#ch: sesshomaru
sorrowmarked · 1 year
THE    FIVE    SENSES     /      SENTENCE    STARTERS  . || accepting
​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞ -- @nouvomond (sesshomaru @ mitsuri)
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"Kyaaaaa!! Really?" Mitsuri missed the warning lacing his tone, and completely forgetting she was dealing with a demon (the very thing she was supposed to be slaying) she reached out and rubbed her hands along the thick luxurious fur that trailed behind him. "It's so soft!! I can't believe how soft it is!" She said, rubbing her hands along it, before she looked up at his face.
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"T-that was improper, wasn't it?"
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kikyocaps · 20 days
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deilantha · 6 months
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Family's portrait.
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towl · 6 months
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Rin & Sesshomaru ♡ Hanyo no Yashahime, Ch. 31
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la-hannya · 1 year
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Staring at her for the longest time in silence, the daiyoukai allowed himself to take in her close presence for a few more moments, the warmth that now so effortlessly radiated from her skin, her scent and the vivid brightness of her clever eyes.
"War is not your province, Kikyo." He determined simply.
Surprised by the plainness of his reply, Kikyo tilted her head slightly to the side.
"Is that so?" She further demanded, a hint of skepticism carefully laced into her calm tone.
But her lover's next explanation was something that she most certainly did not ever foresee...
"On the night of our first encounter." Sesshomaru said, gold boring into her deep brown, "You decided to grant that lowlife with the luxury of companionship in death, yet when he asked for you to be the one to end his pitiful existence, you hesitated."
Her eyes widened slightly to the unpredictable and blunt reasoning, recalling Suikotsu and his last wish; a harsh deduction which the daiyoukai had already made once before, yet at a time when Kikyo did not grant it much special thought. She said nothing as the familiar prick of guilt let itself be known once more, however, at this point, the woman knew better than to somehow hinder Sesshomaru's perceptive views, and she only quietly listened to the rest of his verdict;
"Your hands were not meant to take life." He continued, his rich voice as if gradually soothing her rampant thoughts, "I, Sesshomaru, shall be the one to relieve you of this final burden."
Passage from ch.45 of The Rift Between Auras X
SessKik art by X
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a-writers-blurbs · 1 year
Too Many PLOT Bunnies 🐰
I think I have a problem when it comes to coming up with story ideas. 🙃
So I've come up with... you guessed it... another story idea. This one's a bit different & I was inspired by ch 29 of the book Sixty Days by snmwordbender
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I'm thinking something along the lines of Sesshomaru & Inuyasha in competition for Kagome. But with a funny undertone vs serious.
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I reaaaaaally have too many ideas in my head 😅😅
Maybe I should just write a book of story prompts...
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kawaiichan67 · 1 year
Hanami Fortunes Ch. 9
InuKag MirSan Modern AU
For @liz8080
Taisho Inu Yasha is lonely. He has felt the tug of his Red Thread but can’t seem to meet his soulmate. Enter his interfering older brother Sesshomaru and best friend Miroku who decide that his best chance is to meet her at the company’s hanami. It’s his fate, after all. Too bad Inu Yasha has his eye on one of his co-workers.
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elevenharbor · 2 years
midnight bribe, moonlight bride - ch 3
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3. The Session (Sesshomaru) (scroll down for the accompanying art for this chapter [: )
“Here we are, Mr. Taisho.”
My masseuse, Kagome, announced as we arrived at our destination. I was only half-focused as I trailed behind her to the spa room, which was highly uncharacteristic of me. I would’ve collided with her had I not stopped in time, just a hair’s breath away.
My attention was occupied with the day’s events. My migraine had managed to not ravage me completely, leaving some of my sanity intact. Being away from my own home, away from the source of my quandary, and taking refuge here at this spa with the just the right person I was looking for has also lessened the strain, somewhat.
It’s quite perplexing the lengths I was willing to going through to avoid the issue. Again, not the usual response I was known to take. I tackled on problems, not ran away from them. Running away was for cowards.
And I was being a coward right now, which annoyed me to no end.
Kagome handed me a white robe to change into, the soft cotton’s weight barely registering in my hand. I didn’t even notice her step out of the room to give me privacy as I divested my clothing and footwear, not bothering to do so in the changing rooms a few steps away.
My mother’s words replayed in my mind. Find a suitable partner and get married in 365 days, starting today, or risk losing everything I have worked hard for. What a ludicrous demand. She knew I was picky with my partners, much to her delight. Unlike most mothers, Kimi Taisho relished in my plight, much to my irritation. The glint in her eyes right before she left told me she would get her way.
I would stop at nothing to prove her otherwise, which is how I found myself here.
“This feels rather different than usual,” I said, disregarding the robe. Dressed in only tailored trunks, I inspected the space, taking note of all the little details that added to the calming mood. The sweet aroma of the houjicha tea Kagome had generously prepared for me became stronger. That’s when I noticed that it was the only smell I could make out. The usual overpowering scent of lavender, eucalyptus, or whatever concoction of bath salts and hair treatments that blanketed the space was missing, or barely detectable. The faint sound of running water from small indoor bamboo water fountain to the right of the tub was the only ambient noise that served as the accompanying soundtrack. It was pleasant to my senses.
The steaming tea cup was laid out neatly next to a row of glowing candles, illuminating the space just enough and adding to the tranquil environment. The candles that stood vigil on the foot of the warm water bath gave an ethereal feel to the usual dismal space. Kagome had transformed it into an oasis of sorts.
“I wanted to create a relaxing space for you, Mr. Taisho,” she replied, making herself comfortable on the seat next to where my head would lay. “Mr. Jaken’s phone call made it seem like you had a rough day. You also seem a little…preoccupied, more so than usual.”
She was perceptive, I’d give her credit for that. Or was I that easy to read? I made a mental note to check the latter when I was done here. I couldn’t have my adversaries, nor my mother, see through me. I was an impenetrable wall of emotion. Leaving me vulnerable was out of the question. It would be bad for my image and my business.
I stepped in the bath. The water was the perfect temperature. I felt the muscles on my neck and shoulder release its tension as I submerged most my body. Soon after, Kagome’s soft hands made its way to my tresses and I immediately relaxed. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh I didn’t know I was holding as I melted under her touch. We sat in comfortable silence as she repeatedly massaged my temples while the water gently cascaded over my head, washing my troubles away with it.
“You are quite skilled with your hands. A magician at work.”
Kagome’s ministrations paused for a moment, prompting me to crack an eye open. A faint pink glow caught my periphery. Curious, I opened both eyes and was met with wide cerulean orbs staring back at me ghastly. The pink glow subsided instantly as she retracted her hands. I almost winced at the miss of her touch. Almost.
“I see.”
“S-see what, Mr. Taisho?”
“You are a sorceress of sorts.” I watched her visibly flinch at my comment.
“I-I’m not!” She stammered, her voice shaky.
“I see why your clients keep coming back. Why I keep coming back for you.” I motioned for her hands with a sideways nod, implying I was well aware of their glowing effect.
“I now know your secret. You’re in trouble.” I attempted to lighten the mood with a joke, but her impregnable silence told me otherwise.
“Do not fret,” I attempted again, more seriously this time. ”We all have skeletons in the closet.”
The silence continued. Her shifty glances gave away her predicament. This was a sore topic for her.
I tilted my head down again and closed my eyes, relaxing once more. I had to put up the effort that her kind, whatever it may be, was of no consequence to me. “Your secret is safe with me, Kagome. Shall we continue?”
This finally elicited a response. Her hands were on me again, to my relief.
“I’m…I’m a miko. Not a powerful one, but I come from a family of priests and priestesses. I lived on a shrine in my younger years.” She began, as her fingers slowly sifted through my hair. “I was made aware of my…gift…when I was in high school. No one could formally train me since none of my other family members inherited the same ability, so I took it upon myself after school to hone in on my skills.”
I could sense she still had more to say, so I let her.
“I-I haven’t had much practice with exercising my powers since were no entities that needed purification.” She continued with more conviction, whether it was to convince me that she wasn’t a threat, or to convince herself that she wasn’t about to lose another client because of her slip-up. “I’ve focused on its healing properties instead. I’ve only used it sparingly, since.”
“By sparingly, I take you mean here, with your clients?” I asked, curious.
“Yes.” She replied meekly.
So she was a priestess with holy power. Healing and purification, to be exact. The latter could be dangerous for me given my station as a demon, if I was any ordinary demon.
But I was no ordinary demon. Far from it.
Perhaps tonight would be a night to trade secrets to ease her worry.
“As I mentioned earlier, we all have skeletons in the closet.” I lifted my hand from under the water to unclasp the small earring on my right lobe. A glow emitted from my person, signaling my transformation. “This is one of mine.”
Her audible gasp told me she was surprised or was it fear, but I couldn’t smell her fright. I sensed her gaze on my markings while she ran a soapy hand on the crescent moon on my forehead, which slowly trailed down to the magenta stripes on my cheek. I grasped her wrist reflexively to stop her motions, startling her. She didn’t have to know yet another secret tonight; my stripes were sensitive to touch.
“I-I’m so sorry, Mr. Taisho!” She retreated her hand, but my grip was stronger. I had to be careful with my pointed claws to not puncture her skin.
“Please forgive me. It’s just that…I’ve never seen or met a demon in person, and I did not expect you, of all people, to be one.” She continued to repent for her sins. “I didn’t think demons still existed in this day and age. I grew up thinking they were folklore—a thing of past—as my grandfather reminded me constantly.”
“It’s fine,” I replied, letting her wrist go. “Sesshomaru is my name. You can drop the formalities and address me as such.”
“Thank you, Mr. Ta—I mean, Sesshomaru…sama.”
I shot her a pointed look. “You can drop that, too. I don’t need you to sound like Jaken.”
“Yes, Sesshomaru.”
“I’m pleased that we finally addressed the elephant in the room.” I said in passing, not expecting the chuckle that emitted from her. Hearing her laugh and say my given name was…pleasing. I made yet another one of many mental notes tonight.
“I trust that what’s revealed in this room will remain strictly confidential.”
“Yes, of course.” She replied promptly. “Now it makes sense why you were able to pick out the smell of houjicha from so far away. If I may ask, what kind of demon are you?”
It was my turn to be surprised. Most people, human or demon, cowered in fear or disgust when they learned of my demonic heritage. Kagome was intrigued.
Tonight was already proving that this last-minute and much needed visit to be worthwhile. I was entertained by her curiosity. Perhaps I could learn more about her and her powers in return. I decided to indulge her some more.
“I am a full-blooded dog demon. Both my mother and my late father are powerful dog demons of high standing. We have been around for quite some time.”
“I see. But why do you need to conceal yourself?” She asked, eyeing the spot where my earring was.
“As you now know, demons exist, and for a long time. Some even have a lifespan of centuries. This fact would betray the natural laws of aging, according to human terms. As humans grew in number and power, demons did the opposite. Many have suffered traumatic deaths throughout history, forcing us to go into hiding.” I said matter-of-factly. I found it was easy to divulge this information to her, a human—no, a priestess of all things. Holy men and women were known to contribute to demonic downfall. I had no doubt she has had a few ancestors who participated in such ‘events.’ Whether she knew this or not, however, was beyond me.
My instincts told me to refrain from saying more, but my tongue had a mind of its own.
“Many of the history books decided to gloss over or completely eliminate this gruesome fact, yet another means to erase our existence. It was deplorable, but fortunately I was able to adapt.”
“So…you mean to tell me, there are far more demons in disguise walking and living amongst us now, even though they are far superior than humans in almost every way?” Kagome asked, though I wasn’t sure if that was meant as an internal thought or if she was talking to me. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided to address her query.
“Correct. We needed a way to preserve our lineage and dwindling numbers. We do what we can to survive the test of time and the hunt to exterminate our kind, hence the enhancements. We had to blend in with humans or suffer the consequences, mainly death.” The last tidbit left a foul taste in my mouth.
I had personally seen many great demons' demise, whether it was in the name of wars or racial extermination. Some were unfortunately not strong enough to withstand humanoid transformations, and they were executed in their full form. It had been my, and my family’s mission, to take back our glory by reclaiming power in ways that humans understood—through money and business takeovers.
“Well, for what it’s worth, your disguise is impeccable. It’s unfortunate to hear that others weren’t given the chance to live all because of what they are, as if it was their choice. I’m sorry.” Kagome piped in, empathy laced in her tone. Yet another surprise.
“Your sympathy is noted. But it was not your doing, so you do not need to apologize on others’ behalf.”
“If there are still demons around, then why don’t they just…get married to each other and make more demons to replenish the demon race?”
An astute point, which brought me back to my current situation.
“It is not so easy. The number of full demons are few and far between. There are also other…constraints.” Social constraints, financial constraints, even the kind of demon was a constraint, if my mother had it her way, I wanted to say out loud.
“What about humans and demons uniting? Couldn’t that solve the whole…humanoid conundrum?” Kagome pressed on, moving a strand of hair that had escaped her bonnet back with her forearm. I wanted to tuck it away behind her ear or back in the bonnet for her, but I kept my hand glued to the rim of the tub. The gesture would’ve startled her, and it seemed a bit too…intimate. I’m not wont to encroach personal space, nor did I want to get her wet.
She was asking the right questions, and I was perplexed at my willingness to respond.
“There have been human-demon couplings. Most of the time, their offspring retain some of the features that give away their demon heritage, like dog ears or an elongated snout, for instance. Those are harder to conceal.”
I shifted myself higher on the tub to give her access to my torso as she adjusted herself on the chair above me. Being hunched above me for as long as she had must’ve been straining for her posture.
“How so? Isn’t that what the enhancements are for? Unless these enhancements aren’t a one-size-fits-all, which is a big problem.”
She was sharp. This was something I had also pondered since the advent of these ‘enhancements.’ It had been my mission to further advance the effectiveness of the dainty accessories as a side project to my already full schedule, but progress had been lacking. I wished my staff had half her common sense instead of settling for the current “technology” and accepting its many faults.
“The features, or deformity, as humans like to call it, depend on the demonic parent’s innate power. But as you pointed out, enhancements have limits. They only apply to those who have a near-perfect humanoid form and whose features can be concealed easily. These hanyous, or half-demons, are also considered pariahs in both human and demon circles, so their demise is inevitable.” I thought of my younger brother and his upbringing at the mention of half-demons. Had it not been for my mother’s influence, he surely would’ve been long dead. It was astonishing what money and power could provide. A definite advantage, in every sense.
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Several minutes passed by in silence as she continued to assault my shoulders, her hands slowly making their descent. Peeking a glance, I saw her brows furrow, possibly trying to figure out how to word her next questions without sounding offensive. I braced myself for the next barrage of inquiries.
“Are you expected to marry a full demon, then, Sesshomaru? To uh…To keep your lineage alive. If you aren’t already…” Kagome finally asked, her grip on the junction between my neck and shoulders strengthening as she worked the taut muscles of my trapezius. I felt a spark of electricity as the sinews of my tight flesh relented, probably with a little help from her powers. A wave of relief washed over me as the tight knots unfurled like an unwound roll of ribbon.
She was getting bolder and less formal with her questions, to my delight. It also opened a door for opportunity—an opportunity to seek her counsel and consent. She was already proving to comprehend our plight as a race with the little information I provided. I’m curious to see what she would say about my own personal predicament.
“Therein lies my current…dilemma.” I reached for the tea nearby to soothe my strained vocal cords. I had been conversing a lot today. Bringing it to my lips, the room-temperature tea had lost its warmth and allure. While it was still a fine blend, I still preferred it hot.
Kagome must’ve sensed my distaste when she abruptly retreated from my back. She apologized profusely for getting carried away with our conversation, before excusing herself to discard the liquid and heat a new batch. I wasn’t given a chance to reprimand her for her excessive apologies since it wasn’t warranted. I was also engrossed in our exchange, forgetting about the tea altogether.
I took the opportunity to stretch my arms and neck in her absence. Noting how loose they felt, I was pleased with the meticulousness of her work. Unlike the other massage therapists at this establishment, Kagome had been the most thorough, and the most tolerable in conversation. The others had simply been superfluous, whether for the sake of tips or whether they found my company delightful. I mostly gave them the could shoulder until I had been serviced by Kagome due to an emergency with one of their staff. Her conversations were refreshing.
Though I knew that I had been carrying our dialogue this time around, I did not mind in the slightest. I made the right decision to only book my future appointments with her.
I glanced at the clock on the far wall. There was still about 20 minutes left until our session ended. I did not like having time constraints that were outside my terms, but in this case, time was of the essence. I needed to get to my point with the given time we had left.
I could deal with her misgivings, as few as they were. I just hoped that after presenting her with my dilemma upon her return, she would still be willing to take me on as her client. Under no circumstance was I down to grovel or plead, but if I must do so to keep her in my employ for the hour that I was here, then I was willing to reconsider.
When she emerged a few minutes later, a steaming hot teacup in one hand and a new pot in another, Kagome halted her movements at the sight of my wet, bare chest. Turning her head askew, she offered the cup with an extended hand as I settled back in the water. I nodded my thanks and gestured for her to take her seat, sensing her discomfort at seeing my unclothed form.
I initially made no mention of it out loud, but her reaction to such trivial things was…cute, and I was in a playful mood.
“I didn’t realize seeing your clients bare made you shy, Kagome, even though I have been unclothed in your presence over the past half hour.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Tai—Sesshomaru. I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just…my clients are usually submerged in the tub for the duration of our session, and I’m too focused on my task to notice much else.” She replied curtly as she settled down, still avoiding my gaze.
She had a point. I could only chuckle in response. While most clients would regard her answer unfavorably, I didn’t mind. I was pleased with the progress we were making and how she was warming up to me.
“Very well. I know I am a sight to behold. You get a pass.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes at me as she sipped her cold tea. Grimacing, I took the cup from her hold before she could take another sip and discarded the offending liquid. Cold tea was a disgrace, and I wouldn’t let my excellent masseuse indulge in anything but fresh. She took the time to make it, so she should also savor it.
Before she could protest, I took the liberty of pouring her a new cup from the teapot.
“That tea is cold. You should also enjoy this batch with me. Don’t let it go to waste.”
“But that one was—“
I held my palm up, silencing her. “This is my request. Please oblige.”
“As you wish.”
I settled back on the tub as she blew on her cup and took a gulp of the tea. I continued on once I heard her place the cup back on the coaster.
“To answer your question from earlier, no. I am not married. I have to wed in the next year.”
The proverbial cat was out of the bag. I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest.
Shocked, her eyes raised to my own. “You have to? Like a forced, arranged marriage?” She shook her head in disapproval. “I thought that kind of practice was being phased out nowadays. It’s outdated.”
I couldn’t agree more.
“There are reasons, to put it lightly.” I treaded carefully. As much as I wanted to, I wasn’t about to throw my mother to the wolves, much less a stranger, though Kagome had already breached that distinction as far as I was concerned. She was…familiar, and a confidante to some extent. Despite the secrets that we exchanged earlier, I could’t ascertain whether she felt the same sentiment toward me. Not wanting to impose much, I kept that last bit to myself.
Kagome let out a laugh that sounded like a sigh. “Well, that sucks for you. Don’t you have a girlfriend that you can settle down with? Or is being a demon a hard requirement?”
I shook my head. Though I’m sure being a demon, a full blooded one at that, would elate my mother to the heavens, our agreement had no such terms.
“It’s hard to believe that you have absolutely no one that you would consider given your…popularity and status. I saw the recent headline about you in the tabloids.” Kagome stated warily. I could almost see her internal struggle she was having as she proceeded with caution. “I guess I wouldn’t trust a living soul if I had doubts they were after my fame and money, but I’m sure there’s someone out there. I mean…to put it frankly, you trusted me with your rather big secret, and yet you barely know me other than being your masseuse.”
“What would you do, if you were caught in my predicament?”
“Hmm…” Her head snapped back up. “Well, there are companies that specialize in these kinds of circumstances. Contractual marriages and fake relationships to keep up appearances, for a fee.”
“I am aware.” I’ve considered that route, but I still had my reservations. I needed someone I can trust, and who could understand that this was strictly business. No strings attached, but still maintained a believable appearance.
“I need someone with substance. Someone who can hold a conversation and who won’t fold under pressure. It takes blinding patience to deal with me.”
“T-They are trained professionals, with award-worthy acting skills. They could pull it off, I’m sure.” I sat back and watched her wrestle with her words. Considering she hadn’t purified me or ran out of the room up until now, I watched the display of emotion across her covered face as her eyes grew round. “You’re not suggesting…”
I studied her up and down once more as an idea materialized in my head at her indirect suggestion, even though this had been the main purpose for my visit, and why I requested her specifically, moving forward.
I sat up and turned to face her square on. “They also need to be privy to my…heritage and not cower in fear. ” I said, emphasizing my words. “Most importantly, I need someone I can talk to and tolerate. Money is not an issue.”
Kagome’s expression hardened, giving me the impression that she caught on to my insinuation. This was a shot in the dark. If I were being honest, she was the only contender. She had a basic foundation of me as a person, what I do for a living, and my temperament. Getting to know her on a more personal level would be no issue, or so I thought. She already had my trust, or at least some of it. I would keep coming back here for more sessions to extract the information I needed to make this work.
“Sesshomaru, I don’t think—“
The alarm on the timer blared loudly, stunting her train of thought and cutting her answer short. I was nettled, but also relieved; annoyed at the interruption, relieved at not vocalizing her refusal.
What perfect timing. I scowled at the offending time piece.
Kagome shuffled from her seat to shut off the alarm. “Well, would you look at that, our session is over.” She hammered all too quickly as she busied herself with cleaning up. “Thank you for coming and I hope my services were satisfactory.”
“Kagome,” I regarded her sternly. “Please sit back down.” I motioned for her to take a seat on the futon as I stood from the tub and dried myself off with a towel. She stopped her musings and followed, as ordered.
Once seated, she removed her face mask, fidgeting with the elastic. Her breathing quickened as she processed what I had just said without actually saying it. I was finally able to get a full view of her face. She was more than adequate from a physical standpoint, especially for a human. But the crease lines that marred her brows and her pressed lips concerned me. A mixture of panic and confusion graced her features.
“Before you refuse,” I cut her off before she could open her mouth with a reply. “Think about it carefully.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, suspicious.
“I am aware of your situation. I ordered Jaken to look into your background prior to me coming here. You would gain immeasurably if you oblige. We both could benefit from this.”
She grimaced at my statement. If I had to guess, she did not appreciate the preliminary background check. In addition to her fiscal troubles, she was in this country under an asylum of sorts, and the terms of her stay were nearing its end. She also had some messy family affairs that she was entangled with back home, namely a fugitive father on the run and a troubled younger brother in juvenile detention. It was a lot on her plate for someone her age.
“You’re asking a lot from me, Sessh—Mr. Taisho. I can’t just say yes to you when I’ve been put in a spot.”
Ah. We were back to the formalities.
I frowned. She was withdrawing without even considering the magnitude of what I had to offer, which was more than gracious for her financial gain, stability, and overall peace of mind.
She pressed a palm to her cheek and looked away from me as I passed her on the way to the changing quarters. “It’s my life too, and as much as I sympathize with your…situation, I can’t say the same about mine. I’d have to give up so much.”
I emerged shortly after, fully clothed and refreshed. I kneeled in front of her to look her in the eye, hoping my sincerity, or the appearance of it, would get through to her. I took her hand and placed a white envelope with my business card and her tip inside.
“I would not subject you to the actual expectations of…being with me. Once everything is settled, you are free to do as you please, save for discussing the terms of this arrangement with the media.” I leaned in toward her a bit, a tactic I used to appeal to someone. “I will do my best to not be so…overbearing…during the process.”
“I never imagined I’d get proposed this way, let alone get married. This also goes against company policy, and I can’t afford to get fired.” Kagome muttered, but I heard every word.
“You will be taken care of, in all aspects. I will see to it personally.”
I stood up and retrieved the rest of my things on my way to the exit, stopping at the door. Although I approached this for my own selfish gains, particularly to retain my freedom, I might as well add a romantic facet to it if it would help secure my proposition.
“I too, do not intend to marry, let alone someone I don’t love. But I am not opposed to this developing into something more,” I lied. I was a businessman with my own tactics, ruthless or otherwise.
“Give me a call when you change your mind.” I added, breaking the tense atmosphere.
Kagome motioned to stand up and follow suit, but I held my hand up. “I will see myself out.” She protested as I expected, but I kept my gaze firm with hers. “One more thing.”
She raised her head, willing me to continue.
“Thank you, for sharing something personal with me. I look forward to our next meeting.” This time, I meant it.
I walked through the corridors that led to the front of the store. Jaken stood by the vestibule with my coat in hand, the door propped open on the other. I exited the spa without a second glance. The rain abated but left a cool atmosphere at its wake. It dissipated the smog and foul smells of the city a little, allowing me to take a full breath in.
“Did the meeting go as planned?” Jaken inquired, his bulging eyes hopeful and curious as he opened the car door for me.
I slanted him a look before settling in the backseat, cueing the toad that I didn’t want to talk about the details. I just wanted to get back to my home, to my bed. I’ve done enough talking over the past 24 hours. No more questions, and no small talk. I was not in the mood for it.
“Did you get the refills for my medication?”
“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama. The refills are in the brown bag.” The toad replied as he drove away. Jaken was nosy and insufferable at times, but he was reliable. It was why I kept him as my vassal and promoted him as my assistant all these years.
Grabbing the translucent orange bottle from the bag, I opened it with a flick of my finger. The capsules spilled out on my palm with ease. I swallowed two pills dry. I didn’t want my migraine to come back in the middle of the night as I tossed and turned, yet again. No doubt I would be replaying our conversation throughout the night, analyzing each reaction, each gesture, and each response, subtle or otherwise.
The offer was made. The ball was now in her court. Now I would sit and wait for her to come around.
It was going to be a long night. Tonight, and for the foreseeable nights ahead.
................................................................. words: 5,162
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inlemoons · 2 years
my tears ricochet
ch. 5: my tears ricochet pairing : sesshomaru/kagura
It’s a smell her nose could never much detect, save for springtime peak, but she’s sure the petals will hit their mark, landing on silver eyelashes and catching in clawed hands.
read lore on Ao3
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sorrowmarked · 1 year
80s radio starters || accepting
“ this is the world we live in ” -- @nouvomond (Sesshomaru & Mitsuri)
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"Just because this is the way the world is, doesn't mean that it can't be made better," she said, her voice soft. Mitsuri honestly didn't think she was really smart enough for philosophical debates. It was hard to deny the world was cruel. Demons hurt people. People hurt people. But they could also help one another couldn't they? They could do better. They could make everything better.
"It's always seemed strange to me, to have the kind of power I have, or even better the kind of power you have, Sesshomaru-sama, and to do nothing with it. It just seems like a waste if I'm being entirely honest," she says. "What's the point of having power to only serve yourself? Or at least that's what I think. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm okay with it if I am," she says, her smile going bright.
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kikyocaps · 3 months
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Chapter 74 is Up!
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~An IY Fanfiction, From Ch. 74~ In the village market, Sesshomaru looked around scornfully at his pitiful options for something to buy for Rin.  Despite now being human, his noble nose still wrinkled at the sharp reek of livestock all around, when suddenly, he remembered he had another idea - Sesshomaru would buy Rin a snack to have with the sake they would share. 
Now, if only he knew what kind of snacks humans liked to share...?  🍙 🍙 🍙
Read on:  Dying to Live (AO3 | FFN) ~ A What if / Human Sesshomaru fic - Rated M  
Story Summary:  The tables are turned in this alternate ending fic: At last, after 6 years Naraku is defeated, Inuyasha finally gets his wish, and Sesshomaru finds himself literally on the precipice between death and a whole new life. “Have you someone to protect?” someone once asked him… Sometimes it takes a brush with death to understand why we fight to live. Family, Romance, Drama, Relationships, Transformations. Rin x Sesshomaru and the whole cast.
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towl · 1 year
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Rin & Sesshomaru ♡ Hanyo no Yashahime, Ch.2 / Ch.22
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inu-yasha · 2 years
i asked about kikyo's age bc in the manga, at the beginning, kikyo does not look particularly older than inuyasha or kagome. At the beginning of manga she looked pretty similar to kagome with straight hair. its in the anime where kikyo looks a lot older and NOTHING like kagome. but manga kikyo initially looked around the same age. i noticed RT began copying things from the anime. like sesshomarus design. the filler ep where jineji says rin/kagome are similar might have led to canonizing sessrin
This is true for projects. Despite all the changes that Rumiko made, it was her decision, but I also wonder if she was just inspired. Well. The similarities to Kagome and Kikyou in appearance are natural, but it's a pity that she changed it, because you could say that they are similar to each other, but even in the manga can't tell by the changed designs.
The only thing Kikyou has in common is love for Inuyasha, which is not hers, but Kikyou's, and the powers that Kagome has, but these are Kikyou's powers, because Kagome is her reincarnation… So looking at it more broadly, Kagome is only connected by Kikyou's soul that she has inside.
the filler ep where jineji says rin/kagome are similar might have led to canonizing sessrin
What?! From what I remember this episode wasn't filling it 100% in the manga ch.112. from what I remember Inuyasha and Kagome were traveling alone. Kagome spent the most time with this half demon when Inuyasha left her to investigate. This half-demon lived with his mother and nothing was heard about Rin. Rin and Kagome weren't compared to each other. Only this half-demon developed romantic feelings for Kagome. He doesn't even know Rin exists.why do you say it's a filler… i don't understand you… As for Rin and SessRin. I don't care about it. And I don't want to talk about it.
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senpujin · 2 years
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like  father  ,  like  daughter .  
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Chapters: 60/61 Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru Characters: Higurashi Kagome, Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), InuYasha (InuYasha), Miroku (InuYasha), Sango (InuYasha), Rin (InuYasha), Shippou (InuYasha) Additional Tags: Sesskag - Freeform, Spells & Enchantments, Drama & Romance, Protective Sesshomaru (InuYasha), Adventure & Romance, Slow Build, Post-Canon, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Inu Youkai (InuYasha), Angst and Romance, Fluff and Smut, Immortality, Dark, sesshome, Sesshomaru×Kagome, Smut, Original Character(s) Summary:
A witch brews up a love spell and casts it upon the yokai who crossed her hundreds of years ago. Problem is, that it also affects the first mortal woman the yokai comes in contact with, and it only lasts one night. Did I mention that the witch has amnesia? What might the implications be from a one night stand.
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