#ch: maria
paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
gehrman and maria are both autistic bc i said so. gehrman is also very adhd. reasons being i can see some of my traits and habits in them. and the rest is projecting lol
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fadingforrest · 2 years
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Don't leave me alone here Amongst the stars 
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the-tvdors · 1 year
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THE TUDORS (2007-2010) | S01E5
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 2 years
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the kanji on black maria's back say 女難/jonan, a term that means 'romantic trouble with women' or 'trouble brought on a man by a woman.'
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almdragonrend · 9 months
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I have somthing I really need to say, I don't get how FL could be popular, I mean if you think for a moment about it even OG Katarina is morally superior to the Heroine in Maria and all The Capture Targets in the story, I mean nothing against an Evil protagonist or a good antagonist, but than don't portray Katarina as a Villain and Maria as a hero ! That's wrong! Katarina leaves Maria completely alone in both the Nicole and Alan route, meaning she only opposed Maria when she's trying to seduce HER fiancée or mess with her family or do both in the Harem route!
Than the fact that she's accused of bullying those bellow her station is bulls* she only bullied Maria who I just said why she did it and Keith whose arrival at HER HOME turned HER PARENTS against eachother when she was a Child! That doesn't make it right but she couldn't know that this wasn't his fault, and his own original family wanted to kill him! Luigi saved his life and that's how he thanked him ?
than Geordo she gave almost half her life up to that point in complete support and devotion to that mother fu* and he swore an Oath to marry her! I don't think many people get how bad a possible future king breaking an Oath is especially considering Geordo's Grandpa's actions,
further more Katarina actually don't mistreated dose below her status, first her Maid Anne who despite being related to Nobility is herself a Commoner just like Maria and Katarina even in FL verse treats her like a Sister more than a servant!
Next there's Sianna, she's the bottom of the barrel of Nobility and still Katarina cherished her more than anyone else! This makes the claim of her bullying people for their status down right nonsensicaly!
Especially when she's the only one who never partake in bullying everyone's favorite Target Sophia Ascart, since we see in VOD is never once mentioned that she did so when Sophia joined her book club, that would have had to be brought up than ! Meaning is the only Noble Girl who didn't bully Sophia! (Except Marry) and it's even implied she discouraged others from bullying Sophia!
When Bakarina in verge of doom just assumed OG Katarina bullied more people and wanted to apologize during VoD judgment event no one spoke up! And that Is most likely because she never bullied anyone other than the Girl who tried to steal her fiancée and/or shame her family!
Also, it's said that Katarina's bullying was only on the very edge of Criminal, meaning she never really committed a crime, the one attacking Maria with fire was Noelia, who acted on her own accord!
Keith and/or Geordo basically rigged the Trial to get Katarina stripped of her status and exiled which is a way to hard punishment anyway! When she comes back with dark magic she didn't even kill someone for it! She just had it !
And that idiots in the development team must have believe that this made her appear more evil since she's just born with the "bad magic" but instead it just means she didn't kill anybody for it ! Right OG Katarina is not a murderer and the idiots of the FL development believed Katarina being NOT a murderer makes her more evil than people who literally commit murder to get the same magic! what does that say about their Character ?
I heard a lot about people saying something for a Original Katarina redemption arc and I really hope she gets an happy ending, she deserves it but what people need to understand is Original Katarina dosen't need an redemption arc because she has not done anything so bad that she deserved getting to that point anyway, instead she deserved a pretty enormous apology from Geordo, Keith and Maria
To give her a redemption arc basically means recognizing Maria, Geordo and Keith, Cheating, betraying,Oath breaking and manipulate a Chords to commit prejudice as a good thing, Original Katarina shouldn't have to apologize to them! They should have to apologize to her! Even when something like that calls for ways more than an apology! And first of all her entire sentence should be revoked !!!! + there has to be compensation for everything she had to go trough!!!
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dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@tealeavesandthorns asked “Nope, sorry, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Theo withheld an exasperated sigh. Rarely was it that he and Maria butted heads. More often than not, he could recognize the signs and curb it before it happened, by either appeasing or just veering away from the subject. A method that worked exceptionally well most days. But on occasion, since nothing was ever perfect, it did happen that seeing eye to eye wasn't able to be achieved. Today was one of those days, and clearly, she wasn't going to let the subject lie. Time was lacking already, and the fact that she wanted to draw out the argument was more than a little irritating. Already lacking patience with the business he had to handle, Theo struggled to reign everything in so he didn't explode at her. Something that he hadn't done to date.
"Maria, we can continue this when I get back. But for now, it isn't up for discussion. You are staying here, with them watching you. It's about your safety, so I would really appreciate it if you could just listen and hold off an arguing until I get back. I'm not trying to outrun this. But if I don't leave now, there are going to be bigger problems." Frustration did leak into those final words.
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mermaidbracket · 2 years
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devilsmenu · 1 year
@hiddenpxpercuts - Tony & Maria
"Come back to bed. It's early in the morning and we both don't need to work till after lunch, just stay here for a couple of minutes, huh?" Tony said trying to convince Maria while sneaking his hands on her hips and kissing her shoulder.
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lacking-rodents · 1 year
Hello Tumblr
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joy-girl · 2 years
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Never in my life I wanted to be in another person's place I swear.
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nevalizona · 7 days
Johnny fans that can't accept that he enjoys being a part of the family AND killing are so funny to me... like, why are you even claiming to like him? You don't seem to like the most basic parts about him lmao...
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
Jackie: wait, but you and Alfred are coworkers. do you guys not have rules against dating coworkers?
Antal, turning to the old hunters: hey what are you guys stances on fraternization?
Gehrman: don't have sex at work and don't let it interfere with work
Maria: unless it puts my patients in danger or it becomes a distraction, I don't care
Teague, in a friends-with-benefits with Valtr: I mean, we all know I'd be a massive hypocrite if I said you can't
Antal, turning to Ludwig and Laurence: what about you two? what are your stances on this controversial topic
Laurence: I think you can shut the fuck up
Ludwig: I think you should stop talking
Antal, turning back to his sister: there you go. 3 out of 5 would be hypocrites if they said no relationships with coworkers.
Antal: 4 out of 5 if we include Gehrman adopting his newest apprentice
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spahhzy · 11 months
Death by creepy crawlies... I don't feel bad for her, though. Lmao.
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rmelster · 3 months
It’s sad to learn that a young Maximilian I had to melt silverware to afford Mary’s funeral, as both him and the duchy were suffering bankruptcy due to the constant wars against France, whereas Mary’s mother was buried by her mother in law, who soon started the negotiations for a remarriage for her son, and later by her daughter Mary (in a more splendid fashion); Charles the Bold, her husband, didn’t attend to her funeral, and there is not know if he grieved her death.
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silencedrage · 1 year
[ 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ] : NATASHA ROMANOFF tends to MARIA HILL's wounds. (@vrake)
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She has to sit on Maria's lap to pin her down long enough to get a look at the bullet wound in her arm. "Stop. Squirming," she grits out as she carefully pulls away the ripped fabric from her arm. It's a flesh wound, blood steadily trickling from the injury but not life threatening. A few inches over, and the bullet would have landed solidly in Maria's chest, and they'd be having a much different conversation now. "You'd think the Director would understand the need for proper medical attention," she drawls out as she leans over to grab the first aid kit that she has stashed in nearly every room. It never hurts to be prepared. "Want me to stitch it up or do you want to go into the med bay tomorrow? They probably won't have as many questions as I will."
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dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@tealeavesandthorns asked “Why is the plural of moose still moose? Why not meese?”
Train of thought entirely interrupted; it took more than a second for the words to filter through and process properly before Declan was even able to understand what Maria was asking. Eyes glanced towards the woman to see if there was a drink in her hand. Not that she needed to be drinking to ask such a question. It just was one of those out of left field moments. Instead, he watched as she softly pet Eli's head as it remained settled in her lap. The paperwork was set to the side, and he shifted in his seat.
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"I actually know this one," he offered with a small laugh. "If you really wanted to know that is, and we are just tossing rhetorical questions out into the open." Declan waited to see what she would say. He had read a bit on the country as a whole prior to the move, and oddly enough, that little tidbit of information had come up and lived buried in his brain since.
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