#chackra exhaustion
phanb · 2 years
Konoha Ninja: *Looks at Guy* Your boyfriend is bonkers!
Gai: *Waves Kakashi with a big smile from afar before facing an army with just his bare fists.*
Kakashi: Yeah, but he's cute.
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chocol4tte · 2 months
Man, who would've thought that you guys be interested in an idea that didn't have a plot *glup*
I only had three scenes when thinking of this AU tho, with the idea that Obito became good earlier than in Canon, maybe you are interested?
Also, reminder that this is unbeta-Ed and my first language isn't English, anyway, enjoy you masochists!
Kakashi doesn't want to die, not now that he realized that Obito was alive. If he ever took the sharingan out of his eye socket now, maybe, he could have the opportunity of living a few more years, hopefully another decade, another opportunity to start something with Obito.
When Kakashi gets the time to speak with Obito, asking him.if he wanted his eye back, and yet, when he tried to explain that Obito's eye was killing him in a literal sense, Obito interrupts him. He began calling Kakashi off and how dare he thinks he wishes his eye back, and Kakashi deserves the eye.
Kakashi doesn't elaborate further and accepts it, thinking that Obito trully hasn't forgiven him completely for what he did to Rin. With that in mind, Kakashi continues living as if nothing happened.
It's not until the end of the war, Obito survived by a hair and everyone is rescuing the injured and the corpses for a proper burial. Obito sees Kakashi on the ground unconscious, thinking that the moron he is heads over hills, passed out due to chackra exhaustion as he cannot feel his chakra.
By playfully kicking him awake, expecting to see Kakashi frowning or groaning... there is no movement. He kneels over the man and realizes that he is not breathing, and with no pulse.
He doesn't realize he is screaming Kakashi's name until Naruto and Sakura (Sasuke is following but, ya know) arrive at his side and began checking Kakashi's wounds. It was revealed by Sakura that Kakashi only held superficial wounds and a few broken bones... yet when they examined Kakashi's left eye, it was marked by vains and almost red.
It's is then revealed that Kakashi was dead, poisoned by the eye he was gifted for years and years. Obito is stricken by grief, remembering that Kakashi was offering his eye back... and he refused to accept it, poisoning further.
Obito wanted to do so much things after the war, to have a live and find redemption towards the village he used to love, towards the man who he admired and was admired in return... to have options. He thought that by giving him his eye, they'll be connected in ways that it wouldn't be possible, he was blind by the mere idea of Kakashi rejecting that connection with him, that he made him keep it, and now what? Kakashi was dead.
Obito remained in his own world, holding Kakashi like a lifeline, and ignoring how Naruto and Sakura were crying their hearts out, Might Guy and Yamato arriving at the scene only to observe that their dear friend didn't make it... when it was revealed the true reason of his death, it became more crushing.
It was clear that despite Kakashi being a loner, he was loved by his people, the people Obito tried to kill for a delusion.
A part of him, his most selfish and decrepit part of him, wished to take Kakashi away to Kamui, where time didn't pass, where the two of them could be forever. Other part of him was close to take Orochimaru by the hair and drag him to do Edo tensei to Kakashi... but by the looks of it, Kakashi would dislike any of those options. Kakashi loved Konoha, even its ugly parts, he called that place a home, and he would love to rest there.
Obito didn't notice that he was being guided by Naruto and others to Konoha, they tried taking Kakashi's body from him, yet his arms firmly continued carrying Kakashi until it was time to prepare him for the burial. Obito destroyed the sharingan he once sharddnwoth Kakashi, hating the fact that a part of him that was supposednto protect him, did the opposite.
The burial was held on a sunny day, Obito was arrested not long after the ceremony ended. He didn't care, he no longer could have a future with the person he hold dear, not even when Naruto promised him to lesser his sentence.
In the cell where he was held, he only kept thinking of escenarios where he and Kakashi survived and obito served his sentence, but lived a life with Kakashi.
Or he died and Kakashi came back to Konoha without him, but with his students... or both dying... a world where he wasn't crushed by a Boulder and grew up with Kakashi...
A lot of scenarios, multiple what-ifs, things that only happen in his dreams. He was tired and wanted to rest.
After almost a year inside a cell, Obito was granted temporary liberty, under the supervision of an AMBU squad and Yamato. He didn't care. Nor that the people in the street either run away from him, or was berated by other shinobi.
The first place he went to was Kakashi's grave, because what right did he have to visit Rin's or his sensei's grave, he stayed there for hours under the sun until dusk, where his retainers forced him to go back to an apartment with Tenzo.
It became a routine for the next following days.
It stopped however, as the sunny days went by, that Obito began to think how Kakashi must be under too much sun, he would've loved sunny days like this and being under the shadow of a tree. Yes, that's what he needed, that's the least he could provide to Kakashi.
The next morning, Obito was nowhere to be found. It became a frantic search by most shinobis available. It took just a few minutes to Yamato, close to his sempai's grave, a full grown tree layed in there, the only tree in the middle of the grave site. By using mokuton, Yamato asserted the situation with a grimace and reported to the Hokage that Obito was neutralized by his own ability, as he layed underground the tree that mysteriously grew at the cementary.
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theantarwitch · 3 years
The dangerous “Ascension Energy Shift Symptoms”-ish trend
This is something that I’m seeing lately and is not more dangerous than absurd and stupid, and I will be not surprised that someone end seriously sick because this kind of narrow new age Karen mindset.
And I’m not mention only the “Ascension Symptoms”, I also put here any of this kind of “Spiritual evolution feels like diseases” kind of post. Trash hidding behind words like Activaction and Purification Process, Energy Shift, Karma Issues (because they need to do cultural appropiation and cultural devastation at the same time), Interplanetarian Shockwave, and an endless list of a mix of pompous words that are made to look pretty.
That the body can experience some effect by the change of the mentality (vibrations) is true, but they are in tune with the characteristics of these vibrations.
If you are experiencing a bad emotional season or depression or anxiety, is well know, even in science, that you will feel effects in your body. They are called Psychosomatic Disorders. For example, lower back pain and high blood pressure? Some researchers have suggested may be related to stresses in everyday life. The psychosomatic framework additionally sees mental and emotional states as capable of significantly influencing the course of any physical illness, yet is very difficult to establish for certain whether an illness has a psychosomatic component.
So, in the same idea, someone who is experiencing a psychological/ spiritual change, can get some mild symptoms related to the brain and body adapting to a new mindset. Is like when you are a addict to caffeine and you start to low how much of coffee you drink. If you do it abruptly, your body will experience abstinence syndrome. If you do it in a slow way, your abstinence syndrome will be more soft or none.
If you starting a new healthy diet and more physical activity, you will have more energy and a general improvement of your lifestyle and some ailments can get better.
If the spiritual/ psychological change is very positive, is obvious that the body will get a positive modification and symptoms. In the same way that someone can feel the changes after get finally the right antidepressant and start to leave the depression. So you could feel nice things, euphoria, more energy, a lift in the self esteem, less sleep (less amount but of better quality), more sleep (in case of have previous insomnia or hard time to sleep), vivid dreams, more appetite or less craving for unhealthy things, etc.
What's NOT logical, is that a process of emotional evolution bring BAD things like this bullshit here:
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I can mild accept the changing of sleep patter (because what I mention before), vivid dreams, and the rest of positive things, and even maaaaaaybe ringing ears, but the rest??? Nightmares? Blurred Vision? In what kind of mindfucked brain fit the idea of Good Changes = Nausea?
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This other is another piece of delight... Sadly I can’t find one with better resolution.... But there are things like Weight gain (adding the... BUDDHA BELLY), exhaustion, memory loss???
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Tell me this is a joke...DOWNLOAD OF INFORMATION? Are you Neo? Are you connected to the Matrix and you will download the last book about “How unblock the chackra in my ass?” right in your brain? What kind of BULLSHIT IS THIS?
In any case, then we are not longer speaking about "Ascension Symptoms"... I will not even touch too much the fact that the super popular "Indigo Child" was just a fancy ableist neurotypical shit to say "autism". Because this "Ascension Symptoms" are not even very far away of that. The "My son is weird, different, he can't understand the world, his body have sensory issues, HE MUST BE SOME KIND OF SPIRITUAL INDIGO CHILD! He can't be the same than the rest! I can't treat him as the rest because SO SPECIAL, poor thing!" Like jeez Karen, we are humans too!
And I need to remember to all, if you are feeling any kind of weird new symptom, specially BAD ONES like in that nasty post, for a long period of time, GO TO THE DAMN DOC. You are not becoming a pure entity of light, you have - insert here 896876 different physical illness that can have all these symptoms -. 
Is like if they are thinking something like: You feel something bad at all? Anything? Is because your spirit is evolving into a new cosmic order! What? Ilness? What’s that? Medicine is hell, suck this bottle of Rose’s oil, will cure you and you will grow your amputated limb back! But only if you believe strong enough and do all this closed practices”.
You are spiritual, you supposedely are more aware of yourself and the world, you supposedly have a critical thinking... Prove it and stop to believe any made up shit in internet that a Karen whitch mix with a closed practice, to make you feel special...
You want to know about what are the signs or symptoms of be in a Higher Level Of Consciousness or evolution or anything? Well, you are more conscious than before. About Energy Shift? You feel a shift in your energy. Spiritual awakening? You feel more spiritual. 
Is sad that it have to be me who need to do a “Neuronal Awakening” and tell you to stop this unhealthy bullshit.
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
- Going Between Dimensions-
part 3 - Everything changes  Masterlist
AN: lets see what the years have in store for Y/N. please live a like, comment or a reblog. helps alot to let me know what people think =)
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The years had just flew by at this point, but not without heartache along the way. Kakashi lost his father the same year as you started the academy, making his demanour change into someone different from the boy you used to know. suddenly he was all about rules.. Rin and Obito ended up at the same team as him, under Minato sensei..  since you gradiuated late with Kurenai and Asuma you all were lucky enough to end up on the same team.
being able to complete the chunin exam some years later at the age of 13 made you happy. it didn’t take that long, like the academy did and no needs for retake it next year. the same night Kurenai and Asuma wanted to celebrate the rank up to chunin you all had been given. “soo BBQ?” Asuna looked at you and Kurenai. “well, to me it sounds like a good idea, what do you think Y/N?” You looked up at them and tilted your head. “what?” 
“whats gotten into you lately? we asked if you joined the BBQ grill and you don’t even respond other than what?” Asuma crossed his arms over his chest and looked at you in disbelief. “I can’t help it, soo much has been going on today, I am exhausted” you whined making him soften his expression. “I see, at least try to stay somewhat in this world eh? It is our day to celebrate” He chuckled. “I promise” you started to walk with them.
It was a happy day indeed.. but when such big happenings came around you couldn’t help missing Obito and Rin.. It had been a while since it happened, but you could still not quite get over the whole ordeal, and how the rumours spread about Kakashi. You had known them for years now, first Obito a few years ago, and just a while ago Rin. you stopped as you stood outside the resturant. “lets go then” you smiled and took their hands as you found the booth you guys normally sit in during visits.
“soo, you all heard the news right?” Kurenai looked at both Asuma and you. “news?” you narrowed your brows as you turned a pice of steak on the grill. “yeah, I heard whisperings around town.. they think a war is coming up” you looked up at her, she looked worried, “a war? you sure you heard correctly?” they both nodded and looked down. “I think we should not damper the mood thinking about it” Asmua smiled. 
After spending a few hours in the resturant you all parted ways. you looked up at the stars as you were in deep thoughts on the way home. “Y/N L/N, your presence is requsted at the hokages office” the voice drew you out of your thoughts, looking a head to meet the anbu mask. “at this hour?” it was a suprise. “I accept” you blinked as the anbu dissapeared in front og your eyes, making you blink twice and look around. “how?” 
luckily it wasen’t long until you were at the hokage tower, knocking on the office door. it opened as you walked into the room, noticing the two anbu members. “Y/N you made it” lord 3rd smiled a bit as he looked your way, making you bow politely. the years living in the village had made you used to the culture. “ lord 3rd” you smiled. “Well, I think you wanna know why I called you here?” you nodded slowly. “yes sir, it is allready late” 
“well, let me first congratulate you on beecoming a Chunin” you smiled wide “i promised I wouldn’t let you down” you giggled happily. being noticed by the hokage was huge, at least for you. “You do good, at least when you only have just 10% of your chackra” this made you look at him in confusion. “10%?” ... “yes, when you arrived in this demnsion you had a scroll with you.. do you remember?” during your confusion you din’t notice one of the smaller Anbu’s tense up for a secound.
“yeah, you took it until it was time to open” lord 3rd nodded. “What we are going to talk about can never be shared outside this room, It will be a secret between us, Minato, and Anbu” His face turned into a more serious expression as he started to smoke his pipe. “When you were sent here, something was sent with you..something not even I had forseen” he started slowly. “The scroll you had with you is a jutsu for a tailed beast” The anbu tensed again. “tailed beast?” you narrowed your brows. “yes, child.. no other than Kinei, the twelve tailed wolf of yin and yang” 
For you this made no sence, or if it was supposed to be taken serious or not.”lord 3rd, what is a tailed beast?” you walked over to his desk. “A tailed beast is creatures with some of the strongest chakra that exists on earth. they are powerful.. thats all you need to know about them for now” the door opened making you turn. “Minato sensei, Kushina sama” you smiled as they approach the room, but the smile were not return with the same happiness. “Y/N” they smiled a bit before looking at lord 3rd. “It is ready, when she is” 
the sudden change in the air made you become uncomfortable. “ready for what?” you looked between them. “To connect you with the rest of your chakra” Minato said softly. “follow Y/N down to the location, and make sure no one sees or follows” Minato looked over at the Anbu. “yes Lord 4th” they said before taking a hold of you. the smaller one put one of their finger up to their mask, looking like they told you to be quiet before it became black.
you could feel you were sat down at the concrete floor as they removed the scarf covering your eyes. “It is all set, guard her while we get ready for the Hokage” The tallest Anbu said the other one before leaving. you just shaked your head as you looked around the room and the mark you were sittig on. 
your eyes glanced over at the Anbu, sending a shiver down your spine. you could not help to feel creeped put by the masks they wore.. it made them soo unhuman like. you noticed the mask turned your way, making your eyes widen a bit. “Hii..” you said akwardly, trying to break the tension as the mask just stared your way. you looked away, feeling intimidated by the expressionless mask.
It did not take long before Minato walked in with lord 3rd and some old people, giving you a gente smile. “Soo Y/N, you need to listen carefully” Minato kneeled down as he looked at you. “Whatever happends here is between us, that means you can not tell anyone about this or the tailed beasts..not even your friends” he had a sad look on his face. “You can’t even train with them for a little while” he added. “but Minato sensei... How am I gonna get stronger?” He just smiled as stood up. “we talk about that another time” 
the old man and women walked forward, starting to draw symbols around the mark you sat on. your eyes followed them curiously as you din’t notice Minato placing the sroll down behind you. when the old people were done he walked up to you. “this will hurt a little, but you will be fine” he smiled, starting to make signs with his hand. “what will hurt?” with narrowed brows you tried to understand what was going on. the signs on the ground started to move as a faint purple light came from underneath, filling up the mark you was sitting on. 
soo far you felt ok. as you looked up at Minato. you trusted him, he was Kakashi, Rin and Obito’s sensei and also hokage now like the old man 3rd. a sticking pain started in your chest, making your eyes go wide. it spread throught your veins, like someone had put you on fire from the inside, making you scream out. The pain grew more and more intensly as the time went on. you were not sure how long they had been going, but you couldsn’t keep yourself in a sitting position anymore as you fell onto the floor. your eyes catching a glimse of that dreadful mask in the corner of the room before your vision got blurry, and you fainted.
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belit0 · 4 years
How Could I Ever Love a Monster Like You… You Kill People
Rated: T
Pairing: [Obito / Rin] [Madara / Obito] [Kakashi / Rin]
TW: Graphical Violence
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Obito’s days passed painfully slow and in an agonizing calm. Madara, although he became his savior, somehow also represented his imprisonment. He was not truly a prisoner, but if he moved, half of his body repaired by his ancestor would be mercilessly detached from him, and he did not plan to die in such a stupid way after beating the reaper face to face under that rock.
His mind wandered under the poisonous memories of a non-existent life, a life to which he could no longer return, people he could never see again, friends who came late to his liking.
He could never confess what he felt, and now it weighed on his chest with more pressure than he felt when he was crushed to death. He felt like a coward, he acted like a coward, and just when he felt he could break that barrier and reach personal liberation, destiny invited him to the bitterest drink of his life.
He was trapped, along with an ancient Uchiha who should have been dead for a long time, but for some reason was there. Taking care of him. Allowing his life to flow before his eyes.
What was the value of breathing if every second his heart ached at the loss of all that remained with his dead body in that cave?
Probably everyone thought he was dead, Minato-Sensei was not even on the perimeter during the events. The time was one of war and darkness, the ANBU units had no time to search for the bodies of the fallen Shinobis on missions. No one would look for him, no one would return for him. Two pairs of eyes had witnessed how an enemy would collapse the rest of the rock trap on him mercilessly, extracting what was supposed to be his last breaths.
Kakashi would give the mission report as it had happened. No one would doubt his condition. No one would think of that remote possibility, in which he was breathing in a dreary subway place surrounded by strange white beings and a man centuries old.
The lack of mobility agitated his mind, forcing him to seek stimuli within his tormented consciousness so as not to go mad. If he stopped to pay attention to his surroundings, he would fall into the spiral of madness that the situation offered him. Damn it, he was just a kid. Had his training prepared him for such a contingency?
All Madara talked about was his ambitions. He used boring and difficult to understand terms to his liking, and when they had a conversation - or rather the old man would start a monologue in front of his new audience - Obito would get abstracted inside, thinking.
Thinking about Konoha. Thinking of those who did not think of him. Thinking of all the friendly faces that were left behind. Yes, maybe they were never entirely friendly, but he would give anything to see any face he knew at that moment.
But did they think of him? Did Rin think of him? Did she cry for him? What was Kakashi’s situation?
He knew that his partner would be too hard on himself, the bastard would take full responsibility for the incident. What would his sensei think when he saw his team return without one of his students? Had his sensei returned from his own mission?
He never got a chance to tell him about his newly awakened Sharingan.
He was proud of his achievement. He had protected his comrade’s life with it, and now his companion was carrying the one missing from his features. He could never tease Kakashi for having fallen at his mercy, for having allowed himself to be defended against the one he considered inferior.
He wanted to boast about how he had reached his fellow prodigy. How he acted as a pair, rather than as a nuisance to him. For the first time since they were assigned as a squad, they had worked together as a team. His chest was on fire with pride at the mere thought of it. They had protected her.
They had protected her.
Obito was never able to walk the streets of Uchiha district with his newly awakened Dōjutsu, showing his Clan the dignity of the famous legendary Kekkei Genkai shining in his eyes. Although it took him longer than other illustrious individuals in his family, he could finally be said to be worthy of the fan-shaped emblem that rested on his back.
But that was before.
Now he simply rested motionless, unable to get up from that bed, without the basic needs of human beings, not feeling hungry, not feeling thirsty, listening to how Madara constantly talked to someone called Izuna, even though no one was ever there.
If that was his new life, he didn’t want it. If this represented normality for the man who took it upon himself to save him, he wasn’t remotely interested in sharing it with him. He wanted to run away, he wanted to escape, he would crawl back to his village if necessary.
The strange white people around him became somehow familiar. Perhaps it was the fact that there was nothing to hold on to, and at least they offered talks about the outside world and the occasional bizarrely stupid conversations.
He found freshness in the daily reports that his new buddies brought to him. They explained how everything was changing on the surface, kept him abreast of village clashes, glanced at Konoha for him, provided military intelligence despite their reduced IQ, and thus Obito realized that they were more useful than they appeared.
Somehow, this helped him not to feel excluded from the world to which he once belonged. Perhaps he was basically crippled, but the new stimulation of conversations with those white beings made him want to get out of that bed, to get out of that dark subterranean place.
The time was running, the war was advancing, the villages were acting without mercy. Konoha was winning enemies quickly. He was the current bearer of a powerful Sharingan, which he shared with a prodigious teammate.  He could not spoil that undoubted talent, he had to get going.
He had to get out of there.
Madara spent most of his time sleeping, or talking to nothing, sighing old memories of centuries past. Obito was deeply disturbed by it, but that’s how senile elders were. Not to mention that he was probably older than any human body could bear.
With the help of his idiotic white friends, he managed to advance at baby steps towards recovery. It took a sickeningly great effort to get up from where his almost eternal slumber had taken place. At first, he could only do that. When he got more stability on his feet, it was time to take small steps. His legs were infinitely consumed, and that white material that completed him threatened to constantly try to take over.
It required an exhaustive use of all his strength to be able to walk correctly again. Moving freely was a lighter task. The worst had already been overcome. Recovering his fighting agility was something he achieved thanks to his deformed fellow prisoners. Little by little, he was returning to who he was before falling into that nightmare.
No, he was even better. His body was more ethereal, his mind more suspicious, his movements more accurate. He would have liked to say that it was thanks to his own merit, but he suspected that it was largely due to what Madara implanted in him so that he would not die.
He was recovered, ready. He was hungry from the outside, longing to see it, to feel it. The air on his face, the sun impacting his uneven skin, the grass on the soles of his feet, the bark of the trees on the palms of his hands. He longed to see it.
He longed to see her. He remembered her, as fresh as if it were yesterday’s event. Her eyes full of peace, of love, a sweetness that pierced whoever dared to look at her. A smile that could eradicate any negativity in his soul, that happiness he only wanted to be devoted to him. Her fragility, her beauty, the passion with which she completed her duties. The need to protect her.
The need to have her.
Eventually, his strange white friends agreed to reveal the way out for him. They had come to appreciate the boy, and to see him rot in bitterness and loneliness beside Madara, when on the surface love, youth and a future awaited him, was not something they were willing to witness.
So, in one of Obito’s insistent attempts to discover a route to his freedom, one of them guided him to it. Of course, although now he was really no longer a prisoner along with the legend of the Uchihas, the company of those beings had been present for too long, and it felt almost wrong to leave without one of them. They were harmless, and an extra protection. He had been under the facade of death for a long time to allow himself the trust in life at that moment.
Next to the one he called “Zetsu”, the young Uchiha, wearing a longer hair after so much time in confinement, set foot outside for the first time. His joy spread throughout his whole being, almost exploding inside him, inflating his chest with what he felt was fire.
He wanted to run, he wanted to feel everything around him. It seemed that years had passed since he had last wandered as a free man, and now he had a Sharingan to see everything differently. Every sensation was a new world in his brain, the slightest touch of nature to his fingertips, the sunset beating down on his face. He was a child once again.
But as soon as the previously known sensations were again assimilated and recognized in his system, Obito’s true desire fell upon his consciousness, light and happy as her laughter.
Oh, how he missed her laughter!
Without hesitation, he ran with all his impulse concentrated on advancing, sending chackra to the plants of his feet to generate more grip. Konoha. So much had happened.
How would they all look? Would they be different? Was he different? How did Rin look?
Anxiety took over his entire mind, and with a cramping smile on his face he tried to go even faster. The cloak he took from Madara’s subway hideaway fluttered violently in the air, a sign of the speed at which his body was traveling. Zetsu could barely keep up, he was not made to travel like the Shinobis, his style of transportation was to move across surfaces.
When the young Uchiha disappeared before him in a burst of joyful excitement, he knew in advance where he was going, and tracking his chakra he moved across the ground, slowly following the path that led him to the unbridled boy.
Obito was close to the village. He could feel it vibrating, he could smell it. Hundreds of memories traveled through his memory, and some tears threatened to complicate his sight. He missed that place too much, his life, his home. He could even say he missed the Clan, the Uchiha territory, helping old people who conveniently appeared when he was in too much of a hurry.
The nostalgia was too much, but the smile did not disappear from his face. Tears of emotion fell from his eyelids. At last he was home. He would see Minato-Sensei, explain to him the madness he had experienced all this time. He would see Kakashi, maybe even play a trick on him by pretending to be a ghost, or a renegade ninja. He would see Rin.
Fuck, he would finally see her. Suddenly the blood rushed up to his cheeks and he remembered how it felt to blush again. A tingling in his stomach became present. He had fantasized about this moment too many times to even remember it, but he never thought reality was so close.
And now there he was, so close to home.Coming back from the dead.
But he stopped short at a sensation that made his hair stand on end. Two chakras he knew too well. Close, very close. He was still considerably away from the main entrance to the village.
Were they training? Were they going on a mission? Were they looking for conversation without being heard by others?
Regardless of the situation, Obito could not help but redirect his course to where these two familiar prints met. After all, they were the two people he most wanted to see, and they were much closer than he could have imagined. He wanted to shout, surprise them, hug them and lay on them like a big dog receiving its owner at home after a long day.
But he had to remember that he was dead in their eyes. He had been on the other side for some while, in the dark, where the air doesn’t reach, where life no longer exists. If the voice or body of their deceased teammate suddenly appeared, after that tragic mission where they saw him being crushed by a large amount of stones, they would think that someone was ambushing them, using Genjutsu against them to lower their guard, or some transformation Jutsu. Kakashi had that way of reasoning, and Rin would follow the orders of the team leader.
He had to be cautious, he could not be hostile with his way of presenting himself to them. His story already sounded too incredible to have to face the calculated distrust of his teammate.
Back from the dead. Although he never died. Because he was saved by a man with the power to live for centuries. Who has a poisonously dangerous plan. And who should not be alive.
Yes, of course.
When he felt them really close, he descended to the ground, and chose to move that way instead of using the branches of the trees. They were still, a few meters in front of him. He masked his chakra so as not to alert the senses of Kakashi, who lived extremely alert. He could feel Rin, clear and luminous, relaxed, carefree, happy.
She was happy. And it wasn’t because of him.
Something twisted inside him, a bitter taste ran down his throat as a node formed in it.
He sneaked a few more steps until he positioned himself behind a tree. The two were in a small clearing in the forest, sitting on the grass, resting their backs on the thick trunk of a weeping willow tree. They were too close to each other. He watched, he listened.
Slowly, and in a matter of a few seconds, his heart broke into a thousand pieces. All the love he held for that beautiful young woman was now corrupted by the companion in whom he trusted. He who now hovered over her, and placed a light and sweet kiss upon her soft and pink lips. He could see how she was contaminated with betrayal, he knew about her feelings towards Rin, and yet there he was. Kissing her in front of him, unprecedented.
The image was almost romantic, except for the fact that they were being watched by a distressed spectator from the shadows.
A raw anger grew in Obito’s chest, as thicker than normal drops slipped from his one remaining eye. It was a liquid too heavy and hot to be water, but he was too deeply hurt to even question why his Sharingan was bleeding. The fire that ran through him before that image was very different from any other.
Betrayal, hatred, displeasure. His comrade was stabbing him in the back, after he had saved his life. He stole the only woman he ever cared about, the only one who could push him on when life felt too heavy to lift his head.
And he could only watch, see how they professed feelings without words, connecting their lips in a lovers’ communication.
A grunt of outrage escaped his chest before he could even think about what he was doing, and with a new unlocked eye technique of which he was not yet aware, he broke through the remaining trunks that separated him from the couple, leaving his hiding place.
His speed had increased without him wanting it, his body had a will of its own, and it seemed to converge in the pain its owner was experiencing.
When he caught up with his two teammates, it was too late for either of them to react. His surprise attack was successful, and he mercilessly grabbed Kakashi by the neck, violently lifting him off the ground. The silver-haired young man directed his gaze to his eyes, and before he could utter a word, an excessively thick branch was born from the hand of Obito holding him. It pierced his neck mercilessly, spilling the traitor’s blood all over the forest floor.
The young ninja’s life quickly left his body in the face of the brutal attack, and before throwing the body with an unknown force particularly far away, the Uchiha took the Sharingan that once belonged to him, and placed it back where it should go in the first place.
No traitor deserved such power.
Rin, self-absorbed, looked at the pool of blood that had fallen from her partner’s body, repeating his name as if that would bring him back. The girl was on the floor, sitting, trying to get away from the scene that had unfolded beside her.
The red liquid covered her forming a strange pattern on her clothes, blood that washed over her when Obito passed through Kakashi’s neck without remorse. Scattered drops ran down her face, some in a peculiar pattern similar to tears.
“Shhhh Rin shhh, I am here, I am here to protect you, I am here to take care of you, I am here, I am back.”
The Uchiha knelt next to her, and pressed her face against his chest, generating a hug that tried to imitate containment. He wanted to let her know who he was, she had to identify him, she had to recognize him! He squeezed her tightly, holding their two bodies together with a constricting pressure.
How he missed her. How he needed her. Finally, she was in his arms.
Finally, she was his.
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chocol4tte · 4 months
More dimension travel au!!
It could also evolve to sasusakunaru??? I still need to read the manga (the anime is still something I might think on watching or not...)
Anyway, not everything is still set in Stones for the au or some events.
When the OG timeline!Team 7 arrives to the new dimension, Kakashi is on the borderline of life and death due to chackra exhaustion and they don't have any ally close to them to treat their wounds or trully rest.
Sakura and Sasuke, still with a kind of rocky relationship after all, manage to find their village in pristine conditions and both of them are found by other Shinobi thinking that something bad happened in their mission! Why are they so hurt and with different clothes???
Meanwhile, both of them are wondering if they are under a genjutsu? Because, why the hell is the village completely reconstructed without the 5th hokage?? In their shock they are redirected to the general hospital and realize that things are... different?
Sasuke is on edge all the time, because why is nobody trying to kill him for becoming a missing nin? Yet they are treating him with kindness? Sakura is more calm, yet anxious, they don't really have time to just stay around when their other two teammates are hurt and one about to kick the bucket... again?
When they are in the hospital being treated for their broken bones and other wounds, two familiar women come rushing to the office, to say that Sasuke was close to bursting into tears when he saw his mother, with a few more wrinkles yet still so beautiful like he remembered, was an understatement.
The same could be said to Sakura, it has been a while since she saw her parents, but seeing how her ex? Teammate react... they needed to go away. Now.
They waited until they were left alone, just for a moment, before Sakura, dragging Sasuke behind her and taking some medical supplies as well thinking that they were definitely under a genjutsu or something and their sensei and teammate being in danger.
In the meantime, notice goes around that Sakura and Sasuke came back to Konoha with injuries, yet their teacher was not with them. When Nohara Rin, head doctor of the main hospital, hears that, she rushes to see them and ask where Obito and Sai were, if they needed help or worse... yet they are not there. They try to look for them and it's just only the beginning of a manhunt. (Also, most likely the Alt!Sakura has longer hair and OG! Still has her short hair)
Before that, Team 7 finally arrive at their village, Obito, Sasuke, Sakura and Sai, (or the OSSS for the funsies), are ready to just, hand the report of their successful mission and rest in their beds. They didn't expect that the village came rushing right at them and began interrogating why and how the heck does Sakura and Sasuke heal from their injuries so quick?!
It trully becomes a manhunt and investigation of the "fake Sakura and fake Sasuke" and for them to be possible spies? Minato wouldn't allow it at all, he wouldn't allow that his dear wife and students village go through another war.
In the meantime, while Sakura and Sasuke are unaware thay they are being chased by most of the shinobi for almsot 2 days, Naruto waits for his teammates while taking care of his sensei, with the little medical knowledge that Sakura beat into his brain in a few minutes, plus some basic care to keep Kakashi alive.
He wished to go to Konoha with either of his teammates, but his wounds were a little more severe and was more weakened by attacking Kaguya. He takes the opportunity to speak with Kurama, or attempt to, since the lazy fox was now resting.
While waiting for Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto is attacked by a group of missing nin that were hired to spy Konoha, it's not that they were remarkably strong... yet he was so weakened and still kind of injured that... when he tries to confront them, he almost has his sensei killed by mere stupidity.
Anyway, while Naruto decides to hide himself and Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke are running towards them, now actively knowing that they are being chased by their own village.
I'm getting excited as well for the dynamics of the alternative dimension and Obito with his team!!
I'm putting my foot in my own mouth and mostlikely need to speedrun in reading naruto lmao also, this Au, for a possible fic, may be called: Tell me About Grief!
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