#ch: rickon stark
ofhumanvoice-a · 2 years
Only. Cat.
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the night we met - Ch. 1
It's been years since Gendry last saw Arya, and his heart has never truly healed. When Sansa's wedding threatens to force a reunion he is not ready to face, Gendry finds himself begging the universe for a second chance. Not to go back to the end to keep it at bay but to go to the beginning to keep it from happening at all.
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SONG: "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron PAIRING: Arya/Gendry LENGTH: 1.6k words WARNING: Fic will be 18+ in subsequent chapters. Minors DNI.
The first time I ever pulled up the driveway to the Stark manor, it was for a funeral. It was only fitting, then, that the last time would be for a wedding.
When I got the invite, printed on sparkly, pink stationary, I wondered what Sansa was thinking, inviting me, out of all people, after everything that had happened. I almost hadn't come, and with the front door looming large over me, I wished I hadn't. If Sansa hadn't called last week – demanding I be there for her "special day" – I’d have still been at home on my threadbare couch in an oil-stained jumpsuit watching Ancient Zombies. Not dressed in a nice suit and shiny shoes. A farce, just polish on my rough edges.
I owed the Starks a lot. Too much. There was no way to tell Sansa no.
The doorbell rang loud inside the manor, but no one came to open the door. So I was early, then. On the inside, the manor looked the same as it had before, but with bouquets of flowers bursting across the wall and out of the floors. I had almost left the entrance hall when the guest book in the corner caught my eye. Sansa would like it if I added my name. There, on the mostly blank page, were the four letters that, after all these years, could still pierce my heart.
Arya had written her name in the way she always had. Large, block letters that had once closed out postcards and hand-written notes when everything was falling apart. So she was here. Of course she was here. What were thousands of miles when your only sister was getting married? My feet turned toward the door, begging me to run far away, but in life you can't go back. You can only trudge forward and put the closed door behind you. I wrote my name, all lowercase letters, next to hers, remembering times when I had been as close to her as our names now were. These days we weren't even in the same book.
A shout of my name coming down the hall alerted me to a ball of curly red hair launching at me. "Rickon!" I exclaimed surprised as I wrapped my arms around the boy and mussed his hair like I used to, before I remembered he wasn’t a boy anymore and I wasn’t his favorite sister’s boyfriend either. But he still smiled up at me. "You've grown! What are you, in high school now?"
Rickon rolled his eyes and teasingly punched my shoulder. "Nope. I'm a freshman at Riverlands U." Our old school. It didn’t need to be said. The kid already knew.
"Wow, it’s been that long, has it?"
There was a suspicious twinkle in Rickon’s eye as he grabbed my elbow and started guiding me toward the godswood, where the ceremony would take place. I hadn't realized Sansa would want a northern wedding, but it made sense, too.
"Wait a second.” I lifted up a small box wrapped in obnoxious pink paper I’d bought just for the occasion. Rickon started to point to an elaborately decorated gifts table, which only had a handful of presents on it, but I shook my head. "No, I mean, where's the bride? I need to give this to Sansa myself."
His mouth opened in surprise, his brow furrowed. For a moment, he looked unsure. "I suppose that's allowed. You're not the groom after all," he said, tapping his chin. "And I'm sure Pod wouldn't mind. You're family," he declared, taking me by the arm again, but this time pulling me in a different direction, toward the bedrooms.
The closed door in front of me felt like an impenetrable wall. Arya was on the other side of it. She had to be. I could almost feel her energy wrapping around me at this distance. The ghost of everything I couldn't have, mocking me and shredding up my heart.
Rickon knocked sharply a few times, yelling so loud I thought they could hear him all the way in the capitol. "Gendry wants to see you!" My heart stopped. I didn’t think I could bear to see her, even by accident, and so I added, not quite as loudly, "Sansa, are you there?"
Her light, clear voice rang out from the other side. "Just a moment!"
When the door opened, Sansa appeared, wrapped snug in a fancy robe with the word bride embroidered on the back in pink thread, and she'd never looked happier, not since I'd known her. I'd been that happy once, but I didn’t let my sour thoughts take the smile off her face.
The door closed before I could see anything beyond it. I almost wished Arya had opened the door, just so I could see her face, one last time, without a crowd of people around to stand witness to my pain.
"I'm so glad you came," and the way she said it made me think she meant it.
"I couldn't say no to you, Sansa. I had something I wanted to give you, actually, before the ceremony, in case I don't see you later." In case the panic of seeing her again made me leave before the toasts were even given.
She looked curious, but accepted the box and pulled off the paper, wadding it up and tossing it to Rickon, who caught it like the football star he was.
"Oh," she exclaimed when she lifted the lid of the jewelry box to find a small, heart-shaped locket. She opened the clasp delicately to look inside. When tears filled her eyes, I felt like I fucked up, and I wanted to throw up from the nerves of it all.
Carefully, but purposefully, she set the box down on a table and unclasped the gold chain currently around her neck, dripping with sapphires, and replaced it with the plain, gold locket.
Her hands found mine and she squeezed them tight. "Thank you so much," she whispered solemnly. Her blue eyes were still damp. "This means the world to me. Getting to have dad with me on my big day. How'd you get a picture of him?"
I knew my eyes must have looked glassy, too. "I cut it out from the picture he gave me years ago, when he first came to see me, of him and my…father. To prove he knew him. He left it behind and I kept it as a reminder of what he did for me. But I felt it was time to bring it back, where it belongs."
Sansa nodded and pulled me into a hug. "Go wait in the courtyard, then, you two," she smiled. "You've got to give the bride enough time to primp." With that, she slipped back into the room.
For all I knew, Arya was on the other side, maybe leaning against the door, remembering what we can never have again. Remembering how it ended. But I’m not. I’ve thought about all that pain too often in the time that’s passed. No, I’m thinking about how it all started.
"Go on ahead," Rickon said. “I need to go check on my soon-to-be brother. Not like I have enough of them already or anything."
I walked in silence to the godswood. What had once been sacred for many was now only sacred for the few. And while times had changed, the heart tree still stood solid in the center, its blood-red leaves bright against the pale bark. The godswood may have been empty, but it was filled with memories.
It had felt like a great, cosmic joke that just months after Ned had popped back into my life – having wrangled a stipend out of my bastard of a biological father – the world had decided to take him away. A crash, they'd said, but that felt too neat, too clean, considering the seedy world he'd been pushed into in good old Bobby B's circle. An accident? More like a Cersei-dent. They'd held his funeral here in the godswood. It's how he would have wanted it. And that was the first time I saw her, standing by that tree, looking uncomfortable in a black skater dress. She’d been clutching blue roses and trying to hide the tears in her eyes. That night had felt like a dream, not real life. Because how could someone like Arya not be a dream? She stood there now in my imagination like a ghost, a transparent shape outlined in misery, and I couldn’t bear the sight. So I turned away and sat with my back to the tree, weary with dread and not religious enough to kneel and pray like I've seen others do.
The aisle was spread out before me like it was mocking me. Reminding me of what never was. What could have been, once, maybe. I'd had all of her once. Then most of her, some of her, and then none of her, and all of that had cut me to the bone.
I closed my eyes, remembering the way she'd looked that night, fear in her stance and tears in her eyes. With everything in me, I wished I could go back to that night, tell myself to turn away and take a different path, when she had yet to touch me and work her way into my heart. I wanted to stop hurting this much.
"Take me back to the night we met," I whispered over and over, rocking back and forth, my head thudding against the bark of the bleeding tree. "Take me back. Take me back." I couldn’t hold the tears back anymore.
Continue to Chapter 2:
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
Summary & Foreshadowing Smorgasbord (Part III)
Love is in the air.
JONSA 🐺❤️❄️
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Sansa Stark, Queen in the North
Jon Snow, King in the North
Jon (Aemon?) Snow
Jon the Builder & His Gift
Ahoy Matey! Arya Stark Sails the Ocean Blue
Bran the Broken, King of Westeros
High Septon Rickon?
Pick Your Poison: The Twins Meet Their End in the Mines of Casterly Rock . . . or King's Landing
Tyrion Lannister, (Prisoner?) Hand of the King
In Remembrance: A Look Back at Sandor Clegane's & Ygritte's Greatest Moments
Dark Daenerys Highlights & Laughs
Let's Dance: Stark vs. Targ
Showdown at the Trident
A Rat in a Maze 🐀🔪
The Usurper's Knife
Bran the Dragonslayer?
Storm x Storm 🦑🖤🐉
Chapter Transitions
Previous books:
AGOT Summary & Foreshadowing: CLICK
ACOK Summary & Foreshadowing: PART I & PART II
Stumpy note:
If I didn't give you credit for discovering something or if I missed any foreshadowing, please contact me and I'll rectify that.
Once again, I'd like to thank everyone that participated in the reread project. All of you have great observations and comments, I wish I could highlight them all. 🙂
JONSA 🐺❤️❄️
Once again, thank you to @ladyofasoiaf for making the manual on all things jonsa. I heavily rely on it when making these posts. :)
Chapter Transitions
Sansa I (ch. 6) -> <-Jon I (ch. 7)
Sansa visits the Queen of Thorns, while Jon has a face-to-face with the King-beyond-the-Wall. The similarities won't stop there.
Thank you, @sxpiosexualx!
Beyond the spiked moat, two dozen men were taking their practice with sword and shield. With the castle so crowded, the outer ward had been given over to guests to raise their tents and pavilions, leaving only the smaller inner yards for training. 
A fire was crackling in the hearth, and sweet-swelling rushes had been scattered on the floor. Around the long trestle table a dozen women were seated. - Sansa I, ASOS
Elsewhere two bearded youths in boiled leather were sparring with staffs, leaping at each other over the flames, grunting each time one landed a blow. A dozen women sat nearby in a circle, fletching arrows. - Jon I, ASOS
Outside its tall carved doors stood two guards in gilded halfhelms and green cloaks edged in gold satin, the golden rose of Highgarden sewn on their breasts. - Sansa I, ASOS
Here at least they found defenders; two guards at the flap of the tent, leaning on tall spears with round leather shields strapped to their arms. - Jon I, ASOS
Sansa knelt at the feet of her future queen. "You do me great honor, Your Grace."
"Won't you call me Margaery? Please, rise. Loras, help the Lady Sansa to her feet. Might I call you Sansa?" - Sansa I, ASOS
"Your Grace?" The king smiled. "That's not a style one often hears from the lips of free folk. I'm Mance to most, The Mance to some. Will you take a horn of mead?" - Jon I, ASOS
Pale, elegant Lady Graceford was with child, and Lady Bulwer was a child, no more than eight.
The old woman called to Butterbumps. "Fool! Give us a song. A long one, I should think. 'The Bear and the Maiden Fair' will do nicely." - Sansa I, ASOS
A dark young man and a pretty blonde woman were sharing a horn of mead. A pregnant woman stood over a brazier cooking a brace of hens, while a grey-haired man in a tattered cloak of black and red sat crosslegged on a pillow, playing a lute and singing - Jon I, ASOS
"Sansa," Lady Alerie broke in, "you must be very hungry. Shall we have a bite of boar together, and some lemon cakes?" - Sansa I, ASOS
"Sit, if you like," Rayder said when they were gone. "Are you hungry? Tormund left us two birds at least." - Jon I, ASOS
"He will," Sansa lied. "He is very . . . very comely." - Sansa I, ASOS
Jon had his lie all ready. "The Lord Commander sent me to the Halfhand for seasoning, so he took me on his ranging." - Jon I, ASOS
Sansa realized that her mouth was open again. She filled it with a spoon of broth - Sansa I, ASOS
He took a long draught of mead to buy time for his answer. - Jon I, ASOS
Courtesy is a lady's armor. You must not offend them, be careful what you say. - Sansa I, ASOS
Guest right or no, Jon Snow knew he walked on rotten ice here. One false step and he might plunge through, into water cold enough to stop his heart. Weigh every word before you speak it, he told himself. - Jon I, ASOS
Sansa I (ch. 6) -> Jon I (ch. 7)
Sounds like fun!
The Baratheons have always had some queer notions, to be sure. It comes from their Targaryen blood, I should think." She sniffed. "They tried to marry me to a Targaryen once, but I soon put an end to that." - Sansa I, ASOS
Jon II (ch. 15) -> <- Sansa II (ch. 16)
Children, shared beds, men flying eagles, and brand new clothing in back-to-back chapters.
Thank you, @sxpiosexualx!
"I might get her with child."
"Aye, I'd hope so. A strong son or a lively laughing girl kissed by fire, and where's the harm in that?" - Jon II, ASOS
If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya. - Sansa II, ASOS
Rangers often shared skins for warmth, but warmth was not all Ygritte wanted, he suspected. After that he had taken to using Ghost to keep her away. Old Nan used to tell stories about knights and their ladies who would sleep in a single bed with a blade between them for honor's sake, but he thought this must be the first time where a direwolf took the place of the sword. - Jon II, ASOS
They spent long afternoons doing needlework and talking over lemon cakes and honeyed wine, played at tiles of an evening, sang together in the castle sept . . . and often one or two of them would be chosen to share Margaery's bed, where they would whisper half the night away. - Sansa II, ASOS
"Jon Snow, you know nothing. You don't go in with clothes." - Jon II, ASOS
They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They've never seen a battle, they've never seen a man die, they know nothing. - Sansa II, ASOS
She reminded him a little of his sister Arya, though Arya was younger and probably skinnier. It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be, with all the furs and skins she wore. - Jon II, ASOS
Sister. Sansa had once dreamt of having a sister like Margaery; beautiful and gentle, with all the world's graces at her command. Arya had been entirely unsatisfactory as sisters went. - Sansa II, ASOS
Jon turned at the sudden sound of wings. Blue-grey feathers filled his eyes, as sharp talons buried themselves in his face. Red pain lanced through him sudden and fierce as pinions beat round his head. He saw the beak, but there was no time to get a hand up or reach for a weapon. - Jon II, ASOS
"Willas has the best birds in the Seven Kingdoms," Margaery said when the two of them were briefly alone. "He flies an eagle sometimes. You will see, Sansa." She took her by the hand and gave it a squeeze. "Sister." - Sansa II, ASOS
Jon wheeled and followed Tormund back toward the head of the column, his new cloak hanging heavy from his shoulders. It was made of unwashed sheepskins, worn fleece side in, as the wildlings suggested. It kept the snow off well enough, and at night it was good and warm, but he kept his black cloak as well, folded up beneath his saddle. 
Mance Rayder had not been blind to Rattleshirt's mistrust of the "crow-come-over," so after he had given Jon his new sheepskin cloak he had suggested that he might want to ride with Tormund Giantsbane instead. - Jon II, ASOS
"A new gown?" she said, as wary as she was astonished.
"More lovely than any you have worn, my lady," the old woman promised. She measured Sansa's hips with a length of knotted string. "All silk and Myrish lace, with satin linings. You will be very beautiful. The queen herself has commanded it." - Sansa II, ASOS
And so it was that her lord husband cloaked her in the colors of House Lannister whilst standing on the back of a fool. - Sansa III, ASOS
Sansa VI (ch. 68) -> Jon IX (ch. 69)
Oh boy!
When it was time for the bedding, her knights carried her up to the tower, stripping her as they went and shouting bawdy jests. Tyrion spared me that, Sansa remembered. It would not have been so bad being undressed for a man she loved, by friends who loved them both. - Sansa VI, ASOS
You'll know that, when you have a child."
"A child?" said Sansa, uncertainly.
Lysa waved a hand negligently. "Not for many years. You are too young to be a mother. One day you shall want children, though. Just as you will want to marry." - Sansa VI, ASOS
How would you like to marry your cousin, the Lord Robert? - Sansa VI, ASOS
It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love. - Sansa VI, ASOS
I see no reason why you should not be wed as soon as we know that your Lannister husband is dead. A secret wedding, to be sure. - Sansa VI, ASOS
His account introduces a young maiden, or "wolf girl" as he dubs her, with the name of Sara Snow. So smitten was Prince Jacaerys with this creature, a bastard daughter of the late Lord Rickon Stark, that he lay with her of a night. On learning that his guest had claimed the maidenhead of his bastard sister, Lord Cregan became most wroth, and only softened when Sara Snow told him that the prince had taken her for his wife. They had spoken their vows in Winterfell’s own godswood before a heart tree, and only then had she given herself to him, wrapped in furs amidst the snows as the old gods looked on. - Fire & Blood
Sansa VI (ch. 68) -> <- Jon IX (ch. 69)
Wind through their hair.
Thank you, @butterflies-dragons!
The wind ran salty fingers through her hair, and Sansa shivered. - Sansa VI, ASOS
A gust of wind sent icy tendrils wending through his long brown hair. - Jon IX, ASOS
Jon XII (ch. 79) -> <- Sansa VII (ch. 80)
Love and Winterfell. ❤️
Thank you, @esther-dot!
You can't be the Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born, he heard Robb say again. And the stone kings were growling at him with granite tongues. You do not belong here. This is not your place. - Jon XII, ASOS
"I don't want her here." Her aunt's eyes were shiny with tears. "Why did you bring her to the Vale, Petyr? This isn't her place. She doesn't belong here." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. - Jon XII, ASOS
She remembered a summer's snow in Winterfell when Arya and Bran had ambushed her as she emerged from the keep one morning. They'd each had a dozen snowballs to hand, and she'd had none. Bran had been perched on the roof of the covered bridge, out of reach, but Sansa had chased Arya through the stables and around the kitchen until both of them were breathless. She might even have caught her, but she'd slipped on some ice. Her sister came back to see if she was hurt. When she said she wasn't, Arya hit her in the face with another snowball, but Sansa grabbed her leg and pulled her down and was rubbing snow in her hair when Jory came along and pulled them apart, laughing. - Sansa VII, ASOS
When Jon closed his eyes he saw the heart tree, with its pale limbs, red leaves, and solemn face. The weirwood was the heart of Winterfell, Lord Eddard always said . . . but to save the castle Jon would have to tear that heart up by its ancient roots, and feed it to the red woman's hungry fire god. I have no right, he thought. Winterfell belongs to the old gods. - Jon XII, ASOS
But who could she pray to? The garden had been meant for a godswood once, she knew, but the soil was too thin and stony for a weirwood to take root. A godswood without gods, as empty as me. - Sansa VII, ASOS
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger . . . he could feel it. - Jon XII, ASOS
Dawn, she thought. Another day. Another new day. It was the old days she hungered for. Prayed for. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it. Surely his father would have wanted that, and Robb as well. They would never have wanted the castle left in ruins. - Jon XII, ASOS
The snow fell and the castle rose. Two walls ankle-high, the inner taller than the outer. Towers and turrets, keeps and stairs, a round kitchen, a square armory, the stables along the inside of the west wall. It was only a castle when she began, but before very long Sansa knew it was Winterfell. - Sansa VII, ASOS
The warmth took some of the ache from his muscles and made him think of Winterfell's muddy pools, steaming and bubbling in the godswood. Winterfell, he thought. - Jon XII, ASOS
"No. It was always warm, even when it snowed. Water from the hot springs is piped through the walls to warm them, and inside the glass gardens it was always like the hottest day of summer." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Would I sooner be hanged for a turncloak by Lord Janos, or forswear my vows, marry Val, and become the Lord of Winterfell? It seemed an easy choice when he thought of it in those terms . . . though if Ygritte had still been alive, it might have been even easier. - Jon XII, ASOS
Sansa felt sorry for her little cousin sometimes, but she could not imagine ever wanting to be his wife. I would sooner be married to Tyrion again. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell." - Jon XII, ASOS
"A giant," the boy whispered, weeping. "It wasn't me, it was a giant hurt the castle. She killed him! I hate her! She's a bastard and I hate her! I don't want to be leeched!" - Sansa VII, ASOS
In the end Halder and Horse had to pull him away from Iron Emmett, one man on either arm. The ranger sat on the ground dazed, his shield half in splinters, the visor of his helm knocked askew, and his sword six yards away. "Jon, enough," Halder was shouting, "he's down, you disarmed him. Enough!"
No. Not enough. Never enough. Jon let his sword drop. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "Emmett, are you hurt?" - Jon XII, ASOS
It was more than Sansa could stand. "Robert, stop that." Instead he swung the doll again, and a foot of wall exploded. She grabbed for his hand but she caught the doll instead. There was a loud ripping sound as the thin cloth tore. Suddenly she had the doll's head, Robert had the legs and body, and the rag-and-sawdust stuffing was spilling in the snow.
"It was my fault." Sansa showed them the doll's head. "I ripped his doll in two. I never meant to, but . . ."
A mad rage seized hold of her. She picked up a broken branch and smashed the torn doll's head down on top of it, then pushed it down atop the shattered gatehouse of her snow castle. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Ygritte wanted me to be a wildling. Stannis wants me to be the Lord of Winterfell. But what do I want?
Red eyes, Jon realized, but not like Melisandre's. He had a weirwood's eyes. Red eyes, red mouth, white fur. Blood and bone, like a heart tree. He belongs to the old gods, this one. And he alone of all the direwolves was white. Six pups they'd found in the late summer snows, him and Robb; five that were grey and black and brown, for the five Starks, and one white, as white as Snow.
He had his answer then. - Jon VII, ASOS
I will tell my aunt that I don't want to marry Robert. Not even the High Septon himself could declare a woman married if she refused to say the vows.
I will tell her. I will! - Sansa VII, ASOS
Jon XII (ch. 79) <- Sansa VII (ch. 80)
Ghostly silent, drifting snowflake. 🐺❄️
When she opened the door to the garden, it was so lovely that she held her breath, unwilling to disturb such perfect beauty. The snow drifted down and down, all in ghostly silence, and lay thick and unbroken on the ground. All color had fled the world outside. It was a place of whites and blacks and greys. White towers and white snow and white statues, black shadows and black trees, the dark grey sky above. A pure world, Sansa thought. I do not belong here.
Yet she stepped out all the same. Her boots tore ankle-deep holes into the smooth white surface of the snow, yet made no sound. Sansa drifted past frosted shrubs and thin dark trees, and wondered if she were still dreaming. Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover's kisses, and melted on her cheeks. At the center of the garden, beside the statue of the weeping woman that lay broken and half-buried on the ground, she turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.
When Sansa opened her eyes again, she was on her knees. She did not remember falling. It seemed to her that the sky was a lighter shade of grey. Dawn, she thought. Another day. Another new day. It was the old days she hungered for. Prayed for. But who could she pray to? The garden had been meant for a godswood once, she knew, but the soil was too thin and stony for a weirwood to take root. A godswood without gods, as empty as me. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Sansa and Chett appear to have two things in common: drifting snowflakes, and Jon Snow.
Prologue: ice threat introduction.
Final chapter: fire threat introduction.
Prologue: cold-hearted King Stannis with his dying maester.
Final chapter: kindhearted King Bran with his dying maester.
Snow was falling. - Prologue, ASOS
Snow was falling on the Eyrie. - Sansa VII, ASOS
What was wrong with him? He could hardly breathe. Had he gone to sleep? - Prologue, ASOS
Outside the flakes drifted down as soft and silent as memory. Was this what woke me? 
it was so lovely that she held her breath - Sansa VII, ASOS
It was a heavy fall, thick white flakes coming down all about him. 
The snow was drifting in to cover him. - Prologue, ASOS
The snow drifted down and down, all in ghostly silence, and lay thick and unbroken on the ground. - Sansa VII, ASOS
He got to his knees, and something wet and cold touched his nose. Chett looked up. - Prologue, ASOS
When Sansa opened her eyes again, she was on her knees. She did not remember falling. - Sansa VII, ASOS
He could feel tears freezing to his cheeks.
He felt as though he were being attacked by a cloud of pale cold bugs. They settled on his shoulders, on his head, they flew at his nose and his eyes. Cursing, he brushed them off. - Prologue, ASOS
Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover's kisses, and melted on her cheeks.
She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. - Sansa VII, ASOS
It isn't fair, he wanted to scream. Snow would ruin everything he'd worked for, all his careful plans. 
There'd be no lord's life for the leechman's son, no keep to call his own, no wives nor crowns. 
The snow's taken it all from me . . . the bloody snow . . .
Snow had ruined him once before. Snow and his pet pig. - Prologue, ASOS
It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.
Dawn, she thought. Another day. Another new day. It was the old days she hungered for. Prayed for. - Sansa VII, ASOS
A Snow Maid with her Snow Knight.
What do I want with snowballs? She looked at her sad little arsenal. There's no one to throw them at. She let the one she was making drop from her hand. I could build a snow knight instead, she thought. - Sansa VII, ASOS
"What are you doing?"
Petyr straightened his cloak. "Kissing a snow maid." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Garlan Tyrell or Jon Snow?
Thank you, @rose-of-red-lake!
"It is, my lady," said Ser Loras. "Garlan often trains against three men, or even four. In battle it is seldom one against one, he says, so he likes to be prepared."
"He must be very brave." - Sansa I, ASOS
"Lord Commander. How may we serve you?"
"With your three best."
Emmett grinned. "Arron. Emrick. Jace."
"Which one do you want first?" asked Arron.
"All three of you. At once." - Jon VI, ASOS
"He is a great knight," Ser Loras replied. "A better sword than me, in truth, though I'm the better lance." - Sansa I, ASOS
Jon swelled with pride. "Robb is a stronger lance than I am, but I'm the better sword, and Hullen says I sit a horse as well as anyone in the castle." - Jon I, ASOS
Sansa daydreams of dancing.
Joffrey and Margaery led in their place. How can a monster dance so beautifully? Sansa wondered. She had often daydreamed of how she would dance at her wedding, with every eye upon her and her handsome lord. In her dreams they had all been smiling. - Sansa III, ASOS
When the musicians began to play, she timidly laid her hand on Tyrion's and said, "My lord, should we lead the dance?"
His mouth twisted. "I think we have already given them sufficent amusement for one day, don't you?"
"As you say, my lord." She pulled her hand back. - Sansa III, ASOS
"Lady Sansa." Ser Garlan Tyrell stood beside the dais. "Would you honor me? If your lord consents?" - Sansa III, ASOS
A snowflake danced upon the air. Then another. Dance with me, Jon Snow, he thought. You'll dance with me anon. - Jon XII, ADWD
The Winter Rose.
Sansa is not his rose.
"At the Hand's tourney, don't you remember? You rode a white courser, and your armor was a hundred different kinds of flowers. You gave me a rose. A red rose. You threw white roses to the other girls that day." It made her flush to speak of it. "You said no victory was half as beautiful as me."
Ser Loras gave her a modest smile. "I spoke only a simple truth, that any man with eyes could see."
He doesn't remember, Sansa realized, startled. He is only being kind to me, he doesn't remember me or the rose or any of it. She had been so certain that it meant something, that it meant everything. A red rose, not a white. - Sansa I, ASOS
Ygritte is not his rose.
Jon sat up. "Ygritte, I never stole you."
"Aye, you did. You jumped down the mountain and killed Orell, and afore I could get my axe you had a knife at my throat. I thought you'd have me then, or kill me, or maybe both, but you never did. And when I told you the tale o' Bael the Bard and how he plucked the rose o' Winterfell, I thought you'd know to pluck me then for certain, but you didn't. You know nothing, Jon Snow." - Jon III, ASOS
Ygritte doesn't like flowers.
"Men can build a lot higher than this. In Oldtown there's a tower taller than the Wall." He could tell she did not believe him. If I could show her Winterfell . . . give her a flower from the glass gardens, feast her in the Great Hall, and show her the stone kings on their thrones. We could bathe in the hot pools, and love beneath the heart tree while the old gods watched over us.
"Then I'd push him in a stream or throw a bucket o' water on him. Anyhow, men shouldn't smell sweet like flowers."
"What's wrong with flowers?"
"Nothing, for a bee. For bed I want one o' these." Ygritte made to grab the front of his breeches. - Jon V, ASOS
But Sansa does.
"Sweet lady," he said, "no victory is half so beautiful as you." Sansa took the flower timidly, struck dumb by his gallantry. - Sansa II, AGOT
Sweet-smelling Sansa.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
Sansa Stark, he mused. Soft-spoken sweet-smelling Sansa, who loved silks, songs, chivalry and tall gallant knights with handsome faces. - Tyrion III, ASOS
And then there are the roses. Roses smell so sweet, don't they? Especially when there are so many of them. - Tyrion V, ASOS
The Roadside Rose.
"Do you require guarding?" Marillion said lightly. "I am composing a new song, you should know. A song so sweet and sad it will melt even your frozen heart. 'The Roadside Rose,' I mean to call it. About a baseborn girl so beautiful she bewitched every man who laid eyes upon her." - Sansa VII, ASOS
The rose and the direwolf.
"I will not have the rose and the direwolf in bed together," declared Lord Tywin. - Tyrion III, ASOS
Tywin steals a rose before it blooms. Better a Lannister than a Tyrell, eh?
The Conclave met in Oldtown behind closed doors, Tyrion knew; its deliberations were supposedly a secret. So Varys has little birds in the Citadel too. "I see. So my father decided to nip the rose before it bloomed." He had to chuckle. "Pycelle is a toad. But better a Lannister toad than a Tyrell toad, no?" - Tyrion II, ASOS
ACOK: Jon IV (ch. 51) -> <- Sansa IV (ch. 52)
The winter roses had only then come into bloom.
'All I ask is a flower,' Bael answered, 'the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o' Winterfell.'"
"Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o’ the winter roses be plucked for the singer’s payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished … and so had Lord Brandon’s maiden daughter. - Jon IV, ACOK
"The blood is the seal of your womanhood. Lady Catelyn might have prepared you. You've had your first flowering, no more."
Sansa had never felt less flowery.  - Sansa IV, ACOK
"But not deflowered, one can hope." Young Lord Hunter's bushy mustache hid his mouth entirely.
"Yet," said Lyn Corbray, as if she were not there. "But ripe for plucking soon, I'd say." - Alayne I, AFFC
Sansa and Jon don't forget the glass gardens.
"No. It was always warm, even when it snowed. Water from the hot springs is piped through the walls to warm them, and inside the glass gardens it was always like the hottest day of summer." She stood, towering over the great white castle. "I can't think how to do the glass roof over the gardens." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Glass, Jon mused, might be of use here. Castle Black needs its own glass gardens, like the ones at Winterfell. - Jon VII, ADWD
Tyrion Lannister is a jealous man.
After all his planning, after the sortie and the bridge of ships, after getting his face slashed in two, Tyrion had been eclipsed by a dead man. - Tyrion I, ASOS
Tyrion had seen her only yesterday, climbing the serpentine steps with a pail of water. He had watched as a young knight had offered to carry the heavy pail. The way she had touched his arm and smiled for him had tied Tyrion's guts into knots. 
It doesn't matter, he told himself as he waited for moonrise. Whatever you wear, you're still a dwarf. You'll never be as tall as that knight on the steps, him with his long straight legs and hard stomach and wide manly shoulders. - Tyrion II, ASOS
"Chataya's?" Tyrion said, annoyed.
"It's good to be a knight. No more looking for the cheaper brothels down the street." Bronn grinned. "Now it's Alayaya and Marei in the same featherbed, with Ser Bronn in the middle."
Tyrion had to bite back his annoyance. Bronn had as much right to bed Alayaya as any other man, but still . . . I never touched her, much as I wanted to, but Bronn could not know that. He should have kept his cock out of her. - Tyrion II, ASOS
"Young lady," Shae repeated, savoring the words. "You're half right, m'lord. I'm young."
Eighteen, Tyrion thought. Eighteen, and a whore, but quick of wit, nimble as a cat between the sheets, with large dark eyes and fine black hair and a sweet, soft, hungry little mouth . . . and mine! Damn you, eunuch.
"M'lord Varys complimented Chella on her ears and said she must have killed many men to have such a fine necklace," Shae explained. It grated on him to hear her call Varys m'lord in that tone; that was what she called him in their pillow play. - Tyrion I, ACOK
He's getting taller, Tyrion realized as Pod stood in his stirrups for a better look. He'll soon tower over me like all the rest. - Tyrion V, ASOS
She fiddled nervously with her hair and looked down the table to where Joffrey sat with his Tyrell queen.
Does she wish it were her in Margaery's place? Tyrion frowned. Even a child should have better sense. He turned away, wanting distraction, but everywhere he looked were women, fair fine beautiful happy women who belonged to other men. 
And there was one woman, sitting almost at the foot of the third table on the left . . . the wife of one of the Fossoways, he thought, and heavy with his child. Her delicate beauty was in no way diminished by her belly, nor was her pleasure in the food and frolics. Tyrion watched as her husband fed her morsels off his plate. They drank from the same cup, and would kiss often and unpredictably. Whenever they did, his hand would gently rest upon her stomach, a tender and protective gesture.
He wondered what Sansa would do if he leaned over and kissed her right now. Flinch away, most likely. Or be brave and suffer through it, as was her duty. She is nothing if not dutiful, this wife of mine. If he told her that he wished to have her maidenhead tonight, she would suffer that dutifully as well, and weep no more than she had to. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
A man with a few parallels with Petyr Baelish sings a song.
The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun, and her kisses were warmer than spring. But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel, and its kiss was a terrible thing.
The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed, in a voice that was sweet as a peach, But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own, and a bite sharp and cold as a leech.
As he lay on the ground with the darkness around, and the taste of his blood on his tongue, His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,
"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life, But what does it matter, for all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!" - Jon I, ASOS
Abel rubbed the sleep from his eyes, took up his lute, and launched into "The Dornishman's Wife," whilst one of his washerwomen beat time on her drum. The singer changed the words, though. Instead of tasting a Dornishman's wife, he sang of tasting a northman's daughter. - The Turncloak, ADWD
When they break, they break hard, Jon Snow thought as he watched them reel away. The drums had all gone silent. How do you like that music, Mance? How do you like the taste of the Dornishman's wife? - Jon VIII, ASOS
But another Bael did.
"Would that I were. I will not deny that Bael's exploit inspired mine own . . . but I did not steal either of your sisters that I recall. Bael wrote his own songs, and lived them. I only sing the songs that better men have made. More mead?" - Jon I, ASOS
A direwolf doesn't like Petyr.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
Instead the direwolf leapt forward, snarling.
Ser Ryman's palfrey shied off with a whinny of fear, and Petyr Pimple's reared and threw him. - Catelyn VI, ASOS
Petyr Baelish sounding a lot like Jon Snow at a Winterfell feast.
Thank you, @kadarakey!
Petyr tried to kiss your mother, only she pushed him away. She laughed at him. He looked so wounded I thought my heart would burst, and afterward he drank until he passed out at the table. Uncle Brynden carried him up to bed before my father could find him like that. - Sansa VII, ASOS
The Sun.
Thank you, @agentrouka-blog and @that-plo-koon!
Sansa … Sansa is your sister. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. - Arya II, AGOT
The arms of Tarth were quartered rose and azure, and bore a yellow sun and crescent moon. - Brienne II, AFFC
When he thought of his daughters, he would have wept gladly, but the tears would not come. Even now, he was a Stark of Winterfell, and his grief and his rage froze hard inside him.
When he kept very still, his leg did not hurt so much, so he did his best to lie unmoving. For how long he could not say. There was no sun and no moon. - Eddard XV, AGOT
The wine was very fine; an Arbor vintage, she thought. It tasted of oak and fruit and hot summer nights, the flavors blossoming in her mouth like flowers opening to the sun. - Sansa VI, ASOS
Petyr studied her eyes, as if seeing them for the first time. "You have your mother's eyes. Honest eyes, and innocent. Blue as a sunlit sea. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes." - Sansa I, AFFC
"You cannot come with me," Jon said, cupping the wolf's head in his hands and looking deep into those eyes. "You have to go to Castle Black. Do you understand? Castle Black. Can you find it? The way home? Just follow the ice, east and east, into the sun, and you'll find it. - Jon III, ASOS
Ygritte wanted me to be a wildling. Stannis wants me to be the Lord of Winterfell. But what do I want? The sun crept down the sky to dip behind the Wall where it curved through the western hills. - Jon XII, ASOS
"Snow," the moon insisted.
The white wolf ran from it, racing toward the cave of night where the sun had hidden, his breath frosting in the air. - Jon I, ADWD
Jon and Tyrion use shoddy substitutes for the sun. Who's the sun?
"Not necessary, but some find it pleasant. What of love?"
"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it."
"Is that from a song?" Tyrion cocked his head, smiling. - Tyrion II, ASOS
His dusky woman was enough to satisfy his appetites until he could reach Meereen and claim his queen. No man had need of candles when the sun awaited him. - Victarion I, ADWD
Bronn laughed, and Tyrion had to smile. "Into the tent, Shae, if you would be so kind." He lifted the flap and held it for her. Inside, he knelt to light a candle. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
A single candle lit the gloom, spicing the air with the scent of jasmine.
"Shae," he groaned, "it is not safe."
For a time she said nothing at all. Tyrion tried to speak of other things, but he met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he'd once walked in the north. Gods be good, he thought wearily as he watched the candle burn down and begin to gutter, how could I let this happen again, after Tysha? Am I as great a fool as my father thinks?
When the candle burned out, Tyrion disentangled himself and lit another. - Tyrion II, ASOS
All the sweet innocence of the world was in her voice. Innocence? Fool, she's a whore, all she knows of men is the bit between their legs. Fool, fool. "Better you than me." Tyrion sat. "We have a long day before us, both of us. You shouldn't have blown out that taper. How are we to find our clothing?" - Tyrion VII
Ygritte had brought a torch, but there was no other light. She stood beside a little waterfall that fell from a cleft in the rock down into a wide dark pool. The orange and yellow flames shone against the pale green water.
Smiling, she set the torch carefully in a notch of rock, and came toward him. "There's naught to eat in the dark but flesh," she whispered, biting at his neck.
The light was shifting all about her, Jon noticed suddenly. He looked around. "We had best go up. The torch is almost done."
"What?" he prompted, as the torch began to gutter.
By the time the torch burned out, Jon Snow no longer cared. – Jon III, ASOS
Ygritte or Sansa Stark?
Sounds familiar.
At a lord's court the girl would never have been considered anything but common, he knew. She had a round peasant face, a pug nose, and slightly crooked teeth, and her eyes were too far apart. Jon had noticed all that the first time he'd seen her, when his dirk had been at her throat. Lately, though, he was noticing some other things. When she grinned, the crooked teeth didn't seem to matter. And maybe her eyes were too far apart, but they were a pretty blue-grey color, and lively as any eyes he knew. Sometimes she sang in a low husky voice that stirred him. And sometimes by the cookfire when she sat hugging her knees with the flames waking echoes in her red hair, and looked at him, just smiling . . . well, that stirred some things as well. - Jon II, ASOS
Tears would fill her eyes.
Oooooooh, I am the LAST of the giants, so learn well the words of my song. For when I am gone the singing will fade, and the silence shall last long and long.
There were tears on Ygritte's cheeks when the song ended. – Jon II, ASOS
Sansa would call this an enchantment, and tears would fill her eyes at the wonder of it, but Arya would run out laughing and shouting, wanting to touch it all. -Jon III, ASOS
Sansa would have sighed and shed a tear for true love, but Arya just thought it was stupid. - Arya VIII, ASOS
Those easy Tully smiles.
She bit his neck and he nuzzled hers, burying his nose in her thick red hair. Lucky, he thought, she is lucky, fire-kissed. - Jon III, ASOS
Ygritte had been pretty in her own way, with her red hair kissed by fire, but it was her smile that made her face come alive. - Jon III, ADWD
Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair. - Arya I, AGOT
Half fish, you say?
Ygritte punched his arm. "You know nothing, Jon Snow. I'm half a fish, I'll have you know." - Jon V, ASOS
Jon imagines a girl that does not exist . . . or does she?
He could tell she did not believe him. If I could show her Winterfell . . . give her a flower from the glass gardens, feast her in the Great Hall, and show her the stone kings on their thrones. We could bathe in the hot pools, and love beneath the heart tree while the old gods watched over us. - Jon V, ASOS
"Who is Ygritte?" Donal Noye asked pointedly.
"A woman of the free folk." How could he explain Ygritte to them? She's warm and smart and funny and she can kiss a man or slit his throat. - Jon VI, ASOS
When his eyelids fluttered open, he was wrapped in thick wool and floating. He could not seem to move, but that did not matter. For a time he dreamed that Ygritte was with him, tending him with gentle hands. Finally he closed his eyes and slept. - Jon VI, ASOS
Ygritte and Jon have a conversation about Sansa Stark.
"And what if they do? I'd sooner be stolen by a strong man than be given t' some weakling by my father."
"You say that, but how can you know? What if you were stolen by someone you hated?"
"He'd have t' be quick and cunning and brave t' steal me. So his sons would be strong and smart as well. Why would I hate such a man as that?"
"Maybe he never washes, so he smells as rank as a bear."
"Then I'd push him in a stream or throw a bucket o' water on him. Anyhow, men shouldn't smell sweet like flowers."
Jon caught her wrist. "What if the man who stole you drank too much?" he insisted. "What if he was brutal or cruel?" He tightened his grip to make a point. "What if he was stronger than you, and liked to beat you bloody?" - Jon V, ASOS
Jon lays with his kin, avoids answering a question, and contemplates whether Arya was ever truly his sister.
"She [Ygritte] even claimed we were kin. She told me a story . . ." - Jon VII, ACOK
She punched him. "That's vile. Would you bed your sister?"
"Longspear's not your brother." - Jon III, ASOS
Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever? - Jon III, ASOS
Wedding bells for Sansa and her cousin.
How would you like to marry your cousin, the Lord Robert?" - Sansa VI, ASOS
A moody bastard, pretending to be Arya's brother, almost sleeps with his sister.
"Why did you say that?" Arya hopped to her feet. "You're not my brother."
"That's right," he said angrily. "I'm too bloody lowborn to be kin to m'lady high."
Arya was taken aback by the fury in his voice. "That's not the way I meant it."
"Yes it is." He sat down on the bench, cradling a cup of wine between his hands. "Go away. I want to drink this wine in peace. Then maybe I'll go find that black-haired girl and ring her bell for her." - Arya V, ASOS
Targaryens lusting for their sisters.
Lord Mace Tyrell and his entourage had been housed behind the royal sept, in the long slate-roofed keep that had been called the Maidenvault since King Baelor the Blessed had confined his sisters therein, so the sight of them might not tempt him into carnal thoughts. - Sansa I, ASOS
The Dragonknight once won a tourney as the Knight of Tears, so he could name his sister the queen of love and beauty in place of the king's mistress. - Bran II, ASOS
Why shouldn't I marry Cersei openly and share her bed every night? The dragons always married their sisters. - Jaime III, ASOS
"I am sick of being careful. The Targaryens wed brother to sister, why shouldn't we do the same? Marry me, Cersei. Stand up before the realm and say it's me you want. We'll have our own wedding feast, and make another son in place of Joffrey." - Jaime VII ASOS
She pulled her hands away. "You are talking madness again. Would you have us ripped apart, as Mother did that time she caught us playing? Tommen would lose the throne, Myrcella her marriage . . . I want to be your wife, we belong to each other, but it can never be, Jaime. We are brother and sister."
"The Targaryens . . ."
"We are not Targaryens!" - Jaime IX, ASOS
Mance or Jon? Mance deserts for a cloak.
"You will have heard stories of my desertion, I have no doubt."
"Some say it was for a crown. Some say for a woman. Others that you had the wildling blood."
"It was for this."
"A cloak?" - Jon I, ASOS
Tumblr media
Fertility and Children
The Tyrells have their sights set on Sansa.
"The Tyrells can trace their descent back to Garth Greenhand," was the best she could manage at short notice.
The Queen of Thorns snorted. "So can the Florents, the Rowans, the Oakhearts, and half the other noble houses of the south. Garth liked to plant his seed in fertile ground, they say. I shouldn't wonder that more than his hands were green." - Sansa I, ASOS
Three girls, with three different eggs.
An immense round fat man, as big as three Moon Boys, he came cartwheeling into the hall, vaulted onto the table, and laid a gigantic egg right in front of Sansa. "Break it, my lady," he commanded. When she did, a dozen yellow chicks escaped and began running in all directions. "Catch them!" Butterbumps exclaimed. - Sansa I, ASOS
"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi," the Lysene girl said. "Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame. One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return." - Daenerys III, AGOT
Dany gazed at her eggs sadly. What had she expected? A thousand years ago they had been alive, but now they were only pretty rocks. They could not make a dragon. - Daenerys VI, AGOT
To break her fast the queen sent to the kitchens for two boiled eggs, a loaf of bread, and a pot of honey. But when she cracked the first egg and found a bloody half-formed chick inside, her stomach roiled. - Cersei III, AFFC
Dornish eggs, and a bat in Sansa's stomach.
For herself, she tried a little of the Dornish eggs, but the peppers burned her mouth. Otherwise she only nibbled at the fruit and fish and honeycakes. Every time Joffrey looked at her, her tummy got so fluttery that she felt as though she'd swallowed a bat. - Sansa IV, ASOS
Sons, and daughters.
Should you ever have a son, Sansa, beat him frequently so he learns to mind you. I only had the one boy and I hardly beat him at all, so now he pays more heed to Butterbumps than he does to me. - Sansa I, ASOS
You'll know that, when you have a child."
"A child?" said Sansa, uncertainly.
Lysa waved a hand negligently. "Not for many years. You are too young to be a mother. One day you shall want children, though. Just as you will want to marry." - Sansa VI, ASOS
"I might get her with child."
"Aye, I'd hope so. A strong son or a lively laughing girl kissed by fire, and where's the harm in that?" - Jon II, ASOS
She added a third.
She pushed two of her snowballs together, added a third - Sansa VII, ASOS
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
"The pearls symbolize fertility. The more pearls Your Worship wears, the more healthy children she will bear." - Daenerys VI, ADWD
Cersei Lannister ignored the question. "The cloak," she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. - Sansa III, ASOS
He showed them how each face bore the sigil of one of the great houses: ruby lion, emerald rose, onyx stag, silver trout, blue jade falcon, opal sun, and pearl direwolf. - Sansa IV, ASOS
The bodice was decorated with freshwater pearls, though. The cloak will cover them. The cloak was a deep green, with a large hood. She slipped the dress over her head, and donned the cloak, though she left the hood down for the moment. - Sansa V, ASOS
ACOK: Sansa VII (ch. 62) <- Daenerys V (ch. 63)
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
She was breaking her fast on a bowl of cold shrimp-and-persimmon soup when Irri brought her a Qartheen gown, an airy confection of ivory samite patterned with seed pearls. "Take it away," Dany said. "The docks are no place for lady's finery." - Daenerys V, ACOK
Jeyne Westerling or Sansa Stark?
Queen. Yes, this pretty little girl is a queen, I must remember that. She was pretty, undeniably, with her chestnut curls and heart-shaped face, and that shy smile. Slender, but with good hips, Catelyn noted. She should have no trouble bearing children, at least. - Catelyn II, ASOS
And at Winterfell, Sansa was a little girl with auburn hair. My daughter is a maiden tall and fair, and her hair is chestnut. Men see what they expect to see, Alayne. - Alayne I, ASOS
"Your bosom will be as lovely as the queen's," the old woman said as she looped her string around Sansa's chest. "You should not hide it so."
The comment made her blush. Yet the last time she'd gone riding, she could not lace her jerkin all the way to the top, and the stableboy gaped at her as he helped her mount. Sometimes she caught grown men looking at her chest as well, and some of her tunics were so tight she could scarce breathe in them. - Sansa II, ASOS
"Jeyne," she called after, "there's one more thing Robb needs from you, though he may not know it yet himself. A king must have an heir."
The girl smiled at that. "My mother says the same. She makes a posset for me, herbs and milk and ale, to help make me fertile. I drink it every morning. I told Robb I'm sure to give him twins. An Eddard and a Brandon. He liked that, I think. We . . . we try most every day, my lady. Sometimes twice or more." The girl blushed very prettily. "I'll be with child soon, I promise. I pray to our Mother Above, every night." - Catelyn III, ASOS
If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya. - Sansa II, ASOS
Sansa had the grace to blush. She blushed prettily. - Arya I, AGOT
The girl did seem to have a good heart, just as Robb had said. And good hips, which might be more important. - Catelyn III, ASOS
Lady Tanda had been fleeing as well. "You have a good heart, my lady," she said to Sansa. - Sansa V, ASOS
Don't worry about Roslin, the mother was plenty fertile.
When she told him of Edmure's concerns about Lady Roslin's fertility, he chuckled. "Your lord brother need have no fear, Lady Catelyn. She's small, I'll grant you, and narrow in the hips, but her mother was the same, and Lady Bethany gave Lord Walder a child every year."
"How many lived past infancy?" she asked bluntly.
"Five." He ticked them off on fingers plump as sausages. - Catelyn VI, ASOS
For the one hundredth time: Mance or Jon?
The boy did not have a name yet, no more than Gilly's did. That was the wildling way. Not even Mance Rayder's son would get a name till his third year, it would seem, though Sam had heard the brothers calling him "the little prince" and "born-in-battle." - Samwell IV, ASOS
But what do they want?
He watched the child nurse at Gilly's breast, and then he watched Jon watch. Jon is smiling. A sad smile, still, but definitely a smile of sorts. Sam was glad to see it. It is the first time I've seen him smile since I got back. - Samwell IV, ASOS
I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. - Jon XII, ASOS
I don't want any Lannister, she wanted to say. I want Willas, I want Highgarden and the puppies and the barge, and sons named Eddard and Bran and Rickon. - Sansa III, ASOS
Her Florian.
Sansa smoothed down her skirts and sat. "I think . . . fools, my lady? You mean . . . the sort in motley?"
"Feathers, in this case. What did you imagine I was speaking of? My son? Or these lovely ladies? No, don't blush, with your hair it makes you look like a pomegranate. All men are fools, if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns. - Sansa I, ASOS
"A fool and a knight?" said Jonquil. "I have never heard of such a thing."
"Sweet lady," said Florian, "all men are fools, and all men are knights, where women are concerned." - The Hedge Knight
The pool from which the town took its name, where legend said that Florian the Fool had first glimpsed Jonquil bathing with her sisters, was so choked with rotting corpses that the water had turned into a murky grey-green soup. - Jaime III, ASOS
Sansa hears a dreadful song, and looks to the wrong people for help.
Would he command his Kingsguard to strip her naked once again? The last time he had done that his uncle Tyrion had stopped him, but the Imp could not save her now. - Sansa I, ASOS
No one can save me but my Florian. Ser Dontos had promised he would help her escape, but not until the night of Joffrey's wedding. - Sansa I, ASOS
I wish the Hound were here. The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she'd been wise. - Sansa I, ASOS
The words came tumbling out of her. "Yes. I will. I would like that more than anything. To wed Ser Loras, to love him . . ."
"Loras?" Lady Olenna sounded annoyed. "Don't be foolish, child. Kingsguard never wed. Didn't they teach you anything in Winterfell? We were speaking of my grandson Willas. He is a bit old for you, to be sure, but a dear boy for all that. Not the least bit oafish, and heir to Highgarden besides." - Sansa I, ASOS
Thankfully the dreadful song ends, and the cheese finally arrives.
Thank you, @karynlibrarian and @minitafan!
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Tyrion broke off a nibble of the cheese. It was sharp indeed, and veined with wine; very choice. "Whoever the king names will not have an easy time stepping into your armor, I can tell. Lord Mormont faces the same problem."
Lord Janos looked puzzled. - Tyrion II, ACOK
A little bear cub.
Tormund gave a shrug, as if to say he would never understand such madness. "Well, you are a free man now, but if you will not have the girl, best find yourself a she-bear. - Jon II, ASOS
"I do. Lysa has no cause for complaint." He smiled. "I wish you could see yourself, my lady. You are so beautiful. You're crusted over with snow like some little bear cub, but your face is flushed and you can scarcely breathe. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Jonnel (One-Eye) Stark, son of Lynara Stark, married to Sansa Stark.
Thank you, @occupyvenus!
"A blind boy, must be. Who ever heard of a king without ears? Why, his crown would fall straight down to his neck! Har!" - Jon I, ASOS
He could still hear wings, though the eagle was not in sight. Half his world was black. "My eye," he said in sudden panic, raising a hand to his face.
"It's only blood, Jon Snow. He missed the eye, just ripped your skin up some."
His face was throbbing. Tormund stood over them bellowing, he saw from his right eye as he rubbed blood from his left. 
Ygritte said, "Orell tried to take his eye out."
"It was him I asked. Has he lost his tongue? Perhaps he should, to spare us further lies."
Styr the Magnar drew a long knife. "The boy might see more clear with one eye, instead of two."
"Would you like to keep your eye, Jon?" asked the King-beyond-the-Wall. - Jon II, ASOS
Were there twenty or twenty thousand? In the dark there was no way to tell. This is a battle of blind men, but Mance has a few thousand more of them than we do. - Jon VIII, ASOS
Pyp turned aside to retch, and Jon found himself envying Maester Aemon his blindness. - Jon VIII, ASOS
"Aye," Slynt said. "A blind man with a chain about his neck, who does he think he is?"
Aemon Targaryen, Jon thought, a king's son and a king's brother and a king who might have been. But he said nothing. - Jon X, ASOS
The first time he had seen the Wall he had been younger than Devan, serving aboard the Cobblecat under Roro Uhoris, a Tyroshi known up and down the narrow sea as the Blind Bastard, though he was neither blind nor baseborn.  - Davos V, ASOS
Two Hearts that Beat as One: Jon and Sansa are forced into unwanted marriages.
Thank you, @esther-dot!
Mance nodded. "Good. You'll go with Jarl and Styr on the morrow, then. Both of you. Far be it from me to separate two hearts that beat as one." - Jon II, ASOS
Two hearts that beat as one. Mance Rayder's mocking words rang bitter in his head. Jon had seldom felt so confused. - Jon III, ASOS
"Here in the sight of gods and men," he said, "I do solemnly proclaim Tyrion of House Lannister and Sansa of House Stark to be man and wife, one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever, and cursed be the one who comes between them."
She had to bite her lip to keep from sobbing. - Sansa III, ASOS
If Tyrion did it, they will think I was part of it as well, she realized with a start of fear. How not? They were man and wife, and Joff had killed her father and mocked her with her brother's death. One flesh, one heart, one soul. - Sansa V, ASOS
It doesn't compare to kissing a king.
They spent long afternoons doing needlework and talking over lemon cakes and honeyed wine, played at tiles of an evening, sang together in the castle sept . . . and often one or two of them would be chosen to share Margaery's bed, where they would whisper half the night away. Alla had a lovely voice, and when coaxed would play the woodharp and sing songs of chivalry and lost loves. Megga couldn't sing, but she was mad to be kissed. She and Alla played a kissing game sometimes, she confessed, but it wasn't the same as kissing a man, much less a king. - Sansa II, ASOS
Sansa keeps hearing stories about favors.
As for Elinor, she was promised to a young squire, a son of Lord Ambrose; they would be wed as soon as he won his spurs. He had worn her favor in the Battle of the Blackwater, where he'd slain a Myrish crossbowman and a Mullendore man-at-arms. "Alyn said her favor made him fearless," said Megga. "He says he shouted her name for his battle cry, isn't that ever so gallant? Someday I want some champion to wear my favor, and kill a hundred men." Elinor told her to hush, but looked pleased all the same. - Sansa II, ASOS
Your mother did not deserve him. She would not even give him her favor to wear when he fought Brandon Stark. I would have given him my favor. I gave him everything. He is mine now. - Sansa VII, ASOS
He grinned. "I will hold you to that promise, my lady. Until that day, may I wear your favor in the tourney?"
"You may not. It is promised to...another." She was not sure who as yet, but she knew she would find someone. - Alayne I, TWOW
A Girl in Grey.
The Liddle took out a knife and whittled at a stick. "When there was a Stark in Winterfell, a maiden girl could walk the kingsroad in her name-day gown and still go unmolested, and travelers could find fire, bread, and salt at many an inn and holdfast. But the nights are colder now, and doors are closed. There's squids in the wolfswood, and flayed men ride the kingsroad asking after strangers." - Bran II, ASOS
"No. I mean, yes." He blushed. "The colors. Our arms are purple and white chequy, my lady. With gold coins. In the checks. Purple and white. Both." He studied her feet.
"There's a tale behind those coins," said Tyrion. "No doubt Pod will confide it to your toes one day. Just now we are expected at the Queen's Ballroom, however. Shall we?" - Sansa IV, ASOS
Arya XII, ASOS -> <- Tyrion IX, ASOS
"There's frost above us and snow in the high passes," the village elder said. "If you don't freeze or starve, the shadowcats will get you, or the cave bears. There's the clans as well. The Burned Men are fearless since Timett One-Eye came back from the war. And half a year ago, Gunthor son of Gurn led the Stone Crows down on a village not eight miles from here. They took every woman and every scrap of grain, and killed half the men. They have steel now, good swords and mail hauberks, and they watch the high road—the Stone Crows, the Milk Snakes, the Sons of the Mist, all of them. Might be you'd take a few with you, but in the end they'd kill you and make off with your daughter." - Arya XII, ASOS
He could send Podrick Payne questing after Shagga, he supposed, but there were so many hiding places in the deep of the kingswood that outlaws often evaded capture for decades. And Pod sometimes has difficulty finding the kitchens when I sent him down for cheese. Timett son of Timett would likely be back in the Mountains of the Moon by now.  - Tyrion IX, ASOS
A groom led a fine grey mare out the stable door. On her back was mounted a skinny hollow-eyed girl wrapped in a heavy cloak. Grey, it was, like the dress beneath it, and trimmed with white satin. The clasp that pinned it to her breast was wrought in the shape of a wolf's head with slitted opal eyes. The girl's long brown hair blew wild in the wind. She had a pretty face, he thought, but her eyes were sad and wary. - Jaime IX, ASOS
The Wall defends Jon and Sansa.
"I hate this Wall," she said in a low angry voice. "Can you feel how cold it is?"
"It's made of ice," Jon pointed out.
"You know nothing, Jon Snow. This wall is made o' blood."
Nor had it drunk its fill. By sunset, two of the Thenns had fallen from the ladder to their deaths, but they were the last. It was near midnight before Jon reached the top. The stars were out again, and Ygritte was trembling from the climb. "I almost fell," she said, with tears in her eyes. "Twice. Thrice. The Wall was trying t' shake me off, I could feel it." One of the tears broke free and trickled slowly down her cheek. - Jon IV, ASOS
He had always had a yen to see the Titan of Braavos. Perhaps that would please Sansa. Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. It made him weary. Then and now. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
"Courtesy is a lady's armor," Sansa said. Her septa had always told her that.
"I am your husband. You can take off your armor now." - Sansa III, ASOS
Cold courtesy.
Perhaps that would please Sansa. Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. It made him weary. Then and now. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
Jon Snow sat up suddenly, and the three men froze at the sound of the slosh. "My lords," he said with cold courtesy. - Jon XII, ASOS
The Wall is yours, Jon.
The Wall is mine, Jon reminded himself whenever he felt his strength flagging. - Jon VII, ASOS
 The Wall is mine, he reminded himself. - Jon IX, ASOS
Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
Jon and Sansa are left in charge, and reassure terrified people during a battle.
Thank you, @aegor-bamfsteel!
He looked around the ring of firelit faces. "I need two bows and two spears to help me hold the tunnel if they break the gate." More than ten stepped forward, and the smith picked his four. "Jon, you have the Wall till I return."
For a moment Jon thought he had misheard. It had sounded as if Noye were leaving him in command. "My lord?"
"Lord? I'm a blacksmith. I said, the Wall is yours."
There are older men, Jon wanted to say, better men. I am still as green as summer grass. I'm wounded, and I stand accused of desertion. His mouth had gone bone dry. "Aye," he managed. [...] "The Wall will stop them," Jon heard himself say. He turned and said it again, louder. "The Wall will stop them. The Wall defends itself." Hollow words, but he needed to say them, almost as much as his brothers needed to hear them. "Mance wants to unman us with his numbers. Does he think we're stupid?" He was shouting now, his leg forgotten, and every man was listening. "The chariots, the horsemen, all those fools on foot . . . what are they going to do to us up here? Any of you ever see a mammoth climb a wall?" He laughed, and Pyp and Owen and half a dozen more laughed with him. "They're nothing, they're less use than our straw brothers here, they can't reach us, they can't hurt us, and they don't frighten us, do they?" - Jon VIII, ASOS
"Oh, gods," an old woman wailed. "We're lost, the battle's lost, she's running." Several children were crying. They can smell the fear. Sansa found herself alone on the dais. Should she stay here, or run after the queen and plead for her life?
She never knew why she got to her feet, but she did. "Don't be afraid," she told them loudly. "The queen has raised the drawbridge. This is the safest place in the city. There's thick walls, the moat, the spikes . . ."
Sansa raised her hands for quiet. "Joffrey's come back to the castle. He's not hurt. They're still fighting, that's all I know, they're fighting bravely. The queen will be back soon." The last was a lie, but she had to soothe them. She noticed the fools standing under the galley. "Moon Boy, make us laugh."
Sansa went to Ser Lancel and knelt beside him. His wound was bleeding afresh where the queen had struck him. "Madness," he gasped. "Gods, the Imp was right, was right . . ."
"Help him," Sansa commanded two of the serving men. One just looked at her and ran, flagon and all. Other servants were leaving the hall as well, but she could not help that. Together, Sansa and the serving man got the wounded knight back on his feet. "Take him to Maester Frenken." - Sansa VII, ACOK
Jon the Gargoyle.
Thank you, @dontbipanicjonsa and @minitafan!
When the moonstones hung from Sansa's ears and about her neck, the queen nodded. "Yes. The gods have been kind to you, Sansa. You are a lovely girl. It seems almost obscene to squander such sweet innocence on that gargoyle."
"What gargoyle?" Sansa did not understand. - Sansa III, ASOS
He raised his eyes to gaze up at the walls. In place of merlons, a thousand grotesques and gargoyles looked down on him, each different from all the others; wyverns, griffins, demons, manticores, minotaurs, basilisks, hellhounds, cockatrices, and a thousand queerer creatures sprouted from the castle's battlements as if they'd grown there. - Davos V, ASOS
Ser Garlan laughed. "I was a plump little boy, I fear, and we do have an uncle called Garth the Gross. So Willas struck first, though not before threatening me with Garlan the Greensick, Garlan the Galling, and Garlan the Gargoyle." - Sansa III, ASOS
Again he had the answer. "It's been snowing on your castle, my lady," he pointed out. "What do the gargoyles look like when they're covered with snow?" - Sansa VII, ASOS
Tyrion, the Targaryen groom.
Thank you, @butterflies-dragons!
Tyrion wore a doublet of black velvet covered with golden scrollwork, thigh-high boots that added three inches to his height, a chain of rubies and lions' heads. - Sansa III, ASOS
Sansa, the Targaryen wedding guest.
Sansa wore a gown of silvery satin trimmed in vair, with dagged sleeves that almost touched the floor, lined in soft purple felt. Shae had arranged her hair artfully in a delicate silver net winking with dark purple gemstones. - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
Laughing despite everything.
Thank you, @agentrouka-blog!
It was so sweet and silly that Sansa had to laugh, despite everything. Afterward she was absurdly grateful. Somehow the laughter made her hopeful again, if only for a little while. Smiling, she let the music take her, losing herself in the steps, in the sound of flute and pipes and harp, in the rhythm of the drum . . . and from time to time in Ser Garlan's arms, when the dance brought them together. - Sansa III, ASOS
Jon had to laugh. Even now, even here. Ygritte had been fond of Longspear Ryk. He hoped he found some joy with Tormund's Munda. Someone needed to find some joy somewhere. - Jon X, ASOS
A shy maid on her wedding night.
Her hands trembled as she began fumbling at her clothes. She had ten thumbs instead of fingers, and all of them were broken. Yet somehow she managed the laces and buttons, and her cloak and gown and girdle and undersilk slid to the floor, until finally she was stepping out of her smallclothes. Gooseprickles covered her arms and legs. She kept her eyes on the floor, too shy to look at him, but when she was done she glanced up and found him staring. There was hunger in his green eye, it seemed to her, and fury in the black. Sansa did not know which scared her more. - Sansa III, ASOS
Qhorin came and stood over him as the first flame rose up flickering from the shavings of bark and dead dry pine needles. "As shy as a maid on her wedding night," the big ranger said in a soft voice, "and near as fair. Sometimes a man forgets how pretty a fire can be."
He was not a man you'd expect to speak of maids and wedding nights. So far as Jon knew, Qhorin had spent his whole life in the Watch. Did he ever love a maid or have a wedding? He could not ask. Instead he fanned the fire. When the blaze was all acrackle, he peeled off his stiff gloves to warm his hands, and sighed, wondering if ever a kiss had felt as good. - Jon VIII, ACOK
Two imprisoned husbands? Quickly after Tyrion is arrested, Jon Snow joins him.
"Hush, you'll be the death of us. I did nothing. Come, we must away, they'll search for you. Your husband's been arrested."
"Tyrion?" she said, shocked.
"Do you have another husband? The Imp, the dwarf uncle, she thinks he did it." He grabbed her hand and pulled at her. "This way, we must away, quickly now, have no fear." - Sansa V, ASOS
Slynt purpled. "Murder? You insolent pup. King Robert was not even cold when Lord Eddard moved against his son." He rose to his feet; a shorter man than Mormont, but thick about the chest and arms, with a gut to match. A small gold spear tipped with red enamel pinned his cloak at the shoulder. "Your father died by the sword, but he was highborn, a King's Hand. For you, a noose will serve. Ser Alliser, take this turncloak to an ice cell." - Jon IX, ASOS
A dragon knight shows up all over Sansa's chapter.
They continued down the serpentine and across a small sunken courtyard. Ser Dontos shoved open a heavy door and lit a taper. They were inside a long gallery. Along the walls stood empty suits of armor, dark and dusty, their helms crested with rows of scales that continued down their backs. As they hurried past, the taper's light made the shadows of each scale stretch and twist. The hollow knights are turning into dragons, she thought. - Sansa V, ASOS
Sansa dared not look down. She kept her eyes on the face of the cliff, making certain of each step before reaching for the next. The stone was rough and cold. Sometimes she could feel her fingers slipping, and the handholds were not as evenly spaced as she would have liked. The bells would not stop ringing. Before she was halfway down her arms were trembling and she knew that she was going to fall. One more step, she told herself, one more step. She had to keep moving. If she stopped, she would never start again, and dawn would find her still clinging to the cliff, frozen in fear. One more step, and one more step.
The ground took her by surprise. She stumbled and fell, her heart pounding. When she rolled onto her back and stared up at from where she had come, her head swam dizzily and her fingers clawed at the dirt. I did it. I did it, I didn't fall, I made the climb and now I'm going home. - Sansa V, ASOS
One step and then another, Jon told himself. One step and then another, and I will not fall. [...]
One step and then another, he resumed when the gale subsided. One step and then another, and I will not fall. [...]
One step and then another, he thought, clinging tight. [...]
Don't look down. Keep your weight above your feet. Don't look down. Look at the rock in front of you. There's a good handhold, yes. Don't look down. I can catch a breath on that ledge there, all I need to do is reach it. Never look down. - Jon VI, ACOK
A ghostly shape appears at the hint of dawn.
The eastern sky was vague with the first hint of dawn when Sansa finally saw a ghostly shape in the darkness ahead - Sansa V, ASOS
Jon and Sansa are drowning.
Thank you, @minitafan!
Ser Loras in white silk, so pure, innocent, beautiful. The dimples at the corner of his mouth when he smiled. The sweetness of his laugh, the warmth of his hand. She could only imagine what it would be like to pull up his tunic and caress the smooth skin underneath, to stand on her toes and kiss him, to run her fingers through those thick brown curls and drown in his deep brown eyes. A flush crept up her neck. - Sansa I, ASOS
Longclaw seemed heavier than lead in his hand, too heavy to lift. The man kept staring at him, with eyes as big and black as wells. I will fall into those eyes and drown. - Jon V, ASOS
Petyr studied her eyes, as if seeing them for the first time. "You have your mother's eyes. Honest eyes, and innocent. Blue as a sunlit sea. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes." - Sansa I, AFFC
Sam, Gilly, and weird sister thoughts while sleeping.
He liked sleeping next to her. It made him remember times long past, when he had shared a huge bed at Horn Hill with two of his sisters. - Samwell III, ASOS
When the feast was done he went up to sleep; not to the lord's bedchamber where his mother and father lived but to the room he had once shared with his sisters. Only instead of his sisters it was Gilly waiting in the huge soft bed, wearing nothing but a big shaggy fur, milk leaking from her breasts. - Samwell III, ASOS
The blood of Winterfell.
When the dreams took him, he found himself back home once more, splashing in the hot pools beneath a huge white weirwood that had his father's face. Ygritte was with him, laughing at him, shedding her skins till she was naked as her name day, trying to kiss him, but he couldn't, not with his father watching. He was the blood of Winterfell, a man of the Night's Watch. I will not father a bastard, he told her. I will not. I will not. - Jon VI, ASOS
I am not your daughter, she thought. I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard's daughter and Lady Catelyn's, the blood of Winterfell. - Sansa I, AFFC
Sons and daughters of Winterfell.
Lord Commander Mormont made you his steward. You are a son of Winterfell, a nephew of Benjen Stark. It must be you or no one. The Wall is yours, Jon Snow. - Jon VIII, ASOS
I forgot, you've been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. - Arya XIII, ASOS
Stone and Snow are north of the Neck.
Lord Redwyne laughed. "What is there north of the Neck that any sane man would want? If Greyjoy will trade swords and sails for stone and snow, I say do it, and count ourselves lucky." - Tyrion III, ASOS
I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you.
It was not as though he was the first man ever to keep a concubine. Sansa's own oh-so-honorable father had given her a bastard brother. - Tyrion VII, ASOS
Jon and Ygritte open and close like their foils.
Jon slid his dirk free, grabbing the man by the hair and jamming the point of the knife up under his chin as he reached for his—no, her—
His hand froze. "A girl." - Jon VI, ACOK
"I never meant to steal you," he said. "I never knew you were a girl until my knife was at your throat." - Jon III, ASOS
"Just as if I was one of those true knights you love so well, yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think it's all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing." He laid the edge of his longsword against her neck, just under her ear. Sansa could feel the sharpness of the steel. - Sansa IV, ACOK
"Oh." Ygritte cupped his cheek with her hand. "You know nothing, Jon Snow," she sighed, dying. - Jon VII
Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his cheek with her fingers. The room was too dark for her to see him, but she could feel the stickiness of the blood, and a wetness that was not blood. "Little bird," he said once more, his voice raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps. - Sansa VII, ACOK
Prince Aemon keeps following Sansa around the story.
ASOS: Jon XII (ch. 79) -> Sansa VII (ch. 80)
They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne." - Jon XII, ASOS
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me." - Sansa III, AGOT
The gift of a sword, even a sword as fine as Longclaw, did not make him a Mormont. Nor was he Aemon Targaryen. - Jon IX, AGOT
AGOT: Sansa IV (ch. 51) -> Jon VII (ch. 52)
She pulled a chair close to the hearth, took down one of her favorite books, and lost herself in the stories of Florian and Jonquil, of Lady Shella and the Rainbow Knight, of valiant Prince Aemon and his doomed love for his brother's queen. - Sansa IV, AGOT
ACOK: Jon VI (ch. 51) <- Sansa IV (ch. 52) -> Jon VII (ch. 53)
She called for the heroes from the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard. - Sansa IV, ACOK
"No doubt you're right. So why don't you just eat your broth like a good girl and wait for Symeon Star-Eyes and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight to come rescue you, sweetling. I'm sure it won't be very long now." - Sansa V, ACOK
The theme of wanton behaviour suddenly explodes for two characters who have never exhibited wanton behaviour.
He was a bastard, after all. Everyone knew that bastards were wanton and treacherous by nature, having been born of lust and deceit. - Jon VII, ASOS
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. - Jon X, ASOS
Where are you going? Are you afraid? Such wanton behavior must be punished, but I will not be hard on you. - Sansa VII, ASOS
"So you admit it now? It was you, just as I thought. You are as wanton as your mother." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Most succumb to their baser selves.
"I have heard that in the Sunset Kingdoms men take solemn vows to keep chaste and father no children, but live only for their duty. Is it not so?"
"It is," Arstan said, when the question was put. "There are many such orders. The maesters of the Citadel, the septons and septas who serve the Seven, the silent sisters of the dead, the Kingsguard and the Night's Watch . . ."
"Poor things," growled the slaver, after the translation. "Men were not made to live thus. Their days are a torment of temptation, any fool must see, and no doubt most succumb to their baser selves. Not so our Unsullied. They are wed to their swords in a way that your Sworn Brothers cannot hope to match. No woman can ever tempt them, nor any man." - Daenerys II, ASOS
Cinderella, her evil step-mother, and the glass slipper. Where's Prince Charming?
Thank you, @agentrouka-blog!
Up in the gallery the musicians took up their pipes and horns and fiddles again, and began to play "The Queen Took Off Her Sandal, the King Took Off His Crown." - Catelyn VII, ASOS
They brought her new shoes as well, slippers of soft grey doeskin that hugged her feet like lovers. "You are very beautiful, my lady," the seamstress said when she was dressed. - Sansa III, ASOS
Lysa threw herself into Littlefinger's arms, sobbing. As they hugged, Sansa crawled from the Moon Door on hands and knees and wrapped her arms around the nearest pillar. She could feel her heart pounding. There was snow in her hair and her right shoe was missing. It must have fallen. She shuddered, and hugged the pillar tighter. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Irri slid the slippers onto Dany's feet. They were gilded leather, decorated with green freshwater pearls. Does the butcher king believe a pair of pretty slippers will win my hand? "King Cleon is most generous. You may thank him for his lovely gift." Lovely, but made for a child. Dany had small feet, yet the pointed slippers mashed her toes together. - Daenerys I, ADWD
One of her sandals had slipped off during her wild flight from Meereen and she had left the other up by Drogon's cave, preferring to go barefoot rather than half-shod. - Daenerys X, ADWD
Will it be a Dornish princess for Aegon, and a northern girl for Aemon? Double ouch.
"Viserys said once that it was my fault, for being born too late." She had denied it hotly, she remembered, going so far as to tell Viserys that it was his fault for not being born a girl. He beat her cruelly for that insolence. "If I had been born more timely, he said, Rhaegar would have married me instead of Elia, and it would all have come out different. If Rhaegar had been happy in his wife, he would not have needed the Stark girl." - Daenerys IV, ASOS
Sansa and Jon are all alone in bed.
Jon wondered where Ghost was now. Had he gone to Castle Black, or was he was running with some wolfpack in the woods? He had no sense of the direwolf, not even in his dreams. It made him feel as if part of himself had been cut off. Even with Ygritte sleeping beside him, he felt alone. He did not want to die alone. - Jon V, ASOS
She threw back the coverlets. I must be brave. Her torments would soon be ended, one way or the other. If Lady was here, I would not be afraid. Lady was dead, though; Robb, Bran, Rickon, Arya, her father, her mother, even Septa Mordane. All of them are dead but me. She was alone in the world now.
Her lord husband was not beside her, but she was used to that. Tyrion was a bad sleeper and often rose before the dawn. - Sansa IV, ASOS
"By the High Septon or a Council of Faith. Our present High Septon is a trained seal who barks prettily on command. Moon Boy is more like to annul my marriage than he is." - Tyrion IV, ASOS
Robb's fingers brushed the pommel of his sword. "If I could I'd take his ugly head off. Sansa would be a widow then, and free. There's no other way that I can see. They made her speak the vows before a septon and don a crimson cloak." - Catelyn IV, ASOS
I wonder what the High Septon would have to say about the sanctity of oaths sworn while dead drunk, chained to a wall, with a sword pressed to your chest? Not that Jaime was truly concerned about that fat fraud, or the gods he claimed to serve. - Jaime I, ASOS
"You gave her to him?" she cried, dismayed. "You swore an oath to Lady Catelyn . . ."
"With a sword at my throat, but never mind. Lady Catelyn's dead. I could not give her back her daughters even if I had them. And the girl my father sent with Steelshanks was not Arya Stark." - Jaime IX, ASOS
"Vows made at sword point are not valid," the maester argued. - Bran V, ACOK
"She is old enough to be Lady of Winterfell once her brother is dead. Claim her maidenhood and you will be one step closer to claiming the north. Get her with child, and the prize is all but won. Do I need to remind you that a marriage that has not been consummated can be set aside?" - Tyrion IV, ASOS
Jaime sighed. "Then let them wed. It will be years before Tommen is old enough to consummate the marriage. And until he does, the union can always be set aside. Give Tyrell his wedding and send him off to play at war." - Jaime I, AFFC
"The monster has tied us a thorny knot," the old knight told Maester Luwin. "Like it or no, Lady Hornwood was his wife. He made her say the vows before both septon and heart tree, and bedded her that very night before witnesses. She signed a will naming him as heir and fixed her seal to it." - Bran V, ACOK
Septon Cellador cleared his throat. "Lord Slynt," he said, "this boy refused to swear his vows properly in the sept, but went beyond the Wall to say his words before a heart tree. His father's gods, he said, but they are wildling gods as well."
"They are the gods of the north, Septon." Maester Aemon was courteous, but firm. - Jon IX, ASOS
(A vow sworn in a sept . . .)
"Jon." Melisandre was so close he could feel the warmth of her breath. "R'hllor is the only true god. A vow sworn to a tree has no more power than one sworn to your shoes. Open your heart and let the light of the Lord come in. Burn these weirwoods, and accept Winterfell as a gift of the Lord of Light." - Jon XI, ASOS
Her claim.
"The girl's happiness is not my purpose, nor should it be yours. Our alliances in the south may be as solid as Casterly Rock, but there remains the north to win, and the key to the north is Sansa Stark." - Tyrion III, ASOS
The thought made Sansa weary. All she knew of Robert Arryn was that he was a little boy, and sickly. It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love. - Sansa VI, ASOS
"How can I lose men I do not have? I had hoped to bestow Winterfell on a northman, you may recall. A son of Eddard Stark. He threw my offer in my face." Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone; he gnawed it down to splinters.
"By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa." - Jon I, ADWD
Tyrion wants Winterfell and Sansa. Jon wants Winterfell and . . .
I want her, he realized. I want Winterfell, yes, but I want her as well, child or woman or whatever she is. I want to comfort her. I want to hear her laugh. I want her to come to me willingly, to bring me her joys and her sorrows and her lust. - Tyrion IV, ASOS
When Jon had been very young, too young to understand what it meant to be a bastard, he used to dream that one day Winterfell might be his. - Jon XI, ASOS
I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. Val would want to keep her sister's son, but we could foster him at Winterfell, and Gilly's boy as well. Sam would never need to tell his lie. We'd find a place for Gilly too, and Sam could come visit her once a year or so. Mance's son and Craster's would grow up brothers, as I once did with Robb.
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger . . . he could feel it. - Jon XII, ASOS
Count on Jon and Sansa to always forget someone.
Sansa had grown up with three brothers. She never thought to have a claim, but with Bran and Rickon dead . . . It doesn't matter, there's still Robb, he's a man grown now, and soon he'll wed and have a son. - Sansa II, ASOS
She threw back the coverlets. I must be brave. Her torments would soon be ended, one way or the other. If Lady was here, I would not be afraid. Lady was dead, though; Robb, Bran, Rickon, Arya, her father, her mother, even Septa Mordane. All of them are dead but me. She was alone in the world now. - Sansa IV, ASOS
They have the look.
"I see it now," the Lady Lysa said, as she set the core aside. "You look so much like Catelyn."
"It's kind of you to say so."
"It was not meant as flattery. If truth be told, you look too much like Catelyn. - Sansa VI, ASOS
Stannis snorted. "I know Janos Slynt. And I knew Ned Stark as well. Your father was no friend of mine, but only a fool would doubt his honor or his honesty. You have his look." - Jon XI, ASOS
He's no Loras, but I don't think she'll be disappointed.
She could never hold a picture of Willas long in her head, though; her imaginings kept turning him back into Ser Loras, young and graceful and beautiful. You must not think of him like that, she told herself. Or else he may see the disappointment in your eyes when you meet, and how could he marry you then, knowing it was his brother you loved? - Sansa II, ASOS
She remembered her own childish disappointment, the first time she had laid eyes on Eddard Stark. She had pictured him as a younger version of his brother Brandon, but that was wrong. Ned was shorter and plainer of face, and so somber. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Throwaway lines that make us smile.
Dress warmly, Ser Dontos had told her, and dress dark. She had no blacks, so she chose a dress of thick brown wool. - Sansa V, ASOS
Shades of Jon.
"The dwarf's wife did the murder with him," swore an archer in Lord Rowan's livery. "Afterward, she vanished from the hall in a puff of brimstone, and a ghostly direwolf was seen prowling the Red Keep, blood dripping from his jaws." - Sansa VII, ASOS
"I forgot, you've been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head." - Arya XIII, ASOS
Jon hears a familiar song.
Thank you, @minitafan!
Yet still the drums beat on, the trebuchets shuddered and thumped, and the sound of skinpipes came wafting through the night like the songs of strange fierce birds. Septon Cellador began to sing as well, his voice tremulous and thick with wine.
Gentle Mother, font of mercy - Jon VIII, ASOS
"Sing, little bird. Sing for your little life."
Her throat was dry and tight with fear, and every song she had ever known had fled from her mind. Please don’t kill me, she wanted to scream, please don’t. She could feel him twisting the point, pushing it into her throat, and she almost closed her eyes again, but then she remembered. It was not the song of Florian and Jonquil, but it was a song. Her voice sounded small and thin and tremulous in her ears.
Gentle Mother, font of mercy - Sansa VII, ACOK
Arya's sister catches a crow.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
The crows were there too, screaming at the wolves and filling the air with feathers. Their blood was hotter, and one of her sisters had snapped at one as it took flight and caught it by the wing. It made her want a crow herself. She wanted to taste the blood, to hear the bones crunch between her teeth, to fill her belly with warm flesh instead of cold. She was hungry and the meat was all around, but she knew she could not eat. - Arya XII, ASOS
Alayne Stone or Jon Snow?
"I have no gallant knights in my service, Alayne. Such a tale would draw unwanted questions as a corpse draws crows. It is rude to pry into the origins of a man's natural children, however." He cocked his head. "So, who are you?"
"Alayne . . . Stone, would it be?" When he nodded, she said, "But who is my mother?" - Sansa VI, ASOS
Samwell Tarly or Sansa Stark?
Sobbing, he took another step. The snow swirled down around him. [...]
Sobbing, he took another step. The crust was broken where he set his feet, otherwise he did not think he could have moved at all. [...]
Sobbing, he took another step. - Samwell I, ASOS
One more step, she told herself, one more step. She had to keep moving. If she stopped, she would never start again, and dawn would find her still clinging to the cliff, frozen in fear. One more step, and one more step. - Sansa V, ASOS
Maslyn screamed for mercy. Why had he suddenly remembered that? It was nothing he wanted to remember. The man had stumbled backward, dropping his sword, pleading, yielding, even yanking off his thick black glove and thrusting it up before him as if it were a gauntlet. He was still shrieking for quarter as the wight lifted him in the air by the throat and near ripped the head off him. The dead have no mercy left in them, and the Others . . . no, I mustn't think of that, don't think, don't remember, just walk, just walk, just walk.
Why must he remember the fight at the Fist? He didn't want to remember. Not that. He tried to make himself remember his mother, or his little sister Talla, or that girl Gilly at Craster's Keep. - Samwell I, ASOS
Sansa did not know what had happened to Jeyne, who had disappeared from her rooms afterward, never to be mentioned again. She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. - Sansa II, ACOK
Sam knew a hundred songs, but when he tried to think of one he couldn't. The words had all gone from his head. He sobbed again and said, "I don't know any songs, Grenn. I did know some, but now I don't." - Samwell I, ASOS
Her throat was dry and tight with fear, and every song she had ever known had fled from her mind. Please don't kill me, she wanted to scream, please don't. - Sansa VII, ACOK
Whatever pride his lord father might have felt at Samwell's birth vanished as the boy grew up plump, soft, and awkward. Sam loved to listen to music and make his own songs, to wear soft velvets, to play in the castle kitchen beside the cooks, drinking in the rich smells as he snitched lemon cakes and blueberry tarts. His passions were books and kittens and dancing, clumsy as he was. But he grew ill at the sight of blood, and wept to see even a chicken slaughtered. - Jon IV, ASOS
Remembering Robb.
She had last seen snow the day she'd left Winterfell. That was a lighter fall than this, she remembered. Robb had melting flakes in his hair when he hugged me, and the snowball Arya tried to make kept coming apart in her hands. - Sansa VII, ASOS
He remembered Robb as he had last seen him, standing in the yard with snow melting in his auburn hair. - Jon IX, AGOT
Jon's better at sums.
Thank you, @trins-trins!
She was looking at him the way she used to look at him at Winterfell, whenever he had bested Robb at swords or sums or most anything. - Jon XII, ASOS
It hurt that the one thing Arya could do better than her sister was ride a horse. Well, that and manage a household. Sansa had never had much of a head for figures. If she did marry Prince Joff, Arya hoped for his sake that he had a good steward. - Arya I, AGOT
"Matthar, to the rangers. Dareon, to the stewards. Todder, to the rangers. Jon, to the stewards."
The stewards! For a moment Jon could not believe what he had heard. - Jon VI, AGOT
Oh no, does Willas have a bad leg?
"Willas has a bad leg but a good heart," said Margaery. "He used to read to me when I was a little girl, and draw me pictures of the stars. You will love him as much as we do, Sansa." - Sansa I, ASOS
Suddenly he was too weary to stand, and his leg was agony from knee to groin. He fumbled for his crutch. - Jon VIII, ASOS
Ashford alert: Willas was supposed to be another Leo.
The Fat Flower thrust him into tourneys at too tender an age, just as he did with the other two. He wanted another Leo Longthorn, and made himself a cripple. - Tyrion V, ASOS
Here we go again! A plot device does her best Sansa Stark impression.
Val looked at him with pale grey eyes. "He always climbed too fast." She was as fair as he'd remembered, slender, full-breasted, graceful even at rest, with high sharp cheekbones and a thick braid of honey-colored hair that fell to her waist. - Jon X, ASOS
Her breath was white as well … but her eyes were blue - Jon XI, ADWD
Worse, she was beautiful. - Arya I, AGOT
"Your bosom will be as lovely as the queen's," the old woman said as she looped her string around Sansa's chest. "You should not hide it so." - Sansa II, ASOS
"I had heard that Lord Littlefinger's daughter was fair of face and full of grace, but no one ever told me that she was a thief." - Alayne I, TWOW
Sansa had gotten their mother's fine high cheekbones - Arya I, AGOT
Petyr studied her eyes, as if seeing them for the first time. "You have your mother's eyes. Honest eyes, and innocent. Blue as a sunlit sea. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes." - Sansa I, AFFC
Then Ghost emerged from between two trees, with Val beside him.
They look as though they belong together. Val was clad all in white; white woolen breeches tucked into high boots of bleached white leather, white bearskin cloak pinned at the shoulder with a carved weirwood face, white tunic with bone fastenings. Her breath was white as well … but her eyes were blue, her long braid the color of dark honey, her cheeks flushed red from the cold. It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely. - Jon XI, ADWD
She donned silken smallclothes and a linen shift, and over that a warm dress of blue lambswool. Two pairs of hose for her legs, boots that laced up to her knees, heavy leather gloves, and finally a hooded cloak of soft white fox fur.
He smiled. "I wish you could see yourself, my lady. You are so beautiful. You're crusted over with snow like some little bear cub, but your face is flushed and you can scarcely breathe. How long have you been out here? You must be very cold. Let me warm you, Sansa. - Sansa VII, ASOS
Touch me.
Chapter Transitions
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janiedean · 6 years
When Rickon asks about his mother, though, Jon’s sad smile gets a little stiff. He tries to talk about how much Catelyn loved her children but Rickon cuts him off, knowing a lie when he heard one. Jon says he wasn’t lying, but he and Catelyn had a strained relationship. Jon ends up going to the one person still in Winterfell that knew Lady Catelyn, not exactly close but Cat had never actively kept her distance. Jeyne Poole is delighted to be of assistance. 🍎
........................................... WHY
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stormborns · 4 years
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Chapters of A Song of Ice & Fire - A Clash of Kings - Bran IV      “This is Valyrian steel,” he said when the link of the dark grey metal lay against the apple of his throat. “Only one maester in a hundred wears such a link. This signifies that I have studied what the Citadel calls the higher mysteries - magic, for want of a better word. A fascinating pursuit, but of small use, which is why so few maesters trouble themselves with it.      “All those who study the higher mysteries try their own hand at spells, soon or late. I yielded to the temptation too, I must confess it. Well, I was a boy, and what boy does not secretly wish to find hidden powers in himself? I got no more for my efforts than a thousand boys before me, and a thousand since. Sad to say, magic does not work.”
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dcbicki · 7 years
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4.09 | 6.09  ❅ The more people you love, the weaker you are.
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leesielex · 2 years
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Magic Awakens | CH 25 Jon Snow (Bastard of Winterfell)
Summary: Jon struggles with more strange dreams and plays a prank on his siblings.
Small Snippet :
The wolves seemed to know what they all wanted before the children did. Sometimes the wolves chose to ignore them though, the wild willful animals that they were. Lady, Sansa’s direwolf, was the most gentle, a perfect lady like her companion. Of course, Nymeria was the fiercest, just as Arya was.
Grey Wind and Summer, Bran’s chosen name for his wolf, were loyal and protective, if not a little mischievous. Rickon’s was the wildest, but with him still just a toddler, the wolf behaved more in submission to his siblings than to Rickon’s control over “Shaggydog”, or so he believed. Arya made fun of her youngest brother at his choice of name, calling him stupid because they weren’t dogs.
Jon wasn’t sure of the creativity she expected from a toddler who barely knew how to speak yet. Oddly enough the name stuck and the wolf seemed pleased enough with it. There were some chaotic times with a home full of direwolf cubs. Mostly during dinner when the children insisted they bring their pups despite Lady Stark’s protests.
Nymeria would steal a chicken leg and run off as Arya chased her, knocking a few people on their arses. Once Catelyn gave a scream and forbade the wolves in the Great Hall after Rickon threw a tantrum and Shaggydog jumped up on top of the table, knocking goblets and plates to the floor with a crash. Then the wolf bared its teeth and growled at her. All because the boy didn’t want to eat his vegetables.
Grey Wind then jumped up to put the black wolf in its place. Food flew everywhere, upon their faces and in their hair, splattering across the floor. Their drinks spilled in Catelyn and Sansa’s laps, dripping from the table as the others lapped at the spilled meal and beverage.
Sansa cried about her ruined dress. Which caused Arya to pick up the already ruined food and use her fork to flick at her sister for the scene she created and annoying her. In turn, Lady and Nymeria were at each other’s throats joining the fight as well, growling and wrestling, baring their teeth and snapping at each other, just as their companions sometimes did to each other.
Ghost just stood obediently and silently by, watching it all unfold and waiting for Jon to sneak him scraps under the table and scratch him behind the ears. Now that the children and wolves were both older and better behaved, slightly at least, the direwolves were allowed wherever the children went. Though they still knew not to bring them to dinner. Especially if it was an important feast.
Click here to read full chapter on AO3
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
Love’s Not Always Wise Ch 68
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Celia XXI
Maester Wolkan had hidden Rickon away in the crypts and Ramsay had taken his anger out on Celia because he still needed her. He still needed someone who could give him a child with Stark blood.
Celia felt numb, the sting of the cuts had grown cold ages ago, she supposed it was the good thing that Ramsay had allowed her window to be opened, to call to her when he won.
Her face was swelling too.
But Rickon was safe. And so was Cat. Her sweet Cat was safe. The Starks would retake Winterfell.
She was certain of it. She prayed for it.
Celia closed her eyes. She begged the gods to have Ramsay defeated. She prayed that Ramsay would die.
She wanted him to die.
She wanted him to die.
Continue on Ao3
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A Preview...
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Someone requested a fix for their birthday...I don’t have the next chapter for I Just Think I’ll Scream quite ready for prime time, but here’s a sneak peak: 
Ch 20 Sansa
Robb and Ned were up and away before Sansa emerged from her shower in the morning. The house is chaos as Catelyn tries to wrangle the remaining Starks out the door. "Sansa, stop feeding Shaggydog scraps from the table and get dressed! Bran, there are two boxes of gourds by the back door that need to be brought to the store for the window display. Be a dear and put them in the car. And where are Arya and Rickon?" 
 Sansa skips up the stairs before she's pulled into the hunt, almost knocking into her younger sister as she slides down the bannister. "One of these days that's going to break."
 "Whatever, killjoy."
 "Mom is looking for you, but you better change. We are supposed to wear floral for the Women's Club Bake Sale. It's themed and Cersei Lannister is going to be there, so we have to be on our best behavior." Her little sister is wearing their dad's old Falcon's sweatshirt and ripped up jeans, looking for all the world like she's about to spend the day painting a house or cleaning out a garage, and not hobnobbing with their mother's friends and clients. 
 "I'm not working the bake sale. I'm selling tickets to the haunted fun house with Mycah." 
 "Says who?" 
Before Arya can respond, Catelyn is at the bottom of the stairs. "Me. You know that it'll be better for everyone if Arya isn't cooped up all day in a tent with the Women's Club ladies. Help me get through the midday rush, Sansa, and you can slip away and spend the afternoon with Harry if you'd like." 
 "Gods, Mom! They broke up weeks ago! Catch up!" Arya yells as the back door slams behind her and Sansa is alone, staring down the steps at her mother whose face has fallen into a look of concern. 
 "Oh, Sansa, dear. Why didn't you tell me?" 
 She sighs, "It's fine, Mom. Like Arya said, it happened weeks ago, and it was just a high school fling. They aren't meant to last." She turns back up the stairs, not waiting to see if her brush off was convincing. She dresses in the dark maxi dress waiting on her hook, with its long flowy sleeves and pattern of intricate woodland flowers. Usually, she feels like Florence Welch in it. Today though, as she inspects herself before the mirror, it's coming off less stylishly bohemian and more dowdy Victorian with the small ruffles along the high collar and shoulders. Ygritte would never wear something like this, a small ugly voice whispers. 
 Just as she's about to dive back into her closet, Bran yells up the stairs, "We're going to leave without you, Sansa," and it makes her choice for her. It's fine. She'll just hide in a corner of the tent with Old Nan and sneak lemon cakes all day. No one has to see her. So what if the band is playing this afternoon? It's not like any of them care if she watches their show, and she's basically heard the whole set already in rehearsals. It's not like Robb told everybody at school about it. It's not like she promised to get there early and save a spot up front with Marge and Jeyne. 
Ygritte will probably be there to watch Jon. Best to skip...at least until she gets over her absurd crush. 
 "Sansa! Mom is literally starting the engine!" Bran yells again. 
 "Coming!" The best she can do is throw on sunglasses and a wide-brimmed fedora and hope no one recognizes her. Outside, Arya is still arguing with Rickon about buckling his car seat and Cat is on her phone, pacing up the driveway while Bran sits on the back step, whistling the march from Bridge Over the River Kwai. "Liar," Sansa flicks off his baseball cap. "We're nowhere near about to leave."
 "She was starting the engine before her phone rang."
 When they finally find a parking spot, it's apparent to everyone that they would have been better off leaving the car at home and walking. Though the festival hasn't officially started yet, the main street is closed off, and the big parking lot has been covered in carnival rides overnight. Arya peels off from their group when Mycah gives her a holler from on top of the Ferris wheel, leaving Bran and Sansa to lug the several boxes filled with decorative gourds to the hardware store, while their mom takes Rickon and their contributions to the bake sale in the opposite direction.  
 Outside the store entrance, Benjen is struggling with his pop-up tent, which keeps leaning to one side in the wind, while Meera watches him from the front step. "This is your fault, Sansa! Making me set up a stand, like I'm some lady selling doilies at a craft fair," He curses when the whole thing folds up on top of him.
 "Good morning to you too, Uncle Ben," she rolls her eyes. "Where is Robb? He can get you bags of sand to anchor the tent. And don't knock doilies. There are entire rooms at the Met devoted to Myrish Lace alone. You can poke fun at craft fairs once even one of your pieces is on display at a similarly storied institution. Until then, you better get comfortable setting up this tent because I have three holiday craft markets lined up for you this season."
 "You're just supposed to be sprucing up my website, not taking over the business! And don't get me started on your brother. I haven't had my morning caffeine fix yet because he disappeared on a coffee run ages ago. How long does it take to pour a bloody cup of coffee? If Jon Snow is holding up my joe with some pumpkin spice, whipped cream nonsense-"
On cue, Mr. paparazzo himself, appears in the doorway and before Sansa can land on an emotion, he's lifting the box from her arms with a gruff "G'morning Sansa," and then he's back in the shop, leaving her empty-handed and a bit empty-headed. 
 "He looks like he needs caffeine more than you," she remarks at last, meeting eyes with her uncle.
 Meera sniggers. "You think? He looks like he spent the night sleeping under a car." Sansa wouldn't go that far, but it was hard to miss the circles under his eyes or how pale and papery his skin looked in the cold morning light. 
 "Give the kid a break. They played their first show last night, didn't they? If he's a bit wrung out this morning, that just means he's doing it right." Benjen jumps to Jon's defense. 
 "Well then, he's been doing it right every weekend. He's looked like this every morning since he started at the store," Meera says, heading back inside to supervise since Robb is still M.I.A. Sansa thinks about Ygritte's Instagram feed with its late night cigarettes and coffee at the diner and regular parties in what looks like someone's grungy basement. So, Jon works hard and plays hard. It's not entirely shocking. It niggles at her though; how tired he looks and how he doesn't talk about partying when he's at Winterfell. Her other friends are always eager to share their weekend escapades, but when Sansa asked how his party went when his Mom was out of town, Jon just gave her a noncommittal shrug and told her it was fine. 
 That's because you aren't really friends. She turns, more than ready to join her mom at the bake sale, when Robb comes skipping across the street with a drink carrier in hand. "Sansa! Just the girl I'm looking for." Her brother is as chipper as ever, seemingly inured to whatever effects from last night's show have taken the wind from Jon Snow's sails. "Can you help with the window display? Mom told me to spiff it up for the festival, but you've got a better eye for that kind of thing."
 "Oh, sure. Skip out of work for an hour to flirt with some barista and then come back at the last minute to coerce your sister into doing your job?" Benjen barks and Robb's face turns scarlet. 
 "I… uh, what? No… I wasn't flirting…" 
 "Aren't you doing the same thing to me, Uncle Ben?" Sansa retorts, saving her brother from his bumbling. She makes a note to stop by the coffee shop and find out who this barista is. Uncle Benjen may be onto something. "Come on Robb, give Uncle Benji his coffee and I'll spare a few minutes for a consultation." 
 Inside, Bran and Meera are balancing tiny pumpkins on their heads as they wind through the aisles, trying to trip each other up. Jon Snow is leaning against the paint counter, looking ragged. She fights the urge to ask him if he's okay, opting instead to tip over Bran's pumpkin and herd him over to the window display. "Here, help me before Mom walks by and turns Robb into the headless horseman." They distribute the gourds in artfully artless piles throughout the window, as Jon and Robb hang a paint chip mobile over their heads; the autumnal pièce de résistance that Sansa spent hours making last year.
"Sans, I wish you could have been there last night. It was amazing," Robb excitedly recounts the band's show, "Jon was on fire, and apparently some promoters from White Harbor were there and Satin thinks he can book us some shows at North State! Isn't that great?"
 "Yeah, though, won't that be hard with swimming?" She doesn't want to rain on Robb's parade, but maybe Arya is right. She is a killjoy.
 "I have a meet in White Harbor next month. Maybe we can book a few gigs around it. What do you think, Jon? You up for a weekend road trip?"
 "Uh.." Jon scratches at his neck, blearily. "I mean, that's a long drive to do late at night."
 "Don't worry, we'll get a hotel for the weekend!"
 "I don't know-"
 The bell jingles at the door, and before Meera can scramble off the counter where she's been reading a comic, Catelyn is inside, gazing around the space, looking deeply unimpressed. 
 "Mom, uh, we were just finishing up with the decorations." Robb wobbles on the ladder in terror, unable to hook the last end of the mobile in place, and Bran ducks behind a pile of pumpkins, trying to hide his glee.
 "Robb, you should have opened the store fifteen minutes ago. How are you just now finishing the decorations?"
“Well, the gourds only just arrived-” Robb starts, lamely. 
“Never mind,” their mom sweeps through the space, picking up the boxes still out from stocking, tidying the candy by the register, before turning one last critical eye on her teenage employees. Jon cups his neck as he holds the ladder with his other hand. Robb scrambles down, having finally managed to hang the mobile correctly, rushing forward to grab the empty boxes from his mother. “Cersei Lannister is going to be here any minute. Get this garbage to the back. Meera, flip the sign and Jon, take the ladder back and...splash some water on your face or something. You look like death, warmed over. Jory is coming around ten, if you need to take the afternoon off.” 
Jon’s ears turn pink as he folds up the ladder beside Sansa, and she looks out the window, mortified. “Sorry Mrs. Stark, but that’s not necessary” he begins, but Catelyn is already walking back to the office with a tired wave. 
“I said it was a lot of hours you were taking on between school, the lumberyard and this. Just make sure you are fitting sleep in or you’ll make yourself sick, dear.” 
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schnoogles · 4 years
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CH5: All Night written for the @jonsadungeonsanddrabbles autumn drabble event! Day 5: Frosty Mornings or AND Firelight Read on Ao3 CH: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
“I am completely stuffed.” Jon licked off the crumbs of the biscotti from his fingers. “That was incredibly delicious, Sans. Gods, I wish I could eat all night long.”
Sansa lifted a brow and smirked. Oh really?
“The food ,” Jon huffed. 
After seeing his reaction to her grinding pun and rather enjoying his blushes, Sansa kept going with the innuendos. “Oh Jon, don’t you love whipped cream? I sometimes eat it straight from the can. I just love the taste of cream squirted on my tongue.” and “It’s great that I own a coffee shop isn’t it? I can have as much caffeine as I want so I have the energy to stay up all night long.” and the worst one (his favourite, actually, but he won’t admit it) “Is the drink too hot? I can cool it down for you, I’m really good at blowing hot things.” Jon shifted uncomfortably at that one. His jeans had gotten inexplicably tight, and it wasn’t from the food. Her tantalizing comments kept coming and unfortunately he did not.
Sansa giggled. “Aw, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to embarrass you. I’ll stop, I promise.”  Actually please don’t. Sansa leaned back on her palms. “So, now what? We’ve checked off hot chocolate, bonfire, fortunetelling, feasting.”
“Suppose all that’s left is a mummer’s play,” Jon may have been joking, but Sansa’s eyes lit up. “Wait. No no no, Sansa, I can’t act. You know I can’t act.”
“I happen to think you’d make a perfect King Finvarra.” she sniffed. “But fine. We don’t have any costumes anyhow.”
Jon snorted. “If I’m King Finvarra, then you’re Oona, High Queen of the faeries.”
She tilted her chin up. “If I am High Queen, then I demand you perform a play for me!” A sudden sound of a thunderclap shook the windows. Sansa shrunk. “Okay, clearly we should not be making fun of the fae queen right now. Else she’ll send her weather spirits again.” With a final stretch of her arms, Sansa lied down by the fire, facing Jon. After moving the tray of empty dishes on a nearby table, Jon followed suit. Turning on his side to look back at her, all Jon could see was her silhouette from the firelight. And it was a breathtaking image.
“Do you actually believe in all that? In the fae?” Jon was curious. He knew the Starks held a slightly more religious relationship with Samhain, but he never really asked about it.
Sansa took her time and thought about his question before answering. “Yeah, I think I do. I mean it explains a lot of the things that happen in our day to day lives, you know?” Seeing Jon’s slight head shake, she elaborated, “Like when you lose your keys and they magically turn up, or when you feel a breeze run through your hair and wonder if it’s alive.” Sansa rolled back to face the ceiling, “Or when it’s snowing and you feel the drifting snowflakes brushing your cheek, almost like a-”
“Like a lover’s kiss.” She could feel his heated stare on her and it made Sansa blush darker than she had all night. He was completely enraptured, and it thrilled her.
Still unused to this type of prolonged attention though, she cleared her throat. “Besides, my mother swears Rickon is a changeling. Says he’s too feral to be hers.”
Jon rolled on his back too and sniggered. “Oh, Rickon not Arya? Sometimes I swear she’s the most wild of us all.”
“Nah,” Sansa chuckled, “She may look like my dad, but Arya takes after our mother. Clever, resourceful, and incredibly feisty.”
“You know,” Jon said thoughtfully, “I’m always surprised when I think about how you two never got on when you were younger. You’re thick as thieves now.”
“It’s not that we didn’t get along per se, but what 9 and 11 year old sisters ever do? We were just so different and didn’t understand how to relate to each other. So we lashed out.” They lay in a comfortable silence until Sansa asked, “So what about you? Why don’t you believe in fae? In magic?”
“I dunno, I think it was just harder for me to believe in magic with my childhood, you know? Don’t get me wrong, I love my mum and I’m proud and happy at where we are now. It was just… unnecessarily hard.” He looked over to Sansa, bracing himself for the expected look of pity, but instead found none.
“Honestly Jon, fuck your dad. Your mother did an amazing job with you.”
Overcome with so much emotion, he reached out for Sansa and held her in a tight embrace. And that’s how they spent the rest of their night. Snuggled together by the firelight, talking about anything and everything until they fell asleep. A last thought lingered before he dozed off completely. Maybe I do believe in magic.
A rustling noise outside woke Jon up. Sometime during their slumber, the fire had died out and now the room was dark and chilly from the early morning frost that was seeping in. The windows were all fogged up, but he could see glowing lights dancing around the outside. No way. Before Jon could think anymore on them, Sansa began to stir. Having her stretch and moan, all while still pressed up against him, made Jon pleasantly uncomfortable.
“Good morning,” she croaked. Jon couldn’t see her face (they were still spooning) but her raspy voice made him more pleasantly uncomfortable. “What time is it?”
“I dunno, it’s still dark out. I’m guessing around 5 or 6?” he quieted down to listen for the familiar pitter patter. “And I think it’s still raining.”
Sansa shifted to snuggle closer to him and then chuckled, “Is that a stray biscotti or are you just happy to see me?”
Jon coughed.
Sansa bolted up and looked at him, a cheshire grin forming on her face, “You’re happy to see me. ”
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Ch 24 - Rhaenyra’s Crown
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Part 25
Fire Of A Stark
I, Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit.
I, Lord Hobert Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, and Voice of Oldtown, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra.
I, Boremund Baratheon... promise to be faithful to King Viserys…
I, Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Warden of the North…
Reading over the documented coronation of the black queen they called her I was sitting on one of the beds inside the abandoned dragon castle. Footsteps came closer to the door before Jaime came inside, closing the door behind him. He walked over to the bed seeing my head buried in a book reminding him for a second like his brother because I didn't look up until he sat down making the bed dip at his weight. "I would have thought you had finished that book, little dragon."
"I found a whole library full of them that someone had transported here before the fall of the house. But this is the end of the one your brother gave me. I still have a bunch of pages of Vayarin to learn. But listen to this, I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name... King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name...Rhaenyra Targaryen Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne."
He leans back on his palms nodding his head at me. "If you think she wants you to become the queen then why aren't you wearing her crown?"
"Because no one can know my true blood except you." Lifting my gaze up from the pages I eyed the object across the room sitting on a dresser with a dusty mirror.
He placed his left hand over my right shifting my gaze to focus on my lord husband as he softly declared. "You don't have to hide anymore. I swore that to you back in King's Landing. The men that are following us to the rock are loyal to my house. They shall serve whatever command we give to them. So you can show your natural hair." He moved his hand up, threading his fingers through my brown hair.
"Jaime, it's sweet that you think that's an option but we - I can't possibly-" He cuts me off resting a hand to my cheek making me look him in the eye before he kisses me quickly.
"Stop worrying, Lynesse. No better yet fuck worry. Fuck anyone who wants to come after you because I will protect you. Targaryens may not rule anymore but you'll be my queen from this day until the end of our days." He rose to his feet striding over and picking up the golden crown coming back over to me. "I may not be a king and I am not very good at being a Lord. But I name you my queen Lynesse Targaryen-Lannister."
Sucking in a breath I could hardly believe it. Here I have been thinking that someday he would come to see that all Targaryen blood acted the same and that he would kill me but he doesn’t seem that way. He may not ever truly love me yet he trusts me enough to let me live by his side. “Jaime I…I’m not queen material.”
“You are to me, Lynesse.” He declared gently sitting the golden crown on top of my head pushing some of my hair down and took a step back. “You can be who you truly are around me.”
Rising to my feet I rushed forward flinging my arms around his neck where he stumbled a little wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close to his chest. Lifting my head up the crown actually doesn't fall off my head like I thought it might. "A white haired Targaryen might give a Lion some trouble. Can you handle that hmm?"
"This Lion will learn to handle dragon fire." He smirked tugging me closer making me giggle before I jumped up trying to wrap my arms around his waist but I felt a sharp pain in my back before I felt like I needed to throw up again. Holding my stomach I rushed towards the pot puking with my hair falling in front of my face.
Jaime came over, moving it out of the way, hearing me struggling to catch my breath after that. When I had thrown up in the weeks prior to this one we were sailing until we reached land so we both assumed it was sea sickness since I had never been outside of Winterfell until the king road North. But the fact that it was happening on land meant something else we just weren't sure yet. "Find me a Maester, Jaime…"
"I don't want to leave you here like this. Can you walk with me?" He was concerned about me while resting his golden hand on my back searching my eyes.
Sucking in a breath I croaked out intertwining my freehand with his right arm. "I'm alright…but something is definitely different."
Together Jaime and I slowly moved through the castle passing some of the guards that had been on the boat with us. We had decided that we would give the men a rest before we made the truck back towards Casterly Rock since there wasn’t any real good food or other supplies kept in this castle. From the looks of it no one had been here since the fall of the Mad King. Seeing as everyone in the world thinks the Targaryens are all gone. Finally we found the room that we had given to a Maester that had traveled with us. “Maester, my wife is still throwing up.” Jaime exclaimed, helping me sit down on the bed in front of the older man.
“Let’s have a look, my lady.” He replied, coming to stand in front of me. He placed his hands on my stomach looking me up and down before asking a question I should have been prepared for. “When was the last time you’ve bled. Lady Lannister?”
Stuttering out a response I couldn’t really remember when. Tyrion’s trial had kept my mind busy more than anything. “I can’t remember to be honest sir.”
“Well if you are having morning sickness like this and haven’t bled in the last few weeks we have been on this trip then I must congratulate you both my lord, my lady. You are pregnant.” He spoke shifting his gaze up from me then to Jaime. “I’ll give you two a few moments alone.”
Once he left my hands dropped to my stomach grinning ear to ear. My hair falling over my shoulders I turned my head in the direction of Jaime. I couldn’t imagine what was running through his head but it would be my first child. One that would be both Lannister and Targaryen blood. “Jaime, we’re going to have a child. Our first child. We’re going to have a child.”
Jaime was frozen in his own thoughts about what the old man had said moments ago. He never thought he would ever become lord of the rock and bear children. And even the ones he had conceived with Cersei were never truly his. “I’m going to be a father, Lynesse…I’m going to be a father.”
“You’re right I am done hiding, let's go show them their true Lady Lannister.” Rising to my feet I grabbed his forearm leading him back to our chambers. Bursting through the doors I softly removed Rhaenyra’s crown, getting my hair completely wet removing the brown dye that named me Stark. Coming back into our bedroom Jaime was seated on the edge of the bed holding the crown in his left hand locking eyes with me.
Running my hands through my hair even though it was still dripping wet you could see the white coming through much stronger than the dark color. Wearing one of my gray tunic shirts and red trousers with boots I walked over attaching my sword to my hip moving to stand in front of Jaime once again when he rose to his feet. He lifts the crown sitting it back on my head slowly dropping his hands at his sides before I blurted out the words I never thought I would. “Jaime, I don’t expect you to say it back but I think I am falling in love with you. Throughout everything we have been through you have never forced me to be something I am not. You have vowed to protect me and..I have no doubt that you will this child, our child. Just know that some part of me is falling in love with you.”
“You’re right I can’t say it yet but I’ll show you close to that, my dragon queen.” He tugged me into his chest, crashing his lips down onto mine deeply. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist as he held me up with his real and golden hand, never breaking the kiss. My hands found themselves in his short hair when he spun us around gently letting us fall back onto the bed. My hair sprawled out underneath me while I pushed him off removing the crown and my shirt sitting the object on the table. Jaime removed his shirt before I pulled him in for a long kiss that would lead to many more in the night to come.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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man-in-yell0w · 4 years
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I was dead once and now I live. This must be why.
Robb’s face looked back at him against the black of his eyelids as he rested his face in his palms. Those striking blue eyes that Jon always wished he had. He was king before him; he died for the North, and Jon knew then that if he didn’t fight with all he had within him for their independence and justice, that Robb’s death will have been in vain. And Rickon’s. Even Catelyn Stark came to his mind. She was a Stark, no matter what else, and he would not let her death be in vain.
Excerpt from Ch. 3 (currently in progress) of We Were Made for the North, You and I
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The Dove and Her Hound - CH. TwentyEight
Title: Get the Maester 
Words: 1,061
Warnings: Slight swearing
A/N: Hey! So I don’t know if y’all saw or not, but I have opened requests. If you’d like to request something, please read my Things I Write For list then send me an ask! I’d love to write something for y’all. 
Taglist:  @tonbluemchen @affection-rabbit @art-flirt @10morgan10 @thatting @iwontdance-dontaskme @simsvetements
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Sandor Masterlist
Game of Thrones Masterlist
Arya, Jon, Daenerys, and the armies had left Winterfell and you were basically on your own. Jon had asked Tormund and Sam to keep watch over you and Sansa while he was gone and since you were put on bedrest, you were somewhat glad for the company. Gilly had become a close friend and when you found out she was pregnant too, you were ecstatic. She was only around five months, but the children would have someone close in age to each other and you couldn’t wait. If Gilly wasn’t with Sam, she was with you.
Sam visited sometimes as well and you were happy to finally get to know the man Jon called his best friend. Sam would entertain you and Gilly with stories of the two of them when they were at Castle Black. He told you of how he and Jon met, and how Jon had stood up for him in front of Thorne even though that didn’t bode well for Jon.
 Tormund would visit as well, but not as often. You enjoyed his company as he had brought Ghost with him. The only time the Direwolf left was when it was time to eat. Right after the meal was finished you could find him curled up into a ball on your bed. When you were asleep, he was awake and when you were awake, he would sleep for a while. Most of the time, Tormund would tell stories of the North to you and you would tell him stories of your childhood. You wouldn’t say that the two of you were friends, but you had definitely gotten closer.
 It was three weeks after everyone had gone to the Capital when you went into labor. Tormund was visiting you when your water broke. Your eyes widened in surprise and when the first contraction hit, you cried out in pain. Tormund looked up at you and stood up.
 “The baby coming?” He asked.
 “Yes! Please go get the Maester!”
 “I’ll be right back.” Tormund got up and all but ran out of the room. He bumped into Sam in the corridor and all he said was ‘baby’ before continuing on to the Maester. Sam hurried to you and when he entered the room he saw you panting in pain and clutching your sheets. Ghost was pacing on the floor and whining whenever you cried out. He recognized Sam and trotted over to him, pushing him with his snout over to you.
 “Tormund’s gone to get the Maester. Your sister and Gilly will soon be here too,” Sam said to you. He got a piece of cloth wet and started dabbing it on your face. “We have to get you ready for the Maester.”
 Sam helped you sit up slightly against the headrest and put all of your pillows behind you so you could be more comfortable. He had just placed the last pillow behind you when the Maester came into the room.
 “Alright. You need to wait out in the hall,” he told Sam. “The midwives will be here soon and no one else will be in the room.”
 “Please. Don’t make him go,” you said. You knew how grisly childbirth could be and you needed someone to be with you.
 “I’m sorry, milady. But he can’t be here.”
 “Then what about Sansa? Or Gilly?”
 “Lady Sansa can be present,” the Maester said after a moment. “But no one else.”
 “Thank you.” You squeezed Sam’s hand and he smiled back. As he was leaving, Gilly and Sansa burst into the room. Sansa immediately made her way over to you and when Gilly tried to get to you, one of the midwives stopped her.
 “Only Lady Sansa can be in the room. You will have to wait outside with everyone else.”
 It looked as if Gilly wanted to protest, but Sam stopped her and led her outside the room. You wanted to acknowledge them, but another contraction stole your attention. You noticed Sansa’s presence next to you but jumped when someone took your other hand. Looking up, you saw Tormund.
 “You can’t be in here—“ The Maester started to say before Tormund cut him off with a look.
 “I’m staying and you can’t make me leave,” Tormund said. You smiled at him as thanks and bared down as more contractions hit. It had only just begun but you couldn’t wait for it to be over.
 Anyone who tells you that childbirth is a beautiful thing was lying out of their ass. It was painful and loud and long. It took twelve hours for your child to finally be born and by the end of it you were exhausted. The Maester had taken your firstborn away to be washed and swaddled while Sansa brushed your hair away from your sweaty forehead.
 “You did great, [y/n],” she said softly.
 “I’m pleased to announce that you gave birth to a healthy baby boy!” The Maester said as he brought your babe back to you.
 “A boy,” you whispered.
 “What will you name him?” Tormund asked you.
 “I don’t know. I have a few choices picked out, but I can’t decide.”
 “What about Eddard?” Sansa suggested.
 “That was one of them. Along with Rickon and Robb.”
 “Eddard was your fathers name, yes?” Tormund asked.
 “Yes. And the other two were my brothers.”
 “I think Eddard is a great name for your baby then. I’ve heard great things about that man.”
 “Jon told you the stories?” Tormund nodded.
 “Eddard Stark. Welcome to the world.” You held your babe close to your chest and kissed his little forehead. Sansa smiled lovingly at the sight and squeezed your hand.
 “You should feed him. I bet he’s hungry. We’ll leave you alone, but I’ll have someone posted at your door so if you need anything you won’t have to go far,” Sansa said.
 “Thank you.” Sansa and Tormund got up and left the room. You were alone with your child and you suddenly felt tears well up in your eyes. Your husband was not with you and you didn’t think that he would ever hold his child and that thought killed you more than him leaving did. Forcing the tears back, you started to feed your son. Now was not the time to dwell on those thoughts. You had a child to care for now.
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janiedean · 6 years
When Rickon returns to Winterfell, he doesnt remember much about his family, so Jon starts sharing stories. He talks about Ned’s justice, how Robb always knew the right words, how Sansa sung romances until everyone groaned, how Arya never kept a dress clean, how Bran had a personal goal to steal a pastry from the kitchen without being seen (Arya did it all the time and Bran wanted to at least once). 🍎
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mkstrigidae · 3 years
hi!! in the APWH universe who is still not over vine and who is into tiktok? thanks in advance for your answer, and i just want to let you know what i love all of your fics! this answer will help me wait for ch 14 of APWH lol
Hi friend! This is a hard one to answer for two reasons:
1. I am fanatical about data privacy and so deliberately don’t keep certain apps like FB and tik tok on my phone, so I don’t actually know much about tik tok, and,
2. In-universe, the Starks are actually extremely mindful of their privacy- the next few chapters will get into some of the ramifications that arose from the type of press coverage Sansa’s case received, because it really shaped how they interact with the world, and how private most of them tend to be.
That being said, if there was a way to have customizable privacy preferences on vine or tik tok in the APWH cinematic universe, Robb is 100% the one who’s mourning vine the most, followed closely by Aegon. The rest of them have easily moved on to tik tok, especially Arya and Rickon, who would 100% post those dance tik tok challenges or whatever they’re called.
Jon misses vine, and probably has the same privacy concerns I do, and he doesn’t really understand how tik tok works yet, and Rhae thinks that all of them are a waste of time- she’s an instagram gal (as a result of spending waaaay too much time with Margaery). Theon was vine-famous for posting videos of himself or his family doing stupid shit (he has a lot of weird uncles), but can’t seem to make it on tik tok and is really put out about it and won’t shut up about how tik tok is the gentrified version of vine. Mya is definitely mourning the chaotic energy of vine, but Sansa’s kind of apathetic- like Rhae, she’s more into instagram stuff, but never posts pictures of herself, only her projects.
Bran was vine-famous and is now tik-tok famous for making ominous shitposting-esque videos about history, and anything he can goad rickon and arya into trying (Catelyn intervened after they tried that one internet challenge where you try to pour rubbing alcohol on your hand and then temporarily set it on fire, and no one’s eardrums have been the same since).
Thanks for the ask!!! 😊💕
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harrenhollaback · 4 years
5, 6, 9 and 11!
5. rank the starks and explain yourself, you monster
love that we sent this to each other. leo energy (my moon). OKAY.
jon snow << rickon << robb << bran << sansa << arya << LYANNA.
sorry to say it to your face, raniyah ): i just find jon so boring? he might get more interesting to me in the books but his chapters are sooo cold and bleak and woman-less and that’s a big ol dock.
don’t know enough about bb rick yet but he still has more personality to me than jason sno. robb i feel like outside of red wedding sympathy just has a rachel berry-ness to him. like if richard madden wasn’t hot, we’d all see it. bowlcut bran has rights. sansa and arya is pure favoritism. LYANNA is the OG-EST. the quim that toppled MULTIPLE dynasties. the knight of the laughing tree?? stunt queen til death and BEYOND. who else is doing it like she???
6. rank arya’s dads: syrio, yoren, the hound, ned, whoever else
fuckinnnnn this is a thing w me in everyday real life, i’m always asking ppl questions i can’t answer myself lol.
show!hound > ned > syrio > yoren > book!hound.
oh wow i really hate this LOL. je suis regrette!!!
9. ideal endings for the starklings in the books? 
i’m still on like ch 5 of storm aha butttt. i’m down with king bran in the NORTH w sansa and arya on council. i wanted arya to kill cersei in the show but i don’t actually want her to kill anyone in her prayer in the books, i’d rather that just be a successful spell she casts. her giving mercy to lady stoneheart is also the way for me .-. anyway, ALIVE rickon brings unicorns to winterfell. bran somehow brings back the children of the forest and gives them lands. he learns from the reeds how to enjoy frog meat (’: and jon chilling w the wildlings and ALIVE giants is pleasing to me. basically need the north to be the most magically poppin disneyland of westeros. 
11. how would you have spent arya’s 3 names in harrenhal?
i would NOT have been clever enough to name jaqen so i super respect her for that one. joffrey at the top, speed this whole thing along. tywin so he can get off my boy robb. and then the mountain for taking me off the schedule putting her in harrenhal in the first place and bc he’s out there being too op. do multiple factions a favor bc i’m generous like that.
thank you for hitting me with the hardest ones, you sadist!!
arya-centris asks 📜
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