#ch: hannah montana
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 "A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended."
- Batman, 'The Dark Knight Rises,' 2012.
Liam Week Day #2 thank you guys so much for your support and I hope you continue enjoying the content that I have prepared for y'all <3
Also also actually actually, don't forget to follow @liamdunbarappreciation so you don't miss out on all the works from this event. Sending you guys all the love <3
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cupcakeinat0r · 9 months
Broadway Baby Ch. 4
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Summary: Unexpectedly, You meet Miguel’s mother immediately after your performance (the one on stage and the one in ur dressing room *wink wink*).
Warnings: half SFW half NSFW, call me Hannah Montana w how I got the best of both worlds <3, Phone Sex, mentions of toys, masturbation, size kink!!!!, but starts off with major fluff <3
Tags, etc.: Gave Miguel a loving mother cuz he deserves it <3 Sugar Daddy AU, Miguel is a scrumptious DILF and Soft!Dom, Reader is Latina-coded n written by a Latina <3, age gap (wahoo!!), and Miguel is a very horny man.
Word Count: 6.7k
(right, so remember when I said this one was nearing 10k?? No I didn’t <3 Decided last min to cut this n make the rest a part of ch.5!!)
It was above your expectations. Your first time was everything you dreamed of and more, and there was no one else you would’ve rather lost it to than this man you were being cradled by right now. You felt so safe here. He made you feel so safe.
He was the sweetest, most caring, most intelligent, and absolute finest man you’ve ever laid your eyes on, and he took your innocence so graciously. The way he made love to you felt much more than just sex. It was caring and soft. Any inkling of doubt in your own inexperience that sat in your mind and stomach was immediately dismissed with his encouraging and comforting words. As you rest in his arms and catch your breath in your dressing room, the sweet nothings he had muttered in your ear while making love to you seconds ago replayed in your mind and you smile. When you weren’t focused on your craft or career, you dreamt about a knight in shining armor coming and sweeping you off your feet like this, and you found him, or to be exact, he found you. That moment you had walked out those stage doors and out into the alley to sign Gabriella’s autograph, he knew it’d be you, and watching you teach her piano today only reaffirmed his feelings.
The sight of you speaking to his daughter with a voice that could lull even the most distressed infant. Gabriella was asking you millions of questions, but your patience was doubled that. You were so understanding, and if at times she didn’t get what you explained, you didn’t mind repeating yourself at all. In no way did you make Gabriella feel stupid or a burden because you saw yourself in her. Yes, even though you wouldn’t have it in your soul to treat her or anyone in any other manner because that was just the type of person you were anyways, you were mainly affectionate towards her because of how much she reminds you of yourself. So curious, so wondrous about everything around her. So upbeat and lively. Such a happy girl. You would’ve never guessed Gabriella was going through a tough time due to the unfortunate passing of her birth mother. Granted, you still had the pleasure of having a live mother, so this only made you feel inspired by Gabriella even more. Teaching this girl wasn’t just gonna be an opportunity for extra bucks, but something you felt responsible for. You owed it to this little, precious girl because if it was your singing and dancing that inspired her and made her happy like it did for you when you were around her age, then it was your duty to teach her everything you know.
And so you sat in that piano room today, and you nurtured her little mind and taught her, the beginning of a beautiful student-teacher relationship blossoming. You had no idea how to teach a child, this being your first time ever teaching anyone, but it came to you as it went. Naturally. In your eyes, Gabriella couldn’t mess up, because you were already her cheerleader. In the short amount of time you knew her, all you wanted was to see her win. No, she wasn’t just gonna be a student. That was your friend. She was your kid, even if you didn’t realize it at this moment.
You could already tell you were gonna love being her teacher.
Miguel saw that in your eyes. Every time he peeked into the room when neither of you had noticed, he saw how genuine in your teaching you were. It was so… domestic. He melted at the sight. His heart soared at the fact that he’s found someone that could make his little girl smile like that. After seeing your performance that one night, she couldn’t stop raving about you since you were her favorite character, and Miguel had the privilege of getting to rave right along with her. He had tucked her in and she was still chatting on about how amazing you were, Miguel’s response being, “estoy completamente de acuerdo, mija” (I completely agree with you). now he feels like the luckiest man in the universe knowing you feel the same about him.
“Papa, are you in there?” You both hear the small voice outside your dressing room door, instantaneously picking up your clothes and hastily fixing yourselves to look presentable after having heard her knocks.
As you put on your clothes, you think about facing Gabriella after just having sex with her father… you begin to feel worried. Of course you don’t want her to think anything or let alone know anything, but if this relationship was to continue, she’ll have to know at some point that her teacher is with her father.
Another wave of anxiety came over once you remember Gabriella wasn’t out there alone. She’s with her grandmother. You’re about to face the woman that brought the man you just got pounded by into the world. The timing couldn’t have been more embarrassing. Obviously, you didn’t think about all this before you were getting your pussy deliciously destroyed.
Miguel can see this train of thought visible on your face as he’s putting his clothes back, the gears shifting in your head loud enough for him to hear, and so he goes to your side, motioning for you to look at him.
“Hey,” his voice is soft, as well as his gaze, “Don’t worry. For tonight, just act natural, however, we will have a much more in depth conversation about this later, I promise. I want you to be comfortable. I’ll simply introduce you as Gabriella’s teacher for the moment. Is that okay?” He places a hand gently on your shoulder looking for your confirmation.
You nod, a visible smile on your lips. “Yes, that’s fine. Thank you for checking in with me.” You place your hand on top of his, in which he takes it and places a kiss on your knuckles, “claro que si, princesa (of course, princess). I want you to always feel at ease, okay? No matter how many times I need to reassure you.” After helping you zip up your dress, Miguel helps you put your coat on, and he opens the door, looking down to see Gabriella.
“There you are, papa! What took you so long!” She giggles as she’s picked up by her father. “Sorry, birthday princess, I just wanted to make sure Miss y/n got our flowers and gift.” You both look at each other.
Yea right.
“Ooooo, did you like it, Miss y/n! I picked the flowers myself!” She says with a smile.
“I absolutely love them, Gabriella, thank you so much! You’ve got some good taste… Can’t wait to take them home, they’ll look absolutely beautiful!” You chirped as you got closer to her and Miguel. You look over to see an older woman, who’s giving you a slight smile. She has fine lines adorning her face, her graying, almost white hair fixed into a curated low bun, strands of hair framing her face.
“Abuela (grandma), look, this is y/n, she’s the one that signed my playbill and now she’s my teacher!” Gabriella looks at her grandmother, Miguel moving to the side so that you and Conchata were facing each other.
“Mama, this is y/n, Gabriella’s teacher. Estaba hablando de ella el otro día ¿recuerdas?” (I was talking about her the other day, remember?) He says, still holding Gabriella in his arms.
So this is who he bought this place for, Conchata thinks.
Yea, she heard plenty about you. Miguel had mentioned how absolutely amazing and how practically perfect you are in every way. It was after one of your rehearsals, Miguel had his daily conversation with you before heading out. He went to have a cup of coffee with his mother before his shift at Alchemax. It was that afternoon he first mentioned you to his mother. Miguel tried to play it off as if you were just some colleague or business partner; that donating 10 grand to this theater was an “investment”…. Oh yea, this was an investment alright. An investment for his bed. Conchata knew better. She saw the way his eyes lit up every time he said your name. Every time he told her how sweet you are. Every time he told her how passionate and hard working you were. How smart you were. How driven you were. How talented you were. Conchata knew that look. She could see it from miles away. She wasn’t born yesterday. She was his age once upon a time. Something else that gave away Miguel’s infatuation with you was the mere fact that he talked about you. Miguel was never the type of person to talk a lot, let alone, boast about a person. He’d been the quiet type since he was a child. He was too busy dealing with so many personalities at Alchemax, often repeating himself more times than he’d like to, hence why he was often short with his answers. He has friends he’d talk a little about, sure, but never in the way he spoke about you, so Conchata found it odd that in one random afternoon, he was going on and on about some actress he and Gabriella met.
Plus, Miguel knew nothing about art. Give Miguel a mile-long formula and he could crack it within minutes, but theater? Music? Conchata knew something was up when he signed that contract.
You mustered every bit of confidence in your timid soul and smiled widely, offering your hand. “Encantada, señora. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you!” (pleased to meet you, Mrs). You feel like you wait forever for her to take your hand, but she finally takes it, her smile faintly widening when she does. You both give each other the traditional kiss on the cheek.
Conchata is an intimidating woman, to say the least. Considering Miguel’s class in the city, she can be normally seen wearing the finest clothing. Although she had a strong aura, there was still a bit of warmth to her. You didn’t feel threatened or scared, however, you wanted her to like you, not only because of the given circumstances, but just in general. She almost reminded you of your own mother back home. Conchata exuded powerful Latina excellence, so naturally, you wanted her approval.
She looks you up and down, and you seem to be safe as you don’t see any sign of disapproval from her expression.
“Y/n, this is my mother, Conchata.”
“Mucho gusto, y/n. I could say the same about you. These two talk non-stop about you and the show.” (Nice to meet you).
You shoot Miguel a smile. “Your granddaughter is an absolute sweetheart, I already love teaching her. She’s incredibly smart as well!” You add to get a conversation going.
“She takes after her father’s smarts, for sure. The good looks, however, were after her mother, que dios la guarde.” (May God protect her) She looks over at Miguel, a slight joke in her tone as she states that her intelligence is from him but her beauty came from her mother. Miguel rolls his eyes, still taking the joke light heartedly. You think to say something along the lines of Miguel being extremely gorgeous and Gabriella possibly taking after that as well, but you deemed it way too soon for comments like that. You didn’t want to step over any boundaries or give yourself away. Besides, you didn’t want to invade in this cute moment between mother and son.
From your point of view, the two seem to have an equally beautiful relationship as the one Miguel has with his daughter. You smile at their interaction just now. Miguel has mentioned his mother to you during rehearsals before, so you know surface-level things about their history and relationship.
Despite his wife’s death taking a toll on him and his family, they seem to be okay, able to smile and even laugh in her name now. This both comforted you and scared you. Who were you to become involved with them? To cut into Miguel’s life when he had a whole wife before you? You wanted to be serious with Miguel, which would be a conversation you two have soon, but you also don't want to replace her. You didn’t want to be Gabriella’s replacement for a mother. Would she accept you as one? The sudden thought of constantly being compared to his first wife plagued you. Were you truly prepared to be involved with Miguel in this way? Were you willing to go down this road with him?
You decide this will be something you’ll continue to think about later, since now all you want to do is give the birthday girl the present you promised: a private tour of the theater. Gabriella looked so thrilled to be there.
You give his mother a sympathetic smile before you’re about to say something in regards to her late daughter in law, but you figured it could be saved for another time. “Well, I believe Miss y/n has something to show you, Mija.” Miguel says. Gabriella beams with joy and looks over at you. “You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?” You say, scrunching your face at her as she’s lowered back to the floor by Miguel. She jumps excitedly and runs to hold your hand. You take it, Gabriella holding on tight as she looks up at you with eyes of pure admiration.
“I’m sooo excited to see everything! I wanna know everything about the stage, please!” She requests, making you smile and giggle at her adorable smile.
“Of course, mama, let’s start over there, yea?” The two of you begin to walk out of the dressing room foyer, some of the remaining cast and crew members bidding their farewell to you as they go home for the night. You lead her toward the end of the corridor into the wings. “Oooo what are those?” She says, pointing at the row of curtains on stage left. She takes her small hand and grazes it across the velvet of the fabric, making it ripple with each swing of her hand. “Those are called the ‘wings’, mama. This is where I enter from sometimes. See these racks of clothes?” She nods, “I change into those costumes during the show. Right in this spot. I only have 20-30 seconds to change into each of them!” Her eyes widened at this, gasping in disbelief. “Whoa, that’s like… super fast!”
Miguel and Conchata follow behind you two, walking side by side as they watch you become Gabriella’s tour guide, telling her every little fact about every inch of the stage. The birthday girl looks around the stage in total awe, still holding onto your hand. Conchata can see Miguel smiling at you, but you don’t see it.
“She seems nice.” She breaks the silence between the two of them. Miguel is taken out of his trance and looks at his mother, both still walking in the now completely empty and quiet theater, the four of them alone. He breathes in, looking at his mother as he anticipates what the conversation will bring. He predicts his mother can sense that he sees something with you.
There isn’t anything like the intuition of a mother. Especially a Latin mother.
“Yes, she really is. She 's great. Gabriella está loca con ella.” (Gabriella is crazy about her). Conchata only hums in agreement.
“She teaches only piano or?” “No, no, dance and voice, as well. Tomorrow will be Gabri’s voice lesson.” He says, his gaze remaining on you two as you explain to her the different stage directions. He’s fascinated by how engaged you are with Gabriella, his daughter listening and hanging into every word you say. It makes him smile to see his daughter look at you the way she does: like you were her hero. Because you were. “Ah, pero ella ya no quiere jugar futbol?” (She doesn’t wanna play soccer anymore?) Conchata raises her eyebrow at Miguel. Miguel hesitates for a moment. He knew where his mother was getting at now.
Gabriella had shown great interest in soccer for the longest time now, even got signed up for the club at elementary school after begging to. It wasn’t until she watched you in your show that she became slightly interested in the performing arts. It wasn’t untrue that she was totally enamored by the production, nor was it untrue that she said she’d like to learn, but both Miguel and Conchata knew that as of right now, Gabriella had her heart set on Soccer.
Miguel cleared his throat, “no, of course she still wants to play soccer this is just…” he shrugs, trying to find the right words, “this is something that’s fun for her.” Conchata nods. She knows something’s up and Miguel can feel it. Conchata knew her son.
It wasn’t until Gabriella was born did their Mother-son relationship get better, but it wasn’t always this good. There had been a tension between them during his teen years, something that worsened over the course of Conchata’s second marriage. Unfortunately, Miguel was an affair baby, and this took a heavy toll on his mentality. There was a lot of degradation and favoritism amongst the dysfunctional family, but since Gabriella was born, and Conchata divorced her second husband, a lot of healing and talking it out had occurred, resulting in a much better and improved relationship. They have their days or moments, more like, but it’s gotten way better. In the past 7 or so years, their relationship took slow yet long strides toward reconciliation. Now, Miguel felt he was able to look to his Mother for advice and comfort, which was heavily appreciated during the period in which his wife had fallen sick and was approaching her last days. In those devastating times, their relationship had blossomed, it was just a shame that it took his wife’s death for it to happen. Point is, Conchata knows her son better than anyone.
Your private lessons were mostly for his daughter’s pleasure, yes, but it wasn’t the only reason he had asked for them. He wanted to get closer to you, and what better way to do that than to have you come to his home regularly and teach his daughter some valuable skills to become a well-rounded human being. It was a win-win situation. His daughter gets enrichment. He gets you all to himself.
“You sure it’s for Gabriella… or for you?” This was a rhetorical question. Conchata, with a knowing smirk, held her head high and her eyes remaining forward. Miguel looks over at her and stops walking. She stops as well, looking back at him now. “Ver la?” (See?/Right?). The corners of his mouth begin to lift as he shakes his head slowly. “Nothing gets past you, eh?”
“Mijo, I’m your mother, I know everything.” They now link arms and resume walking behind you and Gabriella, watching the two of you as you now show her the mechanics of the back stage.
“And for the record, I didn’t get Gabri those lessons only for that reason,” he chuckles, Conchata letting out a small chuckle as well, “Como ya te dije, ella adora a y/n. Haven’t seen her this happy in a while.” (Like I told you, she adores y/n). Conchata’s gaze softens at his words. She then watches how you hold hands with Gabriella, walking her through the various props and set pieces, passionately talking about how everything worked and answering any questions Gabriella had. She examines you for a moment.
You seem like a good girl.
“I haven’t seen you this upbeat in a while either,” She smiles at Miguel, teeth showing this time, “You’ve been… ay, yo no se (oh, I don’t know)… como que (like)… glowing lately. That’s good. Estoy Feliz por ti. (I’m happy for you). Necesito esto, mijo. (You need this, son),” Miguel smiles back at her, “It’s about time my son found someone that makes him smile like this again. I miss that smile,” she says looking up at him. She rubs her hand affectionately on his arm as they continue walking, “pero la quiero para cenar. Necesito saber más sobre ella para tener una opinión,” (But I still want her over for dinner, I need to know more about her to have an opinion), “pero (but) …. so far, so good.” She shrugs, making Miguel smile even more. He’s just glad to see that his mother is on board with this newfound romance.
“She’s a bit young, no?” She looks back at you again, as if inspecting you, “será mejor que no te aproveches de ella-“ (you better not be taking advantage of her) Miguel furrows his brows, kissing his teeth, “claro que no, mama” (of course not, mother). “Bueno… you better not. I know I wasn’t always the mother you deserved, but I know I raised you better than that.”
“Si, mama, yo se” (yes, mother, I know.)
She grins again, “Deberías tener suerte de que una mujer como ella esté con un viejito.” She laughs at Miguel, who rolls his eyes, unable to fight back a chuckle (you should feel lucky that a woman like her is ok to be with an old man). Miguel glares at her, grinning at her playful tease.
“You weren’t just giving her the necklace in there, were you?”, her voice is low, but Miguel snaps his head toward her, his eyes wide, “Mama!” “-Ay, alright, you don’t have to tell me.” There’s a short beat between them.
“solo digo, no me importaría tener más nietos.” (Just saying, I wouldn’t mind more grand babies). “Mama, por favor (mom, please)-“ “Okay, okay, fine, I’ll drop it.”
“But you know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
“Yes, ma, I know.”
They both continue to chat amongst themselves as they still follow closely behind you and Gabri around the theater.
“Gracias, Miss y/n!” Gabriella gives you one last hug after the hundreds she’s already given you throughout the tour.
“No problema, mama! You’re welcome to come to the theater anytime. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!” You say, tightening the hug. “I did! I did! This is the best birthday ever. Your life is so cool.” She says, inspiration in her voice. It makes you almost wanna cry. It’s moments like these that make you so happy to be a performer. When you pull away, you notice the bow in her hair has gone limp, so you quickly fix it as you add, “I’ll see you tomorrow for your lesson, okay?”
“Yup! I can’t wait!” You brush a strand of loose baby hairs behind her ear, “Me either. Have a good night's rest, mama. See you tomorrow.” You stand as she turns and runs to her grandmother.
“Gracias por todos, y/n. You did a magnificent job in the show. I can see why my granddaughter loves it so much,” (thank you for everything). The older woman says in a poised, soft voice, “and you’re extremely talented. I expect big things coming your way.” You smile at her, going in and exchanging the usual kiss on the cheek before parties separate for the night, “Muchas gracias, señora,” (thank you so much, mrs) You bow your head humbly, “It was very nice to meet you.”
“Igualmente (likewise). I’m happy to know that she’s receiving quality lessons from a quality professional.” Your smile widens. “You’re too kind! Gabriella is a wonderful student, it’s an honor, truly. She’s an amazing girl.” You make Gabriella, who stands next to her grandmother with a handful of Conchata’s skirt in her hand, blush. Conchata nods, “Thank you, but we have Miguel to thank for that.” Miguel smiles at the comment, looking at the floor before his gaze falls on you at last, your gaze locking on his. “You’re right. He’s a wonderful father.” You say.
Conchata smiles at the way you both look at each other longingly before looking at Miguel, who tells her he’ll meet them at the car in just a moment. She nods, taking her granddaughter’s hand, both waving goodbye to you.
Once they were out of sight, Miguel had you in his arms, already smothering the crown of your head in pecks.
“You know… a little heads up would’ve maybe been appreciated.” You say half jokingly with a sheepish smile.
“Forgive me, sweetie, I thought they would’ve waited in the auditorium. Didn’t think they’d be knocking on your dressing room door.” You both chuckle at this.
“That’s okay. I guess I’ll let it slide.” You dramatically place the back of your hand on your forehead, winning another chuckle out of Miguel. “She likes you already, anyways.”
“Aw, en serio? (seriously)""Oh yea, she said you were her favorite character during the intermission,” he takes his hand to fix the collar of your coat so that it covers you from the cold a bit more before continuing, ”but outside the stage, she likes you even more. Says she wants you over for dinner n’ everything.” You playfully pretend to brush off your shoulder, “What can I say, the people love me.”
Miguel laughs at your smugness, “Yea, well, no one’s taking my #1 fan position.” Miguel pulls you closer to his chest. It was pretty cold outside, and he’d hate for you to catch something.
“Oh-ho-ho, you might wanna take it up with your daughter on that one, mister.” You say, your index finger poking at his chest a few times with a smirk on your face.
“Hey, now hold on,” Miguel had a playful scowl on his face, “I should get priority, I’m the one who took her to see the show.” You chuckle. Miguel was right. If it wasn’t for Miguel taking Gabriella to see your show, none of y’all would’ve met.
“Say, how did a geneticist find himself involved with a Broadway show anyway?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Hm, well…if I remember correctly…” Miguel didn’t have to think twice about how it happened. He remembers the exact moment like it was yesterday. “I was in my office and noticed the billboard outside my window had changed. Next thing I know, I’m taking my suit to the dry cleaners because I dropped my coffee at the sight. I’ll never forget how gorgeous it was.” He looked down at you, a look of pure adoration in his expression, the lights from the headline of the theater illuminating his complexion.
“And what was on this billboard?”
Even though you already saw that answer coming, your smile grows, as well as the red hue on the apple of your cheeks.
“I thought to myself, ‘I have to go see this. I have to meet her somehow’.” He looks off into the night at the bustling streets, reminiscing on the day he bought tickets for himself and his daughter and surprised Gabriella with front row seats.
“And look at me now,” he looks back down at you, his lips curled into a warm smile, “I’ve got the gorgeous girl from the billboard in my arms.” You pretend to think, pursing your lips, “Ohhh, I don’t knowww, did you get the girl?”
Miguel’s smile widens, a twinge of mischief in his look. “You’re completely right. I need to take you out first. Tomorrow, after the show. I’ll pick you up right here.” He says it more as a statement than an offer. It makes you swoon. You love a man that can name a time and place. Once again, Miguel hasn’t failed to make you a blushing, giddy mess, despite your efforts to play it cool.
“O-okay. Where to?”
“It’s a surprise.”
You shy away, smiling at the cement beneath you two, but not for long since Miguel lifts your chin. “I wish I can take you home with me, preciosa,” he pouts, “And as always, you were amazing.”
You blush even harder now even though the cold has made you pink in the face already.
“Pare ya (stop already), You’ve told me millions of times before.” “Nunca (never). I’ll tell you a million times more, muñequita (doll). And I wasn’t just talking about the show, either,” He speaks more quietly, the bass of his voice tickling your insides, “And our little performance in the dressing room… fuck… Me hará pensar en ti y ese cuerpo toda la noche (gonna have me thinking about you and that body all night). M’gonna miss my pretty girl tonight.” He coos. You’re submerged even more in his muscles and chest, his lips planting kisses on top of your head. The overdose of physical touch and praise was making you dazed.
The combination of Miguel’s smooth voice and his pet names for you have you butterflies. You genuinely felt like the most fragile, ethereal being in his big, warm arms. You melted into goo in his arms. It was almost strange how warm Miguel was, like a human heater, but you weren’t complaining. You didn’t want him to leave. You wanted to go home with him and cuddle this big softy more than anything else.
You got on your tiptoes, leaning your head back slightly so as to give him better access to your chilled lips, “dame un besito?” (Give me a kiss?) You ask with a pout and pure innocence which made Miguel weak in the knees. And how could he deny his pretty girl? He’d give you anything you wanted. “Claro que si, mamita.” (Of course, mami). The crisp cold air on your lips is consumed by his luscious lips on yours. You could’ve taken this moment and put it in a movie, It was so romantic. His hand not only offered warmth to your face, thumb caressing your cheek, but it also was the icing on the cake to the most cinematic moment of your life… and you’re an actor.
“Mmm, Imma miss you, too. Oh! And thank you so much for the necklace! It’s absolutely amazing and I love it. You didn’t have to do that!” Your fingers play with the Swarovski diamonds. “Denada, princesita, (your welcome, princess), and there’ll be plenty more after that,” you scoff, smiling at the floor again, “I’m serious. You’re gonna have to get used to it.” He lifts your chin again, demanding eye contact.
“You’re stuck with me, sweetheart.”
“I guess I could live with that.” You giggle.
You both arranged your plans for tomorrow before exchanging one last tender kiss goodnight. Miguel waits for you as you go back inside to grab your things. He doesn’t go into his car until he sees you leave and enter the subway station. He didn’t like you using public transportation, especially this late at night, but after promising him that you’re literally only a 15 minute train ride away and that you’ll call him once you get home, he allowed it. Even though he repeatedly told you it wouldn’t be an issue to take you home, you still didn’t want to be a bother since you knew he also still had to drop off his mother.
He was now on his way home, after having dropped off his mother at her place, you being the only thing on his mind. Gabriella, sitting in the back, was knocked out. He thinks about how he won’t be getting any sleep tonight, but is happy to see Gabriella is getting her rest.
He thinks about what y’all had done in your dressing room. How good you were for him. You looked so pretty for him, all shy and spread out for him on your vanity. It amazed him how perfectly you fit. Like you were made for him. 4 years without sex. He had to try and reel it back in a couple times while y’all fucked. He wanted to be gentle with you, knowing it was your first time. He wanted to make it special for you, because you deserve nothing less. Had y’all been together for a bit or so already, he would’ve ravaged you until you couldn’t walk. It was so hard having to control all that pent up sexual frustration. He knew he was thirsty for good pussy, but he didn’t truly realize just how badly he needed it until he had you. Now, he wanted more. You had him hooked.
But then he thought about you. Just you being you. Your little laughs, your soft smile, your slight accent. The way you speak. The mannerisms that were unique to you. The way you think. The way you walk. As if you weren’t perfect enough, the way you treat Gabriella was nothing short of heart warming. Anyone else would’ve dismissed her hyper personality, but you handled her with such grace. You were too good to be true. He felt so lucky. He was sent back to his high school days when he would crush on a girl. He wanted so badly to be with someone again; to be soft with someone after a long, hard day at Alchemax. To spoil someone. To take naps with someone. To come home to someone’s arms. Hell, he might’ve been too prideful to admit it, but he wouldn’t mind being babied by someone every day occasionally. For someone to melt away his stress and to tell him how good he’s doing. To have someone’s chest to bury his face into after having to deal with people all day long. Someone to break down his walls again. Someone he feels safe with. He won’t be able to sleep tonight because he knew that, for the first time in a very long time, he won’t be so lonely anymore. He hadn’t felt like this since, well, his first marriage.
A part of him did feel bad, a guilty feeling looming over his conscience the day he met you and fell head over heels. He didn’t want to forget his first wife or betray her memory in any way. His mother had told him in the car before being dropped off that he was allowed to find love. She reassured and validated him, which made him feel a bit better. She told him how his previous wife wouldn’t want to watch him live his life alone. He deserved to be happy. Conchata also would’ve been pissed if he didn’t cease the opportunity of a lifetime, so that there was also some motivation.
If he was being honest with himself, he was beginning to think that he’d live the rest of his life on his own, as a single father, and he was sort of okay with that. It was either that or finding the most perfect partner, settling for less simply for the sake of not being alone wasn’t an option. He would’ve been happy with Gabriella’s love. She was his whole life. You were just a miraculous bonus. You were that perfect someone. You reminded him of what the adrenaline of crushing on someone felt like. For the first time in four long, lonesome years, you gave him a chance at love again.
Gabriella has been tucked in, some reports from the lab have been looked over, and now Miguel has just gotten out the shower, wearing only some pj pants. He runs a towel over his hair, lazily drying it, then hears his phone go off.
Knowing it’s you, he nearly jumps for it.
“Hola, preciosa, You home yet?
You ok?”
His voice sounds worried. When you didn’t call when you said you would, he immediately started thinking the worst.
“Yes, yes, I just got home!
The train broke down
midway, we were all
waiting there for almost
an hour.” You groaned.
“I was getting worried,
Mama. I’m just glad your safe.
Nothing happened on the way?”
“Nothing happened,
really, I’m fine, Miguel!”
“I just wanna make sure.
Next time, I’m taking you home.”
“Ay, Miguel, no impieces,
the subway is fine for me-“
“Well it’s not for me.
No me molesta, really.
Yo quiero.”
You let out a sigh.
“Please? At least for
the nighttime?”
“So you’re gonna drive
me halfway across the
city after every show?”
You take a beat. This man was honestly so good to you.
“You’re crazy.”
“About you.”
“Yea, I can tell.”
“Uhuh, I know you’re smiling
on the other end.”
“No I’m not.” Yes you were.
“no mientas, nena.”
“or what?”
Yup. You’re gonna play that game.
“Oh? Or maybe I’ll have to
come over there n’ teach
you a lesson, eh, beba?”
“I wish you would. I
miss you already.”
“Aw, yea? dime
que extrañas, princesa…”
“Oh, I dunno…”
“You’re absolutely adorable,
you know that?
C’mon, baby, you don’t have to be
shy on me now. You’re
safe, mama. Dimelo.”
“Oh, alright… I miss how safe
n protected you make me
feel… how small you
make me feel in your
arms… wish you were
here with me, papi.”
“Aw, sweet heart….
say that again for me.”
“Want you here with me,
papi… Make me feel so
“Mhm… sigue hablando,
“Quiero sentir esas manos
grandes por todo mi cuerpo.”
“Mm, algo mas, beba?”
“Mm… mhm…” your breathing
seems to become labored.
“usa tu palabras, nena.”
“Mmngh… want you on top of
me, daddy… want that big
cock of yours so baaad.”
“Mmfuck baby, I know, I know,
soon though… shit… gonna take
you out for dinner tomorrow and
as soon as I take you home…
o-oh fuck… gonna destroy that pussy
all night long like the good girl you are.”
“Please, pretty please, I can’t
wait… so wet at just the thought…”
“fuck…yo se, mamita,
pero for tonight,
need you to play with that pretty
pussy of yours for me, mkay?
Got me stroking my dick at the
thought of your wet pussy.”
“not…. Not enough,
“Awww, pobrecita, so
needy…. Imma make it up to you,
‘kay? I promise, baby.
Gonna make you sit on my face
until I’m drenched…”
“God, yes…”
“-n ima fuck that tight little pussy
over n over again until you
can’t think anymore. Gonna have
you bouncin on my thick cock n tell you
how pretty you look on it.”
“But my pussy needs you now,
daddyy... “
“Coño, mami, just
keep trying for me, ‘kay?”
“I wantchu to
fill me up. My fingers
aren’t enough.”
“Aw, Need daddy’s fat cock
that badly, huh?”
“Mhm, so dumb for it.
Just wanna be your…
Oh my god…. Your lil cock slut.
wantchu to ruin me.”
“Mmnnshit… que nena sucia
tu eres, coño. Why don’t you
use a toy for me, hm?
Pretend it’s me stretchin’
you out, bebita.”
“Okay… oohhh… Mmm…Miguellll, ”
“Atta girl, you’re doing so good
for me, f- fuck! Papi
needs you, too, sweetheart-”
“Papi, I’m close…”
“Let it out for
me, baby, let yourself
feel good, Mm?”
You then let out soft whimpers and moans as you pump your toy in and out of you, riding your high.
“Fuck, you sound so fucking
pretty, princess.
Be a good girl for me and
send me some pictures and
videos, yea?
Show me what you’re doin to
that cute cunnie over there.”
“Ungh, o-okay, papi,
I will.”
“Aww, that’s a good girl,
so perfect for me. No puedo esperar
para comerte y tenerte todo para mí.”
After you came on your fingers, you sent Miguel a couple photos and videos of you spreading yourself for him. You’ve never done this before, so this was a total experiment for you, your blush the deepest red it’s ever been. You weren’t sure what angles to use or how to position yourself, but regardless of your worries, you made art, and it was art that Miguel had loved and saved to a private folder to look back on in the future. He’s def looking at them at work tomorrow. You bit your lip to find messages of photos and clips of his own massive cock in his equally large fist, his seed splayed out on his thick thighs and across his sculpted v-line, the sight making the heat between your legs ache once more. It made you salivate.
gracias a dios por este hombre que bellamente has creado y me has dado.
(Thank you god for this man you so beautifully created and given to me).
You think tonight will be a night for falling asleep with the help of your rose toy again. But that’s ok.
Miguel will definitely make it up to you the next day, and that was a promise.
Hope u liked it!!!
Also rlly hope y’all like Conchata, she’s supposed to give kind of cool mom/rich grandma vibes.
She def has those mysterious strawberry candies that live in the bottom of her Louis bag, always ready to give to the kids.
Like I said, Miguel only knows peace n happiness in my mind palace, and so he’s gonna have a good mom bc I want him to <3 Gabriel is still his brother as well, I’ll talk about him later tho 👀
Anyways, see y’all in the next chapter!!!
Mwah!!! Xoxo
Cutie patootie taglist:
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halliescomut · 1 year
Masterpost (Under Construction)
It will likely take quite a while to get this off the ground, so please be patient.
I will also be slowing instituting a new tag for my meta posts (because if I had been using one all along this would be infinitely easier). Said tag will be #HallieSMeta.
Until there's something more interesting to look at here, please enjoy Jeffrey being a little punk:
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Look at this motherfucker!!!! How dare he be so goddamn adorable!!!
Be aware that many of these posts are written months apart and so sometimes information is repeated...it happens.
KimChay MixTape- This is my post-canon KimChay fic- as of 10/10/23 it's at 88k words and will probably be 100k by the time I wrap things up. The links below are lil preview posts I do when I update. This is the Google Drive link to the first 3 chapters (which is a complete arc in itself. Otherwise it is posted on AO3.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 Bonus Chapters
KP Season 2 Unhinged Wants- these are a bit of an amalgamation, but all original posts should be link here as well and will be posted as I start to curate.
KP Week 2022: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Kim-Vegas and Main-Minor family relations: 1 2
Porchay: Post Break-up Behavior
Acting: Tong and Jeff
Porsche & __: Hugs Vegas Queer awakening (?)
VegasPete Sad Hours: 1 2 3 4 5
PrettyBoy ship (TankhunTay): 1 2
Kim-Hannah Montana theme song Kim-Kimhant-Wik
Masquerade Ball: KinnPorsche Pete Bodyguards
Pete and Morality
Theerapanyakuls and musical instruments
Jeff Satur Music
Song Theory part 1
Lucid MV Discussion
Lucid costar-Nene
You can also search the tag 'jeff satur menace' to see many posts of Jeff looking handsome as fuck.
BL Industry Musings
2022 BL opinions
Colorism Fanservice Assumption of Queerness
Faux Incest in BL
BL Botany 1 & 2 Jeff
My Personal Weatherman
Mashiko Atsuki appreciation
No-subtitle watch throughs (eps 3-8): 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ep 2 Ep 5 Yoh's drawings 1 Yoh's drawings 2 Finale thoughts
Minato's Laundromat S2
Midseason check-in I have feelings Amnesia trope
Asuka and Shu
Our Dining Table
Please watch this show: 1 2 3
Costuming Analysis
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Ep 5 Ep 8 Ep 9
Mame/MeMindY BLs
Love Sea: Intro to characters
Boy Next World: Intro to story and characters
Wedding Plan: They met as Children Lom Nuea
Love in the Air
Payu & Rain Conspiracy Theory
1 year Anniversary video
Sky becoming soft for Prapai
Pai/Sky oneshots
Prap-Eyes gifset
We were robbed
Prapai/Sky and boundaries
Prapai & Reformed Rake character type
Sky/Prapai thoughts
Episode 8 thoughts
Sky in the One Night Stand
Noeul’s acting
Rain is not a bad friend
Payu and having his hair down-hair care as a show of affection
Love in the Air is a Character-driven story
Naughty Babe
Ep 4
Tadaima, Okaeri
Eps 1-3 kind of intro
Ep 4- Meta discussion, discrimination allegory?
Ep 5- Meta discussion, portrayal of parenting
It's not letting me add the links right now, so I'll try again later.
Stray Kids
Social Path MV Analysis
Hallie is TOO honest on Tumblr:
Broad backs
Discovering my Asexuality
Human Imperfection
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ezra-brainrot · 2 years
I forgot to mention on here that I was given permission to write a fic about a Hannah Montana AU and I did BUT - if you follow me at all on Twitter, you should know I am... an unapologetic music nerd.
And I meant to write out a little more about that side of it just because I enjoy sharing music nerd things.
Anyway - originator of the Matt Magdred AU here. (ty for allowing me to play in the AU!!)
And here is the fic!!
And now for some notes about things:
Ch 1 - Bands mentioned in this AU: Same as Sam == Better Than Ezra, my favorite band. Formed in 1988, generally alternative / Southern rock and idk what else to add to them. The title of the fic is from their song "In the Blood."
Golden Throne == Silverchair. Silverchair was an Australian band that got their start at twelve years old. They started out as grunge-ish but experimented around with alternative and progressed over time. When I was writing this, I was also thinking of the singer - Daniel Johns - who ended up with a lot of mental and physical health struggles from being a celebrity so early. It's a rough to read about but it's also reflected in their music, especially Neon Ballroom. "Feeling Unwell" is a play on my favorite Silverchair song, "Emotion Sickness."
Excitement Split == Joy Division. British band in the late 70s that helped create post-punk which later served as the basis for 2000s-era emo. Ian Curtis is another singer who had a lot of tragedy and struggled with epilepsy. Twenty Four Hours is on my personal Dimitri playlist.
Solar Flare is a nod to a New Order song "Vicious Streak", which was a lyric I used in a fic a way way long ago. It is on my Dimilix playlist!
If you try to place this fic in a timeline, I am not so sure I could do it. Circa mid-90s to early 2000s? Annette is definitely hauling around Teen Beat / Tiger Beat magazines which are no longer in print form!
Chapter 2:
I forgot to mention this in the A/N but Rodrigue is a fan of The Grass Roots (Turf Germs here). Grass Roots was a band but they also weren't - they were a group of session musicians that got together and they still sound very unique. They did Where Were You When I Needed You? (later covered by The Bangles) and Sooner or Later. This was kind of the perfect band for "slightly esoteric but still very embarrassing for the kids."
The concert experience was 1000% own personal experience speaking. Not too long before I wrote that part, I'd actually gone to see Better Than Ezra in Richmond (and Toad the Wet Sprocket about two weeks previously) and it really is an amazing experience when everything goes right.
Also I didn't get to go into it deeply in the story itself but Dedue is Dimitri's manager / musical partner. Dedue is looking to get into the music business as a producer and start his own recording studio. He and Dimitri are really good friends that met when Dimitri went out one day to buy a guitar and just worked well together + Dedue has a good handle on Dimitri's mental health and balancing his career around it.
Chapter 3:
This is a teen melodrama so - wearing someone else's varsity jacket is a Big Deal. But it also left Dimitri out in an awkward position because he is very consistent about Matt Magdred wear versus Dimitri wear.
Which is another thing I might do in a side story maybe? When I was writing this, I was thinking of Dimitri being very deliberate in how he separates his Dimitri self and his Matt self, as Dimitri is poised, friendly, well put-together but Matt gets to be "honest" and outgoing and confident, and it's an important part of Dimitri's self-actualization that he begins to merge the two and just be himself. I just view Dimitri as someone that still struggles to find his own identity well into his teens / early 20s because he's spent so much of his teen years trying to force himself to be what other people think he should be. Whew, long tangent.
I tried to explain the difference between a karaoke bar and a bar-with-karaoke here because I wasn't familiar with it at all until I actually went to one. But you really do get your very own room and can sing your heart out with friends.
Seasoned Femmes is... Spice Girls. Because Annette would love sugary pop. Ambitious is Wannabe. Felix will not escape the cringe.
Chapter 4: Rise Up Guy == Fall Out Boy. Who, by the way, covered "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. Ehehe.
Ice Police == Snow Patrol. I have this ridiculous headcanon that Snow Patrol is Felix's secret Dimitri band because he can't admit to liking melodramatic love songs... even though he has an entire burned CD of them to listen to in his car. "Open Your Eyes" is Felix's song for Dimitri (among many others). And "Somewhere A Clock is Ticking" is on my Dimitri playlist.
Eve-Quick is Taylor Swift. Because many of my mutuals are T-Swift fans. It is also a very subtle reference to another 90s alternative band, Eve 6.
This is super-nonsensical but WWAZ == WWOZ, a New Orleans jazz station. I was also thinking about when I listened to an interview with a musician over the radio once and he was in a garage and... accidentally set off a row of car alarms. Luckily, Dimitri did not do that.
The LP Dimitri is looking at in Hot Topic is Social Distortion. I always found it funny that Hot Topic had Social Distortion t-shirts and Dead Kennedys t-shirts. (Dead Kennedys were notoriously anti-corporate). If I imagine musician!Mitri, it's usually the Social Distortion aesthetic.
I waffled a bit - initially, I was thinking of having Felix find out by seeing Dimitri in his trailer and being undercut by a group of fans/ paparazzi almost catching him putting on his Magdred persona, but that didn't really feel right since the focus was more on Dimitri-as-a-normal-teenager. So his almost-reveal happening in a mall out of nowhere felt a lot more natural in terms of normal life always under threat by celebrity culture.
So uh - thanks for reading this!! If there's anything else you want to know, I can try my best!!
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 72, Replies Part 3
     (Vigilantes ch 42) 1) “Oh god, the Hell’s drink once again, can’t believe she’s out to corrupt those poor, innocent christian boys, what a unforgivable monster… Alright, let’s see how shit is gonna hit the fan, because Pop apparently is gonna be the one to be drugged today-
You know, I’m starting to feel like Furuhashi has something against her.”- You might be right about that…
  (Vigilantes ch 48) 2) “And this moment brings back what I’ve already said before: Koichi and Pop are starting to go their separate ways. Slowly, they are following their dreams, improving and focusing in what they want to be, and this, unfortunately, means that one can’t keep walking along the other.
): “-
Not unless one path goes down in flames with a bang, right? Hahahahaahohgodithurts
   (Vigilantes ch 49) 3) “That is, until pieces of the captain hit her in midair and she get throw into a wall, ending up in a coma from which she’ll only wake up years later, but becoming a cult celebrity and a symbol in Narahuta. The money from her merchandise will fund the Vigilantes’ operations for the next few years, and Koichi shall fight in her name!
Christ that one went into a weird place.”- Still better than where the story actually ended up taking Pop…. (Vigilantes ch 58)
4) “You know, the thing that I said that Pop should do? Be apart from Koichi for a while so she could find herself, grown as a person and then truly see what she feels about him and what she wants to do? Guess that one would be too much, considering how Knuckles came back less than 48 hours later from the convenience store… “- Well, she’s spent some time apart from him, but thanks to No:6, she’s not exactly found herself… shame Knuckle didn’t pass on the ways of the magical bullshit taser to Koichi.    ( Vigilantes ch 67) 5) “But using her as the metaphorical truck is a good option, it seems like Furuhashi decided that pop had it good for too long and now is determined to give her the worst time possible: Her crush is moving on, her gang is being disbanded, and above all she`s being compared to the person who kept it all going for so long, and how inferior she is in comparison. Oh boy, this will be fun to watch.”- Yes, really fun indeed…and it’s apparently going to get even better!
   (Vigilantes ch 67) 6) “Please girl, she hasn`t done anything in the trillions of years since Makoto abandoned our universe, you think she`s going do something else in the next 60 chapters? nonsense, she`ll wait until the last chapter to tell him that she likes him, they`ll start dating, the series will end, mark my words.”- Or she’ll get brainwashed, Koichi will realise he cares about her more than a friend would, and will have to rescue her Prince Charming style to confess her new-found feelings to her once she’s in her right mind.
   (Vigilantes 69) 7) “Oh he got the right idea there, being self-sufficient doesn`t meant that you need to never rely on anyone else, we humans are meant to help each other after all. Heartbreaking how a nomu got the right idea and Pop hasn`t.”- Well, he turned out to have a different idea in mind when he was talking about her ‘true potential’… as a villain and the next host of the re bee parasites.    (Vigilantes ch 69) 8) “Oh boy it seems like she accepted the deal with the devil. Can`t believe pop is going to sign with an agent that will steal all her money AND he is a nomu, good lord, the worst of both worlds, he`s like evil Hannah Montana.”- Well, he hasn’t stolen her money, but he did steal her mind, her body, her promising future as a public singer and possibly her soul, depending on how well Pop can possibly regain herself from all this. That said, still not the most exploitive contract I’ve heard about. 9) “Of course it would be when it came to torturing Pop. Of course. I… I don`t even know what to say. Even though it had been so long since the previous chapter, I don`t think that I had fully processed what happened, but now- well, there`s no way to deny it.
So, Pop became the new Queen indeed.”- She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind Anytime @thelreads
0 notes
rosaliehale · 4 years
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hannah montana + outfits → hannah montana
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thedevilliers · 4 years
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BEHIND THE SCENES -  De Villiers’ Palace, 3:50 p.m. (2/3)
[TRANSCRIPT] (click for hq!) [Edward] We all know my proposal has to be approved by parliament. Do you really think they'll let me continue to be Crown Prince when I can't have any heirs? [David] Times are changing. [Edward] Not the parliament seats. [Edward] People there are almost the same age as grandfather, they think the same way as him. You had to step in for uncle William to be allowed to marry his husband. They wouldn't allow me. [David] We don't know that! [Edward] Dad, please. They'd disapprove and you can't veto their decision. [David] I still want to consult with Mathew what would be the chances of Parliament agreeing on the proposal and if it escalates, for you to continue to be the heir. [Edward] If they don’t agree on Gabriel... I’m not leaving him. [David] I understand that. Ultimately, I'm giving you the choice. I don't want to decide the rest of your life for you. 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
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jakascoo · 6 years
Scott: You promised to help me study!
Kyle: Alright, fine. Step one: open textbook.
Scott: Okay.
Kyle: Step two: look at the page.
Scott: Check!
Kyle: Now, close the book.
Scott: What?
Kyle: Just do it!
Scott: *closes book*
Kyle: There. Now you’re ready for the test.
Scott: You didn’t teach me anything!
Kyle: Don’t you have a photographic memory like me?
Scott: No!
Kyle: Oh, then I can’t help you.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Fics & HCs in my queue for the next month
in case you’re curious or just excited about a thing or two.
Hiccup - Bryce x F!MC fic part of what-if universe 
Ethan After Louise (1994) - Ethan childhood HC
Ethan Learns of MC’s Old Musical Hobby - Ethan x F!MC hannah montana au hc
The Messy Route  Book 1, Ch 5; Ch 6; Ch 7; Ch 8; Ch 9
During the Time Jump - Bryce x MC HC
Ethan Discovers Becca’s Toys - Ethan x F!MC sex toy hc
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Cupcake Battles Ch.2 | Brittana
Thinking about you all today and I hope you’re doing alright. <3
Also available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut!
We’re back in the Cupcake Battles’ arena and the remaining three teams stand at the ready in their stations as Sam Evans strolls in through the glass double-doors to the show’s action-packed theme music. He struts down the aisle as if it’s his own personal catwalk, smoothing his hands along his shaggy blonde hair before shooting Mercedes and Artie with his finger-guns.
They look to each other confused and unamused while Sam then finishes his entrance with a twirl that leads into a not-so-smooth body roll. Despite that though he doesn’t give up and proceeds to hump the air, missing every single beat while he does so.
“Gross,” Santana scrunches her nose and tries to avert her eyes before she goes blind. Instead she catches Brittany staring at her, attempting to keep from laughing at Santana’s obvious disgust. She feels the blood start to rush to her face upon being caught but then Kurt’s whispering to her.
“And to think he was on Grooving with the Celebs,” Kurt admonishes quietly, “I think even I might dance better than him.”
Santana’s eyes drift from Brittany to find Sugar egging Sam on as she pumps her fist. She can’t decide if Sugar is genuinely into this method of torture or she’s just messing with him. Either way, Santana reluctantly looks away to acknowledge Kurt’s comment.
“I wouldn’t say all that,” Santana quips and Kurt sucks his teeth at her, “What? I’ve seen you dance after you’ve had two Shirley Temples. It ain’t cute.”
Kurt rolls his eyes, “First of all, I’m always cute.”
“Yeah,” Santana sputters out behind a laugh, “Sure.”
“Secondly, you think you’re a better dancer?” Kurt questions with a smirk, “All you’re missing is a stripper pole.”
“At least I’d get paid to dance,” Santana shrugs, “You’d probably get paid to stop.”
When the music cuts, Sam straightens his suit jacket and points to the camera, “Welcome back, Viewers! Who’s ready for Round 2 of today’s Cupcake Battle?”
The camera alternates between capturing the teams’ reactions and all the teams clap and cheer with excitement upon finally getting to the challenge after the interruption that took place just before the cameras started to roll again.
It was then that everyone learned that Rachel Berry is not one to go gentle into that good night.
The uncharacteristically long break between rounds was due to Rachel rushing around the arena, trying to evade being escorted off the premises.
Rachel had broken through the doors and went around knocking over as many baking pan racks as she could all while belting out Hannah Montana’s Nobody’s Perfect in between giving Santana death glares.
Who knew someone so small could cause such a big scene?
The crew had scrambled to keep Rachel from coming at Santana, but the co-judge wasn’t having it.
“Nah, let her through!” Santana called from over a crew member’s shoulder. She tapped her chest with her hands and shot her arms out, “Try me, I light up! Come on!”
“Oh my God…” Kurt facepalmed, “How is this show not cancelled yet?”
The teams were a little afraid but the drama was so addicting, they couldn’t stop watching.
Thankfully, the crew was able to wrangle Rachel to the ground before she caused anymore damage. She struggled like hell to break through until Finn came over to talk some sense into her. It seemed to work and she calmed down enough that the crew felt it was safe to let her up slowly.
Finn gave her a dopy smile before throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of full of broken dreams.
“Sorry about that,” He said to everyone then gave her butt a pat, “She’s super passionate.”
As Finn carried her out, Rachel made her exit by singing ABBA’s I Have a Dream.
It was quite the spectacle, but once she was safely removed the crew quickly reset the arena so that they could get back to filming.
The camera pans back to Sam, “Well, this round is sure to quench that thirst!”
“Did he really just…,” Santana mumbles aloud looking as unimpressed as ever, “Who comes up with this crap?”
Kurt lifts his shoulder, “I thought it was quite…punny.”
Santana gives him a look and says plainly, “I’m quitting.”
“No you’re not,” Kurt chuckles and pokes at Santana’s side, “You love me too much.”
“No one said anything about love,” Santana groans, batting away his hands.
Kurt tutted, “Last premiere party, you said it in front of everyone so I have witnesses.”
“I said I appreciate your fabulousness. That’s all.”  
Kurt just gives his co-judge an eye roll before they both turn to Sam as he approaches the panel.
“Cheerleading is thirsty work, isn’t that right Coach?” Sam asks, trying to be conversational as he looks to Coach Sue Sylvester. He gives her a dorky grin but she just ignores him and continues to stare down the camera like the cameraman is attempting to infiltrate her mind.
Sam waits for a reaction before ultimately giving up. He looks to the audience, “Well, I’m sure it is! For our first round, we focused on good eats and now we’re focusing on good drinks. Round 2 is all about Day Drinking!”
“Finally something I can get behind,” Santana smirks.
Kurt tilts his head, “I don’t think that’s what it means. At least, I hope not? This is meant to be a family show…”
“The challenge for this round will be to create three cupcakes that are each based on a drink that gets you through the day. Hence, day drinking!” Sam explains carefully.
Santana frowns at the clarification, “Boo..”
Kurt nudges her side, “Shh.”
Sam goes on with explaining, “So we’re looking for cupcakes that are inspired by a drink that gets you up in the morning, a drink pushes you through those afternoon blues, and a drink to end the night with.”
The camera pans to Team Batter Up Cupcakes where Brittany and Sugar exchange excited smiles as they bounce on their toes. They’re buzzing with anticipation and Brittany’s already running through various ideas at a mile a minute, her creative side ready to run wild.
Team Baking Dreams Come True looks equally thrilled with the new challenge and stares down their biggest competitors across from them. Blaine and Tina try their best to intimidate Brittany and Sugar – keyword try – but Team Batter Up Cupcakes don’t look the least bit concerned.
Team AJs Bake Shop on the other hand look slightly worried as Mercedes and Artie start to brainstorm. With the rivalry going on between the other two teams and the dramatics that came from Rachel and Finn’s kitchen during the first round, Team AJs Bake Shop has flown under the radar for the most part.
But aside from the cupcake Brittany and Sugar put up, Mercedes and Artie were the only other team that came close to a high level of praise. By high, we’re talking about Santana labeling it as tasting just fine which isn’t really that high of a critique when compared to the words said to Team Batter Up Cupcakes.
Brittany and Sugar aren’t new to this whole competition thing and although Mercedes and Artie think they’re being slick with the whole silent but deadly act, nothing gets past them. Old rivals or new ones, they’re gonna take down anyone who stands in there way of that prize money!
“But wait, bakers, there is…a twist,” Sam interrupts the teams as the surrounding walls illuminated in the usual pink neon lights shift to green, followed by a dramatic sound effect.
The camera zooms in on the far wall that begins to move. A special pantry slides forward from a hidden segment in the paneling. The shelves are stocked with various cans and bottles.
“Is that?” Sugar squints at the cabinet trying to distinguish the labels. Once she realizes, she looks to Brittany and asks, “What day is it again?”
“Turn Up Tuesday,” Brittany responds with a devilish grin then it falls as she turns to Sugar, “Or maybe it’s Thirsty Thursday? I don’t really keep track of the days anymore.”
They both giggle at each other with these great big grins while Sam continues.
“As a curveball ingredient, each team is required to use an item from this pantry in their creation!” Sam announces as he windmills his arm to point to the cabinet next to him. The camera pans along the items there as he continues to explain, “There are a variety of popular sodas as well as spirits that you can choose from, but at least one of these items must be included in your final product.”
“Aren’t the bakers meant to provide for a cheerleading benefit at the end of this?” Kurt whispers to Santana, “Isn’t it a bit…inappropriate to include alcohol around minors?”
Santana ponders it before deciding she doesn’t actually get paid enough to care about how ethical these challenges are, she’s just here to serve looks and dish out realness. But she can tell Kurt is a little conflicted about this so she throws him a bone.
“Listen Miss Priss, no one is going to get buzzed off of a boozy cupcake except for maybe you.”
Kurt gasps and begins to stammer out a reply, but Santana cuts him off.
“Besides, I doubt they’re unfamiliar to the taste of it because: number one, they’re high school seniors and I’m sure they’ve already turned to alcohol at least once. Number two, they have to deal with grandma down there as their coach.”
“Watch it, you knock-off J.Lo.” Sue quips without even glancing in Santana’s direction.
“Knock-off? I’ll show you knoc – “
“Sit down, Santana!” Kurt urges and tries to force her back, “You can’t try to fight another guest judge, remember what happened last time?”
Santana’s quick to bite her tongue, the producers don’t necessarily like when she roughs up a guest judge but this lady is pushing it. She cuts her with one last glare before taking a settling breath and looking back to the remaining teams.
“Man your stations, bakers, and let the battle begin!” Sam pulls the pocket square from his chest and waves it like a flag girl yet again with such a flamboyant flare that even Kurt questions how straight he really is.
Brittany rushes to pull out the sketch pad beneath the counter and starts to scribble out a design she had been working on ever since the pantry rolled out.
“Alright so this is what I’m thinking…Dr Pepper, Piña Colada, and that spicy Mexican hot chocolate we like.”
“In that order?” Sugar asks as she watches Brittany craft the designs with such focus.
Brittany nods resolutely without looking up from the sketchpad, “Yup, in that order.”
Sugar glances over at the pantry to find Dr Pepper and Malibu then turns back to Brittany and asks, “You want to use more than one ingredient from the curveball pantry even though we don’t need to?”
“Yup,” Brittany says and pops the p for emphasis. She finally looks up at Sugar, “And I want you to create these cute fondant decorations for each. You saw what Tina did last round?”
“Yeah,” Sugar scoffs and shoots Tina a glare from across the aisle. Tina looks back questioningly at first then tries to match it with her own scowl.
“You’re going to show the judges how it’s really done,” Brittany smirks.
Sugar tears away from her staring match with Tina and begins to beam because her best friend is such a genius, “Hell yes, this is going to be so awesome!”
Brittany high fives Sugar, “Duh.”
In Team AJs Bake Shop’s station, Mercedes and Artie work together to try and come up with their three drinks. Ultimately they decide on a mocha Frappuccino, an Earl Grey infused with lemon, and a tequila sunrise. They’re pretty confident with their choices and set off to begin making their cupcake batters while watching Team Baking Dreams Come True and Team Batter Up Cupcakes duke it out amongst themselves.
Mercedes and Artie figure that with such an intense rivalry, the other teams will be too busy bickering to notice them coming through for the win!
Over in the Team Baking Dreams Come True kitchen, Blaine is working quickly to draft a design but finds that Tina keeps getting distracted.
“Come on T, focus!” Blaine urges when he catches her staring across the aisle again, “Just ignore them.”
“I can’t!” Tina cries as she continues to glare back at Sugar, “I can feel her beady eyes burning holes into me. She’s taunting me, Blaine, taunting me.”
Blaine sighs at his friend’s dramatics, “She’s just trying to get in your head, you know how they work. They always do this. Remember when they told us they replaced all the sugar in the test kitchen with salt but they didn’t actually do it and we wasted all that time recreating all of our batters because didn’t check beforehand? It’s just like that again, they’re all talk.”
Just then Sugar scribbles something on her sketchpad and shows off the message to Tina.
Still salty?
Tina gasps; it’s like Sugar is in her head and she quickly turns to Blaine. She grabs him by the shoulder and the sudden movement makes him jolt forward with wide eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Quick! Taste the sugar!” Tina urges.
Blaine groans and pries Tina’s hand off of him, “We’ve been standing here the entire time, there’s no way they could’ve switched – “
Blaine sighs and goes to sprinkle a bit of sugar into the palm of his hand before bringing it up to his mouth. Tina watches him like a hawk for a reaction.
Blaine’s facial expression goes from tired, to confused, to surprised.
“Yeah,” Blaine grumbles and shoots Team Batter Up Cupcakes a glare.
Brittany and Sugar are doubled over as they laugh and laugh, it only makes Blaine and Tina even angrier.
“That’s it,” Blaine narrows his eyes, full of a new sense of determination, “Game on!”
Santana watches the whole exchange between the rivals with a proud smirk. Switching out the sugar for salt is a classic practical joke, but even she has no idea how Brittany and Sugar pulled that off. It must’ve been when the crew was resetting after Rachel’s second outburst.
She glances over at the team but lingers a little longer on Brittany as she talks excitedly to Sugar. Deep down she knows she’s being a little unprofessional here, but there’s this aura about Brittany that Santana just can’t resist.
It also doesn’t help that the girl is super fine and talented as hell too!
“I’m really interested to see how Team AJs Bake Shop does this round,” Kurt says to Santana, “They’re kind of like the dark horse, the underdog, the sleeper, the– “
“Okay, I get it.”
Kurt glances at Santana to find her staring at the blonde yet again. He shakes his head, “You really need to work on your subtly.”
Santana looks to him and blinks, “What?”
“Your lesbian tendencies are showing,” Kurt says knowingly with a wag of his finger towards her.
Santana quirks her brow and looks down at her chest before adjusting her boobs, “Better?”
Kurt laughs at his co-judge’s ridiculousness, “Not what I meant, but sure.”
“Alright judges,” Sam announces as they come to a stop in front of Brittany and Sugar’s station, “First stop, Team Batter Up Cupcakes! How are you ladies doing?”
“All good in the hood over here,” Brittany says coolly with a thumbs up. She’s leaning on a stand mixer while Sugar’s off to the side rolling out fondant.
Santana smiles politely at them both while her hands stay folded in front of her. She looks like a meek little mouse but at the same time ready to knock you down a peg if you think you’re flying too close to the sun. She totally nails the balance of looking adorable yet intimidating and she really is so, so attractive but Brittany can’t stop staring her boobs.
She tries her hardest, she really does but they’re right there staring at her! She can’t remember if it was like that when Santana came around in Round 1, then again she was too busy with being blinded by Santana’s gorgeous smile to notice anything else.
“You seem to be handling the pressure quite well,” Kurt acknowledges and his soft voice manages to break Brittany out of her boob-daze long enough to focus on him, “What are your drinks of choice for this round’s challenge?”
Brittany nods and looks down to taste the base frosting she has been working on before making an adjustment, “Well, my morning usually starts off with Dr Pepper so we’re pretty lucky that the drink is included in the pantry. For the aftern – “
“Wait,” Kurt pauses, “You start off your mornings with Dr Pepper?”
“How else are you meant to brush your teeth?” Brittany deadpans, “Or…do you not do that?”
Santana hides her laughter behind her hand while Sue stares at Brittany like she has two heads. Sam is looking somewhat convinced with Brittany’s logic though while Kurt gawks at her.
“Of course I brush my teeth,” Kurt scoffs then chooses to move on while Brittany starts on her next task, “And your choice for the afternoon?”
“Piña colada with Malibu from the pantry,” Brittany answers and Kurt is surprised yet again.
“For the afternoon?” Kurt clarifies and looks to Santana for some kind of back up. When she doesn’t give him anything, he turns back to Brittany, “I’m not following your decisions here. Can you explain?”
“It’s 5 o’clock somewhere,” Brittany replies easily as she tosses the Mexican chocolate into the double-boiler, “Everyone loves Piña Coladas.”
“Getting caught in the rain!” Sugar sings from behind her.
Brittany wiggles her hips to the sound and smiles sweetly at Kurt, “You’d probably benefit from an afternoon Piña Colada. Although, I’m still not sure if the song is talking about an actual drink or if it’s a euphemism…”
“I – “ Kurt stammers and Santana takes that as her cue to cut in before he combusts.
“You’re using two ingredients from the pantry,” Santana points out as she takes a step closer to Brittany. There’s this glimmer in her eye and this sexy little smile, “That’s pretty bold of you.”
“All or nothing,” Brittany says confidently, “That’s my motto.”
“I like that,” Santana chuckles, “You both showed off a lot of skill in the first round, how long have you been baking?”
Brittany ponders that a moment while she whisks through the melting chocolate and calls over her shoulder, “Hey Sug! When did I transfer to the C.I.A?”
Sugar hums as she comes up beside Brittany to steal some food coloring, “A couple years ago?”
Brittany nods and looks to Santana, “For a couple years then.”
“What?” Kurt gasps, “How is that possible?”
Santana is equally surprised, “That’s really impressive, I spent nearly ten years in school before I opened my own place. Where did you transfer from? It must be just as prestigious with the amount of skill you already possess.”
“I mean, I guess?” Brittany says, “I transferred from MIT.”
“Holy sh – “ Santana is completely in awe, “I needz to hear this backstory.”
“We really should move on to the other teams,” Sam tries but Santana just waves him off.
“Shut it, Trouty!” Santana bites before looking back to Brittany, “Tell me more.”
Brittany shrugs although her stomach can’t stop flipping because Santana Lopez is interested in her backstory. Is she dreaming? She keeps her cool though and does as she’s told.
“Well, I was working on my second Masters when I got into a little argument with someone from the Department of Chemistry over the quality of a cake they brought in for a staff luncheon,” Brittany explains, “They said that they spent years perfecting the recipe and that it takes a certain kind of talent to bake. I said that it couldn’t be that hard and here I am.”  
“You are just…,” Santana pauses and tries to keep her smile from growing any wider, “You’re full of surprises.”
Brittany lifts her shoulder all nonchalant-like and she’s too busy being wrapped up in another compliment that Santana has given her that she doesn’t realize her chocolate is starting to bubble. She quickly turns the heat down before it burns, but not before a lone chocolate bubble bursts and splatters a couple droplets on Santana’s dress.
All the cool she possessed goes right out the window as her face turns beet red.
“Oh my God,” Brittany gasps and Sugar darts to look in her direction at the sound of such a distressed tone.
Santana looks down at the melted chocolate dotting her chest.
Kurt’s jaw drops and he subtly moves behind Sam in preparation for the absolute fit Santana is about to throw. He’s seen first hand how vicious she can be and he doubts even Brittany’s pretty face will help her this time.
“Oh my God,” Brittany repeats and grabs at a paper towel to wet before she’s absent mindedly dabbing at Santana’s chest, “I’m so sorry. I – I can pay for the dry cleaning bill or I can–“
Santana stills Brittany’s trembling hands.
Kurt thinks this is it, this is the day Santana finally gets her ass fired and waits for Santana to yeet the poor girl across the room, but something strange happens instead.
Santana smiles.
Kurt thinks she might’ve hit a new level of pissed that he’s yet to see during their many years of working together. He’s actually scared for Brittany, but there’s no way in Wal-Mart that he’ll try to intervene now. There are just some things even he won’t do.
Brittany gulps.
Sugar stands back to watch, popping tiny marshmallows into her mouth like popcorn.
“It’s fine, Brittany,” Santana says through her smile then slowly let’s Brittany’s hand fall to the counter, “Although you might want to keep a better eye on your chocolate next time.”
“Yeah sure,” Brittany nods in a daze. Honestly, she’ll agreeing to anything Santana says right now as long as she doesn’t tear into her like she did with Rachel earlier.
Santana looks down at the cutting board next to where Brittany’s hand rests now and recognizes the chocolate packaging, “Are you using Mexican chocolate?”
Brittany slowly blinks and looks down at the board and back up, “Uh… yeah. It’s for our drink to end the night with. We’re doing a Spicy Mexican hot chocolate.”
“Hmm,” Santana hums before swiping a piece of chocolate from the board, “You have quite the line up for us. Good luck to you both.”
“Thanks,” Brittany says before they all begin to walk away. She feels like she can finally breathe again and looks over her shoulder to Sugar and starts to mouth holy fuck did you see th –
“Oh and Brittany?” Santana calls out.
Brittany instantly swivels on her heels and stands at attention, “Yeah?”
“Keep an eye on your chocolate,” She smirks as she pops in the piece she stole earlier before turning away.
Brittany thinks she actually might be drooling right now because woah, but it doesn’t last long before Sugar is ruining her moment.
“Oh my God, Britt!” Sugar squeals as she starts slapping at Brittany’s shoulder, “There is no denying it now. I’m not even going to say it because you and I and all of America knows what I’m thinking.”
Brittany lets out a sigh and shakes her head, “I need a drink.”
“Shots!” Sugar cheers. She grabs the bottle of Malibu from her station and pours a bit into a measuring cup and hands it to Brittany while Sugar pours some into a ramekin. They both knock back the shot and Brittany sends Sugar a knowing look.
“I’m beginning to see what you’re talking about now…help.”
“Yes!” Sugar beams, “Don’t worry about a thing, I’m going to be the best wing-woman!”
“Let’s just win this thing first before you go all Love Connection on me,” Brittany chuckles, “I know how you like to spiral.”
Sugar throws up her hands in defense as she walks back to her side of the station, “I just call it like I see it, Brittz, and I called it from the very beginning.”
Brittany just keeps her head down and gets back to work, trying to keep thoughts of Santana to a minimum.  
“I thought you were going to kill her,” Kurt whispers as they leave Team Batter Up Cupcakes behind, “I thought you were going to finally catch a case and kill that poor girl, not to mention her ruining your dress.”
“The girls did their job, what do you expect?” Santana replies easily, “Besides, it was an accident.”
Santana is guided off to the side so that her stylist can work her magic and remove the stains, or at least position her hair so that it’s a lot less noticeable. It’s only a couple dots so it’s really no big deal, but Kurt doesn’t seem to want to drop it.
“An accident? You know who else had an accident? Marley Rose. In her pants. Because you threatened her with a knife.”
“Calm down, it was an off-set spatula,” Santana corrects, “There’s no sharp edges there.”
“It was completely unnecessary,” Kurt admonishes.
“You know what else was unnecessary? Combining avocado and chocolate.”
“It wasn’t that bad, Santana. Don’t be dramatic.”
Santana rolls her eyes at him as her stylists does some finishing touches before Santana is given the okay to return to set. She gives Kurt a disgusted look, “Avocado has no place in this kitchen, damnit. I don’t care what kind of food trend band wagon rolls up in here. It’s a no for me.”
Kurt shakes his head in disbelief but returns to the previous topic as his tone dips lower, “She practically had her hand on your boob, Santana. Brittany, not Marley.”
“And you didn’t rip it from her body…”
Because I’m a lesbian and I’m into it, is what Santana wants to say but she doesn’t and honestly she doesn’t know what stops her. She’s always said what was on her mind, but now?
Santana glances over at the station they just left and catches Brittany with her head down in deep concentration. She smirks for a split second before turning a glare onto Kurt.
“I know what happened, Kurt, I was there. I don’t need you doing a play-by-play for me.”
Kurt looks at her quizzically, but the response seems to shut him up for the meantime. They go on to check in with the rest of the teams in silence.
After they make their rounds, the judges return to the panel and wait out the last few minutes. Although thus far Santana hasn’t been able to keep her eyes from straying too far from Team Batter Up Cupcake’s kitchen, she along with the other panel judges are unable to look away from Team AJs Bake Shop.
The pressure is definitely on as the team scrambles to frost their cupcakes, but it doesn’t seem like there will be enough time for Mercedes and Artie to complete all three of them. You can start to see them beginning to lose focus as they keep checking the time, the seconds quickly disappearing until ultimately the buzzer sounds.
“Alright bakers, put down your utensils!” Sam calls out as he walks to the center of the arena, “This round is ovah.”
The camera pans to each kitchen, capturing the bakers’ relief – Sugar and Brittany hug it out while Blaine and Tina high five – but when it gets to Team AJs Bake Shop, Mercedes and Artie look completely defeated and devasted.
Only two out of the three cupcakes they planned have made it onto their plate.
“First up to the judging panel,” Sam says while doing his James Earl Jones impression again, “Brittany and Sugar from Team Batter Up Cupcakes! Let’s see what you’ve made.”
Brittany and Sugar make the short walk over to the panel and hand out their cupcakes. They’re aesthetically on point with Brittany’s excellent piping and Sugar’s fondant work rounding out the whole presentation, but they hope that their eccentric ways don’t scare off the judges too much.
“Looks awesome,” Sam compliments with a wide smile, “Please explain to the judges what you’ve created.”
Brittany has been pretty cool-headed so far, but ever since the chocolate boob incident she’s been thrown a little off her game. She sucks in a breath to calm her nerves before speaking.
“Hi again, judges! To start your morning off right, we’ve made a Dr Pepper cupcake inspired by my awesome dentist Dr. Pepper who taught me that teeth-brushing isn’t only done at night.”
“Oh my God…it was her dentist. I feel so stupid,” Kurt sighs to himself.
Santana just chuckles, “As you should.”
“We used Dr Pepper from the curveball pantry in the chocolate cupcake batter as well as in the cherry buttercream frosting. Sugar made the topper out of fondant,” Brittany explained while the judges went in for their first taste.
Their expressions shifted to surprise at the sudden tingling sensations on their tongues.
“Oh! And we also garnished with popping candy to replicate the fizziness of the Dr Pepper,” Brittany supplies and watches nervously for a positive reaction.
Santana is the first to speak up this time, “Can I just say this is probably one of the best soda-inspired cupcakes I’ve ever had.”
Brittany’s brows shoot up to her hairline while Sugar lets out a squeal.
“It’s not just a chocolate cake with a splash of Dr Pepper, you can actually taste the soda in this and your use of the popping candy was again…sheer genius,” Santana adds, “Great job.”
Kurt reluctantly nods, “I love the frosting. It isn’t too sweet and this fondant work is spectacular, I’m just not sold on your choice to start the day off with this kind of beverage.”
“It was alright for me,” Sue shrugs nonchalantly, “Next!”
Santana and Kurt scowl at her but move on to the next cupcake anyway.
“So to get through the afternoon blues, Sugar and I went with a Piña Colada cupcake for obvious reasons,” Brittany begins to explain.
“Get litty!” Sugar whoops and knocks her first with Brittany’s.
“There’s pineapple juice and a little coconut cream in the cupcake batter and it’s topped with a coconut rum buttercream then garnished with some toasted coconut flakes as well as another awesome fondant piece by Sugar,” Brittany finishes while the judges taste their second cupcake, “We used Malibu from the curveball pantry in this recipe.”
“Wow, you can really taste the rum here,” Kurt comments but Brittany and Sugar can’t tell whether or not that’s a compliment.  
“Be careful you don’t get all white-girl wasted on me,” Santana teases while she tastes the frosting and lets it coat her tongue. She gives a satisfied smile, “That’s really good and I’m not even a big fan of Malibu. Might be just a touch too sweet for my tastes though. Malibu is so sugary as it is, you should’ve maybe cut back on adding any more sugar to your recipe.”
Brittany’s smile falters, “Understood.”
“I really like the fruity flavors of the cake here,” Kurt adds.
“You? Liking something fruity?” Santana’s brows rise, “I’m shocked.”
Kurt opts to ignore her and continues, “It’s just the right amount of pineapple and coconut, I feel like I’m on some tropical beach somewhere. And the addition of the toasted coconut flakes was a great touch, it adds a nice texture to your cupcake.”
“This one is better,” Sue agrees and at second glance they find that she has somehow devoured the entire cupcake, “Although, I don’t know how well it will go over with the parents if you’re chosen to cater for the Cheerios benefit. You would have to come up with something different. Next!”
Brittany and Sugar feel like they’ve been dealt another blow and think that maybe they should’ve been a little more tame this round. The judges’ responses are all so mixed, they don’t know where they stand.
They remain positive though as the judges move on to their final cupcake.
“To end the night, we have a Spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate cupcake with marshmallow frosting,” Brittany says as the judges start to taste, “There isn’t anything from the curveball pantry in this recipe, only the Mexican chocolate we found in the regular pantry.”
Kurt looks like he’s struggling with his watery eyes, “Is that…cayenne pepper?”
“It is,” Brittany nods resolutely, “Hence the spicy.”
“It’s really…” Kurt starts to cough but Sue is quick to slap his back which makes him yelp in pain.
“I’m into this,” Santana nods, barely batting an eye at Kurt’s reaction, “Once again, you’re showing off how well you balance out flavors and this marshmallow frosting... I’d eat it of off anything.”
Brittany gulps at the way the word rolls off Santana’s tongue. In an instant, Brittany’s mind  takes her there. She closes her eyes tightly, willing the thoughts away with all her might because now is not the time for them.
“No hot chocolate should have cayenne pepper in it,” Kurt replies once he’s able to speak again, “Like why? I didn’t get it.”
“That’s because you’re a basic bitch,” Santana eye-rolls but turns an encouraging smile onto Brittany and Sugar, “I liked this, it really took me back to my roots.”
“I’m a big fan of cayenne pepper,” Sue agrees, “Combine that with some lemon juice and sand and you’ve got yourself the perfect Sue Sylvester master cleanse.”
Santana gives Sue a look, “That can’t be healthy for you.”
Sue doesn’t answer though, just holds her head up high.
“Okay well, great job!” Sam commends, “Please return to your kitchen. The next team up: Blaine and Tina from Team Baking Dreams Come True.
“I’m a little worried,” Sugar says once they return to their station. She takes another swig of rum straight from the bottle before passing it to Brittany, “Were we too much?”
Brittany shrugs and drinks from the bottle too, “If we did it any other way then we aren’t being true to ourselves and that’s the most important thing.”
“True,” Sugar nods, “I can’t get a read on them. Their feedback was everywhere.”
“We’ll just have to wait. We’ve always been the oddballs in every competition but we still bring home a win,” Brittany adds and looks to Sugar, “It won’t be any different this time.”
“Yeah! And Santana liked most of them and she’s usually the hardest one to please so that has to count for something,” Sugar wonders aloud, “Right?”
“One of the best soda-inspired cupcakes she’s ever hand,” Brittany reminds her, “We’ve got this, Sug.”
That seems to ease Sugar’s nerves and they stay huddled side by side like that, passing the bottle of rum back and forth between each other as the remaining teams are judged.
“Here you go, Kurt!” Santana teases as Blaine and Tina present them with a pumpkin spice latte-inspired cupcake that they’ve chosen to start their day with. She cuts through the cream cheese frosting with her fork, “This is right up your basic bitch alley.”
“Shut up, Santana.” Kurt groans and rolls his eyes before tasting the creation. He doesn’t want to admit it aloud and land himself right at the butt of Santana’s joke, but the cupcake is delicious.
Judging by Santana’s facial expressions she thinks so too.
“I see you’ve taken my advice from Round 1 and stepped your game up,” Santana says to Blaine in a tone that drips with condescension, “There’s actually some flavor in here this time…even if you went with something so mainstream like a PSL. You did well, yay.”
It was the most unenthusiastic, off-handed yay Blaine and Tina has ever heard and they aren’t sure whether they should thank her for the compliment or be offended. Instead they just nod and wait for Kurt’s critique.
“Finally something I’m familiar with,” Kurt sighs through his pleased smile, “This is my favorite one so far. It’s like biting into Autumn. All of your flavors are spot on and this cream cheese frosting complements it so perfectly.”
Blaine and Tina share a surprised look that makes Brittany and Sugar want to gag. Sugar rolls her eyes so hard they almost stick while Brittany just wants to push one of them, most likely Tina since she’s the closest. Those two are the biggest suck-ups ever and they only confirm it as they thank the judges for their wonderful feedback and move on to the next cupcake.
Surprisingly, Sue smiles.
It’s kind of creepy, but it happens all because of their Matcha-inspired cupcake which represents their midday beverage.
“I hate cupcakes, but this one might change my mind,” Sues says after taking a bite.
Kurt tilts his head in confusion while Santana shoots Sue a look of disbelief.
“Wait so you hate cupcakes yet you’re on a show based on cupcakes?” Kurt questions, “How does that work?”
“Talk to my lawyer,” Sue answers shortly.
Kurt is taken aback and looks to Santana, “What?”
“I don’t know,” Santana shakes her head dismissively and gets back to judging the cupcake, “Once again, you’ve chosen another mainstream trend. Maybe if I was on My Weird Cravings and liked the taste of grass mixed with frosting and topped with dusting of seaweed, I wouldn’t mind this.”
Blaine and Tina cringe upon hearing Santana’s remarks.
Brittany and Sugar both bust out laughing and it’s so loud that the camera pans to them.
“You made…a cupcake…for a goat!” Brittany giggles between words. She’s close to tears and Sugar’s going red in the face.
“Way to go, losers!” Sugar adds as she tries to catch her breath.
“I – I’m so sorry, we-“ Blaine began but Santana just held up here hand to stop him.
“Don’t apologize. If you’re going to bake something and present it to me, you better be pretty damn proud of it to the point where even if you don’t get the response you’re after you still think it’s the best thing you’ve ever made,” Santana tells him sternly, “Confidence is important in this industry. Grow a backbone and own it.”
Blaine just gulps and steps back in line with Tina as the judge’s move on to their final cupcake.
Again for Santana, it tastes somewhat above average and their high skill level is evident and they do all the right things but there’s no risk taken.
She’s bored, they’re boring.
On the other hand, Kurt and even Sue are blown away by everything they’ve put forth so Santana is out numbered this time around.
Blaine and Tina look relieved when Sam dismisses them back to their station and they hold their heads high as they pass Brittany and Sugar. They don’t say a word, just give their best attempt at a cocky grin before crossing the aisle to their kitchen.
The final team Sam calls up arrives to the judges’ panel wielding only two of their three cupcakes.
“What’s going on here?” Santana asks as she looks down at her plate.
“Our final cupcake didn’t cook through completely…” Artie replies guiltily.
“Time management not a strong point for you, huh?” Santana comments the nods to the first cupcake, “Tell us what you’ve made then.”
Mercedes takes over for Artie and goes on to explain the first cupcake, the coffee inspired cupcake to represent the start of their day. Presentation-wise, it’s on point and when it comes to taste, they kill it!
Santana is actually surprised by how much she likes it, “The espresso is really pronounced here which is something bakers fall short on a lot, but you nailed this. Coffee and chocolate is kind of a weakness for me so I’m glad that this doesn’t taste horrible.”
“I agree,” Kurt adds, “This is a very good take on what you were aiming for. Great job.”
Their second cupcake receives similar praise; great flavor, beautiful presentation and fits with the theme.
Brittany would be a little worried if they hadn’t only come up with two cupcakes.
“So which one of these cupcakes contains an ingredient from the curveball pantry?” Kurt asks once they finish tasting.
“Well,” Artie starts nervously, “It was in our final cupcake which would’ve been our take on a tequila sunrise. It contained tequila.”
“Obviously,” Santana quips then she starts to frown, “It’s really disappointing that you weren’t able to finish on time. You could’ve had this challenge in the bag.”
Brittany and Sugar share a look upon hearing those words; were they just saved by another team’s missteps?
“Okay bakers, only two teams will be moving on to the final round. Do you think you’ve made the cut?” Sam asks as he stands next to the judge’s panel, “This round was a little bit of a challenge for most of you but…Blaine and Tina…you’ve made it to Round 3!”
“Oh my God!” Tina squeals as she jumps into Blaine’s arms.
“We made it!” Blaine cheers and they bounce around their kitchen. It’s like every step they take is a jab at Brittany and Sugar.
This can’t happen, they can’t lose to them. Brittany crosses her fingers and her toes as she shuts her eyes tight and begins to wish and hope that Sam calls out their name next.
“The final team that will move on to Round 3…will be…Brittany and Sugar!” Sam announces and the lights dim over Mercedes and Artie, “Sorry Team AJs Bake Shop, your fight is over.”
Brittany lets out a sigh of relief and pulls Sugar in for a hug, “That was too close.”
“The judges agreed that you put up some tasty cupcakes,” Sam goes on to explain to Mercedes and Artie, “But the fact that you didn’t provide three cupcakes was unfortunately a critical blow in your case.”
“Oh hell to the no,” Mercedes snaps and points over to Brittany and Sugar, “They made only one cupcake in Round 1 while everyone else made two and they won the round! So we do the same and now we’re getting cut? How is this fair? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“What is with everyone testing our decisions today?” Kurt grumbles.
Mercedes is still going, “All of our cupcakes fit the theme, meanwhile Brittany and Sugar just picked random-”
“Let me stop you right there,” Santana stands up.
Brittany looks from Mercedes to Santana and prepares for the worst. She’s got that look in her eyes again, similar to when she smacked Rachel down like the hand of God. There’s this determination mixed with pure fury and Brittany knows she shouldn’t be thinking about how good she looks up there, but it’s impossible not to.
“Britt and Sugar put their personality into their work which is something I have not seen from any other team here today,” Santana starts and Brittany instantly perks up upon hearing her nickname, “They didn’t do anything by random. They put thought behind everything that they’ve done and they actually take risks. Sometimes it’s a hit, sometimes it’s a miss but at least they’re swinging for the fences. Don’t come at them just because you messed up.”
Brittany can’t help but smile at how highly Santana is speaking about them and the use of baseball references just makes her feel warm all over. Her heart thuds hard and her stomach fills with crazy butterflies again. She’s overcome with this sudden urge to rush over and –
She stops herself from thinking such a thought. She doesn’t even know the woman like that and it would be so out of line. But then when she glances up, she just barely catches Santana looking her way before she sets her gaze back on Mercedes. It’s quick, too quick for Brittany to interpret. She just listens to whatever Santana says next.  
Santana grits her jaw, “The challenge for Round 1 didn’t specify the number of cupcakes required, everyone just assumed it meant two. Everyone except, Team Batter Up Cupcakes. This round specifically stated that you were to make three cupcakes. You made two, or do you need a recount? Can you even count? Should I break out the counting blocks and have you practice for a bit?”
Mercedes quiets although she looks like she is going to go off at any moment now.
Santana hopes she does.  
“You also left out a curveball pantry ingredient,” Kurt adds, “That’s too many errors to overlook and that’s why you’re being sent home.”
Mercedes and Artie swallow their pride and exit the arena without another word.
Santana takes the moment to finally sit back down, but not before glancing over at Brittany one last time. The blonde is looking at her like she has put every single star in the sky. Oddly enough, the look makes Santana blush and she has to look away quickly before the camera catches her.
What she doesn’t evade is Kurt’s quizzical eye and when Santana finally sees that she has been caught, she does her best to fake it until she makes.
“What?” She scoffs.
“I totally get it now,” Kurt says as the dots all finally connect, “You like her.”
“You’re delusional.”
“You do like her!” Kurt squeals, “I knew it, that’s why you let her touch your boobs!“
“Boob,” Santana corrects, “Singular and I didn’t let her. She did that on her own.”
“Same thing!”
“Don’t start with me, Kurt,” Santana snaps, “I’m still full of rage.”
Kurt only smirks, “That’s not all you’re full of…”
“You’re full of shit too.”
Upon seeing the wide grin Kurt wears, Santana rolls her eyes, “You’re really trying to get your scrawny ass kicked, aren’t you?”
The camera drags up Sam’s torso to settle in close as he makes the final announcement of the round, “Another team bites the dust here at the Cupcake Battles’ arena! The two remaining teams that will battle it out in the final round are: Brittany and Sugar from Team Batter Up Cupcakes – “
The camera pans to Brittany and Sugar who are all kinds of intimidating. They both growl at the audience and flex their muscles, alternating from different poses, before they point over to Blaine and Tina and yell out, “We’re going to break you in half like a pop tart!”
“Oh, that’s violent…” Blaine frowns.
“And facing off with them will be Blaine and Tina from Team Baking Dreams Come True!” Sam adds as the camera points to the contestants.
They’re remaining polite and do the whole smile and wave which surprises no one because they’re so boring.
“Stay tuned to see who comes out on top for our third and final round in,” Sam takes a long dramatic pause, “Cupcake Battles!”
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ddaengt · 5 years
About time-
Alexa play “Nobody’s perfect” by Hannah Montana (ch.3)
Pair: Pair: professor!Bucky x professor!y/n - professor!Steve x professor!y/n
Warnings: language like always
A/N: please know that this is an AU and like sometimes the characters are going to have different traits from the comics and movies. Thank you:) And let me know if you enjoyed this chapter!
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚───
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@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @godofplumsandthunder @canyonslights @art-estrange @buckyos @hista-girl @aikeia @elliee1497 @distractedgemini @noobmaster—69 @savemesteeb @minelskede @anasteas @imsoft-barnes @ilovesupersoldiers @fckdeusername
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"I know who we are. We never give up, especially when it's someone innocent, when it's someone alone, when it's one of our friends.
-Liam Dunbar, Teen Wolf : ‘After Images’ (6×13)
Liam Week Day #7 and and I don't even know how to begin to thank you for all the love, support and enthusiasm. Liam is one of my favorite characters and being able to share a part of that love with you is very special to me. Thank you thank you thank you @liamdunbarappreciation for putting together this event <33
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choicesenthusiast · 5 years
Platinum, Ch. 6 AKA Everyone Will Love Me
What happened this week:
MC records her first song and music video with either Blondie, Baddie, or Bestie.
She also has the choice to name her stage persona Hannah Montana, but y’all probably missed that opportunity, you disgraces
Actually, that's pretty much it. It was a great chapter but nothing much happened. That is how you keep ‘em reading.
I actually really like this book, as a musician and a reader. The songs are not the best and kinda all the same but I love that they’re trying something new. I just wish we didn't have to PAY to hear every other one.
The story is well-paced and the characters are incredibly dynamic. I need a Hank in real life because he is a bean and needs to be protected. The manager, kid DJ, emo girl and beardo are actually all growing on me!
PB better not screw this up because this book is one of their better ongoing ones and I have high hopes for it. I’m ready to have the “Avery loves me but respects that I’m fake dating Raleigh but he also loves me but my best friend who supports my every decision loves me too” angst. Like I said. High hopes.
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highfivecalum · 6 years
Our Home Place {CH} 8
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“WHAT THE HELL happened to you?” Allie asked with wide eyes as she opened the door to her house for her best friend. Natalie walked in, wordlessly, and laid down on the couch that Michael was surprisingly not on. Natalie hid her face in the throw pillow that was next to her and let out a loud scream that she was holding in the whole time she was walking to Allie’s. “How was last night?”
Natalie was going to walk home, but decided last minute to go to Allie’s, since it was closer and she knew Allie would call her later to ask about how the banquet went. So, she killed two birds with one stone, and showed up unannounced at her best friends front door. “You won’t believe it.” Natalie mumbled against the pillow, but it was so muffled that Allie couldn’t hear or understand her.
Natalie huffed and pulled the pillow away from her face, hugging it instead, and frowned at Allie who was sitting in the love seat across from her, already looking at Natalie with an expectant expression on her face. Natalie bit her lip, deep in thought, and finally spilled the beans. “Last night was great. Amazing, even.” Natalie sighed as she thought about her and Calum slow dancing and sharing chocolate covered strawberries.
“Then why the fuck do you look so depressed?”
“Calum and I, we…”
Allie furrowed her eyebrows. “You what?” Natalie raised her eyebrows, giving her a look, and Allie’s eyes widened. She covered her mouth after letting out an incredulous laugh, which sounded much more like a scream, and quickly stopped laughing when Natalie’s reaction didn’t match her own. “You did not!”
“We did.” Natalie confirmed with a nod of her head.
“What’s with all the screaming?” Michael came down the stairs, rubbing his sleep filled eyes, letting out a ridiculously loud yawn. Allie’s lips turned up into a smirk as she gloated to her boyfriend.
“Oh nothing. Natalie just told me that she and Calum fucked last night.” Michael’s eyes widened in complete surprise. They were betting on whether or not Natalie and Calum would finally act on the sexual tension between each other, and Michael thought they definitely wouldn’t, while Allie thought they would. Although there was no money or prize involved in the bet, Allie just liked the satisfaction of winning and proving her boyfriend, who was always right, wrong.  “I told you they would!”
“Holy shit. Didn’t see that coming.” Michael laughed and pulled Allie up from the love seat, plopping down on it, and bringing Allie down with him. She landed on his lap and Michael rested his chin on her shoulder and Natalie scowled at the sight of how cute her two best friends were. “Well, how was it?” Michael pressed.
“It was…” Natalie groaned at the memory. “It was amazing. Fucking fantastic. Best I’ve ever had, honestly. Unfair how good he is in bed.” Natalie never held back when it came to talking about her sex life with Michael and Allie. Why would she? They were two of her closest friends, after all.
“Then what’s the problem? Why does it sound like you’re complaining about it?”
“This morning… he-he told me it should have never happened. That it was a mistake.” Natalie swallowed thickly and her best friends glanced at each other, their mouths pulled back into a yikes expression that Natalie didn’t miss. “Exactly.”
“Are you serious?” Allie scoffed. “What an asshole!”
“And then I left and walked all the way here.” Natalie finished the short story and Allie and Michael both frowned. They both knew how much Natalie liked Calum and Allie thought that for sure Calum liked Natalie back, but apparently, she thought wrong, and she felt bad for her best friend. Allie was rooting for her friend, telling her that the feelings were definitely reciprocated, and now that she found out they weren’t, she felt guilty in a way.
“That’s awful, Nat.” Allie frowned. “What else did he say?”
“Well, he told me that I was amazing, and that if I wasn’t Lily’s babysitter that he would have me in his bed again.” Natalie scoffed. “Like seriously? Why would he think that would be a good thing to tell me? He said he didn’t think it would work out with me being Lily’s babysitter and all,” Natalie rolled her eyes. “And then he finished it by saying that he didn’t want it to be awkward between us and he still wants to be friends.”
“Well, I mean, at least he still wants you to watch Lily, you know? It could have been much worse. He could have fired you.” Michael tried to think on the bright side, and although he was right, Natalie didn’t see it that way. “It’s good that he still wants you around. Right?”
“I guess so.” Natalie shrugged. “It’s going to be hard to be around him now, though, after seeing every inch of his body naked. And feeling his mouth, and tongue, and-
Michael cut her off. “Okay!” He threw his hands up. “I know I asked you how it was, but I don’t need that much detail.”
Allie smirked. “I do.”
Natalie was glad she had Allie and Michael to talk to, because she knew she could tell her mother, but she didn’t want to be a bother. Natalie thought her problems were miniscule compared to mother’s; who was laying in a hospital bed with wires and tubes attached to her, dying.
❋ ❋ ❋
Natalie sat in the driveway of Calum’s house, her grip on the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned white. She didn’t want to go inside. Not after what happened the prior weekend. She was ecstatic that Calum’s sister, Mali, offered to watch Lily for a few days, so she could try to rid herself of some of the embarrassment she felt, but now, on a Wednesday afternoon, here she was, and still not completely over what happened.
Natalie finally grew a pair of balls and knocked her fist against the door. She felt like she did the first time she ever went to Calum’s house for the first time; nervous and racked with anxiety. Natalie knew she shouldn’t feel that way, but she couldn’t help it. She hated that she succumbed to her sexual desires for Calum and potentially ruined the friendship they had going, but when Calum opened the door, it didn’t seem like she had.
He was all smiles and, it in turn, made Natalie smile as well, and she felt her nervousness and anxiety fade away at the mere sight of him smiling at her, acting as if nothing happened between the two of them. It made her feel better that Calum wasn’t being awkward, but it also made her feel bad because he was acting as if it never happened, when that’s all Natalie could think of.
“Hey, Natalie.” Calum was going to hug her, but decided against it, and motioned for her to come inside. He was running late and still had to finish making his coffee and getting his belongings together. “Lils! Natalie is here!”
“Natty!” Lily raced inside of the kitchen, Duke following behind her, and wrapped her small around around Natalie’s legs like she always did. “I missed you so much, Natty!”
“I missed you, too, Lily.” Natalie crouched down to Lily’s level and smiled at the little girl. “How were your few days with Aunt Mali?”
“So great!” Lily gushed. Calum smiled at the sight of Natalie and Lily together and loved that Natalie looked genuinely interested in what his daughter had to say. Calum loved Natalie’s smile and he wanted to see it all of the time, and he wanted to be the reason for it, but he couldn’t be. He knew it wasn’t smart, wasn’t a good idea, no matter how badly he wanted her, he couldn't. “Aunty Mali took me to the zoo and then we went to get ice cream and then played on the playground!”
“Wow, Lily,” Natalie laughed. “That sounds like a blast.”
“It was!”
“Alright, girls,” Calum slipped his blazer on and interrupted the conversation that was taking place. “I gotta get going now. I’m already late.” Calum leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of Lily’s head. “Be good for Natalie today, okay?”
“I’m always good, daddy!” Lily argued.
Calum laughed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” He adjusted his tie as he spoke. “Text me if you need anything?” He spoke to Natalie who simply nodded her head with a small smile. Calum said his final goodbyes and exited his house, leaving his two girls.
“So, Lils, what do you want to do today?”
“I wanna meet your mommy!” Lily cheered.
Natalie furrowed her eyebrows at the girl. “My mommy?” Lily nodded her head excitedly. “Why’s that?”
“Well, you know my daddy, I wanna know your mommy!”
Natalie pondered over it for a bit. She hadn’t seen her mother in a few days and she did miss her, and she didn’t really want to be stuck in the Hood household all day, so Lily’s idea wasn’t sounding too bad. “Okay.” Natalie nodded her head. “You can meet my mommy.”
Lily helped Natalie set up her carseat in the back of her car, since she was clueless when it came to anything carseats, and buckled Lily up. Natalie started her car, but before going anywhere, sent Calum a quick text to let him know. She didn’t just want to take Lily to the hospital without him knowing.
Natalie: I’m taking Lily to the hospital to meet my mom. It was her idea. Is that okay?
She hated how formal she sounded over text, she never was formal with him in real life, well, not until they got drunk and ended up in bed together. Calum opened her text and responded right away.
Calum: Of course. Drive safe.
Natalie didn’t bother texting back, not seeing the point in it, so she quickly pulled out of the ridiculously long driveway and drove the twenty minutes to the hospital. Her and Lily listened to Hannah Montana, Lily’s request, the whole time and Natalie wasn’t ashamed that she knew almost every word to almost every song.
Parking was a bitch, like always, and since it was so busy Natalie carried Lily on her back, in fear of a car coming out of nowhere, or not seeing the little girl, and hitting her. It was a bit dramatic, Natalie knew, but she didn’t want anything to happen to Lily because of her. And Lily loved being carried on people’s backs, so she didn’t mind.
“Hi Natalie!” Shelly, the receptionist, greeted her happily. “Who’s this?” She smiled at Lily who smiled back politely.
“This is Lily.” Natalie smiled as Shelly wrote her name down on a guest pass. “Can you say hi, Lils?”
“Hi!” Lily waved happily. Shelly handed her the pass and Natalie thanked her before she made her way to the elevator, with Lily still on her back. “Natty?” Natalie hummed. “Why are we in a hospital?”
“My mom is sick,” Natalie explained. “So she has to stay here for a little while.”
Natalie didn’t bother knocking before she swung her mother’s hospital door open, and smiled when she saw her and Dr. Irwin talking. “Hi, sweetie.” Michelle greeted her daughter. She was in pain and Natalie could tell, but she tried not to let it affect her mood.
“Hi mama. Dr. Irwin.” Natalie smiled and carefully dropped Lily from her back onto one of the chair. “This is Lily. The girl I babysit for.”
“Hi Lily,” Dr. Irwin smiled down at the little girl who was already smiling wide enough for all of them.
“Are you Natty’s mommy?” Lily asked Michelle.
“Yes, dear, I am. My name is Michelle.” Natalie’s mom smiled adoringly at Lily who was resting her arms and chin on the side of the hospital bed. Dr. Irwin excused himself, leaving the three together. “It’s very nice to meet you, Lily. I’ve heard lots about you.”
“You have?!” She excitedly jumped up on the bed and Natalie took her usual seat on the chair that was next to her mother’s bed. The three of them talked and laughed and for a second, Natalie forgot about her problems with Calum, and forgot that her mother was sick.
❋ ❋ ❋
Calum’s was on his way to the hospital, after texting Natalie and letting her know he was off work, she offered to drive Lily back to their house, but he insisted he would drive to pick her up. Calum didn’t want to make Natalie leave her mother, he already felt bad enough, so he told her he would pick her up.
He found a parking spot quite easily, unlike Natalie, and walked through the sliding doors. Shelly greeted him just as happily as she greeted Natalie and everybody else that came into the hospital. “Hi there! How can I help you?”
“Um, I’m looking for a room number?” Calum spoke.
“What’s the last name?” Shelly asked, getting prepared to type whatever name it was.
“Campbell.” Calum had to rack his brain to remember Natalie’s last name.
“Oh!” Shelly’s face lit up. “I know exactly who you’re talking about. Can you sign in please?” She pointed to the sheet of paper in front of Calum and he scribbled his name down and she wrote him a guest pass and told him what floor and what room number Michelle’s room was.
“Thank you.” Calum wanted to get in and out as fast as he could. He hated hospitals, absolutely hated them, and the last time he was in one his father died, so all he had were bad memories. He found Michelle’s room with little to no struggle and knocked lightly.
“Come in!” He heard Natalie’s familiar voice and slowly opened the door, popping his head in. Lily’s eyes lit up at the sight of her father, and his lit up at the sight of Natalie, Lily, and Michelle playing Go Fish on Michelle’s bed; Lily and Natalie both of opposite sides and the cards on Michelle’s lap. “Hi Calum.”
“Hi Nat,” Calum mumbled her nickname, and although he had said it before, it felt weird coming out of his mouth now. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe because he had seen her naked and made her come, twice, and now he wasn’t sure if he could be so casual with her, but the expression on her face didn’t change, so she didn’t seem to mind. “Hi Lils. You ready to go?”
“In a second, daddy! We’re not done playing Go Fish!”
Calum smiled, but nodded his head, and let the girls finish their game. “Oh, Calum, this is my mom, Michelle. Mom, this is Calum, Lily’s dad.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Michelle.” Calum smiled a genuine smile and Michelle returned it.
“You as well, Calum. You and your daughter make my daughter very happy.”
Calum could see the blush on Natalie’s cheeks, but she didn’t make eye contact with him, and he didn’t expect her to, but Michelle’s confession shocked him. Did Natalie talk about him as much as he talked to Mali about Natalie? He only hoped.
“Your daughter makes us very happy as well.” Calum winked and Natalie’s blush deepened.
Calum couldn’t keep his eyes off of Natalie as she asked Lily for any threes in their game of Go Fish. Her smile made his smile grow and the insides of his stomach twist, but not in a bad way, no, in the best way possible. And in that moment, Calum knew that pretending nothing happened between them was the biggest mistake he could have made.
❋ ❋ ❋
Taglist: @mariellelovescupcakes-blog @mermaid-merrick @cliffordcntrl @bbylonxcal @poppedpins @rexorangecouny @ashton-ma-bestfriend @calumsbabydolll @wrappedaroundcal @boytoynamedcalum @sisterawesome-blog @allltimehemmo @fangirlingovereverythingblog @calistajs @checkeredcalum @thebodaciouscth @escap0-with-me @mzchnandlerbong @musicsavedme-00 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @crystalisinfinite @it-was-a-lie @littlemessage-tries @calistheloml @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @calumismyzaddyyyy @forggetablle @mysteriouslycali @booklove-2 @emma07900 @bookssandbands @fuzzyhumanwombatweasle @royalestrellas @calumismyprince 
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rosaliehale · 4 years
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jakascoo · 6 years
Boo: On the one hand, the beach sounds fun, too....
Scott: The arcade has fun games.
Boo: But the beach has cute boys.
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