#ch. 7
daily-chilchuck · 2 months
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s4no · 3 days
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sednonamoris · 1 year
Pairing: John Marston x gn!reader
Summary: Abigail Roberts joins the gang. Your relationship with John is changed, maybe forever.
Warnings: Pregnancy mention, hunting animals, brief mention of dead animals, canon-typical alcohol use, jealousy
Word count: 1,385
A/N: First of all I need to specify that Ghost is jealous of Abigail and thinks badly of her rn, but this story will not vilify Abigail’s character in any way!!! I love her!!!! Second of all it’s not terribly long but I hope you all find this chapter as juicy as I did bc I’ve been looking forward to this one pretty much from the start. Also this chap is 2/3 in a series, the first being ‘cloudburst’. The last one will be ‘thunderstruck’ - I’ll let you do with that info what you will  👀
Series masterlist • AO3
When Abigail Roberts joins up with the gang everyone clamors for her attention. The women help with her chores and mend her dresses and pet her long, dark hair. The men make excuses to come by her tent and help her onto wagons and touch her hand by the campfire. It’s obvious why; she’s a beautiful young woman.
You’re not sure you’ll ever forgive her for that.
Of course, you might not have minded at all if it wasn’t for John. He’s smitten. Every moment he used to spend riding or robbing or roaming with you is now spent at her beck and call. You tell yourself it’s not jealousy that crawls up your throat and colors his name green in your mouth when you call across camp, knowing who he’s with. You tell yourself it’s a coincidence when you wake up next to a pretty, painted whore with dusky blue eyes and brown hair just like hers the next time you’re in town. You even tell yourself that it doesn’t hurt to watch the grey of John’s eyes shine stormcloud bright when they turn toward the object of his affections. When that object isn’t you. 
Like some storybook romance he courts her. It’s clumsy - it’s John - but he brings her half-crushed flowers, and tries to read her some of Dutch’s poetry, and eventually he stops paying for the privilege of a night with her because they cut out the middleman and start sharing a tent. 
Arthur notices your sulkiness. Hosea, too, though neither say anything outright. Instead they break your heart further with sad, understanding smiles and warm hands clasped on your shoulder in passing. Sometimes you wish they’d spill your secrets for the whole camp to see, just to put you out of your misery.
The days you aren’t out hunting you’re fencing horses or robbing farmers - anything to keep far from camp. Once a week you come back with cash to add to the box and a few new stories to trade around the campfire. Dutch is appeased by the money and the odd tip you bring home, and John—
You wait for him to say something about how distant you’ve been.
He doesn’t. 
The sky is clear when Abigail announces her pregnancy in front of the whole camp a few months later, but you smell a storm on the horizon. 
She’s so goddamn happy, and everyone cheers and shouts and rushes to hug her, and you think Ms. Grimshaw’s eyes gloss with tears at the promise of new life and young love, but John’s smile catches at the corners. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes. The panic does, and as much as your heart is already broken and you’ve given up hope, there’s some savage satisfaction you get from knowing he might be miserable now, too. 
Dutch calls for a celebration. Everyone clamors to break out cases of beer and Hosea even proffers the good whiskey he’s been saving for a rainy day. Top shelf, according to the man he stole it from. Pearson sweats himself into a frenzy to have a good, hearty meal prepared in time. Ms. Grimshaw has the camp cleared and clean with military precision. Javier settles next to the campfire with a song just waiting to sing off the strings of his guitar with each joyful strum. 
You slink away and pack your gear for a hunting trip.
After a feast like this the camp will need game, and you’ve always found the most success right before weather hits, when the animals are out getting the last bit of sustenance they can before hunkering down in the brush. You clasp Abigail’s hands and congratulate her, trying not to make the words sound like a curse before you fade into firelight shadows. While the others dance and sing, you nurse a bottle that does nothing to dull the ache in your heart.
You’re gone before first light.
The grassy plain is wide open and endless before you. Tall grass rises up to the stirrups of your saddle, and thunder rumbles its electric intent in the distance. Overcast clouds promise rain on the breeze as the sky gets darker and darker. It’s a cobalt blue sort of storm, one that paints the grass greyish and strikes your silhouette onto the American frontier for anyone in the distance to see. 
A herd of pronghorn graze the prairie grass. You’ve been tracking them for a few miles now. Downwind. A safe enough distance away that they’re worried more about the oncoming storm than potential predators.
Two does, you think, ought to be enough. 
You’re shit with a bow and arrow, so you rely entirely on being quick on the draw of your hunting rifle. Perks of spending the better part of your life as a gunslinger.
Your horse tenses beneath you as you raise your rifle up, muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. You let out a slow, steady breath. Bang, bang, in quick succession on the trigger has your horse leaping forward. You let his momentum carry you while the rest of the herd scatters in frantic leaps and bounds. 
Two clean shots await your inspection when you crouch to tie the bodies and sling them behind the saddle. Rain begins to fall. The wind carries hoofbeats your way, and you turn with your rifle raised on the off chance some fool hunter is coming to try and steal your quarry. 
 “Ghost, there you are!”
Not a fool hunter, but a fool. 
“John,” you say past the anger and jealousy burrowed deep in your chest. “What are you doing here?”
He shakes his head. “I was gonna ask you the same thing. You left without sayin’ a word.”
“Surprised you noticed,” you scoff. 
“You wanna tell me why you been actin’ so funny lately?”
You fold your arms. “You followed me all the way out here just to tell me I don’t act right?”
“Everyone else is happy,” he says. “Guess I’m just wonderin’ why you ain’t.”
There are a thousand things you could say to that. I’ve been in love with you since before I knew what that warm feeling was in my chest. We were best friends and then you chose a stranger over me, and now that stranger is going to have your baby. Sometimes, when I dream, I dream of us getting old on a farm out West where the law won’t ever touch us. I think of you every time it storms. You say none of it.
The rain falls harder. 
“I know you, John Marston,” is what comes out your mouth instead. “You look more scared than happy to me.”
“I ain’t scared,” he says, snappish and too-fast.
“I am.” The smile on your face is sad, and it stops the defensive snarl trying to form across his face. “Guess that’s why I came out here, away from it all.”
 Lightning strikes in the not-far distance. The flash lights your surroundings in an eerie daytime glow for a heartbeat and a half. The thunder that rolls across the plain not long after makes you feel even smaller than you did already.You pull your coat tighter around your shoulders. 
“I’m camping here tonight. Room in the tent for two if you want.”
It’s even flimsier than your usual peace offerings, but he takes it. On the edge of the prairie you strike the tent while he pickets the horses. The rain is coming down in sheets, now, and you’re both forced to strip to your underthings because your clothes are entirely soaked through. The blankets and bedrolls are damp, but drier than the two of you. As you settle into sleep to the sound of pelting rain against canvass, John’s roll tucked up against yours, you hear a raspy voice speak up.
“You were right,” John says. “I’m scared of— well, all of it. Raisin’ this kid. Disappointing Abigail. But I’m more scared of losing you, Ghost. We’re best friends, ain’t we?”
Your chest constricts. “‘Course we’re best friends. You won’t lose me.”
Then, so quiet you almost miss it, “Haven’t I already?”
The tears that run down your face are silent, and dark as it is you pray he can’t see them. Thunder and rain drown out your shuddering sigh. 
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chinchintatap · 1 year
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it's panels like this that give me so much life. they just are so lively. their expressions, the grip of their hands, just the pure bliss you feel from looking at them and being overjoyed that they did it, they really did it!
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boxofcondoms · 6 months
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brainfuzzz · 2 years
Old Truths Ch. 7 "Freedom Part 2"
Yep, another Crocodile learns that he's Luffy's mother fic because why not? Also, I'm making him the Snake Princess before Hancock because I'm already in Crocomom hell so why not pile on more to it, right? Expect a reunion with Dragon as Crocodile goes on a journey for the truth and eventually finds peace.
In this world, there is little that can inspire fear in Crocodile. But the Celestial Dragons cut it pretty close. Not because of their physical power, but more from the weight of their massive authority. In truth, it wouldn’t take much to kill one, but the consequences that would follow would likely kill him, and everyone on Amazon Lily. Even he’s not dumb enough to oppose their forces. But now, as he leans against a shop window with a storm brewing overhead and a Celestial Dragon claiming all attention further down the street, he realizes there is something even more worthy of fear: a man that is bold enough to defy that force. Though, stupid might be a more accurate word. Dragon stands in the center of the street with a glare pointed towards the Celestial, his dark green cloak billowing in the breeze. Crocodile is frozen in his spot. He wants to turn away, return to the Kuja Pirates, and leave this island and all its troubles. But he doesn’t. He can’t bring himself to look away from the one person that fate keeps putting in his path.
            Dragon takes a step towards the Celestial as a strange power hangs thick in the air. His frown deepens, his eyes serious. Crocodile stares down the street towards the Celestial Dragon. All the civilians are still crouched on the ground in a desperate bow. The Celestial sits on a seat attached to a man crawling on his hands and knees. Even from here, Crocodile can see the man’s scarred bloody knees and the torn red palms of his hands. A thick chain stretches from his collar to the Celestial’s grip. In his hand are two chains. One to the man carrying the bastard on his back, and the other is attached to a woman’s collar as she walks slowly behind him. She wears something only a dancer would wear and clearly malnourished and void of all life. It sours Crocodile’s stomach, but there’s nothing he can do. Not without condemning himself to a similar fate.
            “Hey!” Dragon’s voice booms through the street, rattling the windows of the surrounding buildings. Crocodile whips his head back at him, silently pleading for him to shut up. But its too late. The Celestial Dragon is turning his slave around so that he can see who has caused such a disruption. His small attaché of bodyguard’s frown when they spot Dragon staring them down. Armament haki coats Dragon’s arms. “Where are they?”
            At first, the Celestial just stares. This might be the first time anyone has dared to defy him. Then, his ugly smug face twists into a grin before bursting out in laughter.
            “Do you know who I am?” the Celestial fumbles off his slave who trembles under his weight. He stands on the street looking more cartoonish rather than intimidating. He waves a pistol in the air with all the arrogance of someone who has never learned how to properly use it. “Of course, you do! How could you not? After all, even worms know when they see a being higher than themselves.”
            Dragon narrows his eyes, “All I see is a pathetic man waving a gun in the air like it’s a toy.”       
            The Celestial freezes, his face draining of all color. The people bowing in the streets flinch from Dragon’s words. Even Crocodile eyes him while silently hurling insults at the man who has sealed all their fates. The Celestial tenses, the pistol shaking in his tight grip.
            “You think this is a toy? How dare you speak to me in such a way!” The Celestial fires off three rounds. One misses Dragon entirely, hitting a sign post a few feet back, and the other two he was able to skillfully dodge. When Dragon stands, unscathed by the Celestial’s attack, a few people gasp and lift their heads to gawk in his direction. The Celestial glances around at the people now staring up at his would be assailant. He grinds his teeth and kicks a woman on her side. “How dare you look up at such a villain! Anyone who dares even glance at that worm will be executed!”
            The people quickly duck their heads, pointing their faces to the ground as they tremble with fear. Crocodile sets his jaw. He needs to get out of here. This wont end well. Before he can start inching towards an alley, the Celestial points his pistol in Crocodile’s direction.
            “And you!” snot drips from both his nostrils as he waves his gun at Crocodile. “Why aren’t you bowing? You must be with this wretch!”
            Crocodile stiffens, unsure how to proceed. On one hand, he wants nothing more than to drive his foot into the bastard’s face. On the other hand, he’ll likely be forced to face off with an admiral and, best case scenario, be carted off to jail. Dragon turns his head towards Crocodile, noticing him for the first time.
            “Sir?” if Dragon had eyebrows, they would be raised. “What are you doing here?”
            Crocodile stiffly turns to him, his right eye twitching as he presses his lips together, attempting to contain his anger. Instead of the long rant he has prepared in his mind, he mutters, “I hate you.”
            “Hate me? What did I do?” now Dragon has fully turned his attention to Crocodile.
            “I wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for you.” Crocodile’s eye continues to twitch.
            “What are you even doing here?”
            “I went for a walk!”
            “How is it my fault you walked onto the one street with a Celestial Dragon?” While they bickered, they ended up approaching each other until they were inches away, each yelling in the others face.
            “Anyone with a single braincell would know to just walk away from this situation! But you had to go and open your big mouth!” Crocodile jabs a finger at Dragon’s chest.
            “A single braincell? What’s that supposed to mean?” Dragon jabs a finger back at Crocodile.
            “You would know if you had one!” they practically press their foreheads together while shouting. The Celestial Dragon hops back and forth on his feet while shouting and firing off his gun, demanding their attention. Each time he fired at them; they were able to dodge the bullets while never missing a beat in their argument.
            “How dare you not listen to me!” The Celestial shouts when a bullet fires past Crocodile’s ear.
            “Dammit, what do you want? You’re really starting to piss me off!” Crocodile snarls at the Celestial before slapping a hand over his mouth and muttering under his breath, “Dammit.”
            “Now who has the big mouth?” Dragon grins next to him. The sound of clanking rifles draws their attention past the Celestial to a row of Marines pointing their weapons directly at them.
            Dragon tilts his head and casually says, “Huh, when did they get here?”
            Crocodile shoves Dragon towards an alley as the marines open fire. It’s not long before bullets are flying past them as they maneuver through the labyrinth of alleys.
            Crocodile pulls Dragon down an alley on the right and says, “They’ve been on this island the entire time, along with an Admiral and a Vice Admiral.”
            “How do you know that?” Dragon grabs a garbage can and hurls it back, crushing three marines in the process.
            “They invited a bunch of pirate captains for an interview.” Crocodile leaps forward when two marines turn down their alley. He kicks both across the face and keeps running. Dragon grabs his arm and brings him to a stop.
            “What do you mean?” Dragon stares at him with all the intensity he had with the Celestial Dragon. Crocodile pulls his arm free.
            “Do you really want to get into it right now?” Crocodile pulls his pistol out and fires on a marine. The man goes down, momentarily stalling the two behind him. Dragon frowns but keeps running. Even while going deeper into the city, they can still hear the Celestial Dragon shouting in the distance. Crocodile’s eye twitches with annoyance. How did things come to this?
            A whistling comes from overhead. Crocodile and Dragon glance up just in time for a canon ball to land mere feet away from them. They leap away from the blast and stare back at a giant hole in the side of the alley wall.
            “Why the hell are there canon balls all the way out here?” Crocodile is certain that the docks are too far away for canon fire to reach them. Not to mention that they are running through a city and would be impossible to hit from here. Crocodile glances over to Dragon who has paled.
            “You said a Vice Admiral was here?” His voice is flat as he slowly turns his dead stare on Crocodile. “Which one?”
            “Vice Admiral Garp.” Crocodile watches Dragon’s soul leave his body. Crocodile almost asks him if he’s alright before Dragon grabs his arm and starts sprinting down a different alley.
            “We need to run!” Dragon screams as another canon ball flies over head.
            “You’re more scared of Garp then a Celestial Dragon?” Crocodile yells as debris rains down on them.
            “It’s not that I’m scared of him but its more that I know what he can do!” they bob and weave through raining debris and canon fire. Finally, Crocodile has had enough. He comes to a skidding stop and turns towards the direction of the canon balls.
            “That’s it. I don’t care if he’s some legendary hero. I’m gonna kick his ass!” Crocodile coats his arms in armament haki and starts in Garp’s direction. He doesn’t get far before Dragon grabs him and starts running with Crocodile tucked under his arm. “What the hell are you doing?”
            Dragon says nothing as he continues sprinting further away from Garp. When Dragon bursts into a busy street, he pauses to glance around. Crocodile continues to squirm and shout threats in his arms but is ultimately unable to free himself. A noise comes from Dragon’s cloak pocket. He pulls out a transponder snail.
            “Dragon? Hello! Please tell me you didn’t go after the Celestial Dragon on your own.” A voice comes over the snail.
            “What do you think!” Crocodile yells, answering for him.
            “Oh? Who’s that with you?” the voice asks curiously.
            “Forget it. Ivankov, we got a problem. Garp’s on my trail and I still don’t have any leads where they are holding the slaves.” Dragon starts down the street, ignoring the many concerned stares of Crocodile being carried away against his will.
            “Well, that is a problem. But no matter. I’m heading your way with back up!”
            Dragon slips the transponder snail back into his cloak.
            “We need to get to the harbor. I’m sure if they’re anywhere they’ll be—” he’s cut short when a fist lands against his face, sending him flying back through a brick wall. In the process, Crocodile was let go, causing him to land in the rubble. He coughs while struggling to sit up. a shadow casts over him before the dust clears as Vice Admiral Garp stands over him.
            “You brat! What kind of trouble are you getting into now?” Garp yells towards the direction Dragon’s body went. Crocodile glances back as Dragon climbs out of the rubble, looking fine for the most part.
            “I don’t have time for you, old man.” Dragon stares the Vice Admiral down.
            “Of all the reckless things you could do… going after a Celestial Dragon? How could you do this to your father?” Garp yells. Crocodile stiffens.
            “Father?” He stares at Dragon who sighs and nods. Dragon steps out of the hole in the building so nothing is between him and Garp.
            “There are lives on the line. If I don’t do something, who will?” they continue to stare at each other, both impossible to read. Garp lowers his head with a nod.
            “Still, I have a duty to uphold.” Garp reaches behind him where a group of marines pushes a cart of canon balls. He takes one in his hand.
            Crocodile grits his teeth. He was throwing them with his hands?
            “So do I.” Dragon doesn’t budge.
            Garp rears his arm back and says, “I’m proud of you, boy.”
            He launches the canon ball. Before it has a chance to reach Dragon, Crocodile leaps forward, deflecting it with his armament coated arm. Black powder fills the air after the collision. Garp raises a brow at him.
            “You again, eh?” his expression doesn’t change.
            “What are you doing?” Dragon frowns at him.
            “You said lives are on the line, right?” Crocodile grins over his shoulder. “Go. I’ve got this. Let the pirate deal with the marine.”
            Dragon pauses for a moment before smiling. “Fine. But I’ll warn you. The old man’s tougher than you think. He’s earned the title Hero of the Marines for a reason. He won’t go easy on you.”
            A large figure appears on the roof of a nearby building. Dragon gives them a signal before disappearing and reappearing next to the person. Crocodile arches a brow. That was fast. Dragon gives another smile before running off with his fellow revolutionaries.
            With Dragon gone, Crocodile turns his attention to Garp.
            “So,” Garp crosses his arms with the tilt of his head. “What’s the deal with you and Dragon?”
            “No deal. He’s just some fool I keep running into.” Crocodile coats both arms in armament haki and grins. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little excited about this fight. It’s not every day you get to fight a living legend. Garp gives a grin back.
            “Then I guess he won’t mind if I beat you into dust?” Garp chuckles as he takes another canon ball in hand.
            Crocodile gets into a fighting position, “You can try, old man. Try not to throw your back out.”
            They both ready themselves for the upcoming battle. Just as they are both about to strike, something stabs Crocodile in the back sending an electric shock through his body. Garp pauses, eyes wide for a moment, before they narrow. Crocodile falls to the ground, his body still twitching from the shock.
            “I did it!” the Celestial Dragon hops up and down with excitement. Crocodile grits his teeth, unable to move. He had been so focused on Garp that he let his guard down. Garp frowns while squeezing the canon ball in his hand so tightly that it explodes. The Celestial stares down at Crocodile. His face quickly shifts into a much darker smile.
            “You know, after giving it some thought, I’ve decided to take this one as my next wife.” He straightens up for one of his bodyguards to reach down and grab Crocodile. “Just put her with the others.”
            Crocodile can’t move his body and his vision is starting to blur. He glances back at Garp who stands shaking with helpless rage. He’s just as bound by their authority as Crocodile is. He doesn’t blame him for not doing anything. he continues to stare at the Vice Admiral until his vision blurs completely and he blacks out.
            Crocodile’s entire body aches. He’s lying on his side on a hard wooden floor with his hands bound and something cold has been clasped around his neck. When he’s able to crack one eye open, all he see’s is darkness. He struggles to push himself up into a sitting position. The spot where that damned Celestial Dragon stunned him, stings under his clothes. He sucks in air, scrunching his face at the sweaty hot stench. Scuffling comes from within the darkness. He blinks a few times before his vision finally adjusts and he’s able to make out over a dozen frightened eyes staring back at him.
            His blood freezes. He blinks, not wanting to accept what he’s seeing. He shifts, his chains rattling as he tries to get a better look.
            “My god,” he breathes, counting nearly fifteen of them. “The slaves Dragon was talking about… you’re all children!”      
To be continued…
Read the full story HERE on AO3!!!
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wakeywakeygrrr · 8 months
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thrillofhope · 2 years
“Three rings for the elven kings, under the sky,” he muses, considering the bit of enchantment done by the light of the stars. “Well,” he hedges, twirling the band on his own finger, “one elven king, but that is hardly poetic, is it?
“If they are to be equal,” he says, taking the book from her hand, “there should need to be more for the lesser races. Moreso for men, for are they not the weakest of all?”
Sauron gets up, leaving the book in his place and standing instead before Galadriel. He places one hand on the table beside her hip. “Seven for the dwarves, for each of Aulë’s children; although forged before their time, they are not without their might.” She shifts forward just slightly. “And nine for the kings of men, doomed as they are to die.”
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how is Severus a snob? He’s literally dirt poor and a half blood
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blconnoisseur · 15 days
Girl like run farrrrree away from Seojoon and stick with Minwoo😭
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shrekgogurt · 8 months
watching this documentary for the fifth time now as a refresher …
What If A Premier League Footballer Comes Out As LGBTQ+
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daily-chilchuck · 2 months
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patchworkprince · 1 year
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his cardigan has a lil platypus on it 🥺
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suntails · 25 days
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new plushie just dropped
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chinchintatap · 1 year
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and to think that he'll do so till the very last page... and that they'll meet again soon because of one stinky sock? can't help but love this guy
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fearmeeeee · 1 year
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Knight of Dreams Knight of Lightning
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