#cause that's a nice thing to do and it's like bonding time-but i dont think ive really had friends before that would do the same for me
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
yakuza kiwami 3 when
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seoulmates98 · 9 months
I've been thinking these past few weeks about my interactions with my friends and how I interact with them and come to the conclusion that it feels like they love me as a person but aren't exactly interested in me as a person and now I want l kinda want to cry
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aonungyoufuck · 1 year
Runaway {Part 4}
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Synopsis: Ao'nung and you have a talk behind some rocks. And oh oh whats this? A baby??
It had been around a week or so. You had finally been healed enough that Ronal saw fit to train you a little. Finally being able to go home. You thanked your stars that all you had to do now was eat some stew here and there for the internal pain you still felt. 
“Good. This is good'' Ronal complimented your craftsmanship on the basket you had weaved. You weren’t allowed to train in anything else. Tsireya was there for that. But she had asked you for a basket and a blanket. Aside from the proper paste that would dissolve the umbilical cord without hurting the babe or Ronal. 
“Thank you!” You nodded, bowing your head. “I will like to make your babe another Blanket. If it is alright with you” 
“That is fine.” 
“I know you said i cant help deliver the babe. I do know how to if you ever need extra help.” You hadn’t really delivered a lot of babies. But Your mother and grandmother had allowed you and Kiri to train for the woman of your old clan. 
“ I am aware, thank you. If you dont mind. Ill go make your food.” She stood up with your help as you handed her the basket. “You go on and get going. Remember no going until the water just yet”
You nodded bidding her goodbye as you watched her go. 
Walking home you didnt expect much to happen. Didn’t expect to be stopped. But feeling the slightest of tugs on your hand you looked. 
To Your Surprise it was Rotxo.
“Oh? Is there something you need?”
“Come with me” 
With not much thought you followed after. You didnt know why, or perhaps you did. But you just knew this was because of Ao’nung. 
In the time you been healing you had spend the most time with him. It was nice to have a friend in him too. And maybe your heart ached a little when you saw him. Whenever he was close to you.  
You had gone crazy. You knew. All your life you had wanted nothing than to prove your spot to your family. But as of late all you could think about was a mate. 
You were growing older. And soon if things work out correctly. You’ll be an adult in the eyes of the clan. You had hoped it was going to work. All you really had was to bond with a tulkun and Tame a skimwing. And had you not been shot close to your heart. Perhaps you wouldn’t have to stop your progress. 
“Where are we going?”
“Ao’nung is wanting to meet you near the Reef. But away from prying eyes”
There it was. That hint that he would be there to see you. For what you weren’t sure. 
“Sounds like he wants to kill me” 
At that he let out a hefty laugh. And it was nice to finally hear it. You hadn’t realized it. But your near death had caused almost everyone to dim their light. “I think its more to help you train on taming a skimwing”
“Wow jumping to training already”
“He has good reason for it too” 
You could only smile. The faintest of little hope you had lighting up. Warming your chest with a feeling you didn’t know of. 
“He’s past that rock over there. I'm heading home. I still have an awful lot of chores to do.” Rotxo spoke as he started running back. 
You watched him go. Before walking over the rocks and finally seeing the open sea. And there Ao’nung was. 
“Tame a skimwing huh? Forgot i cant go into the water just yet?”
“Oh hush i thought you may appreciate some alone time from everyone”
“That would include you Genius” 
He could only mock a laugh. Watching as you sat down beside him.Something about the past few days had changed everything about your dynamic.  Things were different. The looks were passionate and other worldly. And all you two wanted and mutually understood is that you were better together alone. 
“Ao’nung may i .. say something?”
“If its stupid no”
“Wow thanks” You muttered looking out to sea. “When..When our time comes to find mates Do you think we could still enjoy moments like this?”
“What?” you could barely make out what he said. A longing whisper in the wind. 
“I Know your nearly done with your. Well you know. I have no doubt once you become an adult in the eyes of your people that. That you will have to find a mate some time soon”  and a stinging pain deep in your core wanted to hiss. To think of it was something else. But you would have to learn to live with it. “I just hope that. That when that happens. That we would still be able to talk. And to have moments like this. Tho they are rare and often times distant”
“ And who says that i will have a mate?”
You could only chuckle at that. “Well it is to happen. You are nearly done with your Training. And im sure your mother would like to get started with the next Tsahik training you know?”
“Do you have any in mind?”
You looked at him. Eye to eye. It felt surreal to see him like this. Like it was only you two in the world. And it made your heart beat to a rhythm you knew all to well. You felt it once before. When a boy you fancied back home looked your way. But this was strange. It was stronger and truer than anything else. 
“I do…but it cannot happen” 
“Why is that? When you complete the last task you can chose of any man you want” 
“But i cannot have him” You admitted. 
And Ao’nung seem to understand. Somewhere in his heart he felt light. And like he could fly so high at the thought of you choosing him. You didn’t have to say it. You didnt need to say it with words for he already knew too. 
“ I would run to you more than anyone else”
“I would split the sea if you so much as asked. I would do anything and everything for you. And if you asked me for the farthest star in the universe i would do it too. What ever you so much as wish for at your beck and call i would do it” He spoke holding your hand in his. 
Your heart sped. It continued at a pace you were sure was unhealthy. But hearing those sweet nothing made your head spin
“Without you all that’s joyous becomes like mud. Instead of rejoicing i shed tears. My spirit is never at joy if not around you.For in the world under Eywa. There is no woman born so lovable so dear to my heart, who loves me without feigning, with such a deep love” He continued to look at you. Looking into your soul, you felt light .
You couldn’t believe your ears as your cheeks burned with a want just as he. You wanted him You did but you just couldn’t you knew. 
“What are you saying Ao’nung” you questioned. Entangling your hands together as you could only stare at him. Was he always this handsome? Did he always make your heart race this way?
“You alone are my love and longing. You are the sweet cooling of my mind that makes the days chores bearable. No joy for me anywhere without you here” Ao’nung didn’t know where this was coming from. Something in him just had to get it out. He just knew. 
He knew that he should have waited. Given this more time. To bloom. But you two were so close. He only had one step to go and you two. And he wanted everything to be said now before you ever thought of someone else but him at your side. 
He was crazy. But he already knew that. Ever since you had spend the most time with him and his family. He just knew. He knew he had to say what was so deeply rooted in his heart. 
“Ao’nung… We can’t I am the outsider do you not remember? You are The Future Olo’eyktan. You are the son of a promising Clan. What would your people think if… If we did mate?”
“ I will take no other woman if you do not choose me. For no other one has made me feel like i can take on the world” 
His hand now grabbed your wrist. Placing it on his chest. You could feel his heart. It beat so gently and you swore at the tune of your own. 
You did want this. Wanted to feel this love blossom because you knew that you couldn’t go against what Eywa put in front of you. Perhaps you too had gone mad. “Ao’nung… i”
Feeling his breathe next to your lips. A gentle look as he saw deep into your eyes. “If you choose me. I'd be the happiest i could ever be” 
“Y/n! There you are! Come hurry Mother’s about to go into labor”  You heard Tsireya yell from across the rocks. 
“Lets go. But whatever you decide please let me know as i will wait until you are ready” Ao’nung confessed. As he guided you back to the Clan. 
But right now you had to think of something else instead of what your heart wanted. And cracked so hard for.
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rinbowaman · 9 months
hiiiiii reinna i love ur work it makes my day everytime i read it lmaooo <333
i was wondering if u could make a fic abt sunoo like youre the 8th member of enhypen and since youre not that girly or act cute like the other female idols instead kinda tomboy and baddie sunoo finds you annoying cos hes not used to it but the other members r fine. one day after dance practice (y/n and jungwon r roomates) saurrr jungwon told yn the tea abt sunoo hating her but yn secretly likes sunoo. So after jungwon left to go somehwere idk shopping?? Yn cried n cried n cried and u can basically use ur creative imagination for the rest 👻👻 pls make it smut at the end tho i love it 👻👻👻
Thanksssssss miss bestest ever writter everrrr!! 1!111!1 ❤️❤️❤️
@reyna-ohno - I hope i did you justice ;)
Warnings: unprotected smut, fingering, gossiping, enemies to lovers trope, some minor angst, cursing's, a little bit of hate sex....and i think that's it. to make it more believable, Y/n has her own room but is close with the members and allows them to come hang out. I wrote majority of this while i was on bedrest recovering, so i apologize this is not proofread.
"She's really not at all like the others..." Jake remarks as he sits next to Heeseung, noting that your behavior on camera, was very much genuine as you were no different than how you were off camera.
"Yeah she doesnt seem to be into that whole cutsie thing. Kind of refreshing actually."
"Yeah man, i think so too."
Everyone could relatively agree, to see you be yourself, it was new and fresh, and a delight to see. For Sunoo, it was an abomination.
While you were filming alongside Jungwon, while you were chic and stylish in your own manner, you opted for casual and simple flares of fashion rather than the traditional girly and fancy type. With a loose pair of jeans on, a fitted tee shirt with a matching baseball cap, you displayed your smile and laughter by having a good time being the only girl member in the band.
Watching from aside, Sunoo glares and rolls his eyes. Next to him, Sunghoon pops over and gives him a slight side bump to break the silence after noting the look of irritation on his face. "Whats got you all worked up?"
"Why can't she just be like the rest of the girls in the industry? She's not at all doing well on these weverse lives, people want to see cute girls being....cute...not relaxed and chilled."
"give her a break, she's just being herself man. Can't be mad at that."
"I'm not mad i just.....i just dont get it." Sunoo shakes his head as he turns and walks away with his arms crossed, obviously irritated by your lack of enthusiasm when it came to attempting to be adorable, much like your counterpart, Jungwon. For a young man to be far more agile in being cute in his mannerisms, more than you, that usually was an indicator that you were someone who was far too much of a hopeless cause. Truth of the matter, Sunoo knew what the public liked, he knew that fans liked it when idols did silly and cute things like finger hearts, squinting eyes while displaying a cat like smile, or making high pitched sounds. You didn't do any of that, nor did you attempt it, which caused him to wonder if you were going to be the downfall of Enhypen.
Finishing the live stream, you and the boys all made your way back home to the dorm where you nestled yourself in you room, conveniently next to Jungwon's, who had developed a close bond with, much like a sibling. Since receiving your room assignments, being the only girl, you got your own room, yet it was nice to have Jungwon right next to you, since it was easy for him to come in and out to visit all throughout the night to hang out or watch tv together. Tonight was no different, especially with the new episodes of your guys favorite tv show coming out.
*Knock knock*
"come in." you softly call out, and as expected, you watched as Jungwon brings in a plate of fresh hot hotteok, and tea.
"did you start it?"
"no not yet, was waiting for you."
settling in as he places the plate and two cups on the table, you both prepared to watch the latest episode. As the opening credits rolled, Jungwon took the opportunity to talk about the vlive from earlier.
"Hey so......only because i'm the leader.......but......does it bother you that Sunoo.....well....you know...."
Raising your eyebrows in confusion as you munched on the honey filled treat, you looked up and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"
"You dont know?"
"Know what?"
Jungwon sighs as he curses himself for opening a door that he wish he hadn't. "nevermind."
"Nooooo...dont be like that....tell me."
"its just....well....he really doesnt like you......and he makes it obvious."
Stunned, your eyes grew wide as you felt your heart drop. "Oh....he does?"
"yeah......do you want me to talk to him about it?"
Shaking your head, you kept your composure as best as you could. "No...its fine.....i'm sure he'll get over it."
Jungwon smiles in return. "yeah, i'm glad you're not too upset about it."
But the fact of the matter was, you were upset....deeply. No one would know of it, since you were very much strategic in keeping it hidden, but you were quite fond of Sunoo....you actually liked him even....so much, that you caught yourself dreaming of him, fantasizing on what it would be like to snuggle up with him, going on dates, or just being in his embrace and smelling his cologne.
You held it all in and the entire night, one episode after another, you felt as if your heart was punching your chest outward.
"Well, i'm gonna go to bed. we got an early morning tomorrow, so dont stay up too late."
"Okay." you feigned a smile as you watched him walk out. The moment you left the room, you hid yourself into the dimmed lighting in your room and began crying. You felt hurt. Did Sunoo really not like you? Why? You both hardly shared any words to one another. Yet it all started to make sense, for all the times you though back when you tried to make conversation, only to watch him side eye you as he would get up and leave the room. There were other moments too, such as whenever you would sit right next to him, and he'd let out an exhausting sigh, and get up to walk across the other side of the room to sit in a different seat. Initially, you didn't think much of it, you had thought he merely was just shy or just was not used to being around female idols. But now......it all makes senses. The man who you really wanted to be with....the one you admired from afar, day dreamed...the one you would do anything for, actually disliked you.....hated you......
Sobbing away into your kneecaps as you held your legs to your chest, you failed to notice that Jungwon had mistakenly left your door cracked open, not shutting it all the way through. With the bit of the dimmed lighting peeking out from the crack, the hallway remained pitch black with just a strip of the orange and yellow hue coming from your room.
Walking up after grabbing a bottle water from the kitchen, Sunoo strolls through the same hallway, all to reach his room at the end of the corridor.
hearing the faint sounds of your sobs, he takes a swig of his water and gulps it down as he sides eye the slivers crack in the door.
“is she….crying? What is her deal?”
sighing out in frustration, he took the chance to enter and see if he could get you to stop, considering your room was across from his. With all that sniffling and whimpering, it would be hard for him to get some sleep with your cries echoing in the hall. Walking into the dimmed room, he gently shuts the door behind him and walks further in. Breaching the opening of your room, he stands straight and leans against the wall while watching your pitiful state. Taking another gulp of water down, he rolls his eyes as he breaks the silence.
“you know if you’re going to cry, you can at least have your door shut all the way through so you don’t wake anyone.”
jolting out of your fetal position, you look up him with your tear stained face. Shocked, your eyes were wide and glossy, pieces of your hair remained plastered on your face and you softly whimpered out a few sniffles before stuttering out an “s-sorry….”
eyeing you down, he takes yet, another gulp from his bottle. Switching his gaze to the floor as he screws the cap back on, he crosses his arms before asking you the big question, merely because he grew curious after seeing your face.
confused, you sat there in silence and looked off to the side before turning back to him. “……um….s..sorry?”
sighing out as he rubbed his temple, he finally speaks out. It was soft yet firm, with a low tone….much lower than what he normally dispelled.
“bitch why are you crying?”
taken aback, your eyes became overflowing with the stinging of tears once more when you heard his harsh tone. Whimpering into your kneecaps again, he rolled his eyes in defeat as he regains composure and attempts this once more.
“okay okay look….just tell me why you’re crying. Can you do that? Hmm? Can you just stop and talk for a second? I’d like to eventually get some beauty rest.”
you shifted over and turned your back towards him.
“just go sunoo…….you’re not going to be the solution to any of my problems right now.”
gaining width in his widened glare, you heard his foot steps and thought he was walking in the opposite direction to exit the room. It wasn’t until you felt his weight plopping beside you that you realized he was sitting right next to you. Not only that, but the moment you heard his careless whisper, how his hot breath touched your ear, you knew he was far closer than he had ever been with you.
“Why is that?” He whispered into your ear. you shuttered as you felt an electric shock travel up and down your spine.
“stop! Why are you here? Why do you even care or try? I know you hate me…..just….leave me alone.” You broke down and began to sob as you lashed out the truth.
he didn’t deny it, nor did he try to argue with you on your statement, he did in fact, borderline hated you. Though hearing you say it aloud made him feel a certain type of way about it.
“you’re right….I do hate you.”
“could you please just go……..I….I don’t understand…I’ve never done anything to you….I’ve tried to be nice and I’ve always been helpful…..I’ve……I’ve don’t everything I could to make you see how much I care…” breaking down, you sobbed as you curled your body in.
“I know.” He admitted, nonchalantly at that, as if he knew all this time yet still found it suitable to hate you. But that’s as all about to change….
feeling his hand grasp your shoulder and turning you over, in a rather forceful nature, you gasped out in shock as you witness his frame hovering over you. His feline eyes staring right into your iris and a soft, very faint smile appeared on his pouty lips.
his pupils shift in random direction as he takes in y the sight of your face. Releasing a soft chuckle, he calmly speaks out.
caught off guard, he blinked in shock before uttering an “excuse me?” Bidding him to clarify.
“I said, ‘cute’. Does crying make you deaf too?”
“why are you being this way? I don’t get it…..”
“welcome to my world."
"What is your problem!?" you snapped. you've about had it with his cocky attitude and the lack of sincerity in his tone. Yet the moment he pinned you down as he leaned further in, with his nose pressed against your cheek and his hot breath grazing against your lips, you were shocked still.
"you know, you put on that act to behave like one of the guys. you act cool and casual, and you treat all aspects of being a girl as something that is beneath you. yet look at you now.....crying and looking so adorable......so soft....all your feminine features coming out with each tear drop you cry out."
"ar.....are you toying with me?"
"Maybe.......is that bad?.....is that something that bothers you?"
Shrugging from left to right, you try to break free from his grasp as he began to hold on to your wrists. "huh....you're even cuter when you struggle."
"stop it! get off of me!"
"I will.....if you can get me off." he smirks with that sly smile that he was known for. You gave in as you break down from feeling the immense different in strength. Despite being the carefree and adored idol he was, Sunoo was indeed still, a man.
"Why .....just why....?"
Smirking once more, he leans further in and pauses just before his lips are met with yours. "ddeonu" he whispers.
You raised a brow in annoyance as you whispered back. "is that supposed to be funny? like a joke?"
Once more, he whispers back "ddeonu....you tell me...." smiling and smirking against your lips, you faintly smile back as you feel his grasp loosen and soften up, with his finger tips stroking your skin.
"do. you really hate me?" you asked.
Before he could answer, you softy whispered and cut him off. "let me guess.....ddeonu?"
His eyes widening for a moment, he whispers firmly and tells you, "say it again."
Leaning slightly upward, you softly tell him......"ddeonu....."
His lips lock yours in. His hands eagerly roam up and down your body. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders as you feel his grope slightly shift your body upward from the overwhelming sensation of his soft skin traveling all over your stomach, your breasts, and your ribcage. breaking the kiss to catch his breath, ultimately allowing for you to do the same, he breathes out his gasping words as he rips your buttons apart.
"Whine for me....little girl."
"No Sunoo...."
"Do it."
Kissing you, he shoves his hand down your shorts and flickers his two fingers against your clit. Just as he wanted, you whimper into his mouth as he holds your wrists down with one hand. "Whine some more." he breathes out.
Meshing his lips with yours, he rubs your slit up and down and presses his palm on it as he clams a grip and shoves his tongue deeper into your mouth.
Breaking free for a moment, you turn your head and gasp out. "God!.....I hate you i swear."
"Do you now? Tell me how much you hate the fox." he mumbles against your lips, as. he pulls down your shorts and panties, rolling them down past your kneecaps.
"Sunoo....." you whispered out.
Hovering over, he props his frame on his knees and pulls his shirt off, loosening his sweatpants, he leans back in and props his chest to remain heightened just above your exposed breasts as he uses his arm to stilt himself up. His hair loosely draping down as he eyes you with an intrigued glare.
"you look so cute when you cry...."
"........you're crazy."
"every sly fox is." he smirks as he kisses you once more, this time it was tender, and more gentle. Leaning all the way down, you relished as his body melts into yours, your arms wrap around his neck as you feel him probe your entrance. Gasping for air, you grip on to his shoulders and dig your fingers in as you feel him slide the remaining length inside you.
"Y-you...you're not wearing a condom." you breathed out, wincing your eyes shut as you felt the sting of him inserting all the way through.
"Don't worry.....i know you're a good girl....and you know i'm clean.....considering we're with each other all the time." he heavily breaths out upon feeling the pressure of your entry squeezing him as he bottoms out inside.
It was true, since you always had feelings for the man to your right, you never once paid any mind to all of your fans, the other idols, or staff that showed interest. You remained faithful to a dream that you never thought would have come, yet you stayed hopeful. The dreams alone, were enough to get you by, now that you were in this moment, it all felt surreal.
"Ah! You...you're too big!"
Kissing you tenderly, he begins to thrust slowly and deeply. "Yeah?....It might be because you're super tight." wincing at the last part, he grits his teeth slightly as he pulls out yet kept the tip nestled in before shoving himself all the way back in through.
"Fuck.....you're really tight......" breathing in deeply into your ear, he caresses both sides of your head and twirls his fingers with your hair as he softly kisses your helix, nibbles on your lobe and licks the inside of your ear canal.
"Ugh! ugh! Sunoo!" you gasp out as you release each pleasurably moan and bite your lip. Remaining in the missionary position, Sunoo props himself up as he lifts both your legs and rests them over his shoulders. "S...sstop." you shyly utter out as he positions you to be fully exposed and in his view. "Shhhh......be a good girl." breathes out as he reaches around one of your thighs and circles the pad of his thumb on your clit. With your hips dipping high and low with each thrust, he picks up the pace upon seeing how delectable your breasts looked as they jiggle up and down from his momentum.
"Oh.....shit....move like that some more baby girl...." he gasps as the sweat beads drip down and his hair glistens and becomes slick wet. "Move...baby....move some more...." thrusting in faster and faster, you lose breath as his bumping thrust instilled a raging sense of pelting pleasure that penetrates deep into your chest.
"Oh.......oh my god...fuck.......what.....what are you doing??...." you gasp out as you bite on to your finger as you shift your face off to the side, your body drenched with sweat as you take in thrust after thrust. Feeling him easily sliding in, you felt your body leaking the bit of moisture onto his lengthy shaft as his thrusts and friction caused it to thicken and cream up on the base of your opening, with a reside ringing around his length.
"Shhhh......take it cutie....fuck.......take it all." he gasps out as he thrusts in deeper, leaning back in as his chest rests atop your breasts, locking your lips in once more. Your moans started to pick up volume, so he swoops a hand and gently covers your mouth while planting his lips on your forehead, taking in the feeling of your face jolting up and down as he pelts you with his hip thrusts. "Oh you're so fucking good.....you know that?" he whispers as he kisses your sweaty brow line as you moan out your muffled answer into his palm. "keep taking it.....just......shit....little more......r-...right there...." gasping out a deep breath, he pulls out his shaft and watches as the slime of your body's lubricant and his pre-cum lines a bridge between your entry and his tip. Aiming for your breasts, he holds his shaft steadily in his palm as he releases and paints your chest with his seed. Chuckling as he catches his breath, he kisses your face tenderly as you whimper out, trying your best to calm your heartbeat.
"Can't get you pregnant....not yet.....staff and company wouldn't like that....." with a tender kiss, he softly rolls his tongue around, massaging the inside of your cheeks as he continues.
"but maybe.....a little later......maybe we'll make something as cute as you.....hmm?"
Tired, breathless, weakened and limp, you whispered out "ddeonu...." to which he laughs as he keeps his lips planted on your cheek.
"I do...."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
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Geneuary prompt Mermaid / Magical
People I can not tell you how happy I am with how this one turned out >w<
I'll be honest... I forget today was prompt day XD I didn't find out until I saw @golden--doodler post (beutiful drawing by the way)
And talking about golden doodler thanks her for this one cause I was actually not gonna post anything for mermaid XD for real I decided to let 2 prompt out for different reasons and this was one of them.
I didn't know what I wanted to draw on this one, magical was too general for my brain and mermaid was the one that caught my attention the most. But didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
But then golden made me think in the Little Mermaid, and Gene and Rudy been Little Mermaid fans, and they bonding over the Little Mermaid, and this practically drew by itself... and I had to add a jelous Louise, cause I have to.
Gene is always stealing his mans, first Bob and now Rudy XD (Spaghetti Western and Meatballs reference) (of of my fav episodes)
So yeah.
Did I color it this way cause I had short time? Actually no, which made me very proud.
I really envisioned like this, since I made that Jimmy Jr x Zeke piece (you youngsters say Jimmy Jr/Zeke) I wanted to do something similar... if you dont know about what drawing am I talking about thats alright is a little old 😅
But yeah, really like this one, could be my actual fav, if I do say so myself (see I do one nice thing and it goes straight to my head 🙄)
Oh and the text is in spanish cause this is from my childhood memories and as a child if I heard the smallest word in english I would burst into tears... I was englishfobic as a child. The irony.
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neolxzr · 9 months
i think more people should consider the potential of rinne and shu as like. kind of friends
like i think the idea of shu being genuinely surprised by rinne's real personality over the front he puts up is SO GOOD like imagine he gave shu an actual genuine compliment on something he's working on. like he'd say some shit like of course its phenomenal i, shu itsuki made it etc. but he'd be so taken back. or better yet rinne says something nice about MIKA's art. mika makes cool weird shit i think rinne would love it and also he'd gain a couple points in shu's head cause shu thinks mika is the next van gogh
rinne is part of craftmonster and probably would have some interesting things to say about art and the act of creation and shu could probably even learn some things from him about the creative process and not focusing so hard on an end product and just enjoying creating. like theyd still banter a lot but they might actually squeeze a genuine conversation about art in there
also just thinking about some unseen moment after artistic partisan valkaloid collab rinne telling both valkyries thank you for looking after hiiro and being kind to him and theyre like wow. hes actually a pretty good guy. and then he goes back to being annoying as usual
they also have such interesting parallels in the sense that they both feel incredibly indebted to the person who saved them (mika/niki). like if you think about it for a second theyre REALLY similar in that regard. they both have someone they consider to be their light in the dark and even their reason for doing a lot of what they do and i think they should bond over it. i dont know how this hypothetical heart to heart would come about but like what if it did. you know
like i think theyre the kind of friends that no one really understands why they are friends and they dont really either. but theyre standing around talking in the cospro office for the 3rd time this week and shu is outwardly annoyed but is making no effort to leave and everyone just accepts it
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zishu-arts · 1 day
1. What's ur fav avm ep? Or generally ava ep
2. What's ur fav short?
3. And favorite character? Why is that your favorite character?
4. Do u kin anyone? Why?
5. What are your thoughts on King Orange? Personally, I do love the character but I wanna see some controversy. He was forgiven too easily. Do you think that he's affected by immense guilt of his actions? Pls go in detail as much as you wish
6. What are your favorite (hc or not) relationships? Doesn't need to be romantic. Do you have thoughts on relationships between characters that haven't interacted? Or some hc on characters that did (example: I love the hc on Purple and Red hanging out so often that Red goes to visit Purple for advice on PRANKS out of all things)
If I think of something more, I'll send it through!!
1). i dont think i can pick a favorite since there's so many but i love rewatching Lush Caves, Ultimate Minecart Race, The Chef, The Ultimate Weapon (and honestly just the entire KO arc lmfao). For AVA its gotta be The Showdown it's just SOOO GOOD the animation, the concepts, the plot, ahhhh
2). hard once again, but Music Lesson is so goddamn funny
3). THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD (red is my second favorite tho). okay so, honestly it's just the amount of potential and trauma i could give him. i love his character and lore like, the idea of the Mission Code. what does it mean that you've been created for the sole purpose to destroy, and what does it mean that the person you're made to destory become your best friend? like, the existance of that code brings up so much potential and you could literally take it in so many ways. and like, just the story of cho and dark being two people who were coded for a purpose and run away. what...happens to that purpose? what are you supposed to do now? it's very "what am i if not a weapon?" "yourself. isn't that a wonderful person to be?" (i also dont remember where this quote is from). and also, i look at this little bastard and i think ah yes, he is a goddamn maniac. absolutely insane. i can make him as unhinged as possible and i think that's amazing.
i also think it's great that it's so easy for me to just do whatever i want with him like he's some dress up doll. i've got a genderbent version of him. i've got him with ADHD. i've got him with autism. i've got him trans. he's depressd. he has anxiety. he's in love. there's no saving him.
i also like that like. he's dead. he might not be dead. who fucking knows? and he's such an interesting character, is he evil, is he nice, does he care, what does he like? i want to know everything about him and i want to squish him like a little ball
(i alos like that he's very easy to self project into)
4). hmmmm honestly? i only ever kinned like one character (yuki from horimiya) so im not too familiar with actually kinning. if i had to pick, probably red, mostly cause i see him as a hyper possibly ADHD guy who's always running head first into situations without a thought and think damn he's jus tlike me fr
5). KO/MANGO TALK LETS GO !! you're def right, he was forigven too soon, but i like to think or hope that they at least had a bit of bonding. okay well first off i want to start off with: i see a lot of content where we view mango as like around 20 years old which i want to immedately have on the table: what do you mean 20 years old. he's got a goddamn kid that seems to be maybe 8-10, he's got to be at least reaching 40 by the time we actually see him in AVM. and no, 40 is not too old, they can still do backflips and fight ppl (as long as mango maintained a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise, healthy diet, and good sleep).
i love the fact that he went evil because he lost his son, and that he got lost in his anger and started hurting everyone around him. although i do think his and purple's relationship could do with A LOTT of work. their trust was broken over and over again (mostly on purple's end) and im not sure mango particularily remembers how to treat a child well. and did mango ever like,,,yk,,,properly grieve for his son? for all we know, he went home the same day he lost gold, punched his wall a lot, then went straight to working on the staff. now that he doesn't have that drive anymore, i think that's all going to catch up to him. he really needs to properly grieve and mourn and recover before he goes about doing anything else.
he can, in fact however, be a good person/father as long as he's got that under the belt. (which you could def see that he was pretty swag when he still had gold). i personally see him as a raspy and gruff guy so he's also a man of very few words. that also means he probably has a buttload of communcation issues that is gonna affect his relationship with other people. he has got A LOT to work on
i also want to mention how i don't particulary enjoy the "overprotective father that trails their child everywhere". i don't think a lot of people view mano this way either, but i just want it on the table that even though mango would definitely be protective of purple, he won't be weird about it
6). ohhhh okay okay if you've read my fics you know i am in love with the "siblings victim & dark" as well as "siblings chosen and second". i feel like vic and dark are both insane and enable the worst, unhinged parts of each other. and then chosen and second are pretty much polar opposites with "doesn't say a word + yapper"
i also love it when CC treat red as like the youngest hyper sibling bc he really does give off that energy. also I AGREE WITH YOU purple and red together were so cute it was so unexpected but i love that
i also really really really want to see dark and purple interact with each other. mostly because they're probably the two most least likely characters to ever see each other. but i like the idea of dark terrorizing purple and it works because purple the whole time is like 'holy fuck this is that terrorist holy fuck shit oml'
i also want to see purple and mango interact with alan. im not sure if they ever did? but id like to imagine one day alan logs onto his computer and sees these two random sticks on his screen and is like who the fuck are you guys
(my guy desperately needs a VPN)
i ADORE blue + yellow. both in a platonic and romantic sense. they're like skater girl + nerd girl to me. they're so goddamn adorable and i'm very obsessed with seeing them. they hold hands. they're polar opposites. they're always together. they're the duo that if you just see one of them it seems wrong. if one of them is missing, you automatically ask the other one where they are, because they no doubt would know. gods they're so entwined with each other
thanks for the ask !!
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would you be willing to do a little drabble about an asexual bg3 tav(male preferably) who’s hesitant to start a relationship with Gale cause they dont know how to be in a relationship without sex involved. for a game with almost unlimited options i wish there was more nonsexual intimacy and asexual characters. hope this sounds interesting enough to write, have a good day :)
This one gave me pause cause I'm assuming you mean your Tav is Asexual AND sex-negative or sex repulsed. But you're also mentioning that they don't know how to navigate a relationship without sex,
So I'm taking that to mean you have an Asexual Tav (does not experience sexual attraction, does not want sex to be part of their romance) who is either coming from a history of relationships where they had sex anyway, or felt they had to, and would like to enter into a relationship where this is off the table, so that they can fully enjoy the relationship on their terms and within their comfort zone. However, this would be the first time? That they are pursuing this?
So a few things!
Gale is of course, not asexual. He experiences sexual attraction. However, on the topic of would he be keen on a romantic relationship that didn't involve sex? I'm gonna say... ABSOLUTELY 💯
His relationship development with the PC is already a slow burn, wherein until his Orb is stabilized he cannot participate in physical shenanigans. This leaves a nice long window for him and Tav to develop a romantic connection and to bond and get to know each other, and talk about these things.
Tav would have to be straightforward, I think. Gale is extremely receptive to knowledge and information and likely either already knows all about this or would be a very eager student. He would want to know Tavs boundaries and I do not believe he would have ANY issue respecting them.
If Tav isn't sure where their boundaries are, that would be a personal exploration experience. Do they want non sexual intimacy? Are they physical in other ways? Do they wanna cuddle, wash each other's hair, share massages?
Intimacy and sex don't have to go together at all, and many a beautiful, fulfilling, wonderful life long love has been built without sex. Without making this too long, I'll add my thoughts for Gale and Tav
Once the boundary of no sex is set, I don't believe it would be difficult to navigate in the least. Gale is so much more than what he can give in the bedroom, and Tav is too. The two could spend a hundred years exploring each other and the world in so many ways.
Non sexual intimacy during their travels:
- Sharing food, maybe eating off the same plate, feeding each other, sharing wine or drinks
- spending the nights together cuddling, massages, hair scratches, bathing each other if nudity is okay 👍 . These things are what build real intimacy, and they never have to lead to sex
- kisses on the forehead, cheek, hands, shoulder.
- reading the same book together, reading out loud to each other
- acts of service, cooking for each other or making each other's bed, packing your partners things while they sleep in for them
- Sharing fears, insecurity, likes, dislikes, wishes, hopes, dreams,
Look I'm gonna level with ya. Sex is the least interesting part of true love and lifelong relationships. I've been with my partner for 18 years and you know what lights up my heart? When they get up before me and bring me a coffee to wake me up. You know what I do for them? They have chronic pain, and even when I'm tired, I will take an extra 30 minutes sometimes to help work the knots out of their back as best I can.
That is the foundation of love. Gale would be very receptive. Your Tav would be incredibly cherished. No sex required.
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beepartcollection · 1 year
SLAMS MY HANDS DOWN ON THE COUNTERTOP. Engineer elden ring. May I hear of what’s going on with him :)?
*rubs hands* WELL
so to preface- the mercs are basically isekai'd into the lands between, relating to some lore about Marika and undead. One moment they're being shot at and dying in the New Mexico badlands and the next they're on a cliff that overlooks a giant tree the size of 2.5 burj khalifas that glows.
They travel for a while and meet Sellen, who offers to teach them sorceries, and Engie, after not having any mechanical things to tinker with for a while, and realizing magic is this place's math and science, gladly accepts. After all, he doesn't have his sentries and tools, so he might as well learn something new, he loves learning. When Merasmus pops in on Halloween flinging spells around is usually pretty fun, so why not? Also Scout nearly blew himself up when he tried doing magic, so no more for him.
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So Engie is the team's other ranged fighter! Aside from Sniper, who uses a bow and arrow.
He usually works as the team's mediator, breaking up fights between them and talking to people who are even less mentally stable than the mercs cause, well, if it had to be a contest on who has people that are less mentally stable, I think Elden Ring would win.
He also teaches the team how to ride the horses they were given!
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It. Goes.
He does split from the team sometimes though, to go with Sellen to find Primeval sorcerers and learn some of their magic (he does learn Comet Azur). But generally he sticks with the team. He goes with them through Stormveil, Radahn, Mt Gelmir, Leyendell- some nice spots! I have a scene in mind where they're about to fight Godrick The Grafted, and when they enter his arena, he does his little 'oo lowly tarnished playing as a lord' but Engie just 'actually, we aint lookin to become no lords, we just wanna go home'. And Godrick is like. What.
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They also find and heal Millicent in this au! And when they find her Heavy, Engie, and Spy (much to his own chagrin) are like 'i have known Millicent for 1 day but if anything happened to her I would kill this entire team and then myself'. Millicent and Engie bond the best though, cause of being amputees (Godrick ripped off Engie's gunslinger btw to try grafting it into themself, it didn't work and the gunslinger was ruined), Millicent being interested in Engie's homeland of Texas, and Engie in general is just, so dadly, dadliest merc, and very friendly when you dont realize how not normal he is. Plus if you know Millicent's backstory you know she could use a dad right now.
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She goes with him and Sellen on their adventures to find primeval sorcerers and Sellen stuff, but they do part when Engie and the team takes on Radahn, citing she has to go on her journey (if u play Elden Ring, u know).
After the first death of the team and Spy leaving, Engie does try to console Soldier, telling him he's a good leader, and they'll get home, he promises. Engie and him do fight though when he realizes what dragon communion is doing to Soldier's body, and says he can't be doing that, they don't know what it'll do to him (how hypocritical of you, Engie).
He goes to Raya Lucaria to help Sellen one last time. I have this comic I made but I don't think I'll finish it, and I don't wanna spoil Engie's fate out in The Public until I write it in the fic i wanna write, but here's a part of comic
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Overall Engie has a nice time in elden ring au :3 aside from the end
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fernwebs · 1 month
TF2 OC Infodump... About this silly guy
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Minion's relationships with the mercs
Engineer - Engie is like one of the only people that can understand him (literally not emotionally) because of his thick ass accent. Minion likes to talk to him. Minion yaps to him a LOT, about almost everything.
Medic - Minion WILL find any way possible to be the one to deliver Medics orders personally. He also likes to include extra organs in almost every shipment. Minion makes his feelings towards Medic very obvious, but Medic continues to play dumb to keep getting those extra organs. Minions bird is the cause of at least 3 archimedes going missing.
Spy - Spy has photo evidence of Minion doing weird shit (staring at medics ass or smth idk). Minion is VERY aware of this and gets very nervous when hes doing anything at all because hes afraid that Spy is taking a picture of him.
Soldier -  Soldier is one of Minion's best friends, but Minion is scared that Soldier will grab him. Because he did, once. Minion got accused of not being faithful to America.
Sniper - Minion thinks he's weird because of the jarate thing. Hes scared that Sniper will throw jarate at him. Theyre probably buddies though, because they are both from places that have like weird animals, and they'd probably talk about that.
Scout - Theyre probably buddies because they both are falling for someone who barely likes them back. They encourage eachother. They're also relatively around the same age.
Demoman - Demoman is one of Minion's best friends along with Soldier. They'd also be drinking buddies, maybe not too often but they would. Minion gets really emotional when hes drunk, so he'd probably overshare to Demoman.
Heavy- I think theyre only acquaintances because they both cant quite understand each other (considering they both dont speak fluent english, and their native languages are different) BUT i think if they ever hung out they would cook for each other / bond over food.
Pyro - He probably hangs out a lot with Pyro because of Louise, he draws with Pyro when hanging out with them and Louise.
Bonus: Miss Pauling - I think he respects her a lot as a person and thinks she's cool. He probably tries to convince her just a little bit that scout is cool.
Louise - They are literally the father daughter duo EVER!! minion loves louise as a daughter so much and he cares so much he would take a bullet for her.
Eddy - Even though they might argue or have their differences sometimes, Eddy is always Minion's best friend. Minion truly appreciates Eddy and is grateful that Eddy is in his life.
Smissmass Presents
Spy - Lint, like he WRAPS IT to make it look like an extravagant cool gift but he actualy needle felted to lint to make it into a middle finger
Soldier - a tabo becuz he heard that soldier like bucket
Medic - he would buy him like 8 presents and make him custom advent calendar but its just pics of him and its the same picture each time for 12 days
Demoman - probably a nice bottle of wine or a case of his favorite alcohol
Scout - shitty art supplies because Scouf draws a lot, minion thinks those are the best art supplies in the world
Heavy - He would try to make a sandwich but with hawaiian rolls
Engineer - a book on how to learn tagalog
Pyro - 200 pack of jumbo crayons
Sniper - something very australian related
Bonus: Miss Pauling - A world globe you color in places for everywhere you've been.
Louise - Literally ANY toy besides a puzzle because he knows shes sick of if
Eddy - joke gifts like a mug or t-shirt that says something retarded, but if a real gift he'd buy something that was on eddys wishlist or something
on the bonus ones.. Louise and Eddy are my friend's OCs
thanks for reading chat!!
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nedsseveredhead · 8 months
When you quit you should make a tiktok account sharing your “pro tips from an ex paint shop worker” and share how to do the paint mixing, stain stuff you’re good at, and like tips about pretty colors to request/that go together well. And I think you once posted about people stressing about whites and the light on it FOREVER ago and I learned it only matters in certain contexts (ex. Indoor painting vs exterior of a house) basically teach us all the secrets
Oh we dont gotta wait for my official last day, unfortunately theres no industry secrets when it comes to paint- atleast not on the sales floor level. But I can give some tips and stuff
1) Light colors will pull everything around them. So waiting last minute to pick your offwhite or grey or beige is a really bad idea. You need to bring a few chips home to see how they look in your lighting, because tinted paint is not returnable and you don't want to spend 90+ dollars on something you hate in this economy.
2) there is no True Grey. All greys (and all colors really) have a warm or cool cast. Warm casts are red, orange, and gold (think fire) and cool casts are blue, green, purple (think water). Most people think of cool greys when they think of grey, but thats why its turning blue on you in some lighting.
3) general rule of thumb is artificial light has a blue cast and natural light has an orange cast. So if you buy a cool gray and its turning out too blue, try grabbing a warm grey and see how that turns out.
4) All latex paint is paint and primer in one. All that means is over a previously painted surface, you do two coats (a "primer coat" and a "finish coat".) If you're going over something like drywall its more cost effective just to get primer, cause otherwise you will have to do more than two coats because drywall is unsealed and the paint sinks in. If youre doing something like tile or cabinets- any kind of shiney surface, you need to both lightly sand and use a special bonding primer.
5) Do not use oil paint if you can help it. Its already stopped production in Cali and New York but its slowly leaving the industry and in a year when you need to touch up something youre gonna have to do a lot more than you bargained for when you cant get oil paint anymore. Just get the latex now. Paints come a long way, its fine.
6) flat for ceilings. Yes even in bathrooms. Just make sure the ceiling paint you have is anti microbial. It usually is. And on that note, buy ceiling paint. Not wall paint. Save your wallet, unless youre making some kind of grand ceiling art, no ones looking up there and you dont need anything fancy.
7) when possible, just use extra white. Thats the white straight out of the can. Itll make touch up in the future much easier if its just something you can grab off the shelf.
8) tint mixes different than paint. We can always darken colors but never lighten. Thats because white tint doesnt lighten, its a place holder. Its all additive.
9) almost all the colors on the wall, but especially all greys and beiges and whites, are made of black, maroon, and deep gold. And that formula doesnt mean what youd think it means instinctively.
10) speaking of formulas, stain matches are.... Complicated. Temper your expectations now. If you want a stain match you need to bring in a piece of wood ur matching, a scrap piece ur staining, and we need time. Its all done by eye, and even the most trained at it need time to see how the wood takes the stain. I wish i could give advice on how to make these easier but its very much a you just have to do them a long time and eventually you learn to intuit it. Just be nice to the people doing ur stain match and plan atleast three days for them to do it.
11) when you come in and say you need paint, we are going to ask four things: what color, which kind, what sheen, and what account are we putting it on. Be prepared to answer these questions.
12) when it comes to picking a color, find the whitest surface you can (most Sherman Billiams stores have to have a bright white table by the color wall), and lay your colors on there. It helps find what under tones it has. Trust YOUR eye. Everyones cones n rods n whatever are different. Youre the one who has to live there and see it every day, and the person behind the counter both doesnt care and also can not pick colors for you.
13) Sherman has sales more often than they dont. If they just came off one, wait a week. 40% sales happen, usually, four times a year (this year theres been an ungodly amount tho so like who knows). If youre in a "paint emergency" and theres no sale, there is ALWAYS a ten dollar off fifty coupon online. Most stores have it behind the counter but if the manager is particularly stingy about budget they might not be allowrd to use it so just have it on ur phone.
14) if youve caught the tail end of a sale but you havnt decided a color yet, you can buy paint untinted and bring it in to tint for free later. You can also return untinted paint if you dont use it.
Thats all i can think of atm?? But idk if u have questions feel free to ask Ill answer if i can lmao
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mousesquared · 1 year
Hi! How did you realize you were aplspec? I'm questioning myself and am having such a hard time figuring it out lol...
(disclaimer that all of this is my personal experience and i dont speak for all aplspec people) oh also im gonna be saying i/me but this realization was a mix of mouses and mine (toby)
prepare for a long one cause i like to talk a lot i guess
i think it kinda hit me when i really thought about platonic attraction. im aroace and so dont experience romantic or sexual attraction and so thinking of a platonic version of that was a bit confusing. there were only a couple people i could remember feeling a pull towards to either be their friend or be closer as friends. with other friends it just kind of happened? they were someone i talked to about similar interests or in groups with mutual friends and a friendship just happened because of that. i didnt have a goal or pull to specifcally to try and get closer to them, it just happened because of where we hung around.
i know not all alloplatonic friendships are built on an urge to be friends or closer friends, but i do think my experience of it is in an aplatonic(spec) way. there is also the part where i dont specifcally have an urge to need close friends. i of course enjoy it when i do. but when i realized i was aplspec i only had like 2 past friends that i still occasionally texted but we were super distant. i didnt really miss an emotional bond with someone, i just wanted to talk to people. i was lonely in the sense that all my thoughts were having to be kept inside by head with no way out. and when i seeked out a place to talk about them, thats where friendships formed. i didnt join that community in order to get close friends, i just wanted discussion.
most of the time when it comes to friends, i am seeking the activity, the action, the nonloneliness. it is nice to have people fufilling that with me that i like! but with friends i have a really hard time gauging steps in relationships. i have been known to either talk to someone for a very short time and all of a sudden regard us as very close and i have been known to talk to someone and be friends with them for years, and then not consider them as close as they consider me. the latter isnt usually about me not liking them as much as others, i just dont realize how they view our friendship and have trouble gauging that kind of stuff for myself. i think that comes from just having trouble gauging how people see me in general. personally i think thats an autism thing but it affects my aplatonicism so its also an aplatonic thing!
i also think that i view friendship as like a complete separate step than just talking to someone a lot. that may seem like a contradictory thing to what ive said before. but the fact that i seek talking to people and interacting with others, thats why i was ok with not really having friends for a stretch of time. struggling with gauging friendship makes me see friendship as something that has to be kind of barrier you eventually cross instead of it just building up. i often dont realize when we cross that barrier and of course the other person doesnt feel the need to express it because we are already friends in their eyes. i am often hit with the "oh i guess we are friends now" thought. even with the few people i have felt platonic attraction to.
so TLDR: i realized platonic attraction is actually a thing, and most of the time i dont have an actual pull to be friends/closer with people. i dont usually seek the companionship of friends, usually just the sociable & activity doing aspect. i care about my friends but i dont view my care for them as a platonic attraction. i also have trouble gauging relationship levels with people and often dont realize we are friends until they say something or i realize im spending a lot of my time with them. (reminder that im aplspec, not 100% aplatonic too!)
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friendlyengie · 9 months
Heyo thought I’d drop some random tf2 hcs and stuff cause of ur post :D
- scout and Pyro get along really well and scout will draw for pyro. Scout likes them cause he seems to actually listen to scout talk
- Engineer is pretty oblivious when it comes to people having feelings for him and hes (kinda accidentally) decent at flirting tho
- Engineer is like a father figure to scout and it makes spy really jealous lol
- Demo is really good at karaoke
- Since spy is good at finding this out about people based on body language etc. he knows exactly who has crushes on who in the base and he thinks it’s SO OBVIOUS but it’s not to the rest of them and he’s really close to just screaming at everyone that they’re blind and to just kiss already. He’s just forced to watch all these pining idiots dance around each other and he hates it
- Heavy and Medic have a book club that is just the two of them
- Scout would be a good dad later in life if he had a kid
ohohhoho interesting. Cracks my knuckles.
-scout and pyro friendship truther until I DIE. I find the idea of scout going from being terrified of this weird “thing” to just being besties with Pyro kind of hilarious. I think they can both do art pretty well actually! I like to think they run around towns and do graffiti together.
-Nodding at this. I also think it helps that (to me) hes naturally very friendly and polite because of how he was raised and like half of the people on his team havent heard anything nice from another human being since they were actual children (if that.) Is he good at flirting or are your standards dangerously low? Is it both? Great question!
-Ive always seen engineer as more of a low-maintenance uncle figure to scout If That. They’re just kind of a pretty standard close older dude with a lot of life experience and younger dude with fuck all going on friendship to me. and tbh ive never. Really been able to get behind the idea of spy being “jealous” of any sort of relationship Scout has with other mercs. Whether it’s him being weirded out by father standins or judgemental of potential partners. I don’t think he doesn’t have a weird relationship with seeing scout bond with the other mercs but i feel like it’s just sort of. Idk. A little more of a unique issue for him.
-Accepted. Though i think “good” for him ranges from “genuinely good singing” to “loud, overconfident, and having a great time getting half of the lyrics wrong.”
-As much as I think it would be fun if spy was surprisingly emotionally dense, i cant deny his canonical skills in that sort of field. That’s like. His whole game. I think his approach to trying to help anyone with romance is “he wont unless youre prepared to basically just inflate his ego for the sake of a few tips.” A la expiration date.
-no doubt in my mind that heavy and medic dont agree with a single thing that the other gleams from reading books. Said with love. They will argue about meanings and subtext and the value of interpretation until it sounds like someone’s about to file for divorce and then end with “so same time next week ^_^?”
-I will be so honest with you. I do not know if i could ever see scout being a father, much less a good one NDGSKHJDKNJJ.
Actually . Hm. Thinking about it. I could. SEE it in a sense. I think he would have some good steps to go off of because of his Mom. Unsure of how good his ma’s parenting was but she at least was very caring toward her kids. He’d have that. But i think he’d have to be a lot more emotionally mature to be able to process how his own current issues with dads and fatherhood would healthily translate into being a dad himself. I could see him being really laid back and maybe a little too “im not just your parent, im your friend,” and any hypothetical kid he has would Not take his ass seriously. I think having to parent a teenager would kill him.
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funshinebf · 2 months
vash 2 me would love wearing makeup and dresses occasionally. but usually like. like he loves doing makeovers with friends as a girls night kinda thang. he loves letting a group of children attempt to braid his hair and paint his nails. its like a social thing for him. he would love doing drag performances. but i dont think he would really care for it just like, for himself. like i cant really see him putting on makeup by himself in the morning. like i said its more of a social thing, he uses it to bond with others, ie makeovers and such. he only learns how to do decent makeup so he can participate in these social events. grah imagining younger vash seeing a group of young women talking about makeup together and he very shyly asks if they could maybe help him learn? and they all get SO excited, invite him to one of their houses and they all sit in a circle showing him the basics and giving him advice and letting him practice on them for the night. and hes SO happy, cause not only did he get to befriend these nice strangers, but also now he has this knowledge that he can use in the future to befriend MORE people. grahh i just think about vash being invited to girls nights so so much he's an honorary girl. esp for meryl and milly. m&m and vash having a girls night one day, hanging out in m&m's hotel room with face masks and snacks and painting eachother's nails. wolfwood knocking on the door looking for vash and seeing them all like this. he makes fun of them a little but u can tell his heart isnt in it and hes actually a little hurt that he didnt get invited. milly excitedly asks mr priest, would you like to join us? youre always welcome to! and he thinks he should decline and go find something else to do for the night but all three of them are looking at him hopefully with their big puppy eyes so he sighs and goes alright alright. lemme in here. meryl paints his nails black with little fancy white crosses on his middle fingers and he ends up liking it so much he keeps borrowing her black nail polish all the time, until one day she gives him a brand new bottle and tells him to keep it, for whenever theyre not traveling together. vash and milly do his makeup and at first he's kinda huffy and tells them not to make him look like a clown, expecting them to go nuts with it. but then when theyre done he sees himself in the mirror with just some lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner and hes like wait a minute. this is actually pretty good... basically m&m plus vash introducing ww to the wonderful world of being low-effort gnc and changing his life. although i do think when he was a kiddo he totally let the girls at hopeland give him makeovers, but he acted all huffy about it cause he thought he was supposed to. but really he just loved how happy it made them so he never put up TOO much of a fight when they would ask. n when m&m plus vash invite him into their girls night it reminds him so much of his sisters at hopeland doing the same to him and it makes him kinda nostalgic and fond. and hes happy that even though he cant see his old family and he misses them like crazy, hes thankful that hes got a new little family with him right here. ok this got away from me big time but its okay you all already know im insane and love to ramble. okay
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yoteblog · 9 months
Autism for me is like:
Thinking about my special Interests all the time, won't stop talking about them until.... yeah
rocking #1 stim
hand flaps #2 stim
borderline muscle spasm #3 stim
beautiful sarcasm, so nice that neurotypicals and allistics dont understand that its sarcastic due to the accidental flatness
on the otherside of the coin - cant understand sarcasm
fuck math
takes everything literally, because I associate a picture with every single word, letter, and number
acearo, but I experience love differently than others on and off of the spectrum (I love my gf but yall already know that)
comfy clothes otherwise uncomfy clothes make chronic pain worse and worse chronic pain means quick to anger
if its a wolf, I need it
random collections of things (bunny plushes, electric pokemon plushes, bones, knives, etc)
oh lining things up neatly is stim #4
memory loss may or may not be an autism thing, but DO NOT ever move anything of mine otherwise I will never know where it is again (or at least tell me where it is and show me)
constant movement in one way or another (like right now, im wigglying my feets)
low volume or I will quickly break down
on time or early to things. I hate being told "we're about to leave" but the 'about' is in 3 hours
routine routine routine routine routine
"idk" I literally dont know
looks around like a funny little bird instead of rotating head and eyes like a normal person
must hug or touch the people I love somehow (or if you're my gf, consensual bites /nsx)
uaaahg stuffed animals my beloved
i love rocks i love geology I love minerals I love dirt I love the earth I love
being in enclosed spaces, but they have to be good enough for me (by that I mean they cant cause me to feel claustrophobic)
chewing on the inside of my cheeks
spinning spinning spinning, call me gyro zeppelli with how much I spin
am doggy :3 /nsx
being made fun of in school but not knowing why
having the popular kids treat you like they want to be friends but they never act on it and not knowing why
expert at making hula hoop forts during PE in record time and just sitting in them, not actually using the hoops to exercise with
If I like you, you will get gifts. gifts can range from bought items or little trinkets I found such as rocks or plants. not accepting these gifts break our bond
i love lists
edit: id love to see ppls reblogs with their own little lists ^^
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frankiebirds · 20 days
started binging criminal minds, i was gutted when elle left & now watching the next couple of s2 episodes i really felt her absence. especially in 'the last word' when a women has to pretend to be dead so they can catch one of the serial killers (they so needed to have a frank convo about making elle relieve her trauma + this couldve been a great intro to that). i read your post, i agree it did make sense why elle left considering her background as a sexual offence specialist & what she says to reid but i found the writing lacking. her exit felt rushed + not final bc she only really shared scenes with hotch. also she also seems the type to not wanna give up the bau bc that would mean the fisher king wins + is a determined person so it would've been better to see her slow realisation she cant do the job she desperately wanted in s1. also the fact her relationships with the rest of the team + their reactions weren't fully explored is annoying since she was quite friendly with everyone particularly close to morgan, reid even gideon. especially since gideon inadvertently caused her get shot as he didnt want to follow the rules then said elle would understand?? so a confrontation w gideon similar to the one w hotchner wouldve been nice. i miss morgan's fun bantery friendship with elle in the later eps when she wasn't there to partner up with him (idk they seemed to be a go to partnership to me) & the elle/morgan/reid trio is sorely missed. ive largely enjoyed everything so far (just finished 2x09) but i wish they'd more deeply explore the characters' history. like the inclusion of reids mom was interesting & really liked how garcia respected reids privacy to keep her illness a secret. it was a missed opportunity i felt not to see elle & morgan not bonding over losing their cop dads or hotch and gideon talking about fatherhood when hotch is missing out on his babys key milestones (ik there was that bit in s1 when hotch tells gideon to get in touch w his son but more of those moments wouldve been nice). whilst i feel the team all like each other and there's some interesting/fun friendships (reid&gideon , garcia&morgan etc) id be nice to have some downtime scenes showcasing them as a makeshift found family (sorry i love that trope & c'mon they spend more time with each other than with their acc families). anyway sorry for the long rant this show is eating at my brain lord my brain mass will be equivalent to a pea by the time i finish this show. <3
thats fair and i get what you mean! there are definitely moments when i felt elle's absence and there are definitely things about her leaving that i would change if i had the power—i absolutely agree that the reactions from the rest of the team to her leaving and the actions leading up to it were sorely lacking, and a slower realisation that she cant do the job anymore would have been very cool to see, although i think the latter was less due to writing problems and more to the fact that elle left the show because lola glaudini chose to leave (ie they couldn't write a fully fleshed out leaving arc for elle because it was driven by out-of-show events and therefore not planned/they had limited time to execute it). the lack of reaction from the team is a writing problem though, so again i very much agree with that!
i hope you enjoy the rest of the show and get some of your wishes, and if you dont, you can find some good fics to fulfill them <3
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