#creator top 5
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Thank you to our creators who have submitted their Top 5 fics of 2023! I know this is a terribly difficult task. After all, I did it myself! But I've always felt this list was the more important of the two - it's not about the numbers; it's about the works that nourished their creator's souls and brought them joy. So, thanks to each of you for sharing with us! Links to all stories can be found below the break!
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@aallotarenunelma ✒️
Moonlit Hearts (IL/ID Crossover/AU) - Original Characters
Childhood Memories (ILW) - Lincoln McQuoid x NB!MC
Close to the Flame (ILW) - Lincoln McQuoid x NB!MC
Another Sun Will Rise (ILITW) - Dan Pierce x MC
Indigo Blood (ID) - Cas Harlow x MC
@angelasscribbles ✒️
The DeFacto Queen (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake x MC, Liam x MC
A Fervid Fixation (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake Walker x MC
The Dark Kingdom (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake x MC, Liam x MC
In Your Room Masterlist (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake Walker x Leo Rys
Laws End (TRR) Ⓜ️- Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x MC
@baldwinboy5ive 🎨and ✒️
Aerin Prison Visit (BOLAS) 🎨- Aerin Valleros x F!MC
The Right Path (BOLAS) ✒️- Aerin Valleros x F!MC
Name on the Wall (BOLAS) ✒️- Aerin Valleros x F!MC
Bye-Bye Baldur (BOLAS) 🎨- Aerin Valleros
Aerin x Raine Fanart (BOLAS) 🎨- Aerin Valeros x MC
@cariantha ✒️
All He Wanted (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Hey Stranger (OH) Ⓜ️ - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
For You, I Will (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
War & Peace (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A Solid Strategy (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@coffeeheartaddict2 ✒️
Everybody Hurts Sometimes, Ch. 7 Ⓜ️(OH) - Ethan Ramsey, MC
Love in all Forms (OH) - Ethan Ramsey, F!OC, Tobias Carrick
Power to Overcome (OH) - F!MC, Aurora Emery
Everybody Hurts Sometimes, Ch. 15 Ⓜ️(OH) - Ethan Ramsey, etc.
Desire Ⓜ️(OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@inlocusmads ✒️
Past Lives (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Music for the Lost (and Found) (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
The Feverish Itch (Guinevere) - Guinevere, Queen Artura, F!Lancelot
Cross Your Heart and Set it Ablaze (COP) Trystan Thorne x F~!MC
The Bow That Burned Bright (BOLAS) - F!Elf!MC, Kade
@jerzwriter ✒️
A Mother's Journal Ⓜ️(WTD) - Eli Sipes
What's Forever For Ⓜ️(OH/AU) - Tobias Carrick, F!MC
Breathe Again (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
A Bit Dark (OH) - F!MC x F!OC
I Do, Me Too (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@ladylamrian ✒️
Welcome to the World of Night (NB) - NB Side Characters
A Meeting in Wyoming (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Towards the Future (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Duty & Pleasure (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Sweet & Tender Hearts (NB) - Original Characters
@liaromancewriter ✒️
La Vie Avec Toi (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Sienna Trinh x M!OC
Late Shift (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
The Reluctant Valentine (OH) - Sienna Trinh x M!OC
When the Clock Strikes Twelve (OH/AU) - Sienna Trinh x M!OC
Breaking News (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@moominofthevalley ✒️
The Haunting, Part 1 (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Turpentine (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
The Girl With the Glass (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
I Will (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Future Days (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@peonierose ✒️
Wildflower (OH) - Keiki Lahela x M!OC
Kintsugi (OH) - Original Characters
Summer's Kiss (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
I'm a Sucker for You (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
Rose All Day (OH) - Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela, OCs
@stars-are-within-me ✒️
The Rain (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Reflections (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros
A Day Off (COP) - Trystan Thorne x MC
In the Gray (COP) - Eveline Goncharov, Maksim Thorne, etc.
The Lonely Prince (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x MC
@storyofmychoices ✒️
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Crossover/AU)
Can I Have This Dance? (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
Shadows of Hope (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
The Quest for Daenarya (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
Dealing with a Narcissist (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@tessa-liam ✒️
Smoke & Mirrors, Ch. 11 Ⓜ️(TRR) - Liam Rys x MC
Cappadocia Ⓜ️ (TRR) - Liam Rys x MC
Marabelle, Ch. 2 Ⓜ️ (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Turning the Page, Ch. 5 Ⓜ️ (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Ti Amo Molto Ⓜ️ (TRR) - Liam Rys x MC
@trappedinfanfiction ✒️
Fast Break, Epilogue (OH/AU) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
What's in a Name? (COP) - Trystan Thorne
Crossroads Ⓜ️(OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
By Your Side (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
A New Neighbor (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@zealouscanonindeer ✒️
Dangerous Games Ⓜ️ (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Naughty & Nice (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Like Whom? (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Roots (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Drunken Nights (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
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jerzwriter · 6 months
I'm participating for the first time on the Top Tumblr Event because sadly I couldn't last year. So when is the deadline? Since I'm a person who wants their work done fast. Workaholic? Can I post my Top Tumblr list in the next few days too or would it be better at the end of December? No worries, I can do that in the end of the month too. Just hoping I won't forget 😅
Hey there! So happy you'll be able to participate. I'm cutting and pasting the instructions below, but the deadline is December 23rd. You can send now or later, whatever works best for you! :)
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setaflow · 6 months
Gay pride happens in June and gay wrath happens whenever hbomberguy drops a 3+ hour video essay about a specific topic
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astrobei · 1 year
every byler creator who has ever felt unappreciated or has never seen their work on a rec list or has stayed awake for hours working on something for it to get no interaction or has had their work passed up in favor of the big fandom favorites or has never been taken a chance on or has ever come last in a poll they didn’t ask to be on or has felt self conscious about posting or about calling themselves a creator if what they’re posting is not a magnum opus or has created something for themselves and still hoped deep down that people would love it: get behind me. i’ll protect u
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ackee · 9 months
having to become a pirate just to get proper cc for my babies. good lord
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Hey! After seeing all That with the birdname terf going down and what you said, I, the person who submitted Cyrille (from 5 Minuten Harry Podcast) wanna clarify some stuff:
First off, I'm trans. Maybe not be that relevant but let's establish that. And yes, I do condemn JKR, don't think anyone should give her money and frankly even frown upon most fanworks that weren't started before it became widely known.
Secondly, the podcast does in fact criticise JKR (tho unfortunately not for the stuff that matters) very frequently and the creator has gotten in legal trouble with her and Warner Bros before (over copyright, she made an extremely popular abridged HP series when I and most of the german tumblr population were teens and some pre-teens) so even though she sometimes pays lip service to them, we can probably take that with a grain of salt.
Thirdly, outside the podcast itself, coldmirror (the pod's creator) has criticised JKR more than on it, including calling her an idiot or something to that effect for "everything she's doing right now" back when her being a terf became widely known tho she didn't get more specific than that. Also, the podcast started wayyy before then, it started so long ago, Alan Rickman was still alive. There's even a mention of his then recent death a few episodes in since coldmirror had a major crush on him for decades and he's how she got into HP. The format doesn't really allow for changing the subject matter after the fact and it was massively popular from the get go, coldmirror's most successful project in years, possibly even outshining that abridged series by now and so I get she was incentivised to continue it.
Fourthly, coldmirror herself is very much a problematic fave and we all know it. Due to the massive influence that abridged series and all of her later works had on my generation, we do still love her, but we know she's far from flawless. Even so, all the times after JKR's terfness became known that coldmirror mentioned spending money on HP stuff for research (eg different versions of the movie that show different parts of the screen since the whole podcast is about overanalyzing every frame and background details) she has always bought it second hand. She did go to Wizarding World pretty early on and took pics of props etc there but that was before. Still tho, we know she's not that great a person, even tho we all love her. And that's not just me talking, I dare you to find me three germans above the age of 20 on this site who dislike coldmirror. It'll be very difficult.
So, was it a great submission? No. Is the podcast problematic? Yes. However,
Lastly, Cyrille was never intended as a serious submission. Iirc it was very late, I had submitted like five in a row and I got a little silly with it. I did not intend for her to end up in the tournament, I 100% counted on her being disqualified and simply you mentioning her as a little shout out to my fellow germans. I think I mentioned something to that effect in the submission but it appears I was not unambiguous enough about her not being a serious submission. Sorry about that.
(Oh, and the playing with gender part wasn't intentional btw, coldmirror read the name Cyrille, assumed it to be feminine and from that sprang the fictionalised Cyrille, even tho the real Cyrille is a man. She did acknowledge this way, way later in the podcast.)
None of this ofc is all that relevant to the discussion regarding the bird terf, but I figured you, personally, might appreciate the extra context.
(In response to this post for those seeking context.)
Don't worry, you were perfectly clear about it being a joke, but including it I only had 62 characters for the bracket (and I wanted 64) so I seeded it in last place behind my own choices.
And yeah, pretty much every podcast (and book and television show and-) I have at least some issues with, and some of those issues are large enough that I no longer derive enjoyment from the show despite liking other aspects. I think recognizing the "problematic" aspects of art is necessary to have any useful or fun conversations about it, and acting like everything must have both ideological and executed purity only results in people ignoring, denying, or trying to hide the issues that are there. Which personally I find boring, frustrating, and can often ruin my enjoyment much faster than the problematic aspects themselves.
Thank you for submitting the characters, and for your insight into 5 Minuten Harry Podcast!
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Apparently I absolutely obliterated my dad’s funny bone by telling him about the smooth criminal ace attorney edit, bc i had the humiliating experience today of him gleefully playing it on the big family room TV for me (who’s watched it fifty times on my own already) and my mom (who I showed it to before him bc she’s been actively watching me play the first game)
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samssims · 1 year
Hi! What are you top 5 male hairs?
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sleepy-sham · 2 months
I grieve different
everybody grieves different
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marklikely · 1 year
take me back to 2016 when i could enjoy a star wars without remembering rian johnsons garbage movie and getting mad
#esb was on tv and i was like ooh i love movie. *5 minutes later* oh god i forgot that i am so angry.#avpost#i hate you shitty character writing i hate you completely erasing characters' traits offscreen i hate you cringeworthy sense of humor#i hate you sidelining the protagonist of color for a plot cul de sac that only serves to 'teach him a lesson' he didnt need to fucking lear#i hate you taking away all the positive traits of another character of color to just make him a stereotype#i hate you flattening the female lead to have no more personality and goals of her own just to be a pawn for drama b/w two men#i hate you shallow girlboss feminism that doesnt actually hold up to even mild scrutiny and isnt even progressive#i hate you undercutting every poignant emotional moment from the previous movie to make a shallow joke#i hate you 'subverting expectations' by insulting the audience and throwing away every plot thread that had been set up by tfa#i hate you ruining the entire series just bc you wanted a limp sadboy redemption arc for a character thats literally based on neo nazism.#i hate you throwing a bone to shippers of a pairing between a woman and her symbolic rapist (the creators' word for what he did)#i hate you reylo i hate you kylo fandom i hate you racist writing i hate you everyone who mistreated john boyega i hate you rian johnson#and just to top it off i hate you people who saw the fanboys have a meltdown bc they cant stand movies w women in them and just#decided that it must mean that this dumpster fire is actually really good and progressive and now have to keep fucking hyping it up#as if its not just a complete shambles its such a bad fucking movie and rian johnson is a bad writer and i hate him
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opennaukri · 11 months
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Are you ready to take your content creation game to the next level? Look no further! I've compiled a list of the top 5 AI tools that will revolutionize the way you create captivating content. These tools are game-changers, and incorporating them into your workflow will give your creations an extra edge. Let's dive in! 
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Hii 🥰
I just wanted to clarify something regarding the top 5 picks. Are social media edits / text fics included in the picks? Or do only written fics count? I‘m asking because I want us to be on the same page.
Thank you so much 🥰
Hi there!
I would say anything that CFWC shares - so text fics and Instagram-type edits are fine, but I'd skip anything that is a basic photo edit with out accompanying fic.
And, as always, nothing that has AI-generated works.
Thanks so much for asking!
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moophinz · 2 years
Haha what the fuck is this Yakuza subreddit (and why is it labeled NSFW)
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lord-radish · 1 year
Top 5 Media Experiences of 2022
Snapcube's Ratchet and Clank 3 playthrough
DanganRonpa 1 and 2
Dar Williams
First of all, I liked all of her RnC playthroughs a lot. I loved it when she sold Clank for 640,000 bolts, and the tangent about Ratchet going over to someone's house and doing sideflips in front of them after chat tricked her into the boob glitch. Her ship voiceover for Going Commando was one of my favorite parts of those sections, I love how it became like defacto knowledge that it was the ship itself making those noises.
"uhh yeah can you get me one of those chiccy sandwiches please? thank you thank you thank you" is burned into my brain bc Youtube kept losing my place and I kept having to start that VOD from the start. The tangent about the clothes seller in Tools of Destruction comes from a goofy place and I love it. The first four streams go from strength to strength - they're incredibly entertaining and immensely quotable, even months later.
I watched a LOT of Ratchet streams this year. Never quite finished Crack in Time and beyond, but I saw the rest. And 3 is my favorite, because A) that was the one big formulative Ratchet and Clank game I played as a kid, and B) 3 is probably the funniest and most well-structured game in the PS2 era. I never knew because I had limited experience with the first two games, but it's no surprise at all that 3 was the first game with a dedicated writing staff after seeing the other two (which are perfectly great games in their own right).
So clearly I have a bias here. Penny seemed to have an absolute blast with this game, I remember her losing her shit at the Courtney Gears music video and she bought into Dr. Nefarious after being wary of him due to prior exposure to the character. That bias played a role in my enjoyment, sure, but it also just felt nice to see such a funny, cozy stream because I'm not used to that.
I've historically watched a lot of Vinesauce, Game Grumps etc. for like odd games and video game corruptions - I feel like even the more homey aspects of that content is steeped in irony and shitposting, with Game Grumps in particular being noticeably caustic. There's just as much laughing at the content creator for falling short at their sisyphean task as there is in sharing their victories, maybe even moreso. That's sort of been the cornerstone of how I consume game media. I've become very jaded and irony-poisoned over the years.
I think what made the Snapcube streams so special is that I was almost never laughing at Penny, but I was laughing with her. Yes, losing a bunch of lives can be frustrating and it can be funny to see someone react to that. But for every time Penny misses a jump and goes "Fuck!" with a small laugh or a bit of rage, there's an extended comedy bit she does that ends up being really funny and well-built, and it comes across as her having great fun with it too. I think it's that crowd work that makes her stand out the way she does.
That energy carried into RnC3, which was an incredibly nostalgic experience, and I enjoyed seeing her react to the game itself almost as much as I liked her own additions and embellishments along the way. The fact that she was playing such a nostalgic game was a bonus - personal memories or not, I was looking forward to entry #3 of like #8 of this awesome, entertaining game marathon I was enjoying so much. The nostalgia was still a huge highlight though.
Beginning to watch Snapcube streams as a whole was a highlight of 2022, but RnC3 just put a smile on my face like nothing else. The Sonic fandubs are really good, I absolutely saw those before I saw her streams, but these streams were what made me a Snapcube fan.
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dogblanc · 1 year
brand new youtube video. i edited this entire video and it took months. this is the biggest thing i’ve ever put out 🥺🥺🥺
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kajmasterclass · 30 days
#Five Steps to Alignment#How to Align with Your Soul's Mission & Purpose | Haley Carbajal | KAJ Masterclass Are you a Starseed struggling with fear#stagnation#or lack of direction on your spiritual journey? Join Haley Carbajal#Starseed Coach and Creator of as she reveals how to overcome blocks#raise your vibration#and manifest your Soul's true mission and purpose. Discover a new approach beyond the Law of Attraction#and learn to create lasting change by connecting with your highest self. 🔥 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO🔥 💼 BUSINESS INQUIRIES 💼 Fo#contact us at: [email protected] **Book host KAJ for speaking engagements#coaching sessions#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online** ………………………………………………………………………………… *SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS* Discover products and#you help us create more valuable content for you. Thank you for your support! 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey! Connect with top podcasters#unlock a FREE exclusive 30-minute handholding session with me#whether you're a host or a guest. Join now: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop authentic Indian handloom sarees on Ethnics Land (Since#and lack of direction on their soul's journey#to become vibrationally aligned with their Soul’s Mission and Purpose. By connecting to the highest sources of light and consciousness Hal#medium#and seer allowing her to understand the human consciousness and how the vibrations within one's consciousness speaks to the universe. She#as well as how to shift it. Connect here: https://www.fivestepstoalignment.com/ https://www.instagram.com/fivestepstoalignment/ https://www#Khudania Ajay (KAJ)#is a seasoned content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (Indi#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. Connect with Ajay: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaykhudania/ https#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online** 🌐 CONNECT WITH ALL THINGS KAJ 🌐 📺 Watch More: youtube.com/@kajmasterclass 🎧 Lis#contact us at: [email protected] **Book host KAJ for speaking engagements
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