#channel switch pyro
ballwizard · 1 year
bucket of wet slop: REMASTER
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channelswitchh · 11 months
[Xe stretches.]
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so.. uhm. what. what are you. um. what are you gonna do..
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triangleguy · 2 years
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why did you become a superhero huh? to homo-erotically fight with other men?
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tomiyeee · 2 years
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two down, two to go ;-; effects are so hard to draw...
abilities under the cut!
Anemo Sword
his normal attack pattern would definitely be similar to kaeya and keqing’s, especially the teleport at the end. also very unsure about whether he would have just his odachi, his dual katanas, or if he’d somehow switch between both 🤔 i did wanna include the dual sword though regardless, cuz i thought it was really fun how they implemented it with alhaitham :)
Elemental Skill: Now You See Me
Leo channels his Anemo energy into his sword, throwing it forward a short distance before turning into an Anemo wisp and teleporting to the sword's location after a short delay. Enemies caught in the attack's path will take Anemo damage on the sword's initial impact as well as a slightly larger amount when Leo teleports. This ability can hold up to 2 charges and generates elemental energy on each use.
Elemental Burst: Hachi Machi
Leo creates an Anemo portal at his location. Sending other party members' abilities through either portal creates a ball of Anemo energy infused with that ability's element that travels between the two points for the portal's duration. This ability deals the elemental damage of the ability within the portal, as well as added Anemo damage. Only Pyro, Electro, Hydro, or Cryo elemental skills or bursts can be sent through the portals.
the burst i’m very unsure on how it would work with existing game mechanics, and it def needs a lot of tweaking BUT i like the concept and this AU is just for fun, so i’m keeping it for now 😊
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sophsun1 · 2 years
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So true bestie. Just know at any given moment I'm thinking about these scenes.
Starting off with Lestat coming to Louis with the idea of him switching bodies, what could possibly go wrong! Them passively aggressively throwing jabs at each other :))
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Then we get the glorious meaty scenes of Lestat begging Louis on his hands & knees to turn him back into a vampire. But Louis will not do it! He shall not be moved! The switch in power dynamic is *delicious* sprinkled with the torment of Louis vowing to never turn another person again. Metaphorical callbacks to Louis leaving Lestat to die when he was a vampire and now seemingly leaving Lestat to die as a human. Lestat channeling his inner pyro and burning Louis house down 🔥 🔥 🔥
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Finally their angsty reunion in a church like only they could. Sure, I burnt your house down what of it? Guess we're even now! Then going on to live together once more. The most normal behaviour <3
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
SFW male engie x gn Pyro? it'd be cool if they were just kinda hanging out while the others are nearby :3
I love these two sm
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
Engineer flips through the TV, grumbling as he looks for something decent. He eventually settles on a channel and makes room for Pyro. They take their seat with a bag of jellybeans and shovel a handful under their mask. The Texan takes a few pieces for himself then throws his arm over their shoulder.
“Keep them away from me. I’ll eat the whole bag before I even realize it.” Although he has a sweet tooth, Engineer also has some self control. Pyro nods, eyes focused on the TV. They only glance away to pick the fruity jellybeans and eat them first.
As the pair settle in, Sniper enters alongside Heavy and Scout. The three find their usual seats in the living room with quick glances to the TV. Sniper sets down a basket of yarn, producing twin needles to knit a sweater for his mom. Heavy opens his latest novel to a bookmarked page and continues where he left off. For Scout, the man laid on the floor and began sketching random objects.
When the show switches to commercial, Engineer grabs a bubblegum jellybean and feeds it to Pyro. Really, he pressed it to the bottom of their mask until they took it, but its the thought that counts. Pyro leans in, nuzzling Engineer with a happy noise. The American takes it as appreciation for his gesture.
The show ended around dinner time, so the couple decided to move to the kitchen. It was Demo’s turn to cook, leaving them at the kitchen table in wait. Pyro took Engineer’s hand, holding it while they snacked on the bread set out for everyone. Engineer gave a light squeeze, which was happily returned a moment later.
“We should go for a drive after dinner. Weather said it won’t be cloudy, so we can see the stars.” Pyro mutters their approval. They love drives! Engineer’s radio always has the best music, and the truck has a bench seat! It makes cuddling much easier for them. Pyro can even bring their candy to finally finish off the bag after two weeks.
With dinner finished and dishes put away, Pyro ran to the truck outside. They stood by the passenger door, jumping inside the moment it was unlocked. Engineer laughs at the cute sight. They’re too adorable for his own good.
The roads are empty as always. Miles and miles of land stretching beyond the horizon. Even though the town isn’t too far, no one ever leaves their neck of the woods. What’s the point in a place like this? Dusty roads and the modern day equivalent of villages remind Engineer of his workshop back home. He likes these kinds of quiet places.
“Mmph! Mm!” Pyro points out the front window towards the full moon above. Engineer pulls off to the side of the road, parking in the sand. He leans forward and gives a smile.
“Damn right! Look at the size of it. Hope there ain’t no coyotes running around.” Seatbelts removed, the two meet in the center of the truck. Arms wrap around one another as they look to the sky. Blues and purples dance with the endless white speckles. Pyro faces Engineer and slowly raise their mask to just below the nose. The two press close, kissing one another gently.
These guys are just too cute -H
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meiko3323 · 5 months
Father in her character demo be like:
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ok im not by any means a lore theorizer, my brain is much too smooth for that, but every now and then, like a bouncing DVD logo touching a corner, i have a coherent thought. and Arlecchinos demo sparked some which id like to put forth. making it as a text post cuz archons know, i get real wordsy ^^'
spoilers obv if youre not far enough in story.
now. upon several rewatches of the original and reactions, the first non-Arle voiceline jumped out at me:
"A spark cannot shatter all shadows until it sets all ablaze or else to the other end of light lie still bleak shades"
this made me think back to was it Childes or Wanderers voiceline? where they say that given the chance, the Knave would betray the Harbingers if it suited her. so what if, hear me out, in her quest of retribution she seeks to somehow go against the Fatui/ Harbingers/ Tsaritsa? retribution that is, for the myriad suffering theyve caused to innocent ppl around teyvat. idk abt full on taking them down, as the top 3 harbs are said to have power that rivals archons, but mb put a sizeable dent in their forces, or otherwise impede their plans. she also heavily implied a wish to collaborate w us, the Traveller, in the future at several occasions during the Fontaine AQ. mb she wants to enlist our help in her goal. circling back to that line, i think the spark is obv Father, and the shadows she wishes to shatter i strongly believe are the Fatui/ Harbingers. and unlike me, the line after is confidently saying "set ALL ablaze" = complete eradication of that organization.
my next thought was actually aided by a yt comment under one of the recent vids w her (idr if teaser, demo, or short, likely short) that said sth along the lines of "shes not a wolf in sheeps clothing, shes a sheep in wolfs clothing, forced to blend in w the wolves that took her in". this comment popped into my mind as i watched the scene where she is walking in mb some type of dream or mind world, w numerous children running around, playing and singing. and she has such a soft look on her face as she gazes at them. but then she collects herself w her signature 🤫 to flip the switch to ig we can call it her wolf side, and the scene changes to her against the red eclipse moon thing (crimson moon?). where was i going w this?.. i think the fact that her "natural" or innermost state is her sheep side where she just wishes to run the orphanage in peace and be a good mother Father to the children and she has to actively suppress that and channel her wolf side in order to carry out her version of justice, and ofc keep blending in w her adoptive wolves (harbingers) until the time is right.
finally, her last voiceline of the demo struck me as very crucial:
"I hear that the children love to play by the fireplace, so let us continue to use the name, "House of the Hearth". Still... its flame is no longer needed for you have the strength to defend yourselves"
from what i can unpack, this is obv talking abt her leaving her position as orphanage director and passing that torch (heh) to Lyney. which btw goes in line w a theory proposed by ABD Illustrates on yt regarding pyro characters (and jumping off to predict plot of Natlan). ill link it btw, go give it a watch, its very insightful:
anyway. she wants the orphanage to keep its name after her retirement. she feels that the children no longer need her (its flame) as under Lyneys leadership they can fend for themselves. a sad look comes across her face as she says this. i believe shes not as unfeeling/ uncaring and is more attached to the children than she dares to admit, and is pained to leave them behind in pursuit of her greater goals.
oh and going back to the 4.6 patch trailer, the boss battle bw her and her main trio of children - despite her thinking Lyney is fit to take over, she wants to give him one final test ig to reaffirm her decision, and to give him the confidence boost to take up that post. cuz he is very unsure of himself, and is always anxious of disappointing Father and not living up to w/e expectations he believes she has for him.
omg that was a lot. this was prob a solid hour of pure stream of consciousness. hopefully theres some coherent nuggets in there. most of it isnt horribly deep, honestly prob surface level stuff that might be painfully obv to others. but i wanted to write it out nonetheless
i invite anyone that bothered to read these long-winded ramblings to respectfully share their thoughts/ theories in the comments and/ or reblogs. was there anything i missed or forgor?
thank you for your time ^^
ps: the trailer was phenomenal btw OMG - the cinematography, the music?! i cant wait for tnbee to make an epic remix of it. and ofc for real lore theorists to dig in and drop their videos on it o3o
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arcsin27 · 1 year
genshin x persona
ive mentioned it before but i wanna go real in depth this time. still not certain on every detail so some have multiple options
this post will be updated as i get more ideas i swear ill remember to update it lol
Naoya - anemo sword/bow/catalyst (sword because he has a sword, bow because he has a gun, catalyst because only spells can hit any enemy in the grid system of the game)
Skill: yeah ive got nothin lmfao. maybe something about summoning the monkeys seimen kongou holds?
Burst: ?????
Tatsuya - pyro sword
Skill: uhhh maybe he summons a motorcycle made of fire and rushes around running enemies over?
Burst: nova kaiser. he creates a shockwave of AoE pyro damage. enemies caught in the blast will be in a state of stasis for a short duration
Maya - cryo bow (bow because guns also make projectiles)
Skill: diamond dust. it creates a field in which characters and enemies are applied cryo, and characters are healed (because she also knows dia)
Burst: omni dimension. similar to venti, she creates an orb of cryo in the air and draws enemies into it, dealing cryo damage
Makoto - pyro sword
Skill: dark hour. during its duration, a burning moon appears above all characters, boosting attack damage
Burst: great seal. while makoto is on the field, he will periodically take damage, restoring the health of all characters. also triggers the dark hour moon (im not really sure about the balancing here... maybe it should still take effect even after switching him out? but then it feels op yknow?)
Kotone - pyro polearm
Skill: same as makoto?
Burst: same as makoto?
Narukami - electro claymore
Skill: midnight channel. similar to keqing, he can either press or hold the button to place two square portals beside himself and a short distance away (get it its shaped like a tv screen but purple because genshin mechanics). he will then jump into the square beside him and appear through the other one. maybe he deals AoE electro damage when he pops out?
Burst: idk i have a couple ideas. maybe he creates a field of fog that deals electro damage until he cuts through it dealing massive damage? maybe he summons an other self made of electro that also attacks with him?
Ren - hydro polearm (hydro because it seems to relate to morality and justice and tbh eiha looks blobby and liquid, polearm because its a dagger on a stick)
Skill: beneath the mask. ren rushes forward and performs AoE hyrdo damage, placing enemies in the range under the mask effect. this lowers their defense
Burst: sinful shell. just kinda makes a giant hydro explosion around him lol
edit: someone in a discord server proposed that ren (but i think maya could be considered too) is actually a catalyst and their method of casting the spells is gun. i imagined they like summon an elemental construct in the shape of a gun and use it to shoot snowballs and water balls lol
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ittybitty-enby · 2 years
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urfavhasnoass · 2 years
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Pyro from Channel Switch has no ass!
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channelswitchh · 1 year
[The room feels like it’s shaking. Heavy static blares from the TV.]
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triangleguy · 2 years
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i’ve had some people have trouble finding them so here are the main five + fullbody drawings of susan. there is a spoilery one under the cut:
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chocoenvy · 2 years
And here is my Divine Traits Ideas, I copy pasted the whole thing so sorry about the odd formatting of it.
Hello all, I suppose before I write anything relating to SAGAU I should come out and say that I have absolutely no experience with a reader insert story as I have typically used OCs in the past. That being said, in an effort to better fit in with the community and not isolate myself more than I may already have done so by annoying more established blog writers with my suggestions, I will endeavor to try my hand at this form of writing.
That being said I feel that I should say that I headcanon the Creator having several divine traits/boons that help them to stand out on Teyvat, and would like your opinions of if you wish for me to make use of them in all of my stories, only occasionally, or just reserve them for my OCs.
The traits in question each represent the varying regions of Teyvat, I have had to take some liberties with Sumereu, Fontaine, and Natlan in regards to traits and boons. It is also worth noting that each of these traits/boons can be dismissed by the Creator at will if needed, but upon being dismissed will take the form of their respective elemental mark on a band of tattoos across the Creator’s forehead.
Mondstadt - Wings of Anemo energy that appear and disappear at will, other elements can mix with them without harm for cosmetic effects or to give enhancements. For example Pyro can be infused without burning the Creator and be used as a mobile heat source in regions like DragonSpire, and Cryo can be infused to provide cool relief in hot regions. An homage to The Bard of Freedom.
Liyue - Draconic horns made of what appears to be a gemstone alloy of multiple if not all different types of precious stones, they are sleek and smooth, devoid of any sharp edges or angles save for the gleaming pointed tips. They cast light in rainbow hues when it shines through them and can regrow if damaged without causing much pain, the horns seem to be completely unbreakable unless the Creator themselves is the one doing so. Upon being removed the horns are feather light and yet near unbreakable, as even a fully charged strike from Ei’s ultimate attack was only able to carve a ⅓ of the way through them. An homage to the Lord of Contracts.
Inazuma - From the eternal land there are actually two traits that the creator possesses that tie back to the land. The first is what appears to be a crown of sakura petals that will always rest upon the creator’s brow, while they can be dismissed at will it is to be noted that they provide a calming scent to both the creator and those around them. The second trait is a set of lichtenberg marks that run down the creators forearms that give off a faint violet light that can be switched off if needed. The marks can channel electro energy in an enormous burst or in arcs if needed, but also can be used to channel electro into whatever the Creator touches. An homage to the Twin Archons of The Eternal Land.
Snezhnaya - The land of winter storms graces its creator with a coat as white as snow, an embrace of security and cool comfort that mirrors that of the embrace the Tsaritsa so wishes to give again to the one who her heart would thaw for. The coat can shift and change into any form of attire the Creator requires and will make space for their wings when they are manifested. It can even condense into itself to form a halo of ice that drift above the Creator’s head. An homage to a Queen with a Frozen Heart.
Fontaine - From the land of the hydro archon comes a boon in the form of a pearl is fused seamlessly with the Creator’s chest, resting below their throat, it cannot be removed by anyone will revert to a hydro mark upon the Creator’s forehead if it is willed away leaving smooth skin in its place. The pearl‘s power can be called upon to let it glow when one tells a lie before it’s wielder or to be used in a more direct manner by forcing anyone who has the hands of the creator placed upon them to feel the weight of their sins upon their back. Great enough sins will have the victim be forced prostrate before the Creator as they feel the pain they have wrought upon others as they await divine judgment with but a single brush of the palm against their skin. An homage to the Judge of Hydro.
Sumeru - The land of Knowledge and Dendro bestows its wisdom upon it’s creator in the form of a book that may take whatever shape or form it’s wielder desires and will contain the contents of whatever book, tome, or scroll it’s wielder desires it to. The book can be enlarged to the size of a grimoire and will weigh nothing at all, and is also indestructible. It is only with the Creator's blessing that the book may be read by another without them seeing nothing but blank pages. Notably, even when the book is willed away into the Dendro mark upon the creator’s forehead, flowers both extinct and modern will bloom at the feet of the Creator wherever they walk and the ground they rest upon will bear no stickers or thorns, a tree quickly growing to provide shade and fruits, making for a comfortable place to read. An homage to a Flowering God of Wisdom.
Natlan - The land of war bestows it’s might upon its Creator in the form of a weapon made of flame, the weapon will take whatever form it’s master desires and no matter how bizarre or unwieldy the weapon may be, it’s wielder will always be able to wield it with the skill of a master…or perhaps it is the weapon itself that is fighting? When truly needed flames that have been ignited by the weapon will spring forth and envelop the Creator in an inferno that will not burn them and theirs, but will scorch their foes with the wrath of the lady of war. An homage to the Fiery God of War.
While these traits/boons can be a bit much, remember that they can be dismissed if necessary but will take the shape of the aforementioned band of elemental symbols upon the Creator's brow. Speaking of which, the Creator will be able to activate any elemental torch they come into contact with without needing to call forth the respective element. The respective mark will glow for a second and the torch will activate.
Please let me know what you think about these traits/boons and if you would enjoy them being mention in a reader insert story or to avoid using them save for my OCs.
like, on one hand, I like the thought of the reader looking normal to our standards. An ordinary person from our world, and that's what makes them stand out in Teyvat. That's what makes them godly. because their appearance isn't normal in Teyvat (i feel like they'd look different even to the NPCs)
BUT THIS!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD!!! BRO GOD READER KINDA FINE NGL ALKSDFJSDF I actually ended up sketching a bunch of ideas i had-
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(the colors are merely indicators, not the actual colors!)
okay so here's all of my thoughts!
Due to my conflicting thoughts I made many different variations!
Wings!! Attached or detached, long or short, whatever you wish to make your time easier!
I adore the thought of nonverbal readers using the dendro book to communicate easily! Surely there's a book out there that says what you're thinking right?
And turning the dendro book into your sketchbook! If you ever need a different book you can change it with no troubles, or a new sketchbook too! If you ever need to go back to the old sketchbook you can as well
Combining the flower au with this, reader may always have little sakura petals near them but when they're happy the sakura petals pop up more, surrounding them and whoever else is nearby and the reader likes!
Turning the Snezhnayan coat into a skirt/belt
I had the thought of the Natlan weapon being a ring and when the reader wanted to use it they could unroll it into whatever they wanted.
I couldn't for the life of me draw the symbols along the brow, maybe it could be along the neck instead? That way it'd fit with the pearl on reader's neck and be a little necklace.
Speaking of the pearl! I adore it!! So much!! I tried to make it look imbued into the reader's skin. Right between your collar bones since that's kind of a weak spot?? So maybe the pearl is protecting it?
I also had the thought of reader saying "I love you!" And the pearl lighting up or whatever indicating it's the truth.
Also makes for good angst! Asking the acolytes if they were truly sorry, they answer that yes they are but the pearl says otherwise. Indicating they're about to incur the god's divine wrath.
Also turning the Natlan weapon into a utility knife to open up a can in the kitchen because I thought it was funny and cool.
Reader walking around with a somewhat normal looking utility/pocket knife/switch blade but as soon as they take the blade out it bursts into flames.
ALSO READER USING THEIR BIG WINGS AS BLANKETS!!! And using them to hug people! Please the fluff AND ANGST possibilities are so <3333 Thank you for this!!!
#choco.asks#sagau#sagau brainrot#genshin cult au#genshin sagau#genshin self aware#anyways so imagine tsaritsa and yae miko with this reader-#SORRY BUT I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT-#yae miko teasing you over your wings and horns understanding they're new to you#your wings give all of your emotions away but that pesky little pearl on your neck dampens her fun a bit#so she's EXTRA vague around you#she's all: i promise i won't do anything to cause you physical distress :)#and the pearl says she's right but you're worried for your mental being D:#despite how many troubles the pearl gives her in her attempts to tease the everloving hell out of you and whoever else youre with#she loves to play with it#she's gentle in the way she moves her thumb across the smooth surface#and despite how sly she can be she's so oddly soft <3#AND AND TSARITSA!!!!!!!!#Anytime you visit her she makes sure the Snezhnayan coat is fastened securely around you#She takes such good care of your wings too <333#makes sure they're not cold and tucked into the coat as comfortably as possible#and she can tell when you're cold you can't lie to her your wings shiver very easily#SHE LOVES YOUR HORNS VERY MUCH!!!#Tsaritsa is very slightly monsterous as well so when she sees you so proudly wearing the horns with little sakura petals scattered around#them she feels her heart swell#even if it's not from her nation it's comforting to know that you aren't ashamed of your new monsterous features#so maybe she shouldn't be ashamed either#AND THE LITCHENBURG SCARS OMFG!!!!!#BENNETT SEES THEM AND CRIES LIKE OMG THEIR GOD HAS SCARS??? LIKE HIM??? HE FEELS SO SPECIAL AND COOL NOW PLS#AND AND SARA AND GOROU AND EI AND EVERYBODY NO LONGER HIDING OR BEING ASHAMED OF THE SCARS THEY RECIEVED FROM WAR
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nomorefstogive · 3 years
Traits of the Divine
Hello all, I suppose before I write anything relating to SAGAU I should come out and say that I have absolutely no experience with a reader insert story as I have typically used OCs in the past. That being said, in an effort to better fit in with the community and not isolate myself more than I may already have done so by annoying more established blog writers with my suggestions, I will endeavor to try my hand at this form of writing. 
That being said I feel that I should say that I headcanon the Creator having several divine traits/boons that help them to stand out on Teyvat, and would like your opinions of if you wish for me to make use of them in all of my stories, only occasionally, or just reserve them for my OCs. 
The traits in question each represent the varying regions of Teyvat, I have had to take some liberties with Sumereu, Fontaine, and Natlan in regards to traits and boons. It is also worth noting that each of these traits/boons can be dismissed by the Creator at will if needed, but upon being dismissed will take the form of their respective elemental mark on a band of tattoos across the Creator’s forehead.
Mondstadt - Wings of Anemo energy that appear and disappear at will, other elements can mix with them without harm for cosmetic effects or to give enhancements. For example Pyro can be infused without burning the Creator and be used as a mobile heat source in regions like DragonSpire, and Cryo can be infused to provide cool relief in hot regions. An homage to The Bard of Freedom.
Liyue - Draconic horns made of what appears to be a gemstone alloy of multiple if not all different types of precious stones, they are sleek and smooth, devoid of any sharp edges or angles save for the gleaming pointed tips. They cast light in rainbow hues when it shines through them and can regrow if damaged without causing much pain, the horns seem to be completely unbreakable unless the Creator themselves is the one doing so. Upon being removed the horns are feather light and yet near unbreakable, as even a fully charged strike from Ei’s ultimate attack was only able to carve a ⅓ of the way through them. An homage to the Lord of Contracts.
Inazuma - From the eternal land there are actually two traits that the creator possesses that tie back to the land. The first is what appears to be a crown of sakura petals that will always rest upon the creator’s brow, while they can be dismissed at will it is to be noted that they provide a calming scent to both the creator and those around them. The second trait is a set of lichtenberg marks that run down the creators forearms that give off a faint violet light that can be switched off if needed. The marks can channel electro energy in an enormous burst or in arcs if needed, but also can be used to channel electro into whatever the Creator touches. An homage to the Twin Archons of The Eternal Land. 
Snezhnaya - The land of winter storms graces its creator with a coat as white as snow, an embrace of security and cool comfort that mirrors that of the embrace the Tsaritsa so wishes to give again to the one who her heart would thaw for. The coat can shift and change into any form of attire the Creator requires and will make space for their wings when they are manifested. It can even condense into itself to form a halo of ice that drift above the Creator’s head. An homage to a Queen with a Frozen Heart.
Fontaine - From the land of the hydro archon comes a boon in the form of a pearl is fused seamlessly with the Creator’s chest, resting below their throat, it cannot be removed by anyone will revert to a hydro mark upon the Creator’s forehead if it is willed away leaving smooth skin in its place. The pearl‘s power can be called upon to let it glow when one tells a lie before it’s wielder or to be used in a more direct manner by forcing anyone who has the hands of the creator placed upon them to feel the weight of their sins upon their back. Great enough sins will have the victim be forced prostrate before the Creator as they feel the pain they have wrought upon others as they await divine judgment with but a single brush of the palm against their skin. An homage to the Judge of Hydro.
Sumeru - The land of Knowledge and Dendro bestows its wisdom upon it’s creator in the form of a book that may take whatever shape or form it’s wielder desires and will contain the contents of whatever book, tome, or scroll it’s wielder desires it to. The book can be enlarged to the size of a grimoire and will weigh nothing at all, and is also indestructible. It is only with the Creator's blessing that the book may be read by another without them seeing nothing but blank pages. Notably, even when the book is willed away into the Dendro mark upon the creator’s forehead, flowers both extinct and modern will bloom at the feet of the Creator wherever they walk and the ground they rest upon will bear no stickers or thorns, a tree quickly growing to provide shade and fruits, making for a comfortable place to read. An homage to a Flowering God of Wisdom.
Natlan - The land of war bestows it’s might upon its Creator in the form of a weapon made of flame, the weapon will take whatever form it’s master desires and no matter how bizarre or unwieldy the weapon may be, it’s wielder will always be able to wield it with the skill of a master…or perhaps it is the weapon itself that is fighting? When truly needed flames that have been ignited by the weapon will spring forth and envelop the Creator in an inferno that will not burn them and theirs, but will scorch their foes with the wrath of the lady of war. An homage to the Fiery God of War. 
While these traits/boons can be a bit much, remember that they can be dismissed if necessary but will take the shape of the aforementioned band of elemental symbols upon the Creator's brow. Speaking of which, the Creator will be able to activate any elemental torch they come into contact with without needing to call forth the respective element. The respective mark will glow for a second and the torch will activate. 
Please let me know what you think about these traits/boons and if you would enjoy them being mention i na reader insert story or to avoid using them save for my OCs.
Edit: I am dumb dumb and forgot to say that these traits are free to use by anyone in their own projects provided I am given a little credit for the idea. 
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klausie · 2 years
Number 15: Bwrry smokes a large The last thing you'd want in your Burger King large when berry smokes. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his fberry in a plastic bin of large With the statement: "This is the smoking Admittedly, he had berry smokes
But that's even worse.
The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the large in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the Berryemployee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Channel Switch, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Bur branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The flarge smoking. BLOONTphoto, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attache smoke large Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired.(∆pyro. bad blunt)" Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back toberry smoke alrgein peace.
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Kaeya: Frostbite
This was suppose to be an offering to Albedo but I don’t know anything about him so I ended up writing him as a more laidback Kaeya. Halfway through I realized so that’s why my tags are like that. Here’s your 2k words of cake. 
I’m back :DD My first fic is on Albedo Kaeya tho haha. I don’t really want Albedo since I’m saving for Xiao (but if he wants to come I ain’t complaining, he’s vv pretty) so here is my offering birthday gift before 1.2. I saw the cold weather effect for 1.2 and my breath of the wild ptsd kicked in. Is it gay to hold hands with your significant other as an excuse to not freeze to death? 
btw I have a taglist. If you want to be added see pinned post for details.
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Kaeya: Frostbite 
Trying to find a way into Inazuma didn’t seem likely considering the Electro archon’s distaste to visions and causing a region-wide lockdown. So the next option was to travel through Dragonspine. There had been a few disturbances noted from the Adventurer’s guild but due to the harsh climate of the snow-touched region, not many adventurers were willing to set foot near the mountain. Albedo, the Captain of the Investigation Team and Chief Alchemist, however, knew no bounds for research and discovering the “truth” of the world. This is probably why by the time you found out that one of the Favonius Captains was in Dragonspine that could serve as an excellent travel companion/guide, he had already departed for the mountain weeks ago. 
“Why don’t you ask Kaeya to take you?” Jean recommended, smiling gently at your wilting state, “Mondstadt has been quiet lately so it shouldn’t hurt to have two missing Captains for a short while.” 
Kaeya? Well, it was true that he didn’t have cavalry to command considering Grand Master Varka had taken all of them for an expedition. Would it be alright to do that? Wouldn’t the Fatui try and start something with the infamous captain away?
“If you’re worried about the Fatui it’s alright. With the event in Liyue and the role of the Fatui Harbinger, they’ve been very skittish to start anything” Lisa laughed from her spot beside Jean. It always scared you how Lisa seemed to be a mind reader. Did alchemist secretly pick it up as a hobby or was Lisa just that scary? Both were equally correct possibilities. 
“He’s starting to miss you because you’ve been away from Mondstadt for so long. Jean and I can take care of things should something happen. Go meet up with him before his mood sulks even further. Even I’m starting to feel bad” Lisa smiled, waving you off to go find said Calvary Captain. 
While a pyro user would be better to travel within hindsight, Diluc was busy with the winery and Amber wasn’t used to the harsh climate of Dragonspine. That left Kaeya, who had been to Dragonspine before having met with an owl. You weren’t entirely sure what significance the owl of Dragonspine had but knowing Kaeya, it could either be a wise creature or an ordinary snow owl. He was a cyro user and while that didn’t necessarily mean he was immune to the frost, he was at least in his element. You couldn’t ask Diluc to set the ground on fire and burn to death and besides, the climate was too cold for grass to burn. Plus Jean did recommend him plus you were interested in this “sulky” version of Kaeya. 
“Dragonspine? That’s quite a jump from the noisy harbour of Liyue. May I ask why the sudden change?” Kaeya smiled easily when you approached him. You were surprised he already knew what you wanted to ask but maybe Mondstadt had the same idea as Liyue, that all the walls talked. 
“Ah, I heard that there have been some unknown issues there so I wanted to see if I could help. Albedo already left so Jean recommended that I travel with you to meet him since you’ve been there before” you explained trying to stifle the laugh bubbling up as he pouted a bit.  
“So I’ve become Plan B then? I thought we had quite a close relationship and yet you’re asking me to accompany you to see another man” 
“Kaeyaa...” you sighed at him, so this is what Lisa meant by a sulky Kaeya. 
“I’m just teasing,” Kaeya ruffled your hair as he stood up from his chair, “Mondstadt’s been quite boring lately. Shall we depart?” 
While you knew that Dragonspine wouldn’t be an easy adventure after spending so much time in the comforting warm weather of Liyue, it wasn’t an easy experience to suddenly switch temperatures so 180. The snow made it hard for your boots to trek through and while the snowflakes were pretty they made your body temperature plummet. Your hands were cold as you started to slowly lag behind Kaeya busy trying to keep your hands warm. It wouldn’t be awhile before the next torch so you just needed to toughen it out. How the hell was Kaeya fine in this kind of weather?
“What's wrong? Can't handle the cold?” Kaeya called over his shoulder before pausing in his step studying your shivering form, “Are you alright?” 
“J-Just fine” you breathed out trying to warm your hands a bit more, “Really, I’m alright. Just a bit cold-
As if the cyro goddess herself was mocking you a strong gust of cold wind flew past you two, ripping the buttons off your coat and freezing yourself to your core. You squeaked as whatever warmth you had was chased out and replaced with the harsh bite of frost as it slowly crept up your sides before two fingerless gloves quickly closed your coat and embraced you to a warm chest
“Be careful, frostbite is dangerous” Kaeya teased even though his eyes shone with concern as he nudged your head under his chin, trying to block the wind with his back, his hair wiping in the wind tickling your face “It’ll damage your skin and tissue. Do you feel any pain? Numbness?” 
He unwrapped his white fur cloak from his shoulder and wrapped it around your neck. You’ve never really seen Kaeya express this kind of concern before. Did his cyro vision accidentally hurt him before? You don’t recall Mondstadt ever facing harsh winters. He paused before taking one of his gloves off, breathing into his hands to warm them, despite your protest. 
“Haha, sorry. My gloves aren’t the best to keep warm but hopefully, it’ll be enough,” he chuckled lightly as he slide your hands into them. His fingerless gloves might keep his palms warm but his fingers were cold as he cupped yours in his bare hands. But as a cyro user, he was probably used to it since that was how he channeled his vision. His blue-lilac eye shined in amusement as he flicked a small snowflake landing on your cheek. 
“Feeling any better?” he asked as you quickly shook your head. For how lax Kaeya seemed it was always a bit of whiplash to see him so concerned. He nodded quickly as the wind began to settle down before he slowly let go to slightly peel open your coat to see the damage. 
“Aren’t you cold? I swear I’m alright” you quickly assured but Kaeya ignored you as he brushed the side of your shirt up to see small snowflakes melting away. 
“It’s just snow, nothing too different from what I’m used to,” he muttered to himself as he brushed away the snowflakes on your waist, before wrapping you in your coat and re-buttoning your coat, “Are you cold anywhere else?”
“N-No” you answered quickly, this was not good for your heart. Where had this version of Kaeya come from? Was he always like this? “Well, I guess my hands are a bi-” 
He brought your hands up to his face as his cheeks warmed your hands as he ran his fingers over yours. Trying to transfer his heat to you as your cheeks started to flush redder and redder. He huffed amused under his breath which only served to make the red flush further down your neck. 
“Sorry, not a pyro user so this is the best I can do” he laughed lightly at your embarrassed expression. You knew it, he was teasing you this entire time. In sub-zero temperature where you both could die at any time. 
“I’m fine. Really” you pouted, at this point, you were sure you might be overheating. He chuckled at your flushed expression as you tried to unlatch your hands to cover your face as he leans his forehead against yours. 
“If you ever need me, let me know. Let's not make this a transaction relationship” he smiled smugly as you glared at him. Not that it was intimidating at all.  
“Fine, understood” you huffed as he ruffles your hair again before diving his cold fingers to the sides of your neck making your shriek as he dodged your failing arms. 
“Come on, let's get moving. We're not frozen in place, after all. As much dying here with you seems romantic, dying from the cold with a cyro vision is just embarrassing” he called over his shoulder smirked as he began walking away to the next waypoint. 
“Sorry sorry”
You sighed in relief as you held your hands to the small torch just inside a cave. Away from the wind, away from the snow, and away from the cold. You could slowly feel the your muscles warm up and finally move without feeling that your bones would snap in half. You looked up at your surroundings, you never expected the giant mountain of Dragonspine to be so hollow with walkways and arches. It was really quite beautiful with all the blue ice hovering over you. Hopefully the wouldn’t break should you need to walk over them or worse, make you slip and fall. 
“Are you feeling better?” Kaeya asked as he eyed your bundled up form. His fur cloak was still wrapped tightly around your form as you breathed into your hands. He suspects that you forgotten about the cloak but he liked seeing you wear it so he never asked for it back. 
“Oh yes, so much better” you sighed out happily from your little warm bubble. 
“Just let me know if you’re still cold alright?” 
“Understood” you grinned, giving a small salute to the Captain. There’s a small pause as he nods again at you. You blink a couple times at him before Lisa’s words ring in your mind. You flush as you quickly wave at your cheeks trying to fan away the red. You shuffle a tiny bit on your feet before taking a quick look at Kaeya. 
“Um, Kaeya.”
“My hands are a bit cold. So...”
You pout at him. 
“Could you...”
“Could I?”
You glared at him as his chuckles slowly turned to laughter 
“Alright alright, don’t need to be so mad. Come here” 
You grinned as he held his hand out for you to take.   
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