#cgs hospital
cgshospital456 · 4 days
Pet Boarding Delhi | CGS Hospital Sarojini Nagar
Pet boarding in Delhi offers a wide range of options to suit different needs and preferences. By carefully choosing the right facility at the CGS Hospital and preparing your pet adequately, you can ensure a stress-free and comfortable experience for your furry friend for pet boarding, Delhi while you are away. You can learn more online at https://www.cgshospital.com/servicesvats-7-Holiday-Boarding-Kennels
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starkersblog · 8 months
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Little Peter getting injured during a mission and his daddy looking after him 🫠🧸
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bklynmusicnerd · 4 months
"It's easier to be alone, because what if you learn that you need love and you don't have it? What if you like it and lean on it? What if you shape your life around it and then it falls apart? Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ damage. It's like dying. The only difference is death ends. This? It could go on forever." - Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy)
So I definitely feel like today was the best in terms of the writing for Trina's grief so far, just because it finally grounded it in a clear direction, survivor's guilt. Trina's grief manifesting itself as survivor's guilt makes so much sense for her character because it's the natural culmination of her savior complex.
That inherent belief that it's her job to save the people around her, the foundation of many of her key relationships and her status as a heroine, is also the belief that leads her to coming to the conclusion that she wishes she had died instead of Spencer.
I feel like it's easy to write that line off as a classic "soap heroine can't live without her love" moment but I actually think it's a little deeper than that for Trina, I think she's basically drowning in this idea that she doesn't deserve to be the one who lived. I've said it before, but this isn't just a sense of loss for Trina. It's a sense of failure.
Spencer having to sacrifice himself for her, in Trina's eyes, is her failing to protect him and be his "hero" (one of the "last" things he said to her before he went overboard). It doesn't matter if that's a completely irrational conclusion, it speaks to how Trina burdens herself. She won't take the compliment when it's given to her but she'll always take the blame, even when no one gives to her.
Cause no one else is burdening themselves with the "loss" of Spencer to that extent except maybe Nik, who turned himself in and is doing penance in the local clink like he's not an incredibly wealthy and powerful man. But to get back to the Trina of it all, she goes to the gallery seeking a sense of usefulness, gets triggered by the first painting she holds, is taken back to a moment of bleak helplessness, and is completely overwhelmed by the anxiety she experiences over the memory of Paris alone (TA played not just the grief but the hints of ptsd so smoothly). This is the kind of fluidity in Trina's grief that I was hoping for as opposed to the one-note, generic "boo hoo" stuff.
She can't move on because she can't forgive herself, and Ava just gets that immediately and starts listing all these people who need her to stay alive for them, herself included. She tells Trina that she's grateful to Spencer for what he did because she needs her, and cuts through (however temporarily) Trina's sense of not feeling worthy of it.
In general, I love how dark things got with Trina's pov today, I don't think we've ever seen her come this close to suicidal ideation before, but I think it works. She's mentally stuck in this moment where she had to watch someone she loved die for her and it all happened so fast that there was nothing she could do to stop it.
The panic, the frustration, the despair Trina displayed today, all makes sense in accordance with this survivor's guilt arc. The only problem is that's a heavy story that requires way more screentime that it's currently being given to be told properly. But, I do think it's interesting that Trina is sort of stuck in grief even though she doesn't want to be.
She's punishing herself by putting her education on hold, and the gallery isn't the reprieve she's used to it being for her during hard times. How far is Trina's survivor's guilt going to go and how far is she going to take this idea of punishing herself? Trina is a character that likes to have control over her life and right now, in the aftermath of all of this, she has none. She can't move on and there's nothing and no one for her to save (yet) so she's just stuck in this moment of failing to be the hero.
This is why Trina's admission to Ava that it "feels like [she] can't breathe" hit as hard as it did. It feels like we're watching Trina succumb to a darkness that Spencer credited her with saving him from. That's the tragic irony of this whole thing, it's not in Trina's instinct to give herself credit for all the ways in which she saved Spencer, but she will replay on a loop the one crucial time she thinks she failed him. It's important to remember that Trina felt this sense of responsibility toward Spencer way before she knew she was in love with him. She was always going to lash out at herself the most.
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oberthinkin · 11 months
Epel has to get shots.
NRC had their health examinations, and Epel got his results back, requesting a more intensive follow up. As soon as he read they wanted a blood test, he texted Rook the date and begged the upperclassman to help him out.
Rook supplied Epel with the encouragement the entire way to the clinic, reminding him that it’s not so bad, and the last shot Epel had didn’t hurt that much— it just seems scarier than it is.
He also supplied the little with a foam stressball for comfort; something Epel had been chewing and squeezing in equal measure, ripping the foam apart as they sat in the waiting room. Rook would kindly pluck the foam scraps up from their laps and the floor, tucking them into a handkerchief to throw away later. Normally Epel would be expected to clean that mess up himself. But he’s already hanging on by a thread… At least this is politely quiet destruction.
When it’s finally time, Rook keeps a reassuring but firm grip on the little so he doesn’t run away— not that Epel plans to. He’s not gonna run away!!! He’s already here and he’s not a coward!!!
He doesn’t cry during the blood draw, but he bounces his leg so hard he’s basically stomping the whole time, eyes squeezed shut and looking the other way. He’s got a death grip on the backup stress ball Rook brought him.
Rook keeps Epel from growling or whining at the nurse— he knows he wouldn’t have meant it, but that still would have made the blood draw harder than it had to be.
Soon enough, it’s over. The nurse sticks a bandaid over his shot spot, and Rook guides Epel out of the clinic—- keeping the little from running into the wall as he excitedly strides out of the clinic, eager to go drink soda and eat a sundae back at the dorm as a reward for being brave.
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besiegedhunter · 7 months
Do you think Kal'tsit will appear in Red's event?
I think there's a lot of reasons why she should. She's connected to both Red and Crownslayer, is the closest person to Red who a point is made that she doesn't have much people she's close to and they could do something about family, which is already a theme for Siracusa and Lupos but also Red because of her Trust 1 and how Grandma is responsible for Red's problems because of her terrible raising of her and how Kal'tsit, while limited in what she can do did save her life, give her shelter and taught her valuable life lessons.
Honestly could make a post just about Red and Kal'tsit's relationship.
But another thing is depending on the type of event that Red's event is. If it's a smaller event I can imagine that Kal'tsit only appears as a cameo or towards the end whereas if it's a Celebration Limited there's a high chance Kal'tsit is involved and to a sizeable degree (doubly so if a yearly anniversary. Kal'tsit hasn't missed one and arguably atm is a defining feature).
And as I made a point of with my Ho'ol and Red post, I think that Red's event could be a good time to reveal secrets pertaining to Ancients or in the least Beast Lords, who with characters like Emperor and Gawain and others would be important enough on it's own.
And being teased by a Limited event and given gravitas by Texas Alter's files I think goes to bolster the odds it could be a Celebration event.
But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part lol either way I seriously hope that she does. Kal'tsit was actually my gateway into Red being my favourite character as it's her relationship with Kal'tsit that got me interested in her in the first place so it'd be important to me for it to be represented.
Especially when I suspect Red meeting Kal'tsit to be a extremely interesting and important event that I HAVE to know the details of!!
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sabka-dentist07 · 2 months
Dental Clinic in New CG Road Ahmedabad
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Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic in New CG Road Ahmedabad You being a Gujarati, we know you love food! Gujarati’s a big-time foodie, thepla, dhokla, fafda, jabeli, hadwa, undhiyu, etc. Oh, I know your mouth is watering now! After all, serving all these delicious delicacies, you have enjoyed but your teeth must be craving for care! We generally tend to forget about our dental care, right? Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic in New CG Road is offering you what you exactly need, the care for your teeth to have healthy teeth, free from all dental issues. You may think that teeth are not so important organs of your body, but imagine without teeth how would serve all these amazing delicacies, you must take care of your teeth and give them equal importance as other organs. Sabka Dentist is a renowned name all over India. We offer you the best dentist in New CG Road, Ahmedabad. We are always figured in the list of best dentists in new CG Road providing the best dental clinic services. We are improving daily to serve all your dental problems so that you need not go anywhere and we are a one-stop solution to your teeth problems. We are some of the top dental clinic chains in New CG Road, Ahmedabad, and have a legacy that is unrivaled by any other dental clinic in New CG Road, Ahmedabad, India. Our dentists are some of the best dentists in New CG Road, Ahmedabad. Dental Treatment is provided at Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic -Dental Check-up -Dental Implants -Dentures -Orthodontic Treatment (Braces) -Root Canal Treatment -Teeth Scaling and Polishing -Teeth Cleaning -Teeth Whitening and Bleaching -Overdentures -Oral Health Guide
Phone number - 9081106655
Address - Shop – 104, First Floor, Setu Square, Sona Cross Roads, New CG Rd, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 3824245
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puppys-tiny-space · 7 months
🍼How to get over a cg🍼
Sometimes we lose people due to breakups or any other number of reasons. Losing anyone is hard but losing your cg really is up there. Here are some tips that helped me in the past! This can also help with losing a tiny but I didn't have that situation yet.
🩷if you need to take a break, your regression is special and sacred, sometimes it's important to take a break if you can. I especially recommend this if u feel like u can't regress, font force it🩷
🩹write a letter to them, if u didn't get closure try to write them a letter with all the things u wanted to say to them, u don't need to send it out just burn or keep it🩹
🍼let yourself grieve, don't be afraid to be sad, cry, be angry let it all out, don't bottle anything up. I wrote a list of what I will miss and what I won't miss, that helped me gain perspective🍼
🩷don't be afraid to ask for help, ask friends to be there for you or talk with you, especially if they know abt your regression. It's important not to be alone after something like this, or not more than u want to🩷
🩹talk with a professional, if u find yourself getting overwhelmed with the sadness and loss talk to a professional or call a hotline, worst case scenario go to a hospital for help🩹
🍼put away memories, if u want to just have a break from the feelings out away gear or other things that remind u of them, don't throw them out just yet but put them in a box and set it aside, u can always throw out or give away things later on🍼
🩷write down an ideal cg, writing a list of what u want in a cg can help, to imagine something to look forward to and find solace in, in the dark moments🩷
🩹do not rush into anything, don't rush into entering a new dynamic with another cg, don't rush into throwing out items or pictures, don't rush into deleting their number. Give yourself time to part with things and decide what to keep🩹
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Fun fact of the day: typing keyboards used to be arranged alphabetically.
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littlespacereader · 3 months
Hi! I just found your blog and I’m so glad I did!!! Can I request some more cg!Hotch if you have the time??
Thank you for the request! I hope you don’t mind if I took your inspiration and turned this fic into an Easter fic! I love me some Cg! Hotch! He’s so sweet and gentle with a reader that is maybe unsure of themselves. So I wanted to make him extra encouraging and kind in this fic. Thank you for the request!!
Happy Easter Everyone!
The Egg Hunt🥚🐰🐣
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Caregiver! Aaron Hotchner & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags - Easter Day fic, Easter egg hunt, low key mention of diapers, BAU family dynamic, gentle Cg! Hotch🥺
Nicknames - Dadee for Hotch, little Easter bunny
“Y/N…Y/N wake up…”
I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed, away from the hand shaking me awake. Why were we getting up early on the weekend?
I could hear Dadee chuckling before shaking me awake again, “I know you don’t like to get up early, but you have to go downstairs and see what the Easter Bunny left you.”
Easter Bunny…WAIT A MINUTE!
I jumped up and looked at Hotch surprised, “The Eater Bunny came here?”
“Yeah! I can’t believe I didn’t wake up and hear him last night but when I went downstairs I saw this big basket with your name on it.”
I gasped and started to jump off the bed. Hotch stopped me for a minute,”Hey, hey, just wait a minute. We need to get you change first.”
I looked down at myself then realized what he meant. “Oh, yeah…sorry.”
Hotch smiled and kissed the top of my head before lifting me up into his arms, “There’s no need to be sorry. That’s why you wear them. We’ll get changed and then we’ll head downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought okay?”
I just nodded my head, resting it on Hotch’s shoulder as he took me to the bathroom.
Finally! We were both changed and ready to head downstairs! I ran over to the top of the stairs but waited for Hotch to join me. He took my hand in his and helped me walk down step by step.
“There we go, just one step at a time.”
“But we’re going too slowwww.”
“Yes but we don’t want to trip and end up in the hospital before we see our Easter basket now do we?”
I just sighed in response…he was right…but I don’t like it.
FINALLY we made it to the bottom of the stairs. I ran over to the kitchen table where the giant yellow basket stood on top.
“Oh my gosh! Dadee! Look!! Look!!”
Hotch chuckled joining Y/N at the table, “I know! It looks amazing! Why don’t you start looking through?”
He didn’t need to tell me twice! I started digging through the basket looking at all the cute items.
There was a small chocolate bunny, a bag of gummy bears, and some pieces of gum shaped like small eggs.
“Candy!!” I immediately grabbed a handful of gummy bears and threw them all into my mouth before Hotch could say a word.
Hotch just shook his head, “Taste good?”
“Just go easy on it. I don’t want a repeat of last Halloween.”
I swallowed the gummy bears and shook my head, “It wasn’t my fault!”
Hotch just raised an eye brown in response.
I crossed my arms, “I can’t help it if candy is just so good.”
“What else did you get besides candy?”
I looked back to my Easter basket. There was a little chicken that you wind up and it pops around the table. I giggled as it circled around.
But best of all was just in the center of the basket. A big brown bunny stuffie sat in the middle with button eyes and two small bows on each ear.
I immediately grabbed the bunny and brought it close. “She’s so fluffy!! I love her!”
“She’ll be a great companion for later.”
I looked up at him confused for a minute then it hit me. The big egg hunt at Uncle Rossi’s house! Everyone will be there for the giant search!
“Yeah! She can come with me! She’ll help me find all the eggs.”
“I’m sure she’ll be a great help.” Hotch smiled back.
“Wait! I have something for you.” I jumped off my chair and ran into the kitchen.
“Something for me?
“Yeah!” I called back, “I got you something.”
“Y/N you didn’t have to-.”
“Happy Easter Dadee!” I ran back over to the table with a giant chocolate Easter bunny I hid away for this occasion.
Hotch’s face lit up seeing the surprise candy. “Thank you Y/N! You know how much I love these.” He smiled.
I took a seat next to him and grabbed my chocolate bunny. Together we cheers our bunnies together and take a big bite of the ears. Hotch wrapped around my shoulders and that’s how we spent the rest of the morning, cuddling right next to each other eating our chocolate bunnies.
“Y/N!! Happy Easter sweetheart!!” Rossi opened the door wearing a big pair of Easter bunny ears. He gave me a big hug as Hotch and I entered his house, “You’re just in time! Come on! Everyone is in the backyard all ready for the big Easter egg hunt!”
I held my basket tightly in one hand and Hotch hand in the other as we walked out and joined everyone in the backyard. Rossi, of course, announced our presence, “Look who finally arrived!”
Soon everyone was coming over hugging and welcoming me. Everyone was dressed so nicely, in pastels and floral patterns. Of course the only one who wasn’t was Hotch who doesn’t do pastels and such. He’s definitely a dark color tones kind of guy.
Then all the Caregivers got to talking while all the Littles got together. Morgan, Spencer, Garcia and I all gathered around with our Easter baskets.
“What did the Easter Bunny bring you guys?” I asked the group. “I got this bunny!” I held her up.
“Wow!! She’s beautiful!” Garcia said.
“And fluffy!” Spencer added.
“I got a bunch of candy!! And a new jump rope!” Morgan happily replied.
“I got new jewelry!” Garcia held out her hands to show everyone her new plastic bunny rings and matching bracelet.
“Wow! Nice!”
“I got a bunch of new book!” Spencer happily added.
“Book? For Easter?” Morgan teased.
“Which ones?!” Garcia and I said at once, always encoring Spencer.
“I got Peter Rabbit and an encyclopedia about rabbits and how they survive in nature. I’m gonna have Mama and Mom read it to me tonight!” Spencer said, gesturing to JJ and Emily his Caregivers.
“That’s cool and all…but let’s get back to what really matter here.” Morgan gestured to the backyard. “Papa said he hid the eggs really well so we have to come up with a strategy.”
“Shouldn’t the strategy just be looking around for colorful eggs?” Garcia joked.
“Ha ha, very funny. I’m serious! I think I’ll take Spencer with me and we’re looking on the right side.” Morgan added locking arms with Spencer.
“Huh? Well then I’ll take Y/N with me on the left side!” Garcia did the same as Morgan, just locking arms with me. I smiled, honored to be a part of her team.
“Then it’s settled.” Morgan smirked.
“Alright kids! Ready for the Easter egg hunt?” Rossi announced.
We all lined up ready to run further into Rossi’s big backyard. I held onto my Easter basket tightly as I stood next to Garcia. I didn’t want to let her down but I wasn’t really the best at these things. I looked to Hotch who encouraged me with a smile and a big thumbs up.
“3…2…1! Go!”
And we were off. Morgan grabbed Spencer’s hand and took him to a certain spot while Garcia and I went to the opposite side. Garcia was finding eggs left and right while I was finding nothing.
I looked into my basket at my bunny stuffie in the hopes that maybe she could help me. Then suddenly there it was! Right in front of me stuck on the fence was a small green egg!
I grabbed it and showed Garcia happily. “I got one!!”
She smiled back, “Great job! Keep it up!”
I turned back and held it up to show Hotch and the other Caregivers, “I found one!!”
“Great job Y/N!” Hotch clapped.
After that it was easy as ever. I helped Garcia look high and low for the Easter eggs. One was in a tree, another was in a flower pot, another was hiding behind a statue. Once all the eggs were done we ran back over to everyone.
“Dadee!!! Look at all the eggs I got!” I ran over to Hotch sitting on one of the patio chair.
“Wow! Look at all the eggs you found!!”
“You were right! My bunny helped me!”
“I’m sure she did help you, but I think you’re a better Easter egg hunter than you think.” He winked.
“Alright everyone let’s go inside and have some dinner.” Rossi announced.
“Come here my little Easter bunny.” Hotch lifted me into his arms and carried me inside to join everyone else.
“You think you’d ever wear bunny ears like Uncle Rossi?” I asked.
“Not in a million years.” Hotch and I laughed.
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cgshospital456 · 17 days
Pancreatitis in Cats | CGS Hospital
An organ that is vital to digestion and the control of blood sugar levels in cats, the pancreas, is characterised by inflammation in pancreatitis. Early detection and good therapy of pancreatitis in cats are critical. Your cats with pancreatitis might be entirely recovered from with the support of CGS Hospital. You can make an appointment right now at https://www.cgshospital.com/blogvats-36-Pancreatitis-in-Cat-Signs-Cause-Diagnosis-Treatment-and-Outcome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cgshospital
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CGSHOSP/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cgshospital/
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swee7dream · 2 months
i love ur works sm 😭😭 they always make me feel so safe 🥲🥲 esp the chenle ones like hellooooo 🫨🫨💓 (my way of discretely requesting more cg!chenle 😥)
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letting go cg!zhong chenle x f!regressor!reader
genre agere content, established relationship, comfort, slice of life warnings petnames ( doll, baby ), nonsexual usage of ‘daddy’, indirect mentions of half-regression dni if you sexualize age regression . i WILL shoot you in between the eyes ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა wc 1574
summary you find yourself traveling down memory lane at the airport . ( can be read as a loose prequel to whatever you want ! )
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le 🏀: i’m gonna be hanging out with the guys for a bit. text me when you’re flight lands princess 👑: *your le 🏀: will i ever be good enough for you
You chuckle as you lock your phone, placing it back in your bag.
The harsh lights overhead make the TSA line look like a hospital, like it’s the final safety check-in before you can move on to the afterlife. You look down at the charm hanging from your bag, trying to distract yourself from the sudden and unexpectedly dark thought that popped into your head.
The green material of your Hangyodon plush feels soft under your fingers, and focusing on it lets you ground yourself. You remember how much you cried when you lost your original keychain, a My Melody plush with a little pink dress on. You were inconsolable for days, Chenle thought that you had experienced the loss of a loved one before he finally asked.
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“Lost Melo…”
“My dolly, Daddy. The one on my bag…”
Honestly, Chenle never even landed eyes on that keychain plush. He had no reason to look at your bag for longer than 5 seconds. He knew it existed but had it in a far corner of his mind most of the time. He feels like it would be better to tell you when you’re Big rather than Little that all he’s ever focused on is you, not your bag. Big you would curl up into a ball and shy away, pushing his shoulder bashedly but Little you would begin to frown and poke and prod wondering how he could ever say he loves you if he doesn’t love ‘Melo’ like you do.
“Do you remember where you left it?” he asked, crouched on the floor as you lay across the couch with your bag to your chest.
“Think… the mall?”
Chenle pulled a face at the mental image of the tiny plush within the huge building but tried calling the lost and found anyway. With his bottom to the floor, back on the couch, Chenle held his phone up to his ear in one hand while the other caressed the back of yours as you continued to hold your bag like a lifeline. The dreaded, expected news came out of the speaker of his phone, loud enough for you to have heard thanks to the lack of distance between you two. Chenle felt as you began to shiver and shake like a Coke bottle full of Mentos.
“Stole it…!” you sniffled. “Someone stole her.”
“Hey, no.” Chenle tugged at your bag for you to show your face, eyes growing red already. “No one stole her. She probably slipped off. Maybe Melo just wanted to see more of the world.”
“So, Melo abandoned me?!”
Nice move, Zhong.
“No, Babygirl. No! That’s not what I’m saying at all, I don’t think.” He backtracked. “What I’m trying to say is: how long have you had Melo?”
“I dunno.,.” You mumbled.
“Was it before you had Daddy?”
“Then maybe-” he twisted himself in a way that let you meet eye to eye. “she felt that could go on a little trip. ‘cause she knew that you would be taken care of now that I’m here.”
“Melo didn’t abandon you, doll. She still loves you so much. Like this much.” He holds up his arms, opening his chest as wide as he can to get as much distance between his hands as possible. “But just between you and me, Melo and I had a little chat. She said she wants to explore the world! Her plan is to explore the world from the bags of cute little girls like you, and then hitch another ride once she’s maxed out their Melo-meter!”
“Melo-meter.” Chenle repeated, finally deciding to turn fully to you with his lower back poking at him for help. “You know how Daddy has to go to work every day?”
“Every. Day.” You grumble.
“I know. It’s not fun for me either, doll. But Melo has a job to do too. She’s in charge of helping lonely little girls be brave in the big wild world out there. She made you feel safe, yeah? Like you’re not alone?”
“Mhm…” You nod.
“Every time you get a little bit of more confidence, Melo’s Melo-meter gets fuller. That shows that her mission of making you feel braver is succeeding! You’re so brave now, Melo’s gotta go help out another shy baby like you once were.”
“Am braver?”
Chenle’s eyes grow wide, his head vibrating in shock that you can’t tell is playful, genuine, or both.
“You don’t see it, baby? You’re super brave. Look, today you lost an important friend you had for a long time and sure, you felt sad, that’s normal, but you didn’t cry. You didn’t cry at the mall or even when you came home. Do you think you could’ve done that before?”
You tried to think back, but your memory when Little is so short that even yesterday’s breakfast is a hazy memory. You felt your Big self tickle your ear, whispering a forgotten memory back to life. The feelings of empathy you have for your past self ghost along your skin.
“Mmm, don’t think so.”
“That’s okay, though. Because now you can and I’m so so proud of you for it, doll.” Chenle gave you a goofy grin. “Kiss?”
“Kiss.” You allow, pulling your keychain-less bag away from your face and turning your cheek for your caregiver to peck warmly.
“It’s time to let go now, baby.” He grabs your hand and squeezes it for only a second. “Wanna say bye bye to Melo?”
“Mmm, yeah.” You lay your back flat back on the couch and sigh contentedly. “Thank you, Melo.”
“Thank you, Melo. Thank you for helping my babygirl be so brave on her own. I’ll try and keep her as safe as you did.” Chenle speaks up, beyond the ceilings and clouds and into the nebula, wherever Melo’s next mission was destined to be.
“But Daddy, I don’t like being alone.” You roll to your side, cheek squished against the cushion. 
“I don’t like you being alone either.” He dropped his eyes down to you. “But we can’t avoid it, doll. On the bright side, it’s not like it was before. You’re not going to be alone in one place to be still alone in another. You could come to me, or I could come to you. Doesn’t that make those little transtitionary periods where we’re alone feel a lot better? To know I’m waiting for you. Always.”
“I’m always waiting for you too.” You replied. “…I guess you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” He hummed jokingly.
“Daddy, don’t.” You frowned, annoyed that your monologue was interrupted.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m sorry. Go ahead, baby.”
“I’m not 'fraid of being alone. ‘cause I know that they’re just teeny tiny moments to reach the finish line to where I know the people I love are.”
“Like me.”
“…Yeah, I guess, you.” Your eyes drifted away, intrigued by the corner of your ceiling all of a sudden.
“Hey- You know wh-” Chenle’s fingers attacked your sides, making squeals and laughter erupt out of you as you failed to squirm like a worm out of his tickling torture.
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“This isn’t a replacement for Melo,” Chenle warned, holding up the blue-green keychain plush in his hand. “it’s just a little fidget doll. And maybe a reminder that I’ll always be waiting for you.”
“Chenle, this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.” You take it from his hand, dangling it on your finger as you hold it up. “What is it even supposed to be?”
“Hello? I just said the most sweetest, kindest, thing in the world and you have the audacity to say it’s ugly?”
“What is it?”
“It’s-!” He gestures at it vaguely, then licks his lips. “I don’t know. I don’t know what it is. Listen, if you hate it, then give it back.”
“No!” You pull it away from his outstretched hand. “It’s mine. You gave it to me. No take-backs.”
“Ew, no. I’m all gross from work.” You scrunch your face, turning away from Chenle. “Later, though. Yes. All the kisses you want.” Your hands got busy trying to hang your new gift on the bag you packed for your flight the next day.
“What about a thank you kiss? Now?” He raises his eyebrows expectantly, trying to get within your eyesight once more.
“Thank you, Chenle.” You pushed his chest away with your pointer finger once the Hangyodon doll officially clung to your bag. “Move. I need to shower.”
“Just one!”
“Quit following me!”
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Your phone buzzed on the way to your gate. You figured you looked ridiculous unzipping your bag resting while trying to keep walking, but you couldn’t find it within you to care about the possible looks of onlookers. You would have in the past, but that was before Chenle, before Melo.
Your screen displayed a message notification from your boyfriend. Your eyes rolled on their own at his clinginess, but your fingers already were moving to read it.
le 🏀: can you hurry up princess 👑: i don’t control the plane chenle le 🏀: WHY NOT le 🏀: COME HOME FASTER I MISS YOU le 🏀: i'm holding my breath until your back le 🏀: if you even care princess 👑: *you're
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a/n hello ! it's vix ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ thank you so much for the requests lately ! they really make me feel that the work i pour so much effort is being received well and loved, motivating me to work harder ! i hope this is an enjoyable read as well ᡣ • . • 𐭩 ♡ hopefully the next release is the non-agere spidermark fic i've been working for the past couple months.
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bklynmusicnerd · 3 months
I'm just over here grinning at all the smart dialogue choices and acting choices coming together in this scene. That deep inhale/exhale Trina takes before conceding that she likes being near the water because it gives her peace and lets her feel like she's still near Spencer? The temporary calm already being on display before she vocalizes it, and then it's immediately followed up by the frustration of Spencer being "everywhere". So good.
Spencer's memory brings her calm one second and also feels like this cosmic force she can't escape the next. And it all concluding with Trina hanging her head in defeat as she admits that shrouding herself in the memory of Spencer isn't making her feel better but just making her feel like she's "disappeared" (not funny, they actually disappeared her for like a month 😒)? 10/10, no notes.
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oberthinkin · 10 months
Today was awful and I just wanna press my head so hard into Beels tummy or lap that I never comes out
Mammon is still my favourite but if he teased me right now I’d cry more than we could believe and it would look like Levi summon lotan
Too eepy for Asmo too— he’s too busy to sit in one spot! Even though he’s a good mommy, Asmo can’t help :(
Beel it isz.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 7 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Night In ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| mike schmidt x vanessa shelly
warnings: little!vanessa, cg!mike, established mike/vanessa both romantic & regrssor/caregiver, they live together, slight angst, vanessa’s insecure about her regression, nicknames
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Mike chews the inside of his cheek as he drives down the long stretch of empty road back towards the Schmidt house, it’s far too quiet in the car, and while the car is usually a little quieter without Abby in the backseat, this is almost eerie. They’re driving forty minutes home from the hotel Abby is staying with Ness at- he’s become a trusted babysitter and had offered to take the girl to an upcoming convention for some show they both watch - Mike honestly doesn’t know how a nine year old and a twenty something year old waiter can be this excited about the same show but he was happy to get the alone time with Vanessa.
After everything that’s happened it’s been hard to find time for just them, Mike’s working a new job, Vanessa’s been doing double time since getting out of the hospital, they’ve all been going to therapy- life has been busy. Thankfully much more settled, but some time for tlc is always appreciated, and the longer this car ride goes on the more Mike thinks Vanessa really needs it.
She’s been shifting in her seat every five seconds with a twisted up look on her face as though she can’t get comfortable and her eyes have been looking anywhere but at Mike. It’s worrying him to the point he contemplates pulling over to figure out what’s wrong- but he’ll hold off and start with just asking, trying to remind himself that jumping to conclusions only leads to him getting anxious which is the last thing he needs if Vanessa’s already having a bad time.
“Nessa? You okay?” He drops his voice soft and caring, glancing at the blonde girl only to be turned away from.
“I’m fine.” The response is quick and pitchy, almost nervous sounding, she’s chewing on her thumb nail and staring out the window like she’s never seen anything more interesting in the whole world.
“Are you….feeling small?” Mike hesitates as he asks it. While he’s always eager to take care of Vanessa when she’s little and he loves to be able to help her heal from her horrid childhood; he knows Vanessa isn’t always keen on going small or even admitting she may need to/already is.
“I’m sorry…” The girl mumbles back and Mike swears his heart shatters to nothing. Screw it- he’s pulling over.
“Mike? What are you doing?” A surprised squeak leaves Vanessa when Mike swerves over to the side of the road, a little more chaotically than he thought it’d be.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. But, Nessa, you don’t have to apologize for going small.” A saddened look falls to Vanessa’s face as Mike turns in his seat to face her, reaching to take her hand carefully.
“We’re supposed to be having a romantic night to ourselves, not-.” Her eye flick away from Mike, a wetness to her lashes and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as if she’s keeping back sobs.
They have reservations for a nicer restaurant that’s a few towns over, Mike ironed his dress shirt before they left and he knows Vanessa was going to wear one of her dresses, but none of that is more important than her being comfortable. Not to Mike anyways.
“That’s not true, we’re having a night to ourselves, romantic or not. We could go home and clean the entire house if we wanted to, or drive around until I run out of gas, or hell- we could go running through the woods in the pitch black if we really wanted to. The only thing that matters is that we’re together, okay?”
“And I’d hate to miss a chance to see my best girl.” Mike moves his free hand to brush his thumb against Vanessa’s cheek, smiling when she blushes and giggles at the touch. The nickname ‘best girl’ started after Abby realized Vanessa didn’t have a version of her own nickname ‘sweet girl’ that Mike’s been calling her since she was still a baby.
“You sure? Don’t wanna ruin the night.”
“You’d never ruin the night, ever.”
Eventually the two make it home in much better spirits, Vanessa had started to sing along to the radio loudly while Mike was driving and she’s still humming as she bounces up the walkway to the front door. Mike’s more than relieved that Vanessa seems to be enjoying her regression, he always hates to see when she’s upset and small, it’s a different type of hurt.
“What do you want for dinner? We just went shopping so we still have options.” A grin breaks over Mikes lips when Vanessa comes to wrap around his waist where he’s bent to look into the fridge. There’s still leftovers from last nights dinner but there’s still plenty of fresh ingredients for Mikes to cook something new.
“Pizza? That’s the one thing I can’t make!” Vanessa giggles as Mike comes to scoop her into his arms, placing her on his hip with a playful squint when she pokes at his nose with her pointer finger.
“Pizza. With pepperoni.” He pretends to think it over for a moment- they both know he’ll cave- but he still likes to watch Vanessa’s eyes go big and puppy dog like as she waits.
“Okay, okay, enough with the eyes. We can get pizza.” Both Vanessa and Abby know giving Mike puppy dog eyes will get them just about anything they want, and judging by the smug smile on Vanessa’s face she definitely knew it’d work with this.
“With pepperoni.”
“With pepperoni.” He confirms with a kiss to the side of Vanessa’s head.
A night of pizza and cartoons honestly sounds better than going to some fancy restaurant where he’d have to wear uncomfortable clothes and eat overpriced food while pretending he didn’t feel completely out of place in the restaurant. Holding Vanessa to his chest as she steadily chews on her hoodie strings is also better than seeing her wearing a tight dress - which she looks absolutely stunning in- but he knows bothers her with how stiff it is. They don’t need some expensive dinner or anything like that, they just need each other.
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@vaguekiwi says jump so i ask how high and here i am!!!💗💗💗
part three to «Don’t Ever Change» on AO3. it will be uploaded there asap🥰🥰
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——— written by grace ———
"Babe, seriously."
"I'm being serious."
"No you're not."
Tony scowled at his husband and crossed his arms, letting the ER bill flutter to the kitchen counter.
"He's in the hospital, Tony. What the hell do you expect us to do?"
"You could at least show some concern!" Tony hissed, rearranging the stack of papers on the kitchen counter so they were in order by date.
"We owe over twenty—"
"I know how much we owe, babe."
"Then why don't you act like it? Or go to bat with the fucking insurance company - I don't care it blood clots in Littles are rare events, that's precisely why we have insurance."
"That's not how the insurance company sees it. The contract we have with them says -"
"I know what it fucking says, Stephen. Give it a rest. Tony collapsed into one of the stools at the kitchen counter, staring helplessly at the bills he'd arranged.
Tony looked uncertainly at Stephen, "what if we switched him over to my insurance?"
Stephen poured two cups of tea and brought one over to Tony. "What does your insurance say about blood clots in Littles?"
"Fuck — I don't know. But if one more person says force majeure to me l'm gonna lose it."
Stephen smiled and leaned down to kiss Tony on the top of the head, "we'll figure out the bills, babe. We always do."
——— written by me ———
Peter has never spent this long by himself in the hospital. Sure, he has had a few stays the last year, but he has never spent more than an hour alone.
Telling time isn’t easy for a Little, but it feels like a long time now. Peter has watched half a dozen episodes of Pokemon, and the Netflix app is telling him he has two more episodes to go before the next season.
A nurse comes in, startling Peter. The boy jumps visibly, and the nurse apologises gently.
“Hey there. You’re all alone?”
Peter doesn’t dare nod, just blinks.
“Do you want me to call your CGs?”
But, before Peter can respond, the door opens again and Stephen comes in. He is dressed in scrubs, but Peter doesn’t notice right away. He is just very glad to see his Daddy.
“Hi, sorry, it took so long. Papa and I had to fix some things at home.” Stephen says, coming over to kiss and hug Peter.
Truth be told, Peter is a bit mad he was left alone for so long, but most of all he is happy to get kisses and hugs. Daddy cups his cheeks, kissing his forehead and nose.
“Where’s Papa?”
“He’s coming too. I came first since I’m starting my shift soon.”
That makes Peter pause. He shakes his head so that Stephen lets go of his cheeks. Daddy came just to work? And not be with him?
Stephen can tell Peter is not happy to hear that he will be working, and it tears at his heart in the worst way possible. But, it cannot be helped. And, actually, in the long run, an extra ER evening shift is exactly what will help them financially in the long run.
But, Stephen doesn’t get into it. That is a long and complicated conversation to have with a Little.
“Uhm- sorry, did you come to do his vitals or?” Stephen asks, turning to the nurse still in the room.
“Oh! Yeah- I did. I was here earlier too, so I think Peter remembers me.”
“Marissa…?” Peter says quietly, beaming when the nurse nods.
“Yeah! That’s me. I’ll do the same checks as last time. Is that all right?”
Peter flickers his eyes to his Daddy, but Daddy is busy looking at his phone. It makes the Little even more angry.
“Yeah… it’s okay.” Peter replies to Marissa.
“All right, baby.” Stephen says, pocketing his phone while Marissa gets gloves. “I have to go now, but Papa is on his way so he will be here soon and spend the night. Okay? I might not be able to drop by, but I’ll come after my shift. You might be asleep then.”
Stephen leans down to kiss Peter again. The boy doesn’t feel nearly as loved as he did when Daddy first came. He doesn’t lean into the touch, but just lets Daddy do it. Much like he lets Marissa check his vitals again.
“Bye, baby! See you soon!”
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tinysharkzz · 1 month
Addison Montgomery - Agere Headcanons
general headcanons about addison as your caregiver! i was thinking of this in the context of you both working together at seattle grace & as a couple (this is entirely sfw though ofc!) but i think it can also be read as platonic too!
my masterlist: here!
a/n: first ever hc post?? AND during exam season?? i know, it’s crazy, but i needed some comforting greys content and couldn’t find any so i made my own 🤘 enjoy!!
100% caregiver vibes - there’s a tiiiny bit of baby in there (she’s naturally just so cute i swear) but she has such motherly vibes that i know she’d make a great cg
As soon as you seem to be going through something and/or are in need of comfort, she is ready to be there for you in any ways she can
After everything she went through with the divorce with Derek, she understands the need for someone to just hold you and tell you that everything’ll work out in the end, as she never got that for herself; so all the more reason to provide that opportunity of a safe space which she never had, right? <3
She would absolutely SPOIL you - anything you wanted, she would get for you. When you first told her about how you regress, she asked for your favourite colours, animals, kiddo tv shows, and she would get bottles and pacis and anything you can think of with your favourite things on!!
A great listener of course - she knows all your stuffies’ names, your favourite kiddo foods, each step of your bedtime routine, even your favourite scented shampoo which makes a cool bubble bath too! :0
If you felt up to it, she would love playing dress-up with you: letting you give her a makeover, picking outfits for each other, turning the living room into a catwalk, you name it
This’ll go without saying but she’d baby you so much if you were sick, like with the flu or something, she would insist on staying home to make soup and cuddle you through the pain. As a doctor she naturally wants to take care of people’s ailments, but especially anything to do with you - she cares so much about you
As mentioned earlier she would wanna help you out in any ways she can, she automatically steps in to help whenever you’re feeling little - taking a bit longer to tie your shoelaces? She’s there! trying to read a confusing recipe on how to bake cookies? She’s weighing out the ingredients for you ^^
And this caring nature is also prevalent at the hospital (imagining you work together at seattle grace); you could be sat in an empty room for 2 minutes on your break and she’ll come in and use a few petnames on you to see how you react (her sneaky way of seeing whether you feel like regressing or not)
We all know she’s a neonatal surgeon - imagine you’re sat watching over the tiny bubs in the NICU together and she makes comments like “this little one has your cute lil smile!!” or “aww, you pout like that when you want cuddles tooooo”
Her favourite petname for you is ‘sweetie’. She is calling you that every other sentence I swear
She just has such motherly vibes overall! Like she’ll lay you across her lap and play with your hair, whispering about how she’s so proud of you for getting through the day, telling you a story about your stuffies
a/n: that’s all i can think of rn but if anyone has any greys requests specifically i am OBSESSED right now so i’d be very much down to think of those for whatever characters ^^
taglist (send an ask/dm to be added or removed! <3): @wilmaslittleflower @koithelittle
thank you for reading! have a nice day/night, don’t forget to drink water and take your meds 🫶
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littlespacereader · 9 months
So I’m only on episode 2 of season 1 of Good Omens but I’m already OBSESSED! So here’s a little fic I whipped up. Disclaimer: I don’t know if this is at all accurate to anything the characters would or wouldn’t do so please keep that in mind when reading. I promise once I’m further along in the show I’ll write a proper fic and open the fandom up for writing prompt request. Anyway please enjoy! 💞
Waking Up In A Bookshop
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Caregiver!Aziraphale, Caregiver!Crowley & GN Little!Reader (SFW)
Tw- car accident causes reader to get hurt. It’s minor but I wanted to put it out there just in case!
Tags- Reader gets hurt! (nothing violent, they just pass out), hurt and comfort, accident, diapers, pacifier, stuffie snake, Crowley and Aziraphale become cgs.
Nicknames- kid, kiddo, little one, darling, sweetheart, sweet one, Papa (for Crowley), Dada (for Aziraphale)
Of course I was late! And this would be the second time this week! I rushed down the sidewalk, weaving through the crowds to make it to my job.
I wasn’t my fault! It seemed as though London was working against me. The bus was always late and the walk from the bus stop to the coffee shop is about a 15 minute walk.
But today it seems the universe was out to get me. Even with the bus always being late I still missed it. So I had to take the later bus. Once I got off I knew I had to RUSH.
So here I was…running. The streets of London were packed as always. I tried to maneuver my way through the many people so I could make my job on time for a change. I decided to take a path down a different road which resulted in me waiting at a corner to cross the street.
I anxiously waited for the light to give the pedestrians the right away to cross the street. But it was taking FOREVER! I looked across the street and noticed there were no cars coming. So I decided to go for it and take my chances. I should realize that I shouldn’t gamble with fate like that.
A black car rounds the corner at a record speed. I was half way across the street when it happened. Without any time to react my backpack clips the car, causing me to spin and fly backward onto the payment below.
I hit my head hard against the road. For a moments everything went blurry as my brain and body tried to process what had happened. I stare up at the sky laying on my back in the middle of the road.
Tears start to fall from my eyes as my regression takes hold of me. I hear the car come to a screeching stop and two people get out of the car.
“I told you not to take turns that fast! Look what happened!” One yelled.
“They came out of no where! How is this my fault?! They were jaywalking!” The other argued.
One of them ran over and kneeled next to me on the street. “I’m so terribly sorry! Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance?” I couldn’t even move, my head pounded and my vision was too blurry to even make the man out. I just cried and tried to lift my arm up to him.
“Angel don’t be ridiculous they’re fine-.” The other man stopped mid-sentence when he came over and saw me.
“Tell me, what’s your name sweetheart?” The less harsh one asked as he took my hand in his.
“…Y/N…” I tried to say, but I’m not even sure if it came out that way or not. My head and my body couldn’t take the pain. My eyes started to close and I started to slip into unconsciousness.
“Hey, hey, hey! Stay with us darling, don’t close your eyes.” The first man said with a voice layered in worrying. But it hard trying to stay awake. I kept fading in and out.
The second man kneeled beside me. I felt my head being lifted up. “No blood, cuts or bump yet but they might have a concussion or worst.” My head was gently placed back down.
“We have to take them to the bookshop.” The first guy replied.
“What?! Are you crazy? Why would we need to worry ourselves with that? Listen, why don’t we drop them off at the hospital and be on our way.”
“Okay! Okay! Fine! We’ll take the kid home.”
I felt myself being lifted up from the street and into someone’s arms. I whined without even realizing it because I heard the second man…Crowley I think…start to say, “Hey, it’s okay. Easy does it kiddo. I’ve got you.”
I rested my head against him as he carried me over to the very thing that put me into this position, the fancy black car. Crowley gently laid me in the back seat.
He shrugged his jacket off and laid it on me like a blanket on before he sat in the drivers seat and his partner jumped in the front seat.
My eyes opened a little bit to make out the two. One of them had red hair and wore all black and the other had white hair and wore tan. Both of them looked at me worried.
The man with the white hair smiled and caressed my face. “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you I promise. Just stay with us okay, I want to see those beautiful eyes.”
I tried to nod but the slightest movement hurt. But he seemed to notice me trying. He smiled back with a warm comforting smile.
As the engine started with a roar and we started to raced down the streets of London, my new found headache returned to me. I watched as my imagine of the two men started to fade more and more into the darkness.
“Y/N? Y/N stay with us…Crowley this is the only time I’m going to say this but, speed up!”
“I’m going as fast as I can. Come on kiddo just a little longer, stay with us.”
“Y/N?” ………..
Then darkness took me as I slipped into unconsciousness.
The front door the the bookshop swung open. Crowley carried the unconscious Little through the door with a frantic Aziraphale walking behind holding their backpack.
“Hurry upstairs. I want to put ice on their head right away.” Aziraphale ushered.
“Angel they’re not dying, they’re just hurt.” Crowley tried to say, more for himself than to Aziraphale. Not that he would admit it.
“Regardless I want to get them in our bed and rested.”
“Our bed?!” Crowley whined.
“You hit them with the Bentley!!” Aziraphale reminded him.
“Yeah, you’re right. Right….” Crowley sighed at the reminder of his guilt.
The two quickly went upstairs with the Little. Aziraphale dashed into the kitchen, dropping their backpack on the table while rushing around to grab the first aid kit and some ice packs.
Crowley brought the Little into their bed room and gently laid them down on the bed. But that’s when he noticed something.
“Angel…come here for a moment.” He softly called for the angel.
“What ever is the matter Crowley?” He asked walking into the room, arms full of ice packs and bandages.
But just as Crowley froze, Aziraphale froze as well. But for Aziraphale it was just for a moment. He immediately got to work. “It seems as though the little one had a small accident. Nothing we can’t take care of.”
“They had an accident,” Crowley repeated, “You know that means they’re on the younger side of things.”
“To begin with, you hit them with the car so I can imagine the trauma of it all threw them into their headspace, which happens to be younger.” Aziraphale started to say.
“Will you stop reminding me!” Crowley yelled only for Aziraphale to shush him.
“And secondly the accident is easy to take care of see,” With the snap of his fingers Y/N’s pants became magically dry thanks to a small miracle. “There, it’s as if it hasn’t happened.”
Crowley was next to snap his figures, this time twice making two miracles. Aziraphale looked over at Crowley who looked at the Little, still laced with guilt.
“I just gave them a diaper…you know, just incase. Plus a gift from me after hurting them.” Under Y/N’s arm was now a stuffed animal snake tucked in securely.
Aziraphale smiled at Crowley’s generosity. “I’m sure they’ll love it. Now, let’s let them rest a bit while you help me with the bandaged and ice packs.”
The two spent the rest of the morning tending for the Little. Making sure that when they woke up they would be alright and safe in their apartment above the bookshop.
Aziraphale sat on one side and Crowley sat on the other side of the bed, both looking at the unconscious Little who was now all bandaged and ice up.
“Perhaps we should look for their wallet.”
“Angel is this really the best time to be robbing them?”
“Crowley! We’re not robbing them! I just thought we better check if they have a Caregiver. They better notify them of what’s happened.”
“Oh. Right.” Crowley nodded.
The two went off to the kitchen leaving the Little while they spelt. Over on the table sat their backpack. While Aziraphale would’ve had a softer, more gentle approach to finding the wallet inside the backpack, Crowley just picked and dumped all the contents onto the table.
Aziraphale sighed and started to sort through everything. He grabbed their wallet and then their Little emergency card.
“Ah! Well you were right, they’re definitely younger headspace wise. And it says oh….” Aziraphale stopped, his face turning sad.
“What’s wrong?”
“They don’t have a Caregiver. There’s nothing but info about them. No caregiver listed.”
Crowley took the card and looked it over. “How could they not have a Caregiver? They’re too young to be without one. What if something happened?”
Aziraphale raised an eye brown, “Something did happen.” He sighed and started to think. But in that moment something struck him. “Wait.” He looked back up at Crowley. “What if this is all meant to be?”
“What do you mean?” Crowley lifted his head up to look at the Angel.
“Y/N! Maybe they were meant to get hit by the Bentley! Tell me, how long have you and I been searching for a Little of our own?”
“Oh well…let’s see…”
“It’s been years! But we never had the time to actually sit down and find the right one. Well…” he gestured towards the bedroom. “We found them!”
“Angel…you can’t be serious.” Crowley rolled his eyes.
“Who knows? Maybe this is all a part of the grand plan of things?”
“So I was supposed to hit them with the Bentley as sort of this grand plan by the higher ups to give us a Little…I’m understanding this right?” Crowley put his hands on his hips. Looking at Aziraphale all sassy like.
“I mean naturally we’d have to ask them but I’m sure that they’re our Little. Look, all I known is I don’t care about anyone as much as I do you. But they bring out a new sort of feeling in me. I’m worried for someone other than you. I’ve just wanted to care for them ever since the moment we first saw them. So it must be true! I mean don’t tell you haven’t felt the slightest bit nurturing with them? Making sure they’re comfortable, putting an ice pack on their head?” Aziraphale looked at Crowley, already knowing the answer to his question.
“I might have,” Crowley said as nonchalantly as he could. He took a seat at the table. “I just…I just don’t want to get my hopes up incase it’s doesn’t work out.” It was an honest and sincere response. He never took rejection well.
“I’m going to grab a book then sit and keep an eye on the little one. Could you put the kettle on for us?” Aziraphale asked and Crowley nodded. With that Aziraphale disappeared downstairs to the bookstore.
Crowley paused and watched his partner go. With a sigh he walked over and put the kettle on for the two of them.
After he planted himself back at the table, looking through all Y/N’s belongings noisily. He picked up a plain pacifier and even plainer diaper. Oh no, if they were his Little, he would have to get them some supplies with the cutest designs and colors. He smiled to himself, he would spoil his Little rotten.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the kettle going of behind him. He jumped out of his seat and went off to make Aziraphale his cup of tea.
Aziraphale returned, book in hand. He knew just what he was looking for, “How to Care for A Young Little, A Caregiver’s Guide.” He might as well start to get familiar…it never hurt. Taking his tea cup from Crowley, he made his way to the bedroom to watch over the little one while they rested.
The first thing I realize was I was no longer on the street. Memories came back in bits and pieces but what came through the most was the pain. Oh right, I was hit by a car.
I whined and squeezed my eyes closed. Just as I gave away I was awake a soft voice spoke to me and took my hand in theirs. “Easy there sweet one, you’ve had quite a troubling day. Open your eyes at your own speed, don’t force yourself.”
Taking his advice I slowly started to open my eyes. Slowly I started to see the person with the sweet and comforting voice. His face started out looking blurry at first but eventually I could see him clearly.
“There you are darling. How are you feeling?” The man with white hair ask me. He rubbed small circles on my hand to comfort me.
Before I answered back I took in myself and where I was. I was in a very comfortable bed wrapped in the softest blankets. I could feel a bandage on my head and a bandaid on my hands. The room was cozy and warm, smelling like old books and tea.
He looked at me with a small smiled filled with concerned. “Hurts.” I told him, squeezing his hands in mine. My little side couldn’t articulate all these big thoughts properly.
“Aww, I’m sure it does hurt. But the ice pack should start to help the pain go away. You’re okay darling. Just a little bump on the head but nothing serious. You’re very brave.” He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Oh yes very brave.” He smiled back.
“What’s…what’s your name?” I asked the sweet man.
“My name is Aziraphale and my partner with the red hair is Crowley.”
“I know it’s a bit of a mouth full.” He laughed.
“Aziraphale.” I said more confidently.
“That’s it! Wonderful darling!” He praised.
And for the first time that day I smiled. Aziraphale was treating me so kind for someone who hit me with their car. Wait…wasn’t there someone else? Aziraphale wasn’t the drive…Crowley….he was the driver…
Like clockwork the other person knocked at the door. Aziraphale turned towards it, “You can come in Crowley. They’re awake.”
Soon the door opened and in came the second guy. Now I remember him! He was driving the car and he had the really red hair. He looked guilty as he took me in.
“Hey kiddo. How you feeling?”
“Head hurts.” I lifted my hand to feel my bandages but Aziraphale stopped me.
“No, no darling. Keep them on. They’re to keep the ice pack on your head.”
I sighed and put my hand back down in my lap. That’s when I noticed the new stuffed animal. “A snake!” I lifted it up and admired it.
“Yes, I thought you might like a gift for everything you’ve been through.” Crowley took a seat on the other side of the bed.
“I love it! The colors are so pretty!!” It was red with black stripes. And it was soooooo soft.
“I’m happy you do.” Crowley smiled. He picked up the snake and made it slide up and down my leg. Then he had it pretend to attack my hand. I couldn’t help but giggle every time he did it.
He handed me back the snake before he spoke again, “I want to apologize though. I’m so sorry you got hurt. It was never my intention.”
I lifted my eyes and looked at Crowley sincerely. “It’s okay. I should’ve waited and not just walk across the street. But I accept your apology.”
I could instantly see Crowley start to relax a bit. “Thank you kiddo.”
“Y/N we happened to notice your ID card says you don’t have a Caregiver, is that right?” Aziraphale asked.
I nodded my head. “Yeah…” I looked down, a bit saddened. “I’m fine on my own though.”
“You’re are a bit young, kiddo. I don’t want to think of someone as young as you being on their own.” Crowley added.
“Why I bring this up is…well, Crowley and I are Cargivers. Now you don’t have to accept right now or make any sort of decisions, especially with your head injury, but if you’ll allow us, we’d like to take care of you. Then after you feel better if you’d like we could become your Caregivers.” Aziraphale explained.
The two looked over at me eagerly but was honestly too in shock to say anything at the moment. The two guys who hit me with their car want me to be their Little? But they both seemed so nice and they’ve taken such good care of me when they could’ve easily left me there.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” I smiled at the two.
And they smiled back. Aziraphale squeezed one of my hands while Crowley took the other. Little did I know this was just the beginning of something beautiful!
My old job fired me but I got hired to work at a bookstore…Aziraphale’s bookstore! I arrive there every morning perfectly on time! I help him rearrange the books, work the cash register and take inventory.
Then after a long day I regress upstairs in the apartment with my two Caregivers safely by my side.
Crowley, who at first was a bit unsure how good of a Caregiver he would be, soon feel into the rhythm of it fairly quickly. He was a big troublemaker like myself! But he also loved to play any game I came up with including dress up!
Aziraphale has a gentle touch, always looking to make sure I’m comfortable. He a huge cuddle bug and loves to sit with me on his lap while reading a book to me.
Today Crowley picked me up and threw me over his shoulder when he arrived home. “There you are! Thought you could hide from Papa? Huh?”
Aziraphale just laughs and shakes his head at the sight of the two playing together in the living room. Once Crowley put me down I took off towards him, hiding behind him from Crowley. “Protect me Dada!” I hold onto him tightly.
“Always my dear! Back demon! Stay away from my baby.” Aziraphale laughed to himself, the nickname demon making him chuckle. Their baby doesn’t know the truth about the two of them and for now that’s quite okay.
Crowley rolls his eyes to the comment, “Don’t you mean our baby?”
Aziraphale picked me up and smiled at Crowley, “You’re right, our sweet little one.” Aziraphale pulled Crowley into a group hug with me. Crowley smirked and wrapped his arms around the two of us.
The three of us hug. Once and for all a family of our own. Suddenly the apartment didn’t feel like an apartment but a home filled with giggles, smiles and love.
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