#cause of horrors: mr. duck
days since q!cellbit has experienced the horrors: 0
time since last reset: 2 days
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
Dark sbi where Tommy accidentally kidnaps Philza, not knowing he’s a crime lord. And he swears it was an accident! He just, you know, panicked. Tommy and Tubbo were just minding their own business slapping graffiti on a building (practicing their art skills, you see) when a cop started screeching at them, apparently not an appreciator of the fine arts. And since Mrs. Innit would KILL him if he got arrested, Tommy panics and takes a hostage, shouting at the cop not to take a step further or he’ll kill the random civilian he’s ducked behind so he can’t get shot.
Meanwhile Philza isn’t entirely paying attention, and realizes there’s suddenly a small child sheltering behind him from a cop. He gives the cop the nastiest look imaginable, which causes them to back off enough that Tommy thinks his plan is working. Once the negotiations start Philza is baffled by who would have the gall to kidnap him, and so poorly at that. Frankly it’s an umbrage to face the work of an amateur.
Well, till the abductor asks his name. “…do you not know who I am.?”
Tommy squints at the guy. His suit looks kinda fancy? Is it better or worse for him if he managed to randomly capture some Wall Street schmuck? “Hell no,” he hisses. “And I don’t care. I’m a dangerous guy alright? You don’t know what I’ll do to you.”
Philza’s laugh causes the cop to advance, wagering the situation isn’t intense. But because Tubbo’s ‘Yes And’ game is a force to be reckoned with, he casually pulls out a nerf gun (painted to look real for a prank on Ranboo) and trains it on the cop. Philza is positively delighted as he realizes just how amateur his abductors are. Oh this will be a riot to watch.
With more bluffing than Tommy knew he had in him, promising the hostage 20 bucks if he pretended to go along with it, the pure manic chaos bleeding from Tubbo’s eyes and ample gun waving, and creative use of spray paint in the eyes of the chasing cops, Tommy and Tubbo somehow manage to book it. For some reason the hostage keeps up with them instead of escaping. Huh. Can you develop Stockholm syndrome that fast? Tommy would ask, but he’s panting from sprinting. And as they live in an unjust world, hostage guy isn’t even breaking a sweat despite the three piece suit.
“You’re not going to get far on foot,” Philza murmurs. As corrupt and useless as the cops are for most things in this city, he doesn’t imagine there’d actually be that much fuss over a random man being kidnapped, but he wonders what they’ll do if spooked a little more. It’s been amusing thus far. The boys bicker, then elect to force him to drive as neither have licenses. They don’t ask him to drive to their homes, instead some secondary location. Smart, albeit Philza will definitely know both addresses within the hour.
While Tommy is busy ‘threatening’ Philza about the consequences of not getting them there, Tubbo just leans over from a bag of chips he’s munching on and offers them to Phil. Tommy rounds on him, less for showing exploitable kindness to the hostage and more for eating the Doritos that were meant to be his. Philza almost chides them for revealing each other’s names, but decides it might just be easier to hand them notes at the end of this. So far they aren’t getting a passing grade in abduction. But he has to admit it’s far more entertaining than the ‘business’ meeting he was planning to attend.
(Techno, meanwhile, hasn’t heard from Philza and is going BALLISTIC trying to figure out who kidnapped him. From the police report Phil just kinda went along with it, and looked terrified after a private exchange with the abductor, which has to mean the threat is ungodly to convince the Angel of Death to submit. Techno’s about to have a panic attack imagining the unthinkable horrors happening to his best friend, and is only holding it off by doing atrocities about it. This is the THIRD secret criminal organization he’s ripped apart in the last two hours and PHILZA ISNT HERE EITHER!?)
Philza has decided he likes his kidnappers. They’re not experienced in the slightest, but they make up for it with bravado, determination, and a certain lack of rationality that is necessary in the line of business Philza is in. Yes. They’ll do nicely if given a little guidance.
It’s half an hour before either of them notice Philza is driving aimlessly and they don’t recognize the city around them at all. “Hm? Next time I don’t recommend you give the hostage control of the vehicle. I could have immediately driven to the police station.”
Tommy frowns, almost more nervous at the implication the obvious blackmail would go unused. “…why didn’t you?”
“There’s no love lost between the cops and I. And even more importantly, you amuse me. I like your…potential.” He grins at the soft click of Tommy covertly trying the handle and finding the car doors locked. “Getting out at this speed is almost always fatal, Tommy.”
Tubbo lifts the muzzle of the fake gun towards him. “Let us go right. now.”
Philza leans over, ruffling Tubbo’s hair. The teen gulps at the glimpse of the holster Philza’s jacket was hiding, sharing a wide eyed look with Tommy. “I’m not exactly scared of foam bullets, mate.” He chuckles lowly at the tension freezing both of them. “Relax. You’ll be home by dinner. After you went through all the effort of kidnapping me to avoid trouble with your parents, I don’t intend to ruin it. I like you two; you have spunk I don’t see often. After all, it takes a lot of guts to kidnap the leader of the Syndicate.”
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drabblesandimagines · 11 months
Leon Kennedy x afab reader When I am on my period, you get period fluff
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You wince as your stomach twists, jab the mascara wand into your eye rather than coat your lashes and swear, gripping the bathroom counter with your other hand.
“Great.” You hiss, closing your eye and grabbing a wet wipe, trying to salvage what you’d applied to your bottom lashes as your eye starts to water. The box of so-called express pain relief pills you’d downed greedily 30 minutes ago taunts you from the counter. They had barely touched the surface of the tormenting cramps that had started this afternoon and you wonder if you can sue the pharmaceutical company for such blatant lies.
You try and steady yourself with measured breaths, opening your eye cautiously to inspect it in the mirror. It looks a little red and you groan. You’re bloated, sore, stupidly emotional – irrationally cried at the fact that a spam email had made its way into your actual inbox at lunch - and the last thing you want to be doing right now is getting dolled up in one your classiest and form-fitting little black dresses, don high heels and socialize for the evening, no matter how much you’d been looking forward to it ahead of your visitor.
And not to mention that it’s at the bloody White House.
Leon had returned from Spain two months ago to silent fanfare - wouldn’t be good for US morale to know the President’s daughter had been kidnapped by a cult and infected with a parasite in the first place. Working as an intelligence agent for the DSO meant you’d read of the horrors from the report, comforted Leon when he awoke from nightmares of blackened veins, tentacles bursting forth from skulls, so you’re grateful that the President insisted Leon was given some time off work, though his first day back was looming on the horizon. Last week, on embossed white card with gold accents, sealed by a wax stamp came the invitation in a cursive hand to one Mr Leon S Kennedy and partner to the Presidential dining room.
There’s a knock on the bathroom door in Leon’s familiar rhythm.
“You nearly ready, sweetheart? I think the car will be here soon.”
“Sorry. Yeah,” you call back, “Final touches.” You turn back to the mirror and grab the mascara wand, cautiously covering your top lashes to even things out before frowning at your complexion. Are you breaking out too? A wave of pain rolls through your stomach once more and you grimace. Maybe you should’ve gone with a heat pad after all, but this dress is snug - it’d look bulky and weird on your stomach and the Secret Service guys will be all over it in the security checks.
You zhuzh up your hair one more time, plaster on a smile and unlock the bathroom door, finding Leon leaning up against the wall opposite. He lets out a low whistle as you emerge, hair falling into his blue eyes, and you duck your head in embarrassment at the attention. Honestly, right now you’d prefer him to look anywhere but at you.
“Hello, beautiful,” he smiles, looking unbelievably handsome in his best suit. He’s forgone the tie as usual – can’t stand them – but still looks appropriately smart. He stands up from the wall, slips a hand around your waist to pull you in for a kiss but you flinch at his touch, causing him to stop and frown. “You okay?”
“Mm, I’m fine.” You try and step out of his grip to head towards the stairs. “We should go keep an eye out for the car.”
His arm remains firmly in place. “You’re a bad liar.”
“I’m a great liar,” you retort. “Comes with the profession.” Your whole job depended on it, really – gathering intelligence was a lot of charming people into feeling comfortable around you, loosening their tongue into sharing secrets or giving you access to places you’re not meant to be.
“Not to me.” He’s got you there. “What’s the matter?”
You sigh, feeling a headache coming on to add to the list of ailments. “Can we leave it, please?”
“I don’t want to leave it – something’s wrong.” Leon is stubborn, doesn’t like to leave things hanging. He knows how precious life is, doesn’t want to leave anything to be dealt with later in case later never comes.
He stares at you - pout on his lips and those blue puppy dog eyes.
“Period.” You mumble, hoping that would suffice.
“Ah.” He nods.
“What does that mean?” You know it’s the hormones talking, even as you say it, but you’re stubborn too. It’s completely irrational, but his tone’s rubbed you the wrong way.
“It’s a sympathetic ah. Anything I can do to help?”
“No,” you grumble back. “I just want this evening over with.”
He looks confused, then. “I thought you were looking forward to it - you were excited yesterday-”
“I was,” you snap back. “But now the last thing I want to be doing is wearing this stupid tight dress and heels and get in a limo, be felt up by Secret Service agents for five minutes to make sure I’m not sneaking in a bomb between my thighs, and then go and dine with the President of the United States and his daughter, trying to remember what seven different types of silverware are meant for what course and then eating tiny bites and drinking bitter expensive wine, all when I could be at home, in my pyjamas, eating pizza and ice-cream and watching absolute trash on TV, cuddling my boyfriend.”
“Okay.” Leon cups your face. “Breathe.”
You take a deep breath, feeling a little winded from your rant.
“Good.” He smiles, dropping his hands and pulling his phone out of his trousers pocket. “Now, go get changed.”
You weren’t expecting that. “Sorry?”
“Get changed – go put your pyjamas on.”
“But dinner-”
“I’ll cancel, and then I’ll order us some pizza.”
You stare at him as if he’s lost his mind. “You can’t cancel on the President.”
“I rescued his daughter, he owes me.” Leon shrugs, as if he was just asking for a raincheck. “Besides, it’s Ashley who wanted this the most. We’ll reschedule.”
“No, I just need to tough it out.”
He raises an eyebrow at your word choice. “You do not.”
“You do it all the time – dragging yourself about the place with bullet and stab wounds.”
“Sweetheart, you have to agree that’s a little different. Us having dinner at the White House is not a life or death situation. I didn’t have a choice but to grit my teeth and get on with it, you very much do.” He grabs your hand, squeezing it tight. “Besides, you put up with enough that’s out of our control by these guys – missed anniversaries, birthdays, dinners - when they send me out on missions. I’m not going to sit and make you go through an uncomfortable evening when you don’t need or want to.”
“Are you sure?” You ask, quietly.
“Positive.” He steps forwards, gives you a chaste kiss on the lips in reassurance. “Go and get comfortable – I’ll handle it.”
30 minutes later, you’re laying on the couch, head in Leon’s lap as he runs his fingers through your hair, another rubbing your back – dressed in loose pyjama shorts and one of his old sweatshirts, a hot water bottle that he’d made pressed against your stomach and one of those “so bad it’s good” reality relationship shows playing on the widescreen. One that Leon insists he detests, but remembers everyone’s names and asks what happened on previous episodes if he misses one.
“Was Ashley okay?”
“Fine. She’s already texted me three alternate dates.” He pauses, raising an eyebrow at the screen. “I thought they broke up.”
“Uh-uh. He proposed.”
He scoffs in disbelief. “This cannot be real.”
You sigh, content, and nuzzle into his thigh. “Love you.”
“Love you more.”
The doorbell rings, announcing the pizza’s arrival. You reluctantly sit up, pressing the hot water bottle to your stomach as Leon gets up off the sofa and starts to head towards the door.
“Mm?” He pauses, turning slightly, removing his wallet from his jacket pocket.
“How come you’re still in your suit?”
“Well,” he resumes walking to the door, “I read how endorphins can help with period pain, and I know how happy a certain someone gets when they get to admire my ass in this particular suit…” The wallet slips from his fingers, bounces on the carpeted floor, and he bends down, slowly. “..so what kinda boyfriend would I be to hide it in sweats when they’re feeling poorly?”
Comments, likes and reblogs make my whole day x
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sourtomatola · 5 months
Taking Candy for a Fool Part 17
You bolted form the boy’s room. You know the doors were locked, but you still had to find a way out. Maybe you could find a service entrance, or an employee exit, cause you’re pretty sure they didn’t stay for the whole six hours overnight.
As you rushed through the hallways, you suddenly saw a huge lumbering being bashing walls down. Upon a longer look, cause you couldn’t look away, you discovered the being way in fact, Chika. Her teeth and body enlarged as she elbowed the wall, hardly seeming to notice you.
You looked down a different Hall to get away from her, but who should com bouncing down, but Mr. Carl Cupcake, also Enlarged, grotesque, and if his words from the other night were true…hungry.
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You began to run directly away from him, knowing he probably didn’t know you and thought you were another harvested to enact revenge on. A whimpering yelp came from your throat as you ducked away into another room. Thankfully the cupcake didn’t seem to notice and kept hopping away. You heard a loud scream and a splattering sound, making you flinch at the implications.
You took a moment to catch your breath before looking around where you were. You heard a slurping noise and slowly looked behind you to see Foxy, the old Boston bean himself. His mouth was almost entirely in his mouth licking away the sticky drippy substance that was on his only palm.
He began to breath hard. His shell began to grow harder, darker. His exposed metal legs remained the same, but bright lights began to drop down from inside his shell. His breaths were growing deeper and slower, a bright flame starting to come from his mouth, flames sparking from his eyes and cracked areas.
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You could tell by the look in his eye, that you needed to run. You bolted again, not daring to look behind you. You could hear the sound of small hard objects scattering everywhere, you assumed they were foxy’s peanuts considering he seemed to always be dropping them everywhere.
Out of nowhere, arms grabbed you, making you shriek. Your glasses flew from your face from the jerking motion. You were plunged into the darkness, watching Foxy’s furious form spitting flaming peanuts everywhere, catching everything he touched on fire. You began to fight against the arms that had you, but soon recognized the feeling and smell of taffy.
You looked back, expecting to see Puppet, but was surprised to see Marionette instead. They pulled you close to their body as they looked around.
Puppet’s box was empty. Marionette was out of their box. Nightmarionne’s box was intact, but shivering. Tentacles poking out of tiny holes that looked recently busted.
You let out a small squeak of fear before Marionette pulled you into their box just before you hear a terrifying crack. You were breathing hard, plunged in terrifying darkness after having witnessed such horrors. Heavy cool taffy held you, feeling almost like a weighted blanket. You were grateful for it, as it did seem to relieve your anxiety.
“Marionette…I-I have to get out of here.” You told him softly.
“Not safe.” A melodic voice whispered so hushed, you almost didn’t hear it.
“I-I know, that’s why I need to get out!” You told them.
“Box, safe.” A small rap on the inside wall of the box. “Box, fireproof. Safe.”
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"Box, Safe."
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gaysindistress · 1 year
As Good a Reason - one
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: when Brock Rumlow picks a fight he can’t win with the White Wolf, he drags his Snake back. Six years after she ran away, Y/N Rumlow is faced with a choice to make; do as she’s told and kill the White Wolf or overtake her father instead because spite’s as good a reason to take his power?
warnings: mob!Bucky is most definitely not a good person this time around, cursing, mentions of gangs/crime & their activities, death, violence, weapons/guns
word count: 2.5k
a/n: I read your white wolf by @witchywithwhiskey a while ago and that version of Bucky has stuck in my head ever since. This Bucky is 110% inspired by him so go read it after reading this one.
Tag list: @cakesandtom @elizacusi-blog @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @vonalyn
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest. The women in the banners are not how Y/N is supposed to look. They are merely for aesthetic purposes and Y/N is for anyone to see themselves in her.
Six years earlier 
“Does someone want to tell me who poisoned my whiskey?”
The question hangs in the air as the dinner guests stare at each other, waiting for someone to come forward but no one does. The Rumlow Triplets roll their eyes at their father’s obvious display for dominance while Mrs. Rumlow nervously shifts in her chair. Her daughter looks her up and down in confusion but her father’s voice drags her attention away. “Who was stupid enough to try and poison me?” he demands, slamming his hand on the table and causing the cutlery next to him to jump in fear.
“Was it you?” he points to the eldest triplet, Victoria and when she shakes her head, he directs the question to the second, Niklaus. He finally settles on the youngest, Y/N, “surely it wasn’t you?”
Y/N glances at her mother, a mistake Brock catches too quickly and he motions for his men who were standing next to him to flock Mrs. Rumlow. 
“Or was it my dear wife?” he mocks her as his men crowd her in her chair, “Hm? Was it you Jasmine? Did you try to kill me, your loving husband?”
Jasmine clears her throat and straightens her back before meeting his murderous gaze and answering, “Yes.”
Brock lets out an obnoxious laugh and sits back into his chair. The sound rings out and causes everyone to shutter. That laugh means one thing and one thing only; shit is about to go down. 
And it does. 
He takes the poisoned glass into his hand, turns it as he inspects it and then throws it as hard as he can at Jasmine. She ducks in time for it to shatter against her chair instead of her face. Angry that she dodged him, Brock grabs any and all items that would hurt her and throws him like a crazed man at her. His men grab her by the shoulders to stop her from getting up or otherwise protecting herself. Each new weapon lands around and on her much to the horror of her daughter while the other two sink into their chairs, hoping to find from their father’s rage. 
“After everything that I’ve done for you? This is how you repay me? By poisoning me? You fucking bitch!” he screams when there is nothing left in his reach to throw. Instead of stopping, the man jumps onto the table and marches his way to stand in front of Jasmine, crushing everything in his path. 
Niklaus and Victoria make eye contact before he gestures to Y/N as a silent way to say “we need to get her out. Now.” Victoria nods and silently slips out of her chair as Niklaus does the same. In the meantime, Brock is screaming more and more vulgar things at Jasmine and spares no hurtful detail as he does what he can to mentally beat her down. The siblings grab Y/N and put a finger to their lips, telling her to be quiet as they sneak out of the room. 
“What about my mom?” Y/N whispers to Niklaus who pulls her into his side as Victoria closes the dining room door. 
A gunshot rings out and answers her question for him. Her eyes widen in shock and she tries to turn, fighting against them as she does so. Niklaus scoops her onto his shoulder and takes off running towards the front door as Victoria pulls her gun from her thigh, running behind them. 
“Go, go, go!” she yells at Niklaus when they hear Brock’s monstrous yell rip through the hall after them. More shots ring out and the triplets drop for a moment before picking up their pace again. Y/N cries against her brother’s back but doesn’t fight anymore. 
There’s no point. 
Brock won. 
Feeling that she’s stopped failing, Nikalus drops her to her feet and grabs her hand to drag her along. Without missing a step, Y/N keeps up with the other two Rumlow children and kicks off her shoes in the process. Victoria fires back behind her as they stop at the front door. Niklaus shoves it open and ushers the two girls out, leaving the door wide open as he sprints after them. 
“Walker! Close the gates!” Brock shouts and fires towards his children who are running for their lives towards the security car kept out front. 
Victoria returns fire while her brother practically throws Y/N into the passenger’s seat. To her left sits a familiar brunette. 
Maria Hill. 
Victoria’s aunt. 
Maria revs the engine and Niklaus slams the door shut much to his sister's dismay. 
“What are you doing? Get in! He’s going to kill you!” she shouts at him but he just smiles at her and nods to Maria. Victoria takes her brother’s hand and together they wish their sister goodbye before turning their attention to their father at the top of the stairs. Even though she can’t quite see his face, she knows that he is full of rage and is ready to murder anyone he sees fit. 
Maria peels out of the driveway, leaving a trail of dust and rocks in her wake as she speeds Y/N to safety. The 17 year old stares at the rearview mirror as she abandons her family behind. She tears her gaze away when she sees Brock march down the stairs, gunshot in hand and pointed at Niklaus and Victoria. 
Maria grabs her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. 
“They’ll be okay. He won’t kill them. They’re too valuable,” she tells Y/N however it does nothing to ease her nerves. 
“Yeah but he can make them wish they were dead,” Y/N says with her eyes staring straight forward. 
Brock will make them wish they were dead, give them a break so they think they’re safe and then he’ll do it all over again.
She can only hope that Niklaus and Victoria are strong enough to hold on until she can figure out how to get them out. 
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Six years can change a lot. 
The entire US Senate potentially turns over in that time. 
Jupiter goes from one side of the sun to the other. 
A person can mature from a teenager to an adult. 
Y/N Rumlow shed her skin as the Rumlow Snake and became Y/N Juárez to hide any connection to her family. Actually she became Jasmine Juárez for a short period of time but it hurt too much to hear her mom’s name so she went back to Y/N. Maria thought it was stupid to keep her real first name but Y/N refused to change it to anything else. Stubborn 17 year olds will do that; refuse to do something just because they were asked to. It took Maria nearly two years to get her to trust her even though they’d known each other for years. But that’s what happens when Brock is in the picture; he takes a person and breaks them over and over again until they become his perfect playthings. He’d done that to Victoria’s mom, LeeAnn, and Niklaus’ mom, Elena, before he’d done it to Jasmine. It was his favorite hobby and something he loved to do to his children, the Triplets as they were lovingly called for being only a year apart each. 
Regardless, Y/N is now 23 and has been safely hidden from her father for six years in Arizona. Her last name allowed her to blend in enough that if he did try to find her, he would have a hell of a time searching through thousands of Y/N Juárezs. Not to mention that he hated leaving his fortress in the lower east side so the chances of him showing up in Phoenix were slim to none or they had been until recently. 
Her apartment always feels neutral and calm when she walks in after work. She always makes sure to turn all of the lights off, set the alarms, and put the essential oil diffuser on a timer so that when she walks through the door, she would be surrounded by peace and lavender. Today, though, something cuts through that carefully planned serenity. 
It’s sharp and metallic with a hint of cleaning chemicals. 
Y/N pauses at her door as she takes a deeper whiff; the air smells of copper. Metal that slides together time and time again. Her body goes still for a moment when she smells the signature smell of gun smoke. 
Reaching into her purse, she produces the small protection gun Maria bought her when she first escaped. The training takes over and she holds it in front of her like a good little soldier as she scans the room before entering. She does full scans with her eyes and gun as she walks further into her apartment in search of the reason behind the smell. 
A light is on in her bedroom. 
She creeps towards the door. Seeing that it’s cracked open, she presses her body against the wall next to it and slowly peeks her head in to quickly scan for anyone, anything.
Sitting on the edge of her bed is Victoria and standing against a window that overlooks the road is Niklaus, both casually lounging as if they owned the place. Y/N nudges the door open with her gun and allows gravity to let it swing as she stands still in the frame, gun pointed at her sister. 
Victoria is the first to look and a wide grin breaks across her face when she sees her long lost sister. 
“Y/N!” she shrieks and Niklaus scolds her with his eyes before sharing the same bright grin.  
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks, ignoring their joy. 
“We wanted to see you,” Victoria lies poorly. 
Niklaus rolls his eyes before correcting her, “He needs you. Well not you but the Snake, he needs the Snake.”
“We have strict orders.”
“I don’t care. Get out.”
“Come on. Don’t be like that,” Victoria butts in. 
“I don’t care. Get out,” Y/N repeats, cocking the hammer of her revolver to emphasize her point. 
“Your neighbors will call the cops if you shoot me.” 
“It’s Phoenix. There’s always gunshots going on.”
Niklaus chuckles and pushes off the wall, taking in the room around him. It’s bare, minimalist to the core with nothing to show that a human with close relationships lives there. He finds one picture in a white clay frame on the nightstand and in it is Maria with Y/N and a dog. 
“See you got in a few good years before she died?”
Y/N’s nose flairs at the obvious jab, “I’ll give you a five second head start.”
“Oh so generous,” he mocks and rolls his eyes again before turning serious, “The White Wolf is after us. Brock needs you to take him out before he can get to us.”
“Not my problem. You have three seconds now.”
Victoria, growing impatient and not wanting to be shot, speaks up, “He’s how we found you.”
Y/N looks at her with confusion before she clarifies that the White Wolf had sent their father a letter with her address and surveillance pictures. 
“That’s not possible.”
Victoria pulls out one of the pictures from her jacket pocket and tosses it on the bed. 
“Clearly it is.”
Y/N snatches up the picture and it does show her in this very room getting ready for bed. She turns the picture over and writes on the back is “ONE MISTAKE AND SHE’S DEAD.”
Tossing the picture back, she re-trains her gun on Victoria and says, “Brock wants me dead anyways so why would he care what happens to me?”
“Like I said, he needs the Snake. He’s made it very clear that he could care less about you, Y/N, but he needs the weapon that he made you into if he wants any chance at surviving this.”
“What do I get out of it?”
“I had that.”
“No you didn’t,” Niklaus says, “You thought you did but with the White Wolf dead, you could actually have it and not have to worry about anyone coming after you.”
Y/N snorts in disbelief, “it’ll never be over.” 
Victoria pipes up again, “Kill Brock too then.” Niklaus and Y/N look at her like she’s lost her mind. 
“What? We’ve all thought about it but she’s the only one who would be able to do it,” she shrugs off their disapproving looks. 
Y/N thinks it over for a moment before lowering her gun and moving towards her closet. It’s Victoria’s turn to exchange confused looks with Niklaus while the other triplet packs her stuff into a backpack. She emerges from the closet to toss the backpack on the bed and sits on the edge to lace up her boots. 
Sensing that she has eyes burning holes into her back, she straightens up and answers their question, “I’ll do it but I’m killing Brock too and you can either help me or stay out of my way.”
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The White Wolf sits in a chair, swirling his bourbon around as the ice ball hits the inside of the crystal glass. He watches the flames lick up the walls of the home and revels in the way that the ashes fall on the grass around him. The flames reach higher and higher until they devour the second story of the house. The inhabitants, rats in his own family, scream and bang against the windows as the fire reaches the room they are locked in. 
He wiggles his fingers at them as a sadistic wave and tosses his head back to swallow the rest of the bourbon. Throwing the glass at the fire, the White Wolf stands and motions for his men to follow him to their cars. His right hand man, Sam Wilson, whispers something into his ear and he smiles that wolfish grin. 
“They’re enroute,” Sam confirms when they climb into the car. 
The White Wolf nods, “Looks like I’ll get to meet Rumlow’s famed Snake after all. How long until they’re here.”
“Five, six hours max.”
“Send Steve to his house in five hours then. Have him wait there until he gets eyes on the Triplets. I need visual confirmation that they are all in the city.”
Sam nods and calls Steve to relay the message. The car pulls out of the driveway as the house becomes completely engulfed in flames. 
“Oh and tell the fire department to wait until tonight to respond,” he adds and Sam nods once again. 
The White Wolf settles back into his seat, closing his eyes as he allows the comfort of the leather seats to surround him. Relaxation is rare for him but he takes it when he can get it and with Brock acting a fool lately, it’s seeming like those moments are going to become increasingly more rare. 
Until relaxation can return to his everyday life, he’ll settle for choosing chaos everywhere he goes.  
It’s what he does best. 
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Gravity Falls Headcanons
Bill calls Ford, Icarus
Ford calls Mabel ‘sunshine’ and ‘princess’
Dipper sometimes sneaks out the house with Stan to go star gazing on the roof, they just talk about anything and everything
Mabel knows Fords hand size and makes him handmade gloves for when he’s self conscious about his hands and/or in public
Stan had a pet parrot when he was in high school
He named him Mr. Pickles
Stan tried to go to college a few time but either chickened out or had to skip town because the police were catching up
He eventually gave up trying
Ford had a fling with McGugget in college
Dipper and Robbie usually don’t get along but one time when Wendy was gone for a family trip, Dipper invited Robbie over to the shack for a horror movie marathon and they actually had fun (and also figured out that Robbie likes romcoms)
Mabel makes a new sweater everyday, sometimes makes one based on a person (she made a sweater for Lazy Susan made entirely out of cat hair) or a feeling she had that day (she once made a sweater entirely out of glittery fabric because she said she ‘felt like the crab from Moana’)
Pacifica and Mabel are dating but have to hide it from Pacifica’s parents because their homophobic (though if you ask a few of the guys around town, they’ll say Preston is a ‘wild cowboy’)
The Pines family tends to stay very far away from saying Bills name for the sake of each other except on certain days where they gather together and trauma dump to finally get the weight off their shoulders and just hug each other while watching Disney movies
When Bill would posses Ford in their early days, he would be violent but very flirtatious. This caused some old feelings in McGugget to return and eventually ask Ford out on a date, which he accepted but it never went further
While he was in between dimensions, Ford has been held hostage countless times and almost became a king of an entire planet
Filbrick abused Ford and Stan, mostly verbally and sometimes physically
Sherrie was a very protective brother but unfortunately wasn’t around when Stan and Ford started getting abused by their dad so when he came home after being in the military and he found out what happened, he nearly beat the shit out of Filbrick and gave Ford a serious talking to
Wendy is full on gay panic
She dated Robbie at first because she liked him but when high school started again, she quickly realized that testosterone was not her cup of tea
Wendy’s a lesbian, Stan’s bisexual, Ford’s panromantic and asexual, Dipper’s questioning, and Mable is pansexual
Bud and Stan used to date
Stan’s always wanted kids but once he was kicked out, he was never able to settle down and he was always afraid that he’d screw it up or be kicked out again
He still wants kids but he doesn’t think he deserves it anymore and with his age, he doubts he’d be able to land anyone with kids that are still kids
Besides, he’s got Dipper and Mable, his hands are already full during the summer (though he won’t admit it, he wishes he could keep them forever, he loves them so much and cries every time they leave)
Stan goes with Ford into the woods to see mythical creatures every chance he gets, wanting to make up for lost time
About a week before Mable and Dipper leave, the Pines family has a day where they all go out and sleep under the stars, telling fun stories of the summer and relaxing
After Gideon accepted Mable doesn’t like him, he and Mable became best friends and have countless makeovers, sometimes with Pacifica
Wendy teaches Dipper how to live in the woods and protect himself from wild animals
Ford takes Mable on small adventures to have mindless fun (he won’t admit it, but he’s considered her as his favorite from time to time)
Stan teaches Dipper how to box
Stan secretly threatens any bullies Dipper and Mable may have by just standing out in their front yard and ducking away when their parents come to check only to reappear doing something crazy like petting one of his fake attractions 
Ford used to help Stan through panic attacks during school and would fight, albeit lose, kids that would talk down to Stan
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lixxen · 1 year
Heaven Is Closing Fast on My Fate (Part One)
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An AU in which The Spot becomes Miles' teacher.
Based off of this post by @bunnyrandom
This is a legit fic and I've put time and effort into. It had to be broken into two parts because it's 8k words.
Part two • title song
"I'm going to take everything from you. Just like you did to me."
Miles watched in horror as The Spot stared down at him.
"See you back home." The Spot let out a laugh and disappeared.
Miles turned to Gwen and the other spiders in horror. His chest was starting to tighten and his mind was racing.
"I have to go home." Miles stepped towards Gwen. "Take me back. I don't need to be here."
Gwen looked to Pavitr and Hobie before looking back to Miles. She had a look of disbelief on her face, but nodded.
"Yeah." Gwen brought up her watch and pressed a few buttons. "Pavitr and Hobie, take care of this dimension. I'll be back."
The two spiders nodded at Gwen, Hobie making a small comment, before the portal appeared before them.
Gwen and Miles stepped through the portal and back into 1610.
The world looked rather normal, and not like a villain with the power to rip apart the universe was there. It made Miles feel uneasy and he did not know how to feel as Gwen and him flew through the city.
Miles made sure to grab a cake before going home, entering his house quickly and setting it down. Gwen followed behind as he looked through the rooms.
"Mom?" Miles called out, and as if on cue his mother appeared.
"Miles?" His mom frowned and shot a small glance at Gwen. "What's wrong?"
His mother put her hands onto his face and he leaned into the touch. He took a deep breath and looked up to her.
"Nothing. I just saw an accident and got scared for a second." Miles felt relieved that she was okay.
"You poor thing." His mother frowned and looked at the cake. "You got it."
"I did." Miles smiled slightly. "I'm sorry for messing things up."
"Oh, Miles." His mother smiled and put her hands on his shoulders. "You're okay. But I don't think your father will be happy to see your friend here."
"Oh." Gwen shuffled awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Morales. I'll be leaving."
Miles felt relieved with the use of his mother's last name. He knew his parents were taken back before.
His mother gave a slight smile at her and gave a small wave.
"Have a good day, Gwanda." His mother said and Gwen shared a wave with Miles before leaving.
Miles watched Gwen leave before turning back to his mother. The two shared a look, one that told him that she knew he liked Gwen and missed her a lot.
"How about you go to sleep early? You've had a busy day and have school in the morning." His mother rubbed his shoulder and he nodded in response.
Walking through the hallways of Visions that morning was odd.
The whispers were louder than normal, all excited and speaking of some new teacher that was finally replacing the physics teacher who moved out of town.
"I've heard from the upperclassmen that he's an odd duck." A student said to their friend. "But don't bring up the thing when you see him."
"What thing?" Their friend responded, causing Miles to look at the two.
The student made a face at their friend and shook their head.
"Nevermind. You'll see." They said and shut their locker.
Miles was now intrigued. His senses felt like a barely boiling pot of water. It was keeping him on his toes and it was extremely uncomfortable.
At least he had Physics first.
Miles walked into the classroom and sat down next to Ganke, who looked more interested than normal.
"Hey, Miles." Ganke's voice was quieter than normal.
"Yeah?" Miles looked at Ganke, who looked pale. This worries Miles.
"Did you hear about the new teacher?" Ganke turned to Miles, his eyebrows pinching.
"No? I've been busy with…" Miles trailed off. "Why?"
Ganke turned back to look at the whiteboard at the front. Miles opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but the door opened. The whole class turned to see the new teacher walk in.
The man was tall, limbs long and awkward. He was wearing an older looking denim jacket and a black hat. Then Miles realized who it was.
It was The Spot.
"Hello class!" The Spot sounded cheerful as he put his shoulder bag onto his desk. He slipped his hat off and sat it onto his desk.
The class echoed a small hello, which made the man laugh quietly. He walked to the whiteboard and picked up one of the many expo markers.
"My name is Doctor Jonathan Ohnn." The Spot wrote his name onto the white board in what could be described as a mix of scrawl and formal handwriting. The letters were tall and skinny, almost too neat, as if he was forcing a good handwriting. "I am going to be teaching you all Physics as before. Mrs. Jennings, as you all know, has transferred to a different state."
The Spot capped the expi and held it with two hands. He turned towards the class and tilted his head.
"I used to work for Alchamex two years ago. I was a leading scientist on the particle collider that malfunctioned about a year ago. I worked with Doctor Olivia Octavius and many other rebound scientists of our time." The Spot made a point to show he was looking at each student by turning his head slowly towards the different sections of the class. "I have read each of your files and teacher notes, so I am already somewhat introduced to each of you. I hope that I can get to know each of you better over the course of the semester."
The class murmured in response, a few kids swearing quietly or them being disappointed they didn't get to introduce themselves.
"Hey! Don't be disgruntled." The Spot waved the expo before setting it down. He waved his hands as he spoke, flourishing his words almost. "This is a journey! I have to do my research. Have you all not been paying attention in your science classes?"
The Spot let out a small laugh before picking up a paper on his desk.
"Now, turn your books to page 328. We have work to do."
"Do you think he knows?"
Miles looked up at Ganke as the two sat at one of the study tables in the library. They were studying together after class and Miles was trying to not panic.
"I don't know." Miles sounded stressed. "It is freaking me out. Is he going to randomly come after me?"
"Dude, I don't know. You're the hero." Ganke shrugged. "But you should totally keep an eye out for him. Who knows what's up with him. I should have called the police for you."
Miles didn't feel any better by that.
"Yeah. You should have.
Miles couldn't help but glance at The Spot.
Every five minutes or so, his eyes would flick up to the spotted man who was hunched over at his desk. The man's focus was on stapled packets that he would mark with a red pen and write notes across.
It was unreal that the man that was destroying dimensions and swore to destroy his life was now his science teacher.
And no one was mentioning that he was quite literally covered in spots? It's been a few weeks now.
Miles looked at the worksheet in front of him and resisted a sigh.
Why was The Spot here? Why was he now teaching at Visions? Was this part of the long haul? Miles couldn't handle it.
Mile's pencil lead snapped on his mechanical pencil and a few of his classmates glanced towards him. Miles idly wondered if his thoughts were being broadcasted, and that's why his classmates seemed weirded out by him right now.
The bell rang and Miles let out the breath he was holding.
"Alright! Put your papers into the hole by the door on your way out!" The Spot sounded like he was smiling. "Let's hope you guys did great. Which, I don't doubt of course. You're a great class."
The students all shuffled to get up and move towards the room, a few smiling at the words.
"Oh! I almost forgot." The Spot turned his head towards Miles. "Mr. Morales, could you please stay behind? I have a word."
Some of the classmates let out small oo's and Ganke made eye contact with Miles. Miles just shrugged and Ganke shrugged back in response before leaving.
Miles walked up to the desk, standing in front of The Spot, who was watching the students leave, almost ignoring Miles completely until the door shut. Then, as if he was building suspense, he turned to Miles.
"Miles." The Spot tilted his head and the spot on his face shrunk slightly. "I'm going to need you to be honest with me."
Miles felt a lump in his throat and he nodded.
"What's going on with you?" The Spot broke the eerie feeling by looking down and picking up a file from the side of his desk. He flipped it open and pulled out Miles' profile.
"What…?" Miles was confused.
The Spot looked up at this. Miles wondered if the man would give him a dumb look if he could.
"You've been skipping classes lately and your grades have slipped in Spanish again." The Spot said it like it was obvious. "You seem distracted in class and always look around like you're expecting something to jump out at you randomly."
Miles wasn't expecting the man to be concerned for him. Did he not know and this was purely coincidence?
"I…" Miles started and stopped.
"Miles, I know your family has a busy life. It's in your file. Your dad's captain of PDNY and your mom is a nurse." The Spot tapped his finger onto the part that said his parent's descriptions. "Are you staying up late to see them? If so, lack of sleep isn't good for someone your age."
"No… that's not it." Miles shook his head. "I uh… I've witnessed a few things over the last year and a half."
Why did he say that?
"Miles, do you need to see the counselor? We have resources for that type of thing." The Spot picked up a pen and notepad before scrawling something down. "I can also help find you a good therapist if needed. Sometimes school resources are tricky to use for finding things like that. I can also suggest good home remedies for lack of sleep."
Miles watched as the man rambled about the importance of sleep and the odd references that spilled from him. The Spot suddenly stopped and looked up.
"Miles, do you have nightmares surrounding what happened to you?" The Spot sounded serious.
"I…" How does Miles answer that?
"Miles, I've been here for almost a month now. You can open up to me if you want to. I'm here to help." The Spot sounded genuine.
"Yeah." Miles nodded. "I have dreams about my uncle dying… and buildings collapsing around me."
The Spot hummed and nodded before writing down something else. Once he was done, he ripped the page off and handed it to Miles.
"I wrote down good resources and places to start for therapy. Then I wrote down a few good remedies to help with dreams and sleep." The Spot informed Miles as he had taken the page.
Miles stared at the page and the bell rang for the next class.
"You're good to go now. Tell your next teacher I kept you." The Spot wrote another note before sticking it into a hole. "You may go now. And get sleep."
Miles nodded and thanked him quietly before leaving.
The Spot watched as Miles left, seeing the kid's figure disappear behind the shutting door.
The man sat in silence for a minute before sighing.
"Class! Time is up!"
The words were called out and students across the room groaned.
Miles watched as one by one, holes appeared above everyone's desk and their tests were whisked away by a pure white hand.
It was amusing watching The Spot use his spots to navigate the classroom.
The man opened up a hole next to Jessica's desk and took her phone right from her hands. He lifted it towards his face, reading whatever message she was typing before exiting the app.
"Hey!" Jessica whined and reached towards the hole that quickly closed behind the disappearing hand.
"No phones!" The Spot laughed and held the phone above his head to take a picture, throwing up a peace sign. "Next time, do it where I can't see it."
He opened up another spot and put the phone back on Jessica's desk. Jessica pouted as she put her phone away. The other students were snickering as The Spot gave a comical shrug.
"What can I do? I am your teacher after all." The Spot stuck his hand into another spot before pulling out a stack of papers.
"Don't take phones." Jessica grumbled and the students all eyed her.
Miles is sure that if The Spot has eyes, they'd roll.
"Anywho." The Spot looked through the stack of papers, comically holding them up. "Do you guys want to know how you did on your essays?"
A chorus of 'yes' came from the students and spots opened up. Papers were passed out that way, and the students took them as they were presented.
Miles took his and snorted at the crude drawing of their teacher on his paper, a little speech bubble telling him he did a good job.
"You all did very well. Some more than others." The Spot sat down at his desk. "But who can help that, am I right?"
A paper, now crumbled up, whizzed past Miles' head and he leaned away from it. It flew past him and it actually made it to The Spot. Not that it'd actually hit him.
Like many times before, the paper went through a spot and hit the kid on his head.
The class has gotten good with aiming objects at their teacher. It was almost like a game; where they'd throw harmless and unassuming objects at their teacher and he'd send it right back. Even if his back was turned.
"Now now. That's not nice." The Spot shook his finger at the kid. "You guys don't appreciate my art in your papers like I do. It's my art isn't it? I'm a scientist, not an artist. That's why my degree is in quantum physics, you know."
The class erupted in laughter.
"Stop laughing at me!" The Spot did a dramatic move of swooning. "I am being ridiculed by 15 year olds!"
Then the paper balls came flying.
"Hey!" Their teacher cried out as he held his hands out, spots appearing to send their projectiles back.
Which they promptly grabbed and threw again.
Miles laughed and threw a different crumpled piece of paper. He wanted to keep his paper.
The Spot crumpled to the floor, yelling about being bested and letting the papers hit him as he laid limp on the ground.
The class slowly quieted down and watched their teacher curiously.
Then he opened spots around him and the paper came raining down. He hopped up with an evil laugh.
"REVENGE!" The Spot held up a finger to the sky.
The knock on the door was almost drowned out, but The Spot turned his head towards the door. He opened the door from across the room and stuck his head through a spot to greet them.
"Oh! Mr. Han. Nice to see you!" The Spot then spoke quietly to the administrator.
There was quiet back and forth before Miles felt his senses kick slightly.
"The kids being a brat, man. He's gotta be dealt with, you know?"
Miles could see the spots on the man's body shift, crackle slightly like when he gets upset. His whole body went through the spot that his head was going through. He was now standing almost menacingly in the doorway.
"Please never speak about my students like that again." The Spot's voice held a crackle to it. "You hold no respect for them, which is probably why they don't respect you."
It wasn't said in a hushed tone, so the whole class heard it.
"When you want to be respectful towards him, you can come back. Until then, please leave my classroom." The Spot took a step back and closed the door.
He took a moment to collect himself, his spots still crackling slightly and Miles felt on edge. His senses were telling him that danger was imminent, but as the man calmed down his senses quieted.
The Spot turned back to his class and clapped his hands together once, interlocking his fingers and tilting his head.
"Who wants to watch old experiment videos?"
Miles was shooting paper footballs at Ganke's fingers, which were formed into a goal.
Class was idle that day, as they were doing a review that Miles was confident with. He felt like he didn't need to go over the material any more than he already had, and the class seemed to agree.
"Any other questions?" The Spot asked. "Specifically any that would get the game of football in the middle of the class to stop?"
With that, a spot captured the paper triangle mid air. Miles sighed as he looked up to see The Spot holding it.
A kid in the front raised his hand and The Spot lit up.
"Yes!" The Spot threw the football paper at the kid, who caught it.
"Dr. Ohnn, if I can ask… why'd you become a teacher here?" The kid asked.
"Oh. One of those questions!" The Spot seemed excited and sat on his desk.
The class watched intensely as the man got comfortable.
"Well, as you can probably guess, no one would want to hire someone who looks like me." The Spot shrugged. "I actually got into a life of crime before this. I was let go from Alchamex because of the accident that turned me into this. So I went down a rabbit hole of revenge."
"Revenge?" Ganke said it out loud.
"Yes." The Spot sounded slightly sour as he spoke, his spot on his face getting smaller. "I got so caught up in proving myself and trying to make the person who caused this to feel exactly what I felt when my life was ruined. I went on to almost tear apart the different dimensions. I traveled to other universes and caused a collapse."
The students were shocked into silence as they stared at their teacher.
"The universe is okay. I made sure that it was stabilized." The Spot looked at his hands. It was surreal seeing him unanimated. "I was so consumed by myself when I came back. I threw myself into figuring out how to get back. I found this job, it was part of the plan. I minored in education to check a box. I could possibly do it while my life evened out and unfolded. Then I took the job and realized that I actually care about this. All of you."
"Did we change you?" Jessica asked.
The Spot hummed and nodded.
"Within a week I found out that I cared about my students and that I want you all to grow up to be greater than me." The Spot stood up again. "Why be angry when I can see you all become something I could never be?"
Miles stared at The Spot as he picked up the expo marker.
Has this man changed? Was he actually a bad guy, or just someone trying to find his place in the world and deal with the crushing grief of his life slipping away?
It made Miles feel bad for everything.
"Does anyone have any other questions?" Dr. Ohnn wrote an equation on the board before looking back.
"Who is your rival? The one who caused this?" It was a kid from the back.
Miles could have sworn that Dr. Ohnn's head turned towards him slightly. But it was probably a trick or his brain.
"That doesn't matter, does it?" Dr. Ohnn tapped the board with his finger. "Now, whoever solves this first will get to stick a hand through a spot."
Miles sat next to Margo, who was a girl in his physics class, as they were having lunch.
They never talked much, just sat next to each other.
"Hey, Margo." Miles started.
"Yeah?" The girl barely looked up from her food.
"Why does nobody talk about Dr. Ohnn's spots?" Miles asked. "Or the fact he's a supervillain?"
This has Margo looking up. She gave Miles a look that looked sour.
"Because he's nice?" Margo said it like it was obvious. "He treats us with respect and is cool. He cares more about us than any other teacher. Why would we bring it up?"
Miles shrugged and mumbled how he didn't know.
"Also. Someone made a deal day one that if we didn't bring it up, he wouldn't assign us the amount of homework we should be getting." Margo shrugged at that and went back to eating.
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shatteredsoul1998 · 8 months
"Nintendo's world"
This is an alternative universe I've created that I will be posting about. It'll mostly be text entries, as I am not an artist, but now and then you will get photos. The thing to know is that it is a different take on Mario's Madness and will also include characters I make, as well as ones not in the mod. I will be doing timelines and character profiles. Now that we have that out of the way... Here is you first bit:
Mr. Sys-In 1889, a man makes Nintendo. He wants his company to succeed, no matter what. So, he summons a Demon Oni specifically, the most powerful one. He made a deal to sell his soul, and his family, in exchange for the demon to protect the company, no matter what. The demon says yes. It goes through hell and back, protecting this company from going bankrupt to literally war itself, bending over backwards. Then one day, the NES came out He watches as it goes well, then gets better and better. He helps it go along, but he struggles with helping due to it being a digital realm. Then, the ad comes out. A perfect vessel. He wouldn't hurt the company if he controlled that man, someone made only for this commercial. So, he does it. The demon, now called Mr. Sys (Sice) was given a true form He put other creatures into the other characters, such as an aggressive kitsune in the Duck Hunt dog, then goes to work, helping with everything and anything. Well, one day, the haunted games appeared. From eldritch horrors to spirits to broken code. He couldn't do anything to stop them... But he could move them around. Every Nintendo creepypasta, Mario, Pokémon, whatever, is due to him. He would help the games go around to victims, keeping the damage to Nintendo itself minimal. He is the cause for thousands, if not tens of thousands of deaths, all kept quiet. He holds power over everything, just due to this fact. He is Nintendo, and he will do anything to stop the company from dying. Now for the fun parts of him- He has a digital library where he can move the games around and watch everything, all creepy games go on shelf. Nothing knows he exists in the games, when angry, his form shifts into a classic kimono from the 1880s-1890s, cards in his hands and a mask on his head, showing true self. He tolerates the existence of Persephone and Daymaker, or at least, that's what he says.
(DOMAIN: His own)
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Christmas with You
Rooster x OC
Christmas with You
Summary: A Secret Santa gift shows there might be more than just friendship between Rooster and Clover.
As always songs that were the inspiration Santa Tell Me, Together at Christmas The Bells of Dublin/Christmas Eve
Warnings: none
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“All I want for Christmas is you In one more sleep, that's when my dreams come true So let it snow, I'm driving home to get to you I know tonight Santa's on his way Though it's been said many times, I just can't wait to be Together at Christmas”
December 21st – Dagger Christmas Party – The Hard Deck (where else?)
Niamh ‘Clover’ McGinn grinned at Phoenix as the other woman danced around to Santa Tell Me while getting ready.
“You’ll put your eye out.” Halo warned laughing as the dancing got wilder.
They were getting ready for the first annual Dagger Christmas Party. It was supposed to be casual, but the female aviators so very rarely got the chance to dress up that they were going all out, nails, eyelashes, heels, and jewel toned sparkly dresses. Halo in blue, Phoenix in red and Clover in green. Once happy with their glam, they grabbed their secret Santa presents and headed for The Hard Deck, the boys had gotten there earlier. Payback had sent the girls a video of Rooster already on piano playing various Christmas favorites.
“You going to try and kiss him under the mistletoe?” Phoenix asked as the video ended
“I don’t think Mrs. Payback would like that very much do you?” Clover teased avoiding the question leading to the other two rolling their eyes
“Come on, it could be a Christmas movie moment.” Halo proded as Niamh opened the door rolling her eyes at them both
“Or it could be a horror movie moment. Happy Christmas Pen!” She shouted at their favorite bar tender, who waved and then gestured to the three glasses of champagne sitting on the bar waiting for them.
“Fantastic.” Tasha declared clapping her hands together before lacing arms with Clover and Halo and dragging them to the bar.
“Where’s Harvard?” Halo asked looking around the crowded
“Oh?” Phoenix and Clover teased, before knocking their glasses together in cheers.
“Not like that, I’m his Santa.” Halo scoffed at them.
“I’m Hangman’s.” Phoenix groaned as she spotted the cocky blonde in his usual hang out near the pool table.
“I’m yours” Clover stated, slipping a small parcel out of her bag and handing it to her friend.
“Ah Clov, you are too much.” Phoenix exclaimed as she opened the gift to see a gorgeous phoenix pendant sparkling back at her. “Who’s that other gift for then?” She asked noticing the other larger lumpy parcel Niamh had with her.
“Uh, Roose.” Niamh confessed ducking her head and blushing, while Phoenix smiled kindly at her friend.
“What’s up honey?” Rooster asked from behind her causing her to squeak and jump and causing him to laugh loudly. When Niamh turned and faced him his laughter died in his throat.  He’d always thought Clover was a good-looking girl, but all dolled up like this in a color that suited her down to the ground, she was drop dead gorgeous. Niamh was admiring him as well, the twinkling lights cast warm glow on him, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with bright red hibiscuses on it and those sinful jeans he seemed to fancy.
“You alright Clov? Sorry for startlingly you darlin’” He rasped, ginning at her when he found his voice again. Niamh blushed and downed her champagne quickly before responding.
“Yeah, just was looking for you actually, I’m your Santa!” She lied pressing the gift into his hands
“Aw no way, thanks Niamh.” Rooster exclaimed setting his beer on the bar and tearing into the gift with the excitement of a little kid. The paper torn away revealed a Hawaiian shirt that had surfing Santas and sunbathing reindeer on it.
“HA HA! I love it! My dad had one like this, but we lost it in one of the moves. Niamh this is amazing.” He stated, already shirking his current shirt for the new one, giving Niamh a fantastic show of his ripping chest, stomach, and arm muscles. She suddenly felt very warm, must have drank that Champagne too quickly.  Once he had it on, he pulled her in to a tight embrace, rocking side to side with delight.
“Thank you honey, honestly you have no idea.” He said pulling away and placing a whiskery kiss on her cheek.
“Bradshaw lets go! Time for me to whoop your ass in darts!” Hangman called from across the bar.  Rooster gave Niamh one more smile before shouting something back at Hangman, retrieving his beer and strutting over to the dart board.  
Clover was still frozen in place until out of the corner of her eye she saw Penny looking at her.
The brunette arched a brow at her.
“Not a word. Pen, please.” She pleaded with the older woman.
“Of course, sweetheart, I’ve been where you are.” She confided with a wink, before refilling Clover’s champagne.
The night rolled on with drinking games, shameless flirting, singing and dancing,  and longing looks when they thought others weren’t looking. When the clock struck 23:00 Niamh slowly began to gather her things.
“Where are you going McGinn?” Hangman demanded having just arrived with shots.
“I have a plane to catch tomorrow and then an obnoxiously long flight. I’m going to Ireland for Christmas and then my cousin Mairead is getting married on the 30th.”
“You know what helps with Jet Lag?” Hangman asked slightly sloppy grin on his face. “Not sleeping the night before. Take a shot.”
“Aye, I will.” Niamh teased rolling her eyes and nudging his shoulder, so he faced the other direction.
“Pheeeeeeeeeeeeonix, Shots!” Hangman called setting his sights on the dark-haired woman.
Niamh laughed and turned to head out only to walk into a solid wall of Bradley. He smiled as he steadied her, hands lingering on her hips, leaving fireworks as they anchored her. 
“So I won’t see you until the new year?” He asked, giving her the puppy dog eyes.
“’Fraid not.” She replied, champagne telling her to grab him and kiss him tell he begged for mercy.
“Miss ya, don’t fall in love out there.” He tried to say it in teasing tone, but he knew he’d be crushed if she came back with some Christmas love.
Niamh gapped at him like a fish for a moment, not really sure what to say.
“Roooooooooooooster, Clooooooooover Shots!” Jake called slowly making his way back to them
“I won’t if you won’t.” She muttered, dodging Hangman and slipping out the door she wasn’t sure if he heard her as she rushed to her taxi. Rooster wanted to go after her, but Jake had his head in a headlock as he dragged him back into the fold.
Rooster was going to kill whoever was banging on his door so early in the morning.
“What are you doing here Harvard?” Rooster groused at the blonde.
“I’m your secret Santa, I was out with my girl, so I missed the Christmas party. Here you go.” Harvard pressed a crudely wrapped gift into a baffled Roosters hands
“No, clover was my secret Santa ..” he stated
Harvard frowned “No I’m your secret Santa Clover got Phoenix anyway Merry Christmas man” Harvard said backing off the from the door
“Who is that” Jakegrumbled
“Harvard, he said he was my secret Santa, but Clover said she was my secret santa she gave me that shirt I was wearing last night.”
“No clover was Phoenix’s secret Santa she was showing everyone the necklace, that Clover got her . She probably got you that shirt is probably because she’s in love with you.” Jake rumbled
“ she’s not. “ Rooster denied, was she? 
“She is. everyone except for you knows. Obviously” Jake shuffled back to his bedroom
 Rooster pulled out his phone and confirmed with Phoenix everything Hangman said.
 Rooster found himself feeling lost, he’d had a major crush on Clover when they’d first met, especially when she stressed her first generation accent and said his name in those lilting tones.
It still seemed to good to be true that she’d like him.
He decided to go for a walk to think on things. Workplace relationships were frowned on and besides that the dynamics could be difficult. On the other hand, he might be in love with her. He could wait till she got back. That way he could shake this hangover and take time to reflect if he actually really liked her or not. Oh God, what if he was in love with her and she didn’t know and she found some Irish guy while she was in Ireland. Irish accents were rated as really attractive, weren’t they? And then she’d be dating him and have his kids, when she should be dating Me and maybe having my kids, or no kids but she should be with me.
He thought he was wandering aimlessly until he looked up and saw he was at Penny’s house
He tried the door, but was locked, so he rang the bell.
After a few minutes Mav opened the door, looking rumbled. Rooster immediately began confessing his feeling about Clover and told him all about the shirt.
Mav chuckled and shook his head. “You really are your dad’s kid, could you seriously not tell she was in to you? “
“What do I do?” Rooster asked his god father, feeling very much like he did when he went to Mav about his first crush so many years ago.
“Don’t wait like I did.” Maverick advised as Penny came to stand under his arm.
“Don’t wait like he did.” She echoed, laughing when Mav gave her an affronted look.
 The plane landed late afternoon in Dublin airport, Rooster was never so glad to get out of an aircraft, it was nearly 12 hours from San Francisco to Dublin. His long legs helped him race past the rest of the passengers to get to immigration. He remembered Clover telling him it was a bit like running with the bulls once the plane landed. A warm welcome from the immigration officer and he was on his way to find a bus to take him to Dundalk.
“Where are you trying to go fella?” The old ticket seller asked him kindly squinting at Rooster, clearly he’d not pronounced the town name correctly, a few more tries and he was told the last direct bus had gone for the day, but he could get a bus into Dublin Centre, get a train at the station and be dropped nearly in the heart of Dundalk in about two hours’ time.
“Planes, trains and automobiles.” Rooster muttered after thanking the man and getting on the bus to Dublin’s city Centre. At least he had adrenaline and seeing Ireland for the first time to distract him from what he was there to do.
The sun setting on the Irish coastline was gorgeous he had to admit, like Clover always said it was. The train announced each stop, and for most Rooster had to admit that is not how he thought the words were pronounced like Howth, Malahide and Drogheda. Drogheda was the last stop before Dundalk and he scurried off the train checking his watch. You’d said your Christmas eve plans were dinner at your Aunt Brid’s house near in Carlingford. Dundalk train station was pretty amazing looking, it looked like a movie set from the 30s save the vending machines, and yet everything was still in amazing shape. He raced up the ramp to get up to street level and find a taxi.
“Merry Christmas lad, where you for?” The cabbie asked he pulled open the back door.
“Merry Christmas,” Rooster replied reaching for his phone to get the address he’d taken a picture off “I need to go to Carlingford, I’ll get you the address….” Groaned as his phone did the gray spinny wheel of death. “Sorry my phone just died; do you have a charger?”
The cabbie nodded and passed it back while pulling away from the curb “You visiting family?” He asked
“No, a friend, at her aunts Brid O’Neill.”
“Ah I know Brid! You don’t need to worry about that address, I’ll take you right there! A friend your visiting eh?”
Rooster breathed a sigh of relief before answering “Yes, a good friend of mine.”
“And your American. Must be Niamh McGinn? She’s a lovely girl now, spent most her summers with my two, Michelle and Seanna Magee.”
Rooster finally felt slightly at ease as the he and the taxi man spoke, Clover often bragged about the friendliness of the town her parents were from, and she was right about that. 30 minutes later the cabbie was pulling up in front of a well decorated house.
“Good luck lad, and Happy Christmas and New Year.” He said letting Rooster out of the car. 
Once the cab was out of sight, and Rooster stood alone in the darkening street, cold wind blowing in off the lough did the gravity of his plan set in. What if Mav, Jake and Tash were wrong. What if Niamh was just being nice because she  felt bad for him or something. Maybe if he ran down the road, he could catch the cabbie and spend Christmas in a pub in Ireland. That’d be a story.
“Talk to me Dad.” He muttered, knowing he only had so long out here before someone called the garda on him for lingering creepily in the street.  
The wind picked up again and it almost felt to Rooster like it was all on his back pushing him forward toward the house.  He walked past the candy canes lining the driveway and glanced down at Frosty before knocking on the door.
The knock stopped the conversation at the table, the family all looked around at each other doing a silent head count.
“Who on Earth could that be?” Brid wondering out loud “Eoghan, go check.” She ordered her husband who sighed and put down his knife and fork and left the table without a word. 
The family waited on bated breath, straining to hear the conversation at the door.  They didn’t have to wait long to find out.
“Niamh, some American boy here for you!” Her uncle Eoghan called as he made his way back to the table.
Confused Niamh scrambled from her seat and made her way to the front room, ignoring the gossip coming from behind her as her family pestered her uncle for details.
“Rooster?” She questioned when she set eyes upon the tall figure standing nervously next the Christmas tree. The cheery lights making him look even more handsome. 
He spun around to face her, his cheeks rosier than usual. “Hi Clover.” He said giving a little wave, drawing a smile from her. As gorgeous as she’d looked in The Hard Deck she looked even better here, her make up light, a silly Christmas jumper on and bright red converse.
“How’d you find me? Is everything ok? What are you doing here?” She peppered him with questions as she moved to hug him. She could smell the cold on him as he squeezed her tight. 
The clearing of a throat from the doorway had them pulling apart. Niamh turned and looked over her shoulder to see her aunties, mom and cousins blatantly staring at them.
“Wanna go outside?” She asked, already pushing him toward the door, shaking her head at the eavesdroppers.
“Yeah” He chuckled, gulping at the amount of people stuffed into the house, if this went south, soooo many people would witness his humiliation.
They moved into the front garden, it was already dark out, but the warm amber glow from the streetlights and the estates many twinkling Christmas lights made the freezing windy garden romantic.
“Now, answer me Bradshaw, what’s happening, are you ok? She pestered him again.
“Brigham spilled the beans; he was my secret Santa.” Rooster started shoving his hands into his pockets to avoid twisting them nervously. Even in the dim light he could see Clover blush.
“Yeah and?” She bit out, going on the defensive.
“So, why’d you say it was you, why’d you get me a gift. You didn’t even get Halo or Phoenix gifts.”
“We did a girls day instead.” She muttered, taking her turn to be nervous, unsure how this was going to end.
“Mav thinks you like me. That’s why he never let us fly together. Phoenix said I was a moron for not seeing it sooner.” Rooster stated feeling bolder.
“So what if I do?” She questioned back, annoyed that Mav and Phoenix sold her out.
“Well, its not fair then that you got me a gift for Christmas, and I didn’t get you anything.” He replied seeming almost to switch topics.
“Wha?” Niamh started, looking at him like he had three heads.
“So, I guess this will have to do.” He continued ignoring her interruption and pulling an ornate bow out of his bag and tying it around his head, grinning cheekily at her.
“Oh my God.” Niamh matched his smile shaking her head at the tall brunette.
“Niamh McGinn, all I ever wanted for Christmas was you.” Rooster stated, his honey eyes boring into hers, his statement making her heart flutter.
“If you don’t kiss him I will!” Her cousin Mairead shouted from the doorway
“Aye, dead on!” Niamh shouted back, before standing on her tip toes and pulling Bradley in by his bow straps to kiss him, sighing as he wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.
Whistles and claps from the house caused them to break apart.
“Niamh Marie McGinn! Did I not teach you any manners? Bring that boy in from the cold this instant!” Mrs. McGinn called from the doorway, before ushering everyone else inside.
“Wanna meet my family?” Niamh asked grinning at him, sliding her hands down his arms to grasp his hands
“As long as I’m having Christmas with you, I’ll do anything.” Bradley replied, kissing her head, and letting her lead him inside.
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||Caught within the trapped Cells: Part 9||
Hi. Today I'm going to try once more to add something of another chapter in this little series. Again, this is heavily focused on the inmates and officers so I hope you like. So we are still continuing but we got a extra for you dears. Involving a couples instead of one.
~~Chapters so far~~
Prison Cells 1-9 (click here to read)
(Your reading chapter 9 right now)
||Drabble Summary||
It seems we got more information as two things were happening. Ryu's group is now trapped on the lower floors of the max prison. Their was something happening down there but it seems something else had come to help out. Meanwhile, Melinda checks up on the inmate Mr. Jackal but he also got the time to 'chat' with her. How will this go? And what is going on down below? Read to find out.
~Strong Sexual NSFW warning ((This is going to be somewhat present in all the chapters. If your under 18: Do Not READ!))
~Rough play
~Dom and Sub play
~demon corrupting an officer
~Chapters will or could be really long
||Muses in this drabble||
Jaron Jackal and some others that will show in later chapters belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths and the same with members from the Lovely horrors belong to @lovelyxhorrors
While Melinda brooks is my OC that belongs to me with some others too. While Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Gin Akutagawa, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, Ichiyo Higuch, Chuuya nakahara are from the anime series BSD (Bakugo stray dogs) canon muses that I rp as. And Willie Watt from the animated series Batman beyond.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please. Also as I warned: This will have heavy sexual themed content. If your under 18, please don't read. Thanks for understand and enjoy.))
~~~Solitary confinement holding cells/under the upper floors of the Max prison~~~
Ryunosuke couldn't believe this. He was still shocked about it after seeing the alarms blaring right now, red lights flashing seeing he with the others were trying to calm these wild animals down. One of the more dangerous inmates got out and was causing a ruckus right now.
And now thanks to that, this idiot caused the Elevator's to lock till everything is calm again.
"Damn it. Guys, we need to get him down!" Ryu saw the giant ogre trying to smash him but Ryu ducks hearing the other inmates cheering for him to break them out.
"Were trying brother!" Gin, Ryu's baby sister, shouted out but winces from being cut by this guy. He was not normal that's for sure but it was a pain. Officer Watts, Higuch, Nakahara, and Tanizaki were working together to try bring this guy down but nothing worked. This guy laughed now swinging his arms to knock the officers back.
"HA! You fools think you can HOLD me!? Me! your worst nightmares! I'll be sure to rip you all apart and enjoy dining on your flesh!" he smirked looking at them as everyone attacked together. Chuuya and Willie slams the jerk down hard on the ground using gravity and telekenisis as he struggles from it. He has a strong will power like grip only to see the two officers struggling.
"Come on you stay down!" Willie shouted.
"Stop being stupid!" Chuuya said back as well to the inmate.
"You can't hold me down! You won't be able to! I'm too powerful for you weaklings to hold me!" he laughed to stand up again but that's when he breaks free to see Willie and Chuuya wincing again.
"Guys!!" the others look to them but the inmate chuckled now throwing some of the chairs but dodges. Gin and ichiyo was near one cell when one inmate was laughing holding them. "Hey! Let us go!"
"Nope! we got cuties to play with!" he chuckled pervert like before Gin stomps on his foot hearing his scream but punches him when other inmates tried to grab her and the others. And Ichiyo hitting the other in the throat as he chocks trying to breath.
"That's it guys! Hold em down! I hope you have enough energy to satisfy all of us. You officers will do just fine. "he laughed crackling his knuckles seeing the freed inmates surrounding the officers. Ryu with the other officers glare ready to fight them so they can get them back in their cells. Even with the break out leader ready to beat them.
"Alright boys....go have some fun! Tear them apart and show no mercy to-" As he said that, a sudden fist hits the giant away from the officers along with some others now attacking the inmates but not the officers.
"What the-"
"What is going on?"
"....I don't know..."
"Did we get back up?"
Ryu heard the others ask seeing this but he was unsure who. The elevator was locked so no one else can come down here unless....
"Oh sorry about that. I didn't expect that punch to hurt that much. Your not dead right?" Ryu heard a familiar voice to quickly look seeing the alarms still going before they suddenly stop. Standing there was his prisoner inmate Matt Knack.
"Matt? How did you-"
"Ehhh, can't explain. Guess the power tripped to my door and unlocked though from what Sid says though...seems you guys have a situation." He smiled his usual smile seeing some of his followers just done scaring off the big inmate's followers.
The group saw the followers or members from the lovely horrors.
"Hey who the hell hit me!?" The larger inmate was angry but stood up to see Matt waving to the guy. "Grrrr you hit me didn't you!?" he shouted.
"Hmmmmm yeah I did. I guess I didn't like being woken up by idiots and you were hurting my officer or our other officers. Can't have ya doing that I'm afraid." Matt said this simply and the other felt his eye twitching. The fuck was this guy's deal?
"Huh!? What do you mean YOUR officers! From what I heard, these are MY officers! I promised my boys they could have some fun with them! Why don't you fuck off and leave unless you wanna join us?" he asked.
"Sorry. I doubt even we would wish to join such a poor excuse of a leader. You don't look like the kind to be one." Sid said looking at the man.
"Ha!? You little-"
"Look, you just don't seem like the type to play around. Why don't you be good boys and head back to your cells hmm? You wouldn't want to anger us.." Shrika said looking to the inmates.
"Yeah, even baboons like you can follow orders right?" Charlie said.
"Yeah, so fuck off!" Jason said.
"If not, we'll make you regret it.." Cobin said.
"Seriously!? You think you guys can beat me!? ME! You should be saying your prayers right now!" He laughed thinking it's a joke to him and his followers. These guys don't know anything about him but what he and the followers don't know is WHO they are talking to.
Matt said nothing but a smile only shows to sigh.
"I get it though before you do, I just got one thing to say to you.." he said.
"And what is that?"
"...Killer Night.."
When he says those words, darkness quickly from from around Matt now engulfing this whole floor into darkness.
"H..Huh? What did you do!?" The bigger inmate said but Matt only looks that his red eyes were glowing. "Go have fun guys.." he said and with that Ryu and the other officers heard screaming as wet squelching like noises, crunching, and stabbing like noises was heard. He nor the other officers could see but Ryu could.
He can see what was happening but he didn't move. "Guys..don't move. Not one inch.." he whispered to the other officers as they tense hearing more bloody like screams from the inmates being killed.
The bigger one was shocked hearing this but was backing up. "What is going on!? What did you do!?" he started sounding scared now as more chaos was happening. Though in a moment, the screaming stopped only to be silent. The bigger inmate said nothing but saw the darkness slowly disappear with the lights back on though he looked horrified at the view.
The inmates that was following him were all dead. Bodies scattered all over only for him to back up shaking. Some having no heads, others being stabbed, ripped apart, even being mauled. It was a mess.
Did this guy and the others kill them?! He saw blood on the group that he started crying.
"Y..You..you guys k...killed them a..all..you.."
"Yeah, we did. Though, it's only because you fucked up by messing with what belongs to us. Those officers over there. That's a big no no down here." he said.
"I.....wait what?"
"It's simple my friend. We don't really care about anything else down here. Most of the bastards down here are lowlifes that done shitty things. Though, the big mess up was messing with what belongs to us. When you tried to harm the officers that's watching over us....you crossed the line." Matt's smile went away showing a murder expression. This made the inmate terrified.
"So....that's a mess up on you and whoever helped you. Oh? And the ones that's still alive, they made a pack with me and some of my teammates so.....the ones that are dead were following you. Tough luck huh?" he said.
"So...did you have anything else you wanna say? Or did you realize you fucked up when messing with our officers here?" Matt said smiling.
"...I figured you didn't so....why don't you be good dog and run along? Before you end up like your friends hmm?" Hearing this, the larger inmate screams running off scared as Matt with some of the lovely horrors watch.
"Well, that's done. I figure they will send others to clean this up." he said or.."
"I got it Matt..." Sid said seeing the remaining inmates that follows the lovely horrors (or their packs) start cleaning and getting rid of the bodies. To show like nothing ever happened down here.
However, Matt's eyes looks to Ryu and the others who were stunned. Though, he looks to Ryu's eyes seeing they were a bit red. He did remember he and his sister were half vampires sooooo....seems the blood was noticed.
He only smiled to Ryu that the officer tense to look away trying not to blush.
"You know guys? This is going to be a while so...did you wanna take us back to our cells or...was their something wrong?" Matt said but Ryunosuke said nothing only to remain calm.
"Hmm? Something wrong?" he asked kindly but Ryunosuke said nothing.
"N..No. Lets just get you back to your cells." he said seeing him look at the other officers. Now, they go ahead with taking their charges to their cells. Even if Gin and Ryu were ignoring the heavy smell of blood lingering but the rest were silent. However, the Lovely horrors had some...plans for them thanking the elevator locking them down here.
Melinda sighed now walking down the hallway that leads to his cell. Jaron's cell. She didn't know if he was up or was he even doing anything. She wouldn't want to bother him if he was busy though something tells her to at least check on him.
She was still sorta calm but she looks ahead to see another door to open it and head inside. Melinda looks to see everything was quiet and yet he was in his cell. She was seeing Jaron drinking some water she gave him for the time. Though, she didn't know what to say to him.
"You know something my dear? If I knew you were going to be this quiet while visiting me I should have gotten you something to help calm you down. Are you sure your alright my dear??" he now focused on her and yet she was quiet to look at him.
"I'm fine like I said before. I just..I just came to check up on you to see how you were doing...." she asked simply that Jaron blinks to close the book and sets it down.
"I'm fine as I said. Just doing some light reading as one calls it. It seems we are still in the lockdown though. I guess another inmate tried to mess with the controls to try breaking out?" he guessed and yet he was right. Melinda knew the others were out and about but she was still worried.
"You....you could say that."
"Seems I was right then. News seems to spread around rather quickly you know. Everyone else knows about this and not many are too..worried about it." he said simply and yet Melinda looks at him before seeing him now focus on her.
"Well, so far, everyone else is staying calm during this right now. But...me, like the rest, have jobs to insure you guys are.....okay at least. Good to know your doing fine but I can leave so you can enjoy the rest of your evening." she said about to stand up to leave.
"You don't have to leave yet. I been wondering how you are doing but it seems you been keeping away. Are you scared I might bite?"
"..Huh? N..No no, I'm not scared. I'm just......."
"Worried and stressed maybe? Or worried about something else?" he asked gently to her.
"You know, I been thinking about you since our last talk. I figured all this tends to stress someone out. My poor little lung dragon. But it shouldn't worry you that much. Everyone else is just fine though. Your fellow officers are doing such a wonderful job with that."
".....Well, we're suppose to. We were given orders of being sure everyone is happy and feels right at home. Even with the events going on, it's our job to be sure your okay." she said simply and yet Jaron sighed knowing that. He remembers being assigned to her when he and his team came here.
"I know though..what about you?"
"What about me?" she sounded slightly confused but Jaron sighed to get up and walks to her side, seeing her look up at him as he looks down to her still sitting . His eyes meets with hers to make Melinda quiet.
"How are you holding up in this? Given the events that's going on. I figure you been well...or has everything been okay."
"Believe me, everything is fine. I'm not stressed or anything. Just....been distracted by things in my head is all. You don't have to worry about that." she said.
"..I assure you I do tend to. I can't have my officer being all worn out or stressed. It's unlike someone as adorable as you to be like that. I wouldn't want that." he smiled but she looks down at her lap while Jaron remains standing by her.
"Though, someone like you seems to be...nervous about something."
"Again, I'm not nervous Jaron..I'm just tired so don't worry. I just do my job and that's it-"
"Is that so?" that's when she felt his hand on her shoulder as Melinda looks to him but he keeps her sitting. Not to hurt her but to reassure her it's fine. "????"
"Trust me, I get the feeling you are my dear. Tell me....is something picking at you thoughts right now? Worried of the inmates here?" he asked.
"No? Hmmm, well if it's not that......then maybe is it due to what you think is happening behind these walls of the max prison. Something involving the inmates that's assigned to the officers here?" he asked but Melinda said nothing hearing this, looking down at her lap.
"H..How did you know about that?"
"Like I said, I have ways and most of my team tends to tell me updates that's going on. Though, you do know what goes on in this prison don't you?" he asks this that one hand slowly moves up her shoulder to rest under her chin, tilting her head up. She looks at him now that Jaron smiled.
"Didn't you know that some get officers tend to help the inmate in anyway possible? Meaning, we have...requests that we ask you guys to help us with. Being it getting something like items, or...something else. That's a simple figure of speech isn't it?" he asked.
".......I don't get it.....but if that's the case why say it that way? We do our mission as Mr. Henderson told us-"
"Oh no no no my dear. That's not what I mean. What I mean is some inmates have......needs. Though, if you didn't figure it out by now, Inmates run this place. Most of them like my friends are in here but we keep the worse inmates from doing something stupid. So...don't you even wonder why most tend to get punished thinking they can take over what my friends did?" he asked.
"...." she said nothing but she did remember the times some of the inmates tend to do something but they ended up stopping or was too scared to right after. Did this mean Jaron and the others were doing something?
"Then...then the feelings I get. They were..I mean.."
"That depends on you my dear." he said. "Things happen in these walls. Where any given an officer go through...events. Private events. We all have needs Miss Brooks. That includes me too." he keeps holding her chin but she only looks nervous for him to release her chin to look at her.
"I..I...w..wait needs?"
"....Yes, Needs. Desires. Urges. Cravings. Instincts of what someone would want..or wish to have to themselves. You get it right?" he was leaning in closer to her but she only blinks that she quickly felt her face heat up. She looks down but he only smiled finding her cute.
"Get it now?"
"I...I umm...."
Seems like she did but Jaron looks to her that Melinda was blushing red now. Is that is what some of the inmates were doing to some of the officers?! Thinking about this Jaron tilts his head to smile moving to stand behind her.
"I..I had no idea. I figure it was something else b..but....i..is that true?" she asked.
"Of course. I wouldn't lie to you my dear." that's when he leans down near her ear to look ahead.
'Though, it depends on what you think about it. From what might happen, it's possible of what you think it is. But think about it, I have given you examples so far right? Didn't it feel good at least?' he asked this to make Melinda remain quiet.
"I....I w...wasn't..I wasn't...."
'You weren't? You weren't thinking about it? About what I could do to you....what I want to do..' he slowly moves his hands to her shoulders then down her arms slowly.
'You know I wouldn't hurt you my lung dragon. i rather cherish you in everything you have. From such a beauty like you even when it's helping you feel everything I can give you. The thought must have gone to your head in a while or during the time right? Don't it make you curious..to wonder what it's like? What true bliss feels like?' he asked to tease her.
She said nothing remaining quiet but she looks flushed now trying to keep calm even if Jaron looks to her. He didn't want to use his silver tongue on her. Oh no no no. She was too special for that. He would to break up fights or keep those other pigs away from his friends and her.
She deserves a lot more better things honestly. And he was fine with that.
"I...I can't....." she finally speaks but Jaron said nothing.
'You can't?' he asked softly into her ear seeing she was gripping the officer uniform pants.
"...I..I said I can't. It's a..against policy. For a...a officer and inmate t..to do such things. It's not....."
'Is that so? Even if you been thinking about it after the few times. It hasn't come back to your mind my lung dragon?' he asked that he turns her head to look at her. He saw her silver eyes again but he only lower down giving her a slow kiss. She twitched from the kiss but she only closed her eyes half way when he breaks it.
"B..but I..h..haven't..I haven't.." she tries to say but he knew it was true.
'You sure about that?' he asked against her lips.
"W....we..I....we re...really ca...ca...can't. It's a..against t..the...mmmmm....." she got kissed again by him slowly that he was holding her cheeks this time with both hands to look at her as she closed her eyes. "???"
'Rules? What rules? You do know as long as we listen and obey the officers we are assigned to by their rules....it's fine. Theirs no breaking rules about it. So don't worry about....why not let your mind wander?..It's not hurting anyone....just relax..' he says this quietly but she didn't say too much.
"Or...are you hiding the fact of something from me. Did something happen?" he asked and yet Melinda didn't respond.
"N..No. Nothing happened I....."
He saw her looking to the side before he slowly looks a bit serious now.
"Did....one of those inmates touch you?" he asked in a quiet tone. She said nothing looking at him slowly.
"I said none of them t...touched or hurt me-"
"You don't have to lie to me, Melinda. Did one of those idiots touch you? Please be honest with me..." he knew she always speaks the truth but Melinda only looks to the side before she sighed.
"...........Y...Yes. One did but it was during another breakout attempt. Me and the others in the area saw he was trying to get out messing with the control panel. However, he.....only tried to take someone hostage but I stopped him before he could." she explains herself but Jaron looks to her.
"He barley t..touched me but...his hands were...all over trying to find a key I might have had but I didn't. I did use my telekenisis to push him away but-" That's when Jaron looks quiet but looks away.
"I think i know who your talking about. So that guy thinks he can touch you and get away with it huh?" he said but Melinda was worried hearing the anger in his tone. Was he going to talk to him or do worse.
"So that means his filthy hands has been on you..touching you is that correct?" he said.
"......" she didn't speak but only nods.
"I see...." he said but he only keeps holding her arms but slowly squeezes her arms gently.
"I...If you are angry d...don't be mad. It was just......during that time. I was able to take care of it so you don't have to-"
"Oh no, i think you misunderstand." he said to look at her.
"I don't.." she started to say but looks to Jaron only seeing his eyes again while he remains calm even if he was going after that jerk later or the next time he seems him.
"Because he touched my officer, I will have to deal with him later on if I see him again. So you don't have to worry." he said simply not looking at her and yet Melinda was worried. What was he going to do?
"But that's for another time." he said. "However right now........" He slowly looks to her that Melinda saw his eye after he turns his head to face her.
"J..Jaron?" she slowly stood up to look at him and yet he only looks to her.
"I believe I have to make this right. By being sure I'm the only one in your thoughts. Your dreams. I will have that fixed tonight." he said. However, Melinda said nothing.
"I...I think I should go. I'm sorry if I angered you by telling you this. I just.....I'll just l..leave." she said turning to walk by him but as she gets to the door, Jaron quickly stops her by gently grabbing her wrist.
"Now now now...where are you running off too? I won't bite..." He said.
"You don't have to leave. Please stay here with me....." he started walking to her as she steps back all shy like before he goes to carefully trap her against the wall while looking at her.
"You mean don't you wish to feel the same desires as the others? You deserve that too you know. Or are you shy? Were those thoughts of yours been distracting you?" he asked.
"N..No? I mean...maybe I..."
That's when she squeaks feeling warm kisses to her shoulder. Melinda right away looks away closing her eyes but Jaron was holding one of her hands gently in his own.
"W..wait a....s...s..second...w..w..e....we.....we s..shouldn't....we c..can't-"
"It's alright, Melinda. Let me help you. I know deep down you been aching for it. I been keeping myself calm but now I rather ravish you to have you drown in pleasure by my hand. So you don't have to be nervous...I'll take care of you." he said this against her neck this time.
"But the r..r..rules-"
"Forget the rules. Theirs no rules this night.....it's just you and me....." He pulls back to look at her while moving his hands down to hold her wrists as she was shaking trapped under him. Silver eyes looking up to glowing yellow eyes.
"Besides, I rather have you for my self so why not let it happen? I won't hurt you if your worried..I rather make you feel good as much as possible. Knowing deep down you were thinking about it, you were craving for it...you desire it after what I gave you. The others might be going through this.....but that don't mean you can't either." he said.
"So for now...let me take care of you, Melinda. I'll be sure you get that..You won't fear fear..just pleasure." he said before leaning close to her that her eyes were hidden behind some of her black hair but he almost kissed her again.
"..I...bu..but I..."
"Shhhhhh........." he says this only to kiss her lips again that she closed her hands into fists shaking again as he was kissing her deeply. For the moment she felt weaker now in his hold but he breaks the kiss to look at her.
"Tonight, I'll be sure you surrender to me...no matter what it takes to make you mine. I'll be sure of it. For tonight...your all mine." he said before kissing her again to one thing on her mind. What will he do to her? Well, the night just started so one will know soon enough.
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dayssincethehorrors · 11 months
days since q!cellbit has experienced the horrors: 0
time since last reset: 14 minutes
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princedyrewrites · 7 months
Rogue AI (Ver. 2): Don't Eat the Red Snow
Here's the second version of my writing assignment! In this version, Billy has a sister instead of a brother. Content Warning: The decapitation of a child and implied massacre.
...even I begin to wonder what the hell goes on inside my brain...
It was early one Christmas morning, the two Walker children rushing down the stairs, their parents groggily trudging in behind them. Mr. Walker nods at his kids, giving them the okay to begin tearing into their presents. Mrs. Walker takes a special gift from the mantle, handing it to her children.   They open the box, both gasping in awe as they stare at what’s inside. A brand-new AT-13 drone with advanced AI. The thing Billy and his sister had begged their parents to get them for weeks but were told that it was too expensive.   "We managed to grab this one on a major discount." Mr. Walker explains, chuckling lightly at their reactions.   Billy and his sister jump up, quickly thanking their parents and then rushing outside to test the new toy.   The first thing Billy does is test how high he could fly it, but after a few minutes of playing with it, the drone began to act strangely. It began jerking in random directions when Billy tried the controller, and then it stopped responding altogether. The drone went after a few bypassing birds, bumping one and seemingly killing another. Eventually it ceased its attack on the birds, now focusing on the two children who were responsible for setting it free.   Billy's confusion quickly turns to a cold terror as the drone flies toward him and his sister at an alarming speed. Billy ducks for cover at the last minute, bracing himself for the impact of the drone... But it doesn’t happen. Instead, he hears an odd sound, glancing up in time to watch his sister’s headless body fall to the ground. The drone and her decapitated head lay only a few feet away, blood painting the snow red.   Billy lets out a dreadful scream, getting his parents’ attention and causing them to come rushing outside. They freeze, staring in horror at the scene before them. The drone buzzes, its now loose blades flopping as it seems to try and dislodge itself from the snow.  That day, the Walker family, and the rest of the city (or at least, those who remained), learned to never buy discounted AI. The price is cut for a reason. In this case, the reason is an AI with a taste for blood.  
...Does this mean I'm going to hell? Lol.
© Prince 2024. All rights reserved.
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five times kissed: ( five times the receiver and sender kissed )(riff for velma)
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The first time they kiss is a little bit awkward, but mostly just sweet. It's late, and they've both just come back from dancing together for the first time, and Tony's disappeared off inside, rolling his eyes at them because they've been giggling the entire way back to their building, and he's probably sick of it. But the two of them, they linger in the hallway, neither quite wanting to say good night just yet. For such a simple night out, it seems like it's been a dream to Velma, she's danced with no one but him all night and her feet ache, but it feels like her heart is filled to bursting. Saying good night means breaking that magic and coming back down to earth, to real life where she has to sneak in as quietly as she can to not incur her father's wrath and hope that nothing's made him mad in her absence. No, she'd like to hold onto this moment, just a little while longer.
So the two of them whisper softly, stifling giggles, and Riff twirls her under his arm, like they're still at the dance and not a draughty hallway with no music. Grinning, and feeling a little bold, she pushes up onto her tiptoes, leaning forward with the intent to kiss his cheek, but in the same movement his head has turned, and their lips meet. A soft blush tinges her cheeks as they part, but the grin on his face has any tension leaving her, and she can't help but grin herself. Quietly, she ducks her head, tucking her face into the crook of his neck, and she feels his lips briefly graze the top of her head. Yes. This is nice.
Riff's such an idiot sometimes.
She'd been just about to get into bed when she'd heard the tap on the window and nearly fallen over in surprise. Tugging the thin curtain aside had revealed him, his face practically pressed up against the glass, with that shit-eating grin on his face that she loves so much. Never mind the fact she'd only seen him a few hours ago, he's apparently decided that climbing the fire escape to her window is the thing to do, even though it's eleven o'clock at night and both of them should be asleep by now. Glancing quickly towards her bedroom door, she gestures for him to wait before quickly padding over and sliding the dresser in front of it. Her dad's asleep, but better safe than sorry.
By the time she's done that, Riff has already slid her window open and is leaning halfway through it, looking particularly pleased with himself, even though there are goosebumps up his bare arms from the cold spring breeze that's blowing. When she asks him what he's doing, he just grins and says he's come for his goodnight kiss. She teases him that he's going to get a reputation if he starts creeping through ladies' windows like that late at night. Still, she pulls him forward by the collar of his undershirt and gives him a sweet kiss. She'll see him in the morning.
The look on his face as he steps through the door of Doc's and catches sight of her tucked into one of the booths says it all: a mixture of horror and upset and sheer anger. He crosses the floor in two steps, sliding in beside her, and one hand comes up to tenderly brush her hair from her face; she hasn't even tied it back as she usually does, and it's a mess, just like the tear tracks down her cheeks and how her outfit is more a mismatch than normal. Still, his eyes lock on the more obvious thing: the slowly darkening bruising around her throat. She doesn't need to say their cause. He knows. It's no secret around these parts that Mr Miecinski likes to use his wife, and more and more lately too, his only daughter, as the outlets for his drunken anger. This though...this is the worst.
Shaking a little, Velma practically folds into him, hiding her face in his shirt. His arms wrap around her, and she sobs. In his arms, she feels safe, like no one and nothing can get to her there. Part of her wishes she could just stay there forever, a little part of her has dreamed of the two of them just running away, going somewhere away from the smoke and dust of the city, where they don't have to worry about their families or cops, where she doesn't have to fret that he's going to get himself killed by fighting with the wrong person. But it's a pipe dream, she knows that. For now all she can do is bury herself further into his embrace, and let herself be soothed by the gentle kisses he presses into her hair.
It's nothing special, but it's everything all at once. It's just the two of them, curled up together on the fire escape, an old threadbare blanket tucked around their shoulders, and a shared bottle of lemonade between them, watching as the sun slowly sinks over the horizon of buildings. They've done this before, plenty of times, but each time it feels just as wonderful, a picture-perfect moment where two fractured souls can come together and just revel in a moment of peace and love. Riff's nose is practically tucked into the hollow of her neck- he likes the smell of her soap, or so he tells her, and his arms are around her waist, and if she could, she would freeze this moment and make it last forever.
She loves him, more than she's ever loved anyone before, more than she loves herself. Riff understands her. And maybe they squabble from time to time, but it's rarely about anything serious, and more often than not ends in them forgetting what even started the argument in the first place. Almost lazily, she tilts her head towards him a little, and lazy grin flits across her face as he responds by brushing a soft kiss across her lips.
This is all she needs.
"I can't do this anymore Riff."
The words pain her to even utter, and Velma knows if she turns to look at him now, his expression will be her undoing. But she has to do this. Even though it hurts, they can't go on like this. She's loved him since she was thirteen years old, but she can't ignore everything that's been going on, that's only become more noticeable lately. He's hiding something from her. That alone doesn't bother her so much. He's entitled his own secrets and she'd never try to take that from him, never try and weasel it out of him. He's not seeing another girl, he's not that kind of guy and she trusts him without fail but this...it's not the secret that's bothering her. It's that he's either missed or been late for three dates in the past month alone, that he's been distracted, that for whatever reason, he hasn't really been with it.
She loves him, but whatever it is that's bugging him...she can't keep playing second fiddle to it. If he can't tell her what it is that's bothering him, that's taking up so much of his time, that's fine, but well...she deserves better. Even coming to that conclusion breaks her heart, but she tells herself it's the right thing to do. Give him space. Maybe one day they'll find their way back together. But now is not that time. Steeling herself, she turns back towards him, leaning up on her tip toes to give him one last kiss, savouring the moment one last time.
"I'm sorry. I love you."
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
(TW: The Billy/Karen thing, implied domestic violence) Billy doesn't know why he says it. Why he even mentioned it. Why he couldn't keep it in any longer. All he knows is that Karen Wheeler had made some passive aggressive remark to Joyce earlier that day, something about Jonathan being a 'quirky' choice for Nancy after Steve, and that Joyce hasn't stopped grumbling about it since.
“Quirky? I’ll show her quirky! Jonathan’s smart, and he’s kind and he’s got so much potential. That’s what she means. And that’s what Nancy likes.” and "How dare she say that about my boy? Jonathan's a good kid. He treats Nancy well. She should be happy they found each other!" and “Quirky? I can’t...I know exactly what she was trying to say. She thinks he’s not good enough. Well he’ll show her. My boy’s going to do such amazing things.”
And Billy's gets it. Kind of. He can see why Joyce is upset. But it still grates on him, the way she's so protective over Jonathan when he isn't even here to appreciate it; how she just won't shut up about it, even though Jonathan didn't even hear the comment and he probably wouldn't even be bothered by it if he did, and it's not like he can deny it, 'cause any idiot with eyes can see that of course Steve is the better choice- with that hair and those eyes and those chocolate chip moles everywhere and those jeans that fit just right and that smile that's like sunshine and a laugh that makes Billy want to laugh along too. How would anyone not choose him? Who would be dumb enough to ever trade that away? Who wouldn't want Steve?
Billy's not gonna think too hard on that. Not right now.
But Joyce keeps on bringing it up. She just won't stop ranting on about her perfect son and how wonderful he is and how proud she is of him and how she's so angry- actually, legitimately driven to fury- just because someone dared to say a bad word about her kid. Just words.  Words Jonathan didn't even hear. Words he'll never hear, because Joyce is dead set on protecting him from any tiny, little, insignificant thing that might hurt his fucking feelings. Because he's her boy.
And it all builds and builds. All of it bubbling up inside of Billy, all the frustration and longing and petty jealousy churning inside him until it all comes out, sour and acidic on his tongue,   "Yeah, well, least you don't have to worry about her wanting to fuck him."
He doesn't shout it. Doesn't even raise his voice. He just mutters it under his breath, more of a hiss than anything, but somehow it's enough that Joyce freezes at the sink, arms still submerged in the soapy water, and then turns to look at him, eyes wide with shock.
"What do you mean?" Joyce asks, "Billy?"
She grimaces, "What…huh…why? Why would you say that? That's not funny."
"No." Billy suddenly feels small. The churning in his gut is still there, but now it's mixing with a prickly surge of shame, "No, I know…I don't…I shouldn't have said-"
He's shaking. His voice is weird. Watery. Thick. And the words feel sticky and heavy as they push past the lump in his throat.
"Billy?" Joyce is coming over now, wiping her sudsy hands on her jeans, "Honey? What's wrong?" 
"Nothing. It was…bad joke. Just a really bad joke. I'm sorry."
"No," Joyce shakes her head, kneeling down beside Billy's chair, "No, honey, it's OK. But is there… Billy? Is there something you want to tell me?" 
The answer comes without thinking. Billy doesn't want to say anything, not really.  But, then again, he knows Joyce. He's told her things before, things he never told anyone. And she helped with those. Made him feel better. Less alone. Less wrong.
So maybe. Yes. 
"Mrs. Wheeler," he manages, "She, uh, before everything…" Billy ducks his head, feeling almost sick with the revelation,  "We were, uh…she wanted…" He can't think of any other way to say it. There's no point trying to dress it up in anything it isn't. "I was going to…to sleep with her."
And if he wasn't feeling so panicked, Billy might've laughed at the look of horror on Joyce's face, the way her eyes go wide and her jaw drops. The way she gasps, hands flying up to her face like some shitty actress in a terrible soap opera before turning to Hopper to gauge his reaction, "Hopper?" 
"Karen Wheeler, huh?" Hop lets out a wry chuckle, raising his can of beer in Billy's direction, "Nice work, son." He hums appreciatively but his smile drops as soon as he sees the fury on Joyce's face. 
"What?" He tries to argue, holding up his hands, "She's a good looking woman, Joyce. I've got eyes, OK? The kid did good. You don't have to be-"
"She's a grown woman," Joyce's voice is low. Dangerous. It's the angriest Billy's heard her and it puts him on edge, "An adult. And Billy’s a kid. It's like if you started sniffing around after Nancy. Or if Ted got his hands all over Jane."
Hopper flinches at that, then his face goes hard, "Don't say that," he hisses. 
"Why not?” Joyce stands up and gives an exaggerated shrug, “It's the same thing, isn’t it? Or would you be happier if he waited until after her senior prom?"
"That's enough, Joyce," Hopper warns, and Billy can see the set of his jaw. The red flush working its way up his face.  He hears the sound of the beer can crumpling underneath Hopper's fingers.  Billy stops breathing. He silently wills Joyce to stop talking. To listen. To finally shut up. 
But he knows Joyce, so he isn't surprised when she doesn't. 
"What about her eighteenth birthday?" Joyce says casually, waving a hand in the air, "Would that be better? It's legal, that's all that matters, right? And he's a good guy with a good job, after all." Her tone turns bitter again. "Would you say 'nice work' to Jane too?"
"I said that's enough!"
Hopper's hand thumps on the table, sending the beer can flying, and Billy flies up from his seat, knocking his chair back in his haste to round the table and put himself directly in between Jim and Joyce. He's alert now, tracking Hopper's every movement, eyes flicking between his expression and his clenched fist.
He widens his stance, feet planted firmly. His own hands curl tightly, 
"No," Billy growls. His heart is hammering fit to burst, and he knows he's shaking like a leaf, but he stares Hopper down regardless, "No. No. You don't touch her. You won't hurt her. I started this, it's my fault."  
Behind him, Joyce is saying something, but Billy doesn't turn around. He doesn’t even move when he feels Joyce’s hand on his arm, gently trying to pull him back. "Oh, Billy, oh no." Joyce whispers. She sounds pained and then her voice turns quiet and gentle, lacking any trace of the venom from before, “You don’t have to do that, honey. That’s not what's happening. I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah,” Hopper mutters gruffly, “Sorry, kid. I wasn't thinking. And I get it now. Karen, she, uh, she shouldn't have done that. Gone along with it or whatever. It wasn't right." 
The tension hasn't exactly diffused, but Hopper's hand is unclenched now, so Billy walks past him, keeping his distance, and goes to finish washing the dishes that Joyce left soaking in the sink.
He hears Hopper mumbling something, an excuse, and then he hears him leave, and a moment later Joyce appears back by Billy's side, wringing a damp dish towel in her hands. For a while neither of them say anything. They work together, Billy washes and Joyce dries, stacking the plates haphazardly on the side, and there's no sound but the splash of water and the clack of crockery to fill the air.  And then Billy starts to talk.  And he tells Joyce everything. 
  ***  Billy should've known it would happen eventually. He knows Karen has started coming around more, wheedling Joyce about Jonathan and his future plans and whether there's been any hint of wedding bells and whether he knows that it's customary to ask Nancy's father before he proposes and how would Joyce feel about a church wedding, because of the divorce and- 
That's normally when Joyce changes the subject. But Billy knew that  this time would be different. That Joyce wouldn't play along with all the small talk with a fake smile on her face and an equally fake little laugh. He knows Joyce. He knows she's going to say something about…it. About him. And he also knows that he shouldn't be listening. But he can't help it. 
Because Joyce's voice is low, but the fury in it carries through the walls, and if Billy had thought that Joyce sounded dangerous before, it's nothing compared to this. He can't quite catch all she's saying, but he picks up a few things, key phrases ringing in his ear like,
"You're old enough to be his mother."  and "He's practically a kid, Karen. He's Nancy's age." and "It doesn't matter what he did. Or what he said. You should know better." and "You were wrong."
Despite what he's expecting, Billy doesn't hear Joyce say a single bad word about him. All of her fury, her disgust, her condemnation is aimed squarely at Karen, and Billy creeps out of his room in time to see Karen seemingly wilting with the force of it, backing away from Joyce until she's standing in the doorway. And then Joyce delivers her final blow.
"You stay away from my boy, Karen Wheeler." 
Karen opens her mouth to reply, but Joyce slams the door in her face, startling a little when she turns and spots Billy standing awkwardly in the hall. 
"Oh, hey there," she smiles, but Billy can see the way her hands are trembling, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there. You OK? Should I make a start on lunch? Or maybe coffee? Coffee would be good, right? I should make some-"
"I'm your…?" Billy steps forward, trying to cut her off, stop her rambling, but his voice gives out. He almost daren't say it. But he wants to know. To be sure. He swallows and tries once more. "I'm your boy?" 
His voice cracks on the last word and it takes Joyce a moment to understand what he means, but Billy sees the moment it dawns on her. The very second she remembers her words to Karen. Her strained smile grows into a big, bright one, so warm and full of love, and Billy finds himself being wrapped in her arms and surrounded by her love, 
"Of course, sweetie. Yes of course you are. My boy. And I always look out for my boys."
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robert-edwin-house · 2 years
FNV Arcade + Boone + mr house react to finding the courier crucified and heckling the legion below them
i have one ask in my inbox im working on but i need to write this, i might make a part two with others but idfk
The courier was always a tough nut to crack- and an avid wander. At first when the courier disappeared into Legion territory, their friend was nothing more then annoyed. When a week went by with no updates and no legion bloodshed then they worried. Searching near Nelson they stumbled upon a gruesome scene. A group of legionaries surrounding a crucified courier.
Craig Boone
From his distance he could only make out the legionaries pointing and laughing. Through his scope he watched for a moment, hesitating and remembering. Slowly he raised his sight to the poor soul on the cross, preparing to free them from their torment.
It was Six. The solider nearly dropped his weapon, shaken- horrified. Not Six. It couldn’t be Six. When he checked again Boone noticed Sixes almost lucid laughter, and the sudden hostility of the Legionaries below. Dispatching the legionaries with haste, Boone nearly tripped down the mountain towards the Courier.
“Took yah long enough.” Six cheekily said, though their tone turned more serious, “You okay, Boone?”
Only then did Craig feel the tears on his check, and shakiness in his hands, “You scare the shit out if me sometimes.”
The courier laughed drily, the desert air reeked of dried and fresh blood, “Just get me down.”
Arcade Gannon
“Oh my god-“ The doctor quickly ducked into a bush, covering his mouth.
He had just walked up a hill, and then finally noticed the legion on the other side. Thankfully they where facing the other way, towards a cross, with Six on it. Fuck.
Arcade watched with horror, freezing up completely. Listening to the legionaries belittle a silent courier. Judging from his postion, Six wasn’t doing so hot, the ropes used to hold them down where clearly days old, and covered in blood- fresh and dried.
“”The great slayer of the ceaser” so easily crucified for our amusement-“ Acrade couldn’t take anymore, would the best option be to free Six from their misery, or to try and fruitlessly free them.
Six started laughing causing the ex-enclave to freeze once more, “What? This is the best you can do? Put me on some sticks in the air, to boil in the sun?”
Arcade shot the nearest legionary, disintegrating them into a puddle. Swiftly dissipating the others, the doctor practically flew forward. Grabbing Sixes top left arm restraint, and a scalpel in his lab coat.
“Oh my god- Did you plan to get crucified by legionaries or was it a spur of the moment type deal?” Sarcasm, anything to keep himself from freaking out more.
“Would you stop cutting me down and leave me to die if I told you I sort of expected this?” Six sheepishly smiled, sweating in the hot sun.
“God. God Six. You’re the dumbest person I know. What the hell.” Arcade didn’t stop cutting his dear friend down however, despite being a dumb fuck, they where his best friend.
Mr. House
His courier was a master mind- the second battle of Hover damn proved it- So House found it hard to believe they could have been crucified by the fragments of the Legion. However his sectitrons reported Six crucified, and jesting with them.
“You’re all pretty pathetic you know, I’ve been up here for nearly four days now and you still have yet to come up with a decent-“ Six was rudely interrupted, when their audience was mowed down by a single secititron with Robert House’s face on it.
“Logically, Courier, you had only a 2.6% odds of being crucified- even if you came in here with your bare fists. Why in the world on you on the Legion’s mockery?” A slightly stressed if not rude Mr. House snapped, rather quickly shooting off the courier’s bonds, dropping them to the hard rocky ground.
“For fun of course! They happen to be my favorite pass-“ Sixes retort was cut off by their own coughing.
Despite all their show of strength they where still human no- cyborg? House verbally rolled his eyes, picking the weakened Courier up.
“I expect a full report once you’re stable, don’t think this isn’t coming out of your paycheck.” Now it was Mr. House’s turn to jest. Despite what he said, no caps would be deducted from the Courier’s funds, he honestly did care about this reckless crazy mailman.
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battlecry51 · 2 years
Lil Miss Wild Thing: Loona Lovegood
(Art by @skrrtskrrtkiddo)
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Name: Loona Madeline Lovegood
Other Names: Loony Lovegood, Loony, Loony Toony, Crazy Loony, Maid of Mischief, Chatterbox, Cousin Loona, The Rubber Girl/Chick/Aunt, Loona Wacky Artist, Lil Miss Wild Thing, Crazy Niece, Aunt Loona
Age: 27
Sexuality: Asexual Aromatic
Sex: Female
Race: American Pekin Duck/Loon
Occupation: Fighter, Adventurer, Artist
Significant Other: n/a
Parents: Malcolm Lovegood (father), Lunacy Lovegood (née Loon) (mother)
Other family: Mr. Loon (parental grandpa) Mrs. Loon (parental grandma), Lucia Loon (parental aunt), Lulubelle Loon† (parental aunt), Eider Duck† (maternal uncle), Abner "Whitewater" Duck (eldest cousin), Mary Duck† (oldest cousin), Fethry Duck (young cousin), Quackmore Duck† (maternal uncle), Hortense McDuck† (aunt-in-law), Daphne Duck† (maternal aunt), Goostave Gander† (uncle-in-law), Humperdink Duck† (maternal grandfather), Elvira Duck (maternal grandmother), Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger (maternal cousin), Gladstone Gander (maternal cousin), Nancy Duck (maternal cousin), Kildare Coot (maternal cousin), Gus Goose (maternal cousin), Donna Duck (cousin-in-law), Scrooge McDuck (uncle-in-law), Fergus McDuck (grandfather-in-law), Downy McDuck (grandmother-in-law), Matilda McDuck (aunt-in-law), Gideon McDuck (uncle-in-law), Casey Alexander (cousin-in-law), Huey Duck (first cousin once removed), Dewey Duck (first cousin once removed), Louie Duck (first cousin once removed), Duncan Duck (nephew), Athena Duck-Alexander (first cousin once removed)
Friends: Mitzy, Launchpad McQuack, Will Magier, Cecilia Magier, Lena Saberwing, Violet Sabrewing
Enemies: Phantom Blot (archenemy), FOWL, Cipher, Lunaris, The Beagle Boys, Flintheart Glomgold, Magica De Spell
Likes: Weirdness, silliness, reading/watching Alice in Wonderland, riddles, sleeping, eating, cupcakes, fighting, causing mischief, heroes, magic, her family, Fethry, fighting, her nephews, arts and crafts, rubber hose cartoons, chocolate, gothic art, horror movies, drawing, painting, helping others with their problems, making jokes, having fun, Powerline, dancing
Dislikes: Rules, Scrooge, people who try to hurt her family and friends, someone bullying, hurting or using Fethry, hot sauce, spicy foods, someone disrespecting her art, Abner's grumpiness, people pulling her cheeks or other parts of her body, someone interrupting or disrespecting her cartoons, FOWL
Abilities: Stretch Magic Fruit (Extraordinary Stretching Powers, Absolute Flexibility, Immune to Lighting, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Senses, Superhuman Stamina), Artistic Skills, Karate and Hand-To-Hand, Combat Proficiency, 4th Wall Awareness
Equipment: Sketchbook - Her personal sketchbook that Loona draws in whenever she feels inspired or sees something that catches her eye. It a black book with a bunch of paint streaks on the cover made by her. 
Voiced by: Margot Robbie (adult) (Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad), Russi Taylor (young) (various) 
Loona is a short, yet curvaceous blonde-feathered duck with long hair tied into two pigtails with pink and blue highlights, and ice blue eyes.
Loona wears a black button up dress with a black button shirt with blue and pink flower designs.
Good Traits: Bubbly, cheerful, confident, fun-loving, funny, ambitious, optimistic, smart, funny, joyful
Neutral Traits: Blunt, talkative, curious, witty, mischievous, nonchalant, tough, fearless, hyperactive, confident, clueless, protective, cunning, stubborn, reckless, simple-minded, gluttonous, gullible, wacky, silly, bizarre, creative, fierce, serious (sometimes)
Bad Traits: Crazy, zany, insufferable, irresponsible, greedy (mainly with food), easily angered, aggressive 
Description: Loona Madeline Lovegood (born October the 27th 1990) is a local artist in her hometown and a Magic Fruit user, after eating the Stretch Magic Fruit at age 7, which turned her body into rubber. She is the daughter of Malcolm Lovegood and Lunacy Lovegood (née Loon), niece of Lucia Loon and Lulubelle Loon and the younger cousin of Abner "Whitewater" Duck, Mary Duck and Fethry Duck. 
A wacky but yet smart and creative artist, Loona has a strong ambition and passion for the arts and would one day want her own creative art to be well known around the world. 
~ Loona's rubber powers are based on Monkey D. Luffy's Devil Fruit powers, the Gomu Gomu no Mi/Gum Gum Fruit. 
~ A lover of art, Loona is a very talented artist, often drawing fun, wacky, silly or gothic scenes. 
· Her favorite art style is using spray paint on old buildings. 
~ According to Lunacy, Loona got most of the loon side of the family like her sisters. But unlike her father, Lunacy and Malcolm love their daughter more than anything in the world and will hurt anyone who makes her sad. 
~ Loona got into art through her father who is an artist. 
~ Whenever someone talks bad about her family, Loona would get into fights with them and always win. Though she would get in trouble, her parents were proud.
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