#cave troll hits the road
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Road trip update: What’s the point of going thru West Virginia if you don’t pay tribute to the Mothman?
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enpr-ss · 1 year
Tango making decked out 2 and streaming runs is why we have so much etho content. Everyone thank him for giving us hours of behind the scenes of Etho’s videos.
Wait Etho deliberately waits for Tango’s streams to run? Bro?? He’s actually so kind. Using his fandom to get Tango views.
Gem pops in and the first thing she does is to punch Etho repeatedly. Classic. The Canadian on Canadian violence is real.
Etho planning to punch some bats
AND THE FIRST UNLUCKY EVENT OF HIS RUN! HOW MANY MORE WILL HE FIND? The vex avoiding path change, now the stumble card. He did get a key before 30 seconds though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone try to lure One Eyed Willie before. ALL THAT FOR 23 FE AGAIN?!
Tango talks so much to Etho during his runs, more than he does to anyone else. Something something expressing the will of the dungeon. Is that why the dungeon likes Etho so much? He talks to it, thus the favor, or is it the other way around? Tango enjoys his runs so much more than anyone else’s, even Hypno’s.
Beast Bites! Man continues to reference the previous decked out. Of course he gets level 3 on his first try. HE GETS A 24 HAHAHA! “Cant have keys and artifact luck etho” -gem. HES STILL GOING TO FARM LEVEL 1 LOL. And then he taunts Gem with keys. He’s such a little shit stirrer.
EVEN THE RAVAGERS LIKE HIM!!! AND HE GETS ETHO WALLED!! He talked so much trash to Gem about her bad key luck and now he has to eat his words. Etho suffers from treasure rng for the first time. AND THEN THE GAME IS LITERALLY RIGGED AGAINST HIM BECAUSE OF MAX TREASURE!!! Etho dungeon difficulty is real. And of course he dies to Miss Management. How ironic. He’s washed up in the river of souls! Gem is so vindicated.
WILLIE AIMBOT! Sure did washed him up in that lake! One eyed on one eyed violence.
HIS KEY LUCK IS INSANE. The dungeons really wants him deeper. AND THE WARDEN IS RIGHT AT THE DOOR. AND HE JUST SNEAKS RIGHT ON BY UNDER IT. “just a little slime boing boing!” What comes out of his mouth even?
“How does he even get an IMPOSSIBLE key” -gem LOL.
Yeah right he’s taking coward’s path he’s gotta be trolling. “Pfft who’re you talking to here” THE SHEER ARROGANCE. I hope he dies to a warden. I hope gem kills him. 24 AGAIN???!!! NOT WORTH!!! HAHAHAHA. Of course he gets out on his second try, on the middle level in the harder area, and of course no hard parkour. HOW DOES HE DO IT?!?!? OH MY GOD!!!
“Cub walked so that Etho could scoot” - chat.
“Gem is great and Etho is epic!” - gem
He’s trying to meta game the rusty repair kit. Of course. “Stop breaking the immersion nerd! Get in there nerd” - gem. Jock on nerd violence.
The “gem is great” is the first superstition lol
He got so much from rusty!!!
“There’s nobody here” *ravager appears having waited for the right moment*
HE GOT 36!!! MAX FOR LEVEL 2!!! dungeon making up for his previous artifacts. His luck strikes again!! LOOT AND SCOOT IN THE SILK ROAD!! AND HE MAKES IT OUT!!! THE LEGEND!!! 5 tomes, what a flex!!!
The dungeon is definitely in yandere love with Etho.
“I want to see my artifact I haven’t found it yet” - gem
“It’s the keys in the dungeon” - etho who just can’t stop saying words. Talk shit get hit my man.
He just keeps breaking the game.
HOW DOES HE ALWAYS GET LOOT AND SCOOT JUST WHEN HE NEEDS IT??? SCRIPTED!! DEUS EX MACHINA!!!! And then he gets overconfident and gets skill issued in the easy part.
So greedy that he broke the game. And he memorized those ravager locations!!!
Saw in a comment that Etho asked about killing cave spiders to farm them for string for carpets / wool to sneak past the wardens and tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if he considered it.
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freetobeeyouandme · 11 months
Tags: Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Bylerween 2023, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Witches, Wizards & Necromancers, Blood and Gore, The Witcher AU
Words: 1.9k
His ears pick up on the soft, calm breathing of the wizard, and he tries to copy it. His body is still too alert for meditation to be of any help, but there are other tricks, he has learned. His travels with companions, especially this one, have taught him. He focuses on the wizard’s light touch, the in and out of his breath, the crinkling of leaves under his feet as he shifts, unable to stand completely still. The rustling of fabric, the heat of another body so close to him. The sounds he makes as he opens his mouth and then closes it again, deciding not to say anything. Mike lends his companion the focus that he had prepared for the monster, and that stops the rest of the world from spinning so fast. - Or, Bylerween Day 7: Witches, Wizards & Necromancers
read on Ao3 or below; see whole collection
Here we are, the last one shot of this series: A Witcher AU feat Wizard!Will and Witcher!Mike having a sweet little moment post battle. I hope you enjoy! CW: Blood and gore
The demogorgon crashes to the ground in two parts. Its body lands at Mike’s feet while its head hits the forest floor and rolls a little way down slope. A leather boot, sweeping out from under purple robes, brings it to a halt.
With the monster’s death, the woods turn deadly quiet, and Mike’s senses pick up on everything else now that there are no more enemies to focus on. There is a small brook nearby, bubbling hectically. The threats dispersed, the neighboring birds swoop in to examine places previously off limits. This immediately leads to disputes over food, the robins especially contentious, their little claws tip and tapping in the branches above as they twitter at each other angrily. In the distance a wolf howls. A herd of deer has found the brook, lapping up the water. Their hearts begin to race with fear, tap tap tap, and the smell is not far behind. Soon the wolves will find them and their blood will turn the brook red. Maybe if the deer would head in Mike’s direction they could avoid that grizzly fate, but the smell of monster guts deters them.
Later, perhaps, after the wolves have already had their fill, a few of them will stumble along this path. But only once the witcher and his bounty have long left the woods behind. When the sharp tang of undeath and cold, preserved flesh is replaced by the sweet smell of rot.
Above the woods the clouds shift, letting in a rare beam of sunlight. He closes his eyes against it, the light too bright. On the path are riders. The wolves sniff the ground, take up the hunt. The deer scatter. Tip tap, tip tap go the birds. Another fight, another set of wings beating as the loser flies. The sound of horses pawing the ground. Leaves crunching under leather boots. The squish of dead flesh as it hits the ground beside his feet. A shrill peal of laughter on the road. The stench of the head, the dark taste of the demo-creatures’ blood in the air.
The hand on his cheek is warm despite the cold weather, fiery magic not yet abated, and Mike tries to focus on it as he brings his breathing under control. His head already begins to ache as the entire forest tries to get his attention. Without a monster to focus on his senses are running wild, trying to find a new enemy in every small woodland creature and every passing rider. It is different up in the mountains, where settlements are far and few between and he has to wander quite a bit until he finds whatever cave troll or wyrmling is going to bring in enough crowns for him to eat and sleep until the next monster warrants slaying; there it is quiet. The middle of Redania, with its close settlements and constant foot traffic is hell, compared.
Especially with another war brewing, kings and queens all vying for his help, somehow, because they mistake him for a sell-sword instead of a monster hunter. And because they think he will deliver the brown haired sorceress to them when he finds her.
“Sheathe your sword, love.”
Mike does as he is told, trying not to cringe at the rasp of silver against leather right next to his ear. The hand on his cheek holds him in place. Holds him together.
Light fingers wander over his skin, tracing the dark veins below his eyes, visible reminders of the poison in his blood, self inflicted to prevent worse pain: Becoming demogorgon food.
His ears pick up on the soft, calm breathing of the wizard, and he tries to copy it. His body is still too alert for meditation to be of any help, but there are other tricks, he has learned. His travels with companions, especially this one, have taught him.
He focuses on the wizard’s light touch, the in and out of his breath, the crinkling of leaves under his feet as he shifts, unable to stand completely still. The rustling of fabric, the heat of another body so close to him. The sounds he makes as he opens his mouth and then closes it again, deciding not to say anything. Mike lends his companion the focus that he had prepared for the monster, and that stops the rest of the world from spinning so fast.
He peels his eyes open again, watching the expressions shift on the wizard’s face. His eyes, made greener than they are by his heightened senses, blink, and in that blink shift from worried to joy as he realizes Mike is watching him. The mouth, lips pink and soft, ticks upward in a smile.
“Hi,” Will says quietly.
“Hi,” Mike replies roughly.
There is another trick, but that one only works with Will. Mike pulls off his gloves, sticks them in his belt, and cups his lover’s face in his hands. Will follows his directions all too willingly, crossing that last half-step of distance between them.
Someday, perhaps, Mike will stop feeling bad about taking what Will so freely offers. He has not had the chance to wash up, and he knows some of that monster blood has found its way into his mouth in the heat of the fight. He can taste it there, bitter and rotten, and he knows Will must taste it too. Will must taste him the acidic aftertaste of the potion, and the cold, bitter saliva it leaves forming in his mouth. He is a sick thing, a cold beast, no longer human, not like this.
Mike will stop feeling bad for it when he learns to accept that Will does not care and does not mind. Perhaps because wizards themselves are not quite human anymore with all that magic running through their veins. Perhaps he has charmed, how he has no idea, the wizard into simply not caring, the blood and the rot and the poison a small price to pay for Mike’s company.
And so Will lets him kiss him. At first careful, the simple touch of mouths already flooding Mike’s senses like the swipe of a claw that got under his armor. Then Will opens up, and Mike presses forward readily, still wanting more. The first desperate gasp for air turns into a moan.
Mike pants as Will leaves off his mouth, lips brushing over his cheek, teeth scraping along his jaw. Dextrous fingers find the collar of his armor and start peeling it away, granting a hungry mouth access to his neck. The cold seeps in before the lips can warm his skin, making him shiver.
Above them October sunlight dapples through the trees. Birds twitter aggressively, still fighting. Hooves clomp on the road, wooden wheels creak as they roll over gravel. Their own horses whiny impatiently.
Mike pulls away, loathe to leave Will’s careful hands behind but suddenly unable to stand the sensation. He doubles over as his stomach turns – he doesn’t throw up, hasn’t thrown up from any of his potions since he first left Kaer Morhen for the Path, but sometimes, when he’s had too much, his body still fights him.
Will knows what to do with him in these moments too, though. He crosses the distance Mike has put between them with his first stagger and, placing a firm hand on the back of Mike’s head, keeps him down. Mike sinks to the ground, onto his knees, trying to hold his spasming body in place and Will follows, never breaking contact.
Sometimes, in moments like these, it scares Mike how much he depends on the wizard and the kind hands on his body, helping him hold on.
“Love,” Will whispers, and it means the same thing as I forgive you.
Mike curls into him, taking the darkness offered by pressing his head against Will’s chest. Will’s arms come around him, holding him there, promising safety until the pounding in Mike’s head has subsided and the adrenaline in his veins has settled down.
He doesn’t speak again until he can feel Mike’s breathing evening out. “There is a little brook nearby, love, we can get you washed up there.”
Mike nods, but it takes him a second to peel himself away from his lover’s warmth because once they are moving again they will not stop like this until the night hides their embrace.
He dreads already the evening, the dingy tavern and Dustin’s incessant singing. He dreads most the drunkards, liquid courage lying to them that bothering a witcher about tales of adventure is how they want to end their night. Sometimes riding back into town after a successful contract has people stare at him wearily, watching the cooling heads of monsters dangle off his saddlebags and his easy handling of them with disgust. He prefers that reaction. Rather a freak than a curiosity.
When he realizes Mike has wandered off into his own head, Will turns downright chatty, trying to draw him back out: “I think we should maybe take a break once we’ve found El. Winter is approaching fast, and I could just portal us all back to Lod, and then we ride up to Kaer Morhen from there. You haven’t wintered with your brothers in years, I’m sure Hopper will be happy to see you, even if you bring uninvited guests. And it might be a good place to hide El. I know you witchers like to stay out of the business of kings and queens, but…”
Mike only grunts in vague assent as he ropes together the heads of the demogorgon and the pack of younglings it had ran with, then says a quiet prayer that the amount of heads might be enough to make him a freak tonight. He drops them over Paladin’s back, always glad that his horse has long gotten used to the smell and is less harsh in her judgment than some humans are. Taking up the reigns, he follows Will’s lead, still chatting on about how he’s heard rumors Lucas had fallen in with a female witcher, now isn’t there something you don’t see every day, they say she’s a cat, maybe he’ll bring her if he comes this winter.
They’ll clean up at the brook, then head back to Rivia to collect their reward and their bard. Then they’ll continue searching for the tattooed sorceress and maybe, if they can make it in time, actually winter somewhere instead of continuing to work during the snow time. Perhaps that is what he needs, a rest from the potions, the danger, the bleeding. Warm furs and an even warmer body by his side.
It scares him, too, though, how much he depends on the wizard for that now: companionship, comfort and rest. How intertwined their futures seem to be, not just because they’re bound to keep running into each other as they both pursue their professions, or even because they’re both involved in the hunt for the Eleventh of Father’s Mountain. They won’t just split up once Mike has found the sorceress that keeps haunting Will’s dreams – there are plans beyond that, vague things defined only by their commonality: They’ll face all that is to come together.
The only people Mike has trusted like that were his brothers, Lucas chief among them, and perhaps the bard, his oldest friend. Never a lover, though. And especially never a mage.
But when Will turns back to check on him, mouth moving a mile an hour, lips turned up in a genuine smile, his face open – not the careful mask Mike has come to know on other mages, not the manipulative act that seems almost like an instinct to their order – he thinks he has grown to like that quite a bit. To love that, even. And perhaps that is what scares him the most.
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written for @bylerween2023
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sylvienerevarine · 1 year
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Sophrine the Dragonborn comes from a long line of people that just married whoever
(eep, thank you for 100 followers! some explanations below cut)
Sylvie the Nerevarine (and Bathmar Bold-Lute)
Sylvie met her future husband at the Thirsk Mead Hall on Solstheim, after she killed the Udyrfrykte, took its heart as a trophy, and became the new chieftain (this is a normal Loredas for her). It's hard not to be attracted to someone whose entire job is to sing your troll-related praises. Bathmar originally hails from Riften but wound up on Solstheim during a folk-song-research expedition, and stuck around for the booze and the terrifying ginger women. Sylvie and Bathmar had one daughter...
Falura "Lulu" Flame-Heart (and Sylveron Llervu)
Lulu, named after her mother's best friend, dresses like Island Barbie because she spent a significant percentage of her youth sailing around the world with her parents. They got back to Morrowind just before the mountain exploded, and Sylvie managed to gather some family and friends on Solstheim because she sensed some shit was going down. Lulu married her childhood friend Sylveron Llervu (named after his mother's best friend). Sylveron was supposed to take over as Zainab Ashkhan one day, but after all that fell apart, he and Lulu had three kids, the middle one being...
Svenja Llervu (and Erich One-Eye)
Svenja, named after a family friend from Solstheim, grew up with her parents in the city of Blacklight (it's spectacular!) before she went off to study at the Arcane University. After college she scored a job in Bruma, where she met Erich, local blacksmith and all-around good lad. Erich's family thought he was a bit weird for marrying a part-elf mage lady, but her common-cold remedy is on point, so the family grew to love her. Svenja and Erich have two daughters, the elder being...
Ilse the Healer (and Gerard Aulette)
As soon as Ilse hit twenty-one she hit the road and started working her way around Tamriel, making potions and hunting weird things. She did quite a few interesting things, like finding pirate treasure in Hammerfell and high-fiving an Alfiq, before she found herself in the Stormhaven village of Left Bank. Therein she met Gerard Aulette, son of the local innkeepers, and fell madly in love with his souffle skills. The two got married, Ilse finally managed to settle down, and the family was blessed with two children, Bertie and...
Sophrine Aulette (and Roggi Knot-Beard)
What can be said about these two that hasn't already been said? Their meet-cute was one party blackmailing the other into not paying his bar tab. They can have hours-long conversations about food and beverages. One of them is a superhero chef with the wrong type of soul, and the other is a completely normal guy. They think it's funny to have sex in haunted caves. I love them.
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seabreeze2022 · 1 year
2023 Bahamas cruise, Part 20. April 22. Cat Island, not Cat Cay!
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Cat Island at the highest point of all the Bahamas, Mountain Alvernia 206 ft. above sea level. The mountain is worthy of being named after. On Monday, I got a ride back from the car rental by “Alverni”.
When we we’re approaching Cave Cay from the west, we heard a faint VHF call to/from “Bay Wind” a buddy boat from last year. I was able to find them on the AIS (Automatic Identification System). No answer on VHF when we called, so I emailed them where we were at and our plans.
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They emailed back and we said we were headed to Cat Island in the morning. After looking at the weather, they changed their plans from heading to George Town, Exuma. To meet us in Cat Island. During the evening a wind blew up from the South West. Above are photos from the exact anchorage a year ago when we last saw them.
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We weathered a huge lightning storm during the night. All the portable electronics go in the microwave, incase of a lighting strike. Later we heard friends of George and Lisa were hit by lighting that night in Nassau.
George and Lisa had moved north to Black Point in the afternoon when winds starting picking up. So we left Galliot Cay cut at daybreak with both an out going tide and a tailwind. Flat calm and we had a current helping us. Flat calm 50 mile run to New Bight, Cat Island. Winds were light and behind us as we motored at 5.3 knots. Raise the main sail. No increase in speed. Bang…bang…bang. Lower the mainsail.
Winds seem to pick up. Raise the mainsail. Bang….bang…bang. Tie the boom hard to a midship cleat to stop the banging. Still no increase in speed. Lower the mainsail. We do that 5 times.
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The ugly side of cruising. Throwing our cans in the ocean.
We hate seeing bottles thrown on the side of the road here in the Bahamas. But as humans we produce trash. What do we do with it?Cruising you are a little more tied to your trash and where it goes. On some islands we walk our bag of trash down a road to the dump. It will be burned at some point. Some islands we pay a couple of bucks for someone else to do the dirty work. But our trash still ends up on a small island to be dealt with. Some trash burns, but cans and bottle’s don’t.
We collect our cans into a canvas bag Nancy sewed up. While snorkeling we collect bottles in the anchorage and put them in the bag. One of the accepted methods to deal with cans and bottles is to dump them in the deepest part of the ocean where no one will see them.
Is that really the answer? Just because no one will see them? Above you will see the method that we have used. Taking paring shears, I cut an extra hole in the top. Then 2 in the bottom, 90 degrees from the ones on the top. As we sail over 5,000 ft. of water we throw them over to sink within 200 ft. of being thrown overboard.
A squall developed close aboard, while the mainsail was up. Small squall, and we were right at the end of it. Wait….wait…HARD TO PORT. Nose into the gust of wind. After 3 minutes turn and run towards Cat Island. That worked out well. It almost looked like I knew what I was doing.
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Notice how skillfully I color coordinated my shirt with the ocean color of the day. Trolled a triple plastic skirt behind the boat. The rig was made for us by Neil from Wales. The other rig he made us, was a cedar plug. When we trolled it a month ago it was cut off by some toothy fish within 15 minutes.
This 30” Cow Dolphin hooked herself and never pulled out the drag. Not sure how long this fish was dragged behind the boat, until Nancy saw it back there. Seas were calm enough we got the Dolphin on the boat. Now what do we do? No place to work killing or cleaning the fish. By wrapping its head in a cloth they stop flopping around. Stick a knife in its brain, or at least somewhere close. Then proceed to filet it at ankle level and not drop the slippery fish or knife over the side.
Mission accomplished. Been 50 years since I caught a Dolphin. It was enough for 2 dinners for the two of us. Shortly after putting the same rig out we caught a smaller Dolphin. But we released it and stowed the fishing rig. George had caught a similar size Dolphin, plus fought something large for an hour before it popped the line. Guessing a large tuna or wahoo.
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The first morning at Cat Island took our trash to the old government dock, then across the street to a place for trash. George and Lisa met us for a day of walking around New Bight.
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Here Nancy is walking up the 12 stations of the cross trail, to the “Hermitage”. In 1906 after a hurricane damaged several churches in the Bahamas. Father Jerome was sent to design and help build churches here. After several years and multiple beautiful churches he retired to Cat Island. At his request he was awarded the highest point in the Bahamas, 206 ft. Mt. Alvernia. Two acres of land at the top of the mountain were sold by the descendants of slavery to the Catholic Church. Father Jerome built the Hermitage in 1936, it looks larger than what it is. Everything is 3/4 scale, so watch your head!
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The Hermitage.
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Here is Duke Moss at work. He owns “Dukes Conch shack”. Nancy and I ordered the “Tropical conch salad”. Which is a pineapple and mango conch salad. George and Lisa went with the traditional conch salad but spiced up. Duke takes your order, then walks across the street and out into the water. He has a pen full of live conch there. After retrieving what he needs, he walks them back and stands on the outside of the conch shack. Duke quickly cleaned the conch, making it look super easy. He confessed to us, that this was the first conch he ever cleaned. We called him on that statement. Actually it was the first conch he cleaned today. These guys are natural jokers. Duke was in the Royal Bahamas Defense Force for a few years. Then tried “Fishing” in Cat Island. “Fishing” means both conching and fin fishing. Then he worked on the mailboats. In between trips he would fish. After a while some old timers showed him how to up his game.
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Bahamian rebar! These guys were building a food shack. Many had burned down a couple of years ago. The main wooden beams were placed in holes with cement footers.
Who needs a wheel barrow? The dry cement is poured on the road and water mixed in by shovel, then they carry it over to the forms by bucket. To reduce the amount of cement needed and give it some structure. They throw conch shells in the holes with the cement. Bahamian rebar!
Two degrees of separation on Cat Island. We had watched a YouTube video made by “Charlie Bahama” about Cat Island. He had interviewed an old guy who played Rake and Scrape on an accordion. While eating at Dukes. I spot the old guy across the street. So we go over and talked to “Pompey” Johnson. We get on the subject of schools and sports, when I remember a guy we met in Bimini a couple of months ago was from this island. I describe him to “Pompey”. He says, “you talking about Kirk”? Yeah, that was his name. “Pompey” points down the road to the guy mixing the concrete, and says, “thats Kirks dad”. So we go down and talk to him a bit.
Sea Breeze New Bight, Cat Island, Bahama.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
The universe continues to conspire against me and my plans for actual productive sleep. If it's not road work it's weed eaters from the lawn people in my neighbor's going on FOR HOURS. I don't know WTF they are doing over there but it's legit been hours. And my ear plugs don't do jackshit to block out the high-pitched whine of weed eaters apparently.
I did manage to get some real sleep though. I slept from like 2-6 am. Woke up (because why should I actually sleep seven hours) Was up for a few hours and then managed to sleep till like 11 before the yardwork started.
So I did get a full seven hours of sleep altogether. And I'm planning on napping some today because fuck it. Definitely not making up for my sleep debt though. :/ But I am clear-headed enough I've been poking away at this chapter of Seeds and am prolly going to finish it today so that's good. I also don't think the road crew is working today so I can actually leave my house and head across town before traffic hits so I'm psyching myself up for putting on a bra and pants. One benefit of my troll cave/solitary living situation is I can dress how I want so having to wear real clothes to leave the house is definitely a bummer.
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citylong · 2 years
Dustwind cave
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Dustwind cave trial#
Dustwind cave free#
head up the hill going directly north and continue on until you see a cave. Head out the back gate of Razor Hill, located at 54,40 (right next to the Warlock & Demon trainers). Fear not though, the worst part of this little collection is the running back and forth.ĭrops off pretty much any razormane caster Mystics and Geomancers are closest, in the Barrens Thorn Hill 73,18 (just slightly north east of x-roads). You'll need to track down a couple reagents for him to properly prepare your next sapta. Like many before him, good ol' Joolam is both untrusting and lazy.
Dustwind cave free#
Nothing in life is free - at least, nothing good. Congrats! You're one step closer to starring in a re-make of Firestarter. After some mild hiking you will have reached the summit, and your goal: Telf Joolam. Watch your footing here as the trail winds you around the mountain a bit and becomes rather narrow at more than a few points. Take the path 'til it splits and veer to your right. What you're looking for is a path up the mountain marked by a small blue stone that resembles a miniature obelisk (36,57). Follow the EASTERN bank of the Southfury until you come to a rather large mountain that, lo-and-behold, encompasses most of The Den and the Valley of Trials. From Fiss' place, hit the road once more and head east back down the hill and over the Southfury bridge. First you will need to carry the Torch of the Dormant Flame to one Telf Joolam, a troll shaman high on the peak of a mountain in southern DUROTAR (NOT the Barrens!).
Dustwind cave trial#
Your trial of fire awaits.Īs Fiss has just politely explained, you are now ready to start playing with fire! Though, unlike before, this right of passage actually involves a bit of footwork and elbow grease to claim. Just as you reach the top of the hil you will notice two buildings off to your right set against the mountains. Continue west up the hill and along the road. On your way out the gate, go ahead and pick-up the Consription of the Horde(?) quest which sends you into the Barrens anyhow.įollow the road directly west until you cross over the Southfury by way of the bridge and hand-in the recommendation letter quick. To find Kranal Fiss, start off by heading West out of Razor Hill (where you most likely picked up the quest). now u have to come back to kranal fiss to take the totem.Ĭomment by AllakhazamDidn't know which quest in this chain I should post this under so why not start at the beginning? Take the item dropped by mob and turn on the brazier. drink the sapta near the stone e go upper. after that, come back to telf, give him the items he will prepare the sapta. after telf's encounter, u have to take 2 items. Telf joolam is here (over the bridge for durotar, follow the river going to south) Kranal fiss is here click to enlarge the image and to look the coords Vai da kranal fiss e lui ti consegner� il secondo step della quest e la torcia. Se hai perso la torcia o hai abbandonato la quest, non preoccuparti. he will give u another quest (second step) and u will go to telf joolam. Comment by Thottboti choose to make the quest later but i lost the torch (and refused the quest).
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dreamofbecoming · 3 years
i decided to watch the extended fellowship while i had the house to myself and this tweet i made the last time i rewatched lotr is relevant again
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 08 first part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary goodness)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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The Jiang kids have some quality time with the rabbits. Initially Jiang Cheng says it’s wrong for gentlemen to hold rabbits, which is definitely in no way related to gay-rabbit-god symbolism, but changes his mind when he discovers how fun men rabbits are to cuddle. 
Jiang Yanli says, in a moment with zero foreshadowing, that if they take one rabbit away from the others, it will miss its family and be lonely. Also if a rabbit were to watch from the rooftop while a mean enemy rabbit poured wine on the corpses of its parents, that would be extra upsetting. For a rabbit. So let’s leave all the rabbits where they are. Check. 
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Speaking of cute fluffy creatures that are upset, we see this distressed look on Wei Wuxian’s face kinda often when he’s talking with Jiang Cheng.  
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There are some sibilng relationships where you will always do anything to help each other because you survived a shitty childhood together, but as adults you find you don’t actually share values, and that your interactions are kinda toxic -- for both of you. This seems like one of those. 
Even though he’s younger, Jiang Cheng is in the role of the elder sibling who is being abused by the parents, and is handing the abuse on down the line to the “younger” sibling, in the form of constant criticism and casual hittings. Wei Wuxian isn’t actually younger, but he is lower ranked because he’s not a blood relation, and he gets plenty of parental abuse as well. It’s...not a healthy family. 
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(more after the cut!) 
Lan Wangji has been lurking nearby during this conversation, and after the Jiangs leave, he looks at the rabbits and says farewell.  He clearly means farewell to Wei Wuxian, or else he has a really unhealthy level of yearning being directed toward the rabbits. At least, for a vegetarian.
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Uninvited Gusu Guest
Lan Xichen is meditating, and because the Director of Photography loves us, we get a bunch of nice closeups of his exquisite face. He hears a noise thing and tells Wen Chao to come in, which results in a dire bird scream and Wen Chao’s muddy feet intruding on his day. Why did Wen Chao bring the bird with him? He’s trying to be sneaky, right? So...ok whatever.
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Wen Chao acts like a dirtbag and menacingly reminds Lan Xichen that his didi just hit the road all by himself. Lan Xichen gets so upset he curls his fingers slightly. His beautiful, beautiful fingers.
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Is it slapping time yet?
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Road Tripping
Fortunately for the Lan brothers, Lan Wangji isn’t going to be alone for long. Wei Wuxian is determined to follow him, and where friend-maker Wei Wuxian goes, an assortment of other helpful cultivators will soon follow. 
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Wei Wuxian leaves a note to say “I’m running away from home with the hot boy I met in summer school” and signs it with a smiley face, the dork. Jiang Cheng is angry, as usual; Yanli has confidence in Wei Wuxian, as usual, and Jiang Fengmian is autocratic and doesn’t explain what he’s thinking, as usual. JF is aware of the Yin Iron, however, so he may understand that WWX will be useful in protecting it on the road.  
Lan Wangji has changed his hair, upgraded his crown, and put on the most absurdly beautiful outfit of the entire show to go on a solo road trip totally without any hot infuriating boys. 
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Quick, Lan Wangji, catch this callback to that time you rejected my advances back in Gusu! This time Lan Wangji catches the offered fruit and keeps it, presumably to consume furtively when he wakes in the dead of night, restless with unslaked thirst for Wei Ying. Or, you know, to have with his lunch while they’re riding on the boat. 
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This is a level of synchronized walking-with-shoulder-contact that would make the Guardian boys proud. Lan Wangji is all touchy feely now that he’s out from under the eyes at Cloud Recesses. 
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He also has upped his troll game, actually smirking after he says “boring” to Wei Wuxian’s declaration of I’m-gonna-come-along-you-can’t-stop-me. 
He also...doesn’t seem angry? Like, he is still seriously on edge, but it feels like he left the boiling rage at home.  Lan Xichen is right; having a friend IS good for Lan Wangji. And for whatever reason, Lan Wangji is ready, now, to accept Wei Wuxian’s friendship.
We Rate Birds
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Wen Chao has the weirdest fucking pet. This bird has a resentful energy problem, obvs, but it also seems to be invisible except for resentful energy, but it leaves random feathers behind at places, and then when Wei Wuxian kills it, it’s a regular bird corpse with a little smoke. “Imbued with Yin Iron energy” seems to be the explanation. But Nie Huaisang said they see a lot of these in their neck of the woods. Did he mean “just a regular bird” and didn’t notice the billowing black visual FX? Either way I want to see a nest full of baby dire Yin birds, I bet they’re hideous cute. 
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Wen Qing has a new outfit and an elegant fiery golden crown. There’s probably some plot stuff happening here. Wen blah blah Yin Iron blah blah. She’s so pretty. I love her ears and her cool double hair parting. The girls’ hairlines are always nice and soft, presumably because they get to wear their own front hair instead of a lacefront like the boys are glued to stuck with. 
I Call it Bondage
After the fun they had in the ice cave, it’s only fair that Wei Wuxian gets to have a turn tying up Lan Wangji. 
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One of the fun things in clipping The Untamed is that the show’s editors generally didn't drop any frames when they intercut the various scenes, meaning that some longer shots can be spliced back together by removing the other camera portions, as with these two string-pulling bits.
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Lan Wangji totally lets Wei Wuxian put a leash on him, quickly declaring it boring and taking control of it, pulling Wei Wuxian along behind him. 
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Incidentally, at this stage about half of Wei Wuxian’s talisman’s are blue. After he loses his core, they are 100% red, but nobody notices that. Well, maybe Nie Huaisang does because he notices a LOT, but nobody says anything. 
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After they play around in the field for a bit, Lan Wangji’s magic bag of plot advancement goes off, sending them to Flower Town. 
He’s Leaving Home Bye Bye
Meanwhile, at Lotus Pier, we get a nice view of the rooftops. I’d hate to be the guy whose job it is to hang up bells and tassels at any of these places. 
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Jiang Cheng sneaks out to go join his brother’s road trip. He gets caught, because his idea of sneaking is to walk out the front door in broad daylight and leave the door open behind him. 
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Jiang Yanli tells him to go ahead, though and he scampers off to have...the last carefree fun of his entire life, actually. Sigh. 
Flower Town
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go to Tanzhou and immediately run into Nie Huaisang, because sure, why not. China’s not very big.
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Lan Wangji’s startle response
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Wei Wuxian’s startle response
Nie-Xiong and Wei-Xiong are delighted to see each other, once Wei Wuxian explains that Lan Wangji isn’t there to bust them. 
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While Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang squee over each other, Lan Wangji ...tries to deal with that. His reaction is probably a mix of jealousy and social anxiety. This town has got to be overwhelming for him after the order and quiet of Cloud Recesses; he even admits--aloud!--that it’s too crowded for him at one point. Add in his boyfriend’s travel partner’s number one enabler, and it’s not a comfortable situation.
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Oh great now they’re going to want me to get high and make out with them, ugh
However, with Lan Wangji in the mix, the Nie-Wei dynamic shifts away from mischief making, and they very quickly become a friend trio sharing a serious purpose. When Wei Wuxian, in his second life, refers to NHS as “that old friend of ours” when talking to LWJ, he’s not wrong. Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji become friends during this trip, and arguably remain friends, within the limits of Nie Huaisang’s revenge remit. 
From one point of view, Nie Huaisang is grown-up Lan Wangji’s very best friend (not counting his eventual husband). Everyone in the cultivation world knows what Lan Wangji’s heart desires most, after Nightless City, and Nie Huaisang gives it to him. By, uh, manipulating a crazy guy into ritual suicide. Hey, no gift is perfect.
Continued in Next Post! Soon!
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allykakamatsu · 3 years
Danganronpa V3 Smash Bros Tournament!
•Monokuma decides a good way to get everyone to kill each other is a Smash Bros Tournament, I mean, with all the salt someone’s bound to snap.
•No one kills each other, aside from Maki attempting to kill Kokichi, but it does become a weekly tradition despite the rage.
Kaede Akamatsu
• Get’s into a heated debate over who gets to main Rosalina with Kaito, but after a bit she caved and agreed to pick someone else.
•She end’s up picking Peach after Tsumugi makes a comment that they kinda look alike.
•Little did anyone know that Kaede is actually kinda a monster with Peach and frequently does really well in the tournaments.
•Favourite stage is New Donk city, and every time she gets to play on it she sings Jump up Superstar the entire match.
•Nobody is sure if they love or hate it.
•When not singing, she’ll make the stage music anything that has a dominant Piano.
•Favourite item is the Star Rod
Shuichi Saihara
• Acts like he’s never played before and decides to main Chrom due to him seeing easy enough to play and liking his personality.
•In actuality has played on and off for years and is a proud Dedede main but is too embarrassed to admit it.
•Also plays Pikachu but cause it’s Miu’s main he doesn’t usually use the electric mouse.
•Usually middle of the road in the tournaments.
•Prefers to fight on Battlefield but so long as the stage doesn’t move he can live with anything.
•Likes to keep items off.
Rantaro Amami:
•Good with all three Link forms, but has a bias for Toon Link.
•Can’t remember when he started playing, but given how he’s the only one who doesn’t panic by tripping they assume it’s Brawl.
•They also assume this because whenever someone picks Meta Knight he gets visibly distressed.
•Tournament wise he Can either do really well or really s**t depending on the day.
•Doesn’t have a favourite stage but tends to pick the Zelda stages cause he likes them the best.
•The only one who’s happy when a warp star shows up.
Ryoma Hoshi:
•At first played Incineroar cause its the only cat.
•After realising how bad his recovery was though, he kinda just tried anything to see what would work.
•Found a few semi-mains, namely Snake, Link and Villager
•Usually doesn‘t try to hard in tournaments so comes in last, or will even sit out, but when he wants to win, he will.
•Moral of the story, if he picks Villager, panic.
•No stage or item preference, but when it’s his turn to pick he tends to go with Shadow Moses island cause he likes the look.
Kirumi Tojo
•Mains everyone and is good with all of them.
•Like, can beat Mario with Little Mac good.
•Does have a slight preference towards Shiek though due to her admiring the ninja’s loyalty.
•Due to her skills, she tends to sit out with Ryoma to give everyone a chance.
•When she does play though, well, try not to loose too fast.
•Also usually the one who has to stop Maki killing Kokichi if he beats her.
•Always goes random when stage picking time comes, but also puts all the stages in battlefield mode in case it lands on something BS.
•For similar reasons tries to ignore items
Angie Yonaga
•Everyone expected her to pick Palutena, and while she does have her as a sub main, Angie usually plays Sephiroth. •Why? Angel (kinda), kick ass theme, and loves watching the others panic when they see him. Plus, Atua told her to pick someone unexpected.
•Also tried Pit and Dark Pit, and while she likes their personalities she isn’t big on their gameplay.
•To this day the only one who’s beat Kirumi in a match, and outside of that time she’s still good in tournaments.
•Atua told Angie to pick Big Blue one day, and ever since everyone dreads her turn on stage select.
Tenko Chabishira
• Always plays as a girl no matter what.
•Plays Min Min more often than not, but occasionally surprises everyone by whipping out villager.
•Why? “She’s Himiko cute!!”
•Pretty good at the game, but super competitive. Unless you’re Himiko, be prepared to get yelled at at least once if she looses.
•One day while everyone was playing random, she got Ken and kinda hated that she likes it so she occasionally plays him in private. •Shuichi caught her doing this while he was playing Dedede, and they both promised to never tell a soul.
•Punch Out stage or bust!
•Doesn’t have an opinion on items, but when she plays villager she hopes for the bunny hood cause she thinks it’s adorable.
Korekiyo Shinguji
•Lucario or bust (he likes the aura theme) though he’s also kinda a monster with Lucina
•Strangely though, whenever he uses Lucina he acts... different? (the class is convinced he’s possessed when this happens.)
•Outside of that though, tends to be one of the worse players.
•Second to none at recovery though.
•Hyrule castle has been his favourite stage since day one And that’s never gonna change.
•Always has items on, he likes the surprise factor (he and Shuichi are never allowed have a one on one fight)
Miu Iruma
•Has probably been playing the longest aside from Kirumi.
•Has played all the games, and cause Of this is decent with all of the OG 8, but will always pick Pikachu.
•Will only ever pick someone else if it’s a random match or someone makes her give Shuichi a turn, and in that case she picks Pichu as a backup.
•Despite her boasting, is usually in the lower end of the group.
•Doesn’t stop her from rubbing it in when she wins though.
•Tends to go for Wily’s castle for her stage, if for no other reason than she’s the only one who can handle the yellow devil.
•Super Hammer or bust!
Gonta Gokuhara
•Likes Donkey Kong the best, but also tries to learn how to play Joker from Kokichi cause he looks like a gentleman.
•Also likes all the Pokémon even if he isn’t the best with them.
•Honestly, aside from Olimar he likes everyone, and he only really dislikes Olimar cause he’s bullying the bugs!
•Everyone agrees to never touch the pikmin rep when he’s in the room.
•Tends to come in last with the only one he can beat kinda consistently is Ryoma without villager, but he still has a lot of fun.
•Tends to pick whatever stage everyone likes best, and has no clue how to use items.
Kokichi Ouma
•Always plays Joker because who else is a phantom thief going to pick.
•Actually he plays Villager in his spare time but Kaito is the only that knows and that was a mistake so shh.....
•Begrudgingly teaches Gonta how to play, if only from the horror on someone’s face when they get cocky only to loose to the guy who didn’t even know what a Smash Bros was a few weeks ago.
•Peak troll. Camps with gun, let’s people *cough* Kaito and Miu *cough* Hit fake smash balls, always picks the auto scrolling stages, he just loves making everyone groan.
•Only thing that makes him visibly salty is Miu on stage select cause f**k yellow devil.
Kaito Momota
•A proud Rosalina main. A badass space princess that protects the stars, what’s not to love?
•First time they all play, they all expect him to suck..... so you can imagine their surprise he‘a one of the best players in the class, especially at edge guard
•Despite that, is the most susceptible to stage hazards and bad items, especially fake smash balls. He has gotten better at recovering from them though.
•Never asks anyone to turn them off though, cause it’s worth it for the black hole and the assist trophies.
•Whenever Kiyo plays Lucina, he makes sure to sit at the other end of the couch.
•Always tries to give people pointers, though since he really only plays one character he’s not the best at it.
•Will ALWAYS pick either the Mario Galaxy stage or the Star Fox stages
Tsumugi Shirogane
•Tends to pick Kirby for A, the cute hats, and B, it gives her an excuse to rant about the lore. You know those Kirby fans who obnoxiously push how the series is super deep? That’s Tsumugi.
•Rants the whole match, leading to people preferring Kokichi obnoxiously joining in on Kaede’s singing to it. •Knowing they’re not safe when she’s not playing either, they all agree that unless it’s random’s to never pick a Kirby stage or character (another reason for Shuichi to hide being a Dedede main)
•She’ll occasionally rant about other series too, but Kirby is the biggest example.
•Despite this, she’s actually a pretty good player, even if she can be a bit to sadistic with down special sometimes.
•Refuses to touch ROB or MegaMan to avoid falling into the stereotype of the robot playing the robots.
•Instead picks Pyra and Mythra cause they’re great characters with a bit of computer theme that only Tsumugi knows about mercifully hasn’t ranted on yet.
•Plays very predictably, but just because you know a Lightning Buster- Prominence Revolt is coming doesn't mean blocking it is easier.
•As such is usually in the middle of the pack tournament wise. •Refuses to use side B as Pyra because one time he did and Kokichi did a stupid combo which took him from 30% to death so he’s not taking any chances again.
•Tends to put The stage on random, which he occasionally regrets if he rolls a side scroller.
Himiko Yumeno:
•Mains ALL the magic users. •Robin, Zelda, Hero, Sephiroth, so long as they have a big focus on magic she’s all in.
•Tends to use Hero the most, specifically Eight, because she likes the MP gauge.
•Despite seemingly never practicing and only doing okay with most moves, is the fastest thing in the freaking world at picking the right spell. If she gets magic burst or Kamikaze, prepare to die.
•Everyone assumes she’s probably played Dragon Quest cause of this, but she hasn’t confirmed and just chalks her skill up to magic.
•The only one who can make Tenko stop raging.
•Keeping with the theme, will usually pick the World Tree stage.
Maki Harukawa
•Messed around with everyone a bit but was only super good as Zero Suit Samus.
•Even then she’s mostly middle of the pack, but she doesn’t mind too much.
•Unless she looses to Kokichi, then it’s a struggle for Kaito and Kirumi to stop her from killing him.
•Tends to handle snacks cause Kirumi has to be in the room to keep order and she usually gets knocked out early. •The most frequent subject of Kaito’s tips, which range from helpful to ”Kaito I don’t have a f**king Luma”
•Tends to pick Shadow Moses island cause she likes the look, and though she won’t tell anyone she loves the music
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Feel like Mr. Rogers wouldn’t have wanted a statue of himself, but I’mma still cry anyway.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 14 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: And we’ve reached the final Iceland chapter. It only took me six parts to write a 10 day vacation. I hope that this will tie a few things together that you’ve been wondering about. Next chapter it’s back to the real world...ready or not. 
Warnings: language, smut (semi-unprotected)
Word Count: 4,092
You were up with the sun the morning of your 8th day in Iceland...well not technically because the summer sun in Iceland is up about 21 hours of the day...but if you were back home, it certainly would have been considered getting up with the sun. 
Downing a quick breakfast, you packed up the car and hit the road again. Today was another day filled with a lot of driving and you did your best to entertain Cale by singing along to music as he drove through vast stretches of farmland. You may not have had the best voice but no one could jump through the diverse playlist Cale had made like you could. 
Driving down the highway you could see Icelandic horses roaming through the fields and it made you even more excited for the horseback ride Cale had scheduled for this afternoon. First though, you had a quick stop at Hvítserkur to see the sea stack which was said to be a troll who was turned to stone while trying to destroy a Christian monastery. 
There, Cale mimicked the stance you imagined the troll would be standing in and you snapped pictures, trying not to shake the camera while you laughed your ass off. No one else could make you laugh quite the way Cale could and you shook your head at him as you headed back to the car. 
“What am I going to do with you?” You mused, climbing into the passenger seat. 
“I can think of a few things.” Cale joked. And while his words were teasing, his expression was more serious, leaving you feeling like you were definitely missing something. 
Three more hours down along the western coast of Iceland brought you to Grundarfjorour, a small village outside of which you were going to ride. Arriving at the farm you met up with your tour guide and then proceeded out to meet the horses. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve gone riding.” You murmured climbing onto a platform as you put on a helmet before settling your foot in the stirrup to mount yourself onto the horse’s back. Though it had been a long time, the feeling was familiar and you ran your hands along your horse’s neck as you waited for Cale and your guide to be ready to go. 
Cale seemed to struggle far more than you had despite his height advantage and you shook your head in exasperation. 
“C’mon Cale...act like you’ve done this before.” You chirped. He stuck his tongue out at you as he finally settled himself in the saddle and you laughed lightly. “You need some work if you’re ever going to be asked to ride in the parade at Stampede…” You continued, shooting him a wink before turning to your guide as she explained where you were headed. 
There was something even more beautiful about the highlands of Iceland while on horseback and you continued up through the mountains, past multiple waterfalls as you followed your guide on a two hour loop of the farm. You’d forgotten just how much you loved horseback riding. At the same time, you’d never had as much fun on a ride as you did with Cale beside you. 
At the end of your ride, your guide took a few pictures of the two of you before you climbed off of your horse. Treating the mare to some apple slices for a job well done, you thanked your guide once more before continuing on your way once again. 
“I think I kind of forgot about how much you love animals.” Cale mused as his hand settled over yours as he pulled out onto the main road. “From catching frogs to riding horses. There were very few things involving animals that you were ever afraid of.” 
“I still don’t like snakes.” You declared and your words drew a laugh from Cale’s throat. 
“I remember when you screamed bloody murder when we were playing outside and the tinest little garter snake slithered through the grass. I don’t think I’d ever heard such a shrill sound before.” 
“To be fair...that snake was like 2 centimeters from where my hand had just been.” You reminded him. 
“Sure…” Cale smirked, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand lightly. 
“Don’t be mean to me…” You chastised, a pout forming on your face. 
“Don’t pout when I can’t kiss you.” Cale grumbled. 
“You can kiss me later.” You assured him, turning your head to look out the window once more. After spending another two hours in the car, you finally pulled into your hotel for the evening, ready to stretch your legs. 
A dip in the hotel’s hot pools after dinner eased your aching muscles and provided Cale with the perfect opportunity to kiss you just like he had promised to. With only one more full day left in Iceland it felt like time had sped up and you felt the desperate need to catch and hold onto each and every moment before they just disappeared. 
Your last full day in Iceland started with a trip to see two more sets of waterfalls: Hraunfossar and Barnafoss. Really it was just sets of waterfalls upon waterfalls and you really couldn’t tell one from the other. Still, you were blown away by the absolute beauty of this country and tucked into Cale’s side you were so grateful he had brought you along on this trip. It had been exhausting at times, but it was an experience that you would never take for granted because it had brought the two of you so much closer together. 
Looking down at Cale’s checklist, there was only one more typed item on it. A few small sights were penciled in for tomorrow before your flight but those were just quick stops and not a full excursion. You weren’t sure what to expect from the Surtshellir lava tubes but the desolate landscape around the site suggested that this wasn’t the easiest activity in the world. Taking the headlamp that Cale had brought, you clipped it around your head before following after Cale down to the entrance of the tube. 
For only being a mile long, the lava tube was not an easy hike. Big boulders covered the floor creating an uneven walking surface. Going slowly, you took care to make sure that where you were stepping was stable and that you maintained your balance. And at first everything was fine. 
Then, after walking a good distance - about an hour in - Cale decided it was time to turn around and head back. With Cale in front of you kind of guiding your path, you continued back in the direction you’d come from for about forty minutes. As you moved to step over a somewhat large stone, your foot slipped and you stumbled, pain shooting up your ankle immediately. 
You’d managed not to fall somehow but when you tried to take another step you could barely put any weight on your ankle. 
“Cale…” You cried out, voice cracking. Immediately your boyfriend turned around at the sound of your voice and seeing you standing balanced on one foot, he darted back over the rocks until he reached your side. 
“What happened?” He questioned, his eyes filled with confusion and concern. 
“My foot caught wrong on the rock and I slipped and fuck Cale it hurts.” You were trying to stay calm, trying to bite back the pain, but as you grasped at Cale’s pullover to use him for balance, you felt tears prick at your eyes. 
“Shit.” Cale breathed, his arm wrapping around your waist in support. “Can you sit so I can see?” He requested, looking around for somewhere you could perch yourself. Nodding, you let him guide you down, his headlamp catching in your eyes causing you to squeeze them shut tightly. 
His touch was soft as he shifted your leg to get a better look at your ankle and you crinkled your nose at the pressure of his fingers along your muscles. 
“I know it hurts but can you flex your foot for me?” He inquired and the tears finally fell as you tried to cooperate with everything he was asking of you. 
“Shh..sweetheart you’re okay...y/n baby look at me…” Cale practically cooed, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “I know it hurts but I’m fairly confident it’s just a sprain.” Dropping the backpack he’d been carrying, Cale squatted in front of you, urging you to just breathe. 
“Let’s get you out of here so I can get a better look.” Cale directed, calm as ever. 
“I can’t put any weight on it…” You whispered, trying not to panic about being stuck in the middle of a lava tube in Iceland fairly far from any medical access or assistance period. 
“You don’t have to put any weight on it.” Cale assured you. “Take this.” He instructed, moving to drape the backpack over your shoulders before he kissed you once on the forehead. “Now let’s get you up on your good foot for just a minute.” By taking everything one direction at a time, Cale was working to keep you calm and focused. Balancing on one leg you waited for Cale to move to your side thinking he was just going to help you stumble along. Instead he moved in front of you, his back facing you. 
“Alright...up you go.” He expressed, his hands at his sides waiting for something. It took you a minute to figure out what he was getting at and once you did, your eyes went wide. 
“Cale...you cannot carry me out of here.” You mumbled in disbelief. 
“Yes I can.” Cale declared, his tone leaving you no real choice but to go along. You figured he’d quickly see how impractical it was but as you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist he didn’t seem at all fazed by the additional weight or the lack of use of his hands as he reached behind to support you. 
It took twice as long as it should have to exit the cave, but somehow Cale managed to not only get you out, but all the way back up to the car. 
“I can’t believe you just did that.” You whispered, voice shaking as he sat you down in the trunk of the car. He was a sweaty mess but it didn’t seem to bother him at all as he dug through his suitcase. You thought he was looking for a fresh shirt at least because he’d soaked through both his t-shirt and pullover but instead he pulled out two long strips of athletic tape. 
He was ever so careful as he slipped both your shoe and sock off of your foot, his eyes raking over the injured site. 
“It’s a little swollen but doesn’t look too bad.” He observed. “Is it as tender as before?” You winced as he pressed against the muscles of your ankle but the pain wasn’t quite as intense. 
“Not quite as bad.” You informed him. 
“Alright. Good.” Cale nodded, his tongue between his lips in focus. “I’m gonna tape it up and then we’ll go back to the hotel so you can elevate and ice it. Give it a few hours and see how it goes?” 
“Okay.” You agreed. You trusted Cale and since he didn’t seem overly concerned, you were going to do what he suggested and see where that got you. As Cale taped your ankle, doing his best not to cause you pain, you dug through your bag for the bottle of pain relievers before reaching for the water bottle in the backpack you’d just shed. 
“That should do it.” Cale murmured just as you swallowed the pills. Looking down, black k-tape stretched in multiple ways around your foot and ankle. Shifting forward, your bad ankle just hanging loosely out of the car, you ran your fingers along Cale’s stomach as you leaned up to kiss him. 
“You’re my hero, you know that?” You sighed. “Thank you.” Your stomach was twisting with an overflow of emotions and you took a deep breath trying to calm them. “That was like above and beyond boyfriend duties there.” You whispered, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Scared me.” Cale mumbled into the skin of your neck as he leaned forward to drape himself over you a little easier. “You’re a trooper though.” He praised. “Now let’s get you back somewhere comfier.” He quickly moved to open the passenger door before coming back to lift you up, setting you down gently onto the seat. Once you were inside you watched him walk around the back of the car to close the trunk and through the rearview mirror you could see him squat down behind the car, his hands running through his hair. 
By the time he finally climbed behind the wheel, you could see the wet marks on his cheeks that hadn’t been there earlier. Clearly he hadn’t wanted you to see him cry so you didn’t say anything about it, simply lifting his hand once he tangled his fingers with yours so that you could kiss it. If you hadn’t already been slapped with the realization that you were in love with him, you were pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to deny it after today. 
At the hotel, Cale got checked in and took the bags up before coming to help you, supporting your bad side as you hobbled along inside. In your room, he helped you change into clean clothes before fetching some ice and insisting you relax in bed with your ankle propped up and ice on it. Only then did he go about changing himself and you watched him, tears pooling in your eyes. They weren’t from the pain, honestly you didn’t even notice that much anymore, rather it was from how utterly selfless he had been, once again putting all of your needs above his own. 
So when he fell asleep beside you, you didn’t say a word, content to just be, certain he needed the nap after hiking through insane terrain with that much added weight attached to him. 
Cale had been asleep for about an hour and a half when you finally slipped from bed to use the bathroom. Your ankle was stiff and ached, but the pain was no longer shooting up your leg and you could put some pressure on your foot. Deciding that you were not going to let a minor sprain ruin your last night alone together you quickly grabbed the other lingerie set you’d brought as well as the little black dress. Giving yourself a quick sponge bath, you dressed in the clean clothes before sneaking out for your makeup bag. 
Cale was still sound asleep even after you finished and though you wanted to let him rest, you were hungry and you definitely needed to eat before you took another set of pain relievers. 
Sliding onto the edge of the bed, you brushed some hair from his face before leaning down to kiss him lightly. 
“Cale...hun...wake up.” You urged. As his blue eyes slowly fluttered open, you smiled at the expression on his face as he took you in looking all dressed up. 
“Wha…?” The sound spilled from his throat so suddenly that you couldn’t help but giggle softly. 
“Your girlfriend wants some dinner. And ankle injury or not...she plans on enjoying her last night with you in Iceland.” Cale pushed himself to sit up in bed and you shifted to move so that he could get up. 
“Holy shit you’re hot.” He mumbled and the butterflies danced in your stomach at his words. 
“I know. The k-tape matches so nicely.” You joke. “Now get up, clean up if you want, change, and let’s go get some food.” You demanded teasingly. 
“Hmm...my girl is bossy when she’s injured. Interesting.” Cale hummed, moving to do what you had requested of him. 
When Cale finally stepped out of the bathroom looking refreshed and super sexy in just some nice jeans and a button-up, you snatched the room key off the desk and slid your feet into sandals. 
“Seriously...you look stunning.” He complimented again, his eyes taking an extra beat to run up your body. 
“Thank you.” Your skin flooded with heat at his compliment and you slid your fingers up along his back as he held the door open for you. “You look really good too.” You grinned. 
Dinner was shared over glasses of wine, the pair of you talking about your favorite things from the trip. This time tomorrow you’d be on a plane home and you didn’t even want to think about crawling into an empty bed for the first time in over a week. Focusing your attention on only the good things made you happy and it felt right to essentially conclude your time in Iceland in a similar fashion to the way it had started. 
You were a little bit tipsy by the time you returned to the room...both from the wine and the wonderful dinner with Cale. Draping your arms around his waist, you tucked yourself against his chest, peering up at him. 
“I know I’ve said it a couple times...but this has been the most wonderful trip…” You whispered. “I’m a lucky woman.” 
“After everything...I think this trip was exactly what we both needed.” Cale stated, downplaying his efforts. Sometimes he was too humble for his own good. 
“Will you shut up and accept the praise?” You murmured exasperatedly. “Or at the very least...shut up and help me out of this dress?” It wasn’t that you needed his help...it was that you wanted him to reveal the surprise underneath himself. 
“Bossy.” Cale repeated, lifting you up and carrying you across the room to the bed. As he laid you down, his hands slid your dress up over your ass revealing the bright blue lace you were wearing. At the sight of the lattice pattern across your stomach, Cale’s eyes practically bugged out of his head and you watched him swallow hard. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…” Cale grunted, tugging the rest of the dress off of your body as quickly as he could. “Holy fuck.” Cale’s tongue flicked across his lips, repeatedly wetting them as he stared down at you. 
Reaching up, you slid your fingers together to undo the buttons of his shirt one at a time. When you reached the final button and Cale had yet to say anything else, you glanced back up at him to find his eyes glassy with lust. 
“Cat got your tongue there Cale?” You giggled, the sound turning to a quick shriek as Cale nipped a mark into your neck before kissing you. “Careful with the marks there hun...unless you want our secret to be out the minute we see your parents.” You whispered. Cale seemingly took your words to heart because he dropped down your body, leaving marks on your breasts and lower belly and even your inner thigh...all places summer clothing would cover. 
After a moment he returned to kiss you again and though the kiss started messy and x-rated, by the end, it was soft and languid. Knowing that you getting hurt had put Cale through the wringer emotionally and that he was likely thinking about what happened when you both went home tomorrow, you didn’t question him on the rapid flip of behavior. If he needed to work out those emotions physically, you were more than willing to let him use you to reach those ends. 
“Make love to me?” You whispered, fingers dragging gently through his hair. “Want you inside me.” 
“Yeah sweetheart...I can do that.” Cale agreed, nodding his head slightly before leaning down to kiss you again. 
As his hands drifted up and down your body you noted how careful he was being. He was hesitant about the weight of his body over you, how his fingers drifted along your skin, how his tongue explored your mouth as he kissed you. It made you feel like you were the most precious thing in the world...and maybe to him you actually were. 
By the time he even brushed his fingers against the lace, your body was tingling and heat was spread from head to toe. As much as you were absolutely aching for more, you didn’t dare rush him, knowing that after all he had given you, you could just bear with him to make sure that he was getting everything he needed in return. 
As Cale slowly slipped the lace off of your body, you whispered soft nothings to him, watching as his cheeks flushed at your words. When he started to slip down your body, you assured him that he didn’t have to do that...but your words fell on deaf ears and Cale settled himself between your thighs. 
“Just need a taste.” He mumbled, his nose bumping against your clit as he dove into your core. Like all his other movements had been tonight, the flick of his tongue inside you was slow. In a way, it was the sweetest torture because you wanted so much more. At the same time, you basked in the way Cale cared for you, affection swirling through you. 
Cale’s little ‘taste’ had you far closer to orgasm than you had expected by the time he finally pulled away, his lips and chin glistening with your juices. Sliding off the bed, he shucked his jeans and boxer briefs to the floor before climbing back over you, his dick hard against his belly. 
“Need you.” You pleaded, desperate to feel the stretch of your walls around him as he settled inside you. 
“Don’t worry...I got you.” Cale murmured, his tip sliding through your slick folds before easing inside slowly. Bottoming out, Cale grunted and you moaned, the sounds echoing through the room. 
You’d had slow sex before but this was something else. Despite the lazy pace, Cale’s thrusts were immediately unsteady and he quickly ducked his head into your shoulder like he was trying to ground himself. 
Torn between the pleasure growing inside you and your concern for Cale’s behavior you trailed your nails lightly over his back while your mouth peppered kisses against his head. 
Something was different. Something had been different for a few days. You’d assumed it was nothing...but maybe you’d been wrong. The rotation of Cale’s hips caused you to whine out his name unconsciously and when he lifted his head for just a moment and your eyes met his, it hit you all at once. 
He loves you. 
He didn’t need to say it for you to know it. The unspoken words, the moments where you felt like you had been missing something, they suddenly all made sense. Immediately tears poured down your cheeks and when Cale realized you were crying he froze. 
“Shit...am I hurting you?” He breathed. 
“No.” You whispered back, pulling his mouth down to yours so that you could kiss him, pouring everything you had into the action. The realization that he loves you the way that you love him; the fact that you were connected so intimately...it was all too much for your body to handle and you went flying over the edge, your body clinging to him tightly. Your mutual moans were muffled by each other’s mouth and you were coming down from your climax when you felt Cale spill inside you. 
When you’d asked Cale to make love to you, you hadn’t been expecting that. 
“Holy…” You gasped, your hands shaking as you ran them through your hair. 
“Yeah…” Cale mumbled, bracing his hand against your hip as he prepared to slip out of you. “I…” One look in his eyes told you exactly what he was thinking of saying. But honestly, after that, it wasn’t something you needed him to say. You felt it deep in your bones and while of course you wanted to hear it, you had a feeling that the same thing that was holding you back was doing the same for him. There would be a proper time and place to say those words...but right now wasn’t it. 
“I know.” You simply replied, cupping his rosy cheeks in your palms. “I know.” Cale kissed you again and it was clear that those words were all you needed to say. 
Dress and Lingerie:
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 15
Tags: Broppy, Slow Burn Fluff, Not rated, Trolls Mythology Au
Ao3 is here
Notes: Umm... Feel free to leave a like or a comment? xD I noticed I have many readers, but I barely got any feedback from you. Even if you don’t like it (but still read it somehow), feel free even to openly hate me xD
- Yeah, you were right - Branch admits with a gentle smile. - That was fun.
They're leaving the little village they've just visited to check if everyone sleeps well. But Guy Diamond already was there and powdered some glitter on trolls' eyelids. The townsfolk have sweet dreams for sure.
- Chaos can be so surprising sometimes - Poppy chuckles, thinking about the last Night. - Who would expect the group of Party Goddesses?
- "Silver Party Goddesses" you wanted to say - He shakes his head with amused disbelief. - What were their names, again?
- Wani, Ari, Baby Bun - Poppy starts counting with her fingers. - Kim-Petit and... Gonbori?
- Gomdori - He corrects her. 
- Yeah
- I'm glad they came at the end of the party - He confesses. - I mean, that was fun, but I don't want to party every Night.
- Me neither, to be honest - She smiles at the stars up her head. - I really took to the calm sounds of the Night.
Branch smiles warmly, glancing at her. Their eyes meet and she adds:
- But we'll come to parties sometimes, right?
- Of course! - He beams.
- You were wild on the dance floor! 
The god explodes with a laugh.
- I was dancing just like you!
- You humble dork! You are a really great dancer! And oh my goodness, you sing so well... I mean, your voice was always so warm and calming, but when you sing, guh, you do such amazing things with your voice!
Branch blushes, feeling a bit shy. He starts rubbing his neck awkwardly.
- Well, thank you - He murmurs quietly. - I always thought that your voice is... Well, angelic. Sound, soft, melody. I just had your beautiful voice to harmonize with at the party, that's all I can say.
He corrects his cape near his neck and finally looks into her eyes. Her cheeks are magically charming with a rose blush decorated by her sparkling freckles.
- Aww - She smiles tenderly at him. He looks away with an awkward smile.
- And now we're all red and shy - He chuckles shyly.
- Yeah, now we're all red - The pink goddess grins.
- There has to be some medicines for that or something - He rubs his face. - It's ridiculous to turn all shy every time we complement each other. No one reacts like that!
- I don't know - She smiles at him sweetly and grabs his arm. - I like it this way. We are dorkly original.
He gazes into her joyful eyes, being so close now. His cheeks get warmer, of course. Her wide smile forces him to smile back. A deep, glad sigh escapes from his lungs.
- You are so adorable - He says warmly.
- And you are so handsome - She whispers playfully.
Branch giggles. 
They walk like that for a while. The long sandy road guides them in the dark,coniferous forest. One of the stops on their way. The god of the Night has to check here if critters are in their homes, caves, minks, hollows, and nests. He always needs to find every lost one and helps them. Being in a safe and warm place during the Night is really important. So the moment they arrive at the woods, they split up, walking around and making sure if every critter is in their place. It's Branch's job of course, but they started sharing their responsibilities more and more during the last months, doing almost everything together. It has one, really attractive advantage - they do their jobs much quicker, so they have much more time to waste with each other.
Therefore, Poppy's part is to find lost ones in the woods when Branch is tending sleeping animals. She walks around the whole forest, but luckily this area is empty. No one got lost here. She comes back to the god, finding him near to a little hollow in the big pine tree. 
- No one gets lost or hurt here? - The god guesses, when she stands by his side.
- No - She tilts her head aside with curiosity. - Is that a squirrel hollow? Can I take a look?
- Sure - He makes space for her and invites her with a hand gesture. She stands on her toes to peek in the hollow.
The squirrels are sleeping peacefully, gathered in one place. The biggest one is surrounding its offsprings with a long, fluffy, deep orange tail. Little squirrel's children are squatting, hiding their noses in their parent's belly. 
- What are they doing? - Poppy asks.
- They're sharing warmth - She hears Branch's answers behind her. - I like to call it "hug". Or "cuddle". They are lying really close to each other and keep the warmth between them. All animals do that during the Night.
- Why? - She frowns.
- Why?? - He sounds really surprised. - It's really cold during the Night! Don't you notice that? They can freeze if they are not with their close ones.
Poppy is still staring at the little squirrel balls. Their tiny, orange muzzles show comfort and serene peace. They all look safe and happy. She can't take her eyes off them, they are so adorable.
- Why is the Night so cold? - She asks another innocent question with the purest curiosity in her voice.
- How is it possible you don't know that? - His voice is a bit impatient now. - The Night is cold because I am cold. 
The goddess finally turns to him. She blinks, tilting her head like a surprised puppy.
- But why? Why are you cold?
Branch heaves a sigh, slouching a bit.
- I just am - He looks aside. He sounds a bit disappointed in himself. - I always was. 
- You feel it? Do you feel cold? - She peers worryingly at his face. - I mean, are you freezing? It has to be unpleasant...
He shrugs his shoulders blankly.
- Yeah, but I got used to it.
She steps close to him. She's always warm, even during the Night, so she just didn't realize what Branch can feel. How horrible is to always be so cold and not be able to do something with it? She remembers his touch, she knows how cold he is. And she knows, he doesn't like to be cold at all. Her every touch makes him calm, blessed... He desires warmth so much.
- So that's why you always wear your cape? - She asks.
Now the god chuckles at her innocent question.
- It's funny that you noticed those only now. I thought it was so obvious for y...
Branch stops with his eyes wide open. It hits him sharply. The soft warmth, the scent of the wildflowers, shiver on his back... He loses his breath. Her little arms embrace him around, place on his back, little warm hands on his back, under his cape, her heated soft beating chest on his chest, fast strongly beating heart, her chin on his cold shoulder, and her cheek pressing gently into his...
- What are you doing - He blows weakly. His arms, wide open, get lost, and freeze lifted in the air.
- I share my warmth with you - He hears her sweet shaking whisper right in his ear. - I'm hugging you. What is it like?
He blinks. He still tries to get his lost senses together. Poppy is... Poppy is everywhere. So close. Her warmth hits him from every possible direction. His whole body desperately absorbs it like a thirsty animal in the desert. Her soft warm touch... It makes him melt and shiver, it makes him burn and calm down, it fills him like empty vas, it fills him with unknown feelings, it makes him forget about the whole world, about himself, about everything. All he knows now is the warm arms of the pink goddess around him and her sweet scent in his nose...
His breath gets calm and deep. He carefully puts his free hand on her back. She's so little, so fragile, his fingers cover almost the whole of her back. Her skin is so delightful to touch, soft like silk. Oh, her supple body clings to his, surrounds him. The sweet, fragrant cage, the exitless trap of her arms... He closes his eyes, sinking into an infinity abyss of bliss.
- It... - He tries to answer her question from the last minutes, but his mind is still dizzy with feelings. His whispering voice turns husky and low. - It's... Let's just say... Please, never let go of me...
Poppy chuckles softly into his ear, making him quiver again. She nestles up to him even tighter, and he starts wondering how it's even possible to be even closer, to touch even more, to feel even deeper... Their hearts beat like one, their chests breath in a common rhythm. They freeze like that, in the middle of the warmest moment in their life.
Branch sighs blissfully. He corrects his grasp on the Staff. Now the hand on it is the only quite cold part of him. He wishes he had both hands free. He wishes he could just leave the Staff somewhere for a while... He wishes he could embrace Poppy with both of his arms, trapping her in him, and never let go if she doesn't refuse. Oh, is there any limit of intimacy? 
His nose gets stuck in her silken strawberry pink hair and he breathes in her warm scent. Oh, how amazing she is, she’s a huge mysterious world he can explore endlessly. An ocean without the bottom, he can dive in and never come back, swimming down deeper and deeper and never looking back. He can't ever get enough and equally he always has much more than he could even wish, than he could ever dream or imagine. His nose gets deeper in the sea of her beautiful hair till it touches her warm neck. It makes her skin shiver, it forces a sudden pleasant sigh of her. Branch smiles. So she likes to be touched here.... But he doesn't move anymore. Even if he wants to, he feels his body weak and strong, burning and melting, his heart can explode if he moves even the slightest step closer. He stays where he is, and he doesn't need more in his entire life. Just to be. To be a man in Poppy's arms. 
Neither of them knows how long they are cuddling. Maybe an hour, maybe a half. But also neither wants to push others away. They cling to each other, feeling so safe. They're in hog heaven. Calm, but also burning. They're all heated. Much warmer than Poppy was at the beginning. Sharing the warmth makes them both warmer somehow...
The goddess heaves another deep, content sigh. Her hand gently strokes his back under his cape.
- We should finish - She murmurs into his shoulder.
Branch purrs lingeringly as if he misses her at the very thought of letting her go. He fondles her neck gently with his nose, snuggling his face. Her hands on his back grab his shirt and clench into it.
- Branch... - She breathes out shakingly, during another deep sigh. She puts her chin on his shoulder to be more hearable. - Really... I really enjoy this... But your responsibilities... We need to stop...
He chuckles softly into her ear.
- It's you who is hugging me, sweetheart... - He whispers warmly, with a tender smile she can't see.
Poppy heaves a sigh one last time. She slowly, unwillingly leaves his arms. She steps back and immediately loses her balance. The god grabs her arm, stopping her from falling. She staggers a bit until she stands on her leg. She puts her hands on her face and then sinks her fingers into her hair.
- I'm so dizzy - She mumbles, squinting.
- So am I - He chuckles dorkly, staggering and then lying down with the Staff.
- What are you doing? - The goddess giggles, getting on her knees next to him.
- I'm drunk - He confesses, gazing adoringly into her eyes with such a wide smile. - Drunk with you.
She rubs her cheeks, smiling at him.
- You are so cute and handsome... - She whispers purringly.
- And you are so stunningly beautiful and adorable... - He replies with a low, husky voice.
They gaze at each other tenderly, until Poppy chuckles sweetly.
- Look, we don't turn red! - She points out, giggling.
Branch laughs heartily, closing his eyes. For the first time in his life, the ground under him is colder than him. He's warm. He's really warm. He laughs with happiness inside him. He's so purely happy.
Then, the sudden sound of clearing someone's throat interrupts their laughs. They both look up at the orange god who appears in front of them out of nowhere.
- Can I ask you what are you doing? - Gust frowns at them with puzzlement.
- We're nuts - Branch giggles. - There are so many weird things about us. You don't want to know. Just keep walking.
- Branch! - Poppy laughs, covering her eyes with her hand with amusement.
- Actually, I'd like to know - The god of the Order looks at them calmly. - King Peppy sent me to you to ask why the Night became warm.
Indeedly, the world around, even if still covered by the blanket of Darkness, feels warm. Not as warm as during the Day, but not cold at all. It is really nice temperature, the grasshoppers sing happily on the nearby meadow.
- It's her fault - The blue god points at the pink goddess next to him. She shrugs her shoulders, grinning.
- Well, how to say it - She chuckles. - I shared my warmth with Branch.
- She's amazing.
- I know, I know. And now we're both kinda drunk.
- We didn't drink. We were just hugging.
- Basically, we have no idea how we work.
- We work amazingly for me - He smiles at her dreamily as if Gust isn’t there.
Poppy giggles. She points at Branch, turning to the god of the Order.
- See? Just look at him, isn't that the most charming and taking smile in the world?
The blue god sits up.
- Disagree! Your smile is the most adorable, breath-taking and mesmerizing miracle that could happen on the Earth.
- Ok, stop - Gust chuckles awkwardly, lifting open hands with the peace-offering gesture. - This... I don't know what's happening with you two, but you seem to have some sort of fun, so I'm going to tell King Peppy that everything is great.
- Yeah, It is great - Poppy smiles dreamily.
- Super great - Branch adds, lying down again.
- One thing - The god of the Order says with a bit firmer tone. - The Staff. The Gold Sphere should not lie on the ground.
The god of the Night turns his head to the side and glances at the Staff in his hand. He drops his dorky smile and blinks. Reminding him about his responsibilities sets him up. He stands up straight, brushing his clothes down with one hand. He corrects his grip on the Staff, dusting the Gold Sphere off a bit. It is so fragile, so fragile that a slight hit can crack it. He should never forget to care about It. He clears his throat shyly, seeing Poppy standing up next to him out of the corner of his eye.
- Sorry - He says, looking down a bit ashamed. 
- It's okay - Gust smiles at them comfortingly. - Just be more careful about It. 
Branch nods with a serious face.
- Farewell - The orange god says and disappears, just like Immortals like to do.
- Well, that was embarrassing - Poppy announces, turning to her company. She frowns with surprise. - And what are you doing now?
Branch is unclenching his cape, trying to take it off with one hand.
- I feel warm, I don't need this anymore - He throws the cape on her shoulders.
- Hey, I don't need it either!
- But  you want it - He smirks at her, trying to lay the cape on her with only one hand.
- Branch! - She giggles, grabbing the edges of the fabric. - It's huge!
- Let me see you in it - He steps back and views her slowly. Poppy giggles and puts the hoodie on her head. She rubs the fabric across her cheek and smells it.
- Okay, agree, I want it - She admits. - It smells like you.
- And how do I smell? - He chuckles.
The goddess looks aside, smiling shyly.
- Like the woods, trees, leaves. Like safeness and care.
Branch smiles warmly at her.
- Well, you look pretty safe in this - He puts the top edge of the hoodie on her eyes. She puffs, amused. - Come come, we have res pon si bi li ties
Poppy lifts the hoodie, looking up at him with a smirk.
- I really like your mood now - She says genuinely.
He grins in the way she usually grins at him, making her smile even wider.
- The Night is almost over - Poppy announces, unclenching the silver buckle under her chin. - Maybe you want your cape back?
- No, not really.... - Branch starts, but the goddess is already getting the cape right on his shoulders. - Oh, okay. You don't like it though?
- No, it's really comfy, especially when I hide in it whole - She smiles, clenching the buckle on Branch's neck. - It just can bother me during the Day.
She brushes the cape on his arms to get it right. She meets his adoring eyes and caresses affectionately the corner of his smiling lips with her hand.
- Grab the Staff - He orders quietly.
She frowns.
- It's not the time.
He squints at her with discontent.
- It's just a few minutes - He argues. - Can't you start the Day a bit earlier?
- For what?
He looks up, smiling dorkly.
- What is it? - Poppy chuckles. - Can't it wait a few minutes?
- Can't you grab the Staff earlier?
- Tell me what you want! - She beams at him.
- I want you to take the Staff from me - Branch smiles mysteriously.
Poppy is gazing at him with puzzlement. She hesitates for a while. Her curiosity fights with her head. A few minutes aren't a big deal, right? She carefully grabs the Staff, the sky gets lighter and beams with the colors of the dawn, and almost at the very same moment Branch embraces her suddenly. His arms cover her whole. She loses her breath.
- You waited to hug me with both your hands? - The goddess breathes out, giggling. He purrs "uh-huh'' into her shoulder, which wakes up pleasant butterflies in her stomach.
Poppy closes her eyes. His big hands drape her whole back, she sinks into him, in his warmth, in his care and safeness. She cuddles tight, letting him hide her into his arms, conceal her from the whole world around. She breathes his warm heavy scent. Now she notices why he was so desperate to hug her with both arms. The Staff in her hand doesn't let her fully snuggle with him, it stops her from diving deeper, she has to keep the Staff as far from Branch as it's possible, cause he can't touch it during the Day.
But even with the Staff in her hand, she's in their small, pure, warm heaven. His fingers sink tenderly into her hair, forcing her to sigh. Oh, may this moment last forever...
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the-hoarse-bard · 4 years
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While exploring the rest of the Pelagius Wing for valuables, I found this bedroll and a set of wizards robes. Perhaps whoever these belonged to had something to do with that invisible daedra. The enchantment on them is some powerful stuff, so I took them. I remembered to return the key to the wing to the maids. I would hate for them to get in trouble for letting me in there.
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While riding toward Riften, I heard a commotion off the side of the road, and decided to investigate. It was a group of Orcs fighting off what seemed to be a giant attack on their stronghold, Largashbur I would later learn. As I drew closer to investigate, an Orc dressed in robes, apparently the tribes wise woman, informed me that the giant attacks were becoming increasingly common due to their chieftain being under an enfeebling curse for displeasing Malacath. One of the warriors tried to drive me off, but the wise woman stopped her and asked me to bring her a bowl of troll fat and a daedra heart to break the curse. I didn’t promise anything, as daedra hearts aren’t exactly common, but I did say I would try. She thanked me and I rode on towards home.
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I stopped in by the flagon to turn in some stolen goods and get a stiff drink after the day I’ve had, and Delvin approached me with a special job that needed doing. In the time the Guild has been out of Windhelm, it seems another guild of thieves has attempted to take our place. Obviously, this can’t be allowed. Delvin pointed me towards the man who tipped him off, Torsten Cruel-Sea, for more info. It could wait until morning, so I finished up my drink and headed for home to get some rest.
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I noticed one of the caravans set up outside the city as I was headed out, and remembered that I had heard Dro’marash was willing to teach his powers of persuasion to others. Feeling like I would need the help, I paid him a sack of gold and he gave me his advice on how to talk to people. It was fascinating, he surely is an expert at this. I thanked him before carrying on my way.
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I found Torsten working the field at his farm. The reason he gave for working with the Guild was that these interlopers, a group of Altmer calling themselves the Summerset Shadows, had stolen a family heirloom from his daughters corpse. I had heard of the young girls death and offered my sympathies. Torsten then directed me to Niranye in Windhelm’s market. It seems she works for the culprits as a fence. Torsten claimed he had already had his pound of flesh from one of the Shadow’s men to get this information, and all he wanted from me was the amulet they had pinched. I told him I would do everything I could and headed to Niranye’s stall.
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Niranye was a tough nut to crack, but some blade flashing got her talking. She claims the Shadows had nothing to do with the Cruel-Sea girl’s death and merely capitalized on being the first ones to come across her body. Niranye also informed me that she was formerly a Guild fence and the Shadows were keeping her under their thumb with threats of violence. I offered her protection from them and she jumped right back into our pockets. If there’s anything you can count on a fence for, it’s sleaze. Niranye also squealed about the Shadows hideout in a cave outside of town, which I made for next.
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The two guards they had posted outside were utterly useless. Coming at me one at a time even though they had me outnumbered. One of them even had a mace that surely would’ve crushed more than a few bones if he’d managed to hit me with it.
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The others were much more organized, but still not much of a challenge. Hard to believe these chumps could threaten anyone. I picked out their leader from the silver locked I had come to collect hanging around his neck. What kind of grim filthy bastard would just keep something like this and not sell it immediately? Not much of a head for this work on any of these cut-skin dunces. I wanted to send a message, so I stripped the leader bare and propped him up by the door. I found a piece of parchment, wrote “Isozeva” on it, and laid it over his crotch. “Short-tail” in Ta’agra. Most fitting thing I could think of after seeing him in the buff.
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While clearing the place for valuables, I found their tacky banner. Hideous scrap of linen, so I burned it. Why on earth would a group of thieves want to apply a distinctive symbol to themselves? Ma’i wafiit.
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I returned the amulet to Torsten and he was very grateful. In return for the job, he gave me a beautiful gold circlet set with a gleaming ruby. Straight away I could feel it was enchanted, but I would need some time to work out in what way. I took my leave after we shared a hearty laugh over the fate of the Shadows leader and shared an ale. I wished him luck with his farm and family, and set off back to Riften.
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avaria-revallier · 4 years
Chapter 7: A soft landing
Chapter 1 -start here
Chapter 6
Bella hurried back to the clearing as fast as her injured leg would let her. The bag with the herbs pressed against her aching ribcage.
When she reached the clearing she could only spot Dwalin and Nori. The thief was about to leave while Dwalin only stared at his back with an unidentifiable expression. Did she miss something?
“Dwalin? What happened?” she asked from behind him, feigning ignorance.
Of course Gandalf had showed up. The trolls turned to stone and the others were on their way to inspect the troll hoard. They wouldn’t have much time to rest. Maybe a few hours before Radagast turned up and with him the orcs and wargs. Luckily, she had already grabbed her backpack when she fetched the herbs.
“Bella! Let me get Oin to check you over. Where does it hurt? Come here, sit for a moment! Are you thirsty? Shall I get you some water?” Dwalin grabbed the bag from her arms and gently nudged her to a log nearby.
“I am fine, really. Just bring me to the others. We are no longer safe here.” Determined, Bella grabbed onto her brother's forearm.
She was half leaning on him and half dragging him into the direction Nori went off to earlier. Bella was right, he realised. They were no longer safe. If the trolls had come down from the mountains then even the main road was no longer safe.
Together they made their way toward the cave Fili and Kili had spotted. Gloin and Nori were busy burying a small chest. A smile stole itself on her lips. That small stinking chest had given her quite the headache back in Shire. So much gossip over such a small amount of gold. This was nothing compared to the treasure hall of Erebor.
Sitting down near the entrance, she held her face up in the sunshine. The warmth made her forget the pain in her body for a while.
A shadow fell over her and as she opened her eyes she stared directly into the deep blue eyes of the dwarven king. Bella took her time examining his face. He would look so much better with a smile on his face. Instead, he was frowning once again.
“How may I help you, master Oakenshield?” giving her best not to wince while standing up she asked him with a steady voice.
This whole situation was new for her. The dwarven king had never really cared for or about her before. He had even wanted to leave her with lord Elrond! Truly strange… Well, it might have been her fault as well as she had stuck to Gandalf for the better part of their travels before and only kept whining about her home and all the comforts she had to leave behind. How shameful of her! They had lost their homes and hadn’t left them willingly.
A pang of guilt hit her stomach. She had been so wrong in the past. This was a good enough reason to improve the present. She would have to improve herself to change their fate and hers at well.
“Well,” he started, averting his look from her intensive staring, “Here! Just take it… Might be your size.” He rumbled low while shoving a small leather sheath in her arms.
Sting. He had found her trusted traveling companion. The small sword lay reassuringly in her palm.
“Thank you.” she breathed.
Joy flooded her heart and mind. Later, she would blame her further actions on her brain malfunctioning at that very moment.
“Thank you so much, Thorin!” lunging forward, she embraced the stern king, giving him a big kiss on his cheek before happily making her way towards the grey wizard.
Thorin stood there. Petrified. Did she just? She did… She…
A muffled snicker followed by the thudding sound of a hand colliding with the back of a head confirmed his fear. She did!
‘Oh Mahal! This was more than confusing. Were hobbits such affectionate beings? Yes, that must be the case. She would have done the same for every other member of the company,’ his own train of thoughts made him angry.
“Nori! Gloin! Hurry up!” he grunted down the cave, turning his back at his nephews.
Those two rascals were still snickering and hiding the fact rather poorly. Bofur on the other hand laughed openly. Dwalin looked at him as if he had been the one kissing the lass. Mahal, how the burglar had already changed his cousin.
Dori, Ori and Gloin returned, having packed their rations and gear. Sadly, only four ponies and Gandalf's horse were left. The rest must have bolted when they had been busy fighting and, well… trying not to get eaten.
He would have to tell Ori once again to leave the record for this day blank! He wouldn’t need to be reminded of the shame when he had to cry out that they had parasites…
A crashing sound and loud cursing made him draw his sword and whirl around to face the possible threat head on.
Bella smiled. It had been ages since she had seen the brown wizard. He was still the same Radagast she remembered. A bit skittish, but full of love for the animals around him. The rabbits pulling his sled had always fascinated her. Curious, she stepped nearer. One of them lifted its head, looking into her eyes.
The dwarrows were still discussing whether to trust the newcomer or not. Sure, Radagast might have made quite the entrance, screaming and cursing, and the stick insect in his mouth along with the nest in his hair were rather off-putting, but he was a kind soul and not one to be corrupted.
The rabbit nuzzled its head into her hand and after a short while she was surrounded by the furry lot. They were gentle as if they knew of her injuries. Suddenly, the ears of their leader perked up and his nose twitched nervously. The wargs. How could she forget that?!
“Watch out!” she managed to scream, before the first ugly monster broke through the bushes and launched at Thorin.
It was killed quickly and now everyone shifted their attention towards the approaching enemy. Well, not all the attention. Gandalf shouted at Thorin and Thorin shouted back at Gandalf demanding to know who else would have known about their quest. She saw the look the leader of the company gave her. It made her heart freeze.
“I will draw them off!” Radagst offered.
“These are Gundabad wargs!” Gandalf warned his friend.
“These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I’d like to see them try!” the brown wizard puffed proud.
They ran and hid. The ponies were nervous and Bella's heart pounded against her damaged rib cage like it had been doing once long ago. This was exciting and nerve-wrecking, but it made her feel alive!
At the very moment when Thorin nodded at Kili to shoot the approaching warg together with its rider, Bella nearly jumped out herself. She was more than ready to take on the enemy once again. Dwalin held her back by gently grabbing her arm. He was right. Kili could handle this. He was an amazing archer and a great fighter. He needed this experience to grow. It would be good for him.
“Where are you leading us?” she could hear Thorin’s whispered question towards Gandalf.
Thorin surely wouldn’t like the answer and Gandalf knew this fact as did Bella, so he kept silent. They came closer towards the large rock formation that marked the entrance to the secret passageway into the hidden valley. Well, the last few hundred meters were open terrain. There was no way to hide anymore. Running would be the only option.
She prepared herself mentally for the pain that soon would be raging in her entire body. Each step had sent a wave of pain through her body, but the occasional breaks while they were hiding made it easier to catch her breath. The last part on the other hand would be not as forgiving. Maybe they would be lucky and lord Elrond would suddenly appear, together with his hunters.
Taking a deep breath, she readied herself to sprint whenever Thorin would give the signal. Without a warning, two tattooed arms lifted her off the ground and placed her on the last remaining pony.
“Why d-” Thorin's signal interrupted her question.
Kili and Fili slapped the frightened pony to encourage the poor thing to run even faster. Howls, barks and several orders cried out in black speech followed, leaving the rabbit sled alone.
The pony was definitely faster than she would have ever been on foot, injured or not. Still, it was way too frightening to break through the two wargs ahead, let alone blindly jump into a small opening between the stones. Panicked, the steed looked around, searching for a way out. A warg used this chance to jump at them, its jaw wide open. In a split second, the pony decided between being eaten by a warg and jumping into a cave, the cave being the winning option.
The sudden movement made Bella lose her grip and she slipped off of the back of the pony, landing on her backside. An arrow flew past her, grazing the warg’s ear. This distraction gave her enough time to scramble back onto her feet and limp as fast as she could towards the passageway.
Kili cursed while Fili changed his direction, running past her. Thorin cursed as well, but far more creatively than his nephew. Dwalin roared while swinging his battle axes. ‘How she had missed this before?’ she wondered, Bombur and Bifur had already vanished into the opening. Bofur helped Ori and Dori while Nori sent another one of his knives flying before jumping down as well. Balin had the nerve to lecture his brother not to be reckless and ‘cut the crap while you are still able to’. Oin and Gloin must also already be down there as she could hear them shouting for the others to come down.
Dwalin turned around, a grim expression on his face, grabbed Kili and Fili, each on one arm and jumped down as well. Thorin was still waiting for her at the entrance, his sword ready. Bella quickened her speed and prompt stumbled, falling into the dwarven kings arms and pulling him down with her.
She landed rather soft on top of Thorin. Her eyes tightly shut, she didn’t dare to move. Carefully, she opened her eyes slightly, only to look into the King's face. It was rather dark in the cave. She wasn't able to make out the expression on his face. In a rather poor attempt to separate herself from Thorin, Bella placed her hands on his chest. She tried not to think too much about how muscular he was. Slowly, she started to separate herself from him, wiggling around trying to find a position that wouldn’t hurt too much. Bella tried not to put any weight on her injured legs or any other parts of her that were hurting. Well, the only part not hurting at the moment was her head, but she could feel a headache rising.
Two big, strong hands on her hips made it impossible for her to move any further. The dwarven King had held her down in this rather shameful position.
Thorin took this chance to search her body for injuries. He grunted, displeased as she flinched under his touch. Somehow it made the King angry to see her hurt. And somehow, it felt nice to have her near. Bella started shifting again. She didn't know what exactly she was supposed to feel at this particular moment. It felt great to be able to be so close to him. But at the same moment, she felt a pang in her heart. This was not her Thorin. And this was not right.
She opened her mouth, ready to give him a piece of her mind when a growl from behind interrupted her. In the first second, she thought it was a warg, but then the growl evolved into a wave of dwarven curses spoken in Khuzdul. Gently, two arms wrapped around her from behind, easily lifting her up from Thorin. She recognised the tattoos on the arms. The warmth on her hips disappeared. Her body reacted to the sudden cold with a shiver while her heart winced to be separated from her One.  
Her brother held her protectively in his arms, standing with his back towards his king and putting himself between her and Thorin. She knew that dwarrows were protective, but she never thought that Dwalin would defy his king. This was a completely new experience for her. She didn't want to be in between the two of them, she didn't want to be in between anything. If she hadn't known what would have come next, maybe she would have stayed with Lord Elrond.
A furry body slid down into the cave, taking all the unwanted attention of her and presenting a way for Thorin to hide his embarrassment.
How in the world could he have let down his guard in such a critical moment? His palms still felt the softness of her body. There was something familiar in the way they touched, but he was quite sure he had never seen the hobbit lass before. Still, when Dwalin separated her from him, he wouldn't have liked anything better than punching his best friend in the face and getting back what belonged to him.
To get his mind off those strange thoughts, he shifted his attention towards the dead warg. An arrow was plunged into the throat of the monster. Separating the arrow from the body, he inspected it.
“Elves!” he spat out.  
As if to answer his angry grunting, the sound of a horn broke through the cries from outside. The company started fidgeting nervously, looking for a way out. Up and out of the cave was not an option and Thorin nearly sighed with relief when Bofur shouted that there was another way. It was a narrow pass seemingly leading deeper into the mountain, but it was rather bright, so maybe, just maybe, they had a chance.  
The passageway was too narrow for Dwalin to both carry Bella and fit through it himself at the same time. So, he had no other possibility than to walk behind her, lending her a helping hand and steadying her whenever she staggered. Whenever he wasn’t fast enough to catch her and, as a result, she would crash into a stone wall with a hollow thump, he would wince. Not being able to help her nearly drove him insane. His mood dropped with every passing second.
Seeing how Thorin looked at her with that worried, sad and longing look made him angrily clench his fists. He had no right to ogle his sister like that!
“It is as beautiful as I remembered.” She mumbled under her breath.
Dwalin wouldn’t have heard it if Thorin hadn’t lifted his head as soon as she opened her mouth. Both of them looked at each other in confusion. Had they heard right?
In front of them, a beautiful valley lay. The valley of Imladris where  the last homely house was. The tattooed warrior grumbled a curse in the wizard’s direction. To guide them right towards those damned elves! Thorin seemed to have the same thoughts. He finally stopped looking at Bella and glowered at the grey-hatted man.
Why must dwarrows be so bloody stubborn, wary and suspicious of each and every person they meet?! Bella had found herself in the middle of a small circle built out of muscles, sharp axes and rumbling growls. She could only shake her head at their overprotective behaviour. Lord Elrond would have never allowed harm to befall his guests. Here, in the last homely house, they would be just as safe as in Beorn's hut. A smile lightened up her face as she thought of the large man who was gentler than anyone could have ever imagined.
She shifted her attention back when the sound of a horn sounded in the distance once more, announcing the return of the elven king. The circle tightened around her even more. Gandalf watched their actions with amusement and when Bella locked eyes with him he chuckled at her distressed expression.
Thorin muttered something to Dwalin, too quietly for her to understand. But the two dwarves nodded in grim agreement, not letting the elves out of sight.
Lord Elrond returned with his hunters not a second too late. Lindir seemed a bit troubled by the gruff and dirty company that appeared on their doorstep. Led by Gandalf the Grey of all people! The exchange of greetings, compliments and courtesies gave Bella a chance to remember the lessons of elven language she had all those years before.
“Lord Elrond, it is good to see you again. May I request to visit your infirmary?” fighting her way out, she glared at Fili and Kili trying to pull her back.
The dark-haired elf lifted one brow at her request spoken in elvish. The pronunciation was not bad and gave evidence that she had been learning the language for quite some time. Lord Elrond looked at Gandalf. It was a  long, questioning look. The wizard only shrugged and searched his pockets for his pipe weed.
“Of course, little one. But you have to promise me to tell me all the exciting details of your journey over dinner. We hadn’t had a hobbit here in forever, and especially not one traveling with the dwarves, no less.” He smiled, waving Lindir over.
The king’s attendant picked her up with ease, earning a surprised and an acknowledging squeak from the hobbit and an angry uproar from the company. Threats, insults and crude curses were thrown at the elves until Gloin stormed forward, swinging his weapon to daunt the elf holding Bella. It didn’t work. Lindir only looked down at Gloin with an unchanged countenance.
“Food,” Bella hurried to say, “he offered us to stay for dinner, freshen up a bit and rest.”
The adrenalin slowly vanished from her system. The pain returned, stronger than before, and Bella wished for nothing more than a hot bath, a change of clothes, some food and a soft bed.
Dwalin stepped forward in an intimidating manner. He pushed Gloin aside and straightened his back. With his arms crossed, he looked up and, in his eyes, she could see the gleam of an idea. The idea to kick Lindir into the hollow of the knee and snatch her from his arms.
“What are you planning to do with my sister, elf?” his voice was deep and threatening.
Lindir only raised an eyebrow, looking down he smiled coldly, “If you happened to notice, your ‘sister’ is seriously injured.”
Dwain’s hands twitched as if he wanted to deliver the first punch. Right in that moment Fili and Kili appeared on each side of the warrior. They looked determined.
“We will come with you.” Fili decided, while Kili nodded agreeing, “Can’t let you alone with them!”
Bella smiled. It was not convincing and far away from reassuring, but from her position, held by Lindir, she was finally taller than all of the members of the company. They looked worried up to her, big pleading eyes and protective sternness in their faces. They meant it, she realized. Tears started to fill her eyes, not out of pain, but happiness. Even Thorin fidgeted from one leg onto the other, trying his best to not meet her eyes. He stared at Lord Elrond, but still observed her out of the corner of his eye.
“That is very sweet of you, but I do prefer to bathe alone,” Bella chuckled.
Her chuckle quickly changed into a cough and a few drops of blood blemished Lindir’s perfectly white robes. The elf frowned displeased down at her. With a sharp nod towards his king, he hurried off to the healing quarters, taking her with him. Over Lindir’s shoulder, Bella could catch a glimpse of Thorin’s expression. Was that jealousy hidden behind the usual frown?
Chapter 8
General things:
If you want me to tag you as well, please just send me a message.
If you like what you have read consider reblogging my story for others to enjoy too.
I am always open for asks and requests for shorts of our favorite dwarrows!
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dispatchdcu · 4 years
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Jason Aaron has evolved into one of the most creatively rich and productive writers at Marvel, and frankly in the entire Comic Book Landscape. His stories are saturated with texture and steeped in foundational knowledge as well as character growth. From Wolverine to the Hulk, and even Doctor Strange, Jason Aaron has taken every character he’s touched at Marvel and reshaped them into something so much more!
Well, over the past eight + years, Jason Aaron has done the same thing with the God of Thunder. So, to help new readers jumping deep into the MCU or to those that have never taken the intense plunge into THOR, here is a thorough reading order for all related Jason Aaron THOR titles dating back to 2012. This should keep you current!
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Plus, if you can hang on until the end, I’ve attached single issue reviews, as well as series reviews, for tons of other Jason Aaron titles from THE GODDAMNED, to SCALPED, and other amazing Marvel Heroes in between! Thanks for the read and I hope you enjoy it.
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And if you’re all caught up on Aaron’s THOR, check out my latest review of THOR #5 by Donny Cates HERE, as well as links to get your hands on current THOR issues and trades.
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Thor: God Of Thunder (2012-2015)
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  Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 1: The God Butcher (#1-5) 
A trail of blood threatens to consume Thor’s past, present, and future! Throughout the ages, gods have been vanishing, their mortal worshipers left in chaos. The only hope for these ravaged worlds is for Thor to unravel the gruesome mystery of the God Butcher! In the distant past, the Thunder God discovers a forgotten cave that echoes with the cries of tortured gods – and is shocked to find himself among them! In the present, Thor follows the bloody wake of murdered gods across the depths of space. And thousands of years from now, the last god-king of a ruined Asgard makes his final stand against the God Butcher’s berserker legions. As three Thors from three eras race to stop the God Butcher, the full extent of his vicious scheme takes terrifying shape!
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Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 2: Godbomb (#6-11) 
Somewhere at the end of the time, all the gods of the universe are enslaved, working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation. What is the Godbomb? And what can Thor do to stop it? While Gorr’s master plan continues to unfold, all hope for divinity is lost when Thor finds himself in chains alongside his fellow gods. And even as Gorr’s dark origin is revealed, along with the truth behind his bloody quest to butcher the gods, three time-bending Thors unite to lead an army of slave gods in the fight against Gorr. But will it all be for naught as the clock ticks down and the massive Godbomb is triggered at last? And after the dust clears, what will be left of the universe’s deities?
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Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 3: The Accursed (#12-18) 
It’s the bloody return of Malekith the Accursed! The former lord of the Dark Elves escapes his otherworldly prison, and the chase is on across the Nine Realms to capture him! Thor finds new allies to join his Wild Hunt: A Dark Elf sorceress! A gun-toting Light Elf! A gargantuan Mountain Giant! A dwarf who loves dynamite! And a particularly surly troll! But when one teammate falls, will it mean war for all Nine Realms? And as a traitor within the group strikes and Thor prepares to take drastic measures, Malekith stages his final bloody raid – on Earth! Plus: What does it mean to walk the Earth as a god? What does Thor do when he’s not out saving the world with the Avengers? It’s the return of Thor’s longtime love interest, Dr. Jane Foster!
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Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 4: The Last Days of Midgard (#19-25) 
Thor battles to save Earth, but who can he fight when the planet itself is dying? S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Roz Solomon has a suggestion: the nefarious energy company Roxxon and its ruthless new CE O, “the Minotaur!” Has Thor met his match in the form of a multinational supercorporation? Meanwhile, millennia from now, King Thor and his granddaughters, the Warriors of Thunder, face a very different battle to save what remains of the earth – from Galactus! But even if Thor wins, is the Earth still doomed? In the present, Thor makes a final stand against the Minotaur, Ulik the Troll, and Roxxon’s forces – but not even a god can save everyone. Plus: Young Thor vs. Frost Giants! The untold origin of Malekith! And King Thor’s granddaughters discover the startling secret of his Original Sin!
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Original Sin (2014) 
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Original Sin #0-8 (2014) 
Who shot the Watcher? Uatu, the mysterious space-god who’s been watching mankind from the moon for as long as we can remember…is dead. Thus begins the greatest murder mystery in Marvel history! As Nick Fury leads the heroes of the Marvel Universe in an investigation, other forces are marshaling and other questions are arising. Why is Black Panther gathering a secret team of his own, including Emma Frost, the Punisher, and Dr. Strange? Who is the Unseen? What was stolen from the Watcher’s lair? Fury’s cosmic manhunt leads to the far corners of the universe and beyond, but just when the Avengers think they’ve cornered their murderer…everything explodes, unleashing the Marvel Universe’s greatest secrets and rocking the heroes to their core! What did the Watcher see? What was the Original Sin?
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Original Sin: Thor & Loki – The Tenth Realm (Original Sin #5.1-5.5 2014) 
Thanks to the events of Original Sin, the deepest secret of the Nine Realms has been revealed: namely, the existence of a Tenth Realm! Now, Thor and Loki must embark on a quest to discover this strange new world – and to discover the sister that Thor never knew he had: Angela! But can Loki be trusted? And will brother and sister murder each other before the truth comes out?
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Thor (2014-2015) 
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Thor Volume 1: The Goddess Of Thunder (#1-5) 
Mjolnir lies on the moon, unable to be lifted! Something dark has befallen the God of Thunder, leaving him unworthy for the first time ever! But when Frost Giants invade Earth, the hammer will be lifted — and a mysterious woman will be transformed into an all-new version of the mighty Thor! Who is this new Goddess of Thunder? Not even Odin knows, but she may be Earth’s only hope against the Frost Giants! Get ready for a Thor like you’ve never seen before, as this all-new heroine takes Midgard by storm! Plus: The Odinson clearly doesn’t like that someone else is holding his hammer — it’s Thor vs. Thor! And Odin, desperate to see Mjolnir returned, will call on some very dangerous, very unexpected allies. It’s a bold new chapter in the storied history of Thor!
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Thor Volume 2: Who Holds The Hammer (#6-8, Annual #1) 
Who is the new Thor? That’s the question on everyone’s lips. Most especially the original Thor! And now he starts to narrow down the list of suspects. Meanwhile, tensions continue to flare between the All-Mother and All-Father, Malekith the Dark Elf forges his most dangerous pact yet, and the new Thor prepares to face her greatest challenge: the unstoppable machine of death and destruction that is…the Destroyer! As the battle for the hammer Mjolnir rages on, an unexpected character makes a shocking return – and the new Thor’s identity is revealed at last!
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Secret Wars (2015-2016) 
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Thors: Secret Wars Battleworld (Thors #1-4 2015-2016) 
The Thors of every domain, together in one book! As cosmic cops! Whenever there’s trouble on Battleworld, the Thors answer the call. But a string of mysterious murders leaves some of them asking questions that may unravel all of reality! A hard-hitting Marvel Comics police drama. With hammers. Lots and lots of hammers.
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SIDE NOTE: Check out the entire Secret Wars Event HERE. Trust me; you’ll love it!!!!!
The Mighty Thor (2016-2018) 
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The Mighty Thor Volume 1: Thunder In Her Veins (#1-5) 
Dr. Jane Foster is the Goddess of Thunder -and it’s killing her. Her enemies are many as Asgard descends further into chaos, and unrest threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet she wages her greatest battle against a far more personal foe: the cancer killing her mortal form. When Loki steps back into Thor’s life, will it ease her troubles or only add to her pain? There’s no such question about Malekith as he continues to fan the flames of a looming War of Realms – when he isn’t wedding planning, that is! And as Asgard is torn apart, the skies will shake in one of the bloodiest battles of all time: It’s Thor vs. Odin like never before!
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The Mighty Thor Volume 2: Lords Of Midgard (#6-12) 
The legend continues with Thors new and old! Loki spins a special ages-old tale of a young Odinson in action against a hulking great enemy. You wouldn’t like this Viking when he’s angry! But what incredible impact will this yarn from the past have on the present? Prepare for corporate espionage, Marvel-style, as some of the world’s most powerful and evil conglomerates go to war – with Thor caught in the middle! And as if Roxxon and the rest aren’t enough trouble, Jane Foster must contend with a new enemy: S.H.I.E.L.D.! Worse still, somehow millions of lives will depend on the God of Thunder saving Roxxon’s evil executive, Dario Agger!
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The Mighty Thor Volume 3: The Asgard/Shi-Ar War (#13-19)
As the War of the Realms rages on, the only way to defeat Malekith is with a united front – and it’s up to Thor to bring the many races together! Now heroes from across the ten worlds – including Lady Sif and Angela – unite under Thor’s command to form a new League of Realms, with the sole mission of bringing this conflict to an end! And their first mission is to infiltrate Dark- Elf-occupied territory! But when the war spreads to every branch of the World Tree, the League’s road to peace is fraught with challenges they hadn’t anticipated. To stand against the heroic allies, Malekith forms a wicked union of his own, calling on Loki and the all-new Kurse to take down Thor and her band of heroes!
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Unworthy Thor TPB (#1-5) 
Unfit to lift his hammer, with another now wielding the power of Thor, the Odinson’s desperate quest to regain his worthiness takes him out into the cosmos – where he’s learned of the existence of a mysterious other Mjolnir! This weapon of ultimate power, a relic from a dead universe, is the key to the Odinson’s redemption – but some of the greatest villains of the Marvel Universe are anxious to get their hands on it as well. And when the Realm of Old Asgard vanishes, the Odinson’s hopes might go with it – unless good tidings from Beta Ray Bill offer fresh hope! Can the Odinson reclaim his honor, or will the power of thunder be wielded for evil? Let the battle for the hammer commence!
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The Mighty Thor Volume 4: The War Thor (#20-23, Generations: Unworthy Thor And Mighty Thor #1)
Who is the War Thor? The Ultimate Universe’s Thor died defending the Multiverse, but his hammer remains. Who wields it now? Ponder that question along with Jane Foster, the Mighty Thor, as she faces the Ultimate team-up! War is coming to the Ten Realms -and when the Queen of Cinders sets them ablaze, even the combined might of not one, not two, but three Thors may not be enough to put out the flames! Meanwhile, Malekith’s army grows, and the looming conflict reaches Asgard’s doorstep! But even the fire of Muspelheim pales beside the fury of the War Thor -and with his thunder comes vengeance! Plus: Generations collide as Jane and a young Odinson face an Apocalyptic encounter in ancient Egypt!
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The Mighty Thor Volume 5: The Death Of The Mighty Thor (#700-706, Mighty Thor At The Gates Of Valhalla #1) 
Marvel Legacy hits Asgard with a bang, with…the death of the Mighty Thor! The final judgment comes as the Mangog arrives. The War Thor will meet the beast head-on, but even the blood-thirst of this Ultimate hammer-wielder may pale in comparison to the Mangog’s might! The battle rages even as Jane Foster’s cancer takes a turn for the worse, and she might not have to wait for the final judgment at all. The clock is ticking, the War of the Realms is spreading, and Mjolnir cannot save her this time. Can even the legendary Hercules help avert disaster? It’s the beginning of the end – one that will lead to the most dramatic return in the Marvel Universe!
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Thor (2018-2019) 
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Thor Vol. 1: God Of Thunder Reborn (#1-6) 
Thor Odinson has regained his mantle – and with it, a wild new world of trouble on his mighty hands! The artifacts of Asgard have been scattered across the Earth, and to reclaim them, Thor will have to face some ugly truths. Like the production cost on hundreds of new hammers! And the Thunder God is going to need every last one of them if he’s going to stop the unstoppable Juggernaut. Jason Aaron takes the Prince of Asgard in a whole new direction with YOUNG GUN artist Mike Del Mundo joining him at the helm! And don’t miss the latest chapter of the King Thor saga with acclaimed BLACK BOLT artist Christian Ward, as the Thor of the far future encounters an old friend who’s undergone some startling changes.
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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Thor Vol 2: Road To War Of The Realms (#7-11) 
Jason Aaron’s epic THOR run continues! Part the mists of time and peer into the distant past – for a tale of a young Odinson from the Viking age! Every time Thor travels to the mortal land of Midgard, he finds all the mead, battle and romance that a young god could possibly want. But he still can’t figure out how to prove himself worthy of the mighty hammer Mjolnir. Now Odin is determined to keep his son away from Midgard for good – and young Loki knows just the way to do it! Then, in the modern-day, Thor is held prisoner by the fearsome warriors of the Tenth Realm: Heven! Can even the intervention of Valkyrie and Thor’s deadly sister Angela help Thor escape the inescapable prison of angels?
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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Thor Vol 3: War’s End (#12-16)
After years of Malekith’s plotting, the War of the Realms is raging full force – and for Loki, that means it’s time for a family reunion! Fatherly love is not something that the God of Lies is terribly familiar. Having been adopted by Odin as an infant and raised in the Asgardian royal family, Loki never had a chance to bond with his birth people – the fearsome Frost Giants. But now, the Giants have invaded New York City as part of Malekith’s war on Midgard. And you’d think that Loki would take the opportunity to find some quality time to spend with dear old deadly Dad! And he will. But not in the way you’d think…
Click HERE to grab this trade.
War of the Realms 
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War of the Realms (2019) 
THE WAR OF THE REALMS is upon us! Malekith, king of the Dark Elves, has been conquering the Ten Realms and now has his sights set on the last one: Earth. And with armies of Frost Giants, Fire Goblins, trolls, angel warriors, Roxxon corporate soldiers, the Enchantress and the prince of lies himself, Loki, at his side, Malekith may just succeed. Asgardia is no more, Old Asgard is in ruins, and the majority of Asgardians are refugees on Earth. Now Thor and Earth’s heroes — including the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and even such unlikely allies as Venom and Punisher — are all that stand in Malekith’s way! It’s an event five years in the making as the MIGHTY THOR creative team of writer Jason Aaron, artist Russell Dauterman and colorist Matthew Wilson reunite to save the Ten Realms!
Click HERE to grab this trade.
After The War… 
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King Thor (2019-2020) 
Superstars Jason Aaron & Esad Ribic conclude their epic Thor story! The creators of the legendary THOR: GOD OF THUNDER series that kicked off one of the most epic runs in Marvel history are back together for one last ride with the almighty Lord of Asgard! Seven years ago, Jason and Esad introduced the Thor of the far future, All-Father of a broken realm and a dying universe, as he stood in battle against the Butcher of Gods, wielder of All-Black the Necrosword. Now that nefarious blade has returned, in the hands of Thor’s all-time greatest enemy – his brother, Loki – for one final, cataclysmic showdown. Behold the book no comics fan should miss – the celebration of the end of a truly marvelous era.
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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Valkyrie: Jane Foster Volume 1: The Sacred And The Profane (#1-5) 
Jane Foster is back! For years, you knew her as Dr. Jane Foster, one of Thor Odinson’s most steadfast companions. Then you knew her as Thor, Goddess of Thunder, who took up the mantle when no other hero was worthy. Now Jane takes on a new role as Valkyrie, guide, and ferrywoman to the dead! But her days of battle are far from over – especially when the Marvel Universe’s deadliest shot gets his hands on the sword of a god! With the Asgardian weapon Dragonfang, Bullseye has the power to kill a deity in a single stroke – and he’s about to prove it. Jane must learn a hard lesson: Not every death can be prevented. But who’s next on Bullseye’s list – and what is the assassin really after?
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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Valkyrie: Jane Foster Volume 2: At The End Of All Things (#6-10) 
Jane Foster has been many things in her life, including the heroic hammer wielder known as Thor! Recently, Jane became the Valkyrie, guardian, and protector of the Norse dead, and she’s still finding her way in this new stage of her life. But now, Jane must return to the role she knows best – that of a medical doctor – when a supernatural medical emergency rears its head! Jane teams with Doctor Strange, Sorcerer (and Surgeon) Supreme; the tough-as-nails Night Nurse; Excalibur-wielding Dr. Faiza Hussain and more Marvel medics to crack a case that will give readers heart palpitations! Heroes of medicine will unite – but are they all about to become doctors to the dead?!
As of July 2020, it’s not released yet but it can be PRE-ORDERED
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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Valkyrie: Jane Foster Vol. 3 (#11-15)
She’s faced the Marvel Universe’s deadliest assassin – armed with the sword of a god – and won. She took the Grim Reaper straight to his eternal reward. She’s come face-to-face with Death herself…in more ways than one…and saved Asgard from a force beyond even Death’s powers. Now Jane Foster – the one and only Valkyrie – embarks on a whole new adventure under the pen of rising star artist Mattia De Iulis! Valkyrie has already journeyed across the Multiverse in her new role…but now Hel awaits her. Along with its prickly rulers. But what does Hel want with Jane Foster? And what does Loki, the god of lies and mischief, have to do with it all? Find out in an exciting and action-packed mystery!
As of July 2020, it’s not released yet but it can be PRE-ORDERED
Click HERE to grab this trade.
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  If you or someone you know loves Jason Aaron’s THOR and is interested in other THOR related titles by Aaron, give the ongoing AVENGERS (2018-Present) title a shot! As of July 2020, there are close to 37 issues and seven trades you can really sink your teeth into.
Click HERE to get your hands on all the current AVENGERS trades!
Interested in more Jason Aaron stories?
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Click HERE for a series review of his CONAN THE BARBARIAN run and links to the trades!
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Click HERE for a review of INCREDIBLE HULK #1 by Jason Aaron and links to trades and issues in his run!
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Click HERE for a review of WOLVERINE: WEAPON X #1 by Jason Aaron and links to trades and issues in his run!
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Or, click HERE to grab WOLVERINE GOES TO HELL and HERE for related WOLVERINE stories by Jason Aaron!
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Click HERE to snag trades of Jason Aaron’s DOCTOR STRANGE run too!
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Lastly, if you’re simply a huge Jason Aaron fan, check out my series review HERE for THE GODDAMNED with links to get your hands on the trades.
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Keep in mind Aaron’s sequel to this series just kicked off NOW called THE GODDAMNED: THE VIRGIN BRIDES #1, which you can grab by clicking HERE!
Additionally, check out my SCALPED series review HERE and my SOUTHERN BASTARDS series review HERE with even more access to these outstanding trades. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop HERE. Thank you all again for the read and continued support. I genuinely hope this helped to spike you’re interested in one of the best writers in comics, as well as one of the best Marvel characters on screen and in the comics. Stay safe and stay healthy.
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  Jason Aaron’s THOR: Reading Order And MORE #thor #janefoster #valkyrie #jasonaaron #odinson #Marvel #marvelcomics #comicbooks #comics Jason Aaron has evolved into one of the most creatively rich and productive writers at Marvel, and frankly in the entire Comic Book Landscape.
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