#caves of sac actun
This is a Coba appreciation post
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annathefenecfox · 29 days
Small details in the Octonauts #3
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I don't know how many times I've talked about it, but I'll say it once.
In Caves of Sac Actun, in a flashback scene where Barney falls into a hole, he tries to grab onto an some ice, but fails. Thus, the creators hint to adult viewers about the real reason for the Captain's claustrophobia. Not just fell, but literally bled.
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Are people interested in learning more about my OC, Angel?
If you want to know anything about her, feel free to ask here. I’d love to talk about her more, but I want to know people are interested and, if they are, I’m not sure what they want to know. So, yeah. All you have to do is ask. 😇
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mansion-of-haunts · 2 years
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his voice means to deceive you
my voice just wants to lead you
below the surface (x)
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
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Octonauts Scenario That Came to me While Watching The Caves of Sac Actun
Kwazii and Barnacles met when Barnacles wandered into a cave system by mistake following an animal.
Kwazii: Excuse me, sir, are you alright? Ya look lost.
Barnacles, barely holding it together: Hmm? Yes I think I’ll be alright. (Lie)
Kwazii, after thinking for a moment: On a scale of one to ten, one being safe and comfortable, and ten being about to have a panic attack right this moment, how are you feeling?
Barnacles: A five, I think…
Kwazii: Alright, I’ll lead you out of ‘ere. Let me know if it gets above a seven
Now Kwazii has said this as a joke, just trying to distract this nervous stranger from the situation, but Barnacles took the statement seriously and now whenever the two have to be in caves Barnacles will occasionally whisper “three” or “six” to Kwazii.
And then one day they, Peso and Shellington are stuck in a cave in.
Peso: Captain, are you alright?
Barnacles, pressed against a wall hyperventilating: ITS A TEN LIEUTENANT!!!
Kwazii, under his breath: Oh, shipwrecks.
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bailey-dreamfoot · 2 years
So like, Im rewatching Caves of Sac Actun, and I had a thought:
We all agree that whatever kind of creature the Octonauts and the guest main characters (Natquick, Ryla, Tracker, yada yada) are, they are clearly different from the regular animals they save. They're anthro, they seem to be slightly more intelligent, with an understanding of science and stuff, and have the ability to build structures and machines.
So my question is, do they have a society? Are there cities of other anthro animals? Or do they all live slightly humanized versions of an animal life cycle? Not to mention, some anthro characters seem to be smarter than others. Peso's family for example, act less like the main characters, and more like how a regular animal in this show would act. Same for the polar bears from the arctic special. With both of these examples, the side characters refer to their life styles in an animalistic sense. Some work in reasearch stations, write books, make maps, etc and have named hobbies/ careers. But like- Peso's mom doesn't live in a house, and none of the polar bears came from like- named cities or civilizations. Just the country. As far as I know, besides the Octopod for the Octonauts, Natquick and Calico Jack are the only ones who have like an actual house. And Calio Jack's doesn't really count because its a shipwreck turned tree house.
Not to mention, as far as we know, Bianca literally lives in an ice cave. So do they all just live nomadic lifestyles?
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This has bothered me forever and I need an answer. Thoughts?
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Ty ! I swear there's one in the original series cause i remember watching one when i was younger, or maybe that's my bad memory idk. Thank you tho!!
Also I wanted to ask, do you have a list of episodes that have Barnacles as a main character? (Like, kind of focuses on him) :D !
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Original series:
Crab and Urchin (focuses on him and Kwazii)
Arctic Orcas (focuses on him and Peso, with some A+ Kwazii content as well)
Crafty Cuttlefish (about finding his lost Octo-compass)
Bowhead Whales
Manatees™ (this one's a collective fan favourite 👁️👁️ I won't spoil it for you lol)
The Harbour Seel (focuses on an old friend of his)
The Great Arctic Adventure (Special Episode)
Operation Deep Freeze (Special Episode – introduces Natquik and Tracker)
Octopod Mystery
Walrus Pups
*Emperor Penguins (okay he's not really the "main character" in this ep, but he plays a big part in it, so I'm including it because I can lol)
Above and Beyond:
Rocky Mountain Rockslide
Bamboo Rescue
Salt-Mining Elephants (Dashi and Ryla ep, but he and Kwazii have a fun side thing goin on 👀)
Snag Hotel
AnB honorary mentions (these don't focus on him, but I love him in them nonetheless):
Wild Windstorms
Hurricane Hunter Adventure
Stubborn Albatross
Red Fox*
*He plays a very small role in those last two, but I wanted to mention them because I love them so much xD
I also highly recommend watching The Caves of Sac Actun. It's a movie that focuses a LOT on him, and it's amazing 👀💝
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romifoxboi · 1 year
[So I rewatched Octonauts and the Great Barrier Reef]
I can't believe that this came out after Caves of Sac actun and I wish my expectations wasnt high. So heres my Opinion on it
Although this was an Interesting idea for An Octonauts Musical (After the Octo-Alert and Shellington's A-Z song), this is probably not the best execution as I remembered. Corey's character wasn't important at all, Theyre not that memorable (Speaking of which, the other sea creatures arent memorable either)
Let's get to the songs here :
1. Little Bit + Little Bit(Finale)-I was losing my mind help
2. Location + Tasty Treat-The Instrumentals are memorable enough, Just the lyrics
3. That Peso song thats too long + Reprise ver-I can't help it but its not Good, forgettable to say
4. Trouble in the Reef-It's Giving Villainy Vibes, Its Okay ig
5. Pirate Pie-He carried this musical with this song
6. Briny Blue-Same as Pirate Pie, A Good one
7. Thousand Pies-I swear, This song made me muted the whole thing. I can't describe it
Conclusion : 5/10
Kwazii's song saved it all, its more Iconic than the rest
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
why is your favorite character Barnacles? and do you relate to him in any way?
Oh, there are various reasons why he's my favorite character! And in some ways, I do relate to him! (Thanks for the ask btw!) Spoilers ahead! As well as some mentions of drowning, being stung by a jellyfish, and similar themes! So, a lot of the reason he is my favorite character would be his personality. He's clearly strict, to some extent, and protective. He's exceptionally detail-oriented and clearly hates when things seem out of place (or when things go out of his control). He has a preference for how things are done. That's evident in many ways throughout the cartoon itself (scenarios of the other Octonauts sounding the alert, something slightly inconveniencing his plans, or when Kwazzi goes on without order, he is clearly taken back and has to regain his thought process). Many instances show how protective he is with his crew as well (he has been stung by a jellyfish, swallowed by a whale shark, tossed into the ocean from considerably high, nearly drowned, nearly crashed, and various other items)!
Not to mention how he takes pride in his strength! He is very willed and takes matters into his own hands if necessary. It's typical for him to take conflict on with hands-on force (and not to mention that he actively works to maintain the strength he has). Despite being the most muscular member of the crew, he only teases with the knowledge (unless, of course, it's a dire situation). His mental strength is also quite interesting to see put into play throughout the show. Throughout the episodes, it's rather apparent that he has experienced some rather traumatic conditions but never once let the circumstances downhearten him. I feel his repression (of trauma) prevents the crew from worrying about him because they all look up to him; they rely on him. When you think about it, Kwazzi was the only one that knew Barnacles had claustrophobia (that we know of). He keeps most of his personal fears and his early life private. Seeing him come forward and open up to Peso (Caves of Sac Actun) was such an intriguing way to see a build of the character. He was opening up more (which he deserves) and showing that even as captain, he has a more sensitive side.
The fatherly act that he has is another reason he has my favorite character. He treats each member as more than a crew but a family, and it's clear that he's completely lost without them. His protective behaviors always come through most when one of his crewmates is in trouble. He is always quick to take a sting for any one of the people he loves (he even punched a block of ice mid-air to stop it from crushing three walrus pups and his relatives). I believe that any word to describe his paternal instinct could never be enough. He just has it engraved in his mind that HE is the one that is to protect everyone. He will not stop for anything. He most certainly knows that he's seen as a father figure. Ex (I couldn't find the clip): Sea creature @ Peso: "Is he your mom?" Barnacles: "Um, no, but I look after him!"
He's incredibly fatherly, constantly pushing the team to do what they want, blaming himself if something goes wrong. The best example would be "The Jellyfish Bloom," season 1, Ep. 34. He blames himself for letting Shellington stay out overnight, even though he had no control over what nature was bound to do. He just feels it's his fault if they get hurt. He ends up hurting himself while blocking the entrance to the Octopod, ensuring that neither the crew nor the jellyfish is harmed (and is clearly upset for most of the episode because he is rendered, mainly, immobile).
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(This is a clip right before he is stung.)
I also love the fact that he is very proud of the fact that he was a Polar Scout. Most people would be ashamed that they were a scout, but he flaunts it as a tremendous achievement. It is fascinating to see from a leading character (though I'd like to see more of his past)!
And his past is another reason he's a favorite. What we know of his past is the stories about the Polar Scouts he shared, but nothing beyond that. His story, and the theories to go with it, are exceedingly intriguing aspects of his character. It makes anyone want to know more about him. Though there are hints to who he was (the wheel from the M.V. Manitoba, the sextant, and the anchor. As well as the Octopod that was before the current one). It makes me want to learn more about his character (even if I have theories).
- I relate to him because I am protective of those I love (willing to jump in front of anything for them)! I am a very parental friend, it's true! There are a couple of his aspects that I relate to.
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cookiwi-octonauts · 2 years
Okayokayokayokayokayokay. HEAR ME OUT- I'm too lazy to do this BUT-
Octonauts: Misery x CPR x reeses puffs THINK ABOUT IT
ALSO have this fwog for moral support:
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His name is Arthur.
That will take a lot of time but I'll do it 💪✨ I was thinking about doing it with the plot of The caves of Sac Actun or The Ring of Fire, I'll see
H-hello Arthur 👉👈
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dolphingirl1234 · 1 year
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annathefenecfox · 3 months
Of course, I understand that The Caves of Sac Actun revealed that Captain Barnacles is claustrophobic.
But you have to admit that character itself is not fully revealed, Barney has some facts that can and should be explained.
1. Throughout the series, Captain Barnacles is shown as a strong leader who fears nothing. But in the film, we are shown that he is also afraid of something, but Barney himself hides it from Peso until the middle of the film.
2. In Above and Beyond, when Barney tried to make the hyenas laugh with Admiral Sweaty Sock, if you look at his face, it seems like he's ashamed to do it.
3. In Enemy Anemones when Barney and Kwazii are attacked by a pudding and Shelly apologizes to them, Barney asks "What?!" in an angry tone, then calms down abruptly.
4. In Manatees, Instead of calling for help, Barney tries to get out of the huge clam himself, while continuing to give commands as if everything is fine, even though it was not only the manatees that could have died that day.
5. In Above and Beyond/The Bamboo Rescue, In the beginning, when Barnacles asks Tweak and Peso if they need help, and they say no, he gets upset.
In fact, these are not all the facts that I found, but I think it is enough to give you and me pause. If you have any interesting facts that you have noticed about the Captain or possible theories about him, then write in the comments.
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It occurred to me that not everyone is going to read Rise and Fall (Rude! Just kidding!🙃), so I figured maybe I should also introduce Angel here. So, that's what this is (may add to this as I go):
Name: Angel Bingham
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Birthday: 25th December
Age: 10 (debut to The Great Christmas Rescue); 11 (The Great Christmas Rescue to A Very Vegimal Christmas); 12 (A Very Vegimal Christmas to end of original series); 13 (Caves of Sac Actun, onward)
Debut: Between episodes 12 and 13 (Monster Map and Lost Sea Star)
Role: Just someone who helps the Octonauts (or tries to, anyway), later Junior Octo-Agent
Home: Octopod
Physical Appearance: Longish dark brown curly hair; pale blue eyes with a streak of brown in her right eye; freckles; short; pudgy; wears a purple and white striped T-shirt and dark blue overalls (I wish I could add a picture, but I can't draw to save my life.)
Personality: Shy, sweet, sensitive, caring, clumsy, curious, anxious, unsure of herself, energetic, excitable, brave (sometimes)
Likes: Writing, reading, swimming, adventure, going on research missions, riding in the GUPs, listening to music, playing with her stim toys, helping the Octonauts, animals
Dislikes: Staying still, wearing skirts or dresses, getting up early, having her hair up or brushed, sports, vomit, screwing up and feeling useless (both of which she thinks she does a lot)
Fears: Fire, sudden loud noises, storms, the dark, needles, getting older
Favourite kelp cake flavour is Neapolitan
When Angel was eight, she moved from England to Australia with her parents and her three siblings. In Australia, they lived on a boat.
However, while out on the boat when Angel was ten, a huge storm hit. A lightning strike set fire to the boat and killed her father. A gigantic wave hit, throwing Angel and her mother overboard, resulting in the death of the latter.
Angel held onto her backpack in the water and washed up on a deserted island. Six days later, Shellington found her, suffering from hypothermia and a broken leg. Luckily, the Octonauts came to her rescue, but Angel must adjust to life without her family and with an unusual new family, having learned that animals can talk. To make things worse, she's scared of Captain Barnacles.
Fortunately, she was able to get over her fear. Although, it did take her four months. She got stuck on the side of a cliff while rescuing a little penguin chick (one of Peso's cousins) and the Captain offered her his paw to pull her to safety.
The Octonauts were pretty shocked when Angel hugged the Captain after that. Until then, she would scream every time he came near her!
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
Coba is a Pokémon.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Ring of fire movie cause of happening: 👹👹452 FUCKING VOLCANOES ERUPTING👹👹
The caves of sac actun movie cause for happening: ❤️❤️getting a cute smol octopus home❤️❤️
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