#cellular amplifier
landwriter · 1 year
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
fruit fic asks!
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rfantennaindia · 11 months
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Cell Phone Signal Repeater For Home https://www.quikads.com.bd/?post_type=rtcl_listing
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science-lover33 · 9 months
Exploring the Marvels of Biological Macromolecules: The Molecular Machinery of Life (Part 3)
Proteins and Enzymes: Catalysts of Molecular Reactions
Proteins are the central players in macromolecular interactions. Enzymes, a specialized class of proteins, catalyze biochemical reactions with remarkable specificity. They bind to substrates, facilitate reactions, and release products, ensuring that cellular processes occur with precision.
Protein-Protein Interactions: Orchestrating Cellular Functions
Proteins often interact with other proteins to form dynamic complexes. These interactions are pivotal in processes such as signal transduction, where cascades of protein-protein interactions transmit signals within cells, regulating diverse functions such as growth, metabolism, and immune responses.
Protein-Ligand Interactions: Molecular Recognition
Proteins can also interact with small molecules called ligands. Receptor proteins, for instance, bind to ligands such as hormones, neurotransmitters, or drugs, initiating cellular responses. These interactions rely on specific binding sites and molecular recognition.
Protein-DNA Interactions: Controlling Genetic Information
Transcription factors, a class of proteins, interact with DNA to regulate gene expression. They bind to specific DNA sequences, promoting or inhibiting transcription, thereby controlling RNA and protein synthesis.
Membrane Proteins: Regulating Cellular Transport
Integral membrane proteins participate in macromolecular interactions by regulating the transport of ions and molecules across cell membranes. Transport proteins, ion channels, and pumps interact precisely to maintain cellular homeostasis.
Cooperativity and Allosteric Regulation: Fine-Tuning Cellular Processes
Cooperativity and allosteric regulation are mechanisms that modulate protein function. In cooperativity, binding one ligand to a protein influences the binding of subsequent ligands, often amplifying the response. Allosteric regulation occurs when a molecule binds to a site other than the active site, altering the protein's conformation and activity.
Interactions in Signaling Pathways: Cellular Communication
Signal transduction pathways rely on cascades of macromolecular interactions to transmit extracellular signals into cellular responses. Kinases and phosphatases, enzymes that add or remove phosphate groups, play pivotal roles in these pathways.
Protein Folding and Misfolding: Disease Implications
Proteins must fold into specific three-dimensional shapes to function correctly. Misfolded proteins can lead to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and prion diseases. Chaperone proteins assist in proper protein folding and prevent aggregation.
Voet, D., Voet, J. G., & Pratt, C. W. (2016). Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level. Wiley.
Lehninger, A. L., Nelson, D. L., & Cox, M. M. (2017). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. W. H. Freeman.
Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L., & Stryer, L. (2002). Biochemistry. W. H. Freeman
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Two Sunshine Interviews, 2007
Not Just A Pretty Boy: Chris Evans Lights Up The Screen
Director Danny Boyle calls 'Fantastic Four' actor 'really very special.'
MTV Movies
By Shawn Adler, July 13, 2007
Look quickly at Chris Evans and you're bound to see him as a pretty-boy actor, one of those open faces that would seem more suited to an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog or a fraternity kegger than a nuanced drama. Look quickly at the roles he's chosen, like in "Fantastic Four" or "Not Another Teen Movie" or "The Perfect Score," and you're bound to think of him as silly and lightweight, a hotshot who, as Human Torch/ Johnny Storm, actually plays, well, the consummate hotshot.
Look quickly at Chris Evans, however, and you're bound to miss the most important thing about him -- this boy can act.
"Well, he's a superb actor, and I'm not saying that just 'cause he's in my film. I think he's brilliant," director Danny Boyle said of the 26-year-old actor, whom he cast in the sci-fi epic "Sunshine." "He's a very talented guy, a thoroughbred really. He's a bit of a Mary Poppins -- he can pull anything out of the bag."
"Anything," of course, isn't exactly the word that comes to mind when thinking of Evans' most popular roles (which actually are pretty much his only roles -- the "Cellular" star has only appeared in 10 films). To the casual observer, his characters tend to be more similar than not -- so similar, in fact, that it's tough to look at his filmography and not wonder if Evans isn't just playing some amplified version of himself.
Not so, said Boyle, who cited a lack of opportunity -- not skill -- for the misperceptions about Evans' talent.
"The casting director [for 'Sunshine'] said, 'You should meet this guy, he's underestimated by people.' He came in the room [and was] superb. I cast him and that was it," the director recalled. "I hope he can get stuff that shows his talent 'cause he's really very special."
For Evans, "Sunshine" was that special opportunity, a chance to show a different side of himself while simultaneously working for one of his favorite directors: "Two birds with one stone," he said.
"At the end of the day us actors are here to make good movies -- that's what I love about this business. [But] if you don't have a good director you won't have a really good movie," Evans said. "So if you've got a good director inviting you to work for him, you jump at that opportunity. And that's what Danny offered me."
Working for Boyle offered benefits beyond making a good movie, however, strengthening Evans' belief that in order to be a successful actor you have to "check your ego at the door," he said.
"A lot of times as an actor you are experimenting, you're trying things and you need an anchor. If you're trying something and you're getting off the path, you need your director to come in and reel you in. [You need to tell him,] 'I trust your internal barometer of what's good and what's bad and it's going to protect me,' " Evans revealed of his process. "Danny could have said, 'Try the next take in Spanish,' and I would have said, 'All right.' "
Johnny Storm no more (at least until producers call for a the sequel), Evans will soon take that lesson into more eclectic fare, from playing the dimwitted lead in "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond," an adaptation of a Tennessee Williams play, to a cop alongside Forest Whitaker in James Ellroy's "The Night Watchmen" to an Iraq War veteran in "Under the Blue Sky."
It's a mix that pleases Evans, he said, smiling broadly. "I like to go see movies that are dramatic. I like to get internal when I watch films. I like to cry when I watch movies. I like being emotional," he divulged. "The truth is, I like acting, period."
Do yourself a favor -- look closer.
Also from MTV in 2007, a small snippet of a tv interview. Thanks once again to the Chris Evans Archives for keeping this alive! (It's the bottom video.)
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heyimboredtalktome · 8 months
you know, everything that's going on with palestine feels nothing more than a losing battle and i honestly hate it. every actor, social media platform, and corporation we know, including the government, largely supports israel, and no matter how much we try to amplify the palestinians voices, the genocide keeps getting worse and the israelians and their allies ignore those outcries. hell, ive seen stories of how people will get punished for supporting palestine. and with the internet and cellular connections getting cut off, there clearly wont be any palestinians left at this rate. if anything, it will serve us as a reminder that our efforts did not matter in the long in this war and will not matter in similar circumstances. i dont even know if there is anything else we can do.
that's not how life works. if the people throughout history who fought for independence gave up because everything seemed hopeless, most of us would still be under british colonial rule
it's not our place to lose hope, rather it's our duty to speak up for whats right, no matter what happens. i will not sit complicit and wait for a genocide to end because im worried my words aren't making any difference. if nothing else, i hope any palestinian who sees this remembers that whatever happens, there will always be people who will stand by them, there WILL be a free palestine, god willing and justice will be served to those who are killing innocents. this is what i choose to believe in and i will never lose hope no matter what some paltry actors who would sell their souls and children for a single check. they can all go fuck themselves
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It's the way I refuse to write a BNHA crossover fic (if I did it would be strictly ass class characters in that universe's context) but at this point I have deeply headcanoned the quirks for pretty much every character. Some even have tragic backstories!
Some of my favourites (I'm bad at names) include:
Chiba - measure. He can instantly view and calculate distances, measurements, and dimensions. His natural talent in math means he can apply these almost instantly.
Kayano - metamorphosis. Essentially she can shapeshift at will, although it's only temporary and how long she can hold it is based on the complexity of the change (ie total bone structure). She will frequently change up her hair and eye colour though. This ability also extends to vocal chords, if she understands their structure.
Muramatsu - perfect pallet. His tastebuds are unmatched and he can identify any ingredients so long as he's positively identified it before.
Fuwa - anime. She can animate anything she's personally drawn.
Nakamura - translate. She can understand any language (even some animal communication), though she can't form her own responses.
Karma - payback (karma). Any sensation you inflict on him (that his nerves can detect anyway) will be reflected back - good or bad. With specific quirk training he can actually amplify it, for example poking him might feel like a punch in return.
Nagisa - assassin. Essentially, Nagisa can cause cell death to anything he touches (even indirectly, aka he can cause internal damage alone). As a generic death quirk it's relatively weak and even killing a bug would dangerously exhaust him before training. When he learns how to specifically target it on a cellular level though... A fun bonus is it's impossible for him to get sick with most common illnesses.
Anyway that's just a few, but I'm not kidding when I say I've thought about this.
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spookyprime · 2 months
How much of Clark’s Kryptonian xenobiological traits did Conner and Match inherit?
I think the answer to this question can vary wildly. The first variable being how different do you actually think kryptonians are from humans? They can be a 1:1 visually it's just that their cellular structure is different so sunlight powers them, all the way over to they're entirely different and they only pass as human with lots of clothes and careful self training.
The next variable being what exactly is a clone according to DC? Because my understanding of cloning would mean that both kon and match would just have the same biological features that Clark does. But that's not apparently the definition of a clone by DCs standards. Kon may visually resemble Clark but by Geoff John's ( >:| ) writing- he has other stuff mixed in there now. Not a clone by my standards but sure. Match at first at looked radically different to kon with his albinism, implying something is "incorrect" genetically. His cellular structure is unstable which is why he starts doing the bizarro thing, he's rotting, so however he's put together is not how Kon is put together. A photocopy of a photocopy.
My own personal belief Is that kon can do most everything that Clark can do just to a slightly lesser extent, which he then amplifies with his TTK to keep up. Match is much the same but even lesser and as such relies even more on his TTK, which is stronger than kon's. I am sure there are canon examples that can prove this wrong, but that's what I personally like to play with.
If you're talking about physical characteristics, idk. I haven't thought much about what kryptonians look like beyond what we see. I like to think they're just naturally bigger than humans, clark isn't big by kryptonian standards, but he's huge for a human. Maybe they have different teeth setup. Alien cock. Joints bend different. Idk!
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nacricissa · 8 months
I was wondering what do you think?
So, we know my Oc gets struck by lightning again as an adult.
What if he gets bit but & hear me out it's "botched"!
He becomes a hybrid instead of a full vampire...
I was thinking he gets stuck, starts bleeding, a nomad is near (that Alice saw and was like yeah, that's not a threat {could be her lying and Edward not being inclined to say anything or not...whichever}
& because he's bleeding out maybe the transformation completes right as he bleeds out and thus a hybrid.
I want max suspense and angst and to have people come out of it like...wait...what?
A theory I was thinking about would be that the transformation works by inducing a cell to divide, and that during the division the venom gets in and modifies the DNA, hence why we now have 2 extra chromosomes and a bunch of new features. The fact the new chromosomes would thus be built out of fragments of preexisting DNA would explain the "human traits, but amplified" feature of vampires.
In this case, cells that cannot be induced to divide, or which cannot be induced to divide properly, would not become vampire cells. Therefore, lets say your OC gets hit by lightning while the Cullens are playing baseball. Alice had assured everyone no humans would come to the clearing, but they all hear a smell a human male getting closer. Alice swears up and down she still can't see him arriving in the clearing, and then a bolt of lightning comes down and the scent of our poor boy is replaced with the scent of burnt flesh. But there is still an erratic, stuttering heartbeat.
Treaty be damned Carlisle cannot let this human die all of 20 meters away from him, so he runs over, bites along the arteries, and executes CPR to try to keep the heart going long enough. Every cell in this human's body is damaged. It is a wonder he is still alive. There is clearly scarring showing this was not the first time he was struck, and it's really quite odd that the human was hit instead of any of the surrounding trees.
The lightning damage to his cells is enough that some of the cellular machinery is damaged, and so the cells cannot divide properly. They only manage to make on average half the number of divisions a normal transformation would take. The venom seems to have burnt out all the blood in his system in only a day and a half, but his heart is still beating, much stronger and much faster than before. Really, he resembles Renesmee more than any of the other Cullens...
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nohrslittleflower · 2 months
magic hc ramblings this is what happens when my service provider decides to kill my wifi/cellular connection right as I was about to do my drafts
So every time I have to write some sort of magic for Elise— usually healing (which happens a lot since she’s. A healer unit. So.)— I default to just saying she uses her staff to do it because that’s just how it works in Fates. But when someone in Three Houses used healing magic, their animations don’t have any sort of staff, just waving their hands around and also flying sometimes(???). Which then got me thinking about how magic might work for Elise with her still using her staff even while in Fodlan and well here we are.
So if I remember correctly from I don’t remember where (no internet access my beloathed), I believe reason magic is supposed to be some sort of math, while faith magic is based on belief. I have no idea what dark magic is but that’s irrelevant to me right now so who cares. This makes sense in the academy setting of Three Houses, because obviously you’re going to be learning math in school. And Garreg Mach is obviously a religious school given its at a monastery and there’s literally a giant cathedral right there occupied by the main church branch.
I don’t know a lot about that sort of schooling personally, but judging by the experiences I’ve heard from someone I know who went to a very intensely religious school, learning about the religion was like 90% of what they did so that also lines up. Along with that, they had ‘days off’ from school so they could go to church (even though the school itself was a church so they basically just went to church anyway), which to me sounds just like what seems to be happening on certain calendar days in Three Houses.
So reason magic being math and faith magic being like Bible study or whatever seems to line up curriculum-wise, so I assume that has to be right. And if that’s right, magic can’t vary too much between games, especially from Fates since Fates is basically the newest game before Three Houses (not counting Shadows of Valentia). So Fateslandia general magic (magic scrolls/books) must be a sort of math as well, and faith should be connected to belief as well.
I’m assuming the reason nobody uses tombs in Fodlan would just be because they’ve memorized all the equations, while in other games they’d carry around their books as reference. Like a closed book vs open book test, but every day and also if you get a question wrong you die or something.
But like what even is a staff. How does it run out it’s a stick. In fates you had to equip different staves to do different things, but in Three Houses they’re held items that boost magic stats. Staffs in Nohr are especially weird name-wise, where Hoshido has names for them like ‘Sun Festal’ or ‘Bloom Festal’ (lot of ‘festals’). Then Nohr is just. ‘Heal’. ‘Mend’. ‘Psychic’. This leads me to believe that Hoshidan staves are more sacred and connected to their faith in their religions, while Nohrian staves are more mass-produced as a means to an end. Which sounds pretty Nohr honestly and probably explains why they’d run out after a while— they’re likely pre-charged with magic, and not something the user manifests themselves in most cases. I don’t know what’s up with Hoshido but I’m a Nohr mun I don’t need to know I’m not touching that
Though in Elise’s case, her staff in Heroes and Fates is called ‘Elise’s Staff’ and doesn’t break/run out (as far as I remember but I still can’t check), so it’s definitely not some mass-produced staff. Instead, it’s probably more like a Fodlan staff made especially for her, meaning that it amplifies the magic that is coming from her. This would also explain why it’s weaker than something like psychic (which it basically operates the same as), which was probably created and given it’s magic by someone extremely proficient in magic, compared to Elise who’s still learning.
Lastly, I don’t actually think her faith magic comes from any faith in the goddess (obviously, she doesn’t know who that is), or any divine dragon. Even though that seems to be the main connection between what makes someone good or bad at it in Three Houses (those who deeply believing in the goddess having a faith boon, and those who openly reject her having a faith bane), it doesn’t seem like that’s the only way faith magic can happen. When Dorothea (I think) asks to switch to learning faith despite being bad at it, she says something like “I don’t believe in the goddess, but I believe in you”. Which implies faith magic actually comes from a general belief in something, not just religious.
This would mean Elise gets her healing magic from believing in people and while that’s not really important or relevant it’s really cute Elise I love you so much
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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5G Internal Antenna
This internal antenna is specially designed for home and office use. It supports 5G network connectivity and works well with your existing router or modem. Our 5G internal antenna is the perfect companion to all your 5G devices.
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মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক সিগন্যাল বুস্টার কেনার সময় সতর্কতাঃ যা আপনার জানা উচিত !? সব সিগন্যাল বুস্টার সকল অপারেটরের সিমের ক্ষেত্রে কাজ করে না। অর্থাৎ সিগন্যাল বুস্টার কেনার সময় প্রথমে চেক করে দেখুন, সেটি আপনার নির্দিষ্ট অপারেটরের মোবাইল সিগন্যালকে সাপোর্ট করে কিনা।
অনলাইন থেকে যদি নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার কেনেন তাহলে তাদের প্রোডাক্ট ডিটেইলসে দেখে নেবেন, যে বুস্টারটি আপনার কাঙ্ক্ষিত অপারেটর সাপোর্ট করে কি না।
মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক সিগন্যাল বুস্টার কেনার পরে সেটাকে এমন জায়গায় ইন্সটল করতে হবে, যেখানে মোটামুটি ভালো মোবাইল সিগন্যাল টাওয়ার থেকে রিসিভ হয়।
আপনার যতটুকু বুস্টেড কভারেজ প্রয়োজন, সেই অনুসারে আপনাকে নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার কিনতে হবে।
বিভিন্ন শপিংমলে কিংবা মার্কেটে বাজারে পাওয়া অনেক মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক সিগন্যাল বুস্টার বিজ্ঞাপনের মতো কাজ করে না।
মনে রাখবেন যে, আপনার বাড়িতে বা অফিসে কল করার জন্য পর্যাপ্ত সংকেত শক্তি থাকলেই সিগন্যাল বুস্টার কাজ করবে। কোন সংকেত ছাড়া, কোন সেলফোন বুস্টার কাজ করতে সক্ষম হবে না।
দোকান/ঘর/রুমে)অফিসের ভেতর নেটওয়ার্কের সমস্যা !? মোবাইলে ঠিকমত কথা বলতে পারছেন না! ঘর অফিসের বাইরে মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক আছে অথচ ঘর অফিস দোকানের ভেতর রুমে নেটওয়ার্ক সিগন্যাল পাচ্ছেন না ! 😭😭 নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যার কারণে ব্যবসা-প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিচালনা করার সময় দোকান ঘর অফিসের ভেতর থেকে মোবাইলে ঠিকমত কথা বলতে পারছেন না, কল কেটে যাচ্ছে, ড্রপ হচ্ছে, দুর্বল মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যার কারণে দেশ-বিদেশ থেকে ঘরের ভেতর থেকে মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক বা ইন্টারনেট নেটওয়ার্কে অডিও ভিডিও কলে কথা বলতে পারছেন না 😭 তাদের জন্য 👉👉 সুখবর..! সুখবর..! সুখবর..!💕
এই সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য বা বাংলাদেশের যেকোনো দূর্বল নেটওয়ার্ক গ্রামীনফোন টেলিটক রবি এয়ারটেল বাংলালিংক ইত্যাদি সিগন্যালকে বৃদ্ধি ও শক্তিশালী করতে আমরা #MNSBBD দিচ্ছি সাশ্রয়ী মুল্যে উচ্চ ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার/সিগন্যাল রিপিটার ডিভাইস, যা কিনা প্যাকেজ আকারে অতি সুলভ মূল্যে আমাদের শপে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে সাথে এক বছরের ওয়ারেন্টি সার্ভিস।💯 হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ/ইমু যোগাযোগ করুনঃ +8801772277088
প্যাকেজের মধ্যে পাবেন--
-১পিছ নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার ডিভাইস।
-১পিছ HIGH GAIN আউটডোর এন্টিনা ছাদে থাকবে
-১পিছ ইনডোর এন্টিনা ঘরের ভেতরে থাকবে [সর্বোচ্চ ৪পিছ]
-৩০ফিট ক্যাবল থাকবে। বুস্টার থেকে ঘরের বাইরে এন্টেনার জন্য
-১০ফিট ক্যাবল থাকবে। বুস্টার থেকে ঘরের ভেতরে এন্টিনার জন্য
-এন্টেনা সেটাপ করার জন্য কিছু এক্সারসাইজ।
-ইউজার ম্যানুয়াল গাইড।
-ওয়ারেন্টি কার্ড।
৯০ দিনের ভেতর প্রডাক্ট কোন সমস্যা হলে টাকা সম্পূর্ণ ফেরত রিপ্লেসমেন্ট পাবেন। অঙ্গীকারনামা লিখিত আকারে দেওয়া হবে।💯 হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ/ইমু যোগাযোগ করুনঃ +880 1772-277088
নির্দিষ্ট একটি ওভারেজ এরিয়ার ভেতরে {রুম অফিস দোকান ঘর} যতগুলা মোবাইল থাকবে যে কোন কোম্পানির সিম থাকুক না কেন; সব মোবাইলে ফুল নেটওয়ার্ক থাকবে মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক এবং ইন্টারনেট ডাটা নেটওয়ার্ক। কলড্রপ, কল লোডিং, বাফারিংয়ের কোনো ঝামেলাই থাকবে না। 💗🤗
নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার সাধারণত ২জি, ৩জি এবং ৪জি তিন ধরনের নেটওয়ার্ক সাপ্লাই করে থাকে। কোনো কোনোটি জিএসএম ২জি ৩জি এবং ইন্টারনেট ৪জি📡 ডাটা নেটওয়ার্ক সাপ্লাই করে। একেকটি সার্ভিস অনুযায়ী দামের মধ্যেও অনেক পার্থক্য রয়েছে। আপনি আমাদের সকল এক্সেসরিজ কাস্টমাইজ বাড়াতে বা কমাতে পারবেন।
ঢাকা শহরের ভেতর একদিনে ডেলিভারি/ ইনস্টলেশন সার্ভিস দেওয়া যাবে, ঢাকা শহরের বাইরে জেলা কিংবা থানা পর্যায়ে কুরিয়ার সার্ভিসের মাধ্যমে ডেলিভারি দেওয়া হচ্ছে। অর্ডার কনফার্মেশন ছাড়া হোম ডেলিভারি/ ইন্সটলেশন সার্ভিস দেওয়া পসিবল নয়।
আপনি চাইলে নিজেই এটি ইন্সটল করে নিতে পারেন অনেক সহজেই, সেই জন্য যাবতীয় গাইডলাইন ইউজার বইয়ে দেওয়া আছে। এছাড়া #MNSBBD ইনস্টলেশন এর সময় আমাদের কাস্টমার কেয়ার নাম্বারে যোগাযোগ করলে ভিডিও কলে ইন্সটলেশন প্রসেসিং বলে দেওয়া হবে।
গ্রামবাসী শহরবাসী প্রবাসী পরিবারের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় একটি স্মার্ট নেটওয়ার্কিং গ্যাজেট মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক বুস্টার। ঘরের ভেতর রুমে নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যার সমাধান। অর্ডার করতে যোগাযোগ করুনঃ 01772277088
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science-lover33 · 9 months
"Delving Deeper into Glutathione: The Biochemistry Behind its Protective Powers"
Hello, Tumblr community! 🌿 Today, let's embark on an intellectual journey into the intricate world of Glutathione, a molecular marvel with profound implications for your body's defense mechanisms and overall vitality. 🧬
The Biochemical Symphony of Glutathione:
Glutathione, abbreviated as GSH, is a low-molecular-weight tripeptide comprised of three amino acids – cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Its presence is pervasive, with significant concentrations found within virtually every cell of your body. At its core, GSH serves as a central hub for a variety of biochemical reactions, many of which are critical for maintaining cellular health.
🛡️ Shielding Against Oxidative Stress:
At the heart of Glutathione's prowess lies its ability to act as an antioxidant. To understand this, we must venture into the realms of free radicals highly reactive molecules that can wreak havoc on your cellular structures. GSH swoops in like a molecular guardian, neutralizing these renegade radicals and preventing cellular damage.
🔄 Recycling Antioxidants:
GSH doesn't stop at just neutralizing free radicals. It has a unique capacity to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which are also instrumental in combating oxidative stress. This recycling process amplifies the body's antioxidant defenses, making it a true linchpin of cellular protection.
💪 The Multifaceted Benefits of Glutathione:
1. Immune Resilience: By fortifying the immune system, Glutathione empowers your body to defend against pathogens and infections more effectively.
2. Detoxification Dynamo: As a vital component in phase II detoxification, GSH aids in the removal of harmful substances, thereby bolstering liver health and overall detox processes.
3. Anti-Aging Elixir: The anti-aging properties of Glutathione are tied to its ability to quell oxidative stress and cellular damage, potentially slowing down the aging process.
4. Skin Health: Some individuals explore Glutathione for its role in skin lightening and brightening, although its effects can vary among individuals.
📚 Diving into the Research:
1. "The Role of Glutathione in Cellular Response to Chemotherapeutic Agents"
- A scholarly article by Maria Serpina and John D. Hayes, featured in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
2. “Glutathione as a Biomarker in Oxidative Stress: An Overview"
- An in-depth review by Farzaneh Rahmani and Hossein Aslani, published in the Journal of Medical Biochemistry.
3. "Mechanisms of Glutathione-Dependent Protection Against Oxidative Stress and Nitric Oxide-Induced Neurotoxicity in a Neuronal Cell Line"
While Glutathione supplements are gaining popularity, it's imperative to seek counsel from a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your regimen. Your individual health and physiology can influence the efficacy and safety of supplementation.
Stay curious, stay informed! 📖✨
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tansalons · 6 months
Revitalize Your Glow: The Transformative Power of Red Light Skin Therapy
In the realm of advanced skincare, red light skin therapy emerges as a groundbreaking solution for those seeking a revitalized and radiant complexion. This innovative approach utilizes the healing properties of red light to stimulate collagen production and foster skin renewal. For individuals looking to elevate their skincare routine and enhance their natural glow, the key lies in discovering the transformative benefits of red light skin therapy.
Red light therapy has gained recognition for its non-invasive nature and its ability to address various skin concerns. By not only reducing fine lines and wrinkles but also promoting improved skin texture, this therapy stands out as a holistic approach to achieving a healthier complexion. Incorporating red light skin therapy into your skincare regimen is an investment in unveiling the radiant potential of your skin.
The magic of red light therapy lies in its ability to penetrate the skin's surface, triggering a cascade of rejuvenating effects at the cellular level. Whether you're combatting signs of aging or simply seeking to amplify your skin's vitality, red light skin therapy offers a versatile and effective solution. Embrace the revitalizing journey of red light therapy, and watch as your skin transforms into a canvas of renewed radiance.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
JVC PTZ Peace of Mind Support - Videoguys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/jvc-ptz-peace-of-mind-support-videoguys/
JVC PTZ Peace of Mind Support - Videoguys
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At JVC, support of our new PTZ cameras is the highest priority. That’s why JVC created the “Peace of Mind” program and have assigned their most experienced support members to it. Whether you have questions about the camera or workflow, their team of remote production experts will be there to guide you.
To ensure Peace of Mind with your PTZ purchase, JVC has created an in-warranty program unmatched by any others in the industry. Should your camera fail during the warranty period, JVC will send you an advance replacement within 48 – 72 hours.
Peace of Mind Advance Replacement Process:
Provide a credit card that will be authorized for the cost of the replacement camera*
JVC will ship via 2nd Day Air a replacement camera
JVC will supply a return shipping label for return of the defective camera
*Should the defective camera be missing components or not received within 30 days of receiving the replacement, JVC will charge the credit card for the replacement cost of each component at MSRP
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Dwayne Kersey – Product Support Engineer Dwayne is the “youngest” associate with “only” 20 years at JVC Professional but maybe the most popular member of our team. Dwayne’s knowledge of studio systems, field camera operation, and video production is well known by our customers. Being the certified network specialist, Dwayne also supports complex REMI video streaming workflows. Give him a call if you have questions about NDI, SRT, Remote VPN, or cellular bonding.
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     Lorenzo White – Professional Support Specialist Lorenzo has been responsible for direct customer support since 1998 and helped thousands of customers over his 25 years of service. There’s a good chance you will be talking to Lorenzo when dialing the 800-Support number. Give him a call and he will walk you through the new PTZ camera setup or professional camcorder configuration.
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        Edgar Shane – General Manager, Engineering Edgar built his first audio amplifier in 1976 and after receiving his MSEE in 1986 joined the electronics industry full-time and is still enjoying his career. Over the last 25 years with JVC Edgar worked closely with our factory in Japan on the new products development, REMI video streaming workflows optimization, and ENG/Studio solutions. Edgar often demonstrates CONNECTED CAM and PTZ products in his live online webinars available on YouTube.
  JVC PTZ Products
4K KY-PZ400N cameras provide optimal streaming image quality and performance for remote production over the internet and are equipped with NDI® HX and SRT streaming, H.265/H.264/MJPEG encoding, and VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) multi-camera synchronization technologies. With integrated NDI® HX technology from NewTek®, the 400N offers a high-quality, low-latency IP video transmission standard that is ideal for streaming in an ever-evolving media landscape
SRT Streaming
Extra wide 71-degree horizontal angle of view
12x Optical Zoom + 8x digital zoom
H.265/H.264/MJPEG encoding
Multicamera synchronization using VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) RTMP/RTMPS/RTSP/HTTP streaming protocols
The HD KY-PZ200N and KY-PZ200 cameras provide optimal streaming image quality and performance for remote production over the internet and SRT streaming, H.265/H.264/MJPEG encoding and VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) multi-camera synchronization technologies. The HD KY PZ200N and 200 models are available in black or white variations to best match the ambiance of the venue/project.
SRT Streaming
UVC enables cameras to be used as a webcam
H.265/H.264/MJPEG encoding
Multicamera synchronization using VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode)
RTMP/RTMPS/RTSP/HTTP streaming protocols
20x optical zoom
*KY-PZ200N only
The multi-award winning KY-PZ510N 4K PTZ cameras feature NDI® 5 and 4K60P HEVC Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) streaming, perfect for studios, classrooms, corporate settings, event facilities, sports venues and houses of worship. The cameras also feature enhanced SMART auto-tracking that follows one person and can select one of multiple people within its super-wide 80 degree field of view. Each KY-PZ510 model also incorporates Vertical Interval Time Code (VITC) with Network Time Protocol (NTP) for multi-camera synchronization for seamless live event production.
4K60p H.265/HEVC Streaming
Super-Wide 80-degree Field of View
Multi-Slice Encoding Technology
UVC enables cameras to be used as a webcam
H.265/H.264/MJPEG encoding
SMART Auto Tracking*
Multicamera synchronization using VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) RTMP/RTMPS/RTSP/HTTP streaming protocols
20x optical zoom
*KY-PZ510N only
This compact joystick controller connects to your network and provides complete IP control of cameras in your facility or anywhere in the world through the Internet.
5 camera / 5 preset PTZ camera operation with 2-axis joystick and zoom bridge controls
Supports VISCA, UDP, PELCO P/D control protocols over RS422, RS485, RS232 and IP
4-color LED multi-screen display supports easy setup and operation
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purebodyxtra · 7 months
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Embark on a transformative journey to wellness with Pure Body Extra – a groundbreaking zeolite nano spray by Touchstone Essentials. This innovative detox solution harnesses the potency of zeolite in nano form, redefining the detoxification landscape. In this article, discover the science behind Pure Body Extra, its unparalleled benefits, and how this zeolite nano spray is revolutionizing the art of detox.
Understanding Zeolite Nano Technology
Enter the realm of nano technology with Pure Body Extra, where zeolite takes center stage in its smallest, most efficient form. These microscopic particles penetrate at the cellular level, ensuring an unparalleled detox experience.
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1. Unmatched Efficiency of Nano-sized Zeolite
Experience a new standard of detox efficiency as Pure Body Extra's nano-sized zeolite particles permeate every cell, capturing and eliminating toxins at their source for a thorough cleanse.
2. Convenient and Precise Application
Simplify your detox routine with Pure Body Extra's nano spray application. Precise and convenient, this method ensures targeted detox without disrupting your daily life.
3. Zeolite's Binding Power: A Detox Dynamo
Witness the detox dynamo in action as zeolite's binding power is amplified in its nano form, attracting and eliminating toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants with precision.
4. Tailored Detox for the Modern Lifestyle
Adapt your detox routine to your fast-paced life with Pure Body Extra. This zeolite nano spray seamlessly integrates into modern lifestyles, offering a convenient yet effective detox solution.
5. Beyond Detox: Supporting Wellness
Pure Body Extra is more than a detox product; it's a holistic approach to wellness. Experience enhanced energy, mental clarity, and vitality as your body undergoes a transformative journey towards optimal health.
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Embrace wellness effortlessly by integrating Pure Body Extra into your daily routine. With a user-friendly nano spray, this detox solution caters to wellness enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
Elevate your health with Pure Body Extra – where cutting-edge technology meets natural detoxification. Visit PureBodyXtra.com to explore the transformative power of nano-sized zeolite. Take the next step in your wellness journey by shopping at The Good Inside. Experience the difference and redefine your path to a cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant life today.
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