you’re gonna take a shower an’ borrow a set of my pyjamas. Make sure you choose comfy ones, Lord knows you need ‘em. Uh, I’ll take these too, I guess? Put ‘em in water.”
Monique points at the flowers and Vanessa wordlessly gives them to her. Monique examines them with an appreciative gaze.
“Huh. Heliotrope an’…somethin’ else, I don’t know that one.”
Vanessa scrunches her face up. Monique’s just given her the first laugh she’s had in the past half hour. “Since when were you the queen of horticort…horitic…plant knowledge?”
Monique quirks her a smile. “Hey, if you get given enough bouquets after dance competitions you start to recognise a flower or two.”
Vanessa shrugs in agreement and, as Monique leaves the room, she does what she’s told. She jumps into Monique’s en suite, strips down and takes a hot shower. On top of being wet outside it had also been freezing, so the warm water and all the steam feel like a big hug both physically and mentally. Vanessa grabs one of the clean fluffy towels that sit on the small bamboo shelves Monique’s put up and wraps it around herself as she pads back through to the bedroom. She’s been friends with Monique for so long that she knows which of the old battered wooden antique drawers holds which item of clothing (top drawer underwear and socks, second drawer down is tops, third drawer down is bottoms and bottom drawer is pyjamas) so she grabs a soft cotton pair of pyjamas that’s comprised of an oversized t shirt and some long, baggy pyjama pants. She tucks herself up into a little ball on the bed and the moment she’s finally comfy Monique returns with two steaming mugs of tea and a packet of biscuits tucked into the crook of her elbow and pinned to her side.
“You turned up on my doorstep at the right time, girl, I got the good shit earlier on today,” Monique smiles as she hands Vanessa her mug and gets herself comfortable under the duvet next to her, pointing at the biscuits which seem to be more chocolate than biscuit. Monique offers them to Vanessa, and she declines before Monique shrugs and rips into the packet herself. As she bites into one, she gives Vanessa a questioning and concerned gaze. “You wanna talk about it?”
Vanessa hums as she thinks, winces a little as the memory of what has happened barges into her mind again. She is momentarily distracted by the wet tendrils of hair dripping through her pyjama top, the towel-drying only doing so much. She turns to Monique and pouts. “Can you braid my hair an’ I can vent?”
“Sure, doll.”
So Vanessa vents. Tells her everything, the whole situation. Monique listens and by the time Vanessa is done her hair is in two perfect braids.
“So you’re tellin’ me-” Monique begins, once Vanessa is finished talking. “- that you were a cryin’ mess when you went for the kiss?”
Vanessa scrunches up her face in a frown. “I guess so?”
“Well, bitch!” Monique shoves her and lets out a huge exasperated sigh. “Why else you think she pushed you away? Would you wanna smooch with someone cryin’ their damn eyes out?”
Vanessa pauses as she considers Monique’s words. She might have a point, but then again she didn’t see the look Brooke had given her. In Vanessa’s mind, the only possible explanation is that Brooke is disgusted with her, she’d read all the signals wrong, and that she’s probably phoned up a producer already and quit the show.
Okay, maybe she’s being a little dramatic.
Vanessa doesn’t answer Monique’s question. Instead she reaches for the phone she’s discarded on Monique’s bedside table, looks at her notifications.
2 missed calls: Brooke Lynn
B: Vanessa I’m so sorry
B: If you want to just forget it all happened that’s okay, just please don’t be embarrassed xxx
Vanessa reads the text over again. The wording of the second one is weird and it messes with her head. The fact that the ball’s in her court, the fact Brooke is telling her not to be embarrassed, the kisses…
No. Don’t get your hopes up, bitch.
“She text you?”
Vanessa sighs, feels her whole body deflate like a balloon. She nods, wordlessly passes Monique the phone. She watches her eyes dart over it quickly, Monique’s face smirking as she hands her the phone back.
“Oh my God, Vanjie. She’s panicking just as much as you are.”
“Panicking ‘cuz she’s partnered with some crazy bitch tryna pull moves on her when she’s a professional just there to take part in a competition,” Vanessa huffs. She feels herself pout a little as she looks down at her phone. “I really liked her, Mo.”
“Will you stop usin’ past tense? It’s not over! You gotta go in there tomorrow morning, hold your head high, be a professional an’ act like nothing’s happened.”
Vanessa suddenly has a thought. “Oh my God.”
“I choreographed a fuckin’ Argentine Tango.”
Monique lets out a howl of a laugh as Vanessa puts her head in her hands and sinks down against the pillows. If Brooke thought their Salsa was hot Vanessa doesn’t even know how she’s going to react when she reveals the dance they’re doing tomorrow.
And tomorrow rolls around quickly. Vanessa drags herself into the studios, borrows rehearsal clothes from Monique which are ever-so-slightly too small for her but are preferable to wearing the crumpled outfit she’d been wearing in the rain yesterday. Monique flanks her as she walks with her from her flat, keeping her distracted with mindless chatter and silly jokes which Vanessa pretends to laugh at. Monique doesn’t seem to mind the fake laughter though, and when they arrive at the studios she gives Vanessa a tight hug and tells her to text her to tell her how things go.
Vanessa waits. She paces the rehearsal room and thanks God that they don’t have their filming slot first that day. She barely slept the night before, her mind racing as she tried to figure out how to play the situation, and she’s concluded that if Brooke is giving her the option to pretend that Sunday never happened she’s going to take her up on that. Though she feels her already flimsy resolve breaking down as she finally sees Brooke enter the room, her face pale and her eyes puffy indicating a similar lack of sleep. Her hair hasn’t been brushed and her ponytail is what can only be described as bumpy, stray hairs sticking up from her scalp at all angles. She’s wearing a huge baggy hoodie with her exercise leggings and it’s swallowing her up, though from her expression it seems as if Brooke doesn’t mind.
For a moment there’s a sort of standoff. Vanessa waits for Brooke to speak first and it seems as if Brooke is doing the same for her. It’s Vanessa that finally speaks first, her guilt overtaking her.
“Morning,” she says simply. It’s only then that she registers the fact that Brooke is carrying a plastic bag.
“Hey. You, uh. You left your jumper and your speakers, so I brought them in today.”
Vanessa scuffs her shoe against the floor, casts her eyes to the ground. Brooke seemingly takes this as her cue to speak.
“Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?”
Vanessa cringes. She hopes she doesn’t do so visibly. She casts her eyes back up to Brooke, makes sure she’s got eye contact when she delivers her words. “Why, what happened yesterday?”
Brooke frowns, opens her mouth as if to remind her then snaps it closed again as she clearly realises what Vanessa wants to do. She gives a small smile which doesn’t meet her eyes. “Nothing.”
“Okay,” Vanessa nods curtly. She takes a deep breath, because Brooke is still her dance partner and they’re still competing and they’re still going to be on TV in six days’ time, so she pulls her shoulders back and fixes her with the best smile she can manage. “Let’s warm up. Then I’ll tell you what we’re doin’ this week.”
The kiss doesn’t get brought up again. That’s good. Vanessa’s glad. There’s nothing to say, so instead of talking they rehearse. They rehearse and rehearse and rehearse and they barely talk apart from that. Vanessa saves her communication for her choreography, in touches and Ochos and the way her body moves in Brooke’s hold. Vanessa’s still marking the majority of the dance, careful not to push herself too far, but she makes sure to put extra effort in when she’s teaching Brooke the Ganchos and they hook their legs together. Vanessa is sure Brooke gets extra quiet during those sections, and her eyes go all dark and heavy. She wants to believe Brooke likes her, wants to believe maybe she did want to reciprocate their kiss on Sunday, but the last time she got her hopes up that high Brooke had pulled away so she’s wary of doing so again. Still, though, the Argentine suits Brooke. The way she takes control and leads, the power in everything she does. Vanessa’s head is already a concrete mixer of emotions and horny is one she really doesn’t want to have to add to the list, but when Brooke puts one arm around her waist, lifts her up and drags her across the rehearsal room floor while Vanessa’s thigh is hooked over her hip it’s hard not to have some sort of visceral reaction.
The tension builds over days. They’ve been entirely professional all week, not even exchanged so much as a text and it’s eating Vanessa up inside. So when it gets to late evening on Wednesday and it’s dark outside and Vanessa has peeled off her jumper and sweats and is wearing a pair of little cycling shorts and a sports bra to rehearse in, she honestly doesn’t know how it’s going to go when she suggests a full run of the dance.
“If we get it so that we’re nailing it by tonight then we got Thursday, Friday an’ Saturday morning to polish it,” Vanessa explains to Brooke as she walks over to her phone and makes to re-start the music.
“Sure. Sounds good,” Brooke nods easily. She adjusts the table and chair that they start off their dance with, makes sure the napkin is in place. Vanessa swallows her anxieties and presses play, dashing over to the chair and sitting down in it.
“Full energy, okay?” she reminds Brooke, although she’s not sure she needs a reminder given that Brooke’s been putting her all into even tiny counts of eight.
The music starts and on the first beat Vanessa stretches out, places her hand against the table. Right on cue, Brooke has grabbed her forearm. Vanessa whips her head around to face her and Brooke draws their faces close with the palm of her hand flat against Vanessa’s cheek. Their eyes connect and for a second, Vanessa thinks she can see what looks like longing in the dark of Brooke’s pupils.
It’s just the dance. She has to be imagining it.
As quickly as she’s there Brooke is suddenly gone, spinning around and slamming her hand against the napkin in time with Vanessa. They raise it up so it’s level between them and Vanessa uses it to twirl in close to Brooke, their bodies instantly pressed together. Brooke’s got both hands on the napkin now and she’s using it to keep Vanessa close to her as she leans back then spins between Brooke’s left and right side. As Brooke lets go of the prop with one hand and Vanessa twirls across to the other side of the ballroom, she watches her scrunch the napkin up and slam it to the floor. The action makes her catch her breath. Brooke’s a good actress, and they’ve done this section hundreds of times, but the passion and frustration with which she’s doing it this time almost knocks Vanessa off balance.
Is she…? No.
They reach the section where they’re in hold but showing off the footwork. Vanessa doesn’t do it all, only makes sure she’s connecting legs with Brooke for the Ganchos, but it’s probably for the best as the eye contact they’re giving each other and the close proximity between their faces is almost burning. Part of Vanessa wants to look away it’s so intense, but they’re running the full dance and she did tell Brooke to give full energy so she has to hold up her end of that. They’re perfectly in sync the entire time, Brooke having memorised the choreography so well. Brooke lifts her to drag her across the floor and if Vanessa deliberately hooks her leg a little higher on Brooke’s waist then it’s simply a happy coincidence.
The next section flows well (Brooke makes a few little mistakes she’ll pull her up on) and when Brooke lifts Vanessa to spin her round her cheek is pressed against her chest and it sends a shockwave down Vanessa’s spine. Their faces are close again as they walk across the rehearsal room floor, Vanessa dipping down facing away from Brooke to extend her leg between Brooke’s open ones. Her arms lock around Brooke’s thighs for support and Brooke grips onto them as she helps her up, the power and force she uses when she spins Vanessa round and presses their foreheads together sending Vanessa up in flames. They’ve danced through these individual sections so many times but put together it’s almost too much. There’s an atmosphere in the air and Vanessa realises it’s the exact same as when they’d rehearsed the Salsa. They cross the floor once more and it reaches the point where Vanessa jumps up to straddle Brooke’s waist with both her legs. Brooke spins her round and Vanessa brings her arms up to cradle the back of her neck. As Brooke slows her spin she reaches the part where she’s meant to dip Vanessa, lower her to the ground, but she’s stopped dancing, electing instead to keep her eye contact steady and burning with Vanessa’s. Vanessa knows she should maybe lower one of her legs, or perhaps both of them, but she’s still got them both wrapped around Brooke’s waist and the fact Brooke’s still holding her without even so much as a tremble is too much. Brooke leans in, presses her forehead against Vanessa’s, and Vanessa can only hold her breath as Brooke squeezes her eyes shut. They’ve never been physically closer to each other and Vanessa knows she should do something, knows she should move the dance along, but her heart is begging Brooke to say something, to do something. She’d do it herself but making the first move didn’t seem to work out for her so great last time.
“Tell me that Sunday happened,” Brooke murmurs, and Vanessa’s heart stops. “Tell me you kissed me.”
Vanessa flushes red. Momentarily, she wonders if this is something Brooke’s doing to build chemistry between them during the dance. If it is then she’s quitting the entire show. Vanessa closes her own eyes, almost embarrassed to admit it. When she opens them, Brooke’s opened hers too and fuck, her eye contact is searing.
“I did,” she confirms. Then, because she’s petty and can’t let her off the hook easily, she raises her eyebrows. “But you never kissed back, remember?”
Vanessa sees the regret flash in Brooke’s eyes for only a second and then the sparkle is back. “No, that doesn’t sound like me. I don’t think that happened. Maybe I’m remembering it wrong though, maybe you need to remind me.”
Vanessa feels as if her synapses are melting. She’s basically being invited to kiss Brooke again, she’s confirming to her that it wasn’t a mistake, she wants it to happen again, that her pulling away the first time was…down to something else? She’s still not going to give Brooke what she wants that easily, though, so she cocks an eyebrow, tilts her head thoughtfully as she pulls back a little. “I’m sure you can remind yourself.”
Brooke doesn’t look deterred by this. She shrugs, fixes Vanessa with a soft smirk. “Okay.”
When Brooke gently leans in and meets Vanessa’s lips with hers, Vanessa is sure she sees fireworks going off in the dark of her closed eyes. She feels them too, they’re happening in every cell of her body because Brooke is voluntarily kissing her and she doesn’t know what this means but she’s going to take a wild guess and say that maybe, just maybe, Brooke likes her back after all. Brooke kisses like she dances- passionate, careful, fucking perfect. As Vanessa kisses back she’s trying not to speed things along, trying to make the moment last as long as she can, but it’s hard not to be eager and urgent and to kiss Brooke with a hunger she hadn’t known she was in possession of until now. She’s brought her hands around from the back of Brooke’s neck- one tangled in her hair, the other softly cupping her cheek- and she tries to channel all her gentleness into them, stroking her skin with her thumb gently as if Brooke is breakable and fragile like the moment they’re sharing.
It’s Vanessa who pulls away first (if only so she doesn’t give Brooke the upper hand of being the first one to pull away twice) and, as she’s depositing herself back on the floor to stand up, she can’t help but break out into a smile because Brooke is blushing and beaming at her and her arms are still wrapped around her waist.
Vanessa doesn’t really know what to say. That…happened. She’s confused, though. Just over twenty-four hours ago Brooke had been pulling away, not pulling her in. Vanessa thinks it’s almost too good to be true.
“Can we talk about all this?” Vanessa says before her brain has a chance to weigh up if it’s a good idea or not. Brooke’s smile falters and Vanessa feels guilty. “Not in a bad way, I just…like, my head is mush.”
“No, no, I get it. Of course we can,” Brooke nods, slides her arms away from Vanessa’s waist. “Here? Or in the canteen? We could go back to mine but it’s a bit far away.”
Vanessa pulls on her oversized jumper and then the green parka she’d wrapped herself up in to protect from the November cold. “I know a place.”
Vanessa drags the pair of them onto the tube and they travel to the Thames embankment, where they stop off at a nearby chippy to grab a styrofoam carton of chips each. The atmosphere between them has shifted- gone are the frosty silences and short conversations. Instead the two of them talk easily, bicker and laugh and flirt about nothing in particular. Vanessa knows they’ll talk things through once they’re comfortable so she settles on rolling her eyes at Brooke making fish puns in the middle of the chip shop (“when you said you knew a place I didn’t think you meant an ACTUAL plaice”). It’s quiet on the embankment, locals all home from work and tourists preferring the pull of the Houses of Parliament or the Eye across the river, so they don’t pass many people and they ones they do pass don’t seem to recognise them. Everything is calm and relaxed and easy, like the inky sky and the clean cold of the air and the smooth surface of the river that’s opposite them as they find a bench with only a few small puddles of water on it and settle down. Vanessa’s heart is thumping hard in her chest as Brooke sits down beside her, sitting diagonally so she can see her as they discuss things. It’s a small thing that Vanessa notices and appreciates.
“So,” Brooke says around a particularly hot chip, her mouth making an ‘o’ and steam flying out of it. “You wanted to talk.”
“Uh, yeah. ‘Cept now we’re here I don’t really know what to say.”
“Do you want me to start?”
Vanessa shrugs, bites into a chip delicately. “If you wanna.”
“Okay, well,” Brooke begins, then looks out to the river. The lights of the Eye are reflected in her own, blues and reds meeting greens and creating a kaleidoscope from which Vanessa never wants to look away. She pauses and takes a deep breath before meeting Vanessa’s eyes. “I’m really sorry for hurting your feelings on Sunday. If you’d kissed me in literally any other context, I wouldn’t have reacted like that. Honestly. I just…didn’t want to take advantage of you.”
Vanessa gives a laugh. She’s confused. “Take advantage?”
“No, I don’t mean like that, I mean…” Brooke frowns as she’s searching for the right words. It’s kind of adorable. “You were upset, you’d had a shit week. The music was all sad and you were crying and then you kissed me and I…didn’t want you to be doing that just because you felt upset. I didn’t want you to do that and then think you’d made a mistake.”
Vanessa pauses. She hasn’t considered that Brooke might have thought Vanessa would regret kissing her. To her the idea is so ridiculous that it almost makes her want to laugh but she doesn’t, because this means that Brooke was overthinking their kiss and trying to talk herself out of the idea of Vanessa possibly liking her back.
Now don’t that sound familiar.
Vanessa tries to stifle a smile as she tilts her head to look at Brooke. “It wasn’t a mistake, baby, I meant the whole damn thing.”
She wants to squeal when Brooke’s face breaks out into an enormous grin, one that Vanessa is sure must hurt her face. Vanessa likes the fact that Brooke is talking, likes the fact she’s saying everything first because it means she gets to hold her guard up just that little bit longer before this girl tears it down and even though she’s ready for that, it doesn’t mean she isn’t ever so slightly scared of it.
“So, uh…” Vanessa asks her, her tone light and teasing. Brooke crosses her legs and Vanessa has to try to stop herself getting any ideas. “That cast member you got a crush on. You gonna tell me who it is now?”
Brooke bursts out laughing, tipping her head back and lacing her hand with Vanessa’s at the same time. “Shut up. Are you really going to make me say it?”
Vanessa simply raises her eyebrows at Brooke, lets her know she’s waiting on her answer. Brooke gives another laugh as she gives in. “Fine! Well…she’s one of the dancers.”
“Uh huh.”
“I saw her on the induction day and I thought she was hot. We had a bit of a flirt and it was all fun and games. Then I followed her on Instagram because I was thirsty. Thought for ages about how to slide into her DMs but I was too much of a scaredy cat so I just commented on one of her pics instead,” Brooke continues to explain. Her admission makes Vanessa giggle, sends her heart leaping into the air because oh my God, Brooke had wanted to talk to her before the series even started too. She was thinking about Vanessa for the same amount of time Vanessa had been thinking about her. “Then it got to the intro show and I was like…screaming inside. I knew I wanted to be partnered with her, I knew even before the induction day because she’s so, so good at what she does. In fact, she needs to believe in herself more, but that’s besides the point. Anyway, we got paired up. I was so fucking ecstatic that night. She drunk-texted me and I actually lay in bed squealing and flailing like a teenage girl because I got so excited that she was thinking of me.”
Brooke is so animated when she’s talking about her crush. Her. She’s talking about her, and Vanessa is so happy and emotional she almost wants to cry but that would be peak pathetic so she squeezes Brooke’s hand instead, the hand that’s still entwined with hers.
“I keep growing closer to her and finding out more about her and she trusts me with stories about her life, trusts me to fling her body around the rehearsal studios despite the fact I’m so fucking clumsy I could drop something that’s superglued to my hand-“
“Stop lyin’, shut up,” Vanessa rolls her eyes at Brooke’s self-deprecation, and Brooke gives a gentle snort of a laugh.
“- And I just keep liking her more and more with every day,” Brooke smiles at her, her face all dreamy and dazed as if she’s sleepwalking. It suddenly snaps into a smirk, her eyes dark and playful, and it’s Vanessa’s turn to cross her legs. “And she doesn’t help any of it by looking like a Gymshark model and sticking her cute little butt out any time we rehearse.”
Vanessa screeches out an outraged laugh which Brooke’s quick to join in with. “Hey, I had to get your attention somehow!”
As their laughter dies down Vanessa fixes Brooke with a smile, scoots closer to her on the bench. “So go on, then. What’s her name?”
Brooke pulls Vanessa close with the hand she’s holding and when she says Vanessa’s name in response she feels worshipped. Suddenly, Brooke’s eyes fly open a little in what seems like panic. “Sorry. Fuck. That was all too much, wasn’t it?”
“Brooke Lynn,” Vanessa laughs. “I’ve had the most huge, embarrassin’ fuckin’ crush on you since God knows when. I really like you. Chill.”
Brooke’s still got a soft little smile on her face and it makes Vanessa wants to kiss her again so much so she pushes the images of long lens cameras out of her mind for the moment and leans in, kisses Brooke soft and gentle and slow and Vanessa doesn’t think she’ll ever get bored of the way Brooke kisses her back.
When Vanessa pulls away she’s right beside Brooke on the bench, so she slings an arm around her waist and rests her head against her chest for good measure. It’s still cold outside but Vanessa hopes that isn’t the only reason for Brooke cuddling her back, linking their hands together like a little chain. Vanessa’s happy, but her mind is still full of thoughts.
“How good are you at keeping secrets?”
“Depends what it is,” Brooke replies. Vanessa tilts her head up before she speaks again because this is important, she needs to see Brooke’s reaction and make sure she says this in the right way.
“I can’t do the whole…paparazzi, me-in-the-papers, invasion-of-privacy thing again. It was bad enough when me an’ Kam broke up,” she begins, and Brooke nods understandingly. “So I guess what I’m askin’ is…can we be careful? Whatever ‘we’ is. I don’t know yet but I don’t mind just figuring things out along the way.”
Brooke nods slowly, taking things in. “So you want to keep us secret for now?”
“Just until the show ends,” Vanessa reassures her, tries to ignore the triple somersault her heart does at the word ‘us’. “I don’t want people thinkin’ it’s a publicity stunt or tryin’ to take attention away from the other couples or anythin’ like that. Also I don’t want this getting ruined for us.”
Vanessa’s heart stands still as Brooke thinks for a second. She’s relieved when a grin spreads across her face. “Can I still flirt with you on Instagram? That’s fun.”
“Flirt with me anywhere you want, boo.”
“God, you know I’m so going to play into this? Think of all those fan accounts for us all those fourteen year olds run. They’re going to implode,” Brooke smiles, bouncing in her seat on the bench excitedly. It’s so endearing it makes Vanessa smile more than she already is. Her heart is still fluttering nervously; there’s butterflies trapped in there and as long as Brooke is holding her hand and smiling at her like that with her eyes all soft Vanessa is not really sure if they’ll ever go away. She doesn’t care, though.  
They stay on the bench for a while until their chips are finished. Brooke takes a photo of Vanessa who smiles brightly at the camera, carton of chips in her lap and her hair all messy over her shoulders but she doesn’t even care because she’s happy, so happy and relieved and when they walk back to the station together it feels like she’s walking on little clouds. They don’t kiss goodbye because it’s busier in the station but Brooke does sneak a peck against her neck when they hug and it makes Vanessa feel gooey inside. When Vanessa gets home that night she has both an Instagram tag and two messages from Brooke. She opens the message first.
B: I’m so glad we talked, I had the best time tonight. Can’t wait until I can take you on a proper date!! See you tomorrow cutie xxxxxx
B: (Sorry if cutie is ick I’m just going to try out a bunch of pet names because I can xxxxxx)
Vanessa feels her heart almost burst open at everything Brooke’s said to her. The confirmation that she enjoyed her company, the promise of a date, the pet name (which she definitely won’t say no to). It’s all like a big hug for her mind which had previously been exhausted with overthinking. Vanessa doesn’t realise how much she’s smiling at her screen as she types out her reply until it physically hurts her face.  
V: me too. you’re so amazing. for ref i like Zoilo if we going bougie or Franco Manca if we broke. cutie gets seal of approval from me… u a bit of a cutie urself xxxxxx
Before she gets ready for bed that night she decides to open up Instagram to see what Brooke has tagged her in. It’s the photo of her on the bench from earlier, and Vanessa wants to blush at how happy and smiley she looks. She scrolls to Brooke’s caption, and if she wasn’t blushing before she’s definitely blushing now.
bhytes: Post-rehearsal chips by the river with this diamond. I could get used to this. 🧡
Their fans are in meltdown in the comments, and Vanessa is melting herself.
Saturday comes quicker than Vanessa wants it to. It’s maybe because she never wants her time with Brooke to end whether that’s on or off the show. They’ve done full runs of their dance each day, the pair of them sneaking kisses with each other sometimes even mid-dance.
“You know we need to stop doin’ that, right?” Vanessa warns Brooke with a smile after Brooke kisses all down her neck mid-Tango in a bid to wind her up (she’d succeeded, and if Vanessa might need to take a cold shower later that’s nobody’s business but her own.)
“Because we’re gonna end up doin’ it on the night an’ then the cat’s outta the bag after what, three days?”
Vanessa doesn’t miss the way Brooke runs her tongue over her lips a little. She’s got a smirk on her face as she pulls her in close, slides her hands down her sides and hooks her fingers over the waistband of her leggings. “Well if you are going to keep wearing things that make your butt look so good, I am going to find it hard to stop kissing you.”
Brooke snaps the elastic of her waistband and Vanessa feels a fire ignite low in her stomach. She’s not told Brooke that she was the girl from her sex dream, she’s been saving that information for another day. She wonders when that day’s going to come, though. If Vanessa had her way she would lock the rehearsal room door, throw herself at Brooke and practically beg the girl to raw her, but she doesn’t know what Brooke’s thinking or feeling and Vanessa doesn’t want to risk ruining the high levels of sexual tension they’ve cultivated over roughly a month by asking her when they’re only 24 hours away from performing another incredibly sexy dance. By Saturday night the pair of them are ready to perform and their biggest challenge, Vanessa thinks, will be to try and act as if they’ve not started seeing each other and are in the complete honeymoon phase of whatever it is they are.
And soon enough Vanessa is sitting on a chair in the middle of the ballroom floor dressed in a long sparkling nude-effect dress with a split up its side, facing away from Brooke who’s in black tailored suit trousers and a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves buttoned up to the neck and an undone bow tie around it. The audience are silent as their VT plays, and then the familiar voice of the commentator is booming overhead.
“Dancing the Argentine Tango…Brooke Lynn Hytes and Vanessa Mateo!”
There’s four clicks of drumsticks smacking together before the music starts and the pair of them hit the first beats of the dance. There’s even more electricity between them now and when Brooke grabs her arm, reels her in with the napkin, pulls her close so their bodies are pressed against each other, Vanessa feels as if she’s burning up inside. They added in a little bit of choreo after their kiss and their riverbank date on Wednesday night, and Vanessa’s back is to the audience and the cameras as she gives Brooke a wink, hooks her fingers around each side of the lapels on Brooke’s shirt.
“I’m tellin’ you to loosen up my buttons, babe, uh-huh-”
Vanessa rips the velcro she knows the costume designers have concealed in the lapels and reveals a little strip of Brooke’s chest, her collarbones exposed. The roar that goes up from the audience in response has Vanessa feeling as if they’re dancing in a football stadium rather than the ballroom at Elstree. The shirt isn’t even open enough to expose any of Brooke’s cleavage but Vanessa suddenly realises how people in old-timey costume dramas feel when they see a woman’s ankle. As they press their foreheads together and cross the ballroom floor Vanessa finds it hard not to break character and smile like an idiot at Brooke Lynn, the girl that likes her back, the girl that maybe one day she’ll get to call her girlfriend, the girl that she can kiss any time she likes. She could technically kiss her now as she drops to the floor and Brooke comes with her, still holding her hand with her arm around her waist, but she focuses on getting the Ganchos right because they need a good score. Vanessa needs to show Brooke, show the judges, show every fucking person watching at home that she is a force to be reckoned with, that she can teach and choreograph and make Brooke progress.
Still, it’s hard not to just reach her lips forward and press them against Brooke’s as she drags her across the floor, Vanessa making sure to get her leg as high as it’ll go on her waist just to show Brooke what she’s capable of. As Brooke lifts her up and spins her, Vanessa sneaks a look at the judges’ table. Bianca is watching impassively as usual, Shangela is smiling from ear to ear, Kennedy is screaming and Laganja is leaning almost over the desk, her mouth wide open.
If ever there was a desired reaction to her choreography, it’s probably that.
There’s a point in the middle of the dance where the two of them pause in hold and just give each other an incredibly lingering look. Vanessa doesn’t have to act for this section and as she slowly brings her eyes up from Brooke’s chest to meet her gaze, she feels her knees turn ever-so-slightly weak as she catches the hunger, passion and fire in the other girl’s eyes.
If they don’t get at least 35 in this, Vanessa is going to quit the show and take Brooke with her.
Vanessa can hear the screams from one of the judges as she and Brooke walk slowly across the dancefloor with their hands cradling the back of each others’ necks. Brooke gracefully lowers her to the floor and pulls her up again, Vanessa making sure to press their bodies tight together once she’s in front of her. She catches the way Brooke’s eyes grow ever so slightly wide and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t fill her with a sense of pride. They get to the part that makes Vanessa’s pulse speed up every time- her legs wrapped around Brooke’s waist, Brooke spinning her around- because of all the memories attached to it. This time Brooke doesn’t kiss her, though- she dips her down one way then the other with her strong arms supporting Vanessa’s back.
Vanessa feels safer in Brooke’s arms than she’s ever felt with any six-packed, world-champion male partner. But of course, she knows exactly why that is.
The dance is coming to an end and Vanessa puts her all into walking Brooke back, her hand against her chest. Brooke sits down in the chair, spreads her legs before reaching out and letting Vanessa twirl into her arms, where she leans into her and wraps her arms around Brooke. She knows she’s got her chest pushed right up in Brooke’s face and all she’ll probably be able to smell is her perfume, but Vanessa doesn’t really mind and she’s got a feeling Brooke doesn’t either. As the final notes of the music ring through the studio, the audience are yelling and clapping the place down. Vanessa doesn’t even know if Brooke made any mistakes and at this point she doesn’t care because they did that dance proud, she knows they did, and as Brooke wraps her arms tight around her waist Vanessa feels her press a kiss to her collarbone that makes her giddy. Vanessa squeals with happiness and she feels Brooke pick her up in their hug and walk her over to where Michelle is standing. As they finally break apart she can see the smile on Brooke’s face. Vanessa throws caution to the wind a little, plants both her hands on either side of Brooke’s face so that her eyes are firmly locked on her own.
“We did it, baby,” she whispers to her, and she’s not even sure it’ll be audible over the cheers of the crowd but Brooke nods rapidly in happiness and Vanessa knows she’s been heard.
Michelle finally manages to pry Brooke off of her and get some form of reaction about how she feels the dance went.
“Oh my God, it felt amazing,” Brooke smiles. She’s laced her arm around Vanessa’s waist and Vanessa’s done the same, and Brooke gives her a little squeeze and a smile down at her as she continues. “We’ve obviously had a bit of a crazy week…you know, Vanessa coming back from her injury, but she’s just such a great person and such a great teacher that she still managed to recover and teach me all this, and I’m just so grateful for her. I’m so glad I’ve got her back. She’s not allowed to leave me again!”
Michelle laughs as Brooke puts her other arm around Vanessa to hug her, and Vanessa happily reciprocates.
“Vanessa, how do you think Brooke Lynn got on this week?”
Vanessa pries herself out from under Brooke’s arm and simply smiles up at her in response. “She knows how amazin’ I think she is, I’m gonna let the judges tell her instead.”
Michelle gives another laugh and so do some of the judges. Vanessa doesn’t miss the single raised eyebrow that Bianca shoots towards her. Her stomach dips. Maybe they hadn’t been as good as she’d thought…?
“Speaking of judges- Bianca, let’s come to you first. How did Brooke do?”
“Well…” there’s a silence as Bianca shuffles her notes a little. Vanessa feels her heart stand still. “I thought…that it was absolutely brilliant.”
The audience erupts. Vanessa is so shocked and happy that she can’t help the grin that breaks out on her face, and she and Brooke both instantly reach for each other to hug. There’s a rare smile to Bianca’s voice as she continues. “Brooke Lynn, there’s one thing that Vanessa can’t teach you, in fact nobody can teach it, and that’s chemistry. The chemistry you had with Plastique last week was great but the chemistry you have with Vanessa is incredible. The Argentine is all about that, it’s the passion and the fire, and you encapsulated that so well. Watch with the Ganchos that your feet are pointed all the way down, we should have a full 180 degrees there which I know you can do because I’ve seen it before- and it should be more of a light motion, you’re not churning butter…but other than that, a great job this week, well done.”
Vanessa looks up at Brooke and she’s still smiling as Michelle comes onto Shangela. She and Kennedy both give them glowing praise, the pair of them also mentioning the chemistry between them, and then it’s Laganja’s turn. The audience are already giggling in anticipation- they know she’s theatrical, and her reaction is going to be big. Vanessa watches as she sits composed in her chair, narrows her eyes, and points at them both with her pen.
“Is there…something going on…?” she asks. Vanessa feels her hand tighten around Brooke’s waist. She clenches her teeth together as she smiles. Fuck. Have they been too obvious? Laganja pauses dramatically as Brooke gives a laugh Vanessa can tell is fake. “I mean…first that American Smooth, and then that Viennese, and now THIS? Is there something in the air tonight, Fernando?!”
Vanessa lets out a relieved laugh as Laganja references Gigi and Crystal and Jan and Jackie’s dances, realises she’s not asking specifically about her and Brooke.
“LADIES, ma’am, I don’t have any earthly words for what I just witnessed!! The connection you two have is just incomparable…Brooke, you’ve been so great the past two weeks but I can tell you’re at your most comfortable and your happiest when you’re dancing with Vanessa, it’s like you’re here, you’ve arrived! This is elevated, mama! I don’t know if you could hear me screaming when you dragged Vanessa across the floor-”
“New Zealand heard that scream, Laganja,” Bianca cuts in deadpan, and the audience laughs.
“- yes thank you, Simon Cowell! Maybe your feet weren’t as pointed as they could’ve been during the Ganchos- you know what, I honestly don’t care! I wasn’t looking at your feet! I spent that entire dance wondering if you were going to smooch each others’ faces off midway through!”
Vanessa bursts out laughing as she feels Brooke do the same beside her. They’re both squeezing each others’ sides for dear life. If they only fucking knew.
“Great job, Brooke, and Vanessa- welcome back, ma, that’s how you return after an injury.”
The audience clap them as Michelle sends them upstairs, and Vanessa’s hand is tight in Brooke’s as they run up to the Divinatorium and are greeted by Divina herself. She interviews the pair of them but Vanessa can hardly speak, she’s practically vibrating with excitement beside her partner. Their comments were so encouraging, the best they’ve had. Brooke’s never had a 10 from any of the judges before. Maybe tonight is the night?
“Will the judges please reveal their scores. Bianca Del Rio.”
Vanessa’s screaming before Bianca can even speak, because there, on the paddle, is an, “Eight!”
Brooke’s arm flies around her waist in a hug but Vanessa can’t yet accept it, her eyes glued to the screen.
“Kennedy Davenport.”
“Nine!” she says happily, and Vanessa is so happy that she can almost feel tears stinging her eyes.
“Shangela Wadely.”
“Nine!” she beams at the camera, sticking her paddle into the air. Vanessa’s heart lifts itself up into the rafters as the camera pans to Laganja’s seat. She gave them the most favourable critiques. Maybe…?
“Laganja Estranja.”
“I hope y’all are ready for this…TEN!” she screeches as she stands up, and Vanessa can barely take in the amount of things that happen at once. Her pulse skyrockets, Brooke practically leaps on her in her haste to wrap her in a hug, the other couples are screaming and cheering and clapping for them, and her eyes basically spring a leak. She has no idea why she’s so emotional but Jesus Christ, she’s allowed to be after the past few weeks she’d had. Laganja thought their dance was a ten. A perfect ten. Flawless. Impeccable. They’re second on the leaderboard behind Jan and Jackie (who scored thirty-eight). Vanessa feels like running back down the stairs and kissing the judges, never mind Brooke Lynn beside her.
But of course, the thought of kissing Brooke is one that isn’t too far away, and they’re walking down the corridors, laughing and chatting after their reaction interview and about to go back to makeup when Brooke slows beside her dressing room door, laces her hands in Vanessa’s.
“Um…” she casts her eyes downwards, and when she meets Vanessa’s gaze again there’s a little glint in her eye that makes Vanessa squeeze her thighs together. Brooke puts on her very best, professional, TV presenter voice as she talks. “Vanessa. Would you mind helping me with something for two minutes in my dressing room?”
Vanessa almost feels her pupils blow as Brooke gently tugs her in. The moment she steps through the dressing room door Brooke wastes no time in closing it, spinning her round and pressing her up against it as she crashes their lips together. Vanessa has to stop herself from sliding down the door, feeling like a snowman in July as Brooke’s soft lips press against hers and her tongue licks gently into her mouth. If Brooke’s tongue can make her feel this weak when they’re just kissing, Vanessa almost doesn’t dare think about how good it could feel elsewhere.
Vanessa can give as good as she gets though, and she likes to have the upper hand so she  drops her lips to Brooke’s neck, presses frantic kisses down down down to her collarbone where she sucks at the skin, bites ever so gently then licks over the mark she’s just created, kissing hard against it once, twice, three times before she feels Brooke lean down to murmur into her ear.
“That better not’ve left a mark.”
Vanessa’s spine feels like an electricity pylon. “Does it feel like it didn’t leave a mark?”
Her breath hitches as Brooke slams her knee in between her thighs, cages her in. Brooke’s voice is a low whisper as she kisses her neck, making Vanessa whine. “You’re so bad, fuck.”
“You like it when I’m bad, huh?” Vanessa teases, dropping both her hands to Brooke’s waist as she bucks her hips against her. The friction has got her feeling tightly wound and she needs more, way more than this.
“God, yes,” Brooke sighs, brings her mouth back up to kiss her again. It’s not as frantic as their first; this time it’s slow, teasing, and driving Vanessa absolutely insane. They’ve not talked about this, where this is going to go, and Vanessa doesn’t want to assume anything but still…Brooke’s got her in a pretty compromising position. She’s still going to check though, so she pulls back, murmurs against Brooke’s lips as she places both her hands on either side of her jaw.
“What do you want, baby?”
Brooke gives a sigh mixed up with a gasp as Vanessa trails a finger down her neck, stops it at her chest right where her shirt’s buttoned up. “Ah…want you to-”
Vanessa launches herself away from the door, almost jumps into Brooke’s arms Scooby-Doo style in shock. Brooke’s got her arms around Vanessa, her eyes equally wide and her mouth just as slack-jawed. She steps away quickly as whoever’s behind the door starts speaking.
“Brooke Lynn? You and Vanessa are needed in makeup.”
Vanessa can see Brooke swallowing thickly, the rise and fall of her chest as she tries to compose herself. The very sight of that alone makes Vanessa’s mouth dry. “Okay, no worries! We’ll be down soon!”
The pair of them stand in the dressing room in silence listening to the sound of the runner walking away. It’s funny- the pair of them sneaking around like they’re in high school or some shit, and it makes Vanessa press her lips together in an attempt to stifle a laugh. She looks at Brooke Lynn, who’s got much the same expression on her face. It’s Brooke that cracks first, and soon the pair of them are standing giggling together.
“Nothing like getting the absolute shit scared out of us to really kill the mood,” Brooke laughs softly, reaching out and tucking a piece of Vanessa’s hair behind her ear that has come loose from its bun. Vanessa smiles, sighing a little and taking her hand.
“We should go. It’ll be a batterin’ ram next.”
“Right,” Brooke shrugs a little, stroking the back of Vanessa’s hand with her thumb. Vanessa can see she’s holding something back and just as she’s about to ask her what it is, Brooke meets her eyes. “You think we’re going through to Blackpool?”
Vanessa has almost forgotten what week it is next week; where the dancers all travel up to the iconic Blackpool Tower ballroom for one night away from Elstree. They pull out all the stops that night and they’re allowed backup dancers and even sometimes a set instead of just props. She tilts her head in thought- the fact that by the end of tonight there’ll be just six of them left in the competition is wild to her, the whole thing is going so quickly. She can see in Brooke’s eyes that she’s not forgotten, though, the nerves almost visibly clouding her vision, so Vanessa leans up and presses a soft kiss to her lips and feels Brooke relax against her.
She pulls away and shoots Brooke a soft grin. “After that performance? You might as well start packing your case, baby.”
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evolsinner · 3 years
days go by, another one comes across. however, today is that day, and by ‘that day’ i mean, can we all please have a drumroll, it’s fucking parent~teacher interviews! aka an interrogation under the guise of pleasantries. i thought if i didn’t think about it, it’d just fucking disappear, but hey no, it’s still here.
but that’s okay, you see my parents don’t know a thing about it. i shredded all the notices they’ve sent us and made sure to cut the line every time my sneaky ass school called home. so when it came to my last class for the day, which is english lit obviously, i was quite happy that i didn’t have to stay behind like some students.
the class is empty, it’s almost 4 sharp.
“it’s only interviews,” i try to ease mr killian’s nerves. “just tell them what they wanna hear ~ easy peasy.”
“i wish, but it doesn’t work like that, luv. you know,” he looks up from his paper and removes his reading glasses to rub his weary eyes, “believe it or not, but we hate this day just as much as you kids do.”
“really?” i’m shooked. “thought you teachers just loved taking your sweet as revenge on students on this devilish day. it’s practically reverse halloween where the educators aren’t in costume for the first time, huh.”
mr killian places his pen behind his ear, entertained. “‘reverse halloween’, aye?” he leans back on his chair, arms folded and an ankle~on~knee. “you’re too funny.”
“‘funny’?” i walk over to him, admiring the tantalising dark circles underneath his scintillating eyes. “yeah? and what else?”
he possessively pulls me in between his legs, squeezing my booty in fistfuls. “and sexy and fierce and delicious.”
“do you want a bj?”
“oh, and very fucking naughty too!”
“what you gonna do about it?”
“gee, you’re tempting me.”
“mhm,” i bite my lip.
“you are in serious need of punishment, little girl,” he flicks an eyebrow up. “slide down your panties and lean over my desk.”
my eyes open wide, “no.”
“i mean, there’s no space on y~y~your desk,” i glance at it. “there’s those booklets, essays, midterms, finals, your laptop...”
“i’ll make space.”
“uh, umm,” i step back.
“nuh~uh,” he pulls me in again so that i’m standing with my thighs directly opposite his thingy. “slide ‘em down right in front of me.”
“that’s too close,” i squeak, going red.
“what difference does it make? you a step back or not, i’ll still see it. c’mon,” he feathers a finger down my bare thigh, “you can’t still be shy? i’ve seen every part of you, every inch of you. the hills, the slopes, the blemishes... want me to go on?”
ok, imma prove him wrong. i undo the button and zipper on my shorts, exposing the bright red lacy panties i got just for him.
“you were hiding those from me?” he points to them, sounding offended.
slowly, i rub my hand over the skimpy fabric, sticking a finger behind the elastic.
“such a tease,” sir leans back. “congratulations, darling, you’ve earned yourself 5 more spanks.”
the thought of him spanking me…
“want me to go easy on you?” he asks, and i see rare mercy dancing around in his eyes.
i nod, prolly a goner if i were dumb enough to take my chances with this guy.
“then touch yourself, sweetheart,” the mercy evaporates from his eyes completely. he just went from a saint to a sinner in a millisecond. “mhm,” he nods to my hesitant expression, “slide your hand through your panties and touch yourself for me. if you don’t moan my name whilst finger~fucking your cunt, i’ll give you the belt.”
heck no, i don’t want to get spanked with a belt! that’ll hurt so much more!! i’ve seen it on 50sog!
“y~you w~want me to m~masturbate for you?”
“did i stutter?”
no, but i did.
shocked at how strangely turned on i’m feeling, i slide my fingertips under the double thin lines of the red covered elastic bands. tell me, why did i wear this again? i inch my fingers down further, my breath hitching up and pelvic muscles contracting.
sir slides his hand into his pants and gently strokes his cock, scarring me with imaginary ciggy burns from the way he’s staring at me doing me. “hurry it up, little one, time is of the essence.”
3 knocks on the door and it swings open with a, “hello?”
mr killian speedily sits up.
and i step back right away, pulling my hand out and tugging my shirt over the open zipper. “mum?”
“roséah,” she squints, “what on earth... dear lord, you have a lot of explaining to do!”
i refuse to blink. i think i’m having something like a heart attack. “w~what do you mean?”
“well, for starters,” she struts up to me, “you didn’t tell me that today was parent~teacher interview night.”
i exhale deeply, relief has never felt this good.
“mr killian, i presume?” mum says, holding her hand out.
i quickly fix myself up behind her.
“please,” he smiles, shaking her hand, “call me isaac.”
why the fuck would mum come here without informing me about it?!?
“apologies for not booking in a time slot and barging in like this. had i known,” mum gives me an irritated look, “i would have been more prepared.”
“it’s no worries, mrs blackburn,” sir tries to downplay it. “i reckon i can squeeze you in before my first interview. so please,” he motions to the two seats preplaced in front of the desk, “have a seat.”
“christella will do just fine,” and she takes no time in making herself comfortable.
i roll my eyes, so fucking annoyed and anxious at the same time.
“if you don’t mind my saying so,” sir gracefully says, “but now i know where your beautiful daughter gets her beautiful looks from.”
mum titters, tucking invisible strands of hair behind her ear and straightening out her pencil skirt.
sir glances at me and it’s so provocative in nature that i can’t look away, hence he does it for me. “do we have a common friend that can get both of us acquainted with one another?” he causally asks my mother with a chuckle.
aren’t they supposed to be talking about me?
“i don’t suppose so, isn’t that a shame?” mum smiles.
“‘shame’ would be an understatement, stella…can i call you stella?”
“you can call me whatever you want, isaac.”
“ahem!!” eww. ew. “mum,” i shake my head at her like ‘did you forget you have a husband?’, “you might wanna..”
“oh, yes, of course! silly me. so do tell, isaac? how has my daughter been doing?”
“well, to be candour, i’m rather impressed at how dedicated rosé is on learning.”
“hm, is that so?” she gives me a suspicious glance.
“indeed,” mr killian sends me a secret wink.
“does she slack off? because you’d tell me if she did, right?” mum asks.
“mum,” i grumble, she’s so embarrassing sometimes.
mr killian chuckles, “you’d be the first to know, stella. fortunately, that isn’t the case. rosé has quite the eye for accomplishing her goals.”
i’m getting lost in him again...
“gets all her work done on time, doesn’t send inappropriate text messages in class,” he proceeds professionally, kinda cocky, “nor does she ever has to stay back late.”
all of which i do the opposite of, i give him a guilty grin.
mum looks rather very taken aback, considering how i am at home. “seems like she’s quite the student?”
“you’d be surprised by what goes on in these walls.”
that not so hidden half~smile sir gives me pauses my mum in her tracks with her next question. i look at her sudden stiffness and notice how she’s surveying mr killian intently, her eyes narrowed into slits. oh crap.
“ahem!” i shift in my seat quickly.
sir coughs and swiftly brings in another topic.
mum gradually returns to her usual manner.
that was close.
when they finally say their farewells, i feel relieved as a fucking kite flying high up in a blue cloudless sky. mum did a few more interviews before she finally decided to go home. mr killian had given her false hope and high expectations, so it was funny when my other teachers informed her that my grades were declining from b’s and c’s to d’s and e’s.
oops, my bad.
-ˋˏ ༻🍷༺ ˎˊ-
it’s late, a major thunderstorm has hit and maxi being the scaredy~cat he is has crept into my room for the night. incoming call from isaac. i decline it. so he calls me again. and i decline it again. busy tryna shoot him a text which he keeps interrupting with phone calls.
daddy🔐 is my furry baby avoiding my calls?
tf he just called me??????
me im not avoiding ur calls jus ctrn cuz baby bro is sleeping in my bed thunder isnt his strong suit :/
daddy🔐 why am i jealous?
lol, seriously? i smile, rolling over to the edge of my bed.
daddy🔐 can’t stop thinking about you...
me jus stop its not dat hard
god, i suck at this.
daddy🔐 i really need to be fucking inside you right now!
uh, what the fuck do i text back?!
daddy🔐 would it be inappropriate of me to ask you what you are wearing since you’re with your kid brother?
me wow, ur quite the gentleman, arent ya ?
daddy🔐 i try my best.
feeling kinky, i silently remove my oversized graphic tee and take two pictures of myself. then i quickly pop my tee back on before curling up on the bed and hitting ‘send’.
daddy🔐 mmmm leopard panties and no bra, sexy. though i do wish you could move your arm out of the way so i could see my two girls?
no, my boobies are too small and i’m shy!
daddy🔐 such unspeakable things i could to your body right about now. would you like to know, baby?
i’m so tempted to text back ‘yes’, but that’d just get me too hot and bothered which is not a good idea when your lil brother is lying right next to you.
me behave (;
daddy🔐 how about we finish off what we started back in the classroom?
me we hv company rmbr ?
daddy🔐 right.
there’s a while with those 3 flashing dots before he texts back.
daddy🔐 considering we have an audience tonight, i’m willing to keep it pg. on the contrary, was nice talking to your mother today.
me were u flirting w her ?
daddy🔐 i don’t know. was i?
me u so were ! nd evry subtextual sentence u uttered !! she cud hv caught on yanno ?!
daddy🔐 that, i couldn’t help. the look on your face was hilarious. hers too.
i almost lol by just picturing my mum’s face, but i suppress it.
me jus bc u made me laugh dnt mean im not still mad !
daddy🔐 allow me to make it up to you?
me go on...
daddy🔐 there’s this soirée i’m holding with my crew for the long weekend. lakehouse, few beers, great view - thank kinda thing. i want you there.
me y do u want me der ? (;
daddy🔐 ‘cause i wanna fuck you hard on my mate’s couch whilst everyone else is out by the lake.
daddy🔐 and also because i want you to get to know my people more. (:
he used a smiley face! he never uses smiley faces!
me hmm, guess ill hv 2 think bout it
because i have to ask my mum first!!
daddy🔐 hope this helps?
he sends me a photo or two back, like it was a trade or something. but jesus christ, isaac killian! he was definitely not kidding about having me on his mind!
daddy🔐 don’t ponder too much. goodnight, love.
“rosé..?” maxi murmurs behind me, rolling around.
shit. i drop my phone in an instant and cringe for my luck. “yeah?”
“you’re taking all the blanket and i’m cold..”
“oh, right...” i exhale with relief, placing my phone on the bedside table. i turn around, shifting the blanket over him and putting my arms around him. phew.
i rest my eyes for a second when maxi is like, “what was that?”
“hm?” i smile as he snuggles between my arms.
“that big cucumber looking thing on your phone.”
i almost choke on my saliva. “t~t~that was...you’re dreaming, maxi. this is all nothing but a dream...” i add some whooo noise effect to make it more believable.
“no i am not!” he asserts.
“yes you are! now shut up or go back to your own room.”
thunder cracks intensely and he doesn’t say anything further. thank you, sweet jesus.
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choayoanbaek6104 · 4 years
steal my jacket (and my heart while your at it)
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Have you seen my jacket?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
music producer!chanyeol and idol!baekhyun
[TRENDING] CBX’s baekhyun spotted for the 4th time this month in VETEMENTS’ red parka jacket
fans once again caught the brunette donning the oversized outerwear at haneda airport. CBX will be performing at tokyo dome later this week in as part of their MAGICAL CIRCUS world tour. baekhyun has been seen wearing oversized hoodies and jackets frequently during the tour.
(+156,-12) oH mY GOd, i swear bbh looks so small in that jacket,,,,, is it even his??? why didn’t he buy it in his size 
(+1992,-456) ive literally seen producer loey wear this jacket multiple times when he did his DJ gigs at cherryblossom club a few months ago. 
(+145,-1006) ugH, literally cant style himself for shit…. 
“baek! why are you wearing that again,” xiumin sighed as he eyed the shorter’s outfit in the van towards the concert venue. in all honesty, the members could not grasp the new fashion concept baekhyun was venturing into. all the clothes the brunette wore recently were oversized, and definitely not his style. 
“it’s chanyeol’s…” baekhyun mumbled. 
“i get that you miss your man but you do know he’s like huge? and your like…” jongdae paused to think of the nicest possible way to finish is sentece, “barely at his chin.”
“you’re way too small and short for his things, baek.” junmyeon chimed in. their manager had been doing his best to convince baekhyun to dress in more fitting outfits that didn’t make him look like a child. but baekhyun, being miles away from chanyeol for such an extended period of time, refused to wear anything that wasnt own by the taller. 
baekhyun was in a rush to leave for tokyo 2 days prior and in his haste, couldn’t find a more fitting jacket that chanyeol owned. the taller obviously knew of baekhyun’s mischievous acts but pretended not to pay attention to it. in fact, he found it endearing that baekhyun always insisted on taking a piece of clothing from chanyeol’s wardrobe as a way for the smaller to cope with how much he missed his man. 
putting on his earphones, baekhyun sighed as he tried to drown out their complains. just as he was drifting off to sleep, his phone vibrated in his hands. 
“hey yeol, what’s up?” he answered.
“baek, have you seen my jacket? its the red vetements one you wore a few days ago. did you leave it in your dorm?” chanyeol enquired. he was looking frantically around for said item and baekhyun could tell from the soft rumbling in the background. 
“erm…” baekhyun felt bad, “noooo, not really?” he tried his best to sound convincing but the taller new the brunette too well. 
“you’re wearing it, aren’t you?” chanyeol deadpanned. “you could have just told me. i was worried i lost it or something.”
“i’m sorry are you mad?” baekhyun said softly, feeling slightly guitly for stealing chanyeol’s favourite winter jacket once again. “i promise to return it the moment i come back. i won’t borrow it again!” he continued. 
chanyeol knew the brunette missed him a lot and quite frankly, he didn’t mind baekhyun wearing his clothes more often these days. seeing how big his clothes looked on baekhyun through the photos posted on tabloids and fansites made chanyeol’s heart swell. and being lowkey possessive, chanyeol always saw it as a way to show the world that this man was his. (but only he and a few others knew that, of course)
“baby, i’m not mad” replied softly, not wanting the smaller to feel guilty, “you can wear at as much as you’d like.”
“thanks yeol, your the best!” baekhyun chirped. “i got to go, talk to you soon, giant.”
after two successful concerts in tokyo, baekhyun finally returned to seoul. junmyeon, out of kindness, gave the cbx members a day off to relax. it was indeed a luxury for the idol to be able to sit around all day and do nothing. more importantly, it was a luxury to be able to spend that entire day with chanyeol. 
after spending the whole day watching music shows and reality tv on the new television set baekhyun gifted chanyeol, the two decided to forgo dinner and laze around on the taller’s bed while admiring the sunset. “if only everyday could be like this…” baekhyun thought. chanyeol’s movements shook baekhyun out of his daydream. he turned around to see that his boyfriend was holding a paperbag towards him. (cuz plastic is bad for the environment, kids)
“here,” chanyeol smiled sheepishly, “i picked out a few jackets that i cant wear anymore. these will definitely fit you better plus, they smell like me. it’s a win-win for both of us!” he explained excitedly.
baekhyun’s heart swelled at the thoughtfulness of his man. he lift himself off the bed to give the taller a peck on the lips. “i love you, baby” baekhyun said, as he accepted the paperbag filled with jackets and a few tshirts.
“you also dont have to worry about xiumin and jongdae complaining about your fashion sense anymore,” chanyeol chuckled as they snuggled into the comforters. 
“this won’t stop me from stealing your other jackets though,” baekhyun said. 
“it’s alright, what’s mine is your’s.” chanyeol said, eyes closed and ready to sleep. he kissed baekhyun on his forehead, “goodnight, shorty.”
“night, giant.” 
2 weeks later
chanyeol just got back from LA spotting the new supreme x lv hoodie. he was a hundred percent sure baekhyun was going to steal it so he purposely hid it from the smaller. knowing how much baekhyun loved supreme, there was a slim chance of chanyeol ever seeing the hoodie again if he lent it to him. 
“sharing is caring,” baekhyun whined, “now lend me that hoodie!!!” 
although chanyeol did not want to give in to his boyfriend’s request, he could not resist the smaller’s pleas, which was (un)fortunately followed by a lot of kissing and teasing. to be honest, even chanyeol thought the smaller looked better in the oversized red hoodie than him. 
“goodbye red one, it was fun while it lasted,” chanyeol said pitifully to the jacket donning the shorter as he dropped baekhyun off at cbx’s dorm. 
“ugh, don’t be dramatic, babe,” baekhyun rolled his eyes before leaning in for a kiss, “i’ll return it to you, i promise.” 
chanyeol knew better. “it’s never coming back…” 
[TRENDING] supreme x lv red hoodie sold out hours after fans spotted CBX’s baekhyun wearing it to STUDIO NNG
the luxurious red jacket looked slightly oversized for the baekhyun but the brunette still managed to pull of the look. fans all over the world are rushed to buy the limited edition piece causing louis vuitton’s online store to crash in 6 countries. 
(+1556, -200) ahhhh, i guess baekhyun is embracing this oversized clothes fashion with open arms.
(+61, -4) he’s going to wear this at least 20 times
(+7002, -300) that’s it, i swear loey wore this a week ago coming back from LA music festival.......................
haha, i chose this prompt today because i was looking for clothes for my chanyeol doll......... its so difficult to find stuff that resembles chanyeol’s outfits:(( anyway enjoy another edition to my MPchan and IDOLbaek AU.
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crushzone · 4 years
🎬 About Me
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Original art of me and my fictional hubby, Ukai Keishin, by @achieve-the-sun​, posted with permission. 💕 
Hi there!
My name is Nin and I am the founder of Crushzone Cinema Theater. 📽 🍿 
Age: 23
Birthday: December 24th
Pronoun: She/her
Education: Graduated with a dual degree in Film and Global History
Occupation: Is currently a film freelancer in the camera department, who desperately needs money to pay rent every month lol.
- The sound of rain tapping on my window
- Watching my plants rise and droop to the moving sun
- Cooking and experimenting with different cuisines; Japanese, Thai and Chinese are some of my favorites.
- Giving my husband and my cat their head rubs every night.
- Drawing, painting, and photography. (Here’s some of my works!)
- The feeling of accomplishment after you’ve gone through SO much for a project with your peers. To work on your own movie or short film, and finally seeing it done, is such a rewarding experience.
- To eat my Mac and Cheese with ketchup, nutritional yeast, and steamed broccoli. (Fight me lol. 🦖 )
- Eating chips with chopsticks.
- Medjool dates with a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter 😋 
-Wearing oversized clothes, especially hoodies.
- Sitting at my reading nook, with my cat next to me on the chair.
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- The buzzing sound bees make when they fly.
- Slipping on my own chunk of hair on the ground; I have a lot of hair and I shed a lot.
- The heat, I may be from Thailand, but I am very much done with the blaring heat. One second I’ll look real cute with my face all done up, but the moment I step out, it’s already melting from my face.
- Going to sleep; there’s SO much more I could be doing right now!
- When my bangs desperately need a trim and is poking my eyes.
- Poor lighting, doesn’t matter if it is real life, just light it like you’re IN a film!! It’s so much more dramatic that way! (For real, come to my house, every corner is lit with some sort of a look/mood 😏)
- Loud noises; when people are yelling all the time, or something is loud, I get nervous when I can’t hear my own thoughts.
- People with bad attitude, a temper, or is just kind of mean in general. There is absolutely no excuse for you to be that way, and nothing productive comes out of it. Nuh-uh.
My parents hired a piano teacher when I was in elementary school, but because I didn’t enjoy her company (for some reason), I refused to absorb information. Little did I know, it would backfire me and would have absolutely no effect to her pay.
I’m that kid who always has 4 spare pencils and 5 erasers to lend out to my peers.
Will serenade to my cat every morning and night, so if you are ever my roommate, I apologize for my horrible singings.
Performed as a cave and pot in my high school production, and lemme tell ya, it is more difficult than it sounds.
Has no problem doing laundry in the morning, but the moment the sun falls, I will be too afraid to go down into my basement to do it. Some may say that it is an excuse for me to put laundry off for the next day, but I always tell my husband that there’s a “Babadook” in there. 👀
One time I stepped on a millipede, and I cried for 2 days because I felt really bad for it.
I’m actually VERY shy most of the times, so if you see me laughing a lot like a hyena, then it’s likely that it’s just me being awkward. OR I may just be having a good time, who knows.
I’m awful around kids, I am SO awkward and will stiff up like a rock (if you see me doing that, pls come safe me). One time this kid asked me why I laugh so much, so I simply just laughed some more while backing out of the room slowly. 🤦‍♀️ 
What is something you wish you were gifted at doing?
I wish I could sing. My husband is a musician, and it looks like he’s having so much fun. There’s just something so freeing about it, as if it’s another language that takes time to become fluent in, but when you are, it’s so captivating and expressive. I don’t think I’m an awful singer, but is just too incredibly shy to sing in front of others. 
What is the first movie you remember seeing in theater?
It may had been Disney’s Dinosaur (2000), not sure. All I remember was that there were a bunch of dinosaurs on screen, may had even been 3D with those glasses.
At one point, a tiger jumped at the screen, and I started crying. My mom and brother wanted to finish the movie, so my dad had to sit outside with me, until it was over. It was chill tho, my dad was teaching me different dinosaur names. 👶 🦖 🦕 
What is the first thing you do when you get home?
Pants off, baby!! I don’t usually wear a bra, but if do, then I guess it’s bra’s off first. Then I instantly hop into my plaid boxer shorts hehee. 🤭 
What has been the hardest thing for you to face or learn?
That people go through different stages of their life at different paces, and that is totally okay. When I was younger, I would always overwork, and as a result, I don’t really have a lot of time for myself. I did that, mostly, because I wanted to get a head start at everything, especially at my career. Now that I am 23-24, and had just graduated from Class of 2019, I’ve been getting film gigs since I was a sophomore, and is now a full time freelancer. 
Yet, I was not satisfied, because I got to work with a 21 y/o in a position that was under her, and it made me feel momentarily incompetent; like I wasn’t doing well enough. But it will never be enough if that’s the mindset; I never considered that she skipped university and went straight into film, so circumstances were entirely different.
Meanwhile, there’s someone 10+ years older than me who is struggling to get the work I’d get, and that is okay too. What I should’ve done is feel happy for her, and use that to motivate myself to improve.  As long as I never give up, and continue to do my best with a good attitude, everything will be just fine.
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be?
That it’s okay to take a break sometimes, live life a little, and cherish all the happiness, sadness, heartbreak, and struggles that you are going through right now. Every tear will make you stronger, and genuine every smile will eventually pull you through. 
Time goes by very quickly, and every stage in your life is a part of you, so make sure you remember how you get to where you are well.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?
Half full, just grateful that there’s any liquid in the glass at all, and is excited to acquire more with all the space I’ve got on top, ya know? 🤷‍♀️ 
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
That if you whistle at night, the ghosts will come find you. Or if you play hide and seek at night, then you’ve opened up some kind of portal that the ghosts will kidnap you away from this dimension forever.
Tbh, I think my grandma was just sick of me trying to learn how to whistle when I was in elementary school and of me running around the house at night, so she made these omen up lol.
What time do you usually get up in the morning?
Used to wake up at 13:00-14:00 all the time, but since I married an early bird, I’ve been up at 6:30-7:00 lately.
What time is your usual bed time?
Heeheee 1:00-2:00 in the morning, oops.
How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you?
I have the loveliest older brother in the world, he’s 4 years older, and is very smart, diligent, athletic, and funny. Me being the only daughter, my parents are incredibly protective, so they’d always have my brother do everything for me. 
It was a relief when I was younger, but as I enter high school, it became a little frustrating; I felt like I was living under his shadows and can never be considered independent. They’d also spend a lot more time training with him cuz he’s a national competitive swimmer.
Because of that, I had a lot of time to myself, so I experimented with my own interests and grew in my own way. As I’ve grown, I can definitely say that it’s made me a lot more independent and introverted haha. I absolutely dislike depending on anyone (Will be my last resort), but it’s also nice to know that whenever either of us fall, we’ll always have each other’s back.
#tag games with Nin 🎮
Learn even more about me through various tag games I participated!✌️ 
#chats with Nin
My previous responses, rambles, vibe checks, and many more!
And please drop by my ask box and chit chat, I love interacting with you all! 👋 
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neoarchipelago · 5 years
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Her Teacher (Teacher!John Wick x Reader) part 4
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A/N: ok… i'm like so pissed cuz I wrote this like 5 hundred times and I'm still not satisfied with it but hey. Here you have it my darlings it's short, not very good, so I apologise annnnd no real smut in this one...
Word count : 3 207 
Warnings: blood, light 18+ content, violence 
The sun was barely visible in the sky when you opened your eyes. Looking at your side at the man sleeping, you smiled to yourself. You didn't entirely understand how things happened this quickly but you were in bliss at the moment. You watched him as he slept, his back shown to you. You took notice of the tattoo on his back and bit your lip. The way his toned back and tattoo made you feel was ridiculous. He was full of surprises. You were tempted to touch his back, to let your fingers run across his skin… where a few light scratches covered his shoulders. You blushed heavily, knowing exactly where did those come from. You let your eyes close for a few seconds, the tiredness getting the best of you once more. 
The sound of a phone ringing made you frown and moan. This was a rude way to wake up. However the strong arms you were wrapped in seemed even grumpier. You heard him groan as he lifted himself up on a arm to grab his phone on the nightstand. 
"Yes, Winston?" He let out in a husky voice. 
You smiled up at him as he glanced down at you. His features seem to soften, making you blush. 
"Today?" He asked, frowning again. 
Another pause while you cuddled up in his arms, hiding away your blush. 
"Alright. I'm on it." The last words were spoken in a hurry as he hung up. 
The phone was throne a bit harshly on the nightstand as John wrapped his arms around your body once more, making you giggle as he ducked down to plant light kisses on your neck. However the soft bite that followed changed the mood entirely, as you let out a soft moan. Another groan was let out by him as you shifted position. He was hovering over you, your legs around his waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. You were already both naked from the long night you spent and it was making the temperature rise quite quickly. He stared into your soul, making you drown into his deep brown eyes. 
"John…" his name rolled off your tongue as if it was always meant to be. 
You loved watching his reaction every time you spoke it out, the way his gaze seem to darken. Leaning down to kiss you, you let yourself lose yourself once more unto his touch. He pulled away making you moan in disappointment. You could see it in his eyes, how he wanted to pursue this to much deeper and enjoyable moments. But he was holding back. 
"(y/n)... I gotta get up…" he let out in a breath. 
You sulked a bit, acting cute. He smirked at your attempt to make him stay. 
"I really have to go. I have to... some things… to take care of." He added seriously. 
"Do you really have to go now?" You asked your voice still a bit sleepy. 
He seemed to ponder the idea for a few seconds. You used that moment of unawareness to beg one last time. 
"Don't leave before making love to me at least…" you let out in a soft whisper, looking at him directly. 
You were always mesmerized by the way you could see how he broke down to your pleading everytime. Like if something broke inside of him every time you asked for more of him. The reaction you were begging for didn't took long to show. 
"Wouldn't think of it…" 
His rough whisper made you shiver under him, as he kissed you once more, your tongues melting together as you pulled him closer to you. His rough hands ran across your skin, leaving a trail of fire behind, as your own hands tangled in his hair. You breath caught in your throat as one of his hands reached in between your legs. However the moan you let out mixed with the sound of another phone ringing. 
You mentally cursed whoever was calling you as John chuckled, unfortunately pulling away. 
"You're not gonna answer that?" He asked with a smirk. 
You shook your head. No. You didn't want to answer that. 
"No.." you let out in a whine. 
He chuckled once more, leaning back down to kiss you. But he was unreachable once more. He pulled back, just a few inches. 
"I'm not going to fuck you right now…" he whispered looking into your eyes. Making you breathless. 
"You're gonna have to wait until I come back." He added.  "And you are not allowed to touch yourself, unless I allow you to." He finished in a tone that left no room for discussion. 
You whined, but you knew it was pointless. 
"Yes sir…" you simply let out, feeling a bit breathless. 
He kissed you once more making you melt one last time. You felt cold when he got up from the bed. You watched him as he got dressed, noticing the amount of scars on his skin, making you wonder how some of them were even possible. He glanced back at you, as you faked a pout. He sat on the edge of the bed, letting his hand run through your hair. You heart was drowning in the amount of feelings this man made you feel. You watched as he grabbed your phone. 
"Code princess." 
You blushed at the pet name but complied, showing him the code to unlock your phone.
"Your friend Leia called you." He let out as he typed something on your phone. 
"I'll call her back after." You said, snuggling your blanket and curling closer to him. 
He threw you a side glance as he paused for a second, before turning back to your phone. You wanted to giggle and melt away like a child but refrained from acting like that in front of him. His phone buzzed and he put down your phone, checking his. 
"When will you be back? Do you think… we can see each other again this weekend?" You asked, not wanting to ask for too much either. 
"I don't know princess… I'll try my best. I'll text you, okay?" 
You nodded before sitting up suddenly as he stood up. 
"But I don't have your-" 
" Yes you do." He let out in a smirk. 
You gasped, before he leant down, kissing you one last time. 
"See you later princess." 
"See you…" 
And just like that he was gone. 
The silence that filled the room was almost suffocating. You still felt like your body was burning up. The memory of his hands touching your skin was slowly making you wetter. You wanted to touch yourself, relieve at least a bit of the tension he built inside you, but playing his game was much more tempting. And as if he could read your mind, your phone buzzed, with a message sent from him. 
'Don't touch yourself.' 
You giggled and decided to obey nicely, getting up instead of lingering in your tempting bed, where his smell seemed to trap you into a land of dreams and memory you didn't want to leave. Putting on an oversized shirt and just some panties you decided to take a breakfast before running a bath. You felt too hungry at the moment. 
While you poured yourself a cup of coffee and grabbed some toast, a knock was heard at the door of your small apartment. Little time had passed since John left and you wondered if he had left something. You glanced around the room frowning and walked to the door. As you opened it you froze in place, and almost choked on the piece of toast you were chewing. 
"T-Tommy?" You called out. 
The boy smiled up at you as you tried to hide your confusion. It was maybe 9 am, and you weren't used to see him come to your house, uninvited. 
"Hey there sunshine!" He rang, in his usual good mood. 
You tried to smile as he pushed passed you to walk in. You closed the door and walked behind him. 
You followed him into your small kitchen where he sat in one of the chairs of your small round table. 
"What brings you here? Did something happen with Leia?" You wondered truly confused with the situation. 
"Oh, no. I just wanted to check up on you, you know? Wanted to see how you've been." 
You smiled up at him, finding back that feeling of a brother's affection in his words. He had always been protective of you and Leia like this and you truly found it adorable. Growing up you didn't have any siblings and Tom had always played that part in your life. 
"I'm fine. I've been much better lately, thank you for worrying tommy…" you spoke out, before taking a sip of your coffee. 
"I'm glad, bunny." 
You giggled at the pet name. He always seemed to find new weird or cute pet names to call you. 
"Yo, you got that book… hum … you know from that English dude who writes theater?" He asked making you giggle again. 
"Romeo and Juliet, from Shakespeare tommy." You let out in an amused tone. 
"Yes, that! For my English literature class" he added in a smirk. 
"Yes sure it's in my room, on one of the book shelves" you said while standing up. 
"Wait, I'll go, eat your breakfast little mouse." 
You chuckled once more as he stood up, throwing you a wink. You sighed, sitting back down as you watched him disappear into your room. Grabbing your phone, you pondered on the idea of sending John a message. You missed him already, but you didn't want to bother him if he was busy. The sound of Tommy's voice brought you out of your dilemma, as you put your phone down again.
"Did you have a sleepover?" He asked, a smirk on his face yet a small frown. 
You felt your blood run cold for a second. You were sure your face had whitened at the question, as your mind raced over what could have possibly gave him this idea. 
"H-hum… no, not really..." you said, trying to smile away your sudden panic. 
He stared at you for a second before smiling. You shivered at the sight. It wasn't a warm smile, it felt… cold. Something inside you was screaming that this wasn't a safe situation anymore. Trying to change the subject and the mood you spoke out. 
"Do you want some coffee tommy?" You asked, rising from your chair and walking to one of your cupboards.
"No. Thanks." His tone was empty, yet the smile hadn't left his lips.
"Some toast? Orange juice?" You added. 
"I want to know the fucking truth." 
You glanced at him in shock. His smile was gone and he was looking at you angrily. 
"Excuse me?" You added, frowning. 
"I want to know who you been fucking with?" He spoke coldly. 
"Tom!" You half-yelled. 
Fear started rushing through you as you felt tiny under his angry and cold stare. He took a step forward, and you could suddenly hear your heart pounding in your ears. 
"Your room stinks of that fucker's perfume." 
What? You frowned. He smelt John's cologne? On your sheets? You could feel yourself getting sick at the thought. 
"I-I don't think it's any of your business…" you let out, trying to sound brave. 
He let out a cold snicker, as he looked down at the book in his hands. He turned around, and slammed the cup of coffee on the table, sending it crashing against the wall. You let out a yelp, now fully scared. You were expecting him to turn to you, but he simply walked out of the room, and you heard the front door slam shut, making you jump in the process. The tears blurring your eyes as you tried to process what just happened. Trying to figure out how did the the situation took such a dark tone. You wondered if he would come back, and adrenaline ran through you as you rushed to your front door to lock it. Letting yourself fall down, your back against the now secured door, you tried to catch your breath as you sat on the ground. How of breath from the panic you looked around your empty apartment and you wished John was still here. 
The voice was shaky and John frowned. 
"(Y/n). Is everything ok?" He immediately asked. 
The small moment of hesitation made him worry. 
"Hum… y-yeah… it's just… I've had a rough morning" you tried to finish in a chuckle. 
John didn't buy it once. You voice sounded hoarse, like you had been crying. John was already having a bad feeling. 
"Have you been crying?" He asked, his tone revealing a bit too much the growing anger inside him. 
Again. The silence that followed only made it worse.
"A bit.. yes." You couldn't lie. Not about this. 
John closed his eyes, anger and worry rushing furiously through him. 
"What happened?" He asked. 
Every second of silence that fell before you answered made John want to rush back to your house. 
"Can.. can we talk about it when you'll be here?" You pleaded. 
John set his mind immediately. 
"Yes, I'll be here tomorrow night, don't stay alone. Call your friend over. Alright?" 
"Hm hm." You agreed. 
"Hey baby girl. I'll be there soon. Alright?" 
Hanging up, John changed his attitude immediately. Suddenly, he felt extremely annoyed he had to take care of this job. His goal was to finish it as soon as possible and go back to you. The thought of someone hurting you… he closed his eyes for a second. Loading his gun, he didn't wait another second before starting his job.
His moves were angrier than usual. Faster. They were set to kill, and to kill as fast as possible. His focus didn't falter. Yet he was messy. This time there was much more important to do.
You looked at your phone after John hung up. He had somehow immediately noticed something was up. Sighing you still did your best to do as he advised. Looking down at Leia's missed called you decided to call her back, and maybe propose some sort of actual sleepover with her. 
You were glad she immediately accepted. You tried your best to keep your mind of the morning's events. Cleaning up the house and studying all day, you did your best to keep your mind busy. 
The sun slowly vanished from the blue sky, and you knew Leia would soon get home. You had prepared your room for the perfect sleepover. Fluffy blankets and pillows and a movie on a small projector. Snacks and of course, you had ordered pizza. 
You just wanted to enjoy the night and forget about the 'tommy' incident. But things weren't exactly your side. It was such a shame. You were so happy to hear the door ring. Jumping on your feet you ran to the door. But as soon as your eyes landed on Leia's red eyes. You knew something was up. 
"Leia? Honey… what's wrong?" You asked, pulling her inside softly and closing the door behind you. 
Grabbing her bag, you both walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed. 
"(y/n)... You don't even know…" your sweet friend whimpered. 
Grabbing her hand in yours, you tried to calm her down. 
"Hey, tell me, what's going on?" You asked, truly worried. 
"It's tom…" 
You felt your heart jump for a second. Did she know? Squeezing her hand, you tried to look as calm as possible. 
"He..he went out this morning… and...when he came home, he was so angry. He yelled at everyone at home… he broke a lot of stuff in his room… and then he left..." 
The tears were falling from her eyes, and you pulled her in for a hug. Should you tell her? The behavior of her brother was entirely your fault. You couldn't hide this from her. 
"Leia… this morning…" you said pulling away, and looking down at your hands. 
Wiping her tears she frowned looking at you. 
"(y/n)... What's wrong?" She asked. 
"He passed by my house this morning. Everything was ok until… I mean… Last night… I wasn't alone. And I don't know how, but he figured it out, and got furious. He was rude and smashed a cup in the kitchen. I-I'm sorry… It's my fault…" you stuttered. 
"W-what? N-no… it's his fault! You two are not together… you never even showed him any interest…"
"I-I know… I was just as confused as you… and… I didn't even know how to react…" you let out. 
"Wait...what do you mean? You weren't alone?" She asked, curiosity getting the best of her. 
You blushed heavily. The conversation was definitely taking  another turn when Leia sent you a knowing look. 
"Oh my god! You need to tell me!" Her excited tone made you smile. At least you could make her forget her sadness. 
"I don't know… If I can tell you yet…" you said, blushing a bit. 
"It's ok… we don't need to go over the details." 
You both laughed. Eventually the conversation grew over your new 'secret lover' like you both decided to call him. You obviously did your best not to give any hints on the possible person. The pizzas arrived and you were glad you asked Leia to come. She made you forget the trouble that seemed to loom over you. After choosing a movie, a comedy, you threw on the fluffy blanket, and enjoyed the show. You both laughed and eventually fell asleep. 
But something felt odd. Your mind raced over the events in the morning. You felt like Tom was only starting to be a problem. And you didn't even know how would John react to it. 
Blood was dripping from his hand. Looking around at the bodies laying on the ground, John felt slightly less angry. He walked out of the building by the back door and got in his car. Looking at his watch, he chose not to send you a message. You were probably sleeping and he wanted to clean up first. He wanted to look normal for you. Thinking back to your tone during his phone call John frowned. He wondered what could have possibly made you feel like this. 
His grip tightened on the steering wheel. Yes. He had to make it to your house as soon as possible. 
In the shadow of the night, a lonely soul stands against a tree. The darkness of the night hiding his features. But anyone could have seen the dark look he kept sending towards a single window of the building he stood in front of. His hands roughly tightening around a book. The title known to many, as the love story inspired so many lonely souls. But Romeo and Juliet had always been more of a tragedy than a perfect love story. A perfect illustration of love, blood and death. 
The boy grinned sheepishly to himself.
"Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, asleep… and awake, it's everything except what is is…" 
Yes. Romeo and juliet were known to many... and sometimes even love sparks darkness. 
Tags: @thatbemyhouse @magdazwolska @crystalchrysalis19 @mblaqgi @lowkyvoid @fanficsrusz @lunilate @faralasunita @cap-just-said-language @lovelypapug
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
👀 Any more WIPs to reveal?
heck ya there are! (I’m terrible at finishing stuff, so I’ve got so many.)
So I’ve never posted a despair disease for Kokichi, even though I’ve written 4 different versions of Kokichi getting some sort of despair disease. Here’s one where the despair disease reverts the person into their pregame self! There’s a lot I like and a lot I didn’t like when I wrote this, but I hope y’all enjoy. It also just sort of cuts off, because it is a wip.
“Report to the gym for your new motive!”
The announcement repeated over and over in his head as Shuichi made his way down the hallway of the school.
But Kaede just- This is all happening so fast.
Shuichi had just watched his first friend in this obscene game die two days prior. It was brutal. He couldn’t look away as Kaede dangled from a rope by her neck, her body bouncing lazily across a piano. Every time her feet hit the oversized keys her eyes held a glint of hope. Like maybe she was getting some sort of mercy. Maybe she was being lowered down and released. But she died, slowly and painfully, each keystroke a shot to his heart.
I can’t let that happen to anyone else.
Shuichi had decided as he relived Kaede’s death over and over again, at night during his dreams and anytime he had a quiet moment during the day. He couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else suffering.
Her sacrifice needs to be worth something. So I’ll protect everyone. I have to.
Shuichi was extremely bothered that only two days had passed and Monokuma was already implementing a new motive.
But what could it be?
The detective was the last one to enter the gym, seeing the stares of all the others as he entered. He reached for his hat out of habit, but once again had to realize, just as he had to do the past two days, that he was no longer wearing it.
Because Kaede never liked it. I have to be strong. For her.
“RISE AND SHINE URSINE!” The Monokubs popped out of seemingly nowhere.
“What’s this all about?” yelled an angry Kaito.
“A new motive, idiot, didn’t you hear the announcement?” laughed the mischievous Kokichi.
“Shut the hell up Ouma, you know I didn’t mean it like that.” Kaito snarled.
Kokichi raised his hands up and shrugged, “Touchy, touchy. You’re all so gloomy!” He smirked, “The mood….It’s like someone died!” He cackled as Shuichi tensed up immediately.
“Ouma-kun!” Shuichi burst out, glaring at the boy.
“Aww is Saihara-chan mad at me?” Kokichi shot a feigned pout towards the detective.
Shuichi balled his fists and scowled at the supreme leader in an angry silence. Seeing that he was getting no response he smiled and turned to the kubs.
“So what’s the motive this time? Better not be boring!” He turned and grinned back at Shuichi.
“Motive? What motive?” Monotaro asked.
“Oh dear, did he forget again?” Monophanie had a concerned look on her bear face.
In order to get along. That’s rich.
“It’s a disease this time,” Monosuke pointed out while pushing up his glasses.
Monophanie wailed, “Oh no that sounds dangerous!”
Monosuke glanced over at her, “That’s the point.”
“Basically you get the disease and it changes some part of your personality. Making you the opposite of how you are. If you kill we can cure it for you!” Monotaro explained.
Monophanie gasped, “Wow, Monotaro remembered so well! Do you have the disease???”
Monosuke hummed, “Hmm possibly…”
“I gotta rock hard rager!” Monophanie screamed.
“Watch out, it’s contagious!” Monotaro cried, pointing at the now wild pink bear pretending to strum a guitar.
With that the bears were gone.
“So there’s a disease going around?” Shuichi pondered.
“Such a pain…” Himiko sighed.
“It’s okay! I’ll fight it off!” Tenko cried, clutching onto a pulling away Himiko.
“Ooh Gonta help if he can!” Gonta smiled, taking a combat stance, “Gonta fight disease too!”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works…” Kirumi noted.
“Does anyone feel sick?” Kaito asked.
Kokichi smirked at the group, “You idiots. If there is a contagious disease going around, why the hell are we all together being buddy-buddy like this? I’m super lucky as a supreme leader that I’m immune to all diseases, but it’s pretty stupid for the rest of you to all be in one room breathing each other’s air!”
“Ouma, I’m so sick of your attitude!” Kaito barked.
“Oh yeah, you’d rather us continue to try to be a team?” Ouma laughed aloud, “Cuz it worked so well for Kaede?”
“SHUT UP!” Shuichi screamed at the supreme leader. His cheeks flushed red as he saw the fear flash for a moment in Kokichi’s eyes. He started again, quieter, “Please, don’t talk about her… Ouma-kun.”
Ouma looked down at the floor for a second and then up at the detective.
“Sai-har-a…” their eyes met and Shuichi saw the fear return into the supreme leader’s violet eyes, this time for a different reason.
Kokichi fainted, his body falling in heap on the floor.
Shuichi ran up to the fallen boy immediately, as the group went into a panic around him.
Shuichi sat in the supreme leader’s room, watching the sleeping boy. The detective and Kaito had moved the boy to his very cluttered room after he had fainted, while Kirumi had gone to get medical supplies to treat him. The others had decided to investigate and try to find out any information on the disease affecting them. Shuichi supposed he’d probably be more helpful in that capacity, but after seeing Kokichi fall like that he felt compelled to stay with him.
He just seems so small.
So Shuichi sat alone with the sleeping boy, as Kirumi came and went, tending to Kokichi and bringing snacks to Shuichi. It was almost night time when the boy jolted awake.
“Oh good you’re up Oum-” Shuichi declared with a smile, until he saw the boy’s face, “Ouma-kun?”
It was deathly pale, staring blankly at Shuichi.
“Ouma-kun are you okay?”
Suddenly his eyes seemed to focus in and take in Shuichi’s form.
“Saihara-chan?” Kokichi smiled weakly.
Oh good he remembers me. He didn’t lose his memory I guess.
The sick boy continued, ���Where are we?”
“Your room…you’re sic-” Shuichi started but was interrupted by Kirumi entering with medicine and some dinner for the boys.
“Oh Ouma-kun, good. You’re awake.” She said with a taut smile.
The boy looked fearful and reached out to grab Shuichi’s hand. He turned with surprise when it was not within his grasp.
Shuichi just gave him a confused look.
“Saihara-chan, what’s going on? Who is she?” Kokichi trembled.
“What?” Shuichi questioned, “You remember me and not Kirumi?”
Kokichi nodded, shaking. Shuichi stood and moved closer to the supreme leader.
“It’ll be okay…” he sat on the bed next to the trembling boy.
He tried to slow his breathing, remaining calm in front of the panicking boy, but was not expecting his next move.
Kokichi threw himself against Shuichi, pressing his head into his chest and arms around his waist.
“I’m scared Saihara-chan!”
Shuichi instinctually held onto him, arms wrapping him in a warm, protective embrace.
What the?
Shuichi held the small, shaking boy, eyes wide with shock, as Kirumi quietly set the tray down and exited the room. She gave him a small smile and nod on her way out.
“Ouma-kun…it’ll be okay…” Shuichi patted his back, trying to get the boy to calm down.
Kokichi looked up at him suddenly, eyes cast with sadness, “Why are y-you calling me O-ouma-kun?”
Shuichi’s eyes widened at that expression, “Because that’s what I always call you?” he stated in confusion.
Kokichi let go of him and backed away, fear now on his face.
His tone got quieter and more serious, “Who are you? Where’s the real Saihara-chan?”
“What?” Shuichi gave him an equally confounded and concerned look, “I am the real Shuichi Saihara…”
Kokichi furiously shook his head, “No. No I don’t believe you!” He cried out, “I don’t know who you are, but you’re not my Shuichi!”
Shuichi backed off the bed, genuinely shocked by Kokichi calling him first name, “Your Shuichi?”
Kokichi turned away from him in his bed, pulling the covers over himself. He whispered, “Please…get out.”
Shuichi backed out of the room, quaking on shaky legs as he was utterly dumfounded and a little scared of the conversation and Kokichi’s very different personality.
Why did he know me and not Kirumi? Why did he call me…his?
He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind as he took a long walk around campus.
The next morning, as Shuichi entered the dining hall, Kirumi pulled him aside.
“It’s not just me.”
“What?” Shuichi asked, still groggy from just waking up.
Kirumi frowned, “I went back last night. Kokichi doesn’t remember anyone. Except for you.”
Shuichi was stunned, “What? Why me?”
Kirumi sighed, “He doesn’t remember anything that has happened during the killing game. So, I have come to the conclusion that you must have known each other outside of it.”
Shuichi let out an audible gasp, “WHAT?” Several people at the table turned around in interest.
Kirumi sighed and whispered quieter, “You need to go talk to him. Find out what he knows. Maybe he knows why we’re here.”
Shuichi grimaced at the thought. It was so jarring and difficult to see Kokichi completely unlike himself.
I hate this.
He sighed in defeat as Kirumi made him a tray with two plates and gave him a small but stern push towards the dorms. Shuichi started that way.
He looked at the small room key that Kirumi had placed on the tray.
His light knock received no answer, so he quietly unlocked the door. Small snores escaped the mouth of a sleeping form. Shuichi quietly sat down, placing the tray on the bedside table.
He watched the boy, and was surprised to see how peaceful he looked like this. So innocent.
He’s beautiful.
Shuichi shook the thought out of his head, but was quickly pulled back to stare at the serene scene in front of him.
Shuichi watched for a while, his eyelids slowly getting droopy as well, when he noticed that small whimpers began to escape Kokichi’s lips. He began to toss and turn in his sleep, the nightmare seemingly invading his peaceful slumber.
“Ouma-kun,” Shuichi whispered, moving closer to the boy. He slowly shook the boy, until he awoke with a slight jolt, “You were having a nightmare.”
Kokichi’s eyes lit up and he pulled Shuichi into a deep kiss.
“Mmm!” Shuichi’s eyes widened in shock as the detective immediately pulled away, “W-what are you doing?”
Kokichi’s face fell solemn immediately, “You r-really don’t remember…”
“Remember what?” Shuichi stammered, still blushing and shaking from the impromptu kiss, “Please, tell me…”
Kokichi looked up at Shuichi and let out a large breath, “Shuichi… the last thing I remember about you...is b-being in love with you.”
Kokichi saw the still confused expression and his heart sunk deeper.
Shuichi felt dizzy as he fell back in his chair, “Was I i-in love with y-you?”
“Yes,” Kokichi let a small wry smile settle on his face.
This was all way too much for Shuichi. His head hurt and his heart felt like it would pound right out of his chest. He tried to stand once more to try to leave, but it was too much.
He collapsed on the floor. Blackness overtaking him.
He awoke gasping for air, surrounded by eyes.
“It’s okay, it’s us, bro.” He heard Kaito’s familiar voice and relaxed. His vision cleared and he saw that he had been moved to his room and was now surrounded by several of his fellow inmates. Kokichi was hunched in the background, staring at Shuichi.
“I fainted…” Shuichi mumbled, as Kaito, Kirumi, and Maki nodded.
“How are you feeling?” Kaito asked, concern sweeping his face.
“I’m not sick.” Shuichi replied, causing the three besides Kokichi to sigh in relief.
“You hit your head pretty hard,” stated Kirumi, “It was a good thing that Ouma-kun came and got us so quickly.”
Shuichi face softened and he looked at the boy, still trying to make himself look as small as possible, “Thank you…” he smiled.
Kaito glanced between the two boys, noticing something had changed.
“What’s different about you Ouma?” Kaito had a suspicious tone with the sick supreme leader, “The monokubs mentioned personality changes. What’s going on?”
So I guess Kirumi didn’t tell anyone else.
“Momota-kun,” Shuichi whispered, unable to conjure the strength to speak louder, “It is fine. Thank you for your help, but can I please talk to Ouma-kun alone now?”
Kaito looked visibly annoyed, “But Shuichi? It may not be safe! He’s a liar!”
Kokichi withered at that comment. Shuichi gave Kaito a slightly sterner look this time, “Momota-kun.”
Kaito sighed, “Okay bro… I trust you.”
“Thank you.”
The room emptied except for the quivering Kokichi.
“Y-yes, Shu-Saihara-cha-kun…?” Kokichi quivered, struggling on what to call his apparent lover.
“You can call me whatever you want. I know this is a weird situation, but I want you to be comfortable. Whether you call me what you used to call me or if you call me Saihara-kun, I just want you to be comfortable.” Shuichi sighed as Kokichi’s eyes seem to calm a little.
This Kokichi was so different from the one he knew. Although I’m sure he’s thinking the same thing.
Shuichi examined the boy, staring at the differences. His eyes had lost the mischievous sparkle, instead they were round, like some sort of nervous animal. His usual smile was gone, instead he chose to bite his lip in thought. But the most important thing missing was his presence. Kokichi lacked the aura of confidence that surrounded him most days. Instead he seemed so childlike and innocent.
The two stared at each other, each examining the strange version of a person they no longer knew. Eventually Kokichi spoke.
“This is so strange…”
“Which part?” Shuichi smiled.
Kokichi blushed, “I’m t-this close to you…and I’m not in your arms.”
Shuichi flushed red, “Oh um I’m sor-”
“Oh no!” Kokichi interrupted, “Don’t be sorry. P-please. I just…this is fine.”
Shuichi desperately wished he was wearing his hat to cover his face.
“Ouma-kun…what did I used to call you?”
Kokichi smiled, as if reminiscing a fond memory, “Ko-chan.”
“Are you always this straightforward and honest?”
Kokichi blinked and then his smile returned, “With you.”
The two blushed at each other.
Kokichi stayed by his side, sitting in the desk chair near his bed silently. He watched Shuichi at all times, only speaking if spoken to. Kirumi presented lunch and then dinner at the door, along with various medicines for Shuichi’s head and Kokichi’s waning fever. Kokichi always thanked her politely and said, “I’ll take it from here.”
Shuichi was in and out of sleep, emotionally and physically exhausted.
He woke up once in the later evening and didn’t see the purple-haired boy. He couldn’t help but start to panic.
“Ouma-kun?” He said aloud, fear visible in his voice.
A small boy rushed out of the bathroom with a washcloth.
“Yes…Saihara-chan?” Kokichi’s eyes were wide and caring as he placed the cold compress on where he hit his head.
Shuichi sighed.
It’s weird that I feel so attached to him so quickly. It really is like we’ve been together for a long time.
“Will you sit with me?” Shuichi whispered, blushing.
Kokichi smiled and Shuichi’s heart began to race, “Of course.”
The small boy climbed on the bed, sitting upright next to the laying Shuichi. He took the detective’s hand in his own. His hand was cold from holding the washcloth, but it was comforting all the same. Shuichi’s eyes drifted close, hand gripping Kokichi’s tightly.
He awoke with a small jump as purple flooded his vision. He realized quickly that Kokichi seemed to have fallen over, his hair resting directly in front of his face now. He felt Kokichi’s chest go up and down and realized he was holding the boy, spooning him.
When did I…
He watched the beautiful boy breathe in and out for a while, admiring the serenity of the scene, pulling him just a little closer. He smelled of lavender. It wasn’t until the morning announcement was played that the small boy began to stir. He wiggled slightly in Shuichi’s grasp, and the detective loosened his grip on the boy. Kokichi turned so that he was face to face with the detective.
“G’morning,” the violet eyed boy said with a shy smile.
Shuichi returned the smile, “Good morning, Ouma-kun. How are you feeling?”
“A-ah I should be asking you the s-same thing Saihara-chan! You fainted!” Kokichi stammered.
“Yeah, but you have some sort of sickness. Do you feel any negative symptoms?”
Kokichi frowned in thought, “N-not really…”
“Hmm. That’s weird. Maybe it’s only a personality switch, then?” Shuichi mumbled.
Kokichi shrugged and then nuzzled closer to the boy. Shuichi recoiled backwards at the more intimate contact.
“I-um, we should go to breakfast…” Shuichi sat up awkwardly, not wanting to look the disappointed Kokichi in the eye.
As they walked into the dining hall, Kokichi clung to the detective as if his life depended on it. The two collected their food and Kokichi quickly sat down next to Shuichi, eyeing the strangers staring at them with suspicion.
“Oh, um… I guess I should introduce you to everyone, since you don’t remember meeting them…” Shuichi pondered sheepishly.
“He doesn’t remember us?” Kaito exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.
“He doesn’t remember friends?” Gonta frowned, and Himiko gave him a sympathetic pat on the back.
“Ah- no. He doesn’t remember anything from…here. He’s really nervous, so let’s go through this slowly so we don’t overwhelm him.”
“Nervous?” Miu screeched, her personality the last thing Shuichi thought Ouma could deal with right now, “When’s the gremlin ever fuckin’ nervous?”
“That’s a good point, Iruma. It’s strange that he hasn’t spoken up… What’s going on Saihara?” Maki inquired, glaring at the supreme leader.
Kokichi’s eyes widened in fear of the girl, as he hid his face in Shuichi’s shirt.
“O-ouma-kun…” the detective stuttered out in surprise. He then scanned the room of confused onlookers, “The disease. He is very shy and doesn’t remember much. So…just be nice, okay?” He gave the boy a pat on the back and Kokichi peaked out from the detective. The faces looked much less terrifying to the boy.
Shuichi sighed in relief that the introductions were finally over. The detective had slowly introduced Kokichi to each ultimate, and the encounters went smoothly for the most part. Except for Miu’s of course:
“So…you’ve got to be hittin’ that! Right Pooichi?” Miu raised her eyebrows at the detective, suggestively licking her lips.
“Wha- no! Of course not!” Shuichi exclaimed.
Kokichi’s eyes got wide, “H-he would n-never hit me, Iruma-san! Saihara-chan’s not like that!”
Miu’s interaction went as well as to be expected, Shuichi supposed. It had been surprising, but the way Ouma was so quick to defend him, had made the detective’s chest flutter with pride. He was also enjoying the supreme leader clinging to him more than he thought he ever could. The detective looked down at the boy gripping onto his shirt, his purple hair framing his pale features in a way that made him look almost angelic.
“Saihara-chan?” Kokichi looked up at the boy in confusion.
“Oh-uh,” The flustered Shuichi turned away from the supreme leader, “S-should we, find something to do for the day, Ouma-kun?”
The purple-haired boy’s face lit up, “Yes! I’d love that! What should we do, Saihara-chan?” He was practically jumping up and down with glee.
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omgnsfwisnsfw-blog · 5 years
NSFW #09: Showcase
Big Mike’s was closing up for the night. Cheerfully, Kerrigan McGuire gave a wave to the last straggling customer who shuffled out the door with his gym bag, turned the lock, and went about cleaning up- sweeping, wiping things down, tossing a couple bins’ worth of towels into bags to take home and wash. One would think he’d hire someone to do this for him, but Kerry liked being a minimalist operation. Finally, after a good amount of cleaning, he was about to go home to his wife, but he paused, and then laughed a hearty chuckle, shaking his head. He’d almost forgotten to do something very important. Striding over to the photograph wall, he smiles at a certain frame that’d been empty for ages. Producing a large manila envelope, he slides a glossy photo from it and into the frame. His daughter and her partner, one arm around each other and the other each holding up a title belt. Bloody, bruised, sweaty… and victorious. Kerry took a few moments to admire the photo, beaming with pride, before shutting off the last few lights and slipping out, locking the door behind him. The camera feed opened up with a close up on one half of the EWC tag-team champions. Mike McGuire looked rather happy- not surprising, considering they’d spent a week in her hometown already with the added bonus on being the newly crowned champions. She had her belt over one shoulder- she’d made a habit of carrying it with her practically everywhere. “Say hey, EWC faithful! It’s ya boys- and ya NEWWWWWWW EWC Tag Team Champions- NSFW! Holy shit. Did you all see Rumble in the Bronx? Did ya? Do it if you haven’t. Watch it on EWC TV. Or YouTube that shit if you’re cheap. It was fuckin’ A from start to finish. Mucho Grande beat the fucking shit out of us, but hey. We made a promise. We’ve said from day one that we were gonna be champions, and here we are.” She patted the belt, a calloused up hand slapping against the central golden plate. “Now, just so you know, we plan on being fighting champs. We got our eyes on the repositioning of the division, seeing who’s gonna rise up and try to take these from us. But in the meantime? We’re gonna keep fucking pounding. We ain’t just gonna sit on our laurels stuffing our faces or something.” Camera panned to the left. Bishop Church was in the middle of popping a neatly cut forkful of pizza into his mouth. The shot sat on him for a few awkward moments as he refused to talk with his mouth full. He finished the bite, and then took a sip from a glass of ice water. “Uh, that’s right.” The shot pulled out a bit to reveal NSFW was actually sitting at a table in front of Juliana’s, one of the best pizza joints in Brooklyn. Two pies sit in front of them- one pepperoni, the other a peculiar affair festooned with garlic, sausage, and broccoli. The place was fairly busy, considering the locals and tourists were taking advantage of the last stretch of summer-ish weather before it started cooling off. Some pedestrians passing by noticed the champs sitting on the porch and gave a cheerful holler, to which Mike would holler back. Bishop forgoed the hollering but did wave in return politely. For his part, Bishop looked the most obviously like he’d been in a major fight- dark bruises ringed under his eyes, and the bridge of his nose was still black and blue. This didn’t seem to put much of a damper on his mood, though. He seemed quite content with his dinner, cutting each oversized slice into small pieces, removing the sausage, and eating it nibble by nibble, much to the consternation of his partner, who in a more traditional manner was folding her slices in half before scarfing them down. “You’re supposed to fold it, y’know. That’s how you do it here. The slices are big so you can fold ‘em, it holds the toppings in all nice, and you can eat ‘em with one hand.” “I don’t like directly touching my food if I can help it.” “Okay, fair enough. Hey, where’s your belt, though? I mean, looks kinda weird for me to be carrying mine around without yours to match it and stuff.” John dabbed a cloth napkin at the corner of his mouth and shook his head. “Didn’t want to get grease all over the leather.” “...you are the most logical fuckin’ person in the whole world, y’know that? But I like that. Makes up for me never thinking anything through.” Mike laughed, and regarded the camera again. “See folks, said it before, said it again. This is why we’re an awesome fucking team, and this is why we’re champions. Our positives make up for each other’s negatives and together, we’re un-fuckin-stoppable. But that don’t mean we ain’t gonna welcome people trying. That’s why we didn’t wanna take a week off for some goofy coronation ceremony or whatever. Those things are corny and stupid as shit.” “Imagine the pomp and circumstance.” John paused, and as much as default expression would allow, some wonder creeped into his tone. “There could be dancing.” “Usually ain’t. I mean, if we WERE doing one there could be I guess. But I dunno about you, but I’d rather have a match. We’re fighters. Not lovers, like our opponents this week.” John’s fork clattered against his plate. “Los Amantes.” “That’s ‘The Lovers’ en espanol, compadre.” “Yes. Modern day Lotharios.” “I got it! I got that fuckin’ reference! Can’t fuckin’ stand guys like that though. They’re usually the type to see women as fuckin’ trophies and not, y’know. People and shit.” “Character flaws aside, what’s there to know? New team. Old friends. Mike, you know what that means?” “I absolutely do.” “Not to be taken lightly.” “Yep. Cuz even if they’re new here, they probably know each other really damn well. Which as we can tell you? Makes for a pretty fuckin’ awesome team.” Mike paused, polishing off her slice before picking up and folding another. John, used to the voracity of her appetite, watched nonplussed and then picked up the thread. “And so we aren’t going to take into account a number of things here. You haven’t teamed before? We all start somewhere. Liam Mason not being able to get any momentum going? Maybe Romeo joining him stateside is just the shot in the arm he needs. You’ve got our undivided attention. Our first appearance as this division’s champions will be a showcase event. A statement to any potential challengers.” “We may be the good guys, but we sure’s fuck ain’t softies. Actually… let me speak on that for a sec. See, we’ve come to the realization that some people around here think ‘good guy’ means you’re soft, fluffy, squishable, and roll over when somebody pokes you. Somewhere along the line, moral quality got equated to being a fuckin’ pushover.” John had finished his meal. As Mike spoke, he set the plate aside and watched her speak intently. He waited until she almost instinctively threw over to him. “That narrative is controlled by those in power. And this company is a microcosm of the world and all that it contains. Including that eternal struggle. History has repeatedly shown that those that crush people underfoot are also the ones who call for civility when their tyranny is resisted. I’ve seen it here. And NSFW will stamp it out. With extreme prejudice.” “See if there’s one thing we both can’t stand? It’s an unfair fuckin’ power balance. We don’t play that shit. We don’t fit in boxes, we tear boxes up. We don’t stand by while other people do or say horrible crap, we shut that shit down. That’s the sort of fuckin’ intensity we bring every time we step in the ring. Now, Los Amantes, you’ve been through thick and thin, but can you step up to that?” The penultimate slice of pepperoni was bitten into like aggressive punctuation. “This ain’t no battle royale, there ain’t no Muppets to goof around with, and this ain’t the bush leagues, kiddos. You are stepping in the ring on EWC’s flagship show with NSFW, the goddamn kings of this fucking division.” “We did what we said we would do and that was take what was ours. But we aren’t like Rob Garcia. We aren't going to hide in the bank while things sort themselves out. You two will put a good fight. We expect no less. But Los Amantes will not make their name off of our backs.” “Nobody will. Least of all you. We worked too damn hard and fought too damn long and payed too damn much in blood for anybody to bring us down, much less this fucking soon. Our match against Mucho Grande was close, but I won’t have nobody saying it was a goddamn fluke. We fought a long road of teams to get to this point- we’ll fight a longer road to show just how much we fuckin’ deserved it. You two just happen to be the first mile marker.” Mike finished off the entire pepperoni pie, and flagged down a passing waiter, ordering a dessert to split before turning her full attention back to her partner. “Don’t take that as a dismissal. As I said, Los Amantes has our full attention. Our critics say that we go out of our way to disparage the others in the division. No, we would never do that. We do however hold you to higher expectations. The days of being a tag team as something to fall back on when there just isn’t anything else going on - are over.” “Tag teaming is a fucking art form. Anybody joining the division hoping to coast by is gonna hit a brick wall really fucking fast, because we won’t allow it.” “And don’t think any of the others will either. The Limit? Vile. But a force of destruction.” “Freaks and Geeks Presents: The Foxy Ladies of Dream Sound Revolution, Live From Mr. Biggs’ Limo? A fuckin’ mouthful and a half to say, but a fuckin’ awesome pairing that just might wind up taking these belts from us one day.” “Mucho Grande! After last Monday, we know for a fact that they are the team they say they are. So Los Amantes? Will you join our esteemed ranks? Or will you be another Bulletproof?” The question was emphatically deadpan which was stretching pretty far for John’s range. Something about them, something he knew, irked his partner and so that dislike was shared in kind. “Oh fucking God, I don’t think anybody here is another goddamn Bulletproof. Are you? I sure’s fuck think better of you than that.” The waiter dropped briefly by the table, bringing the bill, a take-home box for Bishop’s uneaten pizza, and a slice of New York cheesecake with two clean forks. Mike handed one fork to Bishop and her card over to the waiter along with the bill, and the two oblige him a quick selfie before he heads off. “Los Amantes, we want you to step the fuck up. Give us a Nice Sweet Fucking Workout. Don’t disappoint us.”
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