#celeste tog
youssefguedira · 2 years
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we're not meant to be alone
The Void (Brennan Lee Mulligan), Fantasy High S1 E17 / The Old Guard (2020), screenplay by Greg Rucka / The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood / Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay (2019) / The Best Care Possible: A Physician's Quest to Transform Care Through the End of Life by Ira Byock / Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit
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celia-bracali · 6 months
"The Old Guard" fic recommendation:
"Discord to harmony" by xJane
Nicky loves the discord server he's part of.
It's not such a huge deal to not tell anyone there that he is in fact the highly acclaimed author Nicolò diGenova, is it? Or that he has the biggest crush on fellow server member Joe?
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phatburd · 7 months
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hiii (from tog femslash discord!) for a halloween manip prompt, nile/celeste in a couples costume? i have no idea what costume though sorry 🙈
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Thank you so much for the prompt!! I had great fun doing these :D angel&demon and witch&ghost bride, I hope that's good for couple's costume!! If you have another idea later tell me I'll do more prompts next weekend :))
Bonus Angel!Nile because I liked the costume better but I didnt know how to combine it
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Halloween prompt 3/?
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bewires · 2 years
39 and 69 please?? any ship you like
39 - Survival/Wilderness Fic + 69 - Flirting Under Fire
oof okay so I just watched Yellowjackets and am immediately thinking about Taissa/Van, but that's literally just the plot of the show.
I think this would be a good combo for Booker/Copley or Nile/Celeste, anything featuring one immortal partner and one mortal partner, because it offers so much potential for conflict over who gets to do what part of the survival stuff. Also competence kink. Like, Booker can for sure hunt down something for them to eat, but he'll probably get a severe injury along the way and feel justified about getting it because Copley could *literally die* doing it....whereas Copley is just like. "Gimme the rifle" and then instantly able to shoot a bird out of the sky from like three miles away.
On the other hand for Nileste, something cozier with Celeste teaching Nile to cook French food and having in-depth talks about literature in the cozy cabin they found in the wilderness, Celeste the pacifist being angry at herself for how into it she is when Nile perceives a threat and orders her around...
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raedear · 2 years
I would love to hear your opinions on Nile Freeman <3
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Beloved Nile, best girl
- how she did actually hesitate. so much terrible and wild shit happened to her, she found herself with possibly the worst group of folk to be around when trying to come to terms with the fact that she killed someone, she got told she'd have to kill more people and she said: no, fuck this actually. and she walked away. she didn't just jump in blindly. New information was presented to her and she returned to help, but she did the INCREDIBLY HUMAN AND UNDERSTANDABLE THING of trying to go back to what she knew and I love her for that as much as I love her for shooting herself in the foot to prove her immortality to Copley.
- I want to see so much more of her personality and I think it'll get lost in the action of the next film. I want there to be time to see her as a person first and then an immortal.
- favourite line: "we're not going to Paris." (Why rae? you're probably not asking. Well I will tell you. I am a simple queer and I like that that line precedes the aeroplane fight)
- brOTP: I've already said with Joe but actually I also want Nile and Nicky to be besties because I think they'd have a hilarious time together
- OTP: I don't have a current OTP for Nile but I do like Nile/Celeste and Nile/Andy
- nOTP: I just do not get book of Nile. I don't. She deserves so much better and he is so pathetic. my booker OTP is actually booker/therapy. Keep him away from Nile.
- random headcanon: given the time and the chance Nile likes the quiet focus of cooking, and once they get used to each other she likes to do it with Nicky. Just the two of them quietly existing together in the kitchen working with their hands to make something tangible out of their effort and their love.
- unpopular opinion: people are VERY quick to forget Nile is the main character of tog and a fuck tonne of people are going to be raging that the sequel will focus on her and Andy and not Joe and Nicky or Booker. Lol. Sucks to be them.
- good girls by chvrches
- favourite picture of them
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the73rdpostscript · 1 year
WIP Tag Game RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
@raedear tagged me :)
Final Girl Joe - long
kinktober - 9
nicky and nile go to the movies
Suffer the Children
the whole christmas ham so far
superhero au that i dont even wanna be writing
mystery genre 1
possessed quynh
babys first romcom
Nile and Celeste
QaDAU god help me
Primo is just a guy with earrings without earrings
Rearrange It
murder thoughts
Only 3 of these are not TOG. (I kinda wanna see if people can guess which ones)
@aphroditestummyrolls @gallifreyburning @lazaefair
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lasirenetta · 1 year
La venticinquesima settimana: Normans hemmelighed
Ugen startede ud med skriftlig eksamen og strikning, og om aftenen ringede jeg med Simon og Anna for at planlægge vores famøse “SWEDENDE”-tur til sommer. Vi har nemlig tænkt at besøge hinandens hjembyer (Stockholm, København og Berlin) og lege turistguider, hvilket jo kun kan blive en succes.     
Efter den mundtlige eksamen mødtes jeg tirsdag med Anna til frokost, hvor vi spiste carbonara og tarallo og lavede “cioccolata calda”. Tilfældigvis gik vi forbi Celeste, som gav os begge et brev, som vi først måtte læse dagen efter, at hun var taget afsted. Den efterfølgende dag skulle hun nemlig rejse videre til Israel, så inden hun tog afsked med Perugia, spiste vi den sidste cornetto con pistacchio og fik sagt ordentligt farvel. Onsdag var der som sædvanlig strikkeklub, men i stedet for at arbejde videre på mit evighedstørklæde, lærte Rosa mig de første steps til at hækle.  
Torsdag var jeg en presset kvinde, da jeg ikke syntes, at det var særligt fedt at blive 23 år. Nu kan det godt være, at der sidder nogle med flere år på bagen, der mener, at jeg burde tørre mine salte tårer væk, men det er altså lidt skræmmende at være tættere på 25 end 20 år. Giorgia og Adriana var dog så søde, at de vækkede mig om morgenen med pandekager med lys i og fødselsdagssang. Giorgia havde også skrevet det fineste kort i rigtig Harry Potter-stil til mig, hvilket jeg selvfølgelig blev vildt glad for. Hun havde også købt en Moka til mig, så jeg kan fortsætte med at drikke ordentlig kaffe, nu da jeg skal tilbage til Danmark. Jeg skippede skole og brugte i stedet tiden på at se youtube-videoer for at blive bedre til at hækle. Om eftermiddagen mødtes jeg med Anna, som havde min længefrygtede gave med. Da vi var i Palermo, gik det nemlig for alvor op for Simon og Anna, hvor meget jeg hader at få taget billeder. De havde derfor fået den geniale idé at tage billeder af mig i skjul for at lave en kalender til mig i anledningen af min fødselsdag. Simon havde derfor lavet en kalender med 12 forskellige billeder af mig (skønt!) og sendt den via posten til Anna, så jeg kunne få den til min fødselsdag. Den var selvfølgelig helt forfærdelig hæslig men også rigtig sød. Om aftenen spiste jeg spontant pizza med Adriana og Giorgia og derefter ringede jeg med min far, som også havde lavet en video af ham, min mor, Frederikke og August, der sang fødselsdagssang for mig.
Fredag havde vi ikke lektioner, så jeg brugte dagen på at brygge på min kvote 2-ansøgning, strikke, handle ind og lave mad. Om eftermiddagen kom der en pige for at se på mit værelse, hvilket selvfølgelig var ret mærkeligt. I bedste Sherlock Holmes-stil fandt jeg også ud af, hvad Norman havde forsøgt at holde skjult for mig, og jeg må indrømme, at jeg er fan!
Søndag var det for en gangs skyld godt vejr i Perugia, og vi kunne for alvor mærke foråret. Om eftermiddagen tog jeg derfor i parken med Anna for at strikke og flette hår - og for første gang har jeg mødt en person, som synes, at hunde kan være lige så ulækre som mig. Derefter gik vi ind til centrum, hvor der var musik og folk, der dansede. Generelt var der gang i byen, og jeg nød den sidste eftermiddagssol, inden jeg gik hjem og lavede pasta e ceci.  
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youssefguedira · 2 years
skimming tog screenplay for evil purposes and
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wake up celeste lore dropped
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Nomination Categories
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Through August and September, nominations for the Fanwork Awards on the Femslash Guard Discord Server are open!
You can nominate different things such as:
comments on your fanworks
moodboards, memes, meta and more
These groups are split up into many more categories, you can find them all on the discord server! They're also separated by sfw and adult content, so minors can be part of the event but everything can still be nominated somewhere.
Until nominations close on the 20th of September, we will introduce a few of the categories to you in more detail, and you can join the server or follow @theoldguardfemslashdiscord to hear about them and show the categories that haven't gotten many nominations yet some love!
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luminarai · 3 years
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remember, you’re worth it 😌 stickers etc
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lilolilyr · 3 years
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I already made these for Nile, Andy and Quỳnh, so I thought for the Free Choice Saturday prompt I'd make this:
Do It For Celeste (Olivia Ross)
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Nile & Nile/Celeste Halloween icons!
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More TOG & other Halloween icons
Bonus Celeste:
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Like&reblog if you use!
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alkaysani-archived · 3 years
and can we talk about andy and celeste okay because @strangehighs got into this 
so like, book really thought that andy was on his side in all of this and she wasn’t
and honestly?
i think if andy didn't have nile. if andy didn't have that moment with celeste
she would've probably been more on book's side
but nile balanced her out, made her realize what it's like to live and not suffer, and celeste made her realize that there's more to all of this, that their actions do matter because celeste's actions to her mattered!
celeste was so important
nile is so important
you go women, you go
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While the primary mod of this event has a very busy February (and therefore would be unprepared to host something during Femslash February), she’d be interested to know if there’s interest in another round of this event.
Please feel free to interact with this post if  you’d like to see Femslash Fortnight Part 2! Chances are it would be in March or April 2021 to give time for planning / preparation.
(interactions could mean a like, a reblog, a reply - sky’s your limit!)
This post made on February 1, 2021
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ongreenergrasses · 3 years
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Celeste has the clearest moral alignment out of everyone in this film
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