tatzelwyrm · 5 years
The character I give you is...Treville.
THANK YOU! (Although I’m sure I’ve already done this meme with him...)
How I feel about this characterI love him. I loved him from the moment we see him and Richelieu politely snipe at each other while Louis is shooting pidgeons in the very first episode. But he didn’t become my favourite character until episode four. I love that they made him such a conflicted character. He will do terrible things (and live with them) if he deems them necessary and I love that they kept making this into a bit of a theme for him even in the later series. It is a trait he shares with Hornblower, another character I love dearly. They both care about their personal honour and their duty, but they are also deeply moral characters who care about doing the ethical thing. But, as such things are in life, they get themselves into situations in which honour, duty and ethics are in conflict and upholding one means sacrifice one (or all) of the others. It’s part of what makes him, to me, by far the most interesting character on the show. Their characterisation of the Cardinal touches upon similar themes, but Richelieu operates on a villain narrative (or at least an antagonist narrative), so while I adore him too, it’s just not quite the same. The Cardinal isn’t bound by personal honour in the same way.
All the people I ship romantically with this character“Romantically” is such a strong word. I ship Trevilieu with a passion but “romantic” fits fanon better than canon.I would pay money for a proper Treville/de Foix fic, but, alas, there are none.
My non-romantic OTP for this characterThe most important relationship Treville has on the show is with Porthos (followed by Louis). And their relationship is precious to me, to the point I was concerned the BIG SECRET they hinted at early during s2 would make me stop watching the show. I was disappointed by the reveal, but thankfully it didn’t destroy their relationship for me. I still think that plot was stupid and not enough about Porthos, but I don’t mind it. They’re relationship survived and it’s as strong as before.In fact, the only episode of s3 I can stand to watch (if I skip all the scenes that have THE THING in it) is the one in which they both get captured, because you can feel the love and affection they hold for each other. (come to think of it, I would also pay for a fic in which Porthos and Treville go on a long, multichaptered adventure during which they rely on each other and work off each other brilliantly as a father-son-duo I mean team.)
My unpopular opinion about this characterDuring the time the show was on and the, like, year after that I still followed the fandom for, fandom mainly ignored Treville. If it acknowledged him at all it was as a kindly fatherly figure/mentor, to be used as mission control in fics, spouting exposition or occasionally saying some helpful words.As such I don’t think there can be unpopular – or even popular opinions about Treville.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (what kind of question honestly XDDD)I wish he had lived. I wish he hadn’t been betrayed, sold and thrown away by the people he loved. My interest in the show evaporated after what they did to this character. I wouldn’t watch a fourth series if they paid me.
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sigurism · 5 years
Tagged by my wonderful, @chancellorfangirl. Thank you, love.
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[home and lock screen]
Last two songs I listened to:
Halsey -Control
Lana Del Rey -Shades of Cool
I tag: @winterofherdiscontent, @eridaniepsilon, @jerk-bending, @razycrandomcunt
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simplyrali · 6 years
7 sentences
Rules: go to page 7 of your WIP, go down to the 7th line, copy the next 7 sentences, then tag 7 people to do the same.
tagged by @chancellorfangirl to do this! thanks, dear! 
and while everyone else has some awesome sexy scenes, I have Cameron Howe chilling in her office. lol
Cameron leaned back in her chair, holding in her hands a big mug filled with fresh steaming coffee. The mug was a present from Jared. It had “BOSS BITCH” written on it and every time she lifted it to take a sip, everyone could see a hand on the bottom giving them the finger. The mug is perfect for moody Monday mornings, he told her.
She took a big gulp of the hot liquid and felt it pleasantly warming her insides. She sighed contently and pushed the button to turn on her computer.
Stealing a look through her open office door, she saw the coders buzzing quietly in the main hall.
That’s from a future chapter of Connection
I tag: anyone who wants to do this! It’s fun! Come on, people!
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bbcphile · 6 years
chancellorfangirl replied to your post: Recs please?
If you want something more cheesy fun adventure, BBC Musketeers is streaming on Hulu. Only watch the first 2 seasons, though.
I've actually seen the first two seasons of it already! It was cute! :D
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therpsource · 4 years
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Have you ever wanted to just take the patriarchy down?  Maybe the game of court and intrigue is more your style? There is always the life of the spy if that is your calling? Or you could just take them down with a good old sword to the belly?  If you want to take the power down we have the place for you.  Set in 1358 AU France based on the Kushiel books by Jacqueline Carey.  If you have not read the books we can catch you up to speed.  We have openings from commoners to kings in several countries.  We are on JcinkPrem so the more sultry side of the world is in full play.  Come join us if you want to take down the man in a game of court, love and kings.
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di-daydreamer · 4 years
Fic either/or
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because…. It’s fun.
I got tagged by @chancellorfangirl :) 
Slow burn or Love at first sight
Fake dating or Secret dating
Enemies to lovers or Friends to lovers 
Oh, no, there’s only one bed or Long-distance with correspondence
Hurt/comfort or Amnesia
Fantasy AU or Modern AU
Mutual pining or Domestic bliss (both can be good and it really depends on the ship)
Smut or Fluff 
Canon compliant (missing scenes) or Fix The mission of fanfic! 
Alternative universe  or Future fic
One shot or Multi-chapter
Kid fic or Road trip 
Reincarnation or Character death
Arranged marriage or Accidental marriage
High school romance or Adult romance
Time travel or Isolated together
Neighbors or Roommates
Sci-fi or Magic AU
Body swap or Gender bend
Angst or Crack
Apocalyptic or Mundane
Tagging (if they want): @deakys-chesthair @verecunda @starrydrowse @corpyburd
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auselysium · 4 years
Thank you @694699 for the tag. xx
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because…. It’s fun.
I was tagged by @onlyastoryteller who went the extra mile to make sure I had no excuse not to do this. I guess this is a level of openness she knows I might just be okay with 😉
Slow burn or Love at first sight
Fake dating or Secret dating - FAVE TROPE EVER
Enemies to lovers or Friends to lovers
Oh, no, there’s only one bed or Long-distance with correspondence - I mean...!!
Hurt/comfort or Amnesia - Oh man, I’ve written both. This one is a super close tie 
Fantasy AU or Modern AU
Mutual pining or Domestic bliss
Smut or Fluff - I like a combo of both, with some good plot in there too. 
Canon compliant (missing scenes) or Fix The mission of fanfic!
Alternative universe or Future fic
One shot or Multi-chapter - but give me a good one-shot any day, too!
Kid fic or Road trip
Reincarnation or Character death
Arranged marriage or Accidental marriage - looking at you accidental bonding Drarry fics! 
High school romance or Adult romance 
Time travel or Isolated together
Neighbors or Roommates
Sci-fi or Magic AU
Body swap or Gender bend
Yeah, neither sadly. 
Angst or Crack
Apocalyptic or Mundane
I tag @chancellorfangirl @insidious-intent @bisexualalienblast @stydiaeverafter @adownunder
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tatzelwyrm · 6 years
Rate the trope--fake relationship
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Thanks, it’s a good one. So much potential for pining.
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sigurism · 6 years
Tagged by my sweetness, @chancellorfangirl. Thank you, love.
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true
appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair - i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces
personality - i love meeting new people - people tell me i am funny - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am playfully rude to people i know - i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality
ability - i can sing well - i can play an instrument - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head- i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week - i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts
experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event - i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favourite bands concerts
my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least one sibling - i live in the united states – i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - i share my room with someone
relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know- i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend
random - i have break-danced - i know a person named jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair - i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year
I tag: @jerk-bending, @mulderscousin, @gently-psychotic, @symphony-in-silver, @discord-ant, @eridaniepsilon, @jessipalooza, @neverbeglamour, @teratomat
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unkindness313 · 6 years
starling-i-listen replied to your post “Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! ������”
hi can i ask what is the flowers' symbol for Finland? i am named after muguet flowers, i am so interested
Hi yourself, sure, the lily of the valley or what we call kielo (Convallaria majalis) is the Finnish national flower, voted by the Finnish public in 1967 and officially since 1982. There was a special committee for the 50th anniversary and they weren’t quite sure it would be the right choice but we ordinary Finns thought it was just beautiful and just the thing to represent our beautiful country. Hope that answers your question :) I did try to find gifs of our national bird, the whooper swan, but the few I found had always mute swans in the mix.
 @milamaiart  replied to your post  “Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! ������”
Samoin! Mukavaa että oma gif oli päässyt mukaan! :)
Jouduin tekemään koko postauksen uusiksi pariin kertaan, ensin puhelimen appi kaatui kesken kaiken ja sitten läppärillä onnistuin deletoimaan useammankin giffin, kun koko julkaisu alkoi tökkiä. Sun giffisi oli ainoa, joka oli joka versiossa mukana. Todellista this is Finland -materiaalia ;) Kiitokset!
@chancellorfangirl  replied to your post  “Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! ������”
  Have a good one, dear! 
Thank you, lovely. I did my very best ^_^ (I did fuck all. Lots of coffee happened though so that’s a win. :D )
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dailyjcink · 4 years
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Have you ever wanted to just take the patriarchy down?  Maybe the game of court and intrigue is more your style? There is always the life of the spy if that is your calling? Or you could just take them down with a good old sword to the belly?  If you want to take the power down we have the place for you.  Set in 1358 AU France based on the Kushiel books by Jacqueline Carey.  If you have not read the books we can catch you up to speed.  We have openings from commoners to kings in several countries.  We are on JcinkPrem so the more sultry side of the world is in full play.  Come join us if you want to take down the man in a game of court, love and kings.
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bbcphile · 6 years
chancellorfangirl replied to your post: Recs please?
Not sure what streaming services you have, but The Expanse is on Amazon Prime. Really smart sci fi.
Thanks! I've almost caught up with The Expanse (just 3 episodes left; I kind of lost steam with it), but I should definitely go back to it soon!
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ingrid-sterling · 4 years
Writing Meme
@chancellorfangirl asked for the last line of my WIP
Here you get a WHOLE paragraph (sort of...)
“I can’t remember the last time I liked the way I sounded. You’re a fucking genius, Alex.” There was no elation in Jesse’s statement. Instead, he seemed almost distracted, burdened by the heavy revelation one has upon  realizing their time and efforts have been misplaced and misused for too long.“
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jcinknetwork · 4 years
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Have you ever wanted to just take the patriarchy down?  Maybe the game of court and intrigue is more your style? There is always the life of the spy if that is your calling? Or you could just take them down with a good old sword to the belly?  If you want to take the power down we have the place for you.  Set in 1358 AU France based on the Kushiel books by Jacqueline Carey.  If you have not read the books we can catch you up to speed.  We have openings from commoners to kings in several countries.  We are on JcinkPrem so the more sultry side of the world is in full play.  Come join us if you want to take down the man in a game of court, love and kings.
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di-daydreamer · 5 years
First line meme
I was tagged by @verecunda Aaaand I choose to answer it now that I have a new WIP ;)
Rules: Post the first line of one of your WIPs and tag as many people are there are words.
A half-dirty smirk behind a mug of tea.
I tag......uhhhh. I’m not even sure how many who I follow are writers: @deakys-chesthair @shakeninsane @bbcphile @jossujb @prygelknabe @scarletjedi @corpyburd @chancellorfangirl 
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auselysium · 5 years
That time your mutuals start rebloging stuff from your new fandom and you know it's all your fault and you feel so damn proud.
I'm looking at you @chancellorfangirl 😙😙😁😁
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