#changing my name
K1nda th1nk1ng abt chang1ng my ma1n nam3 fr0m Zv3n 2 Rav3r
1 juzt f33l a b1t m0r3 c0mfy w1th th3 nam3 Rav3r, h0p3 y'all w0nt m1nd (^_^;⁠)
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
so i dropped the 87 from my username today... I’m hoping it was the right decision lol 
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Hang on I found a better screen name…
✨Beeetle- Buggy✨
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grumpy-cardigan · 1 year
I did it - I submitted the forms and coughed up $335 to legally change my name.
I know I chose my middle name right. It was one my son had suggested to his dad and neither told me. Onyx.
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marblesodaa · 1 year
changed my name
so um, I made a teeny weeny (weener) small change, so, I don't go by "puppys marble soda" anymore, just "marblesodaa"
Nicknames you can use are Sunny, Soda, Marble and Marble Soda. I really like the name Sunny :)
It's just more simple and I like it more. Also look at this silly :D
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so silly, I love sharks :D
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varianthetarnished · 1 year
I am heavily considering changing my entire name. First, middle and last. The last name is easy because I'm getting married and my fiance and I have chosen a last name together.
My first name is my current preferred name I now go by. I've always had a love hate relationship with my legal name. I've always thought about when I introduced myself to people, how embarrassed I was to tell them what it was. Cause it's a very common name for most small breeds of dog. And just not a name I have enjoyed a lot. There are times I didn't mind it but now that I am older and know I've had a long term discomfort with this name I am very heavily considering changing it legally.
As for my middle name. My middle name I have also struggled with because it's a very common middle name for cis women and its also the name my mother had before she was adopted and her name changed. Given my circumstances with my mother I don't want this as my middle name. So I'll ge changing this as well.
When I think about changing my whole name, first, middle and last, I think about a whole new identity. A literal sense in a "new me" a clean slate. Becoming who I want to be truly without any bounds or ties to my old name.
I'll keep you updated on this.
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I'm changing my name irl and while it is more rewarding than I expected it is also more nerve wracking. I've been putting it off for a long time and finally did it by chance, tumbling into myself. Now though, I feel anxiety that I am perhaps asking too much from these people I have known so long to call me by a new name. I'm sure it will get better, but it is hard to tell some people, and some people I have told have not tried very hard to call me by my new name. Like, they said they'll try but they only ever used it once when I made them say it. It's just a little hard. I want to tell everyone because it will make it easier for them to reference me to one another when I'm not there, especially for those who have begun using my new name, but there are some people I just haven't been able to tell yet.
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sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
The start of my new life! I’m changing my last name, the reasoning? That’s a long story, but I’m happy to tell everyone. I have nothing to actually hide, because for once I am not in the wrong. (Story below).
My parents separated when I was 15/16. At first it was ok, I dealt with it. I think if I was a lot younger than I was, it might have messed me up even more than I am now.
But I digress. At first everything was good. I saw my dad on weekends, he paid child support as he was suppose to.
It started getting pathetic when my dad met someone new. My mum didn’t care, it was his life. They weren’t together (even though he did cheat throughout their relationship). His girlfriend had the issue.
She would hate him coming to pick me up. So instead of being picked up outside the house, my dad told me to go wait at the bus stop near the house???
His girlfriend was jealous of my mum, my mum is much better looking but whatever wasn’t my business.
Before this girlfriend was in the scene, we were all actually getting on great. We were even planning on going to see London New Years Eve fireworks together. That’s how it was before she got involved.
But all of a sudden that changed. She had an issue of my dad being near my mum, thinking they were going to get back together or something. I have no idea.
Whether my dad told her that my mum was “making advances” which yeah ok sure she was.
Anyway, he started being a dick to me, when I was about 16.5. I was getting badly bullied at college at this time (I’ve been bullied all my life, so nothing new), the first time I noticed a shift in our relationship was when I had self-harmed. In the car to the hospital to get stitches (doctors request) he called me a “stupid idiot”, which you don’t call your depressed child when they’ve just seriously hurt themselves.
That was the first problem. The next is where I cut off all connection with him.
I dropped out of college, due to the bullying getting worse. I had a chair chucked at my head, luckily I moved out of the way.
I didn’t tell my dad that I dropped out because he kept threatening my mum with the child support money. Which legally he couldn’t stop until I was 18 and I was out of school. I was only 16.5 at this point.
He found out by ringing my college. Which he shouldn’t have got any information as he was not my emergency contact, my mum was. So the college are in trouble in this part too.
But he found out and he sent me a message on Facebook. Calling me names and even going as far as telling me to starve because his little pittance of money was now going. He knew that we used that for food shopping. He told his child to starve. Before this he even liked my statuses where I said I was hungry because we couldn’t afford food.
That is what happened and why he is no longer in my life. I’ve wanted to change my name for years, but I guess I was hoping he would apologise.
Since him leaving, he purposely watches me when he sees me. Once after my fall in 2019, I sat outside Costa coffee while my mum went and got me stuff to take home like drinks and food.
He purposely sat in his stupid taxi (he’s a taxi driver, perfect job for the fat fuck!) he didn’t get out to speak to me even though I was on my own, my mum had gone and was gone for at least 10 minutes. Even though I was in my 20s so my mum wouldn’t even care if I spoke to him, it’s my choice. He didn’t bother. And as soon as I got up to left, he started his taxi and left??? Like what the actual fuck? Creepy.
He purposely got my brother to mention that he gave him £300, so I’d feel jealous or something? Yeah… no I don’t even care. But that’s how disgusting he is.
He also got my brother and his girlfriend involved by telling them he wanted to see me, I have my brothers girlfriend my number for him to contact me and he didn’t bother. I waited and waited for a text and he didn’t even bother! Not once did he bother. So why kick up a fuss about wanting to contact me? Yeah, more like he wanted to bring up all these emotions and make me feel like shit.
The reason I am taking my grandads name is because, that man was more of a father to me than that prick. He was there for me, he looked after me, made me laugh. I saw more of my grandad than I ever did my dad. From where I’m standing, my grandad IS MY dad, and when I lost him in 2017, I felt lost and broken and angry. There’s so much more I can say about this, but I will leave it there.
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prettylonelytragic · 2 years
me, changing my name: let me be frank
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missingmoonflowers · 10 months
i need to find a good name to change my name to.
comment down below your favorite masculine/androgynous names. it can literally be the name of your favorite sad gay fictional character. you know what? actually that’s ENCOURAGED! please comment the names of your favorite sad gay fictional characters.
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homo-taylorsversion · 2 years
Is it possible to like, change my name WITHOUT telling people because of the fear of judgment and non-acceptance. Mostly because I'm constantly doing this?
Fuck, I hate this.
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j0die101 · 2 months
(April 12th 2024)
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No medical confirmation or psychological evaluation necessary. The law will be active by the 1st of November this year.
First names can also be changed while changing gender. One all inclusive package with minimum effort.
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beebundt · 4 months
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im busy with an art trade but wanted 2 share some recent scraps of charlie. i haven't posted abt her in years oh my god
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s0b1st4rs · 2 months
silly little post!!
Ive decide I'm going to change my name to Sobi. Whether you support my decision or not, respect it and call me by my preferred name. Thank you!!
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beldaroot · 1 month
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there has been more moments than i can count in the past seven months where i felt destroyed by all the death and carnage i've seen due to the colonialism and imperialism of the world. but there was something in particular about hind's death that made me think the world would stop turning bc how could anything continue given how gruesome and inhumane her death was? and yet, the world did not stop. and i thought we were once again left to remember her story only in our minds as she became another number, as her murderers went on killing unpunished, and as her mother grieved with rage when all she wanted was to keep her daughter warm and as safe as she could manage in this man-made hell on earth.
however, hind, a girl who only got to experience her kindergarten graduation, is now being immortalized in universities across the nation. her story did resonate to the masses and we will not let her be forgotten nor forgive those complicit in her death. real justice would be having hind alive, but these students are showing that they will stop the world and burn the status quo it upholds to the ground if it means her people can truly be liberated.
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softending · 5 months
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thinking... about... um
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