#cerebral hypoxia
Whump Prompt #986
Your whumpee is kidnapped but is forced to wear a full-face oxygen mask (think: Avatar) that supplies them with surprise sedatives/actual oxygen. The air quality in the room is so low that If they take it off, they can hardly breathe. The torturer also delights in restricting oxygen flow to the mask whenever they feel like it. This could lead to brain damage/cerebral hypoxia/confusion etc)
(Maybe the pipe supplying oxygen is very short from where it leads through a grate in the wall, so the whumpee had limited movement to get comfortable)
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vivelareine · 1 year
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I have rambled about this on Twitter but reading Victor Hugo's poem "Capet, éveille-toi!" (usually printed in English as "King Louis XVIII: An Ode") which was written and published in 1822, and then reading The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light chapter ["I will weep with you over the children of kings, provided that you will weep with me over the children of the people"] from Les Miserables, written decades later, is fascinating in a lot of respects.
But especially in terms of analyzing Hugo's personal political and moralistic development. The chapter reads in some ways as a rebuke against himself, with the Bishop standing in for his decades-older self.
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maespri · 5 months
your turn to die characters ranked by how painful their death was (and why)
okay. crazy title, i KNOW. but this was actually so interesting to talk and think about. at least for me.
spoilers ahead, and TRIGGER WARNING. this post is going to go into detail about each death. it’s going to get gory and upsetting. if you don’t think you can handle hearing about that, please keep scrolling!
everything is under the cut, because this post is LONG, i'm warning you now.
some backstory: i have a special interest in anatomy and physiology, and i've always thought about how the different deaths in your turn to die worked. my wonderful friend @lovivelle and i talked about this topic extensively last night and they made this tier list with me! so, here's the ranking and explanations!
this ranking ONLY covers HUMAN deaths, because dolls/dummies do not feel pain.
quick glossary: exsanguination: death caused by bleeding out hemorrhaging: bleeding necrosis: cell/tissue death hypoxia: inadequate oxygen supply hypovolemic: loss of fluid in the body, often referring to blood or water shock: life-threatening condition where the body does not have enough blood circulating through it crush syndrome: medical condition where skeletal muscle is crushed for a prolonged time, resulting in shock and organ failure hematemesis: vomiting up blood hemoptysis: coughing up blood TBI: traumatic brain injury immolation: death by burning; being burned alive
the tier list:
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OUCH!! (most painful):
nao: nao's death involves her ribcage being crushed. i put her at number one for what i hope are obvious reasons. for starters, her death is drawn-out, making the pain last even longer. while her ribcage is being crushed, any internal organs are being crushed as well. her bones are probably splintering and breaking off and piercing her insides and organs. overall... just horrible pain. official cause of death: internal hemorrhaging and irreparable damage to organs.
kurumada: kurumada's death involved being crushed (between two walls), which is similar to nao's. i would put their pain levels as being equal to each other, but kurumada's has the potential to have been less painful than nao's, because we don't know how quickly the walls crushed his body. if they were moving slowly, the pain would've been drawn-out and agonizing, and in that case, i would make the argument that his death was more painful than nao's. but if it was very quick, he would've just felt blinding pain in his entire body for a few seconds before it would end. we do have to keep in mind that kurumada is clearly quite muscular however, which probably provided some resistance against the walls, but only served to draw out his pain even further. official cause of death: muscle necrosis, internal hemorrhaging, and irreparable damage to internal organs due to crush syndrome.
either way, both definitely experienced, in my opinion, the most painful deaths in the game.
YOWZA! (very painful):
mishima: mishima's death results from his collar slowly heating up and burning his neck until his head disconnects from it. i don't even have the words to describe how painful this would be. the fact that the collar heats up slowly and it is drawn out only makes it worse. if you've ever burned yourself before anywhere on your body, you know how painful it is. imagine that pain centralized around your neck. mishima might have the fortune of his nerves being burned off after a certain amount of time, which would mean he wouldn't feel anything (think third-degree burns burning through to muscle, tissue, and nerve endings). but at that point, because the burning is around his neck and your neck contains- A) your spine/spinal cord and B) your trachea, which allows you to breathe- anyway and burning it in half would definitely kill you, he may be dead before he even has time to not feel any pain. either way, this shit would hurt so bad. official cause of death: cerebral hypoxia due to decapitation.
hinako: hinako technically has two deaths, but we ranked her based off of her being drilled. a lot of questions actually arose when my friend and i were talking about the drill deaths, because we don't know the speed at which the drills move. i mean, whether they're moving quickly or slowly, it would still obviously hurt- but the faster the drill, the quicker the death, which would make it less painful. being drilled would be unbearably painful for the sole fact that she might be alive for a lot of the drilling until it reaches any vital organs. no matter what, it'd be very painful. official cause of death: hard to say for certain, but would most likely be from exsanguination... y'know, from her body being split in half by a giant drill.
kugie (kanna's sister): my friend and i were FLOORED when we looked into kugie's death. in the game, i don't think we get a canonical answer specifically as to how she dies, but in the manga, we do. kugie and kanna have the same first trial as joe and sara, but they don't succeed. in it, kugie's bed literally snaps and essentially folds her in half. in the image from the manga, we can see blood flying out from the bed (implying it happened very quickly, because if it were slow, the blood would instead drip and flow), and kugie's hand sticking out between the two slabs of the bed. i think this death is the most painful out of the entire "YOWZA!" category because kugie was probably alive and in immense pain for at least a few seconds or even minutes after the bed snapped. if i had to speculate official cause(s) of death:
i would guess her lumbar vertebrae (basically the bottom discs of the spine) and spinal cord snapped, cutting off sensation and sending her into shock.
if she was folded in half, her legs would have quickly shot up, meaning her torso was likely unnaturally slammed into by both them and the bed, and sustained massive trauma. this would cause internal hemorrhaging and damage to her organs.
the blood spurting out of the bed was likely from her head. i'm a teenage girl, likely the same height or around the same height as kugie, and when i bend in half, my face is level with my knees. knowing this, her knees probably slammed into her face and broke her skull, causing a TBI.
the combination of all of that would have first caused terrible pain for, like i said, at least a few seconds or minutes- we don't see how extensive the damage really was, so i can't say for certain... but yeah.
aughhh (painful):
joe: joe's death is really interesting to think about, because upon first glance, you might think it's one of the most painful- but there are a few things i considered with him. his death is a result of wrigglers draining the blood out of his body. because we don't know how large the wrigglers are, i can't say how painful it would be when they enter his body- but i'd have to guess they're on the smaller side, like little tubes, because if they were big, they would have difficulty sucking out his blood due to how small blood vessels are. it would hurt horribly to have the wrigglers enter his body and drain the blood. we don't know if they moved around through his blood vessels- if they did, that would definitely exacerbate the pain- or if it was more just like getting blood drawn. but what i considered with him, the thing that makes his death less painful than the others, is the fact that he would probably pass out long before he's even fully dead. the amount of blood he's losing at such a rapid pace would first make him dizzy and disoriented before he just... passes out. his entire body would start shutting down very quickly and he wouldn't even be awake for it. his body would give up on transporting blood to the extremities and non-vital organs and shift only to transporting what little blood it can to keep vital organs running. when that blood runs out, the heart will stop being able to pump enough blood throughout the body and to the brain, and joe would actually be dead. so... yeah. official cause of death: hypovolemic shock resulting in organ failure.
shin: shin dies after being fatally injured by the death game's security system. while it's unclear exactly how the security system killed him, i believe he was stabbed/impaled somehow. there are a few questions regarding exactly where he was stabbed, but i assume he was hit somewhere in the torso because he has blood coming out of his mouth. if you don't know:
blood coming out of the mouth can be a result of haematemesis (vomiting up blood), which is where blood wells up in the stomach/digestive tract due to trauma in that area
it can also be a result of haemoptosis (coughing up blood), which results from being stabbed in the lungs/trachea due to trauma in that area
my guess is he was stabbed in the stomach, because if he were stabbed in the lungs, he'd be coughing and frothing at the mouth struggling to breathe. if i'm remembering correctly, he's also shown to be clutching his abdomen after turning on the joe AI, so... my money is definitely in the stomach.
which, you guessed it, would hurt. a lot. and there's no workaround. he's strong enough to drag himself to the rubble room and turn on an AI before dying. he would've been in blinding pain that entire time before dying.
official cause of death: exsanguination.
reko: reko technically has three canonical deaths, which made her hard to rank. i'll cover them all.
strangulation (hanging by collar): being hung is painful, but i think people underestimate how terrifying it is too. reko would have been terrified and in immense pain for a few minutes before dying. everything in her neck would be getting crushed and pressed on by the collar thanks to gravity. overall... awful death. official cause of death: cerebral hypoxia due to strangulation.
stabbed: same as what i said for shin. terrible pain for however long until she ultimately bleeds out. official cause of death: exsanguination.
fake-reko falling headfirst onto a spike: this one's... interesting! mainly because i think she would actually just be dead instantly. if the spike pierces her brain, she won't even really have time to process "ow!" before just. being dead. official cause of death: severe TBI resulting in death.
owie (painful, but not as painful as others):
q-taro: q-taro is stabbed in the back by mai and slowly bleeds to death over the course of the chapter. the reason i put him so low is because he would definitely be in some pain, but i don't think mai stabbed him very well (no offense girl). he's able to walk around, talk, and do stuff with the others after being stabbed, at least for a little while. it's difficult for me to pinpoint what exactly killed him because of this. i'd imagine his body began repairing the stab wound in his back, but ultimately, blood loss and the disruption to everything surrounding his spine (because mai stabs him in the back) is probably what killed him. depending on how deep mai's knife was, the blade may have even pierced or grazed internal organs such as q-taro's heart or a lung. his body probably put most of its focus on keeping his internal organs running whilst simultaneously trying to repair them, which tired him out over the course of the chapter, before it ultimately couldn't keep up with the amount of blood being lost. a hasty bandaging job using an office first-aid kit is not ideal for stab wounds.
*edit: this person corrected me regarding q-taro's death! i still think the severity of his injury could have killed him before the coffin cremation system actually killed him, plus the information is interesting, so i'm keeping it. but technically, being burned alive is actually what killed him. ouch.
official cause of death: exsanguination OR immolation.
kai: kai's death is kind of up in the air in terms of the specifics, but we know he kills himself during the first main game by cutting his arms. in order for this to kill him, and for him to have bled out as fast as he did, he likely cut his axillary and/or brachial artery. your brachial artery runs down the front of your bicep and is an extension of your axillary artery, which is in your upper arm/armpit. if kai cut deeply into both his brachial arteries, and/or his axillary arteries, he would bleed to death very quickly. it would be really painful, but i think adrenaline and the probability he'd pass out immediately would certainly be on his side here, making it at least a little less painful. either way, he dies quite fast, so. official cause of death: exsanguination.
uncertain (i'm not sure!):
this category is for the characters who have one or more variables that make it difficult or impossible to determine how painful their death was.
kanna: first of all, the way kanna dies is impossible in real life. lets just get that out of the way. you cannot have flowers sprout out of your body. that immediately makes it impossible to tell how painful it would be for her.
if i were to suspend my disbelief for this, however, here's what i have to say about it:
safalin says kanna is numb during her death, which would instantly give her a pain rating of zero. kanna is screaming during her death, but given what safalin says, that doesn't necessarily prove she's in pain. she could just be screaming out of fear.
if she weren't numb, yeah, she would be in a lot of pain. flowers and vines growing out of your body, poking out of your skin, running through your insides- that would hurt insanely bad.
but the fact that:
this death isn't possible in real life
kanna is presumably numb during her death
we don't specifically know how the seeds are working/moving inside her body
kind of made it impossible to rank her.
if i had to guess a cause of death, i'd guess severe disruption by the vines to her internal organs and processes is what ultimately killed her.
hayasaka: hayasaka's head is presumably cut off by a swinging axe. there are two reasons we put him in 'uncertain'; we don't know how sharp the blade of the axe is, and we don't know the velocity it's swinging at.
if the blade is swinging slowly and is very dull, it would take a few swings to fully cut off hayasaka's head, which would make it incredibly painful.
but if the blade is swinging very quickly and is super sharp, his death would be instantaneous, making it essentially painless.
so it's difficult to say, but either way:
official cause of death: decapitation.
ranmaru: ranmaru's death is in 'uncertain' because we
don't know exactly how that happened to his stomach
hear him talk about how he's numb to it
don't know how long he's been sitting there
i imagine he was in some pain and just putting up a front, but we just don't know for sure. and like i just said, we don't know what specifically killed him or how. we just see a wound in his stomach.
probable cause of death: exsanguination/hemorrhaging.
anzu: anzu's was between 'uncertain' and 'so quick.' we see spikes piercing her body, but the angle makes it difficult to tell exactly where they pierce, or how sharp they are, etc. if the spikes didn't hit her face/brain, she probably felt intense pain for some time from the neck-down before rapidly bleeding to death. if the spikes got her head, she'd die instantly. so.
probable cause of death: exsanguination? TBI? damage to internal organs/processes?
ranger: according to ranger's wiki, his human form was stabbed by an assassin. not nearly enough information to rank him with certainty.
cause of death: stabbed?
so quick (too fast to be painful):
both mai and alice's deaths were so fast, they fell into this category.
mai: mai shoots herself in the head. her death would have been immediate and painless since she shot herself in the brain.
official cause of death: fatal TBI.
alice: alice's abdomen explodes. if that happens, you're probably going to feel a very brief flash of pain before immediately dying, because the damage would be so extensive (shrapnel exploded his stomach, but there was undoubtedly collateral damage to his heart, lungs, and other organs around there). he would have been in shock if he did somehow manage to survive for a few more seconds. pain would be minimal or nonexistent in my opinion due to the sheer severity of the injury. and in terms of him being hung in chapter 3, it's the same as reko.
official cause of death: shock resulting from traumatic abdominal injury.
thats it!
if you for god knows what reason read all this, thank you! i'm honestly only posting it kind of for myself and my friend to look back on if i ever want to think about it again, but maybe someone will find it interesting.
questions, comments, concerns (of which i'm sure there are many)- i'm an open book. i'm not a professional by any means, but i am insane. bye!
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morbidology · 9 months
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‪The Euthanasia Coaster is a theoretical machine designed by Lithuanian engineer, Julijonas Urbonas. The aim of the coaster is to kill a human being “humanely” and with “elegance.” The Euthanasia Coaster would kill its riders through prolonged cerebral hypoxia with the ride’s seven inversions. ‬
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poppadom0912 · 1 month
Holding On Sequel
Warnings: Mentions of guns, injuries, hospitals, angst
Summary: Recovery from the worst night of the Halstead's lives seems impossible.
A/N: Wrote this randomly when I remembered receiving several comments wanting a part two and after much deliberation on the plot, this is what I came up with. I'm not a medical professional, everything mentioned is all from google. Please enjoy the ending of this as there won't be a third part to what was supposed to be a oneshot ;)
Things were never the same following the night of the accident.
Jay and Will found themselves at your beside for however long they were permitted to. During his shifts, at his breaks and whenever he found time, Will found himself in your room watching your coma ridden self and Jay would always call and text for updates, every other minute out of work spent in the hospital.
The surgery had been a success, no one ever doubted it when Connor took charge, but it was the aftermath that had gone downhill.
Cerebral hypoxia caused from the severe blood loss and haemorrhaging, causing damage to your brain, the extent of damage which even Abrams struggled to determine as long as you remained unconscious.
The coma lasted for such a long period of time that Abrams was hesitant in keeping your life support machine on.
Jay had a tiny bit of a go at the man for suggesting such a thing, Will attempting to hold him back from doing anything brash.
So Abrams took a step back for another week and the next time, Charles approached the brothers instead. His ever so gentle and understanding voice with his soft eyes causing them to crumble.
It seemed that everyone had come to a collective conclusion, tonight when both their shifts were over, they'd say their last messages and goodbyes before Abrams would pull the plug.
That day, like clockwork, Will took his lunch break too eat his sandwich at your side, talking and telling you everything and anything like he always did. Eventually, someone would always join him for moral support or for some company, either or, today it being April who also was on her break.
As Will combed his fingers through your knotted and greasy hair, their was a sudden spike in your heart monitor causing his fingers to abruptly pull at a tough knot, his own heart thundering, head snapping up to look at the machine in question.
Both doctor and nurse sat in silence, staring at the machine with sharp eyes, ready for any other fluctuations.
A higher pitched beep went off two minutes later, Will choking out a breathy laugh at the moment he believed was never going to come.
Struggling to formulate any thoughts, he turned back to look at you, his eyes softening paired with watery smile.
"it's okay Y/N." He swallowed harshly, barely listening to April calling for Abrams as the heart monitor continued to go off.
"Take as much time as you need."
"Hey, you all finished?
Jay appeared out of nowhere, walking towards you with his keys in hand very casually like he hadn't just scared the living hell out of you.
"Yeah, almost. I just have to mark these last few questions and then we can go home." You said, gesturing to the test papers in front of you on your desk.
Jay hummed, perching himself on the tables that you forbid your kids from sitting on where he sat whistling till you were done.
Around fifteen minutes later, you were done. All your things were now back in their shelves and drawers, your bag packed as your announced you could leave now.
Jumping off the table, Jay rounded the desk and took hold of the wheelchair handles, pushing you out of the classroom, pausing so you could lock the door behind you.
This was your new norm.
Two months post waking up from your coma and, you were thriving as much as you could adjusting to this new lifestyle.
Only two weeks ago were you able to get back to work, spending all your time in and out of rehab and physical therapy, the latter of which you still attended.
The Cerebral Hypoxia affected your ability to speak and walk, the former which was fixed within a month of rehab but the latter...
Well, you were in a wheelchair for a reason.
To cater to such a sudden change in lifestyle, both Will and Jay took their turns in helping, acting as carers of sorts especially in the beginning of your recovery.
Their shared efforts leading to your current living situation - the three of you living together in a completely new place that had wheelchair accessibility that you were able to afford combining three salaries.
Even now, there were still some things that you hadn't become accustomed to such as: wheeling yourself everywhere, relying on others for small tasks like laundry and the sympathy from the entire world.
You would never get used to the stares you continued to receive at school from the children.
"Will get's off in a hour, he's asking about takeout." Jay said, cutting you off from your train of thought as you reminisced on your current recovery.
"Our usual Chinese place is good for me." You said, watching as he typed something into his phone, most likely texting Will your words. "I'm really craving their duck."
"Perfect." He mumbled, turning his phone off as he started the car to drive home.
It took a very long time to work out how to get you and the wheelchair both in and out of the car but after much trial and error and eventually help from your physical therapist, it all worked out.
Will and Jay were changed men after you woke up from the coma. They were, if even possible, more protective of you than before to a point where the line between overprotective and overbearing was extremely thin.
But all three of you had to learn and adjust, making mistakes and sacrifices necessary in making this recovery and new lifestyle work.
You wished you could turn back time and change things, going back to that fateful night where you could change what you did.
Thinking back to it now, you would've been smarter, used some common sense and put your card some place sensible, maybe walk faster to the station instead of pausing in the middle of a dark street nowhere near the main road or civilisation.
But alas, no matter the regret, it was all in the past now, as your therapist said, dwelling on it won't change the present.
All you could do is what was in your control which currently consisted on focusing on your physio to try and get your legs to improve even somewhat, try to enjoy being coddled by your older brothers like you were all kids again and continue to teach the children who never failed to make you feel better.
While you were well into the recovery process, there was still much progress to be made and in an ideal world, by the end of it all, you'd be back to normal and stable on your own two feet. A life where everyone could go back to their lives, Will and Jay being allowed to live their lives independently without having to help you get into the shower or bed.
For now though, all you had to do was focus on yourself, taking small baby steps to try and get back to being you again.
"For fucks sake- Will forgot the prawn crackers!"
With these morons at your side, being you was easier than ever.
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necroseptic · 14 days
short drop hanging will always be superior, cerebral hypoxia induced seizures, the twitching, perfection.
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blueteamtexas · 2 years
reading caboose's page on the rvb fan wiki is kinda sickening ngl. please learn how to reference people with tbi like. "this is caboose. he is very stupid. there is major brain damage or w/e but liek. his main attributes are his idiocy and how fucking dumb he is. basically a baby if it could talk. cant even use a gun" thats fucked up. i personally know several people with tbis who are still happily married (possibly sexually active, i never asked), full ass adults with lives and cares and worries and struggles. its so unfair that everyone treats wash's cerebral hypoxia with grace and delicacy (bar the whole character arc of carolina handling it with less grace and more fear) but caboose is just an idiot? why does wash get that "is this what donut feels like all the time" but not "is this what caboose feels all the time"? it breaks my heart (and scares me) that when seeing someone struggling with understanding their reality and word comprehension a lot of reactions are just "stupid"
tldr: stop fucking treating diabled people like invalids for fucks sake
(edit: ive been informed that caboose suffers from an abi (aquired brain injury), not a tbi (traumatic brain injury).)
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dr-dan · 3 months
Is he being nice? What’s with the feet?
He’s being nice he complimented an idea I had regarding reducing post-mortem cerebral cell degradation resulting from hypoxia. And he wanted to see if feet retained muscle memory independently—whether or not these feet of a ballroom dancer would, if reanimated and set to music, would waltz on their own.
They do.
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mcclintcock · 2 months
open question about writing pnes
i've been writing a fic for a while about a character having a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure due to being under a lot of stress (dan egan s3e7 special relationship iykyk) because i love to project onto characters :) i only have experience with non-epileptic seizures due to serotonin syndrome tho, and i've never had a psychogenic seizure. i've obviously done some reading but its not super easy to find tons and tons of info because its decently rare, so i am reaching out to the tumblr community :)
specific qs below the cut, tw emeto+brain damage
does vomiting happen during pnes seizures
is it possible to get cerebral hypoxia from not breathing during the seizure
is it even possible for it to be a one time thing due to severe stress
can you remember what happened during the seizure/around the time of it
after waking up is there disorientation and if so how bad + for how long
thank you!!!
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One of the most brutal scenes from a brutal show
Finally, found this scene from 'The Expanse'. The massacre of Anderson Station.
BTW, watching this scene while on maternity leave with my youngest daughter was rough. So glad my husband watched it with us and my buddy was texting me too.
While not necessarily gorey, there's so much painful subtlety in this scene, of miners going on strike on a station with their families, and the company saying, 'Hell no, we aren't going to listen to you.'
Some things to notice:
Anderson Station is completely isolated, in the middle of space. There is literally nowhere for the Belter miners to go.
They are clearly unarmed in this scene and have nothing to negotiate with.
Everyone is dirty, sweaty, and coughing. They are clearly running out of water and will surely run out of air soon.
Speaking of which, the main reason the miners are striking is due to the lack of oxygen in the air, which is having devastating effects on their children. Cerebral hypoxia (brain injury) is an actual medical issue that can cause permanent brain damage. We can see that with Kiri, Marama Brown's little girl in this scene. She's easily elementary school aged but is struggling with a visual game that would be appropriate for a much younger child. She is also completely nonverbal and does not display reaction to the terrifying situation around her, all signs of brain damage. As a learning scientist and a mom, that really hurt to watch.
The depressurizing of the station is fast, swift, and painful. The hundreds of protesting Belters and their families are yanked out into space and left to float there for eternity.
The UNN One, the ship that breaks up the strike and does the damage, is huge. It is designed more like a skyscraper, which allows it to be situated at different angles as it flies and floats in deep space.
The slow draw onto Fred Johnson as he watches the many dead civilians he is responsible for killing. How he has a dignified, military title among the UN, but the title quickly changes to 'Butcher of Anderson Station' by the Belt. He's never going to get this blood off his hands, no matter what he does next. Which sets up for an excellent, complex character that has massive repercussions in the plot .
Not a single drop of blood shown on the screen, but it is incredibly violent, scary, and tragic.
God this show. This damn show.
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greenapricot · 1 year
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“If I hadn't taken this job, we wouldn't be spending all this quality time together. You'd be talking to a much less attractive DI.”
“Do you want the benefit of my professional opinion or not?”
“I want the benefit of all your opinions.”
“Well, I don't think you do, Robbie. “Cause of death - cerebral hypoxia. But on closer examination of the neck, the furrow from whatever's been used is angled upwards. If I was to strangle you, a not inconceivable prospect these days, I'd pull the ligature together like this, and it stays horizontal, see?”
“Whereas with hanging, the body hangs from the bottom of the noose, and the furrow slopes upwards.”
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autisdicksimmons · 2 years
Rvb character disabilities pt. 2
Blue team’s turn baybeeee
Church, Alpha
(This is assuming that Private Jimmy’s body was compatible enough to fit his memories in look and functionality)
* Bad eyesight
* Dead
* HC— Hard of Hearing bc I can. Also it adds a little depth to him always fucking yelling
* HC— I like the idea of him having a tremor, I think it would be a list if it were canonical, but if adds some depth to him never hitting anything
* HC— I know I said I wasn’t doing mental illness last time, buttttttttttt he’s so BPD coded
* HC— also def autistic
* Other than complications from the abdominal injuries he’s sustained (birth/being stabbed) I can’t think of anything, really. Huh
* Canonically has brain damage from various sources
* Had his pinky toe shot off
* HC— Deaf/Hard of Hearing, would explain him commonly saying or hearing things wrong and, when corrected, being like. Yeah that’s what I said. Like he’s not stupid it’s just a miscommunication
* HC— Also he’s autistic (I recognize how this hc is often used in infantilizing ways, but I’m autistic and I love him so he is too)
* Canonically she has a robot body but honestly even if I wasn’t considering that I can’t think of anything?? Is she abled too??
* Dead tho
* Colorblind (is that a disability?? I’m counting it)
* HC— Hyper-mobile EDS bc I have it too and it REALLY fits with her crazy flexibility
* Cerebral Hypoxia
* Regardless of that though between having an ai blow up in his head and his season 11-12 concussion? He’s had some mild/moderate brain damage for a while
* Canonically has at least some chronic pain (when in his younger body in s17 he remarks that he feels amazing, and asks if that’s what it was like to be young)
* HC— Hard of Hearing
Church, Epsilon
* Being far more aware of his being an ai/never having a fleshy body the physical ones from Alpha don’t apply, but the mental ones do
* EDIT- I had it pointed out that it is v much canon that Church has MPD, so he’s plural/a system
* Has a bad knee from it being injured so. Many. Times
* HC— Chronic pain of some capacity, she’s been through A Lot
* HC— also autistic for sure
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maespri · 4 months
your turn to die chapter 2 deaths ranked by how painful they were (and why)
CRAZY ASS TITLE AGAIN. i know. hear me out. this post is kind of an addition to this post i made ranking all the deaths in YTTD, but it focuses only on the "game over" deaths that occur in chapter two of the game. because... i watched a video on it, and jesus there were a lot. and i wanted to analyze it all again!
as usual, spoilers ahead, and TRIGGER WARNING that this post will be going in-depth on the deaths and the nature and science behind them. it gets gory and detailed. if that will be too upsetting to read, please keep scrolling!
let's get into it!
if you haven't read my other post, some backstory: i have a special interest in anatomy & physiology, and i find it interesting to analyze these deaths and try to work through and understand exactly how they occurred.
each death/"game over" is named after the attractions/circumstance under which they occur. then i'll go into specifics. some of these were difficult to analyze due to the fact that it wasn't totally clear what happened, but i did my best!
quick glossary: exsanguination: severe blood loss asphyxia(tion)/hypoxia: inadequate oxygen supply to the body artery: vital blood vessel carrying blood out of the heart and to other vital tissues/organs spinal cord: cord that carries nerve signals from brain to body and vice versa pneumothorax: condition occurring when no oxygen can enter the lung(s), resulting in the organ shutting down hypovolemic: loss of fluid in the body, often referring to blood or water shock: life-threatening condition where the body does not have enough blood circulating through it TBI: traumatic brain injury cerebral: relating to the brain hemorrhage: bleeding necrosis: cell/tissue death neurotransmitter: chemicals that allow neurons to communicate with each other throughout the body
most painful:
stay on target:
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sara and her partner get eaten alive. that sounds painful upon first hearing it, and it only gets worse when you consider what that actually means. for starters, sara and her partner are alive for every bite until the end of their death, where the mouth spits out their blood.
getting chewed alive would be excruciating. necrosis occurs as the bones, muscles, and nerves sitting in the lower limbs get crushed into mush, and as it moves further up the body, it worsens. until the spinal cord is severed (and even then, there's no certainty it actually would be severed; whether or not that occurs depends on the strength of the bite and the angle), they'll feel every bit of that pain. and if the spinal cord is cut, they'll only stop feeling pain everywhere beneath wherever that part is severed. for example, if sara's spinal cord snaps around her thoracic vertebrae (basically the middle discs of the spine), she'll stop feeling pain from the mid-back down- but if it doesn't snap again above that? she'll keep feeling it, if that makes sense.
so... overall, i think this would be one of the worst deaths. just imagine getting crushed over and over and over again.
-> official cause of death: likely shock, and/or fatal TBI from the brain getting crunched last
hide and seek:
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this one was really interesting to analyze. judging by the blood splatter, it seems sara was slashed with a scythe around the right shoulder/lung. which... i hope i don't have to explain why that would hurt like hell. namely because she would likely still be alive for at least some amount of time and in terrible pain until the damage to her torso results in death.
irreparable damage to her lung combined with exsanguination would result in death here. the axillary artery sits around the armpit, meaning a hit to that area would most certainly result in the huge amount of blood we see staining the wall behind sara. and once that artery is hit, and in such a severe way... yeah, it's over.
-> official cause of death: hypovolemic shock due to exsanguination + pneumothorax leading to fatal shock
fly swatter:
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so... this one was kind of insane?
my friend and i did some research for this one as well as suspended some disbelief and decided the answer that made the most sense given the characters appearances is that the flies literally chewed through their scalps and into their brains. there are actual flies in the world that can bite, but not to this extent, so it makes more sense that asunaro would have created these flies specifically for the death game and given them abilities.
there is also the possibility they were stung, but the amount of blood streaming down their faces, in my opinion, makes me think they were actually eaten. i also think this because if gin is your partner in this game, there will be holes in his hoodie implying the flies chewed through them (not pictured, apologies).
anyway, in this case... having your brain get eaten from your scalp... um. that would suck! pretty bad! you'd likely be terrified, thrashing around, and have intense pain in your head while your brain literally gets eaten. while, fun fact, the brain itself can't feel any pain, everything surrounding it can. i think this is just a nightmare scenario all around.
-> official cause of death: cerebral hemorrhaging/TBI.
quick draw:
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in this death, sara gets impaled by a sword. its unclear exactly where the sword impales her, but it is obviously somewhere in the torso. the exact positioning actually does vastly change the amount of pain.
if the sword impales sara through her lower torso, it'll certainly pass through her intestines. potentially the pancreas and/or kidney(s). if it does hit her here, she'd be in pain for a long time; the organs of the lower abdomen are not as vital as the organs of the upper torso such as the heart and lungs, so... she'd basically be lying there, in horrible pain, bleeding out for some time. also, the conus medullaris (where the spinal cord essentially "ends") lies in the lower back often above the lumbar vertebrae. a direct hit there would result not in loss of sensation as spinal cord severing often does, but instead in severe back pain alongside other painful symptoms.
my point is- it would hurt. bad.
if the sword impaled sara's upper torso, she'd still be in pain, but for a far shorter time. the blade would pierce the heart/lungs, and, being in the center of sara's back, likely result in a complete spinal cord injury and cut off all sensation below that. she'd be unconscious due to shock within a few seconds, and total brain death would occur soon after.
i also want to note that there is blood on the blade above sara's body, which means the blade was inserted very quickly and resulted in her blood splattering upward over it. all this really means is the damage was even more extensive.
-> official cause of death: exsanguination, shock
spirit shutter:
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this death occurs from sara getting choked to death. the first hand that appears on her is the one wrapped around her neck. the others fade in to hold her down, with one even covering her nose/mouth to make it even harder for her to breathe.
i think this death is painful especially from a standpoint of pure fear. being held down, choked to death, unable to do anything, is a horrifying concept in and of itself. add to that the fact that there all these other hands covering your face and grabbing you as well, and it's all just. awful.
choking occurs from the crushing of the windpipe which doesn't allow for adequate oxygen supply. overall, terrifying and painful.
-> official cause of death: cerebral hypoxia.
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this death was. disgusting to think about in-depth!
i think the thumb/forefinger of the red hands are digging into the eyes of sara and her partner. first of all, jesus, that hurts. ultimately, i believe their heads are just squeezed until they explode.
it's difficult for me to consider the science behind that considering that, in real life, it is impossible to crush a 17-year-old and late-20s-year-old's live human head with one hand. but it would definitely be incredibly painful. first the skull starts cracking and splintering, then it closes in on the brain, just... eugh.
the fact that their deaths appear to be mostly instant, however, shown by a single flash of red before the screen cuts to black, makes me think this death is less painful than the others, at least. it's very quick, at the very least.
-> official cause of death: fatal TBI.
charge card battle:
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in this death, a giant blue beam crashes into sara. while i have no way of knowing what exactly that beam is made up of, it's likely some very strong volt of electricity.
the wound on sara's chest, the blood splatter behind her, and the cracked wall implies the beam was powerful enough to cut all the way through her skin, muscle, bone, and organs and break the wall behind her.
what's interesting here is that sara is killed immediately upon impact, but keiji has enough strength to lean to the left slightly toward her (shown by his outline not making the blood outline behind him) and tell sara he's sorry, an apology which sara is not alive to hear nor respond to.
i think this would be incredibly painful for what i hope are obvious reasons. a fiery electric beam cutting through your body would result in blinding, burning, pain for at least a few seconds before leading to death. however, i put it lower because the death is almost instant.
-> official cause of death: exsanguination, blunt-force trauma to the entire body
"least" painful:
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i would argue this is the least painful death out of any in this post, because it is instant. there's no time to feel pain. they're just dead. getting crushed by a giant boulder? you're just nothing. dead instantly because the brain gets crushed.
-> official cause of death: TBI.
white gas:
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this death occurs if you fail to help shin hack the security system in time. a white gas floods the room, sara says she "can't breathe," and the "game over" appears. i'm uncertain what kind of gas is thrown into the room; some sort of advanced poison gas. most poison gases cause terrible symptoms and pain for a long time in victims, but because sara seems to be affected and presumably die instantly, i'd guess it's some sort of specific concoction conjured up by asunaro.
either way, the fact that it kills her so quickly makes this one of the least painful deaths.
-> official cause of death: asphyxiation due to poisonous gas.
poison door:
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this death occurs if you input the wrong number into the door. something pricks sara's finger and presumably injects a poison into her bloodstream.
poison works by unleashing neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and hemotoxins into the body, all of which affect the nervous system, cells, and the blood respectively. all of these can have adverse effects on the body which ultimately lead to the destruction of nerves and result in paralysis, seizure, and death.
in sara's case, she was likely injected with a very fast-acting poison. my guess would be a high dose of cyanide. cyanide interferes with cellular respiration, which causes cell necrosis and essentially results in the body's tissue being unable to use oxygen.
cyanide poisoning very quickly results in a loss of consciousness, which is also shown through sara passing out practically instantly. so even if she were to continue to have symptoms (such as seizure- which i would guess would be unlikely, given she would likely be dead before any would begin), she wouldn't feel it.
that's why this falls under one of the least painful deaths.
-> official cause of death: cell necrosis -> hypoxia.
i was unsure about how this death worked.
memory dance:
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this one was very confusing to me. the death scene begins with white ropes wrapping around sara's arms and legs, keeping her in place; then, a curved woosh of something white crashes into her. the screen goes red, and this is the final thing shown. at first, i thought maybe she was hit by a large blunt object whilst being restrained, and that it killed her upon impact.
but the weird thing about this image is sara's stance. she can't be hanging from something because her arms are at her sides, not up, meaning her body is relaxed. but if she isn't hanging, that means she's standing up... despite being dead?
i really have no idea what to clock this death as. something obviously hit her and killed her, but i don't know what it was or where it hit. i'm also confused on the way she's standing. i could very well just be stupid though, so if someone else has an explanation, please do enlighten me. lmfao.
i wanted to touch on the hallucination-related "game overs," of which there are two. while they technically aren't deaths, i still think they're really interesting to talk about from a psychological/neurological standpoint. this might just be mostly mindless rambling, fair warning... but, whatever. here are my thoughts.
if you use the hallucination machine three times:
before i get into this, i'm really gonna need you to suspend some disbelief for this game. modern medicine isn't at a point yet where we can ultra-specifically cherry-pick memories to remove. i'm aware of that. i'll try to explain how this might work, anyway.
if sara uses the hallucination removal machine three times, joe will essentially appear to be "eaten away" by sara's psyche. sara appears to have become addicted to the machine, begging to be allowed to use it one more time. safalin uses this to her advantage, stating that if sara obeys her, the machine will be her "reward."
while it is impossible to pick and choose specific events or people to remove from your memory in modern medicine- as far as i know...- this is still interesting to me for a few reasons.
the first reason being that it illustrates how unstable sara's state of mind has gotten. she wants to keep using the machine, no longer out of a desire to forget joe- she already did that, it was shown- but solely because it's the only thing bringing her peace anymore.
so why does overusing the machine result in a bad ending- and if sara has forgotten joe, why is she still addicted to the machine?
countless neurotransmitters are responsible for memory formation, but i want to hone in on glutamate, acetylcholine, and serotonin.
glutamate is heavily involved in long-term memory. a decrease of this neurotransmitter can result in memory loss, alongside a myriad of other unfortunate symptoms.
acetycholine helps organize working memory into long-term memory. cholinergic neurons (nerve cells in which acetycholine works) innervate the hippocampus (the part of the brain where your memories are stored), and aid the formation of episodic memory (your memories of specific events) as well as semantic memory (your long-term, basic, memory, such as numbers, words, and concepts).
serotonin has a few ways of aiding memory, but one of its most vital functions is its construction of neural pathways which allow you to learn new information more quickly.
with that in mind, if i had to assign an actual science to the hallucination removal machine, i would imagine it works by:
impacting the hippocampus in some very specific way, to where it only impacts sara's memory of joe
or, somehow decreasing the level of glutamate, acetylcholine, and serotonin in the brain.
for the first two hallucination removals, maybe a minimal or safe amount of each neurotransmitter was removed. just enough to make sara forget about joe enough to calm down again.
but repeated depletion of these neurotransmitters would cause immense problems. i also want to point out that sara appears to struggle a lot with anxiety in chapter two due to the hallucinations, and anxiety is thought to be related to inadequate amounts of serotonin. my point there is that she was (obviously) already struggling before ever using the machine.
so by the third time sara uses it, something in her brain must snap. too much has been taken out, whether that be because safalin manipulates the machine to remove more than necessary, or just because sara's body has truly hit its limit.
this makes sara physically weak. each of the previously mentioned neurotransmitters affect the memory, but they also play a vital role in your body's basic functioning all throughout the body.
what makes sara mentally weak is dopamine.
dopamine is the feel-good neurotransmitter; it makes you relaxed and satisfied. every time sara uses the hallucination machine, she's flooded with dopamine; she gets to forget about all the pain of remembering joe. that feels amazing.
most likely, she came to associate the hallucination-removal machine with dopamine release, and in a situation where dopamine release would otherwise be incredibly minimal (not much satisfaction to be gained out of watching everyone around you die and lie and fight), the hallucination machine would be a godsend.
my point here is that sara basically became addicted to the machine because it became her only solace.
so combine her now-physical weakness with her addiction to the dopamine she gets out of the hallucination machine, and she gets this ending where she fully submits to safalin under the condition that she gets to keep using the machine.
so... that's my messy explanation there!
reaching maximum hallucination level:
if you reach a hallucination level of 130, sara will essentially lose her mind. she'll see a version of herself walking up to joe during his death scene with a knife in hand, which she ultimately plunges into his neck. after this, she screams, it cuts to black, and there's a "game over."
this entire ending is the embodiment of sara's self-blame as well as her desire for control.
when it comes to loss, the first person people tend to blame is themself. for sara, this is because she actually does blame herself for not being able to do more to save joe's life. but it is also because she felt powerless both in the death game and during joe's death. she clicked over and over and it led to nothing. by blaming herself for joe's death, she gets to maintain some control over it, even if she wishes it never happened to begin with. that control brings her some subconscious sense of sick comfort.
her self-blame and guilt for joe's death, despite not actually being her fault, causes her to conjure up this manifestation of her own internal struggle in the form of a hallucination of joe.
it's very realistic for sara to try to avoid thinking of joe during chapter two. i believe sara develops PTSD after witnessing joe's traumatic death in chapter one. memory loss is very common in PTSD and is a defense mechanism by the brain.
but sara doesn't forget joe entirely; she just tries not to think about him. unfortunately, she's triggered by certain things around her that force her to remember him. however, she can no longer conjure up good memories of joe; only able to think about the fact that he's dead. with no other concrete figure to blame, she blames herself.
psychologically speaking... no, you can't die of "losing your mind." but grief, PTSD, and trauma can result in physical symptoms. for example, a heart attack, which most certainly can kill you.
but in this ending, i don't think sara actually dies. her last words are just her laughing. i think she kind of just... loses it. and that makes sense.
i think the reason this ending happens, and the reason sara sees herself killing joe, is because her mind is no longer able to understand why joe died. so it makes something up.
she sees all these things that remind her that joe was alive once. every time we see something that reminds us of someone else, we think, "that reminds me of this person" -> "that makes me feel [sad] [happy] [mad]" -> "anyway..." and move on.
but sara's brain instantly jumps to extremes. she goes from "this reminds me of joe" to a very blunt "oh, joe is dead" to the question of "why is joe dead?"
and instead of thinking logically- "joe is dead because he got unlucky and drew the sacrifice card. joe is dead because he got kidnapped and put into this death game. joe is dead because miley told the wrigglers to drain his blood."
sara can't compute that. she sees hallucination joe blaming her. just goes straight to, "joe must be dead because of something i did."
in psychology, this is a very common way of thinking in children. they aren't old enough to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them, so they think everything that happens happens because of them.
in sara's case, she seems to kind of regress back into that way of thinking, even if it is only in relation to joe.
so after being reminded of joe so many times and going through this cycle of thinking, her mind gets tired of trying to sort between real and fake memories of joe's death and just solidifies itself on one side of the story.
sara's brain basically decides, sure, we killed joe. it's easier if we believe we killed joe. here's how you did it, too. you took a knife and plunged it into his neck. there, now it's definitely your fault.
which totally backfires for sara, who has now completely lost it. there's no line between real and not real for her anymore. anything she convinces herself she's done, she believes.
so that's how that ending works, in my opinion.
that's it!
as always, if i got something wrong or if you have any thoughts of your own, please do correct me or share with me! i'm not a professional, just insane.
thank you for reading!!
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its-no-biggie · 7 months
THE RVB LEAKS??? rambles utc
OHHHH MY GOD. wash centric s18....... caboose wash rehabilitation war games. wash cerebral hypoxia season could have been real....... can we talk about the disparity between. the focus on washs recovery in the leaks vs actual canon s18. anyway
the 2 season 17 scripts were sooo oughhhhgh. GRIF GETTING LAUNCHED BY A CATAPULT. really cool tucker scene...... augh. rotating it in my minddddd
AND CANON GRIMMONS????? actually addressing the temple of procreation...... sister being like "um what does gay oral sex have to do with procreation i think yall are just in love" ICONIC
im so so torn because so much of this stuff is SO GOOD im really really enjoying reading it but at the same time. its disappointing yknow.
bisexual sarge...... asexual donut...... the whole bi sarge script is SO FUNNY. donut hijacks sarges coming out real
anyway i read it really quickly while distracted im gonna need. time to read it properly and digest it. but like holy shit. holy shit
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carpfishfacebook · 23 hours
i’m sorry yall but for the next chapter of save a horse it is going to be very obvious that i’m a psyc major. if you see me yapping about cerebral hypoxia… mind ur business. it’s either this or horrible, heart-wrenching angst on the grieving process
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killed-by-choice · 1 month
“Eliza Roe” (USA 1974–1977)
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“Eliza” is Patient 8
Except for how Eliza was killed, very little is known about her. She was between 20 and 44 years old, she was killed in America and her death was counted in the CDC’s statistics on abortion mortality.
Sometime between 1974 and 1977, Eliza underwent a D&C surgical abortion with laparoscopic sterilization. She was 8 weeks pregnant and perfectly healthy.
Although Eliza had no pre-existing health problems, she suffered a dangerous side effect: cerebral hypoxia. She died of brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.
The study that documented her death did not specify the mechanism of her hypoxia. A few of the possibilities are that Eliza lost too much blood for her brain to receive oxygen, choked on vomit, was improperly resuscitated or had a drug reaction.
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