#☽   \   •¯`★(  crack  ) ¯
senpujin · 2 years
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positivity / what i think abt them       –––– >       (     accepting     )
i  have..  such  an  inner  conflict  trying  to  come  up  with  what  to  write  rn  x’D
geezus..  what  can  i  say  about  @senpujin ?  i  haven’t  spoken  to  her  much  but  i’ve  seen  others  comment  once  in  a  while  that  she  writes  “ beautifully ”..  that’s  what  a  few  people  have  said  so  that’s  ok..  i  think  she  does .  i’ve  also  seen  that  her  edits  are  pretty  cool .  she  mostly  does  colorings  lately  ,  but  yeah  ,  that’s  cool .  i  think  she  should  do  more  writing  than  edits  though .  but  still  ,  i  guess  she’s  doing  great  &  her  patience  is  contagious  because  the  blog  still  has  followers  despite  the  lack  of  writing  ;  so  senpujin..  four  words  for  you ::
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2 notes · View notes
coffeejellou · 4 months
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter two
Pairing: Kusuo Saiki x fem! Reader
•Previous part•
If you are homophobic dni with my series or blog!!!
What to expect: Crack/Comedy, Fluff, angst?, SLIGHT NSFW, Yumehara having a crush on Y/n, Y/n getting jealous
Things to know: "Saiki speaking telepathically to people/one person"
"Saiki speaking w/ his mouth"
Everyone thinking
(Sometimes) Narrator speaking
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In high school love is always in the air, which is something Saiki considers entirely pointless. You knew this, hence was one of the reasons why you had no intention of confessing your feelings to him.
You knew he wasn't into romance at all, so why bother him and cross his boundaries? It just wasn't worth risking your friendship over. Though there was a huge part of you that was shoved deep into your head.
That part was you that just wanted to tell him already, a part that had been bottled up for 5 years already.
You sighed heavily as you entered the classroom with a box of juice in your hand. You took a deep breath, in and out, clearing your head of any thoughts of Saiki, in case he would hear.
As you walked towards your desk, you saw one of your classmates, staring intently at Saiki. Chio Yumehara. She was blushing and had a lovesick smile on her face.
You have got to be kidding me...
Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand bawled up into a fist, breaking the box of juice you had, and making it spill everywhere.
"Crap..!" You whispered to yourself, luckily no one noticed, well except Saiki and Kaidou. "Hey, Y/n, what's wrong? You seem upset." You saw Kaidou offer his handkerchief to you and you smiled, taking it.
"Hey...I'm fine don't worry! I'm just a little tired.." You muttered as you began to clean up the mess on the floor. "I see, fighting all night were you?" You chuckled and nodded. "That's right, thanks for the handkerchief again! I'll make sure to wash it and bring it back tomorrow."
"Well if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Okay?" Your eyes widened slightly, it was rare to hear Kaidou speak without any chunibuyo. But it was always nice.
He walked off while waving goodbye and you headed to your desk, which was right behind Saiki's. You saw him thinking hard about something, and so was Yumehara.
You figured she was trying to probably get closer to Saiki, seeing as you took a peek at her notebook, which had a picture drawn of Saiki. That confirmed your suspicions, she did in fact, like Saiki.
You looked down at your desk before plopping your head down onto it and closing your eyes. You really didn't have enough energy to deal with this.
"Hey wake up. I need your help." You looked up to see Saiki, who was towering over you. "What..?" You asked with a groggy voice. Saiki rarely asked for help, ever. But you figured it was probably something important.
"What do I do again?" You asked Saiki. He had led you to a random hallway, without giving you any information. "Just walk over there and turn the corner."
You sighed and started to walk, Why does he even want me to do this? What's happening..? As you reached the corner you bumped into something or someone. "Ow..!" You fell to the ground and saw papers flying everywhere.
"Oof..!" You heard someone say, looked up only to see Yumehara, who was rubbing her head in pain. "Oh my gosh! Yumehara! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Yumehara gazed up at you and her face fell in disbelief.
Why does she look like she's disappointed...? You thought before handing her all the papers you had picked up. "Thank you..and don't worry about it, that was my fault.." She muttered before getting up and walking away.
Saiki suddenly appeared from nowhere, "Saiki..what the hell was that about?" You glared up at him, getting up and crossing your arms.
"You know already, don't you?" You scrunched up your face in confusion. "What do you mean?" But then it hit you and you could feel your face heat up. The moment in the classroom when you were jealous of someone else having a crush on Saiki.
"Pfft...that..I dunno what..I was just..-"
"C'mon, we don't have much time.." He took your arm and dragged you back into the classroom, leaving you completely dazed and still a red mess.
"Oh God..she's gonna hate me for this..! You owe me big time!" You huffed out to Saiki, "I'll get you whatever you want, alright? I'm sure she'll find someone else to like soon enough."
You groaned before you saw Yumehara enter the classroom. You quickly ran away from Saiki as she walked in front of him, dropping her handkerchief in the process.
"Oh my goodness, that's really bizarre-" Before she could finish you interrupted her. "Oh Yumehara! You dropped this, here you go!" You picked the pink handkerchief off the ground and handed it to her with a smile.
You saw her glare slightly but she was also trying to keep a smile, "T-T-Thanks..." She grumbled before taking it from your hands and walking off in a pout.
Then, it was your turn to glare, but at Saiki, who looked away. Leaving you muttering angrily to yourself.
I mean I can't lie..even if I'm kinda mad at him at least doing this will probably have her not like him anymore..which is..good.. I guess.
You thought before sitting down at your seat, though it seems you forgot yet again that a certain psychic was just a couple of feet in front of you...
Undeterred, Chio continued on her mission to engage Saiki, however, every one of her plans failed thanks to you, without anyone telling you to do so. Since Saiki only asked you one more time to fail her plans and the rest you accidentally did on your own.
It's raining hard.. good thing I brought my umbrella, or else I'd be soaked. You chuckled to yourself as you put your school shoes away back into your locker and grabbed your umbrella.
You walked out the front doors of the school, only to see Yumehara, standing there on her own. You didn't think twice before going up to her.
"Yumehara! What's wrong? Are you waiting for someone?" You asked, she turned around with a small, "Huh?" Before replying properly.
"O-Oh! N-No..I forgot my umbrella and I think I'm just going to wait for the rain to die down a bit before running to my house quickly.." She smiled sheepishly at you before frowning.
"Here." You handed her your umbrella and her eyes went wide for a second, but then turned into a mess. "W-What! No way! I could never do that to you! I'll be fine I sw-" You interrupted her by taking her hand and placing the umbrella in it.
You put your school bag over your head and ran into the rain before looking back and smiling at her. "Don't worry about it! A pretty girl like you shouldn't be running home in the rain!"
She saw you run off before she held her chest, her face was pink and she had a shocked look on her face.
No one has ever done this for me before...let alone someone as nice as her..and I've never felt like his before! Especially not towards any boys! Heck, even girls......I think I just found my soulmate!!!
Saiki's face dropped, in pure shock as he stood on top of the school. He was going to use his powers to make the rain stop, so Yumehara wouldn't try to share his umbrella with her. But you came along and made her fall in love with you instead.
He was not expecting that...
The rain stopped as you were running and you came to a halt, catching your breath as you did. "Dammit..I'm definitely going to get a cold tomorrow...!"
You then felt a warm hand on your shoulder and you were suddenly in your room. "W-What the..?!"
"Calm down, it's just me." A familiar voice said behind you. Stepping back, you looked to see the pink-haired boy himself. "First off, why were you following me, second of all, why did you telepor-" You interrupted yourself by sneezing loudly and sniffling, wiping boogers off your nose with your sleeve.
"That's why, you're going to get sick if you don't shower right now."
"Oh, who made you the boss of me, huh? I can shower when I wa-" Again you were interrupted but this time by Saiki teleporting you to your bathroom. "Good grief..stop your whining and just shower."
He closed the door behind him, leaving you in your bathroom. You groaned but listened anyway and started undressing.
Meanwhile, Saiki was in your living room, debating on telling you about Yumehara's feelings towards you. He feels it's important to tell you but then again, this was something Yumehara probably didn't want you to know.
In the end, he sighed and decided it was best if you didn't know, or to let Yumehara tell you herself...
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You were in your room, petting your cat and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when it started to buzz. You saw Saiki calling you, it was a very rare occurrence when he did because you actually got to hear his voice and he couldn't read your thoughts most times.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sit up immediately and start to fumble with your phone as if you were playing hot potato. Your heart was starting to beat faster and your hands were starting to sweat too.
But, a deep breath in and a deep breath out helped a little before you answered the phone, "H-Hey Saiki..whatcha need..?" You answered timidly.
"I know I've been asking you for a lot of favors but this will be the last one in a while.."
For a while you didn't respond, shocked to hear how much Saiki's voice changed over the years. The last time you heard him actually talk was in middle school. And then he decided it was best to just not talk with his voice at all, using telepathy to talk to everyone now.
You slipped out of your trance after your cat meowed to you, calling your attention back. "H-Huh? O-Oh um sure whatever you need I don't mind doing favors for you y'know? It doesn't bother me-"
"Well it bothers me, anyway look, Nendou asked me, well no, my mom forced me to go to the beach with him, and I don't want to stay with just him and Kaidou."
"Right, and you want me to come along with you? Sure, I don't have anything planned. But I'm kind of surprised, aren't I just another nuisance, as you'd put it?" There was teasing behind your tone, and you chuckled slightly.
But despite your laughing, you couldn't stop thinking about his damn voice. How deep it has gotten, it was so much different from what you usually hear.
Your mind was wandering off into more about his voice..the things he could get you to do with just a couple of little words out of his mouth. God..what would he sound like during s-
"You definitely are one but it'll be less annoying with you there to get me away from all the other nuisances."
"Fine, I'll go. It's not like it won't be fun. Let me just get ready and I'll meet you guys there, okay?"
"All right, also, stop thinking lewd things about my voice. Or else I'm never using it again."
With that, he hung up, and you were left dumbfounded. You thought he couldn't read your thoughts right now, but then again your houses weren't that far away from each other.
It was honestly more embarrassing that he caught you thinking things like that...You were too distracted in the conversation to stop yourself from thinking whatever you wanted.
You hid your face your hands in embarrassment, and wanted to just disappear. But the beach awaited you.
"Hey Saiki.." You muttered as you came up behind him. The look on your face said you didn't want to be here right now. And honestly so did your thoughts.
I can't even look at him.. I mean he probably doesn't care but I overstepped! He doesn't like nor care for any sort of love. Stupid thoughts! Ruining everything..I should've just faked sick..it would've been believable too since I ran in the rain yesterday..now I gotta deal with the embarrassment of th-
"Hey, L/n! Check out Kaidou, he can't swim! Can you believe it? C'mon tell L/n how afraid you are of the water!" Nendou said, laughing and teasing Kaidou.
You groaned slightly and sighed. You were still in your regular outfit, your swimsuit under. You were honestly a bit insecure about being so naked. It wasn't like your swimsuit showed much skin but the last time you went to the beach was when you were around 12.
"N-No..! That's not true! I know how to swim you jerk..! I-Im not afraid of the water..!!!" Kaidou walked up to the ocean and stepped slightly into the water, before you were suddenly behind him and pushed him in.
To your surprise, he was..kind of drowning? Not really, he sure did act like he was though. He was barely an inch into the water. But flailing his arms and legs around, screaming and yelling in a high-pitched voice.
"Drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy..." Saiki said to you, you turned to him before walking off. "I'm going to change, be right back.."
Saiki looked at your leave, and to be honest, he felt kind of bad, for invading your privacy during the phone call.
It's not like it bothered him you thought things like that, he knew you liked him and you guys were both in high school, hormones everywhere, so, he didn't care. Sure it was surprising when he heard you think things like that about him here and there, but as said before, it doesn't bother him. Mostly because you try to not think of those things about him, you feel extremely guilty about it and he knows that.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt like throwing up, but you decided to suck it up and go out anyway. What else were you going to do? Not go out?
You sighed heavily and walked out, wearing your bathing suit, making your way to where everyone else was, and it looked like Hairo had joined all of you.
Looking around you saw Nendou trying to talk to some girls, Kaidou was surrounded by girls, who were saying how cute he was and touching his spikey hair, and Hairo saved Kaidou after Nendou buried him in the sand.
As for Saiki, he was nowhere to be found. "Hey guys, where's Saiki?" You asked all three of them. "Dunno, I think he went to the bathroom or something," Nendou replied.
You nodded and sat on the towel he was on before. Everything was peaceful for a moment before you heard screaming from a girl, you looked over to see her drowning..?!
"Hey hold on a sec! That girl's drowning!" You yelled out and ran off to go save her. Nendou was already on his way, but you decided to go anyway, just in case.
"Kaidou, I'll go rescue her and you go get Hairo!" He yelled out, but Kaidou was next to him, swimming just fine. "oh so you can swim..!" He added but Kaidou didn't realize he was swimming until Nendou pointed it out, leaving him to stop and start to sink into the water.
Now Nendou was carrying Kaidou, while also swimming towards the girl. "Nendou! Don't worry about her I got it! Just take care of Shun..!" He nodded before you got to the girl, who was rapidly sinking. You grabbed her arm and put her on your back.
She was a lot lighter than you expected and as you quickly swam to shore you realized why. Kusuo! Of course..! I have to thank him for this later...
The sun set quickly and the girl was now well and alive, "Thank you for saving my life. I appreciate it, and hey, thank you too for trying, sorry I joked about how ugly your face is..." You smiled and Nendou nodded.
You smiled as you walked next to Saiki, along with Kaidou and Nendou. "I'm glad you didn't ask for her number in return for trying to save her life," Kaidou said to Nendou, you nodded in agreement.
"Hm, I try to be a gentleman, but if that hottie fell in love with me I'm not gonna try and turn her down" He smirked, you heard Kaidou whisper something and Nendou got all mad.
But you weren't really paying attention, your attention was more focused on the beautiful sunset that was in front of you.
"You aren't mad?" Saiki asked you, which caused your mind to lose its train of thought. Huh? What are you talking about?
"Nendou basically got all the credit for just trying to save her, but you actually did save her."
Oh, that. No, it doesn't bother me at all, she's safe and that's what matters, and thank you for helping too, without you, she would've died.
He nodded in return, "Oh right...by the way, I'm sorry for invading your space earlier, I can't help what I hear but I shouldn't have brought it up. I just want you to know, it doesn't bother me..so don't feel like you need to shove your thoughts deep into yourself..."
You stopped and he saw your eyes go wide and your face went red, you were muttering out nonsense that he couldn't understand.
Good grief..I should've just kept that to myself...
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It was very rare for you not to walk with Saiki to school, but you had woken up way too late and by the time you did, you figured Saiki was already at school.
But as you ran past Saiki's house, you caught a glimpse of pink through the corner of your eye and immediately stopped.
"...Saiki..? Why are you-"
"Hurry up, we're already late enough." You blinked in surprise for a moment before nodding and walking along with him.
Luckily his house and the school were only about a 5-minute walking distance so it wouldn't take you guys long to get there.
As you walked quickly next to each other, you couldn't help but think why he would wait.. you've never woken up late for school, so you had never been in this situation before.
Never in a million years would you think that Saiki would wait to walk with you, even if you two were very close.
"I waited for you because my mom would be a pain if I didn't. Can you think a little quieter now?"
You jolted up a bit in surprise but sighed, "What's got your panties in a bunch?" Yes, Kusuo always did seem angry or annoyed but usually, he wasn't. Today it was different though, it looked like he was genuinely mad.
He didn't respond though and just continued to glare, not even sparing you a glance. "Fine, don't tell me. Just don't be rude to anyone else who cares about you."
He finally looked at you, with a bit of a shocked look. But you were already walking ahead, leaving him.
You walked into the classroom alone, as Saiki trailed behind. You sat down at your seat with a sigh, hoping to relax at least a little bit before class began.
But of course, that wasn't the case. You heard loud yelling coming from across the classroom, looking up, you saw it was a bunch of boys panicking while surrounding Teruhashi.
"You've got a crush on someone?!"
"Teruhashi is this a joke?"
"Is it one of us?"
Teruhashi looked extremely nervous, trying to calm all the boys down, (although she was failing miserably). "It's someone I ran into over vacation..."
You felt yourself tense up at that, now it was your turn to be annoyed. Every single time Teruhashi even mentioned liking Saiki you felt all your thoughts turn into jealousy.
You tried not to be because honestly, you were never really a jealous person. You felt there was no reason to be, it only caused problems after all.
But it was so hard trying not to be mad when goddam Teruhashi liked Saiki, the most perfect, pretty, loved, girl there was in the whole universe.
With Yumehara liking Saiki you were jealous, sure. But you didn't hate her, unlike the girl who was right across from you.
You saw her staring at Saiki and you stood up, about to leave to compose yourself, before Teruhashi started up again
"It was the sixth of August when I first fell in love with him.." She closed her eyes and smiled as she spoke, raising a finger.
Yeah, and I've been in love with him for years, try it and come tell me it's all rainbows and sunshine, Teruhashi.
"I remember seeing you that day too, and the guy you were talking with..was Nendou!!" Someone chimed in, you were confused for a second before realizing she probably spoke to him after you had left her.
"YOU ARE WAY OFF IDIOT!" She yelled out, causing the group of guys to jump in fear. It was a surprise to everyone, even to you.
But Saiki had told you what Teruhashi is really like, hence the reason he doesn't like her. So was it really a surprise she burst out like that?
She quickly got back to her persona and started acting all sweet again, lying and telling the guys it was some Russian exchange student.
You groaned slightly in frustration before walking out of the classroom. It was best for yourself if you got out of that room.
"Hey, Y/n!" You heard someone call out to you, you were standing in front of a vending machine that was located near your classroom, this is where you usually went when you needed a drink to calm you down.
"Oh Shun, what's up?" You smiled softly as he ran up to you. "Look, I know this is out of the blue, but will you come with us to spy on Nendou?"
"Huh? Spy on Nendou? Also, what do you mean by 'us'?" He pointed behind him and that's when you saw Saiki.
Your face fell in slight annoyance but you decided to keep talking to them instead of making up some lame excuse.
"Nendou's been acting weird today, don't you think? He'd usually be asking us to go eat ramen with him or do something after school. But he's been real quiet."
You thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Now that you mention it, yeah he has been acting strange..alright I'll go with you guys."
Kaidou smirked, before walking away. "Right after school you two! Don't forget!" You smiled before turning back to Saiki. Truth be told, you were trying to figure out if he was still mad. All of a sudden, you remembered something.
You took one of his hands, it startled him slightly but he didn't pull away. You revealed your other hand, which was behind your back, bawled into a fist, and handed him a handful of something.
You took your hands away from his and he stared down at what you gave him, a small bundle of mini coffee jellies, there were about 4 of them.
"Here, take these and stop pouting. If you ever want to talk, I'm here." You mumbled out, he could see the faint blush on your cheeks and he could definitely hear your loud thoughts.
Which consisted of rambling and screaming, he wished he could turn off his telepathy at that moment. But then again, when doesn't he want that?
"Thanks..I really do owe you." Saiki still had to repay the favor you did for ruining Yumehara's plans, going with him to the beach, and now this.
He absolutely hated being in debt to someone, it didn't matter who, he hated it. And you knew this, so you always tried to reassure him. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal to me. And if you really want to repay me that badly, I'll come up with something. But only if you really want me to."
"Yeah, please do. It's going to bother me, even more than Nendou does. Speaking of, we should probably head back to class."
You nodded in agreement before slightly smirking at him."What now?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about how much of a softie you are."
"His house isn't this way....he's got something going on.." Kaidou whispered to you and Saiki, as you all hid behind a wall.
As planned earlier, you were all trailing Nendou. Kaidou was in some weird disguise, on the other hand, you were in your regular school uniform, and so was Saiki.
"Why are you so excited by this?" Saiki asked him, but instead of responding he struck a weird pose.
"And what's with the outfit? It serves no purpose other than sticking out." You added, though usually you weren't one to judge Kaidou's actions, the disguise seemed a bit much.
"Shut up you two! Hey wait...what's he looking at?" You looked to see him smiling at a little girl with her dad. His smile was awful, scary in fact. He looked like a weirdo.
You all said. "I don't think that thinking the same thing is good.." You mumbled, Saiki nodded.
"Nendou has a thing for little girls?!" Kaidou asked you both, his face looked creeped out and worried. "Doesn't look good...we should probably call the police.."
"Hey, check it out, he's going into a store." You pointed at him, it was strange so it interested all of you.
Nendou went in and very quickly came back with a bouquet of sunflowers.
"Looks like a flower boutique, don't tell me he's got a girl-" Kaidou was interrupted by you and Saiki.
"No not Nendou.."
"Definitely not..."
Nendou started to walk off, all of you following him as he did. He stopped and smiled at another little girl, who was smiling with her father.
"Another one?!"
"That's just gross.." Kaidou muttered under his breath, honestly you didn't want to believe this situation. It's just not like Nendou.
"We'll confirm it after we call the police."
"Hey hold on, I feel like we need more proof, I mean c'mon, lots of people like sunflowers, and it's natural to smile when you see a cute little kid right?" You argued, it really didn't seem like Nendou to be a creep.
Kaidou thought for a moment before agreeing, "Y/n's right, all that is perfectly normal, we can't just stop there without any more evidence!"
"Good point, let's not be rash.."
After following him for a little while longer he went into another shop, "Where's he headed no-"
Kaidou suddenly interrupted you as he looked up at the sign of the store, a cake shop.
"CAKES..?! WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN'T RESIST SWEET TREATS! SO WHEN YOU COMBINE A WOMAN AND A CHILD YOU GET A LITTLE GIRL!!" He yelled out, pointing to the store and looking back at both you and Saiki.
"Now you're jumping to conclusions.." Saiki said trying to stop Kaidou. But it didn't work, he kept going on and on.
Jesus, make him stop Saiki..
"If I could, I would've already. Trust me"
You sighed in frustration, all this kind of seemed pointless now that you were actually thinking about it. Sure, it was a little creepy, but you were sure there was a reasonable explanation.
Kaidou went on about how Nendou was using the cake and flowers as bait to try and get little girls, but the more he talked the more it sounded like an unreasonable theory.
Nendou came out of the cake shop, holding a small pink box.
"Bummer..they were all out of shortcake..oh well. It's not like anyone will ever eat this.." You all heard him say, he smirked and chuckled as if he was some cartoon villain. It creeped all of you out and made Kaidou freak out even more.
"If it's not for eating it must be bait!" He yelled out and ran off to Nendou. "NENDOU!!!" Nendou turned around in confusion, all he saw was Kaidou running to him at full speed. Everyone was staring.
"YOU'RE SECRETS OUT!! HOW DARE YOU HURT LITTLE KIDS??!!! YOU MONSTER!!" He started punching him, but it sounded like little squeaky balls were hitting Nendou instead. It was no secret that Kaidou wasn't strong but this was surprising to you and Saiki.
"Is that what his punches sound like?"
"Wait..what secret? Do you mean my dad?" Kaidou stopped and you facepalmed. It went quiet for a while, all of you in a bit of shock, Saiki and you weren't as shocked as Kaidou though.
"He's dead?" Kaidou asked as all of you stood in front of Nendou's dad's grave. By now the sun had set and there was no one around.
"I visit him on the anniversary of his bus accident," Nendou explained, you looked down at the grave again, and then back at everyone else.
I knew it wasn't something bad. Nendou is genuinely a nice guy, he wouldn't do anything creepy. He definitely needs to work on his smile though...
"But the flowers and the cake?" Kaidou mumbled out, it was clear he was kind of sad that all his sneaking around was really for nothing.
"Respectful offerings to the dead! It's normal to bring cakes and flowers to a family grave!" Nendou held up the box of cake and smiled.
"To think Nendou's lecturing us on normal.." You heard Saiki's voice but he quickly turned it off once he realized he was still talking to you telepathically.
What's the harm in showing what you're thinking? That's not fair y'know?. You know every little thing I think but when it comes to your thoughts I can't know even a little.
"Yes because they're my thoughts, also how many times do I have to tell you I can't turn off these powers.."
You pouted slightly but sighed and let it go. He was right after all. Like always.
"When did your dad die, Nendou?" Kaidou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Well, it was before I was born. He died trying to save a little girl who'd run in front of a bus..huh maybe that means he was into little girls.." You cringed at the last part, and so did everyone else.
"Uh..hope not.." Kaidou said, chuckling awkwardly. "That's a dark joke.."
"So if he died before you were born, he must've been pretty young.."
"He was only 18 or 19 years old, here look! I got his picture!"
"Hey, this is just a picture of you!"
"Nah it's him! My mom says I look more like him each year! Weird..!"
"You don't look like him you're, the same!"
Kaidou and Nendou talked and argued a little back and forth. Saiki stayed quiet but you chuckled a little as you heard their bickering.
They really do look alike, it's kinda scary that they look almost like twins. But Nendou has a scar over his left eye, and his dad has over his right. That's a scary thought on its own since they can only be told apart because of one thing. Right, Saiki?
You looked over and saw him up at Nendou's dad's grave, he looked mortified, extremely mortified for that matter. "Hey guys, wanna go get some ramen!?" Nendou called out to you two as he and Kaidou were already walking off.
"Saiki..? What are you looking at?" You asked in a bit of a shaky voice, you weren't scared, you were worried. Seeing Saiki shocked or scared was something you never saw. Ever.
Walking with Saiki alone almost always consisted of awkward silence. But it was different today, Saiki was thinking, and hard. It was obvious, he had his hand on his chin and everything. You'd laugh if you weren't so spooked.
"So are you gonna tell me what you saw..?" As he was about to answer, you reached his house and he saw a piece of mail sticking out.
"Mail?" He took the envelope and it was addressed to him. "What is it?" You peeked over his shoulder and your eyes widened as you read the letter.
"To Mr. Kusuo Saiki, I am someone who knows you're a psychic."
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Next part -> Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter 3 •Coming soon..•
Summary: You and Saiki figure out who sent the letter, and it appears it's some kind of psychic who can see ghosts? You're happy to meet another psychic but Saiki is the opposite. Maybe he's thinking something weird? Who knows. Later, Saiki discovers a cockroach in his house and freaks out, but luckily you come over to save the day..with your cat! But that's not all, Yumehara apparently got a boyfriend to try and get over you, and for some reason, Saiki helps..could he be jealous?
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butterfly-writer · 5 months
hiii!! I apologize in advance for my English 😭 I'm Brazilian and I use Google Translate, anyway, you can do a m!reader x bakugou where the reader (he is already older with Bakugou and has a long-term relationship) ends up being the victim of very well done fake news (as if a fan kissed him by surprise and a paparazi managed to take a photo before he pushed her away) and then this fake news goes viral and Bakugou gets very angry and feels betrayed, so much so that he doesn't let the reader explain it properly and ends up kicking him out of the house, so after a few days the fake news was clarified? (sorry if it was too long 😭😭 oh! and with a happy and fluffy ending please 💗💞)
Fake News
Katsuki Bakugou x Male!Reader [ADULT AU] Summary: Katsuki recently found news that had shown that Y/N had kissed someone despite being in a relationship with him. He was furious.
★☽A/N: That’s totally fine! As long as you can get your message across! I love your prompt and it’s definitely something new to me. I shall try my best!!
Contents: ANGST - FLUFF
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It had been years since Class 1A’s days studying at U.A. Everyone had grown up to become successful pro heroes, saving everyone and becoming a hero in everyone’s eyes!
A peculiar pair, Katsuki Bakugou and Y/N L/N, was known as the power duo since their 2nd year of high school. They were known for being like yin and yang. While Katsuki was known for his hot temper and well-calculated moves, Y/N was known for his calm demeanor and his skilled agility. Both of them even opened up an agency together!
Despite Y/N having to go overseas often for his hero work, they still manage to find time for each other and it’s so sweet!
Katsuki still couldn’t help but feel like he was inferior compared to his lover. He still couldn’t believe that he even managed to get someone as caring and a gentleman like him! Someone like Y/N liked him? And he was such a loyal boyfriend, Katsuki wouldn’t believe a word or rumor of him cheating!
That’s what he thought before he saw the news. It had the headline,
He was heartbroken when he watched the news. He couldn’t believe the news! He shouldn’t doubt Y/N. He’s someone who could never do something like this! But as the news continued, he was stunned. He felt frozen in place.
A video played in the news, showcasing Y/N in his uniform, kissing a young woman with long black hair. His eyes widened at the sight. He didn’t feel the tears flooding his sight, dropping to the ground. He didn’t realize his sobs until he heard his ringtone.
He looked down to look at his phone on the table. It read “Dumbass <3” and he knew who it was. He hesitated to pick up the call.. But he wanted to know what was in the news. So, with a shaking hand, he picked up the voice call, hearing his beloved’s voice from across the phone.
“Hey, love! I was wondering what you wanted to eat today, I can go get some take outs from your favorite place,” Y/N said with a cheery voice. Bakugou didn’t answer, but his sobs were audible through the call. “Katsuki! Are you okay?!” Her panicked voice was visible.
“I fucking saw, dumbass..” Katsuki’s voice cracked as a few more sobs came out of him. “Saw what?” He asked with a confused tone. “You kissing a fucking woman! You think I didn’t fucking see!!” His voice was loud and clear, and Y/N was shocked from the other side of the call. What did he meant by, “I fucking saw” ? 
But then, it clicked.
He had seen the news.
“Look, I can explain! Love, please just–”
“FUCK NO! You decided to go and fuck around!” L/N was speechless listening to his own lover accusing him of cheating. “Please, just– Please listen to me!” He pleaded but Bakugou wanted nothing but “truth” from him.
“If you continue to lie, we’re done.” Katsuki’s voice was stern and harsh. Y/N couldn’t help but feel tears blurring his vision. “You don’t mean that…right, darling?” He could hear his voice cracking when he asked the question. “Fuck you, Y/N. We’re done.” He immediately ended the call and threw the phone on the couch. He grabbed a pillow and pressed it against his face, preventing people outside from hearing his frustrated yells. He could feel himself sobbing into the pillow. His knees were against his chest, huddled up on the couch.
How could he? was the only thought he had in his head. After what has happened, he should be hating Y/N, right? He should despise him! But why did he have this ache in his heart? He didn’t know what to do. His mind was a mess, he was a mess. He looked across the couch to see his phone getting a bunch of messages from L/N but he ignored them.
He didn’t want to answer them, he didn’t have the heart at the moment.
»»————-  ҉  ————-««
“We’re back again with ABC News! We had just found out about a certain rumor that had been going around that was nothing but a hoax! We had interviewed the girl who had kissed the hero, H/N, and she had come clean. She told her friend to take a picture of her kissing the hero who had no intentions of kissing her. She said, “I just walked up to him and kissed him on the lips and my friend caught all of it!” while she laughed.”
The news reporter continued to talk but Katsuki didn’t listen to the rest. All he could think about is how awful he was to Y/N. He didn’t like him to explain and let his emotions control him just like in high school. Despite having to learn to control his emotions, he still tends to explode at someone for the littlest thing.
It had been at least a few weeks since he kicked Y/N out. All he could think about was how he was going to apologize to him. “Shit, shit, shit!” He repeatedly cursed, walking in a circle with his hands in his hair.
He looked over to his phone and immediately went to Y/N’s contact and unblocked him. He saw Y/N’s profile picture coming back once he unblocked me. Katsuki was grateful that Y/N didn’t block him. He clicked the phone button and heard his phone ring as he tried to get a hold on him.
After a few seconds, the phone was picked up and he heard a soft “hello?” from the other side. The voice sounded tired, and he felt guilty about it. “Y/N! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” He pleaded.
Katsuki Bakugou was apologizing? That’s something new.
“Katsuki..” Y/N’s voice was still as soft as ever. He was shocked to hear sobs from Katsuki’s side of the call. “Kats, please don’t cry. You didn’t know.” Katsuki hiccuped, “But I should’ve let you explain!” He sobbed.
Katsuki heard a sigh from the other side. The only thought he had from the sigh was that Y/N was getting sick of him. “Give me a second, Katsuki.” With that, he heard a door open and a lot of sounds from the streets. Katsuki just looked at his phone in confusion.
What was he doing?
Only a few minutes went by and he heard a knock on the door. He rushed to the door and opened it to see Y/N with small eye bags. He looked way better than Katsuki who had messier hair, red eyes from crying, and eyebags. He quickly jumped on him, giving him the tightest hug he had ever given to him. Y/N was a bit taller than him, so he picked him up with ease and brought him to the couch.
He sat down with Katsuki on his lap, sobbing into his shoulder. Y/N let him sob into his shoulder, rubbing his hips to try to soothe him.
After he stopped crying, the pair talked and sorted things out. Katsuki was still guilty about it and Y/N didn’t want that so he gave quite the reminder to remind him how much he loved him.
»»————-  ҉  ————-««
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yourlocaltreesimp · 9 months
Legend of Zelda: Saviour of Souls
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .      .      ˚  .      ˚     *   ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    
The sun rises again on a peaceful Hyrule, the same as it had for the past two years since Gannon’s defeat. Hylia’s light purged the wandering souls from the mortal plane, sending them back to their realm of infinite night and muddled memories. But her powers did not reach as far as they should’ve, the tides of balance that kept her fragile hold on her throne ebbing back.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Link had gone about his day the same as any other, giving out tasks to the guard before slaying the few baneful spirits which remained persistent. Hylia’s sun was obstructed by grey clouds, uncharacteristic for the summer months. He felt the energy return to his sword. It seems another journey was on the rise.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
You lived a far more interesting life in the spirit realm. Your mortality felt less of an inconvenience as you guided weary souls to their resting places. Hylia’s light began to seep through the cracks into the sanctity of the afterlife and you felt something stir within your chest. Long Nir had been out to rest, but it seems the forgotten goddess had not yet given up.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .      .      ˚  .      ˚     *   ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚
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lipglossanon · 2 years
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(Edited 04 June 2023: This is the old blog intro pinned post! 💜)
Welcome to the LipglossAnon blog 💋
If you enjoy the content and want to help out a broke girl, please think about donating! 🙏 https://ko-fi.com/lipglossanon
Request info can be found here!!!
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Corrupt Cop Leon
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸:
Mr. Sinister
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸𝙸:
Mirror on the Wall (Tell Me All the Ways to Stay Away)
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸𝙸𝙸:
One Love, Two Mouths
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸V:
Embracing With Two Hands
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 V:
I Know It Sounds Absurd (Please Tell Me Who I Am)
What if things went differently….
Mr. Sinister ☽☪︎⋆ Remix
Hey You, Would You Help Me To Carry the Stone?
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
Leon S. Kennedy ✧ Misc.
An Open Invitation (To A Perfect Domination)
What You Do To Me (No One Knows)
I’m Not A Bad Man (I’m Just Overwhelmed)
And I Can Tell Just What You Want (one shot)
The Darkest, Most Depraved of Joys
Our Hearts Steady Beating
Total Control
Behind Every Lie There’s A Bird Song Within
You’re Shakin’ Like Tremolo
Hey Pretty, Won’t You Take A Ride With Me?
Dressed Up to the Nines Again (And Anything Really Could Happen) - stand alone one shot
Subby stepbro!Leon:
I Can Be Your Thrill (Can I Be Yours?)
Office Exec!Leon:
Out of the Blue
Alcoholic stepdad!Leon:
If You Could Only See
They Were Roommates
Dark Stepdad!Leon:
With Devils Inside Me
Crack Fic w/ all three stepdad!Leons:
It’s Moving Faster (It’s Coming Closer)
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
Stepbro!Kurt Kunkle
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸:
With Your Hands Between Your Thighs and a Smile
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸𝙸:
Eyes Burning a Way Through Me (Overwhelming, Destroying so Sweetly)
Anon request:
Dinner table
Steve Harrington
Observation -Sci-fi/horror AU one shot
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Music for Writing 🎵✍️
Pinwheels - Fatal Frame 2 drabble of Mio & Mayu
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Peep the side blog 👀 which is going to be primarily Original Content™️
Thanks for tuning in 😘
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his-lune · 8 months
☾ caleb masterlist ☽
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-`♡´- key -`♡´-
angst (a) ;; fluff (f) ;; smut (s) ;; crack (c)
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☾. one shot
ᯓ★ coming soon...
☾. series
ᯓ★ coming soon...
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
⸻ “the wolf cries gold as the moon silently wanes. echoes of a silver kiss on cold skin. dreams of their intertwined fingers slip past the cracks of a nightmare.” - izzy m.
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welcome to my blog!
☽𖤓☾ 𖤓 ☽𖤓☾ ☽𖤓☾ 𖤓 ☽𖤓☾ ☽𖤓☾ 𖤓 ☽𖤓☾
izzy | adult | she/her | sagittarius (uwu)
🖤 I love to draw and write, I also love video games, anime, and music~ I reblog all kinds of stuff on here and I hope you enjoy your ✨stay✨ 🖤 my fave groups are stray kids, ateez, and seventeen. but I also stan enhypen, nct (especially 7dream), shinee, txt and itzy. I also listen to a lot of groups even tho I may not stan them :) 🖤 my ults are bang chan (skz), hyunjin (skz), woozi (svt), and taemin (shinee) ☆ ★ ☆ ★ 🖤 this cozy corner of the Internet is a safe place for POC, LGBTQIA+, autistic, mentally ill, feminists and all wonderful groups of people <3 I love all of you so much and please know you’re safe here! ^w^ 🤍🩶🖤
dni/byf/and other info are below the read more so please click and take a look!! 🫡
DNI if: you’re under the age of 15, you take kpop/stan twt too seriously, you are an akagae, you have or plan to send anon hate to me or anyone else, you don’t support BLM or queer folks, you hate my faves, you plan on starting discourse and unnecessary drama
BYF: I swear a lot, I am extremely sarcastic (I try to use tone indicators as much as I can but I may occasionally forget), and of course, i don't really entertain discourse on my blog, i sometimes vent and rant but i use trigger warnings if i'm talking about something a bit darker, I’m extremely annoying about my love for christopher bang ;)
disclaimer: you may have known me from my previous fanfiction works, however, I am not posting my writing as of right now and am writing things privately for now. my works are private currently as well. I don’t have any plans to post in the immediate future but it definitely isn’t completely out of the question, just going with the flow for now. I still like to post wip trackers and ideas like little brainstorming posts, and I also talk about my works still so feel free to talk to me about them just don't ask if I'm re-uploading anything because I'm not doing that right now 🫡
that being said, do NOT repost, plagiarize, translate, or take reference from my fics regardless of if I’m not posting. all my works are protected by copyright, all rights reserved.
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bblackforestts · 1 year
pfft- so yes i did take it upon myself and write porn at work- typing it like how i wrote it. (yes i type in lowercase, sucks if you dislike lowercase
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fucking like pornstars <3 (they’ll have a lot of puns that i snuck in, i am so sorry😭)
your word count issssss
˗ˏˋ 3307 ˎˊ˗
cw; switch, rough, praise, degrade, dacryphillia (aroused by tears.), orgasm denial (not letting you cum yet)
·:*¨༺ ★ ༻¨*:·.
your husband just got finished- yk.. when you came home. he hid it by using a book he was supposedly “reading”. you come in, and, it smell whisky… you began to question it. you notice he’s “reading” a novel, he looks up and notices you, he starts to recap the book to hide up he just got finished. you began to wonder, where the smell is coming from. he notices you wondering around with your eyes, he begins to sweat. you notice it smells similar to his baby batter (cum), you unzip his pants and he notices you caught on to the smell. you notices he’s still hard, you take upon that opportunity.
“o-oh… uhh” he chokes out and gulps shakily. his lips part again, “about that.. i just got finished when you came in and-“ he quickly gets cutten off due to you starting to suck his dick raw. “w-woah..” he slips out some words, you began to suck at his favorite pace for a while, until, you speed up quickly, fitting all the parts you couldn’t in your mouth. you began to hear all his cute submission noises slip from his pretty lips. he soon grabs your head due to the fact he noticed you speeding up, you gag due to him grabbing you roughly.
you quiver wondering about what he might do to you. “why’d you speed up slut?” you stayed quiet to piss him off. “answer me slut. why did you speed up when i did ask you too.” he got tired of you not answering, he soon gets fed up and began to pull you and takes off your clothes. you use your hands to cover your parts up. he smacks your hand and made your hands attracted from your parts; while he smacked them, he made an “accident” while slapping your hands, he shoved a finger in your silt. you moan like a little hentai whore losing their mind. “oh? but you can moan? tch-“ he pulls out his finger.
·:*¨༺ ★ ༻¨*:·.
next, you proceeded to get handle in a rough manner, he pulls you into a doggy style position. you slipped out a broken whimper due to the roughness and changing events. he notices your little broken whimper; “baby you ok? your whimper was broken and cracked.” you start to moan due to his slight praise, it made you gain butterflies in your stomach due to you never hearing him do/act like this. you notice his throbbing cock, you stare like a hunter looking at their pray. he began to notice, (who wouldn’t notice, your drooling and everything) he stated to point out the fact he noticed. “your staring some hard, why won’t you come get it princess..?” my god you began to feel hot, it’s just, the praises he snuck in, he’s never talked to you like this before. you tried to run towards it, what you didn’t know was he had your arms and pulled them closer to on his dick to make seem like you was “running” towards it. what you last heard was a “pop!” onto him, he began to move you up and down at his own pace. ・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:
you notice your tits starting to bounce due to all the commotion. he soon just sits you up places you on the bed while sitting behind you. he tells you to put your panties back on, and that only. your confused, you wonder why he gave you this command-.. what you don’t know is he’s gonna put your hand between and rub your silt, it has been throbbing for attention, he just never told you. he soon puts his hands between, rubbing in soft little circles. you began to moan, you tried to grip on his leg to hold yourself. “ah ah ah..” he says in a little teasing tone; “you can’t try that..” he coos then bites your neck rough and hardly. he holds your hand, this time, letting you grip his leg for moral support. your legs began to rise up, he just rubs your nipple, like he’s milking you?? (baby batter out of tits!?!?!?!). you throw your head back, he kisses your cheek.
you didn’t notice at first, but, he slipped your panties off and has his head in the middle of your legs. you notice by a tiny lick, he’s gonna eat you out. he keeps going, you began to lose control of your body; by flopping up and down, like you wanted to arch your back but couldn’t. he hold your hand to keep you down, mostly, because you looked like a fish bouncing out of water (the snack that smiles back) and, he needed you to keep still. you wanted to stroke his dick while he rubs you badly, that you squirt at the lewd thoughts. “nonono baby.. you didn’t ask too, i would’ve held you back, also, you don’t even squirt so soon, what came to mind?” he asks you. “answer me!” you gulp at his anger. “thoughts. lewd thoughts.” it goes silent before he pins you down. you thought “is he actually gonna shove it in?” (ok my goofy ass though shovel when i was writing this..) he do as you thought. he shoves it in you without pre-caution. you held on this back and scratched it anytime he’s a little too rough with your slutty little body. he starts to thrust rough and then keeps going normally. you begin to scratch his back due to all the commotion. “nonono baby, you can’t do that.”
he made it worse. you ask, “c-can i cum..?” due to the pressure he’s putting on your light little cilt.
hmm, he thinks, he thinks about if he should let you or not.
“maybe, maybe baby..” (i’m a maybe baby)
you cum either way, you just- couldn’t do it anymore.
“baby! i just told you..” he stops and handles your poor little body so rough that you begin to shake. he can careless and just using you as..
a human fleshlight!!1?1!1?1!1? (i’m so goofy i swear..)
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ilumin · 2 years
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Fluff - ♡
Angst - ★
Nsfw - ✾
Crack - ☘
Any TW - ☽
Comfort/Hurt - ⬤
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"Thinking of..." Series
➥ Some small drabbles about Genshin characters. Mostly Reader x Character, gender neutral reader.
Teenage!Scaramouche + fanart ☘ ♡
College!Roommate Kaeya ♡ ☘
Helpless!Diluc ⬤♡★ (☽)
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One shots, imagines and other things that I'm posting!
➥ Just some small ideas that pops out in my head at 3 am
"- I love you... - Why?" ★ ⬤ ♡
➥ Scaramouche x Reader; hurt/comfort with good ending.
"Please hold me" ♡ ⬤ ★
➥ Scaramouche x Reader; hurt/comfort. Reader is crying and Scara is holding them <333
Ragbros brainrot ♡ ●
➥ Diluc/Kaeya x Reader; this can me read as romantic OR platonic! Just a small thing I had in mind for a while now
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sarahz-dead · 2 years
Pinned Stuff
♬-☺- ♬-☺- ♬-☺ - ♬-☺
-> I'm a Marble Hornets Introject
-> I'm super interested in talking to doubles
-> I'm Anti Endo now but don't engage in syscourse
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-> All Sourcemates found but doubles can still DM me if u wanna talk :)
☽ - ※ - ☽ - ※ - ☽ - ※ - ☽ - ※
-> I don't do discourse of any kind so don't ask me for my opinions on stuff coz idc!
-> If you need me to specify a stance for your own safety send me a message or ask w anon off and I'll answer you privately ^^
-> Posting stuff that I think is fun. If its not your taste you can just leave my profile XD
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-> My fave singer is Avril Lavigne
-> My fave colors are pink and black
-> My hobbies are Video Editing, Aesthetics, Intro Template Making, and I'm getting in to Graffiti!
--- Stuff :p ---
#Crackedhornets -> Marble Hornets cracks bc this is how I'm coping with source trauma ^^
#Dedventz -> Venting. I won't post anything toooooo crazy serious. This is a fun space afterall XD
#happy2011 -> Posting like its 2011
#repostb8 -> Repost bait
#rbgame -> Reblog game
#spam -> Spam/Chainmail
#flash tw -> Anything that could potentially trigger photo epileptic seizures. Flashing, Blinking, Glitching, Eyestrain, etc.
#askies -> Asks ^^
#Bullying tim -> Bullying Tim (/lh)
#Bullying jay -> Bullying Jay (/lh)
#Bullying alex -> Bullying Alex (/lh)
#Bullying jim -> Bullying Tim & Jay at once (/lh toby came up with the tag)
#Buddies -> Source Material Stuff
#Tim don't look -> A tag tim has blocked <2
--- Mah frends :p ---
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senpujin · 2 years
(      @gcldencrow​           )
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❛   you’re  taking  it  to  extremes  ,  kin’u .   ❜
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fuckmymunson · 2 years
𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥 — 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
★ Request: Dark!Sirius Black, prompt words: Bullet, graveyard shift, sinner.
★ CW: 18+ DARK SMUT, NON-CON, religious corruption kink, disrespecting holy items, nun!reader, loss of virginity, BLOOD, unprotected sex, choking, breeding kink, (barely there?) dumbification, not exactly dirty talk but kind of?, dacryphilia, not edited/proofread! lmk if I miss a tag! | Word count: 2,8k. | Minors DNI.
★ a/n: Requested by 📸 anon, hope you like it!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Walking under the pouring rain, the half-moon and stars hidden behind the big, dark clouds of autumn, side by side with sister Lisseth, who was explaining to you tonight's divine office. Crossing the open gates of the graveyard next to the cathedral, holding the skirts of your habit, the atmosphere felt heavy the moment you stepped inside the holy property.
“I promise you the night will go in the blink of an eye.” She spoke, her green eyes glowing softly at the oil lantern she had in a pale hand. “You know your divine office, right?”
“Yes.” You nodded, obedient as always. “Ten Hail Mary Prayers, fifteen prayers for Our father and the Rosary for the salvation of the poor souls who had left this earth too early.” Your sister looked pleased with your answer and handing you the oil lantern as well as an umbrella, identical to the one she was holding, she guided you to an empty mausoleum, which would be your shelter for that night.
“God blesses you, sister.” She smiled, holding your hand. “Repeat with me the night shift praying.”
“Dear God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The two nuns spoke in unison, the rain around them acting as a sweet lullaby to their prayers. “Remember those who labour and toil while I eat and rest. Bless those who go unseen during night hours. Strengthen those who ply their trade after the setting of the sun. Amen.”
“I’ll see you in the morning, please take care.” Before leaving, Sister Lisseth spoke words that left you slightly puzzled.
After a few minutes of silent prayers, the night shift you were committed to finally started. Walking through the rows of graves and tombstones, murmuring merciful prayers clenching the red rosary tight against your chest. The rain stopped after a few hours and returning to the empty mausoleum, you folded the black umbrella, ready to continue with your night prayers.
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.” Your voice resounded in the ancient stones, in the names of the departed. Hands clasped together still holding the crimson beads in a devoted sight. “In times of sickness and death, prayers are the best means of consolation, comfort and help that people can give. Let us now begin this Rosary by calling on our Blessed Mother Mary to pray for us now as we pray for all of the poor unfortunate souls who had left us too early…”
A loud crack was heard in the distance, followed by a low growl, something that sounded too similar to a whimper of pain. Remaining still on your knees, you muttered a quick prayer for protection, feeling your heart speeding up in a split second. Maybe is just a stray dog who got hurt, that made a lot of sense, a dog.
“God of heaven, You called them from this life. God of Mercy, fulfil their faith and hope in You.” You continued the prayer, eyes darting at the abyss of darkness that unfolded before you. “Lead them safely home to heaven to be with You forever, filled with joy and peace in Your presence. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.”
With every second that passed, the sounds got louder, heavier, almost as if they were steps, that was slowly approaching you. Standing up abruptly, one hand clasping the holy figure and the other holding the oil lantern, narrowed eyes, scrutinizing the dark corners and paths of the graveyard, looking for the source of the sounds. Amazingly, a tall figure emerged from behind an old oak tree, limping and curling in its own figure. The rain enhanced the smells of the forest next to the cathedral, the scents of musk, moist grass and tar flooding your nostrils, and, the unmistakable metallic smell of blood.
“Who are you?” Your question made him raise his head, it was a man. An injured man. He was a few inches taller than you, he looked ragged and dejected, he wore an old grey coat, wet with the rain and ripped in a few spots. His eyes were also grey, sparkling with the dim lights of the lantern, his chiselled cheekbones and jawline were painted with droplets of blood, the light shadow of his facial hair enriching his pale skin.
Instead of answering your question, the stranger approached you a little more, one hand firmly resting against his stomach. “You’re hurt.” You acknowledged his damaged state, and he nodded weakly, his eyes giving you a silent plea.
Placing the lantern on the floor, you approached him this time, worried and ready to aid a stranger in disgrace. You were so blinded by your kind heart, that you didn’t notice the devilish smirk in his eyes. Helping him take a seat on the edge of the empty mausoleum, you kneeled next to him, moving his hand gently to asset the damage. “What happened?” You asked, alarmed by the amount of blood.
“I was shot.” He explained briefly, making you gasp. His voice was calm, too calm for someone who had been shot, but you were too worried to notice that too. “I need you to help me, Sister.”
“Of course.” You nodded, a determined fire in your eyes. This is what God would’ve wanted, to help a wayward soul. “We can go back to the cathedral, I’m sure Sister Lily will be of help, she is a really good healer and—”
“We don’t have time, Sister.” He interrupted you, placing a hand on top of yours, guiding it to his wound. “I need you to remove the bullet, with your hands.” A surprising gesture appeared on your face, almost making him chuckle. “Please, it hurts so much.” His wince was too convincing.
Swallowing all the panic and fear, your shaky hand darted over his wound, a few centimetres next to his belly button. When your soft fingers slid inside the wound, he hissed in pain, and you flinched in disgust and anxiety, it was horrible, and the sensation was one you would never forget. Sliding another finger in, your fingertips bumped with a small object and curling them gently over the silver bullet, you pulled it slowly, afraid of hurting him more. The whole time you avoided his gaze, afraid to break down at the pain he had to be experiencing. The clammy sensation of blood clots and skin made you gag, tears prickled in your pretty eyes, the sound of your fingers leaving the wound was so disgusting you miraculously suppressed the urge to vomit.
“Thank you, Thank you.” He whispered, letting out a satisfied groan, his voice echoing in your ears.
“We need to go back to the cathedral, the wound is deep, it needs to be cleaned.” Your voice was supposed to be confident, but it came out shaky and nervous, still in shock, looking at your bloody hand holding the silver bullet in awe.
“There’s no need, Sister.” This time, you lifted your eyes, meeting his and feeling your heart-stopping at the smirk he wore on his Adonis's face. “The bullet was the only thing preventing my body from working as it should be.”
Right before your eyes, the wound started closing, the skin stretching and then shrinking, until there was no wound, the only evidence of an injury being the blood stains and a very faint silver scar. Mouth wide open, you gasped again, this time in total fear.
“Who are you?” You repeated the question from earlier, your hands quickly reaching for the crimson rosary, the same colour as the blood in your fingers.
‘Sirius Black.’ He said, as cocky as he could be. Black, you had heard that last name before. Before, sure, but where?
Then, it hit you.
“Black.” You repeated out loud. “Just like the family who was murdered a few days ago.” The exact family who was buried in the graveyard you were now stuck in, in an ostentatious marble mausoleum, a few yards away. “Mother, Father and only son were found dead in the Black manor.”
“That was my family, yes.” He looked amused by your reactions as if he was playing with you. “Not by my hand, unfortunately.” A weak whine fled your lips by his words, making him chuckle.
“Please, don’t hurt me.” You begged, scared, holding the rosary in your chest.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Sister.” The way the holy title rolled down his tongue was different, it sounded blasphemous, sinful. “You helped me, and you deserved a reward for your kind heart.”
“Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.” You whispered hurriedly, terrified, the tears rolling hotly down your cheeks, your words only making him laugh again. “Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.—”
“Praying won’t save you from me, little one.” He interrupted you, again, cupping your face with one hand, harshly pulling you closer to his face, you continued with the prayer. “Oh, sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.” He joined the prayer, mocking your voice and laughing darkly at your tears. “Oh, sweet virgin.”
His lips were pressed against yours, swallowing the sob that emanated from you. Sirius could taste the salty flavour of your tears, fueling his increasing arousal. He felt hungry, starving, and the only thing he wanted to ravish was you. You tried to push him away, a desperate attempt to escape his claws, but he was monstrously strong. Standing up, he grabbed your coif, snatching it away from your head, letting your hair exposed to the night air. One hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, dragging you inside the cold mausoleum with him. Kneeling next to you, just like you did minutes before, he licked your tears groaning at the taste. “So pretty.” He whispered before kissing you again, the goal of ruining you being the only one inside his twisted mind.
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” You cried, desperate for salvation, squeaking when his cruel hands slid inside your tunic, groping your thighs and loosening the fabric. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
“Amen.” He finished the sentence, smiling. His fingers twisted your nipples, torturing you beyond limits. “Answer me, Sister, are you a virgin?” The painful moan from your part answered his question, but he wanted verbal confirmation. “Answer me, little one.”
“Please, please don’t.” You cried, a cry that broke into a choke when his thumb circled your clothed clit.
“So, you are.” He repeated his actions until he was satisfied by the subtle wet patch in your cotton underwear, as white as your coif, as pure as your heart. “Then I’m sure I will enjoy ruining you more, my sweet virgin.”
He slid one finger, only one, and it hurt. The slick between your legs was providing him with enough lubrication, but the intrusion was too much. “So tight.” He pointed out, kissing your jaw. “Can wait to rip you apart with my cock. Break this tight cunt in two, if I’m feeling clement enough, perhaps I can bless you with my baby, don’t you think? Sister.” Curling his finger, he seized from the way you rocked your hips involuntarily, adding a second finger, the burning sensation of being stretched by his digits overwhelmed your head.
“I believe in one God—.” You tried to continue, believing so foolishly in the superior being that could pull you out of this misery, your voice cracked at the way he curled his fingers again, hitting that spot that made you moan in pleasure, a guilty pleasure. “the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible… Fuck.” You gasped when his thumb met your clit again, the bliss of an orgasm clouding your head.
“That’s it, little one.” Sirius cooed at you. “Let yourself go, there’s nothing bad about pleasure, on the contrary, why would God give you such a gorgeous body and not put it to good use?” He added a third finger, and the pain returned. Biting your lip, you sobbed at his words, feeling so guilty for getting any pleasure from this sinful act, you made a celibate vow, and you tried to remember the celibate prayer you spoke out loud in the cathedral a few months ago when you decided to change your life and be faithful to your one and only God.
“I-I ask you, Jesus, to fill my sexuality with your holiness, to strengthen me and restore me in your n-name.” Every word was harder to pronounce than the one before, Sirius was kissing your neck, nibbling at the flesh and leaving purplish marks. Everything was getting blurry, your head was floating, the sensations were too powerful.
“So dumb.” Sirius mocked your pout, removing his fingers from your aching pussy, swirling his tongue over his wet digits, wet with your arousal, with your sin. “Such a holy fool.” Unbotting his trousers, you gasped in shock, knowing well what was about to happen. Trying to move was useless now, he had you caged, and when he lined up with your throbbing cunt, he smiled almost gently. “Don’t worry, Sister, I will make you feel good.”
The pain was unimaginable.
Even if he attempted to prep you beforehand, his fingers weren’t compared to his cock. Sirius groaned, delighted by the way your velvety virgin walls suck every inch of him. “So greedy.” He growled, moving until his hips collided with the back of your thighs. “So tight, such a holy cunt.” Dragging his length out of you, the crimson sheer layer that covered it only thrilled him even more. Leaning down to kiss you, he drank your desperate cries, hands pressed on your thighs opening your legs even further if it was possible.
Next to you, discarded and forgotten, the red beaded rosary caught his attention. Closing your eyes due to the pleasure and pain that rocked your body, your eyes widened when you felt a familiar material wrapped around your throat, the rosary sinking into the skin of your neck, denting the tender flesh and obstructing the air from your lungs. Sirius kept choking you with your own holy item, bottoming out at the way your gushing pussy pulsated around his hard cock. “You like that, don’t you?” He asked in a hoarse voice, struggling to thrust at the way your walls were gripping him.
Little black dots clouded your vision, your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and Sirius released the pressure from your throat, allowing you to breathe, the rosary hanging loosely around your poor neck and bouncing over your exposed breasts with every snap of his hips.
“I’m gonna fill you up, little one.” He spoke, leaning down, squeezing your cheeks together, forcing an exaggerated pout from your part. “I’m gonna bless you with my child, ‘m sure you’ll be a wonderful mother.” His fingers rubbed your clit without any compassion, throwing you into that state of bliss, feeling the orgasm again, this time harder than before. “Cum, cum for me, Sister. Let your sins consume you.”
Sirius moaned when you came around him, and after a few deep thrusts, he did as well, inside you, the warm squirts of his cum pooling inside you, making you whine at the new sensation. Sirius cooed at you, kissing your lips, your neck, your breasts. Your body was overworked, every inch of it hurt, and the world was becoming a big blur with every second that passed.
“Rest, little one.” You heard him talk, feeling something being placed inside your hand, something you hold tightly. “Rest, for now.” That was the last thing you registered before fainting.
The next morning, you woke up in one of the infirmary’s beds, feeling sore from head to toe. Next to you, Sister Lily and Sister Lisseth had a permanent gesture of distress, when they noticed your awake state, they rushed their way to you.
“Thank God you’re awake.” Sister Lily cried, covering her face with her hands.
“What happened? Take your time, there’s no rush, your wellbeing comes first.” Sister Lisseth grabbed your hand, rubbing soothing circled in your palm.
Feeling something cold against your other hand, you lifted and opened it, a little ring falling on your lap. Picking it up, it was a gold ring, with initials carved. It was elegant and shadowy and it only screamed danger. Your finger traced the initials: S.O.B.
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Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. I appreciate any feedback!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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sunder-soul · 3 years
Enemies to lovers type thing with Tom riddle where you’re forced to dance at the Yule ball together if you think you would enjoy writing that smut can be included if you want and could it have a happy ending I’ve had a rough week 🥲 thank you very much 💜
A/N: Y'all... no one @ me about this... 😳
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
The Deal
Summary: You're stuck with the arrogant, charming Riddle at the ball and you can't imagine anything worse. Riddle appears to be imagining something else entirely. [AFAB reader ★ no pronouns ★ ambiguous house] Wordcount: 6.7k Content warning: SO MUCH EXPLICIT SEX OML. THE RAUNCHIEST THING I'VE EVER WRITTEN PROBABLY.
Permanent Tags: @grimdevil @voidmalfoy @weirdowithnobeardo @pearlstiare @fromthehellmouth @moatsnow @lucys-brain @arana-alpha @tallyovie @expectoscamander @nothinghcppens @itsjustfics @mikariell95 @suicide-sweetheart636 @toasterking @empath-bunny @hueanhdang @seriouslyginnychase @whoreforgeorgeandfred @lemirabitur @tm-mrvl-rddl @fish-eg @silverdelirium @cranberrypills @valentinecarnage
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“Wait,” Chen say, looking like she’s barely containing laughter as she places her hands on the table on either side of her plate. “So… Dippet wants the prefects to set an upstanding example of conduct and demonstrate unity by all going to this thing together.”
“Yes,” you say in a clipped voice.
“And… and you’re all required to attend.”
She presses her lips together, brows raising. It’s impossible to tell if she’s more amused or sort of incredulously sympathetic.
You exhale in defeat and your head falls onto the table with a thunk. “Go on,” you mutter, knowing what’s coming next.
“Eugene and Ruby have been together since the beginning of time,” Chen narrates to your crumpled form. “Mandeep’s already asked Rosalie, and the Gryffindors are all going together and Chell asked Roger the same bloody day the ball was announced…”
You groan weakly in affirmation, unmoving in your permeating dismay as she lists of all the other prefects. All of them except…
You fold your arms around your face, trying to block out the inevitable conclusion of her words.
“Which means…” she manages to say without laughing. “The only prefect left for you to go with is –”
“I’m going to murder him by the end of the night,” you say flatly.
Chen’s snickers spill over. You shoot her a look of deep betrayal and she manages to compose herself (sort of). “Look,” she says around her suppressed smile, “I know you hate him, but he’s really not that bad –”
“I would rather eat a Flobberworm whole than go to the Yule Ball with Tom Riddle,” you deadpan.
“Well,” comes Riddle’s smooth, irritatingly pleasant voice from behind you and you nearly break your neck turning to face him. He’s got that stupid amused expression on his stupid face, one brow raised, lip half curled like everything’s just a big stupid joke. You genuinely have no idea how everyone finds him charming. “It seems you’re doomed to a rather dire evening, indeed.”
“Riddle,” you say tartly, eyes narrowing. “I didn’t realise that you’d slithered up behind me.”
“Clearly,” he intones, seeming deeply unimpressed.
“What do you want? I’m busy.”
Riddle’s eyes slowly flick to your empty plate, the napkin you’ve folded into a very poor attempt at a swan, the two goblets you’ve managed to balance on top of each other, and Chen’s bitten-back smile as she pretends to read a book that you’re pretty sure she’s cracked open at random. “Yes, you look positively overwhelmed,” he says in barely concealed sarcasm.
“Most people actually enjoy spending time with their friends, Riddle, but considering who you fraternise with I understand if that’s a slightly baffling concept to you –”
“You must have noticed by now that we’re required to attend the ball together,” Riddle interrupts, looking across the Hall with a slightly bored expression as he clasps his hands behind his back. “I’m here to formally offer the invitation.”
“I’m formally accepting it,” you say colourlessly, “now can you formally sod off?”
His eyes narrow and Chen chokes on a laugh that she hides (unsuccessfully) behind her hand. “Of course,” Riddle says coolly, jaw lifting a fraction as he looks down at you, “I wouldn’t dream of taking up any more of your precious time.”
“That’s very good of you,” you say with no small amount of snark.
“I’ll be in the Entrance Hall at seven,” he says, tone ice hard. “Wear something nice.”
“You wear something nice,” you retort grumpily to his retreating form.
Chen arches a brow at you very pointedly, and you lean down on your arms again feeling extremely testy.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
The Hall looks stunning, ice crystals hanging in long spires from the massive, blazing hearths, dancing snow falling from the starry ceiling, and everywhere everything gleams and glitters and shines like the whole place is covered in an early morning frost. You and the other prefects on set up duty finish decorating with mere minutes to spare, and you dash off full-speed to your dorm to wrestle on your dress. You sit down in front of the mirror to fix up your face right as the clock chimes seven.
“Shit,” you breathe, seizing your wand and beginning to Charm yourself to glamour at a truly reckless pace. Ten minutes later you’re sprinting back to the Entrance Hall, heels dangling wildly in one hand and dress bunched in the other.
Riddle is leaning against the stone arch of the Great Hall, music and voices and clinking of glasses already pouring from the open doors. He catches sight of you racing towards him and watches blankly as you skid to a stop in front of him. “You’re late,” he says flatly.
“Yes, thank you Riddle,” you pant through gritted teeth, balancing a little precariously on one foot at a time as you wrangle on your heels. “God, whatever would I do without you.”
You stand and exhale sharply, trying to settle yourself. For the first time, you properly assess Riddle.
Riddle looks gorgeous, the bastard, his black hair styled into very attractive waves, his robes simple but cleanly cut and maddeningly flattering of his lean, elegant form. At first glance they look black but upon closer inspection you realise he’s wearing an impossibly deep blue that makes his pale skin look smooth and creamy in the contrast. If you could have found him unattractive, you admit a little begrudgingly, you would have.
Riddle is looking at you, too, the dark angles of his brows pulling together in a slight but critical frown as he takes in your appearance. “I said wear something nice.”
“I hate you,” you say bitterly, turning towards the Hall. “Lets just get this over with…”
Dippet has the prefects on duty all night so you barely even have to see Riddle for the first two hours as you weave through the crowd snagging silver Shrinking Flasks of Firewhisky off rowdy seventh-years, re-Charming a long, tottering icicle before it impales someone, and rescuing a terrified-looking Ravenclaw fourth-year who had sprained her ankle and was promptly nearly trampled to death by the horde of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, who were dancing with such exuberance that they’d established a blast radius that no-one could enter without receiving at least one elbow to a soft body part.
You wearily push your hair back with a long sigh as you turn back to the crowd, the Ravenclaw girl limping away with the Matron behind you.
“Here,” Chen says dryly, handing you a drink in a wide-brimmed glass as she materialises beside you.
“Thanks,” you mutter, necking it.
“Rough night?” she asks, watching you with amusement.
You set the empty glass on the table and shoot her a look. “That Flobberworm is seeming mighty appealing right about now.”
She snorts. “Stop complaining. Half of this room would have torn limb from limb to go with Riddle, and you actually landed the date and you’ve not even spoken a word to him all night. It’s causing quite the outrage.”
You sigh in reluctance. “I suppose I actually have to dance with him at some point…”
“Well here’s your chance,” Chen smirks into her cup, turning away without another word.
Riddle comes to a stop in front of you and eyes your retreating friend. “Have I offended her in some way?” he asks smoothly. “She needn’t leave on my behalf.”
“But who would miss that chance?” you ask monotonously, looking around the crowd warily. “What is it? Is Diggory puking again?”
“No,” says Riddle with detached amusement. “I thought that you and I ought to dance at least once tonight.”
You suppress the urge to sigh again. “Yeah you’re probably right,” you mutter, stepping past him towards onto the dance floor, “right, come on then, don’t criticise my dancing, Riddle, I’m this bloody close to snapping and stabbing someone with an icicle.”
“Sounds like you’ve had quite the evening,” he smirks from behind you as he follows.
“Just be glad you were on planning and not set up,” you mutter, turning to him. “If I never have to cast another Frost Charm for the rest of my life I’ll be happy.”
“Such a low bar,” Riddle says softly, lifting his jaw slightly. “Though I suppose they say that simple things appease the very simple.”
You glare at him, but he just smirks at you again as he steps closer, and in one fluid movement he takes your hand in his and places his other on your waist. “You are such a prick,” you say brazenly, still glaring at him as you both step into a simple, muted dance that requires very minimal enthusiasm.
Riddle doesn’t look injured by this insult in the slightest. “You bring out the worst in me,” he says with disinterest.
You look away stonily. Now that Chen’s mentioned it, you suddenly notice the not insignificant number of slightly envious glares being shot your way now that you’re actually dancing with Riddle. “This is stupid,” you mutter, looking down, “I’m going to get absolutely strung up for being your date and I don’t even want to be here.”
“What do you mean?” he frowns.
You arch a brow, unconvinced by his confusion. “Don’t play dumb, Riddle, the list of people who wanted you to ask them to this thing was longer than the list of people who didn’t.”
Riddle’s expression slowly turns into amusement. He looks infuriatingly pleased with himself. “Lucky you,” he says smoothly.
“Oh yeah, lucky me,” you scoff, returning your gaze to your feet. He’s an excellent dancer, the bastard, and you’re having to watch where you step just to keep up.
A stiff silence falls for several minutes during which you make more discoveries that make your blood boil. Riddle, apparently, has the audacity to smell absolutely incredible for one, and worse he actually dares to display something half-way resembling decency. When a very drunk Hufflepuff boy stumbles backwards into you with flailing arms, Riddle turns you so sharply that both of your feet leave the ground for a brief second to get you out of his way and prevent a slightly catastrophic collision. You stare at him in silent shock but he just looks away and neglects to comment.
Hateful boy, you think bitterly. If he had any real decency he’d be holistically unpleasant and let me dislike him in peace.
The moment the song changes, you pull your hand from his and step back. “Right, done,” you say dully, looking away. “Now I have to go find Diggory and make sure he’s not passed out under another table.”
“Diggory’s fine,” Riddle says smoothly, “I took him to the Hospital Wing an hour ago.”
“Chen, then,” you mutter, looking around the crowd for her.
His lips twitch in amusement again. “She appears to be rather preoccupied at present.”
You catch sight of Chen through the crowd. She and Jacob Steed appear to be attempting to swallow each other whole right there on the dancefloor. You give a long, weary exhale. “Well, I’m sure I can find something to do.”
“Dance with me again.”
For the second time, your neck just about snaps under the velocity of you looking around at him. “What?”
Riddle’s expression is curiously neutral, standing there among the throng of people with his dark eyes on yours. A long second passes, and then he looks away himself. “No matter,” he says in an absent sort of tone, like this is all very normal, “enjoy the rest of your evening.”
And he turns and weaves his way away from you, vanishing into the crowd in seconds.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
If you’d thought decorating the place had been rough, it’s nothing compared to the clean up.
“Go to bed,” says Professor Slughorn, waving a tired hand at the group of you a few hours later with bleary eyes and rumpled hair. “We’ll finish up in the morning… and well done tonight, all of you!”
You trudge out the door of the half-cleared Hall with the other prefects, your eyes drooping in exhaustion, and just outside the doors you stumble on your heels as fatigue gets the best of you.
A firm hand closes around your forearm and you look up at once, alert in an instant. You’ve not seen Riddle since the weirdness after you’d danced. “Careful,” he says smoothly, slowly releasing you once you’ve re-found your balance.
“Good idea,” you mutter, falling back against the stone wall beside the doors and lifting your shoe to finally remove it. “Stupid things… god my feet hurt.”
Riddle doesn’t reply, choosing instead to look around the empty chamber. Everyone has meandered off to the dorms, and there’s nothing for him to look at but utter silence.
You eye him as you fiddle with the strap of your other heel, leaning heavily on the wall behind you. “What are you doing?” you ask a little suspiciously.
He meets your gaze, seeming a little surprised. “Waiting,” he says with a small frown like it should be obvious.
Riddle arches a brow. “Proof that you can walk straight.”
“I can walk,” you say, rolling your eyes, “I’m just tired.”
“If it had been possible to avoid asking you to be my date, I would have done so,” Riddle says suddenly.
You stare at him incredulously. It takes a long moment before you can gather yourself to reply. “Jeez Riddle,” you exclaim, “I get it, I’m repulsive to you, no need to go on about it –”
“I was more referring to your obvious displeasure,” he interrupts curtly, standing up a little straighter. “You were hardly subtle about the fact that tonight was less than enjoyable for you.”
“Oh yeah because you were such a joy to be around,” you shoot back, folding your arms, “I said wear something nice and all that –”
“That was clearly a joke,” he says coolly, eyes narrowing.
“Yeah it was hilarious. Was calling me simple a joke too?”
“And all of your insults?” he asks icily. "Jokes, are they?"
“I’ve cleaned up four different peoples’ vomit tonight and this conversation is honestly less pleasant,” you mutter, wrenching off your other heel. “Goodnight, Riddle, thanks for absolutely nothing.”
“You look very nice,” he says angrily.
You are once again rendered speechless by surprise.
“Is that what you want? Flattery?” he continues, waving at you furiously.
“I don’t want you to flatter me,” you scoff indignantly, “I don’t want you to do anything, Riddle, I don’t want anything to do with you at all.”
“Well my deepest apologies,” he replies in a cold, hollow voice, his dark eyes narrowing, “for depriving you of my absence for so long.”
He glares at you, and you glare back. You feel like you’re the only person in the whole school who can’t stand him, all his sickly charm and ease, his pretty face that makes people quite convinced that he can’t be part of all those nasty things his friends are rumoured of doing, his incredible grades, his ability to hold a conversation with literally everyone in the whole castle. He pivots so fluently from scene to scene that people don’t seem to notice that he’s doing it; bashfully modest and self-assuredly proud, soft-spoken and assertive, hard-working and effortless, popular and singular, charismatic and genuine. No one seems to notice that Riddle is everything at once. But no one is everything. Which means some of it, or most of it, or all of it is a lie.
You suddenly blink, coming out of your thoughts with a jolt and realising that you’ve both been stood there in conflictive silence for some time.
But Riddle has gone from a cold glare to a detached frown, looking at you with an expression that wouldn’t be out of place in an exam hall. It’s worse, somehow. You’re consumed with a slightly unhinged craving for him to go back to glaring at you, to go back to glaring at him yourself. But you can feel that you’re not.
You watch as his head tilts ever-so-slightly like he’s studying you, like he’s sifting through whatever he’s seeing on your face at the moment, because it suddenly feels like you have no idea what he’s finding there.
“What are you doing?” you ask quietly, and immediately resent yourself for not sounding angrier. For not sounding angry at all.
Riddle is silent for a moment. You wonder if he’s going to step closer. You wonder why on earth you’re thinking about him stepping closer. He swallows, and you adamantly keep your eyes on his to avoid looking at his throat. “Waiting,” he says just as quietly.
You’re tired. It’s been a very weird night. This is the longest you and Riddle have gone without insulting each other and that’s extremely disorienting. That's why this is happening. That’s why your nerves start tingling in your stomach, why your chest suddenly feels too tight. “For what?” you manage to ask without wavering.
He frowns slowly, thoughtfully. His dark eyes seem to have pinned you there against the wall. You wonder if you even could turn and leave right now of your own accord. “I’m not sure,” he says carefully.
Riddle is a liar. He’s an actor. He’s very, very good at presenting whatever will get him what he wants at any given moment. That’s what he’s doing now. You think it must be what he’s doing now, and the nervousness prickling under your skin is wiped away by the hot resentment that whatever he’s doing was working. It was working on you and you’re supposed to know better.
“Do you think you can just bat your eyelashes at me and make me fall for you like everyone else, Riddle?” you ask coolly, lifting your chin a little antagonistically.
He actually laughs, a very genuine-looking scoff of disbelief and surprise, shaking his head slightly as he looks at you. “Is that what you think I’m doing?” he asks, arching a brow in a sort of resigned amusement.
“Why do you even bother with me, Riddle?” you ask in exasperation, shoulders falling. “There’s about four hundred other people in this castle who would be happy to fawn over you all you like. Is it because I’m the only one here who genuinely can’t stand you? Are you such a bloody narcissist that you have to prove that you can collect everyone?”
Anger flashes in his eyes. “I wouldn’t presume to understand my feelings, if I were you,” he snaps, “I don’t presume to understand them myself.”
You blink. The admission seems to register with him a second later and his lips press together hard, looking away in visible agitation.
But he doesn’t leave. He’s bound his gaze to some shadowy part of the Hall behind you, and he doesn’t say a word. You study the expression on his face, the tension there, the way its twisted on his lips. He looks like he’s annoyed with himself. Or maybe he’s just pretending to be. How could you tell the difference? How can you ever know what’s real with Riddle and what’s not?
You sigh with resignment, fatigue, curiosity, and drop your heels to the ground with a clatter that echoes around the dark stone of the loft Hall. Riddle looks back at once. “What are you doing?” he frowns, eyes flicking to your shoes.
You give him a long look. “Waiting.”
He stares at you. Above you, the flames in the wall sconce flicker slightly like they’ve been swept by a breeze and the shadows play down Riddle’s face.
You almost feel a little triumphant when Riddle does indeed take a step closer, slow and measured, watching your closely, and when you don’t say a word, he takes another. He doesn’t touch you, the scant space that remains between your bodies the last sliver of an alibi, the eleventh-hour chance for either of you to turn away. You wonder if he’s faking it now, the heavy way he’s looking at you, the strangely guarded expression in his dark, watchful eyes like he thinks if he moves too quickly you’ll bolt like a wild animal.
You wonder what he’s thinking as he slowly leans down to you, still watching, still wary, and you take a breath to try to settle the butterflies that bloom instinctively in your stomach as you watch Riddle’s lips draw closer and closer to yours. He’s barely a centimetre away from kissing you when he stops.
You immediately look up at him.
He’s unbearably close, he’s the only thing you can see, his smell flooding your thoughts and his body just inches from yours. You watch with surreal fascination as Riddle’s eyes flutter shut and he takes a long breath, his forehead coming to rest against yours and it’s weird seeing him like this, not just that he’s so close, but that he’s seemingly so uninhibited, usually so calculated and deliberate and refined. Riddle draws closer like he doesn’t even notice he’s doing it, and when you feel his hands come up and rest on your hips you suddenly realise that you very much don’t care if Riddle is faking it or not.
You lean in and kiss him.
It’s soft and tentative and warm and Riddle is only barely returning it, like both of you are just trying to figure out if this should even be happening – but you’re rather convinced that it should be, because this barest press of his lips is sending waves of heat under your skin that pool wonderfully in your stomach, and you wonder if he hears the breath you draw in, if he feels it, if he knows how frighteningly good this feels, how much the desire feels like you’ve lost your balance all over again.
After a long, fragile moment, you pull back.
You catch his eyes opening slowly. Somehow your hands have ended up on his chest.
Riddle’s eyes flick between yours like he’s trying to find something in one of them, waiting, perhaps, for the return of your insults, or perhaps for something worse.
For a moment, all you can hear is your heartbeat and the flickering flames above.
Both of you lean in again at the same time, lips meeting hard as his hands slip around your waist and yours lace around his neck, and this time it’s not tentative, this time it’s downright insatiable, hot and hungry and brazen, and your head is spinning so much that you forget to worry about someone walking in and coming across the two of you as you kiss him harder, and harder, and his hair is softer than you’d expected, his hands are warmer, his body firmer, and when his hand slides under your thigh and pulls it up against his hip to press in closer, you’re filled with such an intense hunger for him that you break the kiss, intimidated.
Riddle’s full lips are slightly parted and he’s breathing hard, staring at you. He looks very much like he wasn’t expecting this hunger either.
“I… I don’t think that we should…” you manage to say over your racing heart.
Riddle blinks and then lets go of your thigh at once, stepping back before you can even react. “Of course,” he says blankly, his eyes dropping with a frown, “my apologies, I didn’t mean to imply that –”
“Riddle,” you interrupt, rolling your eyes, “shut up, I was going to say that we’re being rather conspicuous and I’d rather not get interrupted by an unsuspecting ghost, they might die all over again from pure shock.”
Riddle either doesn’t know what to say to this or doesn’t think it even deserves a reply, because he just stares at you again.
You refrain from making some snide remark about this in favour of stepping forward, taking his face in your hands, and kissing him as hard as you can. There’s a broom closet on the other side of the hall and you very much intend to get him into it.
Riddle’s breath speeds up and he can’t seem to decide where he wants to touch you, your cheeks, your hair, your waist, your back, his hands dancing between them as you push him back across the Hall in long steps that he just barely stumbles on until finally his back hits the door of the closet. You kiss him deeper as one of Riddle’s palms come to rest against your jaw, and you realise he knew exactly what you were doing, what you were intending, because his other hand drops to the handle of the closet and the door springs open.
Riddle pulls you inside, slamming the door shut and pushing you hard against it, lips meeting yours in the dark so hungrily that you gasp right into his mouth without meaning to. Your fingers battle with the tie around his neck, pulling the knot apart and then moving on without hesitation to the buttons at his throat but Riddle doesn’t give you a moment to breathe. Something in him has snapped, all the hesitation and tentativeness and slowness has vanished, his lips are devouring yours, relentless and wild and full of craving, one forearm boxing you in and the other hand tangling in your hair to pull you closer still. The intensity of it isn’t frightening you anymore. Now it’s just making you very, very excited.
You finally shove his shirt out of the way and spread your hands across his chest, and in the darkness and the all-encompassing gravity of the way he’s kissing you, nothing exists but the way he feels, his warm skin, his body beneath your hands, the way Riddle exhales hard with something like frustration and slips an arm around your waist to pull you up, stepping in to pin you against the wall. Your legs wrap around his hips on instinct and Riddle’s hand is sliding up your thigh again but you can barely keep track because his lips move to your throat and pleasure explodes across your skin. You push your fingers into his hair and hold him there as his mouth moves in that same insatiable way against your skin, looking up in the dark and seeing nothing but blackness as Riddle draws a moan from your lips that you would have been ashamed of if he didn’t feel so good.
“You’re making this very difficult,” he mutters against your skin, lifting his head and kissing you again, and your eyes flutter shut even though it makes no difference anyway. You kiss him back desperately, wrapping your legs around him tighter, pulling him closer, and it’s a long moment before you remember what he’s said and that you should probably figure out what he means.
“Making what difficult?” you breathe, leaning in and placing your lips against his throat yourself, dragging your teeth across his skin.
His hand curls hard in your hair as he takes a wonderfully sharp breath. “Resisting,” he says tightly.
You scoff and pull away. “Why on earth are you resisting?”
“I don’t know,” he says in a hollow tone.
“Well stop,” you murmur, placing your palms against his cheeks.
Riddle doesn’t say anything. The silence is suddenly as permeating as the dark, tenuous and deafening.
Slowly, you feel him lean in, you feel the warmth of his lips hovering right above yours.
“There are things I want to do to you,” Riddle says quietly. His voice has gone heavy and deep.
Heat flushes your face. You try to stop yourself from breathing harder, but you can’t. “Like what?” you whisper.
His mouth presses right next to yours, electrifyingly slow. He can feel the way your chest is heaving, he can hear your breath, and suddenly you’re wondering how dangerous it is that Riddle can tell exactly what sort of effect he’s having on you. “Things to make you feel good,” he murmurs, and his hand on your thigh is moving up towards your hip, pushing up your dress as it goes, his palm warm and his fingers splayed hungrily against your skin. You press your lips together hard. “Things to make you…”
You shift in anticipation, unable to stop yourself, desire pulling so hard at your body that it feels like gravity is tipping over. Riddle pulls away, his hand frozen on your hip.
You wonder what expression the darkness is covering on his face.
“There’s a table beside you,” he says quietly, voice splitting the silence and sending shivers down your spine. “I’d like you to put your hands on it.”
You stare at where you think his eyes would be. It takes a second for your brain to catch up with the fire aching in your stomach. You look to the side, but you can’t see anything in the darkness.
Riddle suddenly moves, hands taking your waist hard and slowly he lets you down – but his hands stay where they are. He turns you to the side and guides you forward a few inches until – sure enough – you feel the edge of a wooden table pressing against your thighs. Riddle steps in behind you, hands still grasping your waist, and you try very hard not to gasp when you his mouth suddenly presses against your throat. “Go on,” he murmurs.
The darkness hides the way your fingers are trembling as you place them as he asked on the surface of the table. Riddle has not yet relented in his slow, torturous kisses down the slope of your shoulder.
“Do you want me to make you feel good?” says Riddle very quietly, right against your throat, his voice dangerously soft and smooth enough to make your stomach twist.
You exhale, closing your eyes tightly. Slowly, you nod.
“You do?” he says, smirk audible. One of his hands slides down your hip at a teasing pace and takes a handful of your dress.
You nod again, wondering exactly what you’ve gotten yourself into as Riddle’s teeth press against your skin and he draws your dress up again.
“There are things you want me to do to you too, aren’t there?” he says softly, and you have to consciously suppress a gasp as Riddle’s hand slides up the inside of your thigh. “Hmm?” he prompts with another kiss when you don’t respond, fingers sliding up your skin.
You nod, wishing you could say something but your throat has closed up and you’re barely managing to stay standing, let alone speak.
“Things like this?” he murmurs, and without warning his fingers brush against your underwear, feather-light but he’s been teasing you for so long that even that makes pure electric heat shoot through your body and there’s no stopping your gasp this time.
Riddle’s hand still on your waist tightens. “You want me to touch you, don’t you?” he whispers in your ear, his fingers playing across the surface of your underwear and making you very, very aware of how wet they are. Riddle doesn’t give you time to feel self-conscious about this. “Tell me,” he says smoothly and you shiver again at his voice, the way you can feel it in your chest every time he speaks, his lips pressing just beneath your ear as his fingers continue to dance. “I want you to tell me.”
You dip your head and you try to gather yourself, to focus on the cool wood beneath your palms, to think, but your whole body is aching with how badly you want him, the feeling pooling heavy and almost painfully beneath his fingers and you nod without meaning to. “Yes,” you somehow say, and your voice doesn’t sound like your own, breathy and hollow and full of wanting.
His lips stay on your skin as his fingers press harder and your hips shift at the heat that blooms with his touch, your lips part with a gasp, and Riddle’s mouth curves into a smile on your skin as he breathes a small, warm laugh. “Do you want me to take these off?” he asks you, sounding like he knows the answer as he curls a finger into your underwear.
Your head falls even more. “Yes,” you whisper.
He pulls at them gently and they’re gone, Vanished, and before you can react Riddle’s hand on your waist is tilting you forward a little more, making your palms flatten on the wooden table –
His fingers slide slick against you and every thought in your head disappears as electric pleasure explodes in your body. Riddle’s lips never leave your skin as he touches you slowly, ceaselessly, somewhere between gentle and ruthless. His free hand grips your waist so tightly you can’t help but like it, and inch by inch he goads more and more heat into your stomach, you’re leaning more and more on the table as you start to spiral.
Right as you’re on the brink of release, Riddle’s fingers come to a still and you let go of a breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding, too caught up in the rise.
“Are you serious?” you gasp, panting.
He laughs again. “Yes,” he says softly, his hand releasing your waist and coming up to rest against your throat, gently guiding your face to the side as he presses his lips to your cheek. “I’d like to listen.”
And his fingers resume, slower than before like he knows it’ll be torture for you, and you force back a moan at the wave of pleasure that tears through you.
“Does that feel good?” he asks, lips a smirk on you skin.
You would have told him yes if you could speak but you’ve been wanting this for too long now, you body is on fire –
“There’s more I want to do to you,” Riddle whispers in your ear as he strokes you closer and closer to your climax. “Would you let me?”
“Riddle,” you moan, eyes shutting tightly.
“Would you?”
You think you know what he means. You don’t really care. You’ll let him do just about anything. “Yes,” you whisper, wondering if he means now or after he’s –
His fingers press harder and unbearable pleasure immediately blooms in your core under his touch. You fall fast, struck by your orgasm with such intensity that the breath is knocked from your lips and stolen from your throat, and Riddle’s fingers don’t still, he only holds you tighter as you moan. You’re gasping as you come down, chest heaving and an ache in your core.
“I’d like you to do that again,” Riddle murmurs, and then his lips leave your cheek and you barely have a second before his hand flattens against your back and he pushes you smoothly down onto the table. Your eyes fall shut and your pulse triples because you know exactly what’s about to happen, you feel him against you and it takes everything in you not to rock back into him but you don’t have to wait long.
In one unbroken movement Riddle pushes inside of you and your entire body comes alive with electric pleasure that has you gasping as he holds you there, as he draws back and pushes back in so hard your vision splits with stars and heat explodes beneath your skin. One of Riddle’s hands traces down your back as his other holds your hip tighter, and with gentle pressure he pushes you down a little more, tilting your hips in his hands and Riddle’s thrusts hit something inside of you that makes you choke on your moans, because you’re still so tangled up from his fingers teasing you that you’re close again already, and god he’s never going to let you live this down –
As you try to stifle the sounds he’s drawing from you each time his hips collide with yours, you hear him take a long breath, his hand tightening on your hip. “There,” he says quietly and his palm slides up your back, slipping across your shoulder and coming to rest very, very gently against your throat, too gentle to bear given how hard he’s gripping your hip, how relentlessly he’s fucking you – “You’re going to come for me again, aren’t you?”
You screw your eyes up tighter.
“Aren’t you?” he repeats smoothly, and he yanks your hips back an inch like he’s demanding you answer as he slams into you so hard that another moan is knocked from your lips and pleasure curls rebelliously in your gut.
“Yes,” you gasp.
“Good,” he says softly. Riddle suddenly pulls you up and you’re too malleable in his hands, you really are letting him do all these things to you, things you’re very much enjoying him doing, things he’s clearly thought about –
His hand slides up your throat to rest right under your jaw as he tilts your hips a little more, and your back arches even more, your head falling back against his shoulder as you open your eyes and look straight up into the darkness as heat and pleasure starts to well up in your stomach and your chest heaves harder and harder as you get closer and closer with each of his thrusts –
“You feel…” he murmurs, lips pressing hungrily against your throat, “very… very good.”
“Go on, Tom,” you say through your hard breathes, mimicking his own words from what feels like an age ago, “give me what I want.”
Riddle takes a slightly hollow breath, his forehead falling onto your shoulder, and there’s something a lot more uncontrolled about his movements that make a smile pull at the corners of your lips because you’ve just learned that for all his composure, Riddle rather likes someone making him lose a bit of control.
You’re right on the brink again, precarious before the fall, and the desperation and pleasure and heat spurs you on without a second thought. “Please, Tom,” you whisper, half just to see what he does. “Please, I want you Tom, I–”
Riddle turns his face into your shoulder as a sound half-way between a groan and an exhale falls from his lips, holding you tighter than ever and you tip straight into another orgasm as you feel heat burst inside of you, as his movements stutter and stop, as his breath comes hard against your skin, his arms somehow now wrapped tightly around you and holding you in place. You think it’s about ninety percent of why you haven’t collapsed by now.
You open your eyes, slowly coming back to your body and making sense of the world again. Both of you are breathing hard, and Riddle’s forehead is still slumped against your shoulder.
“Are you alive?” you ask in mumble, looking to the side as if you might look at him, your cheek pressing against his soft hair.
“I think so,” he murmurs, sounding very tired.
You breathe a laugh and push him away so you can turn to face him, sliding your hands up his chest and taking his face in your palms again. “Well what on earth happens now?” you ask, amused and tired yourself.
“I’m not sure,” he says in the same voice, leaning down and resting his head on your shoulder again. You suppress another laugh. Riddle likes closeness after sex, who bloody knew.
You lace your arms around his neck and he immediately leans in more, taking a very long breath that makes his whole body relax like its taking the last of his energy with it. “Are you going to go back to hating me?” he asks wearily.
“Probably. You are a bit of a prick,” you say against his hair, pushing your fingers through the soft waves.
Riddle hums and slides his hands around your waist, pulling you closer. “I suppose I better go back to hating you too, then,” he murmurs.
You smile, turning your face into the crook of his neck and closing your eyes. “Deal.”
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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goldenhypen · 3 years
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last update: 03.25.24
notes: ❣︎ = author’s favourites; ★ = readers’ favourites (popular)
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— HEESEUNG - - - ✩
— JAY - - - ✧
— JAKE - - - ♡
— SUNGHOON - - - ❄︎
— SUNOO - - - ☼
— JUNGWON - - - ∞
— NI-KI - - - ☽
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— enha reaction to you calling them husband ★ ↝ fluff // 1.4k
— enha reaction to you studying for exams ★ ↝ fluff, slight angst // 1.9k // requested
— hyung line reaction to their s/o being a single mom ★ ↝ fluff, domestic!au, dad!au // 0.9k // requested
— enha reaction to their s/o fangirling over them ★ ↝ fluff // 3.4k // requested
— enha reaction to you breaking up with them ★ ↝ angst // 2.0k // requested
— hyung line reaction to holding your baby for the first time ★ ↝ fluff, dad!au // 0.8k // requested
— enha reaction when you ask them to do that tiktok trend with you ↝ fluff // 1.3k // requested
— enha reaction to you showering them with compliments ★ ↝ fluff // 0.7k
— interrupting them with a kiss ★ ↝ fluff // 1.2k
— enha crushing on you at their fanmeet ★ ↝ fluff // 3.6k // requested
— spending halloween w/ enha ↝ fluff // 1.2k
— hugs w/ enha ★ ↝ fluff // 0.7k
— how enhypen changed your mind when you were incapable of falling in love ↝ fluff, slight angst // 2.2k // requested
— how enhypen would confess / ask you out ↝ fluff // 1.0k
— neck kisses with enhypen ❣︎★ ↝ fluff // 1.8k
— love letters with enhypen ❣︎ ↝ fluff // 0.6k
— firsts with enhypen ❣︎ ↝ fluff, slight angst // 2.2k
— quality time with enhypen ❣︎★ ↝ fluff // 0.4k
— refusing their kisses ★ ↝ fluff // 1.3k
— enhypen’s red flags ★ ↝ crack // 1.3k
— kisses against the wall ❣︎★ ↝ fluff, suggestive // 1.9k
— when you listen to another bg’s song ↝ fluff
— when you can’t sleep ★ ↝ fluff
— when they forget your anniversary (prank) ↝ fluff
— when you’re stressed with school/exams ↝ comfort // requested
— ‘imagine if we were dating’ texts ★ ↝ fluff, comedy // requested
— ‘why didn’t you tell me?’ texts ★ ↝ fluff, comedy // requested
— comforting you before meeting their parents ↝ fluff // requested
— comfort texts ↝ fluff, comfort // requested
— telling enhypen you have a crush on them when you’re already dating ★ ↝ fluff
— bf!enhypen reaction to you calling them ‘friend’ ★ ↝ fluff
— the bachelorette (on hold) ↝ ot7 x reader // choose your own adventure, fluff, angst, dating game!au
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© goldenhypen — do not plagiarize, repost, translate, copy, or alter any of my content. thank you!
2K notes · View notes
his-lune · 8 months
☾ inumaki toge masterlist ☽
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-`♡´- key -`♡´-
angst (a) ;; fluff (f) ;; smut (s) ;; crack (c)
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☾. one shots
ᯓ★ coming soon...
☾. series
ᯓ★ coming soon...
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12 notes · View notes
mirakeul · 3 years
filipino! reader
- just a separate masterlist for everything i made with a filipino! reader ASJKDHASKJFAH cuz i want to make a separate one lol
last updated ; feb. 7, 2022
legend ; ♥ - fluff ★ - hurt/comfort ☽ - angst ✿ - crack 🌶 - suggestive, nsfw ❀ - imagines ❆ - blurbs ✤ - headcanons
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▾boku no hero academia
♪ todoroki shouto » welcome to the family, anak ❀ ♥
♪ bakugou katsuki » anghel sa impyerno ❀ ★ » pointing with your lips ❆ ♥ ✿
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♪ hinata shoyou » teaching hinata tagalog ❆ ✿
♪ iwaizumi hajime » ikaw nga, inuulam mo yung kalapati (half filo! iwa) ❆ ✿ » akin ka nalang (half filo! iwa) ❀ ♥ ★ ☽
♪ sugawara koushi » pinto ng tadhana ❀ ★ ☽
♪ kita shinsuke » mahal kita <33 ❆ ♥ ★
♪ misc. » haikyuu boys and how they would dance with you to these opm songs [includes tendou satori, kentarou kyoutani, hinata shoyou, miya atsumu, and bokuto koutarou] (not necessarily filo! reader, but features opm songs) ✤ ♥ ★
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© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else but reblogs are always appreciated!
60 notes · View notes