#chains of adventure
nancyheart11 · 2 years
I guess it unhinged hours again.
Links meet Au where the nick names come from the funniest part of the title lol.
SkSw Link = Sword. He forged the Master sword and that's the thing people remember him for since he doesn't talk about Demise :)
Mc/FS Link= Cap. He refuses to stop wearing a hat that looks like Ezlo and has cute gap teeth.
Oot/MM Link= Ocarina. Is the groups music man. Is also 13 (physically) his crush on Malon is cute :D
Lttp/OoA/OoS/LA Link = Awakening. Fresh off of LA he struggles to sleep at all, but loves deeply. Wants to make sure no one in the group suffers as he has. One of the older ones and the best at dealing with stuff no one's seen before.
TFH/Albw Link= Trio. The most friend prone Link. The one who has a taste for the fine arts, knows how to sew, and knows how to use the local economy for profit!
LoZ/AoL Link = Venture. He loves travelling, sucks at swimming and tries really hard to hide that's he's both part fae and not from Hyrule (he's not good at either)
TP Link= Princess. He saved the princess of Hyrule, The Twilight realms princess, The Zora prince, the Goron Patriarch, The daughter of the mayor in the Most well known Human settlement, possibly the diplomat from the Occa, and 1 of the Yeti's who are likely a very small group based on the size of snowpeak. This man has connections to everywhere and everyone, yet most of it goes over his head.
WW/PH Link= Hourglass. He tries to leave the wind to the wind gods. But being able to control a small bit of time like the Hero he looked up to his whole life? Sign him up.
ST Link= Tracks. The others think this makes him a hunter for 2 whole chaotically glorious days. Often screams at the others for their creative OSHA violating solutions to structural problems.
HW(DE)Link = Definitive. He got the nickname during the war for being able to make hard choices and never look back. He did this through weird dreams where he lived a lower graphic version of the war.:)
Botw/Totk Link= Breath. Getting Mipha's grace, the final memory and just the entire great platu experience have made him the eternal optimist of the group. Every second is precious and he wants to do and see everything everyone's Hyrules have to offer. Accidentally becomes group therapist with ESA Divine beast helping tag team. Makes everyone use disinfectant on their wounds because Purah taught him about germs at some point.
Welp, this got more detailed and emotional than I expected. Here's the group of Links no one asked for but have somehow already stolen my heart lol.
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time-woods · 7 months
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Hope everyone has a great valentines day ! < 3
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muln · 5 months
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some recent bubbline stuff
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I am aware I said i wasnt gonna post my zelda 2.0 redesigns until i finished them all, but considering these have been sitting for nearly a year at this point (and may have been mucked by the new game coming out soon but who knows) I figured I might as well start sharing them.
But yes Links are included this round, some have funny pages, I promise i’m using the magazine/game manual pink dress zelda, just probably not where you’re thinking
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cowboydio · 7 months
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Pucci and Whitesnake ⛓️
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weepingtalecowboy · 10 days
Shadow has canonically disguised himself into Zelda
Fanfic prompt: Considering how much shadow x four is present in the fandom
People could have the opportunity to do the most unhinged things
Like if Wind is four's descendant
And he is together with shadow
What does this imply about their relationship in the near future
It’s not made easy by the fact that wind has dark eyes
Extreme strength and magic stamina (his canonical skull hammer and his magic arrows)
AND he is a little shit
Like the sheer emotional dread and damage that four would experience When he sees a shadow like smirk on wind's face
He would have the opposite reaction to time when it turns out he has a descendant with his stupid brain damaged partner
Like whenever I see fourdow I just want to know if anyone has considered what it implies about wind
I man shadow is a shapeshifter and has shapeshifted into Zelda on several occasions
Four will probably have an aneurysm if he sees shadow and wind with the exact same smirk as a burning building collapse next to them
Like imagine the amount of judgement he would face when the other members of the chain find out about the fact that wind has a demon ancestor
AND four is his other ancestor
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beartitled · 1 year
🫵I see you🫵
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Lines™️ belong to @blackkatdraws @miiints-repostiory @melted-mercury @callixspod @xandyprojects @animsay28
Adventure line™️ chain
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wario-land · 5 months
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Game Boy Advance's All Stars in...
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A concept idea made by me, because i love GBA and it's various games
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spenglerstwinkie · 4 months
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Throws this at you and runs away
I’ve never drawn a mirror before nor a reflection my b🙏🙏 I also think this would’ve been a better concept if it was young Jotaro in the mirror and old man Jotaro looking but I liked my young Jotaro sketch too much and flipped it. erm……..
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What is wrong with you. WHY ARE YOU BLUE.
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bluury2 · 7 months
follow up from the poll I did of legend vs four kinda
If vio doesn’t looked shocked and doesn’t realise how much he missed him, then I don’t want him.
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Based on this part of @not-freyja fic called This Is an Adjuration
“Magic thumbs higher, an unsettling ripple of power cutting through the air. It’s Dark and choking and so horribly familiar. Vio takes a step forward, and Legend draws his sword.
Between one blink and the next, he’s just there. Floating in a magically suspended lounging position, as if he were draped across some chair nobody else can see. He’s just as he was the last time Green saw him, messy bangs and cap and all.
The spitting image of Link’s younger self grins his typical taunting smile, lazily twirling a knife between his fingers.
“So…” Shadow’s smile flashes into something like a threat, baring his teeth. “Got room for another Link in this chain?”
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
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Here's Tracks!
Clocking in at 17, he looks 13 or 14 at best because he has chronic babyface and is short (he blames the insomnia)
When he first met the other Links, he avoided getting pulled into the group right away because he was wearing his engineer outfit, unfortunately, he's now stuck in it on this trip.
He often questions how and why most of the others where able to get bombs without a permit, and weeps at the abominations they call 'fixing' structural damage.
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naoreco · 2 months
I figure it’s worth putting on the Tumblr radar since much of this is current discussion of Niosi is happening on Twitter.
(content warnings for sexual assault, abuse, manipulation, and otherwise taking advantage of people)
On Chris Niosi, and Kyle McCarley’s defense of him:
Recently Chris Niosi (aka Kirbopher), who has admitted to abusing people around him for at least a decade, was cast in Honkai Star Rail as the character Moze. Five years have passed since his public apology, where he addresses some specific callouts from victims to debatable effect, but unfortunately he’s lied about apologizing to all of his victims (1, 2), and the specific apologies he has written are now deleted from his tumblr, calling his efforts into changing for the better into his question. Furthermore, as he has a history of taking advantage of his fans even in his more underground days (1+2, 3), putting him in a situation where he has access to more fans to put him on a pedestal is dangerous. Other users have iterated much of this already on tumblr, where it was already discussed in previous years, so this is just some context.
But I’m here to talk about something related that hasn’t gotten any Tumblr coverage. For example, people here have talked about Griffin Puatu’s reddit post defending him already. But nobody has mentioned Kyle McCarley defending him yet.
On July 19, 2024, in the replies of Moze’s introduction tweet, he had this to say:
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He addresses his use of “bad boyfriend” downplaying legitimate abuse later. I don't think it's great but we’ll get to that. However, “the court of public opinion” is a concept that he does stand by, perhaps reinforced by the backlash he received for this. Some of this was vitriolic, given the kind of person he was defending from further criticism, but others did try to reason with him, including some of the above and more as evidence that Niosi isn’t being entirely truthful about his atonement, and overall most responses expressed disbelief and disappointment more than anything else.
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Still, he deactivated his account the following day, on July 20, 2024.
Unfortunately, our story doesn’t end there. In the early morning of July 21, 2024, he made an announcement in his Discord server.
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So here's the thing about Niosi not being a confirmed sexual abuser or rapist or pedophile. I don't have everything, with this being such an expansive case so this is off what I've found. You know the time he planned to take advantage of his girlfriend at the time while said girlfriend was intoxicated (plus this follow-up where he attempted to cover for himself)? Drunk people cannot consent, especially not when drunk sex is already a hard boundary. Although this technically doesn't make him a rapist, to my knowledge, if you're gonna argue semantics it'll just sound like "well he didn't ACTUALLY rape someone so it's not as bad". Is it not already terrible that he tried to and still downplayed it when called on it? Besides, as mentioned in Lighty's testimony linked above, he's let other in his sphere groom minors under his watchful eye, and his other ex Audrey had things to say about how he weaponized sexual favors too. If someone actually has more on a history of sexual abuse and pedophilia, though, please bring it to my attention. I'll add it to this post.
Either way, we don't know what he knows. At best, Kyle has a very incomplete picture of the situation, and at worst he does have a complete picture and he just doesn’t think it’s valid or up-to-date criticism. The person who first brought this to people's attention on Twitter also mentioned that her messages in the server were being deleted when she spoke up to provide evidence, so for someone who welcomes others to share evidence how open he actually is to it is questionable. (UPDATE: There's more to this part of the story but we'll get to it in a future update.) His final message a couple of hours from these just solidifies it.
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Having joined the server myself to see, around the time of the announcements seems to have been scrubbed clean, but there is some current discussion of the topic as of this post. Furthermore, someone there has stated that they're compiling sources to send his way to give him a better understanding of the situation (even if they're not sure if he still wants to talk about this), so maybe this will finally get him to reconsider his stance! Only time will tell.
Overall, though, I stand by my point that if Niosi makes a living, it should be somewhere far away from the public eye. Don't give him a platform to find new fans to take advantage of. Don't give his victims the opportunity to be retraumatized whenever they start a new game of show. He's been given more than enough chances. It's time to turn over a new leaf instead of digging his heels into the ground.
Still, I don't know if Kyle will change his mind at this point. I want him to - I tried, back when his Twitter was still up - but even at this stage he's doubled down on a situation he knows he might not have the full story on and I'm not sure if I can trust that. For any other fans, give this some thought - keep an eye out for any future developments if you still want to have faith in him, move on from him if you can't stand it. I just want him to at least hold his friend accountable instead of trying to shield him from the lasting consequences of his own actions.
(I'll be linking future updates here: #1, #2 and #3 for now.)
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Okay you know what actually yeah. I was tired but I had a point.
Why. On earth. In zelda fics. Do people not shut up about everything being hylia's fault forever and ever.
Like, the one deity out of a dozen odd who got cursed into this right alongside Link. All the focus on one great all being power who then gets blamed or blessed for everything that ever happens. It's just... I don't know, it just seems like a culturally Christian thing. Not even that - American catholic.
Especially Legend omg when people write him he never shuts up about how everything bad that's ever happened to him is all hylia's fault and she's doing it on purpose with no thought to her poor beleagured hero. He sounds like someone who grew up in an American conservative household who turned out to be queer and never bothered to unpack any of it and acts like he's now atheist.
But even then you could do something interesting with that!! The common headcanon that Legend is hylian royalty - of course that family would put immense worth and worship on hylia as her descendants, she who founded their kingdom. And maybe legend could feel bitter about not inheriting the magic, or the throne, or whatever meant he grew up away from the castle. Give him some unexamined religious trauma! Heck, he could bond with Flora over disappointing your family's expectations or something! They could work on unpacking it together! If you must make it part of his character at least think about why!
Because that belief is wrong, because hylia is literally the one deity we can pretty safely understand is not all seeing, all knowing, all being.
Every time she has a voice, a role, we see her make mistakes or be tricked and have regrets.
Skyward sword, she's literally zelda. She's a young protective warrior goddess (she used a sword and lead armies to battle against demise) who was created by the Three to guard the triforce and keep watch over hyrules lands. By the time ss starts she's already made several tough calls, not limited to yoinking hylians into the sky. When she was zelda she hated every second of leading Link around and even then!! It all hinged on him being completely willing! He was never forced to do anything, she didn't even have her memories with the plan until after she'd fallen to the surface! Their relationship was entirely genuine and she very nearly overestimated her own willingness to go through with the plan! And even then she still managed to get kidnapped lmao. That's not what happens when you're in charge of fate.
And in botw and totk - she's in her full divine form, her full divine powers, she's ancient and magic and worshipped in every corner of the kingdom. And (spoilers!) she loses contact with one of her own mf statues. Not just any ten apples high chibi statue you see in the towns, no, it's The Big One. She's got no idea what happened to it, but she's (rightfully) worried, and asks Link to check it out. And in an entirely separate instance, her OTHER big statue in the ToT gets overridden!! By a triangle head! And ol creep in the deep is the one who releases the statue! It's been what 20k years of power and worship - if she's not all powerful then she never will be.
Hyrule - every hyrule - is very, very polytheistic. She's not even a goddess of time to be in charge of stuff like that! There's multiple of them: Naryu, Cia (and Lana), Farosh to an extent, and many artifacts that can cause time travel, like the harp of ages, the ocarina, the big portal in ss, those time shift stones in the same game, the statue in wind waker. Please stop treating her like the magic elf equivalent of Monotheistic American Christianity God.
She was introduced in skyward sword. The game that came out before botw. She did not exist in any of the games that came before that. There was a lake hylia! In the kingdom hyrule! That's it! Her name or even existence wasn't even hinted at before that. It's actually canonically pretty unlikely any of the chain (cough cough legend) have even heard of her! And her assigned job is protector of the triforce. That's it. And she can't even use the thing. She can very explicitly as a main driving force of the ss plot not use the triforce she protects. And the triforce, shockingly, is not even in every game.
Cases that hylia often gets the most flack for (links awakening and all the trauma from that, Link failing in botw, the events of totk) hylia has absolutely zero part in. Hilariously. And she has zero power over wishes made to the triforce or who makes those wishes or what the triforce does about it.
She even gets all the blame for the cycle of the hero, the reincarnation! Which? We know exactly how that happened. Blaming her for a curse she herself is a victim to?? Demise, in skyward sword, explicitly, on screen, doing it ON PURPOSE, cursing the spirit of the hero and the blood of the goddess.
Hylia, I don't know if you've noticed, also has her own blood. Whether or not she lost that blood upon return to her divine form, she still couldn't break the curse. Link, spirit now tied to whatever demise had cooking up, is basically to reincarnate in time for whenever the Interesting Times happen. And it's demise's fault, who, again, did it on screen, on purpose, explicitly, pointing at the camera with text bolded and everything.
So why do people even blame her? I think it comes down to this:
Her name matches the kingdom. Whatever her connection to the people with the same name, I don't know, but she did found the surface kingdom as a mortal. Being named zelda at the time I wonder who chose the name XD!
Her worship in botk as a high ranking deity. Again, not monotheistic, there's temples to the Three and there's Malanya and Satori and the great fairies and the yiga worship ganon, but hylia is the most widespread for all she's basically a side character working for the new heart piece situation. Again, this is only the case in ss/botk, she doesn't appear in even aoc.
A misguided belief spread in fanfiction that in linked universe, hylia is the one opening and controlling the portals. To my knowledge, lu canon is that the portals are opened by dark link, or at least that's the working theory. I think it's assumed that hylia is the one who gathered the heroes together to combat it? If that's true? Congratulations! We have one (very plot necessary) act of hers in a fan comic. That is not canon to The Legend Of Zelda series.
An american Christian (I hesitate to say evangelican?) cultural understanding of religion. The differences between polytheism and monotheism. How one might feel if the divine was proven real on earth. Zelda is a Japanese property, it is not a Christian country. Though it draws aesthetic inspiration from western medieval fantasy it is not and never will be culturally western. The majority of ao3/tumblr users are American or at least English speaking, and that will always affect interpretation. It's giving 'be thankful to God no matter what for he always has a plan. Trust in him and your suffering will be rewarded' which is not a universal religious belief.
Something I've noticed to be surprisingly common in fandom, is where a mentor or figure of authority who is anything less than perfect or all forgiving can very quickly have their reputation ripped to shreds by the fandom. And then newer authors come, read those works, internalise that about the characters and produce new works that assume that character's cruelty to be par for the course. I will not be listing those characters or fandoms for a variety of reasons lol. But it is amazingly common and very hard to untangle, especially in larger fandoms. It's character bashing in a way near identical to cancelling people irl. It's not 'giving them depth' or 'making it more realistic' (grittier equalling realism is an ice cold take proliferated by dudebro comic authors and wrong besides.) Have some critical thinking.
Lately, I've also been running into a great many fics (not so much comics) that make hylia do some fairly heinous stuff... And then unironically blame her for it. They do remember they're the ones deciding what the characters do, right? She's not an abusive master playing with her puppets until they break, she's quite the opposite! Use the right tags (dark hylia/ooc characters/character bashing/author made them do it, idk) or dial it back. This is a growing percentage of fics and I'll never restrict content but yanno, if you're going to make hylia evil or manipulative at least understand it's a canon deviation (and do something interesting with it, I once read an amazing botw fic with evil hylia and fierce deity!).
TLDR, To summarise, hylia is canonically incapable both emotionally and physically of doing the majority of things characters in fics blame her for. Stop using her as a scapegoat especially when demise is right there. Please give your whumpees deeper characterisation than hating on hylia. Please give legend deeper characterisation than hating on hylia every time he or someone else is sad. Please remember wild can talk to hylia if he wants. Please double check anything you're not sure about :D!
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
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My latest au is what I’ve been calling the Adventure Swap Au! Basically, take a link, and plop him in someone else’s adventures (with some modifications to the story or character’s abilities). As a result we’ve got:
Wild, the chosen hero who fell from Skyloft and lost his memories.
Twilight, the hero of minish who wields a sword that turns him into a wolf.
Time, a seafaring hero who started his adventure after his big sister was kidnapped.
Sky, a military captain who traveled through time against a sorceress who desired him specifically.
Wind, a veteran adventurer who can’t remember a time he hasn’t been doing quests.
Four, who perished in battle and woke up 100 years later with his soul split into pieces.
Warriors, a traveler and strategist trying to survive in a world that hunts for his blood.
Legend, who traveled many dimensions and gained several forms to stop the usurper king.
And finally Hyrule, whose magical instruments and masks helped him defeat Ganondorf and escape a 72 hour time loop.
(Also with a bonus minish Midna on Twi’s shoulder!)
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reigobun · 11 months
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food chain !!
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