#cervitaur x human
monsterfloofs · 3 years
I haven’t read a lot of stories about cervitaurs, can you write one please? Maybe they meet at a gardening workshop, or plant nursery and just end up chatting hitting it off
Here is a shy and mysterious cervitaur for you dear! I hope you enjoy!
Cervitaur (Peregrine) x Anonymous Protagonist
There was an old stone building that was so overgrown with moss and tangles of ivy that the building looked as if it had been forged by nature itself.
A set of wind chimes hung on a shady weeping willow, tinkling a mysterious melody, and bright pinwheels lined the walkway with each step, spinning in the breeze. An old sign hung overhead, it's paint peeling up from the carefully lettered words. 'Peregrine's Flower Shop', you stood craning your neck to read the faded words.
Has this place always been here? You wondered, the many times you had taken this road into town and passed this sunlit glen. . . and never once had you seen this little cottage.
You studied the open sign before you carefully bowed your head and tried the knob on the door. Peering inside the sunny home and rows of plants that were set in tidy rows.
Soft acoustic music was playing inside, you let the sound carry you over the threshhold and close the door carefully behind you.
"Good morning," Called a sweet and kindly voice, the soft knobbled patter of hooves shuffle from a backroom. Amber eyes crinkling with warmth as they smile at you.
"I can't believe I have never seen this shop," You marvel, Peregrine tilts their head and smiles a shy but mischevious smile. "It's here for those who need it. . . And it looks like you could use some flowers to brighten your morning!" Their ears turn up and they beam. A contagious smile, their dainty features shining with pure and playful sunshine.
You can't help but to share their smile, turning to look at the shelves, but peeking over your shoulder at them as they walk past you, carefully going behind the counter, resting their arms next to the vintage cash register. 
There was a help wanted sign on the counter, and you found that to be funny, as you had been recently searching for a new place to work. . .
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monster-bait · 3 years
Community Service; a Cambric Creek PatreonExclusive, M Cervitaur x F Human, NSFW
It’s the first of the month, which is the best time to sign up as a patron!
Sign up today and receive a monthly exclusive story set in Cambric Creek. Community Service is an 18k word story about a beleaguered cervitaur and the human thorn in his side and just posted yesterday, so get it while it’s hot! 
June Patrons will also be receiving early Morning Glory Milking Farm release news + the opportunity to receive advance copies! Sign up today!
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...The girl stood on the stoop, her dark eyes wide, teeth worrying her lower lip, but her mouth dropped open as she gazed up at him. Talia.
“How do you know where—”
“I-I got your address from the personnel filing cabinet,” she blurted, swallowing hard. “You left it open that day Sleerskint needed to change his tax forms. I made him drive me out of the park on the ATV when he came in, he said you’re taking off the rest of the week.”
Lucas could only nod dumbly, feeling a red mist of need cloud his vision. She needed to leave, needed to leave quickly, for he was about to drop fully, the smell of her driving him insane. If she didn’t leave immediately, he might not be able to stop himself from attempting to mount her right there in the doorway, in front of the entire street. 
“It’s the rut, isn’t it? You-you’re affected by the rut.”
“Why are you here?” he ground out, his fingers gripping the door jamb with enough force that he might splinter the wood if she stayed another moment.
“I’m here to help,” she said resolutely, stepping through the door, backing him into the house. “I’m going to help you through the rut.” 
His eyes had been wild when he’d left the station house that morning, and she’d not allowed herself to wallow in self pity as she watched him disappear in a white blur, hooves clattering on the trail as raced away from the cabin. It was her last day, and she was disappointed ... but something was wrong, she could tell something was wrong. Lucas was always regal and weary, always in control, and something was very wrong.
She’d spent the better part of the last two weeks turning over his words in her mind, her dreams turning them into something deliciously lewd as he loomed over her. This buck only has one thing on the brain. She’d wondered if he was affected by the rut, if he experienced the overwhelming need to breed. Her suppositions led her to the internet, where she discovered an entire underworld of sexual services provided to cervitaurs every autumn. 
She could make excellent money making house calls, she realized, scrolling through ads boasting select acts — manual assistance provided in the comfort of your home — which she assumed meant hand jobs, all the way to “full service provided.” Talia wondered if Lucas had a full service helper, wondered if he called one of these numbers, wondered if he had existing arrangements. 
She was positive she knew the reason for his wild eyes and hasty departure, and was even more certain that he would not have come into the office at all if he had an at-home aid awaiting. She could be his full-service helper. She already desired him, had been nursing a crush for weeks, and now ... now this was nearly an extension of her community service, right? What was it he had said? Neighbors had to help neighbors?  She had done as he wished and learned about other species, had attempted to see things from others’ points of view. She had learned about his kind, and wanted to offer her assistance, if he’d let her.
The strangled grunt he made as she stepped into his house was all the answer she needed...
Read the whole thing
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theshipden · 7 years
New fic is up on my AO3!!
link is here, go check it out if you’re interested in some gay shit lmao
It’s Monster!Falls BillDip, first chapter is out and the second one is being plotted. Enjoy it, want a summary to see if its worth it? sure thing
Dipper gets caught in one of Cipher's traps, when he gets taken back to the hunter's cabin both discover some hidden feelings, turns out this isn't going to be as easy as Bill thought it would be. And Dipper falls for the human, but while he's missing his family gets a bit restless. Maybe getting together won't be so easy with the added trouble
honestly just came up with that and I suck at summaries but whatev, go read it if you’re interested!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Nonbinary incubus x reader (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
"Keep the Tumblr stories to around 3k words, Ghosti."
"So how long is this one?"
"Oh... uh..." *shuffles* "...Five and a half thousand?"
Haha, yes, as much as I tried, this one is also a bit longer than I wanted, but, for the third story available for the $5 tier on early release this month, I give you 5.5k words of nb incubus x reader. We also have a new location to add to Starfall Springs, and it's not quite what you might expect for the sleepy little town...
Contents: our incubus would probably have been assigned male at birth but they use they/them pronouns, gender/body neutral reader, erotic dancing, and come-marking if you squint...
This has been up on my Patreon for a week now on early release so it’s time to put it up here on Tumblr.
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“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” you asked, blinking at your friend in open-mouthed incredulity. “Starfall Springs has a… strip club?”
The gnoll grinned, the look absolutely feral for just a heartbeat. “Oh yes. The Silkfoot family tried to have it closed down, especially after their youngest son was seen frequenting it, but Sarrigan actually helped to fund it as one of his business ventures after he started up his antiques company… It’s doing really well…”
“Well… I don’t know what to say! I never would have thought that a sweet, sleepy little place like Starfall Springs would have something so…”
Mako’s brows rose - as much as a gnoll’s could, anyway - and he yipped softly in amusement and dug you in the ribs. “We’re definitely going there now for your birthday.”
“Mako, I’ve never… I… I don’t know if it’s my kind of place, you know?”
“Come on, it’s not as if it’s that wild. As you say, it is Starfall Springs after all…”
You swallowed, not entirely sure you believed him, but in the end, you agreed to go.
Your birthday dawned bright and warm, and before any of your friends or family could message or call, you took yourself off to the dinky little harbour in the town to treat yourself to a takeaway breakfast from the bakery, and a coffee from the tiny little cart that made the best damned coffee in the universe. It was something for yourself, and it had become a sacred ritual back in the city. Now, as you strolled through the quiet streets, with nothing but your own footsteps and the whispering promise of the sea at the end of the cobbled lane for company, you smiled. Moving to Starfall Springs had been one of the best ideas you’d ever had.
“Morning!” Khargrin smiled as you stepped into the bakery and inhaled blissfully, eyes fluttering closed for a moment at the sheer gorgeousness of the scent of bread and sugar in the air.
You returned the smile to the enormous orc, and placed your order for two of their fresh pastries.
“Still warm from the oven,” Khargrin chuckled as he slid them into a paper bag for you. “Here.” He frowned slightly. “Anything special about today? You’re earlier than usual,” he asked, still holding onto the bag as you went to take it.
Laughing, you admitted that it was your birthday, and he promptly refused to take any kind of payment.
“I didn’t tell you that so you’d give me free breakfast, Khar,” you groused.
He let go of the bag as if it had burned him and said with such melodramatic flare that a mummer would have been proud of the display, “You’ve touched it now! You have to take it! Get out of my shop, foul human! Begone! And have yourself a wonderful birthday while you’re at it!”
Shaking your head fondly at the big orc’s antics, you accepted but didn’t leave right away.
“Any plans for today?” he asked as he bustled about, stocking the display with goodies from the back.
“Quiet day, I think,” you said, “But Mako has plans for tonight… I’m wary.”
“Knowing that gnoll, it involves Midnight Aurora, doesn’t it?”
“Midnight Aurora?” The name wasn’t familiar to you. “You mean the club over on the north side of town?”
The orc nodded. “Yup. And before you say anything about it, my sister works there…” he added with a twinkle in his eye and a lopsided grin on his handsome face.
“I will think very carefully before I tell you about my reaction to my experiences there then,” you grinned. “Anyway, see you Khargrin.”
“Enjoy your day,” he said. “And your night. And if it involves my big sister at all, I don’t want to know.”
You snorted and headed out into the brightening day. The fresh wind hit you full in the face, bringing with it the sharp tang of iodine from the sea, and you watched two merfolk spiralling through the water like racing dolphins, breaching the surface and sending sparkling droplets spraying up against the side of a moored fishing boat before they cleared the boundary of the harbour and disappeared out into the wider ocean.
“Gorgeous, aren’t they?” a quiet voice said from beside you.
Tearing your eyes from the horizon, you turned to find someone tall and slim standing beside you. With lilac skin, long, silver-white hair, and elegantly-tapering ears, they might have been a tiefling, but you couldn’t see any horns, and something about the intensity of their ruby red eyes made you wonder.
“Mmm,” you hummed noncommittally.
Their gaze flickered to the pastries in your hand and their Cupid’s-bow lips curved into a smile that made your stomach flip over, revealing double canines, both top and bottom. “Khargrin makes the best almond croissants in the whole world,” they commented.
“Just needs one of Sophie’s coffees to go with, and I’m all set for my birthday breakfast,” you blurted unthinkingly.
At that, their eyebrows rose. “It’s your birthday? Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. I’m not sure how I feel about being another year older, but -” you shrugged. “It is what it is.”
“Well, not to be inappropriate, but you look wonderful. May I get you that coffee?”
Were they flirting with you? You weren’t exactly known for being able to read people all that well. You blinked. “You don’t have to do that,” you said, stepping back. “I mean… you don’t even know me.” People in Starfall Springs were just like that, you knew from first hand experience already, but still, it was… unnerving for someone like you from the city.
That blinding smile never flickered, but they did shift a little. Oh. They had a tail. Perhaps they were a tiefling after all. They also had hooves, dark and shiny, visible beneath the wide cuff of their loose, black linen trousers. Looking a little more closely at them, now that you were no longer distracted by that gorgeous, heart-flutteringly beautiful smile, you realised that they wore a sleeveless vest, white, and that their chest was flat and their stomach obviously toned. Their arms too were slim but muscular, and they bore tattoos in geometric patterns from their fingertips right the way up their arms and neck to their earlobes. You swallowed. You’d never met someone so alluring in your whole life and your skin began to tingle.
At that moment, their pupils dilated visibly and they swallowed, long, tapering ears drooping a little. “Never mind,” they said. “I’m being overbearing. I’ll… leave you in peace. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
Before you could call after them, or tell them they’d got the wrong idea, they turned around, their long white hair swinging in a thick plait right down their back to their tail, and hurried away. Halfway across the street, a swirl of dark, inky magic enveloped them, and they disappeared completely.
“What the…?” you hissed.
Even Sophie’s amazing coffee didn’t taste quite as good as it usually did, and for the rest of the day, as you picnicked with your friends on the sloping meadow above the Temple, lounging while music played through a little speaker and chocolate frosting melted in the sun, you kept recalling the way those garnet red eyes had turned from warm and playful to achingly sad.
“What’s up with you?” Mako asked, lolling over onto his back with his front paws bent, like a retriever begging for a belly rub.
Affectionately, you reached over and scratched his upper chest, which still made his hind leg kick. His powerful hyena jaws softened and he moaned. “Oh that’s so good,” he moaned. “You give the best scritches.”
“Hey!” came the disgruntled protests of his boyfriend from beside you. You didn’t stop, and he shook his head fondly. “Honestly, it’s probably true. Good job I can do other things to you, huh?”
Mako growled playfully, but left it at that. “What time shall we come by to pick you up for tonight?” he asked a while later, glancing up at you with his big, brown eyes.
You shrugged. “What time do we have to be there?”
“Nine?” he asked. “We could go for drinks somewhere else first? Or you could come to ours and we could have something to eat and drink there before? Up to you.”
With snacks and a few drinks in you, the three of you left Mako’s apartment that night and headed over to Midnight Aurora. You walked up a narrow, cobbled street to be met by Erin, Aemilius, and Florian - a satyr, vampire, and a cervitaur respectively - halfway down.
Aemilius heard your approach first, turning to face you to clap and cheer. “Happy Birthday!!” he practically sang at the top of his lungs, and you rolled your eyes, trying to hide your smile.
Together, the six of you headed up towards the top end of town, which looked magical that night, bathed in summer moonlight, with the bars and restaurants in the area now lively and bustling where they normally sat quietly during the day. Twinkling strings of fairy lights illuminated the way, and a shop sign swung in the slight breeze as you passed beneath it, showing a triple moon in glinting silver.
Midnight Aurora wasn’t as packed as you’d worried it would be, and honestly it was more of a theatre than a club, though beneath the stage was a dance space on the floor, currently full of tables. Tonight was obviously a more formal night. A bar filled the left hand side of the room, illuminated by LEDs beneath the counter in the shifting patterns and colours of the bar’s namesake, and a drow and a goblin worked seamlessly together to keep patrons happily topped up. Erin was apparently dating one of the bouncers, which was how you’d all been able to get tickets at short-ish notice. Normally they sold out weeks in advance.
Mako dug you in the ribs. “Not quite what you were expecting, huh?”
You had to admit that it wasn’t. It was classy but relaxed, buzzing but not overwhelming.
Currently onstage was a tall, powerful, muscular female orc and you tried not to look too hard at her, knowing that somehow Khargrin would know you’d been admiring his sister because… wow.
Swallowing, you looked away and croaked, “Drinks?”
“Thought you’d never suggest it,” Aemilius grinned. “First round is on me,” he said. “Take a seat and I’ll join you shortly.”
“Do we not get a say in what we have?” you laughed as Mako and his boyfriend steered you towards a table right in the middle of the floor while Aemilius strode away, lost in the low light and crush of people in seconds.
“Just let him have his way,” Erin said. “He probably knows what you want better than you do anyway.”
Deciding, not for the first time that night, just to go with it, you let the entertainment wash over you. It wasn’t all erotic dancing - there was a tap group that absolutely blew you away with their skill and synchrony, leaving you as breathless as had the bovitaur and his set of half-naked orcs that had preceded them.
“I think the variety is going to kill me,” you hissed at Mako and he snickered.
“Glad you’re enjoying yourself. They’re all really good, aren’t they?”
You had to nod. It wasn’t worth shouting over the appreciative audience’s wild applause. An octomer had just begun her set, involving a rope and a tank below, and you watched as she began and her coiling limbs hauled her effortlessly up out of the water by the rope.
Somewhere just shy of midnight, when the final act was announced, however, a strange and excited hush descended on the crowd, and you looked to Mako who just winked at you. “Wait for it,” he said. “Happy birthday.”
“O…kay?” you frowned warily.
The lights cut out without warning, and from the pitch black, two slender spotlights flashed on, illuminating a pair of dark hooves in the centre of the stage. The lights travelled slowly, teasingly, up over smooth purple skin, up a pair of slender, well-muscled legs, revealing a pair of glittering and very tiny silver hotpants, a lashing tail like a whip, a toned stomach with strangely familiar, geometric tattoos going up the dancer’s sides, over their ribs, and up their neck. A long, white ponytail dangled down the dancer’s back, and you gasped as red eyes blinked out at the crowd.
It couldn’t be? The meek and shy person you’d met earlier that morning was… here? Looking like that? They carried themselves with a quiet, contained dignity that drew you in and demanded your entire attention. Where this morning you’d found their bashful, flirtatious shyness alluring, now it was their stance that knocked you breathless as they stood with the self-assuredness of a tango dancer, waiting for the music to begin.  
The music started with the slow pulse of a sleeping heartbeat, and they swayed their hips from side to side, eyes now closed. Even from that distance, you could see the way their eyelids had been kohled, adding further length and depth to their already almond shaped eyes, and a shimmering powder had been applied to their high cheekbones to heighten the sculptural quality that their face naturally possessed.
As if they had no idea they were dancing before a crowd, the strange, alluring dancer swayed, sinuous as a banner in the breeze, twisting and turning slowly, caught up in the low, hypnotic beat. You could barely breathe as you stared, transfixed. The energy in the room picked up, thrumming, and everyone seemed to be sitting there with their mouths open and their eyes half-lidded.
The difference between earlier on the seafront and now was almost unbelievable. Gods, they had the most incredible figure, and with the same shimmering powder accentuating every highlight on their bare chest and stomach, their dark purple skin gleamed in the lights.
When the beat changed, becoming faster and more energetic, they finally opened their eyes but their gaze locked above the crowd, as if they were still pretending not to have noticed you all staring in wonder at them. It didn't take an expert to see that they’d been classically trained at some point, and the graceful arrangement of their wrists and hands over their head made you think of meadow grasses blowing in the wind before the tension returned with a snap and they evoked the sheer commanding power of a paso doble dancer. They were mesmeric, and it was easy to see why they’d been placed last in the order for the evening.
Erin leaned over to whisper in your ear, “They’re an incubus…”
“Oh,” you breathed. And suddenly your reaction to them earlier made sense. Your stomach dropped unpleasantly. “Oh,” you said again. Had your reaction just been an accident then? As far as you knew, incubi and succubi could control the way their influence worked on people, but if they’d simply sparked that lust in you, did that make it real? You felt a little sick at that.
The longer you thought about it, the less the show held your attention. They were undeniably exquisite, and an extremely talented dancer, but it lost its magic for you the moment you realised that your reaction probably wasn’t real. The incubus was feeding off the lust in the room, the crowd’s desire for them, and the action of feeding created more lust.
As the dance seemed to be working towards its finale, you found you could bear it no longer. Abruptly, you stood and turned away, heading for the bathroom. You were the only person moving in the room besides the incubus on stage, and no one even noticed you leaving. Mako tried to grab your wrist as you left, but you were gone before he could follow or stop you.
At the door to the bathroom, you glanced back and found that the incubus was looking straight at you while dancing without breaking step. Even at this distance, they were truly stunning. You smiled sadly, and ducked out, remaining there until their set finished.
When you emerged, the theatre was buzzing. The chairs and tables had been cleared as if by magic, and the space had been opened up for the patrons to dance now. Mako and his boyfriend were quietly making out in one corner, though they were being relatively subtle for them, Erin was nowhere to be seen, and, as you looked around, you spotted Florian with two dancers and… was that… underwear dangling from one antler? Well, he was certainly entertained at any rate.
A movement to your right caught your eye, and you saw that Aemilius had found a partner to dance with, drawing the eyes of anyone nearby. With his sense of rhythm, he could probably have worked at Midnight Aurora himself.
“Flashy vampire,” you chuckled fondly as you watched the pair of them dance. The elf he’d found had glowing white skin, which complemented his own extremely dark skin beautifully, and you watched for a while before going over to the bar. Leaning against it, you waited alone for the glass of water you’d ordered to come your way.
To your surprise, when you turned around to pick it up, you found the incubus standing beside you. They were clothed now in a loose, white t-shirt that mostly hid the form of their beautiful body beneath, but anyone who had seen them dancing knew what lay under the shapeless top anyway. Their long legs were still on full display though, covered down to the mid thigh by the white t-shirt, and they wore a pair of platform heels that did obscene things to the muscles of their thighs and drew the attention of passers by.
“Hi,” you smiled, not wanting to be seen as prudish, especially after they’d witnessed your exit during their spectacular performance. “You dance beautifully…”
“Thanks,” they smiled. “Can I get you a drink since I didn’t manage to get you that coffee this morning?”
You tilted your head. “Why?”
Their smile broadened. “It’s your birthday, and I didn’t get to give you your actual present.”
Something anxious twisted inside you. “My actual present?”
“Mmm,” the incubus hummed. “Your friends were hoping I’d give you a private show.”
“They were?” you asked, turning to find Erin graining at you from the other end of the bar. “They already paid you?”
You watched with sinking dread as they nodded. When they saw your evident lack of enthusiasm, however, they said, “I don’t have to though. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not that,” you said. “And I don’t doubt your… uh… talents… I just… I’d rather have something… real, you know?”
“It’s just a lap dance,” they said, prickling slightly.
“I know,” you hastened to reassure them in case they thought you were thinking of other things they could be doing to you which the club definitely wouldn’t allow. “I’m not suggesting otherwise. I just mean… this isn’t really my thing, you know?”
That sad expression you’d seen earlier crept back into their red eyes and they nodded. “Not everyone is comfortable with being around an incubus. I understand. Let me use the money to get you a drink, and you can give the rest back to your friends.”
The congealing atmosphere between you suddenly made you want to choke. As they turned away, you reached for them and grabbed their forearm. The tattoos on their arm flared white hot and you gasped, reeling backwards as a short but intense blast of energy sent you staggering backwards. You hit the bar and wheezed as the air was knocked from your chest.
“Fuck,” the incubus gasped, darting over. “I’m sorry. Are you alright?”
This was not going the way you hoped at all. “What was that? I didn’t mean… I wasn’t going to hurt you…”
“They’re protection runes,” the incubus explained, touching you carefully at the elbow to steady you and get you to raise your head a little. “They stop people grabbing me while I’m working…”
“That happens a lot?” you asked, flexing and making sure nothing was bruised. You were fine. Surprised and winded, but fine.
With a wry look, they admitted, “It’s an… occupational hazard.”
A few people were watching the exchange now, tossing you dirty looks, and you wanted nothing more than to leave the place altogether. “Look, I didn’t mean any harm. I was just trying to get your attention before you went.”
“Well it worked,” they grinned, and you found yourself laughing. They glowered over their shoulder, and the small audience bustled off elsewhere.
“Guess it did.”
“Should we start over?”
You looked at them and nodded. “Sure.”
“I’m Ferren,” they said, extending their hand to you. When you eyed it warily, they laughed. “It won’t hurt you.”
Taking it, you saw the black, geometric shapes pulse white for a moment and let the tingling rush of sensation sweep through you at the contact. Then rather hoarsely, you grunted your own name. Their fingers tightened around yours and then they withdrew. “I’m sorry,” you said. “I… I get the feeling like I’ve insulted you, but I didn’t mean to, I promise.”
“Honestly, I understand,” they said. “Some people like the rush that being around an incubus gives them, and for others it feels… unnatural. I’ll be careful with my ‘influence’ around you.”
“Is that what happened earlier today?” you asked as you let them steer you towards the quieter end of the bar.
They shrugged. “I don’t normally have to be so active about controlling it. Normally I actively have to concentrate to turn it on, as it were, you know? To affect people I really have to try.”
“But not with me?”
“Apparently not,” they chuckled ruefully. “Now, please, for the love of all the gods, will you let me get you a drink?”
You nodded.
What began with one drink on your birthday turned into an hour spent at the bar talking with Ferren about everything, from how they began at dance school, and would have gone into the ballet if they hadn’t suffered with a suspensory ligament injury at sixteen, to how they lived in a small, traditional caravan on the edge of Starfall Springs and loved sour apple sweets almost more than anything.
Drinks that night turned into coffee the next morning - despite the late hour at which you’d returned home - and coffee the next morning turned into a long walk along the seafront, lunch, and then takeaway supper, eaten on a bench overlooking the cliffs just outside the small town.
“Ferren,” you sighed, setting your small container down on the ground beside the bench.
“How… How did this happen?”
“How did what happen?” they asked, “You mean ‘what geological forces created these cliffs?’ or ‘how does the tide go in and out?’ or —”
“— no,” you snorted and turned to face them. “How did I end up spending the entire day with you when it was only supposed to be coffee this morning? Is this that incubus charm of yours, or is it just… you?”
“It’s just me,” they said a little dazedly, staring into the depths of their own unfinished food box. “I promise I haven’t used even a scrap of my magic on you. I’ve been really careful.”
At that, you sat up and looked at them a little more closely. In the afternoon light, with the softly refracted light from the waves below casting a cool glow on their lilac face and dark red eyes, they looked like a sculpture or even a doll. Their skin was flawless, their lips full but without pout or pretence. They were just… themselves. Not a dancer, not even an incubus, just… Ferren. “You sound… You sound as if that’s not exactly common for you?”
They shrugged. “People expect us to be promiscuous. I’m used to one night stands and quick fumbles in out of the way corners. It’s been a long time since anyone’s just… listened to me like you have. I hope I haven’t bored you.”
“Bored me? Ferren, I’ve never had such a full day go by so quickly in my life! I still just thought that… maybe it wasn’t real somehow… that you’d just made me feel at ease around you…”
“So you’d fall into my arms and into my bed, you mean?” they asked with a bitterness that cut deep.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know anything about your kind. I was wrong to assume…”
They shook their head and a few strands of their white hair wafted into their eyes. On a whim, you reached up and tucked them back behind the tapering line of their ear and they shuddered noticeably.
“Should I not have touched you again?” you asked, glancing at their tattoos which, mercifully, remained dull and dark.
“No,” they hissed, turning to face you fully. “Gods, no, I… I want your touch but… I don’t want to freak you out. I want it to be what you want…”
“Kiss me,” you breathed.
Their red eyes widened and their lips parted. “Are you sure?”
You were. They were beautiful and gentle and sweet, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss them. “Can you sense my energy?” you asked.
In return, you were met with a question of their own. “Are you asking me to use my magic on you?”
“If that means finding out how I feel, then yes.”
Raising their elegant, tattooed hand to your face, they traced the line of your eyebrow with the pad of their thumb, and then circled your temple. Their eyes glowed as if lit by the sunset from behind, and they opened their mouth, inhaling deeply. The light in their eyes flared bright and they gasped, letting go of you suddenly and smiling. Their hand hovered in the space between you like a butterfly caught in amber. That smile though, blinding as always, illuminated their whole face.
Their fingers then moved back and traced your jaw as they leaned in to kiss you, eyes locked on yours until you let them flutter shut against the rising tide of emotion inside you.
Ferren’s kiss began with breathtaking tenderness, but the moment you let slip a groan, it deepened and they let their tongue taste you. You were sure you tasted of the meal you’d just shared, but honestly, it didn’t matter. You reached for them and tugged them closer until they shifted and instead sat straddling you on the bench, their knees on the wood of the seat on either side of your thighs. Their hardness ground against you as they kissed you, and you gasped as they pushed you back against the bench.
The air shimmered around them like a dusty road in summer, and you stared in open wonder at them for a moment as they drew away and tipped their head back. Another shudder ran right through them and their tattoos began to glow again.
“Ferren?” you asked, cautiously trailing a fingertip over the white lines on their neck that had, only a moment before, been black.
“I haven’t felt like this since I was a teenager,” they panted. “Your energy is incredible. I feel… I feel drunk…”
“You need to stop?”
“We probably shouldn’t do this out here on a public bench,” they laughed, their voice breathless and rasping.
“Your place or mine?” you asked.
“Mine’s small,” they said, letting their head roll forward again to let them look at you, “But it’s up to you. You really want to do this?”
“Can’t you tell by now?” you smiled. If this was all ‘you’, it felt fantastic.
Their answer was a smirk, but they clambered off you, hooves clopping on the stone path beneath the bench, and you saw the obvious tent in their trousers. They raised their eyebrows at you and the smirk became a broad, amused grin. “What a state you've left me in, eh? How are you with teleportation?”
“Excuse me?” you asked, surprised by the conversational sidestep.
They held out their hand to you and that inky darkness began to swirl around them, beginning at their hand and working up their body.
“I have no idea,” you said taking the offered hand and standing. “Does it hurt?”
“Not at all,” they smiled as they pulled you close to their chest. “Ready?”
“I have no idea,” you said, “But I trust you.” And you did. Despite having only met them the previous day, you absolutely did trust them, which was rare for you.
The darkness billowed up around you and obliterated your vision, but when it cleared, you were standing in the centre of a small, cosy, colourful waggon, with an arching, painted wooden roof to create a cylindrical space. At one end was a bed that took up the width of the tiny waggon, and it was towards that that Ferren led you, still holding your hand. The whole thing felt extremely personal and intimate in a way you’d not been expecting. This was their home, their sanctuary, and they were sharing it with you.
They lay you down on your back and you rested on your elbows as they undressed you slowly, reverently, revealing your body inch by inch. “You’re stunning,” they whispered once you were completely naked. And, under the vehemence of that ruby red gaze, you actually believed that they meant it. They didn’t waste any time in divesting themselves either, and when they stood before you, you gasped. You’d seen most of them already on stage only recently, but somehow this felt entirely different here. This was just for you.
“I won’t feed on your energy unless you tell me to,” they assured you as they pressed kiss after kiss up your inner thigh until you were gasping and bucking beneath them, begging with your whole body for them to touch you where you truly needed it. “Look at what a mess you’re making of yourself,” they crooned when they finally deigned to turn their attention to your arousal. And it was true.
“Please…” you hissed, head thrown back into the pillow behind you while they still only teased. “Gods, please!”
At the feel of their mouth on you, you bucked, but they held you steady with surprisingly strong hands, and you were nearly tumbling over the edge into orgasm in moments.
“I want… I want you to…” You tried to speak but your mind kept being wiped repeatedly blank by the waves of pleasure that their wicked tongue and devilishly hot mouth sent rolling through you.
Pausing, they hummed their question against you and you yelped a broken cry at the vibration of it, fingers scrunching their sheets to a tangle beneath you.
“I want to feel what it’s like,” you managed, speaking more deliberately this time and trying to focus. It didn’t really work because they started circling their tongue while they stared questioningly up at you with those red eyes. “Oh gods… What it’s like when you… I want you to…”
They licked a long, teasing stripe and you arched again and swore. “You want me to feed on you?” they purred. “Truly? You’ll make me come just from that you know? You’ll make me spill untouched. I can already tell.”
“I want you to come on me,” you said, trailing your fingers up your stomach for emphasis and Ferren inhaled sharply, pupils blowing wide until their irises were little more than a slim halo of ruby, glowing like hot embers.
Without a word, they moved so that they could keep pleasuring you with one hand while lying beside you. They kissed at your neck, raking their twin set of double canines over your skin, slowing the pace until it was too slow for you to come just yet, but more intense than you’d ever experienced in your entire life. You felt like you were going to tear apart at the seams and burst with want. “Ready?” they whispered in your ear and you shivered inarticulately.
Their tattoos pulsed white, then faded, then flared bright again. They opened their mouth and you stared, amazed, as a coiling, shimmering mist began to float towards them from you. At the same time, your body ignited from within and you yelled with pleasure. White hot and searing, the sensations came from everywhere, not just where they touched you, and you convulsed as your orgasm tore through you with a blinding intensity.
You didn’t even notice that Ferren had shifted and was now lying atop you, cock in hand. They spilled over you a second later, forehead coming down to rest on your collarbone as they emptied themselves all over your stomach and halfway up your chest. That strange energy still twisted between you as they jerked and twitched, finally lying still atop you.
“Gods,” they hissed, a good few minutes later. “Gods, I’ve never ever come like that…”
You shifted and grunted softly beneath them, and they slithered off you to lie on the narrow sliver of bed beside you.
“You alight?” you heard them whisper.
“Are you?”
With a little chuckle, they said, “Ask me again in about ten minutes.”
“Ten minutes?” you asked, feigning coy disappointment.
They shot you a sidelong look and laughed. “Alight, five. Tops.”
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arawynn · 3 years
Deerly beloved
Bucky X Reader Cervitaur AU
 Summary: You’re a young Cervitaur – a human-deer hybrid, akin to centaurs – who hasn’t found her mate yet. Will the attractive Stag you meet one day have a chance?
 Warnings: formerly injured animal, potential dead animal, a tiny bit of fighting, otherwise this is just cute and fluffy
 Terms and idioms
Reaching Doehood/Staghood – reaching adulthood
 You were carefully wandering through the forest. It wasn’t your herd’s territory anymore, but not far away and you knew the area well by now. During the past weeks, you had been here every day. Over your back, you carried a bag filled with grass and leaves for the injured deer doe you had found. You had found her a couple weeks ago, not able to fend for herself and her fawn after a predator had injured her.
Your father – whom you had asked for his permission to care for the doe – had told you that doe and fawn would most likely die as it was the course of nature in this case and that you weren’t allowed to intervene. You on the other hand couldn’t stand the thought of not at least trying to help. So you had done it in secret and so far, the doe was recovering well and her fawn growing strong.
When you reached the little clearing the two of them had been staying, it was empty. Instantly, your heart sunk. Had a predator found them, happy about an easy meal? You had known the entire time that this was a highly possible outcome but so far, they had been lucky and undiscovered.
Extremely careful and with the hand on the hilt of your dagger – a present your father had made from his antler for reaching Doehood – you entered the glade. If it had been a predator, you wanted to know which kind it was since it’d be a safety concern for your herd as well. Every step of your four legs was placed with greatest care to not produce a sound and you were ready to bolt the second a predator showed itself – though that would cost you the bag as it was too heavy to keep it while being on the run.
The rustle of leaves moved by something large moving through the forest immediately alerted you. And while you doubted that it was a hunting predator as they’d be much more silent, it didn’t mean that thing could not be dangerous to you. Especially since it approached from the opposite direction you had come from.
 It was a Cervitaur-Stag. His cervine body-half was huge, his human body-half muscular, even though he had to be rather young still – judging by his antlers. He was a Six-pointer, his days as pointer couldn’t be very far behind him. And while even now this Stag had the potential to be a threat to you, one look into his face convinced you that the chance for it was very very slim.
He looked surprised and sheepish. Quite obviously, he hadn’t expected to meet you. “Uhm...I just...I wanted to look after the doe.”, he stumbled. His body language was carefully controlled, probably in an attempt not to scare you. Your ears perked up when the Stag spoke. There had been subtle signs of somebody else visiting the glade which you had dismissed as your imagination up till now.
“I wanted to do the same but it seems they left. I couldn’t find a trace of predators and she’s been doing well so...she probably recovered enough to leave.”, you replied carefully. A tiny, hesitant smile appeared on the stranger’s face. “That would be amazing.”, he answered softly.
It was just now that you realized something. Unlike your father and the rest of your herd, it seemed like the foreign Stag did not adhere to the old rule of letting nature take its course and not to intervene. Instead, he had decided to do what he could to help. You felt your face grow warm. It wasn’t much you knew about this Stag, but it was already enough for you to actually start considering him someone you’d like to get more and maybe even accept as mate eventually.
 A couple days had passed since you met the Cervitaur-Stag. He had been a pleasant companion and despite your attempts to forget him, your mind wandered to him time and time again. No matter how often you tried to tell yourself that somebody as kind as him who’d on top of that would grow into a strong and impressive Buck certainly would be swarmed by Does who’d try gain him as their mate.
That evening, you were on the clearing your herd had chosen as their current home, along with your younger siblings and cousins – the Fawns of your group. Your parents and their friends they had formed the herd with talked to a small group of travelling Cervitaurs, most likely about things like a permission to travel through their territory and if they’d be allowed to stay for the night or if they wouldn’t.
During these times, you were grouped with the Fawns despite being a fully grown Doe yourself. You didn’t lead the Herd and – provided you’d stay in the territory – you would be treated that way until all of them decided to step down and live their days as Elders in peace. Which would be quite another couple years currently.
One of your cousins settled down next to you. It was his fifteenth spring and he started growing his first spikes. The huff he let out was a clear sign of how annoyed and bored he was. An amused smile flashed over your face. “Ellie said they’re Stags.”, he announced. Ellie was his younger sister of six springs who loved to do whatever she felt like and cared little about possible consequences. You wouldn’t be surprised if she had eavesdropped.
“They won’t be dangerous to any of us. We’ve got your dad and my dad and uncle August to protect us.”, you replied. Ben was starting to show signs of protectiveness, another hint that he wasn’t a child anymore entirely. Though it’d take a couple springs before he’d be considered adult enough to be expelled by the Stags of your Herd.
“It’s not about us not being safe.”, your cousin admitted. The bored behaviour slipped a bit and let a rather childish worry shine through. You put an arm around Ben. There was clearly something bothering him and apparently, he was about to open up about it to you. “What if one of them wants you as their mate and takes you away from us?”, he finally asked.
That was the fly in the ointment! Ben was worried to lose you. You leaned your cheek against his hair to show him your affection. “First of all, if they had come to court me, we’d already know it. There are very strict rules about courtship a Stag has to obey to – which includes giving presents to the leaders of the Herd they wish to court somebody from to gain their favour because otherwise they’d be chased away harshly. That hasn’t happened. And even if they get the permission – without my approval, nobody is going to become my mate and take me with them.”, you explained.
Ben nodded and leaned against you. “So they’re nothing but a bunch of Stags passing through our territory?”, he asked, relief already audible in his voice. You smiled gently, glad that even the brief explanation of courting rituals had been enough to calm his worries. This was one of the cases where the strict rules all Cervitaur-herds adhered to were a comfort.
 Even you were almost asleep when the quiet sound of hooves became audible and announced the return of the leaders of your herd. As soon as you realized that the sound belonged to more than six Cervitaurs, you were instantly wide awake. It seemed like there’d be guests staying with you for the night.
Ben woke with a start when you moved, but he was still rather sleep-drugged. Which didn’t surprise you as the moon was hanging high in the nightly sky. “We have guests who’ll stay for two nights.”, Ben’s father announced. “These are Steve” a blond Cervitaur with rather light coat bowed his head in respectful greeting. “Sam” A Cervitaur with dark skin, hair and coat bowed his head. Both of them were six-pointers. “and James.”
Everything seemed to stop for several heartbeats when the third Cervitaur stepped forwards to greet your herd. He was the stranger you had met several days ago whom you had been unable to entirely banish from your thoughts. “It’s late. You should rest for now. We can talk tomorrow.”, your mother said. Her voice was calm and kind, but still held audible authority. It was enough to bring you back to the here and now. At least for the moment.
Once everyone had settled down – the three strangers at a respectful distance from everyone else – your thoughts started to race. The hope that James – he finally had a name you could attach to him – was in fact still a bachelor and not courting a Doe was soaring. Because he wouldn’t be travelling with other bachelors if he courted somebody and if any of them had a mate, they would have brought her along.
However, there was also worry. If James actually did like you the way you did and your father found out the two of you had already met, he’d probably be furious because it’d seem like James ignored the traditions that surrounded the whole courting process. And your father was somebody who considered adhering to traditions important.
 In the next morning, you were still nervous but more collected. When your father introduced you to the three bachelors, James’ eyes widened in surprise for a second, but he quickly gained control over his mien again. The following breakfast was filled with polite small talk. The three bachelors were good friends who had grown up in the same herd and – due to being of roughly the same age – had banded together in their search for mates and a new home where they could stay.
Your uncle advised them to travel eastwards since he had heard that there was a territory occupied by only two pairs of Elders. There might be a chance for them to take over their territory in exchange for protection. “Thank you for this valuable information. We know it’s not something to share lightly and we appreciate that you consider us worthy to pass it on to us.”, Steve said.
It was a good sign. Given James would show interest in you, maybe there was a chance that your father wouldn’t be too upset if he asked for the permission to court you when the two of you pretended that it had happened during his visit. After all, the Herd in the nearly vacant territory had been dwindling for about two years already and the development had been rather obvious but the Stags of your Herd hadn’t told any other visitor about it, even though there had been at least one bachelor who had shown interest in you.
 After the breakfast, it was time for the daily work. While your father and uncles set out to gather wood and twigs for the shelters, your aunts and some of your older cousins left to gather food. Your mother and you stayed at the current camp, watching the younger Fawns and weaving a new blanket since yours was riddled with holes and beyond repair. The guests too stayed at the camp since no good host would make their guest do any work.
James had soon started to play with the Fawns, who were delighted about having an adult play with them. His companions soon joined him as well. Only Ben had chosen to not participate in the games. Instead, he sulked at the edge and watched every move James made like a hawk. Last night’s conversation with him was at the front of your mind. Did he presume something?
Just at that moment James approached Ben. “Anything you’re up for, young Stag?”, the brunet asked. It caught your cousin off-guard, though you noticed how flustered he was by being called a young Stag instead of Fawn. He couldn’t even form a coherent answer. “How about a playful wrestle? Maybe I could show you a trick or two with your antlers.”, the brunet offered. Ben looked over to your mum who just nodded to show him her permission.
The two didn’t need anything else to start wrestling while Sam and Steve continued playing with the other Fawns. At first it was no more than testing out each other’s strength and skill – though James definitely held back to allow Ben to show what he knew and was able to do. After a while, the brunet begun to give your cousin hints and tips and willingly allowed him to attack again and again until he could put into practice what James had told him.
“He’s quite a catch, isn’t he?”, your mum asked suddenly, quiet enough that nobody else could hear. Conspiratorial and with a light smug smile on her lips. Which made you realize that you had stopped working in order to watch James and Ben. Heat immediately rushed to your face. “Well he’s handsome and he knows how to win people over.”, you replied. Your mother merely chuckled and continued her weaving. The rest of the day went by uneventful. Ben loved James and described every detail of their wrestling over dinner.
 Shortly after breakfast the next day, another visitor came to the camp. Your oldest brother who had moved away several years ago but still came over for short visits every now and then. He was large – a twelve-pointer already – and didn’t seem too happy once he had assessed the situation at hand. After all, there were three adult male strangers, you were quite obviously still not with somebody while one of the aforementioned Stags stood right next to you.
Within less than a minute, Damien lowered his head until his antlers pointed towards James. Who gave you a nudge to get you out of harm’s way. Just in time before your brother charged at the brunet Stag, even though he hadn’t returned the Antler threat. The first clash between them went accordingly. Even only seeing your brother ramming his antlers into James’ torso made you wince. The brunet Stag stumbled to the ground.
Damien was about to charge at him again when a simple “Enough” stopped him dead in his tracks. It hadn’t been loud by any means, but spoken with the authority of somebody who had been leading a Herd for many years. And even though your brother had left your Herd and was part of his own, he still instinctively did as ordered. James used the break to get back on his hooves and retreat till he was out of sight.
“What’s gotten into you?”, you yelled at your brother, mad that he had just appeared and instantly attacked James. Damien’s nostrils flared – apparently he too was angry, but he didn’t dare to act on it after your father’s warning. Because he knew all too well that even he wouldn’t get a second one. And if a fight did break out, he’d have not only one, but three opponents. That he had once been one of their Fawns wouldn’t matter. Only that he had attacked the Herd.
“He obviously has a thing for you. I tested him. He’s not worth to become your mate.”, Damien replied coldly. You slapped him in the face, consequences be damned. “It’s not up to you to test somebody who might be interested in me.”, you hissed and then turned to leave. This had been the last straw for you to be done and over with your brother.
Suddenly, there was a yelp from your brother. You twirled around. Your father stood between the two of you. Staring at the Stag in a very threatening way while Damien held his rips. Apparently, he had gotten a taste of his own medicine. You were absolutely not mad about it, quite the opposite. When you turned around again, your mother nodded into a certain direction. It didn’t need words for you to know that you’d find James if you followed her hint.
Which you did, of course.
 James had settled down on the ground and held his torso. There was pain written all over his face. “Let me take a look at it.”, you said gently and bent your front legs to match his height. The brunet Stag carefully moved his arm, revealing that – while he wasn’t bleeding – there’d be a nasty bruise from the attack which was already forming. “We’ve got to cool it to keep the swelling down.”
“Why are you taking care of me instead of your suitor?”, James asked silently, visibly and audibly defeated. Surprise made you yank your head up and blink at him. It took several long moments for you to understand what the brunet was talking about. “He’s not my suitor. That idiot is my older brother.”, you explained. And even if he was courting you, it’d be over right after this attack on a random stranger he had perceived as potential rival.
The shock was written on his face clear as a day. Though there was still some doubt. And something else you couldn’t quite place. “But…your dagger. Anything made from antlers are common courting gifts.”, he said. The Stag didn’t dare to look at you while his face was turning a bright shade of pink. You could feel your own cheeks start to grow warmer too. “A present my father gave me for reaching Doehood. I’ve always enjoyed wandering off on my own so he gave me something to protect myself with.”, you explained.
“So…there’s nobody courting you?”, James asked, careful hope in his voice. “I’m not being courted.”, you confirmed with a shy smile. He too showed a tiny smile. “Would your father be very upset if I started courting you?”, the brunet Stag wanted to know, a little more confident now. The smile on your face gave place to a more serious and thoughtful mien. “Traditions are important to him. I’m not sure how he’d take you as random guest asking for his permission to court his daughter.”, you replied.
“You are not wrong, Y/N. But even I can hardly blame a young Stag for falling in love with a Doe he unexpectedly meets.”, the voice of your father’s voice remarked calmly. Both you and James jumped to your hooves, though he winced. “How much did you hear, father?”, you asked carefully, though he didn’t appear angry or upset. “Enough. As I said, I will not reject James’ request to court you because he took a liking to you during his stay. However, I have two requirements.”, your father explained while eying the younger Stag. Who tried to stand a little straighter, despite his injury.
“Anything.”, he replied instantly. “I expect you to treat my daughter well. To respect her wishes and accept her boundaries.”, your father begun as if James hadn’t said anything. “I will. For as long as she’ll allow me to be part of her life.”, the brunet replied calmly and earnest. It made your heart flutter with excitement and happiness. “Second – I expect Y/N to consent to your courtship. Her happiness is essential in this affair.”, your father continued. “I do. I have been hoping for it since James spent time with Ben yesterday.”, you admitted. Your cheeks were once again growing hot.
Your father nodded with a content smile. “Then I give you my blessing to court my daughter.”, he said unctuous. Both you and James beamed. Hand in hand, you followed your father back to the camp. James’ friends instantly started grinning when they laid their eyes on you. “So it looks like Steve and I will move on without you.”, Sam jibed good-naturedly. “I wish you the best. And if the two of you happen to look for a place to establish a home…you’re always welcome at our territory if we find one.”, Steve added with a warm smile towards both of you.
“Thank you.”, you replied gently. You hadn’t paid much attention to the two of them, but what little you knew about the two bachelors painted a decent picture of them. Not yet enough for you to decide whether or not you’d form a herd with them, but you’d give them a chance. Given that you and James would actually become mates.
Tagging: @jack4xx @time-travel-bouqet @captain-ak84 @the-wayward-robot @teamcap4bucky @loricameback @fratboievans 
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monst · 5 years
Short Stories
These are a couple of lengthy fic’s I’m working on!
Strip Tease 
How could you say no? Your friends had been planning this for weeks to bail at the last minute seemed almost preposterous! 
You were beginning to regret it. The night was exactly as you predicted. Grey. Everything was grey these days. Not even the strobe lights of the club could bring color to your life. That was until the next dancer was announced. You’ve never seen such a vibrant color in your life. Such a beautiful color it was. Blistering, passionate, full of life, full of new sensations and experiences. How ironic that the color that seemed to bleed back into your sight was a fiery red.
Stripper Kirishima x Reader
Why was fate so cruel? Just when you were thriving, just as you finally made a name for yourself. Hell you were finally living ‘lavishly’ you finally had a select clientele. You could only blame your greed. Had you not suggested your last customer to recommend you to his boss… You could regret it all you want but it didn’t stop you from having to fulfill your role. After all you were already paid for……
    And you shuddered to think of what would become of you had you refused the beastly man service... 
Gladiator (.............) x Prostitute reader  (I figured it shouldn’t be Shiggy. I’m thinking of someone else for this role.) 
You didn’t know what on earth possessed you do this but there was no going back. The first time you saw him gliding through the air was the first time you had your breath taken away from you. He was graceful, strong and beautiful. You wanted to reach out and join him. To feel as weightless as he looked as he swung from fabric to fabric. If you could only catch his eye then maybe, just maybe you could fly too.
Acrobat Aizawa x Reader
The shadow of Envy. 
Who the fuck was that slut?! You couldn’t help the frightening expression on your face. Your teeth grinding in anger. The vibe’s you were giving off could scare off hyena’s but, you didn’t care. He was yours, yours to love, yours to hold, yours to talk to and, this bitch had no business chatting him up! Did you have to mark him up so that people would get a clue?? Maybe.. Maybe he needed to be taught who he belonged to. That way he could tell all those thots, from his own lips who owned him.
Yagi x Reader
All of them will be done eventually but, Stripper Kirishima won! Definitely doing Gladiator Shiggy soon tho.....
Like flowers we bloom
      “Oh ghastly soul that peers longingly into my eyes pray tell why your features familiar seem? Are thou the visage of death? Is this not but a looking glass?” The sigh the man heaved was akin to that of a weary elder nearing their eternal rest. One could say that the young man was dancing by with the pale beauty by the swallow look of his flesh. “Sun! Why do you hide from me?” He sighed stretching a pale limb out of the window and into the glow of the moon. 
       He longed to feel the caress of the wind against his skin. To breath the lovely perfume of the roses planted below. Curse his fragile health! Curse this luxurious prison. And curse these words! No.. Not the words. Curse everything but the words. They were his only solace. The tap against the glass of his window brought him out of his melancholy. And a smile touched his pale lips as he pushed the glass open. Long fingers grasped the wooden basket. The gifter of the basket was shrouded in the darkness of the garden but he made out a wave. 
       Perhaps not all aspects of his life were bleak. And when his tired eyes caught sight of the red bloom by his friends’ letter he couldn’t help but think of her. Yes. He’ll think of you. 
Poet! Shinsou x Reader.  
The sound of healing
      Curiosity. It was human nature to be curious. Curiosity is what drives us to explore, learn and create. It rouses us from sleep and carries us down the corridor in the deep night when we hear a queer bump. It was what had you trekking towards the sound coming from deep within the woods. The melody enthralled you and despite the pain numbing your leg you pressed forward. 
     Beautiful. Both the graceful creature and the divine tune. How sad, You lamented your ill placed step; the shuffling starling the magical creature before you. Ivory skin paled as his sparkling eyes caught yours and with impressive speed he ran away. Your pulled your hand back towards your body as you had reached out in vain to stop him. You made no move to follow him. But that didn’t stop you from returning time and time again.
Cervitaur! Amajiki Tamaki x Veteran! Reader.
Wings that don’t spread
     Fate had led the two of you here. It was undoubtedly fate, as the both of you had been dropped off on different ends of the island. You weren’t happy to see a demi-god but you preferred him over whatever else was lurking in the tall hedges. “You failure of a god!” You yelled. His golden eyes widened in panic his skin kissed hands covering your mouth. “Are you mad!?” he whispered. “Speak louder and the creature will find us. Ouch.” He nursed his bitten hand and held his glare. 
     “You have wings yet don’t fly. admit it you’re cursed! That’s why your in the Minotaur’s maze.” You accused. “And what of you huh? You must have done something real bad mortal. It hasn’t even been seven years.” “S-Shut up.” “Oh no your not gonna turn this around-” Your hands were at his mouth “Shut it bird man. D-do you hear that?” 
Hermes! Takami Keigo x Reader
Test subject 315
      “So there going to pay you for this right?” 
      “Yeah, it’s just thirty days and we can quit the experiment whenever we want.”
      “I dunno (Name) it sounds sketchy.”
      “You watch to many movies. This is a real doctor and there are no risks, I already checked this out. Besides plenty of other people will be there too. And I’ll have my phone and I gave you the number of the facility.”
     “There are other ways to make money (Name) You don’t have to be some guinea pig for Dr. Shino”
      “Shinsou, Dr. Shinsou Hitoshi PHD in psychology and He’s got a MBA in pharmaceutical science. He checks out. Okay. I’m all packed remember to feed Niko.” 
Dr. Shinsou Hitoshi x reader
Not all that glitters
      ‘Be wary of those who offer free council and teachings’
        Pale red eyes gazed into your petrified eyes. “Leave.” He frowned. “W-wait! W-what are you?” “Dead.” He answered lifting up his shirt to allow you to see his ribs. A shiver racked your body when you realized that pale blue color of his lips wasn’t a flashy tint. “Y-You mean like for real?”
         He rolled his eyes and you shrieked when one of the ruby orbs popped out of his skull and landed in front of you. You were freaking out. You were speaking to a corpse a literal corpse! You were frightened but very excited. “I can’t believe it worked! I’m bound to become the greatest sorceress ever! Uh h-here’s your eye.” You cringed handing the vermilion orb back to the man. 
       “All you did was pull me up.” He scoffed. “And I’ll be pulled back down any second now.” “W-wait! No I need the-Ah!”
 ‘For there is always a price to pay’ 
‘Corpse Birde’ Shigaraki Tomura x reader. 
Tales of Velosa
Fae Shouto 
Wendigo Bakugou 
Naga Monoma
Elf Chisaki
Western story ft Dabi
No description yet.
"The weariest and most loathed worldly life
That age, ache, penury and imprisonment
Can lay on nature is a paradise
To what we fear of death." - Sir William Shakespeare "Measure for Measure" Act3, Scene1
Villan Shoto x Reader based off this quote.
Horror story ft Tokoyami fumikage
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Finding mother
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Dad, Bakugou x reader
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generalcowslip · 5 years
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Happy Valentines Day! 💕💋 Hier meine 'Kissing Game Challenge' mit meinen D&D OCs Wer ist wer: no1: Dottie (Orc) x Piwi (Bibu) no2: Piwi (Bibu) x Azale (Pixie) no3: Azale (Pixie) x Jule (Gnome) no4: Jule (Gnome) x Helios (Dragon Elf) no5: Helios (Dragon Elf) x Nicolei (Human) no6: Nicolei (Human) x Varian (Cervitaur) no7 :Varian (Cervitaur) & Rita (Lapine) Ich hab meine Challenge zwar nicht geschafft einen Kreis zu bilden aber ich hatte dennoch eine Menge Spaß. Dazu war es recht lustig zu schauen wer mit wem als 'partner' zurechtkommt ouo Leider ist Rita wirklich nicht die beste Partnerin, trotzdem hatte sie einen tollen Valentinstag ;D Und ich hoffe ihr auch 💕💋 Alle Infos zu den Charakteren findet ihr HIER Mehr Artworks findet ihr auf meinem Instagram  💕 💕 💕
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thetravelerwrites · 6 years
Reed (Part 2) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Human Reader x Male Cervitaur Additional Tags: Exophilia, Cervitaur, Deertaur, Monster Boyfriend, Love Triangle, Angst, Mixed Family, Interspecies Family, Interspecies Romance, Resolved Conflict, Sexual Content Words: 5786
A sudden declaration from the human stranger forces Reed's hand and gives the reader a reason to leave the farm. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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The next morning, the storm had calmed and the rain wasn’t falling as violently as the night before. Torrey awoke with a stretch and smiled when he saw you. You smiled back.
“Good morning,” He said quietly, as other were still snoozing.
“Morning,” You replied.
“Did you manage to get any sleep?”
“A little,” You admitted, though the nightmares were back in full force. “You?”
“Some.” He scratched the back of his head. “I hope I wasn’t too forward last night when I kissed you. I know we’ve only just met, but I’ve taken a liking to you. I wondered if I had made that clear on our outing to town yesterday.”
Actually, you hadn’t picked up on it at all. You thought he was just being charming because that’s just the way he was. It didn’t occur to you then that he actually liked you.
“Oh,” You replied in surprise. “No, I didn't realize. I’m a little dense sometimes, I guess.”
“Don’t say that,” He said, sitting next to you on the cot. “I find you very clever, in fact. You were amazing with the metallurgist. I couldn’t have talked him down like you did.”
“Some people just need a firm hand,” You said.
“Do they, now?” He said in a low, suggestive mutter, looking away from you. You felt yourself blush.
Reed clattered out of his stall then very loudly, waking up the rest of the people in the common area. You scowled at him and he scowled right back. You wondered what was wrong with him. Sure, he was distrustful of the stranger, but this was odd behavior, even for him.
The rain stopped at lunchtime enough for Ryel to fire up her forge and work the shoe. While she did so, Torrey asked you to go for a walk with him. Smiling, you took him for a walk by the river.
“Have you traveled much?” You asked him.
“Quite extensively, yes,” He said. “I’ve never left the continent, but I’ve been to all four corners of it. Oh, there’s so much to see! The lantern festival in Dirna is absolutely beautiful this time of year. I’d love to take you to see it.”
“Lantern festival?”
“Oh, yes, they make these lanterns out of rice paper and ribbons, and then they light an oil wick, and the lanterns just float into the sky. It’s like the stars have come to earth for a night.”
“That does sound beautiful,” You admitted.
“Perhaps you’ll accompany me next year,” He said, smiling at you.
“Perhaps I will,” You said. It did sound lovely. Maybe it would be good to get off the farm every once in a while.
During your walk, he regaled you with tales of far off lands and exotic customs of people who lived miles and years away from your little farm. You found yourself daydreaming about these places, and every time you mentioned you’d like to see them, Torrey’s eyes would light up.
Shoeing the palomino took no time at all, and by dinnertime, Torrey was all set to go. Declan insisted he stay for another night so that he wasn’t traveling in the dark, possibly with more rain on the way, and Torrey gratefully accepted.
That night, Reed made the unusual decision to sleep outside of his stall and in the common area with everyone else. It was odd behavior, and you felt shy of talking to Torrey with Reed there. When you tried talking to Reed, he merely wished you goodnight and turned away from you. You didn’t like this new, distant side of him.
The next morning, at breakfast, Torrey surprised everyone by standing up and clearing his throat.
“I’d like to make an announcement, if I may,” He said, catching them all in his sweeping gaze. “First, I’d like to thank Declan and his family for putting me up these past few days.” He nodded at Declan and Ryel, who returned the favor. “Your kindness has given me renewed hope for a brighter future; most specifically, because it allowed me to meet your lovely daughter.” He smiled down at you where you sat next to him.
“Which brings me to the next part of what I wish to say, and it’s more a question than a statement.” He took a deep breath and said, “I’d like to ask her to marry me.”
A shocked silence settled on the table, broken only when Reed slammed his cup on the table, sloshing everyone within spraying distance, and shouted, “No!”
You looked at him, startled. Everyone did.
“You’ve known her less than three days,” He said, standing, breathing hard through his nose. “You can’t marry her.”
Torrey’s head rocked back and he laughed a little nervously. “Forgive me, but unless I’m mistaken, you’re her brother, not her father, correct?”
“No,” Reed snarled. “I’m not her brother.”
“Well, at any rate,” Torrey shrugged. “It’s not your decision to make. It’s hers.” He turns to you. “What’s your answer?”
You gaped at him, unable to speak. This was incredibly sudden and it made your head spin. You looked around the table and saw the same stunned look on everyone else’s face, including your parents. Soraya’s eyebrows were raised, but she shrugged at you when you look to her for help.
“Perhaps we could discuss this a lit--” Declan said, but Reed cut him off.
“Don’t do it,” Reed said, staring at you. “You don’t even know him.”
Suddenly angry, you shot to your feet. “What does it matter to you?”
You walked past everyone and out of the barn to the river. You expected Torrey to follow you, but instead it was your father.
“So,” He said, leaning against a nearby tree. “Whoa.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” You replied. “Papa, I am very confused.”
“As am I,” He said ruefully. “This is rather sudden. I know you’ve spent some time with him during his stay here. Do you even like him?”
“He’s a nice man,” You said, thinking. “I don’t dislike him. He’s told me about where he’s been and all his travels, and I do admit, it sounds very exciting.”
“More exciting than this boring old farm, eh?” Your father said, smiling sideways at you.
“That’s not what I mean,” You replied, but he stopped you.
“No, it’s all right, darling, I understand.” He wrapped a wing around your shoulders. It was a warm, comforting weight, like a cloak. “I love this farm, but it is a very small speck compared to the rest of the world. You’re not a forest creature like the rest of us; it’s only natural for you to want to see more.”
You laid your head on his shoulder and nuzzled into the soft fur. “I’m torn. Torrey seems like a very nice man and traveling the world with him sounds amazing, and while I do like him, I don’t love him, at least not yet. Not enough to marry him, anyway. But I do love you and Mama and the kids and the farm and…”
“Nothing. It’s nothing,” You said with a sad sigh.
“Well, whatever you decide, darling, I know you’ll make the right choice for you,” He said, releasing you. “But maybe, before you make your decision, there’s someone you could talk to.”
“Who?” You asked.
You scoffed. “Why would I need to talk to him?”
“Why do you think?” Your father asked, raising his eyebrows knowingly at you.
Your mouth hung open in shock. “You know about that?”
“Darling, the whole farm knows about that. You’re not as subtle as you think you are,” He said, rolling his eyes. “And I may be a bat, but I’m not blind.”
You hid your face in your hands. “Ugh, I can’t believe this. It’s so embarrassing. Do you think Reed knows?” You asked, pulling your hands away and looking at Declan’s face.
“I haven’t the faintest idea, love,” He said pointedly. “Why don’t you go ask him?”
“I’m too angry at him,” you said venomously.
“Trust me, he’s not all that happy with you, either,” Declan said with amusement. “Or your suitor. I had to separate the two of them before they drew blood.”
That surprised you; Reed was not the violent type. He had always been true to the nature of his animal half, skittish and non-confrontational. The fact that he had tried to fight Torrey was hard for you to imagine.
“I think I’ll take a walk first,” You said with a weary voice. “I need to clear my head.”
“All right, my dear,” He said. “Don’t be gone too long, though, will you? It may rain again and I’d prefer if you didn’t get caught in it.”
“I will,” you told him, waving as you set off.
You went down to your favorite large, flat rock near the river and sat there, listening to the river burbling. It wasn’t the torrent here that it was in other parts, and the steady white noise was comforting. You closed your eyes and let the sound swallow you up.
“Are you actually going to marry that man?”
You opened your eyes and sighed in irritation.
“What do you want?” You asked harshly, turning without standing up to see Reed coming out of a canter and stopping in front of your stone. “How’d you even know I was here? Did Papa tell you?”
“You said you wouldn’t leave,” He blurted out. “You said there was no reason to leave.”
“Well, now there is,” You shot back as you slid down. “Thing’s change.”
“You can’t marry him,” He said, breathing hard. “You hardly know each other.”
“So what? Why do you even care?”
“Because we’re family!”
“Are we?” You asked, rounding on him. “You were the one who said you weren’t my brother. So if you’re not my brother, then what are you?”
He took a step back as you advanced on him. “He can’t really want to marry you after three days. He’s got some ulterior motive. He’s using you for something, I just haven’t puzzled out what yet.”
The disbelieving tone of his voice hurt you. “What so hard to understand about someone actually wanting me? You think a man can’t find me beautiful just because you don’t?”
He took another step back, the anger on his face replaced with confusion. “What?”
“I know I’m nothing special,” You yelled at him angrily. “I know that you’d never look twice at me. I know you don’t think I’m lovely, but he does. He said so.”
“He could just be lying to you, don’t you see that?!” He yelled back, his eyes on fire. “Do you really think he fell in love with you at first sight? That’s impossible and you know it!”
“I don’t know that! In fact, I’m perfectly certain it’s entirely possible. So why couldn’t he have?”
“Even if I believed that, and even if he did, why would he want to marry you after only three days?”
“Because maybe he actually cares about me! It’s that so hard for you to understand?” You screamed at him, tears beginning to fall from your eyes. “And so what if he’s lying? So what if he doesn’t actually mean it? It’s nice to be told, just once, that someone finds you beautiful. That someone wants you. It’s worth being lied to sometimes, just to feel like you're wanted.”
He went silent and wide-eyed, retreating every time you advanced on him.
“You knew, didn’t you?” You asked him, the tears flowing freely down your cheeks. “You’ve known all along, and you just let me dangle like a worm on a hook. Didn’t you?”
At least he had the decency to look ashamed. He eyed the ground at your feet and bit his lip.
“Not… not the whole time. Only recently, the last year or so. I overheard you talking sometimes with Soraya.” He flicked his ears, half a second apart. “I have really good hearing.”
You huffed a mirthless laugh. “Did you think it was funny?” You asked him angrily, shoving him slightly. “Did you get a laugh out of it? Were you flattered, or were you disgusted knowing the fat, ugly farm girl was in love with you?”
“Don’t say that--” He said, and you shoved his shoulder again.
“I’m glad you were amused,” you sobbed. “I’m happy you found it so funny that it hurt me just to look at you. The idea that if you fell in love with someone else, it would have gutted me must have been so hilarious.”
“That’s not true!” He countered, trying and failing to gain ground, but you were in a fury.
“You know what?” You said in a dangerously low voice. “I think I will marry him. I’ll marry him and he’ll take me far away from here, and I’ll never have to see your smug face ever again.”
“Don’t, please,” He begged, grasping your wrists. “Please don’t leave.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” You asked him, your entire body shivering with rage and pain. “What reason do I have to stay?”
He released your wrists and grabbed you by your face, pressing his mouth to yours hard, kissing you with his lips and teeth and tongue, gasping and shaking.
This. This is what it should have felt like the first time. You saw stars behind your closed eyelids and every nerve was set ablaze. His touch on your face was the only think anchoring you to the ground, otherwise you’d be spinning in the void that only the two of you occupied. Nothing else existed but his hands on your skin and his lips against yours.
He pulled at your bottom lip with his teeth, and you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside and tangle with your own. He moaned against your kiss and he pulled your body against his roughly, so that he could feel your soft chest against his firm one. There wasn’t a stitch of space between the two of you, but you still felt the need for him to be closer.
When you pulled back, you sniffled and grimaced at him. “I swear, if you only did that so I wouldn’t leave, I’ll--”
“I love you,” He said, looking you right in your eyes. “I’ve loved you for a long time, but I was just shy and stupid and I liked listening to you talk about me with Soraya in secret. I will admit, it was flattering. But I always thought there would be time for me to act, that I could court you slowly and build up to it and surprise you one day with my intentions, just so I could see the joy on your face.”
He wiped your tears with his thumbs and kissed your eyes, running his hands through your hair. “I didn’t realize you were suffering, or I’d have done something sooner. I should have said it when I realize that human had taken a liking to you, but I didn’t think you’d actually go for him because I knew how you felt about me. I should have realized you were tired of waiting. I should have realized how unhappy you were. I’m sorry, my love. I’m so sorry.”
At that, you cried in earnest, full wracking sobs that prevented speech. He held you tightly against him, letting you weep into his shoulder, petting your hair and muttering soft words in your ear.
“I’ll make this up to you,” He said, kissing your face with tears in his eyes. “I’ll never forgive myself for acting too late. I swear, I’ll never disappoint you again. Just…” He held your face with is fingers tangled in the hair behind your ears and pressed his forehead to yours. “Please. Please don’t leave me. And if you can’t forgive me, just… just don’t marry him. Stay with me. Be with me, please.”
You laughed through your tears. “You were the one I always wanted, you ass,” You told him, which earned a watery chuckle. “I’ve been waiting so long for you to say that to me.”
“I know,” He said. “I’m sorry.”
“You can make it up to me tonight,” You said, whispering in his ear. “After everyone goes to bed, meet me here, at my river stone.”
“I will,” He said, holding you close to him and burying his nose against the skin of your neck, inhaling deeply.
You sighed as you stepped away from him, though you still held his hands in your own.
“Now I have the unpleasant task of refusing Torrey’s proposal.”
“Do you want me to be there?” He asked.
You shook your head emphatically. “No. Refusing a man’s proposal while standing with the man I’ve chosen instead of him would be terribly inappropriate.”
“All right,” He said. “Let me walk you back, then. Hopefully he’ll take it well. Though, if it were me, I’d be crushed and ready to fight.”
“Speaking from experience?” You asked him wryly as you both started back toward the farm.
He laughed. “I guess. Seeing him with you made me sick to my stomach, but when I saw him kiss you, it was like I’d been shot through the heart. And I’ve been shot, so I know what it feels like.” He reached back to touch the four thin, diamond shaped scars on his side. “When he asked you to marry him, it was another round of arrows into my gut. That’s why I reacted so badly.”
You took his hand and held it as you walk. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “It’s my own fault. I should have been braver. If I had told you sooner, you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
You snickered. “I can’t argue with that, jerk.”
He snorted and bumped into you playfully with his shoulder. “I deserve that, too.”
At the edge of the farm, you parted ways. He joined the boys as they went out to clear the fallen trees that had been knocked over in the storm from around the farm.
You found Torrey by himself in a chair on the porch, mending a tear in his gloves. He looked up at you with a smile, which slipped from his face when he saw your expression.
“I’m assuming you don’t have good news for me, then,” He said.
You sighed. “Can I join you?”
“Of course,” He said, putting aside his mending.
You sat down the chair next to his and took a breath. Feeling ashamed, you didn’t want to look at him when you said this, but it seemed important to look him in the eye. It was about respect. If nothing else, you did respect him.
“I want you to know that I like you very much, Torrey,” You began. “And the idea of traveling the world with you sounds very alluring. But…” You sighed. “The truth is, I’m in love with someone else.”
He didn’t answer immediately.
“I see,” He said at length.
“I didn’t mean to lead you on, it’s just that I genuinely thought he wasn’t interested in me and I was trying to put him behind me. But even if had I married you, I’d never be able to love you like I love him. It wouldn’t have been fair to you. You deserve a woman who can give you her whole heart, and that's not me.”
He sighed heavily. “Well, I wish I could say I’m glad you were honest with me, but I’d be lying.” He shook his head and looked at you with a pained expression. “I rushed this,” He said. “I should have taken more time, perhaps stayed in the neighboring town and visited you more. I spooked you by asking right away.”
“I don't think that would have made a difference,” You told him.
“Maybe it would have,” He said, shrugging. “People fall in and out of love all the time. Maybe if I had been more patient, you’d have fallen out of love with this other fellow and fallen in love with me instead.”
You doubted it, but you said, “Maybe.”
He squinted at you, hesitating. “Is that your final decision, then? Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”
You nodded grimly. “I’m sure. I’m sorry, Torrey.”
He sighed again and stood up, putting his gloved in his coat pocket. “Well, my horse is shod and the storm has passed. There’s no reason to stay any longer,” He said, smiling at you morosely. “If there’s nothing left for me here, then it’s best that I be moving on.” He bent down to kiss your cheek, adding, “Please tell your mother and father than I’m grateful for their hospitality and give them this.” He handed you a pouch. “For their trouble.”
“I will,” You said, clutching the bag. “I hope you do meet a girl who gives you her whole heart. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy.”
He smiled a real smile then. “I hope she’s a lot like you.”
You blushed and looked at the ground.
His palomino was tied to the porch, and he undid the rope and tightened up her harness, vaulting up on her back. With a parting smile, he tipped his hat to you and nudged her forward, and was gone in a matter of minutes.
You heard hoofsteps behind you and you turned to see Reed coming up the ramp.
“How bad was it?” He asked, wincing.
“Not as painful as I expected,” You said. “I still feel terrible. He was a very nice man; in another life I’d have been happy to accept. I feel like I lied to him.”
“You didn’t lie,” He said, touching your face. “You didn’t know the whole truth yourself, so you couldn’t have lied. I hate to admit it, but he’s not so terrible; he seems like he make a good husband. For anyone besides you,” He remarked sternly and you laughed. “I hated him because I knew he was courting you, but really he seems all right.” He frowned. “For a human, that is.”
“I’m a human,” You reminded him.
“You’re one of the good ones,” He said with a seductive smile, pulling you close by the back of your neck. He kissed you again, deep and hungry, his arms a cage around your waist. You moaned as his hands roamed downward over your rear and his fingers dug in. You had to force yourself to pull away when you heard voices from around the house.
“Later at the river?” You asked him breathlessly.
He nodded, panting. “I have much lost time to make up for.” He kissed you one more time before fleeing back to the forest to finish hauling the wood.
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That night, you waited until you were sure Soraya was asleep before slipping out of your shared room and downstairs, where everything was dark and silent.
Outside, you could still hear Birch and Cetzu laughing and joking, so Reed wouldn’t be able to escape just yet. Perfect. You’d have time to bathe before he got there.
You got to your special stone by the river and stripped down. Under the rock shelf, you had hidden a tin box with soap and bathing oils and set them on the edge of the rock where you could reach them.
You stepped a foot into the calmer pool in front of the stone table to test it. It was a little chilly but not unbearably so. The chill of the water hardened your nipples instantly, and you rubbed them a little to try and soften them up. You slipped in slowly, shivering as the water hit your tender bits, and dipped down under the water to wet your hair. When you came up, you heard a sharp intake of breath.
Reed was standing there, about twenty feet away on the shore, looking right at you. For a moment you couldn’t take your eyes off each other, but slowly, you reached for your soap, lathered up your hands, and made quite the show of washing your body, paying specific attention to your breasts, over your buttocks, and between your thighs. You reached up to run soap through your hair, stretching your body, perking up your breasts and arching your back.
You risked a peek at him, and he was breathing very hard. He stayed put, watching you, and you could see his member peeking out from the sheath between his back legs. Smiling a bit to yourself, you ducked down to rinse your hair and body, then snatched up the bottles of almond and rose oil and pulled yourself up on the rock shelf, water cascading off your body. You beckoning to him, smiling.
He jumped as though startled, and made his way over to the large stone you sat on. The moon was out and shining through the leaves of the canopy, painting patterns on your skin.
“Want to help?” You asked, handing him the oils. “I assume you know what to do with these?”
“I have an idea,” he said with a smirk.
“Good,” You said, laying down on your stomach and pulling your wet hair out of the way. You watched him fold his legs under him and kneel next to you. You heard a dripping sound as he poured some oil on your back and then felt his hands working the oil into your skin gently and firmly. You groaned in pleasure as his hands worked over the muscles in your shoulders and neck, drawing out the tension. A thrill shot up your spine as his hands spread the oil over your bottom and massaged them, rolling the skin back and forth, opening you up and easing back down. You wondered if he was looking at what lay between.
You felt him nuzzle your ear as he said, “Roll over.”
You obeyed, baring your front to the air and looking at him. He was flustered and biting his lip, but he applied the same tender ministrations to the front of your body, his hands kneading your breasts and tugging slightly at your nipples. You sighed and smiled at him, urging him to go lower by rolling your hips ever so slightly. His hands slid down your stomach and between your thighs, which you parted.
The first tentative stroke of the skin sent a shock through your body and made you gasp. He snatched his hand back in surprise.
“No, no, it was good,” You gasped, laughing. “Please, keep going.”
He smiled uncertainly, but touched you again, and you moaned softly.
“I’ve dreamed of this,” He said. “I’ve wanted to touch you like this for a long time, before I even knew your feelings for me, but I was too shy.” He felt the entrance and let a finger slip inside. Your mouth opened and your back arched in response. “I just thought, at first, that what you felt was just an infatuation and that it would pass.”
“I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you,” You breathed. “That’s why I know love at first sight exists.”
“Do you know when I fell in love with you?” He asked, his finger joined by a second, moving in and out of you at a steady speed.
“Mm?” Was all you could say.
“That day the bear came out of the woods when we were pulling up water together. It came straight at me. I was scared to death and froze, but you chased it away by literally screaming at it and throwing your bucket at it’s head. I couldn’t believe you were prepared to take on a bear for me. I could never be that brave. I fell in love with you right then.”
You gasped for an entirely different reason. “That was three years ago!” You smacked his shoulder. “How could you not tell me!”
“I told you, you’re braver than me. I was too scared,” He bent down and kissed your breastbone, working his way up to your lips. You writhed underneath him. “You make me braver.”
“Reed,” You whimpered against his mouth. “I need you.”
Because he was much smaller than a centaur, his body was a comparable to yours in length. He climbed up onto the stone, stepping over you with his hind legs between your knees and his forelegs on either side of your your waist, and knelt down. Sitting on his back haunches between your thighs and his kneeling on his forelegs, he was able to bend his human torso forward and reach your face, kissing you while his hands stroked your breasts and sides.
With a single twitch of his hips, he popped the head of his length into you, and you cried out against his lips. He eased himself into you, aided by the oils, little by little. He started out narrow and kept getting bigger and bigger as he slid further in, stretching you open. You both groaned at the sensation, your foreheads pressed together as he buried himself inside you. He knitted his fingers with yours and held your hands above your head.
He was still for a moment before moving slowly, his flanks quivering with the effort of holding back.
“Have you dreamed of this, too?” You asked him breathlessly.
He huffed out a laugh that was mixed with a moan. “Countless times. I even imagined turning you over this very rock and losing myself inside you.”
“There’s no reason you can’t,” You said, smirking at him.
“Shouldn’t your first time be gentle?” He asked in concern.
“My first time can be anything I want,” You told him. “And besides, it’s your first time, too. You should get what you want just as much as me. And maybe I want you to.”
He growled at you with a smile on his face. “I hate myself for waiting so long.”
“Do something about it, then,” You said, your smile widening.
He grinned and pulled away. He still had a grip on your hands, so he pulled you forward off the rock and spun you, catching the back of your neck in one hand, hair and all, and applied gentle pressure until you were bent over the stone with your rear in the air. He lifted his forelegs and braced them around your body on the rock.
He pet his hands over your buttocks tenderly, spreading them, and you felt him open you up and line his length back up with your entrance, easing himself back in. You moaned loudly, grateful you were far away from the house.
“Gods, you’re so warm,” He wheezed. He picked up speed, ramming into you, bouncing your thighs against the rock. You might have bruises tomorrow, but you didn’t care. They’d be under your skirt and no one would see them. They’d be your little secret.
Reed’s face was pressed against the back of your head, whimpering into your hair, blowing his breath across your neck. Every shorthair on your body stood on end. You needed more.
“Harder,” You begged. “Harder, please.”
He was only happy to comply, slamming into you with force, making incredibly sinful slapping sounds against your rump as he did.
“You’re so good,” He whispered with a cracked voice, his arms crossed over your chest as you held yourself up against him, holding your breasts with the opposite hand. “I love you so much.”
Why was it that phrase that undid you completely? You grunted obscenely as the pleasure crashed over you like a gale of wind, blowing you over the edge and drowning you in sensations. Your muscles clenched him as you came, and it cause him to release as well. He gushed into you with a shout of ecstasy, spilling out of you and splattering onto the ground between your feet.
His legs fell off the rock and his torso collapsed onto you as you collapsed on the rock, breathing hard and sighing loudly as you both came down and settled into bliss.
After a few minutes and a deep sigh, he pulled out of you and helped you stand up.
“Are you all right?” He asked as you turned to face him and plant a kiss on his lips.
“I’m lovely,” You said with a bright smile.
“You are,” He agreed, frowning at himself. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t think so. I’ve always found you beautiful. I should have said it sooner.”
You stopped him by putting your fingers on his lips. “No more ‘should haves,’” you said. “We’re wiping the slate clean, starting over. I’m just as much to blame for all this; I should have spoke up long before now. I was just as scared as you were.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him sweetly. He reciprocated. “I should have been just as angry at myself as I was at you. Don’t keep beating yourself up. ”
He bumped your forehead with his gently. “Maybe. So, where do we go from here? Do you think Declan will let you move into my stall?”
You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. “Oh, gods, I don’t even want to think about facing the family with this yet. They all know about my feelings for you. I do not want to have to look at Soraya’s smug face for the next sixty years.”
He laughed. “The boys have been goading me forever about you,” He remarked. “They’ll be just as bad.”
“Why don’t we just let them figure it out, then, since they’re all so clever,” You said sarcastically, and he grinned.
“Sounds good to me,” He said. “Though, I don’t want to have to sneak around to see you. You’re not a secret. I want them to know that we love each other.”
“They already know,” You said, rolling your eyes. “Now it’s just a matter of us finally acting like it.”
You went to the river to clean yourself up and started to shiver. He reached for your clothes and handed them to you as you waded out of the water.
“It’s getting cold. Let’s get you dressed and back in bed. We can deal with the family in the morning. Maybe I’ll just give you a big, sloppy kiss over breakfast.”
You giggled. “That would get the message across.”
He helped you pull your dress on and buttoned up the front, kissing up your body as he did. “I’ll shout it to the world, if I have to. I want everyone to know that I have you, and that I’m happy.”
When he stood up straight, you laid your head on his shoulder and sighed, closing your eyes. “So am I.”
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Male werewolf x female reader (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This is a patreon tier reward, and I hope you enjoy my take on their big, dad-bodded werewolf OC, Lowe. It's been up on Patreon on early release and is now up on Tumblr for you to enjoy.
Content: playful banter, fluff, the briefest flicker of angst, some dominant tendencies in Lowe (it's not D/s though, for anyone who's not into that), and a reader who gives as good as she gets. Wordcount: 2792
As you yanked the door to the campus cafe open with about twice as much force as it needed, you caught a glimpse of Lowe working behind the counter. Of course, there was a massive queue at this time of day; at the midpoint of the afternoon when people were thinking about either finishing up early or knuckling down for a caffeine-fuelled all-nighter.
Engrossed as he’d looked in his work before, he glanced up as if he’d sensed your presence, his warm eyes flicked briefly in your direction as the door opened, and he offered you a quick, fond, twitch of the lips before turning back to the masterpiece of latte art in his hands. Even at that distance, you felt your body relaxing a little more around him. In the time since he’d made some playfully snarky comment about your Pokémon shirt a few months ago - which had, in fact, led to a joint outing on campus playing Pokémon Go together - you and he had fallen into an easy friendship.
You tried not to snarl softly to yourself as the woman at the front of the queue, old enough to be a post-grad perhaps, leaned on the counter and flirted openly with him, but at the end of the day, what claim did you have to him anyway? Lowe was your friend, and as much as you’d like to think you might be the tall, long-haired guy’s type (he was certainly yours, with that ‘powerful-yet-soft-around-the-edges’ dad bod he had going on, and that self-assured confidence that tipped just pleasantly shy of being arrogance), you couldn’t really be sure. After all, you’d seen him getting pretty close with a guy friend of his, so for all you knew, he wasn’t even interested in women, but you’d never really discussed that. The most personal things had got so far was Bloodborne bosses and beloved DnD characters, which was also fine.
The queue slowly dwindled in front of you, and when you stepped up to the counter, Lowe turned from the machine on the far counter and plonked a large cup down before your lips had even opened to begin your order. His grin was positively wolfish, all teeth and glinting eyes.
You pouted and snapped, “And what if I wanted a chai latte with soy milk today?”
He raised one thick eyebrow as he popped the takeaway lid onto the cup with a distractingly big hand, and said flatly, “You hate soy milk. Drink up, grumpy-guts. You’ll feel better…”
You huffed, took the cup off the counter, slapped the cash down just hard enough to make him chuckle and twitch another smile - damn the bastard looked pleased with himself and double-damn, if he didn’t look extra-specially good wearing that expression - and he announced to his colleague that he was going on break.
He joined you outside, tugging out one of the heavy, metal chairs for you without a word before taking a seat on the other side of the table.
Lowe closed his eyes, tipping his head back a little to feel the chilly late-spring breeze on his face. He looked good as he relaxed like that, with his long, thick, nut-brown hair tied back off his face with a few fluffy bits escaping at the front, and his big arms folded across his chest and resting on the slight paunch he had at the waist. Something about the thick, almost russet-brown scruff on his jaw made you want to touch it. Instead, you sipped your drink and sighed.
“Good?” he asked without moving or opening his eyes.
“You know it is, you cocky little shit,” you laughed. Banter with him was always so easy, and you gave as good as you got. “Thanks, by the way. Wouldn’t want you to think I’m a complete brat…”
He snorted and cracked an eye to look at you. The sun caught in his golden-brown iris and glinted softly like polished amber, and it honestly stole your breath for a moment. “How’s the course going?” he asked instead of teasing you any more. “You were pretty stressed about that assignment last time we talked.”
You rolled your eyes and puffed the air out of your chest, swiftly following it with some inarticulate grunt of despair. “It would be going a lot better if my roommate wasn’t also being such an inconsiderate asshole,” you snarled. “Seriously, I don’t think I can take the smell of weed or the late nights any more.”
He frowned. “Can’t you talk to someone about it?”
“Have done. Not sure I’ll have a roommate for much longer though… Missing classes and being constantly stoned must equal tanking grades, right?”
Lowe nodded but didn’t say anything for a while, watching as a gnoll and her girlfriend strolled past, hand in hand. The gnoll nuzzled her nose against the human’s ear and elicited a squawk that made her giggle in return. Eventually he said, “You free this weekend?”
Cocking your head to one side, you shrugged. “Hand-in is on Friday afternoon, so… yeah? I mean, I had just planned to sleep all day… why?”
He looked uncharacteristically apprehensive and chewed on the inside of his cheek before answering. “I was going to head up into the woods for the weekend. Camping. Wondered if you wanted to come too?”
“Yeah…” he said, looking like he was regretting mentioning it now. “But if you don’t want to, it’s fine. I mean… you’ve earned your rest, and camping under the stars isn’t for everyone. Don’t feel like you have -”
“Shut up for a second, will you?” you laughed, and he drew up short and blinked, staring at you before laughing fondly. “I’ve actually never been camping. I’d love to go, as long as you don’t make me go for a ten mile hike as well…”
“Would I treat you like that?” he crooned and you rolled your eyes again and muttered something which you didn’t think he’d catch. Somehow, however, he did, and he barked a loud laugh, startling a cervitaur walking past with his grocery shopping in each hand. As Lowe turned to look at the cervitaur he’d surprised, you watched his eyes flare gold, almost unnaturally so. Perhaps it was just a trick of the sunlight at this angle. When he looked back at you, you missed what he said, staring at his eyes, which were now back to their normal, warm brown.
He murmured your name, sounding a little concerned. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean it. You’re not a brat… not really…”
“Shut up,” you retorted, your tone carrying no venom. “And you know full well know I can be.”
That Thursday afternoon, your roommate moved out, finally expelled for drug use and selling to other students, and you fumigated the room as best you could, relieved at last. The second after you’d finished deep-cleaning everything, you texted Lowe and said, ‘So… I’m down a roommate now.’
‘You need me to help hide the body?’ he sent back immediately and you burst out laughing.
‘I love you, but no. It was expulsion rather than murder. I was kind of hoping you might want to move in instead?’ you sent, your heart in your mouth. He’d mentioned he was looking for a place closer to campus, and this could be perfect for him. If he was willing to have you as his roommate, of course.
‘Definitely interested. Can I think about it and let you know this weekend?’
That wasn’t a complete rebuttal, you figured. ‘Of course.’
‘Cheers. I’ll pick you up at ten on Saturday.’
True to his word, Lowe didn’t take you on a ten mile route march. He drove you up to the start of a wide, easy looking trail that was apparently only three miles up to the campsite, along a winding, inviting, grassy path. Despite looking maybe a little towards the less fit end of the scale, Lowe was four strides ahead of you in a matter of seconds. Realising this, he slowed, and you nudged him with your elbow.
“Thanks,” you said and he gave you one of his soft, secret smiles that you didn’t see very often.
He wasn’t particularly talkative as you made your way up the path, but the silence between you was easy, relaxing even.
“You’re such a cliche, you know that?” you laughed a little while later as you paused on a rock for a drink and to adjust the laces of your shoe.
Lowe scowled. “How?”
You stared pointedly at the penknife in his hand and the stick he’d picked up and had idly begun to whittle into a howling wolf in his big, strong hands, almost as if he’d not even realised he was doing it. Again, he surprised you by just shrugging a shoulder and turning back to it while you enjoyed the scene. He seemed a bit distracted somehow. When you moved on, he stashed it in his pocket.
Lowe carried literally everything, stowing your water bottle for the way up in the side pocket of his backpack, and even a two-person tent, food supplies for that evening and breakfast, and more water than you probably drank over the course of three days, and yet he still managed to arrive at the campsite as if he’d just strolled the length of one city block.
He impressed you again by lighting a fire and cooking a veritable feast for you both on a little makeshift grill, and he looked more than pleased with himself when you complimented him. “Don’t let it go to your big fat head,” you snickered and he growled playfully at you.
Quite literally growled.
The moment he’d done it, he went still, eyes wide, and even looked a little sick. “Shit,” he hissed.
“I…” then his huge shoulders slumped despondently and he let out a long breath. “I guess now’s as good a time as any to tell you. I mean, I’ve been meaning to tell you for… well, since we kind of became friends, really. But it never seemed… convenient…”
“Convenient to tell me what?”
He shuffled a bit and poked at the embers of the fire. Your stomach felt uneasy, and it had nothing to do with the inordinate amount of amazing food you’d just finished. “I…” he began, and then whispered, “Fuck it.” He looked you in the eye and said, “I’m not human. I’m a werewolf.”
You blinked. It didn’t totally surprise you, if you were honest. “Well, that… certainly makes one or two things add up…”
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
He turned his golden eyes away from you and poked a bit more at the smoldering, grey wood, making it crumble to fragile ashes. He did look a bit easier now though. “I figured… maybe you wouldn’t… that if you knew that I’m not human, you might not want me as your roommate anymore… It was stupid though, I know.”
“Lowe,” you said, more gently this time, reaching for his bare forearm where he’d cuffed his tartan sleeve up to his elbow. His skin was warm and his muscles tensed, hard as the earth beneath you as he waited for whatever you were going to say next. “You’ve become probably my best friend… There’s no one I’d rather be roommates with than you. Besides, who else is going to tolerate your Soulsborne marathons and hipster lumberjack wardrobe?”
A long, low growl emanated from him but it dissolved into laughter when he saw your expression and he shook his head. “I can’t believe I was so chicken about you knowing…”
“I can’t believe you looked like you pissed yourself a minute ago!”
His eyes flashed openly gold now and he huffed, “I did not…”
“You totally did. Anyway, I’m glad you told me. But you know that means I’m going to want to know all the details.”
“I think I’ll save that for another day,” he said as he reached for the s’mores beside him.
‘Another’ day turned out to be a week after you’d helped him move all his boxes into your room. He was lying on his back on his bed, his arms folded up behind his head, one knee bent, the other leg stretched out, foot dangling off the end of the mattress. You glanced across the room at him from where you had your laptop on your knees and your headphones on, working on the last tweaks of the next assignment due. He looked tense, even though he wasn’t really doing anything in particular.
Removing your headphones, you murmured, “Lowe? Everything alright?”
“Mmm,” he half growled. A moment later he heaved out a huge sigh and said, “No. Full moon’s tomorrow night. I always get kind of… cranky around now.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
Whatever you’d thought he’d say, you hadn’t expected the long, low moan that escaped him. It was not an innocent noise. Breathing through his mouth in soft, quiet pants, he didn’t look at you, but you sensed that his eyes were glowing.
“No,” he said. “Not unless you want to take whatever this is between us somewhere else…”
You bit your lip. “You mean…?”
“It would probably take the edge off if we slept together, yes,” he said bluntly. “But if you don’t want that, then I’m hardly going to push…”
“I like it when you’re pushy,” you countered, setting your laptop aside and staring him in the eye.
His pupils blew wide and he raised his nose. “Fuck,” he cursed. “Oh… fuck, you’re beautiful.”
With a smile, you crossed the room to him as he sat up, watching your every move with unwavering, lupine focus. “Let me help you out, big guy,” you crooned playfully and he twitched his lip in a possessive snarl, eyes golden and locked on the curve of your neck.
“Last chance,” he said. “I don’t want you regretting crossing this line with me.”
“You’ve got super-human senses, Lowe,” you said, playing with the hem of your shirt. His gaze darted instantly to the movement, transfixed by the glimpse of skin beneath your top. “You must know how I feel about you by now…”
“Yes, but lusting after someone and doing something about it is different when they’re your friend… I don’t want you to feel like I’m putting pressure on you…”
In answer, you reached out and trailed your fingertips up his neck, scratching him a little bit and making him growl again, and as you finished with a single finger drawing a line up his throat and under his chin, he shivered, as if barely holding himself back. “Why don’t you put just the right amount pressure on me… here?” you said, licking your lips as you climbed into his lap, straddling his thick thighs and running your palms over the softness of his stomach.
His jaw was soft, mouth open as he panted openly, and beneath you as you ground your hips to emphasise your question, you felt his hard cock.
A heartbeat later, he’d clamped his hands under your thighs and stood up. Lowe dropped you onto the bed with the perfect mix of recklessness and carefulness and lunged for you. He peppered and mouthed kisses down your neck, tugging at your skin with his canines, biting at your earlobe, his short beard burning and scratching your skin deliciously, and all the while he ground his cock against your thigh through his jeans.
It clearly wasn’t nearly enough, and it wasn’t long before you were both naked on his bed, and he had his mouth on you, his hands spreading your legs wide as he used the strength in his arms that his softer body belied. “Don’t come yet,” he rasped between strokes of his tongue. “Not til I say…”
“Oh,” you gasped, fighting the rising wave of heat that swept up your body, tingling under your skin, at that command. You tried, you really did, but in a mere few strokes of his tongue, you came with a cry against the heat of his mouth, bucking while he held you down and pulled you against his mouth to press his tongue tight against your throbbing clit.
When he pulled back, looking extremely smug about himself and his talents, you saw that his canines had lengthened and his features had become a little less… human.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he said, clearly still enjoying the taste of you on his lips.
“Will you hurry up and fuck me?” you pouted, and he snarled.
“Such a brat,” he laughed, but he didn’t waste any time either.
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Orctober #11 ‘snow’ - male ice orc x female reader (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Despite me being 'on a break' from Patreon (ie. no one except for brand new subscribers was billed) for November while I work on my novel, here's a 7.7k word orc story. As always with me, it's a bit plotty and very fluffy, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I said on Discord too that the reader's best friend is a yeti, and his design is based on the yeti from 'The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor'  who are adorable fluffy goofballs.
So, here's my late Orctober offering for you, featuring one Giant Fluff, eight smaller fluffs (huskies), three bigger fluffs (snow-bears), fluffy cliches, fluffy snow, and one Big Gentle(tm)... The reader is female, but for ~90% of it gender isn’t mentioned. It’s really only in the nsfw bit at the end…
With a shiver you stepped outside, the snow squeaking and crunching eerily beneath your too-thin boots, and you drew the soft fur of your jacket up around your neck. Squinting through your clouding breath, you blinked, eyelashes icing up before you had gone more than three paces, and the inside of your nose was quite literally frozen, but it didn’t matter. Selkie Rock Point was one of the most northerly villages on the continent, and not counting the various nomadic peoples who lived even further north, it was one of the last places to find permanent shelter and warmth. It was also home.
Tradewatch sat a little further south along the coast, and in the winter the great ice-breaker ships with their dwarven-forged metal prows could still get through until relatively late in the year, but up here you were locked in by sea ice much earlier.
You’d grown up here, the middle child of one of a handful of human families in a village comprised mostly of selkies and white-furred bear-folk, centaurs, cervitaurs, werewolves and other shifters. Most of the people who lived up here had thick fur or a natural resistance to the cold. Your siblings had left to go to the larger towns further south, but you still bred sled dogs in the house where your parents and grandparents had done the same thing.
Now, as you trudged on foot down to the store to stock your nearly empty cupboards up on essentials, a fresh flurry of snow swirled around you and you narrowed your eyes. If you breathed too deeply, it bit into the back of your throat, but you were relatively used to the cold by now.
Out of the murk of the perpetual twilight that choked this part of the world in the winter, you began to make out the large, dark shape of perhaps a centaur. The closer they got, the more details you could pick out, until you finally figured out who it was and called out to them. “Linny! Hey!”
The huge, dapple grey centaur, swaddled up in layers of coats and fur too, startled a little, but laughed. She had a dark fur hat on over her ice blonde hair, and all you could see of her face was a pair of dark brown eyes, her lashes also rimed with ice. “Hey,” she laughed back once she’d recovered her composure. On her back, already covered in a layer of snow, were two large panniers, though they looked empty despite the fact that she was returning from the shop.
“Everything alright?” you asked. Something felt wrong about the way she moved, a strange tension seeping through the air, though you weren’t quite sure what it could be.
She shuffled. “Yeah, just… uh… there are some ice orcs at the general store… I… I didn’t get very close. I thought I’d come back later. From what I heard, they’re only passing through on their way south.”
Ice orcs.
There were a number of clans of the grey-blue skinned orcs living this far north, and they had a reputation for being vicious, bloody-minded raiders, though not all of them were. A few of them were trappers and hunters by trade, earning their living by taking their sleds pulled by huge snow-bears down to Tradewatch and then across to Eyrie Point. Sometimes they passed through this little collection of houses on their way through, but they rarely stopped to talk or share the time of day with anyone.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” you hissed as the wind bit at your exposed cheeks.
“Don’t let me keep you,” she said. “I’ll see you at the Whisky Tumbler tonight?” she added with a swish of her tail.
You nodded. “I’ll be there.”
As much as you were nervous of the orcs too, you really needed some more food, so you ploughed on through the deep snow, eventually arriving at the Selkie Rock general store. Outside it were three loaded sleds, and each one was hitched up to a colossal snow-bear. Muzzled, though not cruelly, the bears were either lounging around in the powder like a seal on a summer beach, or, in the case of the one at the front, sitting alertly, rounded ears pricked, nose snuffing at the scents on the wind.
Giving them a wide, cautious berth, you swallowed apprehensively and scuttled into the shop, glancing over your shoulder at them. As you yanked back the heavy door and stepped inside, you collided instantly with something as solid as an iceberg. As you bounced off and your arse hit the half frozen floorboards of the deck outside the shop, you gazed directly up into the face of a truly huge ice orc.
He didn't look amused.
Before you could process what had happened, a colossal hand reached down for you and grabbed the front of your jacket, and you were hoisted off the ground and set back on your feet. “You ok?” he rumbled, taking half a step back so that you weren’t cricking your neck so much. “Didn’t see you down there,” he laughed quietly. His stern expression melted a little under the gesture. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“Uh… No… No, I’m good,” you faltered, resisting the urge to rub your right arse-cheek which still smarted from your tumble.
Fuck, he was really big. And actually, as you looked more closely at him, really handsome.
“Well, that’s good,” he said and stepped back a little more, ushering you inside the store. “Come in before you let all the snow in then.”
As you moved into the relative warmth of the shop, you saw two more ice orcs behind him. The first - the one with which you’d just had your head-on collision - had long black hair, pulled off his face in a single braid that was studded with bone, ivory, and metal beads and hung down to the middle of his back. His animal skin and fur jacket was toggled up the front with more carved horn, and his boots were the soft, reindeer pelt ones traditional with the ice orcs who herded the reindeer a little further south. You assumed, from that and from the sleds outside with their burdens covered against the driving snow, that he was a trapper and trader himself.
The others were a little smaller than him in size, but no less intimidating. Where his skin was a stormy slate grey, the female’s was a shade or two darker, and the male beside her wasn’t an ice orc at all, but had the green skin of their much more southerly cousins. They were still impressive though, and as you let your gaze sweep over them for a couple of seconds, they grinned at you in a way that was surprisingly friendly. Ice orcs usually had an aura of menace to them, but these two seemed relaxed, and as the male looped his arm affectionately around her waist, you realised that they were together.
The female chuckled suddenly and you noticed that she was staring at the largest of the three of them, standing right next to you. “Hey, boss… are we gonna head off, or are you gonna stare at this little human some more…?”
Surprised, you glanced up at him and found that his warm, brown eyes were locked on your face. “Uh,” he grunted. “Yeah. Sure. We’ve got goods to deliver. Uh… take care, ok?” he added at you as he scratched the back of his head with his un-gloved right hand.
“You too,” you chirped with a smile and walked away towards the back of the shop, heart hammering.
When you reached the selkie standing at the back of the shop, he looked at you with wide blue eyes and puffed his cheeks out in relief. “You’ve got balls of permafrost, my friend. I thought they were never going to leave,” he said shakily.
“They cause any trouble?” you asked, puzzled.
“Oh no,” he said, flapping his hands and glancing at the closed door. “No, they were very polite. It’s just… you know… they’re ice orcs! I thought they’d skin me if the price was disagreeable or something… I’ve not seen these ones here before, you see?”
You’d been about to quip that he’d read too many tabloid papers about their kind, but then you recalled that his entire clan had been almost completely wiped out a couple of generations back by an ice orc summer raiding party, so you clamped your mouth shut quickly enough to make your teeth click and smiled awkwardly.
It was only then that you noticed how bare the shelves were.
“Aleq,” you asked softly, and when he saw where your eyes were directed, he sighed.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m sorry. The delivery didn’t come this week, so we’re running out of stuff now. I was going to ask Linny if she’d mind helping me with the sled, but I haven’t seen her yet… She usually comes today.”
You nodded. You knew that there was the permafrost cavern at the other end of town which held emergency supplies, so folks weren’t in danger of starving just yet, but without the delivery, people would be going hungry. “She was intimidated by the orcs and decided to come back later,” you explained. “I met her on her way over here.”
“Damned orcs,” he cursed, though he slow to anger. “What am I going to do?” he asked, his huge dark eyes full of fear as he stared at you.
Aleq wasn’t very tall, perhaps in his late thirties, and he carried the usual soft layer around his belly and chin that most selkies did, and in that moment he looked more like a chubby, frightened puppy than an adult. “I’ll go,” you found yourself saying. “I’ve got the dogs. I can make it to Tradewatch before the light fails. I’ll arrange a new delivery and be back in the morning. Hopefully they’ll be coming with me…”
“Oh, bless you,” he said, and you had to go round the counter and hug him because he looked so relieved.
Once you emerged, you found that the ice orcs had departed, their bears and sleds leaving their tracks in the snow as they headed south out of the village. Having bought very little in the end at Aleq’s, you returned home and began to make preparations for your journey to Tradewatch.
It didn’t take you long to hitch up a team of your fastest and smartest dogs. As you patted the lead bitches and worked your way down the line to where the sled was tied to a peg driven deep into the snow - else they might have taken off without you in their enthusiasm - you gave each dog a cuddle before stepping onto the back and stamping down on the bar which served as a break. It had big metal teeth in it which bit down into the compacted snow under your bodyweight, and allowed you to unhitch the tether without flying off at a hundred miles an hour.
At your signal to get ready, the dogs began a chorus of yapping and barking in their excitement to get going. No matter that you’d done this your whole life, it still gave you a thrill when you said, “Ready? Let’s go!”
You’d modified the sled with a slot that would hold your compass, and as you ran your fur mitten over the domed surface to clear it of snow and fog, you called ‘haw’ for them to take the left of the two paths in the snow up ahead, and the lead girls nudged round to follow it. They wanted to run and since it was only perhaps thirty miles, you let them set their own pace to start with. Any further than twenty-five to thirty miles, and you’d have regulated their pace more strictly, slowing them to a steady, ground-chewing trot. But you knew your team, and they trusted you.
It took just over three hours to reach Tradewatch, and the light was fading. As you drew up alongside the large inn which sat right in the centre of the wide harbour, your dogs’ tongues lolled but they wagged and looked like they could easily have run another twenty miles. You took your time with them, making sure they were all comfortable, before lashing the sled to a specifically placed tether, and stumping inside the familiar inn.
The folks at Tradewatch knew most of those from Selkie Rock Point, and the big, looming, white-furred yeti behind the counter spread his arms and boomed a greeting at you as you entered, sliding your hood back off your wind-bitten face.
“It’s good to see you too, Hugo!” you chuckled as he shimmied out from behind the bar like an excited cub and strode across the nearly empty room to sweep you up into his fluffy arms.
“It’s been ages!” he said, and you wriggled wildly and squealed as he snuffled affectionately at your neck.
“Oh my god you’re such a beast!” you yelled at your childhood best friend. “Get off! Stop! Get off!!” and you smacked him on the arm.
Laughing, he set you back down and stood back, beaming. His short, almost feline muzzle was split into a warm grin, revealing his pronounced canines. His kind and intensely blue eyes bored into yours and he asked, “What brings you here?”
“We didn’t get our food delivery this week, so I came to see what’s going on and try and get something sent out soon.”
His fluffy brows knitted together and his pink, feline nose twitched. “Shit,” he said. And then he gasped, “Oh! Did you bring the doggos?!”
With a laugh, you nodded. “I wondered how long it’d take you to ask. Yes, they’re round the side. Any chance I can stay for the night, by the way?”
“Of course!” he said as he barrelled for the door without looking back. A second later a chorus of excited yipping and howling rose and you shook your head.
“Well, I know where I rank at least…” you said to yourself, looking around the bar for the first time since entering. There in the corner were the three ice orcs from the general store that morning. “Hi,” you said nervously when you realised they'd been watching the spectacle that you and Hugo had made of yourselves.
The big one smiled at you and raised his pewter tankard, while the female whispered something to the other that made him bark out a harsh, amused laugh, and the big one flashed them a look which they both ignored.
Deciding to leave, you found that Hugo had tangled himself and all the dogs up in the lines, and it took you nearly a quarter of an hour to extricate them all. Bashfully sitting in a paw-print patterned snow drift, Hugo looked up at you. “Sorry.”
You had to laugh. “I missed you.”
He rose and helped you kennel the dogs, and once you were done, he said, “Come on, let’s get you inside and warmed up. I’ll bring out something for the dogs now that they’ve had a bit more of a rest.”
“Just add it to my overnight tab, Hugo,” you said firmly, knowing full well that the enormous fluffball was very likely to gift the meat to you and the dogs. He waved a huge hand and you followed him back inside, moving through the bar again on your way upstairs.
As he showed you up to your room, you asked, “The three ice orcs you’ve got downstairs… they were in Selkie Rock this morning.”
“Oh?” he said over his colossal shoulder, carrying your very modest overnight bag upstairs for you. “They cause any trouble?”
“No, none at all,” you said. “How long have they been here? They can’t have left much before I did.”
“An hour or so?” he said. “Why?”
You raised your eyebrows. “Those bears can really run…” you said.
He laughed. “They’ve ‘kennelled’ them - if that’s even the right word for something so big - in the big cages at the back. They’re very polite actually. The female loves to have her ears rubbed, apparently.”
“You’ve tried?” you asked, impressed.
Again, Hugo’s rumbling laugh filled the narrow corridor as he led you to the guest room in his own part of the building, instead of those on the ground floor for travellers. It had always been like this since he moved away from Selkie Rock Point, and you had never questioned it. “I asked them, and the big guy said it was fine to pet them while he was there, but if I valued my arm, I shouldn’t touch her otherwise.”
“Right…” you said rather shakily. Yeti weren’t exactly fragile either.
“Listen, why don’t you get settled in and then come down and grab some food and a drink and we can catch up?” he said, holding the door open for you.
You ducked under his muscular arm and he followed you inside stooping low so as not to scrape his head on the door frame and lingering just long enough to put your bag at the foot of the double bed.
“I have to go and talk to the supplier before they close for the day,” you said regretfully. “I’ll have time for that when I get back, ok?”
He smiled. “Sure.”
You hugged your oldest friend, burying your cheek against his soft stomach - he was nine feet tall after all - and heard him rumble something as he placed his big hands on your back. “I’ve missed you,” you said softly.
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too,” he said, ruffling your hair.
As you re-entered the bar, you caught the way the big orc scowled at you two, but you ignored it and said, “I’ll be back, hopefully in under an hour. I need to hear all about that human you told me you were dating…”
Hugo’s small, pointed ears pulled back against his head and he growled bashfully.
“You’re still together, right?” you asked.
He nodded. “Yeah,” he grinned, love-struck as a spring faun.
You punched him in the stomach, though it had no more effect on him than a light tap would have done to you, and said, “You’re such a dork. I’ll see you later.”
Casting one final look at the orcs, you smiled at the big handsome one and set about sorting out the delayed food order.
In the end, it turned out that their usual delivery driver had broken her leg and wasn’t able to make the journey, and that they didn’t have anyone else at the moment who could make the run. “Our other teams are all out at the moment on long-distance runs,” the fluffy satyr said, terribly embarrassed at the mix-up. “It’s all sitting in the warehouse ready to go, but I had no way of contacting you…”
With a sigh, you said, “Is there no other sled for hire at the moment?”
“Come back tomorrow morning and I’ll see who’s available then,” he said. “But I can’t make any promises. With the winter being as bad as it has been, and now with Fi off work…”
“I understand,” you said tightly. It really wasn’t his fault, but people were going to get hungry. “I’ll see you tomorrow at nine.”
Disheartened, you stumped back to the inn, and while you and Hugo shared drinks and the most amazing food, cooked by his business partner who ran the domestic side of the inn, you shared your worries about the supplies.
“What will you do?” he asked. “I mean, you’ve only got a team of eight dogs… you can’t take enough food for the rest of the winter back to Selkie Rock on your own…”
You shrugged. And then at the exact same time as heavy footfalls sounded behind you on the floorboards of the inn, an idea struck you. You turned around and there, approaching the pair of you with a shy expression on his face, was the big ice orc.
“So…” he said meekly. “I couldn’t help overhearing that you’re in a bit of a bind…?”
“You could say that again,” you said. “Would you and your friends be able to help us out?”
“Yeah,” he said. “We should be able to take it between the three of us,” he smiled. “If you’d like…?”
“My hero!” you grinned and he laughed. It wasn’t far off the depth of Hugo's deep rumble but the sound of it went straight through you and kindled a heat in you that you’d not felt in a long time.
“We’d be happy to help out. Shall we come with you to the warehouse tomorrow?”
“You’re sure?” you asked with a quick look at the other two in the corner. They grinned at you and both offered you a thumbs up, which you thought a bit odd, but at one glance from their leader, they stopped.
“Yeah. I’m Reshi by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Reshi.”
He smiled again, his heavy-set jaw supporting truly massive tusks, and bobbed his head awkwardly before retreating. The other two thumped him on the arm and he swatted them away while you turned and caught Hugo’s eye.
“No,” Hugo said firmly.
“No what?”
“No ice orc…” he growled. “I know you… and they’re… they’re not good…”
“You don’t even know them!” you hissed. “They seem alright…”
His scowl eased off a little bit and he said, “Just… be careful.”
You curled up that night in the familiar guest room while the dogs slept in the shelter outside, and snow-laden winds battered against the windows.
In the morning, you made your way down to the bar and found Hugo emerging through another door at the same time. You couldn't help the snicker that escaped you when you caught sight of him and when he flashed you a grumpy scowl, you said, “Your bed-head is worse than mine!”
It was true. His white fur was sticking up all over the place, but he just waved a hand mutely at you and stuck a mug under the coffee machine.
“Did the orcs stay here last night too?” you asked in a gruff whisper as you saw the now familiar trio in the corner of the bar, and he nodded. He’d never been particularly verbose in the morning, at least not until he was caffeinated.
“Mmm,” he added as the machine fired up and the smell of coffee pervaded the room.
The door to the kitchens opened and Perdi backed out, carrying three huge plates of cooked breakfast, carefully balanced. The mothfolk woman looked at you and fluttered her silvery wings a little as she saw you and started to laugh. “You two are as bad as each other,” she laughed. “Good to see you again, by the way,” she added. “I’ll bring you both something to eat in a bit… I’ll let your brains warm up a bit first though…”
“Thanks Perdi,” you smiled.
After you’d eaten, you approached the orcs who had also finished breakfast, and said, “Uh, so I’m almost ready to head over to the warehouse with you… I just have to take care of the dogs first.”
“Great,” Reshi said. “I’m good to go, so just come over when you’re ready and we can go together.”
You nodded, feeling a bit anxious at being alone with the colossal ice orc, particularly after Hugo’s warnings the previous night, but when you came back after feeding your team their breakfast, you found him on his own, crouched by the front door to the bar, petting the tiniest kitten you’d ever seen. He could have fitted it in the palm of his hand.
The strange noise that left your throat made the kitten look up, and as you bit your lips together to keep from making it again, he chuckled.
“I didn’t know the inn had a kitten…” you said, approaching. The little ginger nugget hissed fiercely at you and its tiny little tail puffed up. “I’m… more of a dog person…” you said without greeting it. “They always know.”
“I think he belongs to Perdi. Are you ready?” he said, straightening to his full height. Your mouth went dry and you simply nodded in response.
Outside, you huddled down into your jacket and tried not to keep looking up at him.
A snowy-coated minotaur snorted steam at him and growled as you passed, and you risked asking, “You get that a lot?”
Reshi shrugged. “Depends. Some folks don’t mind us, but others… well… I guess we don’t have the best reputation after all…” he cast his dark, friendly eyes down at you and added, “Honestly, I’m surprised you accepted our offer…”
It was your turn to lift a shoulder in an expressive shrug and you murmured, “We’ll go hungry if we can’t get food delivered… And anyway, you guys seem alright…?”
His laugh was rough but heartfelt and again, it kindled heat between your legs.
The satyr wasn’t all that keen to let his precious cargo leave the warehouse with three ice orcs and their snow-bears, but in the end you convinced him, saying that you’d accept full responsibility for the cargo during transit this one time, and that if anything went wrong, it wasn’t on him. “Please,” you said as he still faltered. “We need this food…”
“Alright then,” he said. “Here, sign this, and you can come and pick it up.”
Once that was done, Reshi looked at you and said, “You want to stay here while I head back and fetch the others? Save you getting all cold…”
“Thanks, but I can ready the dogs and come over with you. We can all leave together from here then, once your sleds are loaded.”
Saying goodbye to Hugo was painful as ever, but you promised to come and visit him again soon when the weather was a bit better. He nodded and hugged you close. “I don’t like the feel of the wind,” he murmured, casting his blue eyes towards the sky. “You make sure you’ve got enough protection for the way back in case it gets worse, alright?”
You nodded. “I’ve always got my emergency supplies and shelter with me, and the dogs are tough. They’ll be alright.”
“I know, I know,” he said. “I can’t help worrying about you. You’ve only got borrowed fur to keep you warm,” he added, tugging affectionately at the fur collar of your hood which you’d pulled down while you’d been inside.
“Thanks for taking care of me and the dogs,” you said as you headed outside.
Hugo eyed the three waiting orcs and pointed his clawed index finger at Reshi. “If she comes to any harm because of you…” he growled, showing all his very sharp teeth.
“She won’t,” Reshi said evenly. “I swear it. We’ll get her and the supplies safely back home.”
The yeti growled again and only shut up when you patted his furry chest. “See you soon,” you said and he nodded.
Reshi turned to the other two and said, “You two ready?”
They nodded, but the female didn’t budge and instead laughed, “You haven’t even introduced us, boss!”
“Shit,” he said, rubbing his chin. His hair was rimed with frost where the other two had covered their heads with deep hoods, but he didn’t seem in the slightest bit chilly. “Well, this is Tahira,” he said as he gestured to the female, who nodded. “And that’s Kushta,” he added at the southern orc, who raised his gloved hand in greeting. “Everyone ready?”
You nodded and said, “I’ll just bring the dogs round.” You’d harnessed them all up when you’d returned from your first trip to the warehouse, but had left them round the side of the inn while you went to say your goodbyes to Hugo.
The team yapped and barked all the way round and Tahira made a comment about hearing them a mile off. The bears snuffed disdainfully at the air as they appeared, but otherwise seemed to accept their new travelling companions easily enough.
With everything finally loaded, you set off for home just after midday. Tahira and Kushta took their two sleds in front of yours, and you slotted in between them and Reshi, who brought up the rear.
After only an hour of travelling, the weather closed in. The storm that Hugo had smelled on the air whipped up quickly, lashing the canvases of the sleds and battering you as you tried to stay astride the skids of your slid. In bitter, near white-out conditions, even the bears slowed to a trudge and the dogs kept their heads down, eyes squinting against the icy wind.
Reshi bellowed something from behind which you didn’t catch, and then he blew on a whistle, three short blasts. Kushta, who was in the lead, held up his right arm, fist balled, and the line drew to a halt.
Striding and plunging through the snow like a bison, Reshi caught up with you and put his hand on your back as he leaned down to yell in your ear, “We have to stop. If we keep going in this, we could get lost or the sleds could tip over.” He had drawn his fur hood up by now, and he lowered the piece of fabric which covered his mouth and nose. It had been cleverly hitched around the tips of his massive tusks.
You agreed. “Emergency shelters?”
He nodded. “They’re on Kush’s sled. We’ve got two. To save time, you could share with me?”
“Sure,” you said. You were hardly about to argue in conditions like these.
With a smile, he patted you once on the back and ploughed off through the snow, his thick thighs working to power him forwards. The packed snow of the track was alright, and the dogs weren’t all that bothered about the weather, other than that they couldn’t see very easily, but you knew that the moment you stepped off the sled you’d be struggling to move.
Reshi returned and said, “You stay on the path for now. We’ll set up the tents, and I’ll come back for you, alright?”
“I’m sure I could help…” you said, but he insisted.
“Thank you, but I think we’d probably be quicker… We’re used to doing this all the time. You just keep warm, ok?”
“Easier said than done…” you said with a hollow laugh. No matter how good the reindeer-fur mittens were, you were starting to get properly cold now.
You watched with avid interest as the orcs got to work. In fact, most of Kushta’s sled was taken up with their own gear, and it transpired that he was usually the support sled while the others carried the trade goods. It was hard to see exactly what they were doing, but their tents were made of tall, straight poles which they covered with a sheet of stitched-together animal pelts, and out of the top they poked a metal chimney. They had small, portable stoves which suddenly seemed like the most inviting thing in the world. Finally they piled and compacted drifts of snow down around the outside of the lower, sloping walls of the conical tents, partly to insulate and partly to anchor them. All in all, it took them fifteen minutes to put up two tents.
“You really have done that a few times…” you said, teeth chattering as Reshi returned to you. He just grinned lopsidedly at you.
Deciding that no one would be travelling along the trails in this weather, you unhitched the dogs and the bears and left the sleds in place. Surprisingly, the bears seemed to welcome your team, but the dogs were cautious. An idea struck you and you said, “Reshi, can I say hello to your bear?”
“You should get inside,” he warned. “You’re getting too cold.”
“Just quickly,” you said. “If I tether the dogs near the bears they’ll be more sheltered, and if they see me greeting the bears, they won’t be afraid - the bears won’t hurt them, right?”
“Oh, no,” he said. “They’ve grown up with dogs too. They’ll be fine.”
You struggled the short distance to where Tahira and Kushta had already settled the bears down, and you glanced up at Reshi. He simply jutted his chin out and you held out your hand for the bear to sniff. You wanted to ask him what her name was, but the wind stole every breath you had from you, so instead you showed the dogs that the bears were friends, settled them down in the middle of the small triangular arrangement of bears, and then allowed Reshi to lead you to his tent.
Tahira was already kindling a fire inside for him, and he smiled at her in thanks as you stepped inside. Instantly protected from the wind, you felt warmer already, and you took your boots off and shook the compacted snow off the soles before bringing them to the fire. Your socks were damp, which wasn’t great, but you had feeling in your toes still, and the fire would do its work to warm the tent up in no time.
“Thanks,” he murmured to Tahira and then spoke softly to her in his own language. For some reason you’d forgotten that he must be bilingual. The sound of his native tongue in his rumbling bass was deeply attractive, and you turned your face away, trying to pretend that the colour in your cheeks and the warmth in your face was from the strengthening fire.
Tahira slipped out and Reshi toggled the flap down securely before removing his jacket and hanging it on a peg that jutted out from one of the supporting poles. He turned and found you staring around at the tent and smiled. “It’s not much, but it’s home for now,” he said.
“It’s amazing. I know your people build homes out of snow in the winter, but I’ve never been inside a shelter like this one.” Actually it was difficult to focus on the neat economy of the shelter when he was standing there wearing a very tight-fitting under-shirt and equally figure-hugging black sealskin leggings. He was so powerful, with enormously muscular thighs and biceps that dipped down from his shoulders and then bulged in just the right way…
He grinned. “The snow houses are more permanent,” he said and you forced yourself to look at his face instead of his incredible body. “It takes time to cut the snow into blocks, and we didn’t have time for that today. These are for hunting trips and emergencies.” He approached and said, “You warming up a bit now?”
You nodded and shot a glance at the tiny wooden stove. “This is neat…” you commented.
“Mmm,” he smiled and then pointed at the matting on the floor beside you and added, “Mind if I sit?”
“What? Of course I don’t mind,” you gasped, still standing with your arms crossed, as close as you could get to the stove without singeing you clothes.
He smiled shyly and stared at the fire for a while, hugging his knees in close.
“Everything ok?” you ventured after a minute. His long hair hung down his back in a thick, black rope, and the flickering light danced on the metal beads braided into it. You resisted the urge to reach for it and test the weight of it.
Reshi swallowed thickly and as the storm raged outside, you barely heard his response. “Yeah,” he said. “It’s… It’s nice.”
“What is? This weather?”
With a look askance at you, he grinned wonkily again and your insides flipped over. “No. It’s nice to meet a human - anyone, actually - who’s not afraid of us.”
“Back in town… with the minotaur… you said it happens a lot?”
He sighed and turned his face away. “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of my people are like that and deserve worse than a spat curse in passing, but it’s no different from orcs down south, or gnolls, or…” he trailed off with a sigh. “We’re not all like that. Everyone knows we sell the best quality furs and meat, so they tolerate us, but… it’s wearing after a while.”
You had been standing, trying to get the heat from the fire up the entirety of your front, but now that you were warming up, you took your own jacket and fur outer-trousers off and he stared openly at you for a moment before his skin darkened and he looked away, swallowing thickly.
Approaching him again after dumping them on the edge of the small shelter, you pulled a small storage crate over to him and sat close beside him. On a whim, you rested your head against his huge arm and said, “I don’t think you’re so bad…”
He laughed and you felt the tension wash out of him.
“You hungry?” he asked.
“Not yet, but I could do with something to drink.”
Reshi produced a bottle of thick, berry cordial which he mixed with hot water and produced the most delicious, warming drink you could have thought of. You nursed it in your hands and let him tell you about growing up in a clan that didn’t want to massacre the fuck out of everything within a fifty mile radius.
The wind eased off about an hour later, but he muttered that it probably wouldn’t last. From what you knew of storms in the area, you had to agree. He’d ducked outside and seen what was on the horizon and confirmed your suspicions. As he came back inside, however, you heard a very particular sound coming from the tent beside yours, and you froze, caught halfway between laughing and snorting and barely restraining yourself from either. You weren’t sure if you should be embarrassed or amused that Tahira and Kushta were in the throes of what sounded like particularly amazing sex, and when Reshi saw that you’d also heard, his ears pulled back just a little and he screwed his eyes shut.
“I… I’m sorry about them,” he said as he fastened the toggles of the tent up again behind him.
“Why?” you grinned, finally allowing yourself that giggle.
“They’re horny as rabbits all year round.”
“Must be tough being single while they’re at it…” you said, and then your face fell. “Unless you’re not actually single…” you added quickly. “I’m sorry. I just assumed… I mean… you could have someone waiting for you, right?”
He held up his big hand and laughed. “Relax,” he said. “I’m single. Very, very single.”
The tone of his voice caught you off guard and you frowned.
Reshi laughed but offered no comment.
“No one catch your eye back home?” you asked cautiously.
He shook his head. “I mean, I’ve had partners in the past, but… nothing’s really lasted. I guess it’s partly because I travel a lot, but mostly it’s just…” he shrugged. “No real connection, you know?”
“Tell me about it,” you snorted. “I mean, I love the people in Selkie Rock Point, but… well… there aren’t many of them…! If no one catches your eye, then… well… good luck!”
He grinned. “Try living in an ice orc clan where there are only four or five families, and every Spring Thaw at the festival, you risk being mated off to another clan at the drop of a hat…”
“That happens?”
“All the time.”
“It ever happen to you? I mean, did they ever try?”
“Yeah,” he snorted as he sat back down. “That’s how I met Tahira.”
“No way!” you gasped. “You mean, you and Tahira were…?” At that very moment, a long, satisfied bellow from Kushta sounded from the tent next door and you both snorted and cringed slightly.
Reshi leaned back on his hands in the pleasant warmth of the tent’s fire. “Seems like she’s happy though,” he grinned.
“How did they meet?” you asked. “Kushta doesn’t look like an ice orc?”
Reshi shook his head. “He’s not. He came north when he worked as a guide for people travelling up the coast. We met him in Tradewatch, actually, and they’ve…” Tahira obviously came with a broken cry and he waved his hands. “Well, they’ve never looked back.”
He rolled back onto the floor, his hands folded behind his head and stretched out across the entire diameter of the tent. His socks, you noticed, were rather adorably colourful, in a beautiful pattern of red and blue wool.
The storm picked up again, masking any further activity from next door, and you let Reshi introduce you to an orcish game that was similar to chequers. He was really good, and you were absolutely terrible, but it didn’t stop you having fun for a good couple of hours.
Eventually though, you shared a meal and lay back on the furs afterwards and he caught you staring at him. “What?” he asked in a gentle but definitely perplexed voice.
With a shy laugh, you said, “So… I mean… I’ve seen a few ice orcs before, from a distance…” you said, concentrating on the storm-grey of his skin and not on the warm light in his eyes, or the length of his thick eyelashes, or… Clearing your throat, you went on while he propped himself up on one elbow, face alight with interest, the rest of his body relaxed and easy despite the storm howling outside.
You had worried briefly about the dogs, and he’d even gone out to check on them and reported back that they were all curled up in the snow like little arctic foxes, sheltered by the bulwark that three snow-bears had formed around them. “All very cute,” he’d grinned.
Now, as he listened to you stammering awkwardly about having seen orcs before but never having had a conversation with one, his lips curled into a soft smile.
“And?” he asked coyly. “What’s your opinion of us?”
“Well,” you said, swallowing nervously. “The data set is rather limited, but… from what I know of you… you’re… you’re very lovely…” YOU’RE VERY LOVELY? You groaned. What the hell? Who says something like that? And to an eight and a half foot tower of slate grey skin and muscle and tusk.
To your surprise, he let out a slow, deep laugh. “You are too,” he said.
Something changed then and you smiled, hardly daring to believe that this was headed where you both knew it was.
He reached out for you and gently drew you down off the small box where you’d been sitting. “You know,” Reshi all but purred, “I think it’s very impressive that you volunteered to go and help your people. Acts like that amongst orcs are… highly thought of.”
“Really?” you smiled. “I mean…”
“You have the heart of an orc,” he laughed, and brought his rough hand to your chin, tilting it up. “And I’d very much like to kiss you…”
“Oh…” you breathed. “Sure… I’d… I’d like -” he cut you off with a kiss, his huge tusks nudging against your cheeks. His lips were surprisingly soft, the gesture gentle at first, but he deepened it and you felt the arousal spike in both of you.
His big hands moved over your body and he began to undress you slowly, never once breaking the kiss. Pliant and utterly willing, you let him, barely able to catch your breath. Naked and lying across his lap, you revelled in the way your skin tingled, your heart hammered, and your blood sang in your ears. His fingertips slid between your thighs and he nudged them apart with his knuckles. Carefully, respectfully, he dragged one fingertip slowly over your folds and you bucked in his grasp.
“You’re so wet,” he crooned, drawing back in surprise, and you laughed.
You shifted your hand from his chest - which was disappointingly still covered by his long-sleeved underlayer - and pressed your palm against his hard cock which at that moment was digging you in the hip. You weren’t the only one worked up.
He grinned lopsidedly and laid you down on the soft furs before ripping his top off over his head.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” you cursed, staring openly at the expanse of bare chest as he loomed over you. He had a couple of scars, but mostly the canvas of his slate-grey skin was perfect and unmarred. His hard, darker nipples were pierced and you reached for the glinting metal of one of them, tugging gently until he groaned and then growled.
Reshi pounced, parting your legs and pulling you into his lap. He was rough as he moved you about, but always careful you realised somewhere through the haze of your lust.
Kneeling on the floor, he lifted you up and brought his mouth to your heat. With your back lying along his thighs, his hands on the curve of your arse, you writhed and gasped as he laved his dark tongue over your wet folds and groaned again. “You taste so good,” he rumbled between the movements. His fingers tightened almost painfully on your hips and he lifted you a few inches higher, and got to work.
His tongue tasted you, inside and out, circling, nudging, teasing, tasting, until you felt blinding white heat rolling up inside you.
“Reshi!” you gasped, but he was relentless now, devouring you hungrily, reverently; on his knees and worshipping your body; lost in the sounds you made for him. “Reshi!” you yelled, fingers grasping at nothing, and came hard against the pressure of his tongue. Your body shook and convulsed, but he did not release you until you fell back, limp and gasping.
Barely able to crack an eye open, you lay there as he set your body - still sporadically twitching in the aftermath of your blinding orgasm - down again, and fumbled to undo the laces at the top of his leggings. His hand tightened around his impressive cock, almost painfully hard and weeping, but you shook your head and hissed, “I want you…”
He raised an eyebrow. “You sure?” His tone was only that of concern, not arrogance. He was big though.
Your eyes sank back down to his cock and you grinned. “I’m sure.”
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
For all early releases, character art and bios, upcoming story info, and much, much more, join me over on Patreon!
You’ll have access to stories before anyone else, and you’ll get instant access Patreon-only content as well, including polls and an exclusive monthly story for those on the Pixies and Goblins tier or higher!
| Masterlist | Patreon | Ko-fi | Writing Commissions |
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw Patreon-Exclusive Masterlist
Tumblr media
I’ve done these before, but here’s the most up to date list of everything that’s up on my Patreon, 99% of which is not on Tumblr.
Updated 01.10.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
One, Two , Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine,
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category* (also posted to Tumblr)
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
For access to all this and future works, become a Patreon supporter!
93 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
I mentioned on Tumblr that this would be up shortly and, despite me being 'on a break' for November while I work on my novel, here's a 7.7k word orc story. It’ll be up on Tumblr in a few days’ time. As always with me, it's a bit plotty and very fluffy, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I said on Discord too that the reader's best friend is a yeti, and his design is based on the yeti from 'The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor'  who are adorable fluffy goofballs.
So, here's my late Orctober offering for you, featuring one Giant Fluff, eight smaller fluffs (huskies), three bigger fluffs (snow-bears), fluffy cliches, fluffy snow, and one Big Gentle(tm)... The reader is female, but for ~90% of it gender isn’t mentioned. It’s really only in the nsfw bit at the end…
With a shiver you stepped outside, the snow squeaking and crunching eerily beneath your too-thin boots, and you drew the soft fur of your jacket up around your neck. Squinting through your clouding breath, you blinked, eyelashes icing up before you had gone more than three paces, and the inside of your nose was quite literally frozen, but it didn’t matter. Selkie Rock Point was one of the most northerly villages on the continent, and not counting the various nomadic peoples who lived even further north, it was one of the last places to find permanent shelter and warmth. It was also home.
Tradewatch sat a little further south along the coast, and in the winter the great ice-breaker ships with their dwarven-forged metal prows could still get through until relatively late in the year, but up here you were locked in by sea ice much earlier.
You’d grown up here, the middle child of one of a handful of human families in a village comprised mostly of selkies and white-furred bear-folk, centaurs, cervitaurs, werewolves and other shifters. Most of the people who lived up here had thick fur or a natural resistance to the cold. Your siblings had left to go to the larger towns further south, but you still bred sled dogs in the house where your parents and grandparents had done the same thing.
Now, as you trudged on foot down to the store to stock your nearly empty cupboards up on essentials, a fresh flurry of snow swirled around you and you narrowed your eyes. If you breathed too deeply, it bit into the back of your throat, but you were relatively used to the cold by now.
Out of the murk of the perpetual twilight that choked this part of the world in the winter, you began to make out the large, dark shape of perhaps a centaur. The closer they got, the more details you could pick out, until you finally figured out who it was and called out to them. “Linny! Hey!”
The huge, dapple grey centaur, swaddled up in layers of coats and fur too, startled a little, but laughed. She had a dark fur hat on over her ice blonde hair, and all you could see of her face was a pair of dark brown eyes, her lashes also rimed with ice. “Hey,” she laughed back once she’d recovered her composure. On her back, already covered in a layer of snow, were two large panniers, though they looked empty despite the fact that she was returning from the shop.
“Everything alright?” you asked. Something felt wrong about the way she moved, a strange tension seeping through the air, though you weren’t quite sure what it could be.
She shuffled. “Yeah, just… uh… there are some ice orcs at the general store… I… I didn’t get very close. I thought I’d come back later. From what I heard, they’re only passing through on their way south.”
Ice orcs.
There were a number of clans of the grey-blue skinned orcs living this far north, and they had a reputation for being vicious, bloody-minded raiders, though not all of them were. A few of them were trappers and hunters by trade, earning their living by taking their sleds pulled by huge snow-bears down to Tradewatch and then across to Eyrie Point. Sometimes they passed through this little collection of houses on their way through, but they rarely stopped to talk or share the time of day with anyone.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” you hissed as the wind bit at your exposed cheeks.
“Don’t let me keep you,” she said. “I’ll see you at the Whisky Tumbler tonight?” she added with a swish of her tail.
You nodded. “I’ll be there.”
As much as you were nervous of the orcs too, you really needed some more food, so you ploughed on through the deep snow, eventually arriving at the Selkie Rock general store. Outside it were three loaded sleds, and each one was hitched up to a colossal snow-bear. Muzzled, though not cruelly, the bears were either lounging around in the powder like a seal on a summer beach, or, in the case of the one at the front, sitting alertly, rounded ears pricked, nose snuffing at the scents on the wind.
Giving them a wide, cautious berth, you swallowed apprehensively and scuttled into the shop, glancing over your shoulder at them. As you yanked back the heavy door and stepped inside, you collided instantly with something as solid as an iceberg. As you bounced off and your arse hit the half frozen floorboards of the deck outside the shop, you gazed directly up into the face of a truly huge ice orc.
He didn't look amused.
Read the whole thing, and gain exclusive access to monthly stories, WIP snippets, polls, character bios, and our private Discord server right now!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw’s Updated Patreon Masterlist
Tumblr media
This list is public and free for anyone to browse, so you don’t need to be a Patron to at least see what’s up there. Hopefully something might entice you! This list comprises everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
It does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, paid commissions, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren't working.
Updated 06.08.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category*
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
Rewards include access to our private Discord server, early release on all Tumblr stories, monthly exclusive stories, character bios and drawings, polls, and relatively freequent Discord drabbles/free requests.
85 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
Ghosti’s Patreon Masterlist (edit ALL LINKS NOW DEAD)
Ok, here is a link to everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon. Buckle up, it’s a long post I’m afraid.
Tumblr media
This does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren’t working. I will tag this on Patreon as ‘masterlist’ and it should appear in the 'featured tags’ area on my 'posts’ page, and it will be linked in my Patreon bio.
(Almost all of this is available to those on the Pixies and Goblins tier and up)
When I hit 100 patrons I will be doing a sticker and handwritten postcard giveaway to those who want them!
Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category*
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
112 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
Ghosti’s Patreon Masterlist - *updated*
Tumblr media
Ok, here is a link to everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
This does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren't working. I will tag this on Patreon as 'masterlist' and it should appear in the 'featured tags' area on my 'posts' page, and it will be linked in my Patreon bio.
(Almost all of this is available to those on the Pixies and Goblins tier and up)
Updated 05.01.2019 (UK date format)
Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Concept art and drawings
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’ and ‘Riftgard’
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
72 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 6 years
Ghosti’s Patreon Masterlist
Tumblr media
Ok, here is a link to everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
This does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, or super tiny sneak peaks.. I will tag this on Patreon as 'masterlist' and it should appear in the 'featured tags' area on my Patreon 'posts' page, and it will be linked in my Patreon bio, and on my Tumblr too.
Updated 09.10.2018 (UK date format)
Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
Concept art and drawings
Male satyr - Kieran
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Character Profiles and story concepts
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’ and ‘Riftgard’
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
37 notes · View notes