#cfwc things
jerzwriter · 1 year
Curious why was the guys event so much more popular. Did you promote it more?
We promoted the same. I think the fandom has just become much smaller and less active.
It is what it is… but we’d just like to see as many people get a chance at the prize as possible. But in the end, someone will win. 😊
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moominofthevalley · 9 months
While snowed in together, Trystan asks his friends a morbid question.
trystan thorne, emily rose, ruby webster, luke watanabe
teen | wc: 2.1k | cw: spoilers for book two, chapter fifteen, and talks of death
cfwc prompt: stuck in a snowstorm
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Glistening fairy lights cornered all four walls of Luke and Ruby’s apartment, the yellow bulbs warming their hearth. Honeysuckle wine and a charcuterie board made by Emily were set on the table, crackers and prosciutto splattered across. The detective giggled, crossing her arms at Trystan’s creation. 
“You are such a showoff.” 
Trystan laughed as he set the main course on the dinner table. Steam slipped out of the honey-glazed duck, leaving their mouths watering. Roasted pears and plump blood sausages sat beside it, the heavenly aroma wafting around the air. 
“You know I live to boast.” 
“I think my dish is way better,” Luke beamed, setting his strawberry spongecake beside the duck. Ruby giggled, laying a batch of cookies on the table.
“It certainly looks amazing,” Ruby said, “I can’t wait to try it, honey.” 
“Ah, yes, but did you spend two days making it?” Trystan teased, pouring himself a glass of wine — a floral zest with a crisp aftertaste. Emily elbowed him, playfully furrowing her brows. 
“Anyways,” Ruby cleared her throat, “I’m so glad we’re finally home.” 
“Agreed,” Luke plopped a grape in his mouth, “I don’t think I can ever handle being in a room with every Thorne again.” 
Emily and Trystan shared an uneasy glance, silently unveiling mutual sorrow. Months have passed since their case in Trystan’s homeland, though the time spent there forever stained them. Emily’s mouth ran dry as Sebastyan and Vasili rushed through her mind. The dagger tight in Vasili’s chest, the petrified eyes of Sebastyan as he died at the hands of another Thorne. Two ghosts clinging on their shoulders. 
“It’s hard to believe our little stint in Drakovia is over,” Emily shook her head, “I wonder what our next big case is gonna be.” 
“No more cheating husband cases for you?” Ruby asked, her brow cocked amusingly. 
“As tempting as that sounds, I might need bigger fish to go after.” Trystan chuckled, splaying his hand on top of Emily’s. 
“Drakovia has spoiled her. Good luck getting her to take the common cases again.” 
“Do you think you’d ever look into…your dad’s murder?” Luke asked, almost nonchalantly. Ruby sent him a warning glance, lightly bumping his feet underneath the table. Trystan’s hands curled into Emily’s, solace in his eyes. 
Emily gulped. Each time she debated looking into Jimmy’s death, there were far too many holes, far too many questions, and not enough evidence. Distant memories of bickering with Uncle Tommy and Trystan struck her, and she cringed at how cruel she became. Desperately hungry to solve the only question she had left. She refused to let her and Trystan turn into a pair of tectonic plates – subtly rubbing against each other, then drifting away forever. To not catch the death of a relationship until it’s already rotting, staining every moment with resentment and twisted words. Even the slightest possibility of another heartbreak sent her spiraling. 
“I’ve…thought about it,” she frowned, “One day, though.” 
“One day.” 
The moment passed, and the Ginovesi crew - bar Mafalda - began their feast. They all vehemently agreed, to Luke’s dismay, that Trystan’s duck was the clear winner. Luke’s shortcake was no match for the savory and crisp flavors of the traditional Drakovian dinner. Though his cake appeared light and fluffy, it was dense and oddly sour. Ruby’s cookies and Emily’s board tied for second place, both sweet and made with love. A blend of cookies framed like snowflakes, snowmen, Snoopy in Santa hats, and candy canes bunched together on a plate. The charcuterie board was a splendid still life, adorning moondrop grapes, saltine crackers, and rosemary sprigs.
“Good God!” Emily groaned, swallowing a slice of Luke’s cake, “What the fuck did you put in this?” 
Luke’s eyes widened, “Do you not like strawberries?” 
“Try it yourself! I don’t even…” Emily spat out the remaining bits, nearly gagging. 
Reluctantly, Luke cut himself a small serving. Trystan and Ruby cackled as his face turned red, begrudgingly swallowing the cake. 
“Jesus!” Luke shivered, “Okay–I think I know what happened.” 
“What did you do?!”
“...I may have used salt instead of sugar.” 
“Oh my God!” Trystan slapped his knee, “You are a horrible baker!” 
“It-it’s not my fault!” Luke said, throwing his hands in the air. Ruby snickered, patting his shoulder. 
“Babe. You literally made the cake.” 
Rounds of laughs echoed through the kitchen; contentment and joy present on the soft New York night. Blissful moments fell around them as snow tumbled like raindrops, piling up minute by minute. 
* * * *
Standing by the window sill, Emily tracked the ebb and flow of snowfall. Faint Christmas tunes slipped through the window crack, presumably from the neighbor. She hummed delightedly, eyes shut. Moonlight burst into the room, dimly lit and warm despite the glowing chill from the glass before her. The swell of nearby saxophones and Earthly beauty brought her to ease. 
“Don’t tell the others, Detective, but your charcuterie board was my favorite,” Trystan grinned, sitting beside her. 
“Oh really?” Emily smirked, “Are you sure you’re not being biased?” 
“Hm,” Trystan gave her a so-so gesture, “Definitely not.” 
Cupping both sides of her face, Trystan’s pupils widened fondly. Emily turned slightly, kissing his palm. 
“Your hands still smell like garlic!” 
Trystan chuckled, sniffing his hand. Sure enough, the pungent odor attacked his nose. He shrugged it off, focused on the gruff detective. 
“I love you, my little moon!” 
“What the hell does that mean?” 
“I don’t know! You’re a bit…glum. And very short.” 
“I am 5’3, you tall shit!” Emily swatted his arm, “I would call you my ‘sun,’ but you’re more like a little dog.” 
“What? How?” 
“You follow me around all day. And listen to my orders – for the most part.” 
“Not to ruin the moment,” Luke announced as he pointed to his phone, “There’s a snow squall warning. It’ll clear up tomorrow morning, but you guys will have to stay the night.” 
“A sleepover!” Ruby squealed, “How fun! I’ll go get blankets so you two can sleep on the couch.” 
She disappeared into the hallway closet, hunting for the thickest blankets and pillows possible. Luke cocked an eyebrow, unamused as Trystan and Emily sat on the couch across from him. 
“So when you said you loved Ruby’s cookies you were lying?” He asked Trystan, crossing his arms in faux-anger. Trystan chuckled, unashamed. 
“I did love Ruby’s cookies – they were phenomenal. Much better than your shortcake anyway,” He teased, “Emily’s just happened to be my favorite.” 
“You two are literal children,” Emily snorted, “I–” 
Darkness surrounded them. The only light left was the waning candlelight on the kitchen table. Gusts of wind flickered from the cracked window, a biting chill creeping up on their skin. Concerned, Ruby poked her head out of the closet. 
“Hot-diggity-daffodil!” Luke slapped his knee, “I guess the power’s out, too.” 
“We can see that, Luke.”  Ruby returned with a bundle of blankets. The crew settled in the living room, the window now shut, bottles of wine and lively candles by the coffee table. An easy silence shrouded the room, with only the croaking rats in the walls and the crackling candles to distract them. They all sipped the remains of the honeysuckle wine, sweetness trickling down their throats like candle wax melting onto the table. 
“I have an idea,” Trystan cleared his throat, “It is a bit morbid, though.” 
“What is it?” Ruby asked, curious. 
“In Drakovia, we go around in circles asking certain…questions. Usually around New Year’s, but we’re in the middle of a snowstorm. It’s not like we have much else to do.”
“What type of questions?” 
Trystan sat still, contemplating. An eerieness in his eyes, a peculiar tenacity about him. He flinched at the briefest second, then shrugged. 
“If you were dying, how would you like to pass away? What would you like to have with you?” 
Silence surrounded them once more, their breaths slightly more tense and strained. Emily sat closer to Trystan instinctively, craning her head against his shoulder. The candles continued to wail, as Ruby cleared her throat with somberness in her eyes. 
“I think…if we ever got one,” She glanced at Luke, “I’d like to have a little cat in my lap. And Luke to hold my hand. And maybe a cup of tea, but only in that calico-print mug you got me for our anniversary.” 
Luke wiped tears from Ruby’s cheek, a rare solemness on his face. He grinned weakly, pressing a kiss on the side of her face. Ruby’s heart swayed in the lull air, her hand tight in his. 
“I need Ruby next to me, laying by me. And I want it all to be quiet,” Luke murmured, “I don’t want to be able to hear anything. But I want there to be a window. So I can look up at the sky. I don’t care if it’s day or night…that’s all I want.”
The candles remained lit, embers mute and growing frail. Warmth bloomed between them, huddling closer together. The moon climbed further into the night sky, its silvery rays illuminating the apartment. Trystan fiddled with his fingers, as Emily rubbed circles around his legs. It was like muscle memory. Rituals and silly minuscule traditions became more familiar to the two of them with each passing month. Chopping garlic cloves, peeling oranges, collecting ugly trinkets. 
“I’d want someone to play old Drakovian music…the songs my father showed me as a kid. And,” Trystan grinned at Emily, a smile so unabashedly bold and bare it nearly brought her to tears, “I want you to kiss my forehead. And rub my feet.” 
Emily pecked the top of his head, eyes burning as Diana’s kind words echoed in her mind. Trystan wiped away her tears, tenderness with every touch. 
She was familiar with death. A one-sided friendship, a shadow lurking behind her with every step she took. It offered no hope and no excuses. The only things bereavement brought were ghostly memories and pearls from the past rolling in her hand, daring to be dropped. Her fingers trembled, her mouth dry as she urged herself to go on. 
“I don’t want it to hurt,” Emily said finally, slightly panting, “Every single one of them died in pain. And alone. Sonja. Bethany. Nadja. Sebastyan. I don’t want it to be like that. I want to be ready. And...have Trystan next to me.”  
They all leaned against each other. The candles shined well into the night. Empty wine bottles scented the room, warm and heady. Emily shut her eyes, picturing herself as a sleeping child being carried to bed after a long drive home. Laughter through the walls, the ticking of a nearby clock, soft jazz slipping through the window, a kiss on her cheek. Perhaps it’d be good to her. Just a brief second and all that’d remain was a tombstone with her name. 
Emily unveiled her vision, the rest of her friends in tears. Trystan stroked her hair gently, still smiling. It was simple. It was clear. 
“All we want is everything we have,” He said, their faces inches apart, “And I’m the richest man in the world.” 
* * * * 
Ruby and Luke shut their bedroom door, Emily and Trystan now alone on the couch. With her legs in his lap, he rested a hand on her thigh, tracing lazy circles. The candles had long died out, leaving only moonbeams and constellations to light up the room. 
“Em?” Trystan whispered as Emily moved over to lie on his chest. She gazed into his argent eyes, exasperation clear on his face. 
“Do you remember when I refused to go on that plane? All those months ago.” Emily snorted quietly, Trystan gliding his hands along her back. 
“Of course I do. I knew you weren’t going to.” 
“Do you remember what you said to me after that?” 
“Mhm. I told you there’s a reason partners and romance don’t mix well. That it’s trouble waiting to happen.” 
“And then I told you that I just so happen to like trouble.” 
They smirked, noses crinkled and eyes bagged. Trystan cupped Emily’s chin, palms still smeared with the scent of garlic. 
“I’m glad we’re partners.” 
“I am too.” 
* * * * A/N: Happy holidays, everyone! Thank you for reading this – I came up with this idea FOREVER AGO but was never able to execute it until now. I’ve always loved the idea of thinking of death, not as something to fear (though I still struggle with that), but rather as something that is just a little moment. That’s painful, and maybe not necessarily beautiful, but something that just happens organically. Like that one poem that’s like “I hope death is like being carried to your bedroom as a child.” I actually wrote a poem about that, if anyone would be interested in me posting it. Anyway – thank you again for reading!
Click here for a list of all my works so far!
Tags: @choicesholidays @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @mooserii @stars-are-within-me @shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine @jahrobin @calisomnia @kyra75 @icarusfallsforever @inlocusmads (let me know if anyone else would like to be added to my crimes tag!)
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Sorry about all the blow up about that LGBTQIA+ archive poll. I've been thinking about it myself, and maybe what I would suggest is a LGBTQIA+ MCs archive that can include fics about any MC whose writers state that the character is LGBTQIA in any way regardless of their current relationship and doesn't deal with canon characters and their sexualities. It could include trans MCs, gay MCs, bi MCs in straight presenting relationships, ace MCs, and so forth. Then you could have another archive specific to gay ships, and the requirement to have your fic in that archive is that it can be basically anything that isn't cis mlw.
I think that most people who are looking for content in an LGBTQIA+ archive wouldn't be looking for a fic where the only indication that it's queer in any way is that the author stated outside of the fic itself that their MC is bi. So having a Choices pairings archive specific to non-het couples could make it easier for readers looking for queer to find it and would make it simpler to identify what qualifies to be a part of this archive. With the LGBTQIA+ MC archive, you'd still be able to showcase characters who are queer but are in straight-presenting relationships, and again it'd be easier to determine what qualifies as fitting into this archive because the writer has complete control over their MC, how they identify, etc, and wouldn't lead to fights about different interpretations on how a canon NPC (like the LIs) identifies.
Just an idea as I've thought about this. You obviously don't have to do this, and you can just forget about the archives completely if it makes your lives easier. But, if you wanted to still do an archive like this, maybe this would help.
Thank you for your reply, Nonny.
It’s almost time for our bi-annual cleanup of our Meet our MC and OC profiles. When that is done, I think we will indicate there.
Honestly, after the blow up over this and how horribly some people were treated, I am not inclined to go out of my way too much in the future.
Of course, I don’t want to let the few ruin things for the many, so we will see what we do.
Later this week I will be posting guidelines for the LGBTQIA+ archive. We will keep it in place with those guidelines for now.
Thank you!
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angelasscribbles · 11 days
Audrey's Broken Heart
Fandom: Astrea's Broken Heart (Romance Club)
Pairings: Audrey (F!MC) x multiple LI's
Word Count: 2,479
Rating: MA for mentions of violence
Warnings for this chapter: mentions of violence (canon), slight sexual innuendo.
A/N: So that last chapter (season 2, chapter 1) left something to be desired in my mind. So I rewrote it and tweaked a few things.
I have no idea who to tag other than @harleybeaumont because I don't know who is into this story and I can't even remember the RC blog that is like CFWC so here it goes out into the ether. May the odds be ever in it's favor!
My other stuff: Master List.
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The world spun as I lay on my back, gazing up at the stained glass window above me.
So this is how I die.
The fucking irony.
I had escaped one religious cult only to fall victim to another… after a lifetime of avoiding and rejecting even the most mundane churches and religious philosophies.
How? How had I ended up here?
This was Ruth’s fault.
Assigning blame wouldn’t help me now. I needed help, but there was no one to call. My cell phone was gone, and no one even knew where I was. Instead, I prayed. I prayed to a God I had ceased to believe in. I prayed fervently as I cast my eyes around the church searching for a way out… a weapon… an ally…. Anything of use.
There was nothing.
Nothing and no one. And no response from God.
I closed my eyes against the inevitable. A deep, all-encompassing grief spread through me.
I wasn’t ready to die. 
Faces flashed through my mind, but not the ones you would think.
It wasn’t my parents or a lost love that occupied my dying thoughts. No. It was the four men who had inexplicably become my whole world.
David. He had offered to come with me or at least drive me here, but I hadn’t let him. I should have let him. But then he’d be in the same predicament. David. Sweet, sarcastic, passionate. The world needed him in it. At least I could die knowing he was safe. That was some amount of comfort.
Mikael. Would he be disappointed? Sad? I thought so, but I wasn’t sure. There seemed to be a connection between us, but nothing tangible, nothing ever spoken. He was the consummate professional. He would be there to comfort the others.
Cassiel. His job was to protect us. Where was he now? Would he blame himself? I hoped not. He was already too serious, too angry at the world. Despair filled me as I realized that the progress we’d made would die with me. All those cracks in his armor would refill and seal shut forever.
Raphael. He lived with a deep, pervasive sadness. This would only make it worse. It might destroy him. He was too good for this world. Compassionate. Caring. Vulnerable. As I lay dying, I swore I could feel his soft lips on mine again.
There was a commotion and my eyes fluttered open, but what I saw didn’t make any sense. Or maybe it did.
I saw an angel, which was appropriate because I was dying. Had he come to collect my soul?
I could feel my life slipping away. I was too weak to fight anymore, too weak to even cry out for help, too weak to understand what was happening around me.
No one was trying to kill me anymore. The cult members had scattered. A booming voice filled the room, promising damnation and darkness.
The angel was raining vengeance down on the evildoers. It would have made me happy if I’d had the energy to feel anything at all.
Through the last vestiges of consciousness, my fog addled brain registered something wholly impossible.
The angel…. It was Raphael.
My eyes closed again as I sank into the darkness.
The next thing I was aware of was the warmth of my own bed.
My body was leadened. I couldn’t move or speak, but I knew I was home, and more importantly, alive.
I was vaguely aware of voices as I faded in and out of consciousness. Distressed murmurs. Fervent pleas to live. Voices that rose and fell in discord and grief.
When my eyes opened, I was in a verdant valley of lush green grass and rolling hills. The sky above me was a vibrant blue.
Across the valley was a glimmering golden light pulsating from an open portal. I could feel the peace emanating from it. I felt pulled toward it. I wanted to go to it, enter it, and forget all the pain and chaos of the world I’d left behind, but when I took a step toward it, I felt an equally compelling pull in the other direction. I turned to look back and found myself staring down at my own body.
Mikael perched next to me holding my hand, heedless of the blood covering it, and now him. “I can’t hear her.” His voice was filled with despair.
I felt his touch and the pull to go back became slightly stronger. I took a step in that direction and paused again, casting a glance back at that golden glow that promised peace.
My mother appeared beside me. Laying her hand on my shoulder, she gave me a look filled with compassion, love, and regret. “It’s up to you if you go back or not.”
“Mom?” My voice quivered. I opened my mouth but couldn’t decide which of the million questions spilling through my head I should ask.
Before I could process the fact that my mother was with me, that I was being offered a choice between continuing life or not; before I could ask her anything, the pull from my body grew stronger.
“You were sent to us for a reason, Audrey…”
I looked back to see Mikael holding my body close to his. Mikael covered in my blood. Mikael pouring his healing energy into my broken body. Mikael with tears of grief pouring down his face. My choice was made, and I was suddenly back in my body.
“I’m sorry, Audrey, but healing souls is beyond my power…”
What power was he talking about? I still couldn’t speak, couldn’t open my eyes. Everything hurt. He lowered me onto the bed and laid his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. He started to pull away from me, but I finally managed to move, wrapping my arms around him weakly.
He froze. Hope filled his voice. “Audrey?”
I clutched at him tighter, and he moved so that he was lying next to me, cradling me in his arms. “It’s okay, Audrey. I’m here, I’m here.”
“Audrey?” It was Raphael’s voice, and it flooded me with memories of dying. Quiet but terrified sounds issued from the back of my throat.
He tried again. “Audrey, you are home. You are safe.”
Yes. Home. Safe. Raphael was here, Mikael was here. I was safe. My eyes fluttered open and my heart surged with joy and relief when I saw his face. Then my gaze dropped to his white shirt, rumpled and soaked in blood. Was it my blood? Or the blood of the cult members?
No. That was impossible.
The image of Raphael as an avenging angel came back to me, and I swear I saw him that way again. Standing in my bedroom at Astrea, glowing with wings sprouting from his back. I clutched harder to Mikael as I shrank away from him.
Pain flashed through Raphael’s eyes. “Audrey, I saved you. I’m not trying to hurt you.”
I blinked several times. One moment he had wings, the next moment he didn’t. I was losing my mind. Of course Raphael would never hurt me.
Mikael held me tight and reassured me. “It’s okay, Audrey. Raphael would never hurt you.” Then to Raphael, “She’s been through a trauma. She needs time.”
“Of course, I’ll go.” He sounded so broken that my heart shattered.
“Wait!” I cried out. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Audrey. Would you like me to take away the memory?”
I blinked up at him as he approached. “What?”
“I can take away the memory of what you saw.”
He gave me a sad smile. “The same way Mikael healed you. There are things about us that you don’t know. Your memories will be recoverable, but this will give your mind a chance to heal before we confront all that.”
“No.” I shook my head as a vision of my mother in a verdant meadow flashed through my mind. “Don’t take my memories. Just…. Hold me for a moment?”
Mikael released me as I was engulfed in Raphael’s arms. I clung to him as if my life depended on it. He had saved me. Twice now. The memory of him catching me when I had fallen swirled through my mind. I had no idea what he was or if my mind had been playing tricks on me in that church, but to the very core of my soul, I knew that this being would never hurt me. None of them would. The tears started as my body began to shake, a delayed reaction to the horror I had experienced.
A clatter in the hallway drew everyone’s attention. Mikael excused himself to check on it. I heard raised voices in the hallway. Mikael’s and David’s.
Snippets of the conversation floated in to me. Enough to discern that David had done something to the villagers and that Mikael wasn’t happy about it.
I pushed away from Raphael and looked up into his face. “Let him in. I want David. Please!”
I needn’t have asked. The next moment, he was barging through the door. “Audrey! Audrey, are you okay?”
I pushed myself up into sitting as he threw himself onto the bed. Another man covered in blood, but not mine. David hadn’t been there like Raphael and he wasn’t the one that had healed me like Mikael.
The cult members. The villagers. I instinctively knew whose blood it was and why. He hadn’t been there in time to rescue me, but he had avenged me, and I loved him for it.
“I think so,” I answered as he pulled my body this way and that, inspecting me for injuries. When he was satisfied that I was no longer dying, he embraced me fiercely as tears slipped down his face. “I thought we had lost you!”
“I’m here. I’m alive. Thanks to Raphael and Mikael.”
Raphael wrapped his arms around me from the other side, and the three of us sat that way for a long while.
When David pulled away to wipe the wetness from his face, I looked around the room to find Mikael standing awkwardly at the end of the bed. I gave him a weak smile. There was only one person missing.
Before I could ask where he was, Cassiel appeared in the doorway, as if summoned by my thoughts.
“How is she—” his question was cut short as his eyes fell on me sitting up in the bed.
He then did the most un-Cassiel thing I’d ever seen. A smile of relief and joy lit up his face as he bound across the room and leapt onto the bed unceremoniously knocking the other men out of his way as he scooped me into his arms and hugged me firmly against him while raining kisses on the top of my head. “Audrey, you’re alive!”
“Yes!” a laugh burst out of me despite the terror I’d been through. Cassiel acting like an over exuberant puppy was possibly even more surprising and unlikely than me being kidnapped by a deranged cult.
I looked around at the other three men, but none of them seemed upset at being displaced.
David was a little bemused while Raphael radiated nothing but happiness. Mikael wore a thoughtful expression as his eyes traveled from me to each of the other men.
The image of wings sprouting from Raphael’s back was still occasionally there when I gazed at him, but it was fading as I convinced myself that part had been a dream.
But I was healed. Raphael had managed to save me somehow. Mikael had done something to bring me back. Raphael had admitted to having powers. And David had somehow gotten to the village and back in a time frame that didn’t seem wholly possible.
I pushed all of that to the side. There would be time for questions later. I needed a shower. And food.
Cassiel released me and moved away as if suddenly embarrassed by his outburst. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” I told him before requesting privacy for a shower.
I stood before the bathroom mirror and inspected my body. There were no cuts, scrapes, bruises, or other signs of the torture I had endured.
How was that possible?
I hugged myself for a moment before stepping under the spray of hot water. Whatever had happened, I was happy to be alive and whole again. At least physically.
When I emerged from the shower, there were fresh, clean sheets on my bed. I sank into it gratefully.
One by one, the guys showed back up. Mikael brought food with him. I devoured it. I guess almost dying works up an appetite. I noticed they had all showered and changed as well. All physical proof of my ordeal had been erased. My body had been healed. My mind and soul were going to take a little longer.
Cassiel was the first to move toward the door. “I guess we should get out of here and let you get some rest.”
My cheeks flamed red as I stared down at my comforter and asked, “Could one of you stay?”
David spoke up immediately. “I’ll stay!”
“We’ll take turns.” Mikael’s tone brooked no disagreement.
“Fine,” David acquiesced, “I’ll take the first shift.”
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Raphael said. “You’ve been through a horrible ordeal. It’s normal to need support.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll be here in two hours to relieve you,” Cassiel told David, then turning his attention to me said, “We won’t leave you alone and I promise no one will ever hurt you again.”
Something in his tone made my heart race. I believed him.
The others trailed out of the room. Someone clicked the light off.
David gazed at me with the same intensity he always did, but all the playfulness was gone. “Tell me what you need, little witch.”
The familiar nickname earned a small smile from me as I snuggled into the covers. “Just talk to me until I fall asleep.”
“I can do that.”
“Would it be weird if I asked you to lay in the bed with me?”
His mischievous grin finally returned. “If I ever say no to that, go ahead and shoot me because I’ve clearly lost my mind.”
“Stop it,” I scoffed, “I’m serious!”
“So am I.”
He climbed into bed and tenderly wrapped his arms around me. As if he were afraid I would break. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” My body relaxed into his. I listened to the sound of his voice as the horror of the day receded a little.
As I slipped off to sleep, I knew one thing for certain. Everything bad that had ever happened to me had happened outside these walls. Whatever was going on in here, I was safe. I was surrounded by love. I was home.
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cariantha · 9 months
Never Been Kissed
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Fluff Word count: 1.8K Summary: Ethan helps Sawyer with one of her New Year’s resolutions. A/N: I woke up with this idea yesterday and hammered it out last night so I could post it in time for NYE. Please forgive any errors. Happy New Year!🎉🪩🍾
Events/Prompts: • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #66 Prompts 🫤3: “How much worse could it get?” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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Sawyer had never kissed anyone on New Year's Eve. 
Every year, for as long as she could remember, she rang in the new year with her family. The tradition was due in part to the fact that it was also her father's birthday. Twelve years away at school, but she always returned home for the holidays, never missing the annual event. Even last year, her first in Boston, she was able to make it home. A trip made possible by the plane ticket Ethan had given her for Christmas, a generous thank-you gift for helping him with Naveen.
In recent years their family party grew to include significant others and their babies. Everyone had a special someone to kiss at midnight. Everyone but Sawyer. 
When she broke the news to her parents that she was staying in Boston for New Years, there was disappointment on both ends of the line. A couple weeks had passed since she returned to work, and the medical leave she took to recuperate from the attack had already eaten up more time than she could afford. She couldn’t spare any more time away. Her parents were understanding, and Sawyer found a silver lining in that she finally had a special someone to kiss at midnight this year.
At least that was the case until she looked at her schedule a week later. Zaid accommodated her request for extra shifts, allowing her to make up clinic hours. But given that she worked a double on Christmas, she didn’t expect another on New Year’s Eve. She should have known better. It was one of the busiest nights of the year in the emergency department.  
After a quick coffee break at Derry’s, Ethan helped Sawyer put her coat back on. He took the cream colored beanie that she pulled from her pocket and fitted it over her head. “Nice bunny tail,” he said, gently swatting the giant cotton ball sewn to the top of her knit hat. 
“Watch it, Mister, or you won’t be getting any of this tail for a while,” she turned and shook her rear end at him.
Just before they headed back inside the hospital, Sawyer squeezed his hand. “Sure you don’t want to volunteer and stay for another shift?” she asked, looking up at him with a puppy dog pout.
The first time Sawyer returned to work after the attack, with her landlord in tow, it had been a complete disaster. Though things had gone better this time around, Ethan kept an eye out for any signs of distress. She had her ups and downs, and he couldn't help but worry about her. "Is everything all right?"
“Yeah, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry. I promise,” she tried to assure him, sensing his concern. “I’m just going to miss you tonight, that’s all.” 
Ethan could still feel something was off, but dropped it.   
It took him twice as long to get home with New Year’s revelers heading to their festivities around town. After a light dinner, a satisfying workout, and a long, hot shower, Ethan settled on his couch. The apartment suddenly felt too quiet, too empty. He missed his girlfriend. Since Sawyer began picking up double-shifts, they had not had a lot of time alone. Sure he got to see her at work. But it wasn’t the same as curling up together on the couch and talking about their day, or kissing whenever they felt like it, or waking up in each other’s arms. 
Hoping it would provide some distraction, he turned on the television and watched the local news. When the weather segment began, Ethan grew bored. He reached for a book on the coffee table, finding Sawyer’s notebook underneath. He recognized it from their DT meetings, where she took meticulous notes and sometimes doodled during their brainstorming sessions. She must have forgotten it the last time she stayed over. 
The way her mind worked fascinated him. She could be discussing the differences between apples and oranges when… Click! An idea would pop into her head to check their patient for uneven skin texture, giving her the lead needed to reach a successful diagnosis. 
Curious to know her thoughts about their current, undiagnosed patient, Ethan picked up the notebook and flipped through the pages. They were filled with detailed notes from each of their team meetings. Random side notes littered the margins. Tacos or burritos? He chuckled, wondering if the question was part of a diagnostic brainstorm, or if she was just hungry at the time. Turning the page to a more recent entry, he found Sawyer’s notes from a meeting he conducted last week. Ethan had attempted to inspire the team by conducting a goal-setting exercise. He asked everyone to jot down a few professional and personal goals for the new year. 
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Several emotions washed over Ethan as he read her goals. She was cute as hell, but his heart broke a little knowing how much weight she still carried on her shoulders. 
On the TV, the New Year’s Eve countdown now aired. A correspondent stood in front of a large crowd of people gathered in Times Square. “…And according to folklore, a kiss at midnight brings luck and strength to that relationship for the rest of the year. So, who will you be kissing when the clock strikes twelve?” Ethan looked down at her list again. Is that why she wanted me to stay tonight? Was that the reason she seemed so… disappointed? 
A timer in the corner of the TV screen counted down the time to the famous ball drop. Forty minutes until midnight. 
Ethan never paid any mind to superstitions. Thinking back to the events of the past two years, he thought to himself, “How much worse could it get?” He shuddered at the thought, bolting to his closet where he threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, then slipped into his running shoes. He was not going to take any chances, and most importantly, he was intent on giving Sawyer whatever she desired. If she wanted a kiss at midnight, he would make it happen. Keys and jacket in hand, the door to his apartment slammed shut behind him.
Ethan stepped into the atrium and checked the clock behind the reception desk. Fifteen minutes until midnight. 
He pushed through the doors of the emergency department a couple minutes later. It was eerily quiet. The calm before the storm. In about an hour, the waiting room would be packed with reckless and unfortunate party-goers. He didn’t see Sawyer anywhere, but wanting to confirm, Ethan inquired at the triage desk. 
“Happy New Year, Dr. Ramsey,” the triage coordinator greeted. 
“Happy New Year, Anabel. Have you seen Dr. Brooks?”
“About an hour ago? She mentioned trying to catch a quick nap before the midnight rush.”
“Thank you.”
Ethan made his way to the on-call room nearest the emergency room. When he opened the door, the beds were full of sleeping doctors, but Sawyer was not among them. After a quick peek in the cafeteria, he headed up to the Internal Medicine floor. The hallways were dim and quiet at this time of night. He checked all the obvious places. Staff lounge, empty. Resident locker room, empty. The on-call room was also empty, save for a pager that someone had left behind. Duh! 
“Could you page Dr. Brooks, please?” he asked the nurse sitting behind the circular desk. Not a moment later, the pager in his hand started to vibrate. 
Of course. He wondered if this was the universe mocking him for his skepticism.  
Jan, the night supervisor, quietly exited the patient’s room behind him. “Hey kiddo, I thought you went home a few hours ago?” She noticed the pager in his hand. “Did someone page you?”
“Uh, no. Jan, I’m looking for Sawy- for Dr. Brooks? Have you seen her?” he asked. 
“No, hon, but I’ve seen several folks making their way up to the helipad for the fireworks. Maybe she’s up there?”
Yes! She loves fireworks. Ethan looked at his wrist. Five minutes until midnight. 
After thanking the nurses, he walked with purpose to the elevator bank and punched the up button. Come on, come on! Four minutes to midnight. 
When he reached the seventh floor he jogged to the helipad entrance. The automatic glass doors slid open and a frigid gush of wind hit his face. With only the light of the helipad beacons, Ethan frantically scanned the gathered crowd. She’s not here. Dammit!  
He checked the time again. Two minutes until midnight.
As he turned to head back inside, he noticed a large chunk of snow falling from above. It fell from a secluded section of the rooftop that few knew how to access. Naveen referred to it as “the bird’s nest.” He shared its location with Ethan, and in turn, Ethan shared it with Sawyer. It was a place they could go when they needed a minute of peace. To his surprise, he saw what appeared to be a snowball floating in midair. Wait… not a snowball. A bunny tail! 
When he reached the stairwell, he glanced at his watch again. One minute until midnight.
Climbing the stairs three at a time, he quickly ascended two flights of stairs, bursting onto the ninth floor. Thankfully these hallways were lined mostly with administrative offices and were completely abandoned given the late hour. Sprinting to the end of the long hallway, Ethan pulled on a door marked “Authorized Personnel Only.” He launched himself through the dark doorway and blindly climbed another flight of stairs. 
Just as his hand reached the door at the top of the staircase, he heard an explosion on the other side. Midnight.
Sawyer jumped when she heard the steel door crash against the stone exterior of the building. Turning around, she saw Ethan. Steam puffed from his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. 
With the sky sparkling behind her, he grabbed the sides of her face, and crashed his lips onto hers. Once the urgency had subsided, he changed the angle and kissed her again. Deep and tender. When he pulled away to give his lungs a chance to expand, Sawyer could see the fireworks reflected in his eyes.
Tucked in his embrace, she smiled up at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Helping you keep your New Year’s resolutions.” 
She looked at him confused. “Wait... how did you know about that?” She hadn’t remembered mentioning it to him, or anyone for that matter. 
“You left your notebook at my apartment.” He reached into his pocket and handed her the pager. “You also left this in the on-call room.”
“Shit. Please don’t tell my boss.” 
“You’ll have to silence me with another kiss,” he smirked. 
“Well, if that's what it takes...” she laughed, standing on her tiptoes. She brushed her lips against his and whispered, “Happy New Year, Ethan.” 
Before claiming her lips again, he whispered back, “Happy New Year, Rookie.” 
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @choicesflashfics
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ladylamrian · 10 months
Hey There! I saw this, and I couldn't agree more! Nothing says I love you more than "I'm willing to try this for you." And this works for all kinds of relationships: romance, friends, and family, too.
Would you be able to create something showing this for one of your characters or pairings? It could be a drabble, fic, edit, art - anything at all!
NO PRESSURE AT ALL - only if you want to, but I'd love to see what you could come up with!
A meeting in Wyoming (F!MC×Nik)
F!Main Character: Alex
Pairing: F!MC × Nik Ryder (Nightbound)
Summary: Alex and Nik were invited to visit Jacqueline in Wyoming, Alex's mom. Will Nik be able to impress his girlfriend's mother?
Word counting: 4.4K
Fluff ● Romance ● Comedy ● Family ● Winter
Rating: Teen/Mature (Fluff, Love, Comedy, Smut, Hurt)
Warnings: family problems, light and less detailed smut, parental problems, mention of death & unwanted pregnancy
Author's note: The funny childhood memories weren't made up... It was naughty me 🤭🤭 Also yes, I canon Nik's birthday beeing in winter... I decided to give him my birthday, January 23rd (01/23/??). Since according the Nightbound book, the Main Character's birthday takes place around Mardi Gras.
-> -> -> Full Masterlist here <- <- <-
Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to read, like, comment, or reblog my stories/fanfics. It means so much to me! Please inform me if you would like to be added/removed from my new Tag List.
Taglist: @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @lilyoffandoms ; @lawrencebarkley ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @peonierose ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @mxdanni ; @jdstar88 ; @choicesficwriterscreations for the CFWC Holiday Event 2023 ; @choicesholidays & @choicesflashfics for the Winter Prompts
Prompt #1: "I'll try that, for you. I may not like it, but I'll try it."
Prompt #2: "I'm thankful for you" for @choicesholidays
Prompt #3: Winter, Family gathering, Pre-Christmas time, Old Memories, Christmas memories for CFWC Holiday Event on @choicesficwriterscreations
Prompt #4: "Now, I’m really nervous to meet your family." for @choicesflashfics
Prompt #5: "I made you two some hot chocolate too." for @choicesflashfics
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On a cold winter day in Wyoming, the young couple in their formal business wears stepped inside the elevator, pressed the button to reach the highest floor of the crystalline building. They're soon to meet and enter the office of Jacqueline Fontaine, mother of Alex Clarissa Fontaine.
"Looking handsome today, Nik. Like a real business man.", she praised Nik's new outfit. Both of them carried their wet winter coats in their arms.
"Have to look great if I want to impress your mom, right? And you look like a real business woman, rook.", he confessed to Alex who wore a light blouse, a black skirt and matching heeled boots.
"Thanks, Nik. My mother is a businesswoman, so why not show some respect, huh? She likes a formal dress code. Besides, don't forget to behave yourself too. The look isn't the only thing that matters."
"I always behave myself, rook. You sayin' this to me?? I'm a total gentleman. No big deal, relax. Let's just quickly make out a bit in the elevator before someone else enters it. Besides, it'll take time till we reach the top of the building. So why not enjoy a bit and loosen ourselves?"
"Niiiiiiik, behave. Not in my mom's office.", she rolled her eyes and he chuckled as she delivered a soft, playful punch on his shoulder
"Just kiddin', rook. Don't worry. But... You look so damn hot today that I would like to. Not my fault that you're ruining the gentleman inside me.", he mischievously smiled at her.
As the two reached the highest floor, they left the elevator and walked hand in hand towards the dark, wooden door with a metallic name plate on it. It said: Jacqueline Fontaine's Office (Accountant & CEO). (-> Pinterest moodboard here)
"We're here. You nervous?", she asked him and knocked lightly at the door.
"Maybe a little. Damn, she's a successful business woman. She must have high standards and I... Now, I’m really nervous to meet your family. What did you tell your mom about me?"
"Uhhh, that you're a hot police officer. I mean... I couldn't tell her that you're a nighthunter, right? The supernatural world must be a secret for the safety of both worlds. And umm, a police officer seemed to be the closest related to your job, right?"
"Guess so. Hey, why isn't your mom opening?"
"Hmmm, guess I didn't knock loud enough or she isn't here.", Alex wondered and decided to open the door herself.
With Nik close behind her, she stepped inside the office where her mother was sitting at her large desk, but she wasn't alone. In front of her were her clients who were probably discussing a business matter with her. Alex's mother was surprised when she suddenly saw her daughter in front of her. The mother wore a light blouse and a short, black skirt. Earrings were hidden behind her black, shoulder-length hair. Her fair skin was covered with make-up. For her age, the woman has definitely held herself good.
"Alex??! Dear, what are you doing here all of a sudden? I'm having a very important business meeting. Very important, dear.", she signaled to leave.
"But... But you wanted to meet us and..."
"Later, darling. Later, not now. Wait in the hall for me. And next time, you better knock before entering.", she stood up and ushered her and Nik outside of the room to leave. The door got closed in front of the two.
"Damn, that was... rude. Rook, didn't you inform your mom that we were coming? Was there an exact time planned or..."
"Shut up, Nik!!! Quiet!!! I'm super annoyed and disappointed right now!!! And of course, I informed her!!! The fact that she's the one who invited us.", she faced him with anger which made Nik worry.
Of course, she wasn't mad at him, but somehow he felt hurt by her harsh words like shutting him up. They rarely had a fight and if they were arguing, then it was often how overprotective Nik was or how Alex put herself into danger again.
"I... I'm sorry, rook.", he looked away and both took a seat on a nearby couch in the waiting area. For a few minutes, it was total silence between the couple. Nik waiting for Alex would calm herself down. When he finally looked at her, he saw her wrapping her arms around herself and rubbing them against her body while closing her eyes.
"Rook, are you okay?", he got worried and moved closer for a hug.
"It's cold. I hate winter."
"I was born in winter."
"I hate the winter, not you. I'm sorry how I yelled at you. Now please, take me home."
"But we just arrived in Wyoming, rookie. The flight took five hours and... Who told you to wear a skirt? Suffering for fashion."
"I know, I know, I regret that too. Let's... let's go to my home in Wyoming. My mom's home. Let's take our luggage back from the reception downstairs and go.", she finally opened her chocolate-brown eyes to meet his.
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After the young couple in their winter coats collected their luggage from the receptionist who was so kind to take care of it, so they didn't have to carry or roll it around. She also handed Alex a mysterious envelope and gave directions to the nearest bus stop.
Both put on their winter gloves while they waited for the bus outside in the cold until it arrived. It was already full of passengers, so they had to stand and hold on tight. The gloved hands tightly wrapped around the holding loops as their bodies were pressed at each other's.
"Why's the bus so full?", Alex got upset.
"Hey, cheer up. At least you're stuck here with me.", he tried to lighten up her mood, and removed his hand from the holding loop to hold her which made her smile.
After a short drive, Nik and Alex arrived in front of a nice family house. It was a sturdy two-story residence designed with a wide garden, large balconies, a screened-front porch, and a free-standing garage. A few CCTV cameras guarded the property, but that wouldn't stop Alex from entering her own mother's home where she spent most of her childhood.
"Nice place, rookie", he let a low whistle out while he inspected the property.
"Oh yeah? Wait till you see the penthouse my adoptive father gifted my mom on their anniversary. Now would you come over here and give me a lift?", she requested while trying to reach the nearest window of the house.
"Uhhh, where are the keys?"
"I don't have the keys, Nik. I gave them back to my mom after I decided to move out, silly.", she giggled and desperately tried to reach the open window but failed. Instead, her heeled winter boots made her slip, but Nik quickly managed to catch her and prevent her from falling.
"But Alex, we can't just break in like this. That's illegal and right now your mom might be seeing us through these cameras she has placed around the house while sitting in her office. And the neighbors..."
"The neighbors know me unless they're new. Besides I'm Jacqueline's daughter, so everything that belongs to her belongs to me. Well, maybe not everything, I think. But don't worry if the cops arrive, I'll talk to them. So could you just real quick climb through the window, enter the house, and open the front door, please? I'm freezing."
"But your mom wouldn't be impressed by me. She'll hate me. I want to show her my best side, rook. I can be a true gentleman too."
"Would a true gentleman let a lady freeze in the cold outside?"
"Okay, fiiiine. I'll try that, for you. I may not like it, but I'll try it."
And with that Nik began to climb a tree near the building and slipped through the nearest open window inside Jacqueline's house. It would have been much easier if he wasn't wearing the nice, formal clothes and the new winter coat that Alex bought him for this trip. When he finally landed on stable ground, he searched for the light switch in a dark room. When he found it, he turned on the light and discovered that he was standing in a kitchen.
"Guess Jacqueline is expecting guests today.", he wondered as he saw preperations for food and beautiful table decorations on the table.
Without losing any time he began heading towards the front door of the house to quickly let Alex inside. Poor girl must be already freezing outside. As he moved his hand towards the handle to finally open the door, he froze. He heard a clicking sound appearing from outside and the door lock began to move.
"Damn, someone's opening the door. Alex's mom is here!!! I'm doomed. I'm soooo doomed. Worse gentleman ever. She caught us and she'll..."
"Who caught us?"
"Alex?!!! How did you?", he couldn't believe his eyes that the one who was opening the door was Alex. She's alone. Nobody was standing behind her and she was holding the keys of the house in her hand.
"Nik, I just remembered. Mom did give me the keys to her house!! Remember the receptionist? Mom delivered her second key through the receptionist to me. That's what was inside this envelope the whole time. Mom just texted me, she'll stop here by later.", she victoriously smiled while holding the key in front of Nik's face.
"I can't believe you, rookie. You're full of surprises.", Nik akwardly ran his hand over his hair, took the luggage from her and carried it inside as she closed the door from behind. Both rub the dirt away from their boots on the rug, get off their winter gloves and hang their coats on an empty standing clothes rack.
"Yup, sorry that you had to climb. Now we're inside, so we can relax a bit. I'll show you the house."
"I already saw the kitchen. What I'm interested to see is your room? I bet it's upstairs.", he grinned, left the luggage in the hall and already sprinted upstairs.
"Don't you dare, Nik!!!", she quickly followed behind him to catch him.
"Stop me if you can, rook!!"
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"Holy light... So much... pink?", his eyes got wider as he stood inside Alex's childhood room and analyzed his surroundings.
The children's room was still in good condition and looked very cozy. The pink-painted walls were decorated with pictures and posters of flowers and majestic horses. Even the blankets, pillows, and sheets on the bed were pink. Almost everything was pink, white, and lavender colored. Soft plush animals were lined up on the bed. A white plush kitty, a pink plush bunny, and more little cuddly friends.
Nik moved closer to a book shelf, bending a little down to inspect the books. Children's books about princesses, fairies, unicorns, and other fairytales.
"I always dreamed to be a fairy, talk to animals and save the world.", Alex leaned against the doorframe and explained. Her eyes shimmered with happiness as she got reunited with her past and the beautiful, old memories she had as a little girl.
"Well, your dream came true. You're partly fae. Royalty and with your powers you can do anything. Even save the world."
"Yeah, somehow you're right. Just the fairy wings are missing. I wish I could fly."
"But you get to fly on a dragon in the fae realm."
"Hmm... Well... I also dreamed of a prince. My dream prince, a prince charming who will take care of me, make me happy and shower me with love. Just like Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. But instead, I got the Prince of Swords. I got you, Nik. And I wouldn't trade it for anything because I love you just the way you are.", she happily confessed, moved closer to him, and rested her arms around his shoulders while he pulled her even closer till their lips were about to meet.
"You're truly a beauty, Alex. I love you too and I'm glad you came into my life. You're... you're so damn perfect. You're gorgeously beautiful, my princess. No, you're my Queen.", he got closer and moved his arms around her waist. His cheeks leaned to hers as he planted a kiss.
"Oh, Nik...", she leaned closer to him and grabbed the black tie he was wearing. Nik Ryder looked like a handsome gentleman today. Since she saw him in this formal suit. Well groomed and the masculine smell of his long-lasting perfume which she couldn't resist, so she started kissing him.
"Careful, I don't want to be covered with red lipstick marks. Your mom wouldn't...", he tried to warn her, but didn't pull away. He couldn't resist her either. He wanted more and closed the distance between them. He is all over her. His arms are around her and his lips seeking her's. She couldn't resist and he couldn't resist. The two of them are locked in a passionate embrace, feeling the hot closeness of their bodies, and enjoying the sensations the other evokes. Lost in that moment.
Yet it’s not enough, and Nik was feeling it too. He eventually broke away from her and looked deep into her chocolate-brown eyes.
"I don’t want to talk anymore," he confessed intensely and led her to the bed. "I want you, Alex. I wanted you before too. Now. Here. With me."
Soon enough, both tumbled onto the bed and proceeded to explore one another, discovering which touches were the most pleasing. Nik was everything she fantasized he would be and equally committed to giving pleasure as receiving it. Alex didn't care anymore that she was lying with Nik on her large childhood bed. And surprisingly it was enough space for both of them.
Together they stoked the fires of desire until neither of them could bear it anymore. They came together again and again. The feeling of being as one is all-consuming and they almost lost track of all time.
In the end, both let the waves of pleasure cascade over each other and then collapsed into one another’s waiting arms.
Nik looked into her face, his eyes slightly wide and an expression of almost awe on his face. "You're so… incredible."
"So are you, Nik."
After an intimate moment and some kisses, they finally pulled away from each other and headed back downstairs.
"Alex, you're so smokin' hot. I want you to seduce me. Let's... let's... let's continue this later.", he whispered.
"Nik, you're being so naughty right now. In my mom's house? Where is your gentleman's behavior now?", she giggled and gave his shoulder a soft punch.
"I have fallen under your spell, my beautiful Queen."
"Yes, my King."
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After Alex showed Nik the rest of the house. Both entered the living room at last where they were greeted with a small hiss. On a nearby shelf, there was a small, green snake in a terrarium watching them which made Nik a little nervous. Jacqueline's pet snake, Slitter.
"Guess, it doesn't like us. Very typical. Slitter only likes my mom and nobody else. Still wishing it was a cuddly kitten or bunny instead of a snake."
But Nik got busy admiring the family photos hanging on the wall. The young people in the picture were looking so happy. A happy family. A family he also wanted to have and share his childhood and memories with, but unfortunately he lost his parents when he was way too young. Then, his eyes fell on the tiny, silver-haired girl in the picture smiling.
"Rook, you look cute. And your silvery hair...?"
"Yup, that's me standing with my mom and my adoptive father in front of the Christmas tree. We celebrated Christmas every year together here and I got a lot of presents. I miss those times because now we barely have time for each other. Always busy with business and work. And, yes, my silvery hair... Nobody believed me that it was my natural hair color. That I was born with it.", she answered while trying not to get too emotional in the sudden flow of memories.
"Silver. You got the black hair from your mother and the silvery-white from..."
"My dad, Elric. Yes. Yes, I figured it out too. Later when I found out about the existence of my father. I... I still can't believe how my mom hid this from me. She told me that after my birth my father died and...", she almost cried and felt Nik's arms around her body trying to comfort her.
"Shhh, I'm here Alex."
"Oh, Nik... I..."
"Alex, my dear.", a sudden voice appeared which made Alex and Nik turn around to see.
"Mom??!! You're here??!! Since when? We didn't hear you coming.", Alex panicked just as Nik and both separated from each other's embrace. Nik's cheeks turned softly red out of embarrassment and secretly hoped that Jacqueline didn't find out about his and Alex's doings upstairs.
"Misses Fontaine, it's a pleasure to finally..."
"Alex, I just entered the house and I already heard everything I needed to know. So you found out about the secret of your biological father? Oh, of course, you would one day, especially when you decide to stay in crazy New Orleans.", she interrupted Nik to explain herself.
"Mom, why?"
"To protect you. That's all, to protect you!! New Orleans, is that crazy place... Kristin and you just had to go there to celebrate your 25th birthday. Dear, you have no idea what I have been through all. Nothing is as it seems there. It's dangerous and New York isn't safe anymore either."
"Mom, you know... about the supernatural world?"
"Don't say anything more. I don't want to think or talk about this matter right now. You're the only person I care about and have left in this world now with the recent death of your adoptive father. I love you and I don't want to lose you too."
"Not when she has me.", Nik confidently stepped closer to Alex and embraced her and gave Jacqueline a reassuring smile. Alex's mother easily forgot her worry and smiled at the man.
"You must be Nik, my daughter's boyfriend? You seem aware of this world too. I hope you will keep my child safe."
"Of course, I'll take care of Alex. I'll protect her and always be by her side. Nothing will harm her on my watch, I swear. And yeah, I am aware of the World of Night. I lost my parents at the hands of monsters. They got killed in front of me when I was a child. I was the only one who survived.", he felt to explain his matter towards Jacqueline even though it hurt to bring back old memories.
"Oh, I didn't know. Poor Nik child, I'm so sorry to hear. Alex and I will be your family from now on. Besides, we're not actually here to remember the past. Let's focus on the future. I'm Jacqueline Fontaine, the beautiful mother of my beautiful Alex. Please, take a seat on the couch in the living room, I'll bring something to eat. I made you two some hot chocolate too."
"No need for that, we'll have together dinner anyway. Thanks for this invitation, Misses..."
"Just Jacqueline would be fine. Please note these formalities with me even though I am a successful businesswoman and accountant. Such a gentleman you are, Nik. We're family and with Christmas just around the corner, I'd love it if the two would stay longer with me till the holidays end. I never thought I would feel so lonely.", she confessed which surprised Alex.
"What if you get busy with work again?", Alex asked.
"Dear, family comes first and I should have realized that years ago. I'm sorry what happened today in my office, but my client... well... he wasn't easy to handle. But I feel so ashamed that I couldn't give you the time and attention you deserved since you were a child. That your adoptive father had to look over you because I couldn't. You're my everything and the only thing I have left now. I might have not liked suddenly being pregnant and I wasn't happy, but your adoptive father supported me. He helped me by giving you a chance and I don't regret it. I love you, Alex. I love you so much, darling. You remind me of your father, Elric. I still love him and I hope he hasn't forgotten me."
"Oh Mom, love you too. I thought... I always thought I'm not good enough for you.", Alex crashed into her mother for a hug while tears welled up in her eyes.
"Shhh, my darling. Quiet. You're here now with me and I'm glad Nik brought you to me. I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful for having you with me, sweety.", Jacqueline whispered and moved her eyes towards Nik. The man was silently standing in front of them and then left to give mother and daughter some privacy.
"Mom, there's one thing you should know... I personally met my father, Lord Elric in Lamrian.", she confessed which surprised Jacqueline because she would never have expected that.
"How did you find him so easily? Or how did he recognize you? Is he okay?"
"He... He... He died, mom. I just found him and then I lost him. We only shared a few hours, but they were beautiful ones. Truly the best.", she sniffed.
"No!! No... It can't be... How could this happen? He... I still love him and I can't believe he's gone. I should have visited him, but I was such a coward to face New Orleans again. Poor Thalissa.", she deeply regretted and wiped her tears away.
"Mom, Elric sacrificed his life to save mine from a bloodwraith. If it wasn't for him, I... I would probably be dead already."
"A bloodwraith? That's impossible!! How? Don't return there any..."
"That's okay, mom. The bloodwraith got defeated and everyone is safe now. It's safe now. And Elric still loved you and shared beautiful stories and compliments about with me you. He still remembers you.", she reported which gave Jacqueline a positive and warm feeling. That the kindest man who ruled over her heart still loved her, even though she already moved on with someone else.
But there was also more to share. That Jacqueline's daughter, Alex was not only a half-fae but also the next heir of Lamrian and that she unlocked her magic powers with the help of Lord Elric. She can do magic. Maybe she'll tell this Jacqueline another time and not everything at once. Besides, it was time to let her mother explain how she got plunged into the supernatural world. What's her story?
When she asked, Jacqueline's expression turned bitter and she decided to tell this another time. Not now. Now it was time for joy, to have a great family bonding time, and get to know her daughter's boyfriend better. She called Nik back and all three were seated on a fluffy sofa in the living room, having hot chocolate to drink and stories to tell. Jacqueline excitedly showed Nik her family album and pointed at the pictures.
"This photo was taken by Alex's adoptive father after Alex was born in the hospital. The nurses were so amazed that she had so much hair already. Ooooh, look how cute my baby looks wearing a gown in that picture. Like a mini-princess.", she enjoyed Nik's company.
"She was a cute child indeed and she's still beautiful."
"Thanks to my fae genes.", Alex added.
"Right, that's my baby girl. The prettiest baby of all. Such a natural beauty. When she sleeps, she's basically a Sleeping Beauty. Oh, have I told you the story where we were traveling to Dubai and how she played with her mouth out of boredom because we had to wait? I don't know if it was Dubai, but definitely somewhere in that region. She made that weird noise which made the police officers laugh and then, they let us enter first. Ha! Or the story where she was wearing squeaky shoes in the supermarket which irritated the customers who were trying to find the source of that noise? Ooooh, I have another story where little Alex stole a high heel from a shoe shop."
"Mooooommm??!! I was sitting in a baby stroller. It happened by mistake.", Alex freaked out a little which made Nik laugh.
"A high-heel for a baby??!! Hahahaha!!! Didn't know you were a huge troublemaker since childhood, rook? Jacqueline, Alex hasn't changed a bit. Still the same cute and naughty girl. A total trouble-maker."
"Nik!!! Very funny. Laugh how much you want. Mom, tell him the whole story like you told it to me. I picked up the high-heel to play with it in my baby stroller. You didn't notice till we got home and went back to return it.", she explained.
But Jacqueline was too excited and continued with Alex's childhood stories and showed several pictures. Baby pictures, pictures when her daughter was a toddler, and school pictures till teenage life.
"Nik, isn't my Alex so beautiful? I hope my grandchildren will also be lovely babies like Alex.", she said which made Nik and Alex turn red. Nik immediately tried to change the topic and pointed at another picture.
"Uhhh, well... I... Oh wow, Alex was a cheerleader at high school? How athletic. That might explain some of the moves she got."
"I was doing martial arts as well, Nik. When I was a child before joining high school.", Alex proudly added.
"Hey, did you make that weird noise with your mouth again? The one you did in front of the cops? Could you show me that, please?", he smirked which made Alex a bit angry.
"Nik, you...", she hissed as he made fun of her.
"Alex, behave yourself!! Nik was just being friendly. He's my guest. Be nice to him.", Jacqueline wished.
"Sorry, Alex. I was just enjoying your childhood stories."
"Wait till I ask anyone about your own embarrassing childhood stories, Nik. Or anything spicy."
"Who will you ask?", he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I'll figure it out somehow.", she confidently smirked at him and winked. Sweet revenge as they say.
After an eventful evening, the three had a delicious dinner together in the dining hall. Nik already knew secretly what food Jacqueline cooked for them since he was the one who climbed up the window which led him to the kitchen.
As the cold winter night descended, they were all getting ready for bed. Jacqueline requested Alex to sleep in her childhood room and Nik in the guest room before she went to bed. The young couple kissed to have a good night to each other before heading towards their rooms. After all, they agreed to stay with Jacqueline till Christmas to make the lonely woman happy.
"You know Nik, when my mother said that you're our family now... I think she already accepts you as her son-in-law.", she giggled, ran away and left him alone, wide-eyed with an open mouth.
"Alex! Hey, come back here. Youuuu... Wait till I find you under a mistletoe, you little troublemaker."
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After Christmas...
"Oh Tonya, my friend, this year I had a wonderful Christmas. I celebrated with my daughter who I hadn't seen for so long. Today she's leaving with her boyfriend, but she promised to visit again and call me more often. And I will definitely visit her too and perhaps stop by to see you too, my friend. I'm just so glad to be united with her again. All our misunderstandings are gone now. How were your holidays, Tonya?", Jacqueline was talking with an old friend from New Orleans on the phone while admiring the decorated page her child created for the photo album with the title "Alex's Winter in Wyoming with Nik."
In the meantime, Alex and Nik were outside to enjoy the winter weather. Both were standing in their ice skates on a frozen lake and holding each other's hands, as Alex was trying to teach Nik how to ice skate. She was an excellent skater and wanted Nik to have some winter fun and try something new.
"Nik, you're doing great. Try to hold... Woaah!!", she fell on Nik as he suddenly lost his balance and crashed with her on the ice. Their faces were near as Alex was lying on Nik.
"Sorry rook, I..."
"Shhh...", she got closer to him until their lips met each other's to a passionate kiss.
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-> Learn more about the past in this fanfic <-
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tveitertotwrites · 9 months
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Claire Evans)
Rating: General
Word Count: 1068
Summary: The Story of Miles Ramsey and how he was introduced to the family during Christmas.
A/n: This fic is for @choicesficwriterscreations CFWC Holidays 2023.
A/n 2: This fic was supposed to be released a while ago but with finals and christmas, it's coming out now as my last fic of the year (with only a few minutes left).
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Snow was falling down pretty quickly near Edenbrook. It was Christmas Eve and nearing the end of both Claire and Ethan’s shifts and they were finishing up some paperwork. Claire finished up her work in her office before putting it away and grabbing her stuff before heading up to Ethan’s office. 
When she got up to his Office, Claire noticed that Ethan was putting away the last of his things he was not taking home for the next few days. Once Claire had closed the door, Ethan looked at her and smiled lightly as he got up from his chair. The two of them met in the middle of the room with a deep kiss. Ethan placed his hands on the sides of Claire’s face and slowly pulled away to get a good look at her.
“Hi.” Claire said.
“Hey. Let me grab my coat then we can go.”
Ethan walked over to the coat rack in his office and grabbed his coat before putting it on and walking back over to Claire and giving her a kiss while intertwining their hands. Ethan grabs the last little bit of his things and they walk out of his office. 
Ethan and Claire set their things down in the back of his car and get themselves buckled in before exchanging a small peck on the lips. Ethan starts the car and is getting ready to go when Claire looks towards a car in front of them.
“Wait!” Claire said. 
Ethan looks over towards Claire and watches as she unbuckles and grabs one of Oliver’s blankets from the backseat and gets out of the car. She speedwalks over to one of the cars and bends down to pick something up that Ethan is unable to see. She looks around before wrapping whatever she grabbed up in the blanket and walks towards the car.
Claire walks closer to the car while speaking in a higher pitch than normal. She opens the door and gently sits down in the passenger seat. Ethan looked in the blanket to see a small chocolate labradoodle puppy, whimpering and shaking in Claire’s arms. He shakes his head and huffs.
“What are you doing?”
Claire finishes buckling in. “You know how we talked about getting another dog. Well I think we should get this one.”
“Rookie we can’t just take a random puppy from the parking lot. We don’t know much about it.”
“But look at him.”
Ethan looked at both the puppy and Claire and sighed before putting the car in forward and driving towards their apartment. Ethan made sure to drive carefully as possible as the puppy was in Claire’s arms. 
Once Ethan had parked the car, Claire was extra careful bringing the puppy out of the car, leaving Ethan to grab her things. The two of them rode in the elevator up to their floor in silence, not because they were mad, but because Claire was too focused on the puppy. 
Ethan opens the door to their apartment and Claire hides behind him until she is able to run to the bathroom and close the door. Adelaide, who is in the living room with Oliver, her twins, Ethan and Claire, and Ethan and Claire’s dogs, Jenner and Luna, stands up and walks over to Ethan.
“What was that all about?”
Ethan gently pulls Adelaide aside. “She found a puppy outside of the hospital and we brought it home.”
“Aww.” Adelaide said. 
She then walked over to the bathroom to see what was going on while Ethan went to play with the kids. Adelaide knocked on the door and after she heard a “come in” from Claire, she walked in to see Claire gently washing the puppy.
“Hey.” Claire said.
“Hey. What are you doing?”
“Well I saw this puppy shivering near someone’s tire at work. It looked like it’s mom was nowhere to be found and so we brought it home.”
“I see but how do you know it wasn’t someone’s puppy?”
Claire looks at her. “Figuring that this puppy is very little and it looks like he was outside for a while, I don’t think that the puppy was accidentally left there.”
Claire finishes washing the puppy before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around him.
“Ok, so what are you going to do with him?” Adelaide asked.
“Well, Ethan and I have been thinking that since Jenner is getting very old and Luna’s still young that she needs a friend close to her age. Plus it will be nice for Ollie to have someone growing up with him.”
The two of them then walk out of the bathroom and Claire walks towards hers and Ethan’s bedroom while Adelaide walks out to the living room. Adelaide and Ethan chat for a minute before her and the twins leave. Ethan then brings Oliver to his room for a nap before heading into his and Claire’s room to see her finishing drying the puppy. 
Ethan sits on the floor next to Claire and helps finish drying him. The two sit in silence as they finish and the puppy starts to fall asleep. Ethan then stands up and starts getting out of his work clothes. Claire got up off the floor and went into the closet next to their bedroom and brought out a bunch of puppy supplies that were unused from when Luna was a puppy. 
Ethan finishes changing when Claire comes back in with the supplies and he grabs them from her and starts organizing so she can get into other clothes as well. As she starts to change, Ethan speaks up.
“What do you want to name him?”
Claire turns around. “What?”
“I said, ‘What do you want to name him?’”
Claire smiles. “So we're keeping him?”
“First off, I never said we couldn’t. Second of all, once you set your mind and heart on this puppy, I knew there was no going back.”
Claire walks over and hugs Ethan and the two of them share a laugh. 
“Miles. We should name him Miles.”
Ethan smiles. “Miles it is.”
The next morning after all of the gifts have been opened. Ethan and Claire bring out Miles to show everyone, who all freak out and take turns holding and petting the puppy while Jenner and Luna also try their best to sniff him. They then sit back down on the couch and enjoy the company.
Perma Tags; @crazy-loca-blog @driverstveit @justyourusualash @zahrachoices
Open Heart: @coffeeheartaddict2 @jerzwriter @liaromancewriter
Ethan Only: @cariantha @zealouscanonindeer
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lilyoffandoms · 11 months
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Omg, this is hilarious! I was just warned this was probably coming. I’ll hand it to you, you are really on top of your policing. But, my god, you really need to find something new to occupy your time, anon!
I only commissioned Ainna once last month. This art was my personal commission. The other art (this one here) was commissioned by someone else for the randomly drawn winner of a fandom event.
So you see, there is this thing called reading comprehension, my dear anon, which unfortunately you seem to be severely lacking in. If you had read the post for that second piece (which seems to have your righteous anger all a flame) you would have seen I did not commission that piece and was gifted it for participating in an event. You could also have read the tags and seen that while I tagged it “my commission” I then went on to tag that it was not in fact my commission but CFWC’s commission which they gifted.
Please learn to spend your time, your efforts, and your energy in better ways. You’ll feel better. I promise.
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The Ring Fiasco
Book : Open Heart (post series)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : When Ethan misplaces his engagement ring, Meera and her girls come up with a plan to teach him a lesson.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 2041
Trope : Friends Intervene, Jealous
A/N : This fic was originally written in August of last year, but I was waiting for CFWC's you go girls event to post it and then accidentally deleted it while making space for notes during finals week. 🤡 So I wrote this very quickly and on very less amount of sleep, so please be kind. Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations You Go Girls Event, @choicesflashfics Week #31 prompt, which will appear in bold and @choiceschallenge-may2023 : Engagement. Happy Reading. ❤️
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Meera stood near the nurse's station, not so secretly watching her fiancé talk to an overly friendly woman. She forcefully tore her eyes away or she might just blow up from jealousy.
“Damn Bose, if you wanna stalk someone atleast don’t make it that obvious,” Jackie handed over her tablet and stood beside her.
“Ooh! Stalking? Sounds fun! Who is the target though?” Sienna followed shortly, smiling at the nurse at the station and picking up a patient report.
“It's nothing guys,” Meera sneakily looked up at Ethan and the mystery woman, but it was enough to draw the attention of the two other doctors.
“Yikes!” Sienna remarked, as the woman in question laughed at something Ethan had said, playfully hitting his arm.
“Jeez, go easy on the PDA, the man has a ring on him,” Jackie followed.
“I know!” Meera sighed.
"But who is she?" Sienna asked, quickly stealing a glance.
"That question has been burning in my mind since morning!" Meera replied. "Who is she and why the hell is she flirting with my fiancé?"
"Should I reverse image search her?" Jackie suggested, "because it looks like the identity of this mystery woman is eating your soul."
"Who, she?" a third voice made Meera look up, she was greeted with Tobias' smug face. "That's Dr. Emily Chester," he informed.
"Who?" the girls said, collectively.
"Professionally or personally?" Tobias asked, but Meera's glare didn't make him wait for an answer.
"Both. Got it. Professionally, she is one of the biggest names in endocrinology. Personally?" Tobias deliberately stopped enjoying Meera's agony a little too much. "She was at Hopkins, a couple years junior to us, and she had a huge thing for Ethan."
“And?” Meera pressed for more information. “What about Ethan?”
“In true Ethan manner, he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, too heartbroken over she-who-shall-not-be-named and walls too high and thick to let anyone else in.”
“But what is she doing here?”
“I hit up Kyra, apparently, she will be joining as an attending, as Dr. Stanley is stepping back to go into research after receiving a grant from NIH,” Sienna informed. “She was supposed to join from Monday but decided to come in today to settle in before starting work, Ethan is showing her around.”
“Nice! She hasn’t changed at all,” Tobias smirked and was immediately met with three angry glares, “I… I think I’m being paged… be right back,” Tobias exited.
“The settling in excuse is utter bullshit!” Meera said.
“Agreed! She just wants to get into his pants,” Jackie stated.
“Jackie! Don’t say stuff like that!” Sienna reprimanded.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Don’t listen to her! Kyra texted she can cut their tour short and get Ethan back in the office under the ruse of a meeting,” Sienna showed Meera her phone. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know Si, it seems a little far fetched, and besides I trust Ethan,” Meera looks at him once again, enthusiastically speaking about the latest testing technology, completely oblivious to the flirtatious looks he receives from his audience.
“You are a better person than I am,” Sienna squeezed her hand.
The familiar sound of a pager made Meera look down, “I gotta go, my intern’s paging 911.”
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The remaining two doctors get to work, and shortly after Ethan walks up to them, Emily Chester following him like a puppy.
“Good morning Dr. Varma, Dr. Trinh,” he greeted.
As Jackie fixed him with a stone cold glare Sienna put on a fake smile and greeted him back.
“I was meaning to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, the newest addition to our Edenbrook family. Dr. Chester, this is Dr. Varma one of our finest young attendings and Dr. Trinh who is already board certified in internal medicine and is now pursuing a fellowship in pediatrics,” as Ethan made introductions, pointing to each of them, both Sienna and Jackie noticed something unusual. They looked at each other making sure that they weren't imagining things.
“I thought I saw Meera here?” Ethan asked.
“She is busy, you know saving lives, managing a team being freaking awesome,” Sienna blurted out.
“What she means to say is Meera has a consult,” Jackie tries to avert, “and so do we. So if you’ll excuse us.”
With a small smile and a curt nod the two of them disappear around the corner. Ethan stares at their retreating figures, confused about what just happened and amused at the very weird conversation he had.
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“Did you see it? Please tell me I’m wrong,” Sienna said.
“Nope. You are correct, it's missing,” Jackie replied.
“We need to find Meera ASAP.”
The two of them didn’t have to wander the halls of Edenbrook much longer as Meera’s angry Ramsey-like voice blared through the hospital floor.
“The incompetence is unacceptable! You work with literal life and death, so you can’t afford to make mistakes,” Meera shouted at an intern who seemed like she was about to cry.
“I’m… I am… sorry Dr. Bose,” she mumbled timidly.
“Sorry? What am I supposed to do with your sorry? Apologize to that man’s wife and kids…” “Okay, that's enough,” Sienna stopped Meera before she could continue with her rage fest.
“I think Dr. …,” Jackie glanced at the intern’s ID badge, “Baker has learned her lesson, and we can continue with our day.” With that she dispels the crowd that had formed.
“That was very unlike you,” Sienna said, worried.
“And very like Ramsey,” Jackie added.
“I don’t know guys, Emily Chester just doesn't feel right to me, and I might be taking it out on the wrong people,” Meera sighed.
“Yeah about that…” Jackie shared a look with Sienna, “we found out something.”
“Ethan doesn't have his engagement ring on him.”
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Jackie and Sienna quickly update Meera about all the incidents and their findings.
“But why?” Meera asks, hopeless.
“Told you men are no good,” Jackie says and quickly receives a nudge from Sienna.
“Look we don’t know, but I believe there is an explanation,” Sienna consoles her fellow dolphin.
“I… I can help,” the intern from before said shyly.
“Not now Baker!”
“I mean I… might know why Dr. Ramsey didn’t have his ring on.”
The three older doctors stare at her.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear.”
“Spill. Now,” Meera said.
“Okay,” the intern takes a deep breath before steading herself, “I had to call a code blue on the third floor today, and I panicked. There weren’t any attendings or senior residents nearby, so Dr. Ramsey came in. I saw him removing his ring before slipping on gloves and taking over CPR.”
Meera visibly relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
“See! I told you there was an explanation,” Sienna chimed joyfully.
“But why hasn’t he put it back on?” Jackie retorted.
“He might have just forgotten. He is the chief, cut him some slack, Jackie.”
“It might be a mistake,” Meera said thoughtfully, “but he needs to learn a lesson. Baker, did you see where he put the ring after removing it?”
“In his pocket!” Dr. Baker replies without wasting a second.
“Good! Get me your intern friends, I have a plan,” Meera smiled mischievously, the wheels of her brain already turning.
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Later that day Meera crossed the atrium, she looked at her watch, according to the intel she had collected from Kyra Ethan was supposed to be here any minute. Five minutes later she spotted him descending the stairs, undoubtedly followed by none other than Dr. Emily Chester. They make eye contact and Ethan smiles at her, taking long strides to reach her. Meera looks over to Baker from the corner of her eye, who was hiding in plain sight. It was time to set her plan in motion.
“Hey! I have been trying to catch you all day, where have you been?” Ethan said, holding Meera’s hand.
“Hi, I know, it’s just been one of those days,” Meera replied, smiling.
“Anyways, I wanted to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, world renowned endocrinologist and a fantastic diagnostician as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Likewise, Dr.?” Emily looked at Ethan to complete introductions.
“Dr. Bose. Our best diagnostician, head of the DT, my favorite mentee, and my fia…”
Right on Meera’s signal, a horde of interns led by Baker swarm Dr. Chester.
“OH MY GOD! Aren’t you Emily Chester?!” one said.
“You are literally my medical hero,” another one added.
“I am so fascinated by your latest paper,” a third joined.
As the crowd separated Dr. Chester from the couple Meera takes advantage of the chaos and stealthily picks up the ring from Ethan’s pocket.
“What is wrong with them?” As Ethan is about to reprimand the interns, Meera brings his attention back to her.
“Babe don’t you think you are missing something?”
Ethan’s brows furrow, he thinks about all the important birthdays and anniversaries, date nights and meetings, when unable to come to a conclusion he follows Meera’s gaze to his fingers and notices the missing ring.
“Christ!” he curses under his breath. “Listen rookie, trust me this was an honest mistake…” he searches for the ring in all his pockets.
“Looking for this?” Meera holds up the ring in front of him.
“Look, Meera I am deeply sorry, I meant to put it back on after running a code and one thing happened after another and it slipped my mind. I am extremely sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I know babe,” Meera smiled. “But I’m not about to hand it over to you that easily.”
“Don’t do something stupid rookie,” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose very familiar with the mischievous gleam in his fiancée’s eyes.
Meera went down on one knee, holding the ring in hand. The entire hospital had been gushing about Meera’s reverse proposal to Ethan by the dreamy Lake Louise a couple months back, so when given the chance to witness it in person and with the power of the Edenbrook rumor mill, quite a crowd had gathered around, clicking pictures, cheering and hooting.
Ethan shaked his head, a smile lining the corner of his mouth.
Meera looked at Emily, enjoying the look of pure disbelief and surprise on her face.
“Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey, will you let me be a colossal pain in your ass for this lifetime?”
Ethan joined Meera on the ground, “a hundred times over.”
They kiss with the Edenbrook crowd going feral. Everyone comes up to them to congratulate the happy couple.
As the crowd thins out Dr. Chester speaks, “well I guess congratulations are in order, “ she smiles politely. “But I’ll have to say, I had never imagined Dr. Ethan Ramsey would tie the knot.”
“I agree with you Chester, I had never imagined myself as well, but what can I say she brings out the best in me,” Ethan replied grinning ear to ear at Meera.
“So when's the wedding?”
“In a month,” Meera informs.
“In a month!” Emily shouts, surprised, “don’t you think it’s too soon?” She looks at Ethan, convinced that he has been wrongfully roped into a marriage.
The couple chuckle, a knowing look between the two, “we have been engaged a long time now,” Ethan said.
“This is the third proposal between the two of us. I just meant to include our Edenbrook family and that also means you, now that you are supposed to join us as well,” Meera fixes Emily with the most innocent smile and earnest look.
Dr. Chester matches her smile, “well, then I won’t keep you two from your celebrations. I’ll sign the papers on Monday, Eth…,” she stops, quickly rectifying herself, “I mean Dr. Ramsey.”
As Dr. Emily Chester moves away, their friends surround them.
“That was one hell of a way to prove a point,” Sienna declared.
“Yes you might have just peed all over him to mark your territory,” Jackie joked.
“Great idea!” Meera exclaimed. “Let’s save that for when he misplaces the wedding ring!”
As the entire group breaks into laughter, Tobias says, “you are in for a rollercoaster ride, my man!”
“I know, but she is so worth it,” Ethan says, kissing Meera, deeply.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya2 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @openheartfanfics , @choicesficwriterscreations , @choiceschallenge-may2023 , @choicesflashfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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jerzwriter · 10 months
I'm participating for the first time on the Top Tumblr Event because sadly I couldn't last year. So when is the deadline? Since I'm a person who wants their work done fast. Workaholic? Can I post my Top Tumblr list in the next few days too or would it be better at the end of December? No worries, I can do that in the end of the month too. Just hoping I won't forget 😅
Hey there! So happy you'll be able to participate. I'm cutting and pasting the instructions below, but the deadline is December 23rd. You can send now or later, whatever works best for you! :)
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moominofthevalley · 10 months
The Girl with the Glass
Trystan finds a mysterious scrapbook. Emily has a deep conversation with a stranger.
trystan x emily
teen | wc: 2.5k | cw: mentions of grief
cfwc prompt: ‘visiting a holiday market’ & ‘the holidays won’t be the same now that they’re gone’
a/n: happy holidays, everyone! this drabble is inspired by an influx of things – mostly my favorite film, “amélie,” if you couldn’t tell by the title. (which, of course, is not-so-subtle-symbolism). enjoy! ♡
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“It’s your turn, Trystan!” 
Snow sprinkled downwards, little husks of angels drooping to the wintry ground. Crowds of faces walked the busy New York streets, surrounded by shiny knickknacks and dusty clothes. Cheeks were stained pink, and lips curled upwards in the holiday spirit. Trystan urged out a cocky grin, arms around Emily’s waist. 
“Is it, now?” 
“Yes, it is! I’ll go and get something for us to eat.” 
Trystan pecked her forehead, whispering, “Do something good!” before disappearing into the crowd. He grew fond of these new habits of love, searching for a trinket to take back to their hearth. 
It was a silly tradition, but a tradition nonetheless. It began with a scratched Pierrot figurine Emily bought from a vintage shop. Ivory skin and porcelain eyes, and a black-and-white costume with a frilled collar. Like some haunted elf on the shelf, the clown explored the apartment all by itself – according to Trystan, at least. The second well-loved piece was a gift from Marguerite: a brass ladybug ashtray. Neither Emily nor Trystan smoked, though the aureate bug was far too interesting to be thrown away. The most recent find was a print of Renoir’s The Luncheon of the Boating Party Emily purchased from a local art gallery. Both of them adored it; the celebration of warmth and good company, the splendid wines and fruits, calmness and beauty in the mundane. Drinks and company aside, Emily was far more fascinated with the girl with the glass. A sullen woman drinking wine in a sea of chatting strangers.
It was Trystan’s turn, and he was keen on finding an old book of sorts. He insisted on a leather novel of yellowed papers and annotated lines, with intricate Victorian details along the spine. Trystan paused, exhilarated at the antique booth before him. Forgotten scrapbooks, noir polaroids, rotten thrown-away cameras, and fringed lamps cornered him with an enticement to explore. 
Emily wandered around the opposite side of the market, searching for food vendors. A strange harmony bubbled inside her; a soft scent, a beam from the clouded sun. She breathed in the scent of chestnuts and red wine, a wintry chill slipping through her bones. Silver bells danced in the December wind, faces greeting each other with a blissful smile. It was a perfect moment, a painting from her own eyes. 
On the sidewalk stood a white-haired woman in a vibrant Christmas sweater, her cane tapping the frozen ground. Breaths escaped her parted lips in subtle clouds of white. Trystan’s words repeated in Emily’s head, a determination settling within her. This was peace and contentment; the mundanity of a random December afternoon. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need help?” 
“Yes, please!” 
“Careful of the curb, here we go!”
The woman held onto the cane, her other hand wrapped around Emily’s. Her heart burst at the scene developing around her. Laughs and joyous days echoed around her, the wind so sweet she gulped for more. 
“Hear that? That’s a florist laughing, he has crinkly eyes! A booth that smells like eucalyptus and rose is selling crystals and botanical postcards. The food truck across them is selling lollipops and hot cocoa for children. A farmer’s booth has rows of persimmons, oranges, and tangerines. Next to the fruits, a baby is watching her dad throw his hat in the air. We’re at the end of the market, there’s a bookstore and a vinyl shop in front of us. I’ll leave you here, goodbye!” 
The elderly woman struck out a pleased laugh, touched by moments folding around her. Memories of today fell like dominoes, scattering about like new snow. Her cheeks shined pink as Emily cradled her hand, stilling the woman’s trembling fingers. 
“Have a good day,” She whispered before walking off. 
“Wait,” The woman called out, “Are you hungry? Let me get you something to eat!” * * * *
Emily and the white-haired woman split an orange and two empanadas on a quiet bench. Emily, of course, peeled the oranges in thirds, ignoring the pith underneath her nails. 
Familiarity struck her as she handed the woman an orange. Her father’s willow-leaved eyes resembled the stranger’s. Perhaps in another life, Jimmy Rose grew old and never walked the grounds of Box Thirty-Two. To breathe with wrinkled skin and grey hairs, lines creasing about his lips and forehead.  
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Emily,” she hid the third orange wedge in her coat pocket, “Do you like the food?” 
“I love it,” Diana grinned, “God, that vendor was beautiful, wasn’t she?” 
Emily gulped, taken aback, “How could you tell?” 
The other woman laughed and patted her lap, “Partial blindness. I can only see things if I’m up close.” 
“Oh!” Emily blushed awkwardly, “I’m sorry – I didn’t-” 
“Don’t worry.” 
“But, er, yes, the vendor was beautiful.” 
Diana perked up, casting an amused grin, “Are you a lesbian?” 
“Bisexual. My partner wanted to check this market out. He’s looking for…I dunno, some trinket to take home, and I told him I’d get us some food. Are you…also…?” 
Diana nodded. 
“How old are you?” 
“Sixty-eight. And you?” 
“Twenty-eight,” Diana winced. 
“Don’t worry, it does get better.” 
Emily shrugged, unconvinced. Her bones were brittle as if made of glass, jaded memories of Drakovia hitting her like violent waves against a sandy beach. Grief thrashed inside her head so intensely she’d wake up in the night, begging for air. There was avoiding it, no going under or over it. Whether she’d acknowledge it or not, trauma and grief permeated her life. 
“When?” Emily asked innocently, her eyes burning. Diana scooted slightly closer, resting her wrinkled hand over Emily’s. 
“When does it get better?” Emily nodded, cringing at her childish question, “However long it takes. Eventually…it’ll pass.” 
It had been sixteen years. Sixteen years, and it had, indeed, not passed. She swore that she’d be done with everything by twenty. That foolish promise broke, and twenty-eight was no different than twenty. All that was left of Jimmy Rose’s legacy was a cruel memory. 
“It’s been almost twenty years. I don’t think it will.” 
Emily gritted her teeth, furrowing her fingers into her hands until they became beet red. With a blink of an eye, she was no longer the famed private detective who took down the Heartache Killer; but a tall child with no father. 
“Oh, Emily,” Diana cooed, “I’m so sorry. But that’s simply not true,” She murmured, struggling to find the right words, “Nothing lasts forever. Things pass, lives go on, and it feels fucking awful when you’re…stuck. But when we are stuck, all we have is each other. To get by, at least.” 
Emily’s walls began crumbling. Her hands instinctively covered her face, sheltering herself from the world. Diana granted her some space, moving closer to the other end of the bench. 
“I’m sorry,” Emily rubbed her face, grasping at anything to change the subject. With a pained sigh, she uttered, “Y’know, I don’t really like Christmas. I just–I’m just here because of a stupid tradition.” 
“I don’t either,” Diana said, “But my wife loved it. Every year, God bless her soul, she’d always cook the worst beef wellington ever!” Diana with a familiar gleefulness, “I’d always eat it. I mean, it was atrocious and entirely raw, but she cooked it. Made with love…and absolutely no seasoning. I would do anything to have it this year.” 
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Emily whispered, “Her wellington must’ve made your day. My dad took me to Rockefeller Square every year until he passed. I always thought he was a king for that,” She chuckled, “I remember seeing it for the first time. I didn’t even know trees got that big.” 
“He sounds like an amazing Dad. I am so sorry for your loss.” 
“Thank you. I try to remember the good things about him. It helps keep his spirit alive.” 
Inklets of snow trailed down and stained their hair, solemness in the wind. Emily cleared her throat, pushing past the silence. 
“Can you tell me more about your wife?” 
“Of course,” Diana beamed, “Her name was Dani. She lived in the apartment next to mine. She was an amazing pianist - I’d always hear her playing through the walls. One day, I knocked on her door and asked if I could listen to her.” 
“Do you remember what song she played?” 
“Yes! It was, hm, ‘Camptine?’ No – ‘Comptine d’un autre été.’ You really should listen to it sometime.” 
“I’ll hold you to that…how long were you two together?” 
“Twenty years and ninety-eight days – but who’s counting? We were completely different,” Diana’s face grew serious, “And she was so different in the end, too. It’s odd to see someone die when they’re already gone and so, so small.”
Emily fiddled with her hands, jaws clenched, “I’m so sorry, Diana. I can’t imagine losing–” She choked on a small pit in her throat, “I just can’t imagine a loss like that.” 
“Thank you. The two of us had an amazing life. We really did. I mean – sometimes I still see her, even in little things, I still feel her with me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I see her everywhere,” Diana’s lips quivered, “I see her when it rains, and I think of the song she played for me when we first met. I saw La Traviata last summer, and all I thought about was her. Whenever I walk by a deli, I think of her God-awful beef wellington.” 
A glint of doubt shimmered in Emily’s eye. Uncertainty twisted her insides, striking with fierce ripples of despair and mourning. 
“Listen to me,” Diana said sternly, “One day at a time is all we got. So go on and live. But, when the time does come…kiss his forehead, rub his feet, play a song. It will be hard, and I don’t think it will ever go away completely. But I promise – after some time, you’ll wake up and feel, maybe not better, but as if you’ve adjusted to the pain of it all. And then it won’t hurt so much.” 
A surge of preemptive grief washed over Emily, though tears never flooded her eyes. The burdens of the past and deaths of the future weren’t gone, but instead quiet and still in her mind. Death is only a moment, a bitter soul slipping into the next room. Two words repeated in Emily’s head until she was content. 
“Thank you. I never thought of it that way…thank you.” 
Easy silence lay upon them, the words shared by each other warm in their throats. Flurries of unknown faces passed by, snowflakes tangling in their hair with ease. Spotting Trystan in the crowd of strangers, Emily greeted the mischievous smirk on his face, hands tucked behind his back. 
“Hey partner,” Trystan kissed the top of Emily’s head, “And who’s this?” 
“I’m Diana…and you must be who Emily was telling me about!” 
“Oh, yeah? What’d she tell you?” 
“Your deepest and darkest secrets, obviously,” Emily deadpanned, “...You hiding something back there?” 
With a smug grin, Trystan unveiled a wrapped gift. He chuckled, “You’ll see! I’ll show you later.” 
“Hey, I also got you something!” Emily grabbed the orange slice from her pocket, wiping away tiny beads of lint. Trystan’s face lit up, mouth agape. 
“I love you. Thank you,” Trystan pecked her forehead once more before biting into the citrus, “And it was lovely meeting you, Diana. I hope Emily didn’t tell you every secret of mine.” Diana laughed, shaking his hand. 
“Of course not. And Emily?” She whispered into her ear, “Remember what you’re here for.”
* * * *
“Do I seriously need to be blindfolded for this?” 
“I mean,” He pressed his hands tight against Emily’s eyes, “Yeah, you do.” 
Emily grumbled, rolling her eyes through the thick wad of fabric tied around her head. A week had passed since she met Diana, and all that was in her mind were her tender words. Emily fixed her pout, forcing a tooth-shining smirk as Trystan led her across the apartment. 
“The things I do for you.” 
“Careful, darling,” Trystan gently moved her away from hitting the coffee table, “And sit…err, right here!” 
“Can I take the blindfold off now?” 
“Not yet!” 
Sounds of scuffling surrounded her, and Emily grew curious. Trystan had been hiding something since the trip to the market. Whenever she’d mentioned it, he’d waggle a finger to his lips and utter gibberish. 
Emily scoffed, amused, “Is this about that thing you got last week?” Trystan snickered with a childlike excitement. 
The tussling stopped, and Trystan sat beside her. Resting a hand on her thigh, he grinned, “Okay! You can take it off now.” 
“Oh…my God!” 
A leatherbound scrapbook and a dainty film camera plastered with Hello Kitty stickers sat across them. Colorful children’s doodles scuffed the book cover, crayons covering every inch. Squiggly letters in blue and red revealed the title: RoSe fAmilY aDveNtureS. Emily gasped, flooded with faint memories of her father. With flushed cheeks, she turned to Trystan and gawked. 
“Trystan!” Emily squealed, “You found this last week?” 
“Mhm,” He bobbed his head, “I showed it to Tommy to make sure. He said he must’ve accidentally donated it while cleaning up the attic. It…may or may not have taken me a long time to figure out how to use the camera – but it works! I’ll hook it up to the TV, okay?” 
“I fucking love you.” 
Emily and Trystan flipped page after page, soaking in long-forgotten moments of Emily’s past. At the top of each page contained a laminated label. Little Emily as San, Halloween 2002. Trip to Luzon, June 2005. Fluffernutters and Chocolate Rocks! 
Stacks of polaroids were taped against each other, smiles and blissful memories in every photo. One quickly seized Trystan’s attention. ‘2001’ was written at the hem of the photo. At the center, a pigtailed Emily smiled widely at the camera, boasting her half-eaten yan yan. 
“God,” Emily grazed her thumb over the polaroid, “I can’t believe you found this.” 
“Me too. Maybe we can look through Tommy’s attic sometime. There has to be other books we can find.” 
“Can we look through the camera now?” 
“Of course!” 
Emily grinned at Trystan, warmed by his gift. It’d been years since her heart grew so fondly, a quiet ease running through her body. Her bones were, indeed, not made of glass. She was not brittle and weak, but rather brimming with love and sentiment. Pain and sorrow were in her veins, too, yet on this still and snowy morning, Emily was at peace.
* * * * A/N: This fic was both such a pain and so nice to write lol. I wanted to give a little thank you to @jerzwriter @lexicook74-blog and @logolepzy for helping me edit this fic! Thank you all so much for your feedback, I appreciate you all SO much.
Tags: @choicesprompts @choicesholidays @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @mooserii @starsarewithinme @jonathanmoores @shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine @jahrobin @icarusfallsforever @kyra75 @calisomnia (let me know if else would like to be added to my crimes tag!)
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Hii 😍
I just wanted to make sure that you got my submission for naughty & nice since I couldn’t find my name on any of the lists?
Thank you so much ☺️
It appears Tumblr has struck again - can you send me (@jerzwriter) the link in DM? I'll add you to last week's list.
This is why we do this! :)
Everyone else, please check the list, and if you sent us something that does not appear, please let us know.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years
Book: Open Heart (book 1)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!mc Casey Valentine.
Featuring: Naveen Banerji, Teresa Martinez
Category: Angsty fluff
Rating: PG bordering Mature
Warnings: mentions of masturbation, alcohol consumption
Word count: 978
Summary: it’s Valentines intern year and it is about a month after Miami and things are still fraught between Casey and Ethan. Casey endeavours to cheer up Naveen.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note 1: submission for CFWC Valentine’s Day event: prompts used: Ignoring the day/drowning of sorrows
14th February 2019.
Valentine’s Day. A day that be generally tried to forget. Sure he had on occasion celebrated with Harper occasionally in the past but this year he was more determined to avoid the holiday. Miami was a month ago and he knew that if he had given in it would be different but here he was only chatting to her for work and Naveen related issues. She had confronted him in the lab about his true feelings. He wanted her yes but she was forbidden. Again all the reasons go around in his head. He knows he is doing right by her to remain in this purgatory.
He makes the journey to the construction zone. He starts schooling his features now for he knows that Naveen has his suspicions. As he gets closer he hears laughter. He stops as it is Casey with him. After collecting his thoughts he proceeds.
“Good morning Dr Valentine, Naveen.” He said gruffly.
“Well happy Valentine’s Day to you too, my boy.” Said Naveen.
“Thank you for the cupcakes my dear.”
“My pleasure Naveen, I am glad I was able to provide some cheer today.” Said Casey, glaring pointedly at Ethan.
“I best go and get ready for rounds.”
Casey gives Naveen a a hug and a sad smile at Ethan.
“And what are your plans for Valentine’s Day?” Questioned Naveen.
“You know how I feel about the holiday Naveen.”
“Yes I do but surely there is someone worthy of your affections…hmmm?”
Ethan groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I’ll be back later Naveen.” He says hastily.
“We’ll be sure to at least show Dr Valentine some appreciation today.” Naveen said with a slight chuckle.
He walked down the hall and leant against a wall to collect himself. He has been appreciative of all the extra work that Casey had been putting in, despite the train wreck that Miami turned into but he did not want anything to be taken the wrong way. He groaned and made his way back to the hospital.
He happens upon Mrs Martinez. He smiles and greets her warmly.
“My dear Ethan, I am sure you will receive many valentines today? Do you have a special someone this year?”
“No and No Teresa, you know my disdain for this day. You have a lovely day though.”
He returns to his office. There is an email from Harper reminding him about that meeting tomorrow with Declan. He had hoped there would be a way out of it but alas there was not. The treatment was having mixed levels of success. He could not lose Naveen but he was starting to wonder if doing a deal with the devil was worth it. He was uneasy about it all.
He sat there for a few minutes and his mind wandered to Casey. Perhaps Naveen is right, he should show his appreciation for the extra work that Casey has been putting in but as much as he wants to he knows he can not. It is just a neurochemical response he tells himself.
Meanwhile Casey has had a mixed day. She has gotten into the spirit of the day with her friends, she also gave Mrs Martinez some cupcakes. She was cautiously optimistic of the heist working tomorrow. She still had some charts go missing and that was bugging her. Her thoughts then turn to how fraught things have been between her and Ethan of late. She gets the reasoning besides not liking it but she can see how much he still wants her. She knew they could never be casual and a part of her wished she was not on top of the competition currently otherwise she would drop out but doing so now would raise more questions not to mention supply the rumour mill with far too many rumours and that was the last thing she wanted. She groans in frustration and heads home.
Later that evening Ethan is at home, alone. Drinking his scotch and reading a medical journal to find some more inspiration to help cure Naveen. But he can not focus, wishing that Casey was here. They had not met at the apartment since Miami, it was a ploy to keep things professional but he missed her. Both professionally and personally. He then trailed to the non professional feelings and it dawns on him, they could not be separated. His mind wanders again to Miami and that kiss, the body, that dress, the noises she made for him. As soon as his mind went here he shut the journal. Anymore research now would be fruitless. He went to the bathroom to have a shower, instead of trying to kill the erection with a cold shower he decided to pleasure himself. It was bittersweet, sure the edge had been taken off but he wanted Casey even though he could not have her.
Across town at Casey’s apartment, she could not sleep. Her mind is going through all the possible scenarios for tomorrow. Her mind strays to Ethan. She wishes she could tell him but she did not want to put his career in jeopardy if it went pear shaped. How she wished she was with him now. She knew they were not getting much headway into Naveen’s case and she knew he needed her, not just as a medical intern but as a friend. Then her thoughts go to Miami, that kiss and how she knows that they can not just be friends. She feels a a pool of heat at her core. She reaches for her drawer and grabs her vibrator. At least this will help me get some sleep she thinks to herself as she once again wishes it was Ethan making her cum, not just the thought of him.
Authors note: And we all know what happened with Mrs Martinez eventually.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @cariantha @tessa-liam @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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cariantha · 9 months
Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Angsty Fluff, Christmas Word count: 2.5K Summary: Sawyer is worried that her crush is getting the wrong impression and is later hurt when she thinks he has taken advantage of a situation. A/N: This takes place during intern year (pre-Miami) shortly before the events in Merry Christmas, Rookie.
Events/Prompts: • Photo prompt from @jerzwriter • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Holiday Prompts 🎄12: “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.” 🎅21: “It looks like Santa threw up in here.” 🎁67: “What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?” • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #64 Prompts 👨🏻‍⚕️2: “I’m not in the mood for a lecture.” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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While waiting in the lunch rush lines in the cafeteria, Sienna reminded her roommates of their party assignments. “...I’ve got the treats covered, Elijah is handling the music, Jackie is making jingle juice-”
“Hell yeah!” Elijah exclaimed, giving Jackie a high-five. 
“The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year,” she said coolly.
“Oh, and don’t forget your white elephant gifts!” Sienna also reminded them.
“Shit, I forgot about that. What are the rules again?” Jackie asked.
“The only rule is you can’t buy anything,” Sienna answered. 
“I’ll go shop the lost and found when we’re done here.”
“Or, I saw some pharma reps in the atrium earlier. You could try to hit them up for some swag,” Sawyer chimed in. 
When the group reached the front of the line, a heavy arm slipped around Sawyer’s shoulders. “Thanks for saving my spot, Brooks,” Bryce winked, cutting in line.
“Do you meatheads have to cut into everything?” Jackie barked.
Bryce chomped into the apple he hadn’t yet paid for. “Yep,” he nodded with a big toothy grin. “I’m just trying to get on the naughty list. If you all want to join me, we could save Santa a trip this year,” he joked.
“You’re already looking at Santa’s favorite ho,” Jackie quipped.
“Brooksie, I actually am in a hurry. I need to scrub in for a lymphadenectomy. Do you mind?” he asked seriously.
Sawyer tilted her head to the register, gesturing for him to go ahead.
“Thanks.” When the cashier asked if they were together, Bryce said yes.
“Bryce, you don’t have to-”
He placed a hand on the small of her back. "I've got you, Ipo. I'll see you later," he promised before hurrying away.
“Girl, what are you holding out for? He's hot and he's totally into you,” Sienna teased, once Bryce was out of earshot. 
Sawyer lifted her tray and turned to her friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but froze when she spotted a six-foot-four-inch, blue-eyed attending at the adjacent register. Not knowing how much he saw or heard, a blush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. Feeling like a shy teenager at a school dance, Sawyer hoped the interaction with Bryce hadn’t given her crush the wrong impression. 
As Ethan raised his eyes to her, he gave no indication. Pocketing his wallet, he stoically turned and exited the cafeteria. 
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As their shift ended, Sawyer approached her roommates who were walking in the opposite direction down the hall.
“Locker room is that way, Brooks,” Jackie pointed. 
“I know, I just need to run and check on one more patient before I clock out.”
“Do you want us to wait for you?” Sienna asked.
“No, don’t wait up. I’ll be right behind you.” 
After making sure the coast was clear, Sawyer slipped behind the plastic curtain that sealed off the construction wing. Naveen spiked a fever earlier in the day, and she wanted to check on him before going home. She found him fast asleep, and after checking his monitors and medications, she quietly tidied the room. When she finished, she softly closed the door behind her, whispering, “Goodnight, Dr. B.”
On her way to dispose of some trash, Sawyer’s phone buzzed in her pocket.
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Bryce knocked and let himself in, making a beeline to the kitchen to find Sienna. “Help?” he asked, lifting a roll of wrapping paper and tape.
She looked at him puzzled. “Where’s your gift?”
“You're looking at it.” He beckoned her to the living room, where he laid down on the floor. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” she laughed, kneeling next to him.
A few minutes later, Sienna placed the last piece of tape, securing the wrapping around Bryce’s torso. Using all of her body weight, she rolled him to his back and slid him under the Christmas tree. 
“Si?” he called, his voice muffled. “Do me a favor and start the game sooner than later. I already have to pee.”
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In the locker room, Sawyer traded her white coat for her winter one. As she gathered her things, her phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“Hi,” she answered.
“Hi. By any chance, are you still at the hospital?” Ethan asked.
“I am.”
“Could I ask you for a favor? I’ve had something come up at the last minute. Would you be able to stay with Naveen for a few hours?”
By now, Sawyer had come to know Ethan Ramsey well enough to know that he would not ask for help unless he was desperate. “Sure. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m pressed for time right now, but I’ll explain later. I’ll relieve you as soon as I can.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks, Rookie.”
Sawyer was about to text Sienna when Danny entered the room.  
“Hey, Sawyer,” he waved. “I thought you’d be at home getting ready for the party. I’m heading there now if you want a ride.”
“Danny, I’m so glad you’re here! Could you take something to Sienna for me? I’m not going to make it home for a while.”
“How come?” 
She made sure they were alone and lowered her voice. “Dr. Ramsey got tied up with something and asked if I would look after Patient X for a few hours.”
“You should go and have fun with your roommates, Sawyer. I can stay,” he insisted, having been recruited by Ethan shortly after Naveen agreed to be treated.
“That’s really sweet of you, Danny, but I know you traded shifts so you could be off tonight. Besides, Sienna baked a batch of peppermint chocolate chip cookies just for you.”
“She did?” he smiled.
“Yeah. Go. Have fun. I’ll be there as soon as Dr. R gets here.”
After Danny left with what appeared to be a wrapped bedpan, she updated her roommate.
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Later, Sawyer was in Naveen’s room, scrolling through Pictagram when her phone vibrated with a new text notification.
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Several hours had passed when Sawyer felt a hand on her shoulder. 
“Hiiiii,” she managed through a yawn. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ethan apologized.
“Huh? What time is it?” Sawyer reached for her phone, noticing several missed calls from Sienna and Bryce. 
“It’s almost four in the morning. I would have been here sooner, but I accidentally dozed off,” he explained, helping her to her feet.
“It’s okay. There's no doubt you probably needed it. And it’s been quiet here. His fever finally broke a little while ago.” 
“Good. Go home and get some sleep,” he instructed, “I’ll tell Ines that you’ll be in this afternoon.” 
“Okay.” Sawyer shouldered her bag and headed for the door. “Good night."
“Thank you.”
With a shake of the snow from her coat, Sawyer entered her apartment and found Landry eating breakfast at the kitchen table. “Oh boy. It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
“Smells like it too,” he grumbled. 
“I’m surprised you’re still going in early after…,” she circled her hand in the air, “all of this.”
“Yeah, well, not all of us are lucky enough to get preferential treatment from Dr. Ramsey.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“What? This is the second time he’s personally assigned you a case. To my knowledge, he hasn’t assigned cases to any of the other interns in the competition.”
“Wow. Well, maybe if you ever crack the top five, he will.” She let him chew on that as she hung her coat and walked to her room.
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Bryce turned from the surgical board and spotted Sawyer approaching. “Finally coming to collect your prize, Brooksie?”
Sawyer rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?”
“You’re ridiculous,” she shook her head with an amused smile.
“So I’ve been told. By the way, this gift comes with a night on the town.” 
Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Ramsey inconveniently emerged from a nearby patient’s room, catching the tail end of their conversation.
But before she could protest, he backed his way down the hall. “I’ve gotta run. Check your schedule and let me know when to pick you up. And you should know, I have a strict ‘no rejections’ policy.”
She sighed deeply once his back was to her, then turned to find Ethan standing a couple feet away, his eyes focused on the tablet in his hand.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she acknowledged sheepishly.
Ethan glanced at her with a side eye. “Brooks.”
“Rrrrr! Of course he is here right now!” As they moved on to their next tasks, Sawyer told herself it was time for a heart to heart with Bryce.   
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"Excuse me, would you please page Dr. Ramsey?"
A few minutes later, Ethan met an attractive woman at the nurses’ station and led her away from the busybodies seated at the circular desk. As they walked down the hall, she handed him a small box. “Thank you, Jen. I really appreciate this. I’ll send you the outcome report as soon as the trial period ends.”
Stepping in front of him, Jen pulled him to the side until their shoulders hugged the wall. "It was great to see you again." She paused as a couple nurses walked past. "We had a good time last night, didn’t we?"
“It was nice to catch up.”
She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when Sawyer heard the familiar voice, she wondered if her ears were deceiving her. 
“Listen, I would love to see you again tonight,” Jen continued, reaching for the end of his tie and running it through her fingers. “I’m staying at The Langham. Come have drinks with me and…,” she shrugged, "we can see where things go from there.” 
Stepping out from the vending machine alcove, Sawyer turned her head in their direction. 
Ethan’s surprised eyes met hers, finding only hurt. He moved Jen’s hand back to her side as Sawyer spun and walked briskly in the opposite direction. 
“Jen, you’ll have to excuse me. I need to go,” he apologized, watching the woman he longed for retreat and disappear from sight. “I appreciate your assistance. I will speak with you later.” 
“Later tonight?”
“I’ll text you,” he said as he sidestepped her.
Ethan’s long strides carried him down the hall quickly. He nearly collided with a visitor as he rounded the corner. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”
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In the far corner of the cafeteria, Sawyer watched the snow fall in the empty courtyard. The sound of metal chair legs scraping against the tiled floor jarred her from her thoughts.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Why? Need another favor?” she said, words laced with disdain.
“Rookie, that-”
“Dr. Ramsey, I haven’t been helping you to win favor or get a leg up in the competition. If you want an intern to run errands and cover for your ass, then let me suggest Dr. Olsen. He'd be more than happy to fill that role.”
She lowered her voice, hurt replacing anger. “I canceled plans with my roommates last night, because I believed that if you were asking for help, it must have been important. If I had known I was only covering so that you could go on a date and get…” She let the rest of the sentence die on her tongue. “Sorry. I know it’s none of my business how you spend your free time, but I won’t let you take advantage of mine.” 
Visibly disappointed, she avoided eye contact. Ethan keenly observed that her disappointment went beyond merely thinking he would take advantage of her kindness. If he was reading the situation correctly, it was the same disappointment he had felt seeing her with the surgical intern.
“Sawyer, let me explain. Jen works for Phlaum Pharmaceuticals. They are currently conducting a trial on a new antibiotic for sepsis. I reached out to her when I heard about it. Her team is in the area promoting a new product this week. You may have noticed her reps in the lobby. She made herself available to meet with me last night. And after some convincing, she agreed to pull some strings to get Naveen into the trial. She was here this afternoon to drop off the treatment.” Ethan pulled a small vial from his pocket and placed it on the table.
“It sounded like you convinced her all right,” she muttered.
“Rookie. I know we haven’t known each other long, but do you honestly believe I’m the type of person who would trade sexual favors? I agreed to a testimonial and a couple expo appearances. That’s all.”
“What? Can you blame me for going there? She said she had a ‘good time,’ and you told me you were late because you ‘accidentally dozed off,’ then she asked you to meet her again tonight…At. A. Hotel.”
He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose at her teasing dramatization, failing to hide the crack of a smile.
“So, how’d you get out of it?” she wondered.
“I told her I would text her later.”
“You don’t text.”
“Exactly.” His knee touched hers, but neither one attempted to move away. “I need to get back upstairs. Can you meet me later to review the trial protocols?”
“I have a few patients to check on. I’ll page you after?” she answered.
Ethan scooted back in his chair, but before standing, he covered Sawyer’s hand with his own. 
“Sawyer, your contributions and the sacrifice of your time have not gone unnoticed. And as far as I’m concerned, you are my partner on this case. I should have filled you in on the drug trial. I just didn’t want either of us to get our hopes up.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Ramsey.” When he moved to stand, she followed. “I’m finished here. I’ll head back up with you.”
The elevator doors were halfway closed when a fellow intern squeezed his way through. 
“Hi, Brad,” Sawyer greeted.
“Sooo, who’s the lucky guy?” he quizzed, embarrassingly indiscreet.
“Come on, girl. Why else would you ditch us last night? Your roommates say you’re never home. You rarely come out for drinks anymore. And, you’ve parked Bryce in the friend zone.” Brad nudged her shoulder with his. “Spill the tea.”
“Sorry to disappoint, TMZ, but I’m not dating anyone. I got stuck here with a last minute case.” She made her eyes big and subtly tipped her head toward Dr. Ramsey as a warning. Luckily, Brad picked up on the cue, sparing her from having to tell any more white lies. 
Ethan hid a smile, pretending not to notice the act.
“Any chance you guys will host again for New Years? You’re the only ones with an apartment big enough,” Brad asked as they exited the elevator together. 
“Talk to Elijah. He’s the party planner of the group.” 
Once Brad was on his way, Ethan reached for Sawyer's elbow drawing her back. “You skipped your own party?” 
She shrugged. “You needed my help, and our patient wasn’t in any condition to be left alone.”
“You should have told me. I would have figured something else out…” He looked into her eyes with a sense of wonder. “Thank you. I owe you one.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re welcome.”  
“So, what excuse did you give your roommates?” he asked as they walked side by side down the hall.
“About that…” she said with a tense grin, “I’m gonna need you to assign some of your cases to the other interns in the top five.”
“Come again?”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @choicesflashfics
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gutsfics · 8 months
i don’t feel like posting on my account i’m sorry she scares me
but i still think about that stupid “naughty or nice” event that cfwc had with extremely risqué prompts and when i asked them to tag it as nsfw she refused 🙃 and she kept trying to explain to me why she thought it didn’t need that tag because “other people don’t tag theirs” like okay those people are wrong also. but also also it got to the point where i straight up had to tell her to stop talking to me about it because idek why she just wouldn’t stop. but like girl. one of the prompts was literally “sex toys” IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT SAFE FOR WORK
okay sorry rant over
if it was on her personal blog id say something like "shes allowed to not tag things if people ask but continuing to bug you about it is weirdo behavior" but like. it was the cfwc blog. a blog thats supposed to be an archive.
like idk girl maybe adding tags to sort your archive is a good thing? and if someone thinks something is Not Safe for their Work then perhaps it is. Not Safe For Work. wild concept
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lucy-268 · 2 years
Fandom Appreciation
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I haven't been around much on this account this week and I have been remiss in acknowledging the week.
I need to thank the people who have tagged me and I will do that this weekend. First I need to acknowledge a few people in the fandom I am grateful for. More to come later.
@openheartfanfics - @utterlyinevitable @liaromancewriter - Dom and Mal, thank you for all that you do to keep Open Heart alive with fics, edits, texts, and art work.
@writer-ish - Kat, I miss you on here, but I know that you are working on new things and I can't wait for more later.
@danijimenezv - Dani, you made me my first art and it's still my header. :)
@genevievemd - Sara, your 101 and 102 smiles. Your ability to post daily is impressive as well as weaving a fic around the edits.
@a-crepusculo - Mia! You are amazing. There is nothing you can't do. You redid our headers at CFWC, you are a wonderful writer who created a great MC, and you are a generous follower and reblogger and cheerleader for the fandom.
@potionsprefect- Alice, I love your wit and your excitement whenever you find a new pic of the lovely Victoria. Thank you for bringing us tic tok Tuesday. I love seeing them all and your dedication in finding interesting ones every week.
@bex-la-get - Hi Becca! I miss new Nat and Ethan fics, but I still love you. 💙
@liaromancewriter - Yes, I mentioned you above. But I want to tell you how much I love Max and Sienna. You know I'm a big Ethan fan (I wouldn't be here if I wasn't) and Tobias fan. But you have taken Sienna and created a match worthy of her.
@jamespotterthefirst - You were the first OH writer I read obsessively when I started to read here. Not saying that your smut had anything to do with it (I'm also not not saying it). ;) You kept MC Monday going for a year, and you still have Thirsty Thursday.
@burnsoslow - Your Drake and Alyssa got me to read the first The Royal Romance. I know that real life has you busy right now, but I love when I see you pop up on my feed.
@angelasscribbles - You write so much! How!?! I admire your ability to keep so many series going.
@storyofmychoices - Dani, I don't think I can name another person who does more for the fandom than you do. You run challenges, are an amazing cheerleader and reblogger of so many books and writers. You maintain a blog that lists current challenges and events. I am in awe. Also, you inspired me to read both Mother of the Year and Save the Date because of how you write those fics. And you are running @choicesfandomappreciation again.
@jerzwriter - Elsa!!!! Sorry. ELSA!!!! I have no idea what to say here. You can make me laugh when I want to cry. You send me pictures of Jesse. I don't think I would want to work on @choicesficwriterscreations with anyone else. I think that you deserve a better co-mod sometimes. I love how you will brainstorm fics with me and listen when I need to talk. And we still need to write our Tobias fic.
I know I have left many deserving people off, but there will be more to come later.
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