#cause the best robot girl deserves it
Bringing a neuron to Moon
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Entire Rain World Fandom:
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Who has been screwed over by the fandom more?
Propaganda below the cut
So Gregory's story isn't fully filled out yet (because this is FNaF, why would it be?) But the story we're getting involves him being mind controlled and forced to be a killer, only to be set free somehow and losing his memories of what happened. So he's a preteen who's been hypnotized but somehow the crimes are his fault even though a major theme is the battle for control and a plot point is that he can't remember what he did.
The thing that makes me so mad is that at the end of the Ruin DLC, Gregory's voice comes in from the speakers of the elevator you're on and tells you "We can't risk being followed" before the elevator drops. This would look really bad if not for the fact you were just getting chased by a robot that has been using Gregory's voice to lure you down there the whole time. People are blaming Gregory for 'killing his best friend' when there's a much higher chance it was the Mimic who dropped the elevator.
Mabel Pines:
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
i've never watched this show in my life but dear sweet fat of the hog. y'all treat her horribly. free my girl she did nothing wrong except exist as a preteen girl.
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
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aettuddae · 10 months
funky — chapter 54.
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➵ synopsis: aeri takes her members to a music festival to introduce them to her newly made friend, jeon minki, the front person of a popular rock band in south korea. after seeing minki, karina, aespa's leader, becomes completely starstruck with the rockstar, and decides to find a way to make them fall in love with her, even though minki is the most clueless person in the universe.
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masterlist | prev | next
[written chapter]
the members of funky cat club were in the studio, as they had been every day for almost a month and a half.
they were working on a new album. the band's meetings were focused on recording, composing and songwriting sprees. by that time they had only about five songs completed, which they didn't even know would make it onto the final project.
since that news, minki, the band's songwriting mainstay, had been completely disconnected. before that, they were coming up with new music almost every day.
but now they no longer had a muse to inspire them.
everyone thought their new work would have an aura of joy and celebration, with the tracks they had finished being flashes of light and the happiest days in the last year for the songwriter.
but the concept had been altered completely, and they were, once again, faced with a minki who could do nothing but write heartbreaking ballads full of despair.
—it's okay, all our albums are like that, anyway. — minghao thought to himself as he went over the words on a piece of paper the vocalist had handed him earlier.
"don't i deserve sunshine too?" read the first line.
that day had been anything but productive for the guys, like every day for the past two weeks. jeon's lyrics were distressing, it was even upsetting that they couldn't create something decent, worthy of their brilliant and sensitive mind.
rosé on her part was too busy being the support that kept minki awake, active, present. she didn't have time to make music when all her time was spent taking care of her volatile best friend.
yunjin, as the only composer left available, was doing her best to work, but the tense and heavy atmosphere that accompanied them in that studio every time they met, suffocated her and didn't let her concentrate.
so that day, it was just another session wasted sitting around the room and thinking about how to push the group's career forward.
gyuvin looked anxious. he paced around the room with a blank stare, while his bass hung from his neck, resting delicately on his hands, which were playing notes without any correlation between them. in view of the mood everyone was in, no one thought this behavior was weird.
it was then that the notification tone of the youngest's phone broke the silence that enveloped them, and he hurried to pick it up and read the message.
both guitarists were inside the recording booth. the blonde was sitting on the floor and playing chords on her acoustic guitar, while the main vocal was lying on the carpet right next to her, staring at the ceiling and humming melodies, trying to get something that would work, something catchy, good.
the girl dropped her guitar, causing the person next to her to look at her in confusion.
"we're never going to finish this album." she sighed in frustration and picked up the notes with phrases and ideas in front of her, going over them for the tenth time as if this one she was going to find something she didn't see before.
"it's no big deal, we're just a little stuck." reassured her band mate sitting up straight.
"minki, we've been blank for two weeks." reminded the girl.
"so what about that? no one ever finished a good album in a month." they shrugged and snatched some sheets from rosé's hands and started going through them as well. "it'll take a while, but you'll see we'll make a good product." they assured, speaking without a hint of emotion.
that's how minki had been talking these past few weeks, without energy or feeling, almost robotic.
"minki," their friend called softly, gaining their attentive gaze. "will you heal in time to finish this album?"
they thought about it for a moment, wanting to give an accurate answer. but how could they know when they would heal? after all, they were this hurt by a person who was in their life for only a month.
it still amazed them how no matter how many hours or days someone has been in your life, if they are special enough they will leave a big void when they are no longer in it.
the one thing they had learned from this whole situation was that the only two things no one can control are time and feelings.
"time heals all wounds and all that shit people say," they replied casually, trying to calm roseanne's concerns. "i may not recover completely, but i'll be better." they concluded. "besides, it's my job, rosie, i have to do it even if it costs me."
"i don't like that you think of music as your job." the blonde brought her knees to her chest, hugging them, then watching the singer with melancholy in her eyes.
that wasn't her minki. and she missed the minki she always had before.
"it's your passion, you were always so happy when you had to make music." she remembered sadly. "i don't like to see you like this, min."
"don't call me min." they asked and let out a bitter scoff.
"pookie bear." she corrected, causing them both to laugh at the corny nickname.
"it's just that," minki's head dropped slightly, as if they were giving up, with their eyes glued to the ground. "i feel like i don't have anything to write about anymore."
they took a big breath of air, taking in all the things that were going on inside them, and lifted their gaze, this time pinning it on their best friend's eyes.
"but hey," minki slid across the carpet, getting close enough to the main guitarist to lay their head on her knees. "it's only been two weeks, it doesn't mean i'll be empty forever." they tried to reassure their friend.
rosé brought her hand up to minki's hair, tangling her fingers in the locks that lay at the nape of their neck and subtly playing with them.
it was heart-rending to see her favorite person like that. so vulnerable, so downcast, as if they were a little kid who needed to be taken care of in a world full of dangers that are too complex for them to understand.
minki was an older sibling, a leader, a front-person. they took care of the people they loved, and always appeared indestructible, grandiose, reliable, so that the people around them would feel protected, supported. they didn't do it on purpose, they didn't need to look that way, it was just like that, that was the kind of person they were.
but now rosé found herself in the position of protector for minki, and that puzzled her, and worried her.
what was so special about this jimin girl that she would hurt minki at their core? that she could disarm them, lower all their guards, and then smash them in the places where it hurt the most?
the woman raised her arms, detaching them from her legs to wrap them around her friend. she leaned her body and rested her cheek carefully on their head. they didn't last long in such a position, as the eldest jeon sibling gently straightened up and they both were left looking into each other's eyes for a moment.
minki didn't know what the reason was, what triggered that desire. if it was the need to feel accompanied, loved, or simply protected by someone. if what they were looking for was to fill that space that had been left unoccupied inside them with someone else, or if what they wanted was someone who honestly wanted to fill it.
but even without knowing exactly why, they brought their hands to rosé's face and took it carefully between their fingertips.
it wasn't the type of care with which you hold something you don't want to break, it was the type with which you grasp something you shouldn't, that you're not sure is worth risking getting caught with it in your hands.
cautiously they moved closer to her, close enough for their noses to touch, and then they caught her lips with their own.
it was a tender kiss. it felt more like they were trying to caress each other, being aware of how easily they could break. as if they were afraid and doubtful of what they were doing, because they would never have imagined themselves in that situation.
the blonde traced her friend's back with her palm, raising it to the level of the back of their neck, where she placed it to exert some pressure and deepen the contact slightly more, to project security, confidence, courage.
she would never have imagined herself in that situation, but since she was in it, she'd at least use it to make it clear to minki that she would never let anyone hurt them again.
"guys." minghao's voice boomed through the booth.
hearing their friend, they both broke the connection abruptly, coming to their senses, regaining awareness of where they were and who they were.
minki, out of surprise, stood up quickly, with their eyes wide in panic, ready to explain everything to their band members. they turned to look at them through the glass that separated the room they were in from the common room.
the vocalist's expression fell, giving way to one of uncertainty. the void inside them was finally replaced with something, but to the misfortune of the body that carried those emotions, what finally made presence on themselves was a sharp pang in their chest. they thought for a second that their heart might burst from the pain that drowned their existence when they realized that through that glass, the person staring back at them was jimin.
in her eyes, in those orbs that were the color of the sweetest chocolates in the world, disappointment abounded, accompanied by a gleam that took the oldest no more than a glance to identify as tears that lashed out to wet her precious, delicate cheeks.
does porcelain get ruined if it gets wet?
her shoulders were slumped, unwilling to rise, demonstrating how the desire to work things out had left the blackhaired's body.
the older person found itself straining to hold in place and not rush out to hug her to quell any hint of sadness that might be tormenting her at the moment.
—she already has someone to hold her. — they remembered.
jimin furrowed her eyebrows, changing the hint of anguish on her face to one of anger. the singer hadn't noticed, but she had brought with her the hoodie they had lent her a month ago, and threw it reluctantly over the sound console. then she just left, without crossing a word with them, without explaining anything she had come to explain.
gyuvin told her that if she wasted that opportunity, she wouldn't get another one, but jimin really didn't care about losing it at that moment.
when the door closed behind the younger girl's body, minki came out of the cabin with furious and quick steps.
"why was she here?" they exclaimed, agitated.
"i told her to come." confessed gyuvin, earning the ire of his friend.
"what for?" they shouted. "what did you expect to happen?"
"she came to return your fucking hoodie." he pointed to the garment in annoyance. "and she wanted to talk so you two could sort things out and you would stop being a fucking lifeless body walking around." he added, as he walked away from the group and grabbed his jacket.
"and you couldn't let me know she was coming?" claimed minki, their voice cracking from the urge to cry that held in their throat.
"i knew you wouldn't want to talk to her, that you wouldn't be okay with her coming, so i didn't tell you anything." he explained as he put on his coat. "but i never expected this to happen." he pointed to both rosé and minki.
"of course i don't want to see her or talk to her, for god's sake, she's dating someone else!" the older one burst out in anger.
"she's not dating jaemin, dammit!" revealed the boy exhausted from the situation.
"what?" minki's attitude vanished and they could only stand there bewildered, feeling like they had done the worst possible thing.
"look, dude," he began to speak more calmly. "i have no idea what the exact context of the situation is, but you would've known by now if you would just let her talk!" he bellowed. "but now i don't think she wants to explain anything to you."
gyuvin grabbed the door handle and yanked it open.
"where are you going?" yunjin's voice was heard.
"i can't let jimin go alone." he clarified and left the place.
the remaining four members of the band stayed in the studio, standing in the places where they were almost frozen in silence.
"how do we feel about this?" spoke the keyboardist trying to break the tension. "unexpected, right?" the leader glared at her with their eyes, causing her to shrink her body and regret even opening her mouth.
"do you think you can write a song about this?" the drummer proposed.
"minghao!" the vocalist scolded him.
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What makes Dendy from OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Dendy-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Dendy in the top left corner. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"literally just look up a photo of her and youll understand. buuuut lets see uhh. she shows special interests in technology and these things in the show called pow cards. she has trouble understanding others emotions. her expressions are so. yknow. :|. when she shows up the show literally has this running gag where it plays a YAYYYY stock sfx in the bg. its literally the autism creature yippie. also shes just really cool and deserves to win everything ever. thank you for your time. watch ok ko."
"She's the little tech dork trope but I actually like how she pulls it off! She's constantly impressing K.O. and K.O. even calls her 'A science wizard' once! One of her nicknames that's canon is literally just 'Science baby' and I think that's so cute for her- She even says that she taught herself coding because it's a way to express herself, and I love that so much for her! Anyways I think she's more autistic coded than canonically Autistic but I love her anyways and think she'd fit right in!"
"Idk I just think she's cute and some other people like her, I hope she does well in this bracket"
"Shy, intelligent, and very good at hacking. Takes idioms literally and can act insensitively, but is sweet and has good intentions. Special interests are technology and trading cards. Often accompanied by the sound of kids cheering (not ASD related i just think its neat)."
"Okay, so: Dendy from OK KO is portrayed from the very beginning of the show as a young girl (around KO's age, since he's somewhere around 6-9) who is very logical and structured in her way of seeing the world, but struggles with social cues and expectations that aren't clearly laid out. She has a keen special interest in POW Cards (in-universe trading cards, basically), and this is how she first meets and connects with the protagonist KO. What I adore about this show is that it highlights what lots of people consider to be her being autistic, in a positive light. She has character arcs and self improvement like all of the characters do, she's not perfect, but her way of thinking and being is not demonized in any capacity, even if some characters occasionally don't 'get' her perspective, that's shown the same way as when /she/ doesn't get /their/ perspective. It's not canon that she's autistic, but there's a lot in this show that is coded without being stated explicitly, and because the show is very heavy handed (it is a kid's cartoon!) you get a lot of the positive messages you might expect like "celebrate differences" and whatnot without ever explicitly saying that she's autistic. However I think that it was very much intended! There are probably way better infodumps on Dendy being autistic than this one, haha, but I love her so much!"
"Look at her. Silly kappa. I love her. She loves computers. She doesn’t understand emotions. She loves her friend K.O. She wants to be a hero. She’s so good. My sweet baby"
"she has a special interest (coding/robot stuff), she has trouble with empathy, she doesn't pick up on social cues, and more stuff I can't completely put into words cause I'm really bad at that :,)"
"I resonated very deeply with this awkward little kappa but aside from that I got the vibes from her monotone and formal speaking pattern and the way she struggled with understanding social cues or sarcasm. She's also extremely literal and logical to a fault sometimes (like myself) and she's got special intesests in tech and pow cards. She does struggle with understanding how her actions may effect others sometimes but she means well and does try to show that she cares once she does understand. I also see her backpack ("hack-pack") as a comfort item for her as she tends to take it with her everywhere and doesn't allow others to touch it, including her best friend, K.O."
"She's shown to behave in a way where she doesn't show her emotions that much, but when someone brings up her special interests she becomes a gremlin (In this case, POW Cards), she stims on screen, she's shown to be hyperfixated on technology and that's where she's able to infodump and such, im not sure how to explain this very well but yeah, as someone who is autistic themselves, i feel dendy is a great autistic girl!!" End ID.]
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Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Episode 6 Review
- I can no longer be happy
- Poor Elan. I knew he wasn’t going to live to the end but he DIED in episode 6! Maybe I’ll get attached to the new one, but I won’t ever forget Elan 4. Also there’s the fact that Elan isn’t a clone, but instead a kidnapped child (probably from Earth) who’s been forcibly experimented on. Those Peil technology guys make Guel’s dad look like a saint.
- Elan was really going through it this episode. His mental break down in the Pharact was really sad. He just wanted to have his own life. He wanted his own birthday! Though at least Suletta gave him a small bit of happiness before his death. The two really had a bond, and when Suletta finds out what happened I don’t think she’ll be able to recover. Really gotta wonder how long she stayed sitting at that bench waiting for someone who would never arrive
- Also real Elan is pretty adorable as well, though I also want to punch him and shove him in a locker. I’m going to guess he’s the real leader of Peil Technologies and the witch Prospera was referring to. I can see him taking up the second arc big bad spot.
- As for Suletta. The Eri clone theory is becoming more and more real, but it got even more horrifying. Bel drops that the events of the prologue happened 21 years ago, which is weird cause Eri was 4 at the time and Suletta is 17 now. That would mean Suletta is really just an Eri clone, in fact, she’s not even the first. There are twelve GUND bits in total, Aerial, and eleven drones. Those eleven drones are probably failed Eri clones that got five nights at freddy’d into a machine. This is corroborated by Elan’s GUND vision of multiple young girls firing at him.
- Prospera now seems to be an old, bitter woman trying to get revenge for her husband’s death and her daughter’s robotification. While normally I would agree, the fact that she’s been cloning her daughter and then turning the failed ones into robots is fucked up. She probably doesn’t even see Suletta as human, just another tool to get her revenge. I also doubt she’ll treat Miorine well even though she also hates Delling.
- Now let’s talk about best boy Guel once again. Dudes reenacting one of the hit slice of life shows in the past five years, Yuru Camp. His homeless arc has started and he’s already thriving. Dude is so fucking stupid I love him. Our Earth House group is probably going to find him one day sitting in the woods like a gay cryptid and Suletta’s gonna want to take him back. At least his dad is nice(?) enough to keep paying for his tuition, though that’s probably just so he could use him again if Guel ever ends up looking promising again.
- Miorine is such a supportive wife, it’s great. She’s caught between wanting Suletta to act in benefit for the both of them, while also wanting Suletta to enjoy her school life. She’s understanding that Suletta was forced into the marriage and wants to experience things at her own pace.
- I’ve seen some people get mad that Suletta has been getting ship tease with the guys, but like, Suletta hadn’t heard of gay marriage until she arrived at the school and was suddenly engaged. Just like how Miorine doesn’t deserve to be forcibly married, neither does Suletta. If she wants to experience love on her own, then she should be allowed. And for anyone scared of being queer baited, Utena did the same exact thing and it ended fine.
- Now for the future, I’m not quite sure what will happen. Shaddiq will probably get a couple episodes to shine and Guel will join the Earth squad but other than that… *shrug*
- The final thing I want to leave off on is the theme of birthdays. Eri’s entire life was destroyed on her birthday and Elan never had one. Birthdays are something that humans created and celebrated, so to not have one makes one feel less human. Since Miorine and Suletta’s engagement will be finalized on her 17th birthday, I’m expecting Prospera to start some Red Wedding shit. It’ll probably happen either at the end of the cour or the end of this season (if we’re getting two)
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es-peon · 11 months
rewatching transformers age of extinction here’s how it went:
-pretending Optimus was 100% taking the best and longest nap of his life when some guy started fucking around with him
-they’re keeping tradition of blonde skinny girl 100% underage and yet all shots including her are overtly sexual
-A SLAVE JOKE IN 2014 “i don’t think you can own someone, that ended a while ago, even in texas”
-wowie optimus ‘insert fuckboi meme here’ green ooze for blood not looking too hot there babes
-lmao fuck the government <3
-“my face is my warrant” thats so fucking corny omfg
-i forgot how ruthless transformers used to be <3
-god we should go back to when movies had some real weight, where are my character deaths, my ultimatums with consequences, we don’t get both, something has to be sacrificed <3
-God i wish theyd bring back the whole scanning a vehicle to, um, pick how they want to look cause its sick as fuck
-Please i do miss the time when Bees puppy dog eyes were a disguise <3
-the governments keeping secrets who would’ve guessed <3
-i love lil hostage dude but he’s definitely a caricature
-“the trouble with loyalty to a cause, is that the cause will always betray you”
-dog/wolf transformers are sick as fuck
-please not the tongue ew ew ew ew
-bitchboy of a bf js
-Tess for the love of God
-“To lay some hate” amen
-the repeated racism and sexism is a bit much…
-haha megatron been playing their ass..called it (ive seen this movie three times)
-lmao Cade x Joshua
-awww Joshua’s having a change of heart (not really hes a narcissist)
-okay metaphors
-“Go find my seed” —pause
-aw here we go the whole “don’t give up on us humans, sure your kind have died due to our selfishness but that was an itty bitty mistake and mistakes make us human so don’t stop protecting us giant robot man 🥺🥺”
-Mama deserves a raise
-a fucking battle right now in the middle of everything
-prime be so fucking fr
-they’re so real “im staying the fuck outta this” me to babes
-the “no thats optimus prime” line was timed nicely but the way he delivered the line fucked it all up
-anyway uhhh 4/10 movie racist/sexist/pervy jokes are simply unfunny and the lead human characters were stupid and the big bads were all stupid, im only here for the giant fighting robots that turn into vehicles xoxo <3
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crusherthedoctor · 9 months
Your hottest Sonic takes?
Most of these are ones you'll already know, but here goes. I'll number them in no real order because bullet points always get lumped together when I use them no matter how I space them, which bothers me lol. And as always, these are just the ones that come immediately to mind, as I'm sure to have plenty more (I'm not a contrarian for contrarian's sake, I swear D:).
1. Just because I take faithfulness to the game canon seriously - hence my disapproval for adaptations that change shit for the sake of changing shit out of a misplaced sense of superiority - doesn't mean I think the game canon is perfect. Putting aside the obvious questionable quality of certain installments, there are also certain traditions in the games that I don't exactly appreciate, and refuse to tolerate them just because I'm apparently expected to (ie: the friends standing around being cheerleaders while Super Sonic does his thing, Eggman being usurped and/or forced to team up with Sonic so damn often, characters having a limited range of interactions with other characters, certain characters being rather obnoxiously OP, etc).
2. IDW Sonic is still a holier than thou asswipe whose actions and overall behaviour don't line up with how great and virtuous he supposedly is. Prime Sonic is still an unbearable dumbass, and the show and characters are grilling him for the completely wrong reasons.
3. If your only idea for redeeming Tails is making him a yes-man for Sonic, then I don't think you actually care about Tails aside from how good he makes Sonic look.
4. Shadow coming back after his not-death doesn't undermine SA2's ending. But him coming back so soon afterwards kind of does. They should have waited a lot longer before bringing him back.
5. Rouge is not a villain. Rouge is not a villain. Rouge is not a villain. And outside of her jewel obsession, she's not even that majorly anti-heroic after SA2.
6. Eggman is a villain. Eggman is a villain. Eggman is a villain. And you can flesh him out without softening him up. Pre-Frontiers games already did it FFS.
7. Just because Cream is a little girl, and acts appropriately for the most part compared to Tails, doesn't mean she should be infantilized by the other characters and by the writing. She's more capable than she's given credit for.
8. Merlina isn't that amazing. Better than the Mephiles-tier villains of course, but she still fell short of her unique concept.
9. Erazor Djinn AKA Qui-Gon Djinn AKA Tonic Djinn AKA Other Djinn Pun is the best villain who isn't Eggman, an Eggman robot, affiliated with Eggman, or Chaos.
10. I've made my apathy for Silver well known during the last few days cause of all the IDW Silver discourse, but I'll take it one spicier step further: when people defend him by saying he earned his place, I think "...Did he?"
Make no mistake, he absolutely does not deserve to be treated like garbage by the IDW crew either way, but compared to other recurring game characters, including similarly divisive ones like Shadow, I've always felt as though he was shoehorned into later games because he was already set to as the hot new character of the initially anticipated '06, rather than earning his place more organically if you get me. And when people say how awesome it was that he almost killed Sonic effortlessly twice in '06, I ask myself when Sonic getting textbook Worf'd in a game with his name on it was considered a good thing. I mean, is that the level of '06 stanning we're at now?
Or maybe I'm just letting my bitterness at (IMO) better characters remaining one-offs do the talking. I'm willing to admit that I am indeed bitter about that. :P (Also, I'd like to apologise to Silver fans for harping on about him like this a lot as of late. I really have nothing against his level-headed fans, and I still sympathise with them on his poor treatment in the comics despite my apathy towards him.)
11. Forces is one of Eggman's best showings despite the underutilized premise. That fans' only idea for "fixing" the game is usurping him with Infinite and/or the Phantom Ruby says a lot about how much they want him to be out of the way.
12. I don't understand why the in-game racing banter in TSR is taken so seriously. Speaking as someone who otherwise takes characterization very seriously, this is like if people started shitting on Mario Kart because of Luigi's death stare.
13. Other games are objectively worse (like '06 and Chronicles), but Frontiers is my personal least favourite Sonic game for... well, nearly everything about it. And neither Sage or The End are as deep or as fans make them out to be.
14. At this point, I separate the IDW characters into two categories. The first category consists of the characters who I just hate or find lame full stop (Surge and Kit, Rough and Tumble, Mimic). The second category consists of the characters that I think could have had potential if it weren't for the awful writing, that I begrudgingly feel somewhat bad for as a result, and as such would be willing to attempt to redeem if I could (Tangle, Whisper, Lanolin, Starline before he got turned into Toothpaste Snively).
15. I respect Daniel Barnes, his work and understanding of Sonic's character in particular is certainly of a higher quality than that of Flynn and Stanley, and he also has more integrity to be sure. But I can't currently buy into the full hype since I wasn't that interested in Scrapnik Island, and since I'm very cautious of the golden pedestal mentality, since that's how people like Flynn got as far as they have in the first place, I really wish the fans who are as tired of Flynn and Co's antics as I am would keep that in mind.
16. I prefer What I'm Made Of over Live & Learn.
17. I'm not a literal "Classic Good, Modern Bad" type of fan, but the things that I appreciate most about Sonic games tend to be associated more in the public consciousness - at least in terms of gameplay, use of playable characters, and aesthetics - with classic and classic-in-spirit games.
18. AoStH is better than SatAM because it had Long John Baldry. *dab* And SatAM was the first serious split in the franchise, and the influence of said split continues to this day with the Freedom Fighter stans and their desire to make everything like SatAM/Archie, meaning I wholeheartedly wish this show never existed. *double dab*
19. I don't have a guilty pleasure, because that would imply I feel any guilt for enjoying them. I enjoy 3D Blast as a fun little time waster without any shame, and I have ironic enjoyment for ShtH, also without any shame.
20. If you use mandates as an excuse for bad writing, I officially cannot trust anything you have to say on the writing, the characters, and probably the entire franchise.
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maeshelix · 5 months
I hope this isn't rude or offensive to ask, but how many of you are there? And what're your names? :3
Anon. My dear friend.
Not only is this not rude at all, but we've been looking for the perfect excuse to make a little introduction post about us since we found out we were we!!!
At least, I have lmao. And you just gave me that excuse right now let's goooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
So!!! At the moment, there's about 10 of us, possibly 12??? Not sure yet, I'll let one of them edit this if I'm wrong and they exist lmao. But for now just operate on there being 10 peeps in here!!!
(Edit: It is actually twelve. Hello. I think I'll let Rokoko handle edits to the list proper though. She seems to enjoy that immensely-❤️)
(She seems to enjoy most things immensely lmao-💙)
More after the break (^-^)
First up on the list is meeeeeeeeee :3c Rokoko is the name and fun is my favorite game!!! I'm the resident clown-bot-girl of this particular system, a certified Delight here to spread joy and positivity in whatever ways I can!!! Usually through jokes!!! Though mostly because our body couldn't do half the shit I can do internally if we tried and also all of our friends are in completely different states and countries so we couldn't even hug or dance with any of them if I wanted to. And goodness knows I want to!!!
Next up is Salem!!!!!! My best buddy Salem!!!!!! She's basically the polar opposite to me lmao. She's a Protector who's perpetually tired and bitter cause the world kinda sorta sucks alot lmao. She's super sweet and kind if you get on her good side though!!! Which is harder then you think to get on but easier then you'd think!!! She's also a big tough werewolf girl who wants to look both cute and badass!!! Like a big metal spike wrapped in cute red ribbon ^_^
Next, there's Zero!!! She's a super cute robot girl like me!!! Except she's not really into the whole having emotions thing like I am. Like, she still has them (can't really completely avoid those while stuck in a human body after all) but she'd really prefer if she didn't, and she's told me that herself!!! Nonetheless, she's a logical and loyal little perfectionist AI who loves us just as much as we love her 💝💝💝. We're not really sure what her role within the system is (and honestly we don't really sweat it when it comes to roles in the system. Some of us know it instinctively but others don't and that's honestly fine!!!) But we know she's really witty and really smart!!! When she wants to be. She's also kind lazy, heehee :p
There's Daisy, who's a total sweetheart honestly. So much so that she's usually kinda sad and scared of the world around us which, fair lmao. She's a teeny tiny plant girl who just wants to be happy and loved and who's willing to help out in whatever ways she can. She's also adorable and again, soso sweet omgggggg you have no idea!!!
Marking the midway point of this list is Freesia!!! The suave moth demoness of our little family!!! She's an incredibly kind and loving woman who would probably help you move houses if you asked her to. I think she's a Caretaker??? Again, we don't really sweat labels here but it definitely fits with her in my opinion!!! She doesn't really come out often though, which sucks!!! @our brain, let the gal out every now and then she deserves time to herself!!!
Sleepy is next and we know basically nothing about her!!! Mostly because she rarely comes out, at least lately. Despite that though, we know that she's a big ol' goofball who says the most random shit sometimes and honestly, i love that aboit her (^ー^). Also fun fact!!! She's actually the one who originally tipped us off to being us in the first place!!! In that she was the first one to notice that she was different from whoever was in front at first one day and went "huh. Damn that's weird bro." I think she also miiiight controls when we feel especially ready to sleep (hence her name!!! I think. It could also be that she's just really really tired most the time, I honestly dunno!!!) so that's cool!!!
Next up, in no particular order, is Miranda!!! And next to Sleepy we probably know the least about her, except that she formed after a point in time where we played nothing but Elden Ring for like a month, after a particularly stressful point in our life!!! As such, she speaks like a fusion of Melina and Ranni and kinda looks like one too!!! With four arms and everything!!! She's really into fantasy media, and I'm sure she's gonna have a ball whenever we get around to playing Baldur's Gate 3 (let's be honest girls, it's an inevitability at this point, we just gotta pick the time lmao).
Heading up the rearguard is Hana!!! She's a super chill grill with attitude(  ̄▽ ̄). Almost as much of a jokester as me, she's just focused on relaxing and hanging out. She's a kinda fictive??? It's complicated, and not for public speculation!!! All you need to know is that she's got multiple wings like an angel and is super into DOOM!!! She's the best I love her o(^o^)o
If you're looking for a definitive fictive, then F.E. is the girl for you!!! I don't think she wants me to tell you what she's a fictive of, so I won't say her full name, but like. She's not really subtle about it let's be honest lmao. She's the one who usually comes to front and takes care of our body whenever our brain is just far too exhausted (emotionally or otherwise) for any of us to use it!!! Or whenever we're on painkillers. Either or lmao. We actually thought she was also Zero for the longest time since they both kinda have a similar "emotionless perfect being" thing going on, though eventually F.E. found out she's definitely different from Zero and here we are now!!! She's a nice and steadfast gal with a little bit of a mischievous streak and she's also our latest split!!! I love her (^.^)
Last, but certainly not least, probably, is our girl Silver!!! Unlike F.E., Silver's pretty open about what her source is, that being Silver the Hedgehog!!! And I'd say she act an awful lot like the OG telepath too!!! If just a liiiiittle more nervous and anxious. She's an optimist, but she's also a realist, and she never fails to have hope for the future!!! In spite of the evidence to the contrary lmao. She also thinks she's been here the longest too!!! Here being our brain of course. Which I believe!!! Makes sense that we'd have a Silver fictive as a kid lmao.
And that's the list so far!!! We'll probably just edit and re-edit this list whenever something new happens in here so keep an eye out for that!!! And of you can't then don't worry, cause I'm pinning this to the top of our silly little blog lmao.
Again, thank you for the ask anon!!! And I hope you enjoy my answer as much as I did writing it!!!
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lazarish · 7 months
No wait I want all the backstories in every AU pls
Well if you INSIST
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School AU:
This is basically a kdrama
Misty's parents die in an accident caused by the Sage corporation, she gets a full ride scholarship to the country's best high school so she doesn't go to the media (so she's orphaned at 16 instead of as a child)
Ends up in a love triangle between the heir of the Sage group and "King" of the school, Nadir, and the son of the Sage group's biggest rival, Atlas, who has just returned from ✨abroad✨ after some scandal no one will talk about
Selene is initially a bystander when her classmates bully Misty but eventually she stands up for her and uses her own reputation to protect her new friend
The only kdrama in history where she ends up with the second lead
Was nadir inspired by Gu Jun Pyo? We may never know
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Historical AU:
Setting: a nation on the verge of a revolution
Misty goes to the castle to become a maid in hopes of making a better life for herself, ends up befriending the sheltered princess and helping her understand how bad things are for the kingdom
Things get complication when the revolution infiltrates the palace in the form of the formerly exiled (Im gonna say Duke? Hell if I know how royalty works) Atlas
Nadir probably gets guillotined, sorry kit
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Idol AU:
This was the song stuck in my head when I was doing their outfits
Misty and Selene debut together in a group that's named after butterflies somehow because I have a brand™
Atlas and Nadir were in the same group but Atlas got kicked out (probably because of Nadir)
Misty eventually steps away from the spotlight and produces for Selene
Selene just. Becomes berry IU because that's what she deserves.
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Vanilla AU:
It's just the same. Genuinely it's just the same. They might have different names?
You can take the girl out of the pink but you can't take the pink out of the girl
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Cyberpunk AU:
This one would need the most worldbuilding but I imagine it's the same berry world just a few hundred years in the future
Selene's family is extremely rich and influential, so she lives completely sheltered and ignorant of what the world is really like- until one day she accidentally sees her brother's files and realizes she isn't really Selene Elysian
The real girl died young because of a genetic disease, and she's a highly advanced robot created to replace the real daughter so no one ever knows.
She has an identity crisis, runs away, and is taken in by Misty who at this point is making a living off salvaging valuable materials from discarded tech
Misty teaches Selene about the outside world, and together they realize that Selene can do a lot more than any other robot on the market, meaning her family is hiding some kind of dangerous and advanced technology
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I'm not good at making pets in the sims but you get the Vibes
Selene is the fluffiest possible cat
Misty is a King Charles Cavalier because my friends have a cute KCC named Nell and she's one of my favourite creatures
I genuinely had more ideas for this edit but I had to stop myself lmao, I could spend forever dressing up my girls and giving them happy endings
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alotofadhd · 1 year
Big ramble about Fabiniku…
Okay so this LONG ass post is gonna focus on my interpretations of fabiniku aka “life with an ordinary guy who got reincarnated as a fantasy knockout” buckle up I got a lot of thoughts and I’m trying to get it all out in one(ish) post and I don’t think the thoughts all make sense:
I also feel like I’m saying the same thing 5x before I get to the point so apologies in advance….
Tachibana is the reason that Jinguuji has the power that he has. Tachibana loves Jinguuji and currently I am not talking about Love in the romantic sense. You can love family and friends just as deeply as a romantic partner. And this love is why the goddess was drawn to him and this love is why Jinguuji is so dang strong day one. But I also believe we can pinpoint exactly where the turn from platonic to romantic happened and what that means for jinguuji’s strength.
This also plays into my theories on tachibana’s lack of strength.
At the start of the whole story the curse makes both protagonists “see” each other but it’s way easier for Tachibana to get past and ignore it seemingly than Jinguuji. It is theorised by many that that’s because Jinguuji has loved tachibana the whole time pre-isekai and is too repressed to understand any of it. Tachibana being a pretty girl and the two of them being cursed to actually “see” each other just punches him in the face with his OWN feelings. on the other hand Tachibana is just like “okay I’m totally into my friend now and I’ll be keeping that nightmare to myself(ish)”. We don’t see Tachibana struggling a much as Jinguuji does. (Tho they do struggle)
But then the robot fight happens and Jinguuji praised the shit out of his best friend and Tachibana can barely take the embarrassment of it all which causes Jinguuji to fully and genuinely laugh in front of Tachibana for probably the first time EVER. That whole moment put Jinguuji to Tachibana’s heart in a way he previously wasn’t. This is when we see Tachibana get charmed for first time too.
After this In the Manga, when the two encounter the elf on the ship Jinguuji strikes a major hit against her new weapon that mimics what heart beam would look like later in the arc. I believe this is because Tachibana’s feelings for him have grown and he is now capable of even more than before.
Then the single time we have seen the two be emotionally vulnerable with each other (in terms of their feelings for one another) it has resulted in a power boost for Jinguuji and him using heart beam. Tachibana refused to let jinguuji get away with his bullshit and made him call them cute! This moment tho was all spurred on by Tachibana. The blessing was given by Tachibana. Tachibana is the source of it all.
So long story short: Tachibana’s love makes Jinguuji strong.
But then the question is if Tachibana’s platonic love alone was enough to make jinguugi strong why isn’t the reverse true? Jinguuji clearly cares for Tachibana more than anything just because he refuses to call it love doesn’t change that the feelings are there? Well…
Tachibana, being the Hero, is the source of Jinguuji’s power, as the weapon, and I doubt the weapon can affect the hero directly. This is why I don’t think jinguuji’s love for tachibana wether named or not matters in the magic sense of it all.(tho it definitely matters over all)
I think Tachibana’s love is the source of Tachibana’s power and the one thing we truly haven’t seen is Tachibana Loving themselves. They didn’t love themselves before being isekai’d and they don’t now. And being put in a strange body with what look like only hinderances attached to it doesn’t help. The one time we’ve seen strength/skill come from Tachibana was again when they were being emotionally vulnerable and demanding the acknowledgment they felt they deserved.
1. They had a handle on a robot they should have had no idea how to use. Also they were good strategic attacks
2. Over powered Jinguuji for the forehead kissy.
I don’t think Tachibana is going to grow in skill and strength till they’re able to truly accept and love themselves.
And I think that Jinguuji is as much a part of the problem as he is the solution.
Well intentioned or not, Jinguugi does not accept Tachibana as they currently are and hasn’t made it a secret AT ALL. Even if Tachibana was in agreement the whole time after a while the constant reminders that “you are wrong” would get to anyone.
It’s a weird way to put it but I think they have a co-dependent relationship and time a part would strengthen there relationship and by extension Tachibana’s power maybe? Like self love plays into any relationship and I feel like the two of these idiots are growing more unhealthy in the relationship by the day… idk
I think Jinguuji is going to have to at minimum accept his friend where they’re at and commit to taking the journey with them and emotionally support them thru this genuinely tough time. But I also know Jinguuji is an idiot and won’t do this…
I’m cutting my self off if y’all want more ask…
FINAL NOTES: Jinguuji during the robot fight didn’t regain strength unti AFTER he acknowledged he was jealous of Tachibana’s attention and when he agreed to start praising Tachibana. Idk if that mean that Jinguuji’s had to comply with tachibana to keep his strength or if it is more of a reflection that their relationship needs to be strong in order for him to be strong… I feel like I am still close with my above interpretation but also I think I have thought myself into a hole… save me I’m stuck down here…
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amethyst-wind-uk · 1 year
Reading IDW’s 2018 Sonic the Hedgehog comic (specifically the Metal Virus saga) has given me new respect for Cream the Rabbit.
TL;DR - Cream the Rabbit is a fuckin’ legend and deserves to have respect put on her name. She goes through some heavy shit.
Spoilers below. It’s a long post so be warned.
Cream the Rabbit, first introduced in Sonic Advance 2, has never really been a character I was particularly concerned with. She was basically introduced to give Amy Rose/Blaze the Cat a sidekick a la Tails with Sonic. She’s got very obvious Japanese influences on her design (she’s quiet, polite, selfless and demure - traits that are supposedly indicative of a ‘good Japanese woman’). She’s also just six years old, and kid characters are hit-and-miss at the best of times.
However, when reading the Metal Virus saga, I saw her get some really good characterisation that DOESN’T clash with what’s already been established.
Issue 18 - The first words out of her mouth are a stammer. She’s scared, because she’s six years old and there are zombots (Metal Virus-infected people who are indestructible and act like mindless zombies) in her village. The very NEXT words out of her mouth is a desire for her to go help her neighbours who are in trouble. When her mother shoots that down, she immediately suggests sending her superpowered robot protector (Gemerl - whose ONLY concern is keeping Cream safe) to help others.
Gemerl ends up fighting Sonic, because the latter is himself infected by the Metal Virus and has been using his super speed to keep it at bay. Gemerl won’t let him near Cream because of the infection, and is fullly willing to kill Sonic if he doesn’t back off. Sonic eventually does back down and runs off to burn off some virus. Gemerl then turns the missiles he’d been aiming at Sonic on the zombots.
Upon seeing him do this, Cream immediately leaves her barricaded home to get him to stop, saying that the infected are victims and that he has to treat them like such, using non-lethal methods only.
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It doesn’t end up working, and the zombots breach the house and cause Cheese and Chocola (the chao pets of Cream and her mother Vanilla respectively) to become infected in defence of their owners. Vanilla grabs Cream and runs, while Cream is crying out for Cheese and Chocola to come with her (they refuse, because they know they’ll infect her if they do).
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Their escape is blocked by more zombots, but Sonic and Gemerl create a path for them. Sonic directs Cream to fly Vanilla out (Cream can fly by flapping her ears), asking her to ‘be brave’ despite all that’s happening, and she manages it. Six years old and has the fortitude and will to be brave while their home is being destroyed and members of her family are becoming infected with what at-that-point was considered a death sentence. There is no known cure for the virus in issue 18. All infected are considered lost.
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Issue 20 - Back at Restoration (the good guys) HQ, Sonic is waiting outside while they get him a safe way in where his infected ass won’t trouble the refugees they’re holding inside.
Cream is the one who greets him at the door, and leads him through the safe path. And she does it with a smile. When Sonic asks her if it’s past her bedtime, she readily acknowledges it, but says that Vanilla lets her stay up to help out (showing she’s very aware of the dire circumstances, and that it’s not normal for a six year old to be asked to do as much as she’s doing). She also reveals that she’s essentially scared to go to sleep, as she keeps having nightmares of seeing Cheese and Chocola get infected.
Cream and Sonic walk along a high catwalk, looking down at the gathered refugees, who all look miserable. Cream verbally confirms that everyone’s in a bad way, scared and sad and crammed together. She knows she can’t do much to help, but she’s resolved to remain outwardly happy to give the refugees something good to distract them from the general misery of the situation.
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This six year old girl is trying to be happier than the entire world is sad, just to lift the spirits of a room full of people she doesn’t even know. Cream knows she’s not a fighter, so she’s doing all she can to help. She’s putting on a brave face, even though she is herself feeling miserable inside. She’s six, people should be doing that FOR HER, not the other way around.
Issue 22 - This is a continuation of issue 20, as they’re still at the Restoration HQ (Cream is, at least. Sonic has left again to run off the infection and try to help others still out there). Cream basically repeats the conversation she had with Sonic with Amy Rose (who is leading the Restoration). Amy is visibly worn down from running on no sleep and constant stress, so Cream brings her tea to keep her awake.
When Amy asks her how she can remain sunny and upbeat, Cream again admits (with tears in her eyes) that it’s not easy. She’s scared, she knows her mother is scared, she knows everybody’s scared, but she’s trying. She even says she’s taken Sonic’s instruction to ‘be brave’ to heart.
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Leaving Amy to her work, Cream heads back to the overhead catwalk, and looks down on the refugees, who are even more crowded in now. Since nobody’s watching her, her face instantly falls into worry as she recognises the reality of the situation.
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Vector and Espio show up at this point, with a contained-but-infected Charmy Bee. Gemerl wants to throw them out, but Cream flies down from the catwalk to again intercede. The INSTANT she’s down amongst others again, there’s a permanent smile on her face. Every panel that shows her face shows her as happy and hopeful, despite being anything but a moment before.
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Unfortunately, an infected has managed to get into the base. This infected person isn’t mindless yet, but they are very scared.
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As you’d expect, the situation almost immediately goes to hell. The infected refugee becomes a zombot and starts infecting others. The panicked crush causes Charmy to get loose and also start infecting others, Espio hits the alarm, and Amy has to call for a complete evacuation of Restoration HQ.
THIS is the moment where Cream can’t pretend anymore. Gemerl grabs her and flies up above the crush. Cream is no longer smiling, she’s openly crying and calling out for her mother.
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Cream and Gemerl get separated. He’s taking on a zombot, while she’s flying around in a panic trying to find Vanilla. Amy orders Gemerl to get to the shuttle and hold off anyone infected who tries to get inside (Gemerl can scan everyone to detect infection - the only reason he didn’t catch the infected was that he was dealing with Vector and Charmy) while she gets Cream.
Cream’s still in tears at this point, still flying, but she spots her mother and dives straight for her.
Vanilla, who can’t fly, is currently physically holding off a zombot, and is visibly infected. She hears Cream coming, and begs Amy to get her daughter to safety.
Amy complies, intercepting Cream before she can reach Vanilla (who just thanks Amy for it, right in front of Cream).
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Cream has given up all pretense at this point, fighting in Amy’s arms while begging anyone who’ll listen to go back for her mother. It’s only when Amy does what Cream’s been doing all saga, putting on a smile and a brave face for her, that she allows herself to be led to a seat on the shuttle. She doesn’t appear for the rest of the issue.
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Issue 24 - Cream shows up again during an evacuation of Tangle the Lemur’s village, still helping by flying uninfected to safety, but she’s no longer smiling. She looks sad, and tired, and defeated and broken.
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When the situation calms a little, and she’s greeted by Sonic, she doesn’t even look at him. Her expression is exactly the same as when she was flying, and she just walks right past Sonic with her head down, barely eking out an acknowledgement of him.
Amy whispers what happened to Sonic, both of them wearing haunted expressions.
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Have I mentioned that Cream is six years old?
Tangle ends up staying behind to buy everyone else time to escape, having been infected, and this causes Whisper the Wolf (who very clearly loves Tangle) to fly into a panic, and she has to be dragged onto the shuttle by force. Once it takes off, Whisper is in a full-on breakdown, weeping and crying loudly.
And Cream is comforting her. She, still wearing her broken expression, is sitting with Whisper’s head in her lap, patting her gently as the wolf despairs.
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Whisper (and Tangle) are roughly the same age as most of the main characters. They’re teenagers. Cream is six. And she is the one comforting Whisper. Even now, she’s being that person.
Issue 25 - The remainng survivors have made it to Angel Island, to regroup. Eggman, Metal Sonic, and Starline appear out of nowhere from a portal (Starline had brought in the Deadly Six to help control the zombots, but had been betrayed by them and forced to escape). The good guys, inside the evacuation shuttle, reluctantly demand that Eggman help them cure the virus.
We cut to outside the shuttle, where Eggman’s face is dead-center in Whisper’s crosshairs.
The very next panel is Cream walking in front of Whisper’s sights, to block the shot. She holding Omega’s head, which is all that’s left of him. She politely, but lifelessly, asks (not demands, asks) Whisper not to shoot Eggman. Because it’s necessary right now. She doesn’t make any moral claim about killing, she just recognises that Eggman’s smarts will be useful to undo everything HE did. She knows it’s his fault, and she hates him, but she knows that they need him right now, and stands in front of her ally’s gun-barrel because of it.
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And this is where Cream demonstrates that, for all her maturity, she is a child.
And she is hurting.
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Tears in her eyes and having lost her entire family, she stares down Whisper, a combat veteran ten years older than her.
And when Whisper’s own grief overtakes her again, Cream moves in to hug her.
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Issue 26 - The heroes finally manage to plan a counter attack, going after the Deadly Six (who control the zombots and each possess a Chaos Emerald), to allow Sonic and Silver to go Super, and do something about the Metal Virus once and for all.
Gemerl is tasked with going after Zeena, and he says goodbye to Cream before he goes through the portal. Cream protests that she wants to help too. Gemerl tells her it’s too dangerous. Cream plays along for a few moments, then charges into the portal first. Gemerl races after her.
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When they land in front of Zeena, Cream LETS LOOSE. She has had enough, and is full-on ready to fight at this point. She’s openly angry, which she hasn’t been yet in the entire saga. She basically channels Inigo Montoya, while still somehow remaining polite.
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Issue 27 - Zeena uses her metal-controlling powers to quickly turn Gemerl against Cream, directing the robot to go after Cream.
Even as he’s advancing on her, Cream still doesn’t look worried and remains mostly annoyed. She stands her ground and essentially CHALLENGES Gemerl to break out of Zeena’s mind control because she knows how strong he is.
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And it works. When Gemerl busts his own wireless receiver to prevent Zeena’s control signal from reaching him, Cream finally shows some relief.
Zeena then tries to control Gemerl directly. In response, Cream (who up until this point has allowed Gemerl and Cheese and others to fight for her) spin-dashes Zeena in a direct assault.
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She then lets out all her frustration in a believably child-like way. She’s literally stamping her foot to try to break Zeena’s connection to Gemerl, while ranting at her.
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Cream is a third Zeena’s size, and six. years. old. Zeena still has the zombots mob Gemerl while she physically assaults Cream, kicking her and twisting her arm behind her back and holding her by the ears so she can’t fly away as more zombots advance to infect Cream.
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This causes Gemerl to break free long enough to get Zeena off Cream, and then the two of them work together to steal away the Chaos Emerald. Zeena, having lost its power, loses her control over the zombots, who swarm her.
Gemerl is holding Cream, who looks exhausted. She apologises to him, because in the chaos she ended up infected.
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She hands the Chaos Emerald over to him.
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Then, we’re ‘treated’ to a panel, one single panel, where she just looks terrified. She looks like the overwhelmed little girl she is. One panel, where she’s once again sending away her protector.
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Finally, as she’s done all saga, she puts others first.
She knows Gemerl has to take the Chaos Emerald back through the portal to Sonic and the others, and tries to make him believe she’ll be fine. She once again echoes the words Sonic told her back when he first rescued her in Issue 18.
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This little girl has kept Sonic’s words like a mantra for the entire saga, as everything got worse, as she lost loved one after loved one, as she took on the burdens of others in addition to her own, as she kept fighting and kept doing the right thing even at great cost to herself.
And she was still doing it to help others despite already having fallen to what was essentially a living death.
Gemerl, thankfully, doesn’t leave her alone. He chucks the Chaos Emerald through the portal, scoops her up, and flies away, promising to stay with her until she is well.
The last panel, where he says this, shows Cream curled in on herself, arms wrapped around her tiny frame. The Metal Virus already having spread over at least half of her.
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Issue 29/30 - We don’t see Cream again until after Super Sonic and Super Silver purge the Metal Virus from the world. She tearfully reunites with her mother on Angel Isand.
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Unfortunately, they are interrupted almost straight away by Zavok making one last ditch effort to cause harm.
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Cream responds by shoving her mother out of harm’s way and screaming for Cheese to attack Zavok, which raises the general alarm and brings the rest of the heroes running to subdue him.
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After Zavok is contained by Silver telekinetically holding him down, Gemerl discovers Orbot and Cubot in the wreckage, only to be run through from behind by Metal Sonic (again right in front of her).
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They manage to stop Metal Sonic from taking Gemerl, but can’t stop his or Eggman’s escape with the other robots.
Issue 31/32 - Cream goes right back to being a happy child, having been reunited with her mother, Cheese, Chocola, and Gemerl. They help out Chaotix in their efforts to find missing persons after the chaos, before attending a party in Tangle’s village to celebrate the end of the disaster.
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Eggman, naturally, attacks the party with an Omega-powered mech. Cream is one of the fliers who attacks the doctor directly in his cockpit, remaining in the thick of the fight for the entire duration.
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After Sonic shows up and helps to drive off Eggman, Cream (and Cheese and Gemerl) happily joins in on the group hug as the saga finally comes to a close, beaming as the happy hero she is.
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So yeah, respect Cream the Rabbit. As Sonic says just after telling her to be brave back in issue 18:
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Hey! Do you know anything about "Uncanny valley effect"? I watched some videos on YouTube recently and was so impressed! I like your analysis posts about android nature and I would be interested to know what you think about this. The detailed examples from DBH are especially welcome!
First I want to thank you for this question because thinking about it evolved into an argument within my head about the definition of the term that I am now super excited to share. Yes! Yes, of course I know about uncanny valley and referred to it in my previous posts.
And I want first to talk about this effect in details.
To those who don't know (if there are still people who haven't heard of that term before ) the uncanny valley effect describes the feel of unease or even fear that we, as humans, experience when confronted with something that looks like human, but just sliiiiightly off. The example of that would be mannequins or just dolls, anthropomorphic robots or even other actual humans, whose behaviour seems "not human-like". Probably the best example of uncanny valley to this day is this infamous video "I feel fantastic" where this doll that looks like a woman, sings a song with this creepy robotic voice. This video is The definition of uncanny valley effect in it's purest form.
Y tho
I've seen an explanation to the question why would we feel this kind of fear around those objects that look like humans, but off, which was "Because we're naturally afraid of dead bodies, duh. Simple as that!" to which I strongly disagree, because it doesn't answer the question why would this robotic voice be so scary in itself, even without this robot girl. And I have an answer to that, which may be a little different from the others I've seen so far. I like to think about the uncanny valley effect as a subset of this more general fear, caused by ruined expectation of something in our reality that we're really-really familiar with. In a traditional understanding of uncanny valley effect - that "something" in question would be humans. But let's think further, as generally a fear caused by something, that's supposed to be familiar, but for some reason is not.
I have a good picture to illustrate this more general "uncanny valley" effect that isn't linked to human-looking/sounding objects.
It's this fucking picture
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On the first glance it looks like something we instantly recognize as "some table with a bunch of junk on it", but the really next moment we go "Oh..wait.." and this sickening moment you realise that yes, it's familiar, but also completely utterly not, is the uncanny valley. For me at least.
Being a microtonality fan that I am, I can't help but draw the parallel between uncanny valley effect and the feeling people get when they first listen to microtonal music. It is described painfully similar to how people would describe uncanny valley, as something that's making them feel deeply uncomfortable for a reason they can't exactly name. It sounds like music (it looks human), but also there's something fundamentally different about how it sounds (acts, looks, smells) that makes it uncomfortable and scary, because it's something that's supposed to be familiar, but isn't. I'll take this opportunity to link a microtonal piece that struck me the first time I heard it with it being both uncanny and stunningly beautiful. When I played to other people they reacted almost as if it was physically harming them, lol.
I realise I dwelled away from the original topic, sorry.
With uncanny valley being attached specifically to androids within dbh there's actually not so much to say because in this game it's specifically emphasized that androids = humans without a proper attempt to make it androids != humans, but even so they deserve to be treated as such. I suspect it's because if they were actually shown as really different from humans, it'd make it harder for a player to emphasize with them, as player will be just as uncomfortable thinking about androids receiving rights. If only they looked and acted slightly less human the whole plot of a game would be perceived from a completely different angle, it'd actually put a game within a "horror" category solely because of it all being uncanny.
But even so, there are SOME examples of uncanny valley within the game.
Starting from the most obvious one, singing Kara's head that can be found on a landfill along with others mutilated androids. This right here is almost a dictionary example I gave earlier, I wonder if it was intended as a reference to "I feel fantastic" (other than a reference to Kara's first short film) but other than that there are barely any examples. Like yeah, their blood is blue and the insights are slightly different (although they do look similar to human's) and they can be brought "back from the dead" in a way, and their voice can get slightly glitchy when they're corrupted, but all of this is only hinting at being uncanny without actually being uncanny (at least not for us to feel it like this). It's even kind of weird that in a game absolutely fucking NO ONE is scared of androids for them being uncanny, but instead everyone hates them for replacing them at their work, which is honestly a really valid reason that isn't just "I hate them for being different" kind of thing. Sure there is Lucy, there are Zlatko's modified androids, all those things. Not uncanny, not nearly enough.
That's why it's so fun to imagine it actually being uncanny in a post-revolution setting and thinking about how will it actually affect interpersonal relationships between characters when one of the characters is stepping away from being perceived as just another human, who just happened to have a few quirks like having blue blood instead of red. When you actually acknowledge this inhuman part of the question. This is something I want more, so I write some of it myself. Here's a little piece of text from it that basically summarises what I want to see discussed more
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Episode 22 - The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, Part 3
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She was gonna do it. She glanced over at Kyon and gave him this little head tilt as if looking for confirmation. The alien robot equivalent of the "Are you certain you wish to complete the requested operation?" confirmation window.
She was about to unleash Integrated Thought Entity reality-configuration domain sorcery and disintegrate Mikuru into fractals.
Haruhi came this close |-| to getting Mikuru killed during filming.
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Dear diary.
Today, while filming our movie (without a script or clear idea of the plot), we trespassed on a Shinto shrine. When the priest discovered us, we shot at him with guns.
In conclusion, I'm glad to be a part of SOS Brigade.
(To be fair, I'm pretty sure that if you find yourself in a position where God is shooting at you with guns, you are failing to carry out your duties as a priest. Maybe he should reflect on that.)
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We've seen Haruhi rewrite reality before but this time feels so much more direct than before. I was worried before that Haruhi trying to make a movie would result in some Alan Wake shit and now we're here.
She got so frustrated that Mikuru couldn't read her mind and figure out that she's supposed to have Magical Girl laser eyes that she wound up giving Mikuru Magical Girl laser eyes for real.
I vote we let her keep it. I said before that Mikuru should be given a gun and this is just as good. She deserves something to defend herself with.
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Yuki's ability to withstand tremendous amounts of physical harm in what is neither a battle shonen nor a gorefest anime is always unsettling in the rare instances it comes up. If I had to describe the genre, the best I could come up with is cosmic horror slice-of-life.
It's a good thing Haruhi made Mikuru wear that blue contact. Writing the new rule as "Your special blue eye allows you to shoot lasers" provided an easy exit clause. Though if some Ryoko type shit happens again down the road, I hope they remember that Mikuru can now shoot motherfucking lasers as long as she's wearing that blue contact. Hang on to that.
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Yuki making goddamn certain that Kyon credits her and Mikuru's feats properly when he updates their entries on Versus Wiki tonight.
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"The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya" really ramped up the Mikuru mistreatment. Ever since filming began, the Mikuru bits have been dialed up to 11. It feels purposeful. But. Like. I kind of feel the same way that I feel about when Danganronpa tries to deliberately call out sexualized mistreatment in the entertainment industry.
That is to say. Like. The way Haruhi so heavily objectifies and mistreats Mikuru in this arc while making these directorial rants feels like it's supposed to be satirical and poignant. And it would. If. She. Didn't already treat Mikuru this way under normal circumstances too.
It feels like it's trying to make a statement, but that statement falls flat because it's dependent on the same "joke" that they've already been telling since episode 1. If acting like this was new, if becoming a director caused a shift in Haruhi's behavior that suddenly made her act this way, then it would work as a satirical commentary. But. As is, it's just the same shit with a new context.
So ultimately it doesn't feel like Haruhi's acting like this because she's a director. It feels like the director is acting like this because she's Haruhi.
Of course, it could also just be "season two". Endless Eight had a noticeable ramp-up in Male Gaze camera shots. I noted in season one that Mikuru's treatment seemed unusual in a series that largely avoided doing typical Male Gaze things like closeups on female body parts or unnecessarily low camera angles to shoot up the girls' skirts. Come season two, all of that stuff is here in force.
So. They course-corrected in the wrong direction between seasons. With that in mind, this might not be a statement on anything. They may just be ramping up the Mikuru gag because this season is pervier than the first.
(Note that I am not referring to the quality of Mikuru gag; Her mistreatment here isn't any worse than in season one. Rather, I'm referring to the quantity of Mikuru gag; This arc is saturated with it. It is non-stop rather than being a brief bit here or there like it usually is. Just about every scene has an "LOL Objectifying Mikuru" joke. And, of course, she's getting it from both Haruhi and Kyon as usual.)
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Gonna be honest, it took me a moment to realize that Haruhi was getting a taxi. I legit thought she was stealing this car.
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No, let her keep it, you jackals! UGH Mikuru doesn't get to have anything.
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Yuki can inject nanomachines into people's blood by biting them. That is hilarious and I'm furious that it wasn't depicted onscreen. I'm just picturing Yuki with typical stoic face but teeth bared, clenching Mikuru's finger in her teeth. And just. Sitting there. For minutes. Processing.
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timothylawrence · 2 years
finished the Handsome Jackpot, thoughts below!
-by far one of the most lovingly piece of borderlands content i've seen from the devs since tftbl. from the story to the characters to the dialogue, it's all so wonderfully woven together that I couldn't help but hope it never ended! which is saying a lot considering how the main campaign went!!!
-to start, all the characters are so wonderfully written and feel so real. Ember stood out to me as not another femme fatale or Girlboss(TM), but a real woman who's fighting for better things, for her friends, and for freedom. She has a cute quirk with fire and frankly her whole personality is amazing. Freddie, my god, he was so funny and cheeky. I knew he was going to betray us by the pretty boy's one line but i really hoped he wouldn't! he was written with so much personality and quirks, i actually felt for his robots :(. pretty boy is a funny type with sick intentions that only got worse as time went on and the mayor of Trashapolis (???) was SO COOL. i loved his design, just wish we got a name! Getting to FINALLY interact with Moxxi on a more personal level... ugh i love her so much. she's so human and funny and her revenge is justified, you go girl! I missed her proximity to the main campaign so it was nice to get level with her :(( Everyone in this dlc is a victim in one way or another and I think that's what makes everyone's dynamics work so well together.
-onto timothy, since that's one of the main points you guys are probably looking for LOL, his dynamic with all these characters is truly what makes him so... alive? the way he talks about his regret with Ember, his "im not as weird as Freddie" process, and his overall pining crush on Moxxi is just. so good. He feels 3D and isn't just a "sad, pathetic meow meow" as fandom portrays him to be. He's crass and rude and frankly selfish at points, but then he has moments where he is so, so sad and you realize that behind the mask (sorry), there's another victim of Handsome Jack's that you get to help. Just like Moxxi. Seeing him juggle between himself and jack is also so unique to him and frankly, it tugs at the heart :(
-Man. the story. this DLC is exactly what BL3 was missing all along. A sense of fucking connection. This whole story you're jumping from one character to another but they're all connected in such intricate ways. You hear Moxxi talk about her trauma from Jack and you feel sympathy, you find out Timothy thinks about her still and then you meet Ember, who despite being burned (sorry again) by Timothy, comes through to help him. Freddie, albeit a "new" addition, is just as much a victim to everyone else. The scene where they're all standing at the table coming up with a plan felt so, so good. I felt like we actually played a purpose in the story and getting to see everyone together like that? it was a genuine connection between the player and the story. It felt like we were back in Sanctuary standing beside Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai. The characters made the story for sure, but being able to see everyone gathered like that? brought together for a good cause and better loot? that's what borderlands is fucking about. When you spend the entire main campaign forgetting the point of a mission, running from one place to another, never actually being together, it just... feels empty. and this DLC rectifies that so, so well. There's no more "talk to lilith on the bridge".
-the narrated plan scene has got to be one of the best scenes i've ever played. i laughed and it was still action packed and it was just, so, so good. instead of idly sitting back watching a character make a dumb decision, or being mocked, the player is IN on the game, invited to join and actually feel like a part of the plan!
-The UI deserves a praise for the dumb mission names, the silly names of the parts of the map, freaking casa de Timothy made me laugh. It's the silly humor that kinda tied a nice little wrap on a good story and great characters.
-The bosses, oh my god, that was SO FUN!!!! the claptrap revenge/zombie thing literally threw me back to COD zombies days, the JACKBOT was SUCH a cool multi-level boss- even Freddie was great! Just like Krieg's DLC, there was a lot of fun with these levels.
-The design of the Jackpot frankly felt like we were back in BL2 Pandora, which was such a nice refresher sorry! I really enjoyed running through what felt like opportunity again :,). all the jack stuff was CREEPY! I didnt realize the jack tower moved and then it did and i was like OH.
-bugs of course put a tamper on the fun, had to restart twice 'cause the audio bugged and then Timothy just... didn't show up to hack the forcefield LOL . Not exactly the DLCs fault.
-the ending music was the bow on the masterpiece, sorry!
Overall, this DLC nearly makes up for the awfulness that was the main campaign. there was heart to be found in every corner, love crafted in every piece of dialogue, and genuine FUN in each mission. I almost wished i didn't play 'cause now im longing for another GOOD BL thing to play. open to talking about it as always hehe <3
surprising from me, a peak 10/10
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
is aoi in your AU? Sorry if someone already asked this
hey Anon! Really sorry for the wait I wanted to do quick doodles to illustrate ahah
Thanks for the question and no problem no one asked me already :DD
I didn't know which au you were talking about so I will talk about her in both aus I have eheh
In mysteryfamau:
She is one of the mysteryfam's neighbor living in a house in the commercial alley. She knows Akane since he went to school the first time as Tsuchi's son (in kindergarten when they were around 5), and they have been friends since then.
Aoi in this au doesn't have the same fears and traumas as in canon since her dad left her mother when she was really young. Her mom has a really cool wife now because she deserves it and Aoi has a lovely family (this au is litteraly just me giving the characters a good life and shenanigans tbh) She loves breakdance, and roller-skate. She adores to annoy Akane, like setting him ridiculous alarms or climbing his walls to wake him up early with the worst ideas ever (Akane often ends up getting her into his blanket and throws her in the stairs, they love each other a lot ♥) She still masks her true personnality but she is more the happy-go-lucky-absolutely-everyone-loves-girl at school rather than how she is in the manga, so still popular and masking a lot but not with the same personnality. She is squatting the mysteryfam's house absolutely everyday and Tsuchi isn't even surprised to see her at any meals of the day. She just goes whenever she wants. Aoi also has been Nene's internet friend since she is 13 and she is so happy her friend ends up in the same town as her. She is an absolute menace, really sweet but can say the worst thing ever with a big smile.
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In after life city au
If you want more context for this au I advice cheking out this post (and this one for the info about her family)
Aoi lost her childhood friend who went missing at the age of 12 (Akane) and her best friend Nene who died at the age of 15. She is way more sad and angry than in canon and knows some stuff about her family's traditions. She also knows a little about exorcist stuff and has some powers but she never really used them, she only knows because of her grandpa who taugth her for protection. Once Nene dies, she becomes desesperate and goes deep into all those family stuff and hears that a city where the deads end up exists. Aoi gets ready to go there but doesn't know where the gates are, so she researches more about everything, especially about the Minamotos because she knows their family is more important about the relationship between the two shores. When she hears that the Minamoto's sons are going into the afterlifecity she decides to go with them, 'as protection' she says. She wants to get Nene back from the afterlifecity. Lemon is the only friend she has left and he will decide to go with her because he realizes how much she is drowning in her grief about her two friends. He goes as a lil robot (a kinda drone idk lemme be idiot about this) because he has no special blood and can't go there, and is definitely here as her voice of reason.
Aoi is in the city for her own reasons and will cause some problems to the Lords and also to the Minamotos. She hates Kyo with a burning passion.
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And that's all for now :DD thanks a lot for this question Anon it made me happy to talk about her ahah ^^
I adore how the two Aoi are just exact opposite of each other in this post lol
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adultswim2021 · 6 months
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Robot Chicken #68: “But Not In That Way” | February 1, 2009 - 11:30PM | S04E09
Time for the Robot Chicken program that we all know and love. I will do my best to talk about this episode in a way that it deserves; dashed off and under the influence of marijuana. 
To be honest, the only sketches I hated in this were really short. The Peanuts “I got Iraq” joke really made me irrationally mad. Hulk Hogan voices a black guy at one point, which isn’t great. Not only is he a white dude, but he’s also a racist white dude! Why can’t people be pissed off at this? Terrible to think about: He has dropped far worse bombs.
Last time I covered Robot Chicken, I made the decision to go soft on it and try to focus on the positives. That’s for two reasons: the joke I hated most was the phrase “rape shoes”, and I was really struggling to figure out a way to complain about it without sounding woke. Most of the sketches I merely didn’t like and I wasn’t feeling very inspired trying to come up with ways to bury them, because they were bad for reasons I normally cite over and over again. In other words: I was being lazy. I literally just didn’t feel like coming up with words, and knew “focusing on the positive” would yield a shorter, easier write-up.
It is an unfortunate coincidence that, on the evening I decide to pledge myself to being more savage with the show, I managed to LAUGH TWICE at this episode, putting it in the running for maybe the strongest Robot Chicken episode of all time. The Inuyasha sketch was decent and had some funny lines that made me smile. Also, I legitimately perk up when Seth MacFarlane is on this show, as insane as that sounds. I must have Stockholm syndrome or something. But this was a funny idea for a sketch, and it was decently executed. The ending was lame, but usually the endings of Robot Chicken sketches are VERY BAD, so I welcome lame. 
A Punky Brewster sketch was almost good, but I really do dislike Robot Chicken’s penchant for overly jerky characters being overly jerky. I’m pleased anytime I'm asked to think about Soleil Moon Frye breasts. I simply don’t know why! 
The two actual laughs: the ALF cutaway where he calmly observes the birth of a litter of kittens and asks “is anyone here gonna freak out if I eat that afterbirth?” got me. For Robot Chicken, this is remarkably restrained. Another sketch would be about ALF trying to eat the kittens, then the mom cat fighting ALF in a zany kung-fu fight, and then when she returns to the kittens she finds they've all been smoked by Willie, mistaken for crack for some reason.
The lengthiest sketch of the show is Shawshank Redemption but set at Arkham Asylum. Lord help me, I liked the stupid detail that Batman is personally overseeing the Asylum like a prison guard. Also the poopoo humor actually caused me to laugh out loud, however briefly. There was a couple moments in this episode where the punchline was farty noises, and I hated them, because they just sounded like overused sound-effects to me.
Also, lucky for the show, one of my all-time favorite things to do when I played with action figures was to make them shit on each other. This tapped into some seriously primordial stuff in my id. 
I've heard a lot of hype on reddit and CNN about you being "the funny man of Tumblr." Any tips & tricks you want to share?
Very simple my dear girl; first 1) you gotta make funny friends then two 2) you gotta steal from those funny friends
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