zoobie-the-popplio · 5 months
Sabre Redesign
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He's a tiger, now.
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full-loup · 7 months
Her Poor Back!
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A sequel of sorts to that other Krystal piece I did, this one done with traditional drawing! Here's a bit of a story to go with it as well.
Krystal groaned and grunted as she lay upon the large bed of straw the Earthwalkers had prepared for her. A friendly CloudRunner, the same that had spotted her from the air, ambled over to her, a jug of water held in its beak. Clutching the vessel by its handle, the Saurian tipped it carefully, just enough so that a tiny trickle of water fell between the vixen's lips.
She drank gratefully, waving the jug away with a slight gesture of her paw once she'd had her fill. The small movement sent ripples through her engorged form, but she still made sure to whisper her thanks to the CloudRunner as he set the jug down next to her bed. She'd been stuck in that bed for three days now, and she doubted she'd be leaving it anytime soon. "I needed that..." The woman panted, gathering breath to continue to speak, "But I also need a cure for my... hufff... condition... please tell me somebody has... huff... found the idol...?"
"Not yet my dear..." A familiar voice responded as the CloudRunner turned to face the entrance to the room and bowed in respect. This action was enough to confirm to her that the EarthWalker Queen herself had come to check in on her, even if she couldn't see the massive dinosaur past her tremendously bloated chest, "I'm afraid we may have to accept that it could be lost forever." The words had stung Krystal enough for her to wince, but she expected them. Days ago, she had come across the fertility idol, a Cerinian artifact left in a shrine her spacefaring ancestors had built on Sauria ages past. The relic was an odd one, a small clay statue depicting a vixen with exaggerated proportions, but Krystal hadn't paid much thought to the figure's cartoonishly large breasts. Simply happy to have found a piece of her people's history, she had stolen it, unaware of the true price she had paid for the discovery until it was far too late. As her once sleek and athletic form began to take on a much more matronly aspect, Krystal had dropped the idol in shock. By the time she'd connected it to her dire predicament, her fate had been sealed: The idol had tumbled down into a deep ravine and her growth showed no signs of stopping. She was fortunate that the CloudRunner had found her before any SharpClaw had, but by the time he did her body had come to not only resemble the massively exaggerated proportions of the statue but to surpass it. Her buttocks and hips had bloated so much with flab they had snapped the loincloth from her waist, her belly having grown heavy and large enough to force her thighs to spread as she lay pinned helpless to the road. The worst changes, of course, had been those caused to her bust. Each jug was massive, filled thick with heavy fat but still obscenely perky as they loomed and wobbled over her, filling her field of vision at all times. Within minutes of her transformation, her breasts had utterly destroyed her skimpy top, leaving them to bounce and swat pendulously before her with each desperate, waddling step she took. By the time she had become immobilized by her own girth, Krystal was sure that each one weighed as much as her whole body used to. The CloudRunner had alerted the nearby EarthWalkers, and it had taken the mighty dinosaur almost a full day to drag her bulk back to their shelter at Thorntail Hollow. "All I wanted was a piece... of Cerinia's history... something else... mmnnffff! ...to remember it by..." The massively bloated vixen moaned, angry tears welling in her eyes as she spotted the fat nipples cresting her fat tits, bare for all to see now, "Not this... indignity...!" "We're sorry... but we will need to find another way," The EarthWalker Queen sighed, "There must be a way for us to break this spell though! What kind of a statue was this?" "A... fertility idol," Krystal said, blushing, "You don't think that...?" The EarthWalker Queen did not answer for a moment, and Krystal could sense her own embarrassment at the awkward but likely theory, "I do not know for certain... but though the growth has slowed, you appear to still be swelling... we don't know if it will ever stop. As she thought of the potential cure, Krystal felt the burning between her bloated thighs only growing even more intense. She shifted them uncomfortably, sighing as it caused her titanic tits to wobble in her face. "If it could reverse this... even stop this..." "I need to find a mate..." Krystal sighed, more longing in her voice than she expected as she licked her lips and moaned, "Well, fuck me..."
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kopathefox · 8 months
Characters are:
Walking Wake (the blue dinosaur/paradox suicune)
Iron Leaves (the robotic green deer/paradox Virizion)
Purrloin (the purple cat pokemon)
Whitetail (the yellow bird with white tail who’s recording Iron Leaves)
Buddy (the green dragon spirit shown at the credits)
Explain time:
So in the Mifkada lore, Iron Leaves is in love with Walking Wake, he doesn’t know about it cuz Iron Leaves is too shy, she did told Purrloin about it tho, Whitetail just being a b*** on purpose, Buddy is at the credits cuz why not?
Also i misspelled the child of cerinia at the end
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hotside · 2 years
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“One day, unexpectedly, the four safety locks clicked, with a resounding scraping of metal. She almost allowed herself some bliss when the door opened, but a bitter taste arose in her mouth as she recognized the unlikely visitor. The redhead in front of her was the very one she had seen torturing Kylo on Cerinia. Hux looked at Rey for a long time, and she realized that this man was the opposite of Kylo. If Kylo was fire and impulsiveness, Hux was ice and control."
Chapter 20: Checkmate.
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mitologiagriega · 2 months
Heracles, conocido como Hércules en la mitología romana, es uno de los héroes más icónicos y venerados de la mitología griega. Hijo de Zeus y la mortal Alcmena, Hércules es famoso por su increíble fuerza, sus aventuras épicas y sus Doce Trabajos, que lo llevaron a enfrentar desafíos sobrehumanos. Su historia es un testimonio de la valentía, la redención y la capacidad de superar grandes adversidades.
Historia de Hércules
Origen y Nacimiento
Hércules nació de la unión entre Zeus, el rey de los dioses, y Alcmena, una princesa mortal. Para seducir a Alcmena, Zeus se disfrazó de su esposo, Anfitrión, y pasó una noche con ella. Alcmena quedó embarazada y dio a luz a Hércules, mientras que Anfitrión y Alcmena también tuvieron otro hijo, Íficles, en la misma noche.
Hera, la esposa de Zeus, estaba furiosa por la infidelidad de su esposo y celosa del hijo que había nacido de esta unión. Desde su nacimiento, Hércules fue objeto de la ira de Hera. Envió dos serpientes a la cuna de Hércules para matarlo, pero el bebé mostró su fuerza extraordinaria al estrangular a las serpientes con sus propias manos.
Educación y Juventud
Hércules fue educado por los mejores tutores de Grecia. Fue instruido en la música por Lino, aunque en un arrebato de ira, Hércules mató a su tutor con una lira. Para expiar este crimen, Hércules fue enviado a pastorear ganado en las montañas, donde desarrolló su fuerza física y su destreza en el combate.
Matrimonio y Locura
Hércules se casó con Mégara, la hija del rey Creonte de Tebas, y tuvieron varios hijos. Sin embargo, Hera hizo que Hércules cayera en un ataque de locura, durante el cual mató a su esposa e hijos. Aterrorizado y arrepentido por sus acciones, Hércules buscó purificación en el Oráculo de Delfos, quien le ordenó servir al rey Euristeo de Micenas y cumplir los Doce Trabajos como penitencia.
Los Doce Trabajos de Hércules
Los Doce Trabajos de Hércules son una serie de tareas aparentemente imposibles que debía completar para expiar sus pecados y ganar la inmortalidad. Estos trabajos son:
El León de Nemea: Hércules debía matar al invulnerable león de Nemea. Lo estranguló con sus propias manos y usó su piel como armadura.
La Hidra de Lerna: Una serpiente de nueve cabezas que se regeneraban cuando eran cortadas. Con la ayuda de su sobrino Yolao, quemó los cuellos para evitar que las cabezas se regeneraran y enterró la inmortal cabeza bajo una roca.
El Jabalí de Erimanto: Capturó al enorme jabalí vivo y lo llevó a Micenas.
La Cierva de Cerinia: Una cierva sagrada a Artemisa con pezuñas de bronce y cuernos dorados. Hércules la capturó sin derramar sangre y la llevó a Euristeo.
Los Establos de Augías: Limpió los establos de Augías, que no habían sido limpiados en 30 años, en un solo día al desviar el curso de dos ríos.
Las Aves del Estínfalo: Espantó a las aves carnívoras del lago Estínfalo con el sonido de un cascabel y las mató con flechas.
El Toro de Creta: Capturó al toro que devastaba Creta y lo llevó a Micenas.
Las Yeguas de Diomedes: Robó las yeguas devoradoras de hombres del rey Diomedes y las llevó a Micenas.
El Cinturón de Hipólita: Obtuvo el cinturón de la reina de las Amazonas, Hipólita, tras vencerla en combate.
Los Bueyes de Gerión: Mató al gigante Gerión y llevó sus bueyes a Euristeo.
Las Manzanas de las Hespérides: Robó las manzanas doradas del jardín de las Hespérides con la ayuda de Atlas, quien sostuvo el cielo en su lugar mientras Hércules recuperaba las manzanas.
Cerbero: Capturó a Cerbero, el perro guardián del inframundo, y lo llevó a Micenas sin usar armas.
Mitos y Aventuras Adicionales
La Batalla con el Gigante Anteo
En su camino hacia una de sus labores, Hércules encontró a Anteo, un gigante invencible mientras tocara la tierra, su madre Gea. Hércules lo levantó del suelo y lo aplastó, ganando así la batalla.
Rescate de Alcestis
Hércules rescató a Alcestis del inframundo, devolviéndola a la vida después de que se ofreciera en sacrificio para salvar a su esposo Admeto.
Matrimonio con Deyanira
Hércules se casó con Deyanira, quien más tarde, engañada por el centauro Neso, causó accidentalmente la muerte de Hércules con una túnica envenenada. En su agonía, Hércules construyó una pira funeraria y pidió a Filoctetes que la encendiera. Como recompensa, le dio a Filoctetes su arco y flechas envenenadas.
Apoteosis e Inmortalidad
Tras su muerte, Hércules fue llevado al Olimpo, donde se le otorgó la inmortalidad y se reconcilió con Hera. Se casó con Hebe, la diosa de la juventud, y se convirtió en un dios venerado.
Simbolismo y Culto
Hércules simboliza la fuerza, la valentía y la superación de desafíos imposibles. Era venerado en todo el mundo griego y romano, y sus templos y santuarios eran lugares importantes de culto.
Los Trabajos de Hércules: Inspiraron innumerables obras de arte, literatura y teatro a lo largo de los siglos.
Hércules y el Zodiaco: Algunos de los Trabajos de Hércules se asocian con las constelaciones del zodiaco.
Héroe y Dios: La dualidad de Hércules como héroe mortal y dios inmortal lo convierte en una figura única en la mitología clásica.
La historia de Hércules ha perdurado a lo largo de los milenios, inspirando a generaciones con su valentía, resistencia y dedicación a superar los obstáculos más difíciles. Su legado sigue vivo en la cultura popular, en películas, libros, y arte, recordándonos el poder de la fuerza, la determinación y la redención.
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Hot Fanon Takes(tm) - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
Hello and welcome to Hot Fanon Takes, where I scream into the void about how I feel about fanon.   Today’s edition is going to be purely based on Krystal and Cerinia, as I feel like both of these figures have become absolutely enveloped in fanon.  Unlike my last two parts, today’s segment has more than 3 segments and might be a bit more rapid-fire than lengthy explanations.  So please enjoy.
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and it’s okay to disagree with them.
This one took me longer than I thought it would because there’s... a lot.
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Let’s focus on Krystal-only ones starting off!
#1 - Krystal was raised on Sauria by dinosaurs
I am not sure there’s a definitive origin for this one.  This is somewhat common-- I’ve seen it in a few fanworks, enough to throw it onto my list.  This might be inspired from Krystal’s Dinosaur Planet rendition, as that rendition was orphaned at a very young age after her tribe was massacred.  Alternatively, it could be inspired by how people interpreted Krystal’s character.  It’s important to note that people can take in the same media and draw different conclusions.  And that could very well be the case here.
My hot take: I don’t entirely vibe with it as a headcanon for reasons that I’m not sure I can really put into words.  Canonically, I don’t think it’s true given the text we have in-game but I don’t necessarily dislike the idea.  I don’t particularly find it as compelling at the idea of her having stumbled across Dinosaur Planet on her own and deciding to help out due to the good nature of her heart.  Krystal gets a pitiful amount of on-screen time but her actions during that time speak a lot for her character, I think.
I think people who use this headcanon inevitably have to come up with where the staff came from and her clothes.  I’ve seen some people suggest she could have gotten the clothes on Sauria but they don’t really say where the clothes would have come from on Sauria.  I mean, I’m a glutton for blaming the Krazoa on everything but I don’t know if I can reason that the Krazoa made Krystal a golden bikini.  Unless that was some of their old clothes she found or something... (Do not make me think of Krazoa in golden bikinis, brain, I beg of you).  Additionally, she doesn’t really seem to know much about the planet, as she has to be informed about things like the Krazoa.
Moving on. That’s not to say there’s no merit to this fanon.  Krystal already seems acquainted with the CloudRunner tribe when she makes her introduction into the game and she can already speak the same language as the dinosaurs.  Her staff also has upgrades that are scattered about the planet, clearly tying it to Sauria.  So while I don’t really vibe with this as a headcanon, that’s not to say it’s bad or totally unreasonable.
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#2 - Krystal is Cerinian royalty
Not sure where this one came from but I’ve seen it a fair amount.  This might be from the trope of having a love interest that’s royalty or Krystal having lots of jewelry, therefore she was rich before Cerinia went kaboom or however it perished.  
My hot take: I'm neutral-leaning-to-dislike on this one.  I don’t like the idea of “the only survivor of this horrible accident is a single princess” because it screams overdone/overused tropes (and throws me back to Voltron... which reminds me of Voltron’s ending...).  But I don’t dislike it to the point where I’d roll my eyes if I read a fic and that was included.  I think it could be done very, very well and COULD be interesting.  But it does lean a bit hard into the princess-in-distress idea and that leaves not a great taste in my mouth.
There’s no real evidence for or against this one.  Again, I’m not entirely sure where it comes from (maybe it DOES come from Allura in Voltron lol).  
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#3 - Krystal is not the sole survivor of Cerinia
Very simply put, this information is found in the small manual that comes with the game.  It’s the only time Cerinia is referenced and the only time Krystal being a sole survivor is referenced as well.
My hot take: Oh this one is my favorite.  The text in the booklet does read that Krystal is the only survivor of her planet’s doom.  The text additionally reads stuff like “Slippy traded in his pilot wings for a place at Weapons R&D”, boredom possibly causing Falco to “simply disappear”, talks about Scales “removing all 4 SpellStones” despite in-game clearly not having possession of the 4 SpellStones, refers to the Dino language as both new and old... just a lot of weird contradictory things.  I did a full analysis on the mini-manual for Adventures here if you wanna read it.  Tl;dr, the manual doesn’t seem to know what it’s talking about in some instances and offers very shaky, contradictory evidence.
That being said, it’s canonically said that Krystal is the only survivor... but given that not much has really been done to confirm this in-game, I feel like it’s something that could be considered fringe-canon at best.  Especially considering it comes from a book that doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening in the plot of its own game.  
If we want to take a hard look at the lore from a logical standpoint, I think it’s possible that Krystal’s the only survivor but I don’t think it’s probable.  You have to wonder how Krystal survived whatever killed off her entire planet.  And you have to wonder how she managed to escape it, likely by fleeing into space.  Her being able to traverse the Lylat System freely implies that the Cerinians were space-faring (I’ll get into that later).  And if the Cerinians were space-faring, does that mean that all of them would be on Cerinia during whatever apocalypse happened?  The answer?  Probably not.  There might be pockets of Cerinians still out there that managed to evade the destruction, even if it’s just a handful.  And I think that’s very much worth mentioning.  (There is an alternative way Krystal could have fled but it’s using a bit of conjecture along with Dinosaur Planet lore and I’m going to save it for later.  I don’t necessarily think it proves anything either way.)
Additionally, what matters the most about creating fanworks is having fun.  If you look at this lore and you think “Wow, that is very unfun, I would rather write a tale about other Cerinians!” then... do it!  If there’s way to logic it up, then there’s no reason you should let a throwaway line in a contradictory manual hold you back, in my opinion.  So yeah, I’m a big believer in the fanon that other Cerinians exist! And anyone who tries to throw this manual at you in an attempt to tell you to not have fun with something can get bonked by one of those foxtrap plants from the ThornTail Hollow Well.
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#4 - Krystal from Dinosaur Planet is a totally different character than Krystal from Star Fox Adventures on a meta level
This comes from the design change and the fact that Krystal in Adventures’ role was diminished.  Additionally, her backstory was given alterations to better fit the Star Fox brand.  A lot of people have since lamented that the Adventures Krystal was a poor bastardization of what we could’ve got.  That particular opinion got really loud when the ROM leaked and that led to many an argument as discoveries were coming out about the game.  But it’s an age-old, very tired debate at this point which is why I’m dredging it up. :)
My hot take: Very hot take incoming.  My opinion is that they’re basically the same character.  To me, Dinosaur Planet is a what-if of Krystal not being trapped in a crystal.  Adventures is a “ope, Krystal got trapped in a crystal.”  I’ll explain a bit more in detail.
We already knew that Dinosaur Planet and Adventures had a lot of 1:1 moments.  When the ROM was leaked, it was actually pretty striking how much of a 1:1 a lot of those moments were.  Krystal’s actions were all effectively unchanged, leading me to think that the parts we don’t get to see her do in Adventures would ultimately just mirror what her Dinosaur Planet counterpart did.  She displays similar qualities.
The argument against my hot take is basically that “Are you really the same person without all the aspects of your backstory”, which I think there’s a lot of merit to as well!  But ultimately, I think that even though Krystal’s backstory was given edits, they were not drastic enough to alter her overall character severely.  In Dinosaur Planet, she’s the sole survivor of a massacre.  In Adventures, she’s the sole survivor of an apocalypse.  In both games, she comes to the planet out of the goodness of her heart to save it.  Dinosaur Planet gives the benefit of adding Randorn in as a figure from her past, which provides ways for her to interact and display her personality more readily than the 5 minutes of fame she gets in the start of Adventures.  So it does come across as DP!Krystal having more of a character than SFA!Krystal... but only out of opportunity to display it. 
So really, the question comes down to this... Do you think cut content that reflects a character’s personality is non-canon?
In my opinion?  No.  Because the directors are only cutting out a scene, not who a character is down to their core.  It’s a glimpse that the players don’t get to see, not an absence of that aspect of their personality. 
But I think the answer is very subjective and people are free to disagree.
One argument I vehemently disagree with is because Krystal has a more “mature” design, her personality is removed.  I don’t think that’s the case-- I think we were just robbed of seeing much of her so it comes across that way.  Going to soapbox additionally and tell people that hate on Krystal’s SFAdv design because it’s “slutty” or whatever really need to sit back and check their opinion again.  Having a design with boobs prominently displayed doesn’t necessarily mean a character is slutty.  The addition of boobs onto a character design in general doesn’t mean they’re slutty.  And even if Krystal was slutty?  Good for her.
I’ve complained about this since Dinosaur Planet’s leak but the rise in slut-shaming in DP/SFAdv fan community spaces has increased to an unbearable amount.  It’s okay to say you like one design or rendition of a character more than another but let’s try not to use shaming or misogynistic language when discussing it.  There’s critiques to be made about the change in appearance (redefining a female protagonist for the male gaze especially) but they can be made without tearing down people who might dress differently than how you’d like for them to.
Ok soapbox rant over, let’s talk about more blue space furry fox.
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#5 - Krystal has a last name.
There’s been a variety of fan surnames that have sprung up for Krystal over the years.  Syrius, Buranetto, Vixon, and Fox are the ones that pop into mind immediately.  Syrius, as far as I’m aware, comes from the person who owns fyeahdinosaurplanet.  It’s the one I personally tend to lean towards and know several other people do as well because it was the first one that I encountered fanon-wise.  Buranetto was one that I was informed about not too terribly long ago and when I dug around for the origin, the only thing I could find was a French fansite that had it listed on a popularity poll.  And without confirmation from Nintendo, I can’t verify it as canon.  Vixon stems from Dinosaur Planet as that is the name of Krystal’s tribe.  That’s a pretty popular one especially lately with Dinosaur Planet being a little bit more talked about than it used to be.  Fox as a surname I think comes from the fact that a lot of times she’s... simply tagged in social media as such?  Perhaps to differentiate her from other Krystals, as it’s not exactly an uncommon name.  
My hot take: I don’t think Krystal has a canonical last name.  And if she ever did, I feel as though it would have been leaked by now.  I don’t really mind giving her one or not giving her one.  I tend to gravitate towards Krystal not having a surname as it’s against Cerinian culture and, instead, her name being “Krystal of the Vixon”, with Vixon being the colloquial name for Cerinian foxes.  Later on, I can see her taking up a surname, with Syrius being the one I personally think is the best fitting out of the fanon ones!  But I don’t knock people for giving her a last name-- after all, everyone else has one, so why not?  Would be interesting to see if Nintendo ever decided to give her one officially!  I think it’s possible in a future game for sure.
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#6 - Cerinia is low-tech.
This comes from the fact that a lot of people perceive Krystal’s attire as coming from a less technologically advanced society.  A lot of people refer to the Cerinian society as “tribal” as a way to say it’s “low tech” but I wanna give a reminder that tribal =/= low tech.  The Cerinian society COULD be tribal and have advanced tech.  We just don’t know because nothing is ever told to us.  Still, and maybe due to some of the influence of Dinosaur Planet Krystal’s backstory, a lot of fan portrayals of Cerinia show them as a society without the technological advancements of most of the Lylat System.  
As a note, I also blame Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Sonic Adventure’s Mystic Ruins.  I have met a suspiciously large amount of people that use both of those as references for Cerinia.  I won’t say that’s a bad thing but it’s interesting how so many people came to that conclusion.
My hot take: While I used to use this headcanon in the past (believe it or not, I had a full on chapter written at one point of Cerinia pre-destruction that I don’t think will ever see the light of day), it’s one that as I think on the lore harder, I don’t necessarily agree with.  I don’t think it’s a bad take by any means but I don’t think it’s one that fits as nicely as the alternative-- which is that Cerinia was technologically advanced at least comparative to Corneria.
As I mentioned earlier, Cerinia being a high-tech society makes a bit more sense when you think of how Krystal evaded a certain doom with the destruction of her planet (or at least everything on it).  It’s likely, especially because she seems familiar with interplanetary travel and spaceships, that she took a ship of her own off Cerinia to escape.  This doesn’t necessarily explain how she’s the sole survivor of her planet but it does align better with what we can gauge about her from context clues.  Additionally, when confronted with things like the Great Fox or the ship she uses to fly to the Great Fox, she doesn’t seem ignorant of what these things are and how to use them.  One would assume someone who comes from a place without this kind of technology would be very baffled by it.  I mean, even some of the ThornTail dialogue describes the Arwing as a large metal bird.
... But what if I told you that’s not the only way she could have escaped?  There does exist a way that Krystal could have made it to Sauria without the use of space travel.  This theory utilizes Dinosaur Planet lore, specifically what we know from the leaked character bios on RareThief.  Here is the part in question, which is a part of the Condensed Dinosaur Planet Story section of the site:
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So basically, in the original draft of the game, Randorn and Krystal made it to Dinosaur Planet via a wormhole, which sounds a bit like the warp pads in Adventures if I’m honest.  Animus is the name of Krystal’s original homeworld.  Later, the name was switched to Cerinia for reasons we don’t know.  But how much was changed about this homeworld?  Was it just the name?  Or was this mysterious temple also changed?
It’s possible that Krystal could have used this wormhole in the temple to escape Cerinia’s collapse.  It does leave some things a bit fuzzy as to how they all transpired.  The game makes it sound as though Krystal has been wandering for some time since Cerinia’s fall but it doesn’t clarify it enough for me to firmly say that it’s been an extended amount of time.  It could be that Krystal leapt from Cerinia to Sauria fairly recently through these portals.  It could be that Krystal’s been portal-hopping for awhile if these portals are strung about the Lylat System.  But I do think that’s delving into some far-fetched territory and doesn’t really explain things like her being able to fly a ship and stuff like that.  So while it’s possible, I don’t think it’s as likely.  But it’s an interesting spin on the idea.  
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#7 - All Cerinians are blue foxes with magic powers.
I scoured the internet for the origin of this one.  The best I could come up with is because there’s a lot of people who, especially early on, made blue fox Cerinian OCs like Krystal, this fanon kind of took off with the help of projects like Star Fox: Event Horizon, which also displays their version of Randorn as a blue fox.  But this has become a huge thing lately-- to the point where I’ve gotten commentary on my fics with people confused about my Cerinian OCs because they’re not all telepathic or blue foxes.  So I thought I’d talk about this one.
My hot take: I have no idea where this came from and I’m not sure why it’s taken off particularly in fanfiction spaces.  There’s virtually no precedent for it-- every single planet we’ve seen in the Lylat System thus far is populated by various species.  And even if you were to use Animus as a template for Cerinia, that planet also had different types of species.  So... eh?  Why are people treating Krystal as the prime example of every Cerinian?  I don’t particularly understand that. That would be like looking at Fox and saying “Wow, every Papetoonian is exactly like this”... which I guess that could be.  But I doubt it.
Not gonna knock people for using this fanon, I just think it’s weird when people assume that every fic should be like this.
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#8 - Cerinia was destroyed.
Pretty self-explanatory.  Cerinia is often depicted by fans as destroyed by Andross with Krystal having no way of returning to it because it’s rubble.  
My hot take: When you really, really, really think on Andross and his entire plan of revival, it seems most likely that Cerinia is in one of two states-- completely erased or uninhabitable.  Krystal’s recognition of Andross gives us little to go off of.  But Andross’s continued state of being dead gives us a little bit more insight.  Personally, my theory is that Cerinia was used in a similar manner as Dinosaur Planet.  Andross went to drink in all the magic from the planet’s core and it backfired, resulting in him being dead still and the planet destabilizing.  We already know it’s possible for magic to destabilize planets-- SFAdv teaches us that early on.  I think that’s how Krystal knew who Andross was.  At least, that’s the best sense I can make of what context clues we have.
But I’m rambling.  The point is that it makes a lot of sense for Cerinia to have been destroyed.  Maybe in a similar fashion to how Dinosaur Planet would have been destroyed had Fox not swooped in to save the day.  Doomed in an other state... I could see it, too.  But destroyed outright makes a tad more sense given the context clues.  So yeah, good fanon idea.
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Whew, that was super long and I apologize for any typos my tired eyes may have missed!  I wrote this all in chunks over several days so I tried to edit periodically as I went.  If something makes no sense, I’ll go back and edit it later.
Next Hot Fanon Takes(tm) will be about generic stuff again, though the next one’s docket looks like it inadvertently will be a post about Star Wolf.  Soooo yeah.  Thank you for reading my Hot Takes and please be sure to submit any ideas to me if you can think of any!
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skyhunter95 · 3 years
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StarFox, Wings of Lylat page 16
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ladyeharts · 4 years
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Stream commissions for Cerinia on discord!
~Commission info~
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hotside · 2 years
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“Rey ran frantically through the city streets, trying to find her way amidst the chaos.There was no warning. No order to surrender. Just war. Cerinia’s armada tried to counter the invaders, but the First Order’s arsenal was too powerful for them to have a real chance of defending their planet.“
Chapter 18: Fight or Flight.
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pilotofstorm · 3 years
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Hunched over on a desk scattered with a bunch of books, papers and documents relating to the planet Cerinia, was the exhausted dartfrog sleeping, his folded arms used as a pillow.
For some reason, his eyes look a bit red..
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Starter - Krystal's Arwing had to touch down on a primitive planet for an emergency landing. After landing in the middle of a barren wasteland, a troupe of minotaur had shown up, seeing the strange object land on their territory.
Of course, the sight of the blue vixen made the males' jaw drops. Her hips, her chest, her curves; the three bull men approached the vixen from behind, intentions clear in their minds
Krystal's Arwing had taken far too much damage in the battle with those bandit she had managed to shoot down, but that didn't mean she was down for the count for good. Sure, she had to land on a planet similar to Cerinia, but that only meant she could at least repair her ship enough to catch up to the convoy the next system over. That's what she thought initially, but once a few of the locals showed up to check out what had landed, Krystal would've immediately got on the defensive and hid from them to read their minds to see their full intentions.
However, she didn't even need to do that as the strange bull men had their intentions shift from curiosity to lust the moment they saw her. So Krystal thought fast, using her body to make her temporary stay into a very comfortable one and that she had some decent access to food and water.
"Hello boys~" Krystal stated in the bull men's native language, having learned it in a short span of time from their minds as she approached them while unzipping her flight suit. "Mind helping a girl out~?"
"Oh fuck yeahmmhph~!" Krystal groaned as two of the bull men pounded away at both her pussy and asshole while a third used her throat as a makeshift jizz dump. It had already been two weeks since Krystal crash landed on their planet, and her Arwing had been ready to go since day 3. Fox was going to be pissed that she took so long to get back, but he was going to glad with the extra hand she'll be bringing alongside her - the fourth bull man. The only reason he wasn't involved with the ongoing gangbang was because him leaving with Krystal was his journey into becoming more worldly. That, and Krystal wanted to leave this wonderful planet with a (gang)bang.
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Krystal Headcanons
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Been talking about my favorite blue vixen in some Discord servers, so here’s a bit of a Krystal headcanon megapost:
Real Name: Bihaji of the Vixon.  I headcanon that Cerinians don’t really have surnames and that “Krystal” is more or less a translation of the Cerinian word “translucent gem”.  Krystal later takes on the last name Syrius-- which I believe is actually a fanon name from the Dinosaur Planet fandom that was started by Gen at fyeahdinosaurplanet, so mad props to them.
Krystal was put into training at a young age by her parents to become what regular Lylatians might consider to be a soldier.  However, her rank was more religious-based, with the inclusion that she would have to occasionally travel off-planet to do good works there.  During this training, she learned how to better utilize her natural magical gifts, how to fly a ship, martial arts, and several languages.
At a young age, she was placed in the care of Randorn, who became her mentor.  Because of her father being an important politician, she rarely saw him, and thus Krystal came to see Randorn as more of a father figure than her actual father.
Krystal was born in the northern reaches of Cerinia, where the climate was much colder.  However, for the majority of her training, she lived in the warmer capital of Cerinia.
Krystal is the second youngest of five sisters.  Their names were Zonoca, Fousa, Jideni, and Roci.  Krystal has not seen any of them since Cerinia perished and believes they are likely dead, along with her parents.
Roci was responsible for helping Andross destroy Cerinia-- albeit she was unintentionally helping him do so.  She was young when it happened and was manipulated.
The Cerinian staff that Krystal carries is a commonplace weapon among the order she is a part of.  It is especially attuned to her, but she can temporarily transfer ownership to others, such as in Adventures.  The staff is also semi-sentient and has a will of its own.
Despite being telepathic, Krystal has a pretty strict rule on herself not to pry without permission, unless it’s a dire circumstance.  She feels it’s an invasion of privacy otherwise. 
Krystal keeps a sharp mental ear out for waves of thoughts that are in the nearby area to make sure she is safe and that no one is coming.  Although it takes effort to hear actual thoughts, she can shallowly dip into her powers to “feel” thoughts happening, which is how she is able to detect incoming enemies (provided the enemies are organic and have brains).
There is a heavy emphasis on the elements in Cerinian culture and Krystal feels the most “attuned” to water.  She also enjoys swimming.
Krystal secretly kept a shard of the crystal she was imprisoned in, as a reminder of her own weakness and past failures.  She keeps it in a drawer under her socks and underwear.  Fox finds it at some point and questions her about it.  She angrily snatches it from his hand and shoves it back into the drawer, not wanting to talk about it.
The metal plates in Krystal’s Adventures outfit are part of an armor set that covers her entire body.  She left some of the parts on the ship because they’ve become damaged over time and she’s not equipped to repair them.
Krystal keeps a series of power gems on her to replenish her Staff’s energy when she’s on a mission.
As the Star Fox team travels, Krystal will occasionally dip out to planets to attune with some of their magic caves and shrines-- these were remnants of a time when Cerinia had a bigger influence on the Lylat System and she goes usually with an offering of respect to her ancestors.
She never gives up the search for her people-- not even years later, after the Anglars.  She wants to believe that she and Panther weren’t the only ones who made it off Cerinia.
Krystal hates loud, big cities because she can feel all of the thoughts buzzing around.  It can get overwhelming for her and despite being able to block it out, she sometimes doesn’t have the energy to.  For this reason, she spends a lot of time alone or takes breaks from socializing often.  
Krystal has a pretty strict meditation schedule-- morning and evening, every day, unless she’s sick.  If the team is on a planet, she will go off into nature to have some time alone.  If they’re on the Great Fox, she will play forest ambient noises to simulate a forest vibe in her room.
In the corner of her room is a power gem plant.  She also has a dumbledang tree but it grew too big for her room so now it’s in the lounge. 
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yumeaislinn · 6 years
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Was organizing my computer files today and some old, unfinished art. The pictures in order are:
-Krystal from Star Fox as a Salor Senshi
-My avatar Chibilinn with GIANT FREAKING CLAWS!
-A torch (based off a photo I took with my DSi)
-And outdated concept art of Azura
There was more, but I only wanted to show a small handful. 
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ladyeharts · 4 years
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Full ref sheet commission for Cerinia on discord!
~Commission info~
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thekursedone-lylat · 5 years
//Cerinia’s society was very... Rule and order based, when it came to social gatherings, thanks to a certain queen who’s mythos I will save for another day. Quite frankly, she didn’t really ‘enjoy’ any social gatherings, mostly because it entailed getting all dressed up and going through motions, more like a play than a gathering.But any gathering with Hatiora was always very nice.
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vvolvcn · 3 years
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▌ NAME:  Sir Sabre Wolferos ▌ AGE:  20 ( DP Verse);  23 ( Star Fox and Crossover verses ) ▌ HEIGHT:  6′0″ ▌ SPECIES:  Canis rufus (Red wolf) ▌ GENDER:  Male ▌ NATIONALITY:  Animus (DP); Cerinia (SF) ▌ BIRTHDAY:  April 22 ▌ SUN SIGN:  Taurus ▌ RESIDENCE: Animus/Cerinia, Sauria, wherever he ends up (verse dependent) ▌ MARITAL STATUS:  Single ▌ ALIGNMENT:  Lawful Neutral/Good ▌ DRINK: Anything fruity ▌ FOOD:  Steak and potatoes ▌ DAY OR NIGHT:  Night ▌ SNACKS:  A good pretzel (I can’t believe that’s canon oml) ▌ SONGS:  Gloryhammer - “Universe on Fire” || Hammerfall - “Heeding the Call” || Windrose - “The Returning Race” ▌ PET:  N/A (Tricky) ▌ COLOR(S):  Blues, greens, and earthy tones ▌ FLOWER:  (not much into flowers tbh) ▌ SEXUALITY:  Bisexual ▌ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  Biromantic ▌ BODY TYPE:  Athletic & muscular ▌ EYE COLOR:  Green ▌ HAIR COLOR:  Rusty brown
Tagged by:  stolen from @leaderisms :P Tagging:  Steal it from me next lol
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