#cellphone layout
woliefairr · 16 days
Mostra sua personalização atual pfvvv????
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
thing about my grandma is if i don't answer her calls like .4 seconds after my phone starts ringing she goes ''what if i was DYING and you DIDN'T ANSWER :(" but then the same grandma doesn't take her cellphone with her when she goes out
#and i'm like sis what if you're DYING but you're not at home and can't call me because you don't have your god damn phone#what's the point of a cellphone you leave at home. that's just a landline that can play candy crush#like we got her a special phone for seniors that has an emergency button and everything#like even if she's in danger and doesn't have time to unlock her phone or fiddle with menus she just presses it and it calls me#so y'know pretty damn good Especially since she's someone who worries a lot about injuring herself and needing help#but then she just. doesn't take the damn thing with her when she goes places#all because she's not too good at using it just yet. girl you got it like 3 weeks ago#this is her first ever smartphone. of course you're not gonna know how to use it well right away#it's a fucking touch screen. you touch the thing you want to do.#this phone doesn't have like the traditional app layout it has big buttons that group actions together#like CALL. you press that it takes you to a lisr like Call from contacts. Write the number you want to call. See recent calls.#legit all you need to do to get how to use this phone is know how to read#SEE button -> See messages. See pictures. See recent calls.#SEND button -> Send message. Send email. Send picture.#it's all just so straightforward and well explained#but she acts like it's operating a fucking space shuttle ffdkjdkddk#i'm not blaming her for not being tech-savvy like few people of her age are#but like. i can't find you a phone that's easier to use grams This is as simplified as it gets
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shoyostar · 6 months
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raining in japan m.list // haikyuu!! masterlist.
premise. thunderstorms scare you greatly. but thanks to your cute neighbour, you know you’ll be okay after all.
content. tetsurou kuroo / f!reader. fluff. reader is a scared of storms, mainly thunder. power outage. set ambiguously post highschool / university. neighbours to lovers.
word count. 3.1k
soundtrack. show me how : men i trust.
¹new message from jia ෆ hi i’m not dead yes i do still write !! @tetzoro @tetsuskei i hope i did your man justice ^_^
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You barely manage to catch the flickering lights of your dining room’s lamp glitch out repeatedly from the corner of your eye, the lights inside your dingy apartment appearing to go haywire as constant streams of raindrops pound against the glass of your windows.
With each passing second they seem to multiply tenfold of the previous, their impact upon crashing into each other sometimes merging with one another in sync to form a continuous stream of running water trickling down the brick walls of your complex instead of the constant buzz of millions of tiny water droplets.
The soft glow from your lamp dims momentarily before coming to a complete halt. Your hopes are quickly dashed when you see it attempt to start back up again before going dead, and after a few seconds of the darkness swallowing your apartment whole a begrudging sigh escapes your lips as you close your textbook.
“Ah, damn it . . . not again . . .”
You slowly stand up from your seat at the dining table, cautiously pushing your chair back just a little as to not hit the rest of your furniture and carefully maneuvering your way through the dark of your living room.
“Where the hell did I put that flashlight . . . ?”
You really should’ve thought to charge your phone and powerbank ahead of time when you heard a thunderstorm was making it’s way to your city on the news earlier. Now with a dead cellphone battery and empty powerbank you’re left to fend for yourself amist the unknown layout of your apartment without a light source.
Scuffling around in the dark, you take a step forward, miscalculating how much distance there is infront of you as you find yourself accidentally ramming your shin against the side of your unusually hard bookshelf, sending you reeling in agonizing pain stomach first and flopping right onto your couch.
Your teeth grind against each other as you hold your shin, wincing while rocking slightly in an attempt to alleviate the pain. “God, that did not sound good . . .” You can’t see through the near pitch black lowlight of your apartment, but you’re almost certain a nasty bruise may have begun to form on your skin from that.
A few more minutes of stumbling finally merits you to where you had originally intended to end up in the first place— the supply closet. Feeling around for the door’s surface your hand manages to find it’s grip onto the smooth metal handle, twisting it open and carefully reaching out into the darkness.
“It should be on the second shelf . . . or was it the third? Fuck, I really can’t see anything right now . . .”
Your fingers brush up against the elastic wrist tie of the flashlight (it was on the third shelf after all, go figure) and you impatiently snatch it from off the pile of other assorted junk you’ve haphazardly thrown in there throughout the years.
All you hear is a soft click as you turn on the device before your eyes are bombarded by a bright flash, the sudden overload causing you to stumble back a bit, blinking repeatedly to soothe the burn in the back of your retinas.
Maybe it’s not the best idea to hold a flashlight so close to your face while it’s aiming (or pointed) directly into your eyes.
Using your newly gained lightsource you make your way to the fuse box in your kitchen, now being able to easily navigate your way through the dark you give yourself a moment to stop and glare at the corner of your bookshelf that you’d run into earlier, “Asshole.”
Opening the fuse box, you shine the light onto the many circuits housed within, eyes trailing down and scanning each one for the labels of what light they control. You experimentally switch the one for the living room on, glancing outside of your kitchen into the hall to check, only to be met with disappointment as you see the nothingness of the night staring right back at you.
Just as a confirmation (and because you’re stubborn), you switch a couple more of the circuits on and off repeatedly, disappointment mares your features when they yield no results. “No power at all . . .”
A deep crackle of thunder booms from the sky outside, startling you as you nearly drop the flashlight in your hands if not for the wrist tie securing it. A few seconds of heaving and checking outside your kitchen’s windows— only to see more rain than you could ever possibly need in three lifetimes —causes you to ease up a little. You feel a chill run down your bare arms though, the short sleeves and pajama shorts you chose to wear tonight not doing much with the raging wind howling just outside your apartment.
The sudden sounds of gentle knocking at your door cuts through the silence of your empty apartment, the hairs on your back shooting straight up in surprise. You cautiously make your way over to the door, uneasy as your hands hesitate to lay on the knob. Who else could be up at this late hour?
Your eyes squint through the tiny peephole of your door, zoning in on a familiar head of messy black hair, donned in a worn out old highschool volleyball hoodie. With noticeable bags underneath his eyes matching your own, you can tell he’s been staying up as late as you have.
You can’t quite see much or well for that matter through the tiny peephole’s space, but he patiently waits outside with an uneasy look on his face, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket and pacing around anxiously on the small space on your door mat.
With your heart rate spiking back down to normal levels, you slowly open the door to him. He jumps back a little when he sees you in front of him, as if he wasn’t expecting you to actually be awake. You give him a polite smile.
“Hey, Kuroo.”
He chuckles a little, bringing his hands out of his pockets. You notice the pearly whites of his canines poking out from his lips when he grins. It suits him well. “You know it’s okay to just call me Tetsurou.”
“Right, right. My bad.”
“‘You doing alright?” He asks you worriedly, craning his head aside to check the dark of your apartment. “Heard the entire building’s power just got wiped by the storm. ‘Was told it won’t be back for another few hours.”
Of course it won’t be back for awhile, the electricians can’t really do much while the thunderstorm rages outside. You doubt anyone in the building who was asleep by now would even notice there had been a power outage tonight, most people aren’t awake at the acceptable hours of 3AM working on their overly procrastinated capstone assignment anyways to even care about the torrential rain pouring outside their windows.
“Can I come inside?” Tetsurou asks before stopping himself, backtracking hurriedly while making funny hand gestures. What was that sign he just made? It might’ve meant Apple in JSL. “I mean, if it’s okay with you. I know it’s late and all, and that you probably want to sleep but I—“
You cut him off with a giggle of your own, “Tetsurou,” his cheeks dust a light shade of pink in the darkness. Your laughter. It sounds like bells to him, akin to the raindrops that hit your windows with a light tinkle each time they fall from the clouds above. Wind chimes in the raging storm that falls around you two and lighting crackles behind him, illuminating your bright face for him.
“I don’t mind, you can come inside. You must be cold standing out here, I know I am and I’m just in the doorway.” You take him by the hand, his skin’s cold just as you expected from the frigid air as you guide him into your apartment.
He stumbles a bit through the front door “H— hey!” trying to remove his shoes by the entrance and lay them by the door mat, bringing with him two large blankets tucked under his arms you hadn’t noticed him carrying in the darkness.
Tetsurou’s eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness, squinting and zoning in on the little stack of books piled up at your desk, the flashlight you were using placed just beside an open notebook. “You’re still trying to work on that assignment?” He asks, setting the blankets down on a chair as you slide into your own, clicking the flashlight on and shining it down on your pages.
“Yeah, it’s due soon.”
“There’s a storm outside.” He comments on matter of factly, chin folded into the crook of his hands as he leans on the backside of the chair. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the obviousness of the situation.
“Just, come here.” You feel his hand reach out into the darkness, standing you up from the table with mild disagreement from you, “Relax with me a little, let’s go sit on your couch together. I brought blankets for a reason.”
“I can use one while working at the dinner table.”
The frown that tugs at Tetsurou’s lips is barely noticeable in the dark, but he whines audibly. “That sounds uncomfortable, though.”
“It’s fine.”
“Isn’t it better to huddle together for warmth?” He suggests playfully, “Y’know, no power n’ heat.”
You think his compromise over for a moment, and he senses the hesitation brewing inside your mind. “I promise it’ll be good.” Lighting flashes outside your window for a split second, followed by the loud seismic boom of thunder that causes you to flinch in his hold. Instinctively he jumps, pulling you into a hug as your heavy breathing fills the silence of your apartment. Seconds tick by on the clock hanging on your wall, as it seems like the heartbeats of both you and Tetsurou meld into one beat.
“Are you . . .” Tetsurou looks out the window for a moment, his voice drawls on low and quiet even though the only two people here are you and him, as if he’s about to ask something he shouldn’t. “Are you scared of thunder?”
“. . . No.”
“That sounds like a yes to me.”
“I’m an adult,” You huff, trying to break out of his hold and back to your pile of due papers, “I don’t get scared by thunder like a little kid.” Tetsurou barely catches the “anymore” you mutter underneath your breath. His hold on you not only tightens but he drags you to the couch, much to your protests and complaints.
“You’re not a very good liar,” he grins, plopping you down beside him before reaching over you to drape a thick blanket over your shivering body, were you always this cold? You try to move your hands to lift the blanket off, to stand up but it’s heavy. It traps your arms underneath it, feeling like he condemned you to the couch.
“Is this blanket weighted?” You ask and he hums, draping the other one he bought over himself with a relaxed sigh. “Yeah, I’ve found they’re really good for rainy nights.” You can’t deny that now that you’ve gotten a taste, having this is almost like having a barrier from the cold rain and air outside, and you’re already warmer than you were just a few moments ago.
You wrap it tighter around your body, the fabric smells like him. “Thanks, Tetsurou.” Another crackle of lighting blasts inside your living room through the window, peeking through the gap of your curtains as thunder follows closely in suit. It’s louder this time, and seemed to be a lot closer to your apartment than the others. Your hands slam over the cups of your ears to shield them from the thunderous booms, they feel weighed down by the heavy blanket as you bury your head into the thick material, closing them as like an extra precaution from the storm outside.
You don’t even realize you’re shaking until you feel a hand smooth over you back. Tetsurou’s.
You can barely make out his voice with your hands blocking your hearing, “Are you okay?” It’s muffled and quiet, and his hand rubs soothing circles into your back as you barely manage to move your head to a nod. More thunder comes and Tetsurou’s eyesbrows knit together as you frantically switch to shaking your head no, feeling it drop further into the blanket in shame. Your heart in sync as the storm outside won’t stop taunting you.
The small raindrops that crash against your window feel like they’re right up against your ears, the bright lighting that races across the sky’s edge stings your eyes to look at it, even if you shut them as tight as can be. And that god awful thunder, the thunder that makes you feel like your dingy apartment might crumble underneath it’s roar, crashing to the floors below as the trees outside cave in on you from above.
“This is so embarrassing . . .” Tetsurou hears you mutter as you lift your head to the side to face him, fear is written all over your features and you look like you’re about to cry in the presence of your next-door neighbour. Your voice cracks, and you think you’d prefer if the floor underneath you did fall through after all. “I just really hate storms . . .”
A weak chuckle escapes your lips as you wipe away the tears that prick at your eyes, attempting to lighten up the situation for Tetsurou. You don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable by crying in front of him when you were the one who invited him in, “I guess I really am still a little kid, afraid of thunder and lighting like I’m still four.”
Tetsurou doesn’t laugh at your self deprecating jab, and you feel your stomach drop at the lack of a response. Would you have preferred if he laughed? No, not really— but it felt awkward to have only silence between the two of you in the heat of the moment. His hazel eyes seem to twinkle in the darkness when he blinks, and he wraps an arm around you before pulling you into his chest, you let out an alarmed squeak involuntarily from his actions, and the heartbeat in your chest magnifies to the sound of the thunder that you’re so scared of outside.
His own heartbeat is loud too, now that he has you leaning on his chest like this. The wild thumping and beating, is that from you? You feel stupid for getting excited over that possibility, but as you look up from your spot you catch his eyes, tired and still beautiful as both his arms envelope you in a deep hug. He covers your ears with the palms of his hands, red crawls up the skim of his neck and ears in the darkness.
“It’s okay,” he reassures you quietly, flinching when you snuggle deeper into his chest, the scent of his home shirt being the same as the one on the blanket he brought over but stronger. The smell of clean linen from his laundry detergent sticks to the material of his shirt, and you can’t stop yourself from blurting out “Did you just do the laundry before coming over?”
This time it’s his turn to laugh nervously, “Yeah . . .” his head rests atop yours, taking in the scent of your shampoo. It fills his senses, it’s not overpowering or overwhelming at all.
Maybe because it’s you.
“I didn’t want to smell bad when I came over . . . Is that— is that bad?”
“. . . No,” you decide, a content smile tugging at your lips. “It’s not.”
Suddenly the loud sounds of the storm that had you once afraid and cowering in fear seem to drown out from Tetsurou’s cupped hands over your ears, but you know they’re just as strong now than they were earlier, and perhaps even stronger as the night drags on. But in Tetsurou’s embrace, underneath the blankets he brought from home that smell just like him, wrapped up in his arms and snuggled up against his chest; you think you’ll be okay.
“Stay with me,” you eke out without thinking, and a part of you hopes he didn’t hear because you’re worried you’ll ruin the tranquility of whatever you have now— that this moment is only temporary, all will be over by tomorrow morning when the technicians come to fix the apartment’s power outage at 6AM, and you’ll both go back to treating each other as just neighbours. That you’ll pretend you never snuggled together when you had no power and no heat, and you never said the words you’re about to say to him now. “Please, don’t go . . .”
To your surprise, a soft kiss is pressed to the crown of your forehead as Tetsurou’s wild hair tickles at your skin, the erratic beat of his heart thumping wildly in your eardrums. He looks just as nervous as you do, lips suddenly dry and throat closed up when he tries to speak. After a disgruntled groan, the two of you laugh as once more does lightning flash across the sky, with thunder coming in it’s place moments later, hand in hand as always. Just as you expected.
But this time you’re not scared, not when he next whispers out the words you’ve longed to hear since you were a little kid during these storms, not when he cuddles you closer to his chest and brings his lips close to yours before tilting your chin up and capturing you in the sweetest of kisses, his lips perfectly molding to fit yours as he mutters in between the short breaths of air with a smile that rivals the brightness of the lighting you were so scared to gaze into from outside the windows.
“I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.”
Raindrops continue to fall from outside, thunder and lightning work as a terrifying duo in sync as they torment the nature. But it all seems significantly less scary now. Underneath the onslaught of rain, the continuous lightning and thunder you’ve feared since childhood, the annoying lack of power— you found something able to strike against even the worst of thunderstorms, and something better to indulge your night in than your assignments that lay long forgotten beside your flashlight on the dining table far away from you and Tetsurou on the couch, warm underneath the blankets together bundled up to escape the cold air.
You found Tetsurou Kuroo.
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keelt9 · 3 days
Chapter 5
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Montreal definitely wins the trophy of the most rainy race until now. When we arrived in Canada, the sky was gray but nothing else. Now, with the beginning of media day, a pretty background with lightning appears earlier in the morning.
As Lewis kept working in his media duties, I was on the rooftop from the hospitality working in layouts Thomas sending me, one of my house and the other for the shelter.
The lighting makes someone curse as it goes up stairs, I giggle when Rosa appears grabbing her chest scanning the room.
“It’s just a lighting Rosa.” She scoffs and sits at the other side of the table.
“You've been working all this time?” I nod and raise an empty bag of snacks, following for a new one I just opened. 
“And eating.” I saved the file to avoid a disaster before closing it and left it aside so I can talk to her without distractions.
Rosa takes the open bag and scrunches her nose. “Dried seaweed?”
I giggle. “I lost a bet with my brother, so he will be choosing my snacks for a whole week.” 
Talking about the king of Rome, Lewis appears in the stairs already changed and pretty excited for the end of a media day.
“You punish her with snacks?” Rosa complained right away, Lewis rolled his eyes, sitting next to me. “She loves her snacks.”
Lewis looked at me as I stuck my tongue out. “She lost! Besides these are healthy ones.” 
I laugh at the same time two lightning flashes appear in the sky. 
“How can you work here? It’s windy, there's lightning and it’s starting to get cold.” Rosa looks at me, relaxing her lethal eyes; at least I have a hoodie to cover me from the wind.
Lewis shakes her hand. “Thank you. Is the same thing I told her.” He scans the rooftop; all the boys and girls of the cafeteria were already in the lounge. “Let’s go, you’re an amused person.”
“There is no one here.” I raise my hands as he takes my laptop. 
Rosa ate seaweed and scrunched her nose standing, like her it took me a while to get used to the flavor.
“From far.” Next to us is the Red Bull hospitality, the upper floor is crowded with cameras and cellphones getting ready for record.
I stand and follow them with my bags in my hands. The salty flavor? Yes, I could get used to it.
The day of P1 came with a slight rain from time to time. I like the rainy days however I hate Lewis having to drive with this kind of weather. 
“Take care ok?” I ask Lewis at the back of the garage. “I’ll be right here.”
Lewis smiles, grabbing my cheek. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry too much.”
Once the member of his team appears in the room, they are ready to go. Lewis smiles at me before walking away. 
All the practice, I was pressing my hands together and cracking my finger trying to stay calm even when all is in total calm; it was until Lewis's car stopped and he got out of the car I could relax a little bit.
We don’t need any words, he just passes next to me and grabs my arm walking away with his team, he’s safe. 
I heard indications that all the cars must be in the garage in 20 minutes, so I reached Bono who’s about to walk inside the room for the feedback with an innocent question in mind.
“Hey Bono, is there a problem if I go and walk along the track for a while?” I don’t see Toto coming too. 
“Little H, give them 30 minutes and you can go.” Toto smiles entering the room.
Bono raises his shoulders. “You hear the boss.”
By the time I see the cars passing in front of the garage and George’s and Lewis’ getting inside too, I see my clock and 40 minutes have already passed.
“Take an umbrella.” Rosa said to me when she saw me walking out of the garage. 
The sky is still cloudy, a few drops won’t hurt me.
“It’s ok, I’ll just be out for a couple of minutes.” I put on a huge black jacket. “This is enough.”
Rosa shakes her head as she keeps talking with her team.
It’s nice to get some fresh air; combined with the few drops over my head that made me feel relaxed, the loud noises from the tools, people and other equipment became distant after a while.
It was the sound of footsteps and faster breathing that made me turn around seeing Max trying to keep his suit race on at the level of his waist.
“Do you have something to do with the rain?” I stop, waiting for him. “In this week, every time there is a high chance of a storm you are sitting or walking around open space.”
Unintentionally the corner of my lips rises as I put my hands on my pockets. For the first time there is not this discomfort sensations with him.
“I believe you don’t have trouble getting wet, a little bit. Do you mind if I join to you?” I see Max with her big jacket too. “A quick walk along the track.”
I breathe in slowly and keep walking, he remains in his spot, so I turn around but don’t stop walking. 
“You coming right?” Max smiles make me smile.
For 40 minutes Max told me about old races on rainy days with stories about mistakes that almost turned into a disaster and funny moments he could remember, the way he speaks and the fact his hands seem to do it too actually made me laugh a couple of times.
Even from time to time I challenge myself by asking him a few questions about him and his first years of racing.
“Aren't you curious? What will be living a day with so many things happening around you.” Max chuckles. 
“I mean, I don’t mind being anonymous from time to time.” We’re walking back to the garage, our clothes weren't damped. The rain stops after a while leaving us with windy weather. “Still, I curious about something.”
He stops talking, making me curious, looking at him. “About?”
“Trying to figure out what you are thinking when you look at me in that way.”
I laugh lightly, it’s not a big change I have towards him, still he notices it. “I guess you're winning the benefit of the doubt.” After all, every conversation we had before I cut it out rudely, this is clearly different.
“I’m taking a pole position?” I genuinely smile at him before turning my face away.
“You have your moments.” The posture of Max relaxes, his shoulders go down even his steps seem light.
He keeps talking about a lot of things and I carefully listen to him until the paddock is a few meters away from us, time to split. 
“I can get used to being surprised by you.” Max said, as we reached the main gates. We visibly relax even if our jackets are clearly  wet.
He looks at the garages and smiles in a wily way. “The Red Bull garage has a nice spot to see the race. Maybe next time you don’t mind seeing different colors in a car.”
“I have a busy diary.” I take my hands from my pockets. “Besides, I'm in the Mercedes team right now.”
Before I could say something else I see Lewis coming out of the garage zone talking with Rosa going to the hospitality.
“I have to go, thanks for walking with me, Max.” I didn’t even reach to give 3 steps when multiple questions attacked my mind.
Bloody hell.
“Max.” I walk back where he remains standing. “I can make you a space… maybe.” 
My phone buzzes the photo Roscoe appears on the screen, it’s Lewis. 
Max didn’t say another word, making me feel shy, so I turned around to keep walking.
“I’ll take it as a <yes>!” Max shouts out as a wide smile appears on his face.
The following days were great for Lewis, he started the race from the second row, making him reach the third position. For my peace I watched the race from the paddock even when the rain stopped hours earlier; there some part of the track still wet, from T.V was hard to see.
Lewis reached me in the hospitality room covered in champagne and a big smile on his face. 
“Congrats!” I stop before hugging him. “Save the hug for later.” 
We high five as he goes to change for the last interviews he had for the day, and we can fly right away to home. We don’t want to miss any birthday of the family if we can be there, even if Lewis could be there just for one day.
I spent that week in London making a quick trip to Newport to see the progress of the house.
“Are you taking Roscoe with you?” Thomas asked as we stood seeing the people working, Roscoe next us. 
“Of course, it’s Austria. Besides, after that I'll be in Monaco for a couple of days sending my things back to London.” I get down, kissing Roscoe's face. “He gives great advice for packing.”
Thomas laughs. “Have you already mentioned something to Lewis?” 
I sigh. “I will, in Monaco.” 
After long days of thinking and talking with friends and family I decided it’s time to stop my travels around the world; with the places set for the shelter and my house along the crucial moment of finishing the project, I need a place to stay calm and be close in case something comes up. That’s why the last GP I will be with my brother, be the one previous to summer break.
“Are you sure? I mean I can keep you informed about every single thing if you need.” Thomas already suggested to me at least I should close this season with Lewis.
“Do you know how tiring it is to travel every week?” I roll my eyes and shake my head. “This is temporary, I don’t want you to screw my house.” 
Thomas scoffed and put his arm around my shoulder looking around. He, like Mika, stands next to me in the worst times, making me aware every day, if I feel the strength left in my body, I always can lead on them.
“This is a nice place to start, after all.” Roscoe barks, calling for us to pay attention. “Don’t worry buddy, I’ll make this a fortress but at the same time I built a nice garden for you.” 
It’s the bulls house, so a lot of his colors were in the fences and every visible place. We arrived in Austria one day before the race, but Lewis suggested that Roscoe and I stay in the hotel, by the time we arrive they would probably be finishing the qualy. 
So that’s what we do, Roscoe and I relax in the hotel near to the pool when Lewis reach us. Roscoe immediately notices him running, pretty excited for the way his little tail moves.
“Hi there.” Lewis hugs me sitting next to me. “How was the flight?” He asked if we didn’t take his jet with us.
“Calm, private.” He laughs. “A tricky day tomorrow, right?” 
Lewis bluffs and assents. “Not the best spot, but we will work on that tomorrow. Anyway, are you hungry?“
Roscoe barks. “We do.” Lewis chuckles while standing so we can go to eat something.
We came back at night tired and stuffed, as I told him the idea of Thomas about the refuge like me, he’s pleased.
“Oh, I have the tickets for the race.” Lewis invited them to the GP of Silverston, the next race in two weeks. “I’ll give it to you at home, ok?”
As we’re waiting for the lift, Roscoe barks when the door opens, Leo in Alex's arms. 
“Young boy, hi.” I greet Leo when they come out. “Charles, Alex, goodnight too.” 
The couple giggles and lets Leo on the ground for the dogs to say hi. 
“Y/N, Max was looking for you.” I choke with my own saliva winning the eyes of three people and two dogs. 
“Are you all right?” Alex asks but I just nod. Thankfully the people who were waiting came out in the other lift, avoiding the talk.
Inside of the lift, I feel Lewis' eyes on me. “You’re taking Roscoe for the night? I ask, trying to switch the topic keeps floating in the air.
“Yeah, I’ll take him to the track.” He simply answered and didn’t say anything else. When the lift reached my floor I thought I would avoid an uncomfortable talk.
“See you tomorrow.” I kiss both of them but Lewis holds the door for a second.
“You know you can talk with me about everything, right?” I almost avoid it. 
“I know.” I reassure him with a smile waving my hand as the door closes. 
In my room, I hide my face on the bed, feeling embarrassed, but the constant buzz of my phone makes me answer the video call.
“Jesus! You scare me!” Mike fakes surprise for my messy hair. “Are you blushing?”
Oh my word, I shake my head, and breath in trying to calm. 
“Is that all?” Mika giggles and raises her hand. 
“Hey, it’s quick, the green one or the blue one?” She raises two dresses in front of her.
“Is it for your date with Thomas?” I wink at her, now who’s blushing. 
Thomas and Mika had a couple of dates, claiming it’s just a friend's meal, but I’ve seen the way they look at each other, and that’s a lame excuse.
“Y/N, focus.” I laugh but I choose the green one. “I have time, you can talk all the time you want.”
Mika, every time she’s nervous, she talks without anything could stop her. 
In the middle of our talk about a funny consultation she had that morning, a soft knock on my door distracted me.
“It’s ok, I almost finish.” She is straighten her hair. 
I shake my head, I wasn't waiting for anyone. “No, it’s ok, Lewis knocked three times before entering.”
After a few seconds, I hear the knock one more time, maybe it’s important after all.
“Sorry Mika.” She smiles and stands in front of the camera giving me a full look of her. “He’s done.” 
Mika winks before saying goodbye to hanging out. 
I walk to the door, as I was talking with Mika I change my clothes for my pjs, I open without even asking, the tiredness taking my body, and close it right away.
Max is at the other side of the door in black shirt with black bags. 
After a long breath, I opened it one more time. “Sorry, you took me by surprise.” 
Max nod and clear his throat. “Sorry, it’s late I know but …” His cheeks are softly turning pink. “Here.”
It's a VIP pass, I choke my head. “Thanks? I mean, I already have one.” I take it from his hands turning around. I see it, it’s from RB garage.
I bite the inside of my cheeks, feeling awkward. “You know I don’t mean a right away invitation, right?”
In Max's face you can see the confirmation of his worst scenario.
“Of course, I imagine that so I came prepared. This is for any GP, when you feel ready to come.” He has that cute smile one more time.
I nod and keep it. “Good night Max.” 
“But.” He closed his eyes. “I'll make my open invitation valid.”
This boy confuses me so easily.
“Checo mentioned you visited Lewis constantly, right?” I nodded slowly. “Would you have a walk with me next time?”
His eyes were closed one more time so he didn't see me smiling at him.
“It's not for being rude but when I'm in Lewis' home it is practically for me to be working on endless paperwork or packing some things I have there…So, I don't have so much time for walking around.” Isn't a lie but I hope Max doesn't feel I turned him down in a rude way, again.
“Perfect! I could help you with that.” He surprised me that I couldn't answer right away. “If you don't mind, of course.”
“Mhm, no, I…I…I don't want you to feel bored or anything like that, so it's ok, we can leave it open.” My mind is struggling to find another excuse.
“It's ok, I don't mind, we talk more comfortably.” He answered calmly, extending his hand for a shake.“Deal?”
I tightened my fist, he raised his eyebrows in a funny way.
I take his hand. “Deal.”
Lewis is right, the race for him simply doesn't go as he expects leaving him in the 8th position. 
After his interviews he always finds a moment of calm along Roscoe; who as typical of him steals glances and hearts from everyone.
When finally we can go home, I see in the RB hospitality a lot of people with happy and exciting expressions, and the multiple race winner in the middle of it.
“Ready?” Lewis asked, coming out ready to go.
“Yeah, let's go.” I take a last look at a victorious Max.
By the second day in Monaco Lewis forgot he had tickets for the Roland Garro in France, he invited me too but there are things to send to London in a few days.
“Are you going to be fine?” Lewis asked, giving Roscoe a piece of celery.
“Sure. We wait here for you to take us home.” Lewis giggles. “Have fun, we have a lot of packing and arrangements, don't worry.”
It's been half of a week in Monaco and Max doesn't give any signs of life, so he probably gets it that being stuck inside of the apartment when he can enjoy the no race week, is a waste of time.
“Hey, it's okay if I invite a friend to help me with…?” Although I couldn't avoid asking 
“It's your house too.” He stands to cut more fruit for us. “I'll be back Wednesday night.”
“Is anything granted, just in case.” Roscoe sees me and growls a little bit. “What?” I whisper to him.
Roscoe walks to his bed taking with him the fluffy lion. “And you’re judging me?” 
“I promise, when you come to my new house, I'll make more than pancakes.” Roscoe licked his nose before we came out of the building.
I turned to my left slightly, then I saw Max in casual jeans walking inside the building.
“This isn't…Come here, baby.” Roscoe follows me as we follow Max reaching him outside of the lift. “Max?” 
He turns around surprised to find us. 
“Hi, I was about to go up.” He petted Roscoe's head. “I guess you're already finished, right?”
“For the…” He nods. “No, I mean, yes, I…I could say that.” I cover my eyes trying to put my ideas in order.
“I mean, yes, I already finished, my brother helped a lot.” Max put his hands in his pockets. 
“Sorry, I have a busy week and well, it would be weird if I call Lewis for he let you know that.” He laughs.
“It's ok, I just have to close a few boxes and put in order a couple of files, I appreciate you coming.” He smirks, I narrow my eyes.
“I will help you with that.” I shake my head. “A good talk will be helpful after all these days.”
That's how we end up in Lewis apartment putting tapes over the boxes and putting papers in order. 
Max was entertaining with something until I realized he was reading the papers of the refuge.
“This is yours?” I nod but I don't take it so much importance. “You have a refuge?”
I walked to see what caught his attention, the sketch of the logo. “Not yet.”
Max sits on the floor reading carefully as he keeps asking me questions about the refuge and all related too; without realizing I ended up telling him about my journey with this project sitting in front of him, on the floor of Lewis living room.
“This seems pretty good, of course I'm not an expert but hey.” He lifted the paper with the final sketch. “This is awesome.”
I feel flatter even with an unusual warmth on my cheek.
“I’m afraid.” I let it out without a filter. “I know I can deal with something like this is just…” I see Roscoe sleeping peacefully. “I don't want to let down anyone, especially Lewis, not after…”
The imagene of Lewis holding me tight on those dark days helps to realize Max's eyes shift, it’s like looking at a calm sea.. 
“I just don’t want to mess up anything.” Max stretched his back giving me the papers. 
“Listen, if you ever need a hand, give me a call.” He stands and picks up his phone, I didn’t even realize someone is calling him. “Just a second.”
He walks to the other side of the room giving me time to calm down a little bit, when he comes back, apologizes but he has to go. I walk with him until the door to say goodbye, just when he walks away…I notice something different.
“Hey Max!” He turns around, raising his eyebrows. “Thanks…for everything, the talk, the packing, the vitamins.” 
Max smiles and takes a deep breath, speaking in a teaser tone. “Well, I scored some points for a small visit to the garage.” 
My answer is a small smile which makes him press his lips together while containing a smile. 
When he goes into the lift I walk back to the living room, shaking my head and putting the last papers in their respective box, but at the corner of one of the sketches Max was seeing there was a small note, along with his number.
>+1  ;)
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unseededtoast · 1 year
Light As A Feather | Spencer Reid x F! Reader
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Summary: The gravity of your job begins getting to you, and you come to realize you've forgotten how beautiful life can be. And one tranquil night, it's like Spencer is able to lift the weight and makes you feel light as a feather. Inspired by Hozier's "I, Carrion (Icarian)"
Cross posted on Wattpad and AO3 and here is my masterlist!
Word Count: 8.7k
Warnings: General violence, angst, pining. Poorly Edited
a/n: howdy folks. I'm still in my spencer reid/hozier brainrot era and so here's another. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for all of the support I've received, it means the world!!
His presence is enough to make you forget about the horrors of the world, of your job. Right now, it's just you and him, and you've never felt lighter; so unburdened. You're convinced that if he wasn't there, holding onto you with his magnetic pull, that you may just float away in the breeze like a feather. 
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You had never been to Colorado before, and now you wish you could be here under different circumstances. It's the beginning of fall and it seems as if the people of Boulder are head over heels in love with the season. Which is understandable, you think you'd love fall this much too if you lived in a place this beautiful. The trees are painted in vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red and the distant mountains stand proudly in the background with their snow capped tops. Your eyes are glued to the lush landscape as the SUV drives through Boulder to reach your destination.
You, along with the rest of your team, were called by the Park Rangers from the Rocky Mountain National Park about a few bodies they had discovered. Your superior, Hotch, decided their case was odd enough for you all to pay a visit. At first you hadn't wanted to come, convinced that there would be something closer to home to tend to, but now you're glad you agreed to come. Fall time in Quantico just isn't as picturesque.
Eventually, the SUV you're crammed into alongside three of your other team members drives up a long winding driveway to a hidden cabin in the woods. Hotch had booked the place, seeing as how close it is to the National Park and how secluded it is from potential people of interest. Once again, you tried to argue that the cellphone reception would be terrible up here and that it might hinder the case, but you were outvoted, and the rest of the team wanted to stay here. You hadn't understood why, but when the venue comes into view your jaw almost drops and you understand.
The cabin isn't at all what you had been expecting. Instead of some run-down, small, stuffy house, you see a large, sprawling log mansion. There are large windows adorning the front, accompanied by a wraparound porch on the second level. It's very reminiscent of a tasteful ski lodge.
"Wow." You breathe out as the car comes to a stop outside the front door.
"Still think it's a bad idea?" Hotch smarts off as he opens the trunk and starts handing people their bags. Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you grab your bag from him and stare up at your home for the next few days.
The rest of the team wastes no time in going inside to claim their room, but you're happy to meander around for a little bit to familiarize yourself with the layout. You'll let them fight over the rooms and take whatever is left. After all, in a place of this size, even the smallest room is bound to be plentiful.
As you go through the halls admiring the artwork on the wall you spot Spencer doing the same, staring at a particular painting on the wall. You take just a second to appreciate the way he looks, standing there and analyzing art. You've always had an appreciation for Spencer, and not just for his good looks, but also his intelligence and his company.
Since your first day at the FBI you've felt drawn to him, he made you feel important, and heard, when others dismissed you. In fact, he's the reason you're on the BAU team in the first place. He was the only one to recognize your abilities and talents. You try not to hold a grudge about the fact the rest of the team was ready to let you transfer out after your internship. But instead of standing there and gawking at him like some braindead fool, you walk up to him, setting your bag on the floor beside your feet.
You look at the painting that's caught his attention and try to see what he does, try to think about how he interprets it. His mind is an amazing, complex thing, and you hope that one day you'll be able to understand just a small portion of it. It's a painting of the Great Rocky National Park, you can tell from the mountain formation and the river running through it. The painting is almost an identical match, as if it's actually a picture rather than painting. However, there's one small spot on the painting that looks like it's been painted over and over, it sticks out to you.
"What do you think happened there?" You point out the flaw and look up to Spencer, whose eyebrows are drawn closely together as he leans in and looks at the spot. After a few moments of quiet reflection, he stands back to his full height.
"I'm not sure. It looks like maybe the painter had difficulties finding the right shade." He says, still staring at the spot. Your eyes linger on his face before tearing them away before he catches on.
"You're probably right. I'm going to go find what room they left me." You say, grabbing your bag from beside you. Spencer bends over to pick up his as well,
"I should probably do the same." A small smile adorns his face, and the two of you begin walking through the cabin to find the empty rooms the team left you. According to the venue's website there should be one room for each agent, and you're thankful for that. You had never been a fan of sharing room with your coworkers, something about it just feels wrong, but when there's no way to avoid it you endure without much fuss.
The two of you check every room on the first floor only to find that they had all been claimed, meaning you two had to climb the stairs for rooms on the second level. Of course the rest of them would all claim the first floor rooms first, nobody likes to bother with stairs first thing in the morning.
You and Spencer find the empty rooms, side by side with direct access to the porch. You suppose there are worse rooms to have. Eager to step out onto the porch, you toss your bag on the bed and open the sliding door. Colorado's crisp air envelopes you as you step out and you take a deep breath. The air out here feels so clean and refreshing. Great Rocky National Park is directly in front of the porch, giving you an eagle's eye view of a portion of it as you lean onto the banister. Might as well enjoy a little bit of peace before you start working the case.
"Three women were found in the same spot days apart from each other. All bludgeoned and stabbed through the heart." The Park Ranger speaks, indicating to the crime scene that's been barricaded with yellow tape. The Ranger stares at the scene, which is now an inconspicuous patch of dirt and grass, as if there weren't several dead women resting here. The scene is right beside a big body of crystal blue water.
You hang back from the rest of the team, opting to look at the surroundings instead of the immediate scene. The team knows now that finding the tiny details is your forte, and they leave you to your own devices in the beginning of investigations. The cold breeze causes you to hold your too-thin jacket closer to your body as you begin your observations.
"They were all found in the same spot?" Hotch asks the Ranger, who confirms that all of the victims were found in the exact same spot. As you examine the landscape, your eyes narrow in an attempt to find even the subtlest detail. Before too long, you see something out of place in the lush grass and walk over to it while pulling on a pair of gloves.
There's a pamphlet laying in the grass and upon further examination you see that it's been marked up like someone gave the traveler directions. Directions right to this spot. The killer lured at least one victim here. This trail is far off the beaten path, it's not marked by the Rangers. Only someone familiar with the area would know about it.
"Look at this." You call out to your team, and soon a few of them join your side to examine what you found. Spencer and Morgan look over your shoulder at the pamphlet, which is in better condition than you would've thought considering it was laying in grass beside a body of water.
"They're familiar with the area, they had this planned." Spencer speaks up and you nod your head, agreeing with him. Morgan holds out an evidence bag once he's done looking at it and you slip it inside, protecting it from any further damage. Morgan walks off with the pamphlet, leaving you and Spencer together, both deep in thought.
"What have you come up with so far?" You ask softly, curious to see if his theories line up with yours. Spencer shifts his weight and sighs, looking back to the crime scene.
"The killer is organized. They lured at least one victim right to this spot, and I'm assuming they did the same with the others. And they had to have brought the weapons with them. While there are branches to bludgeon people with, there's no evidence of anything nearby being cut down recently. If they used a natural object, it's likely they would've tried to blend it back in with nature." He explains and you nod your head along with what he's saying as you observe the scene and the scenery surrounding you.
"Unless they tossed the weapon into the water. They could have easily used a rock to bludgeon the victims." You counter his explanation. Spencer and you always did this with one another when forming theories. Not as to dissuade, or prove the other wrong, but to make your theories and explanations stronger. It's one of the qualities you most like about him. His eyes drift to the water.
"They could have. But they had to have brought the knife, there's no natural substitute that would leave that precise of a wound." He says, and you relent, agreeing with him.
"I want to question the Rangers, get their work schedules, and see the call logs. I also want to know where the victims were staying and if there's any camera footage of them in the welcome center." You shiver with a gust of wind and hold your arms tighter around your body as you walk off to gather the information you want.
Spencer decides to join you in going to the welcome center, claiming that in a huge national forest that none of us should be traveling alone. He has a good point, but you wouldn't have objected to his company either way. The Ranger from the scene escorts you two to the welcome center in his cruiser, the warm air letting your fingers regain their feeling.
"Who found the bodies?" You ask as you hold your hands in front of the vent emitting warm air. The Ranger looks at you through the rearview mirror before focusing on the road again.
"I found one and Birch found the others during his patrols." He answers and you mentally make a note to find Birch.
"Is that area regularly patrolled?" You push further for more information and the Ranger shakes his head.
"No, it wasn't, until I found the first girl. She had to have been out there for at least three days. After that I sent Birch out to keep an eye on the area. He found victim two a couple days after the first, and found the third a single day after the second." He says and you look to Spencer, both noting the decrease in time between kills. A sinking feeling in your stomach tells you that if you don't find the killer soon, then you may be finding a fourth victim any day now.
Once you reach the welcome center, the Rangers are more than happy to provide you with the security camera footage, work schedules, call logs, and anything else you may need. In fact, it's Ranger Birch that hands over the information himself. He's a young man, maybe mid twenties, with meticulously groomed hair and pressed uniform pants.
"Thank you." You tell him with a warm smile, taking the footage and other information off the counter and into your hands. He nods back with a wide, white-toothed smile and tells you and Spencer to come back if you need anything else. The moment you step out of the welcome center you give Spencer a pointed look with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you think?" He asks you before you can ask him. You lick your lips and glance back into the welcome center, Ranger Birch still looking at you. Your eyes find Spencer's and you motion for him to follow you.
"I think he takes pride in both his appearance and work, and he knows the park well." Hotch pulls up in a black SUV to pick you and Spencer up to return you to the cabin, where the entire team will discuss what's been found so far.
The trip up to the cabin only takes about ten minutes. Your mind works to put pieces of the puzzle together the entire trip back, but there's just not enough known information yet, and it bothers you. You like to have answers quickly because the faster you get answers, the less people will die. Your leg bounces up and down the entire way back, eager to begin deciphering the evidence.
The SUV comes to a stop outside the cabin and before Hotch can turn the car off, you're out and making your way to the entrance. A man dressed in a casual flannel shirt hunched over the flowerbeds stops you in your tracks before you get to the front door. He wipes the dirt from his landscaping gloves onto his worn overalls as he greets you.
"Good afternoon ma'am, I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm James, I do the landscaping work around here and a few other cabins nearby." He offers you a warm smile, which you try your best to return, but your anticipation is causing you to become short.
"Nice meeting you." You go to walk into the cabin, but James' voice stops you once more. Spencer and Hotch approach, engaged in a conversation likely pertaining to what happened at the welcome center.
"Wait, ma'am. I never caught your name." James smile is reminiscent of an old friend, and he looks at you expectedly. Against your best wishes, you answer him, not wanting to be unnecessarily rude to your host.
"We'll, it's been a pleasure to meet you. Maybe I'll catch you around before you head out. Are you here for work?" He continues his conversation as Spencer and Hotch walk into the cabin undeterred by the landscaper. Maybe if you had just slowed down one of them would've been caught instead. James' eyes linger on the items in your hands.
"Yeah, the whole team is here for work." You answer, shuffling some items around in your grasp. James nods his head and tears his gaze away from the items, the warm smile returning to his face.
"Must be some important work if a whole team is here. By the looks of you all I'd say you're some sort of police." He guesses, eyeing the firearm that's strapped to your thigh. Your eyes narrow at the man, and you nod.
"Yeah, something like that. I really have to get going, they're probably waiting for me in there. Have a nice night, James." You find your exit route out of the conversation with the friendly mannered landscaper. As you step through the door you hear his voice call out to you once more.
"If there's anything I can do to help, number's in the guestbook." The door closes, and the conversation finally ends.
Taking a cleansing breath, you join the rest of the team who are all gathered around the rectangular dining table, which has been designated as the investigation headquarters. On the table are a slew of files, photos, and papers. You add the information gathered from the welcome center to that collection and Hotch starts the conversation.
Hotch reviews the known information and circulates photos of the victims. They're all beautiful young women, and according to Garcia, were staying at nearby resorts and cabins for vacation. The photos get passed to you and you look at them intently, committing to memory every detail you can absorb before you pass them along. It's obvious that these victims were chosen because of their physical appearance, they all share the same basic features such as hair color, eye color, and stature. And eerily, you seem to match the profile as well. 
"The physical appearance of the victim is important to the unsub. Having three victims with similar features is no mistake, nor is it a coincidence." You add to the conversation, seeing your team members look from you to the photos on the table. 
"Maybe the victims represent someone who scorned the unsub? Extracting revenge through them." Spencer suggests, and it's a good theory. You chew on the skin of your bottom lip as your mind races with theories and trying to piece the information together like a puzzle. 
After the general briefing, Hotch assigns Morgan and Prentiss to interview the Park Rangers to establish alibis, JJ and Garcia to continue conducting their online investigation, and Spencer and yourself to go over the welcome center footage. Hotch was going to speak to the people running the cabins the victims were staying at to see if there are any leads there. 
You and Spencer are on the second hour of footage when your eyes start becoming heavy. Reaching for the remote, you pause the footage and stretch, needing to take a break. 
"You want some coffee?" You ask him, needing something to keep yourself awake. He nods his head, 
"Yes, please." You stand from your seat and go to the kitchen to prepare the two of you some coffee. You're sure to put an ungodly amount of sugar in Spencer's, knowing that if you don't you'll hear him complain about it. And most times you enjoy the sound of his voice, but you don't know if you can stand hours of CCTV footage and him complaining about a lack of sugar right now.
You return to the table and place his mug in front of him, steam rising from it. You sip your own and resume your position at the table and reach for the remote. Spencer reaches for it at the same time, your hands brushing one another's. His hand is warm and soft, perfect for the chilly autumn air. 
"Sorry." You say, pulling your hand away and forcing any other thought than the footage from your mind, knowing that there's already a faint pink adorning your cheeks. No matter how long you've worked with him, even just simple touches is enough to send you spiraling if you let it. You try not to delve into what that might mean; you profile people for a living, the last thing you want to do is profile yourself. Without a word, Spencer just smiles back politely and presses play. 
The footage rolls and you two identify the victims who all showed up unaccompanied, which you find odd considering they were on vacation with their families. Your hand jots down quick notes in sloppy handwriting as you critically examine what you do, and don't, see in the footage. Spencer and you replay the footage showing the victims easily five times each, both silently taking notes, knowing you're going to compare soon. After watching the third victim's footage for the last time, you look over to Spencer, who's face is illuminated by the golden glow of the setting sun. 
"Do you want to go first?" He asks and you nod, trying not to stare at how the sunlight reflects the amber color in his warm prismatic eyes. You look down to your notes and try to get your thoughts straight before speaking. 
"I noted that all three victims walked into the welcome center with a pamphlet already in hand. None of them took the ones provided by the park. They all showed up alone. I can only assume that the unsub gave them the pamphlets with instructions on how to find the scene. Only, I'm willing to bet it was framed as a good-intentioned suggestion. There's no way those women would have gone if they didn't trust the unsub to some degree." Your eyes glance from your horribly written notes up to Spencer, who's leaning on the table, clinging to every word you say. He hums in consideration before he speaks up.
"I would agree. And if the victims were all staying at tourist destinations, those pamphlets were likely already there. So now the question is whether or not the unsub talked to them at their cabins or before they walked into the welcome center." He says, and a lightbulb goes off in your mind. 
"Wouldn't it make more sense for the unsub to speak to them at their cabins? I mean, if the unsub caught them in the parking lot there's a chance they might have their families with them. But if the unsub spoke to them at their cabins, the women might be persuaded to leave their families behind for some reason." You say, going with the logical deductions that pop into your mind. Spencer mulls over your words, his eyes narrowing, staring back at you in deep thought. 
"You're right. The unsub likely works for the resorts. It would give them access to the victims and it wouldn't be weird for them to give suggestions to guests." He confirms what you thought and you look back to the screen, seeing the third victim frozen in time. 
"We should let the team know." You say and Spencer nods. The two of you finish off your coffee and wait for the rest of the team to arrive. You're confident that the two of you have a solid lead on this case. You only hope you can find the unsub before there's a fourth victim.
The sun sets on the scenic landscape and you lean against the banister of the wraparound porch. The rest of the team isn't back yet, and the last thing you want to do is stay inside when it's so beautiful out here. The snowcapped mountain in the distance gleams brilliantly, and it's almost blinding, but you can't look away. Sounds of water rushing and birds chirping fill the air and if you let your mind relax enough it's almost like you're not here to solve murders. 
Your head rests atop of your arms on the railing and you breathe in the cool air. The breeze gently blows your hair around, sending a shiver up your spine. You had severely underestimated how cold it would be here, and as a result, you failed to pack adequately because you were basing your packing off of Virginia fall time temperatures, which are noticeably warmer. 
The sliding door opens and you turn to see Spencer walking out of his room. He joins your side and leans forward on the railing, looking out at the breathtaking view. His curly brown hair gets blown into his face, and you have to stop yourself from reaching out and tucking it behind his ear. You're also enjoying the breathtaking view. 
He looks at peace, which is not something you usually see in him. His mind works overtime almost twenty four hours a day, especially on cases. It has to be torturous sometimes, to never get a reprieve from your own thoughts; and that's something you know all too well. There are some nights where you can't sleep because gruesome memories from the job haunt you. 
Noticing that you're staring at him, you turn your gaze back to the colorful trees. The two of you enjoy a moment of tranquility together, a rare moment in the fast-paced career you pursued. A bird flies by, and you can only imagine what that freedom feels like. Most times you feel like your job keeps you cemented in one place, always dealing with death and the most heinous monsters that reside in this world. You often forget just how beautiful and free life can be. 
A particularly crisp breeze comes through and you visibly shiver, which Spencer notices. Without a word, he goes into his room and comes back moments later with the throw blanket that was folded at the bottom of the bed. It's burnt orange in color and is made of faux fur, warm and soothing. Spencer drapes it over your shoulders and you hold onto the ends, keeping it secure around you. If you could stay in this moment forever, you would. 
Spencer stands so closely beside you that you feel his warmth coming through the blanket, and without much thought, or care, you lean into him just slightly. He makes no effort to move, and the two of you stay like that for what seems like an eternity. His warmth and his smell are so comforting and makes you feel safe. Deep down in your heart you know he makes you feel at home.
The two of you enjoy each other's company in a peaceful silence. There's never been the need to fill the silence with him, like there is the others. While you two are quite talkative in the team dynamic, when you find yourselves alone it's often relaxed with no expectations. You two talk when you want, or is needed, but when there's nothing to say you're more than happy to just be around him. And you hope he feels the same about you, and you think he does, but you're never brave enough to ask for fear of ruining whatever relationship it is that you two share.
Sighing, you cuddle yourself further into the blanket as the sun dips lower and lower, the golden hue turning orange. Spencer moves beside you, and you see his fingers twitch, like he was going to reach out for something but doesn't. Your head turns to look at him above you, and his head lowers, so that your eyes meet one another. 
You had always known his eyes were beautiful, but up this close you can truly admire the depth of them. The golden hues remind you of the sunsets, the green in them is like the rich moss that adorns the sides of the rocks; or like the pine needles on the tall trees, and the brown is reminiscent of swirling espresso. Taken aback from his closeness and the heat creeping up your spine, your lips fall open and his eyes glance between them and your eyes. He's so close to you, your bodies practically pressed against one another. You feel yourself being drawn to him, like he has his own magnetic pull. 
But whatever was about to happen is cut short by the rest of the team arriving back to the cabin. You and Spencer seem to come back to reality and step away from one another. Flustered, you unwrap the blanket from your shoulders and hand it back to him, already missing the warmth.
"Thank you." Your voice is soft and tender, and his hand brushes your own as he grabs the blanket from you. 
"Of course." He smiles softly back, and the two of you part ways to join the rest of your team downstairs to catch up on the latest information. But you can barely pay attention to what is being said, for your mind is drowning with flashes of Spencer out on the porch. 
The next morning you wake up as the sun shines in through the windows, illuminating the room beautifully and warmly. Hotch had given everyone the night to mull over the information and said that the investigation will pick right back up in the morning. After you get dressed and ensure your service weapon is properly attached to the harness around your thigh, you make your way down the stairs for a morning cup of coffee. Morgan, Prentiss, and Hotch are already sat at the table, picking at some toast for breakfast as they get the sleep rid from their systems. 
You make a cup for yourself and Spencer, knowing he will be up any moment now. As per usual, too much sugar gets put into his and then you pour your own. The warm drink calms your nerves and you close your eyes, trying to get your mind prepared for whatever the day may bring. You know there may very well be a fourth victim found soon and you need to be on the top of your game to find the unsub.
"Good morning." A raspy voice makes your eyes open, and you see Spencer walking into the kitchen, dressed in a button up and tie. It's quite casual for him, but you like it, it looks nice on him. 
"Good morning, made yours right here." You say and nod over to the mug on the counter. He looks from you to the mug with a smile on his face.
"Thanks." He says, and the two of you stay in the kitchen, sipping on your coffee and waiting for Hotch to give everyone orders. 
"Feeling good about today?" It's something you always ask when an investigation seems to be coming to a close. You think it sets a tone, an expectation that the team will succeed. Spencer sips his drink and nods, 
"I feel good about today." He confirms, flashing his bright white smile. 
Last night, after the team had arrived, Hotch had shown everyone the list of employees from the neighboring resorts and cabins and today the team will be interviewing those employees. You're convinced the unsub has to be on that list and you intend to find out who it is. The questions have already been sorted in your mind, though you're able to adapt to anyone's personality and are prepared to get answers. 
"Same teams as yesterday, we're going to divide and conquer." Hotch says, handing each team a list of names. You look down at the list he handed you and see that there are a total of fifteen employees for the small resort that you and Spencer are covering. It catches your attention that seven of the fifteen are women, and you mentally place them lower on your suspect list. This doesn't seem like a crime women usually commit, no, this seems like the work of a man as evidenced by the brute force used. 
Morgan and Prentiss take off in one car, Hotch takes another, leaving you and Spencer with your own SUV. The two of you gather your needed materials, such as photos and notepads, before you head out. Spencer grabs the keys and tells you that he's going to warm up the car as you finish organizing your things, and you're grateful for that. Sitting in a cold car doesn't really appeal to you right now. 
Once you're content with the items you've chosen to bring along you head out of the cabin. The bright light almost blinds you, and you squint in order to see. From the corner of your eye you see something move, and when you turn to look you see it's the landscaper from the other day, already flagging you down. Resisting the strong urge to just ignore him, you wait for him to reach you on the porch steps. He looks like he's already been hard at work today, he's covered in dirt and sweat. 
"Well good mornin'. Got anything interesting going on today?" He asks, shielding his eyes from the light with his gloved hand. You shift your weight and look to the running SUV, already planning your escape route out of this conversation. 
"Uh, yeah, you could say it'll be an interesting day." You reply as politely as you can. James smiles widely at your response. 
"What sort of thing you have planned?" He asks and you sigh, not wanting to be part of this conversation any longer. 
"I'm not at liberty to say, but I've gotta go, my partner is waiting for me." You excuse yourself from the conversation before he can get another word in. From behind you, you hear him say. 
"Well alright then, I'll be around if you need anything." As you slide into the driver's side of the car and hand your bag to Spencer, you see the man heading back to the tool shed. 
"That's twice now that he's singled me out." You say, keeping your eye on him for a moment longer, watching his moves. The fact that you match the victim profile is not lost on you, and you think it might be making you just slightly paranoid.
"I noticed that too. Could be that you were the first one there the last time, and the last one out this time, but it's definitely something to keep note of." Spencer says as you drive off to the tiny resort the two of you had been assigned. You know he might be right, but the man went out of his way to flag you down this morning and completely ignored everyone else. An uneasy feeling in your stomach tells you that the landscaper should be looked into more thoroughly. 
When you and Spencer reach the resort you waste no time in beginning your investigations. The two of you are laser focused on the task at hand, and agree to split the list equally. Spencer volunteered himself to question the extra person. Luckily, the front desk attendant was more than helpful and secured two rooms for the interviews to be conducted. 
The first four interviews go by without incident, all front desk attendants and kitchen workers who have no indication of manipulative traits and answer your questions openly. You've done this enough times to spot exactly what you're looking for, you know what gets under the skin of unsubs, especially the organized ones who think they have it all figured out. 
A couple other interviewees give you good information about the victim who stayed here. They tell you how they remember seeing her with her family in the hall, and how nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the room when it was cleaned. Hotch had questioned the families last night, and cleared them from the suspects list. 
By the time you reach the end of your list, you know you can safely cross every one of them off. None of them responded to the misinformation you sprinkled in the questions, things the unsub would've been known to be untrue. And none of them had any sort of reaction to you insulting the intelligence of the unsub, something that would have surely set them off in some way. But to your dismay, none of them had any clue of who could be capable of this kind of malice. Typically, there's at least one person who's able to spot something weird about someone, but not this time. 
You group back up with Spencer, the two of you comparing notes in the room he used for his questioning. He had the same results as you and you both were hoping someone else on the team was more successful. 
"We got all of them except for James Hilton. The others said he bounces around to each place and some days he's not even here." Spencer says, pointing out the only uncrossed name from the list. 
"James Hilton. That's the landscaper." You say, barely able to recall his name from yesterday. The uneasy feeling in your stomach grows. 
In the afternoon, the team reconvenes in the cabin around the table to compare findings. Every other agent was able to interview everyone but James Hilton. Granted, his job requires him to go from location to location, but it seems like he's been hanging out around this cabin often. However, he was nowhere to be found when everyone came back. But maybe he went to another location to work on their flowerbeds. 
"We'll need to get his statement today. Anyone up to track him down?" Usually you volunteer to go after someone like this, but something is telling you not to, and you listen to your instincts. Thankfully Morgan offers to track him down, and Prentiss joins him once more. You pick at a piece of paper on the table as your mind works, mulling over what you know about the case and the overly-friendly landscaper. 
Before Morgan and Prentiss leave, Spencer informs the team about the conversations that James has dragged you into. You tell them exactly what happened, and they all agree that it seems suspicious. Hotch goes off to make some calls to JJ and Garcia, leaving you and Spencer at the table. 
"Hey, are you okay?" Spencer asks, leaning forward on the table. His voice snaps you out of your trance and you cease to fiddle with the paper. 
"Me? Yeah I'm fine, why?" You ask, not sure why he's concerned. He looks conflicted, opening and closing his mouth a few times before he answers. 
"Well, it's just that you fit the victim profile and the conversations with the landscaper seem to be suspicious. And you keep playing with the paper which is an indication of anxiety." He says, trying his best to not profile you in front of your face. 
"Spencer, I'm okay, promise. I was just thinking." You tell him, and it's the truth. While James makes you feel uneasy, you're confident that nothing will happen to you. Spencer nods and you stand from the table, wanting to inspect the cabin with finer detail and stretch your legs. 
After going from room to room looking for the tiniest thing that might be relevant to the case, you find yourself staring at the same photo that caught Spencer's eye when you all first arrived. There's something about it, something about the discolored spot, that you just can't let go of. It's bothering you for some reason. Frustrated, you take it off the wall and bring it to where Spencer is in the main living area, nose in a book. He looks up from the page when he hears you coming, his eyebrows scrunching closely together. 
"What are you doing?" He asks, putting the book on a side table. You place the painting on the large coffee table and put your hands on your hips. 
"There's something about this that's driving me insane." You say, eyes drifting from Spencer's face to the painting. It takes Spencer all of ten seconds to analyze the painting again. 
"It's the same place the bodies were found." He says and your eyes widen, taking in the scene again and realizing he's right. 
"Wait. If this is the same place the bodies were found, then that, is the exact spot they were in." You say, pointing to the discolored spot. The discoloration is where the grass meets the water, the mountain in the background. Your eyes drift to the bottom corner of the painting where you see a cursive 'J' painted in white. 
"Do you think the killer is the one who painted this?" Spencer asks you, and you nod. 
"I'm sure of it. There's a J painted in the corner. It has to be Hilton. Can you call Garcia?" You ask, mind feeling like it's running a marathon. Spencer doesn't hesitate to get Garcia on the phone. 
"Hello my beautiful boy genius, what can I do for you today?" Penelope's voice sounds throughout the room and you smirk at her entertaining phone greeting. 
"Hello my beautiful computer genius, can you do me a favor?" You speak first and you can hear her laugh through the phone. 
"Oh my darling anything for you." Her voice is melodic and you shake your head at her antics. You love Garcia, she's one of your closest friends inside and outside of work. 
"Can you find anything on a James Hilton from the Boulder, Colorado area?" You ask her, knowing your answer is about to be served on a silver platter in just a few moments. Garcia's quick typing echoes through the phone. 
"James Hilton, born and raised in Boulder. Has been working as a property manager for the last ten years at the property you all are staying at. Has one traffic record from the nineties, but other than that he's clean." She says, but you were hoping for something more incriminating. 
"Anything about a wife, or a girlfriend? Maybe even a sister or mother?" You ask her, staring down a the painting. 
"It looks like he was in a long term relationship with Valerie Wilson, also of Boulder. But according to her Facebook page, they are over with." She says, Spencer and you looking at each other, knowing you may have just found a potential piece of the puzzle. 
"Perfect. Can you tell me what she looks like and how to contact her?" You ask and write down the details Garcia recites. After you get the needed information, Spencer hangs up and calls Hotch to inform him of what the two of you just found out. Hotch tells us that he's on his way back to the cabin after he's done with the last interview. 
The painting lays in front of you two, and you take a seat on the arm of the chair Spencer is sitting in, your leg brushing up against his and your arm resting behind his head to keep yourself stable. Your eyes are glued to the discoloration, and you know there's just something about it that's more than just not being able to find the right shade. 
"Is there a way to see if something has been painted over?" You ask Spencer rather than Googling it, knowing he can probably get you an answer faster. He clears his throat and nods his head.
"A few years ago it was found that Vincent Van Gogh painted over several of his works due to the cost of canvas. Experts used x-ray to see through the layers, revealing the original painting." His answer is exactly what you were looking for.
"We have to get this thing x-rayed. And someone needs to contact Valerie and ask her about her relationship with James. His tool shed should be examined as well" You jump off the chair's arm, ready to leave immediately, but having to wait for Hotch before you can proceed with anything else. 
Hours later, your leg is bouncing up and down, eagerly awaiting the results of the x-ray. The hospital staff had never encountered something quite like this, but you were thankful that they were cooperative. Spencer had come along with you while Hotch stayed back to get in contact with Valerie. You check your phone every ten seconds to see if you have a new message for him, but your screen is blank.
Thankfully, a few minutes later an x-ray technician comes out and beckons you to a dark room where she clips the x-ray images onto a lightboard. While the images aren't in color, you can still see exactly what you need to. The images show that where the discoloration is, there used to be a woman standing and a man on one knee. A gasp leaves your mouth, the pieces finally fitting together in your mind. Without a doubt, James is the unsub. 
Spencer and you race back to the cabin and spill the findings to the rest of the team. Hotch informs you that Valerie had confirmed that James recently proposed, but she turned him down. All of the victims match her appearance. He must have been killing to fulfill some sort of revenge he felt was necessary. 
The team calls each of the resorts that James is employed at only to find that he's not at any of them. While the others scramble to try and find a way to find him, your eyes land on the guestbook. 
"Guys. I can call him. He told me his number is in the guestbook and we know I fit the profile. He won't be able to help himself." You say, and the others don't have any good reason as to why you shouldn't do it. Your hands shake from the adrenaline as you dial the numbers and the phone rings, your heartbeat resounding in your ears. You're so close to catching this depraved man. 
"Hello?" He answers finally. You let go of a breath you weren't aware you were holding and speak up.
"Hi James, you told me to call you if I needed help with anything. And, um, I think I might have broken one of the outside lights." You quickly come up with a lie, hoping to lure him out here for the arrest. You hear him moving around on the other end and the start of an engine. 
"Of course, I'll be there in just a moment, honey." He says and you hang up the phone, trying not to gag from his pet name. 
It takes James all of fifteen minutes to reach the cabin. When he pulls up, the entire team is waiting for him, but you were the one with cuffs in your hands. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Hotch and Morgan were out the door ordering him to the ground. With smug satisfaction, you step over the man and secure his hands in cuffs behind his back. 
As the local police show up to take him away, he's spitting every expletive in the book at you. Rage and hatred show themselves very clearly on his face, and you see who he really is. You smile sickly sweet at him as he's shoved into the back of the cop car. Another monster off the street, unable to do harm to another woman. It's like a weight gets lifted from your shoulders. 
After the excitement of the arrest, you come down off your adrenaline rush. The rest of the team are packing, getting ready to leave in the morning, but you can't find it within yourself to do it. You're too struck by the beauty in front of you to worry about going back home. You just don't want to part with this yet. So you find yourself out on the wraparound porch once more, the sun retreating far too quickly behind the horizon for your liking. 
Despite the waning sun, the landscape looks brighter, more vibrant now that you know that the killer is in custody. Usually, the team gets only a few hours of celebration before you're saddled with paperwork and the next case. A bird flies past again, and you appreciate its freedom again. Its sweet melodies carry in the breeze and soothes your weary soul. 
You love your job, you can't imagine doing anything else, but it does wear on you. Both physically and mentally. Before you had started working with the team, you never could have imagined the kind of evil lurking everywhere, even in a place as gorgeous as this. But now, it's like wherever you look, no matter how beautiful the surroundings, you can always spot something amiss. You feel weighted by the knowledge of what reality actually is. 
The familiar sound of the sliding door catches your attention, and you see Spencer coming towards you, blanket in hand. A smile finds its way onto your face as he closes the distance between you, securing the blanket around your shoulders. Just like yesterday, he stands right beside you, admiring the view. 
"The others are all leaving tonight, they said they want to get a headstart on the papers. But I told them we'd go back in the morning." His voice is raspy, yet soft.
"But what about the plane?" You ask, eyebrows knitting together. He shrugs his shoulders and looks down at you. 
"I told them we'd fly back in the morning, already have the tickets arranged." He says, easing some of your anxiousness, but not satisfying your curiosity.
"Why?" You search for the answer on his face. 
"Because I saw how much you like it here. You deserve one workless night." He says with sincerity and your heart swells at the sentiment. You fully turn towards him, soft blanket draped lightly across your shoulders. You notice that Spencer has traded his button up for a simple pullover. Something so simple has never looked so good before. 
"Thank you, you really didn't have to-" He cuts you off with a smile, 
"I know, but I wanted to." He admits, pink coloring his cheeks. You stare up at him in awe, not quite sure what you did to deserve his thoughtfulness. Not being able to hold back your affections, you reach out and engulf him in a hug. 
"Thank you, Spencer." You reiterate into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around you. After a few fleeting, precious moments, you let go of him. Staring up into his eyes, you reach a hand up and stroke the soft skin of his cheekbone with your thumb. He doesn't flinch from your touch like he does with others, no, he leans into it as if he's savoring the feeling.
His arm that was around your waist come up to cup your cheek, and he gently brings your face towards his, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. You hold him close, a flurry of warmth spreading from your face down to your body. His other hand finds its way around your waist, securing you to his body. 
You break the kiss as your chest begins burning with the need of oxygen, and he rests his forehead against yours. Your hands come up to gently grasp the sides of his face, keeping him in place so that you can admire his beauty. After minutes pass by in silence as you two appreciate each other, Spencer tilts his head up and kisses your forehead. 
He turns you around so that you're facing away from him, and he grabs the blanket from around your shoulders. Seconds later, you feel him standing behind you, wrapping the soft blanket around the both of you. His chest is behind you, and he hands you the edges of the blanket so that his hands might find the soft curve of your waist. Spencer pulls you in to him so that you're leaning back on his chest. 
His presence is enough to make you forget about the horrors of the world, of your job. Right now, it's just you and him, and you've never felt lighter; so unburdened. You're convinced that if he wasn't there, holding onto you with his magnetic pull, that you may just float away in the breeze like a feather. 
Spencer rests his head atop of yours as the two of you relax your minds and bodies, focusing solely on each other and the scene in front of you. Your hands come down to entwine themselves with his with a soft smile on your face. 
A lone tear falls from the corner of your eye as you're overcome with emotion. You cannot recall a single time in your life that you've felt this serene, where everything just feels perfect. Your soul is well nourished and full from Spencer alone. All of those cases you worked together, the stolen glances across the office, the simple acts of kindness and thoughtfulness for each other has culminated to this one precious moment in time; and you've never felt more content. 
The sun eventually sets behind the horizon, the chilly breeze billowing the blanket around you both. Above you in the sky, the stars shine brightly, and you tip your head back to admire them. You can never admire their true beauty in Quantico, their shine is dulled by light pollution, but you can see them clearly here. You can see everything clearly here.
"You know, scientists estimate that there are about two hundred sextillion stars in the sky within the Milky Way." Spencer whispers in your ear as you two bask in their soft white light. You turn around in his hold and smile up at him, 
"And yet none shine as brilliantly or as beautifully as you." You say, and pull him in for another soft, heartfelt kiss. As you pull away, you watch as his eyes flutter open and he smiles endearingly. You've never seen such a beautiful sight, never felt comfort as warm as him, and you know as you lean into his embrace, that you will not bear the weight of this world or this life alone. 
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yolkema · 1 month
pleasantview has grown and changed a lot in the past 41 years since the beginning, so i decided to do a little renovation for 290 main street ! (aka the supermarket and the electronics/games store) annoyingly it's winter outside the lot but the trees and everything are still in spring. i'm not sure what caused that (i assume it's because the burb family went to shop here earlier this round while it was snowing and the game saved it? idk) the exterior hasn't changed very much, but i kind of like it the way it is anyway
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i'm pretty happy with how this turned out, especially the electronics store. i mainly went with a purple/pink color scheme because of the maxis diamond wallpaper they used and i wanted to keep some of that in my game. it was also pretty nice to finally update the bathroom because the original layout annoyed me (especially since i have non-gendered bathroom doors. this lot has already used them for a while, but it effectively meant that sims would just walk through the bathrooms to access either store. now they can just walk across the hall!) something i wish i could find are more modern phone/electronic display cases that would work like the kiosk where your sims could purchase from them. i tried to search for cc like that but all i would find are cc/default cellphones sadly not pictured is the fact that i updated the parking lot so that the layout also makes more sense and more cars can be parked. i don't really have much parking lot decor (kinda interested in the idea but not atm)
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A tragedy in two parts:
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Don't worry, Rust gives some head pets later as a "good boy" without actually calling Zero a "good boy".
Forgot to post this here lmao (also sorry if the layout is strange, I'm on my cellphone not my PC lmao). I have more Zero x Rust brainrot art coming soon and maybe some other stuff..? Tbh Zero and Rust have consumed my time and I've not worked on anything else lmfaoooo.
Zero throwing it back thing is in reference to this video:
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bookishdaze · 7 months
Proximus Caesar, Bunker, and Flood Theory? Kinda????
I've been trying to understand the layout of Proximus Caesar's kingdom, and I just wanna share what I found while I did, so here are some random thoughts. Maybe a theory? And some rambling and me getting confused as to what I'm looking at. Let's grab our tinfoil hats and let's gooooooo!
First off, here is my mini theory. I never really noticed this thing circled in red in the corner until recently. It looks manmade. Aaaand it looks like it's moving? I can't tell if it's stationary and the camera is moving, or it's moving open like a....door?
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As in this door? I'm honestly not 100% sure. But it looks like this scene is when Proximus is entering this underground place for the first time after finally getting it open, and he has his two buddies backing him up.
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And in the trailer, I think Proximus is shouting "PULL!" And we see a shot of apes pulling at something heavy with chains. Maybe they are trying to open this door? And maybe this is also why he is taking some apes as slaves? To do all this pulling?
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And I have no idea what that door leads to. Bunker where humans live? An abandoned weapons depot?
Now the reason why I think it could be a bunker with humans, and I acknowledge this is DEFINITELY a stretch, is because during the shot where I think it's a door opening and he's entering this underground place for the first time, we hear Proximus say "Bend for your king." And well, he'd only say that to people aka humans?
And I totally get it's a stretch, I know, but a lot of the dialogue in the trailers we've gotten so far is matched with scenes in a way that hint at what the story could be about. But like I said, a stretch. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Plus, we know for sure Proximus is fascinated by human tech, (airplanes, cellphones) and he wants to LEARN. And I don't think he can access and understand this tech by himself. He'll need some smart humans. Sure, maybe he only wants one human and that's why he is hunting Mae. But why not enslave multiple intelligent humans and force them to teach you?
Something else to talk about. This explosion is destroying the wall that is right next to the ocean. This means the entire place will be flooded, which will be like the Flood from Noah's Ark.
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And IF the big door is open while all that water is rushing in, they're all gonna be sucked into that hole in the ground, and let's just hope that Noa, Mae, and everyone knows how to swim, because it's about to get really wet here.
Also, can we talk about how that spot is a.... VERY inconvenient place to set up your kingdom? Without that wall, that entire place would be covered in water. That wall looks barely tall enough to keep the water at bay.
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screentimeoverlord · 4 months
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Vox has sent Rosie a little box, inside of it was a more primitive version of a cellphone, simple, able to text and call and that was just about it. Taking into account of her not wanting too much electrical advancements in her little dainty town. Inside was a letter with how to call and the number for his own phone. Along with a small date, time and place where to meetup for their next little date. He was taking her out for a picnic, in Cannibal Town no less, since it was quite suited for it with the layout.
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h0p3l3ssromantic · 1 year
a/n: this is my first fic that I wrote at the ass crack of dawn in an hour lol pls be kind and leave any comments or suggestions🤭 I’m not sure if I’ll write more but here goes nothing
Word count: <1k
Synopsis: y/n loves jeongin’s hands and upon getting a certain text and image, loses her shit. Based purely on my own fixation on skz hands and my daily thought of them being wrapped around my own neck. I had to get this off my chest🙃
Warnings: angst?? Idek lmao, Smut for sure
This writing is intended for readers 18 years of age and over
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Cellphone rings *1 attachment
“Baby look at this ring I designed for stay, isn’t it pretty?!”
You don’t read that until after about 5 minutes though because like the nasty slut you are, you have been staring at his big…masculine hand and his perfect, long fingers and you don’t even notice the slight clenching happening between your legs. The longer you stare the hotter and stronger that feeling in your stomach is getting.
“Baby? You don’t like it?”
Second message snapping you out of your pervy thoughts and you quickly reply,
“baby I- I love it, im sorry I just got lost as I looked at this picture you know I love your hands and you know what they do to me”… hitting send as you bit your bottom lip for dear life
Incoming call from My Love♥️
“h-hello my love” you stutter
“Mhmm and what do my hands do to you baby?”
This is the final straw, your hips begin rolling on nothing, and you can’t help it as you place your hand in pants and start rubbing small circles on your clit
“Cat got your tongue baby?”
You need him and you need him now. You need his hands around your throat, with the rest of the necklaces he’s given you
“When are you coming home?” You practically moan, still touching yourself
“Aht aht be a good girl and tell me what my fingers do for you while you make yourself cum and I’ll tell you”
Fuck, this man will be the death of you
“Mhmm innie please don’t make me”-
You hear the front door open and innie standing in the doorway. Watching you in all your needy glory and any other time you would be shy but not now. Walking up to you and he hangs up the call
“Does my needy little slut need some help with her words today? Hmm?”
Running his left hand up your left inner thigh,
“Do you like how my hands feel here?”
You let out a shaky “y-yes”
Pulling down his sweatpants as he continues further up near your wetness, gliding his fingers in between your folds
“and what about here? Do you like how my hands touch you here baby?”
“Fuckkk yes innie”
How did a simple picture lead to here? You think
Lining himself up with your entrance and he brings his fingers up your mouth and like the slut you are you happily open wide and taste yourself letting out a needy moan. But his hand still not where you want him the most. Around your neck. Taking the initiative, you place his hand on your neck as he enters you and the sound you let out as he lightly squeezes is nothing short of pornographic.
“Oh my baby likes when my hand touches her here huh? You like when you choke you while I fuck you don’t you baby? You like when you can’t breathe? You like my hands that much?”
Whispering you as he fucks you quite literally into an oblivion
And all you can do is nod slightly as your eyes roll to the back of your head, as your hands joins his around your neck, and all you can think about is how good you feel in this moment so full with hands wrapped around your neck, your favorite necklace…
Thank you for reading! I’m super nervous, and any comments and feedback on technique or layout of writing would be much appreciated, smooches💋
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lesbiansgoal · 1 year
For drinks
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Keep this saved to your cellphone so you know what to look out for.
My advice is to call a friend you trust to see if they can pick you up, or even a co-worker of relative to have a safe backup plan. Stay close to employees when eating or drinking.
If you get up to leave (bathroom for example) DO NOT take a sip of the same drink, ask for a new one (even if it's water, tea, soda, etc. etc).
Get to know the layout of where you're going. Know where the exits are.
Carry a personal alarm, pepper spray with UV ink so its easier to see for the authorities or anyone that has a blacklight / UV detector, and a taser (if it's legal and you don't need a permit for it)
Go for the throat (punch) if you need to defend yourself (if you don't have any of the above) it will knock the wind out of them and give you enough time to get to safety. Twisting their arm roughly and quickly to the right with your dominant hand will make them be in pain. Kicking girls / women between the legs hurts just as much as kicking guys / men between the legs. (Self defense only)
DO NOT turn your cellphone off for any reason. Carry a charger or power bank with you.
Make sure people you trust know where you are and can come get you if you need them to.
Don't drink more than one alcoholic beverage if you're driving there.
If you're taking an Uber, Lyft, Taxi, etc. etc. Make sure you look at them to see their facial features and ALWAYS make sure you feel safe with the person driving.
If your gut / sixth sense tells you something is wrong, listen to it.
DO NOT let anyone buy you a drink.
Wear flats or sneakers (or have them as backup if you don't want to wear them there).
Take hand sanitizer with you.
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I hope all of these help.
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painted-bees · 4 months
[Not a question, but a shy, long winded thank you.]
1: Seriously, thank you for sharing the Hi-Note group!  I don’t remember which comic I saw first -not “ticket”- but it was dynamic and flowed so nicely that I sought out more.  Ended up on your Lark&Wren website to consume all the writing and art alike! Which by the way I appreciate the simply site layout-easy to follow along.  I loved reading about them so much I finally made my first social media account.  I grew up without internet/cellphones/social media so never felt a need for any social media account.  But I wanted to learn all the extra little tidbits about these two-turned-three-plus-cat you have on here.
2: I grew up in an era/area/family that heavily dissuaded ..being “different”.  Don’t look/act/ask questions about/acknowledge being different.  Pretty much hammered in “keep your head down and be unseen.”  I just learned to live with feeling broken, never even dared to look into any of the things “wrong” with me as an adult living on my own because there was SO MUCH stigma.  I hated how that felt so I chose to accept people however they wished to be perceived.  As long as I wasn’t being forced to change, reveal anything about myself, or be “seen” I didn’t care what anyone else thought or did.
But reading about the humans of Hi-Note, a lot of their alignments/disorders/etc resonate with me -and to see them still being so unconditionally loved!  I finally know terminology and feel brave enough to research these things… but more importantly I feel less broken and alone.
So yes, a very long winded THANK YOU!! For sharing Hi-Note with the world.
oh, this is both wonderful and heartbreaking to read. You deserve to know and understand yourself and to do the things you need to do in order to live comfortably with yourself and be understood and loved by those you surround yourself with. I'm glad the trio could help you see and understand that you're definately not alone, and that you've got folks out here who share your struggles and are similarily just trying to do their best with the hand they've been dealt. And--regardless of the fruitfulness of our efforts--we all deserve unconditional love... and to love unconditionally♡
Thank you for this message--it was one of the first things I read when I woke up this morning..!
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thekristen999 · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday
I've actually made progress on my terror and angst fic. \o/ Previous snippet here.
One day my brain and my Muse will be friends and I'll be able to write or read more than twice a week.
The front doors were unlocked. In fact, they rusted. Eddie pushed one of them open, wincing at the loud creaking noise it made. Buck grimaced in response, the two of them walking inside the lobby.
Eddie searched for a light switch, but Buck shook his head. "We shouldn’t attract attention." He pulled out his cellphone and turned on the flashlight function, keeping it pointed at the floor.
All school layouts were usually the same. The front offices were on the left and the main hallway straight ahead. It only took a minute before Eddie realized that this place hadn’t seen a student in years. The floor tiles were chipped and covered in dust, parts of the ceiling was missing, and most of the walls were covered in graffiti.
"I guess we can rule out robbery," Buck whispered.
"Could be kids making more wall art," Eddie suggested.
A beam of light bounced off the far wall at the end of the hallway they were down. Eddie held out his arm, stopping Buck in his tracks, both of them freezing when the light disappeared.
Eddie licked his lips. "I think they're in corridor on the left. The flash light beam is just hitting the opposite wall."
It was a clear-cut choice. Stay or go.
He glanced at Buck, who nodded.
They went down the hallway.
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heliswife · 6 months
url change! cellphone-love-story -> 4-leaf-cloverr! layout change coming soon!
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theyareweird · 9 months
Vampire Knight Is Set In Germany
Vampire Knight is a Japanese manga series written by Matsuri Hino. The manga series contains a total of nineteen volumes and was later given its own anime adaption with two seasons. Because of this, many fans assume Vampire Knight is set in Japan, like most anime series. However, this doesn't mean the franchise has to be based on Japan simply because it was created by a Japanese woman. The true setting of this vampiric world is set in a European country.
Time Period
During the recent events in the series, when it's not a flashback, it would most likely be somewhere between the mid nineties and mid two-thousands. There's no traces of modern day technology like smartphones or tablets. Instead, students have flip cellphones.
Most of the time, people are walking everywhere they go. If characters need to travel, but walking would physically be too much, they would take a horse-drawn carriage. On rare occasions, characters have to drive from wherever they are to reach the town. From there, they're expected to walk, even when getting to the school. (Season 1, Episode 7). A motor vehicle would likely be used if characters are traveling extremely long distances, as it would allow them to travel faster. Meanwhile, a horse-drawn carriage would aquire food, water and rest for the animals on a long trip. Thus, it could take a full day or days to complete. In fact, Cross Academy has stables for their horses. Due to this, it makes sense the setting takes place in Europe as certain cities and towns have laws prohibiting the use of motor vehicles to preserve the air and land. This is especially the case in more smaller, isolated civilizations.
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The Landscape
The species of the trees are Pine and Fir. In her flashback, Yuki describes the landscape as a snowy tundra. Japan doesn't have tundras. It also doesn't have these specific evergreen trees, at least not in the multitude to where the town and school appear isolated by them. Secluded wooded, northern areas are common in certain European countries. Some examples include: Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, etc. Due to this, towns and cities can be a ways apart from each other. Specifically, miles. Some neighborhoods can be miles away from the nearest school or hospital too.
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The Architecture
Cross Academy's exterior strongly resembles a cathedral rather than a modern educational institution building. The classroom layout is quite similar to a lecture hall. Meanwhile, all Japanese schools are set on one template, sliding doors with single desks.
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The town appears to be a rural European area. Specifically, a pre-modern Germany or some Nordic town. The architecture of the buildings seem to have more of a western world design. Occasionally, there are also ruins. The ruins are likely from the middle ages or the Renaissance period than the feudal era of Japan. In some shots, the town looks to be located somewhere in the northern UK.
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Vampire Population
There are too many vampires in one location. In Japan, if vampires were this widely known, the country would have found out by now. This is because Japan is an archipelago. Meanwhile, a large Western European country could conceal a small population of vampires among a widely human populated area. Thus, most of the characters have to be European.
Character Designs
With the exception of Shizuka Hio being Japanese, the remaining vampires are European. This is because most of the characters have light coloured hair and light coloured eyes. In fact, dark hair seems to be rare. Looking at the age of the vampire race in the series, vampires have been around longer than Japan's history as a country. Pureblood vampires would have one ancestry decent, such as English or French. The Aristocrat noble vampires would have more than one ancestry decent. The physical traits of commonly having blond hair and blue eyes suggest German decent is common. Although many of the names are Japanese, it could be the fault of the author for not taking into account how she set the characters in a European-like setting.
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In conclusion, the main setting of Vampire Knight is set in an Eastern European or Nordic country. Nothing indicates the setting is Japan. Considering the general physical location, along with many of the character's traits and characteristics, it's likely set in Germany.
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myinconnelly1 · 6 months
Nameless Need - Part 3 Friend
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W/c: 839
Summary: Selena 'Lena' Allen convinces her neighbor, Adam, to pretend to be her boyfriend so that a Stalker will leave her alone. Things get a little out of hand after that.
Warnings: Injury, hospitalization, were totally ignoring that you shouldn’t treat someone that you are in a relationship with for legal reasons here
It had been weeks since Lena had seen Adam.  She had been working a lot of long shifts, the plus side was the overtime pay, but it had its obvious drawbacks.  She had not had any free time and what time she spent at home she slept.
It was 9 pm on a Thursday, and Lena was working the 11 pm to 11 am shift, or graveyard shift as some called it.  She had a bowl of cereal that she was eating in a sports bra so as not to get her scrubs dirty when she heard a shout from across the hall.
“Fucking Fucker!” It was Adam shouting. “Shit that hurts.”  Lena put her bowl down and ran across the hall.  “FUCK!”  He shouted again and Lena didn’t hesitate with the door, finding it unlocked.
“Are you okay?”  She asked as she moved into his apartment.  It had a similar layout to hers but looked like it had been destroyed.  She was careful not to step or lean on anything that looked unsteady.  Adam had a deep gash on his arm and was holding the wire for a circular saw that was now unplugged.
“Holy shit,”  He whispered staring at her.  Before she had a moment to feel embarrassed that she was only half dressed in his apartment, Adam’s eyes started to cross and become unfocused.  Lena had seen that look before.
“Adam!”  She shouted as she lunged in his direction.  There was no way that she was strong enough to catch his full weight, so she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him so that his face landed in her lap.  She grabbed his arm and lifted it to slow the bleeding, then looked around for towels.  “Adam, where’s your cellphone?”  She asked aloud.
“Hey kid, nice view,”  He giggled with a goofy smile as he looked up at her tits.  He was conscious but barely.  She wondered if he fainted from the sight of blood or if there was a bigger problem.
“Phone, Sackler, pay attention,”  she said snapping her fingers in his face.
“Pocket,”  He mused drowsily.  She used her free hand to reach into his pocket.  “Reach a little farther,”  He groaned and she realized he thought she was trying to cop a feel.
“Maybe next time, kinda busy right now,”  She said grabbing his phone and using the emergency call option.  An ambulance took him, and she put on her clothes and headed to work.
“You’re hot neighbor is in room 1278,”  Amber said to Lena when she got settled in for her shift.  “They are gonna send him home after the doctor signs his discharge paperwork. Just a few stiches, good thing you were there to help.”  She winked at Lena.
“I was across the hall I heard him shout, you freak.”  Lena said.
“Shirtless Selena saves the sucker with the saw!” Amber teased and Lena blushed realizing that one of the EMTs was probably Amber’s fiancé.
“Get the fuck out of here,”  Lena says grabbing her charts and starting her rounds.
“Good evening, Mr. Sackler, I’m Lena your nurse, I’m taking over your care until your doctor signs your discharge papers.  Is there anything that you need?”  She said in as professional a tone as she could manage when she saw the look on Adam’s face.
“Shit, Lena, I’m sorry this must be so awkward for you,”  Adam said taking a deep breath.  His face was red to the tips of his ears with embarrassment.
“It’s fine, what’s the fun of having a nurse for a friend if you don’t get hurt every so often,” She finally cracked and smiled.
“So, I need to get hurt to get a hold of you?”  He looked so hopeful for a minute that Lena almost believed it was something other than a joke.
“I mean with a good injury like that you’re in no shape to figure skate or play volleyball,”  she teased trying to remember what the third pretend hobby she had claimed was.
“No, but I’m in almost the right attire for skinny dipping, what do you say?”  He grinned back at her jest.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy,”  She said, then remembered that she had his cellphone.  “Here you might need this.”
“Yeah, you know I think you’re right.  I think I need to put your number in here in case I feel like I might get hurt again.
“Stop playing kissy face with your boyfriend,”  Charlie hissed as he walked to the room.  “Here are his discharge papers.”
“Thanks, Charlie, I’ll go over them with him, have a good night,”  Lena watched carefully as Charlie left the room.
“Jeez kid, that guy has it bad for you.  Not sure how I should feel about that as your boyfriend.”  Adam said.
“No submerging your arm until you have the stiches removed in three weeks.”  Lena retorted to his lame comment.
“Number?”  He held the phone out for her.
“Fine,”  she said .“But don’t get any ideas Sackler, I’m a good girl.”
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