kitty-agere-fics · 5 months
SKZ Agere HCs
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Chan, CG!Minho, CG!Changbin, Little!Hyunjin, Little!Jisung, Little!Felix, CG!Seungmin, Little!Jeongin
Based in an OT8 setting :-) (NOT PROOFREAD)
Age Range: 4-6
Favorite CG: Chan
Favorite Nickname: Little Artist
Loves to color
^He has coloring books everywhere
He is very protective of said coloring books
^But he will occasionally share with Felix
Plays with Felix and Jisung sometimes
^Definitely prefers drawing over playing
Loves to try to mimic drawing tutorials off YouTube
Bedtime stories is his favorite part of the day
Makes a lot of pictures for Chan
Age Range: 1.5-3
Favorite CG: Minho
Favorite Nickname: Kiddo
Jumps at loud noises
Very shy
Most of the time won't talk
^Not that he's non-verbal, he just chooses when he wants to talk which isnt often
Likes to play with Felix the most
Always stimming
Has to be carried by Minho all the time
^Will not walk/crawl on his own
Age Range: 2-6
Favorite CG: Changbin & Chan
Favorite Nickname: Sunbeam, Cuddlebug
Loves piggy back rides from Changbin
Mostly will speak English
^Korean frustrates him
Always wants cuddles
^Especially before bed/naps
Likes to play with Jisung
Likes to color with Hyunjin
He tries to be independent
^Something usually goes wrong
Very, very giggly
Age Range: 0-2
Favorite CG: Seungimn
Favorite Nickname: Baby, Little One
Babbles non-stop
^Even if no one's in the room
Always has a paci
Needs Seungmin to sing to him to go to sleep
Carries his FoxI.Ny plus everywhere
Cartoons fix everything
His Little: Hyunjin and Felix
His CG Title: Daddy
Big hugs and cuddles all the time
Keeps every single picture that Hyunjin colors for him ^He has a binder full of them
Reads bedtime stories ^And does the character voices
Tries to get Felix to speak Korean
^Usually gives up when Felix starts getting frustrated
His Little: Jisung
His CG Title: Eomma
The only one who understands Jisung when he doesn't want to talk
Tries (and usually fails) to get the littles to eat healthy
^It's not his fault that they only want mac & cheese and dino nuggies
^Changbin is the real reason they eat healthy
Plays ASMR videos because he has no clue how to calm down anyone when they cry (idk i just feel like he'd get so confused when they cry)
^But it works, so no one really cares
His Little: Felix
His CG Title: Papa
Carries Felix everywhere
Always trying to make the littles laugh
^They all laugh whenever he does aegyo
Gives the littles candy
^But only if they behave and eat something healthy ^Even if it's just a snack
His Little: Jeongin
His CG Title: Dada
The only one who can calm Jisung down when he cries
The master at translating babbles to normal words
Plays with the littles a lot
Always buys a lot of toys/coloring books/little gear for the littles
^Not that the other CGs don't, he just does it the most
Tells jokes a lot
^The master of puns and dad jokes
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agerefandomrambles · 2 months
Title: Too Little
Word count: 621
Little! Newt, Thomas
Cg! Minho
Plot: A busy Minho sends Newt and Thomas out to play. Newt's not pleased.
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Newt wanders around the glade, kicking stones as he walks. He accidentally regressed in the middle of the meeting and Minho told him to wait outside.
Except they took foreverrrrr to come out so Newt ended up wandering around, completely regressed and completely alone.
That’s how he found Thomas sitting in the middle of the densely forested part of the Glade. He was sat on the soil, playing with the twigs and rocks around him. He had a green-blue pacifier bobbing gently in his mouth, secured to his shirt by a paci clip decorated with duckling.
Newt stopped dead, not even breathing. He’s far too little to be dealing with this by himself. He considers for a minute turning back and getting a more responsible person to deal with this but one glance at Thomas tells Newt that he is far too little to be left completely alone.
So newt waddles up to Thomas and awkwardly leans down to his level, copying how Minho does it to him.
“Hi buddy” Newt says as softly as he can. “What you doing out here?”
Thomas takes out his pacifier and says, “Playin’. MinMin busy n ‘gressed n no wan’ anyone find out ‘m little so ‘m play here bu’ forgot m’ toys.” He pouts as he finishes, gesturing to the small pile of rocks and twigs. He’s used some twine to tie a few of the twigs together, clearly resembling stick men.
“How small are you?” Newt asks slowly, trying to figure out his options. Thomas giggles and holds up two fingers before picking up a handful of dirt and try to shove it into his mouth. Newt stops him, brushing the dirt out of his hand.
“No Tommy, dat’s icky. ‘m 5 so we both can no be lef’ ‘lone…” He lets it trail off, coming to the realization that he’s the oldest and therefor the one in charge here.
“Come on Tommy. We go back n get MinMin n he take care ‘f us” Newt says, taking Thomas’s hand. When Thomas just looks at him blankly, clearly making no move to get up, Newt sighs. “Do you wanna pigback?” He asks. Thomas grins and nods aggressively. Newt kneels down and lets Thomas clamber onto his back.
He adjusts them both slightly before toddling back to the hut. He talks to Thomas the whole time, who aged down while on the way and became non-verbal. He still lets out happy gurgles and whines, letting Newt know that nothing is wrong.
It took almost 20 minutes but eventually they make it back.
Newt toddles back into the hut, making Minho, Gally, Alby, Frypan and Wilson all stop what they’re doing. “Newt I told you to go play outs-“ Minho cuts himself off when he sees Thomas and Newt together.
“Too little. No left ‘lone. You watch” Newt tells Minho, handing him Thomas, then grabbing his hand.
Minho leads the two outside before bending down to their level. He takes in Thomas’s dirty and slightly ripped clothing and Newt’s sad face. He kneels down, tilting Newts face up to look at him. “Hi boys, you ok?” Minho asks. Both boys just nod, Thomas being non-verbal and Newt being too tired to respond. “I’m so so sorry I left you both alone. I shouldn’t have done that. I was busy but you’re both too little to not be watched.” He apologizes. “Can you forgive me?”
Both boys immediately jump into his arms, the trio happily hugging.
“Ok then, I think we’re all due for a bath and some dinner. How does some chicken sound?” The two young boys cheer and the little group walk hand in hand to their little shack for some quality time.
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lullabytaeyong · 2 months
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cg wolfie chan keeping track of his family! 🐺🤍
(cred to artist, found on pinterest)
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lixiespace · 2 years
little!minho verse
chapter 2: trying
Chan had expected that Minho may feel embarrassed by the fact that he had shown his vulnerable side last night. However, what he didn’t expect was to be avoided by Minho completely, and not only towards himself, but the other members as well. Despite being a bit hurt by this, Chan at least knew why Minho was behaving this way. His boyfriends on the other hand, had no knowledge of last night’s events and only grew increasingly worried since Minho had seemed visibly stressed and exhausted the past month. Chan didn’t want to overstep and possibly make Minho uncomfortable so he figured he would wait it out until after comeback preparations ended to talk to him.
“Hyung?” Chan snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he had been spaced out, Felix was looking down at him with a concerned glance. “You okay Channie?”
Chan quickly stood up, wiping sweat off his brow and planting a quick kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek before saying, “Yeah! Just resting, the choreo is pretty intense huh?”
Felix blushed at the show of affection before nodding, deciding he wanted a soda from the vending machine around the corner of their dance practice room. After inviting Chan who agreed happily, they went on their way, leaving the rest of their members to finish up their break before continuing to practice.
Meanwhile, Minho had also been alone in his thoughts, overthinking every interaction his little self had with Chan. How could he allow himself to slip in his boyfriend’s presence? Had he already told everyone? Did all his boyfriends hate him? Would he be kicked out? He needed to stop regressing, for good. He needed to avoid them, to not be more of a burden, not wanting to see their disgusted faces. These thoughts had been on a constant loop since he woke up and Minho was set on avoiding his seven boyfriends in any context besides work and only focusing on the comeback.
A few hours later, Minho was attempting to suppress his feelings while also trying to guide the rest of the members through the choreo, but his stress was bringing his patience to an all time low.
“Hyunjin! Can’t you hear me counting? Why can’t you turn on beat?” Minho shouted over the loud music booming from the speaker, locking eyes with the younger.
“I’m sorry hyung.. I was really trying I swear!” Hyunjin’s eyes widened under Minho’s intense gaze, trying his best to convey he was being honest.
Minho scoffed at this, causing Chan to look over at Hyunjin sympathetically, patting his back and only receiving a forced small smile in return. Their youngest boyfriend however, was very protective of Hyunjin and wasn’t having Minho’s attitude.
“Why are you yelling at him like that? You know we’re all tired Minho hyung, this isn’t just about you!” Jeongin was fuming, and everyone could feel the tension in the air due to the volume and tone of his voice.
“Shut up Jeongin. You need the most practice out of all of us.” Minho wasn’t shouting anymore, but his cold way of speaking, while also managing to point out one of Jeongin’s deepest insecurities caused his lip to tremble.
After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Jeongin’s mouth gaped at Minho’s response, feeling like he had just been slapped and trying to reply. Despite their previous arguments that occurred during practice, Minho had never brought any of the member’s talents or abilities into it. Trying his best to blink away the tears welling up in his eyes, he ran out of the practice room as quickly as possible.
“I’ll follow him.” Hyunjin quickly said, racing after the maknae and nearly slamming the door closed due to the force used.
Minho was looking down at his feet, on the verge of tears himself, knowing he fucked up very badly. His boyfriends were definitely going to leave him now. He couldn’t control himself to the point he had insulted his youngest boyfriend with words he didn’t even mean. He felt ashamed.
“Practice is over, everyone go home besides Minho.” Chan firmly stated before everyone besides the two of them shuffled out of the room as fast as they could.
Before Minho could speak, Chan shook his head, saying, “Minho, you seriously need to get your act together, just because you’re stressed doesn’t mean you can take it out on us, do you realize how immature that is? You’re the second oldest, so start acting like it.”
Unable to look Chan in the eye, he could only see in his peripherals the movement of Chan’s feet and eventually, he heard the sound of the door closing. Releasing a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding, Minho collapsed to the ground. His hands were shaking, he felt so overwhelmed, and painful sobs that he attempted to muffle with his sleeve escaped him. Trying to regain his composure, Minho gathered his belongings and shoved them in his backpack before exiting the building. It was freezing cold outside and Minho wasn’t properly dressed for the weather, but he felt as if he deserved it. Instead of calling for a car to pick him up, he chose to walk home, not caring about any sort of consequence.
He felt so embarrassed by his actions from earlier, and Chan’s words bounced around in his head. “You’re the second oldest, so start acting like it” in particular was practically screaming at him. He needed to stop acting like a child and get it together. Chan was obviously faking it when he took care of him and only acted like he was okay with it.
Having felt his phone buzzing, Minho reached for his pocket to view his lockscreen. He noticed a missed call notification from the leader and two unopened messages from Jisung on kakaotalk, which, upon seeing that, made his heart sink. He didn’t even want to know what Jisung had said. he could not handle that coming from his Sungie.
Sungie? Minho cursed under his breath after having thought of Jisung’s nickname, one he only used in his thoughts when he was on the verge of slipping, and that was not happening ever again. It just couldn’t. Turning off his ringer, Minho shivered the rest of the walk home.
By the time he arrived, he could hear laughing echoing throughout the halls of the dorm. His stomach twisted at the thought of that laughter possibly being about him. No, it was definitely about him. They were making fun of him, they didn’t want anything to do with him. He was just a baby, a stupid, useless baby who couldn’t act his age, who couldn’t-
“Minho? Jesus christ you’re freezing, did you walk all the way here?”
Blinking to try and rid his eyesight of its blurry haze, Minho realized that Jisung was standing before him in the entrance of the dorm. Behind Jisung were his other six boyfriends, cuddled together with blankets and popcorn, cups of hot cocoa placed on coasters resting on the table in front of them. He could make out the light from the tv, and music from the movie frozen coming from the speakers. Since he hadn’t moved or said a word, they all stopped, Seungmin reaching over to pause the movie before everyone just stared at him. For some reason, Jeongin stood up and began walking over to Minho.
To him, that meant everything was over. He completely panicked.
Lunging forward towards Jeongin, Minho wrapped his arms around him tightly before breaking down crying. Jeongin, despite being very confused and still a bit mad at his hyung, returned the hug, considering Minho rarely initiated affection nor cried. After feeling the chilly temperature of Minho’s jacket Jeongin pulled back a bit to look at his face. He was met with a distraught, anxiety riddled version of his boyfriend, heart breaking after noting tear stains on his cheeks, a red nose, and slightly blue lips.
“Baby? You need to warm up, I’m worried about you, we all are.”
Minho softly whimpered, causing everyone to grow even more concerned (if that was possible at this point), Chan rushed over immediately having recognized that sound. It was the same gentle noise Minho made last night rather than talking when he was upset and in pain.
Realizing the sound he’d made, Minho panicked again, tears still spilling over as he wailed “Min sorry Innie!".
Jeongin was definitely confused now, everyone besides Chan was. There wasn’t time for questions, as it was obvious that Minho was in a vulnerable state and needed their support so everyone was ready to help.
Chan began removing Minho’s jacket, it was soaked with remnants of snow and he needed minho to get warm. Jeongin sprung into action as well, guiding Minho to the couch. Changbin and Hyunjin got up to go make tea, Felix to go run a bath, and Jisung to get a blanket while Seungmin made room on the couch. Jeongin got Minho situated in his lap when he sat down, Chan kneeled to take off Minho’s shoes and socks. Jisung returned with the blanket, wrapping up Minho while Jeongin shushed his cries and gently rocked him back and forth.
“Aw look at you, you’re so cute sweetheart.” Jisung cooed, kissing Minho’s forehead who began giggling in response, but suddenly stopped and whimpered.
“What’s wrong? Does something hurt angel?” Jisung gently reached for Minho’s hand, noting that the boy was still shivering. “Still cold?”
Minho looked up at Jisung with glossy eyes, nodding slowly and then snuggling into jeogin’s chest to try and get warm. Jisung went to go get a sweater and socks for Minho, hoping that would help. Jeongin looked up at Chan, seemingly for an explanation.
Chan knew there was no point in lying or hiding this, and as he was thinking of a way to explain, everyone had returned to the room and sat down, joining in with Jeongin to look up at him questioningly.
Sighing, Chan questioned “Okay I know everyone is really confused right?” Six heads nodded. “well…” glancing at minho, Chan realized it wouldn’t be right to just say everything about last night’s events without Minho’s consent, so he walked over and kneeled down to look at him.
Minho moved his head to look at Chan, tilting his head cutely. Chan smiled to try and reassure him, figuring he must be very overwhelmed right now.
“Hey Min, I know there’s a lot happening, must be scary hm? Do you think you could be a brave boy and let hyung explain what’s going on, why you’re tiny?” Minho shyly babbled in response, which Chan somehow understood as a yes. “Good boy baby!” Chan ruffled Minho’s hair, and Minho finally genuinely giggled without any interruptions from pain or anxiety.
Moving to the center of the living room, Chan began, “So we all know Minho’s been really stressed lately, and struggling with headaches a lot… well last night I heard crying and found him on the floor with some cuts and bruises, of course I could see that it hurt and was shocking, but I was confused about why he was wailing so loudly, since that’s not how Minho hyung is you know? After comforting him, I realized he wasn’t acting like himself. He wasn’t speaking in full sentences, his voice was higher pitched, and in general it was really obvious to me that this wasn’t a joke. I didn’t know exactly what to do, but I ended up taking care of him and he was so adorable, he fell asleep in my bed while I started to research. I’m pretty sure Minho is a little, have you guys heard of it?”
Felix perked up instantly, “Wait yeah, isn’t that when you’re in a younger headspace?”
Despite Felix asking a genuine question to try and understand, Minho’s little brain picked up on a few of the words and felt like Felix was judging him. Starting to cry and breathe heavily, he forced himself to be a bit older before breaking down again, “Min sorry! Min bad boy! Hyungies hate Min!”
Everyone instantly tried to reassure Minho, Felix going over to him directly since he realized Minho may have misunderstood. “Honey I’m not mad at you, we don’t hate you, how could we ever hate our precious Min? Don’t be sorry baby, can hyung give you a hug?” Minho sniffled before nodding.
Hyunjin piped up, “Yeah Minho we’re not upset by it at all, it’s adorable!”
The others verbally agreed with both Felix and Hyunjin.
“B-but Channie hyung no wan… Min not ‘pose to be baby… Min try to be big…” Minho whimpered sadly, thinking his hyung truly hated him.
Piecing everything together, Chan remembered what he had told Minho this morning while scolding him, internally cursing at himself for his choice of words. He should have known that discussing age after Minho had been so vulnerable around him wasn’t okay, no matter what Minho had done he didn’t deserve that at all. “Oh Min, Channie hyung is so sorry for what he said earlier, he was being a big meanie. Of course my baby can always come to hyung okay?” Minho made grabby hands at Chan who cooed at him and picked him up from Jeongin, who looked lost in his thoughts.
“I should have known something was wrong with how he snapped at Hyunjin. It really isn’t like him to get angry, yeah he jokes around but...” Jeongin muttered to himself.
Having heard his hyung talk, Minho whipped his head towards Jeongin in a panic, “Min sorry! Innie no cry again!”
“I know sweetheart, you haven’t been feeling well at all lately and you just couldn’t handle the stress could you? Innie isn’t mad okay? Innie forgives you.”
Minho felt relieved, burying his head into Chan’s chest. His boyfriends couldn’t help but awe at his cute mannerisms, they instantly knew that they would learn as much as possible about Minho’s littlespace to care for him properly if he’d let them. The seven of them knew that Minho would apologize again when he was out of headspace, despite his cold demeanor he was very kind, never wanting to upset his boyfriends and self aware of when he’s in the wrong. In hindsight, Minho not acting like that should have been a red flag to all of them, but they decided they could have an adult talk later, right now Minho needed all their attention and care.
Finally letting himself slip younger again, Minho physically relaxed in Chan’s arms before feeling his eyes flutter closed, he was so sleepy and his hyung was so warm and gentle. Chan noticed this, shushing everyone before letting them know he would give Minho a quick bath then get him ready for bed.
Having felt so floaty, Minho didn’t notice that Jisung trailed behind the two of them. He was deep in babyspace now, mostly non verbal besides the occasional whine or confused babble. All he could process was his hyungs undressing him, placing him in the warm water, washing his body and hair, then drying him off. Jisung couldn’t resist blowing raspberries on Minho’s adorable tummy, his giggles were so precious and after realizing just how much he had been dealing with all he wanted to do was make his boyfriend laugh. Minho could barely stay conscious, the soft massage from getting his hair shampooed made him slump over in Chan’s arms as he was put in his favorite tiger pajamas. Chan put Minho down on the bed, wrapping him up in his blankets and making sure his kitten plushie was beside him before exiting the room.
Minho felt a weight on his bed then arms wrapped around him. Instantly recognizing it as his Sungie’s presence, he hummed contently and got as close as possibly to his hyung.
“Hyung’s here Minnie, don’t worry about a thing. Sleep well baby.” Jisung whispered before kissing the top of his head. He could have sworn he heard Minho say “love da” before slipping his thumb between his lips and going quiet, but he decided that could be talked about later too.
Minho fell into a deep slumber with a soft smile on his face.
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minminyoonjii · 3 months
I've read your little reader posts and I'm addicted. I haven't been able to find a single other writer for things like this and your writing is just *chef's kiss*
I loved the nightmare one and I was going to ask about little reader having a nightmare with a different scenario where little reader wakes up from a nightmare and sneaks(or "sneaks") into bed with their cg for better sleep.
Love your work, hope your day/night is amazing. If you don't want to write this for any reason, I won't be offended.
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Hurt/Comfort|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Soft Reassurance Fic|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.1K
You whined, holding your plush close to your chest. Fear seeped into your mind as you tried to coax yourself back to sleep. Thoughts taunted each time you closed your eyes. "Caregiver Title," you sniffled, rubbing your eyes with your plush. The silence felt eerie and you wanted nothing more than your caregiver with you. "Need you," you whispered, crawling off your bed, clutching your plush. You patted the walls in the hallway, finding your way to your caregiver's room.
Bang Chan
"Daddy," you whispered, hearing snores coming from the bed. You huffed, crawling onto his bed, "Daddy," you repeated, patting Chan's chest. Chan furrowed his eyebrows, "It's still early," he grumbled, trying to roll aside. Your lips wobbled, "Daddy," you sniffled, holding his cheeks. Chan's eyes flew open, "Little one, why are you crying, hm?" he asked, slightly disorientated. Tears dripped down your cheeks, and silent cries escaped your lips. "Daddy got you, little one. Daddy's silly for not waking up properly," he cooed, rocking your body. You sniffled, burying your face into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Chan sighed in relief the moment sleep caught up to you. "I'll always be right here," he whispered, chuckling softly at his pounding heart.
Lee Minho
Your lips pursed into a pout, crawling onto Minho's bed, "Mama," you said, nosing his neck. Minho gruffed as he was used to his cats sleeping on his face. You whined, nipping his cheek, "Mama," you whined, tears threatening to spill. Minho jolted in his sleep, eyes squinting awake, "What are you doing awake, cupcake?" he asked, stroking your hair. A whine escaped your lips as you relaxed your weight on him. Minho chuckled, kissing your forehead, "Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, shifting to pull the blankets over you. "It scawy, Mama," you sniffled, tears dripping onto Minho's skin. He cooed, tucking you in with him, "Mama's going to have to protect his little cupcake," he said, giving you a tight reassuring squeeze. You giggled, melting in his arms.
Seo Changbin
"Baba, uppies please," you whispered, shaking Changbin's sleeping body. He groaned, accidentally shifting you with him. You squeaked, knocking his headboard with a thud. Sobs wasn't hesitant to escape past your lips. "Baba!" you exclaimed, flinching Changbin awake. "Agi? Agi-ah what's wrong?" he panicked, sitting up to hold you close. You whimpered, bringing his palm to the owie on your head, "Huwts," you cried, holding your plush towards your chest. Changbin felt his heart drop, "Don't worry, hm? Baba's kisses have magic powers," he coaxed, wiping your tears. You hiccuped, looking up at him with sorrow-filled eyes. Changbin cooed, kissing the area you held, "Baba will kiss the pain away, agi-ah" he said, smooching your owie.
Hwang Hyunjin
You whined, crawling into the space next to Hyunjin. "Up, Jinnie," you whispered, poking his cheek but to no avail. You huffed, wiggling under the comforters covering him. Hyunjin instinctively, wrapped his arms around you, tucking you against his chest. A yawn escaped your lips, the fear of your nightmare no longer plaguing your mind. Hyunjin groaned, scrunching his nose, when your hair brushed his lips. You yawned once more, pressing your plush against your cheek as you squirmed to get yourself comfortable. Hyunjin tightened his hold, sleepily rocking your body, "Sleep," he mumbled, kissing your forehead. A final yawn escaped your lips as you shifted, pressing your back against his chest. Hyunjin smiled in his sleep, "Sleep good," he whispered, holding you tight.
Han Jisung
"Appa," you grumbled, climbing onto his bed. Jisung woke up from the motion, "Sweetheart?" he slurred, sleep still coating his mind. You huffed, plopping onto him. Jisung felt the air get knocked out of his lungs, "What was that for, hm?" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "Bad dweam," you sulked, pressing your face further into his chest. Jisung cooed, kissing your forehead, "Aww, sweet thing. You just couldn't sleep after that, could you?" he asked, running his fingers through your hair. You shook your head, turning to press your cheek on his shoulder. Jisung hummed, sitting up with you in his lap, "Let's get comfy and sleep, hm? It's quite early, sweetheart," he whispered, pulling the blankets over the both of you.
Lee Felix
You tiptoed into the room, expecting your Mommy to be in deep sleep when you heard the crudes of slurs. "Mommy?" you questioned, walking towards the sound. Felix screamed when you poked his shoulder. You flinched, tripping back on a misplaced carpet. Felix's eyes widened, "My sunshine!" he exclaimed, quickly tugging off his headset to pick you up. Tears spilt down your face as the dull sting from the fall ached your bottom. Felix whimpered, pampering kisses all over your face, "Oh, oh, my precious sunbeam, you gave Mommy a big scare you know that," he said, holding you close. You sniffled, trembling in his arms. "Aww, sunshine. I'm not mad. Mommy's not mad," he said, wiping your tears. Felix sighed, kissing your nose, "Come on, sunshine. You can sleep on Mommy's lap while he plays," he said, getting himself comfortable with you cosy on his lap.
Kim Seungmin
"Dada, help," you whispered, nudging Seungmin's arm. You sulked, raising to smack Seungmin's face with the plush when he stopped your plush. "Are you trying to murder Dada while he's sleeping, munchkin?" he rasped, sitting up. You sniffled, "Dada, hug," you whined, crawling into his lap. He chuckled, rubbing your tummy, "Did you have a nightmare?" he questioned, smelling the traces of baby shampoo. You nodded, nuzzling his shoulder, "T'was scawy," you mumbled, yawning at the warmth. Seungmin nodded, "We should go back to sleep, munchkin," he yawned, kissing your forehead. You yawned back, getting comfortable in his hold. Seungmin chuckled, patting your bottom, "Scoots aside," he said, cuddling you to his chest.
Yang Jeongin
You quietly snuck your way into Jeongin's bed, tucking yourself under his blankets. Jeongin flinched at the movement, "Angel?" he questioned, facing you. "Ninnin," you whined, nuzzling into his back. Jeongin chuckled, setting his phone aside, "You're lucky I'm still awake," he said, wrapping his arms around you. "What's keeping you awake, my sweet little angel?" he asked, booping your nose. You sniffled, hiding your face behind your plush, "Nightmawe," you slurred. Jeongin frowned, kissing the top of your head, "Aww, my precious. You're safe now, Ninnin's got you right here," he chuckled, rubbing your back. You yawned, melting into his touch, eyes getting droopy by the second. Jeongin hummed, "Big squeeze," he whispered, holding you tight.
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littleracha · 10 months
hii! It’s a little late at night for me but I have an idea! can you do a How would CG OT8 Skz would put their little to sleep? Or wake them up in the morning? (it’s all up to you!)
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I put these two asks together as I felt like they fit!
CG! SKZ Putting Their Little to Sleep
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Chan wishes he could have spent more time tucking you in tonight. With the new album just on the horizon, he needed to make sure everything was finalized. With a quick kiss to your head and a gentle goodnight,
Chan clicked on your nightlight and left the door ajar.
He wasn't surprised when he heard the pitter-patter of bare feet on the wooden floor of his office. You were used to a much more detailed tuck-in. Chan couldn't help the twist of pain in his heart as he heard your sleepy little voice.
"Yes, my little cub? It is past your bedtime, sweetheart. Why are you out of bed?" Chan made sure his expression was soft on the blank computer monitor before turning to you.
"Can't sleep. Daddy didn't do it right"
"Daddy didn't tuck you in the right way, baby?"
You simply nodded
"Well that won't do now will it little cubbie"
With that Chan whisked you off to bed. He snuggled up next to you and read your favorite picture book. As you began to fall deeper asleep, his voice became softer. Soon enough you were passed out on his lap. Maybe the album can wait one more night.
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Lee Know
Pajamas? Check. Potty run? Check. Scared off evil monsters? Check. Sippy cup? Check. Baby monitor? Check.
Everything seemed to be crossed off Minho's mental bedtime checklist, the last task was to get you to lie down. Most nights it was a rather tough battle but after a long day out on the town, you were ready for sleep.
"Come here little kitty, Noona has the bed all set up" Minho called for you to come out from the bathroom where you were changing.
"Noonie tuck me in" You crawled under the covers Minho was holding up for you.
"Of course little one! Noona always tucks you in" Minho began to make sure you were as snug as a bug.
It wasn't long after he left the room that something felt off. He missed something, he knew it.
"NOONIE!!!!!" He came rushing in at your alarming cries
"What is it, baby? What made you so upset kitty?"
"Too dark Noonie"
THE NIGHTLIGHT! He forgot to turn on your night light. Minho quickly set up your dinosaur color-changing light on your bedside table. He watched you bop it for a bit until you fell back asleep. Add a nightlight to the mental checklist.
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Bedtime with Binnie was a challenge, but he was always up for good competition. Currently, you were standing at the side of the bed that lead to the window. Binnie was standing at the side next to the door. All you had to do was distract him and make a run for it. Once you were out the bedroom door, the world was yours!
"Give up little bunny, it's bedtime!" Changbin tried to reason with you. He was so silly for thinking that would work.
Slowly you picked up your stuffy pig named Oinks and chucked it at the wall by Binnie's head. Once he looked stunned you made your getaway. But why were you in the air and not out the door?
"Dada's got you, silly little bunny" Changbin held you up like he just won you at the county fair.
"Dada let me go!" You tried to wiggle out of his hold but it was no use.
"Fair is fair baby, bedtime for you."
You tried to argue with him as he tucked you in. Even went as far as whining as he put on some soft background music. The next thing both of you knew, you were out cold. Wresting a Dwaekki is hard work!
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Most nights you were asleep in Hyunjin's arms before he could get you ready for bed. However, some days your caregiver could tell bedtime was going to be a bit more of a challenge.
These nights usually came when you have been having a hard week or haven't had time to be regressed for a while. He knew how much you wanted to stay up and play but at the same time, little ones like you needed sleep. Especially after such a hard week. So what was his solution? To make bedtime fun!
Hyunjin loved setting up themed bedtimes for you, it was another way he could express his artistic side. Your caregiver was known to go all out when setting up these special nights, spending way more money than he probably should. It was always worth it in his eyes.
When he carried you into the bedroom after your little crying fit, he watched all the tears be replaced with joy. Stars were illuminated on the wall from a projector Hyunjin cleverly hide behind some books. Your comforter was switched with a spaceship blanket and planet pillows were all around the room.
"Mama! Space" you pointed out the theme for the night while wiggling from his hold.
"Yes, little one! We are in space! Mama got a very important call from Space Captian Jinniret, he is lost on one of the planets and we need to rescue him" Hyunjin put on his best narrator voice.
You saluted to Mama as he put you in your new space suit pajamas. When he tried to kiss you on your head you pushed him away, you were on a mission! After hours of searching (15 minutes), you found the captain stuck on Neptune in a broken space suit. You retrieved him and brought him back to the spaceship for safety.
Hyunjin tucked you both in stating that the captain must be cold after being lost for so long. You informed Mama you would stay on the ship to keep an eye on him. Hyunjin watched you drift off to sleep, dreaming of your space adventures.
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"Little quokka, you can only pick one movie," Han said followed by a chuckle.
It was predictable at this point. Han would bring you to your bedroom and ask you to pick out a movie to watch while getting ready. He would hope that you would be so immersed in the film that he could finish everything in the background and by the time he was done you would be out like a light. While it worked for the most part, Han never accounted for how hard it was to get you to pick a movie.
"But Oppa! If we watch Finding Nemo then we have to watch finding dory!" He had to admit, you were getting better at reasoning. Han pulled out your pajamas and started to help you change.
"And why is that, Ponyo?"
"Because if we have to find Nemo then it's only fair we find Dory too! Can't not find her" He had to laugh at your adorable conclusion.
"That's very true baby, it would be mean of us to not find Dory." Han tucked you under the blanket and grabbed both movies. "Let's find Nemo first and then we will see if we have the energy to find Dory, deal?"
"Deal!" You gave your caregiver a big nod to seal the agreement.
Han laid your head down on his lap after he got cozy next to you in bed. Before Nemo ever went missing, you were fast asleep.
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Felix has created the perfect plan for bedtime. That plan; do not let you know he is getting you ready for bedtime.
Every night Felix knew he would have to battle you to go to sleep and he never won. Then you would wake up the next morning being cranky over the fact you didn't get enough sleep. You just had so much to do and say, that your little brain doesn't even consider sleep.
"Mommy, then Spiderman met the other spider people!" You toddled behind your caregiver as he put away some dishes.
"Yeah, honey? What else little chick?" Felix lifted you on his hip and carried you to the bathroom.
"Well, then the bad guy gets stronger! And I didn't get scared, ow! Mommy you pulled my hair" You winced as the hairbrush got stuck.
"Mommy is sorry pumpkin" he made sure to be more careful on the next pass-through. "You are so brave for not being scared"
"Mhm then um then…then Spiderman uses his powers to defeat him" Your speech started to get slurred and a big yawn threatened to escape your lips.
"He must be pretty powerful" Felix chuckled as your story started to not make sense.
"Then he um he….miles…spiderman…yeah" Your eyes grew heavy as Felix tucked you into your bed.
"Goodnight my little superhero" Felix kissed your sleepy head as you began to snore.
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"Minnie in the building!" You jumped off the couch and ran over to your caregiver as he entered the front door. When he left for work this morning, he could see the glint of regression in your eyes. Seungmin hated that he had to leave you but this had happened before.
Throughout the day he was constantly calling and texting you. He would ask you to send pictures of lunch and dinner to make sure his little one was eating something other than candy. He called you on his lunch break to tuck you in for a nap. Voice notes often contained other reminders and simple little questions to keep you regressed. It was hard but it was the best either of you could do.
The last voice note he sent was reminding you bedtime was in half an hour. That one was recorded 2 hours ago. When you didn't respond he assumed you had already fallen asleep. Much to his surprise, you were very awake.
"Little one is not in the bed!" He said with the same energy as his iconic line. Seungmin whisked you up and cradled you in close. The giggle you let out was electrifying. He wanted so badly to sit down and play but it was already nearing 1 am.
"Minnie, couldn't sleep" Your little sleeve-covered fist rubbed your eye and showed just how tired you were. Seungmin could tell it wasn't that you couldn't sleep, rather you weren't letting yourself.
"Little pup, Minnie is here now. Shhhh my sleepy little thing" he pulled you in close and rocked you back and forth. "Let's get you to bed, firefly."
Seungmin laid you down in bed and tucked your two favorite stuffies in with you. As he stroked your hair and whispered sweet little things to you, he could tell something was wrong.
"What's up, sweetie? What is keeping my little one up?"
"Too loud" you pointed to your head.
"Awh honey, is your brain being too loud right now?" All he got was a weak nod in response. "Maybe we need to fill it with something else instead. Maybe a lullaby?" He melted as your features lit up.
Seungmin got himself situated in bed with you and laid your head on his lap. He sang soft melodic tunes to you until he felt your body become a weight. He stayed until the song was finished.
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Bedtime was one of Jeongin's favorite times with you. He got to snuggle up with his little one and read together. Every night your caregiver made sure to grab a selection of books to choose from. Some were simple picture books while others were shorter chaptered stories.
If you were his tiny baby, Jeongin would read the words out to you while you babbled away.
"Little Kit, look at you! Reading better than Innie can!"
If you were more of a toddler then your caregiver would read you the stories and ask you to point things out.
"'Then the fox snuck into the rabbit's home looking for a bite to eat'. Can you show Innie where the fox went? Through that big window? I think we have a little detective right here!"
And if you were more in a kid headspace, Jeongin would popcorn read the paragraphs with you.
"Okay kiddo, this next paragraph is a big one so why don't we break it in half? You read the first part and Innie will read the rest."
After he finished a book, or two, something three; it was off to bedtime for you. Once the sentences started to become mushy and your attention faded elsewhere, Jeongin knew sleep was fast approaching.
He always read one final story, one he memorized by heart. It was a story about a smart little one who dreamt about all the big adventures they'll have one day.
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agerefandom · 2 months
Other Fandoms
fandoms in red are fandoms that I don't know personally, but I've done art or moodboards for them! fandoms in purple are ones that I have moderate familiarity with, but I can't write every character. The rest are ones that I just haven't made as much content for.
Ace Attorney regressor!apollo edit regressor!edgeworth with cg!gumshoe moodboard
The Addams Family caregiver!morticia moodboard
All For The Game regressor!kevin and cg!andrew moodboard
Avatar: The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: post-canon fic with cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara gaang agere art regressor!sokka moodboard
Barbie Movie regressor!ken moodboard
The Boy regressor!brahms headcanons
Castlevania (Netflix) regressors!trevor and alucard moodboards/headcanons
Check Please regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)  regressor!bitty art
Coraline regressor!wybie moodboard
Corpse Bride regressor!victor van dort moodboard regressor!emily art
Criminal Minds season one gang regression headcanons regressor!spencer and cg!derek art
Danganronpa regressor!toko, chihiro, and yasuhiro edits bunny regressor!mikan tsumiki moodboard regressor!chihiro moodboard caregiver!sakura moodboard regressor!ishimaru moodboard w themes of cg!mondo
DC Content regressor!harley quinn moodboard (comics) regressor!oswald moodboard (gotham) regressor!joker moodbard (telltale series) regressor!flash moodboard (cw)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Once Upon A Midnight Dreary: fanfiction with regressor!henry jekyll
Frankenstein  regressor!victor frankenstein headcanons regressor!adam (the monster) headcanons
Ghibli Movies  big sister kiki headcanons  agere edit of haru (the cat returns)
Heathers agere!JD art regressor!veronica art regressor!heather macnamara moodboard
Hadestown caregiver!hades headcanons regressor!eurydice moodboard
Hunger Games caregiver!katniss moodboard
Interview With The Vampire To Have, To Hold, To Drink: fanfiction with cg!louis and regressor!lestat regressor!lestat moodboard
It caregiver!pennywise headcanons
Labyrinth  caregiver!jareth and regressor!reader
Little Shop of Horrors Skid Row Blues: fanfiction with orin walking in on regressor!seymour regressor!orin headcanons
Lore Olympus regressor!hades and cg!hecate moodboard
The Magic School Bus caregiver!ms.frizzle headcanons
Maze Runner regressor!minho moodboard regressor!newt moodboard
Les Miserables Calling You Home: fanfiction with regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
The Muppets regressor!beaker moodboard
My Little Pony cg!starlight glimmer moodboard regressor!sunset shimmer art/edits
The Mysterious Benedict Society regressor!kate moodboard regressor!nicholas benedict moodboard/headcanons
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: fanfiction about regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night At The Museum caregiver!Jedediah and Octavius art
The Owl House regressor!willow moodboard regressors!ed and em moodboard
Raven Cycle headcanons (gansey, ronan, noah, adam, and blue)  regressor!noah moodboard
Rick and Morty regressor!morty headcanons
Rocky Horror Picture Show regressor!rocky moodboard
Sandman regressor!desire headcanons thoughts on regressor!dream regressor!dream moodboard
Sherlock regressor!sherlock and cg!john headcanons cg!john watson moodboard
Smile For Me regressor!boris habit moodboard regressor!boris habit edit regressor!habit with cg!kamal art more regressor!habit art
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons regressor!jim moodboard w themes of cg!bones regressor!jim and cg!sam moodboard(strange new worlds) regressor!jim and cg!spock art
Stranger Things regressor!eleven headcanons
The Untamed regressor!lan zhan moodboard regressor!wei ying moodboards
V for Vendetta caregiver!V headcanons cg!v moodboard
Welcome To Night Vale regressor!cecil and cg!carlos headcanons cg!carlos moodboard cg!cecil moodboard
Wicked regressors!elphaba and glinda headcanons
World’s End regressor!gary king headcanons
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
Youtubers  regressor!dan howell headcanons cg!markiplier moodboard
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 1 year
skz’s favourite caregiver titles <3
! these are all just for fun, kpop artists are real people pls dont bug them !
SFW interaction only please!
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Chan  🐺🌙
pretty much anything paternal lol
Lee Know  🐰🐈
ajeossi >:3
Changbin  🐷🐇
Hyunjin  🦙✨
Han  🐹🌼
Felix  🐣☀️
Seungmin  🐶🐾
I.N.  🦊🌸
silly guy
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Hi! I was just wondering if you'd be willing to do some Newt headcanons?
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A/N - I have a request for little Newt Headcannons that I need to answer so these are gonna be CG ones!!! Hope these are okay!!! <3
Caregiver!Newt Headcannons
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Newt is big on rules - it helps keep everything and everyone on track and it helps keep you safe, and when it comes down to it your safety is the most important thing to him.
He would let you help him with doing gardening related things. (Hand over hand help 😭🫂)
He has a lot of responsibilities but will always try his very best to make time for you all the time. <3
^ if someone else needs to watch you because he can't it's normally Thomas or Minho. (Thomas is normally only for short periods of time tho because he will also regress lol - then it's just two chaotic kiddos!!!)
He can actually cook pretty well- and he is more than willing to help the cooks alter meals for fussy eaters-
He has a very soothing voice that honestly would probably put you to sleep if he started to read a story or hum.
He is very affectionate so if you're comfortable with it being prepared for lots of hugs, hand holding ect.
^ Ruffles your hair >>>
He will come up with different fun activities, he is the best at just making stuff up on the spot to keep you entertained.
Would wrap his coat around you and let you use it as a blanket.
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xheykyjx · 10 days
started: september 2018
last updated: may 2024
total works: erm.
atz sickfic headcanons part 1
atz sickfic headcanons part 2
Blind Channel
boarding school au
joel is bad at math
drunk joonas shenanigans
vampire au
volleyball au
intro (of sorts)
Joel & Joonas
put your head on my shoulder
hold me close
just wanna wrap you up
your heartbeat makes me feel so weak
sick aleksi + cg joel
sick joonas ft. everyone
Yoongi & Jimin
Here, Have a Hot Drink
Seriously, Bambam?
stomach flu at dance practice
Stray Kids
Omegaverse, starring Felix
reasons to keep a calendar
Barista AU
au intro!
...aaand another intro lol
a meetcute!
Hyung Line
upset stomach headcanons
Millenial Line
upset stomach headcanons
sickfic headcanons
sick seungmin ft. cg chan
Messy to the Max
Minho/Lee Know
comeback season sickfic ft. cg chan
stomach ache ft. cg chan
sick jack snippet
nauseous nadia tidbit
0 notes
kitty-agere-fics · 7 months
CG!Minsung with Sick!Litle!Reader
Not proofread.
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Minho: Eomma
Jisung: Appa
It was nearly midnight. Minho and Jisung were watching a movie on the couch. It had taken forever for them to get Y/N to fall asleep. Normally, their bedtime was around 9:30. They hadn't gotten you into bed until 11. That wasn't an uncommon thing, but Jisung had a feeling that something was wrong.
"I'm telling you, Hyung. Something's wrong with Y/N-ie." Jisung frowns.
Minho sighs slightly and frowns, "I think you're just being paranoid, Jisung…They never want to sleep."
"Yeah, but it usually doesn't take an hour and a half to get them to sleep. I swear-" Jisung stops as he hears footsteps down the hall. 
Y/N comes out to the living room. A soft blanket is wrapped around them. They go over to the couch and sit next to Jisung, curling up next to him.
"Hey, Little One," he smiles and strokes their cheek gently. He frowns slightly, noticing something wrong. He doesn't metion it just yet, giving Y/N a chance to tell him first. "What are you doing up?" 
"Wan' Appa and Eomma," they whimper slightly, their eyes filled with unshed tears. "Feel icky."
"You feel icky, Baby? That's not good." Minho frowns, glancing at Jisung.
Jisung gives him a small smirk, a subtle *I told you so*. "They're warm. I think they have a fever." 
Minho lays his hand on Y/N's forehead and frowns. "Yeah, I think you're right, Ji. I'm gonna go get the thermometer."
Minho leaves the living room, and Jisung pulls Y/N into his lap.
"Y/N-ie? What feels icky, Little One?"
"Feel cold," they pout slightly, "My nose feel itchy too." 
"Aw, I'm sorry, Little One." He kisses their forehead gently. Minho comes back into the room. "Eomma's back. can you open your mouth so he can take your temperature?" 
Y/N nods slightly and Jisung passes them over to Minho, so he can take their temperature. "Yeah, they have a fever. 38.5° (101.3°F)."
"Do we have cold medicine?"
"I don't know. Check the medicine cabinet." Minho shrugs slightly as Jisung gets up. He comes back a moment later with a bottle of medicine and a sippy cup filled with warm milk. 
"Alright, Baby. I need you to take some medicine, okay?  I know you don't like pills, but you have to take it to feel better." He hands the sippy cup to Y/N before taking a pill out of the bottle. Jisung puts the pill on their tongue.
"Icky," Y/N pouts. 
Minho laughs slightly, "Drink your milk, Little One." 
Y/N drinks the milk and it starts to make them sleepy. They rub at their eyes and lay their head on Minho's chest. Minho smiles and kisses the top of their head. "Get some sleep Little One. Appa and I will still be here when you wake up. Love you."
Jisung gently brushes their bangs away from their face and smiles as well. "You'll feel better in the morning Baby. I love you." 
"Loves too Appa an' Eomma," they mumble as they fall asleep.
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agerefandomrambles · 2 months
Flip! Minho
Poor dude switches between the two like the wind
Has a (very slight) lean towards cg
Absolutely the mother of the group...But like... a chaotic mother
Literally never leaves the hut without a paci
Is it for him or someone else? Only time will tell
Has hidden when he's regressed so he can run the maze (it's a problem) (he's working on it)
Main cg is Thomas or Alby
Main little is Newt or Thomas
Slightly destructive kiddo
^ He has a lot of emotions while regressed
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arcostour · 2 years
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🐺 Peneda-Gerês 🌲 Arcos de Valdevez Reserva, preços e info: 🌐 www.arcostour.net/buggys Questões: 💬 https://wa.me/925849342 📧 [email protected] 📞 +351925849342 Localização: 📍 https://g.page/arcos-tour-4x4 🏞 Arcos de Valdevez Redes sociais: 📸 @arcos_tour_4x4 👍 Arcos Tour 4x4 - Buggy Tours #buggy #buggie #tour #passeio #drive #atividade #ArcosDeValdevez #ParqueNacionalPenedaGeres #geres #VianaDoCastelo #PonteDaBarca #PonteDeLima #ParedesDeCoura #porto #minho #norte #empresa #4x4 #jipe #turismo #turístico #sistelo #soajo #portugal #KartCross #moto4 #rent #QueFazer #offroad #viagem (em Arcos De Valvedez Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-Umg1t2_I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cabana dos Poços - Serra da Cabreira - Ruivães - Vieira do Minho #cabanadospocos #cabanadepastor #vilardochao #serradacabreira #vieiradominho #portugal #portugaldenorteasul #portugal_places #sharing_portugal #discoverportugal #portugaltravel #aldeiasdeportugal #percursospedestres #trilhosdeportugal #Trekking #trekkingportugal #hiking #hikingportugal #nature #natureza #forest #caminharemportugal #caminhada #montanha #turismodenatureza #walkingaround #naturephotography #folowme #visitportugal #caminheirogastronomico @caminheirogastronomico @turismodeportugal @visitportugal @vieiradominho (em Serra da Cabreira) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-B_r1KX8s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minminyoonjii · 11 months
Types Of Caregivers [OT8/Gender Neutral! Reader]
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Soft Reassurance Fic|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.5K
Bang Chan [Title: Daddy]
He's father. He's strict, stern but dependable and comforting. He's the type of Cg! who would go through every single Caregiver/Little step-by-step before even starting with the relationship. "Little one, what did I say about leaving your toys everywhere, hm?" he said, raising his eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Daddy," you whined, digging your feet into the rug. Chan hummed, "I know, baby. Now, be a good little one and clean up after yourself, okay?" he says, kissing your forehead. You nodded, "Okay Daddy," you said, picking up your toys. "Aw, my sweet little one? Why are you crying? Tell Daddy what's wrong. You know you can always find me, yeah?" he whispers, rocking your sobbing figure. You sniffled, curling closer to Chan. "You're alright. It's safe baby, you're safe. No one is going to hurt you, not on my watch, yeah? Your daddy will protect you, that's a promise," he whispered, giving you a firm squeeze.
Lee Minho [Title: Mama]
Minho is the type of Cg! that finds joy in feeding you. He's also the Cg! who would bring up rules, punishments and rewards because he wants you to be safe. "Come down cupcake, I made your favourite breakfast!" he shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming, Mama!" you shouted back, giggling. Minho chuckled, "Don't run down the stairs, watch your step," he said, watching you slow down and walk slowly. "That's my good cupcake," he cooed, cupping your cheeks. "Cupcake, you know what you've done wrong. Time out in the corner for 5 minutes, I'll put the timer right next to you so we don't accidentally forget. You can have your comfort plushie with you," he said, ruffling your hair. You sniffled, holding your plush close as you faced the wall. Minho frowned but he knew it was the right thing "Your Mommy made his famous brownies, you can have a few after your time out, okay?" he said, kissing your hair.
Seo Changbin [Title: Baba]
Changbin is that one Cg! that finds everything you do adorable and I mean everything. He's also the one that smothers you in cuddles no matter where you are. "Aigo, uri agi-ah so cute. Such a cute little menace," he cooed, carrying you away from Jisung's cowering figure. Jisung shuddered, "Hyung, they're holding Ikon's lightstick," he said, pointing at the bat. Changbin chuckled, "And they look absolutely precious," he said, taking the lightstick away from your grip. You whined but allowed it to get taken away "You're no fun, Baba," you mumbled, nuzzling his neck. Changbin smiled, "I know, agi," he said, kissing your cheek. "C'mere agi," he gruffed, pulling you close to his chest. "Hyung, they're eating," Jeongin said, holding a spoonful of porridge. "I know but look how puffy their cheeks become, I can't help it," Changbin chuckled, smothering your face in kisses. You whined, trying to squirm out of his hold to no avail. "You're stuck with me forever, agi-ah," he said, grinning at your squirms. "Mama!" you shouted and instantly Changbin released his hold.
Hwang Hyunjin [Title: Papa]
Hyunjin will be that Cg! that encourages any type of art you do. You're his little highness and he'll make sure it's known. Hyunjin gasped, "Oh my god, what's that lovely?" he asked, squatting next to you. "Tis a bird, papa," you said, showing him a picture covered in sparkly beads. Hyunjin chuckles "Wow! You're such a precious little artist, aren't you?" he said, rubbing your back. You nodded, wiggling happily "Is artist," you said, holding your picture close. Hyunjin chuckled, "The cutest little artist," he said, kissing your nose. "Spin for me, lovely," he said, watching you twirl in your puffy dress/slick suit. "I'm royalty!" you squealed, eyes sparkling at the gems glowing under the sunlight. Hyunjin lifted you up, "That's right, love. Our little highness," he cooed. You giggled, nuzzling your cheek against his. Hyunjin gasped, "Our highness nuzzled me, I'm so honoured," he said, rubbing his cheek on your skin. You laughed, squirming in his arms "Papa so silly," you said, placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Hyunjin smiled softly, "Only to you, lovely. Only to you," he said, holding you close.
Han Jisung [Title: Appa]
Playful Cg! Number One. Whatever game you have in mind, Jisung would be the one who makes it real. He's also dependable like Chan but in his own empathetic way. "Slow down, sweetheart," he chuckled, catching his breath. You giggled, "Hurry up, Appa. The lava is already rising," you squealed, curling up on the kitchen counter. Jisung screamed dramatically "Live on without me," he rasped, melting on the floor. You looked down, waving an invisible flag "You will be missed, Appa," you said, wiping your faux tears, Hyunjin gave Jisung a dirty look, sipping his coffee "It's too early for this," he mumbled, drawing giggles from you. Jisung noticed you sitting quietly at the corner of the sofa, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he whispered, not sitting too close to you. You whined, rubbing your arms "Too much, Appa. Tis too much," you sniffled, feeling oversensory in your own clothes. Jisung frowned, "Can Appa carry you upstairs, sweetheart? Let Appa help you not feel icky anymore, hm?" he proposed, waiting for your response. "Yes please," you sniffled, curling up into his hold.
Lee Felix [Title: Mommy]
If you have anything you're not sure about yourself, Felix is that Cg! who'd reassure you. He's just a big sunshine to your little sunshine. "Mommy, am I pretty?" you whispered, cuddling closer to Felix. "Of course, you're pretty, sunshine. You're our gorgeous little one," Felix whispered back, kissing your hair. "Are the thoughts back, sunshine?" he asked, stroking your cheek. You nodded, leaning into his palm "I'm sorry, Mommy," you frowned, staring up at him. Felix's heart broke "Aww, sunbeam, don't be sorry, yeah? There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault, none of it is, okay? Do you understand that?" he asked, tightening his hold around you. Felix grunted in surprise, wrapping his arms around your waist "What's got you so excited, sunshine?" he chuckled as you plopped on him. You smiled, "Mommy if I'm sunshine. What's Mommy?" you asked, tilting your head. Felix cooed, "Well you're my little sunshine, my sunbeam and I'm your big sunshine," he said, rubbing your hands. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What's the difference?" you asked, poking his palm. Felix chuckled, "Just think of me as a big blanket of warmth. You can come to me whenever your little light gets dampened," he explained, pressing his forehead against yours.
Kim Seungmin [Title: Dada]
Playful Cg! Number Two. Seungmin is protective. The chances of him punching someone in the jaw if they look at you wrong are decently high. He's also mean. He likes seeing you get mad, he finds it adorable. Seungmin wrapped his arm around you, "Stay close to me, munchkin," he said, side-eyeing the person staring at you. "Is something wrong, Dada?" you asked, holding your plush to your chest. Seungmin smiled, kissing your forehead, "Nothing is wrong, munchkin. Just wanted you close," he said, glaring at the person. You raised an eyebrow but nuzzled into his warmth. Seungmin chuckled, kissing the top of your head "Good munchkin," he mumbled. "Dada, give it back!" you whined, reaching for your plush. "It needs a wash, munchkin. Look at it, when was the last time it got washed?" Seungmin asked, bringing it to the washing machine. You puffed your cheeks, glaring at him "Dada, it's clean," you whined. Seungmin chuckled, pinching your cheek "It will be after being washed," he said, ruffling your hair. You crossed your arms, curling up against the sofa "Dada's a meanie, big meanie," you grumbled, furrowing your eyebrows. Seungmin smirked, rubbing between your eyebrows "Don't do that, munchkin. You're going to get wrinkles," he teased. Your eyes widened, "Daddy!" you yelled. "Seungmin!" Chan's voice boomed within the house.
Yang Jeongin [Title: Ninnin]
Playful Cg! Number Three. He's very good at taking care of you in baby space. The only person in the house that Chan, Minho and Changbin would trust to take care of you when they weren't home. "Innie, your little angel is here," Changbin cooed, rubbing your back. "Ninnin!" you squealed, reaching out to him. Jeongin chuckled, taking you from Changbin's arms "Hello, angel," he said, rubbing your stomach. "She's tethering between younger toddler and baby, be sure to be prepared for both, Iyen-ah," Minho said, handing Jeongin your baby bag. Jeongin nuzzled his face into your tummy, blowing raspberries "Got it, hyung," he said, kissing your nose. Your giggles echoed within the room, wiggling happily in Jeongin's hold. Chan chuckled, kissing Jeongin's forehead "We're not going to take long, prince. We'll be back before noon," he said, ruffling Jeongin's hair. You babbled, drooling around your teether. Jeongin cooed, wiping it away "Ah huh, and then what happened?" he asked, engaging with your babbles. You giggled, wiggling with your plush on your lap. Jeongin chuckled, nodding your head "What's got you all giggly, hm?" he asked, taking out your sippy cup. You chewed on the nib of the sippy cup, humming happily. Jeongin smiled, kissing your nose "You're so precious, angel," he whispered, stroking your cheek.
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littleracha · 10 months
Ello! This is my first request can you do were CG Skz with their Little at the beach but the little can't swim?
Also english isn't my first language^^
Have a good day!
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Hello Little Duckling! You are doing amazing sweetheart! This request is beyond adorable. I decided to write it story style instead of headcanon, I hope you don't mind.
Have a good day as well, little dumpling.
Just a Little Splash
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Hot did not even begin to describe how it felt outside. The world seemed to be on fire and there was nothing to do to escape the heat. It was inevitable that you would slip due to the discomfort of the whole situation but that didn't bother your caregivers one bit. 
Instead, they were focused on cooling you down as your poor puffy face began to turn red and splotchy from the heat.
"Oh my poor baby, Mommy is so sorry." Felix felt awful seeing how your body was reacting. He placed a gentle hand on your forehead and was alarmed by your temperature. "Minho! Come here!" Felix shouted out before immediately going back to your care. "Shhh baby, Noona is coming. Your noonie will be here soon"
"What's wrong Lix, I am trying to stop Hyunjin from breaking what little A/C we have" Minho wiped his hands on his shirt before looking over at you. "My little kitten! What happened to you" He was instantly at your feet.
"They are burning up! I think the heat is starting to make them sick. We need to cool them down" Felix brushed your hair with his hand, it was a nervous habit of his as a caregiver.
"What about the waterpark?" I.N. seemed to show up out of nowhere.
"Can't, they closed it last week"
"Don't yell at me! Take it up with Mr.Wildwaves himself" Minho snarked back to I.N.
"Hot" a weak little voice caught all the caregivers' attention.
"Oh we know sugar, Mommy is so sorry. Let's get everyone in here and figure out how to help our little baby." Felix ended his sentence with a bop to your nose. It didn't help much but it did make you giggle.
Once all the boys were in the living room, ideas started flying. The whole situation became overwhelming but thankfully Han caught on.
"Here little quokka, sit on Oppa's lap." After getting all snuggled up, Han pressed your head into his chest to muffle the noise.
"I got it!" Chan stood up from excitement at his idea.
"Little one?" Han kissed your head to get your attention. "Listen to Daddy now, okay?" You gave a tired smile.
"Let's go to the beach! Felix and I have been dying to take them! Minho already has lunch made so we can pack it up and take it with us. We can all hang out in the water and just relax. Sound good cubby?" Everyone could tell you agreed based on the smile that appeared on your face.
The trip to the beach was fairly uneventful. You rode with Chan, Felix, Seungmin, and Hyunjin. Jinnie tried his best to give your room so you didn't get hotter while Seungmin was determined to put every single car vent on you. This prompted a scolding from Chan in the driver's seat as he could see your teeth chattering.
When you began to see the ocean line break over the hills, you danced around in your seat. You climbed over Hyunjin to get a better look.
"Mama! See the water?" You pointed to the very obvious ocean.
"Mama isn't sure he sees it, baby. Can you point it out to me?" Hyunjin held onto your waist to keep you secure as he followed your instructions.
"But now Minnie wants to see pup! Can you show Minnie where it is?" You giggled at Seungmin's request but showed him anyway.
It was about an hour of setting up before the boys all collected around you and Jeongin on the beach towels. During that time Innie was explaining all the fun things you would get to do. All of it seemed like a whole new world to you and your eyes shined at every new activity. However, Jeongin didn't fail to notice how your eyes dulled at the mention of swimming. He wouldn't bring it up now, not while you are occupied by the strange substance known as sand.
"Okay, Bunbun! Plan time." Changbin swooped you up and sat back down with you.
"We are going to eat some lunch and then we are going to go play before we get in the water. Okay, Cubby?" Chan asked but he knew you weren't fully paying attention, Binnie was always too much of a distraction.
Minho passed out the food and gave Changbin a gentle reminder that the baby had to eat most of their food. However, that didn't stop your dada from becoming the munch monster and sneaking bites out of everything you had. While you were distracted, Jeongin whispered something to Felix.
The next few hours were some of the most fun you had. It started with sea shell hunting with Han. Then Hyunjin helped you make a sand castle fit for a mermaid royal family. Seungmin took you on a small walk up the coastline and introduced you to all the dogs that came your way. Changbin played some games like catch and frisbee with you and the other boys while Jeongin set up a small dance party. Whispers seemed to surround everything you did.
It seemed to be that time. All the boys eventually ended up in the water, well all but Minho. No, instead Minho was watching you take your much-needed nap under the comfort of the umbrella. Your eyes blinked open and you retreated into Minho's lap when the light came in.
"Oh Kitten, a little too bright huh?" He chuckled as he shielded your eyes. 
"Do you wanna join your other caregivers in the water baby, itll be much cooler."
"Um....No thank you" The way you fidgeted with your shirt was telling.
"Kitten, can Noonie ask you a question?" he was met with a hum in response. "My little kitten doesn't like water, do they? Baby, do you maybe not know how to swim?" You shied away in embarrassment. "No need to be embarrassed honey! Guess what, Noona can't swim either!"
"Noonie doesn't know how to swim?" Your head perked up at his confession.
"Nope! But you know what? I think maybe we should be brave together. What do you say kitten? Just a little splash?"
"Just a little splash." You repeated to yourself.
Minho carried you down to the water with his own shaking arms. To be honest he was just as scared as you were. But when the boys saw you both coming, the looks on their faces ranged from comforting to excited. Minho's toes graced the water and he jumped back a bit by the cold. 
Then, once situated, he lowered you down to the ground. He had to give you a bit of a shake to make you let go but his hand instantly intertwined with yours.
One step at a time you two entered the water all while Chan and Felix held out their arms.
"Come here baby, come to Daddy" Chan beckoned you over.
"Can't Daddy!" You backed into Minho.
"Yes, you can baby! Move your arms just like this" Felix motioned what he wanted you to do. "Then kick your little leggies!"
You followed his instructions and while you were moving slowly, you were moving.
"That's it cubby! Just a bit more!" All the boys cheered as you made your way into Chan's arms.
"Your turn Minho!" Han called out and was instantly met with rejection. Suddenly his torso was wet. When he looked to find the culprit he found a very smitten little staring back.
"It's just a little splash, Noonie!"
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