#ce merlin and gilgamesh
typemoonconfessions · 2 years
I’m new to fgo and Fate in general but can someone explain to me the significance to servants that are below 4 stars?
Like other than personality and enjoying the character. Is there any other reason to have them and grow their levels and strengths in game play?
Like why use resources to max out my three star kid Gilgamesh when I can max out my not kid Gilgamesh?
Since you're a new player I'll give a non-meme answer:
Sometimes you will not have the perfect counter that is a gold. Unless you're able to whale, there are some classes you won't have a gold servant for. A lot of the early game 3 stars in particular like David, Robin, Babbage, Medea, Euryale, etcetc are very useful for carrying you in the beginning.
Cost limitations mean that you will sometimes have to choose between better CEs or SR/SSR servants. Mash helps for majority of the game, but at one point you reach her bond level max and might want to swap someone else out instead, so having more bronzes or silvers in your party will let you have the space for better CEs.
Grail fronts - grail fronts can be fun and done with solos, but as they increase in difficulty, having a couple of bronzes that you've leveled up fill up the rest of the slots help clear the levels
Overall bronzes/silvers require much lower requirements when it comes to ascension items and QP
Some of the best support servants are bronzes - Mozart, Chen Gong, Andersen and Shakespeare are still very useful even with the likes of Castoria and Merlin. Not to mention Paracelsus is still a very useful support
Any tower event will be much easier to do if you have more servants leveled up. Also LB7 will be a lot easier to do if you have more servants leveled up.
The fact is that FGO is one of the few gachas where the 1-3 stars are very capable and useful. Of course, it is up to you whether or not you want to invest your time into them - however with their costs, this is a lot easier to do so than with five stars.
Unfortunately we haven't been getting the amount of bronzes (or silvers, for that matter) as much in recent years, but it should say something about how when Chen Gong was released, the meta was changed immediately because of him.
7. Arash is still one of the best servants in the game for clears, period.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (June 19-June 26)
Considering Misaya Reiroukanseems to have such an affinity for dogs - she seems to be the type to be into petplay. She and Ayaka should have some fun together.
Kara no Kyoukai
shiki imposing the concept of death onto the possibility of being cucked via mikiya framed as her cucking every azaka in every timeline at once
Turns out the real reason we never saw the Aylesbury Valesti in the Original Tsukihime timeline was because someone built a Tesco's over the ritual point and the giant Dead Apostle Ancestors involved simply couldn't fit inside. Altrouge is not particularly happy with this development, of course.
Melty Blood
Since we have child Sion in FGO now, can we get something with Satsuki and Riesbyfe taking care of her?
I want to see Iri in yoga pants but with her ass completely missing.
kerry summons his counter-guardian self , grail war speed run ensues. making this a selfcest porn with plot fic is optional
Fate/Stay night
fate stay night but instead of Shirou summoning Saber he summons Castoria. corgi moment.
Saber discovers there are effects to constantly gorging yourself on food, and begins to put on weight. Thankfully Shirou seems to be into BBW and not just UBW
Something with Arthur and Lucius Tiberius
Fem!Shinji from that one gender swap art of Taiga she was in the background of/Fem!Shirou from that same art
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Smut, necrophilia Angra has sex with Bazett's dead body
BB gets punished for her crimes (hacked to run Doom)
Smut, BB gets a computer virus! It's not designed for her OS, so it definitely doesn't do anything to her. ... clothes? What are clothes? She's never heard of clothes before, and if she had, she definitely wouldn't have ever worn them. They'd get in the way of her life's purpose of having a dick up her ass as often as possible!
Smut, Passionlip serves as the Comfiest Seat! Firm abs, soft pillowy chest to lean against, thick cock buried up inside her Master who's now stuck there and paraded around as Passionlip goes about her day like nothing is wrong...
mordred should get to stab the people that misgender him.
Gudao and Ryougi Shiki go on a date (or what he considers a date) and the entire time Shiki talks about how much she loves Mikiya and how she hopes to see him again
Oberon, Castoria, and Muramasa are all handcuffed to each other for a week. Chaos ensures.
Smut, fergus n medb showing emiya some celtic 'hospitality'. while scathach watch. emiya might not survive the night. (framed as cucking cu)
Smut, Gilgamesh and Enkidu explictly framed as cucking Ishtar and being the original base for the concept of cucking as a whole
fou hunts merlin for sport and looney tunes shenanigans ensue
Smut, Dury gay sex with Karna and Ash. Or Arjuna and Bhima. Take your pick.
Smut, i need li shuwen training-turned-fucking ritsuka like i need oxygen. extra love for emphasis on the teaching element.
Wholesome fluff of Mephistopheles baking brownies with Grandma Europa
Jeanne crosses swords with an Avenger class Gilles, who was the result of an alternate history where he never killed any children but was framed by the church to discredit him due to being too strong of a supporter of the holy woman they executed
it turns out that Fou didn't accompany ritsuka & mash to Lb6 because of a hatred of fairies , instead , he got rayshifted to a singularity & now has to clear said singularity himself. since the grail at core of the singularity is his only ticket home , fou semi-reluctantly steps up as a master . note for the prompt filler : the servants & plot of the singularity are largely your call . and if you want to give fou his own mystic codes , i'd recommend fou's attire in the detective fou-mes CE to be his equivalent to ritsuka's atlas academy MC.
We all know how much of a raging mad-on that Penthesilea, the Berserker of El Dorado, has for Achilles. Which means that when Achilles winds up being summoned to Chaldea, the Master has the unenviable task of keeping Chaldea from being torn apart when Penth inevitably learns about her archenemy's arrival.
well parvati's screwed once Kali & durga are summoned.
gudako is trapped in a singularity/lostbelt/situation which can only be escaped by relaxing and taking at least one goddamn break
magi mari handshake event for romani's birthday(he does not question how she got into chaldea in spite of the incineration of humanity or where merlin has gone)
the real dobryna is summoned to chaldea. and turns out the reason he's in the pretender class is because he's not actually a kemonomimi servant , dude's faking it b/c he feels out of place in his family. gudako , upon learning this information proceeds to go get this guy therapy , even if she's gotta carry him to the office herself.
Morgan and Castoria discuss whether the two of them having sex with each other counts as Selfcest or Incest with Guda(gender irrelevant), before saying fuck it and going whole hog without a care. Guda can either leave or join, doesn't really matter.
Gudao crawls into Passionlip’s breasts during a high stress situation and just relaxes, Passionlip covers for him until he’s ready to come out
Da Vinci, Solomon, Sheba and Merlin/Magi Mari all in a polycule
Smut, Melusine after getting caught out in the rain has to ask for help from Barghest to get through Chaldea with her now soaked and transparent clothes. Barghest however now has to deal with the ungodly primordial urge to FUCK her with her cock. Up to the writer if she gives in or not but bonus points if Melusine turns out to be into it and makes it harder for Barghest to resist.
guda after years of training in magecraft manages their first spell: penis blast
Either Morgan somehow makes it back to her Throne at the end of part 2 and ends up slaughtering all the traitors who attacked her in her throne room, before promptly saying "Hey sorry" to Guda and Castoria before they all try negotiations again and work something out. OR. The summonable Morgan sees what the fuckers did to her lostbelt self as well as her adopted daughter, and, with Guda, Castoria and the rest of Chaldea as backup, goes to fuckin town on the fuckers. Neither of these would stop what happens next, but it'd be cathartic.
Koyanskaya of Light is summoned to Chaldea by Ritsuka Fujimaru. However, she got summoned WAY too early, and now has to assist her new Master in preventing the incineration of Proper Human History and resolving the Seven Singularities. This would be a lot easier if she didn't have to constantly worry about her lies about being one of the Tamamo Nine being exposed, or accidentally causing a time paradox or creating a Singularity out of this timeline due to acting on her knowledge of the Future. TLDR; Koyanskaya's misadventures being summoned by a newbie Master. For bonus points, because Alaya CLEARLY has it out for her or something, newbie!Ritsuka somehow also manages to summon both Ashiya Douman and Rasputin, so now Koyanskaya has to keep her coworkers from causing all sorts of mischief, which is distressingly often.
Paper Moon!Lev summoned Lan Ling because he was secure enough in his heterosexuality that he would not be effected by the servant's famous beauty. He was wrong.
in honor of melusine and barghest proving the servants do eat the mats you use on them (or at least some of them), servant mukbang serving embers and such. any servant you want and the stuff they need but i would like to see it. hear what they think of this stuff
Beast Guda but they're not a threat to humanity because their servants become their impulse control and push them away from any ideas that screw over humanity. For example, Guda: "With the amount of grails we have on stock I could wish for paradise for humans!" Morgan: "My husband. You forget those grails are for Melusine and Jack." (They're not she's making it up) Later... Guda: "I'm off to make a singularity to test some things out." EMIYA *with a spray bottle*: "oh no you don't! Oh no you don't!"
The otaku Servants are arguing over whose taste in anime is superior, and things are getting violent. Gudao is called to intervene, but he instead makes things worse because one of those HEATHENS had the gall to insult one of his favorite mecha anime. One thing led to another, and now Chaldea has weekly anime marathon nights, much to the bewilderment of the staff. Unbeknownst to everyone else, this was all planned out from the very beginning, and Gudao was in cahoots with the otaku Servants the entire time.
During a mission with Guda, Saber Gilles is ordered to protect some civilians that are under attack. One of the civilians includes a child, who thanks the servant for saving them. This gives him a lot of mixed feelings.
Smut, Koyanskaya and Murian hot sex. Who says that pleasure can’t mix with business? Bonus points the furrier and larger Koyanskaya is in comparison to Murian tiny body.
Summer Kiara learns that's not what people mean by "fuck the police".
FGO, again
Baobhan Sith was already blindsided by Morgan being married to Guda, but she was especially not prepared to suddenly get a stepsibling, let alone Jack the Ripper. Bonus points for her coming around in the end and loving her little sis.
incest, Can I ask for some Morgan/Baobhan Sith? It doesn't have to be healthy or even requited, I just want fucked up fairy incest.
Blackbeard gets shot out of the chen gong cannon and dies to death
The various child servants (Jack, Paul Bunyan, Voyager, etc.) plan and have a tea party picnic! There's implications of some kind of Abject Chaos in the background that goes uncommented on because the kids aren't involved and are too busy planning their picnic to care.
Mash/Morgan reunion fic but the reason Morgan remembers Mash is that no one else eats her pussy the way Mash does.
Smut, I would give anything to have Guda and Kama gentle/tender sex because that feels accurate for them
Smut, Quetzalcoatl dicking Kukulkan down and Kukulkan laying eggs afterwards
via intense training chadbeard our best bro figures out how to erase shitty memebeard lolicon dirtbag from all realities so we never have to deal with him again
Any fandom
the servant install system from prilya was severely underutilized.
In the vein of legendary machines coming back as Servants, the Titanic comes back and sees this shitshow.
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okadaizoirl · 2 years
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n-no i didn't forget this rerun and forget that i have gilgamesh, merlin, and the damage CEs maxed out and therefore a giant hammer for this obvious nail, why do you ask
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peachypendragon · 5 years
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Soooo in love with this CE 😍
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not-shamhat · 6 years
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I’ll stop memeing when Merlin stops third wheeling
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
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Lancelot had a (b)romance with the half-giant king, Galehaut. Some fun stories about them
Galehaut's forces were laying siege to king Arthur's and looked as though they may prevail but before clinching victory, Galehaut offered surrender on the condition that the mighty black knight who fought so valiantly (Lancelot) become his friend. Arthur accepted the terms then Lancelot and Galehaut adventured together.
Galehaut helped cover for Lancelot and Guinevere, allowing them to use his castle for secret meetings.
He later encouraged Lancelot to move somewhere else where he could be with her even though it meant they'd never see each other again (his giant blood and own kingdom meant he couldn't leave).
Upon (false) news that Lancelot had died, Galehaut is said to have died of either loneliness or heartbreak (Lancelot had been kidnapped then driven mad so it wasn't completely implausible).
When Lancelot died, instead of being buried next to any of his three-ish wives, he chose to be laid to rest in the grave Galehaut set aside for the two of them so that they could be side by side for the rest of time
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Gilgamesh is an architect nerd
Heracles madness and invulnerability isn't just due to his labours and being too strong to control
He had an actual moment of pure madness due to his invulnerability, his wife gifted him an undershirt that had been soaked in the blood of a centaur that tried to rape her, Heracles killed the centaur with an arrow coated in hydra blood, the hydras blood was deadly to all living things except those of divinity, the centaur knowing why it was dying told her if she felt her husband was cheating on her all she had to do was make him wear the cloth and he would fall completely in love with her and she gave him it as a gift
The hydra blood poisoned him but due to his inability to die he was stuck in perpetual pain and death with no cure he was eventually driven mad, during his madness he hit one of his friends so hard he sent them hurtling into the ocean, during his madness he commanded the building of an enormous pyre which once completed he threw himself on top of and set it on fire, hoping to burn his body into nothingness before it could heal and release him from the poison
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I've never heard of a telling of Atalanta's story that has her die in that incident. Every version I've seen that includes that incident says that the two of them were transformed into lions.
As has been mentioned in other comments, FGO did address the existence of Chrysaor in Gorgon's Bond CE, and Mordred proposing to Guinevere, IIRC, is brought up in Fate/Apocrypha.
As for others...
While only addressed in the FGO Materials (and said materials note that it's unclear if this applies in the Nasuverse), some tales say that Medea and Achilles were once married.
There's one tale that happens before Heracles' labours, where he is tasked to hunt a supernatural lion (not the Nemean one). One version has him be rewarded for his success by being allowed to sleep with all 50 of the local king's daughters - Heracles beds and impregnates 49 in one night, and the only reason he didn't go for a full 50 is because one of the daughters wasn't DTF like the other 49. The other version has the hunt take 50 days, and each night Heracles is permitted to sleep with the king's eldest daughter... except they've plotted such that in the darkness, each night a different sister would crawl into bed with him, resulting in all of the sisters getting pregnant.
Heracles spent a couple of years as a lover to a snake-woman (who may or may not have been Echidna) during one of his labours (she was keeping Heracles' horses captive, and wouldn't let them free until she'd had three kids from him). One of their sons, Scythes, became the serpent-woman's heir, and is said to be the king for whom the Scythians were named. The other two sons either joined or founded other neighbouring tribes.
Going by Le Morte d'Arthur, Gareth gets really violent with cock-blockers (or, I suppose in the Nasuverse, clam-jammers). The first time, the intruder got their head cut off, but Gareth ended up being stabbed in the thigh and that ruined sexy-times. The second time, Gareth cut the intruder's head off, broke the skull into itty-bitty pieces, and threw them all into a moat... but sexy-times got ruined again because the fight re-opened the previous thigh-wound and the blood-loss nearly killed Gareth.
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solomon and sheba
It varies depending on which version of Arthurian legend it is, but in Thomas Malory’s version, upon learning that mordred is an incest bastard, and Merlins prophecy that mordred will destroy Arthur and his kingdom, Arthur puts every baby born on the same day as mordred on boats and sends them away in hopes they all die, which obviously doesn’t work. I enjoy it because it makes mordreds hatred of his father a bit more understandable, and while he’s still a pretty bad dude, I feel for him a bit. Although in fate, mordred is my favorite character so I’m a little biased towards both her, and her actual counterpart
- "Endowed Hero" is a bullshit title. Arjuna and his brothers, due to being son of Pandu, was forced to be exiled and live in poverty for 14 years.
- Among Drona's student, he is the bravest among them. Even Karna's reason to study more under Parasurama was due to his jealousness toward Arjuna.
- Yudhistira is strong in using chariot and spear, Bhima in using mace, Arjuna in archery, Nakula and Sahadev in using sword. Despite all of that, Arjuna is better in technique than all of them in their respective forte.
- He got his astras by doing wrestle with Mahadev himself
- Among the youngling during Kurukshetra war (it means excluding Drona, Parasurama, and such. Oh, excluding Krishna as well), only Arjuna have fought non-human enemies and won.
- He's always the one with the obsession to beat Arjuna, not otherwise. Always want to be acknowledged.
- It's true that his armor is immune to everything thrown by Gandiva and even Chakra Sudharsana itself, but doesn't mean Karna is unbeatable. What impossible is to kill Karna, not beat him. Karna already loses 2 times against Arjuna before Kurukshetra war, either fainting or fled.
- Once Karna fought against Bhima. This battle happened years after Karna trade his armor with Vasavi Shakti. Both participants fought with normal weapon. No astras. No gods interference. No blessings. Bhima beat him so hard that Ashvattama needs to carry him.
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In Greek mythology, Heracles was given another trial for some reason and he was given to a queen for said trial. The queen tried to humiliate him by making him dress up in women’s clothing and do knitting while she would dress up in his Nemean lion pelt and go into battle, essentially reversing gender roles. Well it turned out that the plan backfired on the queen as Heracles actually came to enjoy knitting. He said it was a calming exercise for him, so he actually found a new hobby out of this trial instead of humiliation. Needless to say that I would find it hilarious if we found berserker Heracles knitting a sweater for one of the children and ritsuka and mash catch him in the act. Just imagining a hulking behemoth like that knitting would be a hilarious image.
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klonoadreams · 3 years
I love how Oberon is trying to give Achilles and lancelot a run for their money, since he showed up on all three of your accounts. He’s not quite Ozy level yet, but we’ll see if that changes ^w^ you have such a big harem Noa
Bruh, I'm getting to a point where I'm starting to see a pattern now.
on my NA accounts, Gilgamesh NP2'd himself, with him showing up TWICE in a roll last year on Gilfest for my main account, while rolling for fucking event CEs gave me my second copy of him for the fanfic account, and then there's tiddy account that ALSO got a fucking copy of him...AND THEN HE HAD THE GALL TO SLAP AWAY EVERY LIMITED SERVANT WITH FAT TIDDIES ON THE NEW YEAR'S GSSR TO NP2 HIMSELF.
Gilgamesh might not be as aggressive as Ozymandias, but he's already making a fucking point to follow me in ways that are him just basically going "HEY."
I'm not complaining, but it says a lot when right after he got NP2'd on fanfic account, that this anniversary's GSSR got me ANOTHER copy of Arthur, so now HE"S NP2.
He also haunts my tiddy account. Which is...hilarious, now that Gil is there. Prototype lmao.
Anyways I do not know peace with these harems. Freaking Fairy Knight Lancelot isn't the Lancelot that usually follows me around (Saber and Berserker), but for fuck's sake, the FACT that she showed up while I was pulling for Percival on two separate accounts, and then, on the one where she wasn't THERE, when I was trying for Douman on the GSSR, GUESS WHAT?!
She shows up. I am forever doomed to be a Lancelot magnet. Which is hilarious, because my Mash is forever at level 52/54 (because that's all you really need when you only use her defensive form - this bad girl got me through three hours of staring at 0 KP Kiara's fat tiddies with a Merlin and a Nightingale).
Speaking of GSSR, shenanigans, despite the hell Dantes gave me trying to get him on my main account, he sure slapped away the child I wanted to nab off the GSSR (Voyager) for New Year's on the Single Dad Waver account. My dude is picky.
Speaking of GSSR shenanigans, I'm still reeling over Grandpa Hassan NP2-ing himself, LIKE...
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This man looms behind me, watching, WAITING.
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teatitty · 3 years
So like mage summons Fergus and immediately screams "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR NIPPLES?" Type situation then? Wait does-does Gilgamesh still have his nipples? If he doesn't wouldn't it be believable for him to go "if I can't have nipples no one can?" Could he fucking do that? Or wait, what if all the male servants actually have their nipples and all the non-servants are just under an illusion by Merlin so nobody can see them?
I made a whole post about the ones who had their nipples and iirc Gilgamesh wasn't on there but Achilles was! Some of them have nips in their CE's and others are fortunate enough to have them in ascension arts but mostly its CE's lmao
I don't think Merlin is doing any type of illusion because this stuff predates when he became a Servant (which also only happens in the Grand Order universe because. Ya know. Still alive and all) but honestly I don't think I would question one guy being nipple-less because accidents happen and maybe he got top surgery ion know. Not my business
But if I saw A Theme with all the men conveniently not having nipples but the women do I think I would win a Grail War just to chew out said grail for being a sexist cunt and then also use my wish to get the men their nips back and yes I really am that petty
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nenekobasu · 3 years
i kinda wanna know more what u think about the looming threat of seimei bcs ever since lb5.5 that fucker's been haunting me. how he has his fingers in a lot of pies + everybody (even murasaki) has less than stellar impressions of him. not even going into how he might be a gamechanger for douman development. i know he cares for douman (or at least the og one) in some capacity but what he actually does with that care is a different matter. i'm eyeing this shady fox so hard he better not fuck up.
the thing is seimei has fucked up before. that is, it's implied that in fgo history he's already killed douman. seimei is noted to be similar to merlin and holmes both stalwart defenders of proper human history (and most everyone has a terrible opinion of merlin, for reference) so seimei too can be defined by his role as a protector of humanity. as the assigned good guy seimei has chosen humanity over douman at least once.
with that i think it's important to note the main difference (so far) between merlin-holmes who helps chaldea how they can and seimei who only helps you when you step onto his turf and doesn't contact chaldea (with the exception of douman's valentine ce– this man...). basically, i trust seimei. there's a gap between what seimei is implied to have done in main fgo timeline, opposing and killing douman, and what he does in 5.5-valentines, saving douman and watching over them in chaldea. it means something that he cares about douman because according to the main timeline he's abandoned douman once. in that sense seimei is like a fate route shirou who doubles back to heaven's feel for sakura's sake. i also think the seimei who engineers lostbelt: heian's feel to save douman is thematically similar to guda-mash's resolve to save olga but idk the story's not there yet.
last point fgo is full of shady ass mcfuckers (merlin, holmes, oberon, etc) and secretive clairvoyant sages (merlin again, romani for the one second that defined his life, caster gilgamesh) who are, if not squarely on your side, genuine in their intent to help humanity, so the fact that seimei is a mischievous half-human dickwad who can see the future is actually a massive point in his favor.
that's why i believe in seimei and i'm looking forward to him (and the jp seidou fandom meltdown) which is why i think you should continue to side-eye him not because he's a genuinely bad dude but because his personality is that of a hundred unkillable florida men. i think merlin and oberon are delightful characters so you can imagine what my opinion on this shifty unbeatable gay fox would be. if he ends up being a villain though i'm sorry.
the real question is, who's going to be his artist? jp fans have talked about this, but umino chica's oberon opens up possibilities for other manga artists nasu likes to draw fgo characters, right? this means clamp could be assigned a servant, right? we might get a clamp seimei, right???
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Mata Hari Analysis: Because I LOVE HER
By god if there’s any of my analyses that get numbers please let it be this one, I’m very passionate about my appeals that Mata Hari is actually a very usable Servant, especially comparatively to other 1-stars.
Mata Hari Assassin Max HP: 6,565 Max ATK: 5,377 (Effective ATK: 4,839) Attribute: Man Star Absorption: 98 Star Generation: 24.6% NP Charge ATK: 2.1% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 55% Traits: Female, Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish
QQQAB Quick = 2 hits, Arts = 1 hit, Buster = 1 hit, Extra = 3 hits Quick: 4.2%, Arts: 2.1%, Extra: 6.3%
Espionage A++: Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns. (10 -> 30%) Cooldown: 7 -> 5 turns
Pheromone B: Chance to Charm all Male enemies for 1 turn. (30 -> 60%) Reduces all enemies' defense for 3 turns. (10 -> 20%) Cooldown: 8 -> 6 turns
Double Cross B: Seals one enemy's skills for 1 turn. Reduces their defense for 3 turns. (10 -> 20%) Cooldown: 8 -> 6 turns
Mata Hari Arts Chance to Charm All enemies (40 -> 60%, NP Level) Reduces their attack for 1 turn. (20 -> 40%, OC) Reduces their defense for 1 turn. (20 -> 40%, OC)
Primary Role: DPS Support, Debuffer Secondary Role: Disabler
Mata Hari is one of my favorite Servants in the entire game, and not just because she's beautiful and I love her, but because she's a pretty competent Servant when used correctly. The key word there is correctly, and a lot of new players will end up overlooking Mata Hari because she doesn't play as simply as other Assassins do. She's not going to be as effortless to use as your Sasaki Kojirou and your Cursed Arm Hassans, but to a certain extent, it is understandable because DW has given her very little love. But that's okay, that's what we're here for.
Starting with her fundamentals, the first thing that will probably standout is her stats, which are pretty atrocious. Her HP is OK for a 1-star Servant, but she's not going to function as a tank any time soon, and her ATK is so low, especially with the Assassin ATK modifier, that she will struggle to deal any damage. Fortunately, Mata Hari is not really suited to tanking or attacking, and so largely her stats are mostly irrelevant. Her NP generation is actually quite standout, however, because of her very high base NP gain per hit. Her AQQ chain will generate on average about 44% of her NP gauge, which is quite standout, especially for a launch Servant. Even her QQQ chain has rather decent NP gain at 25%, especially since there are no Arts cards involved. However, when it comes to star generation, Mata Hari has a ton of problems. Her Quicks only have 2 hits which drastically limits her star generation potential. Her QQQ chain will generate 15 stars on average, and 25 with the Quick bonus, and with her 1st skill, she'll generate...18 stars on average. Without any star bombs like Sasaki Kojirou or Cursed Arm Hassan, she has no way to patch up her star generation. Even with maximum star generation though, she only has a potential maximum of 27 crit stars (6 + 6 + 6 + 9), or 37 with the Quick bonus. Low hit counts really suck kids.
Moving onto her skills, we first have Espionage, which is a borderline garbage skill. Star Generation buffs are nice, but 30% hardly moves the needle. All it does is give an extra 30% chance for a crit star. This is why the actually good star generation bonuses are much more often 50% or 100%. For Mata Hari's best chain this results in just a measly 3 extra crit stars, so this skill is only worth leveling if having a Servant at 1/10/10 gives you anxiety. Pheromones however is actually a pretty decent skill, having a moderate chance to Charm any Male enemies as well as reducing the defense of all enemies by 20%. The Charm chance is more of an added bonus, but the Defense down is what you're looking for the most here. This can be combined with Double Cross, which inflicts Skill Seal for 1 turn and reduces their defense by an additional 20%, and the gameplay strategy of Mata Hari might start to become clear. She's a Defense debuff stacker, and really more of a support Servant over anything else.
Mata Hari's NP is largely an optional bonus. It presents another moderate chance to charm, but this time its not gender locked, and she'll inflict an Attack and Defense down debuff to all enemies. This can be as strong as 40% with maximum OC, but it is extremely rare to get to that point or make it worthwhile, since the debuffs only last for 1 turn. Mata Hari doesn't need to use her NP to make an impact, but incorporating it into your strategies can be pretty helpful.
Mata Hari's role is to boost the damage of the team, and do largely little else. Due to this, her low stats don't really impact her, and in some cases, can be even beneficial. Since she's not going to do any DPS or real damage and she's not really meant to stick around for a long time, low HP and ATK will end up being okay. Of course, this also means that Mata Hari is a fairly inflexible Servant since she only does one thing really well.
Grails: Grails for a 1 star can be really important to cementing them amongnst competition. For Mata Hari however, this is largely just for love. It'll put her Max HP to 10,120 if you grail her all the way to Level 100, and her Max ATK to 8,355, or 7,520 effective ATK. Essentially, it allows her to stick along longer and have passable ATK.
Support Options: Supporting Mata Hari is...a choice, to be certain, but I salute you brave person for wishing to make a Mata Hari team actually work. You might want to grail Mata Hari just to make her a bit safer to use though. Since her NP generation is already pretty good, and her Defense debuffs will help sustain her damage enough, all she would really need is extra stars and added consistency to her Charms. Caster Gilgamesh can provide both of those, along with additional defense down and a source of DPS. Phantom of the Opera can also be used here, providing a massive, long lasting Debuff resistance down, Crit star regen for more crit consistency, and his own Charm with buff removal.
In reality, just use Mata Hari to boost the damage of your DPS.
Command Code: Since Mata Hari is mostly meant to be used asd a support, you can use some of the more supportive Command Codes like Bridge of White Rose or Jeweled Birds Coat of Arms. Command Codes that can generate critical stars ca be used to help out her star gen, and Command Codes that increase star absorption can be used to give her some extra help with NP. Command Codes that remove buffs from the opponent can also be useful, especially since they can be difficult to field on DPS with the large number of good DPS Command Codes.
Craft Essences: The biggest one out of the gate is GUDAGUDA Poster Girl, which will give Mata Hari 3 turns of taunt. This allows her to use her skills, tank a couple of hits and then make room for another Servant to continue the job. If you don't want her to just be a sacrifical pawn, you can use CEs such as Kaleidoscope or Demonic Bodhisvatta to abuse her NP. Even her Bond CE is pretty okay, since it'll boost the NP generation of allies as well. Fragments of 2030 can be used to provide an extra 8-10 crit stars, helping to even out her crit star generation for the team.
Competition: While Mata Hari is definitely not a DPS support on the likes of Waver, Merlin, Tamamo, or Skadi, the Servant she most faces competition with is Shuten Douji. Not only is Shuten of the same class, but her kit is extremely similar, just largely better. Howver, Mata Hari has a couple of things going for her. She fits much better into the support role than Shuten does, since Shuten not only has much better stats but also a hard defensive option, which means that playing Shuten as dedicated support means you're missing out. Shuten has the highest ATK of any Assassin currently in the game, and that shouldn't be neglected. But the biggest benefit of Mata Hari is cost, since she only costs 3 in comparison to Shuten's 16. Support Servants are overwhelmingly benefited by being in lower rarities if they aren't meant to also be defensive some way, and Mata Hari fits that bill extremely. Her low Cost means you can run more expensive Servants around her comapred to Shuten.
Pros: -While having a somewhat flawed kit, it is surprisingly synergistic and will allow her to pull her weight -NP generation is quite good, meaning that her NP is never too hard to access if desired -Low HP makes her a fantastic Poster Girl option -Low cost on a support Servant is amazing
Cons: -Very inflexible. She's only really useful as a support Servant without extensive help -Low stats mean she will struggle doing anything else, even if it makes her very good in her support role -Crit star generation is really bad for a triple Q deck -Charm chances are pretty bad, maxing out at only 60% -DW didn't give her an animation update for either Salem or Ooku or Ooku re-run so she still has magic orbs
I'm biased a bit towards low-rarity support Servants since they are the least hampered by their stats. Using Kojirou as DPS, Bartholomew to farm, or Spartacus to tank will always run into problems with their low stats: low ATK reduces their ceiling on their damage and low HP means they simply cannot take many hits. But for a Servant who can be considered "fire and forget" neither stat matters and its much more about kit and cost, which Mata Hari delivers.
This all being said, Mata Hari getting a buff would really not be a bad thing in the long run. Espionage is a terrible skill, Pheromones is not only outclassed by Shuten's 1st skill, it's also outclassed by Europa's version which also outclasses Shuten. Her NP could also use an upgrade, at the very minimum to extend the duration of her debuffs although it could also boost her Charm chance, similar to D'Eon.
You will love Mata Hari though, this is non-negotiable.
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morsking · 4 years
kills me that i CAN 3-turn the lotto currency node with arash, archer, and gilgamesh with a support merlin with gilgamesh hitting super fucking hard on the 3rd wave and taking out osakabehime and musashi in one shot but it’s still better to go atalante double skadi because i can field more event ces thanks to np looping
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coe-lilium · 4 years
Oh, I didn't know you played JP Coe! Any favourite Servants you like to use, or stuff like that?
I have like... *a lot* of favorites and as a results my parties tends to rotate a lot (which is why after 5 years I only have 4 bond CEs...).
Some particular picks... oh, yeah, I like to use Shirou (Ruler) a whole lot as a main damage dealer, no matter how technically badly suited he is. Slap Aerial Drive or LB Black Grail on him, flank him w Waver and Merlin and have fun watch him blast... well, nearly everything :D  
Kagetora too, I love her (and unlike Amakusa she is built to deal damage ^^’).
Tomoe may not be “the” 4* ST Archer and from a gameplay pov I have better options but I don’t care, she’s the 4* Archer of my heart and nearly always with me (in general, if one of my favs isn’t the best/very good at damage I’ll go build the team so they become one bc fuck the meta, love the character).   
QSH is a relatively new addiction and I probably haven’t wholly figured out the best way to use them yet but they’re incredibly fun and satisfying to use too saved my ass many, many times in Olympus.  
Og Arturia and Gilgamesh get fielded so many times that they’re probably going to need a dream fire thingy soon bc they’re huge favs too, churn out some lovely damage and their latest sprites and animations are amazing and I’m never going to stop using them even when I hit max bond.  
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tainbocuailnge · 5 years
Hey how do I like, get good at battling in FGO? My strategy so far has just been to beat things with a stick using class advantage, but I'm realizing that's not gonna work forever.
no that very much is going to work forever, especially now that they’re going out of their way to create support options in every class instead of just caster on jp. for most every quest that’s not a boss battle or challenge quest just throwing a team with class advantage at it is going to solve the problem because they made the class advantage numbers way too big.
i find a good team for more difficult content usually consists of primary dps, backup dps/support hybrid, and a hard support. hard dps just brings the big fat numbers, second dps is mainly here for their team buffs but can pack a punch themselves if needed, and your hard support is all buffs/heals/etc. for example cu alter/summer raiko/merlin. cu alter has the damage, raiko has a number of good buffs to put on cu alter but can also tear it up herself if you end up getting her cards instead, and merlin turns both of them into monsters. another example is saber lancelot/nero bride/caster gilgamesh, where your goal is to have lancelot arts crit to all fuck but if nero ends up critting instead that’s no problemo. 
i find having a secondary dps there smoother to play than pointing two hard supports at one dps for two reasons. first, its super annoying if you buff your dps all the way up only to get your supports cards to pop up, and if your dps dies you’re double fucked. second, it means you have more balance in the card types available to you. a QABBB servant paired with two QAAAB servants is going to be doing far less buster chaining than they’d like to, but a team consisting of QABBB QQABB and QAAAB can open on a buster or create a handful of stars to crit with much easier.
sometimes a servant is more gimmicky so for them the trick is to think about what circumstances would let them fuck the hardest and then team them up with servants that create those circumstances. summer carmilla for example has a def debuff that only counts if you land a critical hit, so teaming her up with servants that generate a lot of stars lets you tear the enemy the fuck apart. chen gong’s noble phantasm kills one of his allies, so people are doing things like having him np spam in order to keep bringing in more supports and buff him up further, or positioning him in such a way that his np would kill hijikata were it not for hijikata’s guts CE putting him at 1hp and optimal power instead. a more classic example is teaming up st george and siegfried so that you can turn anything into a dragon, or having arash clear the first wave of a quest and then tap out for your support to help your other servants clear the stronger waves. someone like stheno is known for being overly niche, but if you ARE in her niche (facing a male enemy and teamed up with divine servants) she shreds the enemy defences while buffing your servants up to fuck and it’s really satisfying to pull off. 
a popular meme strategy is to have two supports buff the fuck out of one servant, then switch the buffed servant to the back with the plugsuit in exchange for some servant that can easily die when you want them to (like arash or someone with long taunts like leonidas or st george) and stall until your buff skills are off cooldown, at which point your replacement taps out and your still buffed servant comes back up front to receive another round of buffs and fucking obliterate your enemy. iirc back during the pillar raids on jp that’s how people managed to do things like have scathach gae bolg a demon pillar for 5 million damage
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akatsuki-shin · 5 years
Selling my FGO NA Account
First of all I apologize if this isn’t the kind of post you’d expect to see from my blog. I’ve posted this on my personal Facebook and I thought I’d put it here, too, in case there are fellow FGO NA players around. ^^
So yeah, I am selling my FGO NA account because I’m having less and less time to play it. This might sound stupid, but I feel really bad for all of the Servants I have because I couldn’t play with them as much as I do before. ;v;
I hope there will be another Master who can take better of them more than I could.
I’m thinking of selling it for USD 20-30 if it’s not too expensive? Of course the price is still negotiable, and I’m going to put more details on my account below for your reference.
General Information:
Master Level 130
End Game (all stories cleared until Agartha)
7 Holy Grails, 19 Crystalized Lores
492 Mana Prisms, 1 Rare Prisms, 96+ Million QPs
Not much SQ left, I'm sorry ;v;
My Servants:
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Some (probably) notable Servants are:
Ozymandias NP3
James Moriarty NP2
Edmond Dantes All Skill Maxed
Francis Drake
Lancelot Saber NP4 (Grailed to Lv. 90)
Rama NP2
Emiya Assassin NP3
Tamamo Cat NP2
Cu Chulainn Lancer & Fuuma Kotarou Grailed to Lv. 90
A few of those Servants already have their skills leveled up quite a lot, although not All-maxed like Edmond Dantes.
Also I recently got these Servants, but haven't had the time to max their level:
Wu Zetian
I'm not sure what other information is necessary. I do have quite a lot of strong supports in my Friend List if it matters (lots of Merlin, Cu Alter, Raikou, Waver, Gilgamesh, Jack, some Tamamo, etc).
As I am based in Indonesia, if you are a fellow Indonesian we can do transaction with our local bank, OVO, GO-PAY, etc. Otherwise, I have a PayPal account. ^^
If you know someone who might be interested in purchasing this account, please do direct them to me.
Thank you in advance!
(screenshots of my CEs under the cut)
My Craft Essences:
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princeshroob · 5 years
Nero Fest banner, after continuously spending on it: Screw you, you’re gonna take your 3* event CE and like it!
7M Download/Merlin banner, after 5 summon tickets:
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(I didn’t screenshot Altria Alter at the right moment, but she is indeed new for me)
I’d say screw Nero Fest if it didn’t have boxes, but yeah. Gilgamesh is no Merlin, but he’s still great, and I also heard Lancer Altria Alter is one of the best 4* servants, so this banner has treated me well so far. Even if it decides to not give me anymore 4*+ servants later on, it’s still better than the travesty I endured on the Nero Fest banner.
Oh, while I’m on the subject of F/GO...
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I summoned the angry mango! That’s it, game’s over, no one can match him in strength!!
(yes i’m aware he’s one of the weakest servants)
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trickeyarchangel · 6 years
everyone around me in the FGO NA server has a Merlin and/or a Caster Gilgamesh and I'm just waving my empty box of Saint Quartz in the air, surrounded by CEs...
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