#central heated radiators
huariqueje · 8 months
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Winter Morning - Claudia Keep , 2022.
American , b. 1993 -
Oil on masonite panel , 25.4 x 20.3 cm. 10 x 8 in.
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battleangel · 10 months
Hospital Hellhole
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Where are the open windows in hospitals?
Hospitals are exactly like corporate cubicle farms, where you see the windows in your office, but theyre never open.
So, no fresh air ever gets in.
Stuffy, recirculated air with zero outside fresh air + constant either central indoor heating or air conditioning + a bunch of sick ass people stuffed into one building isnt exactly a recipe for holistic health.
Nor is it meant to be.
Its actually a veritable hotbed for communicable diseases, viruses, infections, germs and bacteria to develop, spread and grow.
Idgaf about how "well the hospital is ventilated" -- you need fresh air, jackass!
Good luck ever getting it at a hospital.
They'll just parade you around bare ass in a drab ass drag ass light blue gown that doesnt even close all the way in the back yet have the nerve to talk about how "functional" it is.
They'll parade your literal bare ass through the hospital hallways so you can "walk around" -- but nevah outside.
Yeah okay.
There are windows, why cant I open them?
Because you cant.
The air inside a hospital is endlessly recirculated, stuffy as hell and filled to the brim with germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens given that a hospital is, y'know, a building full of sick ass people.
Who in the hell thinks this is a good idea?
Exactly noone as hospitals are designed to mentally break you, dehumanize you and give you a different illness then the one you checked in with or make whatever your current issue is worse.
Being in a building with no outside fresh air and no open windows full of sick, dying, dead, incapacitated, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, bleeding people isnt supposed to make anyone else sicker?
Yeah okay.
You need fresh air even in the best of circumstances forget about when youre sick.
You need to be in nature as it literally heals us, even their studies confirm that.
You need fresh, unrecirculated air from outside.
You need the sky, the sun, the grass and the trees.
But what do you get?
A dark, drab, sterile, lonely room with a large ass loud ass TV in it, a phone, a bed that you will be stuck in for most of your stay, a bathroom and a window you cant open.
Sounds exactly like prison.
Being stationary -- unless you are a literal invalid or completely physically incapacitated -- is awful for you.
They know this.
They know that being stationary in bed can cause DVT (deep vein thrombosis), blood clots, embolisms, poor blood circulation and bloodflow, swelling, edemas, muscle atrophy, weight gain, bed sores.
Not to mention depression, lack of mental sharpness and acuity, lethargy, anxiety, fatigue, listlessness, hopelessness, dread...
Its almost like its by design, isnt it?
Hospitals should be near parks or be built inside of parks.
All patients that are literally physically capable of going outside for fresh air and natural sunlight should do so, or if possible, should be taken outside in wheelchairs.
Blinding white bright ass unnatural fluorescent lighting has repeatedly been proven to deplete our melatonin levels, disrupt our natural circadian rhythyms, disrupt our sleep, cause insomnia and other sleep disorders -- so why is the lighting in hospitals so fucking bright???
Why do you think?
They dont want you well.
If you happen to get better after being hospitalized, its an unintended side effect.
The goal is to find -- or make up -- other things that are wrong with you so they can feed you further into the many tentacled medical industrial complex.
More diagnoses, more pills, more injections, more shots, more IVs, more surgeries, more specialists, more tests, more false positive results.
Just the way they intend it.
If youve ever visited someone in the hospital or ever been hospitalized yourself, youve probably experienced a general feeling of feeling run down, fatigued, sore, tired, like you were coming down with a cold, feeling out of sorts and out of it if you were inside a hospital for a few hours or more (days, weeks or even months).
Thats by design.
Patients should be outside every day, breathing fresh air, getting natural sunlight, touching fresh grass, hugging and sitting by trees, looking up at the clear blue sky, soaking up the sun, picking flowers and soaking up natures natural healing properties.
Nope, you get to walk up and down a ridiculously overilluminated bright ass fluorescent hallway with drab muted colors surrounding you, machines beeping, nurses having bored conversations at lunch, doctors being self-important and your bare ass cheeks on full display in your gown that doesnt "quite fully close all the way in the back."
You should be letting butterflies land on your hand, picking sunflowers, laying against trees, walking barefoot in grass, staring up at the sun and soaking up the individual rays, taking deep breaths of the fresh air all around you, looking at the clear blue sky, observing some of the cloud formations, lying on your back on the grass and staring up at the big blue sky supervised by hospital staff for about an hour a day.
That should be happening every day in every hospital.
It could be done in shifts.
Even a small park or garden even on hospital grounds or property would suffice.
In your everyday life, dont you walk outside once a day?
Even just to check the mail? Run errands? Pick up groceries? Go to work? Get takeout? Go shopping? Go to work? Meet up with friends and family? Go out to eat? See a movie? Take a walk? Go jogging?
Why is this simple freedom denied to you in a hospital?
When you need nature the most, they wont even open a window for you.
Antiseptic sterility, vomiting bleeding dying patients, coughing sneezing wheezing patients, patients with viruses, bacterial infections, open wounds, bodily fluids and emissions, mucus, phlegm, stitches, sutures, transfusions, transplants.
How would you NOT need fresh air even after one day in a hospital?
Why is hospital food so comically bad?
Youre literally back to the slop you were being force fed in elementary school but as an adult.
Since youre sick, shouldnt there be an interest in providing you with nourishing, holistic, healthy, fresh organic foods that will help heal you and aid in your recovery?
If youve ever been hospitalized, it took you back to your school days with rubbery chicken, mystery lunch meat, dry bread, nothing is seasoned, everything is out of a box, warmed over and bland as hell.
It doesnt have to be expensive!
Fresh spinach for salad is cheap, quinoa is cheap, tofu is inexpensive, steel cut oats are inexpensive, chickpeas are cheap, hummus is inexpensive, lentil beans are cheap, kale is inexpensive, kidney and black beans are cheap - these are all chock full of protein, cheap, healthy, good for you and can be prepared with fresh or cookied veggies, rice, noodles.
It doesnt have to be like this.
They want you sick and defeated.
Hospitals are literal hellholes.
Its not you.
Youre right to think they are creepy depressing prisons and incubators for all kinds of diseases and infections.
Because they are. By design.
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stroyent · 1 year
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bisexual-slime · 2 years
there is literally no difference between spending 5 minutes in a walk in freezer and 5 minutes in my bedroom at night
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Heating Problems in East London?
Are you in need of reliable heating services in East London? Look no further! Our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide you with top-notch heating solutions round the clock. From radiator repairs to central heating installations, we've got you covered.
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Here's a glimpse of the comprehensive heating services we offer:
Radiator Repair: Whether your radiator is leaking, not heating up properly, or making strange noises, our experts can quickly diagnose and repair the issue to restore warmth to your home.
Radiator Replacement: If your radiator is beyond repair or you're looking to upgrade to a more efficient model, our team can handle the replacement seamlessly, ensuring proper installation and functionality.
Valves Repair and Installation: Faulty radiator valves can lead to uneven heating distribution and increased energy bills. We specialize in repairing and installing radiator valves to optimize the performance of your heating system.
Powerflushing: Over time, sludge and debris can accumulate in your central heating system, reducing its efficiency. Our powerflushing service effectively removes these contaminants, restoring your system's efficiency and prolonging its lifespan.
MagnaClean System: We offer installation and maintenance services for MagnaClean filters, which help protect your heating system from the damaging effects of iron oxide buildup, ensuring smooth operation and reducing the risk of breakdowns.
Underfloor Heating Installation: Experience the ultimate comfort and energy efficiency with our underfloor heating installation service. Our experts can design and install a system tailored to your specific needs, providing consistent warmth throughout your home.
Thermostat Installation: Upgrade to a smart thermostat for greater control over your heating system and energy consumption. We offer professional installation services for a wide range of thermostat models, helping you optimize comfort and savings.
Central Heating Installations: Planning to install a new central heating system? Our experienced technicians will guide you through the process, from system selection to installation, ensuring efficient operation and reliable performance.
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No matter the time of day or night, you can count on us to provide prompt and professional heating services. We understand the urgency of heating emergencies, which is why we offer 24-hour assistance to address your needs swiftly and effectively.
Don't let heating issues disrupt your comfort and peace of mind. Contact us today at 07418375058 to schedule an appointment or request emergency assistance. Our friendly team is ready to assist you with all your heating needs in East London.
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powerflushgeek · 1 year
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Radiator Power Flush Liverpool: Revitalizing Heating Systems
A power flush does not remove radiators from the wall. When they are flushed, the sludge in them will become looser by being hammered or vibrated. A Radiator Power Flush Liverpool uses more pressure than a standard pump, causing loose sludge to be forced back to the magnets and attached to the pump Powerflush Liverpool is a comprehensive, deep cleaning of your heating system and boiler to remove grime, rust, dirt, and other contaminants.
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tradeplumbingsblog · 1 year
The Benefits of Installing a Electrical Central Heating Boiler: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's modern world, central heating boilers have become an integral part of every household. These efficient heating systems offer a wide range of benefits, providing warmth and comfort throughout the year. Whether you're considering upgrading your existing heating system or installing a new one, this comprehensive guide will highlight the numerous advantages of having a central heating boiler.
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Breakfast at the radiator - Pierre Bonard , 1930.
French, 1867 - 1947
Oil on canvas
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Some new photos of our team!
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designerradiator19 · 2 years
Luxurious Towel Radiators to give Sophisticated touch to your Modern Bathrooms
When installing any radiator for your home requires thinking about its style, durability, and functionality in addition to the premium quality and best finish. Previously, investing in a radiator was considered a status symbol. It enhances the look of their period properties. But presently, with varieties of designs and styles of radiators, you can choose the most stylish or traditional radiators for your luxurious or traditional home. From Designer Bathroom Concepts, you will get a broad range of sizes, designs, and colors based on your budget limit. Choose the best one that provides a unique look with a luxurious vibe to your contemporary bathrooms in the UK.
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You can give your luxurious or period property an unmatched look using the most suitable radiators. Designer Bathroom Concepts offer varieties of radiators, such as Reina Luxury Designer Aluminium Towel Radiator, contemporary heated towel radiators, designer radiators, column radiators, and Traditional Column Radiators in the UK.
Moreover, you can choose the best quality Reina Designer heated towel rails, Vertical Designer towel rails, Designer Heated Towel Rails, Luxury modern heated towel rails, electrically heated towel rails, and others. Give an unmatched look to your space with Mirrored towel rails, central heating designer heated towel rails, heated Burlington heated towel rails, and others for your small bathrooms in the UK.
Or you can choose Luxurious modern heated towel warmers, Ladder Heated Towel Warmers, or branded ones like DQ heating towel warmers.
You will get the best heating solution for your classic or luxurious bathroom with the utmost efficiency and durability with them. You will get the best functionality and look in your bathroom with unmatched style and look of towel warmers.
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You can choose central heating towel radiators, electrically heated towel radiators, or dual fuel towel radiators based on the existing system in your home. If you are using a central heating system in your home, choose the central heating towel radiators or dual fuel towel radiators for your bathroom. Else you can use electric heated towel radiators to get energy-efficient & cost-efficient heating solutions.
Towel rails and towel warmers generate less heat compared to radiators. Therefore, for your small bathrooms or cloakrooms, you can choose it as it quickly makes your room cozy and warm. For your large or spacious bathroom, you can buy Luxurious Towel Radiators with innovative designs to enhance the overall look of your modern bathroom.
Normally, radiators are available in different materials, such as stainless steel, chrome, and mild steel.
If you are looking for an efficient and economical option for your home, a radiator with chrome material becomes an ideal choice for your bathrooms. It offers good BTU output and is very affordable. With high quality and lower price range, they become popularly used by people.
If you have humid bathrooms, stainless steel heated towel radiators work efficiently in your space. It resists rust, stains, and corrosion and provides your radiators with a long-lasting new look. These radiators are versatile & sturdy and look stunning in your bathroom.
If you are looking for an affordable option with excellent quality and endurance, you can select radiators having mild steel materials. Designer Bathroom Concepts offers Designer radiators with premium quality, elegant look, and long-lasting guarantee that give you the most beneficial heating solution.
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Ladder Heated Towel Warmers are also ideal for bathrooms having limited space. They offer the best performance to keep your bathroom cozy & warm and towel toasty. You can choose a curved ladder or straight ladder as per your bathroom décor or available space.
When choosing any radiator or towel rail, you need to consider the appropriate size. If you bring the small size of radiators, then you will not get efficient heating in your spacious bathroom. Based on the size of your small or large bathroom, you should buy a radiator of the appropriate size.
You can measure the dimension of your bathroom, the wall material, and the size of the windows to calculate the heat requirement. Using the BTU calculator, you can understand how much heat output require to keep your bathroom warm. Similarly, don't choose a large radiator for your small bathroom to prevent it from getting extra hot that in turn consume more energy. Hence, for the energy-efficient solution and to save valuable money, the perfect size of your luxurious towel radiator is very important.
If you want to give a refreshing look to your old bathroom or design a new bathroom, you can make a statement in your dream bathroom with the most contemporary and stylish designer radiator. You will get an unmatched look and designs of radiators to add a luxurious touch to your space.
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If you are looking for the best Designer Towel Radiator deals or Traditional heated towel radiator deals to buy Reina Luxury Designer Aluminium Towel Radiator, Traditional Column Radiators, or others from Designer Radiator Concepts in the UK, Call us at 0333 772 2055
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I Gave You My Heart
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14/12: Hand Holding & Dry Humping - Billy Washington Word Count: 2.1k~ | Warnings: grinding, p in v sex, horniness as a result of drinking alcohol
12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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Christmas was always a difficult time of year for Billy.
To most, it was a happy, cheerful time, when families would gather, stuff themselves with as much meat as they could manage, drink as much wine as they wanted without stumbling into the garden shed (as his dad did the year before, to which his mum still hasn’t let him forget) and pass out on the sofa before the King’s speech could even come on tele.
To Billy, as with most years he gathered at his parent’s house, it was just another opportunity for his parents, sister and extended family to badger him with the usual abundance of questions.
How’s the job hunt going? Not well? Aw, well there’ll be something out there for you. Just have to keep at it.
No girlfriend yet?
You’re still looking for a job?
Lana not here yet? She’s doing well isn’t she?
He felt that if he had to go through yet another year of it, he’d go ballistic.
Aunties. Uncles. Cousins. He hugged them all on arrival, but felt very little.
But this year was different.
There was an element of protection she provided. A buffer, so to speak. And Billy being Billy, didn’t want to lean on her for that buffer, but was relieved all the same when she didn’t mind.
How did she do it?
How did she smile through it? Remain polite, despite the fact that it was socially sapping and emotionally draining to be around this many new people at once, all bombarding her with questions.
She was the shiny new item to a mischief of magpies, and all his aunties were babbling like turkeys at her, taking all the attention away from him. To his relief.
He watched her with a warmth to his face, a can of cheap beer in one hand, leaning against the radiator in the hallway to warm his backside.
She entertained them with brief, vague answers, but still somehow managed to keep that smile to her face he loved so much. Perhaps he was just wavy from the alcohol, he couldn’t tell. But he did realise he was flushing with embarrassment when her eyes clapped on him from across the room, and he realised he’d been caught staring.
His heart rate skyrocketed as she excused herself and crossed the room like she was floating, the Christmas cracker tissue paper crown was still somehow perched on the top of her head, whether she realised it or not.
“What you doing here by yourself, Wash?” she smiled.
He’d almost forgotten to move his lips to reply, his face was so hot.
“Making use of the central heating to warm your arse?” she prodded with a cheeky smile, turning to stand beside him, pressing her own back to the radiator and sighing as the warmth spread through her body from the middle outwards.
“Have my aunties bored you to death?” he asked, smirking beneath the rim of his can as he sipped.
She laughed through her nose, “That obvious?” she smiles, “Nah, it’s alright. Much better company than my house on Christmas Day, anyway. At this point, my dad’d be a snoring mess on the sofa and mum’d be fretting about Boxing Day lunch”.
In his alcohol-addled state, the raising of Billy’s eyebrows was a bit unmatched, alongside the lazy smile on his face, “I can picture that”.
She raised her own eyebrow at the way he seemed to subtly sway, despite being stood.
“What number’s this?” she asked with a knowing smirk.
And she watched with amusement as the cogs inside Billy’s head visibly turned, trying to form a memory of how many cans he’d swiped from his dad’s fridge before now.
“Um…4? I think?”
“You think?”
He pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh out of embarrassment.
The heat once again rose to his chiselled features, something she would never not find endearing about him. Sometimes it was worth saying something risque or embarrassing just to see this beanpole of a man blush.
His baby blue’s glimmered with drunkenness as he looked over at her, for a moment searching her face as if he was ticking off all boxes that were labelled with her features. Her eyes. Her lips. The gentle slant of her cheeks. The shape of her nose. How her dimples sank in when she smiled lovingly at him.
He was sure nobody in his life had ever looked at him the way she did.
It made him feel good and also like he wanted to hide at the same time.
“You wanna get home soon?”
He nodded without even thinking. God, he fucking loved her for that. The way she was able to know when he was socially complete without him having to say it.
Leaving in any British household, especially on Christmas Day, is an event in itself.
It takes twenty minutes minimum, to pack up all the things you have, piling the presents you’ve received into various bags for life, and giving a ceremonial hug and a peck on the cheek to all who are still awake and present. Often people who you’d circle back to once you finally made it to the door, graced with yet another hug goodbye.
It was solemnly enchanting, the clear roads on Christmas Day, the ice that clung to the side of the roads, and the grit that coated the middle. Christmas music blared through her radio, muffled by static, and about the sixtieth time that BBC Radio 1 had played ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’. And they’d both laughed, delirious from over-socialising, when she’d realised only halfway through the drive back home, that she was still wearing the shoddy tissue paper crown.
“Was Santa good to you this year?” she’d asked jokingly, briefly turning her head from the red light.
He huffed a laugh, “He’s about to be when we get home”.
She rolled her eyes, shifting the car into first, but unable to help the smile that rose to her face.
Billy’s flat was donned with the basics of Christmas decorations.
Fairy lights along the headboard of the bed, a tiny plastic tree on the side table, several tea lights along the TV stand and finally, the pièce de résistance, the scented faux pine candle sat in the middle of the coffee table. Lit and extinguished this morning, but still managed to fill the room with a pleasant woody fragrance.
Billy talked big when he was a bit drunk. But she knew him better than that.
And though Billy might have wanted to tear all her clothes off, pull her to the nearest flat surface and let her know all he’d wanted for Christmas, all he was able to do was snuggle in behind her on the sofa, throw one arm around her waist and kiss the top of her head as his brain swam.
It was just noise mostly, something to fill the comfortable silence as the late afternoon became late evening, the tea lights illuminating the front room with a pleasant atmosphere. She was sure he’d fallen asleep, the hand that was over her middle now firmly in hers, his long digits intertwined with her small ones. Not that she minded. She simply held his hand, using her other to scroll through her phone with the volume turned down so he wouldn’t wake up.
She clicked her phone off when she felt his arm tighten around her middle, tugging her back closer to him and turned her head up to smile at him, “Billy”.
His eyes were closed as if half asleep, his dark blonde eyelashes moving to betray the fact that he was indeed awake, but he only hummed, his hips chasing hers to grind against her backside. The alcohol had fuelled his desire, but had hindered his actual ability to act on said desires, and he made a noise of frustration when his body hadn’t reacted the way he wanted.
“...‘m sorry…”, he mumbled quietly, speech slurred endearingly.
“For what?”
“...’ts my little soldier…can’t…”
She had to press her lips together to stifle a laugh, not used to or remembering Billy being this loose-lipped under the influence of alcohol. All the while he was still pressing his soft and clothed length against your backside, willing his ‘little soldier’ to life, to no avail.
It was both endearing and amusing, that even in the state Billy was in he was trying, and god he really was trying, to initiate intimacy, fully knowing that the likelihood was that he wasn’t going to be able to. Much much too drunk to even think straight.
“It’s alright, Billy, just go to sleep, ok?”
He huffed much like a child would when you refused him something.
“...but it’s Christmas…”
“Sex on Christmas Day is no better than sex on any other day. Just get some sleep, okay?”
He sighed, slumping his head onto the cushion in something akin to defeat, fingers still threaded through hers on her stomach. But not a moment later, she heard his steady breaths and threw the blanket over him as well as her and laid her head down as well.
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Waves of consciousness kept pulling her to the surface, a pleased sound falling from her lips as she parted them, feeling all warm both against her flesh and tugging in her gut as well.
She could feel Billy’s hot puffs of air against her neck and ear, the hair there reacting to his quickened breaths as they stood on end, her brain failing to realise quickly enough what was going on, and why her boyfriend lay behind her, was breathing so quickly.
That was until she heard him whimper, a stuttered moan following it.
Her eyelashes fluttered open, and instead of the warm ropes of sleep tugging her down it was something else, something hardpressing against her and chasing friction. His grip on her hands was so tight, his knuckles were almost white from the effort of holding back.
By now the candles had all burned out, save one, and the sky outside was pitch black, with the smallest flurry of snow decorating the darkness.
Hours had gone by.
She jumped when she felt his hands, colder than she expected, dip beneath her jumper and shirt, pressing his large palm against the flesh of her stomach, his little finger teasingly sliding beneath the waistband of her underwear.
“Sorry - babe, I need you…”
She could feel how impossibly hard he was through his jeans, chasing friction with every cant of his hips, using one hand to unzip them with difficulty as his other held onto her like she might disappear.
Freeing his length from his boxers, Billy almost moaned aloud when he saw that she was pulling her own jeans down as well, having woken more than aroused at the idea he was grinding against her searching for pleasure. So he made use of his hand and turned her face towards him, enveloping her soft, puffy lips with his own in a warm, wet kiss, not pausing for a moment to think about anything else other than having her right now, as he’d dreamt of doing since Christmas morning.
She nearly gasped when he slid his thick manhood into her, sheathing himself inside her in one, smooth confident movement, as if nothing, nothing, was going to stop him from basking in the warmth she offered.
In this position, with her thighs squeezed together, and his hand on her hips, pulling her back to him with each desperate thrust, it felt like so much more. And every blow to the sweet spot that lay deep inside her felt so utterly maddening, that her brain, still rising from sleep, felt like it was being shaken around.
She came with a choked cry, her grip on his wrist where his nimble fingers were applying frustratingly little pressure to her bud as he continued to piston into her. And when she was so close to begging him to stop from overstimulation, Billy leaned back a little, his teeth grazing against her neck and one hand palming her backside to push himself deeper as he too came with a long, broken whine.
His chest moved against her back with his heavy breathing, sucking in air into his lungs after the craze he’d just fallen over.
Billy pressed kisses to her neck and jaw in a sort of admiration, moving slightly with his length still buried inside her, eliciting a whimper from her as well as the friction.
She felt his eyelashes move against her cheek when he opened his eyes, “Did we really just shag with Die Hard on in the background?” he chuckled breathily.
This time, she couldn’t hold back her tired laugh, swatting his arm playfully, “you’re such a dickhead.”
He smiled wearily, turning her face once more to capture her swollen lips in a kiss, more tender this time without the urgency of desire.
“What was that about Christmas Day sex?” he prodded.
She furrowed her brows and double-tapped her phone.
Cheeky fucker.
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian @randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @virtualsweetsqueen @watercolorskyy @fan-goddess
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. envision the warmth of an infected cut, feel its inviting redness upon the back of your hand as you lightly press against it there on your wrist in tenative investigation.
you never noticed this was here before.
now imagine the slight bruise around it, tender, the jaggedness of the cut itself, the show of exertion required to create such a thing. why did it take so much? was it not a knife? look deeper. imagine remembering how it was aquired- self inflicted? accidental, purposeful, but not your choice,
you victim.
what is it?
have you decided, or decided not to decide? you don't care. look at it. closer and closer. the pink central dampness, the dry red crumbs of scar around the edges. now lap at it, the serum, the slight amount of blood mixed in with a clear fluid, lacking pus, lucky bastard, taste the saline. press your lips against it,
feel its complex ridges in ways your fingertips can't, gauge the red heat radiating.
smell at it. scratch at it. why won't you just let it rest? why won't you leave it alone? it festers upon and within you, in a tampered state since before your awareness of it.
You could never leave it alone, could you?
you wish it were worse. you wish it were deeper, you wish more filth had gotten into it, you wish there were more of it to always touch, to always feel its burn, the proof and awareness, and force to keep gaping and dripping and letting god-knows-what in- into your system and onto your bed and into your blood and lungs and bowels, underneath your fingernails, in between folds of flesh, coating the scalp, the soles of the feet, between the breasts, behind the ears. the entire world as but a scar in one place, being cut over and over and over, a sore limb with a needle stuck into its crook in the same puncture hole, over and over and over, just over and over and over again, the dull thud of the axe, the most sensitive parts of the body repeatedly violated, injured, come to harm, for the sake of nothing at all.
You go think of that. I'll gotta e-mail tumblr staff. Just found out that #poop is in grave danger.
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AP Emergency 24/7! Always available to give you a hand in times of need!
Is your plumbing situation a nightmare? Maybe during the coldest winter days, your heating system decided to take an unplanned vacation. Do not worry! You can count on AP Emergency 24/7 to save you from the chaos caused by unexpected emergencies. Our team of skilled engineers throughout the United Kingdom is committed to providing the best emergency services possible, including HVAC, heating, plumbing, electrical, and drainage solutions. Because of our 24/7 availability and commitment to quality, you can rely on us to be your trusted partner during emergencies.
Our main focus at AP Emergency 24/7 is providing the best emergency services when you most need them. Whether your home is in danger of remaining in a blackout as a result of a malfunctioning electrical circuit or a busted pipe that is flooding your basement, our staff is prepared to handle any emergency in a timely manner. We value quick response times and excellent service quality since we realize the stress and delays that emergencies can cause.
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Our Services
Electrical Emergencies: From power outages to sparking outlets, electrical emergencies can pose serious safety risks. Our licensed electricians are trained to handle a wide range of electrical issues, ensuring your home or business remains safe and functional.
· Electrical Installation
· Electrical Rewiring
· Electrical Repairs
· PAT Testing
· Fuse Boxes Repair
· Electrical Testing and Inspection
· Fuse Box Upgrade
· Light Fixtures Repair
· Fuse Box Installation
· Sockets Installation
· Circuit Breaker
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Plumbing Emergencies: Leaky pipes, clogged drains, or overflowing toilets—our plumbers have seen it all. We'll quickly identify and repair any plumbing emergency, preventing further damage to your property.
· Pipe Repairs
· Leaking Taps
· Leaking Pipes
· Leak Detection
· Tap Repairs
· Toilet Repairs
· Shower Repairs
· Water Leak Repair
· Sink Repair
· Bathroom Installation
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Heating and HVAC Emergencies: When your heating system decides to quit on a freezing winter night, you need a quick solution to restore warmth to your home or office. Our HVAC engineers are on standby to provide emergency heating and cooling services, so you can stay comfortable year-round.
· Underfloor Heating Installation
· Thermostat Installation
· Central Heating Installations
· Radiator Repair
· Radiator Replacement
· Electric Radiators Installation
· Valves Repair And Installation
· Electric Boiler Installation
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Drainage Emergencies: A blocked drain can quickly worsen from a minor inconvenience to a major headache. Our drainage specialists use advanced equipment to clear blockages and restore proper drainage, preventing water damage and mold growth.
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In conclusion, we invite you to visit our website at https://ap-emergency247.co.uk/ for further details about our services and to get to know our team better. For immediate assistance, call us at 07418354695. You can also fill out the provided form on our website, including your name, telephone number, postcode, email, the service you need help with, and additional information about the problem.
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spicy-pears · 5 months
I saw you were in the middle of writing a series. So I'm not sure you'll even take this request. But I saw the Maxxxine trailer and I really want a 80's themed johnny smut.
I know it sounds weird but just hear me out! 🤣
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𝚆𝙲: 1.4 𝚔
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝚂: 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙲𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚂𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙳𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐/𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚟𝚞𝚕𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢, 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚁𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑/𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚡.
𝚆𝙽: 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚒 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚋 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚝.
𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 80'𝚜, 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕. 𝙸 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚏 80'𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚋𝚢 𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚜 𝚒 𝚍𝚒𝚍❣️
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"This is channel 8; WCAT- TV, West Lake, Austin. This is the beginning of our nightly broadcast-" 
Colorful luminescence painted your small face. As the humid night breeze kissed your soft skin, adorning your soft angelic features with a rosy hue. The Texan air remained oppressive and dry even with the swelting sun shrouded under the starry horizon.
Yet, there you firmly stood. Attentively drawn to one of the many neatly stacked TV screens. Displayed behind the unclouded storefront window. Obnoxiously advertised with oversized retro price tags.
You almost felt guilty as you stood there. freely observing the news, with no intention of buying one. 
Nonetheless, your fingertips anxiously reached out for your chest. Seeking comfort from the gold cross, hanging from your beloved prayer necklace. petrified by the ominous name stretched across the screen, “Night stalker”. Looking upon the name was enough to make your stomach churn.
While fear held you still on that little crowded strip of sidewalk. Your round lips skewed with abhorrence, as uncensored crime scene photos were flashed upon the screen. 
Each brief photo was more unnerving than the last. Some were more gruesome than the last, prompting your gaze to deter. 
For once you were thankful for living in a small southern town. Leagues and miles away from surreal Hollywood horrors. 
Little did you know, Texas had its own slasher.
Maybe you should've turned your nose up at him, judged him solely off his roughed-up denim and torn-up blackened tee. 
Hell, you could've told him to piss off. After pretty boy "conveniently" bumped into you for the third time tonight.
But you were too kind, an element his chaotic life lacked much of. An element he felt he deserved.
"Hey there, You alright? I can give you a ride home if you need it doll." 
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Dark jade metallic paint, worn and embellished with bubbling surface rust. The timeworn appearance of Johnny’s beloved Ford pickup didn't alarm you at first. Most four-wheelers in Central Texas were also well-loved. Some were practically tin cans on wheels, worse for wear. 
 Thus, you foolishly continued to trust him.
Until you were met with the pungent scent of sickeningly sweet, aged blood. Radiating from inside his raggedy little pickup. 
Nonetheless, the stale scent was soon overshadowed by the addictive signature of your fresh crimson. As it seeped into the truck's dark vinyl leather seat. Collecting every drop of blood that Streamed down the plush of your thigh.
Leaking from the dark scarlet void, Pierced into your hip. Repayment for the pristine mark of your teeth, deeply embedded upon Johnny’s scar-kissed hand.
While you battled with the intense pain, Johnny’s blackened leer studied your body. Although you were raised to behave and dress modestly, the Texan heat truly did you no favors.
Your dewy skin rendered your once modest sun dress, skin-tight. The soft cotton grew translucent as it snuggly hugged around your gorgeous waist. Presenting a tempting view of your plush thighs.
“That was real cute doll…” Johnny’s aggressive southern twang caused every word to rumble down from his chest to his core. With his dominant hand pressed on the small of your back, Pinning your pain-struck body down in place.
Callously forcing you to rely your weight and stability upon your elbows. And injured leg, while pressing your small face against the blood-stained vinyl.
The way your gorgeous gray eyes glimmered with each wave of pain, fed Johnny’s sadistic desire to hurt you further. Thirsting to see your small frame broken and trembling under him.
“Since you want to bite like a bitch, I’ll treat you like one.” His vague threat and condescending tone made you realize the precarious position he forced you into.  The increasingly rough grip upon you your ass acted as your only warning.
Before abruptly lifting your plush ass upwards. Mercilessly rocking your body downwards, flush against his navel. Carving his way through the soft plush of your inner thighs. A breathless moan escaped your lungs, as his tip playing against your sensitive clit. Was enough to send you over the edge alone, your body instantly falling into submission. Your back now lax, lewdly arching downwards.
Your cries were the sweetest, as they brought a heartless grin playing across his lips. Sadistically drowned in your symphony of angelic whines and pained whimpers. His thrusts grew slow and subtle, his smokey gaze examining his cream covered length. Glistening with each stroke against your needy cunt, embracing the fat middle of his cock between your wet slit.
Suddenly, you’d let out a pained cry, which hitched into a stressed hiss. “That’s it…” Johnny’s charming voice began to taunt you, as his dominant hand grasped your injured hip. Your addictive crimson pooled upon his palm, wasting through his fingers. Your knuckles began to turn white, as you dug your fists into the leather for comfort and stability.
Regardless, with thick cock-dunk tears clouding your view. Your body still refused to go limp, denying him the satisfaction of seeing you broken. All the while shooting a defiant glare toward him.
Promptly his rhythm would come to a pause, while inconspicuously moving your panties to the side. While letting out a short dry chuckle into the night air, “Don’t worry, I love a bitch with some fight left em.”.
Your precious eyes would widen, accompanied by a soft gasp. Feeling his tip prying at your tight gummy entrance, causing a series of sweet whimpers to fall from your full lips. ”Aww, come on I know your tougher than that!” Johnny's tone grew husky with lust, His aggressive twang now deeper.
 Mercilessly jerking his hips, sinking his thick length deep inside your unprepared cunt. His size overwhelmed you, as an intense flutter climbed up your spine. Stretching you out more than you’d ever been, his tip kissing your gummy cervix.
Your pathetic scream was drowned out, as his blood-soaked hand covered your mouth. Yet, with tears multiplying on your lash line. You’d shamelessly let out a whine from stifled pleasure.
“What? My bitch can't wait?” Johnny cruelly barked, addressing your desperation with a mocking tone. All the while slipping off his torn-up shirt, making sure to keep his cock warm and buried deep in your cunt.
Although his scar-kissed frame was now free of his shirt, he continued to deny you. Giving you tortuously slow strokes, enjoying how your face skewed with desperation and frustration.
“P-please- “Your round lips parted, spilling out needy cock-drunk pleas. Only to be rewarded with a firm grasp around your neck, his hips setting a rough rhythm. You barely had time to brace yourself for his unbearable pace. Your eyes would squeeze shut as your voice began to wear out from singing his praises. Soft wails and angelic screams rippled through the air, filling the isolated car park.
His chest rumbled with a low moan, bouncing you off his thick length at an erratic pace. Watching your plump ass ripple with each thrust, while your breasts bounced in unison. Relishing the lewd symphony of your plush ass roughly meeting his hips and your wet pussy squelching as you milked him. Your hot slick traveled, coating the veins that ran from the base of his cock, down to his balls.   
His pace never faltered, regardless of how your cunt spasmed and clenched around him tight. Your tear-glazed eyes opened wide as your body brutally jolted forward. His erratic pumps grew deeper, slamming against your weakening cervix, pulling at the knot built up at your core. Your breath now staggered and short, gradually growing weak under the firm gasp around your neck.
“I-I can't.” Your body would fall limp, lying down obediently, as your edge came rushing through your small frame. You’d feel Johnny’s weight on top of you, his bulky arms embracing you his impaling thrusts grew languid and sloppy. His frustrated grunt echoed through you as your cunt swallowed around him, milking him dry.
A choked exhale would squeeze out of your bruised vocal cords. Leaving your mindless, with little stars dancing upon your gaze.
“Fuck- “his toned stomach tensed in unison with his contracting balls. Johnny was damn near mindless himself, unknowingly choking you beyond your threshold. Releasing a pleased groan, as he painted your empty womb with thick hot milky ribbons.
The grip on your neck would loosen, prompting you to take in short puffs of air. Doe-eyed you stared back into Johnny’s velvet brown eyes. “I’m afraid yer mines now, I’ll take real good care of you.” His thumb caressed our cheek, painting your small face with your own blood. His lips would uncharacteristically seal his promise with a tender kiss on your cheek.
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powerflushgeek · 1 year
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Power Flush Liverpool: Revitalize Your System
Rust particles fall to the bottom of the vessel after detaching from the radiator. A blocked radiator keeps hot water from reaching the bottom, so the water seeks the shortest path to get there, as illustrated below.
Power Flush Liverpool cleans your boiler by removing dirt, grime, rust, and other debris that may have accumulated over time. There is a possibility that these substances will cause corrosion or blockages in your boiler, and if they are left in the system for a long period, they may eventually cause a breakdown.
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laelior · 3 months
The ride back from Rift Station is eerily silent.
Liara sits near the back, contemplating the hands folded in her lap. She’s earned the numbness that radiates from her.
Shepard might as well be a statue at the front of the tram, her back ramrod straight and her shotgun slung across her lap, one hand resting on the stock. She keeps a quiet vigil, her eyes continually scanning the track ahead of them for signs of danger. Kaidan hasn’t seen her move once since they’d boarded the tram, in a stark departure from her typical restless energy. He puts it down to deference for Liara’s grief and the unnerving encounter with the rachni.
Kaidan is somewhere in the middle, pacing from side to side while keeping an eye on both Liara and the peripheral sight lines as the tram hurtles along back toward the central station.
The tram lurches around a bend, and the statue at the front of the tram winces. It's subtle, as is the way she shifts her left shoulder. Someone else might not have caught it. But Kaidan does.
He sighs and makes his way to the front of the tram to kneel down in front of her, looking her over critically for the source of her wince.
“Alright, show me where it is,” he says, quietly so as not to disturb Liara.
“Where what is?” She barely looks at him, eyes flicking down to him before resuming their scan of the horizon ahead.
“Whatever injury you’re trying to power through. Let me take a look at it."
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Go check on T’soni, she could probably use it.” She waves her hand, shoeing him away like she would a fly, but Kaidan is having none of it.  Not today. Not after all they’ve been through.
“Liara’s in shock. She needs time to process what happened, not a medi-gel patch. Now quit being stubborn and show me.” He stares her down, unwilling to concede this battle of wills to her and her mulish pride. Before she can protest, he takes the shotgun from her lap and places it on the floor–easily within reach for someone with a normal range of motion. Her nostrils flare in annoyance but she finally meets his gaze.
“For fuck’s sake, Alenko,” she snaps quietly. She moves her left arm away from her side and Kaidan sucks in a breath. There, the plates of her Onyx armor have blackened and cracked, leaving a fist-sized dent right over her ribs.
Carefully, he picks at a piece of ablative ceramic and it flakes away in his hand like so much tissue. The undersuit is tattered, showing the bruised expanses of her skin underneath and two bony knobs sitting close to the surface. “How…?
“One of the commandos. Hit me with a warp and shotgun blast right after.” Her accompanying shrug is not effortless. “Maybe shorted out the medi-gel delivery system, too,” she concedes with a quiet grunt.
He pulls a spare medi-gel pack from his own armor and breaks it open, gingerly applying the clear, viscous substance directly to her skin. His field medic training had never specifically advised this particular method of applying medi-gel, but there had been a number of edge cases that training had failed to cover. She hisses when he presses just a little too hard.
“Sorry,” he murmurs reflexively. He peels off his gauntlet for a gentler touch and sets it next to her shotgun. The medi-gel is cold on his fingers, a sharp contrast to the heat of her skin under his touch.
“These look broken, Shepard.” He hovers two fingers just over her fifth and sixth ribs, careful not to touch.
“I’ve had worse.” It takes all of Kaidan’s self-control not to grind his forehead into his palm.
“The moment we get back to Port Hanshan, you’re going to see Chakwas,” he says flatly. It is not a request. 
“Are you giving me orders now, Lieutenant?” There’s a cold edge to her voice and a look of hard steel in her eyes. Another time, that would have made him back off. But now…now, he meets her hard stare with one of his own.
“I don’t have to. Chakwas can still countermand you on medical matters.” She glares down at him, using that look he’s seen a hundred times now to bend others to her will. But he refuses to break under the weight of it.
And then she does the last thing he expects.
One side of her mouth turns up in a dry, lopsided smile.
Kaidan quickly drops his eyes, feeling a flush start to creep up his neck, and finishes applying the medi-gel. He fumbles to get his armored glove back on once he’s done. He resumes his place in the middle of the tram, but somehow he just knows she’s still smiling that little smile of hers.
When the tram finally slows to a stop at the central station, he’s still not sure who won that round.
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