#ch: kassandra
torntruth · 1 year
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                  CONTINUED FROM HERE , @ofspvrta .
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THERE IS SOMETHING SO WONDERFULLY SERENE about waking up to the love of your life who's features also look completely content ... and serene themselves. it is without any doubt that kassandra is the most beautiful woman that evie frye personally knows. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT THERE.
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so yes, there are quite a few moments in which evie's brain isn't centered around history, culture, artifacts, and work ... and is instead revolving completely around kassandra. they never were just a team after all. evie's happy, little smile could be felt in the kiss kassandra was now giving her. the assassin adjusts for more leverage and to get comfortable, moving from her knees to situate herself sideways on one of kassandra's legs. her hand actually tucks in kassandra's jacket, fingers sliding between buttons. it's such a cozy grasp.
" does that mean i usually wake up in a bad mood? "
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dilfaeneas · 1 year
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they're definitely judging Paris
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silentknives · 6 months
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RE: Emily's stance on Assassins vs. Templars
Emily's curiosity and search for Precursor/Isu artifacts evolves to her becoming a kind of 'Keeper' of such artifacts.
it's slightly different in the way that Kassandra is 'Keeper'. Emily just makes sure the artifacts are where they need to be–away from those who may take advantage of it, particularly those in higher power. and if there are whispers of those in pursuit of these artifacts, she tracks them down and tries to steer their search away from the artifacts' true location. in some circumstances, she relocates these artifacts to a safer, more isolated location. even with her 'sixth sense', it's still a dangerous task with the psychological risk of the artifact's power, particularly if it is an Apple of Eden.
when it comes down to it, Emily keeps track of all the Isu artifacts she's able to come across in her travels. she feels it's her calling and her duty to help keep the balance by doing this.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
TVD Masterlist
General Masterlist
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~ Youngest Original (Mikaelson!OC)
Being a teenage girl isn't easy. Especially if you've been 18 for over a thousand years. Follow the immortal life of Kassandra Mikaelson, a member of the Mikaelson family and one of the Originals.
Character profile
Moodboard; 1/2/3/4/
Family Tree
Ch 1 - The End of The Affair
Ch 2 - The Reckoning
Ch 3 - Ordinary People
Ch 4 - Homecoming
Ch 5 - Where are you?
Ch 6 - Kassandra
Ch 7 - Memory Lane
Ch 8 - Family Reunion
Ch 9 - Old wounds never heal
Ch 10 - Dangerous Liaisons
Ch 11 - A Moment in Time
To be continued...
Family mood boards
Rebekah x Kassandra
Elijah x Kassandra
Klaus x Kassandra
Kol x Kassandra
Finn x Kassandra
Kassandra's personal style
Elijah's relationship with Kassandra
Klaus's relationship with Kassandra
Rebekah's relationship with Kassandra
Finn's Relationship to Kassandra
Kol's relationship with Kassandra
Kassandra's playlist 1; pt2, pt3
Vampire transition
Christmas Eve with Elijah
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auxiliarydetective · 1 month
AP-01: Project Apocalypse
ch. 00: Prologue
AP-01 Masterlist
This fic is part of the Academy Projects series, a full rewrite of The Umbrella Academy with the addition of an original character, Kassandra Hargreeves. Throughout the story, you'll stumble across a few songs. This is supposed to make the fic feel as much like the show as possible, so I recommend you don't skip them.
Warnings: Canon-typical issues, death, drugs
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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got eight of them.
These eight children, numbered and ordered, had grown up together at the Umbrella Academy, stuck in a time capsule as their Number 4 would later say, with no friends outside those walls and little space for themselves despite the sheer size of the house. You would think that such an experience would bond the children together. Make them virtually inseparable. But fate had other plans. Tragedy struck the family, not once but twice, and the second time was the match that finally hit the powder barrel after dozens had been tossed. One by one, each of the siblings left, and over the next decade, they all lost contact.
Well, not all of them. One of them still knew where everyone was. What they did, who they were… or who they remembered them as. Number Eight, the one at the bottom of the list, also known as Kassandra Hargreeves. She had been among the first to leave and now worked as a librarian, but she still tried to keep an eye on her siblings. For old times’ sake, she told anyone who asked.
Number Seven, Vanya Hargreeves, had stuck to her passion for the violin, and had taken up teaching the instrument to other people. She also played third chair in a local orchestra and, perhaps most notoriously, had written a tell-all biography about her life at the Academy, one that none of her siblings had taken very well.
Number Four, Klaus Hargreeves, was still a drug addict. Had been since he was young and maybe he always would be. Kassandra knew because she had had to collect him from the police station, the hospital or jail a few times. After all, she was still his emergency contact, since he couldn’t find himself a new one. Still, the two of them didn’t really talk, for reasons they wouldn’t tell the other.
Number Three, Allison Hargreeves, the superstar. An incredibly famous actress, she now had everything she had dreamed of as a girl… except for a stable family, according to various gossip magazines and newspapers. After a messy divorce from her husband, poor Allison had lost custody of her daughter, Claire. That couldn’t have gone well for her, Kassandra knew. She had planned on calling Allison after the divorce, but had only reached the answer machine.
Number Two, Diego Hargreeves, hadn’t changed his ways at all. He was a vigilante now, still brave, with a firm sense of justice - and a troublemaker for the police. Originally, Kassandra had been the one the police would call on in case something went wrong, but Diego had erased her as his emergency contact only a month or two in.
And finally, Number One, Luther Hargreeves. Luther was in space, that was all Kassandra knew. One last mission from dad.
As for Number Five and Number Six… Kassandra tried not to think about them, and every day, she failed.
In over 13 years, the Hargreeves siblings hadn’t been in the same room or even the same building together. Whether they were avoiding each other or just drifting apart was unimportant, what mattered was the distance. But all of that was about to change.
On the 21st of March, Sir Reginald Hargreeves suddenly died. The news of his death travelled around the world, across every tv screen and radio station, by word of mouth or rumors. Inevitably, it also had to reach the siblings and reel them in. In an ironic mirror image of the way things usually went, Kassandra learned of her father’s death last.
It was close to midnight and Kassandra was still at work, finally having finished sorting the new books. The library had been closed since 9pm, but the new books had come in late and they needed to be sorted before 9am the next day, which was opening time. Well, technically, they didn’t necessarily need to be sorted, but tomorrow was Friday, a busy day, and also one with few experienced workers there. Bad combinations, really. Sorting could take hours if you didn’t know what you were doing, so Kassandra had volunteered to stay and finish the job. In the end, she hadn’t had to do it on her own though.
“Alright, Timmy, are you ready to go?” Kassandra called as she put on her coat.
Timothy Carmichael, one of her coworkers. A nice man, a bit boyish though, and not the good kind. Still, he was good company, especially on those late nights. As Kassandra waited for him to emerge from the rows of shelves, she moved to turn off the radio still playing in the break room. But then, the news came on and she paused.
“The world mourns the death of eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a known adventurer and philanthropist.”
Kassandra froze in place, her eyes turning glossy and her hand gloved hand moving on its own to turn the volume up.
“The news of his death were made public just an hour ago by a speaker of the Umbrella Academy. As of now, the cause of death is still unclear, but evidence points towards a heart attack, says the speaker. Sir Reginald Hargreeves leaves behind a large fortune, multiple companies and properties, as well as five children that–”
With an almost violent swiftness, Kassandra shut the radio off, her fingers hovering over the button afterwards. She pulled her hand back and rolled her shoulders, taking a deep breath. All the while, her expression remained controlled, though her eyes were somber.
“I’m sorry,” she could hear Timmy saying next to her.
“They got it wrong,” Kassandra just said. “Even after that book, they still get it wrong.”
Timothy blinked a few times, and Kassandra could’ve heard the gears in his head turning if she had been paying attention. But she was too busy listening to her own inner voice.
“Get what wrong?” Timmy finally asked.
“The number. There’s six of us left, not five. Poor Vanya…”
“You’re not… upset about your father at all?”
Kassandra sighed and tugged at her thin satin gloves, making sure they were snug on her fingers. “I don’t know. I just… didn’t think the man could die.”
Timmy was kind enough to drive Kassandra home, allowing her to make it home at a somewhat reasonable hour. As she turned the keys, her mind was still lingering on that news report, the jingling of metal taking her back to her younger years. She tried to ignore it, she really did, but her mind kept telling her that there was something wrong, striking her with guilt over and over.
At 1:30am, against her better judgement, Kassandra made a phone call.
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General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Academy Projects Taglist: @therantsofawriterrr @come-along-pond @the-wyvern-institute @cherrybombgigi
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vivasity · 1 year
To Love Another - Kassidas
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Chapter 1 | 2 | Ao3
Source: Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Pairing: Kassandra/Brasidas
Chapter Warnings/Tags: everyone lives/nobody dies, I'm using this to cope can you tell?, they make out in the sand, the smut stays in ch 2, it get's kinda emotional, there's a bit of hurt/comfort in there if you squint
Word Count: 1.9k
Chapter 1 - Reunions
The last thing Kassandra expected when leaving Kephalonia for the first time in years, was to get tangled in the fate of the Greek world itself. All she had wanted was to bring her family back together, saving the entire Greek empire in the process was an added side-benefit. 
With the Cult of Kosmos wiped out of existence, she had time to focus on her family. Over the months, Alexios had been less and less troubled by what the Cult did to him, unlearning the violent reactions that were ingrained into him. Kassandra had gently encouraged him to become a misthios alongside her, to put his skills to use more than anything else, and he took to it like Ikaros to the wind.
Pheobe had been immediately fawned over by her mother and father, prompting them to take the young girl in. Pheobe was, of course, delighted to have Kassandra as her sister, and while still a little scared of Alexios, she brought out a gentleness in him that Kassandra hadn't seen in a long time, if ever. 
Continuing her life as the most dangerous misthios in all of Greece, she maintained her title as captain of the Adrestia, occasionally leaving the ship to her brother as an escape when he needed it. The guilt he felt when he was surrounded by his family, so kind and forgiving, weighed on him in a way that Kassandra knew without him needing to say a word.
She was surprised when she found herself back in Sparta, spending months bouncing between different islands and on the open ocean. An unknown contact reaching out to her once she made port, a Spartan scout hurriedly pressing the letter into her surprised hands before running off just as quickly. It lead her to a familiar battleground in the dead of night, Phobos tied off nearby as she stepped through the trodden sand to meet whoever needed to see her so soon. This was one of the last battles she had against Alexios when he was still under the control of the Cult, and where she had killed Kleon for everything he had done. The salty breeze shifted through the light armour she wore, the shiver brought on by the cold or the memory she wasn't sure. 
Walking closer to the shoreline, she found comfort in being alone even if only for a moment and sat in the sand that had long since lost the sun's warmth. Removing the spear from her back, she gently set the tip into the soft sand, resting her hands on the hilt as she watched the small waves come and go. So lost in the moment she barely heard the footsteps behind her until a familiar voice spoke.
"My eyes must be deceiving me, there is no way that Kassandra of Sparta is having a moment of peace." On her feet in an instant, she whipped around and offered a wide smile and gentle laughter to Brasidas. He held out an arm to her in greeting and was surprised when she launched herself at him, strong arms wrapped around him in a hug.
"We take those moments when we can, Brasidas." She answered coyly, letting go to hold him at arm's length. "It's been months! How have you been? You have to tell me everything!" The younger woman exclaimed, and he gave a hearty laugh in response. Removing himself from her grip he set his sword into the sand before sitting next to where she had been before. She took the unspoken invitation and sat comfortably next to him. 
It was just before dawn when their conversation caught a lull like the waves before them, a still and comfortable silence. They watched each other, and Brasidas found himself gently tracing a scar etched into Kassandra's shoulder. "This one is new," he trailed off, hoping she could give him the story of how anyone could have possibly gotten close enough to hurt her. 
"Do you know the Daughters of Artemis?" She asked, and when he nodded she continued. "Their leader, Daphnae, had tasked me with gathering the pelts of legendary beasts from all across the Greek world and returning them to her. There was this particularly nasty wolf that managed to knock me on my ass a few times. It got a good bite in before I took it down." She smiled softly, almost reverent, and Brasidas couldn't help but encourage more out of her.
"And what happened? After you finished with the task?" He asked, and Kassandra grinned in a way that sent a shiver up his spine.
"In the interest of making a long story short, I became the leader of the Daughters of Artemis." She said so simply as if discussing a meal she had made. Brasidas paused, taken aback. Yet another title to add to her already impressive collection.
"Should you not be there? Leading them?"
"It was all for the sake of propriety, it's more that I'm their leader in title only, I appointed another to take my place in my absence. But, I am free to come and go from their territory as I please." 
"Ah." He said simply, kicking himself for the limited response. They lulled into another comfortable silence, Ikaros' calls sounding off in the distance as dawn broke over the waves. 
"The battle here, that almost ended very differently for you." Kassandra mumbled, her knees tucked to her chest. She looked incredibly vulnerable at that moment, and Brasidas knew she was confiding in him in a way few other saw. 
"It's because of you that I'm still alive. I owe you my life and so much more." He offered gently, and her shoulders shook in quiet laughter. "Although I hardly think you brought it up to be reminded of that." He pressed gently, and she sighed. When she looked up at him again her brow was furrowed tightly, a small line of worry in her otherwise unmarked face.
"And yet I could have lost you that day, all of Sparta could have lost you." She paused, taking a deep breath to calm the desperate notes in her voice. "I don't know what I would have done if my brother had been able to finish what he started, if I'd be able to forgive him." She offered quietly, and Brasidas felt his chest tighten with an emotion he refused to name. 
"Then don't think about it. I'm here, your brother is safe with your family, and nothing will change that," taking a chance, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, hoping the gesture would bring her some comfort, "I promise you." He offered, voice full of determination as she lifted her gaze to his own. Her heart was pounding, her nerves wound so tight she feared they would snap. While Kassandra was no stranger to indulging in her desires, she didn’t know what to do when she was faced with wanting something more. The older man must have seen the hesitation in her face and he sighed quietly. “I was terrified whenever I saw you on the battlefield, especially when you went against your brother. It’s not every day you meet a Spartan like you, Kassandra. Walking in a world without you in it is the last thing I want.” 
Kassandra’s face grew hot, cheeks stained a dusky pink at his words. “You are very kind, Brasidas, but I’m sure there is more to your life than just me.” She teased gently, masking the longing in her voice. There was no denying her feelings for Brasidas, although she was certain that he did not feel the same. “You’ll have a wife soon enough, the gods only know how many women would want the Great and Honourable Brasidas of Sparta.” She teased, looking back out to the shore. The sun was just starting to peek out over the horizon, painting the sky in soft pinks and yellows. 
“That’s just it,” he began, “I’ve never wanted anyone. I was determined to live my life in service to Sparta, never settling down just continuing my life in the military.” His hand dropped down from her shoulder and Kassandra found herself missing his warmth. “At least, I thought that was the plan. Until I met you.”
Kassandra whipped her gaze back to him, to find him closer than he had been previously, their knees brushing against each other. 
“The day we met, that fight in the warehouse, I’ve never felt a connection like that with anyone in my life.” He continued, his eyes warm with affection. “You’ve become very important to me, Kassandra. I would be incredibly stupid to let you go now.” He said with a boyish grin, and Kassandra only gaped at him, her eyes wide with shock. It wasn’t a grand profession of love and adoration sung from the hills, but it was so overwhelmingly him that her heart ached all the same. He laughed nervously as the silence stretched on, breaking her gaze to run his hand anxiously along his braid. “Of course if you don’t feel the same, there is no pressure. The last thing I want is to make-“
Kassandra cut him off with a hand on his cheek, turning his gaze back to her. “Please, stop talking and kiss me.” She demanded gently, laughter filling her voice. He smiled in return, all boyish with glee. 
Their lips met once, a soft, almost exploratory gesture. Twice, and it was like they both remembered that the other isn’t fragile, filled with the passion and longing they had both pushed so far back it was remarkable that they had even made it this far. 
Brasidas lifted his hands, one curling along her neck under the braid Kassandra never seemed to be without, the other cradling her jawline so gently it made her heart ache. Their lips moved together like they were meant for it, an easy slide that didn’t feel uncomfortable, even as she shifted closer still. Her own hands began to wander, settling on the swell of his chest beneath the armour he still wore. 
He coaxed her lips open with a gentle nip against her lower lip, brushing his tongue against hers that eagerly awaited him. It was so gentle, so soothing in its own way and Kassandra was grateful to not have to rush something for once, to be able to take her time. Heat burned on her cheeks as warmth pooled in her belly, the little flames of desire building in a way that was unique to Brasidas, when they fought together, any time she laid eyes on the man she had the same reaction, she certainly wasn’t losing the opportunity now. 
She tried to muffle the yelp of surprise she gave when he lifted her off the ground just enough to settle her on his lap, her thighs bracketing his own, not even breaking the kiss. Now impossibly close, Kassandra draped her arms around his shoulders, letting herself melt against him. 
Slowly breaking the kiss, Brasidas buried his nose against the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply before pressing a gentle kiss against her skin, grinning at the shudder that ran through her. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long, wanted you.” He admitted quietly, his hands ghosting over her torso to settle on her hips again. “Since the moment we met, you stole my heart. I can't imagine being with anyone but you, if you'll have me." He murmured, lips ghosting against the side of her neck and she had to repress a shiver.
"Always, Brasidas." She answers breathlessly, pressing a kiss against his temple. They held onto each other, content in the moment of peace they found in each other.
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@aeide & @findusinaweek I finally put it all in one place!
A few notes first:
I have two types of music... Good music and fandom music. The first one bleeds into the second on occasion, but 90% of the time those two categories mutually exclusive. Be forewarned.
I’m gender-bending and mid-line pov swapping all over the place, so expect that. I’m also terrible about tossing lines that don’t work and keeping songs purely for choruses, concepts, and single lines. This is a living list, so this original post is the best place to look.
Okay, so starting general and then haphazardly chronological:
Walking with Giants (Rachel Sandy): Just general. All over Odyssey.
2. Start A War (Klergy, Valerie Broussard): Again, everywhere.
3. Blood // Water - Acoustic (grandson): Nikolaos-focused, especially toward the end of the game, but all throughout. Greed is the wrong word, but the rest.
4. Brasidas (ACO Soundtrack): Might’ve been in my Top 5 last year…. xD
5. You're the One (Tracy Chapman): I love her so much and putting this to Brasidas' perspective really makes me laugh. That is all 😂
6. Wild Child (The Black Keys): When fandom sneaks into my actual music it always makes me laugh. This barely applies, but I've laughed about it in Kassidas context, so it's here in the most lighthearted way possible. I take my ships seriously most of the time, I swear xD
7. A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton): Pure reminiscence for one of @findusinaweek’s old posts that really made me smile <3
8. Enemies (Shinedown): Look, it works for Deimos, okay? xD
9. Dive Deep (Andrew Belle): You know when something completely unrelated in the shuffle just makes the writing write, so it ends up on repeat? That’s what happened here. Completely unrelated, but the second and third chapters of Korinthia spent some time with this one. It helped that he enunciates so poorly that I didn’t catch the words until later. They do work, surprisingly. They’re a bit uh… They didn’t hurt the vibe, let's just say that... 👀
10. Whirlwind (JOSEPH): This is a general Kassandra theme for me, but especially through Korinthia. Once it builds up into its full chaos I really love the vibe. Most Kassidas scenes have some element of this on the writing side. Korinthia’s Ch.3 section was fleshed out almost entirely to this at very high volume.
11. Spark (Ed Sheeran): This came round the same way Dive Deep did. I was listening to Ed’s new album at my sister’s request (she’s a huge fan) and this one just worked while I was drafting choreography for Korinthia Ch.3. Most of the lyrics conveniently work as well. *shrugs*
12. Myrrine (ACO Soundtrack): I see this threaded through a lot, but especially in Sparta, Athens, and Euboea. Anytime Kassandra is really going through it or is struggling to see Alexios through the Deimos mask.
13. Twisted (MISSIO): Deimos perspective. Something about it is particularly jarring to me, but in an intentionally lazy, offhanded way?
14. I Don’t Even Care About You (MISSIO): Deimos again, and again, not my favorite, but here functionally.
15. Bad Blood (Bastille): Deimos again. This one I enjoy a lot more. The indifferent annoyance. Essentially, ‘We’re never getting away from each other. Let’s stop pretending this can be different and get on with it.’
16. Born For This (The Score): I actually have this song for another fandom (TCW / TBB, which it actually works for), but every time I think of it in a Spartan context I laugh so hard I had to put it here for kicks. Particularly that northern campaign when it needs some light-heartening. Sobbing over here, don't mind me.
17. Monster (STARSET): Deimos generally. I actually like the concepts here a LOT. There’s a line in Warmth on the Mountain about the EB being the center of Deimos’ world by the end and I really love that fixation idea. That’s in here. The idea of trusting your redemption to the people who destroyed you in the first place… the Can you change me? // Will you cage me? thought dichotomy… Lots of little things in here.
18. Devour (Shinedown): I’ve loved the sound of this one for ages, but hate the content 😂 It finds a decent home in Deimos though. And if it lands anywhere, it’s probably post-Kleon betrayal as everything unravels for them.
19. Hurricane (Tommee Profitt, Fleurie): Battle of Amphipolis. This is in here purely for a concept – that sudden sensory loss and stillness in the middle of chaotic shock. I want to pull that sensation, but haven’t captured it yet, so it's here as a reminder. ALSO, that line, ‘I am aching now to let you in’ – the missed opportunity gets a little extra love from me <3
20-22. Honor Him, Elysium, & Now We Are Free (in that order – Gladiator Soundtrack): For me, these overview all the immediate events after Amphipolis. Forget Gladiator, they were just easy instrumentals to write to, and then I learned the words of Now We Are Free and might have become very, very, very attached to them, particularly this part:
We regret our sins, but // We sow our own fate and // Under my face I remain feeble // Under my face I smile // Even alone/afraid // Under my face I will be waiting
I mean …😫 Can’t you just imagine if those were part of the procession and then repeated in the Underworld when when we learn Brasidas refused Elysium and is putting himself through this??? (Because if he’s there at all, HE chose it – canon can fuck off as far as I'm concerned). The lyrics of this song as a lament over the situation and a call to come to terms with the past????? I'm not going to do it, but I mean…
I also really love the emotional path of Now We Are Free for an actual funeral procession. Since Brasidas was esteemed as a liberator, beloved by the city he died successfully defending, I see the event as a celebratory lament for a city who's populace mostly knew him as the personification of an idea more than a person. When you add the warriors' death glorification layer that Sparta had going on, it just sorta fits? And with the ashes and hypotheses that follow, I imagine Kassandra staying up to the moment his body is gone. The beginning of that song is procession, then the cut back to drumsticks and immediate uptick afterward are the lighting of a pyre. The sound fall that follows is the return to self, where the misthios, not ready for joy, takes a last look at empty flames and slips away into the night alone.
I despise it... but it wormed its way in and it’s not coming out 😂
23. Overjoyed (Bastille): There’s a lot of Bastille in this list. I don’t usually listen to them, but I swear most of this album was written for this specifically. This one was part of my early mourning process and is my excuse for writing 6k-10k word conversations I can’t cut down…
24. I Ran (So Far Away) - Epic Trailer Version (Hidden Citizens): Post-Amphipolis. Kassandra’s not big on processing. This is a bit overkill for me, but it's here regardless. Concept pull.
25. Daniel In The Den (Bastille): Felled in the night by the ones you think you love. Pessimism post-Amphipolis. ^This referring to Brasidas’ death at Alexios hands, which is the tipping point on a scale that had been sliding for a while. By Amphipolis, Kassandra thinks she'd found common ground with Deimos in Athens (not realizing how personally he would take her escape and silence afterward), and was double blindsided. It’s the drudgery and the Cult of Kosmos and Sparta and Deimos, all in one. It’s the backbone of what pushes her to hunt the cult after what happens in the north.
26. These Streets (Bastille): Kassandra post-Amphipolis. Sparta becomes too much. It’s the place of too many memories, all around. She makes a (temporary) decision to be done with it.
27. War (Poets of the Fall): This was here for a handful of lines that I circled for a while and drew a couple concepts from. If I can let the memory heal // I will remember you with me on that field // When I thought that I fought this war on my own // You were there by my side because before Korinth she has people, but not anyone who’s brought all the way inside. With his background, he easily becomes that person. Also a bit of With no one wearing their real face // It’s a whiteout of emotion // And I’ve only got my brittle bones to break the fall // So will you please show me your real face? Because I was suspicious he was a Cult plant for a longggg time. Too good to be true 😂 Fic Kassandra shakes that sooner than I did, but it plays a part. It’s since come off this list, but it’s back for you all 😂
28. War of Hearts (Ruelle): This whole idea of trying not to love someone is just very Kassidas to me. I headcanon that she never makes a pass at him in the game because it’s clearly more serious and that’s a LOT, considering.
29. Deep End (Ruelle): Not resisting the post-Amphipolis spiral.
30. I Found (Amber Run): Found this one on Tumblr’s Kassidas tag… 😫
31. Burning House (Cam): Post-Amphipolis. Technically country, but I’ve loved this song since the very first time I heard it. The fire imagery sticks from Korinth and I headcanon Kassandra carrying a LOT of guilt for Brasidas’ death, alongside the grief she’s experiencing. With that and everything else that comes crashing down in Amphipolis, I headcanon that she hardly sleeps all the way to Pephka, which is a later segment.
32. Hospital (Lydia): Wallowing. Just wallowing 😂
33. Icarus (Bastille): For Kassandra it’s not substances, it’s a dissociative Cult-killing spree, but that’s neither here nor there. Completely a perversion of the myth. And yet it still worked its way into Myrinne’s letter in Euboea, because I’m awful. Lmao.
34. Fading (Decyfer Down): I’ve been obsessed with that lyric, ‘unshackled and unbound’ since I was a weird, angsty teen and finally finding a home for it in the Pephka Arena makes me SO HAPPY. Again, swapping substances for murderous tendencies though xD This connects to this headcanon.
35. Centuries (Fall Out Boy): Pephka Arena. This is what happens when you're an entire library shuffler. I have no excuses 😂
36. From Where You Are (Lifehouse): I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face. This has been a mainstay on my BSG Kara/Lee playlist for YEARS because of this awful video that vented a whole lot of teenage grief for me (that I'll never be over), but it’s an easy song to write wistful, nostalgic scenes to because it’s so even-toned. That lyric ^^ grabbed me in particular, because I did Port of Lawlessness at golden hour (doomed to fall, clearly) and couldn’t stop looking at his arms in that light 🤣🤣🤣 I use this post-Pephka arena when she’s first started to heal and is finally capable of remembering him, but it also comes back in the post-game when she’s finally come home to Sparta.
37. Waves (Dean Lewis): Just general pining, but of a *slightly* healthier variety.
38. Song for Zula (Phosphorescent): Another Nikolaos song. I ignore one lyric at the beginning, but gah. These lyrics KILL me. It’s about the grief and anger of being broken by a relationship and still feeling that enduring emotional attachment you can’t quite shake. I’m in love with it. Might be my favorite on the whole list. It’s Kassandra collecting the pieces after Boeotia and wrestling with the same in Euboea where he finds her again. They (mostly) work past this later, but it's SO perfect for most of the game.
I saw love // You see, it came to me… // It put its face up to my face so I could see // Then I saw Love disfigure me
You will not see me fall // Nor see me struggle to stand // To be acknowledged by some touch from his gnarled hand
39. Carnival of Rust (Poets of the Fall): A high^ and a low. Lmao. I have an adversarial relationship with this one. I DO NOT LIKE IT, but just like Dive Deep and Spark, the MUSIC (NOT the lyrics - repeat, NOT the lyrics) accidentally ended up being what I needed to write Brasidas’ first scene in the Underworld and it’s forever, horrifically, attached to it. It makes me laugh in an ***extremely*** irritated way. Helps me remember not to take myself too seriously, because… *Facepalm*
40. Foreigner’s God (Hozier): There are only about 5 seconds I actually apply to ACO, but something about “Her eyes looked sharp and steady into the empty parts of me” is just so strikingly Kassidas, especially for that early Underworld segment. Sometimes I think the whole song fits if you really force it, but mostly it's just that line ;)
41. Blood And Fire (Indigo Girls): I'm obsessed with their voices, but extra in this song. It’s not a perfect fit for me, but POV swapping all over the place, I feel like there are tons of snippets. And something about I am looking for someone who can take as much as I give // Give back as much as I need // And then still have the will to live just makes me laugh so. damn. hard. Brasidas being dead has nothing to do with this for me. Kassandra is just... it makes me snicker.
42. Let It All Go (RHODES, Birdy): Underworld angst. Sitting on that relational precipice before the fall, alongside the next song, trying to break past the rules they created for themselves in life so they can get to that next space they both need for healing. I headcanon their physical chemistry in the game being naturally very Port of Lawlessness, but they keep from the complicated explosion that would become by leaning into the rigidity of their professional roles and goals (canon). They share a common goal in Korinth... He uses his position to help her with citizenship in Sparta… She comes to him as a misthios to Pylos and Amphipolis... That structure keeps things easy. It’s an excuse to connect/disconnect without addressing the rest. During the game, she uses that crutch and he lets her have it. In the Underworld *he* needs it, but by that point, she's not as gracious. Breaking anything rigid is daunting though, especially in grief ❤️
If we’re strong enough to let it in // If we’re strong enough to let it go
43. For Me, It’s You (Lo Moon): Sitting in the same tension as above^.
44. Mountain and the Sea (Ingrid Michaelson): At one point (I think while she’s pushing back against his decision to stay in the underworld) I have Kassandra characterize Brasidas as the cliffs beside the wild tempest sea (Kassandra 😂), because up until that point he always has such a steady grasp on things. Everywhere he goes, he has things well in hand - that presence of mind. Even at Amphipolis, the (real) numbers and results tell that story. They're equally formidable, but by a different approach, built by different methods. And when she comes up against him for the first time there, she appreciates it less. When this came up in my shuffle sometime later, I couldn’t resist. And the gender-bent refrain ‘you can move me’ makes me laugh, because that's the story there, even though Kassandra doesn’t realize that deeper piece of the analogy at the time. He ends up HAPPILY in Elysium, dammit. Screw Ubi.
45. Take What I Can Get (Mathew Mayfield): The line that I couldn’t get away from was You’re still locked inside me, holding on. Something about that lyric just hits it for me.
46. Walk Through the Fire (Zayde Wolf, Ruelle): Kassandra-view in the Underworld. It’s hopeless, but we’re finally processing at least.
47. Demons at the Door (Sleeping Wolf): Hmm... Let’s just say this lightheartedly connects to a very specific scene in the Underworld and leave it at that. Breaking some rigidity. When it comes to workshopping ships, the cringiest part of my soul makes an appearance. It is what it is 😂
48. In My Veins - Feat. Erin Mccarley (Andrew Belle): This one was the sound support to some Underworld writing sessions… I rediscovered it (for completely unrelated, unromantic reasons) around the same time I was writing that and it happened to stick.
49. Follow You (Bring Me the Horizon): This one came from Tumblr’s Kassidas tag too. I’m not a huge fan, but the second half does make me laugh about the Underworld portion. And shipping in general... mostly shipping in general XD
50. Light (Sleeping at Last): EXCLUSIVELY SKIPPING TO 1:55. NOTHING BEFORE THAT. (I see Phoibe as Kassandra’s pseudo-child, but everything before that point in the song is irrelevant). For me, the second half of this song is loosely how I felt finding Phoibe in the Underworld. That scene is so gut-wrenching. The awe of the person. The unfulfillable promises. The ‘I’ll do better’ refrain… especially that, but tipped further toward grief. I see this all being part of Kassandra’s internal journey there. There’s nothing she can do, being alive. There’s no promise she can actually make.
51. Silhouette (Aquilo): Phoibe 😫 Sometimes I swing it towards Brasidas in the Underworld, but so much of it is Phoibe’s piece there. Blending the two probably works best.
52. Holding On and Letting Go (Ross Copperman): The stillness and peace that exists in the underworld portion after Kassidas sorts themselves out. There's an underlying calm, despite everything else.
53. Be On Your Way (Daughter): Preparing to part ways in the Underworld - Kassandra on with her tasks, and others on to Elysium. I'm really attached to this one.
54. My Darling (Ingrid Michaelson): I don’t love the first few lines, but all the rest. There are a lot of ways you could apply this one, a lot of relationships, but peak is probably at that second Taygetos moment.
55. Who Are You (SVRCINA): Deimos & Kassandra again, especially in the foundations of their post-game relationship. For that final Cult quest as he’s still very raw. I’m a little obsessed with this one.
56. I Won’t Let You Go (Switchfoot): I’m nothing if not a child of my era and here's proof, lmao. This is a song I took a lot of comfort in at one specific moment in my life (as the subject, not the singer), and I use it for the Kassandra & Alexios relationship at various points too, but especially post-game. The idea that you can’t fix a person’s circumstance, but you can fiercely love them and choose to stay beside them. That.
57. Tally Marks (JOSEPH): I've heard every Joseph song 85k times and can pick them apart in tiny segments, so this is probably just worth skipping for everyone else. It’s written romantically so I’m being VERY selective and filtering out a TON, but there are a couple lyric sets midway through that I LOVE for the tension between Kassandra & Alexios in their early post-game days:
What you’ve done cannot be undone… // But you’ll wake up to another sun.
There just aren’t enough words to describe the chasm between those two thoughts, you know? That gap is the vibe of all the early post-game days. But also,
I’ve got a sense about you // Under your hood, there’s a man that I knew // His eyes are fire and his hands are true // Where is he? // Where are you?
My hope is to be able to find some version of non-Deimos Alexios eventually, because Alexios is such an amazing character.
58. Control (Halsey): Deimos’ internal conflict after coming home to a Sparta who fundamentally hates him while fighting to find a new life. The push/pull of fighting not to become people’s expectations is just… 🙌 Concept pull.
59. Find My Way Back (Eric Arjes): Alexios & Kassandra again. I love this idea of her clinging to him for his benefit, but the same happening in inverse without her realizing. The two of them becoming each other’s counterbalance. I’ve also swapped it toward thinking about Brasidas in Elysium in moments, but I like it for the siblings better.
60. Hold on for Your Life (Acoustic) (Sam Tinnesz): This one is on thin ice, but when I let it lean in on Alexios & Kassandra in post-game quiet moments, I still like it barely enough to keep it.
61. Right Here (Ashes Remain): This song makes me cringe badly, but between the siblings, the line ‘I will always be the one who took your place’ has something that's been bugging me forever and I just haven’t drawn out exactly what that is yet, so until I unlock that tidbit its stuck here. The song means it sacrificially, but its something else entirely in my brain. First time Taygetos... Inconclusive thoughts.
62. Don’t Hold Me (Dean Lewis): More post-game moments on Deimos’ end mostly. (Also possibly washes toward Kassandra at the end of her stay in Athens, realizing there’s a reason Alexios keeps coming back to talk. She starts to feel his leaning in and is pretty listless at that point.) It's a stronger Thalexios song to me, but there's juuuuust enough to keep it here.
63. Honest (JOSEPH): The first half of this song especially has always been a favorite of mine. I love the idea that we’re never as alone as we think AND this is sung by siblings, so that callback portion is full of those rich family dynamics I LOVE. Applies to post-game everything.
64. Keeping Your Head Up (Birdy): Post-game all around. They’ve got a messy 4-way lift happening. Plus, when I first heard this song I misheard the chorus as ‘I’ve been giving you hell’ and honestly that fits everyone in this family so well 🤣
Honestly though, way bigger is that something about this song feels EXACTLY like co-regulation to me. That's a crisis tool where you use one person's calm nervous system to stabilize another, often through physical contact. Like hugs? That might be why. I've been the anchor for a number of people and it’s a really powerful tool, especially for pairs who have a strong bond. If you don't have that before, you absolutely do after. As much sparring and tight-quartering as these siblings do in my imagined post-game, I imagine that being a big (accidental, unnamed) part of their recovery.
65. Coming Home - Part II / Bonus Track (Skylar Grey): I’ll probably never write this portion, but these last two songs are the shift to airy Elysium at the end of Kassandra’s NATURAL life. The original song made its radio debut while I was a teenager struggling to process the death of a peer, so it’s always been laced with a sweet sort of grief-release for me. This cover is much softer. I particularly like the first couple lines, which are specific to this version.
66. Beautiful (Trading Yesterday): Not quite my speed, but this is in here because I love some of the imagery. Summer rain to wash away the winter stain and The morning sun inviting the dawn to break. There’s a freshness to the imagery that I want to try to extract if I ever do write that Elysium portion. I have a visual flow for it all, but am not sure I have the skill to make it as simultaneously light and grounded as I’d need. *shrugs*
And stolen from other's playlists:
67. White Flag (Dido): Just one that makes me laugh about shipping in general, but applies a little too closely to all things Brasidas for me. He's the real ship for me. Everyone else is bonus xD
68. Brasidas (Justin Bianco): Because why not?
69. Run Boy Run (Woodkid): How I feel about the approach to Amphipolis and the whole northern campaign (and just Brasidas in general 😭). He would never, but here we are.
70. Korivantes (Avlites): Such great chaos and order. I love it.
71. Leveler (Half Waif): ❤️
72. Recording 15 (Shannon Lay): Also ❤️
73. Shattering The Hourglass (Deep Sea Diver): Such a good insert for early Underworld to me.
74. Upward Over the Mountain (Iron & Wine): Myrrine / Kassandra. So many thoughts❤️
75. exile (Taylor Swift, Bon Iver): This one hit me months later and I had to come back and add it. Myrrine, with all her history and relationships. I love her so dearly.
76. Bloodstream (Stateless): I blame aeide!
77. She Just Likes to Fight (Four Tet): Just background :)
77. The Phone Book (Editors): Destroying me in the best way possible. I seriously can't even with this song. Strong Alexidas leaning ;)
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sec-heriablangel · 28 days
Hellaverse OC: Kass (Bio)
Full Name: Kassandra "Kassie" Williams
Nicknames: Kassy, Darling, Dearest Lover and Star (By Seviathan), Psycho Fish, Loser and F**king fish girly (By Helsa), Stupid fish f**king girl, Daughter, Girl and Stupid Nasty Witch (By Christopher Williams), Sister, Sis and Star Neptune Sister (By Clive Williams), Gal Blueberry, Blue Star and Cutie Fish (By Cedric Williams), Doll face and Nasty blue B**ch (By Denny)
Likes: Her Mother and Her Brother, Her Cousin, Her boyfriend, Listening to Meg and Dia, Evanescence and Muse, Rabbits, Her first pet, Piranha and her second pet, Canary Bird, Pranking on Helsa, Taunting Helsa, Drinking Dr.Pepper and 7Up, Playing with her brother, Reading Mangas, Watching Animes, Her mother and brother, Drawing, Emo fashion, Goths fashion and being a gothic girl, Her boyfriend being a gothic boy
Dislikes: Her father's abuse and insults, Her brother and mother being in danger, being grounded, Anyone is flirting with her brother, Chazwick Thurman, Being mocked at, Being called psycho fish by Helsa, Seviathan being in danger, Her ex-boyfriend, The sun, Anyone hurts her brother and her cousin, Racism, Homophobics, being bullied, being tormented by Her father, her brother being rude, her father being a drunk, her brother being insulted and abused
Abilities: Demon Transformation, Hydrokinesis, Demonic physiology, Aquatic Adaptation, Electrokinesis, Teleportation, Electric Manipulation, Waterbreathing
Species: Dragonfish demon
Gender: Female
Age: 21 (same as Clive)
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Alive
Occupation: The student (Formerly), The daughter of the Williams, Recruit at Hellbent Squad
Christopher Williams (Disowned Father), Julia Williams (Mother), Clive Williams (Twin-Brother), Hannah Williams (Aunt), Cedric Williams (Older Cousin)
Baxter, Crymini, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty (Best Friend), Sir Pentious (Father Figure), Cherri Bomb, Octavia (Close Friend), Seviathan Von Eldritch (Boyfriend), Baron Von Eldritch (Childhood Friend), Villa (Sometimes)
Enemies: Christopher Williams, Vox, Velvette, Valentino, Angel Dust (Formerly), Helsa Von Eldritch (Dislike), Striker, Crimson, Chazwick Thurman (Dislike), Denny Broderick (Sworn Enemy), Adam, Lute, Vadivel, Exorcists, Glitz and Glam (Dislike), Employees of D.H.O.R.K.S, Azathoth, Layla, Abaddon
Romantic Interests:
Denny Broderick (Ex-Boyfriend), Seviathan Von Eldritch (Boyfriend)
Others: The von Eldritch Family (Acquaintances), the Ars Goetia (Acquaintances), the Morningstar Family (Acquaintances), Overlords (Acquainted), Deadly Sins (Mammon (Acquainted), Beelzebub (Acquainted), Asmodeus (Acquainted), Leviathan (Acquainted), Belphegor (Acquainted), Satan (Acquainted)), Piranha (First Pet), Canary Bird (Second Pet), Anya (Close Friend; Formerly Classmate), Terrence (co-worker), Damien (co-worker) Lamont (co-worker), Isaac (co-worker), Arackniss (co-worker), Verosika Mayday (Acquainted), Vortex (Acquainted), Astaroth (Caretaker), Lucius (Boss)
Weapons: Fangs, Claws, Knife and Baseball Bat
Voiced by: Andrea Libman, Meg Frampton (Singing)
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futanariwriter · 1 year
CH.9 The Portal to Hell
Ok, so I seem to have stumbled upon a mysterious portal to the nether…am I going to possibly risk being completely vaporized by it and never seen again or escape that sociopathic bat for good and come back when I can get the ship started? The choice really wasn’t that hard. The portal took her to a planet called Terra or earth as some call it. However, in this reality earth had been taken over by zombies in the year 2021 and few survivors remained. This is the story of those survivors…
The Living Dead approached Aranea swiftly but they were no match for her powerful Stone Fist. Come get some bitch she said, taunting them. From the distance, a lone sniper fired. The <Electro-Dragon> did a rolling scream…. “I am gonna fuck up your entire universe and everything in it!” The Sniper missed again. You could hear something fall from the nearby redwood tree in which it was stationed. They were close to the assassin now but zombies blocked her from its deadly projectiles. They were still completely naked with full-body tattoos of her tribe and their sacred star sign of the apprentice. Her large tits and huge constantly erect nipples were exposed only wearing the ship's key, but armor would soon become a priority after this debacle. The sniper looked like a definite reptilian of some species. He was green like Aranea but with Red markings and a much smaller stubbier tail...figures. He pulled out Golden twin Uzis on Aranea, firing them till the 32-round 9mm clips were emptied into them. They dodged flying out of the way with their dragon wings and then used the palms of their hands to shoot the hands off the assailant. They then used their third eye chakra to harness the power of pure energy in the atmosphere to vaporize the remains of the passed-out and hand-less lizard. This is how she got the Twin Uzis which were gold and matched her overly excited purple and gold nipples.
She was all alone now, just drifting through the eerie, wasteland which was clearly haunted and had screeching ghosts flying all around it. It was truly hell on earth. They spent almost a whole year smashing zombie skulls with her stone cestus, trying to heal the soul of this infected planet. Eventually, though they just gave up. During this time they encountered other bipedal animals. There Was Loretta the Red Panda, who introduced Aranea to the others. A group of survivors living in the RedWoods in an old 1981 Vanagon. Around it was all their motorcycle which they held as dear as life itself.
 The day they met they played a fun game called Farkle and vaporized Dragons-Tongue flowers with a special pipe made of "Qoiten Glass". She trained with the group for days doing pull-ups on the redwoods branches. There was also Navi and a young Furry Where-wolf who loved to howl at the moon as do all lycanthropes. The group was called 'The Skull-Crushers' In addition to Navi there was also Kassandra a Bipedal Naga as there called on Rayuba, or in the common tongue cobra. They also regularly had raves in the forest with lights made from glowing rocks found in nearby mines. 
I had to wonder what potential these light-emitting stones emitted."Could they possibly be used to increase the power of my Cestus?" Repair the metal armor back on my ship perhaps? They put of few of them in their pocket for safe keeping. 
After sufficiently meditating on the idea of entering & Breeding each other's bodies the time had come for them to have an erotic Orgy to put it simply. They all sat in a square and began scissoring, moaning, and squirting on each other. After this happened, they all decided it was time to eat each other out in a big square circle, this lasted for about an hour until no one could breathe and they had to take a break. After some gentle cuddling Aranea used their penis to Impregnate Lorreta, Navi, and Cassandra. Simultaniously in one night.
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lanseax · 5 years
Daphkass and 22
22. things you said after it was over
She stands at the dock, watching as the Adrestia approaches the coast. Her hand holds onto her sword’s hilt, turning it in small nervous circles. She closes her eyes in frustration as she recalls today.
“I told you if you were caught here ever again I would kill you.” Daphnae’s voice stabs at Kassandra’s heart. 
“I can only do so much. Do you want me to swim to the ship?” Kassandra shakes her head with a frustrated huff.
Daphnae steps forward, her arms close enough she can feel Daphnae’s arm against her own. She turned to face Daphnae, her head lowers as she takes one step forward. Her hand reaches up to Daphnae’s jaw, her fingers run across it as she takes a deep breath. 
“I don’t want to lose you.” Kassandra breathes out.
Daphnae leans her head into the soft touches of Kassandra’s fingertips. “Then do the challenge.”
“I will lose you.” Kassandra shakes her head. “Anyway this goes, I will lose you.”
Daphnae looks back to the woods she had come from. “I love you, Kassandra.”
“I love you, Daphnae.” She places a kiss on Daphnae’s forehead. “What if your kill on sight rules only apply on Chios?”
Daphnae shakes her head. “Kassandra, Artemis’ eyes are everywhere.”
“I guess I’ll just blind a god,” Kassandra admits as Adrestia pulls into the dock, she waits as one of the warriors sets a plank across the ship to the dock. 
She walks across and waits on the other end as she waves the ship to leave. Kassandra walks across the ship, her eyes never leaving Daphnae as the ship pulls away. Kassandra hangs on to the edge of the rope, as she watches Daphnae become smaller she smiles.
“Do not anger the gods Kassandra!” Daphnae shouts from the docks. 
Kassandra smirks, “Come to Sparta to stop me.”
She turns away with a smile and steps up to the helm of the ship. 
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masterskywalkers · 5 years
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More unedited (just tweaked with the ingame editor) photos from Odyssey. Been revisiting this game lately as I missed the world, and took some amazing shots today with Kassandra’s new armour and her new new pegasus. Really happy with how the images came out, so I thought I’d share them!
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torntruth · 1 year
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                                  prompt starter , @ofspvrta .
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KENDRA MCCABE IS THE TYPE OF WOMAN ... to get exactly to the point. shorten everything. find the important words, rapid fire them in kristen's direction and then tell kristen what she has to do. mccabe is not doing that right now and kristen reaches up to tug down her aviators by using the middle of the glasses and her pointer finger. those bright green eyes regard mccabe with so much curiosity. here's everything she's got so far: kane teamed up with the templars. they're seeking something of importance.
kristen's head tilts. eyeing mccabe. all things she expected to happen or were happening.
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" it's not a weapon, per say. but the templars have it and kane sent back up to keep it under wraps. " mccabe says, still not the point. kristen's brows furrow.
" okay. just let me go fuck up whatever it is. give me a picture and a lo -- " kristen mutters, cutting herself off when mccabe turns her laptop around. the camera footage still isn't the clearest, but there's no mistaking a certain built greek struggling. kristen's eye twitch is very real. and kristen has to slide her aviator's back up because there is rage building in those already vibrant eyes. " where? " kristen asks. voice a little too calm.
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dilfaeneas · 1 year
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Helenus and Kassandra getting their powers
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years
‘  i love you. i’m in love with you. you are the love of my life. my every feeling is controlled by the look on your face. i can’t breathe without you, i can’t sleep without you. i wait for you, i watch for you. i exist for you.  ’
Hamlet looked down at his redheaded princess, strong hands affectionately cupping her cheek and tilting her head up to face his. "I adore you my love. You're my princess, my air, my everything. I'll do anything to keep you with me. You're mine. No one else can ever have you, I'll make sure of it." He leaned down and attached his lips to hers passionately in a kiss that felt as natural as breathing. She was his home, where he belonged.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 8 - Family Reunion
Warnings: drama-filled dinner, Klaus annoying Kassie, Klaus getting what he deserves, Elijah reuniting with Kassie ugh my heart! messy boots galore
Corresponding episode: TVD 3x13
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October 2010, Mystic Falls
"You look surprised to see me," Elijah said to Klaus as he wiped the blood off his hands. "So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest." He concluded.
 "You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus said, gesturing to the table. 
Instead of doing that, Elijah attacked, throwing Klaus across the room and in the process breaking stuff all around. The brothers continued fighting until Klaus opened up one of the caskets, pulled a dagger out of one of his siblings, and pinned Elijah against the other casket. 
"Come on, use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with." Elijah said, while Klaus choked him. Klaus eventually let him go and revealed to him that Mikael was dead. Elijah furrowed his brows. 
 "Why do our family remain in these coffins?"  Elijah asked angrily. "Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century. You even daggered Kassandra."
"No. She's not there anymore. I undaggered her months ago." Klaus revealed and he couldn't help but notice how Elijah's eyes widened at this. 
"What? Where is she?" Elijah asked, with a tone of desperation in his voice.
After hours in the rainy woods and reminiscing about her past, Kassie concluded this was enough for today. Just like when she arrived, she slowly made her way back to her house. Thankfully the rain was now less heavy and the sky was clearing out.
She ran up the stairs and walked inside the mansion. She put the umbrella away. "Klaus? I'm home." She announced while taking her coat off and hanging it on a rack. 
No answer. Strange. Surely he was back after all these hours. She walked across the entrance hall into a smaller room and was met with the sight of a dead body. "Klaus! What happened-" 
But once she raised her eyes she saw someone she hadn't seen in decades. Someone whom she constantly thought about. Someone whom she missed desperately. 
"Elijah?" His name fell from her lips in the form of a whisper.  She couldn't believe her eyes. There he was; her beloved brother, the man who practically raised her. He too was shocked, if she was going by his facial expression. It was like time itself stopped. 
"Kassandra." Before she could stop herself, she threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he spun her around. She never noticed Klaus's envious gaze. 
She put her hands on Elijah's face and kissed his cheeks, unable to contain her happiness. "I missed you so much, Lijah," She said tearfully. 
He cradled her head and kissed her forehead. "Oh, my sweet girl. I missed you too." He whispered as she buried her face into his shoulder. He held her tightly, scared of letting her go. The last time he did, she was daggered. He would not let that happen ever again, his loyalty to Klaus be damned. 
Klaus cleared his throat. "Not to ruin this precious moment or anything but we have lots to discuss. Kassandra, where were you? Especially in this weather. " 
Kassie released Elijah from her hug, but she still clung to his arms. "I left you a message. I went out for a walk." 
"And where did you walk?" Klaus asked, getting closer to her. 
She sighed. "It's none of your business." 
Klaus smirked condescendingly. "Hmmm, it's fascinating how bold you get when he's around." 
Kassie couldn't understand where his resentment was coming from all of a sudden. All the negative emotions she has been feeling toward Klaus resurfaced. Anger boiled inside her, and she couldn't stop the black veins from appearing on her face. 
She lunged herself toward him, hissing and baring her fangs. Elijah pulled her back while Klaus just chuckled, further fueling her anger. Elijah held her tightly, blocking her from moving forward. 
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"Enough! Niklaus, behave yourself. Stop provoking her." Elijah scolded. He then turned toward his sister. He gently grabbed her face for she was still glaring at Klaus. He ran his thumb across her cheek. She looked at him, her red sclerae slowly disappearing. 
"Breathe, angel. Calm down." 
She did exactly as she was told and took in a deep breath. "Good girl. Now, come, we have a lot of catching up to do." 
Elijah took her hand and led her away. Once they were gone, the smirk on Klaus's face disappeared and was replaced with a frown. Envy bubbled inside his heart. Why did she love Elijah more than him? Why did she obey Elijah so easily? Why didn't she smile at him like that? 
Kassie and Elijah were sitting in the living room, hands joined as they poured each other's hearts out and talked about everything that happened in the past 15 years. Kassie told Elijah everything about how Klaus caught her and daggered her and Elijah told her everything about Klaus coming to Mystic Falls and breaking his curse. 
"I'm just so happy that you're back!" She said with a teary smile. He smiled and caressed her cheek. 
"I'm happy to be back too, little dove. Nothing will come between us ever again. I promise you." 
Kassie smiled in response. She observed how his dark hair fell over his brows, covering his eye. She pushed it back and giggled. 
"Your hair is long. When was the last time you cut it?" 
He thought about it for a second. "Must be over 20 years now." 
"You should change it up a little!" Kassie suggested. 
"You think?" 
"Yeah, why not? Everyone needs a change from time to time."  
Only two hours later, Elijah came back with a fresh new haircut. He also met with Damon Salvatore who wanted to negotiate a deal with Klaus. 
Elijah suggested they go out for a walk. Together they walked to the outskirts of the town. 
They were now in the middle of a meadow, only minutes away from Wickery Bridge. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" Kassie asked after a couple of minutes of silence. 
"Yes...it concerns our mother," Elijah said, looking down at the grass. He sighed, now looking up at the sky, collecting his words. He grabbed her hands, holding her close to him. 
"Elijah? What is it?" Kassie asked, sensing her brother's hesitancy. Why would he want to talk about their mother? She has been dead for over ten centuries. What was there to talk about? Maybe he was feeling sentimental? 
"I need you to stay calm Kassandra. No matter how you feel, I need you to stay collected and not do anything rash." He warned which only confused her more. 
"For a thousand years we all believed that it was our father who killed our mother in retaliation for her...infidelity. This is not true. Our father did not kill Mother." 
"....Then who did, Lijah?" 
He went quiet. Her brain was going haywire. No. There was no way. "Elijah?" 
"It was Klaus." He finally revealed. 
".....What?" Kassie uttered, her eyes already full of tears. She felt her throat tightening and her vision going blurry with tears. All this time, he lied; not just to her, but to all of them. She hated her mother for what she did to them but she could not deny that it hurt to know that one of her siblings killed her mother. 
She let go of Elijah, her hands dropping. She closed her eyes and sank to her knees. Her chest tightened painfully. She was exhausted from feeling constant pain, anger, and disappointment; because that is all she felt when she was with Klaus. 
She had no energy to yell, scream, or curse him out. Elijah pulled her into a hug and she silently cried into his chest while he rubbed her back. 
Once they returned home she completely ignored Klaus and refused to talk to him. He knew why and dared not to say anything about it. He knew he deserved it.
The following evening
Kassandra was in her room, getting ready for the dinner they were to have with the Salvatore brothers. She was finishing up her makeup. She wore a dark red lip combo with lip gloss cause she preferred a shiny finish. 
She wore a burgundy off-the-shoulder top with long bell-bottom sleeves, black skinny jeans, and black knee-high Versace boots made of leather. Her hair was softly curled and she pulled half of it to the back with a black butterfly-shaped claw clip. On her ears, she wore cute heart-shaped earrings. 
Of course, she was not there to participate in the negotiations; Klaus would never allow that. But Elijah convinced him to let Kassandra sit with them during dinner instead of her being alone in her room like she was a child. She was to sit there and look pretty. Ok, that shouldn't be an issue. 
As one final touch, she sprayed a bit of perfume on her wrists and neck. Satisfied with her appearance, she walked down to where the dinner was being held. The sound of her heels clicking reverberated off the walls as she entered the room. 
"Ah! There you are, sister. You look beautiful, my love." Elijah said with a smile and she hugged him gladly. 
Klaus said nothing, knowing that anything he said could potentially trigger her, and with Elijah now by her side, he dared not provoke her. Kassie noticed four busty waitresses who were obviously compelled to be there, standing at the back of the room. 
Only minutes later, the doorbell rang. Elijah was the one to open the door. 
"Niklaus, our guests have arrived," Elijah announced as the Salvatore brothers entered. 
Kassandra was standing in front of her chair, her hands on the chair's frame and her head was tilted as she watched their guests take in the room. She noticed how both brothers seemed to be surprised by her presence. She smiled sweetly at both of them. 
"Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold." Klaus greeted. "Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" He added, gesturing to the dining table. 
"It's better to indulge him," Elijah said to the Salvatores and moved toward Kassandra. Stefan retorted, saying that he didn't want to be here in the first place and was in no mood for dinner. Kassie noticed the look of disapproval on Damon's face.
Klaus chuckled. "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides." He said as sat down. "The choice is yours."
Damon smiled awkwardly while Stefan just stared at Klaus. This is going to be interesting, Kassie thought. Elijah pulled her chair out for her before sitting down himself. 
"Gentlemen, please," Elijah said and the Salvatores had no choice but to obey.
"Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?" Klaus asked Damon. 
"Well, I know how he felt about you. So I figured, the more, the merrier." Damon said, winking at Elijah. Kassie had to suppress a chuckle.
Klaus said he and Elijah had many quarrels over the centuries but they always made it through. Then Stefan asked where Rebekah was and said Klaus kept her daggered cause he was scared of facing her. Finally, somebody telling the truth, Kassie thought as she sipped on her wine. 
"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah and Kassandra," Klaus said, looking at Elijah. Kassie just continued sipping on her wine. She still hasn't confronted Klaus about that. Damon reprimanded Stefan and told him to dial down the judgment. 
"We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses." Stefan replied. 
"Careful, Stefan. There's a lady in our presence. Mind your tongue." Damon once again warned his brother. Kassie just smirked into her glass. 
"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asked.
"I don't know. Ask Damon." Stefan replied curtly. Klaus chuckled at this. Elijah looked confused. All Kassie knew was that Elena's relationship with Stefan became strained after Klaus took Stefan away for the summer. 
"I'm sorry. You missed so much. Trouble in paradise." Klaus explained. 
"One more word about Elena and this dinner is over," Stefan said. Klaus cheekily covered his mouth with his finger.
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"You know what? It's probably best to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon said, trying to steer away the conversation from Elena." Klaus agreed. 
"It's just, that the allure of the Petrova doppelganger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Shall we tell them about Tatia?" Klaus suggested to Elijah. Kassie could not stop herself from audibly sighing and rolling her eyes. 
Seriously, her? You want to talk about her? Kassie thought as her brother explained who Tatia was. Kassie tuned out for most of the conversation. 
"Kassandra, judging by your reaction, you weren't fond of Tatia?" Stefan asked and for the first time that night, she spoke. 
"No, I was not. And that's putting it lightly." Kassie replied curtly, looking at her nails. Stefan asked why. 
"I'd rather not talk about it." She replied and gave Stefan a stiff smile. 
The real reason why she was not fond of Tatia was because before playing with both Klaus and Elijah's feelings, Tatia had another man in mind - Axel. At the time Kassie was no older than 17 years old and she couldn't help but feel threatened that Tatia would win Axel over.
Thankfully for Kassandra, Axel politely rejected Tatia, which meant she still had a chance with him. On the other hand, she also disliked Tatia for what she did to her brothers. It was so bad, they refused to talk to each other for a while and even physically attacked each other. Kassie hated Tatia for that and she couldn't say she was sorry when she learned of Tatia's death. 
Elijah suggested they start discussing the terms of the proposal. "Well, that's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever." Damon answered. 
"The deal sounds fair brother," Elijah said and Kassie could not agree more. She would love nothing more than to leave this sad little town and never come back.
Klaus then went on a tangent about how he would never leave Elena behind, because of her doppelganger blood. Kassie rolled her eyes once again. All that trouble for just one girl. Damon excused himself, saying he needed fresh air. Elijah went after him. 
"All this talk has made me thirsty," Klaus said, looking at one of the waitresses. Kassie sighed and got up from the table. 
"Excuse me, I have to go and powder my nose," Kassie said and quickly left the room. Everything was going according to the plan and Klaus didn't suspect a thing. Perfect.
Instead of going to the bathroom, she went to the lounge room where the coffins of her siblings were. Elijah and Damon were also there. "You know what to do," Her brother whispered in her ear. Then, the two of them went back to Klaus and Stefan.
As the four men discussed the proposal, Kassie was quickly opening the coffins of her siblings. In the background, she could hear Klaus fighting with Stefan and pushing his hand into the fireplace. 
The next thing she knew, Elijah and Damon were back in the room. Elijah motioned to be quiet and nodded, giving her the green light. Finally, she thought as she walked toward Rebekah's coffin and slowly pulled the dagger from her chest. 
Then, she turned around to Finn's coffin, grabbed the dagger that was plunged into Finn's heart, and pulled it out. After 900 years he was finally free. Elijah pulled the dagger out of Kol. Kassie then proceeded to pour blood into three glasses. 
Rebekah was the first one to wake up. She turned around, confused, but Elijah just gestured to be quiet. Kassie gave her a big smile and gave her the glass. Kol was next and finally, Finn. He seemed to be disoriented but once his eyes fell on Kassie he seemed to calm down. 
She hugged him tightly. "Welcome back brother." She whispered into his ear in their mother tongue. They all got out of their coffins. Kassie took two daggers and put them on a silver platter, while Finn kept his. Then, they all followed Elijah into the dining room. 
"Elijah? Why haven't you left?" Klaus asked. Kassandra stood next to Elijah and in her hand was the platter, covered with a silk handkerchief. 
"Well, where are your manners brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah said and uncovered the platter that was in Kassandra's hands. On it, the two silver daggers. Kassandra couldn't help but smirk at Klaus's terrified expression. 
"I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." Elijah said and from behind him, Kol appeared. The look of horror on Klaus's face was priceless.
"Kol..." Klaus said backing away.
"Long time, brother," Kol said, walking up to Klaus. Klaus tried fleeing but was stopped by Finn who stabbed Klaus's hand with the dagger. 
Klaus tried escaping again but in his way was Rebekah, fury written all over her face. She stabbed him in the gut. "This is for our mother." She said and pushed him back. Kol grabbed his arms, making sure he could not escape. 
"You're free to go. This is family business." Elijah said to the Salvatore brothers who quickly got out. 
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"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik," Bekah said, grabbed a glass vase, and threw it against the wall. Kassie was sitting on the leather sofa in the corner of the room. Finn was next to her, leaning against the fireplace. Kol and Elijah were in front of her, while Klaus leaned against the table. 
"I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family." Klaus lamented. Elijah and Bekah exchanged unimpressed looks while Kassie just stared down at her boots. She was just happy her family was back. 
"None of us would ever have to be alone again," Klaus said and Kassie couldn't help but chuckle at that. 
"Well, you're right. None of us will be." Elijah said, walking away from Klaus. Kol, Kassie, and Finn followed. 
"You're staying behind," Finn added as the five of them stood on the opposite side of the room while Klaus stood alone next to the table. A look of shock washed over his face. 
"We're leaving you Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench," Bekah said. "Then you will be alone. Always and forever." 
Klaus threatened to kill them all if they ran. Elijah said that would turn him into everything he hated - their father. Klaus proceeded to yell how he had nothing to fear from any of them. 
"Even you, Kassandra?" Klaus asked. 
"Do not...do not try and guilt trip me into subservience. It won't work anymore." Kassie replied, proud that she was finally standing up to him.
Then, the front door could be heard opening. Seconds later, a person walked into the dining room. Someone whom Kassandra and the rest of her siblings thought long dead.
"Mother..." Rebekah uttered while everyone else just watched in awe as their mother stood in front of them as if she hadn't been dead for over ten centuries. Shock was written all over the faces of the Mikaelson siblings, most notably Klaus. 
Kassie and Elijah exchanged confused looks as their mother walked down the stairs and closer to Klaus. 
"Look at me!" Mother said sternly as Klaus struggled to raise his eye to meet their mother's. She asked him if he knew why she was there.
"To kill me," Klaus replied grimly. 
"Niklaus, you are my son. And I am here to forgive you." Mother said and turned to face the rest of her children.
"I want us to be a family again." 
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Oh, this one was messy!!! Finally, the entire Mikaelson family is reunited! Next chapter we'll see how Kassie reacts to this new predicament and how she spends time with her newly awakened family!
Thank you for reading! 💞💞💞
If you have any questions/opinions feel free to comment!
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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auxiliarydetective · 1 month
AP-01: Project Apocalypse
ch. 01: House of Memories
AP-01 Masterlist
This fic is part of the Academy Projects series, a full rewrite of The Umbrella Academy with the addition of an original character, Kassandra Hargreeves. Throughout the story, you'll stumble across a few songs. This is supposed to make the fic feel as much like the show as possible, so I recommend you don't skip them.
Warnings: Canon-typical issues, death, disappearance
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Rain battered against the window of the taxi as Kassandra let herself be driven along the familiar street leading towards the Academy. She was cradling a thermos of strong black tea, her knuckles turning white beneath her black gloves. Five hours of sleep and a racing mind weren’t exactly the best state to be in for what had to be awaiting her back at that place. Waiting back there was her past and most likely her siblings. At least some of them. And knowing them, it would be pure chaos from the moment they spent more than ten minutes in the same room. Hopefully, they could at least keep from tearing each other apart for the duration of the funeral.
Kassandra was pulled from her own mind when the taxi stopped in front of the Academy, that old-timey facade looking so out of place among the other houses along the road. A cast iron fence was stretched out atop the low wall in front of the entrance, and Kassandra was surprised to find the double gate open. Absent-mindedly, she paid the driver and heaved her suitcase out of the car. Then, she was alone, staring up at the wooden doors with the glass panels, the ever-present umbrella logo set into them like a mosaic. Her legs stiff and clumsy, she walked up to the entrance, letting her fingers run along the cold iron gate. Just before the door, she completely froze, debating what to do. Finally, she rang the doorbell.
A few seconds went by, seconds that felt like hours. Kassandra felt her blood run cold, her breath growing shallow. Then, the door opened, and she was looking into the clean blue eyes of Grace.
“Kassandra, dear!”
“Hi, Mom.” she replied, hesitant to say anything else.
“Welcome home. How was the mission?”
… Mission?
“... Great. Thanks for asking.”
“Well, come in, you’ll get soaking wet out there. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold…”
Grace stepped aside and Kassandra entered, trying to make sense of everything. Every single detail about the Academy still looked the same. The entrance hall with the grand staircase straight ahead and the drawing room to the left, the smaller stairs and the kitchen to the left… And of course, Grace looked the same too. That fact had only surprised Kassandra for a moment before her rational mind had taken back the reins. Grace, the unofficial mother of the Hargreeves siblings, was a robot and as such didn’t age. It was as comforting as it was unsettling. There was something else too, but Kassandra couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Why don’t you give me your coat?” Grace suggested with a calm smile. “I’ll take your things up to your room. We left it in the same condition as the day you left.”
“Thank you, Mom,” Kassandra replied as she slipped out of her coat. Do you need help with breakfast? Lunch?”
“No, don’t worry, dear. But if you want to join me, I’ll happily enjoy your company.”
Grace gently ran her hand through Kassandra’s hair, then took the suitcase and the coat and headed towards the smaller staircase. With a sigh, Kassandra looked around, her feet instinctively taking her into the drawing room.
There he was, greeting her from over the mantelpiece. A portrait of Five from when he was thirteen, hung up after he had disappeared. The portrait was very life-like, it was true, like all the paintings of the family to be found inside the house. It even featured Five’s signature smugness, but the smile wasn’t the same. In the picture, his eyes were half-closed and his lips were curved upwards on one side but downwards on the other, giving his expression a dignity he had never possessed.
“You always had a certain attachment to that portrait, Miss Kassandra.”
Kassandra turned around, a slight chuckle escaping her lips. Pogo was walking towards her, his hair and fur turning grey. Anyone else would find it odd to have a chimpanzee as master of the house, but not the Umbrella Academy. Here, it was widely known that Pogo was reliable and wise, and to Kassandra he was maybe one of the kindest people she had ever met.
“He never smiled like that,” she remarked, nodding at the portrait over the mantelpiece. “Five wasn’t smug like that, he was… playful. That isn’t the right word but you know what I mean, right?”
“I do,” Pogo confirmed. “He was always hard to put into a box.”
“Has he come back? Any sign at all?”
“No, none.”
“Then it’s 16 years, 4 months and 14 days,” Kassandra sighed.
“That’s correct. Your father insisted I keep track, but I figured you would do the same,” Pogo remarked with a smile. “You always were close.
Kassandra couldn’t help but smile as well, imagining the painting with the same sharp liveliness her brother had had. “After he disappeared, I’d sneak down into the kitchen and make him a sandwich like he used to do for himself. Peanut butter and marshmallows, I still can’t believe he liked those. Then, on my way back up, I’d turn the chandelier on. I can’t even count the times I was almost caught.”
“I know. And when you left, you requested that Vanya would continue the tradition for you.”
“... Did she?”
“Every night. And when she left, she requested I do the same. I… couldn’t honor her request to its full extent, but I did keep the lights on.”
With a deep sigh, Kassandra felt some of the tension fall off her shoulders, and she let out a little laugh, though she didn’t tell Pogo why. Instead, she let him hug her, feeling like a child again. It was nice knowing that, throughout all these years, someone had always had her back.
“Welcome home.”
Kassandra swallowed. This was home, wasn’t it? As much as she tried to deny it, she had really missed this place. But along with that modicum of comfort, a realization crept upon here that there were more serious matters she had to face.
“Speaking of which…” she said as she eased away from Pogo, “Are any of the others home?”
“Master Luther returned from his mission three hours ago, Master Diego snuck in through a window early in the morning, I found Master Klaus sleeping on the doorstep when I went to unlock the door at seven, and Miss Allison arrived about half an hour ago. She’s the only one besides yourself who announced herself beforehand.”
“Somehow, that’s not very surprising.”
“Indeed it isn’t. I assume they’re all in their rooms by now, but I suggest you don’t wake up Master Luther. He hasn’t had the chance to sleep.”
“Alright, thank you Pogo. If you need any help, let me know, okay? Organizing the funeral or…”
“I don’t think there will be much to organize. But thank you, Miss Kassandra.”
With a nod and a last nod at Five’s painting, Kassandra left the drawing room, heading up the staircase. Her heels clacked on the hardwood stairs, a sound she had only known from Grace’s heels. Sir Reginald had banned high-heeled shoes for the children, deeming them too impractical for their training. Not that he had allowed them to be out of uniform anyways. Before long, Kassandra could hear voices flooding into her mind.
Finally, she found herself in the hallway along which her and her siblings’ rooms lined up, her heart pounding in her chest. Still, instead of heading to her own room, which was closest to the stairs, she walked on to the end of the hallway, resolving to quietly knock on Allison’s door. After all, Luther’s room was right next to it and she didn’t want to disturb him. Instinctively, her hands moved behind her back, neatly cupped. The door clicked and Allison opened it, a hint of a smile on her face.
“Kass!” she gasped. “The moment I saw Mom carrying that princess coat, I knew it was you.”
Immediately, Kassandra let out a chuckle. “What, you think Vanya wouldn’t wear a coat like that?”
“To be honest, I don’t think she’ll come,” Allison commented. “C’mon, are you gonna keep standing in the hallway?”
The two of them retreated into Allison’s room, a teenage girl’s paradise. Posters of a young Allison from teen magazines and some of the Academy lined the pink walls, a matching vanity table with a row of lights and tons of jewelry and makeup in one corner, a purple feather boa on a clothes hook on the door… It was just like Kassandra remembered it.
“Spooky, isn’t it?” Allison murmured. “Everything’s the same.”
“Yeah, exactly my thoughts,” Kassandra hummed. “I’d almost think you’re the mind-reading one.”
Allison let out a little sigh at those words, her eyes sinking to the floor before getting caught on Kassandra’s gloves.
“Still the same issue?” she asked.
Kassandra nodded.
“Y’know, I was kinda hoping you would grow out of it. I know it’s dumb but—”
“No, I understand. I’ve been thinking the same thing. That my powers would fade over time. But that’s just not how it works.”
“And you still can’t…”
“No,” Kassandra mumbled. Then, her lips curled in a compassionate smile. “But Allison, that was, what, twenty-five years ago? We were practically toddlers. I’ve had that handicap practically all my life and, by now, I’ve really gotten used to it. It’s not even an issue anymore now that our lives don’t depend on my ability as a spy anymore.”
“We all adjusted, didn’t we?” Allison reminisced. Then, she broke out into laughter. “Remember that one time we played charades in the middle of the mission and almost got caught?”
Kassandra cracked up too, looking out of the window as memories came over. “I was so stressed,” she scoffed, “I was desperately trying to make you understand, and you were having a game night! Looking back at it though, it was pretty funny. I probably looked like an idiot.”
“We all looked like idiots and if Dad had found out, he would’ve been really mad, but I don’t think I ever had that much fun on a mission.”
“I never thought I’d hear the words ‘fun’ and ‘mission’ in the same sentence,” Kassandra said, shaking her head.
“Me neither, but it’s true.”
They stood in silence for a bit, neither quite knowing what to say.
“Hey…” Allison finally mumbled. “Thanks for calling about Claire. I know I never called back but… I really appreciate it. I just didn’t know what to say.”
“How is she?” Kassandra asked. “How’s the case?”
“Claire is fine. As for the case… I’m working on it.”
Kassandra nodded. “I’m sure things will turn out alright.”
With that topic, the conversation died out, and Kassandra decided to retreat to her own room. Grace had placed her suitcase neatly at the foot end of the bed - a queen-sized one, which her siblings had always been jealous of. Her closet was closed, her mirror covered in lace, her shelf organized the way it had been in 2006. But it was her desk that attracted her.
Slowly and carefully, she closed her door with a quiet click, then pulled back her chair and sat down, letting her eyes wander across the table’s surface. Right in front of her, on the writing mat, were her journal and pen, looking untouched. Crowding the space around the mat like a watching audience were a pencil holder, pencil case, organizer, stationery, and a set of picture frames, showing various publicity photos. But in a drawer under the desk, one usually meant for keeping files, the wirework for which she had asked Diego to take out, slept her personal treasure. It was a box with an old lock, dozens upon dozens of polaroids hidden inside, despite her father’s attempts to take the camera away from her. Carefully, Kassandra lifted the treasure box out of its hiding space, running her fingers along the smooth wooden surface. She opened a button on her blouse and tugged at a chain beneath the collar, revealing the small key to the box’s lock from under her clothes. But with the keychain in hand, she paused. Pressing her lips together, she put the box back in the drawer and pushed it shut, then hid the key away again and buttoned her blouse back up. She couldn’t do it. Not yet.
Instead, she headed out of her room, closing the door behind her. There was someone she needed to see first, and she knew just where to find him.
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General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Academy Projects Taglist: @therantsofawriterrr @come-along-pond @the-wyvern-institute @cherrybombgigi
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