#ch: teague
paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
Teague: sorry what? i was distracted by the 11 foot tall twink
Ornstein: what is that and why are you looking at me
Teague: a twink is–
Gehrman, shoving his hand over Teague's mouth: nothing. don't mind him, he's chronically stupid. it's terminal
Teague: *muffled noises*
translation: fuck you let me seduce the twinks
Gehrman: no. behave. or I'm telling what you did last sunday
Teague: *remembering last sunday when he accidentally broke one of Maria's favorite mugs*
Teague, muffled but loudly: FUCK
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invisiiblestrings · 5 months
closed thread for @thouscndcuts/ ft. beckham + logan.
half assed harebrained ideas where a specialty for beckham teague. especially after not sleeping for three days and going on a drinking binge. so, here he was sat on the couch in the siblings small shared apartment whiskey bottle in tow and idea almost fully planned out in his head... well planned out as far as getting back to hallow falls. "logan." he called from where he sat, bags hung under his eyes, "logan!" he shouted from the couch before getting up with a huff and opening his brother's bedroom door. "hey shithead- i gotta talk to you about something."
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Bowers gang when they're drunk oneshots
Henry-he gets super touchy and all his walls break down he tells you everything about his dad and how much he loves you, you definitely use that to your advantage to try and get him to go to bed because you know he'll have a massive hangover the next day but you have to go to bed with him or else he won't sleep Henry stated you did agree though and a couple minutes later he's out like a light.
"Henry,you have to go to bed or else you heads gonna hurt really bad tomorrow" he groaned laying his down on your chest "No" "please" "I'll go to bed if you cuddle me" "deal"
Patrick- he's really giggly and horny when he's drunk, when he's behind you he'll grope your ass and whispers you the dirtiest things in a slured voice, he's super happy tho his face is in between your boobs giggling and having a great time he wasn't doing anything Sexual...yet suddenly he was fumbling with your bra you looked at him suspiciously then he stopped and you didn't pay attention until you felt a sharp pain come from your nipple he pinched me
"Ow, Fuck that hurt patrick" he giggled "aw no milk came out" you stared at him for a moment "because I've never had a child patrick" he Smirked "I can change that you know" "patrick you need to go to sleep" "only if you sleep with me" "fine but behave" "no promises"
Belch- he's really confused and clingy when he's drunk he'll randomly ask weird ass questions that leave both of thinking about it "if life's not fair for everyone...wouldn't it make it fair" "Reggie how do you come up with these.." he also hugs you a ton kisses you and picks you up where ever you are to
"What came first the color or the fruit orange" "Reggie how long have you been thinking about this" "long enough to talk to you about it" I gigged "well let's talk about going to sleep I'm tired" he groaned and flapped down on my stomach "but I'm not tired..." plan b than "but I can't sleep without you Reggie..we can cuddle to.." he groaned and layed his head on my chest "fine..only because I love you"
Vic- vic is very whiny and clingy at the same time when he's drunk he'll complain about the smallest things and tell you how much he actually loves you its sweet..but kinda annoying to he'll continuously try to play with your hair and complain about the guy he saw yesterday afternoon
"I really really really don't like him is my point" vic slurred "I think I heard you say something like that.." I sighed and laid my head on vics chest quiet until vic broke the silence "..can I tell you something" "yea" "I love you..like a lot" I paused "I love you more vic" he silenced passed out
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ahorribleghoul · 5 years
Gonna tell my kids this was Patrick Hockstetter.
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overlooksouls · 3 years
joe teague
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sperviera · 4 years
though the only (living) people who know who and what jack is are teague and calypso, other pirates might have definitely heard the rumors at some point. many things are said about jack sparrow, most of them hardly truthful, so it is really up to them whether to believe he really is the son of a storm or not.
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disgustingpunk · 5 years
Richie: *sniffs* Smells like good fam in here
Henry: What’s good fam?
Richie: Chillin dog what’s good with you hahaha
Henry: AH FUCK!!!
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reddiesteadyy · 5 years
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Pls pls pls pls pls PLS tell me no ones done this yet
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
Teague: what the fuck what are you doing
Antal: what do you mean?
Teague, gesturing at Antal and Alfred: why are you two just making weird faces at each other? like I'm all in favor of fucking with my friends–
Gehrman, in another room: STOP MOVING MY TOOLS
Teague: MAKE ME FUCKER anyways. why the weird faces
Alfred: we were talking?
Teague: what
Eileen: don't ask. neither's going to explain
Antal, knows exactly what she means: explain what
Alfred, also knows exactly what she means: no idea what you're talking about
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lesbianmaxevans · 3 years
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Janine Teagues in Work Family  
[Image Description: Four stacked gifs of Janine from Abbott Elementary.
First: Janine says, “I can’t believe Jacob didn’t tell me about Zach. I mean, I have so many questions, okay? Is he tall? Is he a cat person or a dog person? Is Zach spelled with a “ck” or a “ch” or, what I find to be the most exotic spelling, just a “c”?” Fifth: Janine says, “Guys, you get the wings when you say the things.”]
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invisiiblestrings · 6 months
closed thread for @delicateaura / ft. harry + wesley.
Wes has never thought about romantic interests. From a young age people in hallow falls had tried to win him over. They wanted to be part of the skellington legacy and gain some sort of notoriety through Wesley. It was the same as it had been for his father the only thing separating them was that wes was not the people pleaser his father was. His papa had taught him firm boundaries and sheltered his only son from the clutches of the town that didn’t deserve him. For that, wes was able to forge his own path in many ways. One of those being love. While he had never thought about dating someone harry had always been a friend he was fond of. One thing lead to another and over time feelings grew. It was easy falling in love with your best friend. It was even easier when they fell in just as hard. As time went on the idea of creating his own family with harry become sweeter by the minute.
“Yeah siblings are usually like that. They’re busy when they don’t want to do the heavy lifting.” Wes teased. “They are. It’s just because they care. They want us to be prepared or whatever. she probably wants better for us. Coffins don’t sound too comfy.” Wes smiled down fondly at his boyfriend. His heart was swelling at the sight. He didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much. It felt like it could burst at any moment. “Can you believe we moved in together?”
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henry nodded knowingly about siblings. having as many as he did you'd think he would've learned this by now. but, sometimes he held too much fate in the teague siblings. not as much faith as he had that things would be always be right for wesley and himself. like how it just felt so right when he met him. he knew instantly then they'd be the best of friends. wes understood him even if they were drastically different in ways. wes so much smarter than harry ever was. but, never made him feel less than. he made him feel seen. then they became teenagers and things began to change and feelings began to morph into wanting to be more than friends. but there was always a feeling of security. that this was exactly where harry needed to be. with his wesley. yes, his. he would always be his. now they are in their own home and starting their lives together. "what if i say yes? would that be super corny?" he said a bit bashful.
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thecodekeeper · 4 years
Stamping in the cold in an attempt to get warm the Irishman blew into his hands, rubbing them vigorously. At the sound of the door opening he visibly brightened, lips pink and chapped from the cold parting to reveal a beaming smile. “Aye, merry Christmas,mate!” Clearing his throat he took a breath, belting out the first lines of his favorite carol. “Its beginning to look a lot like Ch-“
     After having endured decades of Christmas, along with all the pointless rituals accompanied it, Teague had a rule. Never open the door on Christmas. Whether it was a bible thumping pauper shoving a charity bucket in your face, or a group of choir boys being whored out to each house in order to spread “the joys of Christmas”, nothing good ever came from opening the damn door on December 31st. But Christmas Day was a month away and while preparations for the horrible holiday had begun early this November he figured that it would be a few more weeks before the carollers began their yearly trespassing. 
     Unfortunately,  it appeared not everyone, notably Killian, abided by the unspoken rule ‘don’t start your holiday cheer until the actual holiday’. And so Teague’s ears were assaulted immediately upon opening the door. He stood there shocked. Dumbfounded. Unable to fathom why someone he knew would do this to him. It was only once the opening line was abruptly cut off that Teague realized in his desire to make whatever this was stop that he’d thrown his glass of scotch in Killian's face. 
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I have a hate-love relationship with Smallville. I love it for characters like Lex Luther, Lana Lang and Chloe Sullivan.
I hate it because I feel like it’s degrading to women.
In the show I feel like women are either objects or that they must feel worth by a man’s affections.
This is why I have come to kind of dislike Clark Kent. His infatuation for Lana Lang is frankly disturbing. And I hate how he is always painted as the good guy despite how some of his behaviors is hypocritical and disturbing.
I hate how Lana’s character is written to have some guy toting praise to her. How she has to have a boyfriend every season. And how that boy ruins her in the end.
And then there’s Chloe who is infatuated with Clark but no Clark is all about Lana. I mean considering Chloe’s character, I think she would be over Clark when she realized he loved Lana.
And fuck even if she wasn’t, she was a good character for Clark to have a romantic relationship once he grew out of that tiresome relationship with Lana which honestly should have ended right there by season 3. The will they won’t they grows tiresome because ugh we know he’s gonna end up with Lois in the end!
Ugh a part of me wants to go back and watch Smallville because I’m rereading an unfinished Yugioh crossover with Smallville fic called: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2179807/7/
It’s so great! I’m shipping Chloe/Seto because why not plus their banter is wonderful. Also I like how he doesn’t think much for “perfect girl” Lana though tbh I want him to bond with Lana because they both share a lot similarities from being half-Asian (which is how I look at her) to dead parents to being a kind of reincarnation of their ancestor from the past. Like fuck wow, when Seto starts kind of reacting to Isobel when he first hear of her “a parasite to a host” an ancestor clinging to her descendant, using her and he shudders I was like omg he’s thinking about Priest Seto and the dreams of his past life he keeps having and doesn’t want. And then when he actually meets Isobel! Ugh!
So many great scenes!
We get mention of some hints of Lionel’s abuse to Lex
Lionel doesn’t get a ducking redemption story fuck yes!
I only wish there was some mention of Lana’s dead parents
Also wish there was some mention of Jason Teague aside from the one mention of being Lana’s boyfriend.
But you want to know what the best part is... Clark is NOT the focus! NOPE! He’s sidelined! We get more Chloe and Lex then Clark! YESS! Kaiba and Bakura are actually wary of him and I think Kaiba feels some disdain for him which is understandable because I think Clark reminds him of Joey. But for me unlike Joey, Clark is just not lovable. I’m sorry not falling for the Boy Scout. Stop stalking Lana and get over your girl obsession. Also don’t like the one guy being the hero of the day.
The great thing about Seto Kaiba in this fic is he gets wrecked so much in this fic. He is definitely NOT the Man of Steel. He is Flesh and Blood and must be reminded so much because for some reason he thinks he’s Superman 😂. He’s not. He gets reminded so much. He needs saving but he still fights back. There’s trauma. So much self reflection and good Smallville analysis. Yugioh friendship meeting polarized self righteous Smallville.
I’m glad I watched a bit of Smallville. Makes me appreciate this fic a lot and why Yugioh has a better message then this garbage and how unique it is in showing how every friend Yugi makes started out as a hurt villain but it took the kindness of one little midget and a belief in the good in people to help reform so many people and make them their friends. Yugioh teaches the cycle of abuse and gives you hope to break it while Smallville teaches there’s no hope for the cycle to be broken and that you inevitably doomed to the darkness in your heart due to your upbringing. Or maybe it doesn’t. I didn’t finish the series. All I know is that out of our heroes in Yugioh, Kaiba is the only rich CEO with maybe Duke Devlin though Devlin seems to only have a small business. Smallville has a lot of heroes and villain CEOs? Like why? Why are the heroes in DC comics all fucking billionaires? Are comic books trying to tell us something?
I mean fucking Arrow, whose real name is Oliver Queen who is a billionaire through inheritance is DC version of Robin Hood.
Yeah stealing is good if it helps the poor. I could understand if you lived in a tree but you are a fucking billionaire? Why don’t you just give all your own money away!!!?
I’m sorry. I got into a rant. I just don’t like Smallville and yet I’m somewhat obsessed with it 😐
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corragain · 5 years
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How Edmund climbed the ranks so quickly, no one's quite sure. Admiralty claims his valor in Portsmouth's defense earned him his title, but the truth is: nobody even remembers when he joined the Navy. It was as though he was always there. Or appeared without question.
The confession: Edmund comes from nothing. He was born with no prestige, title, or wealth of any kind; a nobody like the rest of the population, but even less. No one knows his parents. No one has ever met his family nor seen his life before the Navy. Schoolmates, past lovers, childhood memories --- there's no tangible record of any of it. But he's well liked. The Navy's Poster Boy. Most people don't question the grand tales he spins, and Edmund, although without their ever knowing it, is inclined to never let people close.
Name: Edmund Wallace Shaw  Gender: Male Age: 43 (in current year 2287) Birthplace: Portsmouth, Hampshire, England Current Location: Boston, Massachusetts, Commonwealth, USA Nationality: English Race: Human Ethnicity: English Occupation: Guard (Royal Navy; commander); explorer Affiliation: Royal Navy Spouse: N/A Child(ren): N/A
Hair: Dark brown; long (down to neck, but not past shoulders) Eye Color: Hazel Height: 6′2″ Weight: 177 lbs. (80 kg) Build: Lanky Others: He's known as the handsome one Faceclaim: Tobias Menzies Voiceclaim: Tobias Menzies
Inspiration: Teague Martin of Dishonored
Edmund is sly, mischievous, and savvy, a man who knows how to play the game and bend the system to his greatest advantage. It'd be a given, then, that he's also highly charismatic --- admittedly, teasing, and even something of a flirt --- and possesses the ability to be able to wrap anyone around his little finger. But he can also come across as dubious. Slick. Edmund can speak a lot without saying anything and though laid-back and subtly playful, he leaves you with the lingering feeling that he knows more than he's letting on.
A snake. Cheeky. Underhanded. Long ago, Corrigan would've thought these words apt about his second, but Edmund has more heart, honesty, and integrity than he ever presumed, and is much more.
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
Prescription Passion - Ch.1
My cheesily titled but I hope not cheesily written Carolight hospital AU :D
Dr Dwight Enys, coming home from several years abroad, takes a job in the A&£ dept of St Neot's hospital in Truro, not intending to be completely knocked for six by meeting a certain lovely dermatologist - Dr Caroline Penvenen.
Posting the first ch. for Carolight Week. 
Maternity Ward
“How in the Hell – “ Dwight glared at the blue plastic sign above the double swing doors, as if staring at it hard enough might change it into something that made sense. While he’d admittedly only been working here a week, he couldn’t fathom how anybody found their way around this hospital. It was like a bloody labyrinth. Although that was all relative considering that the last hospital he’d worked in had essentially been three wooden huts stuck together. The St. Neot’s Infirmary was something else altogether.
Technically, his shift was over for today, but since the A&E dept. was currently running a little understaffed he was still on call until late that evening, before having 48 hours off. He had been planning on going home, since his flat wasn’t too far way to make getting back in an emergency unworkable, and he still had some serious unpacking to do. However, what he’d intended to be a quick trip to the HR department to swap his temporary staff card for a permanent one – hideous passport photo and all – had turned into a trip down the rabbit hole.
Blessedly, he knew someone in the maternity unit who would be able to give him directions. Verity Poldark was a senior midwife at St Neot’s, and had been the one to suggest Dwight apply for a job there. He’d met her when he was at medical school with her cousin, Ross, and she’d been a trainee at the university’s teaching hospital.
Verity was standing at the nurse’s station when he went in, looking harassed, her hair coming loose from its pins. It didn’t really look like the time to bother her – maybe he could ask someone else – but she managed a smile when she saw him.
“Hi, Dwight. What brings you here?”
“Being horribly lost, I’m afraid. I was going to ask if you could show me the way but I’ve obviously caught you at a busy time.” The whiteboard behind the desk showed that four o’clock in the afternoon on a Tuesday was apparently a popular time to be in labour.
“No, it’s – “ Before Verity could finish her sentence, the doors swung open again behind Dwight, and Verity looked behind him, breaking into a much wider smile of what seemed like relief.
“George! Thank God!” Dwight turned to find that George was a fair-haired man of about the same age as him.
“Somebody call for an anaesthetist?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” George passed by Dwight without a second glance, heading into the room where the shout had emanated from. Verity made to follow him, but stopped.
“Are you doing anything at the minute, Dwight?”
“Er, no, not really.”
“Want to come and help deliver a very angry lady’s twins?” Dwight thought for a minute; about the pile of boxes he had to unpack and the papers from his aunt’s solicitor he still had to read.
“You know, I would.” 
Dwight suppressed a yawn as he signed off on yet another patient form – a 14 year old boy who’d suffered an asthma attack during a PE lesson; he would fine, but Dwight had strongly advised him that it probably wasn’t the best idea to leave his inhaler on his bedside table when he was going to be playing rugby.
This morning had been a complete whirlwind. Five minutes after he’d clocked on, four victims of a car accident had been rushed in, all of whom needed stabilising before surgery; and then an 89-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s who was incredibly distressed after a fall at her care home; two workmen who’d sustained mild burns after a piece of equipment had caught fire. On and on and on they’d come. Friday was often a busy day in A & E – no Saturday night, but it could get chaotic. Just before the 14 year old boy, Dwight had seen a time of death pronounced on an overdose case, so he wasn’t feeling his best.
His 48 hours off hadn’t given him much rest, in the end, although he had collapsed face down on his bed first thing on Wednesday morning after Mrs Teague’s 12 hour-labour, which had ended in the arrival of boy and girl twins, seemingly hale and hearty.
Unlike most of the British hospitals Dwight had worked in, St Neot’s actually had a pretty decent canteen, and he thought a ham salad baguette and packet of posh crisps would hit the spot.
“Dwight! Over here!” Verity waved at him from the corner, and he weaved his way between tables occupied by a mix of uniform clad nurses, doctors in scrubs and patients with dressing gowns over their hospital nighties – the odd one with a drip. He hoped none of them were skipping out on ‘nil by mouth’ orders.
“Hi, Verity. Hello.” Verity was sitting with George, the anaesthetist from Tuesday night, and another woman who’d also been at the delivery. In the chaos, Dwight had never got her name, but he’d gathered she was the on-call obstetrician. She was very pretty, with short, dark brown hair and soft features; her smile was wide and friendly, her eyes warm. Dwight could imagine her being a soothing presence for nervous mothers-to-be. Today, she’d swapped her scrubs for a smart sleeveless blouse, her glasses tucked into the neck.
“Didn’t get a chance to introduce you all properly the other night.” Verity smiled. “Dr Dwight Enys, this is Dr George Warleggan and Dr Elizabeth Warleggan.”
“I assume that’s not a coincidence?” Dwight sat, putting down his tray to exchange handshakes with the other two, who smiled at each other in a way which made their connection rather obvious.
“No. They’re our resident lovebirds.” Verity grinned and Elizabeth shook her head.
“Thank you for your help the other night, by the way.”
“How is Mrs Teague? And the babies?”
“Mmm,” Elizabeth took a pull on the straw of her drink. “All well. They were discharged yesterday – we kept the twins for observation since they both had low blood pressure, but they were right as rain after 24 hours or so.”
“Mrs Teague seemed very…overwhelmed by the experience.”
“Ha! I’ll say.” Verity shook her head. “It takes women lots of ways but, Ruth…”
“All that screaming…” Elizabeth sighed. “And for such a straightforward delivery, especially for twins. I blame TV, you know. People see all those histrionics and they think that’s how it should be.”
“Says the woman who gave me a black eye when she was giving birth!” George cried and Elizabeth gave a dramatic sigh, looking up in an exaggerated appeal to the heavens.
“That was an accident!” She looked at Dwight. “I reached out for his hand during a particularly hard contraction and he happened to be bending forward at the same time…”
“That’s her story!” Dwight laughed. This was obviously a well-worn argument, and he couldn’t help but smile at the obvious affection between the two of them.  He hadn’t got a proper look at George the other night – after administering the epidural he’d only needed to monitor Mrs Teague for a short while before the delivery team could take over, and then he’d been called away for a surgical procedure. Blue-eyed and fine-featured, he certainly made a handsome match with Elizabeth.
“So, how many children do you have?” Dwight asked.
“Two.” Elizabeth picked up her phone, scrolling through before handing it to him. The picture showed an adorable little boy of about three, with dark springy curls, peering curiously at a tiny light-haired baby. “Valentine, he’s nearly four now, and Ursula, she’s just turned one.”
“ – “ They obviously sensed his surprise at the unusual names, and Dwight was briefly afraid he’d offended them, but George smiled.  
“Valentine was born on Valentine’s day, and Ursula was Elizabeth’s great-aunt, she died just before the baby was born. Also, there’s surprisingly little that goes with ‘Warleggan’.”
They chatted more as they ate, Dwight telling them a little about his time with Medicines sans Frontieres – although nothing about why he’d joined the organisation in the first place; even Verity didn’t know the full details there, and he certainly wasn’t ready to talk about it with strangers, even ones as nice as these. He did explain that he’d come home to Cornwall to take care of his Aunt’s estate, and that Verity had persuaded him to join the staff at St Neot’s.
“She’s the best recruiter this place has got!” Elizabeth laughed. “She got her brother here, too. And Demelza!”
Dwight had known Francis for a while, too, although not as well as the other Poldarks – he’d gone to a different uni, and practiced in Scotland for a few years. He was now a consultant ophthalmologist at St.Neot’s – the only one, actually.
“Demelza?” He’d met an awful lot of people since arriving at the hospital a couple of weeks ago, but he couldn’t remember her. He was sure he’d remember someone with such an unusual name.
“One of the hospital pharmacists.” Verity explained. “I met her at a yoga class, and she told me she wanted a change from her old job…”
“I think Dr. Martin said we were short a few A & E nurses if you fancy taking that on?” Verity elbowed him and he laughed. Suddenly, there was a beeping noise, and all four of them rummaged in their pockets.
“It’s me. Emergency surgery. Nice to meet you, Dwight.” With a quick kiss for Elizabeth, George was gone, his wife smiling after him.
“Aww…” Verity cooed.
“Shut up.” Elizabeth said primly, fighting a grin.  
“No, I love it. You give this sad singleton hope for true love.” Verity sighed with exaggerated dreaminess, and Elizabeth snorted. After a moment, Dwight became aware of someone standing behind him, just as Elizabeth smiled widely.
“Caroline! Here, meet the new A & E registrar I told you about. Dwight, this is Dr Caroline Penvenen.” Dwight turned to greet the new arrival, and found himself completely lost for words.
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rumpsandstumps · 2 years
Teague and Nelson dominated the Terry-All KC weekend by cleaning house going Best In Show Brace all three days!
Fun fact! The Brace class is a non-regular optional competition for clubs to offer. The dogs are run in pairs and are judged on how much they look and move alike as well as how well they each fit their breed standard. So it's very similar to regular judging just x2!
MBRBIS ASCA Mjr Ptd Crystalbrook Price Of Freedom 4Catalina - co-owned & co-bred with Catalina & Adobe aussies
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