#cause it wasn't shown to us explicitly
mettywiththenotes · 4 months
It's probably too early to be laying out a theory based on no evidence, so let's just go with saying it's a concept I can't stop thinking about. If we're looking for potential ways Tomura could come back to life, how about this:
What if Tomura transferred a quirk to Izuku in his last moments? The restoration half of his quirk or just SOME quirk that can restore things in general. And this would be Tomura actively giving Izuku the choice to bring him back to life
If Izuku thinks he should stay dead, all that stuff Torino implied about killing also being a way to save, then sure, Tomura stays dead. The man was already in a position where he knew he would either win and destroy everything or be destroyed himself, so allowing him to stay like that would fulfill exactly what Tomura always thought anyway (that he was evil, meant to be opposed, meant to kill or be killed) and would keep everyone safe
But if Izuku believes Tomura should live, if he thinks he CAN live after all of this, if he deserves the chance to, then that's something he'll stick to as a hero, as someone who wanted to save him
Not only do I think this would be an interesting way to bring Tomura back, but this also goes hand-in-hand with the choice of saving or killing, Izuku's biggest decision that he was faced with in the void after the war, surely an ever-present possibility in his mind ever since that scene. Except this is on a more personal level, because this time there's no AFO keeping Tomura from being rescued, this time there's no vestiges telling Izuku to kill him either. It would be Izuku's choice to make and Izuku's alone
What would Izuku do? Would he bring Tomura back to life, do the thing he wanted to do? Would he decide to let Tomura die, allowing him to finally rest after everything he's been through?
Thinking about a point of transfer as well; when would Tomura have transferred the quirk? There's two options
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Here, this point of contact
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Or when this was happening, which would make sense since they were grappling and holding hands at the time. Izuku wanting so desperately to save him, Tenko not understanding why, but seeing his drive ("the will of a hero") and transferring the quirk to him anyway... If it can be done sneakily. Maybe at the last second, before his arms decayed
That would be the only instance of "open-palm transfer", like AFO did, but also, thinking about Izuku who transferred OFA through punches, it might be possible for Tomura to do something similar and transfer the quirk through the fist bump too
It's only a concept, even if it doesn't happen it's interesting to think about as an au or something
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humanmorph · 9 months
what did brnine do to asepsis anyways
... is what I wanted to make the post about (I'll elaborate) but I was looking through a transcript for info & this is so funny to me. Keith
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I should make a compilation sometime bc last week Ali said something about integrity that reminded me of a specific lyke moment & made me laugh... I knew I wrote it down somewhere I just can't find it now.
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seth-whumps · 4 months
I MADE A WHUMP EVENT: get ready for July folks
welcome to the Whumperless Whump Event of July! for your sickfic, situational, and completely apersonal whump needs--comfort included, of course. follow @whumperless-whump-event for more information and details!
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Image transcripts, tagging rules, and guidelines under the cut!
Any and all art types allowed (GIFs, drawings, music, writing, etc.)
No AI generated content allowed
OCs and Fandom works alike are welcome :)
Trigger and content tags required, even if the prompt explicitly requires the content (eg. Vomiting still needs the emetophobia tag)
NSFT and NSFW are allowed, if tagged appropriately. This blog will not reblog them, as minors do follow it. However, you're still free to write as you please :)
If enough interest is shown, I will make an Ao3 collection (edit: ao3 collection is made and can be found here)
Side note: please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this post or event more accessible. Should I put the image transcripts on the ID too? Is the formatting causing issues? What can I do?
This is not a contest, just an event. The only awards will be announcements for people who completed the whole darn thing. My entries will not receive any announcements or awards, because I'm hosting
Tag with, per example: #whumperless whump event day 1; #whumperless whump event; and (optional) #whumperless whump event day 1: alcohol as a sanitizer
Tag @whumperless-whump-event please! If not, I may not see it or be able to reblog it!
If desired, tag the medium you used
Trigger tag and content warn (including nsfw/nsft)
If posting early, tag with #wwe early entry. If posting late, tag with #wwe late entry. If posting just for fun, no need to tag these!
There are NO OTHER RULES. Do one prompt! Do seven! Do 'em all! Repeat the same prompt six days in a row! Switch them around and do them all out of order! Post them eight months after the event is over! Finish the prompt list early! Write one long-ass story that deals with every prompt or do a one-sentence drabble for each one! Recommend your favorite scenes regarding the prompt! Write, draw, sing, play music, make playlists, do fic recs or show recs or episode recs or book recs, fucking crochet or something! FOLLOW THE VIBE. DO WHAT'S FUN.
Prompts (text):
Emergency First Aid: Self-done stitches / Alcohol as sanitizer / “It's just a scratch, I've had worse.”
Does your insurance cover this?: Car accident / Bystander caretaker / “Eyes open, ambulance is almost here.”
Like a record, baby: Vertigo / Struggling to stand / “Is the room spinning, or is it just me?”
It's every day bro: Chronic pain / Massage / “I'm used to it.”
Stealing my breath (give it back): Wheezing / Light-headed / “I'll count, you just breathe.”
Summer is a curse: Heat Stroke / Panting / “Why don't we… find some shade, quick?”
Accidental Cryotherapy: Falling through a frozen lake / Hypothermia / “Hey, c'mon, you gotta stay awake.”
Put your head on my shoulder: Migraine / Light & Sound Sensitivity / “I can close the curtains…”
White and red handkerchief: Coughing up blood / Can't speak / “You just can't shake that cough, can you?”
Your work is never finished: Forced to work while ill / Workplace emergency / “...sit down, I'm calling HR.”
A minor annoyance: Stuffy nose / Hate to be sick / “I'm fine, I can work.”
It's going down (I'm yelling timber): Building collapse / Trapped under rubble / “I can't move my legs.”
It's just a pebble: Avalanche / Stuck in the mountains / “Well, this wasn't how I thought the hiking trip would go.”
Lay down your sword: Fighting back a cold / Cuddling / “Just let yourself be sick so you can get better.”
I'm going down (you're yelling timber): Passing out / Exhaustion / “I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you.”
Say goodbye to filters: Half-conscious / Delirious / “You would never say that in your right mind…”
In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
I don't see it: Hallucinations / Fever dreams / “It's just a nightmare. You're safe.”
The whump morning after: Tending to injuries / Domestic hurt comfort / “Let's check the bandages, okay?”
It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.”
Where's the exit: Lost / Stuck in the wilderness / “Surely someone will notice we're gone.”
Better out than in: Nervous Stomach / Vomiting / “I got your hair, it's fine.”
Well, that doesn't taste right: Accidentally poisoned / Allergic reaction / “My tongue feels like bees, is that normal?”
Be one with the fish: Drowning / Rescue Breaths / “Why did you think that was a good idea?!”
We didn't start the fire: Severe burns / Running into flames / “I know it hurts. Breathe.”
That's no barn spider: Venomous bite / Arachnophobia / “You'll be okay, we can help.”
What's your name again?: Concussion / Temporary Amnesia / “I don't remember what happened to me.”
Nothing behind the eyes: Fully unconscious / Force feeding / “It's just me, go back to sleep.”
Wrong place, wrong time: Robbery / One of many hostages / “Stay behind me, I can take a hit.”
I don't mean to get emotional: Fear / Breaking point / “I can't stop crying, I'm sorry--”
Only way out is through: Tunnel collapse / Accidental Journey / “We can't just sit here and wait.”
Wild animal attack
Broken bone
Bloody nose
Panic attack
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atinystaypixie · 1 year
Game of a Slutty Virgin - Pt. 1
I decided to go through with it! I will make this into a little series featuring the men of AOT. I really thank you for all the love that was shown on the intro to this!
Overview: "On the way up, you take note of his hands. His fingers are longer than yours and are slightly larger with a gentle grip on your hand. It’s not the necklace you are looking for."
Warnings: Fem reader, masturbation, blowjobs, fingering, other sexual stuff but no penetration, smut is at the end so feel free to skip if you want. Ignore typos and grammar mistakes plz n thank you
Word Count: 3.9k+
18+ MDNI!!
Y/n is black it is just not explicitly described yet just fyi🧚🏽‍♀️
A/N at the end
Part 2 Out Now
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"Shit, you're so sexy", groans the man as you grind your ass on him to the beat of the music in the club. He has his hand on your hips and his face in the crook of your neck as he's getting hard from you rubbing against him. Standing taller than you with a nice smile, strong arms, and a deep voice. To many looking for a quick hookup, he would be perfect. From what you're feeling from the hardness poking your ass, he seems to be well sized down there. He even seemed like good company from the conversation you had earlier when he approached you. He bought you a drink, told a few jokes, and took you to dance. You can tell he wants to take you home for the night.
Unfortunately that feeling isn't mutual. He will be standing here wondering where you disappeared to after this song ends. Where the woman with the nice hips and alluring eyes in the little black dress could have possibly gone. You wouldn't have ditched him would you? Not after the flirty giggles, the hour and a half of heavy grinding, and the numerous fleeting touches? He spent most of the night with this pretty stranger. So why hasn't she come back to finish what was started? You had all the answers to every question that would plague his mind. 
"If you would excuse me, I need to use the restroom." You giggle and turn to press a kiss to his cheek. A mark you have left your countless victims with. A kiss so sweet and light, yet it seers through their fog filled brains that's clouded with you. The mark that they will hold on to with the assurance the woman will be returning to them. The woman they will never have contact with again after she has aroused them in the sweetest way possible.
You bat your lashes and flash a smile before walking off to the restroom. The last smile he will ever see from you and the restroom you will never enter because you are making your way towards the exit when you see you are out of his view. Your body blends with the others in the club who are making out and feeling each other up as they enjoy their night. As you make it outside, you see couples hand in hand and many groping each other with the known thought of having sex as soon as they can. You think that it must be nice for them to be with someone and feel they can satisfy their sexual needs. You wish you could relate to them because your sexual needs were the exact reason you left the man to figure out that you weren't coming back. You knew from the time spent with him tonight that he wouldn't feed your desire even if you were really looking to take him home.
You had a list of answers to the questions you knew were now forming in his head. He was too soft. The way he was gripping your hips told you he had no real strength to treat you like you wanted. He was holding you like glass when his hard member was clearly not giving the same message. The way he grinded on you was too weak. He was moving back against you, but you could tell he couldn't handle you even though you weren't giving him the fullness of yourself. The way he talked to you wasn't causing your thighs to clench. A deep voice is nice, but it won't get you far. If he called you sexy one more time, you genuinely would have lost it. His flirting was limited and got old quick. He obviously thought you were the pretty and sweet type who was made of porcelain. You would need to drink the bar dry before you would want to take him home. Even if he did somehow make you truly consider keeping him for the night, you still would have left him in the end. You never came to this club with the intent on finding a hookup. Before you even walked through the door, you knew you would be rejecting any man tonight. Sex was never your goal for the night. It was just to enjoy yourself and tease some unknowing man until you were ready to leave.
You've been through this cycle time and time again. Whether it be on your college campus, in the club, or from one of the dates you pick up from time to time on dating apps when you are bored. Meeting men who fall prey to your honey voice and hypnotizing eyes. They all think they found some well mannered girl who they can show a good time thinking they are going to give you the best sex of your life because someone so gorgeous only deserves that. None of them realize that you have already sized them, chewed them up, and spit them out. You've talked to too many men and know too much of what you to not know when a man is more talk than action. Especially the ones who think they have figured you all out. The ones who know for a fact they can slut you out and make you into their own personal sex addict. The ones who you laugh at the most because they don't see the signs that you are already a slut. How would someone so innocent have her clothes fitted just right to be a deadly tease, eye contact so good that it makes her pick of the night nervous, and touch him just enough that he catches goosebumps and is drooling for even the lightest tap from her.
As you make it to your car, you chuckle slightly to yourself thinking how you do all this without having ever actually had sex. No man has been between your legs and got to claim your awaiting gem. You get such a thrill from playing with men that you never actually slept with one. You aren't looking to sleep with one unless you are for certain he can fill your sexual appetite. Spending many nights with your hand wrapped in your thighs, you’ve found pleasure in many ways, the spots that are more sensitive than others, and the nasty things that make your pussy throb. Men tend to never pick up that you are still a virgin just like they never pick up that they won’t get you in their bed for the night.
You make it home and kick off your shoes. You shower and know you will be spending the night pleasuring yourself again. Your favorite vibrator against your clit, fingers twirling your nipples, and juices running down your thighs. Taking your time to adore every inch of your body because nothing brings greater pleasure than a worked up orgasm. You have a high sex drive and pull at least three toe curling orgasms out of yourself before feeling comfortable enough to go to sleep for the night.
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The next morning you head to the cafe where you have become a regular. “There’s my favorite girl! How are you this morning? Came for your usual, pretty girl?” Your favorite barista greets you as he starts preparing your order. He knows it by heart with the amount of times you’ve ordered it. “Good morning,” you say in a cheerful voice, “I’m good! Thank you for asking. How are you today?”
“Better now that I’m seeing your pretty face.” He was always sweet, but you sure he is like that to every customer. You never hear anyone say they have bad service from him. “Enjoy your drink, doll. I’ll talk to you again when you come back through.” He tells you as he hands you your drink with a cute hand drawn smiley face on the coaster. 
“Thanks! You always get me right. See you later!” You wave bye to him as you head out the door getting ready to attend class for the day. He makes the best coffee and you don’t want it unless he prepares it. You need the good flavor plus caffeine to make it through your boring lectures. The tasty drink also helps distract you from the sinful thoughts that run through your head during the day. You can’t help the thoughts of a strong hand gripping your hair as you get deep, rough backshots that have you gripping the sheets between your fingers as you cry in ecstasy. Thoughts of someone forcing you to keep your arc even though you are overstimulated and can feel your heat squeezing around his thick shaft. The morning drink helps keep your inner slut at bay long enough to get through the day till you can get back home to pleasure yourself.
“Y/n!” You hear your best friend yell as you make it to your seat for class. “Tell me! Tell me! Did you find some hot dick t to take home last night?” She asks loudly, causing a few people to turn around and some to snicker. “Can you not be so loud? And no, I did not thank you very much!” Sasha was your best friend, but she didn’t know the reason for you going out to try to meet men. She assumed that you were being picky and just had bad luck, not that you never intended on finding someone to fuck in the first place.
“Bad luck again? If I didn’t know any better, I would say you are just going out to waste time. You need to stop being so picky and just jump on the first good looking dick you see!” Before you could respond, the professor walks in and announces he will begin class. You feel relief because it will cause Sasha to stop questioning you.
After class, Sasha and you are walking outside and your sex thoughts are starting to get loud again. You couldn’t wait to go home and cum till your heart’s content. Teasing your breast softly then grabbing them with just enough strength to make it hurt. Tracing down your abdomen then back up before you dip down into the slick warmth of your-
“Hey! There is a party tonight by the way and we are definitely going!” Sasha suddenly announces making you realize you zoned out again. “Tonight? Where?” You question her because you really aren’t trying to have your alone time disturbed. You really needed to cum for hours tonight and aren’t interested in going to a party.
“It’s at Titans Frat. And no! You cannot bail on this one because you made me go to the last party by myself. I will be at your house by 9 so be ready. Byyee!” She says running off before you have time to object. This really isn’t good. You need quality time with your insatiable cunt and won’t get it because you have to take time to get ready and by the time you finish Sasha will be at your house. She is sweet, you love your best friend, but damn you really needed a long session tonight.
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By the time you get home around 6, you start getting ready for the party you never agreed to go to but will be dragged to. You aren’t going to show you are depressed because you couldn’t play with your pussy all night. Even though your clit is begging you to rub her and your tight hole is begging you to finger her even if it’s just for five minutes, you ignore them and finish styling your hair and dressing in a cute crop top and skirt.
When you finish slipping on your shoes, you hear a car horn letting you know that Sasha has arrived. “Girl! We are going to go to this party and get you some dick!” You start to interrupt her by calling her name but it does no good, “and it will be some BIG dick attached to a FINE man!”
“Sasha!” You yell at her because you know not one man will be penetrating you due to you needing to be properly slutted out. However, what you tell Sasha is a different story. “I will not be getting any dick tonight. I am sure no one is trying to fuck a virgin tonight.”  You go with playing the innocent virgin card in hopes of getting her to calm down.
She  sighs before talking,”Y/n it will be okay. You will get your big cock one day.” This girl just doesn’t stop. “ ‘Cuz I know I am! Somebody’s son is going to be splitting these legs! If he ain’t trying to fuck my cervix, he need to get away from me”, you had never been so  happy to see theTitans’ house although everyone is there at least once  a week, “WE’RE HERE!” You tell her because she was talking so much that she almost drove past it.
Once inside, you are greeted with people already intoxicated and some more of your friends. You get comfortable in the corner with them and start talking as the music blares through the house. There is one unfamiliar face there and you make eye contact with him a few seconds before he moves around to introduce himself. “I’m Armin. I haven’t seen you before.”
You give him a small smile before responding,”I’m Y/n. I can say the same about you. You just transfer or something?”
“Transfer? No.” The blonde chuckles a little,”I’ve been here since the start. I usually stay in, but I decided to chill tonight. I’m friends with Sasha too. I saw you walk in with her.”
Speaking of the devil,”I see you met Y/n, Armin! You two are really cute together! Maybe you should get to know each other more? Yea?” Of course she was up to something. No wonder she was forcing you to come to this party. She was playing matchmaker.
“Well, I don’t mind. How about you?” Armin turns to look at you with a cute smile. “Yea, me either. Let’s talk then.”
After a few drinks and a couple of hours, you and Armin ended up alone as everyone else broke off to dance or hookup with someone they found. He was an interesting guy to say the least and you found out he was extremely intelligent. You can tell he got bolder with the alcohol in his system because he was closer and touching you more. You could tell he was interested in you and decided to feed into it. His blonde hair was falling in his eyes so you moved it and started playing with it. Armin smiled and took your hand before interlocking your fingers together.
“You want to go somewhere more private?” He suddenly asks while holding eye contact. Smiling slightly as if you were shy, you nod and let him lead you to a room upstairs. On the way up, you take note of his hands. His fingers are longer than yours and are slightly larger with a gentle grip on your hand. It’s not the necklace you are looking for.
When you make it to the room, he moves in slowly but you move slightly quicker because you aren’t interested in being here long. You might be a virgin, but you aren’t the type to act like one. Armin is kissing you back but it’s soft. You hate soft. He is more pecking your lips than making out with you and it’s making you wonder why he even invited you up if he was going to act like this. You can feel his hand travel under your skirt and grab at the plush of your thighs. You turn him around so that he is walking towards the bed and straddle him once he is sat. He starts kissing your neck which causes you to emit soft moans. You begin grinding on him as you feel him hardening in his pants. This causes him to groan and pull your hips closer to him.
You need more than this. You’ve been needing to cum all day and this stupid party is the reason you couldn’t. “Minnie,” you blink at him with a whine and faux desperate eyes,”please touch me.” You plead as you drag his hand around to the front of panties under your skirt. He looks at you with widened eyes and nods quickly. He flips you so that you are now laying down and that he is hovering over you. He rubs up your slit once to gather some of your juices then begins to circle your clit. You palm him over his jeans while eliciting small moans for his enjoyment. Armin begins moaning and circles your clit faster. You need to feel something in you though. He can’t just play with your clit. You unzip his pants and take out his dick from its confines. It has a pretty red tip and is decent sized. Armin hisses feeling your hands on him with no barrier.
You still need more. He hasn’t moved from your clit. Armin lets out a shocked gasp as you flip him and climb on top. His dick is aligned with your face as your pussy is hovering over his. You look over your shoulder and make eye contact, “is this okay?” He eagerly agrees before slipping your panties to the side and latching on to your folds. Swirling his tongue through your slit before stopping at your entrance and inserting his tongue, Armin starts thumbing at your clit. Applying pressure there as he fucks his tongue in and out of you moaning at the taste. You might have been too quick to judge because he is working wonders on your needy hole. You almost forget you were supposed to be sucking his dick. It’s leaking precum now and running down his shaft. You lick from the base up to his angry red tip getting a taste of the salty liquid. He moans into you, sending vibrations through you increasing the pleasure. You swirl your tongue around his tip before wrapping your lips around him. 
You gently suck on his red tip before  taking more of him into your mouth. You pull him almost completely out then deepthroat him all out once. This pulls another moan out of Armin. He moves his tongue from your sweet entrance and inserts a finger. His hands are nice, you saw that coming up the stairs, but his tongue is better. You push your pussy against his face hoping he will catch the hint, and thankfully he does. He uses his other hand to spread your folds more and attach to your clit. Rolling the bud between his lips then flattening his tongue against it causing your toes to slightly curl. He is really working wonders with his tongue. But, you are about to work more with yours.
Hollowing your cheeks as you slowly pull his dick out your mouth, you release him with a pop before licking a long stripe down his shaft. You spit on his tip and take him in both of your hands making a twisting motion on his hardened member. Gathering more saliva in your mouth, you place a sloppy kiss on the red tip before you start bobbing your head up and down on him. You move one hand off of him and push him to the back of your throat while moaning. “Fuck! Y/n, shit!” He stops his actions of your heat as his dick begins to twitch. You take this as a sign to start fondling his balls to add to his sensitivity which causes him to throw his head back from pleasure. You pull him from the warmth of your throat and skim your thumb over his tip before speaking, “Minnie, don’t stop please. I’m almost there.” You tell him with a soft pout. You refuse to leave without cumming tonight.
He realizes he has stopped and begins fingering you again. He’s making a mess on your pussy. Sloppy kissing your outer lips before running his wet tongue up and down your folds. He’s knuckles deep in you when you feel him wrap his arm around your hips and pull you even closer to his lips. If you were to look back, you would see the mix of your juices and his spit running down his chin. He lays harsh licks to your aching clit causing your hole to clench around his fingers curling in you. You feel your core tightening signaling you are cumming soon. Armin feels you clenching and pushes fingers harder in you rubbing your walls. 
Taking his twitching member back into the wetness of your mouth, you suck him in with more pressure. He has pre-cum and your hot saliva dripping down the length of his cock and feels his release nearing. Both of you are working each other over and moaning into one another. With his cock in your mouth, you flatten your tongue and wiggle it while you gently fondle his balls again. “Y/n. Y/n! Fuck, I’m cumming,” he announces, but you don’t move to take him out of your mouth. You wanted to take his cum down your throat. 
He continues fingering you, but you feel him tense when you hollow your cheeks and push him down your throat one last time. His hot liquid spilling in your mouth makes you moan as you wait for him to finish. This triggers your own release causing you sweet juices to splash in his face as you cum around his fingers. Both of you cumming and moaning help work each other through their orgasms. Each breathing heavy as you come down from your highs. You move from off top of him and move your panties back to the center of your core. You lay next to him for a second before you let out a slight giggle. “That was good Minnie, thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,Y/n” he chuckles. “Fuck, you really drained me.” He lets out a sigh of pleasure.
It’s time for you to make your exit. You got what you wanted for the night: a decent orgasm. You start to stand up, “hey Minnie, I have to go. Got classes tomorrow.”
He looks at you and starts speaking, “oh, okay. Well, I’ll see you later then?” He asks. You know he means as in seeing more of you. You know he’s hoping to get to know you more. But, that’s not what you are here for.
You do your same little giggle and smile, the ones that mean you aren’t coming back. You do this and reply with a simple, “Mm!” An answer that’s not words, that can’t be counted as a definite yes. An answer men always take incorrectly from you. The answer you give him and kiss his cheek with before walking out the bedroom door and text Sasha that you would catch an Uber home knowing she was somewhere with a random man of her own.
You list in your head why Armin is wrong for you just like you do with the rest. He was good and made you cum, but his hands aren’t the necklace you were looking for. Fingers don’t rub the walls of your slick pussy right. And sadly, he didn’t even fuck your throat.
Another day, another man who’s dick you won’t be sitting on.
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Thoughts of a Slutty Virgin - 🧚🏽‍♀️
Again, thank you for the love on the intro to Game of a Slutty Virgin 💜! I hope you enjoy this part and the upcoming parts. Reader will get her cherry popped, but it will be by the man she picks at the end. The next chapters will be her having different sex adventures and trust they will not be limited to a just blow jobs and fingering. Stay tuned 🤗
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 3, Wave 2, Poll 6
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included. 
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Eda Clawthorne-The Owl House
She has a magical chronic disorder which has flare-ups, is mitigated by taking medication (potions), and has similar side effects to many real disorders such as fatigue, greying hair, and physical impairment (drains magic, a natural ability of *most witches). Unlike in other stories however, her condition is NOT ever completely cured. It does evolve and become more manageable over the course of the story, but she still experiences symptoms from it. Eda also loses one of her arms later in the story. She does get a replacement hook, but it is never shown whether she has a functional prosthetic or not. Most likely, she only has one fully functioning arm after this. As for being queer, she is in a relationship with a nonbinary person and is all but confirmed bisexual (has a secret box with the bi flag on it seriously why else would she have this). Also the owl house has a Lot of queer characters in it and I mean. just look at her. I would be surprised if she wasn't queer somehow.
Bisexual, and has a curse that affects her day to day life
Bi & lost arm and has a chronic illness metaphorically
Has canonically dated both men and a non-binary person. Her curse affects her ability to use magic (and at one point outright stops it), which is very important in witch life. Said curse also causes her body parts to fall off sometimes. Many have said her curse is like a metaphor for depression but really it's more like a magic version of a physical disability (although I wouldn't be surprised if she actually also had depression).
Uuuuh she’s great and stuff idk I can’t propaganda well sorry
Ballister Boldheart-Nimona (Flim)
He has a boyfriend (and then they have a sort-of-breakup but they're back together by the end) and he has a prosthetic arm.
He’s gay and missing an arm.
He’s explicitly gay, in love with a man. He loses his arm then builds himself a prosthetic while on the run like a badass.
His boyfriend cut his arm off :( he uses a prosthetic now.
His arm got chopped off after being falsely accused of killing the queen, he spends the rest of the movie with a prosthetic metal arm. His arm was also chopped off by his lover, Ambrosius Goldenloin, during said false assassination.
His boyfriend cut off his arm
Canonically has a boyfriend and built his own prosthetic
Qualifies by both being canonically disabled (amputee) + canonically gay
Please plz plz vote for him
His boyfriend cut off his arm. He made himself a prosthetic. He used his arm to block someone’s sword. He kissed his boyfriend. He has sad wet cat eyes, which isn’t relevant but still. He has them.
He’s so GOOD even though he’s having like the worst day ever (specifically talking about movie but webcomic also applies). He has the biggest wettest eyes how can you not root for him????
People love him! He kinda looks like a sad, poor little cat. A real soggy wet kitten man.
Let's see. He and Ambrosius are lovers, or at least boyfriends, from the moment they're introduced. Ballister gets his arm chopped off by Ambrosius during the false assassination. Ballister spends the rest of the movie trying to convince Ambrosius and the kingdom of his innocence, with a metal arm replacing his missing one. It originated the phrase "Arm Chopping is not a love language!" Did I mention he's a main character too?
Is a science nerd, built his own prosthetic arm with his non-dominant hand, accidentally adopted a trans chaos demon of a 1000yo being
A knight, Nimona's best friend and father figure of sorts, but the plot mostly revolves around him- Ballister is framed for murder and has to hide while trying to figure out who framed him and how to prove he's innocent. Nimona becomes his sidekick (he didn't want one, she just showed up at his place one day like a very chaotic stray cat) and together they form a great duo against the corrupt government. This is complicated by Ballister's ex Ambrosius, who accidentally cut off Ballister's arm and is a bit brainwashed by government propaganda. Oops. You should watch Nimona it's great 💞🦈
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @foulfirerebel is the fifth submitter, and there were at least 7 others.
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I keep coming back to one question: does Izzy know how cruel he's been to Ed?
In s1e3-s1e4, we're shown that Izzy has made a habit out of controlling Ed's perception of situations, demeaning and insulting him to the crew and monitoring his social interactions to isolate him from everyone except Izzy himself, and insulting Ed to his face in order to make him think he needs Izzy around. Ed is clearly desperate for human connection, but Izzy shuts down any topic that isn't an Izzy-Approved Blackbeard Topic, not letting him talk to him about what he's excited about. Izzy is frequently shown lying to Ed in order to get what he wants out of a situation. His behavior is manipulative and controlling from the start, and it only gets worse once Stede enters Ed's life and Izzy tries to pressure Ed into killing him, going as far as to attempt to kill Stede in front of Ed after Ed's told him explicitly to back off. If we're being charitable, we can say Izzy doesn't know how much pain he's causing Ed because he's too focused on trying to "protect" his lifestyle and control Ed's behaviors, so he never really thinks much about Ed's feelings - but, even then, he says in s1e6 he knows Ed "adores" Stede, so he has to know how much killing him will hurt Ed!
And in s1e10, the way he talks to Ed genuinely still gives me goosebumps. He tells Ed he's better off dead than behaving the way he is, painting his nails and writing songs and telling everyone to call him Ed. Izzy goads Ed into reacting with violence by refusing to back down and continuing to mock and berate him, and reacts with glee when Ed chokes him, laughing at Ed's horror once he gets him to respond with violence.
As Izzy himself tells us on his deathbed, the reason for this behavior is clear: he felt like he needed Blackbeard. But how much did he understand what he was doing?
Given how Izzy tends to shut Ed down when he's talking about topics Izzy doesn't think are important, I like to hope Izzy doesn't actually know Ed very well at all. I like this interpretation becasue it makes it a lot easier for his s2 arc to sit well with me.
Because if Izzy really understands how much violence is a trigger for Ed, then his actions in s1e10 move from simply cruel to downright despicable. He would be actively using Ed's trauma response to get what he wants. Izzy's behavior is manipulative, but I like to think he doesn't understand how deeply he's really hurting Ed, because that makes it easier to stomach.
I think it's clear that, even on his deathbed, Izzy doesn't seem to really get it. He admits he's been awful to Ed, saying he "fed your darkness." But he's spent the whole season understating his role in triggering Ed's self-destructive spiral and misunderstanding what caused some of Ed's reactions (like saying Ed shot him because Izzy said he loved him, which is just not what happened).
Izzy says he understands Ed, and I think we're meant to understand he doesn't know jackshit about Ed. Even if Izzy really meant to do everything he did out of "love" for Ed, it wasn't about wanting Ed to be happy, it was about controlling him.
Izzy is, I think, at his most sympathetic when he has absolutely zero emotional awareness. I find his s2 arc much easier to be satisfied with when I assume Izzy still has no idea how much he hurt Ed, because although that still sucks and it makes Izzy seem like a controlling, abusive parent who wanted to ""protect"" Ed and deeply hurt him in the process, it at least doesn't mean Izzy knowingly and willingly took advantage of Ed's trauma when he was in a deeply vulnerable place. It's a lot easier to sympathize with Izzy when you assume he knows as little about Ed as it's possible for him to.
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persona-brainrot-real · 2 months
a very long about haru because i love her and im upset about how the game let her story get overshadowed at every turn
its nearly 3am rn but i'm thinking about how genuinely insane it is for persona 5 to introduce Haru as a character who is struggling to find any of her autonomy and treat her the way that they do. her father is marrying her off to a man who makes it explicitly clear he wants to use her for sex and even Okumura, in his palace, is shown to understand this.
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[ID: three screenshots of Persona five royal. In the first, Haru in her Phantom Thief outfit says "Father! You want me to be that mans plaything to satisfy your own ambitions?" the second is of Shadow Okumura, looking angry, saying "This is the only value you've had from the very beginning. The third image is before the boss fight against the cognition of Haru's fiance. He is saying "let's have fun! I'll play with you until I get bored!"]
even outside of the palace, in their daily life he makes it extremely clear that he has no intent on trusting Haru with company business (likely because he expects the company to be handed off to her husband after he dies) and he doesn't acknowledge her feelings or anything she says to defend her own autonomy (i know this is me reciting everything in the game i do have a point)
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[ID: three screenshots of Persona five royal. In the first, Haru is upset as she says "So I'm not even allowed to decide where I will live, am I?". In the second, Okumura is saying "not only do you come home late, you've even stayed out overnight without permission..." looking disapproving. In the third image, Okumura is saying "I have my hands full right now with the company. Don't cause any more trouble for me." He is holding his phone.]
even when she first joins your team, she tries to insist on being useful and fighting, considering this is her request and her fathers palace, and morgana tells her she cant. i know its 'for her own sake' that she cant fight, but considering that Morgana was there when she first awakened and planned on using her to get through a palace alone, its really frustrating to then see him say shes not strong enough to fight in a team.
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[ID: two screenshots of persona five royal. Both are taken in Okumura's palace. In the first, Haru is saying "I can fight too! Please, let me join you in battle!". In the second, Morgana is saying "Your persona is too weak to fight safely at the moment. Just leave that side of things to us for now."]
and this comes in AFTER morgana, while using her, gets her to insult his friends on his behalf because hes annoyed with them, even though she's visibly uncomfortable doing so, contradicts what morgana wants her to say, and is shown later to have no real malicious feelings for them - and all of the bitter feelings she DID have were because morgana told her that the PT's were mean and didn't treat him right or didn't need him, which wasn't true to begin with, and is why she has to ask him for direction on what to say,
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[ID: Haru looks upset. She stands opposite the Phantom Thieves and looks at Morgana. She is asking him "What was it again?"]
and you bring all of this into a brilliant character of a girl who is so self-assured, so firm on what she wants and her own autonomy - i want to be a Phantom Thief, i want to be a hero, i want to have my autonomy but more importantly i want to earn it, i want to change my fathers heart myself so that he becomes a better person and a better business owner, i want to prove to him that i can be trusted with the company and that i have more worth than being married off - but never really gets to express that? Even when it comes to the fight with Okumura and her chance to have her moment - the moment where Yusuke tells Madarame he's a coward who lost sight of his passion, where Ann gets to tell Kamoshida that he's only alive because she wants him to live through all he's done (both in the palace and the real world), where Futaba gets to talk to her mom directly in a scene that always makes me tear up - Haru's moment to stand up to her father is overshadowed by her father speaking to Morgana instead!!!!!
i know that this could also be a huge meta moment - he sees his daughter standing up to him, defending herself, and dismisses her entirely to try and appeal to the next rational subject, a man, but . the man is a cat. it doesnt work as well if he turns to a cat to be like "well certainly you'll be more reasonable" and turns the focus to Morgana - who has already taken up a lot of time that Haru deserved to have recognised!!!!
i have issues with morgana, yes, and I believe a lot of that arc could have been really useful character building for him if it had been handled slightly better, given more weight and better pacing, but it really wouldn't have been such a big problem for me if it hadn't been pushed so heavily during Haru's character moments, because she is SUCH a good character!!!!
in her first appearance she makes for a really good subversion of what the PT's think that they are. her insistence on working for justice helps them work through their temporary doubt for what their purpose is and by having such a difficult situation happening in her life, she unites them all on something that they have to do. At least until they go to Okumura's palace for the first proper investigation, the intent to rescue Haru from her fiance is more important than the Phan-site and more important than any of Okumura's business practices.
she prioritises everyone elses happiness over her own to the point where she watches her father die on live television and tells the PT's to continue having fun at destinyland without her without considering that they'd want to be there for her. She has always suspected that people only wanted to be her friend for her money - and this seems to have affected her so much that despite being 'secretive about her history' at Shujin, she still doesn't mention at any point whether or not she has friends and is only seen speaking with teachers.
after her fathers death she has no real reason to trust any of the PT's - they were navigating with an unknown method, with no proof to show that what they were doing wouldn't cause a mental shutdown, they barely know each other, and yet she trusts them in spite of this and places her faith in the PT's regardless. even when faced with the person who DID kill her father, she understands that his death was a larger piece in a bigger plan and that it wasn't akechi's fault, it was the fault of Shido for ordering him dead, and in Shido's palace she's able to get the catharsis of killing the cognition of the person who aired her fathers death publicly on TV.
And what I think is a more frustrating part than any of that - where all of the Phantom Thieves, after their palace, get following story beats that increase their importance to make sure that you, as the player, can get attached to them, but the more PT's that join the team, the harder it is to juggle all of those characters and a lot of them have very vocal and prominent personalities that keep them involved. Yusuke's general quirks and behaviour keep him interesting, Makoto has an entire arc that's established ages before she's involved in Kaneshiro's palace, Futaba becoming navigator keeps her relevant, but where Haru's arc is taken over by Morgana in the palace where she's introduced, all subsequent story beats are entirely overtaken by Akechi.
Don't get me wrong, I love Akechi and he is in my brain 24/7, but it is extremely unfortunate that her fathers death immediately kickstarts the section of plot where the PT's realise that they're being tricked, meaning the plot suddenly ramps up, and during the school fair (something Haru is explicitly very excited about), Akechi's growing popularity and prominence in the story takes centre stage, especially as a day later he blackmails the PTs and joins their party.
Again, not complaining about Akechi, its just unfortunate that Haru's main story is clouded over by Morgana having a character arc and then the fan favourite comes in and immediately becomes the most prominent character for almost the entire rest of the game. It's sad because I love Haru but it wasn't until I romanced her that I realised how much I love her and how much there is too her - which ESPECIALLY sucks because it makes the section where you're reassuring her in the velvet room fall so flat compared to how you reassure everyone else.
ALL to say that i think it's wild to have a character whose entire arc routinely revolves around proving herself and reclaiming her autonomy from the men in her life, like her father and her fiance, and having her character arc so heavily influenced and even overshadowed by morgana, a male character. thank you guys for listening and if you disagree with me consider writing what your opinions are on your own post and not on mine :3
Anyway. huge rant post over. Haru is my wife and my girlfriend and my silly rabbit and i think she should be hyped up way more. ESPECIALLY for her showtime attack with makoto because that's fucking adorable. everyone must post one thousand haru okumura positivity posts right now
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[ID: a gif of Haru Okumura, in her Phantom Thief outfit, holding her hat with one hand and pointing with the other. She says "I am no longer your subservient puppet!" while looking determined.]
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atrophiedemotion · 1 month
okay doc *lies down on the therapy couch* tell me about aspd Ivan
(you don’t have to obviously I’m just curious)(love you)
hello valued patient, i will very gladly tell you about aspd ivan. (love you too tysm for the question)
before i start this i just want to add a disclaimer that i do not have aspd. if anyone with aspd says i'm wrong on this definitely believe them before me, this is just a personal headcanon. (i have discussed this with a friend w aspd who agrees with me and im in a similar wheelhouse to aspd, so i have a good amount of knowledge due to that and a lot of research, which is where the headcanon stems from)
okay, so to fully speak about how and why i see ivan with aspd i'm going to also mention the other pd i headcanon ivan with because i want to fully express my perception of him. i personally interpret ivan as having an aspd/npd combination (aspd im more sure of). i see aspd as something ivan was born with a predisposition for (reduced gray matter in the brain, less MAO-A, etc) that got solidified in his very early childhood growing up in the slums and going through the whole 'hung off the top of a building and threatened with death if he didn't make the cut' thing. genetics and trauma, the usual causes. npd is something i imagine him developing later on in life ofc, slowly over time. his chosen survival method being creating a fake persona others admire and his nonexistent self worth & horrible self loathing lead to him developing it (kind of as a subconscious coping mechanism).
okay, with that out of the way, why do i think ivan has aspd?
well. there are a lot of reasons. for one, vivinos and qmeng themselves say that ivan doesn't experience emotions in the same way others do, that he has a 'twisted' personality, he manipulated others to 'play with their feelings', that there was 'something off' about him, etc. while the way these are worded are a little,, derogatory,, it's all very important to ivan's character.
ivan's emotions are muted and dulled compared to others', he literally physically cannot experience them in the same way neurotypicals (in terms of pds) can. from that and other examples in alnst (setting up the wagyein incident w mizi & till, his reaction to his win in r3, his lack of care when it comes to lying & manipulation, etc) it can be pretty safely assumed that ivan doesn't really experience empathy. that's why he learns from other's visible emotions and mirrors them, because he doesn't feel them and instead adopts other people's reactions so he can react/act accordingly/'normally' (specifying here that not having empathy does not mean someone cannot feel sympathy or care about anyone. empathy is being able to feel/pick up on someone else's emotions it does NOT mean someone is uncaring okay thanks moving on).
ivan's tendency to manipulate and lie isn't really explicitly shown much in alnst but the implications are there and very telling imo. before i get into this i want to also specify that 'manipulate' is not the big scary evil word most people think it is and literally everyone does it. to manipulate is to try to have control over a situation, to influence someone/something to get your ideal outcome/get your needs met. many people with cluster b pds learn to manipulate from a young age as a survival mechanism because it is the only way to get the things they need. in ivan's case, his entire fake persona for the aliens and his placations and straight up lying to his peers/teachers/fans etc about his feelings and personality is all manipulation to paint himself in a more favorable light so he has a higher chance of survival. i also wouldn't put it past him to casually manipulate other students at anakt when he was younger so he could learn/observe more things (which was shown with the wagyein incident but i imagine that wasn't the only occasion). i've talked about ivan using subterfuge and disguising his actual intentions behind his odd behaviors which, yk, is manipulation.
when it comes to violence, ivan really doesn't seem to be outwardly violent unless provoked, but when he is he's uncaring about the pain he's causing the other (till lmao) and more focused on what he gets out of the exchange (till's attention & expressions and, imo, a physical stress release). i wasn't sure i was going to bring it up bc i wasn't going to get into the whole pwaspd are violent thing (i dont think it's true for everyone. thoughts and urges are different than actions) but i wanted to talk about ivan's lack of awareness when it comes to it. he impulsively fights back, doesn't pull his punches, and revels in it.
there's also his apparent lack of remorse for his actions (stepping on the flower crown, fighting till, leading mizi and till into danger, all that) and impulsivity when he's not masking (though i consider ivan to be a more calculating individual, a lot of his interactions with till show him doing things impulsively). his difficulty in forming intimate emotional connections with others, his lack of self worth and general lack of care for his own wellbeing, his fatalistic world view.
all of these are symptoms of aspd. im not going to pull out the dsm-5 (ew) because i hate the way it words things (love stigma against mentally ill folks), but all of the things i talked about go along with aspd, which is why i personally think ivan has it. a genetic predisposition, a fuckton of trauma in early childhood (qmeng refers to his time in the slums as a 'dark past') and onward through anakt and beyond, and his lack of emotional understanding. all of it lends itself to aspd. i think this adds a whole new level of understanding to ivan and his reasons for things and just. why he is the way he is. and figuring this out for myself made me love ivan all the more. all of the alnst characters are just traumatized kids who never learned how to live and be human and ivan having an even different baseline than most others put him even more at a disadvantage.
i just want to, like. give this guy therapy or at least make sure he knows that it’s not his fault that his mind works the way it does and there’s nothing wrong with it. and with that, i shall end it here LMAO. tysm rock for the ask ik i asked if you were okay with an essay but this is longer than i anticipated skxjsn i hope you liked it!! and if anyone has any other questions about aspd or npd ivan lmk personality disorders are one of my special interests i love talking about this stuff ajxnsn
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 year
Okay so yesterday I binged a bunch of movies that were free on YT, including Kung Fu Pandas 1 and 2 (3 wasn't free so I didn't go looking for it) and I just gotta talk about something interesting, being
Tai Lung wasn't actually a villain?
He was an antagonist sure, but he didn't actually do anything particularly evil.
Walk with me.
So, from what we see in the movie, Tai Lung's first ever act of violence or aggression in about 18, maybe 20 years is the attack on the Valley. Sure, he decapitated a few training dummies leading up to this but yknow so does every member of the Five, so...
What's interesting about this is two things. One, we don't know if he actually killed anybody. We see him chasing people, and properties are on fire, but we don't know if he took any lives. In fact, throughout the entire movie, we don't see him kill anyone. I even looked it up to check and everybody seems to be in concensus that he didn't kill anybody.
And two. Oogway takes Tai Lung down in one move. A four-point nerve strike.
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This is interesting because not only did he send Shifu first (to fight his own son no less) but he also waited up in the Jade Palace for Tai Lung to come to them instead of going down and doing that in order to save the people from his rampage. All to protect an empty scroll that Oogway knows is empty because he made it!
After this, Tai lung is locked in the prison. Made especially for him. He sits, on his knees, in a pit. Above him are giant crossbows, archers, and stalactites with bombs attached specifically to crush him to death if perceived necessary.
Pinning him down are chains. The cuffs of these chains are explicitly stated in the second movie to tighten the more the prisoner moves, and at the end of these chains are large boulders weighing him down to the floor.
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He also wears a custom-made turtle shell with jade dragon head pins to suppress his chi, cause I guess Oogway's got a mean sense of humor. On top of all this, he is also shown to experience abuse from the guards, as we see one intentionally step in Tai Lung's tail and mock him.
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When Tai Lung escapes the prison, he noticeably doesn't kill or even go out of his way or even in his way to kill anybody. We see him given the opportunity to kill and he uses it to just punch a guard back and continue to flee. All of the destruction is caused by the guards trying to prevent his escape. The only particularly violent thing we see him do is throw the bombs at the army of guards to get past them, and they may look dead for dramatic effect but they are actually noticeably alive, we even hear one or two groan.
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And on top of all of this, there's on thing that really bothers me. The Wuxi finger hold. We first see it used by Shifu, and then later by Po, after Tai Lung tries to paralyze him out of anger. It is quite safe to assume that Oogway knew this hold (and might've used it to defeat Kai?). Knowing this, why the fuck didn't Oogway use it on Tai Lung when he defeated him??
They are preparing for the Dragon Warrior to very specifically "put a final end to Tai Lung" and I just don't understand why Oogway didn't do it then and there when he used the nerve attack.
There he has Tai Lung, unconscious (or at least immobile) on the floor. Instead of using that moment to take him out permanently, he puts him into a very inhumane, quite torturous prison for about 20 years while he has Shifu train a bunch of guys to kill him only after he breaks out and causes some more chaos.
Moral of the story: Oogway what the fuck.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
i loved your post on “every time Dazai has shown care for Chuuya” so much <3 have you done a post on “every time Chuuya has shown care for Dazai?” i would love to read that :)
Dazai is a lot more obvious about his care so there is a lot more there. Chuuya on the other hand is a lot more reserved and less embarrassingly vocal about people.
Going by timeline, in fifteen Chuuya is immediately rather perceptive when it comes to Dazai. Once they start working together he instantly gets worried about Dazai getting injured in any capacity. Also when he stops Dazai from his initial spiral while shooting the GSS soldier he is constantly trying to figure Dazai out. Even in the fight against Rimbaud at several points Chuuya is searching for the underlying meaning and humanity in Dazai's actions and words. Chuuya is naturally a very guarded and wary person in 15 given the situation so him genuinely worrying about Dazai and seeking out something human in this kid he just met is a form of care imo. But note in 15 Chuuya is extending the same kind of care that he naturally projects onto his people.
In sb, Chuuya is even more wary of Dazai however Chuuya doesn't have much direct interaction with Dazai that isn't punctuated with an urgency to get things done. In sb we see Dazai show more concern for Chuuya cause Dazai is fixated on him meanwhile Chuuya has a lot on his plate. However, when Guivre's gravity bombs start targetting things at random Chuuya lunges at Dazai to knock them both out of the way and even protects Dazai when they both start getting sucked in by the shift in gravity. He could have easily just saved himself considering Dazai would only make him vulnerable to the blast but he prioritizes getting to Dazai rather than saving himself.
The thing with sb and 15 in my opinion is that for Dazai these novels aim to humanize him through his connection to Chuuya (just like how de did with his connection to Oda), meanwhile for Chuuya they give us his backstory. So we typically see more open care from Dazai's side cause Chuuya is too busy being at the center of the plot.
Moving onto dhc, Chuuya's anger at Dazai stems not just from the loss of the colonel and his friends but also from his disappointment in Dazai's show of callousness towards those people. It's why he lashes out and tries to smack some sense into him. When Dazai proceeds to get captured Chuuya on the surface doubles down on his anger at Dazai and claims he doesn't care about Dazai and he only wants to save the men that got captured with him but his first remark when he gets ready to leave is "wait for me shitty Dazai".
In the manga Chuuya agrees to the rich girl impersonation just to indulge Dazai after a 4 year seperation. The next time they meet for the lovecraft incident Chuuya explicitly mentions having gotten drunk when Dazai defected and while he claims to have done so as a celebration it's clear from his face that he wasn't happy about it. Of course through their battle with Lovecraft whenever Dazai is injured Chuuya prioritizes him and rushes to him instead of trying to actually take out Lovecraft.
Dead apple is honestly self explanatory, this guy not only jumped to his potential death based on blind faith and gut feeling to save Dazai he was also so fixated on saving Dazai that his name was the only thing he has been able to say mid corruption. He also managed to locate Dazai in that state and punch him in the face gently enough to only break the capsule. Keep in mind this man shoved a high rise building down a dragon's throat just moments before thats wild considering we are told he can't control himself mid corruption.
Onto Meursault, Chuuya controlled the elevator to stop it from killing Dazai and proceeded to control a bullet from actually going through his head at point blank. And he had to do the latter while keeping in mind that 1 wrong twitch and Dazai could nullify his control on the bullet. Whether this counts as care or not is upto anyone honestly.
Onto additional content, in the drama cd Chuuya defends Dazai's port mafia era mindset. He doesn't exactly excuse his actions but he sort of...tries to present Dazai's very messed up perspective to Akutagawa. And it's a moment that makes me go "hmm mild yikes" but it's less Chuuya defending Dazai's abuse of Aku and more Chuuya pointing out how Dazai isn't an outright demon or an evil bogeyman like the mafia people like to present him as cause see Chuuya has witnessed Dazai's kindness and humanity first hand, multiple times.
In beast obviously Chuuya is extremely possessive and protective of Dazai's life even if it starts shifting into unhinged territory and he literally snaps out of grief? Rage? Vengence? Something.
The whole "always covering Dazai's blind spot" thing is obvious.
Then we have Chuuya's sense of loyalty. Chuuya not only has undying trust in Dazai he also has undying loyalty towards him, Dazai will always remain his partner no matter how many times Chuuya insists that they are ex partners. Dazai is one of his people.
Generally speaking Chuuya is more obvious in his obsession with Dazai in the present, constantly bringing up Dazai etc, they are both equally bad but the difference is that in sb and 15 where Dazai had the obvious obsession Chuuya had the protagonist role and was too busy with other stuff while in the manga and present time Dazai is the deuteragonist and has way too much on his plate while Chuuya is a minor character who is an important part of Dazai's life. The switch in perspective makes one look more obsessed at any given point but they are both equally pathetic.
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star-daughter · 15 days
how would you redesign jay? i've always not really liked their design - they're a red short cat with horns and that's it. apparently the horns are a genetic mutation (if i remember correctly!), but aside from the rats' multiple limbs, no other character is shown to have a difference like that, so it's strange to me. also they're an ex-crew member's self insert, so that doesn't help the boring-ness in my opinion
Oh boy! I actually quite like Jay's original design. I love the simplicity, but I do think they don't really stand out from the BG characters sometimes. My goal with this one was to give more interest to their design, so I had a bit of talk with Mod Paimon about it.
First issue we took note of, was Jay's colour palette. It's very 2-toned, in my opinion, as Jay has only 3 colours. This causes issues, because, with such a limited palette, if you aren't precise with colour placement, you get Jay.. Who has green in two places that are directly touching, causing confusion at first glance.
Mod Paimon suggested this as a possible fix:
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Which I took heavy inspiration for the added colours in my redesign. Thank you, Paimon!
On the horns, I did always find them cute, but they didn't exactly mesh with the design super well because they're small and blend into the green, so I would sometimes forget they were even there...
And, a minor note before I show my redesign, due to the Sparklecare artstyle, both me and Mod Paimon both mistook Jay as a child when we were first looking at the comic. This stems from the creator not really distinguishing from children and adults in their art, combined with Jay having dwarfism, it wasn't explicitly clear what their age was haha.
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Here's what I ended up with! I made the horns more involved with the design by making Jay a cat/goat hybrid, not only giving me a reason to add the darker colour to the design, but also because I think it looks more interesting. Their tail is shorter than a normal cat's both due to their drawfism and due to being part goat, it is also fluffier. I think goat was the best pick because of their reputation IRL for being spontaneous & silly.
On colours, I really only added 2, but I think they definitely helped with clarity and making the design less boring. Paimon actually suggested the blue glasses, and I loved them so much I just had to use them.
In terms of making Jay look less like a child (Because people IRL with dwarfism don't look like small children), I added things like smile lines - indicating that Jay has lived a life of smiling, and because they usually only develop as you get older.
This one was also very simple, but I'm pretty proud of it too. Let me know what you think!
-Mod Star
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air--so--sweet · 5 months
Made my first fan edit in over a decade (in my day they were called fanvids). Apparently you can't use copyrighted music longer than a minute on tiktok (it was easier to get round copyright in my day also) so this one is just for you tumblr. Also let's ignore the clips with logos in because I'm not getting clean versions to re-edit it, it's 8am and I haven't been to sleep (thanks ADHD hyperfocus stopping me from literally noticing the sun coming up!)
Edit: Had some sleep so now time to write a ridiculous number of words about a 3 minute edit! This was a lot of fun to make, I forgot how fun video editing is and capcut is a dream compared to windows movies maker and sony vegas (which was what all the cool kids were using for some reason in the mid 2000s but I never got the hang of it).
It also reminded me how fun some of the dance numbers are. Like I love Dancing in the Moonlight and Twistin' the Night Away. I know for the latter they originally had a choreographed routine but it was scrapped and and they were told improvise and have fun. It's something that definitely comes across in the final scene and it makes it feel more authentically like three siblings messing around.
Also in editing the video scenes I noticed stuff I wouldn't have otherwise. Emmy breaks multiple times because she's having so much fun (it's left in because it makes sense for her to laugh in the moment but Emmy's laugh is very different to Allison's).
The weird dance Diego does with the sword during Another One Bites the Dust, and the fact Lila has to fully step back at one point to not get hit in the face! I always thought Lila was just pulling Five in by the hand for a hug in the same scene but you can see them dancing together in the background throughout. I knew they danced together at the wedding but Five was blackout drunk at that point so it's fun to see him dancing with her at a time when he's...well not sober, but definitely less drunk.
Also as an aside, in the first draft of the script for S1E1 it's shown explicitly that Five is uncomfortable with touch after years in the apocalypse. Though the scene in question didn't make it into later drafts, it still feels implied to me throughout season 1 and it makes me feel happy to see how far he's come, seeming genuinely comfortable with Lila's affection. Also if anyone is interested in the idea of him struggling with touch @soshadysoquiet has a great fic exploring this (though rather than my view that he's become accustomed to, and comfortable with touch it posits that he's dealing with so much due to the apocalypse he doesn't recognise touch as the cause of his distress).
I also think there's a sort of theme happening in the partner dances during Footloose, rather than the characters being paired randomly but that will take long enough to explain it needs it's own post, even if this one wasn't already obscenely long.
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snakesinsocks2005 · 1 year
Very normal and calm about how others perceive my favourite character
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Hmmkay so:
Devineaux is Not dumb. Well, he's not *dumb* dumb.
Hes loud, dense, arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, egotistical and obnoxious, yes. But he's not dumb.
He believes things based in hard fact, physical and literal evidence and stone cold logic (atleast in his perspective). A huge factor why it took him so long to understand how carmen wasn't the evil doer she was assumed to be, is because of his very thick brick wall sort of thought process:
'This elusive smug woman is stealing. Stealing is bad. I must stop her from stealing. At the end of the day, any sort of motive or excuse you could make up for her Does Not matter because. She's Stealing. And as previously stated- Stealing=Bad.'
Whereas Julia is alot more curious and spares more thought in the 'why' aspect of things, and following reasonable yet sorta hard to straight up prove theories- Why is Carmen Sandiego stealing precious artifacts, only to then soon after, slip them back to the authorities? Might she be stealing from other thieves? The only logical motive for that would be to protect the said precious artifacts from the other thieves. And on and on.
Devineaux, truth be told, doesn't care. He's very much stuck on the "stealing things only to return them makes Absolutely no sense" (given the default assumption she's taking them for monetary value, why would she willingly give them back?? Boom, theory busted, cry about it.)
Other than the observation that two people can veiw one thing very differently (with both looking and focusing on different parts, individual interactions with carmen, with devineaux it's her strictly making smug small talk, and evading him- but with Julia she's *Alot* more friendly, passive and semi-includes her in the caper)
There are more factors to keep in mind.
General knowledge:
A note that we tend to forget quite frequently is that- Carmen sandiego I an internationally known figure. Dare i say a myth- cryptid even! All the common knowledge about her is her signature colour, hat and coat. So like, imagine your tasked yourself as the one to catch the woman the myth the legend, while your partner keeps trying to suggest there's more to the very simple picture. "Maybe she's doing it for a good cause"! Uh. Not sure about that bucko.
Incredibly unlikely, from all her rare moments of talkativeness, she seems to fit rather nicely in the 'stereotypical criminal who thinks their better than the law' type behaviour.
It's alot like trying to psychoanalyise DB Cooper. Who cares??? I'm just trying to find and capture her first! We can deal with the explanation and 'why' part after.
And another point:
Its a clearly made point, that Devineaux is a flawed individual. Very heavily implied and shown, with the little of the pov we see of him.
But! Thats just it! The entire show, as is its namesake, is 90% Carmen Sandiegos own personal view. We, the audience, see things from her perspective, as we have been spoon fed the basic information about the basic premise of the plot that surrounds and personally entails her. And with this pov, we see others the way she does. Julia is the unlikely ally, vile the biggest threat, acme the main antagonists and- well, devineaux isnt really all that relevent, compared to everything and everyone else carmen and team red have to face off against.
Because of this, he's painted as an inconvenient, and brutish obstacle. Purely in the way for reasons we and carmen know to be false- so it's very easy to just think thats How he is in his entirety! But he's not. Let's not forget:
Not Only is this guy a full blown Inspector, But, it's explicitly shown that he has the deductive reasoning, and skill with the process of elimination to (ONLY USING INTERPOL RESOURCES. NO ACME NEEDED!) Find viles home based!! Sure, by then it's Formerly home base as they blew up a whole 60% of it quite recently, but!!! Dude!!! Chief, the literal head and founder of acme, who's been looking for any trace of vile for twenty years couldn't even dream of managing such a feat!
Tldr: devineaux isn't stupid, he's just plauged by ego brain fog, extremely unlucky timing and lack of impulse control.
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theetwinkleboy · 8 months
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don't mind me, just collecting evidence that izuku would not just go around causing ridiculous collateral damage as a pro hero.
Overhaul arc
Gentle Criminal arc (look how cautiously he's handling that falling construction beam! when he put it down he apologized to the construction site! also he had those gloves made specifically to avoid collateral damage!)
it just bugs me! when i read a pro-heros fic and they mention something about 'deku's high collateral damage' or somesuch. and it's not often that it pops up, but it does come up often enough to make me notice a pattern, and to bug me because --*gestures wildly at canon.* i only have a couple screenshots here because this was just what was already in my screenshots folder, and i'm only on ch 204 of the manga.
but i'm sure i'll have more screenshots once i get to the villain hunt arc for instance, because the way he uses both the vestiges and one for all (muscular fight 2 ilu (i've seen the anime, it could be different in the manga)) is just SO refreshing and it really highlights how the more powerful izuku gets, the more VERSATILE he gets as well. which is to be expected! because he is a student and he's learning!
but like! the most destructive fights izuku has been a part of as far as ch 204 are:
muscular fight 1 when they trashed that mountainside--but he was out in the wilderness with no one around but kouta, so there were no destroyed buildings or infrastructure from that fight
overhaul, and it is explicitly shown that he did not cause the initial damage and then he redirected the fight back to the site of the original damage to avoid more collateral
various trainings--the first battle trial and blackwhip activation come to mind but there could be others. but the thing about that is they are TRAININGS. it's an educational opportunity to get better in a (sort of. it is ua after all) controlled environment. and they addressed the collateral damage problem for both him and bakugou after the battle trials, AND even when blackwhip activated, he wasn't NEARLY as destructive as say, manga or tetsutetsu were in their fights)
so like! i'm definitely arguing with ghosts here but that assumption that pops up from time to time, that he'd naturally cause more destruction just because he has this ultra powerful quirk is just. false.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 16
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Eduoar Corabelli II-The Reader Trilogy / Sea of Ink and Gold
He's canonically mlm and has depression, and both his relationship with the man he loves and his mental illness are very important to his character and story. Since it's high fantasy the term 'depression' isn't actually available to him, but it's explicitly canon anyway and he just calls it 'melancholia.'
Ed is like a Disney princess with depression--gentle, kind, loves animals dearly, all that jazz. He's also, when we meet him, being crushed under the weight of responsibility and a familial curse that kills every family member and each person they love before their time, and he's in the most fascinating, sweet, twisted little unspoken relationship. He loves this guy, his childhood friend, but is too scared because of the curse to give voice to those feelings; this guy loves him, but is too reluctant to talk about it, because of the guilt of actively poisoning Ed in a drawn-out assassination attempt and having just killed Ed's last relative. Also, Ed knows he's being poisoned and is gladly going along with it, because he's suicidal. It's complicated; he does get better though. Just know that their love is profound, but not as good as Ed deserves, and when he breaks free of the mental prison of being cursed and leaves the shadow of a man who almost killed him despite that love, he finds he's not just a good person but a capable one
Eda Clawthorne-The Owl House
She has a magical chronic disorder which has flare-ups, is mitigated by taking medication (potions), and has similar side effects to many real disorders such as fatigue, greying hair, and physical impairment (drains magic, a natural ability of *most witches). Unlike in other stories however, her condition is NOT ever completely cured. It does evolve and become more manageable over the course of the story, but she still experiences symptoms from it. Eda also loses one of her arms later in the story. She does get a replacement hook, but it is never shown whether she has a functional prosthetic or not. Most likely, she only has one fully functioning arm after this. As for being queer, she is in a relationship with a nonbinary person and is all but confirmed bisexual (has a secret box with the bi flag on it seriously why else would she have this). Also the owl house has a Lot of queer characters in it and I mean. just look at her. I would be surprised if she wasn't queer somehow.
Bisexual, and has a curse that affects her day to day life
Bi & lost arm and has a chronic illness metaphorically
Has canonically dated both men and a non-binary person. Her curse affects her ability to use magic (and at one point outright stops it), which is very important in witch life. Said curse also causes her body parts to fall off sometimes. Many have said her curse is like a metaphor for depression but really it's more like a magic version of a physical disability (although I wouldn't be surprised if she actually also had depression).
Uuuuh she’s great and stuff idk I can’t propaganda well sorry
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livepoultryfreshkilled · 11 months
just watched the meromorphic video essay (x) on morel orel. disappointed, and here's why:
surface level interpretation overall despite over an hour runtime, bad pacing
got some unspoken but clearly shown plot points wrong (orel did not KILL CHILDREN FOR THEIR BLOOD. it was obviously him getting his friends to drain their own blood into the bath. they were all shaking and holding their wrists over the tub. missing a key detail like that makes me doubt his takles on this media entirely)
heiniously underacknowledged the complexities of alone (ms sculptham wasn't just raped, she was part of her own plot to get creepler i think cause there was a whole thing about her dying her hair, "i just left the door unlocked," and he didn't even mention that she got an abortion with a coathanger. come on)
NITPICKY, ADMITTEDLY: cited a personal reddit post on representation of rape victims in media, which was not enough of an analysis of rape culture or the episode to serve as a source. but its a personal video essay he can get jiggy with it but i disliked it PERSONALLY. the post did make good points about how joking about rape in the previous seasons was greenlit but addressing the effects of that rape on the women got the show cancelled, but that wasn't even mentioned in the essay and it SHOULDVE BEEN
claimed it to be a criticism of "Southern Baptists in the Bible Belt" when it is explicitly portraying MIDWESTERN. american middle class nuclear family WASPs. SPECIFICALLY. the lack of faith, the prioritization of protestant work ethic and money, the structure of the puppington family (especially clay, literally a deconstruction of the glass of scotch pipe belt whupping american father) and like. the entire everything being about MIDWEST WASPs was key to the portrayal of the show. "southern baptists in the bible belt" come the fuck on
acted like it was a reveal that bloberta was racist? they're literally all racist. this is a portrayal of the ideal white supremacist WASP society. monoracial. they push this idea from the jump they are all racist dude to act like season 2 was where it showed up and saying thats the example of the tonal shift is just. naive at best.
used the concept of "whoa they were clay puppets with silly names but the show was serious and dark" as a justification for the vice quote/thesis "moral orel walked so shows like bojack horseman and rick & morty could fly"
which is a stupid way of saying it opened the doors not only for adult animation reaching darker topics but taking those topics seriously (as opposed to stuff like robot chicken) and executing them artistically anyway
but that isnt even a compelling justification, i wish he had gone more into the fact that the show was cancelled BECAUSE of that episode and that there was a followup episode called "Raped" that contributed to that. like if you're going to make your thesis imply the presence of meta-analysis FOLLOW UP ON THAT! not just that you personally drawing the conclusion of "the show is about dark things and everyone is sad" the show is about REAL things the show is about americana!
and bitch i could say more too. 2/5 stars. pedestrian. and so ends my catechism.
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