#cg!marc spector
buttercupagere · 7 months
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marc spector as a caregiver <3
requested by anon!
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littlespacereader · 1 year
Hi hi hi!!! I'm back with another Moonknight request!!! 😅 I was wondering if you could maybe do something with Caregiver!Steven Grant. (or if you'd prefer it Steven as like an older sibling???) Maybe little!reader has a nightmare or something and doesn't want to go back to sleep so reader and Steven play with Legos (or another activity of your choice) until reader is tired enough to try and sleep again???
Completely fine if not!!!
Hope you're having an amazing day/evening/night!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
@aew-kun-age-regression Thank you for another Moon Knight request! I literally love writing them!!Caregiver Steven Grant owns my heart!🥺💞 I am so for this idea! Instead of a older sibling I wrote him as a Caregiver because I love me a gentle CG like Steven! I hope you like this fic! Enjoy!
Protector of the Night🌙
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Caregiver! Steven Grant & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags- nightmare, hurt/comfort, building legos, stuffie, cuddles, storytelling
Nickname- Darling, Little One, Sweetheart, Little Moon
It was a rainy night in London. The type of night where the rain gently hit on the window panes. The type of rain storm that would put anyone in a gentle sleep.
The rain seemed to have that effect on Steven Grant and his Little Y/N. The two were sound asleep next to one another while the rain fell outside.
Y/N had their head resting on Steven’s chest and Steven had his arm securely wrapped around them. Whether he was awake or asleep he is always a protector.
Steven used to sleep horrible. Terrified of sleeping walking which he later learned was him swapping heads with Marc. But now, with his little one wrapped around him. He’s never slept more peacefully.
But he sadly couldn’t protect his little one from nightmares. Y/N squirmed and jolted in their sleep until suddenly they jumped up gasping for air. “No! No!!!” They yelled out.
Steven quickly woke up, realizing what happened to his little one. “Y/N! Y/N darling it’s okay! It’s okay! You’re here with me. You’re okay.”
It took Y/N a moment to realize what was going on and where they were. “Steven?” They cried before they practically tackled Steven into a hug. They collapsed into his arms and started to cry. Steven’s heart broke seeing his little one so upset from the nightmare.
“You’re okay darling. You’re okay. I’m so sorry you had such a terrible dream sweetheart. But it’s all over. Nothing can hurt you now. I’ve got you, I’ll protect you.” He pulled his little one into his lap and started to rock them in his arms.
His little one cried into his shoulder, muttering little things here and there to explain what happened in the nightmare. This nightmare was a reoccurring dream that Steven was dragged away from Y/N and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
It was no secret that Marc Spector suffered from DID. Before meeting Y/N it was something he couldn’t control. But now Marc and Steven were on the same page with their time shared in the body. The only thing the two of them argued about was who was going to spend time with their shared little one. Both absolutely head over heels for their little one Y/N.
But the horrors of being locked away not only scared Steven and Marc, it scared their little one too.
“I’m not going anywhere love. No one will ever take me away from you. I’ll always be right here by your side.” Steven said before placing a small kiss to his little one’s head. One hand was wrapped around their back for protection, the other carded through their hair.
They looked at up him with teary eyes, “Promise?”
The question broke Steven’s heart. His little one dealt with rejection and abandoned before. The question came from sad past of being left too many times. If Steven could track down every person who ever hurt Y/N, he’d let Marc take them all.
“I promise from the bottom of my heart.” Steven held his pinky up and the two wrapped them around each other. They both shared a sincere smile.
“It’s really early in the morning Y/N. I say we try to settle back down and go back to sleep.” Steven suggested.
“No! I’m not even tired anymore!” Y/N tried to say, but no one isn’t tired at 3am, especially a younger Little such as Y/N.
Steven could obviously tell his little one was tired too. But he knew that they wouldn’t sleep without getting their mind off that terrible nightmare. So he devised a plan.
“You’re not tired anymore? Well then I guess we’ll just have to get up and start our day.” Steven suggested. He hoped out of bed and took Y/N’s hand in his.
“Are you hungry darling?” They started to walk toward the mock living room Steven had in his small apartment. Y/N shook their head no.
“Alright then how about we spend our early morning playing some games. Wanna play with some legos?”
Y/N smiled and nodded. Steven sat on the rug in the middle of the living room as Y/N ran over and grab the container of legos pouring them onto the floor between the two. They dropped the container and took a seat shoulder to shoulder with Steven.
“What are you going to build?” Steven asked as he started to take a piece from here and there.
“I’m going to build a tall tower!” Y/N said as they grabbed their pieces.
“A tall tower? Well, surely it’s not going to be bigger than my tower.” Steven said smirking to himself. If there’s one thing his Little loves is a friendly competition.
“No way! Mine is going it be the biggest!”
Soon the two of them were in a heated battle building their Lego towers on the rug. Y/N eagerly grabbed pieces left and right trying to have their tower built taller.
Steven happily watched, putting pieces together here and there on his tower, but mostly watching his little one build. He loved seeing their creativity and enthusiasm. Soon Y/N had to sit on their knees to continue to build their tower higher and higher.
“Wow! Now that is what I call a skyscraper! Mine barley look like a building.” Steven joked. The two looked at his tiny Lego house and laughed.
“I like it! It look like our home.” Y/N sat beside him, abandoning their project. “Maybe we should make a backyard or a garden!”
Steven smiled at the idea. “I think that would be lovely!”
The two started to build their Legos working together with each other. Y/N started to build onto Steven’s Lego house a little Lego garden while Steven build them a little Lego backyard.
As the night, well…morning, dragged on with their Lego game Steven started to notice his little one leaning against him more and more. Eventually it got to the point of Y/N resting their head on Steven’s shoulder while they lazily placed Lego pieces one by one.
“Alright darling I think we’ve had enough fun playing Lego. Let’s continue this in the morning.”
“I’m not tired.” Y/N tried to protest but their half open eyes said differently.
“How about we try to rest at least? I can read you a story?” Steven added as he picked up a book from their bookshelf, holding it up to show Y/N.
Y/N nodded their head and held their hand out to Steven to be picked up. So much for not being tired. Steven smiled nonetheless, he put the book under his arms and walked over to Y/N, picking them up and into his arms.
Then the two walked back to his bed. He settled Y/N on their side of the bed before heading to his own. But he stepped on something on the way.
“Now what is Taweret doing on the floor?” He lifted the hippo stuffed animal up. “She must’ve left and went on an adventure while you were asleep.”
Steven walked around to his side of the bed and handed Y/N their Taweret stuffie before he got himself settled in bed next to his little one. Y/N held their stuffie tightly to their chest.
They snuggled closer to Steven as he put his arm around their shoulders. Steven opened the story book in his lap and began to read. Steven is always the best at storytelling! He makes funny voices for all the characters and points out different things on the pictures.
They were about half way through the book when Steven looked down and noticed Y/N fast asleep against him. He smiled to himself and closed the book, setting it on his end table, before wrapping his blanket around Y/N and himself.
Steven glanced at the alarm clock that now said 5:30 am. He sighed, he definitely isn’t making it to work this afternoon. He leaned over and grabbed his cell, sending a quick text to his boss before he settling in for the night…morning actually. Today was definitely going to be a lazy day for the two.
With one arm holding onto Y/N tightly, he kissed their head. “Good night my little moon.” He whispered before resting his head on top of his little one. The two slept peacefully together for the rest of their morning, the protector of the night and his little moon.
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dearlogie · 11 days
rogue ! dearlogie
they/them/her, twenty one
this is a side blog, main is priv, so i can’t follow back </3
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fictional cg’s <3
logan howlett (wolverine), scott summers (cyclops), peter parker (spiderman), wade wilson (deadpool), sam winchester, nathan drake, marc spector, steven grant (moonknight), leon kennedy, albert wesker, spencer reid
cowboys, westerns, wolverine, x-men, musicals, resident evil, snoopy, lego, colouring, fruit !!
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dni if, nsfw , abdl/ddlg (and variants) , racist, homophobic , transphobic , ableist , zionist , edsh , n@zi , trump supporters , anti agere etc etc.
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thorin-baby-bear · 2 years
Wolf’s Den
A Werewolf by Night Agere fic :3 
Tags: little!jack russel, cg!ted, babysitter!steven grant, babysitter!marc spector 
CW: Anxiety, fear, mild swearing Jack being really worried about Ted 
(This wasn’t requested, I just watched WWBN and was like “oh yeah that guys a regressor” and then wrote it lol)
Jack was bored. Sitting out in his little camp and waiting for Ted to get home had proved to be, while definitely safer than going out, terribly uneventful. It had been almost an hour since Ted had said he’d be back, so on top of all the boredom Jack was feeling a lot of anxiety for his friend. It was nothing new, Ted was late all the time, but what if he got hurt? What if someone took him away like last time? Jack wrapped his blanket tightly around himself, searching for the last of the firewood he had grabbed as the sun sunk lower and lower into the sky. The fire in front of him sputtered pitifully, the twigs and branches he’d found were damp from last night’s rain. Growling in frustration, Jack threw the branch he was holding away and sat down with a huff. It was never easy to do things when he regressed. He tried not to go fully little when Ted wasn’t around so that he could have some protection, but this time it hadn’t been entirely voluntary. He had gotten spooked by a twig breaking nearby and in his alertness and fear had begun to slip and hadn’t been able to stop himself. 
So now he crossed his arms huffily, watching as the sun set behind the horizon and the night noises began. It was a bit scary, being all alone in the dark, open area of their camp, but Jack knew he could defend himself. He just had to be a little bit bigger first. So Jack started to try everything he could think of to make himself big again: taking off his blanket, drinking the leftover coffee sludge from that morning, even slapping himself a little, but none of it seemed to work. He started to panic. What if a bear came? What if another monster showed up and wanted his territory? What if Ted came back and was mad at him- 
A twig snapped just outside Jack’s camp. 
“Shit.” A voice hissed.
Jack dove into his little lean to, pulling his blanket up and over his head as he burrowed deeper under it, trying to make himself smaller and less noticeable. He let out a shaky breath as he heard footsteps, quiet at first but then louder and louder until they stopped just by his barely smoldering fire. A pause. A sigh. “Yes, Marc, I know… No, he’s still here, wouldn’t have left the fire burning with no one to put it out… Well I don’t know, maybe because he lives in a forest? I mean, his house is a bloody hut made of sticks for christ’s sake, it could’ve burned down!” The voice was British, and the pauses almost made it seem like he was talking to someone on the phone. The conversation went on like that for a while, reply, pause, reply, pause, until finally Jack got up the courage to peek at the man in front of his lean too. From where he was pressed to the ground, all Jake could see was a pair of nice, white shoes that looked like they didn’t have a speck of dust on them, which was odd for someone walking through the forest. Then the shoes turned to face the lean too, and Jack retreated back under his blanket, shivering slightly from the cold.  
“Look, this is stupid, we’re not trying to sneak up on him or anything… I’m just going to call him.” The voice started, pausing and chuckling quietly before beginning to call out, “Jack! Jack Russell! It’s alright mate, we’re not here to hurt you. Your friend sent us, the big one with the squid face? Yeah, he just wanted us to check in, see how you– no, Marc I don’t think I should be quieter,  what if he’s really far– okay that’s a fair point but– can you let me speak please?” 
At the mention of Ted, Jack shot up from under his blanket, causing the voice to scream a bit in shock. “Ted?” He asked, walking towards the man in his camp, who was wearing a funny mask and white suit. Weird for the forest, Jack thought in the back of his head.” “Wh– yeah, Ted!” The man said, backing away as Jack continued to walk towards him. “You uh, you must be Jack then?” 
“Where?” Jack said, stopping and staring at this strange man. The other man paused, put his hands up and took a deep breath. “He’s okay, just a little tied up right now. He wanted me to make sure you were okay while he was away.” Jack tilted his head to the side and frowned, trying hard to keep the quiver out of his lip. “So… not comin’ back?” He asked quietly, his frown deepening when the man shook his head. “Not yet, sorry mate.” He said, shrugging his shoulders with a slightly confused expression. Jack nodded, sitting down heavily on the floor and pulling his knees to his chest, trying to hide the tears that were welling up in his eyes. He didn’t need whoever this stranger was seeing him like this, he was too vulnerable. The camp lapsed into awkward silence as the man stood, rubbing the back of his neck as Jake sniffled quietly. “I’m Steven, by the way.” The man said hesitantly. Jack nodded into his arms and made what Steven assumed was meant to be a wave. 
In the silence, Steven looked over the campsite. It looked quite neat for an outdoor camp, but blankets and little dolls seemed to be placed haphazardly around, some hanging from clothes lines and some just spread across the floor. The dolls were small, handcrafted things with messily sewn clothes that seemed to be made from old scraps, things no one would ever use so they just got thrown away. Messy pictures also hung from the clothesline, pictures of a big green bush looking thing next to a dog, pictures of paw prints, pictures all made in crayon that looked like they were made by a child– oh. Steven looked down at Jack, eyes widening slightly as the pieces fell into place. 
“Marc,” Steven said, making sure to keep this conversation in his head so he didn’t upset Jack anymore. “I think he’s little.” 
“Are you sure?” Marc’s voice sounded in the back of his head, just like it always did. “Maybe they just have a kid who lives here too.”  
“Marc, look at him. He’s literally curling in on himself.”  
On the ground, Jack was in fact trying to make himself smaller, tucking his head between his knees and wrapping arms around himself, effectively turning into a little ball as he failed to hide his sniffling. Marc sighed. “Well what do you think we should do?” He asked. Steven paused, thinking it over. “Well,” He started, “we can’t just leave him here. Somebody needs to stay with him.” Steven could almost feel the way Marc was rolling his eyes. “And by someone you mean us, right?” Steven nodded, smiling slightly at Marc's groan of annoyance. “Who else?” 
Slowly, Steven knelt down, taking off his mask and smiling at Jack. “Hey, it’s alright mate. Ted’s a big guy, I’m sure he’ll be just fine!” He said gently. Jack looked up at him, his eyes glassy and his nose running. “Yeah,” he said hoarsely, “bu’ what about me?” Steven blinked in surprise. “You?” He said gently, “It looks like you’ve been doing a fine job taking care of yourself to me.” Jack wiped his nose and looked up at Steven skeptically. “R–really?” Steven nodded, smiling as he sat down fully on the ground. The corner of  Jack’s mouth twitched upwards in a hesitant smile and he picked up a stick, drawing little doodles in the dirt. “Thanks, I guess…” He sniffled. Steven sighed and looked around, taking another slow survey of the camp. 
The fire was going out, so he’d probably have to go grab some more wood if he wanted to keep them both warm, but he was hesitant to leave Jack alone. “Hey, want to come get wood with me?” He asked. Jack squinted at him suspiciously. “You’re not gonna kidnap me, right?” He questioned. Steven laughed and stood up, walking towards the surrounding trees. “No, mate, I’m not gonna kidnap you. I just thought you might want to help is all.” Jack hesitated before rising and starting to search for wood. 
That was… Nice. Marc said inside their head. Steven nodded, staring into the fire tiredly. “Yeah, it was.” He yawned, almost feeling Marc’s eyebrow raise. I could take over for a bit, he offered, if you’d like to get some rest. Steven nodded. “Just wake me when Ted gets here, yeah?” He said, closing his eyes slowly. Will do. Rest well Steven. Was the last thing Steven heard before he drifted off, content with his day's work.
Shortly after the two had a nice fire going, warm enough that it stopped Jack’s shivering and made him look more comfortable than before. Steven made small talk (favorite color? Animal? Movie?) and the two stayed up until well after the sun had set, the elder telling stories and the younger giggling whenever he would exaggerate. The night came to an end when Jack began to yawn, and Steven helped him into the lean to, piling blankets onto him to make sure he didn’t freeze and ruffling his hair. “Night Jack, sleep tight.” He whispered. “Nini Steven, thank you for watchin’ me.” Jack mumbled sleepily. Steven smiled and moved back outside to wait for Ted. 
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ms5m1th · 2 years
Papa loses Baby when playing hide and seek, but she won't come out until someone else calls her.
"Baby, this isn't fun anymore! Come out now!"
No answer.
Marc had reluctantly began to play hide and seek with Baby, just wanting to entertain them for a while, but now they've disappeared. Now, he's running around the flat, checking in any and every space where they might be.
"Why would they be in the toilet!?"
"I don't know Steven! How did they get in top of the fridge that one time?! Can you tell me that!?"
"Calm down, the-"
"Why would I calm down when I CAN'T FIND THEM, JAKE!?"
Marc starts stimming, starting to get overwhelmed as tears started to well in his eyes.
"W-Where are they? I-I can't,"
If Marc was in his right mind, he would of heard a giggle coming from above him. But he wasn't, so he didn't. Jake, however, heard this and sighed.
'They're gonna kill us one day,' Jake thought before forcefully pushing to the front. Ignoring his headache, he looks up and glared. There they were, in the rafters like a damn monkey staring straight down at him.
"Guppy, get down. Now,"
Not noticing his tone, they tilted there head. "Why, Papi?" Jake said nothing, staring back at them. "You made Papa overwhelmed looking for you. You had him worried when you didn't answer his calls. I need you to come back down, now." This made them frown, but comply.
"Didn't mean to, Papi. I was silly," As they were about to fall, Jake caught them with a sigh. "I know that, Guppy, but Papa didn't know that you were trying to be silly. He thought something happened to you."
Guppy said nothing, and avoided the sight of Jake in their peripheral all together, looking at Gus' tank. "Hey," Jake softly guided their head towards him, caressing their face when they look past him but attentive.
"It's okay to be silly, but just try to pay more attention, okay? That way, no one gets overwhelmed, okay?"
Guppy nods, but their breathing gets heavier. "'Kay, didn't mean... d-didn't," They whine as they harmfully stim, their hands hitting their head as their eyes squeeze shut. Jake felt a gentle poke in his head, and allowed it, causing Marc to front.
"Sh, baby. It's okay, everything's alright." They shake their head, hitting it harder. "Hey, stop that." Marc grabs their hands and guided to his chest instead. The first few hits land on his collarbones before they tried to mask it. "Stop that, baby. Stop. You're gonna hurt yourself. You can hit Papa, it's okay."
They hesitantly but reluctantly started hitting his chest as Marc squeezed with the pressure that they needed. Eventually, they claimed down as was being rocked as Marc hummed.
"You okay, baby?" Guppy sniffles and blinks, snuggling closer to Marc. "No more hiding seek for a while, huh?" They shake their head softly, and falls asleep.
They weren't going to play that game for a while. But that was fine by them.
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transtrashgremlin · 2 years
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Steven/Marc taking care of a little reader.
summary: after a fun trip to the museum reader ends up slipping and Steven and Marc try their best to take care of them.
paring: platonic!cg!Steven Grant x little!reader x platonic!cg!Marc Spector
warnings: little bit of arguing between Steven and Marc.
(pls dont steal any of my works, all of these are my own unless stated otherwise.)
  Steven and [name] got home after another fun trip to the museum, though [name] was feeling a bit tired.  They loved going yo the museum with Steven, and Steven absolutely loved sharing his knowledge with them, it was so much fun for the both of them.
  as soon as they got home [name] went straight to their room, coming back out holding their special stuffie and their paci, immediately plopping themself on the couch.  
  [name] had known Steven and Marc for quite a while now so they were well aware that [name] was an age regressor.
“Stevie…” They pouted, making grabby hands towards whi yhey thought was Steven at the moment.
“Sorry kiddo, it’s Marc now-“
“No. wan Stevie.”
“You heard them Marc.. now take me take control so I can take care of [name]-“
“Maybe it’s time that I help out! You’re always spending so much time with them and taking care of them while their in little space, I think I should take a turn too!”
  At this point the two where switching back and forth to argue, however before they could really start yelling they heard sniffling.  When the looked over at [name] to see them crying.
“Ohh no no no, it’s ok little one.. Stevie’s here…” He immediately took [name] in his arms, holding them tightly.
“I don wan Stevie an Marc to fight….” They hugged him back, still sniffling slightly.
“I know, I know, it makes you upset… but sometimes it’s difficult having two people in the same head ans both always wanting to be in control at the same time…”
“Like.. when I wan be little an start slipping even though I has to be big..?”
“Exactly…” He gave them a small smile, almost relieved that they understood.
“m… can we watch Disney now…?”
“Of course we can! And tomorrow we’re gonna do something that involves me and Marc..”
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littledellprince · 2 years
Marc Spector as a regressor🖤:
🖍 apologizes frequently
🌕 needs down time/alone time after regressing
🖍 well behaved but became more playful and/or fussy as he became more comfortable with you
🌕 his nicknames for you: Baba, bubbi, miss/mister, mama, toot toot (/ref).
🖍 your nicknames for him: bub, little bud, baby boy, bean, little moon, honey.
🌕 prefers his thumb over pacifiers. He chews on his shirt hem or sleeves a lot as a replacement to a teether when he’s nervous.
🖍 has a bedside chest of toys. He has mostly toys and activities he missed in his childhood. You buy Marc more modern things as well and he’s totally in love with those too.
🌕 needs calming/soft music when upset
🖍 his regression is mostly involuntary and easily negative without supervision. That said, he often has breakdowns.
🌕 I cannon that he has a petspace as well
🖍 he likes onesies a lot but it took you a LONG time for him to be comfy wearing one around you willingly.
🌕 steven usually has the body while Marc is his small self because the outside world is very scary for Marc. When you’re around though, he’ll come out.
🖍 loves when you play with his hair or help him bathe (he either loves or hates bathtime so its helpful to ease him into it first). That said marc also cant stand being cold or cant sit still for the life of him.
🌕 he tries not to call you cg nicknames but fails miserably.
🖍 marc gets frustrated with himself pretty quickly, especially when he struggles to communicate. He gets aggravated with his babytalk and when that happens, you grab him a notepad to write on instead of talking.
🌕 also has accidents at times like Steven, but it takes an excessive amount of stress.
🖍 Oh boy does Marc love praise and being babied.. especially when he’s having trouble fully regressing, he doesn’t even need to say he needs help before you’re already making him slip.
🌕 LOTS of upset stimming (sometimes they are self harmful- you and Steven work with him to accommodate for them.)
🖍 Marc is pretty giggly, he loves when you read him silly stories or tell jokes to cheer him up.
🌕 Enjoys watching TV sometimes but would rather get attention from you and entertainment away from devices.
🖍 bedtime routine all the way ; its particular to helping him ground before bed so he doesn’t have night terrors and only sleep in increments.
🌕 when he’s small, the boys usually go through a lot of switches before Marc is fully regressed and okay on his own.
🖍 loves sandboxes and sensory bins
🌕 enjoys playing games like hide and seek and educational activities
🖍 expanding on the above; he has a bunch of learn-to-write books, activity booklets, worksheets, coloring sheets, and word searches.
🌕 Marc likes ‘class time’. Since he likes learning, You two came up with a little routine when he’s small for you to hold a school activity. Homeschooling if you will. You act as a teacher and him a student). You teach him things within his current age range, you quiz each other on said learned subject, you have crafts projects, building activities, ‘individual work’ time, etc.
🖍 loves crinkly sounds and rattles, so Marc likes those sensory cubes.
🌕 Always wants to show you, Steven, or Layla drawings he’s made. And all of you always hang them somewhere.
🖍 Layla was his previous caregiver (/pos) and still often babysits!
🌕 no cg preference, just happens to get feminine carers (follows Stevens preference).
🖍 this should totally be at the top but his age range goes from 1 years old to 9-10 years old. Although his common headspace age is around 5-6. Marc regresses due to trauma, to cope, for stress and other reasons!
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : ☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog thoughts, gods and monsters
This. This is the best title sequence and opening of all the episodes. It is. I am going to shatter.
The way it fades out and we are back in reality and the body is dead and floating in the water and within the song, within the end
I am emotionally fucking brittle going into this I can already tell holy fuck ok
Layla you are so hot I love you kill bite maim
Sandy lil Ammit….
Layla crying over the body her face breaking her hands so delicate n she kisses their forehead and her grief is anger it is fury it is revenge and she lets them go let’s them sink and she is going to kill and die trying
“I don’t need to show you my papers, you need to show us your soul” is possibly the funniest line in this episode
Taweret talking through bodies I LOVE YOUUUU
Layla n Marc r both so stubborn n have that one minded view on things
Also I love that this shows us what’s been happening in the upper world
“Marc says wonderful things ab you” yeah like how she’d b up for murdering u w him HSHHDHD
The other gods r beta cucks n Ammit is the alpha, that’s what the A is for
White man enters the pyramids, 5 dead, 0 left alive which sucks
The score building to Ammits release FUCKE AND SHE IS SO COOL OHHHHH LADY YEAH LADY WooOO
Sandy lil Khonshu hehehe
The one scene Arthur looks pathetic n it’s what he deserves Ammit is cool
He’s so sweaty tho
They have a freaky thing goin on
When she pushes his hair back n he looks wrecked lol
Khonshu is dustyyyyyy
Layla once again very human. She is scared but pushes on and she is emotional but that doesn’t cause her to falter.
Yknow what Khonshu’s hair tendrils remind me of? Thin lil rice noodles
Marc in the field of reeds… I WILL cry
“It’s so… quiet” the way his voice is fragile n disbelieving
Manifesting the silence, which means danger, no loneliness or hurt, and no Steven. No voice talking to him
Holy shit ok
I have the chills Ok
Marc walks over to Steven w such purpose n such a fucking open n sad face
“Lookin pretty rough man”
Sorry I had to watch the speech I couldn’t type
I rlly rlly care ab these guys
Ammit uses her hair to swing at Khonshu that’s so cool
Khonshu getting his ass KICKED
The coming back to life scene I’m
And then the bullets fall out
This is when the CG suit looks fakest but it’s followed by the chad real suits so it’s ok
“I knew you’d miss me” FREAK
“Steven Grant I was not speaking to you 🙄”
Steven ily
Khonshu is still
What a guy
“Hurry up! Idiots!”
Osiris’s guy is not having a great time
Blood gurgling asmr sorry idk what’s wrong w me
“Taweret..? Are you there..?”
This ep is gorgeous
She does Taweret vs Layla so well
Layla getting to know her father is ok n gets to be proud of her WE DONT TALK AB THAT ENOGHH THATS FUCKING HHHGGGHHHGG AGGHG
Marc b flying
Harrow is climbin
Leg work out
What if he didn’t climb to the top in time lol
Marc Spector more like Dart Spector w how precise he’s going through the air
So many ppl die in Cairo that’s so
Fucking sad
Ammit looks epic tho good for her
The battle in the air is amazing the gods battling it out I’m just
I love this so much I love it so much
Right after harrow n Marc crash to the ground in Cairo hes just laying there n it is the funniest shot I have ever seen
Ammit using her tail is so cool
“Layla…” /in love
“Layla” “Marc” “oh baby, thank god you’re ok” “oh you look amAzing what are you wEAring?”
I’m im I’m immmmmmmmmm
Layla is so cool n Marc jumps over the car n it’s amazing n Ammit bites Khonshu in the ribs n they’re fighting together as avatars and equals im fucking yelling
I love this episode SO FICKING MUCH JESUS HELL
Harrow is so sweaty ew
Shut up harrow lmao
You suck
N not even balls balls r too good for u
U suck dirt
God…. The suit getting blasted off their face the heartbeat taking over Khonshu falling in the background
I’m fucking unwell this is so good
“That wasn’t you was it Steven?” “Not a chance mate”
Jake came to party babeeee
Ammit where r u even dragging Khonshu lmao
Dragging his ass into next week
Layla n Marc holding hands n chanting n saving the day n sharing power
Both their voices sound so nice here
The way cutting the connection still has Marc recoil n not Layla bc Khonshu is harsher
Layla is his morals and she reminds him he is free and he doesn’t have to listen to Khonshu
Literally the only moment I wish was a bit longer fuck all the other bits the pacing is actually fine on a rewatch
Dr harrow time to get FUCKED UP
Oscar’s acting in this scene, Marc n Steven switching smoothly bc they have come to even ground, the clear differences between the two
The bloody footprints
The dream… to the waking of being in bed together and safe and on even ground
And it’s Marc waking up in Steven’s clothes n there’s two fish now n he gets to be in the house and be the one that trips n just
Jake time
Yes let’s go
His gloves… his confidence…. This man
Kicks the wheelchair
N Khonshu’s neck cracks
“You can’t hurt us.” “Yeah..? Wanna know something?”
“Meet my friend, Jake lockley.”
God ok o rmr why I love this episode it’s bc it SLAMS
All of u that shit on gods n monsters need to do a full rewatch and NOT EXPECT IT TO B WHAT IT ISNT IT IS A FUCKING GREAT FINALE LEGIT
I’m not ok I can’t go to sleep now what the fuvk
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after e5 of moon knight, there needs to be more marc spector agere. that man has been thro it ALL & he's STILL goin thro it rn, he just needs time to be a little guy after his horrendous childhood :(( i feel so bad for him (AND STEVEN) ,, i recently wrote a fic abt cg steven & agere marc & currently trying to write another shorter one, but i rlly do think there should be more of them taking care of each other :((( <3
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nomadasdigital · 2 years
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Moon Knight es la mayor apuesta de Marvel Studios en Disney+ hasta el momento. Sí, es la primera de estas costosas series protagonizada por un personaje completamente nuevo en el MCU, pero ese personaje también es complejo y, a menudo, francamente impenetrable, amado por sus fans de Marvel Comics y ocasionalmente burlado por aquellos que lo consideran ser la versión mucho menos genial de Batman.
Bueno, tenemos exactamente cero vibraciones de Batman en este primer episodio del nuevo programa de Disney+, donde conocemos al dolorosamente poco cool Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac), un tímido empleado de la tienda de regalos del museo británico que aparenta tener un trastorno del sueño. Steven se ata a su cama todas las noches y sella la puerta para comprobar que no ha estado deambulando por las calles de Londres durante su sueño. Sin embargo, todavía está exhausto y regularmente se mete en problemas en el trabajo por llegar tarde y tener ideas por encima de su puesto.
Steven es un apasionado del antiguo Egipto y parece ser un hombre encantador a punto de comenzar un romance con una bella compañera de trabajo a la que ni siquiera recuerda haber invitado a salir. En un momento, Steven expresa sus preocupaciones en voz alta: “Si voy a tener una novia en algún momento, obviamente no puedo tener ataduras de tobillo en mi cama, ¿o sí? Esa es la definición de una bandera roja”, lo que provocó nuestra primera gran carcajada. 
Por supuesto, no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que Steven se levante de la cama y se meta en problemas. Habiendo viajado de alguna manera inexplicable de repente se encuentra en peligro inminente. Parece haber estado en una misión para robar un escarabajo dorado de la posesión de Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), el líder de un culto que está repartiendo castigos mortales en nombre de la diosa egipcia Ammit. Aparentemente, ella puede decir si tus maleza supera a la bondad dentro de ti. ¿Y si esa maldad es parte de un futuro turbio que aún no ha ocurrido? Ella lo cortará de raíz. (En la mitología si se juzgaba que un corazón no era puro, Ammit lo devoraba, y no se permitía a la persona sometida a juicio continuar su viaje hacia la inmortalidad)
Harrow se establece como nuestro “villano” cuando juzga a un par de sus seguidores usando un bastón misterioso y un tatuaje, y parece bastante tonto a pesar del enigmático representación de Hawke, incluso antes de que la perturbadora secuencia se convierta en una payasada. De hecho, hay muchas cosas realmente geniales en este episodio que terminan un poco manchadas por su decepcionante CG o por la peculiar actuación central de Isaac como el inestable Steven, lo cual es algo desafortunado.
Este es también el punto del episodio en el que las cosas inevitablemente se vuelven muy confusas, ya que Steven, presa del pánico, alterna entre su propia identidad y la de Marc Spector, un mercenario que parece estar trabajando con el dios egipcio de la luna Khonshu. Los fans de Moon Knight que tenían curiosidad acerca de cómo la MCU manejaría el brutal estilo de lucha de Spector probablemente se sentirán molestos al descubrir que este primer episodio utiliza principalmente cortes entre estas dos identidades para pasar por alto los momentos más sangrientos de Marc en lugar de mostrarlos por completo.
La segunda mitad episodio se ocupa de ayudar a Steven a comenzar a comprender que su vida ha sido una farsa a través de sus interacciones reflejadas con Marc, tiempo durante el cual Khonshu lo acosa. No en vano, nos encanta la forma en que Khonshu ha sido diseñado para la serie, ¡realmente se ve perfecto! Elegir a F. Murray Abraham como la voz del dios de la luna es un golpe maestro.
Steven también se entera de que una mujer llamada Layla (probablemente podemos suponer que esta es la versión de MCU de Marlene de los cómics) ha estado buscando a Marc durante mucho tiempo, antes de que el villano Harrow le dé a Steven una charla tranquila y expositiva sobre Ammit, de cómo si ella estuviera cerca, habría matado totalmente al bebé Hitler/Pol Pot/lo que sea, justo como Rhodey hablo de un bebe Thanos.
Eventualmente, podemos ver una acción breve y totalmente equipada de Moon Knight cuando Steven permite que la identidad de Marc se apodere de su cuerpo para lidiar con uno de los chacales conjurados de Harrow, y algunas instalaciones del museo terminan luciendo como un baño público promedio en el Reino Unido. 
“The Goldfish Problem” es una introducción bastante sólida al mundo de Moon Knight, pero parece se le ha otorgado la libertad de interpretación al nivel de “Johnny Depp en Pirates of the Caribbean” cuando se trata de la representación de Steven específicamente y su recorrido puede variar según lo bien que funcione para la audiencia. Aunque es probable que el acento británico de Isaac sea una montaña rusa para cualquiera que viva en el Reino Unido, se dan pistas de que tendremos más de Marc en el próximo episodio.
Hay límites perceptibles para contar una historia de Moon Knight, sin importar el medio, y generalmente hay tres opciones principales disponibles al acercarse a uno: puedes ponerlo en medio del MCU a pie de calle, puedes profundizar en la mitología egipcia de todo, y puede intentar un estudio de su viaje de salud mental. En un escritor valiente el que intenta los tres, ¡porque son muchos ángulos para incorporar! Aquí, el equipo de redacción ha elegido las opciones dos y tres, pero todavía hay mucho por discutir, y quizás hacer malabarismos con todo dadas las limitaciones de una serie de seis episodios en una plataforma familiar como Disney+, es todo un desafío. De todos modos, es difícil no imaginar lo que una versión más lenta de esta serie podría habernos ofrecido en Netflix.
Diremos que es refrescante ver un programa ambicioso de Marvel que no está lleno de huevos de pascua (para los fans de los cómics, hay un vistazo rápido del nombre "Duchamp" en el teléfono plegable de Marc). Moon Knight no tiene que preocuparse por dejar migas de pan en el camino, y puede seguir contando su propia historia desde cero. Es cierto que la versión MCU de Steven Grant es bastante irritante, pero al menos es un protagonista muy diferente. Estamos interesados en saber cuanto del buen corazón amable de Steven podría estar en desacuerdo con la brutalidad mercenaria de Marc más adelante.
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ms5m1th · 2 years
🦇-Anon (max)
Max, stop. You're hurting my heart rn. 🥺
I love that so much! 😭
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ms5m1th · 2 years
Should I write angst? I feel like writing angst... should I do it though?
Maybe... 🤔
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ms5m1th · 2 years
Baby wants to meet Daddy's friend, but she looks a little scary.
[No name or gender is going to be used in this. I'm trying to make it as gender neutral as possible on all of my works unless it's stated otherwise. I got this idea from an anonymous Anon. Thank you, Anon! Enjoy!]
"Love, you okay?"
Baby looked out the window, kicking her feet, covering their ears and scrunching their nose at the sounds of the busy and loud bus. Steven beside them stares at their stimming with a worried face, and sighs. He should have made sure that she had brought everything before they had left the flat, but he didn't since their were running late.
'I told you to double check, and you ignored me. Now we're all uncomfortable because you decided to take the stupid bus.'
'Oi, leave him alone. You know he's uncomfortable driving.'
'So? Now Baby's uncomfortable because of him.'
"I know I messed up, Marc. No need to get upset over something that already happened."
Steven mumbled rolling his eyes. He then winced as the noise got louder, starting to get to him. Not as bad as Baby though. Baby whines quietly, squirming in their seat. They look at Steven with watery eyes.
"O-Off. Off. Please, Daddy, want off."
Their voice cracks, the hands over their ears shaking as they shook their head at the noise. Steven wraps on arms around them and squeezed with pressure, enough to calm them down.
"I know, love. It's a lot for your little ears, hm? We're almost there, little love. Daddy's gonna get you off, okay?"
"Now, please. Now,"
Before he could say anything the bus stopped. It was their stop. Steven quickly grabbed their bags and took her hand, tugging at it when Baby wasn't moving. They quickly get off, and Steven quickly squeezes them again, this time with both arms. He rocks them, shushing them when they whine, and kisses their head.
When Baby is finally calm, they pat Steven's back and tugs on his shirt. He pulls away, and examines their face.
"You okay, love?"
"Okay, Daddy." They nod.
He smiles, kisses their cheek and takes their hand.
"Do you remember where we're going, love?"
"Do you remember her name?"
Baby nodded, not wanting to talk any longer. Seeing this, Steven squeezed their hand and continued.
"Daddy needs to go over to handle some big people stuff. You okay to keep yourself occupied while Daddy does that?"
Baby nods.
"My little love, we are finally here."
They stop in front of a hotel and Baby hums in confusion. They go in and Steven starts talking to the receptionist. Seeing her eyes on them, Baby slightly scoots behind Steven and grabs the bottom of his shirt, getting his alters attention.
'I know, Marc,'
'They're getting anxious.'
'More shy than anxious.'
'Or both!'
Steven grabs Baby's hand, his thumb caressing their knuckles. As the two argued in his head, a voice called out to him.
Steven turns around with a slight sigh. It was Layla. When seeing his face, she gave him a apologetic look.
"Sorry, Steven. I'm still getting used to it."
"Not for much longer though, right?"
He replied, following her to the elevator.
'That wasn't blunt, right?'
'I don't think so,'
'She's used to it.'
'So it was?'
Baby shuffled behind Steven, staring at Layla. She was pretty, but why did she look like that? They couldn't describe it, but it felt... wrong? Weird? What was the word?
Layla met her gaze, smiling slightly and waving. Baby just blinked a few times before hiding their face in his back, hands going to fiddle with the belt loops of his pants.
Steven grabbed their hands and made her play with his fingers instead. The doors open and Layla walks out first, Steven following behind. Baby doesn't want to, but follows anyway. Layla opens the hotel room door and walks in. Steven stops, and turns back to Baby.
"You okay, love?"
They avoid eye contact with hotel room and shake their head.
"What's got you so nervous, hm?"
They point inside of the room at Layla.
"Why, love? Are you being shy because of how little you are today? Are you a little shy?"
Baby shrugs, hiding their face from his view.
"We're not gonna let anyone hurt you, okay? It'll be alright."
Baby nods, and they finally walk in.
"Do you have them?"
Steven nods, pulling a folder out of his bag.
"Love, can you sit over their with your toys please?"
Baby said nothing, but answers in their own kind of way by going over to the bed and sitting on it. They set down their bag, and tries to take off their shoes. When they don't budge, they growl, blowing out air through their nose aggressively. When Steven was about to help them, hearing their frustration, when Layla had already walked over.
"Do you need help, little one?"
Layla offers her a smile as she pointed to her still tied shoes. Baby stares at her for a second, before offering her foot. Quickly untying her shoes, she allowed Baby to slips them off. Baby squeals at her freed feet which causes both adults to laughing.
"Inside stims, little love." Steven reminded, chuckling.
"I think it's cute!" Layla giggles.
Maybe she wasn't as scary as they thought.
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nomadasdigital · 2 years
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Es extraño ser un fan de Moon Knight de Marvel. En varios puntos a lo largo de esta serie, ha habido momentos en los que deseamos no haber sido conscientes de los posibles giros y vueltas que se avecinaban. Entramos en esto sabiendo que Marc Spector tenía TID, que era el avatar de Khonshu, que era al menos parcialmente responsable de la muerte de Abdullah El-Faouly, que podía despertar en un hospital psiquiátrico y tener que llegar a un acuerdo con lo que realmente significa "realidad", y que probablemente estaría escondiendo una tercera identidad mucho más turbia dentro de él: Jake Lockley, pues todo está en los cómics de Moon Knight.
Eventualmente, tuvimos que aceptar el hecho de que esta serie realmente no sería capaz de contarnos una historia nueva y llena de misterio, solo una que había sido reinventada para que el MCU presentara el concepto de Moon Knight a una franja de intrigados fans de Marvel. Que es como debe ser. Tal vez solo deseábamos saber menos sobre él.
En consecuencia, las partes que eran nuevas o reinventadas aquí fueron las que más nos interesaron. Una nueva versión de Arthur Harrow. Layla El-Faouly como una versión irreconocible de Marlene Alraune. Una historia de fondo revisada de Marc Spector. El desconcertante inglés de Steven Grant y su relación con Marc. Ammit como un villano del MCU. Después de habernos centrado más en esos aspectos, Moon Knight entregó un final sólido lleno de vistas inesperadas en "Gods and Monsters”
¿Nos dirigimos al sexto episodio esperando ver una pelea tipo kaiju entre Ammit y Khonshu? No. ¿Esperabamos ver a Layla convertirse en el avatar de Taweret? No. ¿Esperaba ver a Harrow confinado en un hospital psiquiátrico en la escena posterior a los créditos? No. ¿Esperabamos descurbir que el súper violento Jake estaba confabulado con Khonshu todo el tiempo? No. ¿Esperabamos ver la limusina Moon Knight, completa con su matrícula SPKTR personalizada? Uhhh, definitivamente no. ¡Pero estamos feliz y sorprendidos de ver todas estas cosas!
Moon Knight en su conjunto ciertamente tuvo sus problemas. Era tonalmente inconsistente, el CG era en gran medida dudoso en el mejor de los casos, y trató de meter demasiada historia en seis episodios. Fue un desastre, pero al menos nos dio algo genuinamente interesante con lo que deleitarnos cada semana, y este final contiene algunas escenas maravillosas. Ver a Khonshu y Ammit enfrentarse cara a cara fue una alegría, y definitivamente nos animo un poco cuando Layla rechazó a Khonshu. El disfraz de Taweret de Layla también fue genial. Recibimos algunas vibras bastante pesadas de Wonder Woman 1984 con esas alas doradas a prueba de balas, pero lo ignoraremos.
Con Marc y Steven ahora imaginando que están "libres" de Khonshu, ¿qué le depara el futuro a Moon Knight? Bueno, podría permanecer tan oculto como lo ha hecho durante las primeras tres fases de la MCU, repartiendo venganza bajo la apariencia de Jake Lockley como el avatar de Khonshu, pero nos gustaría ver qué sucede cuando Marc y Steven se dan cuenta de que se están perdiendo eso y lo que significa para ellos descubrir que Jake siempre ha sido parte de ellos. Nos gustó que los momentos finales de la serie se duplicaran en lo peligroso que es realmente Marc Spector; no nos permitió seguir adelante sin confirmar cuánto de un comodín sigue siendo el personaje.
Hasta donde sabemos, no hay una temporada 2 de Moon Knight en proceso en Marvel Studios, pero con un nuevo especial de Blade y Werewolf By Night en camino, rumores de un reboot de Daredevil para Disney+, Doctor Strange adentrándose en el multiverso, Agatha Harkness obteniendo su propio spin-off y Black Knight/Dane Whitman a punto de empuñar la Ebony Blade, diríamos que definitivamente hay espacio para que Moon Knight regrese a la pantalla en este Fase 4.
Esos horrores únicos que Marvel Comics tiene para ofrecer apenas comienzan a desarrollarse.
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nomadasdigital · 2 years
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En el episodio 5 de Moon Knight, "Asylum", finalmente llegamos a conocer a Marc Spector, y el programa fue mucho mejor por eso. Si bien la última entrega de la serie Marvel no solucionó todos los problemas tonales y estructurales que sufrió en sus primeros cuatro episodios, le ofreció a su audiencia una rama de olivo en el camino de la cohesión esencial que estaba prácticamente ausente mientras pasábamos tiempo viendo la torpe comprensión de Steven Grant de que él era solo una identidad en un cuerpo que había sido reformado para albergar al menos dos.
Algunas personas pueden sentir que los elementos más desordenados, tontos, fracturados u ocasionalmente francamente lamentables de esos episodios se construyeron deliberadamente de esa manera para reflejar la naturaleza del personaje, pero honestamente se siente como un una manera bastante perezosa de verlo.
Después de reflexionar sobre ello, creemos que la inversión ha sido nuestro principal problema con Moon Knight. Es un poco difícil abrazar a la mitad de un personaje, al centrarnos predominantemente en Steven Grant. Es aún más difícil abrazar a un tercio de un personaje, y como la serie ha rociado ligeramente en sus pequeñas pistas de esa revelación aún por venir, se ha sentido cada vez más como si faltara otra pieza del rompecabezas. Cuando faltan algunas piezas en una trama puede ser emocionante y misterioso, pero cuando faltan tantas piezas clave del rompecabezas de un personaje principal es un poco difícil conectarse con él.
En consecuencia, “Asylum” se sintió como un largo y fresco vaso de agua después de cuatro semanas de tropezar por el desierto. Conocer a Marc fue como equilibrar nuestra propia balanza de juicio sobre Moon Knight.
Podemos imaginar que oscilar entre la sesión de terapia de Marc, sus recuerdos enterrados y su batalla en curso para salvar su alma podría haber sido un viaje salvaje para algunos espectadores, pero cada momento que pasamos completando la historia de fondo de Marc ganó un poco más de nuestra inversión en ver como a él y Steven logran superar su viaje visualmente impresionante con Taweret. En este momento nos sentimos felices. Enfocados y deseosos de más. Es cierto que esa es una forma extraña de hablar sobre presenciar el trauma de un hombre, pero es lo que es. 
El trauma de Marc en esta serie ha sido alterado de la versión de Marvel Comics, probablemente debido a problemas de línea de tiempo, la causa del trauma de Marc ahora proviene de un trágico accidente que involucró a su hermano menor y el posterior colapso de su madre. Culpando a Marc por su muerte, lo castigó con abuso emocional y físico, y él creó a Steven como una forma de sobrellevar su angustiosa infancia. Encontramos que estos recuerdos son profundamente conmovedores, y también sentimos que unían a Steven y Marc de una manera que las interacciones locas en medio de una aventura cargada de CG nunca podrían. El viaje de Marc y Steven al más allá también se sintió genuinamente peligroso, lo cual es un verdadero logro cuando el verdadero peligro ha sido un problema tan frecuente en la MCU.
La semana pasada, nos preocupaba que cualquier tiempo que pasáramos en el hospital psiquiátrico y más allá pudiera distraernos de la acción en Egipto, pero no fue así. A medida que el episodio creaba un caso para que Marc sobreviviera al viaje, anhelábamos que él y Steven se conectaran, y el episodio entregó esa catarsis con un toque lo suficientemente ligero como para evitar sentirse forzado. Ver a Steven abrazar su potencial para salvar a Marc fue maravilloso, y fue muy doloroso verlo caer en el desierto y perderse.
En “Asylum”, la actuación de Oscar Isaac como ambas identidades fue genuinamente espectacular. Creemos que este episodio finalmente demostró sin lugar a dudas que él era la elección correcta para el papel. Solo desearíamos que nos hubieran dado algo de esta profundidad al principio de la serie. Tal vez no había forma de hacerlo funcionar, pero nuestro tiempo con las versiones de Isaac de Marc y Steven en esos primeros cuatro episodios dejó mucho que desear. Ahora que esta sed ha sido saciada, Moon Knight podría estar listo para darnos un gran final. 
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